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Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation

Period one


❶教学内容:Section A 1a/1b/1c /2c SectionB1a/1b/4


a.掌握新单词:babysit, camp, bike, ride, sightseeing

b.掌握新句型:what are you doing for vacation?/ I‟m visiting my cousin‟s house.

What‟s she doing? She‟s going camping./ What are they doing? They‟re going fishing.

c. learn to talk about future plans.


❶教学重点:present progressive as future

❷教学难点:where what questions.






Step 1 lead-in

What are you doing for vacation?

T: Let‟s sing a song “what are you doing?”(show flash card) 激发学生兴趣,让每一个学生都动起来。

Step 2 Revision(pairwork)

Revise something about vacation then ask: Where did you go on vacation? How was your vacation?

Let‟s practice their vacation. 复习一下有关vacation的内容。

Step 3 Brain storm

Collect the names of activities which said by students. 通过竞赛让学生说出尽可能多的活动。

T: Let‟s have a competition?

Which group can give the most vacation activities?

Then show three pictures about go to park/yellow mountain /Tian‟anmen Square.

Step 4 Lead-in

Show students a big calendar and say:

T: Today is Friday, Tomorrow is Saturday, I‟m staying at home on Saturday. And I am relaxing at home on Sunday. (Teach new words: camp and babysit) then ask students:

T: what are you doing on Saturday and Sunday?

S: I‟m babysitting.

Show some pictures and ask:

What are you doing?

What are they doing?

What is he/she doing? 通过一张日历引出今天的主题。

Step 5 Practice

Now, Let‟s work in pairs practice What is he/she doing?

What are you/they doing? 不断反复操练,巩固句型。

Step 6 Presentation

○1finish section A la, look at the vacation activities in the picture. Make a list and add some more then check the answer.

○2finish section A 1b. listen to the conversations and number the pictures (1-3).

Step 7 Guessing

T: Now, Let‟s play games. I will show you some pictures and you guess.

What am I doing? 学生对猜游戏都比较感兴趣,让他们都来动动脑吧。

Step 8 Survey

Let‟s boast (吹牛皮)

1.If you go tripping, What are you doing for vacation?

2.If you go tripping, What shall we take?

3.If you go tripping, Where are you going?

When are you going?

Who are you going?

How long are you staying? Discuss in groups and make a vacation plan?

Then give a report. 尽情地吹吧,吹得越多越好。


Step 9 Home work

Write an e-mail to tell you pen pal about your groups‟vacation plan or write a conversation about telling your friend your vacation plan.

