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பைடு நூலகம்
常见的固定用法有: make it 成功,安排在或定在某时间 forget it 别提了,忘了它吧 Don’t mention it 别提了,表示不用谢 It doesn’t matter 没关系 It(That) depends 视情况而定 You guessed it 你猜着了 It’s hard to say 很难说
正确答案:C。help是“阻止、避免” 的意思,it指代下文的事情。
1. -He was nearly drowned once. -When was _? -__ was in 1998 when he was in Middle School. A. that, It B. this, This C. this, It D. that, This 正确答案:A。it指时间。 2. It was fine yesterday. 昨天天气好。(it指天气) 3. It’s one hundred meters from my home to the school. 我家离学校一百米。 (it指距离)
• You may relay on it that he will come here on time. 你要相信他会准时到的。 • I’ll see to it that all is ready. 我会负责把一切都准备好的。
一、考查It be + 时间段 + before … 二、考查It be + 时间 段+ since … 三、考查It’s (high)time that… 四、考查It’s up to sb to do sth 五、考查It happens/appears/seems that … 六、考查It + be the first/second time that… 七、考查It takes sth. to do sth. else 八、考查It is no wonder that …
The doctor advised Vesa strongly that she should take a holiday, but __ didn’t help. A. it B. she C. which D. he 正确答案: A 。根据句意:医生的建 议未起作用。it代替整个句子。
六、考查和one,ones,that,those 的区别
It特指上文提及的名词,而one, ones, that, those只可以指代前面名 词的名称,不可以指代前面的名词。 使用one和ones时后面没有介词短 语做后置定语;使用that 和those后 面通常有介词短语做定语。that可与 the one互换,those可以与the ones互换。例如:
四、考查It’s up to sb to do sth
此句型意为:由某人决定做某事。 在此句型中,口语中常用It’s (all) up to you或up to you表示“由你决定”。
五、考查It happens/appears/seems that …
此句型意为:碰巧……好象……似乎…… • It happened that I was watching TV when he came to see me. 他来看我时碰巧我在看电视。 • It appeared that the little girl would probably never walk. 这个小女孩似乎不可能会走了。 • It seems that he is always true. 似乎他总是正确的。
• 考查it做代词 • 考查it做形式主语 • 考查it做形式宾语 • 考查it的强调句型 • 考查it的几个常用句型 • 考查it的固定用法
一、代替整个句子 二、表示不确定指代 三、考查在性别不明时指人或小孩 四、指上文或者下文出现的物或事 五、指天气、时间、距离等 六、考查和one,ones,that和those的区 别
We’ve been looking at the houses but haven’t found __ we like yet. A. one B. ones C. it D. them 正确答案:A。表示任意一幢房子。
I’m moving to the countryside because the air there is much fresher than __ in the city. A. ones B. one C. that D. those
一、It + be + adj./n./done + that…
在此结构中,若done为required , suggested,demanded, recommended等时,从句必须用should + 动词原形,should可以省略。
二、It + be + adj. of/for sb to do sth
三、It’s no use/good doing sth
此句型表示:做……是无用的/不好的 1、It is no __ arguing with Bill because he will never change his mind. A. use B. help C. time D. way
分析:正确答案:A。为固定结构。 2、It’s no good trying to open the box.
七、考查It takes sth. to do sth. else
此句型意为:做某事需要……例如: It will take two more hours to finish the work. 完成这项工作还需要两个小时。 It take two to make a quarrel. 一个巴掌拍不响。
此句型重点是考查何时用 of何时用 for。 如果句型中的形容词是用来描述sb的特征如 kind/rude/cruel/polite/right/wrong/foolis h/silly/stupid/wise 等),则用 of ,此时句 式可以换成sb + be + adj. + to do sth;若 句型中形容词是用来描述不定式性质的(如 important/necessary/hard/difficult/easy/ natural/common等),则用for。例:
六、考查It + be the first/second time that…
此句型表示:是某人第几次做……当 主句be用is时,从句谓语动词用现在完 成时;当主句be用was时,从句谓语动 词用过去完成时。it也可以用this或that; 另外句中that也可以省略。
• It (This) is the second time (that) he has come to visit the city. 这是他第二次来这座城市。 • It (That) was the first time (that) I had visited the Great Wall. 那是我第一次参观长城。
1、(2006,湖北) –You know who came yesterday? -Yao Ming? We had s basketball match. -__ He came and watched the game. A. You guessed it! B. How did you know that? C. Well done! D. That was good news! 正确答案:A。由具体语境易做出正确选择。 2. (2008,天津) –How much do I owe you for lunch? -__. It’s nothing. A. You’re welcome B. Forget it C. With pleasure D. That’s all right 正确答案:B 。
1. This went on till one day when I was fishing with a friend of mine at nearby pond. I slipped a into one. it 2. She was knocked down by a tree before she knew it 3. I think chemistry has always been one of the subjects that I enjoy it most. 4. You won't find difficult to get to the city center. it 5.The pain sometimes was bad enough to make it walking difficult. 6. That It was “Harry Potter” that helped I feel the deep love from my parents!
主要用于以下三个结构 :
一、考查sb think/find/consider/make it + adj./n./doing+ to do/clause 二、考查sb like/love/enjoy/hate/appreciate it +when/if… 三、考查 sb depend(rely) on it/see to it/take it for granted that…等结构
-Do you like__here? -Oh, yes. The air, the weather, the way of life. Everything is nice. A. this B. these C. that D. It
正确答案:D。根据下文,提问者不能确定 被问者喜欢什么,it用于不确定指代或模糊 指代。
被强调部分是除谓语动词以外的主语、宾 语、表语和状语等,只有强调部分为人时, 才可以用who。例如: (2008,全国Ⅱ) It was in New Zealand __ Elizabeth first met Mr. Smith. A. that B. how C. which D. when 正确答案:A。将it was去掉句子结构完整, 易知是考查it的强调句型。
–Have you heard the latest news?
–No, what __? A. is it B. is there C. are they D. are those
正确答案:A。it指代上文提及的latest news。
If I can help __, I don’t like working late into the night. A. so B. that C. it D. them
Someone is ringing the doorbell. Go and see__. A. who is he B. who he is C. who is it D. who it is 正确答案: D 。说话时,不知道对方 的性别。注意在宾语从句中需用陈 述语序。 The child smiled when it saw its mother. 小孩见到母亲就笑了。
正确答案:C。分析语境和逻辑关系 可以知道:该空指代the air,且有in the city后置定语修饰。
主要用于以下结构 :
一、 It + be + adj./n./done + clause 二、 It + be + adj. of/for sb to do sth 三、 It’s no use/good doing sth
一、考查强调句型的一般式 二、强调句型的一般疑问句式 三、考查强调句型的特殊疑问句形式. 四、考查和 not until 连用 五、考查it强调句型的省略形式. 六、考查和定语从句连用 七、考查和状语从句连用 八、考查和名词性从句连用 九、强调句型中be的改变