[配伍题,B1型题]“君主之官”指的脏是。</br>“相傅之官”指的脏是。A.肝B.心C.脾D.肺E.肾 恶心与呕吐病史采集要点。 一个有酒精中毒和肝肿大病史的患者,肝显像示整个肝脏呈弥漫性分布不均匀,可能的诊断为A.肝炎B.肝肿瘤ennec‘s肝硬化D.肝脓肿E.肝癌 某一所医院正在筹备建设的过程中,医院筹备委员会要求主管护理的委员会成员进行一系列工作。"按照组织设计要求,决定组织的层次及部门结构,形成层次化的组织管理系统"属于组织设计步骤中的A.确立组织目标B.划分业务关系C.提出组织结构的基本框架D.确定职责和权限E.设计组织的运作 [配伍题]具有升发生理特性的脏是。</br>具有肃降生理特性的脏是。A.肝B.心C.脾D.肺E.肾 以下关于胸部影像表现,正确的是A.常规胸部CT扫描肺窗显示肺叶间裂呈乏血管带B.常规胸部MR扫描可以显示肺叶的划分C.条件合适的胸部X线正位片不应显示胸椎D.胸部X线正位片上的乳头影位于第5肋间且一定为双侧对称E.胸部X线正位片上,一般左膈面高于右膈面约1~2cm 腹内实质性脏器病变宜先采用何种检查A.透视B.摄片CTD.B超E.脑血管造影 企业意识到顾客满意是实现企业利润的唯一手段,因而成为经营管理的核心要素。A.物流B.顾客服务C.生产D.销售额 现行《特种设备安全监察条例》最后修改日期?从何时开始施行? [单选,案例分析题]患者,男性,65岁,出现进行性吞咽困难,偶出现胸骨后疼痛。行食道吞钡检查如图。该病的中、晚期影像表现错误的是A.黏膜皱襞消失、中断、破坏B.管腔狭窄,近端食管扩张C.只侵犯黏膜和黏膜下层,大小在3cm以下D.表现为形状不规则、大小不等的充盈缺损E.轮廓不规则 按照《注册建造师执业工程规模标准》,以下必须由一级注册建造师担任项目负责人的有。A.单跨80m的桥梁工程B.长25m的桥梁工程C.长度1200m的隧道工程D.单项合同额400万元的项目E.高速公路施工项目 分娩时允许进行“试产”的条件是A.头先露,骨盆入口轻度狭窄B.头先露,骨盆出口轻度狭窄C.头先露,中骨盆轻度狭窄D.臀先露,骨盆入口轻度狭窄E.臀先露,中骨盆轻度狭窄 对项目经审查合格的节能设计文件,下列说法正确的有()。A.建设单位可以要求施工单位变更节能设计,降低节能标准B.施工单位可以要求分包施工单位变更节能设计,降低节能标准C.建设不可以要求施工单位变更节能设计,降低节能标准D.建筑节能强制性标准,仅是针对建设单位和施工单位的 构成世界万物的本原的是A.精气B.血C.阴阳D.神E.津液 发布中医医疗广告应按规定经依法审批后发给。A.医疗机构执业许可证B.药品生产批准文号C.中医医疗广告批准文号D.经营许可证E.制剂许可证 免疫比浊分析主要用于检测A.免疫球蛋白、补体等B.肿瘤标志物C.病毒血清标志物D.内分泌激素E.细胞表面标志 芝加哥期货交易所于年开始实行保证金制度。A.1848B.1882C.1851D.1865 肺炎喘嗽的好发季节是。A.春季B.冬季C.夏季D.冬春E.秋冬 ‘细水雾’是相对于‘水喷雾’的概念,所谓的细水雾,是使用特殊喷嘴、通过高压喷水产生的水微粒.A.正确B.错误 慢性乙、丙型肝炎治疗的趋势是强调A.保肝治疗B.促进肝细胞再生C.免疫调节治疗D.防治肝纤维化E.抗病毒治疗 以后,现代市场营销观念得以形成。A.20世纪50年代B.20世纪60年代C.20世纪70年代D.20世纪80年代 关于肝性脑病的治疗下述哪项是错误的A.躁动不安时禁用吗啡类药物B.禁止蛋白质饮食的摄入C.口服甲硝唑D.肥皂水灌肠E.给予支链氨基酸 客户潜在贡献是指A、客户储备贷款潜在贡献B、存量贷款潜在贡献C、贸易融资核心企业因关联效应产生的贡献D、客户储备贷款潜在贡献、存量贷款潜在贡献和贸易融资核心企业因关联效应产生的贡献 男,诉胸背痛半个月,无吸烟史,行18F-FDG及99Tcm-MDP全身骨显像如图,诊断是。A.恶性淋巴瘤并骨浸润B.左肺癌并广泛转移C.肝癌肺转移、骨转移D.骨肉瘤肺转移、骨转移E.以上都不是 急性间质性肾炎肾脏病理免疫荧光表现为A.IgA沉积B.IgE沉积C.IgM沉积D.偶见IgG沉积E.以上均不是 作为心理咨询的直接起源,年在美国诞生了的历史上第一本《临床•23理学》。A.1904B.1907C.1896D.1908 蛋白质合成时,氨基酸的活化部位是A.烷基B.羧基C.硫氢基D.氨基E.羟基 婚姻成立还需要实质要件,这是婚姻成立的关键。客户的婚姻关系如果不符合的实质要件,可能非但不受法律的保护,甚至已经成立的婚姻也面临着被撤销的风险。A.结婚B.婚姻登记C.同居D.领取结婚证 温度日较差 是指收取保险费并在保险事故发生后依合同约定支付保险赔偿金的人。 妊娠合并心脏病的诊断不包括。A.妊娠前有心脏病的病史及风湿热的病史B.夜间端坐呼吸C.心脏听诊闻及Ⅱ级吹风样收缩期杂音D.心脏听诊闻及Ⅱ级舒张期杂音E.X线显示心脏扩大,瓣膜运动异常 根据投资者对的不同看法,证券组合管理方法可大致分为被动管理和主动管理两种类型。A.风险意识B.市场效率C.资金的拥有量D.投资业绩 自我复制能力最强的细胞是A.网织红细胞B.定向祖细胞C.前体细胞D.造血干细胞E.淋巴细胞 防撞筒的主要作用是。A.吸收能量,减轻事故车辆及人员的损伤程度,同时也有诱导视线的作用B.将公路用地隔离出柒,同时将可能影响交通安全的人和畜等与公路分离,保证公路的正常运营C.避免对向车灯造成的眩光,保证夜间行车安全D.标识出道路里程和公路用地界限 下列不属于个人安全与社会责任培训的内容是.A、MARPOL公约的基本要求B、安全作业方法C、船上人际关系D、船舶稳性及货物配载
在推测判断题中典型的常用词汇有: infer , imply , suggest和conclude。 此外提问中也可能含有表示推测的情态动词,如can, could, would, might 等和其它表示可能性的副词,如 probably, most likely等。
From the text, we learn that the diary is now owned by ______. (NMET’99)
Vanvergarges’ remark suggests that ______. (NMET’ 98)
After reading the story, what can we infer about the hospital? (NMET’ 96)
Which of the following might have happened afterwards? (NMET’ 91)
In the writer’s opinion, a good stage school should ____. (NMET’ 99)
This text is most probably taken from a ___ . (NMET 94)
This text most probably appears in . (2004全国Ⅱ)
From the text we know that Dagmar is most likely _____. (NMET’ 96)
在使用阅读技巧时 尽量做到以下几点:
[单选]对血吸虫病的诊断最具特异性的方法是()A.血象检查了解嗜酸性粒细胞比例B.粪便检查虫卵C.B超检查肝脾情况D.血清学方法检测抗体E.肠镜观察肠黏膜改变 [单选]以下不是普通感冒主要特点的是()A.起病较急,病程短B.常有高热,全身症状明显C.常见病原体为鼻病毒、冠状病毒D.可出现流泪,呼吸不畅,声嘶E.血白细胞正常或偏低 [单选,A1型题]下列药材不属于西北药的是()A.五味子B.当归C.甘草D.秦艽E.大黄 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]临床血液学的研究对象是()A.血液和造血组织B.血液病患者C.来源于血液和造血组织的疾病D.造血器官 [单选]异氟烷化学结构是()A.CFHCI-CF2-O-CHF2B.CH3-O-CF2-CC12HC.CHF2-O-CHCI-CfaD.CHCIBr-CF3E.CH5-O-QH5 [单选]依托咪酯的静脉全麻诱导推荐剂量为()A.0.1mg/kgB.0.2mg/kgC.0.3mg/kgD.O.4mg/kgE.0.5mg/kg [单选]下列疾病不会引起继发性肥胖的是()A.多囊卵巢综合征B.皮质醇增多症C.甲状腺功能减退症D.性腺功能减退症E.嗜铬细胞瘤 [问答题,简答题]支付结算基本要求是什么? [多选]食管疾病常引起的主要症状有()A.咯血B.吞咽困难C.呼吸困难D.吞咽疼痛E.呕血 [单选]根据《邮政法》,因国家安全或者追查刑事犯罪的需要,邮政企业、快递企业有义务配合公安机关、国家安全机关或者检察机关,对有关邮件、快件依法()。A.销毁B.退回C.公开D.检查、扣留 [判断题]截至2012年底,农业银行拥有23,472家境内机构,是国内拥有分支机构最多的银行。()A.正确B.错误 [名词解释]经济性 [单选]个人安全与社会责任培训的目的就是().A、提高船员的基本素质和专业技术技能B、增强船员的社会责任感和使命感C、保障水上人命和财产的安全D、以上都对 [填空题]原酒储存管理详细建立库存档案,写明坛号、()、()、()和班组、酒的风格特点、毛重、净重、()等。有条件的厂,最好能附上色谱分析的主要数据,为酒体设计创造条件。 [判断题]“四杰”要求革除“采丽竞繁”的齐梁诗风,提出创作“骨气端翔,音情顿挫”诗歌主张的。A.正确B.错误 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]缺铁性贫血在成年男性中最多见的原因是()A.消化道慢性失血B.铁需要量增加C.失血过多D.铁摄入不足E.骨髓造血功能减退 [单选,案例分析题]某“冠心病”患者死后尸解。冠状动脉镜下改变如图所示,可见蓝色颗粒状物质沉积,这是发生了何种变性()A.黏液样变性B.淀粉样变性C.玻璃样变性D.病理性色素沉着E.病理性钙化 [单选]()是指单位面积和单位时间段内的土壤侵蚀量。A.土壤侵蚀模数B.土壤流失量C.容许流失量D.土壤侵蚀强度 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]气的根本属性是()A.上升B.下降C.外出D.运动E.静止 [名词解释]大量元素 [单选]老年人最常见的代谢性骨病是()A.佝偻病B.骨软化症C.痛风性关节炎D.骨质疏松症E.性腺功能减退 [单选]静注利多卡因最常见的不良反应是()A.舌或唇麻木B.头痛,头晕C.惊厥D.视力模糊E.意识不清 [单选]取得出版专业初级职业资格者,可以聘任()职务。A.见习编辑B.技术编辑C.一级校对D.二级校对 [单选]著作权又称()。A.出版权B.报酬权C.作品权D.版权 [单选,A1型题]医患沟通的意义在于()A.医患沟通是医学目的的需要B.医患沟通是医学诊断治疗的需要C.医患沟通是医学人文精神的需要D.医患沟通是减少纠纷的需要E.以上都是 [单选]计算机辅助设计的英文简称是___。A.CAMB.CADCAEDVD [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]在有动力采样中,所用流量计不受气温和大气压影响的是()。A.转子流量计B.湿式流量计C.质量流量计D.孔口流量计E.毛细管或限流临界孔 [单选]公民的民事权利能力始于()。A.出生时B.年满16周岁C.年满18周岁D.法定结婚年龄 [单选]列哪一项不是FIM交流类理解项包含的内容()A.理解复杂和抽象的信息B.基本生理需要的理解C.生活实际需要的理解D.复杂抽象的观念的表达E.基本生理需要的表达 [多选]属于里程运价结构变形的运价结构类型有()。A.邮票式运价结构B.计时运价结构C.基点式运价结构。D.成组运价结构E.计程运价结构 [名词解释]配送 [多选]《建设工程安全生产管理条例》规定,施工现场的安全防护用具、机械设备、施工机具及配件必须()。A.由专人管理B.堆放在特定位置C.定期检查、维修和保养D.建立相应的资料档案E.按照国家规定及时报废 [单选]“中国字”和“中国印”都是中国传统典型的文化元素,突出了()的理念。A.绿色奥运B.科技奥运C.经济奥运D.人文奥运 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]医疗机构从业人员违反本规范的,视情节轻重给予处罚,其中不正确的是()A.批评教育、通报批评、取消当年评优评职资格B.卫生行政部门依法给予警告、暂停执业或吊销执业证书C.纪检监察部门按照党纪政纪案件的调查处理程序办理D.缓聘、解职待聘、解聘E.涉嫌犯罪 司法机关依法处理 [单选,A1型题]停药后,血药浓度降至阈浓度以下残留的生物效应是指()A.停药反应B.过敏反应C.后遗效应D.耐受性E.毒性反应 二次结构泵https://
高考英语考前轻松练(1) 语法填空+完形填空(新高考)(教师版)
【2022届江苏省南京市、盐城市高三下学期第二次模拟】Lockdown LoveThe cost of a typical Saudi wedding is enough to prevent the most passionate lover. Even a simple party involves renting an impressive ballroom. Then there are the cheerleaders and musicians. Men and women gather in separate halls, ____1____ (double) some of the prices. Altogether it might cost 200,000 riyals ($53,000). Often, many of these marriages end in divorce. Those that don’t ____2____ (burden) with debt.Therefore, many couples have welcomed these ____3____(restrict) that have come with Covid-19. In 2020 Saudi Arabia limited gatherings to 50 people or ____4____ (few). So couples could downsize their weddings____5____ losing face. Some chose ____6____ (share) halls over ballrooms. Smaller crowds ate smaller cakes. All in all a Saudi couple might have spent 90% less on their weddings. Will low-cost weddings become the new norm? It’s reported ____7____ few couples complained when the Covid-19 forced Saudi Arabia to place some limitations. Though the outbreak recedes (退去), some still express concern over the health of in-laws. “A girl always dreamsof a five-star marriage, but Covid-19 has made us more ____8____ (practice),” says Bayan Zahran, a lawyer in Jeddah. Some couples are opting for a simple party, ____9____ places little pressure on either side. They,____10____ , must still deal with pressure from their family and peers.【答案】1.doubling2.are burdened3.restrictions4.fewer5.without6.shared7.that8.practical 9.which10.though/however【解析】本文是说明文。
2024年高考英语阅读理解七选五10篇解析(1)When people first come across the Law of Attraction (吸引力法则), their hearts and minds often immediately think of one specific thing that they’d love to achieve in their lives. However, the next thought is often “But I can’t do that”. You may come up with all kinds of excuses. 1 Here are the reasons why you should believe you can use the Law of Attraction to obtain whatever you want.Small steps create big changes. One of the most common reasons for abandoning dreams is that they simply seem too huge to realize. Usually it’s manageable to think of following your dream as taking a series of significant but small steps. 2 Then look at each of them. Not so unrealistic now, is it?3 When people are interviewed on their deathbeds or write about their lives in autobiographies (自传), it is often observed that major regrets tend to relate to things that were not done. In older age, it’s likely that you will be uncomfortable with the idea that you didn’t even try to do the thing that you loved or attempt to obtain what you truly wanted.4 But you don’t ever need to feel this way! Make today the first day of your new journey towards avoiding regret.Steps towards your dream are never backwards steps. Another common worry is that if you follow your dreams, you’ll be “taking steps back”. 5 However, what looks like backward steps in your old life can more productively and accurately be seen as forwarding steps in the brand new life you’re creating.A.You can avoid regret.B.It is no use regretting it.C.Luckily, the truth is that it’s never too late to follow your dream.D.It often comes up when people are at the top of careers they hate.E.It is painful to feel like you haven’t ever found your true purpose.F.For example, challenge yourself to write down the path to success in ten stages.G.You have enough life experience and knowledge to pursue your dream.(2)Breaking the Habit of People-PleasingIf you feel like you may be a people-pleaser, you’re not alone. Most people have a growing desire for pleasing others. 6 It can also result in weak boundaries, problems with decision-making, and low self-worth. For that reason, it’s important to recognize and overcome your own people-pleasing behaviors. Here are simple exercises that you can start working on today.1. Practice being alone试卷第1页,共8页7 Trust that people will not abandon you, even if you don’t drop everything for them. Believe you are lovable for who you are, not what you do. Practice this by going to a movie or restaurant alone.2. Keep plans with yourself8 Otherwise, you are sending a message to your brain that a plan you make with yourself does not hold as much value as a plan you make with someone else. Don’t break any plans you make with yourself, whether it’s going to the gym or studying for an exam.3. Practice saying “no”If you’re a people-pleaser you may find it hard to say “no” because you feel it comes across as cruel or uncaring. 9 Be clear, be direct, and use “I” statements. Try statements like: “I would really love to be able to help you, but unfortunately, I’m already committed at that time.”By consistently integrating these strategies into your life, I’m confident you’ll break your people-pleasing habits. 10 This will yield an overall improvement in self-confidence and life satisfaction.A.So it is not necessary to say no.B.But it absolutely does not have to.C.Learn to love your own company.D.You’ll develop more healthy, interdependent relationships.E.You are not confident about the plans you make with yourself.F.Your own plans are as important as plans you make with others.G.People-pleasing behavior can lead to mental and physical problems.(3)How to Stay Active During the HolidaysBeing physically active on a consistent basis can be challenging, especially during holidays, as we travel to see relatives or host friends in our homes. 11 In this case, consider these tips for making physical activity regular in your lifestyle over the long term, through holidays and beyond.Find something you enjoy.This is the first rule of any sustainable exercise routine. If your workout feels like another task on your to-do list, it’ll be difficult to stick with. 12 Dance. Garden. Take a yoga class online. All of these count as physical activity, and even small amounts add up.13Exercise doesn’t have to take place in a gym. Taking three 10-minute walks during the day — one in the morning, another during your lunch and another after dinner — produces similar benefits to spending 30 minutes at the gym. In other words, taking short movement breaks throughout your day makes for a more active lifestyleand helps meet your goals.Be realistic.Most are overly optimistic when first mapping out a workout plan. 14 Besides, you don’t have to exercise before, during and after work every day in order to hit your goals. Instead, look at your current lifestyle and integrate more movement into your daily life.Make it a priority.Most of us are managing countless responsibilities every day, so it’s vital to consider physical activity an important part of your day. Put it on your schedule, just as you make an appointment with a doctor. And, let others know when you’ll be busy exercising and how they can help you find time to do so. 15A.Find breaks to move throughout the day.B.Make full use of weekday breaks to work out.C.It is necessary to avoid being injured in sports.D.Therefore, be creative in finding physical activities.E.Having the support from others is an essential element of success.F.Additionally, schedules are often interrupted by holiday gatherings.G.In fact, exercise isn’t necessarily at maximal intensity to be effective.(4)Many people who are learning English want to know how to improve their reading skills. 16 The effective way to improve your reading skills is to love reading and practice more.Reading is one of the most important language skills because we use it to expand our vocabulary and improve the way we speak, write and listen. 17 Seeing new ways to say things can help your understanding of English and improve not only your reading, but also your other language skills.18 If we do not understand something, we can go over it again and even look up the words we do not know the meanings of. This means that we have a much greater chance of understanding information that we read than information that we hear.So how do we practice reading so that our skill level improves? When we read a passage, we need to understand it. We must understand what the important words mean in each sentence. This does not mean that we need to know the meaning of every word. In many cases, we can find out what words mean from the words around them. 19 To do this, we must understand how words work together. In many cases, we must “see” part of the message that has not been written, or we must form an opinion ourselves.Reading is an essential part of your study of the English language. It can help you understand and learn more. It can also become a satisfying hobby. 20试卷第3页,共8页A.Unfortunately, there is no easy way to do this.B.Unlike listening, reading allows us to take our time.C.Among the four skills, listening is the most important one.D.It is hoped that you will love reading and improve your reading skills.E.When we read, we can see how things are said, from sentence structure to expression.F.If we do not, we will not be able to understand what the entire article or story is about.G.Once we understand what the words mean, we need to figure out what the message is.(5)Your neighbors are probably the first line of defense in case of any problematic situation. 21 It gives you an assurance that you have people close by looking out for you. Here are easily applicable tips on creating stronger neighbor relationships.The first step is introducing yourself when you move to a new neighborhood or when a newcomer moves in. Leave them a note under their door to introduce yourself. 22 It doesn’t have to cost you a fortune and opting for a potted plant or baked biscuits will do. These actions present excellent opportunities to connect with them.Be respectful of your neighbors. It’s in poor taste to have regular insensitive parties at your place causing disturbances. Before your party, it’s good practice to notify your neighbors. Besides, avoid chatting them up for hours on end, which may be inconvenient, especially if you don’t know their schedules. 23 When you borrow anything, return it in due time. If you accidentally break their things, replace them without being asked to.24 You could offer to babysit your neighbors’ kids, help with snow removals or even keep an eye on their home when they’re away. Such acts of reaching out to your neighbors make for stronger relationships.As Emma Seppälä put it, “social connectedness generates a positive feedback loop (圈) of social, emotional and physical well-being.” It feels so easy to just stay home without having to engage with your neighbors but connecting with them is worth the effort. 25A.Remember every small gesture counts.B.A crisis is a test of communication skills.C.It can actually boost your mood in the long run.D.Slipping it in their mailbox further solidifies friendship.E.It’s essential to ensure you maintain decent relationships with them.F.Alternatively, you can give them a gift while making yourself known to them.G.Only by establishing healthy boundaries will you achieve peaceful coexistence.(6)The rise of social media has revolutionized human connectivity, but its overuse can make people feel increasingly unhappy and isolated. 26One significant problem with frequent social media use is comparing ourselves to others. Many individuals experience “Facebook envy”. 27 Gradually, it may result in self-doubt. To boost self-confidence, it is essential to reduce time on others’profiles, and focus on self-reflection.Social media can also make it hard to form real friendships. Constant online interaction may make us feel lonely and left out when we see others having fun online. Stina Sanders, a former model, explained “When I see my friend’s photos of a party I didn’t go to, it can make me feel quite lonely and anxious”. 28 Quality sleep is essential for mental health, but excessive phone use before bedtime can severely disturb it. The anxiety and envy induced by social media content can keep our brains alert, making it challenging to fall asleep. 29 Avoiding the phone for at least 40 minutes to an hour before bed can improve sleep.“ 30 However, it can also change the way we recall our life. If we direct all of our attention trying to take the perfect photo, less will be available to enjoy other aspects of the experience in real time,” said Dr. Bono. To decrease these effects, practicing self-discipline and limiting phone use can help us to stay focused and clear-minded.If you feel like social media is beginning to affect you, why not consider allocating less social media time? The slight change can do you a lot of good.A.Regular use of Facebook can keep good relationships.B.Social media offers a convenient way to record memories.C.This can lead to feelings of dissatisfaction with themselves.D.Plus, the blue light that is given off by screens affects our sleep.E.Therefore, it’s important to develop genuine offline relationships.F.Social media can lead to serious physical and mental health issues.G.The reliance on it can negatively impact people’s mental health in the long run.(7)For most people traveling abroad, their first choice is probably to rush directly to tourist sights. For me.I find lots of joy in grocery shopping on holiday.As a vegetarian, finding restaurants that meet my needs is not always easy abroad. 31 The first thing I do, after dropping my bags off, is to go to a grocery store. That enables me to cook breakfast in the morning without walking around for hours trying to find “vegan breakfast” near me.The variety of foods attracts me every time I travel somewhere new. In Malta, I found the most delicious chocolate-filled cakes, the ones I would struggle to find even in the UK. 32 I was so delighted that I试卷第5页,共8页could enjoy such an unexpected treat. Another surprise was their selection of ice cream available even in the smallest grocery stores.33 Looking for smoked tofu and corn pancakes turns into quite a mission whenever I visit Cluj-Napoca in Romania. There is usually only one variety of smoked tofu, sold in a very small tub (食品盒) and only in the cafeteria section. 34 That is because they are never available at the smaller ones.Grocery shopping on holiday sounds unusual. But it means being involved in the day-to-day lives of a country’s citizens. I can pretend I am a local and put myself in their shoes. I can watch kids begging their parents for sweets, an international experience that needs no language, or watch couples pick up snacks and drinks for a party on a Friday night. 35A.I ended up eating these every day for breakfast.B.The challenge of finding food is interesting. too.C.The smoked product is unique and specially packed.D.So I always make sure to book a place with a kitchen.E.It’s an act of understanding people as much as of buying food.F.Corn pancakes always require a trip to the bigger grocery store.G.By wandering around in a new country, I start to see what they value.(8)Traveling allows you the opportunity to explore new places and unplug from daily routines and distractions. But let’s face it: Sometimes you want and need to stay connected when traveling abroad. Beyond scrolling through news and keeping up on social media, having a cellphone can be an essential tool to connect with other travelers and find cheap accommodation. 36 Here are tips to avoid the high international roaming (漫游) charges.Buy a local SIM Card. One of the most affordable ways to stay connected while traveling is to bring your phone and buy a prepaid SIM card at your destination. Before you travel, check with your provider to make sure your phone will work abroad. Swapping out the SIM card will give you a new international number. Make sure you keep your original SIM card in a safe place. 37Use Wi-Fi Only. If you check email or social media infrequently and don’t feel the need to constantly upload travel photos. waiting until you can connect to free wireless networks can save you a lot. 38 While you’re at it, switch off any apps that grab data. Look for restaurants, cafes or public spaces that offer free access to Wi-Fi.39 To save time and money, load up your phone in advance with travel and other apps, music, books, maps, travel guides and anything else you may need. Free Wi-Fi can be slow in many public areas. And you don’twant to get stuck waiting for a map or guide to load when you need it.Disconnect. While you can find plenty of uses for your phone while traveling, there are also good reasons to disconnect. Be engaged as you explore new places. 40 Technology is so ubiquitous (无所不在的) in work and personal lives that it can be hard to focus on a new culture if all you’re doing is staring down at your phone.A.Download Before You Go.B.Know your limits and try to overcome them.C.Make sure you put your phone in airplane mode.D.That card is associated with your new phone number.E.Sometimes you fail to wander in a totally new environment.F.Immerse yourself in the sights and sounds and enjoy the moment.G.Your phone is also a key connection to friends and family back home.(9)The smell of sweat, the noise of crashing weights and the muscular people in tank tops make the gym’s strength class or weight room seem forbidding, whether you’re a seasoned lifter or a complete beginner.41 Most benefits of strength training go beyond appearances. It subjects our bones to more pressure than our daily routines and increases muscle mass and bone density. Now that you know resistance training is important, here’s how to get started.Set a goal that is attainable and improves your daily life. 42 That might mean pressing weight overhead to ensure you can put your luggage in the airplane’s overhead bin or doing weighted squats (深蹲) for hiking preparation.The ideal way is to work one-on-one with an experienced certified trainer. 43 Look for one who not only guides you through workouts but also understands your unique journey and helps you reach your full potential.Private training with friends or joining in small group classes is also a cost-effective way to get individual attention. While you might tend to position yourself in the back corner of the room, I suggest heading to the front where a coach can monitor your form and offer feedback.44 If you favor strength-training apps, opt for one with video demonstrations. If none of these are appealing, start at home with basic-level bodyweight exercises like squats. 45 Grab a gallon water jug, hug it to your chest and dive into a squat. This not only adds resistance but challenges your core muscles to sustain stability.A.It’s like having a fitness associate.试卷第7页,共8页B.It’s worth pushing past that fear though.C.Take my word for it, no one else is looking at you.D.As you gain more confidence and strength, raise the bar.E.You’ll begin to see an impact far beyond your jeans fitting better.F.Think about which aspect of your life could be noticeably improved.G.Take videos of yourself performing those movements and watch them between sets.(10)A workable and pretty easy solution to improving your listening skills is that you begin to realize how much of your ability to be an effective listener is really about you, not the other person and how fascinating or boring they are. 46We tend to assume that listening is little more than showing up and paying attention to the other person.47 It’s worth noticing how we instinctively (本能地) listen in conversation and whether or not that given listening mode is really what’s called for.You need to identify your personal “hot spots”. 48 Whether it’s talking about climate change or Father’s Day, when you are not interested at all, you realize it is hard to concentrate. That kind of self-knowledge comes by having a scientific approach and observing yourself in action.49 For example, your surrounding environment, the topic at hand, or even particular company may affect your ability to listen. When you do this, you can more easily see what gets in the way of your ability to listen and understand. Thus that makes many of our work-related conversations much easier.In a performance review or heated debate, you can remind yourself if you’re having an emotional response to feedback and are having trouble hearing the other person out. Observing and learning from your behavior, and noticing how you are affected by your surroundings help you uncover your unique needs for doing your best listening. 50A.Considering external factors is also important.B.Besides, get curious about your conversation style.C.In fact, if they’re boring, in some ways that is on you.D.But it’s also deeply tied to paying attention to ourselves.E.Effective listening is about creating the space for others to express themselves.F.The topics are what uniquely set you off and emotionally inspire you in some ways.G.Those are going to help everything from meetings to client presentations run smoothly.参考答案:1.C 2.F 3.A 4.E 5.D【导语】这是一篇说明文。
[多选]货币的演变形式是()。A.贵金属B.铸币C.纸币D.以信用工具为主的货币 [判断题]“旅客携带物检验检疫”中的“旅客”含义指乘坐飞机、轮船、火车、汽车等一切交通工具的旅客。()A.正确B.错误 [单选]如何切入自动驾驶模式。()A、shift键↑+photo↓B、shift键↑+waypoint键↑C、waypoint键↑D、shift键↑+waypoint键↓ [单选]患者多处骨折,结合颈部超声图像,最可能的诊断是()A.甲状腺瘤B.甲状旁腺瘤C.甲状旁腺增生D.甲状旁腺癌E.甲状腺炎 [单选]下列哪项不是心输出量不足导致循环血量下降引起的肾前性急性肾衰竭()A.心源性休克B.充血性心力衰竭C.肺栓塞D.心脏压塞E.大量失血 [单选]下列房产税处理中,不符合房产税政策规定的是()。A:将单独作为"固定资产"核算的中央空调计入房产原值,计征房产税B:未将完全建在地面以下的地下人防设施计入房产原值,计征房产税C:将与地上房屋相连的地下停车场计入房产原值,计征房产税D:将出租的房屋按租金收入计征 [单选]关于腕关节的描述中正确的是()A.近侧关节面由桡、尺骨构成B.可做屈、伸、收、展及环转运动C.囊内有关节盘,位于桡骨下端的下面D.远侧关节面由大多角骨、小多角骨、头状骨及钩骨的近侧面构成E.远侧关节面由舟骨、月骨、三角骨及豌豆骨的近侧面构成 [单选]各型痹证的共同特点是()A.关节疼痛、麻木B.肢体酸楚、重着C.不同程度的疼痛伴随活动障碍D.关节疼痛呈现游走性E.肢体、关节疼痛、酸楚 [单选]电波幅值大小与方向变化一次所用的时间称为()。A.频率B.周期C.速度D.波长 [单选]甲、乙双方发生合同纠纷,甲方向人民法院起诉,乙方应诉答辩。在庭审过程中,乙方主张起诉前双方曾在信件往来中就该合同纠纷约定由北京仲裁委员会仲裁,并提出了相应的证据。这种情况下,请问:人民法院应当怎么处理?()A.裁定终结诉讼,由当事人向北京仲裁委员会申请仲裁 [问答题,简答题]简述压缩制冷工作原理及制冷剂的循环过程? [名词解释]永久档案 [单选]某工程竣工验收合格后第11年内,部分梁板发生不同程度的断裂.经有相应资质的质量鉴定机构鉴定,确认断裂原因为混凝土施工养护不当致其强度不符合设计要求,则该质量缺陷应由()。A.建设单位维修并承担维修费用B.施工单位维修并承担维修费用C.施工单位维修,设计单位承担维修 [单选]某孕妇,25岁,孕1产0,孕39周,上午11时有规则宫缩而入院。宫缩中下,38秒,间隔3~4分钟,于19时宫颈扩张一指,先露高位-1.5,给予缩宫素2.5u加强宫缩后宫缩中等强度,持续40秒,间隔2~3分钟,产妇一般情况好,3小时后宫颈扩张4cm,先露高位-1。此时应如何处理()A.哌替 [单选]押运途中,车辆发生故障、交通事故或与他人发生纠纷时,()做法不是正确的。A.将情况及时报告。B.协助车长迅速果断的处置。C.立即熄火,并下车查看情况。 [判断题]境内个人手持外币现钞汇出境外当日累计超过等值1万美元的,凭本人有效身份证件办理。A.正确B.错误 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]治疗阿司匹林鼻炎、鼻旁窦炎的主要方法是()。A.应用抗组胺药B.糖皮质激素疗法C.手术治疗D.免疫疗法E.应用肥大细胞膜稳定剂 [单选]下列()船舶必须配备《程序和布置手册》。A、每艘散装运输有毒液体物质的船舶;B、每艘散装运输IBC规则第17章和第18章所列货品的船舶;C、每艘散装运输IBC规则和BCH规则第17章和第18章所列货品的船舶;D、每艘散装运输根据有毒液体物质分类指南确定为A类、B类、C类、D类有 [单选]下列化学方程式或离子方程式正确的是()。A.常温下,将铁片置于浓硝酸中:Fe+6HNO3=Fe(NO3)3+3NO2↑+3H2OB.向氯化铵的稀溶液中加入少量NaOH:NH4++OH-=NH3↑+H2OC.向(NH4)2SO4溶液中加入适量Ba(OH)2:向浓硝酸中加入铜片:Cu+4H++2NO3-= [单选]跳汰机有一个跳汰室的跳汰机是()A.块煤跳汰机B.三段跳汰机C.再选跳汰机D.单槽跳汰机 [问答题,简答题]装置进退油流程改通? [单选]ISDN可以何一个用户号码提供()业务.A.1种B.2种C.多种 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]分立式生化分析仪与管道式生化分析仪在结构上的主要区别为()A.前者各个标本和试剂在各自的试管中起反应,后者在同一管道中起反应B.后者各个标本和试剂在各自的试管中起反应,前者在同一管道中起反应C.两者吸出血清的方式不同D.两者添加试剂的方式不同E. [单选]拟定沿岸航线,确定航线离危险物的安全距离时可不考虑下列哪项因素()。A.船上货物装载情况B.能见度的好坏C.风流影响情况D.测定船位的难易 [单选]护理人员排班应遵循的首要原则是()。A.降低人力成本B.满足患者需要C.合理组合人力D.公平原则E.提高工作效率 [单选]下列除哪项外均是经脉特点()A.内属脏腑B.运行气血主干C.外络支节D.走行浅而易见E.表里相合 [填空题]不能用电阻串,并联化简的电路叫() [判断题]ANA无器官和种属特异性。()A.正确B.错误 [单选]下列对关节的描述,错误的是()A.关节面上有关节软骨B.关节囊外层称纤维膜C.关节囊的内层称滑膜D.内、外两层之间的腔隙称关节腔E.关节腔内有少量滑液,腔内呈负压 [单选]论文得不到公认,就是不科学的:()A、对B、不全对C、错 [单选]编制电力企业计划的基本方法是()。A、投入产出法B、预测调查法C、综合平衡法D、分析比较法 [单选]客运专线预制梁混凝土灌筑时,模板温度宜在()A、3~40B、5~35C、6~45 [单选]铁路平面无线调车A型号调车长台,调车长按下绿键(2s),信令显示()。A.一个绿灯B.绿灯闪数次后熄灭C.黄灯闪后绿灯长亮D.546Hz音频呼叫区长 [单选,A1型题]创伤Ⅰ型的特点是()A.重复发生的严重的创伤过程B.个体常处于心理发展过程中C.在儿童期发生D.具有PTSD的症状特点E.可能和长期的虐待有关 [填空题]罗茨流量计是()流量计,它是在()管路中连续测量流体的()流量。 [单选,A1型题]关于服药时间说法错误的是()A.滋补药宜在饭后服B.辛温解表药煎后应温热服C.对胃肠有刺激性的药,应在饭后服D.驱虫、攻下药宜空腹服E.安神药应在早晨服用 [单选]与固定增长股票的价值呈反方向变化的是()。A.股利的增长率B.上一期刚支付的股利C.投资的必要报酬率D.下一期预计支付的股利 [单选]罗素认为哲学是介于()和()之间的东西。A、论理学,科学B、神学,论理学C、神学,科学 [单选]心搏骤停复苏抢救的有效指征不包括()A.触到大动脉搏动B.上肢收缩压在8kPa以上C.自主呼吸恢复D.瞳孔散大E.颜面、口唇转红润 [填空题]中转换乘的旅客其()只能发售到旅客()。
对于家具行业或其它木制品喷漆行业来说,批灰刮腻子是一道很基础的施工工艺,尤其是板式家具或密度板喷漆工艺中,批腻子打底就显得尤为重要了。刮腻子的作用就是在板材面上涂抹一层新的腻子基底,防止油漆与木板材直接接触而被部分吸收造成浪费。从而可以起到节省油漆,提升漆膜饱 猪血灰作为传统的灰底已广泛应用于木器行业,但随着产业的发展,工艺品质要求及环保意识的提升,猪血灰已被很多厂家遗弃,但由于猪血灰用料成本低,不少工厂依然采用此类灰料。那使用猪血灰真的让厂家省工省成本吗? 现在把猪血灰与木器打底腻子进行一次全面的性能测评,从客观的角度上分析传统猪血灰与木器打底腻子在油漆节省方面的区别!(测试内容与流程如下) 猪血灰与A牌打底腻子油漆节省性能测评 测试的板材:中纤维密度板 测试的产品:传统猪血灰与A牌木器打底腻子 测试的目的:两种灰底产品在油漆节省方面的区别 测试方式:把一块密度板用胶纸从中隔断(),一边刮猪血灰,一边刮A牌木器腻子,采用同样的施工方式,刮同样的厚度,最后喷涂同样的底漆与面漆,最后观察密度板两边的油漆面的光滑度与饱满度,从而可以知道哪种灰底更节省油漆,更能提升油漆的饱满度。 中纤密度板 猪血灰 家具打底腻子 刮灰刀及打磨用的砂纸 油漆(底漆与面漆)若干 油漆烤箱 1 第一步,在中纤板的一边均匀平整的刮涂猪血灰进行打底() 第二步,在中纤板的另一边均匀平整的刮涂家具打底腻子进行打底() 施工提示:不论是猪血还是A牌打底腻子,在刮涂时都需要把中纤板面覆盖住,灰底也不需要刮涂太厚,以不露出板面为宜。 第三步,猪血灰与A牌打底腻子刮好后,等待风干() 常温自然风干的情况下,猪血灰与家具打底腻子干燥时间差不多。 第四步,等灰底干燥后,统一进行打磨,打磨时灰底层不宜磨穿或磨掉,以免油漆与中纤板接触吸收了油漆导致油漆浪费() 施工提示:灰底完全干透了后才可以打磨,不然打磨时会粘砂纸,在打磨时感觉磨不动,那是砂纸上粘满了腻子灰,减弱了砂纸的摩擦力,此时可以适当的敲打砂纸,使腻子灰掉落后再继续进行打磨作业。 第五步,两边的灰底都打磨好后,使用喷漆气管吹掉板材表面的灰尘,并同时用手轻摸灰面,如发现局部有粗糙的地方则需要打磨,再清理灰尘() 第六步,清理完灰底上的灰尘后就可以直接喷底漆了。本次测试使用的是水性白色底漆() 白色的底漆干燥后,通过现场观看还是可以看出两边底漆面的光滑度有不同,由于像素的限制,照片上看不出区别。 如使用双手分别在两边的漆面抚摸则能很明显的感觉出光滑度不一样! 第七步,整体喷一层面漆(本次测试用的是水性黑色面漆)() 喷完面漆后未干前的 测试中为加快干燥时间,采用了烤箱的方式催干,烤箱温度以40℃-50℃为宜。 第八步,待面漆干燥后,采用光照测试,在光线照射下,漆面粗糙的一面会显得暗淡,漆面光滑的一面则显得光亮。用猪血灰打底的漆面粗糙,用家具打底腻子打底的漆面则光滑() 放在光线均匀的环境下同样可以看出两边漆面的光滑度有显明区别。用猪血灰打底的漆面粗糙,用家具打底腻子打底的漆面则光滑。 总结:此次测试为一遍灰底、一遍底漆、一遍面漆测试,可以看出家具打底腻子的封闭性能比传统猪血灰要好,而腻子的封闭性则影响油漆的吸收性,因此,在油漆节省方面,家具打底腻子胜于传统猪血灰!注意事项 本次测试旨为测试两种灰底的封闭性能,只采取一底一面的喷漆量,家具厂喷漆需要视工艺要求而定 家具腻子在没完全干燥前不宜喷油漆 装修不管多么豪华,不管您花多少钱非常重要的一件事情就是和谐了,各个方面都应该保持一致的步调,如果不和谐的话,那么整体的装修效果花了再多的钱也不会让你满意,也不会达到效果的。所以长沙柠檬树装饰就来教您装修搭配的事情了,教你地板如何和谐配搭墙面与家具。古典美是人类 1、办公家具材料是否合理 不同的办公家具,表面用料是有区别的。如桌、椅、柜的腿子,要求用硬杂木,比较结实,能承重,而内部用料则可用其他材料; 发现木材有虫眼、掉沫,说明烘干不彻底。检查完表面,还要打开柜门、抽屉门看里面内料有没有腐朽,可以用手指甲掐一掐,掐进去了就说明内料腐朽了。开柜门后用鼻子闻一闻,如果冲鼻、刺眼、流泪,说明胶合剂中甲醛含量太高,会对人体有害。 2、办公家具四脚是否平整 这一点放平地上一晃便知,有的办公家具就只有三条腿落地。看一看桌面是否平直,不能弓了背或塌了腰。桌面凸起,玻璃板放上会打转;桌面凹进,玻璃板放上一压就碎。注意检查柜门,抽屉的分缝不能过大,要讲究横平坚直,门子不能下垂。 3、办公家具结构是否牢固 小件办公家具,如椅子、凳子、衣架等在挑选时可以在水泥地上拖一拖,轻轻摔一摔,声音清脆,说明质量较好;如果声音发哑,有劈哩叭啦的杂音,说明榫眼结合不严密,结构不牢。写字台、桌子可以用手摇晃摇晃,看看稳不稳。沙发可坐一坐,如果坐上一动就吱吱扭扭地响,一摇就晃的,是 方桌、条桌、椅子等腿部都应该有四个三角形的卡子,起固定作用,挑选时可把桌椅倒过来看一看,包布椅可以用手摸一摸。 4、贴面办公家具拼缝严不严 不论是贴木单板、PVC还是贴预油漆纸,都要注意皮子是否贴得平整,有无鼓包、起泡、拼缝不严现象。 检查时要冲着光看,不冲光看不出来。水曲柳木单板贴面办公家具比较损坏,一般只能用两年。就木单板来说,刨边的单板比旋切的好。识别二者的方法是看木材的花纹,刨切的单板木材纹理直而密,旋切的单板花纹曲而疏。刨花板贴面办公家具,着地部分必须封边,不封边板就会吸潮、发胀而 5、办公家具包边是否平整 封边不平,说明内材湿,几天封边就会掉。封边还应是圆角,不能直棱直角。用木条封的边容易发潮或崩裂。三合板包镶的办公家具,包条处是用钉子钉的,要注意钉眼是否平整,钉眼处与其他处的颜色是否一致。通常钉眼是用腻子封住的,要注意腻子有否鼓起来,如鼓起来了就不行,慢慢腻子 6、油漆部分要光滑 办公家具的油漆部分要光滑平整、不流唾、不起皱、无疙瘩。边角部分不能直棱直角,直棱处易崩渣、掉漆。办公家具的门子里面也应着一道漆,不着漆板子易弯曲,又不美观。 7、配件安装是否合理 例如检查一下门锁开关灵不灵;大柜应该装三个暗绞链,有的只装二个就不行;该上三个镙丝,有的偷工减料,只上一个螺丝,用用就会掉。 8、沙发要坐一坐 挑沙发时,应注意表面要平整,而不能高低不平;软硬要均匀,而不能这块硬,那块软;软硬度要适中,既不能太硬也不能太软。 挑选方法是坐一坐,用手摁一摁,平不平,弹簧响不响,如果弹簧铺排不合理,致使弹簧咬簧,就会发出响声。其次,还应注意绗缝有无断线、跳线,边角牙子的密度是否合理。 9、颜色要与室内装饰协调 白色办公家具虽然漂亮,但时间长了容易变黄,而黑色的易发灰,不要当时图漂亮,到最后弄得白的不白,黑的不黑。一般来说,仿红木色的办公家具不易变色。 红木家具是一种比较珍贵的木材料,相应的红木家具材质名贵,制作精致,不仅能满足人们和生活的需要,而且是一种艺术品,具有鉴赏和收藏价值,居室内有几件好的红木家具,可以说能使四壁生辉,既能改善居室环境,又能显示和提高主人的品位因此越来越受到消费者的欢迎。但是我们应该 二、做工红木家具、造型好只是一个方便,另外做工好也是一个方便,而且也是非常重要的一个方便。这里所谓的做工好、就是每一道工序都要做到精益求精。三、材料真实 红木家具要考虑型、艺、材三个方面。所谓型,就是指造型要美;艺,就是做工要精,加工工艺美,也就是加工的质量好。国家标准规定红木共8类。它们是:紫檀木(Pterocarpusspp.)、花梨木(Pterocarpusspp.)、香枝木(Dalbergiaspp.)、黑酸枝(Dalbergiaspp.)、红酸枝(Dalbergia 其次就是红木家具。为了买到称心如意的红木家具,紫檀,应该按型、艺、材的要求货比三家,千万不要贪便宜,以免上当受骗。
新高考英语读后续写实践指南提升版电子版全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: My Adventure with the New High School English Reading Practice GuideHello everyone! I'm so excited to share with you my adventure with the new high school English reading practice guide. It's been such a fun and rewarding experience, and I can't wait to tell you all about it!First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Lily, and I'm in grade six. I love reading and learning new things, so when I heard about the new English reading practice guide, I knew I had to give it a try.The guide is divided into different sections, each focusing on a different aspect of reading comprehension. There are tips on how to improve your reading speed, how to better understand complex texts, and even how to analyze and interpret literary works. It's like having a personal English teacher right at your fingertips!One of my favorite sections in the guide is the one on vocabulary building. It provides fun and interactive ways to learn new words and phrases, like playing word games and using flashcards. Now, I can confidently say that my vocabulary has expanded significantly since I started using the guide.Another section that I found extremely helpful is the one on reading strategies. It taught me how to skim and scan texts for key information, how to make connections between different ideas, and how to summarize what I've read. These skills have not only improved my reading comprehension but have also helped me become a better writer.But the best part about the guide is that it's not just about studying and practicing all the time. There are also fun activities and exercises that make learning English enjoyable. From watching English movies to listening to English songs, there are endless ways to make learning English a fun and immersive experience.In conclusion, using the new high school English reading practice guide has been a game-changer for me. It has helped me improve my English skills, expand my vocabulary, and become a more confident reader and writer. I highly recommendit to all my friends and classmates, and I can't wait to see how much more I can learn and grow with it in the future.So if you're looking to take your English skills to the next level, give the new high school English reading practice guide a try. Who knows, it might just be the adventure you've been waiting for!篇2Title: Tips for Improving your Reading Skills in the New College Entrance ExaminationHi guys! Today I want to share with you some tips on how to improve your reading skills for the new college entrance examination. Reading is super important in the exam, so let's make sure we ace it together!Tip 1: Preview the TextBefore you start reading, take a few minutes to preview the text. Look at the title, headings, and subheadings to give you an idea of what the text is about. This will help you understand the main idea and key points of the passage.Tip 2: Skim the TextNext, skim through the text quickly to get a general understanding of the content. Pay attention to the first and last sentences of each paragraph, as they often contain important information. This will help you get an overall picture of the passage before diving into the details.Tip 3: Highlight Key InformationWhile reading, make sure to highlight or underline key information such as dates, names, and important details. This will help you remember important facts and ideas, and make it easier to answer questions later on.Tip 4: Take NotesTake notes as you read to help you remember important details. Write down key points, vocabulary words, or any questions you have about the text. This will help you stay focused and engaged with the material.Tip 5: Practice, Practice, PracticeThe best way to improve your reading skills is to practice regularly. Try to read a variety of texts, from newspapers to magazines to academic articles. The more you practice, the better you will get at understanding and analyzing different types of texts.So there you have it, some tips to help you improve your reading skills for the new college entrance examination. Remember to stay focused, practice regularly, and believe in yourself. You've got this! Good luck!篇3Hey guys, have you read the New College Entrance Examination English Reading Practice Guide? It's awesome! It has so many tips and tricks to help us improve our English reading skills. I want to share some of the key points with you all:First off, the guide tells us to read actively. That means we shouldn't just passively read the text, but rather engage with it by asking questions, making connections, and summarizing key points. This will help us better understand the text and remember important information.Next, it encourages us to expand our vocabulary. We should try to learn new words and phrases from the reading materials and use them in our own writing and speaking. This will not only improve our reading comprehension but also enhance our overall language skills.Another important tip is to practice reading different types of texts. The guide suggests reading a variety of materials,including news articles, short stories, and scientific papers, to improve our reading abilities and broaden our knowledge base.Additionally, the guide recommends using context clues to help us understand unfamiliar words. By paying attention to the surrounding words and sentences, we can often figure out the meaning of unknown terms without having to look them up in the dictionary.Lastly, the guide reminds us to practice, practice, practice! The more we read, the better we will become at it. So, let's make reading a regular part of our daily routine and watch our English skills soar!In conclusion, the New College Entrance Examination English Reading Practice Guide is a valuable resource that can help us enhance our reading abilities and excel in our English studies. Let's put these tips into practice and become English reading pros!篇4Okay, let's get started!Hi guys, have you ever struggled with the English reading comprehension part of the new high school entrance exam?Don't worry, I'm here to share with you some tips on how to improve your reading skills and ace this section of the exam!First of all, it's important to practice reading regularly. Try to read a variety of materials, such as newspapers, magazines, and books. This will not only help you improve your vocabulary and comprehension skills but also familiarize you with different writing styles and topics.Secondly, when you're reading a passage, make sure you understand the main idea and key details. Take notes or underline important information to help you remember what you've read. This will also make it easier for you to answer questions about the passage later on.Next, familiarize yourself with different question types that may appear on the exam. Practice answering multiple-choice, true/false, and short answer questions to improve yourtest-taking skills. Pay attention to keywords in the questions that can help you find the correct answers in the passage.Additionally, try to expand your vocabulary by learning new words and their meanings. This will not only help you comprehend the passages better but also improve your writing skills. Keep a vocabulary notebook and review it regularly to reinforce your learning.Lastly, don't forget to practice time management during the exam. This will help you allocate enough time to read the passages carefully and answer the questions accurately. Pace yourself and don't spend too much time on any one question.By following these tips and practicing regularly, you'll be well-prepared to tackle the reading comprehension section of the new high school entrance exam. Good luck, guys, you got this!篇5Hey guys, do you want to improve your English reading skills for the new high school English exam? Well, you're in luck because I've got some awesome tips for you!First of all, make sure you read a lot. The more you read, the better you'll get at understanding different kinds of texts. Try reading books, magazines, newspapers, and even online articles. The more variety, the better!Secondly, it's important to understand the main idea of the text you're reading. Try to summarize what you've read in your own words. This will help you remember the key points and improve your comprehension skills.Next, don't forget to pay attention to the details. Sometimes, the little things in a text can be really important for understanding the overall meaning. So, take your time and read carefully.Another tip is to practice reading different types of texts. This will help you get used to different writing styles and genres. Try reading fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and even academic articles.Lastly, don't be afraid to ask for help if you don't understand something. Your teachers, parents, or friends can all be great resources for explaining difficult concepts or vocabulary.So there you have it, guys! Follow these tips and you'll be well on your way to improving your English reading skills for the new high school English exam. Good luck!篇6Title: My Tips for Success in the New High School English ExamHey guys, I'm super excited to share with you all some awesome tips for acing the new high school English exam! Iknow exams can be really stressful, but with these tips, you'll be totally prepared and ready to rock it!First things first, make sure you read the passage carefully before you start answering the questions. Pay attention to the main idea and key details so you can answer the questions accurately. Remember, understanding the passage is super important!Next, when answering the multiple-choice questions, eliminate any obviously wrong answers first. This will help you narrow down the choices and increase your chances of selecting the correct answer. Don't rush, take your time and think carefully.For the writing section, make sure you organize your ideas before you start writing. Create an outline with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Remember to include examples and details to support your points.When revising your writing, check for grammar and spelling errors. Make sure your writing flows well and is easy to read. If you have time, have a friend or family member read your writing to get feedback.Lastly, practice, practice, practice! The more you practice past exam papers and writing samples, the more comfortableyou'll feel on exam day. Don't be afraid to ask your teacher for help or extra practice materials.I know exams can be nerve-wracking, but with these tips, you'll be well on your way to acing the new high school English exam. Good luck, and remember to stay calm and confident. You've got this!篇7Title: A Guide to Practicing Reading Comprehension for the New College Entrance ExaminationHey guys! Today I want to share with you some tips on how to improve your reading comprehension skills for the new college entrance examination. Reading is super important for the exam, so let's get started!1. Read, read, read! The more you read, the better you will become at understanding different types of texts. Try to read a variety of materials like newspapers, magazines, and storybooks to improve your vocabulary and comprehension skills.2. Practice makes perfect! Set aside some time each day to practice reading comprehension exercises. You can find sampletests online or in study guides to help you get used to the format of the exam.3. Pay attention to the questions. When answering reading comprehension questions, make sure you read the questions carefully. Look for keywords that will help you locate the relevant information in the text.4. Take notes. It can be helpful to jot down key points or ideas while you are reading the passage. This will make it easier for you to answer the questions later on.5. Practice summarizing. After you read a passage, try to summarize the main ideas in your own words. This will not only help you understand the text better but also improve your writing skills.6. Ask for feedback. Don't be afraid to ask your teachers or classmates for help. They can provide valuable feedback on your reading comprehension skills and offer tips on how to improve.Remember, practice is the key to success! Keep working on your reading comprehension skills, and you'll be well-prepared for the new college entrance examination. Good luck!篇8Title: A Guide to Improving Your English Writing SkillsHey guys! Have you ever struggled with writing essays or articles in English? Don't worry, because I'm here to give you some tips on how to improve your writing skills! As we all know, writing is an important part of the new high school entrance examination, so it's crucial to practice and improve our English writing abilities.First of all, let's talk about reading. Reading books, newspapers, magazines, or even online articles in English is a great way to expand your vocabulary and learn different writing styles. By reading regularly, you can pick up new words, phrases, and sentence structures that will help you in your own writing.Next, let's discuss the importance of practicing writing. Set aside some time each day to write in English. You can start with simple diary entries, short stories, or even essays on topics that interest you. The more you practice, the better you will become at organizing your thoughts and expressing them clearly in writing.Additionally, it's important to pay attention to grammar and punctuation. Make sure to review the basic rules of English grammar and punctuation, and always proofread your writing for errors before submitting it. Using correct grammar andpunctuation will make your writing more professional and easier to understand.Furthermore, don't be afraid to ask for feedback. Share your writing with friends, family, or teachers and ask for their opinions and suggestions. Constructive feedback can help you identify areas for improvement and make your writing stronger.Lastly, stay motivated and keep practicing. Improving your writing skills takes time and dedication, so don't get discouraged if you don't see immediate results. Keep writing, keep reading, and keep learning, and you will see progress over time.In conclusion, writing in English is a skill that can be developed and improved with practice. By reading regularly, practicing writing, paying attention to grammar and punctuation, seeking feedback, and staying motivated, you can enhance your English writing skills and excel in the new high school entrance examination. So, get writing and good luck!篇9Title: My Guide to Improving High School English Reading and Writing SkillsHi everyone! I'm here to share my tips on how to improve your English reading and writing skills for the new high school English exam. It can be kind of tricky, but with a little practice and dedication, you'll be a pro in no time!First things first, you need to read, read, read! Try to read a variety of materials such as books, magazines, newspapers, and online articles. This will help you improve your vocabulary and comprehension skills. Don't forget to take notes while you read to help you remember important information.Next, practice your writing skills by writing every day. You can start by keeping a journal or writing stories, essays, or even poems. Make sure to pay attention to grammar, punctuation, and spelling. You can also ask a teacher or tutor to review your writing and give you feedback.To improve your reading comprehension, try summarizing what you've read in your own words. This will help you understand the main ideas and important details of a passage. You can also try reading aloud to improve your pronunciation and fluency.When it comes to writing, remember to organize your ideas logically and clearly. Start with an introduction, followed by body paragraphs that support your main idea, and end with aconclusion. Don't forget to use transition words to connect your ideas smoothly.Lastly, practice makes perfect! Keep practicing your reading and writing skills regularly to see improvement. Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day, so be patient with yourself and keep striving for progress.I hope these tips help you improve your English reading and writing skills for the new high school exam. Good luck, and keep up the hard work! You've got this!篇10Hey guys, today I want to share with you some tips on how to improve your reading skills for the new high school English exam. Reading can be really fun and interesting if you know how to do it right. So let's dive in!First of all, it's important to choose the right materials to read. Don't just stick to textbooks or study guides, try reading different genres like novels, newspapers, or magazines. This will help you expand your vocabulary and improve your reading comprehension.Secondly, make sure to set aside some time every day for reading. It doesn't have to be a lot, even just 15-20 minutes can make a big difference. And try to choose a quiet and comfortable place to read, where you won't be distracted.Another tip is to make use of technology. There are so many great apps and websites out there that can help you improve your reading skills. You can use apps like Quizlet to practice vocabulary, or websites like Newsela to read articles at your own level.Lastly, don't forget to practice reading comprehension. Try to summarize what you've read, or answer questions about the text. This will help you better understand the main ideas and details of the passage.Remember, reading is a skill that takes time and practice to develop. So keep at it, and you'll see improvement in no time. Good luck!。
HABITAT RESTORATIONTEAMHelp restore and protect Marin's natural areas from the Marin Headlands to Bolinas Ridge.We'll explore beautiful park sites while conducting invasive(侵入的)plant removal,winter planting,and seed collection.Habitat Restoration Team volunteers play a vital role in restoring sensitive resources and protecting endangered species across the ridges and valleys.GROUPSGroups of five or more require special arrangements and must be confirmed in advance.Please review the List of Available Projects and fill out the Group Project Request Form.AGE,SKILLS,WHAT TO BRINGVolunteers aged10and over are welcome.Read our Youth Policy Guidelines for youth under the age of15.Bring your completed Volunteer Agreement Form.Volunteers under the age of18must have the parent/guardian approval section signed.We'll be working rain or shine.Wear clothes that can get dirty.Bring layers for changing weather and a raincoat if necessary.Bring a personal water bottle,sunscreen,and lunch.No experience necessary.Training and tools will be provided.Fulfills(满足)community service requirements. UPCOMING EVENTSTime Meeting LocationSunday,Jan.1510:00am-1:00pm Battery Alexander TrailheadSunday,Jan.2210:00am-2:30pm Stinson Beach Parking LotSunday,Jan.299:30am-2:30pm Coyote Ridge Trailhead 1.What is the aim of the Habitat Restoration Team?A.To discover mineral resources.B.To develop new wildlife parks.C.To protect the local ecosystem D.To conduct biological research.2.What is the lower age limit for joining the Habitat Restoration Team?A.5.B.10.C.15.D.18.3.What are the volunteers expected to do?A.Bring their own tools.B.Work even in bad weather.C.Wear a team uniform D.Do at least three projects.阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
产妇每天应休息多长时间为好A、8-10小时B、12-14小时C、16-18小时 下列关于协方差和相关系数的说法中,不正确的是()。A、如果协方差大于0,则相关系数一定大于0B、相关系数为1时,表示一种证券报酬率的增长总是等于另一种证券报酬率的增长C、如果相关系数为0,则表示不相关,但并不表示组合不能分散任何风险D、证券与其自身的协方差就是其方差 哪项不能体现医疗机构从业人员“优质服务、医患和谐”的行为规范:A.自觉遵守国家法律法规,遵守医疗卫生行业规章和纪律B.加强与患者的交流与沟通C.积极带头控烟,自觉维护行业形象D.言语文明,举止端庄E.以上都是 下列关于瘫痪的叙述,错误的是A.交叉瘫是一侧上肢与对侧下肢的瘫痪B.单瘫是一侧单个肢体的瘫痪C.偏瘫是一侧上、下肢的瘫痪D.瘫痪是指自主运动减弱或消失E.截瘫是对称性双下肢瘫痪 女性,68岁。慢性咳喘、咳痰近20年,近3年来症状加重,登二楼困难。有高血压病,服药控制较稳定。心电图示左心室肥大。昨傍晚无明确诱因突感胸闷、气急渐渐加重,不能平卧,彻夜未眠,今晨前来急诊。体检:端坐呼吸,紫绀。血压18/12kPa。气管位置无明显偏移。两肺叩诊过清音,呼 在水运运价的形式中,适用于同一航区的各港口间不同货种、不同运距货物的运价是()。A.航线运价B.联运运价C.里程运价D.分线运价 何谓医患关系? 前列腺增生手术后尿失禁与下列哪项因素无关A.括约肌损伤B.不稳定膀胱C.膀胱出口梗阻D.后尿道损伤刺激及创面感染E.膀胱尿道角度改变 根据我国刑事诉讼法的规定,下列哪些情况需要省级人民政府指定的医院进行鉴定或者出具证明文件?A.某被害人对公安机关的轻伤鉴定不服,要求重新鉴定B.犯罪嫌疑人的父亲提出犯罪嫌疑人患有精神病要求进行鉴定C.已被逮捕的犯罪嫌疑人提出自己患有严重疾病要求取保候审需要鉴定,但是 根据国有资产管理法律制度规定,下列各项
Teamwork is just as important in science as it is on the playing field or in the gym. Scientific investigations(调查) are almost always carried out by teams of people working together. Ideas are shared, experiments are designed, data are analyzed, and results are evaluated and shared with other investigators. Group work is necessary, and is usually more productive than working alone.Several times throughout the year you may be asked to work with one or more of your classmates. Whatever the task your group is assigned, a few rules need to be followed to ensure a productive and successful experience.What comes first is to keep an open mind, because everyone's ideas deserve consideration and each group member can make his or her own contribution. Secondly, it makes a job easier to divide the group task among all group members. Choose a role on the team that is best suited to your particular strengths. Thirdly, always work together, take turns, and encourage each other by listening, clarifying, and trusting one another. Mutual support and trust often make a great difference.Activities like investigations are most effective when done by small groups. Here are some more suggestions for effective team performance during these activities: Make sure each group member understands and agrees to the task given to him or her, and everyone knows exactly when, why and what to do; take turns doing various tasks during similar and repeated activities; be aware of where other group members are and what they are doing so as to ensure safety; be responsible for your own learning, though it is by no means unwise to compare your observations with those of other group members.When there is research to be done, divide the topic into several areas, and this can explore the issue in a very detailed way. You are encouraged to keep records of the sources used by each person, which helps you trace back to the origin of the problems that may happen unexpectedly. A format for exchanging information (e.g., photocopies of notes, oral discussion, etc.) is also important, for a well-chosen method not only strengthens what you present but also makes yourself easily understood. When the time comes to make a decision and take a position on an issue, allow for the contributions of each member of the group. Most important of all, it is always wise to make decisions by compromise and agreement.After you've completed a task with your team, make an evaluation of the team's effectiveness - the strengths and weaknesses, opportunitiesand challenges.Title Working TogetherTheme Effective performance needs highly cooperated (71) ▲ . General rules ·Keep an open mind to everyone's (72) ▲ .·Divide the group task among group members.·(73) ▲ and trust each other.(74) ▲·Understand and agree to the (75) ▲ task of one's own.·Take turns doing various tasks.·Show concern for others to ensure safety.·Take (76) ▲ for one's own learning.·Compare your own observations with those of others.Explore an issue ·Break the (77) ▲ into several areas.·Keep records of the sources just in (78) ▲ .·(79) ▲ your information with others via proper format.·Make all decisions by compromise and agreement.(80) ▲Effectiveness ·Analyze the strengths and weaknesses.·Find out the opportunities and challenges.[语篇解读] 本文重在讲述如何使团队协作更为有效地进行。
高考英语冲刺模拟试题分类汇编:专题04 语法填空(新高考) 原卷版
A living heritage is an endless dialogue between the present____65____the past, and Kunqu Opera is a carrier to pass that legacy on.
A good place to start is the Bell Tower as it stands in the historical center of the city____57____is near the booming modern commercial district. Throughout the night, both the Bell Tower and Drum Tower are well-lighted,____58____(provide) a striking setting for traditional Chinese restaurants and bright modern shopping malls____59____with a mix of color and movement, the neon lights together with the street lighting present a vivid magical picture. As the bell____60____(ring) in the Bell Tower, you can imagine yourself standing in the city as____61____was centuries ago.
I find it meaningful to do some voluntary work.
英国给你寄来 English Reading Practice 一书。为了表示感谢,请
给Tom写一封电子邮件。 内容要点:1. 表示感谢; 2. 计划读完; 3. 期末取得好成绩。
1. 这本书我每天都在看,准备下个月看完。
I read the book every day and intend to finish it next month.
2. 我们将要听一个关于如何使生命更有价值的讲座。
We’ll attend a lecture about how to make our life more valuable.
3. 我发现做志愿者活动很有意义。
I find it meaningful to do some voluntary work.
英国给你寄来 English Reading Practice 一书。为了表示感谢,请
给Tom写一封电子邮件。 内容要点:1. 表示感谢; 2. 计划读完; 3. 期末取得好成绩。
常接不定式作宾语的动词:afford, agree, arrange, ask, beg, care, choose, decide, demand, determine, expect, fear, help, hope, learn, manage, offer, plan, prepare, pretend, promise, refuse, want, wish, aim, fail, long(盼望), happen, hesitate, struggle,attempt,volunteer,desire等。
第一部分听力(共两节,满分30 分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话。
1. How would Laura most probably go to work?A. By car.B. By bus.C. By bike.2. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. A stranger.B. An artwork.C. A suspect.3. Where does the conversation take place?A. In a restaurant.B. In a shop.C. In a cinema.4. What does the woman want to do?A. Get a receipt.B. Deposit her luggage.C. Purchase some products.5. Why does the woman approach the man?A. To get a job.B. To walk with him.C. To give him notice.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。
每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。
资源网:https:// [单选]患者,男,54岁,工人,吞咽时困难1个月,查体发现左锁骨上淋巴结肿大,如蚕豆大小.质硬,食管钡餐造影显示食管中段管壁僵硬,有充盈缺损,下列措施哪一项最合理()A.胸部CT检查B.纤维食管镜检查C.带网气囊食管脱落细胞检查D.同位素31P检查E.颈部淋巴结检查 [单选,A1型题]上尿路结石形成的因素与下列哪项无关()A.饮食结构中肉类过多B.长期卧床不起C.尿中枸橼酸增多D.肾小管酸中毒E.饮食结构中纤维素过少 [单选]下列哪项不是血运障碍的表现()。A.指尖青紫色B.肢体肿胀C.指尖温度升高D.局部麻木刺痛E.指尖苍白 [单选]下列行为中,不可被提起行政诉讼的有()。A.罚款B.国防行为C.没收D.强行摊派 [单选]下列正常肾上腺声像图,哪一项描述正确A.正常肾上腺超声显示率左侧低于右侧B.新生儿肾上腺约为肾的1/3大小C.成人肾上腺约为肾的1/13大小D.新生儿肾上腺部位表浅,周围缺乏脂肪,其检出率高于成人E.以上描述均正确 [问答题,简答题]主变的作用? [单选]一个螺旋桨的叶片上的几何螺距(桨叶角)各不相同的原因是什么?()A.当巡航时沿着其长度能保持一个相对稳定的迎角B.当巡航时能防止靠近轴或根部的叶片部分失速C.当巡航时沿着其长度能保持一个相对稳定的叶片迎角(安装角) [单选]胶结物充填于颗粒之间的孔隙中,颗粒呈()接触,这种胶结称为孔隙胶结。A、稀疏B、紧密C、点状D、支架状 [单选]七情的主要特点是()A.影响内脏的气机,使气机升降失常,气血功能紊乱B.七情属于人的正常精神活动,不论在什么情况下,都不致病C.一般情况下,七情可引起体内阴阳气血失调,脏腑经络功能紊乱D.七情致病与内脏密切相关,不同的持久情志变化对内脏有着相同的影响E.以上都不 [填空题]枣属于().无花果属于().草莓属于(). [名词解释]列车长 [单选,A1型题]能消食和中,回乳疏肝的药物是()A.山楂B.莱菔子C.神曲D.鸡内金E.麦芽 [单选]纳税人办理出口退(免)税资格认定注销事项时,根据基本规范办理时限为()。A、20个工作日内B、出口企业安规定结清出口退(免)税款后20个工作日内C、30个工作日内D、出口企业安规定结清出口退(免)税款后30个工作日内 [单选]一般认为,早期显像是指显像剂引入体内后几小时以内的显像()A.1小时B.2小时C.4小时D.6小时E.8小时 [单选]内文版式设计的转行齐肩是指()。A.下一行的第一个字要与第一行的第一个字对齐B.各行的尾部对齐C.下一行的第一个字要与第一行序号后的第一个字对齐D.各行的首部对齐 [单选,A1型题]术后3~6日发热最常见的原因是()。A.代谢异常B.低血压C.肺不张D.输血反应E.感染 [单选,A1型题]甲状舌管囊肿的诊断依据是()A.可触及潜行的索条状物B.肿物与皮肤无粘连,边缘光滑,界限清楚C.多在1岁时出现D.肿物可随吞咽及伸舌而上下移动E.当肿物发生感染时,局部红肿压痛 [填空题]()的利用和人工取火是原始时代的又一个伟大的技术创造. [单选]下述哪种情况发生麻醉意外的危险性相对最小()A.严重体液和电解质失衡、酸碱平衡紊乱未予纠正B.心肌梗死后6个月以后施行择期手术C.琥珀胆碱用于高钾血症和烧伤病人D.严重休克病人行椎管内麻醉E.疑有气道压迫不做气管插管 [单选]糖尿病最常见的神经病变是()A.周围神经病变B.神经根病变C.自主神经病变D.脊髓病变E.颅神经病变 [填空题]高层建筑结构的竖向承重体系有(),(),(),(),()。 [问答题,简答题]张力减径机的作用是什么?一套张力减径机一般由几架组成? [单选]变压器做短路试验,当所加电压所产生的短路电流为额定电流时,这个电压就叫做()。A.理想电压B.额定电压C.短路电压D.空载电压 [单选]投标文件的参考格式最主要的是()。A.投标书B.邀请书C.招标书D.工程量清单 [单选]青霉素G治疗肺部感染是()。A.对因治疗B.对症治疗C.局部治疗D.全身治疗E.直接治疗 [单选]关于鼻咽纤维血管瘤下列说法不相符的是()A.好发于10~25岁的男性青年B.肿瘤具有向邻近组织扩张能力C.肿瘤起源于枕骨底部、蝶骨体及翼突内侧的骨膜D.DSA及血管栓塞可减少术中出血E.活检确诊后手术切除 [单选]物业服务成本或者物业服务支出构成一般由物业管理区域秩序维护费用、物业服务企业固定资产折旧和()组成。A.物业服务企业餐饮费用B.物业服务企业后勤管理费用C.物业服务企业交通费用D.物业共用部位、共用设施设备及公众责任保险费用 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]关于临床生物化学的作用中,哪一个不正确()A.研究药物在体内的代谢B.阐明疾病发生发展过程中的生物化学变化C.阐明疾病生化诊断的原理D.论述疾病的生化机制E.阐明有关疾病的生物化学基础 [单选]以下不属于多媒体的关键技术的是()。Aห้องสมุดไป่ตู้数据表示B.数据压缩C.数据通信D.人机接口 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]治疗花粉症最有效的方法是()。A.鼻腔应用糖皮质激素B.翼管神经切断等手术C.免疫疗法D.避免与变应原接触E.免疫源的检测 [填空题]兴趣、气质、性格、()等个性心理特征,是构成消费者购买行为重要的(),也是消费者心理学的重要原理。 [单选,B1型题]新生儿湿肺多见于()A.剖宫产儿B.早产儿C.过期产儿D.巨大儿E.小于胎龄儿 [判断题]根据室温组织不同,其组织为珠光体和铁素体的钢属于亚共析钢。()A.正确B.错误 [问答题,简答题]钢之炼金术师的作者是谁? [单选,A1型题]下列关于汤剂服用量说法错误的是()A.成人服用量一般每次约300ml,每日2~3次B.儿童服用量一般每次75ml,每日2次C.小儿服药,宜浓缩体积D.对病情危重者,应遵照医嘱服药E.小儿服药,以少量多次为好 [单选]一般在自体游离皮片移植术中所取的中厚皮片厚度为()A.0.2~0.25mmB.0.3~0.45mmC.0.4~0.55mmD.0.5~0.65mmE.以上都不是 [单选,B型题]痉挛性偏瘫()。A.跨域步态B.醉汉步态C.慌张步态D.剪刀样步态E.划圈样步态 [问答题,简答题]药品监督管理部门违反《药品管理法》规定,为不符合GMP要求、或不符合条件发给GMP认证证书或《药品生产许可证》的,由那个部门责令收回违法发给的证书、撤销药品批准证明文件或依法给予行政处分、构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任? [判断题]ANA无器官和种属特异性。()A.正确B.错误 [单选]急性骨髓炎诊断与鉴别诊断最恰当的手段是()。A.SPECT局部断层显像B.局部骨静态显像C.骨三相检查D.全身骨显像E.骨关节显像
[单选]猝死抢救时,最先进行的基础心肺复苏包括()A.气管插管B.胸外按压C.除颤复律D.心脏起搏E.肾上腺素 [填空题]发生爆炸、火灾事故时,现场负责人应立即()。 [单选,B型题]下腹部手术的备皮范围为()A.白乳头至耻骨联合平面,两侧到腋后线B.白剑突至大腿上1/3前内侧及外阴部,两侧到腋后线C.自脐平线至大腿上1/3包括外阴D.自乳头连线至耻骨联合,前后均过正中线E.自唇下至乳头连线,两侧至斜方肌前缘 [填空题]焦炉煤气中的硫化物的含量主要取决于()中的含硫量。 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]患者,男,60岁。主诉心胸憋闷疼痛,并放射至肩背,心悸怔忡,有恐惧感,舌紫有瘀点苔白,脉沉细涩。其病机是()A.心血亏虚B.肝血不足C.心阳偏衰D.心阴虚亏E.心血瘀阻 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列叙述不正确的是()A.急性白血病外周血白细胞比正常人增高B.急性白血病骨髓增生明显活跃,原始和早期幼稚细胞显著增多C.急性粒细胞白血病可出现白血病"裂孔"现象D.急性白血病骨髓可见红细胞系和巨核细胞系减少E.急性淋巴细胞白血病骨髓象退 [单选]单发右位心下列何者不正确()A.内脏反位B.心脏长轴转向右侧C.心尖朝右D.心房位置正常E.可有心室或大动脉位置转位 [单选]急性肾衰竭患者每日所需热量是()A.20kcal/kgB.25kcal/kgC.30kcal/kgD.35kcal/kgE.40kcal/kg [单选]下列是建设单位与施工单位经平等协商签订的保修期限条款,其中具有法律效力的是()。A.屋面防水工程的防渗漏为3年B.电气管线工程为3年C.有防水要求的卫生间的防渗漏为2年D.设备安装工程为l年 [问答题,简答题]重排水运后,系统的吹扫和干燥有何要求? [问答题,简答题]为加强医院护理管理应建立哪些制度? [单选,A4型题,A3/A4型题]27岁女性,一直服用复方短效口服避孕药避孕,但因工作原因经常发生漏服,经医生推荐采用长效避孕针避孕。使用避孕针1号注意事项正确的是()A.发生视物模糊为药物正常反应,可予观察B.需定期做乳腺检查C.首次注射后无异常即可离院D.发现针剂中有固体物时, [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]以下关于参考方法的描述,正确的是()。A.目前绝大多数检验项目都已有参考方法B.性能稳定的常规方法可以用作参考方法C.每个临床实验室都应建立主要检验项目的参考方法D.参考方法是鉴定基质效应的重要工具E.寻求参考方法的目的是当无适宜检测方法时进行替 [单选]规定煤炭生产许可证制度的法律是()。A.矿产资源法B.煤炭法C.矿山安全法D.煤矿安全监察条例 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]导管结石好发于()A.腮腺B.颌下腺C.舌下腺D.黏液腺E.浆液腺 [问答题,简答题]挥发线注碱性水的操作? [单选]()是一门新兴的管理学科。它以观察实验、经验积累为基础,以科学分析为手段。A.风险管理B.防范管理C.风险防范管理D.物业风险管理 [单选]()就是扁平疣。A、青春疙瘩B、老年扁平疣C、青年扁平疣D、中年扁平疣 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]Ⅰ型自身免疫性肝炎的血清标记性抗体是()。A.高滴度的ANCA抗体B.高滴度的ACL抗体C.高滴度的ASMA抗体D.高滴度的抗壁细胞(PCA.抗体E.高滴度的抗线粒体抗体 [单选]无机盐的生理功能不包括()A.构成人体组织B.维持渗透C.维持肌肉兴奋性D.构成生物活性物质E.提供必需氨基酸 [单选]编制利润表主要是根据()。A.资产、负债及所有者权益各账户的本期发生额B.资产、负债及所有者权益各账户的期末余额C.损益类各账户的本期发生额D.损益类各账户的期末余额 [单选]各型鱼鳞病的共同特点是()A.皮损季节变化B.与毛孔一致的角化性丘疹C.掌跖角化过度D.表皮有角化过度的鳞屑 [单选]以下哪项是目前糖尿病病人死亡的主要原因()A.酮症酸中毒B.糖尿病肾病尿毒症C.心脑血管病变D.高渗性非酮症糖尿病昏迷E.并发重度感染 [判断题]在生产过程中,当边际实物产量大于平均实物产量时,劳动的边际实物产量一定随着雇佣水平的提高而降低。A.正确B.错误 [判断题]进给量太大,工件松动,钻头钝是钻头工作部分折断的原因之一。()A.正确B.错误 [单选]大小黄鱼加工时应注意:不破肚撕去头皮清除粘液腔 [单选]关于入境展览品,以下表述正确的是:A.无需办理报检手续B.入境动植物展品免于检疫审批C.展览期间应接受检验检疫监管D.留购得展品无需重新办理报检手续 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列先天性胆总管囊肿的临床特点中,正确的是()A.诊断小儿先天性胆总管囊肿,首选的检查方法是IVPB.先天性胆总管囊肿的3个典型症状为腹痛、黄疸、呕吐C.胆总管囊肿的最主要病因是胆道发育不良和病毒感染D.先天性胆总管囊肿切除应在2岁以下儿童施行E.治疗 [单选]症状性癫痫的定义是指()。A.临床上不能分类的癫痫B.从婴儿起始的癫痫C.抗癫痫药物无法控制的癫痫D.脑部无病损或代谢异常的癫痫E.脑部有病损或代谢异常的癫痫 [填空题]()建立的世界历史上疆域空前辽阔的蒙古帝国,打破了欧亚大陆上各民族、各国家之间此疆彼界的限制,既扩大了本地人民的视野,加强了人们对世界的了解,又大大便利了东西方人民的往来,繁荣了各国之间的文化交流。 [单选]目前是生产中应用最广泛的换热设备,与其他换热器相比,主要优点是单位体积所具有的传热面积大以及传热效果好。此外,结构较简单,制造的材料范围较广,操作弹性较大等。这种换热器是()。A.套管换热器B.蛇管换热器C.列管换热器D.U型管换热器 [单选]透平[turbine]将流体工质中蕴有的能量转换成机械功的机器。又称涡轮、涡轮机。透平是英文turbine的音译,源于拉丁文turbo一词,意为旋转物体。透平的工作条件和所用工质不同,因而其结构型式多种多样,基本工作原理()。A、不同B、完全相同C、相似D、也多种多样 [单选,A型题]隐匿性旁路是指()。A.QRS波群起始部有delta波B.PR间期<0.12sC.房室旁路仅有前向传导功能D.房室旁路仅有逆向传导功能E.既可前向传导,又可逆向传导 [问答题,简答题]离心泵切换程序? [问答题,简答题]为什么巴比妥C5次甲基上的两个氢原子必须全被取代才有疗效? [单选]对误服强酸所引起的急性腐蚀性胃炎,下列治疗哪项是错误的()A.镁乳B.碳酸氢钠C.氢氧化铝凝胶D.牛奶E.蛋清 [单选,A1型题]关于抗原因素对免疫耐受形式哪项是正确的()A.抗原的持续存在是维持免疫耐受的重要条件B.耐受原多为大分子颗粒性物质C.抗原有多种不同的决定簇易形成耐受D.抗原经皮下或肌内注射易形成耐受E.TD-Ag无论多少剂量均不易引起T细胞耐受 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]中性粒细胞碱性磷酸酶积分减低常见于下列哪种疾病()。A.慢性粒细胞白血病B.真性红细胞增多症C.骨髓纤维化D.再生障碍性贫血E.化脓性球菌感染 [单选,A1型题]共同参与型的医患关系模式最适合于()。A.急性病人B.绝症病人C.慢性病人D.重症病人E.精神病人 [单选]游乐设施投入使用前应向()。A、地市级以上质量技术监督行政部门登记B、当地检验机构登记C、当地质量技术监督行政部门登记D、所在地质量技术监督行政部门登记
smokers to catch colds.Whether you get an unimportant cold or terrible killer,cancer ,smoking is harmful .Is it worth it?
One of the most important uses of gold is for money.Gold can be used to make rings ,earrings and other things.Gold is also used to make gold leaf, a very flat ribbon of gold that is often used on picture frames. Cups and dishes can also be made from fold.Gold has many uses.
7.In the past,changes in our world took place slowly;however,since the industrial revolution ,the rate(speed) of change has been steadily accelerating.
5.Her son’s foolish behavior (manners) at the party is such an embarrassing subject that she refuses to talk about it.
6.These eerie events made him afraid to go out at night.
An ant can pick up an object more than fifty times its own weight. A bee can pull load more than one hundred fifty times its weight. If we were as strong in proportion to our size, we could pull a five-ten truck.
[单选,共用题干题]某计算机的Cache采用相联映像,Cache容量为16KB,每块8个字,每个字32位,并且将Cache中每4块分为一组。若主存最大容量为4GB且按字节编址,则主存地址应为(1)位,组号应为(2)位。若Cache的命中率为0.95,且Cache的速度是主存的5倍,那么与不采用Cache相比较 活髓牙或急、慢性牙髓炎尚未累及根尖者,根充后最快的修复时间是.A.2天B.1周C.10天D.3天E.以上均不是 某只股票要求的收益率为15%,收益率的标准差为25%,与市场投资组合收益率的相关系数是0.2,市场投资组合要求的收益率是14%,市场组合的标准差是4%,假设处于市场均衡状态,则市场风险溢价和该股票的贝塔系数分别为()。A、4%;1.25B、5%;1.75C、4.25%;1.45D、5.25%;1.55 客服中心员工培训有、员工在岗培训、员工转岗、待岗培训、等四种培训类型。 关于骨质疏松的X线表现错误的是A.骨密度降低B.长骨骨皮质变薄、分层C.骨小粱变细减少、间隙加宽D.假骨折线E.椎体双凹变形 血细胞增殖 护理组织文化的核心是A.护哲理B.护理价值观C.护理工作环境D.护理组织制度E.护理组织形象 防锈剂可以用在车身上。A.前纵梁B.挡泥板C.顶盖板 某化合物的分子式是CO,其中碳元素和氧元素的质量比为3:8,则z的数值是。A.1B.2C.3D.4 下列关于财务管理内容和职能的说法中,不正确的有()。A.财务管理的内容包括长期投资、长期筹资和股利分配B.财务预算是财务控制的重要依据,财务控制是执行财务预算的手段C.长期投资的对象包括长期经营性资产和长期金融资产的投资D.短期投资和短期筹资属于营运资本管理范畴 窗口指导 在经济上升时期,的风险常常被繁荣所掩盖,直到经济萧条或不景气时才表露出来。A.经济机构B.投资机构C.监督机构D.金融机构 女性,40岁,咳嗽,低热、乏力3个月,胸片见双肺门增大,双肺网格状影,PPD皮试阴性。为明确诊断,下列哪一项检查最有价值()A.支气管肺泡灌洗B.肺功能C.胸部CTD.肺活检E.血清免疫学 发包人采购的设备经过试车表明存在严重质量缺陷,需拆除并重新购置,下列关于该事件责任承担的说法中,正确的是。A.发包人负责拆除,重新购置,合同工期相应顺延B.发包人负责拆除,承包人重新购置,追加合同价款并顺延合同工期C.承包人负责拆除,发包人重新购置,顺延合同工期但不 工程索赔是当事人一方向另一方提出索赔要求的行为,相对来说的索赔更加困难一些。A.发包人向供应商B.承包人向供应商C.发包人向承包人D.承包人向发包人 汇接局一般设置在本地网的并且相互之间采用网状网结构。A、特大城市B、大城市C、中心城市D、地级市 [多选,案例分析题]患者,男性,42岁,因发热,右上腹疼痛两周入院;患者两周前无明显诱因出现发热,食欲不振,右上腹疼痛,查体:肝右叶体积增大,右上腹压痛明显,实验室检查:Hb:110g/L,WBC:13.8×1012/L,N:78%;X线检查见右膈抬高,右侧胸腔少量积液,上腹部CT平扫见 味感产生的机制是什么? 不属于半夏厚朴汤主治证候的是()A.咽中如有物阻B.咯吐不出C.吞咽不下D.脘腹疼痛E.或咳或呕 生产安全事故的是保证生产安全事故应急救援工作顺利实施的组织保障A、应急救援体系B、应急救援信息系统C、应急救援组织D、应急救援制度 根据酸碱质子理论,在水溶液中既可作酸亦可作碱的物质是。A.Cl-B.NH4+C.HCO3-D.H3O+ 对药具管理人员的基本素质有那些要求? 霉菌阴道炎的叙述正确的是A.致病的白假丝酵母菌主要源于手足癣,因交叉感染而致病B.白带为脓性泡沫状C.用1:5000高锰酸钾冲洗阴道D.顽固病例要注意并发糖尿病E.患真菌性阴道炎的孕妇可暂不治疗 某轮漂心在船中前,则船中平均吃水小于船舶等容吃水的条件是。A.船舶首倾B.船舶尾倾C.船舶平吃水D.二者关系与船舶的纵倾状态无关 根据对外贸易法律制度的规定,下列关于保障措施的表述中,不正确的是。A.商务部虽未收到采取保障措施的书面申请,但有充分证据认为国内产业因进口产品数量增加而受到损害的,也可以决定立案调查B.商务部根据调查结果,可以作出初裁决定,也可以直接作出终裁决定,并予以公告C.临时 反映港口机械化作业程序的机械化作业比重是()的百分比。A.机械作业操作吨之和/总操作吨B.机械作业工序吨之和/工艺过程总工序吨C.机械作业吞吐量之和/总吞吐量D.机械作业装卸自然吨之和/总装卸自然吨 海星具很强的再生能力。单独的腕可再生出完整的身体。A.正确B.错误 有伤害他人的意图,但主要目的是想获得其他好处,如威望、金钱等的攻击行为属于.A.敌意攻击B.反应性攻击C.愤怒性攻击D.手段性攻击 以下说法符合人体试验知情同意原则的是A.将实验目的、预期效果、可能出现的后果及危险等告诉受试者B.明确告诉受试者服用的是否是安慰剂C.当受试者不满18周岁时,可以不遵循知情同意原则D.对精神病人可以强制实施治疗,不必征求任何人的同意 抗结核化学药物治疗的化疗原则是。A.早期、联用、适量、规律和全程B.早期、联用、足量、规律和全程C.早期、联用、适量、规律和短程D.早期、单用、足量、规律和全程E.早期、联用、足量、规律和短程 (CH3CH2)3CH所含的伯、仲、叔碳原子的个数比是。A、3:3:1B、3:2:3C、6:4:1D、9:6:1 电子合同 6502电气集中故障解锁时,1LJ和2LJ同时随吸起而励磁并自闭。A.QJJB.GJJC.XJJD.CJ 一般土壤含水量越高,空气含量就。 青春中期发育特征主要是A.性腺基本发育成熟B.出现月经初潮或首次遗精C.第二性征发育成熟D.骨骼基本愈合E.体格发育基本停止 巩膜A.占纤维膜的后5/6B.透明C.棕黑色D.前方与晶状体相连E.具有屈光作用 病毒悬液的初步浓缩方法不包括A.红细胞吸附浓缩法B.聚乙二醇浓缩法C.干燥法D.超过滤法E.密度梯度离心法 人文地理学 发生重大医疗过失行为,导致患者死亡的事故,医疗机构在多少小时内报告。A.3小时B.6小时C.12小时D.24小时E.48小时 FIM认知类不包括()A.处理与校对账目B.受雇决策C.记住常见人物D.在社会和治疗场合与他人交往E.家庭问题
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动漫之家 /
先来稍稍的介绍一下少女向动漫。 少女动漫是指以12至18岁的少女为主要观众对象的动漫,泛指拥有少女情结,唯美主义、美型、恋爱类的女性向动漫。少女向并不完全等于逆后宫向(例魔鬼恋人、众生的恶作剧等),一些奇幻、恐怖、科幻类也可以作为少女向动漫(例如夏目友人帐、地狱少女)。 少女向动漫的主要观众是年轻的女孩子,但并不代表它没有男性受众群体。一些经典的少女动漫也有大量的男性观众(如NANA、水果篮子、魔卡少女樱等)。 科普就此结束,接下来这里会推荐8部不同类型的少女动画。 漫画介绍及推荐1、《魔卡少女樱》 又名魔法少女小樱。动画由CLAMB的同名漫画改编而来。 剧情讲述的是,四年级的小学生木之本樱,在家里的地下室发现了一本书,并无意间解开了封印,使书中的卡牌随风飞散到各地,从此小樱和奇妙的生物小可开始了寻找卡牌的故事。 动画第一部在1998年首播,今年又新出了透明卡牌篇。其第一部的画面即使在今天看来也是十分的可爱,并不觉得别扭。 CLAMB是一个非常厉害的团体,每一部漫画无论题材如何,都能画的非常精彩,创造了非常多部极棒的少、《人形电脑天使心》、《魔法骑士》、《xxxHOLiC》等都是非常经典、口碑非常好的动漫,非 魔卡少女樱是CLAMB团体中最出名的一部作品,很大的一个原因应该是当年引进了国内,陪伴了很多人的童年。但除此之外,它的本身质量也非常不错,比起同期的很多少女动漫,它的世界观更为庞大,讲述和暗含的东西更多。 非常值得一看的少女动漫。 (ps:女主角小樱为初代的萌王) 从上到下分别是漫画版、正篇、透明卡牌片。2、《偶像宣言》 非常经典的偶像类的少女向动漫。由小学馆的同名漫画改编。 剧情按现在看有些无厘头,大概就是女主角月岛希良梨因为救了帅气少年的宠物而得到了一张演唱会的门票,从而发生一系列展开,决定成为偶像的故事。这么说感觉有些俗套,但本身的内容还是十分有意思的。 喜欢偶像+恋爱向的,可以看看。3、《梦色蛋糕师》 一个追求梦想+谈恋爱的故事。 这是一个女主想要成为糕点师而转学到圣玛丽学园,开始追逐梦想的故事。除去糕点元素外,还加入了糕点小精灵的设定。非常经典的努力过后收获成功与爱情的故事。 但是偏低龄向,不太适合高中和即将成年的妹子们看。 喜欢糕点的妹子可以看看。4、《水果篮子》 同样由漫画改编成动画,1998年开始漫画连载,作者高屋奈月。 融入了12生肖的元素,成为了一部有些灵异奇幻风的清新治愈类作品。 剧情大概讲述的是,女主相依为命的母亲因为车祸去世,无奈之际只得搬到山林居住,无意之间发现了草摩家族几百年的秘密(只要被异性拥抱,就会立刻变身为十二生肖中的对应生肖),草摩家族的当家人发令,必须消除知道真相的小透的记忆。但小透的一句话却温暖了他们的心,放弃了这个 漫画的画风并不一定所有人能接受(作者患有手疾),如果可以接受,可以选择看一看这个治愈向的动漫。5、《夏目友人帐》 由是一个以漫画改编的妖怪治愈向动画。和《水果篮子》不同的是,它的剧情更加独立完整,受众群体更广,并且以男性作为主角。 剧情就不多讲了(网上介绍非常全面),是一个能看见妖怪的少年的故事,每一集都是独立的小故事。 非常、非常、非常值得一看的作品! 6、《失忆症AMNESIA》 由psp游戏改编的逆后宫向动画。 讲述的是女主失去了记忆,寻找记忆的故事。 其实逆后宫向的游戏改动画有更好的推荐,例如《绯色的欠片》《薄樱鬼》等,我推荐这部的最大一个原因,是它的画面。 游戏画师花邑舞太太的图实在是太好看了!比起动画,更建议大家去玩游戏,游戏无论是剧情还是画面都要比动画好很多。7、《邻座的怪同学》 校园x搞笑x恋爱。漫画改。 脸女主因为受老师的拜托帮助男主补课而被男主当成了朋友,十分欢脱的校园恋爱故事。8、《樱兰高校男公关部》 依旧是搞笑+校园+恋爱+漫改,但和《邻座》的设定与风格完全不同。非常经典的搞笑少女动画,有女扮男装的元素。 讲述的是女主打破了男公关部价值800万的花瓶,为了还债,不得已作为男公关来赚钱偿还。故事虽然俗套,但剧情却写的十分有意思,很值得一看的动画。 一部好的动漫可以令人受益匪浅,接下来就让我们谈谈如何正确观看动漫
【动漫之家】怎么清除缓存?如果你也不会就看看下面的经验吧。 演示手机:荣耀20动漫之家2.7.024 1、第一步点击进入动漫之家。2、第二步进入主页。3、第三选择我的。4、第四步点击设置。5、第五步点击清理即可。 为了更进一步帮助动漫店长降低成苯,AA动漫对各种各样的动漫周边产品详解保养知识。
1、一、模型手办 模型手办是动漫店较昂贵的产品,动漫店长可以将其陈列在展柜的上层或者橱窗内,防止碰撞摔落。动漫店长也可以运用精美的包装,对于部分模型手办不拆封展示。因为模型手办的材质与涂彩在阳光下容易发生化学反应,无论如何摆放都要注意避阳。2、二、COS道具 法杖、假发等都是Cosplay必不可少的道具,这类产品在动漫店中经常会有顾客拿起观察,是动漫店产品保养的重点。刀剑类的COS道具要定期用柔软的布料沾取少量的防锈油进行擦拭。对于假发,动漫店长可以用比较稀疏的梳子对假发轻轻的斜梳,耐心处理就可以让假发拥有更长的展示期。3、 COS服装作为动漫店的特色,时刻保持COS服装的鲜丽整洁,就能持续吸引顾客关注。在COS服装到货时要仔细测量,确定尺码标准,顾客试穿时好拿取合适的尺码,减小顾客反复试穿造成的磨损。面对顾客不小心造成的污渍,动漫店长可以沾取少许清洗剂溶液擦拭,轻松处理COS服装的小瑕疵。4 任何年龄段对毛绒公仔都会喜欢,毛绒公仔作为畅销的玩具与礼品,怎么保养比较好呢?很简单,对于公仔展示品上的灰尘只需要轻轻抖动,因为清洗擦拭会破坏毛绒的抗静电能力。动漫店长也可以定期将部分展示的毛绒公仔接触阳光,保证毛绒公仔的柔软蓬松。
1、跟读或背诵喜欢的台词 我曾经把喜欢的台词抄下来朗读背诵过,感觉很有效。一来不比背课文,动漫的台词很有趣,背起来也不会觉得枯燥,而背下一篇台词,里面的单词语法你就都很熟悉了,说来说去,背诵还是一个对记忆非常好的方法,非常推荐。2、根据字幕猜台词 日语台词和中文字幕一般来说总有一个先后顺序,你可以根据说的台词去推测翻译,也可以根据翻译去反推日语台词,这是我在N3N2左右水平时开始做的一个练习,感觉能找出很多自己表达不地道的地方,对于提升口语、学习日语的地道表达特别有帮助。3、同一部作品反复看 我曾经把喜欢的电影反复看过5遍。越看到后面,我发现第一遍没听懂的话,第二遍看的时候居然听懂了,第二遍没听懂的,第三遍自然就听懂了,这是一个很神奇的过程。于是我刻意拿了一个电影去做过尝试,第一遍看有字幕版本的,并且力求搞懂所有台词的意思,第二遍则拿没有字幕的看, 这个也是我试过的很有效又不费什么劲儿的方法。选一部台词很给力,配乐又舒服的作品,转成MP3当广播听,锻炼没有字幕去听懂日语的能力,也许一开始很困难,但是我刚刚也说过,第一遍听不懂的,第二遍又会好一些,第三遍又会好一些,我会告诉你们这是我以前听BL广播剧的真实感受吗 不用多,每次看动漫,只需要记住一个新的表达,一个新的单词就可以。养成这样的习惯以后,假如你每周看3次动漫,就能记3个新的表达。一个月就能记12个,一年就能记144个新表达。口语中的常用表达就那么两三百个,用一年时间你已经能学到很多了。6、瞧,这也是不怎么费劲的办法,主 |标签:装饰动漫玩具店装饰三大要领