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The students talked on a set topic. 学生们就指定的 题目进行讨论。 [4] They prefer working where there is a clear line of authority to follow.
本句中,where there is a clear line of authority to follow为地点状语从句。请 看下例:Stay where you are. 待在原地别动。
Situational Dialogues: Dialogues:
Situation 2: Mary, a secretary in a company, is talking with her friend and tells him what qualities her boss likes to find in a secretary. Mary is worried if she can meet those requirements.
2. 我会操作传真机 和复印机。 3. 至于薪水,还是 由您根据我的能力 来定吧。
Useful Expressions: Expressions: 4. Yes, mostly office work and sometimes running errands. 5. Have you ever worked in an office before?
4. 是的,大部分是 办公室工作,有时 跑跑外勤。 5. 你以前在办公室 做过事吗?
6. 我曾在一家合资 企业当过半年的兼 职秘书。 7. 关于本公司的情 况,你有什麽其他 问题要问我的吗?
Useful Expressions: Expressions:
6. I had a part-time job for half a year at a jointventure company as a secretary. 7. Do you have any other questions you’d like to ask me about this company?
羽毛是鸟类特有的特征。 [3] They like work activities that follow set procedures, routines, and standards.
本句中,that follow set procedures, routines, and standards是一个定语 从句,修饰和限定work activities。从句中set用作 形容词,意为“固定的,不 动的”。请看下例:
从句which were once given to executive secretaries。请看下例: Don’t you know the girl dressed in a red skirt? 你不认识穿红裙子的那个女 孩吗?
[2] The following list of occupational tasks is specific to this career. 本句中,specific意为“特有 的,特定的”,常与介词to 连用。请看下例: Feathers are a feature specific to birds.
[3] They prefer jobs where they are not pressured to do things that go against their sense of right and wrong. 本句中有两个定语从句, where they are not
pressured to do things修 饰先行词jobs;that go against their sense of right and wrong修饰先行 词things。 prefer常与to连用,意为 “更喜欢;宁愿”。请看下 例:I prefer coffee to tea. 我喜欢咖啡胜过茶。
Unit 1
Introduction to Secretarial Work
• Part 1 Dialogues • Part 2 Text A Secretaries • Part 3 Text B Executive Secretaries • Part 4 Extended Reading • 参考译 :Text A 秘书 Text B 行政秘书
1. 2000年我通过了高 考,被录取到上海外 国语大学主修英语。 我专攻英语文秘。
Useful Expressions: Expressions: 2. I can operate a facsimile machine and a Photostat. 3. As for salary, I leave it to you to decide after you consider my abilities.
Part 1 Dialogues:
• Sample Dialogue 1 • Sample Dialogue 2 • Useful Expressions • Situational Dialogues
Sample Dialogue 1 & 2: 2:
• Situation: Sun Li is being interviewed for a secretary post. • Situation: Mr. Andrew invites Sun Li, his new secretary to have the lunch together. Now they are talking over lunch about the ideal secretary.
Part 4 Extended Reading:
• Text: Time Still Seems to be the Essence • Exercises
参考译文: 参考译文:
• Text A 秘书 • Text B 行政秘书
Now more and more city adults spend their leisure time trying to improve themselves at school or college. 现在城市里越来越 多的成年人利用业余时间到 学校或大学去深造。
10. 老板和秘书之 间要互相信任,要 彼此负责任,这对 于整个公司至关重 要,也有助于提高 工作效率。
Situational Dialogues: Dialogues:
Situation 1: Ma Li, specializing in bilingual secretary, is soon to graduate from Xi’an Foreign Languages University. Now she is receiving an interview for a secretary post in a foreign trade company.
[4] Specific job duties vary with experience and titles. 本句中,vary with意为 “随……的变化而变化”。请 看下例:The demand varies with the season. 需求随季节的变化而变化。
Part 3 Text B:
Part 2 Text A:
• Text A: Secretaries • New Words • Phrases and Expressions • Notes • Exercises
[1] Secretaries perform a variety of clerical and administrative duties needed to run an office. 本句中,perform为谓语动 词,needed to run an office为过去分词短语作
• Text B: Executive Secretaries • New Words • Phrases and Expressions • Notes • Exercises
[1] Managers have now taken on some duties once given to executive secretaries. 本句中,once given to executive secretaries是过 去分词短语,作定语,修饰 和限定duties,相当于定语
定语,修饰duties。请看下 例:Jack almost has finished all the books required by his teacher. 杰克几乎已经读完了老师要 求的所有书目。
[2] Secretaries spend much of their day dealing with information. 本句中,主体结构为spend some time (in) doing sth., 其中doing sth.部分为介词 in的宾语。请看下例:
Useful Expressions: Expressions:
1. In 2000, I passed the National College Entrance Examinations and was admitted into Shanghai International Studies University as an English major. I specialize in English Secretarial Studies.
8. 你主要负责接听 电话和打印信件。 9. 一个秘书应当明 白什麽时候可以自 作主张,什麽时候 必须请示上级。
Useful Expressions: Expressions: 10. Trust and responsibility between the boss and the secretary is vital to the whole company and contributes to efficiency.
Useful Expressions: Expressions:
8. Your main responsibilities include receiving telephone calls and typing letters. 9. It is necessary for a secretary to be aware of when to act on her own and when to consult.