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choose v./n. make sure of sth by examining or investigating it 检查,核对check in (在旅馆,机场等)登记,报到check out 结帐离去,办妥手续离去check up (on) 检查,核实in check 受抑制的,受控制的v. pick out or select (sb/sth that one prefers on considers the best, most suitable, etc)

from a number of alternatives 选择

词组take your choice 随你选

choose to do 愿意做某事,选择做某事cannot choose but do 除了…别无选择

辨析choose select

choose 表示“挑选,选择,选举”,使用范围最广,指从众多的对象中挑选,这种








In the new store, there are several models to choose from.

He chose Mary for his wife.

You have to choose between life and death.

The best machines were selected and sent to the exhibition.

He selected a birthday present for his wife.

展开selections of works (选集)

choice n. 选择,挑选

circle vt. move in a circle, esp in the air 环绕;圈出

vi. move in a circle 盘旋

n. curved line every point on which is the same distance from the centre圆;环状物;

group of people who are connected by having the same interests, profession,etc.


词组circle the answer 圈出答案

circle the earth 绕着地球转

circle over the landing-field 在降落场上空盘旋

sit in a circle 围者圈子坐

a large circle of friends 一大群朋友

circumstance n. condition of fact connected with an event or action情况,情形;环境词组under the circumstances 在这种情况下,(情况)既然如此under no circumstances 无论如何不,决不

civil adj. of or relating to the citizens of a country 公民的,国内的,文明的




civil rights civil war civil society civil aviation civil life civil domestic native civil 见上domestic 指“家务的;国产的,本国的” native 指“出生地,本性的,本土的” domestic appliances

GDP = Gross Domestic Products domestic news native ability native speakers 公民权利内战公众社会民航平民生活家用器具国民生产总值国内新闻天生的能力说本族语的人vt. demand or request (sth) because it is or one believes it is one‘s right or one‘s property (根据权利)要求;认领;

vi. state or declare (sth) as a fact (without being able to prove it) 声称, 提出要求;主张n. statement of sth as a fact 要求;认领demand for a sum of money索赔,声称,断言例句Don‘t claim to know what you don‘t know. 不要不懂装懂。

A Canadian doctor claimed to have found a cure for SARS.


Has anyone claimed this watch? 有人认领这块手表吗?

a claim for damage 损坏索赔

clear adj. easy to see through; free from obstruction 清楚的,清晰的;畅通无阻的vt. remove sth. from 清扫,清除

词组clear away 把…清除掉,收拾

clear off 离开,溜掉

clear out 清除,把…腾空;走开,赶出clear up 澄清,解决;(天)放晴;清理辨析clear clean

做形容词时,clean指不含污物的(反dirty肮脏的);clear 指干净透明的(反muddy 浑浊的)。clean water干净的水,clear water 清澈的水。

做动词时,clean 指除去尘埃或脏物;clear指收拾不要的东西。

clean the room 打扫房间

clear the table (饭后)收拾餐桌
