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中国矿业大学计算机学院2013 级本科生课程报告










2016 年 6 月25



当年很成功的一款手机游戏,许多人都玩过,也很喜欢。现在这款游戏的版本已经发展到第三版了,手机生产厂商继续开发这个游戏,看来这个游戏还是有很大的市场的。Google公司2007年11月5日发布的开源的Android平台——一款包括操作系统(基于Linux内核)、中间件和关键应用的手机平台,并组建了开放手机联盟(Open Handset Alliance),包括Google、中国移动、T-Mobile、宏达电、高通、摩托罗拉等领军企业。于是,我决定利用自己大学所学的知识,独立开发这个小游戏。重首先说明了这个贪吃蛇程序所用到的一些类和控件,包括Drawable,Canvas, Thread,等等。介绍了这些类的一般的使用方法,以及本程序是如何使用这些类来进行游戏的开发的。本程序将老少皆宜的经典作品移植到手机上来,为更流行的硬件平台提供应用软件。这些都将能很好的满足未来人们对手机游戏的需求。吞吃蛇游戏基于Android平台编写,满足一般手机用户的娱乐需求。

关键词:Android系统; 贪食蛇游戏; 手机游戏


.This topic is using java language on the Android platform mobile phone game d evelopment, I limited knowledge, and objective constraints, I intend to develop a stan d-alone game. I played the game of Snake, on the phone once in order to match with o thers, struggling to play many times, the pursuit of high scores! Later learned that this little game nokia was very successful mobile phone games, many people have played, and also enjoyed. Version of the game has been developed to the third edition, mobile phone manufacturers continue to develop this game, it seems that this game is a great market. Open-source Android platform, Google's released on November 5, 2007 - an operating system (Linux kernel), middleware and key applications-based mobile phon e platform, and the formation of the Open Handset Alliance (Open Handset Alliance), includingGoogle, China Mobile, T-Mobile, HTC, Qualcomm, Motorola and other lead ing enterprisesSo, I decided to use the knowledge learned in his college, in the instruct or's help, the independent development of this game.This article first details some of t he basic java knowledge, on this basis leads to Android, the basis of the Android and i ts characteristics, and then introduces the Android future prospects and development. Highlights this Snake procedures used and controls, including the Drawable Canvas, Thread, and so on. Describes the general use, as well as the program is how to use the se classes to the development of the game. The ages of the classic works transplantati on in this program to the phone up, to provide application software for the more popul ar hardware platforms. These will be well positioned to meet future demand for mobil e games. Devour the snake game based on the Android platform, prepared to meet the entertainment needs of the general mobile phone users.

Key words: Android system; Gluttony snake game; Mobile game
