

LAUNCH TLT630A小剪汽车举升机使用说明书

LAUNCH TLT630A小剪汽车举升机使用说明书


















MJ518 移动液压剪叉升降台使用说明书

MJ518 移动液压剪叉升降台使用说明书
Lowering the Table
WARNING: DO NOT put foot or hand in scissor mechanism. The rotating knob lowers the table. NOTE: The hydraulic cylinder is designed to hold table. As is the nature of the hydraulic system, table lowers very slowly over an extended period of time. Please note that the table does not stay at the same height indefinitely.
46 MJ689 Pin
47 MJ690 Retaining Ring
48 MJ691 Fork Arm
49 MJ692 Bushing
50 MJ693 Pin
51 MJ694 Retaining Ring
A MN529 Wheel Assembly
• DO NOT use this table for any purpose other than it’s intended use and do not load with more than the rated capacity.
• DO NOT allow persons to operate this table without complete understanding of its operation. • DO NOT lower the bed too quickly. • During loading/unloading operation, do not release the parking brake. • Load should be distributed on at least 80% of the table area. Stop operation of lift table if load

珠海及力高空作业有限公司 移动剪叉式升降平台使用说明书

珠海及力高空作业有限公司 移动剪叉式升降平台使用说明书









图一:主要结构示意图操作手柄剪叉电控箱面板底盘油缸护栏液压站护梯转向手柄支撑腿三、技术参数常规移动剪叉式升降平台参数表型号额定载重最大高度低放高度台面尺寸起升时间电机功率整机重量kg mm mm mm×mm s kw kgGTJY-4.0240400018001100×75050 1.5350 GTJY0.3-6300600012001780×84050 1.51000 GTJY0.5-6500600013001780×84050 1.51100 GTJY1-61000600014001780×84060 2.21400 GTJY-8300800016002290×100070 2.21500 GTJY-9500900014002000×100070 2.21500 GTJY-91000900015002000×120075 3.72000 GTJY-113001100016002150×120080 2.22000 GTJY-115001100016002150×120080 2.22100 GTJY-123001200018502260×100085 2.21800 GTJY-125001200016002350×135090 3.72300注:1表中所列型号为常规产品,特殊情况可以定作,交货期一般为七至十五天左右。



































第二章使用前准备第六条在使用小剪式举升机前,必须进行以下准备工作:1. 检查小剪式举升机的外观和底盘,确保无明显损坏或松动。

2. 检查电源线和控制系统,确保正常运行。

3. 检查剪刀臂和平衡杆,确保无变形或裂纹。

4. 检查安全装置和限位器,确保灵敏可靠。

5. 检查工作台面和护栏,确保平整牢固。

6. 检查紧急停止按钮和驾驶室内的应急通道,确保畅通有效。

7. 检查液压系统和液压油,确保压力正常,无泄漏。

第七条在使用小剪式举升机前,必须对操作人员进行以下培训:1. 掌握小剪式举升机的操作原理及各部位的功能。

2. 学习安全操作规程和事故应急处理措施。

3. 掌握小剪式举升机的日常维护和保养方法。

4. 熟悉小剪式举升机的工作环境及相关安全设施。

第三章使用操作第八条在使用小剪式举升机时,操作人员必须严格按照以下要求进行操作:1. 操作人员必须站在工作台面内,佩戴安全带,并固定在安全扶手上。

2. 在上下移动过程中,操作人员应保持平稳,不得跳跃或非法操作。

3. 操作人员应根据需要进行高度调整,不得超过小剪式举升机的额定高度。

4. 在使用小剪式举升机过程中,应注意周围环境和道路状况,避免碰撞和坡度过大的地面。

5. 在发生突发情况时,应立即按下紧急停止按钮,并按照应急通道安全离开。

6. 在作业结束后,应将小剪式举升机收起并固定好,确保不会滑移或倾倒。

第九条小剪式举升机的使用应遵循以下安全原则:1. 严禁超载,不得超过小剪式举升机的额定载重量。



1. 使用前应清除举升机附近妨碍作业的器具及杂物。


2. 确保只有不超过允许的重量、最大高度、长度范围的车辆才能被举升。

3. 举升车辆前对设备进行空载升降操作,确保设备稳定可靠。

4. 车辆应缓慢匀速驶入举升平台正确位置,摆正方向,关闭引擎,拉紧手刹。

5. 将平台升离地面后,暂停举升操作,在平台前后安装好防护挡板,继续举升车辆到所需高度。

6. 升降过程中禁止车辆以外的人或物随车举升,操作及维修人员不得进入非安全工作区。

7. 主机上升到所需高度时,应操作“锁定”按钮,确保保险爪扣牢保险齿方可进入机下作业,保险组件上不能有任何异物。

8. 子机升降时,需用橡胶垫置于底盘下部。

9. 在举升平台上一定不能开启车辆引擎进行升降操作及测试。

10. 降下举升机前,确保人员离开工作区域。


11. 举升机平台下降接近地面时,暂停下降操作,拆除平台前后的防护挡板,继续下降平台到最底部。

12. 将车辆驶离平台后,对举升机周围地面及平台上进行清理。






1. 确定使用场地:剪式举升机应在平整、坚固、无障碍物的场地使用,并保证场地的承重力大于举升机的载重力。

2. 选择合适的举升机:根据需要举升的重量和高度,选择合适的举升机,确保其载重力和升降高度符合要求。

3. 操作举升机:打开剪式举升机的电源,操作控制器上的按钮或操纵杆,将升降平台升至所需高度,然后进行作业。

4. 完成作业后降低平台:作业完成后,将升降平台缓慢降至地面,关闭电源,将举升机归位。

1. 操作前检查:在操作前,应检查举升机的各项部件是否完好、是否有松动、断裂等情况,确保举升机安全。

2. 载荷限制:举升机的载荷应不超过其额定载重力,不得超载。

3. 稳定性:在使用过程中,举升机应保持稳定,避免平台上的物品移动、晃动,影响举升机的稳定性。

4. 注意安全距离:在升降平台上进行作业时,应注意保持安全距离,避免身体

5. 停电后注意安全:停电后,应及时将举升机降至地面,关闭电源,防止误操作造成事故。

6. 定期检修:定期对举升机进行检修、维护,保持其良好状态,确保安全性和可靠性。







1. 产品概述\n剪式千斤顶是一种用于举升重物的工具。



2. 安全注意事项\n- 在使用前,请确保工作区域平稳,并清除任何可能干扰操作的障碍物。

\n- 请勿超过该产品的最大承重能力。


\n- 在操作过程中,请确保手指和其他身体部位远离夹紧区域,以免造成伤害。

\n- 请勿将身体部位放置在举升物体下方,以防止意外发生。

\n- 在使用过程中,请注意保持平衡,并避免突然移动或颠倒造成不稳定。

3. 使用步骤\n步骤1:准备工作\n- 将剪式千斤顶放置在平稳的地面上,并确保其底部与地面接触牢固。

\n- 检查千斤顶的各个部件是否完好无损,如有损坏或松动,请勿使用。

步骤2:举升操作\n- 将剪式千斤顶的底部垫块放置在需要举升的物体下方。

\n- 使用手柄将剪式千斤顶打开,直到夹紧物体。

\n- 如果需要进一步举升,请反复操作手柄,直到达到所需高度。

步骤3:降低操作\n- 当完成举升任务后,轻轻松开手柄,使剪式千斤顶缓慢降低。

\n- 确保在降低过程中保持平衡,并避免突然移动或颠倒。

4. 维护与保养\n- 定期检查剪式千斤顶的各个部件是否正常运作,并清除任何可能影响其功能的污垢或杂物。

\n- 如发现任何损坏或故障,请立即停止使用,并联系专业维修人员进行检修或更换零件。







Operation Manual for DSLP606MOVEABLE SCISSOR LIFTOPERATION MANUALOperation Manual for DSLP6061.0 Introduction1.1 BRIEF INTRODUCTIONAs one kind of moveable scissor lift, DSLP606 machine be widely to applied for vehicle maintenance and detecting.1.2 USE INSTRUCTIONDrive the car to the lift, and the car will be lifted or lowered along with the flat plate lifting or lowering, and then to you would be able to perform your car maintenance or detecting_The lift furnished with the gear pump will be lifted by the hydraulic cylinder Technical ParameterLifting capacity 6000Lbs2721KgLifting Height 120-1200mmMeasure 2246mm x 1778mmPower 220V or 308V, 3-phase, 50Hz, 2.2KwNet Weight 350KgsOperation Manual for DSLP6061.0 Introduction Pump DiagramOperation Manual for DSLP6062.0 General Safety2.1 Level of DangerWhenever you find the following warning sign in this guide, pay the utmost attention and follow the relevant safety rules.ATTENTION: Read the following directions with the utmost attention. The non-observance of what described can cause serious damages to bystanders.2.1 Hazard and Forbidden Operation WARNGINGSIN THE EVENT OF RALSED VEHICLE FALLS FROW THE LIFT,RUN AWAY TO A SAFE DISTANCE.DO NOT STAND UNDER THE VEHICLE ON THE LIFTWHILE LIFT IS OPERATING.DEATH OR SERIOUS INJURY MAY OCCURDO NOT LIFT ONE SIDE OF THE VEHICLEPOSSIBILITY OF VEHICLE OVERTURN AND/OR/DAMAGE TO LIFTMAY HAPPENDO NOT PLACE ANY POLES UNDER THE VEHICLE ANDLOWER IT TO DISMANTLE THE PART FROM THE RAISEDVEHICLE.Operation Manual for DSLP6062.0G e n e r a l S a f e t y R u l e s2.1 Hazard and Forbidden Operation WARNGINGSIF SAFETY DEVICE MALFUNCTIONS, SERIOUS ACCIDENT MAY OCCURDO NOT SHAKE A RAISED VEHICLE EXCESSIVELYDANGER OF VEHICLE FALL FROM LIFT MAY OCCURDO NOT PLACE FEET UNDER ANY MOVING PART OF LIFTWHILE LOWERING•DO NOT OPERATE A LIFT WITH PEOPLE ON IT2.0 G eneral safety Rules.2 CautionUSE HEIGHT EXTENDERS WHEN NECESSARY TO ENSUREGOOD CONTACTDON NOT OPERATE LIFT WHEN HYDRAULIC OIL LEAK ISDETECTED ON THE LIFT AREAOperation Manual for DSLP606USE VEHICLE MANUFACTURER'S LIFT PUINTSOperation Manual for DSLP6062.General Safety Rules2.3 Safety InstructionThe messages and pictographs shown are generic in nature and are meant to generally representhazards common to all automotives lifts regardless of specific style.Warning Labels for 2-Post surface mounted lifts. Daily review of these Safety Messages and Warnings is suggested.READ OPERATING AND SAFETY MANUALS BEFORE USING LIFTDO NOT OPERATE A DAMAGED LIFTPROPER MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION IS NECESSARYFOR SAFE OPERATION3.0Transport & Moving3.1 Transport and package removalATTENTION: moving and positioning operations can be very dangerous if notperformed with the utmost caution. Send bystanders away; clean, clear anddelimit the installation site; check the integrity and auitabllity of the availablemeans; do not touch the suspended loads snd stay at a safe distance from them;move the suspended loads at not more than 20cm height from ground; carefullyfollow the instructions given below; in case of doubt do not persist.For transport and volume reasons, the lift is supplied partially disassembled. The different parts are joint together to allow a safe transport and handing. Transport of the lift must be performed by suitable means, Avoid any damage during handling.3.2 InstallationInstall the lift in a site having temperature between 10° and 55°C.For lower temperatures it is necessary to install a compressed air dehumidificationsystem.ATTENTION: Installation, adjusting and testing operations are to be performed byqualified staff only.DANGER: Installation, adjusting and testing operations are to be performed byqualified staff only.3.3 FoundationsThe lift must be installed on a level concrete floor class 25MPA, having min. thickness of 100mm(4") and an extension of at least 1.5m from anchoring points (see chart at page 18). The lift installation concrete surface must be perfectly smoothed, leveled in all directions and casted on a compact ground.3.0 Transport & MovingFOUNDATION DIMENSIONSIN CM Quality ofConcreteMin.Pressureresistance ofSurfaceMin.Pressure onEachBearingLength Width Thickness25MPA425kg/cm20.9Kg/cm21500 1500 103.1 Structure positioning and installationTo install the lift, use proper lifting device such as fork lift to move platform and position them. Move platform, one at a time, according to the diagram. Use a lifting system having 500kg capacity. Make sure that platform has been correctly anchored at the lifting system.Operations to be executed for mounting and installation:•Once you have positioned the two platform, mark the position of their anchor holes on the floor at the correct distance and in a way that they are perfectly aligned.• Use a bit of 16mm to drill 12 anchor holes at a depth of 100mm,Clean both holes and floor from dust (Fig .6)Introduce the anchor bolts M16 by hammering slightly. Set the anchor bolts at the other platform checking their positioning and alignment. Then introduce them by hammering slightly.Before tightening the bolts by nuts, check that the two platforms are well leveled.•Tighten the nuts by torque wrench setting at 100 Nm. If the bolts idle, they must be replaced by bigger ones.Only after having performed the above mentioned operations, you can go on mountingand connecting the hydraulic and electric circuits.Leveling the platforms by means of a spirit level allows a correct installation of the different parts as well as correct connections.3.0 Transport & Moving3.5 Installation and hydraulic/electrical connectionsATTENTION: In this phase of installation DO NOT PERFORM any electricalconnection on lifting plant.CAUTION: Follow the instructions concerning electric and hydraulic connectionswith the utmost care.ATTENTION: To operate at the top of the platform, it is necessary to use proper safetyapproved equipment (such as stairs, platforms, etc. )CAUTION: All connections must be performed by qualified staff only.INSTALLATION PROCEDURES•Connect hydraulic hoses to the equalising valve between the platforms.•Tighten the hydraulic unions correctly to prevent oil leakages.•Draw the air hose from electro-hydraulic unit to the rear bottom of the platform. The hose must be correctly introduced into the joint unit,•Screw out the screws from the control unit cover and draw the limit stop cables from the platform Once the cables have been pulled out, connect them to the terminals inside the control box•Once ended, reinstall the control unit cover.•Once all the connections are made properly, lift shall be fixed on the floor by means of anchor bolts. •To finish the installation of the lift it is necessary to remove air from hydraulic system completelyOperations to be executed for mounting and installation:。





装箱单: 表1 注:箱6、箱7、箱8是根据客户需要选发的配置。

货物应由3吨以上起吊机、叉车装卸与移动,为防止货物跌落,起重作业时应一人注意观察货物,以免事故发生 货物采用汽车或轮船运输。






机器贮存环境温度:-25℃~55℃箱号名 称附件名称及数量1.油管及配件①M16地脚螺钉16套;M8地脚螺钉4套;②φ6×4mm 气管1套;φ8×5mm 气管3m ; ③1.5 mm 2多芯线5m ;④金属软管5m ;⑤限位开关及线1套;⑥方形护罩1对;⑦使用维护手册1本;⑧密封圈(φ14组合垫4个);⑨扎带10条;⑩φ6气管三通1个;(12)φ6弯通1个;(13)高压油管共4条。





二、操作人员要求1. 操作人员必须经过专业培训,并持有相应的操作证书。

2. 操作人员必须了解剪式举升机的结构和工作原理。

3. 操作人员必须严格按照操作规程进行操作,并且不得擅自修改或改装设备。

三、操作前准备1. 确保剪式举升机的工作台面干净整洁,无杂物。

2. 确保剪式举升机的电源已经接通,并且正常供电。

3. 检查剪式举升机的液压系统、电气系统、防坠系统等设备是否完好,并做好日常维护工作。

四、操作步骤1. 将剪式举升机的手控箱连接到设备,并打开电源开关。

2. 检查手控箱上的按钮是否正常,并进行功能测试。

3. 将剪式举升机的刹车解除,并在低速状态下进行试运行,确保设备运行正常。

4. 将要提升的货物或作业人员放在剪式举升机的工作台上,并确保稳固可靠。

5. 通过手控箱上的按钮,控制剪式举升机上升或下降。


6. 当剪式举升机到达所需高度时,及时停止操作,并将手控箱置于停车位置。

7. 完成作业后,将工作台面清理整理干净,并及时关闭剪式举升机的电源。

五、安全注意事项1. 在操作过程中,严禁将身体部位伸入剪式举升机的运行范围内。

2. 严禁操作人员站在剪式举升机的工作台上进行移动。

3. 严禁在剪式举升机的运行过程中进行维修、清理等工作。

4. 当剪式举升机运行中出现故障或异常情况时,应立即停止操作,并联系维修人员处理。

5. 严禁超载使用剪式举升机,应按照设备规格和载重要求进行操作。

6. 操作人员应戴好安全帽,穿戴好防滑鞋,确保自身安全。








一、合肥一航大剪举升机的主要特点1.1 高承重能力合肥一航大剪举升机具有极高的承重能力,可以在安全可靠的前提下,承载大量的货物或人员。


1.2 灵活多变该举升机具有灵活多变的特点。



1.3 智能化操作合肥一航大剪举升机采用了先进的感应技术,能够实现智能化的操作。



二、合肥一航大剪举升机的使用方法2.1 前期准备使用合肥一航大剪举升机之前,首先需要对设备进行检查和保养。



2.2 安全操作在使用合肥一航大剪举升机时,必须时刻注意安全。




2.3 故障处理在使用过程中,如果出现故障或异常情况,应立即停止操作,及时进行检修和维护。







剪式举升机的使用操作流程1. 举升机的基本介绍剪式举升机是一种常见的工业设备,广泛应用于建筑、装修、物流等行业。


2. 使用举升机前的准备工作在使用剪式举升机之前,需要进行以下准备工作:•确保举升机处于稳定的地面上,避免不平整的地面导致举升机不稳。



3. 操作举升机的步骤下面是使用剪式举升机的基本操作流程:步骤一:上机准备1.穿戴好符合安全要求的工作服和安全帽。
















4. 注意事项在操作剪式举升机时,需要注意以下事项:•举升机的载荷不得超过额定载荷。








剪式举升机的操作流程英文回答:Operating a scissor lift involves several steps to ensure safety and efficiency. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to operate a scissor lift:1. Pre-operation Inspection: Before using the scissor lift, it is important to conduct a thorough inspection. Check for any damages, leaks, or loose parts. Ensure that the emergency stop button is working properly.2. Safety Gear: Put on the necessary safety gear, including a hard hat, safety glasses, and a safety harness. These precautions are essential to protect yourself from potential hazards.3. Familiarize with Controls: Take a moment to familiarize yourself with the controls of the scissor lift. Understand how to operate the lift mechanism, steering, andemergency controls.4. Secure the Area: Clear the work area of any obstacles or debris that may interfere with the operation of the scissor lift. Make sure there are no overhead hazards such as power lines or tree branches.5. Positioning: Position the scissor lift on a level surface. Ensure that the brakes are engaged and the stabilizers are properly deployed. This will provide stability during operation.6. Start the Engine: Start the engine according to the manufacturer's instructions. Allow the engine to warm up before operating the lift.7. Raise the Platform: Use the controls to raise the platform to the desired height. Make sure to raise it slowly and steadily to maintain stability. Do not exceed the maximum load capacity of the lift.8. Move the Lift: Use the steering controls to maneuverthe scissor lift to the desired location. Be mindful of any obstacles or uneven surfaces that may affect stability.9. Perform the Task: Once the scissor lift is in position, you can perform the required task, such as maintenance work or accessing elevated areas. Take your time and work safely.10. Lower the Platform: When you are finished with the task, lower the platform slowly and carefully. Ensure that all personnel and equipment are clear of the platform before lowering it.11. Shut Down the Engine: Once the platform is safely lowered, shut down the engine according to the manufacturer's instructions. Remove the key and secure the scissor lift.12. Post-operation Inspection: Conduct a post-operation inspection to check for any damages or issues that may have occurred during the operation. Report any problems to the appropriate personnel.中文回答:剪式举升机的操作流程包括以下几个步骤,以确保安全和效率。






































注意事项 (3)1.1 重要声明 (3)1.2 合格操作者和使用者说明 (3)1.3 注意事项说明 (3)1.4 安全标志说明 (4)1.5 潜在安全风险提示 (5)1.6 噪音标准 (5)1.7 培训 (5)产品介绍 (6)2.1 产品描述 (6)2.2主要结构图和部件 (6)2.3 尺寸图 (6)2.4 安全结构 (7)2.5 技术参数 (7)安装说明 (7)3.1 安装前准备 (7)3.2 安装过程中的注意事项 (8)3.3 主要安装步骤 (8)3.4 安装完检查事项清单 (9)操作说明 (10)4.1 操作注意事项说明 (10)4.2 操作面板说明 (10)4.3 工作流程图 (10)4.4 操作步骤说明 (11)问题症状与解决方法 (13)保养说明 (14)附件1,固定安装地基图 (15)附件2,电气原理图及元件清单 (16)附件3,液压原理图及元件清单 (20)附件4,机械爆炸图及元件清单 (24)注意事项1.1 重要声明艾沃意特对生产的举升机提供整机保修1年的质量保证.如果在此期间出现质量问题,我们会及时提供到位的服务。







1.2 合格操作者和使用者说明1.2.1 经过专业培训的人才可以操作和使用举升机。





剪刀式举升机的基本操作步骤如下:1. 首先,确认举升机的工作平台上没有杂物,确保工作环境安全。

2. 打开举升机的电源开关,此时可以通过控制面板或遥控器对举升机进行操作。

3. 控制面板上通常有上升、下降、停止等按钮,根据需要选择相应的按钮进行操作。

4. 当需要将工作平台提升时,按下“上升”按钮,举升机开始运行,工作平台随之上升。

5. 当工作平台到达所需高度时,松开“上升”按钮,举升机停止运行并锁定。

6. 当需要将工作平台下降时,按下“下降”按钮,举升机开始运行,工作平台随之下降。

7. 当工作平台到达所需位置时,松开“下降”按钮,举升机停止运行并锁定。

除了以上基本操作步骤外,剪刀式举升机还有一些特点值得拓展:1. 载重能力:剪刀式举升机的载重能力通常在几十到几百公斤之间,可以根据需要选择适合的型号。

2. 升降高度:剪刀式举升机的升降高度一般在几米到十几米之间,也有一些特殊型号可以达到更高的高度。

3. 稳定性:剪刀式举升机采用剪刀结构,使得工作平台在升降过程中保持相对稳定,提高了工作安全性。

4. 移动性:部分剪刀式举升机具备移动功能,可以在工作平台上安装轮子,方便在不同位置之间移动。

5. 多功能性:一些剪刀式举升机还可以配备各种附件,如安全护栏、工具箱等,满足不同工作需求。
























ST-2000 Scissor Table Capacity: 2000 Lb PIN: 601-700-025 SETUP • OPERATING • MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS IMPORTANT: READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE OPERATING BEFORE USING THIS LIFT TABLE, READ THIS MANUAL COMPLETELY AND THOROUGHLY. UNDERSTAND ITS OPERATING PROCEDURES, SAFETY WARNINGS ANO MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS. FAILURE TO DO SO COULD CAUSE ACCIDENTS RESULTING IN SERIOUS OR FATAL PERSONAL INJURY ANO/OR PROPERTY DAMAGE.The use of portable automot i ve lifting devices is subject to certain hazards that cannot be prevented by m·e chanical means, but only by the exercise of intelligence, care, and common sense. It is therefore essential to have owners and personnel involved in the use and operation of equipment who are careful, competent, trained, and qualified in the sale operation of the equipment and i ts proper use. Examples of hazards are dropping, tipping or slipping of components caused primarily by improperly securing loads, overloading, off-centered loads, use on other than hard level surfaces, and using equipment for a purpose for which it was not designed . It is the respons1blity of the owner to make sure all personnel read this manual prior lo using the dev i ce . It is also the responsibility of the device owner to keep this manual intact and in a convenient location for all to see and read. If the manual is lost or not legible, contact Norco lndustnes, I nc . for a free replacement If the operator is not fluent in English, the product and safety instructions shall be read to and discussed with the operator in the operator's native language by the purchaser/owner or his designee, making sure that the operator comprehends its contents. WARRANTYThis power train lift table is covered by a limited Lifetime Warranty. For details, see the back cover of Norco's product catalog. A WARNING•Adequately support the vehicIe before starting repairs.Consult the in-ground or above-ground litt manufacturer for the recommended support procedure and under hoist support stand locating points•Support the engine with a stand before unbolting the transmission from the eng·1ne.•Fuel tanks must be emptied before removal, installation or transportation.•Inspect the lift table before each use . Do not use the lift table if it is damaged, altered, modified, in poor condition,leaking hydraulic fluid, leaking air, or unstable due to loose or missing hardware. Take corrective action before using the lift table.•Do not use lift table beyond its rated capac i ty . Do not lift or support the vehicle with this lift table.•Do not exceed 120 P .S . I . input air pressure.•Use only on a hard level surtace.•Be sure setup is slaole and s ecu r e . Use this lift table only with adapters and load restraints provided by Norco. Use of this lift table is limited to the removal, installation and transportation (in the lowered position) of transmissions,transfer cases, engines, rear ends and leaf springs. Center load on sadd l e . Consult the vehicle manufacturer for the component's center of balance. Off-center loads can cause lift failure and/or loss of load.•Never remove, install or transport any component without first tightly securing it to the universal saddle, adapters or fuel tank saddle using the load restraints provided.•Do not move the litt table when the load is raised . Always lower the load completely before moving, storing or using as a work table.•Do not stand under a load that is raised by the litt table.•No alterations shall be made to this lift table and use only with factory approved adapters.SETUP1 Refer to the exploded view pans drawing for 1dent1fication, l ocat i o n and position of parts2. Remove the red fill p l ug in the top ol the air/hydrauhc foot pump and replace with the black vented fill plug3.Install the air quick disconnect of your choice at the rear of the hydraulic foot pump and connect the shop air line.4.The power train lifi table Is equippeo with a universal saddle.。

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PRINTING CHARACTERS AND SYMBOLSThroughout this manual, the following symbols and printing characters are used to facilitate reading:Indicates the operations which need proper careIndicates prohibitionIndicates a possibility of danger for the operatorsÕIndicates the direction of access for motor vehicles to the liftBOLDTYPEImportant informationWARNING: before operating the lift and carrying out any adjustment, readcarefully chapter 7 “installation” where all proper operations for a betterfunctioning of the lift are shown.CONTENTSINFORMATION 41 GENERAL2 PRODUCTIDENTIFICATION 6 3 PACKING, TRANSPORT AND STORAGE 7DESCRIPTION 8 4 PRODUCTSPECIFICATION 95 TECHNICAL6 SAFETY 147 INSTALLATION 178 OPERATIONUSE 20 AND9 MAINTENANCE 2110 TROUBLESHOOTING 22CHAPTER 1 – GENERAL INFORMATIONThis chapter contains warning instructions to operate the lift properly and prevent injury to operators or objects.This manual has been written to be used by shop technicians in charge of the lift (operator) and routine maintenance technician (maintenance operator).The operating instructions are considered to be an integral part of the machine and must remain with it for its whole useful life.Read every section of this manual carefully before operating the lift and unpacking it since it gives helpful information about:- SAFETY OF PEOPLE- SAFETY OF THE LIFT- SAFETY OF LIFTED VEHICLESThe company is not liable for possible problems, damage, accidents, etc. resulting from failure to follow the instructions contained in this manual.Only skilled technicians of AUTHORISED DEALERS or SERVICE CENTRES AUTHORISED by the manufacturer shall be allowed to carry out lifting, transport, assembling, installation, adjustment, calibration, settings, extraordinary maintenance, repairs, overhauling and dismantling of the lift.T HE MANUFACTURER IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR POSSIBLE DAMAGE TO PEOPLE, VEHICLES OR OBJECTS IF SAID OPERATIONS ARE CARRIED OUT BY UNAUTHORIZED PERSONNEL OR THE LIFT IS IMPROPERLY USED.Any use of the machine made by operators who are not familiar with the instructions and procedures contained herein shall be forbidden.1.1 MANUAL KEEPINGFor a proper use of this manual, the following is recommended:•keep the manual near the lift, in an easily accessible place.•keep the manual in an area protected from the damp.•use this manual properly without damaging it.•Any use of the machine made by operators who are not familiar with the instructions and procedures contained herein shall be forbidden.This manual is an integral part of the lift: it shall be given to the new owner if and when the lift is resold.1.2 OBLIGATION IN CASE OF MALFUNCTIONIn case of machine malfunction, follow the instructions contained in the followingchapters.1.3 CAUTIONS FOR THE SAFETY OF THE OPERATOROperators must not be under the influence of sedatives, drugs or alcohol when operating the machine.Before operating the lift, operators must be familiar with the position and functionof all controls, as well as with the machine features shown in the chapter “Operation and use”1.4 WARNINGSUnauthorized changes and/or modifications to the machine relieve themanufacturer of any liability for possible damages to objects or people. Do notremove or make inoperative the safety devices, this would cause a violation of safety at work laws and regulations.Any other use which differs from that provided for by the manufacturer of the machine is strictly forbidden.The use of non genuine parts may cause damage to people or objectsDECLARATION OF WARRANTY AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITYThe manufacturer has paid proper attention to the preparation of this manual. However, nothing contained herein modifies or alters, in any way, the terms and conditions of manufacturer agreement by which this lift was acquired, nor increase, in any way, manufacturer’s liability to the customer.TO THE READEREvery effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this manual is correct, complete and up-to date. The manufacturer is not liable for any mistakes made when drawing up this manual and reserves the right to make any changes due the development of the product, at any time.CHAPTER 2 – PRODUCT IDENTIFICATIONThe identification data of the machine are shown in the label placed on the control unit.Use the above data both to order spare parts and when getting in touch with the manufacturer (inquiry). The removal of this label is strictly forbidden.Machines may be updated or slightly modified from an aesthetic point of view and, as a consequence,they may present different features from these shown, this without prejudicing what has been described herein.2.1 WARRANTY CERTIFICATEThe warranty is valid for a period of 12 months starting from the date of the purchase invoice.The warranty will come immediately to an end when unauthorized modifications to the machine or parts of it are carried out.The presence of defects in workmanship must be verified by the Manufacturer’s personnel in charge.2.2 TECHNICAL SERVICINGFor all servicing and maintenance operations not specified or shown in these instructions, contact your Dealer where the machine has been bought or the Manufacturer’s Commercial Department.Only skilled personnel who are familiar with the lift and this manual shall be allowed to carry out packing, lifting, handling, transport and unpacking operations.LOGO Type: ……….Model: ……….Serial Number: ……….Year of manufacturing: ……….Capacity: ……….Voltage: ……….Power: ……….CHAPTER 3 - PACKING, TRANSPORT AND STORAGE3.1 PACKINGThe packing of the lift is delivered in following components:¾N. 1 base units packed in a steel frame, wrapped up in non-scratch material¾N. 1 portable power unit packed in a plywood box, including N. 4 rubber pads(If requested, optional accessories are available to satisfy each customer’s requirements).The average weight of the package is 600kg.ANDHANDLING3.2 LIFTINGWhen loading/unloading or transporting the equipment to the site, be sure to use suitable loading (e.g. cranes, trucks) and hoisting means. Be sure also to hoist and transport the components securely so that they cannot drop, taking into consideration the package’s size, weight and centre of gravity and it’s fragile parts.Hoist and handle only one package at a time3.3 STORAGE AND STACKING OF PACKAGESPackages must be stored in a covered place, out of direct sunlight and in low humidity, at a temperature between -10°C and +40°C.Stacking is not recommended: the package’s narrow base, as well as its considerable weight and size make it difficult and hazardous.3.4 DELIVERY AND CHECK OF PACKAGESWhen the lift is delivered, check for possible damages due to transport and storage; verify that what is specified in the manufacturer’s confirmation of order is included. In case of damage in transit, the customer must immediately inform the carrier of the problem.Packages must be opened paying attention not to cause damage to people (keep a safe distance when opening straps) and parts of the lift (be careful the objects do not drop from the package when opening).CHAPTER 4 - PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONLIFT DESCRIPTION (Ref. Figure 1)This portable lift has been designed for the lifting of motor-vehicles for maintenance.The maximum lifting weight is as specified on the serial plate.All mechanical frames, such as platforms, extensions, base frames and arms have been built in steel plate to make the frame stiff and strong while keeping a low weightThe electro hydraulic operation is described in detail in chapter 8.This chapter describes the lift’s principal elements, allowing the user to be familiar with the machine. As shown in figure 1, the lift is composed of a frame (1), N.4 lifting arms (2), N.2 pair of scissors (3) and N.2 cylinders (4), can be movable by means of wheels (5).The lifting and lowering motion is carried out by operation of the lifting button and the lowering lever on the control unit (6).The mechanical safety (7) operating manually is installed between 2 cylinders.Figure 1 – LIFTCHAPTER 5 - TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION5.1 SIZE AND MAIN FEATURES (Ref. Figure 2)LBS CAPACITY 6000Max. lifting height 1300mmMin. lowered height 152mmMax. length between lifting pads 1748mmMax. width between lifting pads 1379mmLifting time 60 sLowering time 40 sNoise level 80 dB(A)/1mWorking temperature -10 °C ÷ 40 °CAverage weight of package 500gMOTOR5.2 ELECTRICVoltage 220V - 1PhPower 2.2KW N° Poles 4rpm Speed 1700 Motor enclosure type B14Insulation class IP 54Motor connection must be carried out referring to the attached wiring diagrams (figure 5).The motor direction of rotation is shown in the label placed on the motor.Before use of the lift, make sure to check if the motor specification shown in the nameplate ofthe motor conforms to the local electric supply.If there is over 10% fluctuation on the electrical power supply, it is suggested to use the voltagestabilizer to protect the electrical components and system from overloading.5.3 PUMPType GearFlow rate 2.1 cm3/gContinuous working pressure 230 bar – 250barFigure 2 - LAYOUT5.4 HYDRUALIC POWER UNIT Figure 3 – HYDRAULIC POWER UNIT5.5 OILUse wear proof oil for hydraulic drive, in conformity with ISO 6743/4 rules (HM class). The oil with features similar to those shown in the table is recommended.T EST STANDARDS F EATURES V ALUEASTM D 1298 Density 20°C 0.8 kg/lASTM D 445 Viscosity 40°C 32 cStASTM D 445 Viscosity 100°C 5.43 cStASTM D 2270 Viscosity index 104 N°ASTM D 97 Pour point ∼ 30 °CASTM D 92 Flash point 215 °CASTM D 644 Neutralization number 0.5 mg KOH/gC HANGE HYDRAULIC OIL AT 1 YEAR INTERVALSContactor ACLifting buttonCHAPTER 6 – SAFETYRead this chapter carefully and completely because it contains important information for the safety of the operator and the person in charge of maintenance.The lift has been designed and built for lifting vehicles and making themstand above level in a closed area. Any other use is forbidden.The manufacturer is not liable for possible damages to people, vehicles orobjects resulting from an improper or unauthorized use of the lift.For operator and people safety, a safety area at least 1m free away from the lift must be vacated during lifting and lowering. The lift must be operated only from the operator’s control site in this safety area.Operator’s presence under the vehicle, during working, is only admitted when the vehicle is lifted and platforms are not running.Never use the lift when safety devices are off-line. People, the lift and thevehicles lifted can be seriously damaged if these instructions are not followed.6.1 GENERALWARNINGSThe operator and the person in charge of maintenance must follow accident-prevention laws and rules in force in the country where the lift is installedThey also must carry out the following:•neither remove nor disconnect hydraulic, electric or other safety devices;•carefully follow the safety indications applied on the machine and included in the manual;•observe the safety area during lifting;•be sure the motor of the vehicle is off, the gear engaged and the parking brake put on;•be sure only authorized vehicles are lifted without exceeding the maximum lifting capacity;•Verify that no one is on the platforms during lifting or standing.6.2 RISKS DURING VEHICLE LIFTINGTo avoid overloading and possible breaking, the following safety devices have been used: • a maximum pressure valve placed inside the hydraulic unit to prevent excessive weight.• a special design of the hydraulic system, in case of pipeline failure, to prevent sudden lift lowering..The maximum pressure valve has been preset by the manufacturer to a properpressure. DO NOT try to adjust it to overrun the rated lifting capacity.6.3 RISKS FOR PEOPLEAll risks the personnel could run, due to an improper use of the lift, are described in this section.6.4 PERSONNEL CRUSHING RISKSDuring lowering of runways and vehicles, personnel must not be within the area covered by the lowering trajectory. The operator must be sure no one is in danger before operating the lift.Fig. 6a Fig. 6b Fig. 6cRISK6.5 BUMPINGWhen the lift is stopped at relatively low height forworking, the risk of bumping against projecting partsoccurs.Fig. 76.6 RISK OF THE VEHICLE FALLING FROM THE LIFTVehicle falling from the lift can be caused when the vehicle is improperly placed on platforms, and when its dimensions are incompatible with the lift or by excessive movement of the vehicle.In this case, keep immediately away from the working area.Fig. 8a Fig. 8b Fig. 8cRISKS6.7 SLIPPINGThe risk of slipping can be caused by oil or dirt on the floor nearthe lift.Fig. 9Keep the area under and around the lift clean. Remove all oil spills.RISKS6.8 ELECTROCUTIONAvoid use of water, steam, and solvent, varnish jets in the lift area where electric cables are placed and, in particular, next to the electric panel.6.9 RISKS RESULTING FROM IMPROPER LIGHTINGMake sure all areas next to the lift are well and uniformly lit, according to local regulations.6.10 RISKS OF BREAKING COMPONENT DURING OPERATIONMaterials and procedures, suitable for the designed parameters of the lift,have been used by the manufacturer to build a safe and reliable product.Operate the lift only for the use it has been designed for and follow themaintenance schedule shown in the chapter “Maintenance”.Fig. 10 6.11 RISKS FOR UNAUTHORIZED USESThe presence of unauthorized persons next to the lift and on the platformsis strictly forbidden during lifting as well as when the vehicle has beenalready liftedFig. 11Any use of the lift other than that herein specified can cause serious accidents topeople in close proximity of the machine.CHAPTER 7 – INSTALLATIONOnly skilled technicians, appointed by the manufacturer, or by authorizeddealers, must be allowed to carry out installation. Serious damage to people andto the lift can be caused if installations are made by unskilled personnel.7.1 CHECKING FOR PLACE SUITABILITYThe lift has been designed to be used in covered and sheltered places free of overhead obstructions. The working place must not be next to washing areas, painting workbenches, solvent or varnish deposits. The relevant standards of the local Health and Safety at Work regulations, for instance, with respect to minimum distance to wall or other equipment, escapes and the like, must be observed.All areas next to the lift must be well and uniformly lit.7.2 CONCRETESURFACEThe lift must be placed on the concrete surface sufficiently resistant. The surface must be suitable for bearing maximum stress values, also in unfavorable working conditions. The surface must be perfectly leveled.7.3 HYDRAULIC SYSTEM CONNECTION•Connect hydraulic hoses referring to the figure 12;•Tighten fittings thoroughly.Figure 12 – HYDRAULIC CONNECTIONSThe hookup work must be carried out by a qualified electrician.Make sure that the power supply is right.Make sure the connection of the phases is right. Improper electrical hook-up candamage motor and will not be covered under warranty.DO NOT run the hydraulic unit with no oil. Damage to pump can occur.The power unit must be kept dry.•Fix the control panel onto the power-side column using the included screws.•Make the electric hookup to the power unit referring to the attached the electric diagram figure5 using the included electric cable.•Make sure the connection of the phases is right and lift is grounded.7.5 START•Make sure all pins and bolts to insure proper mounting•Make sure the electrical system feeding voltage is equal to that specified in the nameplate on the motor•Make sure the electric connections are in compliant with diagrams figure 5•Make sure no leakage or blow-up in hydraulic line•Make sure the working area is free from people and objects•Grease sliding seats of blocks placed under platforms and on bases•Pour oil in the tank (about 5 liters more than one time)•Verify that the control unit is powered•Verify that the motor direction of rotation is that shown on the label by pushing the lifting button. IF MOTOR GETS HOT OR SOUNDS PECULIAR, STOP IMMEDIATELY ANDRECHECK THE ELECTRIC CONNECTIONS7.6 BLEEDINGDo not install the maximum working height limit switch before bleedingthe hydraulic line.During this procedure, DO NOT attempt to raise the lift with any load.•Raising the lift slowly by pressing the lifting button until cylinders bottom out and the lift stops.DO NOT continue pressing button after lift reaches full height. Damage to motor can occur if continued.•Lower the lift completely by pressing the lowering lever.•Repeat raise and lower the lift completely at least 5 times to equalize the oil pressure in each cylinder.During this procedure, observe all operating components and check for properinstallation and adjustment. DO NOT attempt to raise vehicle until a thoroughoperation check has been completed.Carry out two or three complete cycles of lowering and lifting and check:•the safety devices for proper operation•proper oil level in the tank•no leakage and blow-by in hydraulic line•cylinder for proper operation•the lift for reaching its maximum height7.8 CHECKING WITH LOADWARNING: please follow carefully the instructions in the coming paragraphfor avoiding damages on the lift.Carry out two or three complete cycles of lowering and lifting and check:•Repeat the 7.7 section•Check no strange noise during lifting and loweringCHAPTER 8 - OPERATION AND USENever operate the lift with any person or equipment below.Never exceed the rate lifting capacity.Always ensure that the lift safety is locked before any attempt is made to workon or near the vehicle.Do not permit the power unit to get wet!8.1 CONTROLSFigure 13 - CONTROLSControls for operating the lift are:LIFTING BUTTON (1)¾When pressed, the motor is powered to operate thehydraulic circuit to raise the lift.LOWERING LEVER(2)¾When pressed, the hydraulic fluid is released from thecylinder to the oil tank: the lift starts to descend.SAFETY RELEASE LEVER (3)¾When pressed, the mechanical safety is released.8.2 TO RAISE THE LIFT•Drive the vehicle at the centre of the lift. Check tomake sure that the vehicle is secured.•Position the lifting arms and adaptors in the properposition indicated by the vehicle manufacturer;•Press the lifting button to raise the vehicle;•To rest the lift in standing position at the desired heightby releasing the lifting button;•Press the lowering lever to lower the lift to engage the mechanical safety;•Always ensure that the lift rests on the safety before any attempt is made to work on or near the vehicle.8.3TO LOWER THE LIFT•Be sure the safety area is free of people and objects;•Raise the lift a little bit by pushing the lifting button to clear off the safety;•Release the safety by pressing the manual release lever;•Continue pressing the lowering lever until the lift is lowered completely.CHAPTER 9 - MAINTENANCEOnly trained personnel who knows how the lift works, must be allowed toservice the lift .To service properly the lift, the following has to be carried out:• use only genuine spare parts as well as equipment suitable for the work required; • follow the scheduled maintenance and check periods shown in the manual;• discover the reason for possible failures such as too much noise, overheating, oil blow-by, etc.Refer to documents supplied by the dealer to carry out maintenance: ofunctional drawing of the electric and hydraulic equipment o exploded views with all data necessary for spare parts ordering • list of possible faults and relevant solutions.Before carrying out any maintenance or repair on the lift, disconnect the power supply, padlock the general switch and keep the key in a safe place toprevent unauthorized persons from switching on or operating the lift.9.1 ORDINARY MAINTENANCEThe lift has to be properly cleaned at least once a month using self-cleaning clothes. Lubricate all pivot pins at least once a week.The use of water or inflammable liquid is strictly forbidden.Be sure the rod of the hydraulic cylinders is always clean and not damaged since this may result in leakage from seals and, as a consequence, in possible malfunctions.9.2 PERIODIC MAINTENANCEEvery 3 monthsHydraulic circuit check oil tank level; refill with oil, if needed;check the circuit for oil leakage.check seals for proper conditions and replace them, if necessary;Foundation bolts check bolts for proper tightening Hydraulic pump verify that no noise changes take place in thepump when running and check fixing bolts for proper tighteningSafety system check safety devices for proper operation Every 6 months Oil check oil for contamination or ageing.Contaminated oil is the main reason for failure ofvalves and shorter life of gears pumpsEvery 12 months General check verify that all components and mechanisms arenot damagedElectrical system a check of the electrical system to verify thatmotor, limit switch and control panel operateproperly must be carried out by skilled electriciansOil empty the oil tank and change the hydraulic oilCHAPTER 10 – TROUBLESHOOTINGA list of possible troubles and solutions is given belowT ROUBLE:P OSSIBLE C AUSE:S OLUTION:The main switch is not turned on Turn the switch onThe lift does not work There is no power Check Power on to restore ifnecessaryThe electrical wires aredisconnectedReconnectFuses are blown ReplaceThe lift does not raise The motor direction of rotation isnot correct.Interchange the two phases on themain switchThe oil in the hydraulic unit is notsufficient.Add some hydraulic oilPresences of air in the hydrauliccircuitBleed the hydraulic systemThe UP button is faulty.Check UP button and connectionfor proper operation. Replace, ifneededThe maximum pressure valve isfaultyCheck and clean if dirty or replaceif neededThe lowering valve is faulty. Check and clean if dirty or replaceif faultyThe pump filter is dirty. Check and clean if needed.The pump suction is blown Check the seal and replace ifneededThe platforms are notleveledOil leakages in hydraulic circuit Check the circuit for any leakageThe lift does not lower when the lowering lever is pressed The lowering valve is faulty. Check and clean if dirty or replaceif faultyThe lift does not lift or lower smoothly Leakages or presences of air intohydraulic circuitBleed the hydraulic system The pump filter is dirty. Check and clean if needed. The pump suction is blown Check the seal and replace ifneeded。
