一、企业管理的基本理论1.1 经济学理论经济学理论是企业管理的基础,它研究资源的稀缺性和供求关系。
1.2 组织行为学理论组织行为学理论研究员工在组织内的行为和相互关系。
1.3 管理学理论管理学理论涉及企业管理的基本原则和方法。
二、企业管理的一般方法2.1 制定明确的目标和愿景一个企业的成功与否往往取决于其目标和愿景的明确性和可行性。
2.2 建立有效的沟通机制良好的沟通对于企业管理至关重要。
2.3 进行有效的人力资源管理人力资源是企业最重要的资产之一,管理者需要重视对人力资源的管理。
1. 领导力领导力是成功实施战略管理的重要因素。
2. 信息系统信息系统是支撑战略管理决策的重要工具。
3. 组织文化组织文化反映的是组织员工的价值观和信念,以及组织认同和情感。
4. 知识管理知识管理是组织管理的重要组成部分。
那么企业战略管理的理论和实践有哪些呢?一、企业战略管理的理论1. 经典战略理论经典战略理论是从20世纪60年代开始被提出,是指依据企业内部和外部的环境资源等来决定战略的理论。
2. 资源依赖理论资源依赖理论是从20世纪70年代提出的。
3. 常柏克理论常柏克理论是从20世纪80年代提出的。
二、企业战略管理的实践1. 识别市场需求企业在进行战略规划时,首先要识别市场需求,挖掘市场潜力,探索市场空间,制定目标市场和客户,以便更好地分配资源,开展活动,提高市场占有率。
2. 明确企业定位企业要实现战略成功,必须先明确自己的定位,即企业要在市场中处在哪个地位,拥有哪些产品或服务,并明确自己的核心优势和特点。
3. 持续创新企业要实现长期稳定发展,必须不断推进技术创新和产品创新。
4. 建立有效的内部管理机制企业内部管理机制包括人员配备、职责划分、绩效评估、信息共享、沟通协作等方面。
企业战略管理的理论和方法Theories and Methodologies in Strategic ManagementChapter 1 Introduction of Strategic ManagementOutline of this chapter1. Definition of strategic management (SM).2. Some key trems uesed in SM3. Model of SM.4. Aims of SM.5. Functions and benefits of SM6. Reasons for not doing SM.7. Guildlines or principles for an effective SM.8. Methodologies of SM9. Abilities learned and practiced in SM.1.1 definition of SM( or SMP).Strategic management process is the full set of commitments, decisions, and actions required for a firm to achieve strategic competitiveness and earn above average returns.And more specifically, SM can be defined as an art and science of formulating, implementing and evaluating overall decisions that enable an business organization (BO) to achieve its long term objectives.1.2 some key terms often used in SMA. strategists: CEO, president(总裁), chair of the board(董事长), executive director(执行董事), or entrepreneur(企业家), who are responsible for making strategic decision and who will also take most responsibility for failure and success of a BO.B. mission(使命)and vision(愿景).a. Mission : which identify the business scope for a BO.b. Vision : which set the ultimate objectives and prospects for a BO.C. long term objective: refers to specific results, which a BO *strives to achieve within a period longer than one year.D. annual objective (*manage)E. Strategy: refers to the means which is used by a BO to achieve its long term objectives. e.g focus(专业化), acquisition(收购), diversification(多元化), retrenchment(收缩).F. policy: refers to the means which is used by a BO to guide its day to day operation, e.g compensation policy, motivation policy, business rules, cost control regulation, customer service policy, ect. The policy often reflect the business ethics and values of a BO and its top management. 1.3 model of SMSteps 1: strategic analysis,which can be further divided into following steps:external analysis,internal analysis.Step 2: strategy formulation, which can be further divided into following steps:strategic position i.e developing vision and mission for a business organization,and strategy selection, which mainly focus on selecting proper strategies to achieve the long term objective of a BO.Steps 3:strategy implementation,which can be further divided into following steps :establishing objectives,managing to achieve objectives.Steps 4: strategy evaluation, which can be further divided intio following steps:evaluating strategy,adjusting strategy.1.4 aim of SMWhen we conduct SM, all of SM activities should be aimed at long term benefits rather than short term interests, and theories and methods used in SM are also developed and practiced on the basis of long term objectives .Therefore, in the long run, the aim of SM as well as the whole BO is to provide customer satisfaction and constantly compete to be the best among many other competitors. So the fundamental business ethics is the altruim.1.5 functions and benefits of SMThe major function or benefit of SM is to provide a clear direction and paths for the future development of a BO.1.6 why some BOs do not conduct SM.a. firefighting managementb. waste of timec. too expensived. fear of failuree. overconfident1.7 GUIDELINE OF SMA. Forward thinking.B. Fullsight thinking.C. Trend thinking.D. Rational thinking.E. Path thinking.1.8 methodology used in SMA. the first methodology is binary analysis or dialectics, which analyse two sides of the issue and try to make comprehensive conclusion of the targeted issue. Some typical binary analysis include external and internal analysis, SW, OT, gain or loss, ect.B. The second one is gain or loss, or benefit or harm analysis, which list and evaluate the major benefits and losses of certain actions and thereby make a final decision.C. The third one is objective orientation.Which means in SM, we always put objective as the top priority, and make strategic decisions in accordance with the objective. So before we take any action, it is important to make clear what is your purpose and what is your final goal of taking this action.D. The fourth one is the result or effect orientation, which means we evaluate the effectiveness of a certain strategy according to its final results or its actual effects it has produced.E. The fifth one is systematic plan or comprehensive management, which means in SM, we should see a BO as a whole system, each department or division has its independent functions and duties, and each department is also an indispensible part of the wholeorganization, and they are all committed to the same mission of the whole organization, and this kind of relationship between different department is called strategic partner. The other meanning of systematic plan is that each separate steps of business management are related to each other, and we should make thefirst step conducive and productive to the second step.1.9 ABILITIES NEEDED TO CONDUCTING EFFECTIVE SMConducting effective SM, a strategist will need to have several essential abilities, which include: A. Ability of foresightful and insightful analysis, which is needed to conduct an effctive strategic analysis.B. Ability of making a decisive judgement, which is needed when making strategic selection.C. Ability of comprehesive planning, which is needed when formulating a strategic plan.D. Ability of thougthful practicing, which is needed when implementing the strategy.E. Ability of flexibility and adaptiveness, which is needed when facing a constantly changing enviornment in which a business organization may frequently encounter.Chapter 2 external analysis in strategic analysisObjectives:A.describe a framework of external analysis.B. identify key factors in EAC. outline a general process of analysing each of the key factor .D. make a preliminary conclusion of EA2.1 Introduction of EA2.1.1 a general definition of strategic analysisIn SM, SA refers to a systematic and comprehensive analysis on the external and internal factors, which will affect business operation of a BO. So SA include two parts of analysis, one is EA, and the other is IA.2.1.2 the aim or function of SABefore making strategic decisions for a BO, srategist should carefully analyzing some essential factors that will affect the effectiveness of these decisions. As an old Chinese saying said: without knowing your enemy and yourself, you can never win a war.The first strategic decision needed to be made for a BO is the mission and vision, which identify the main business scope and long term goals for a BO. Before making this decisions, strategists should know the long term profitibility of the selected business.Basically, the long term profitibility of an business are mainly determined by two factors. One is the average profitibility of the whole industry, and the other one is the earning capacity of the individual BO. Therefore SA mainly focus on analyzing these two factors, among them, EA focus on industry analysis, and IA focus on enterprise analysis.2.1.3 methods used in EABesides some basic principles in SM, we will also study some methodologies used in SM. In EA, there are some basic methods, which we will illustrate in detail in our later discussion. Here we will make a brief introduction about some of these methods.The first method is the method of key factors. This method is used in selecting factors, which will affect the long term profitibility of a certain industry. Since there are so many factors which can affect the profitibility of an industry, that we can put all of these factors into our consideration. What we can do is to select some key factors that have significant affact on the profitibility of an industry. In Chinese philosophy, this method is called catching the major contradictions and major aspects of the major contradiction.The other method is trend analysis. As we said before in chapter 1, prediction about future events can not be made so precisely as some economic reports. But we still can make a basic prediction that could tell us the general trend of future events.2.1.4 the model of EAThe model here refer to the framework used in the EA, which are different in different SM theory.2.1.5 Five force modelA. force from competitorsB. force from new entrantsC. force from substitute productsD. froce from buyersE. force from supplyers2.1.6 outline of industry analysisA. total demandB. total supplyC. competition situationD. supply chain situationE. other related factors2.2 analysis on general demand2.2.1 the theory of market mechanism:total supply and total demand decide market price, and market price affect total supply and total demand, and thus affect allocation of resources in the market.2.2.2 the aim of analysis on general demandFrom the basic theory of market mechanism, we can know that total demand is one of the two factors, which decide market price. In a market economy, all business activities are aimed to satisfy a certain kind of demand,and to some extent, the profitibility of a industry are largely determind by the total demand in this industry. By analysing the current total demand and the general trend in a relatively longer period, we can get a basic conclusion on the profitibility of an industry.2.2.3 some major indicators used to analysize general demandA. current total demand for a product = per captia consumption of a product * quantity of total populationB. Future demand for a product = per captia demand for a product in future * total population in futureC. the annual growth rate of total demand = (future demand – current) / growing years2.2.4 basic conclusion on total demand: four stages in product’s life cycleA. introduction stageB. growth stageC. maturity stageD. decline stageA. Main characteristics of introduction stage:-----high growth rate-----high profit margin********starsB. Main characteristics of growing stage------high growth rate------medium or low profit margin********cash cowsC. Main characteristics of stable stage:-----medium or low growth rate-----medium or low profit margin********dogsD. Main characteristics of decling stage:------negative growth rate------low profit margin********questions2.3 Analysis on general supply2.3.1 aims of general supply ananlysisfrom theory of market mechanism we have known that, in addition to general demand, general supply is another determinant factor which will affect market price.Actually, it is the relationship between total demand and total supply that finally determine the market price. Just because in most cases, general demand usually is the initial factor that will change the equillibrium price, we put it in the first place in our discussion. In this section,will turn our focus on total supply analysis, and discuss how it will affact market price and thus profitibility in a certain industry.2.3.2 indicators used in general supply analysisA. overall capacity of general supply relative to general demand: reflect current capacity(1) undercapacity(2) duecapacity(3) overcapacityB. Barrier of entering an industry: reflect possible capacity increase in the future(1) Investment barrier(2) techonology barrier(3) policy barrierC. Barrier of leaving an industry: reflect possible capacity decrease in the future(1) special equipment(2) large volume of investmemt2.3.3 basic conclusion on total supplyA. undersupply: relatively high prifit marginB. saturate: medium profit marginC. oversupply: low profit margin2.4 analysis on competing situation2.4.1 the aim of competing situation analysisIn a market economy, theoratically, there are four different kinds of competition situation, which include pure competion, monopolistic competion, oligopoly, and monopoly.Generally, in each of these different competition situation, the profit margin of a BO is different, so the competition situation is an important external factor which has significant influence on the profitibility of a industry as a whole. The aim of competition analysis is to analyze the current competition situation in a certain industry, and thus make a preliminary assessment on the profitibility of a industry.2.4.2 the major indicators used in competitive situation analysisA. the number of competitors in an industry.B. the market share of the leading competitors in this industry.2.4.3 basic conclusion on competiting analysisA. pure competition: many competitors compete in a homogeneous product market, and no single competitor gain a notable market share.Conclusion: low profit marginB. monopolistic competition: many competitors compete in a heterogeneous product market with differentiated product features, and no single competitor gain a dominant market share. Conclusion: relatively high profit margin.C. oligopoly: relatively fewer competitors compete in an identical product market or a differentiated product market, and each competitor has a remarkable market share.Conclusion: high profit marginD. monopoly: only a single player in the market, or a single competitor has a dominant market share, say 80% or 90% of the total market share.Conclusion: controllable high profit margin.2.5 analysis on supply chain2.5.1 the aim of supply chain analysisBesides the controllability in an industry that can greatly affect the profit margin of a BO, the supply chain before and after this BO will also play a role in the profit margin of this BO. These supply chain include suppliers which provide rawmaterials to the BO, and distributors which provide distribution channels to the BO. If the suppliers and the distributors can provide their products or services at cheaper price to the BO, it can get a higher profit margin, otherwise it will have a lower profit margin.2.5.2 indicators used in supply chain analysisA. monopolistic degree of supplier or distributor2.5.3 basic conclusion of supply chain analysisA. high monopolistic degree: low profit marginB. low monopolistic degree: medium or high profit margin2.6 analysis on macroeconomy2.6.1 aims of macroeconomy analysisBesides those factors with the industry that will greatly affect the profitability of an industry, the factors outside the industry will also affect the profitability of the industry . Except those countercycle industry, in an expansion period,an industry generally get a high profit margin, and in a shrinking period, an industry generally has a low profit margin.2.6.2 indicators used in macroeconomy analysisA. economic growth rateB. inflation rate2.6.3 basic conclusion on macroeconomy analysisA. high growth rate: high or medium profit marginB. low or nagetive growth rate:low profit marginChapter 3 internal analysis3.1 introdution of internal analysis3.1.1 aims of internal analysisAlthough the general profitability in an industry has an influence on the profitability of a BO, we still can see a big difference on the profitability of different BOs in the same industry. As a matter of fact, it is the factors within a BO that finally determind the profitability.3.1.2 key factors used in IAthose factors which are vitally important to the competitiveness of a BO, which include:A. resource factorsB. capability factorsC. organizational factors3.1.3 methods applied in IA--------scarcity rating methodhigh scarcity: highly competitive,and high profitabilitylow scarcity: lowly competitive,and low profitability3.2 analysis on resourse factors3.2.1 aims of resource analysis.The resources refer to the physical and nonphysical assets a BO possess or has actual controls. How much and how rare resources a BO own will greatly affect the earning capacity of a BO.3.2.2 key factors applied in resources analysisA. physical resourceB. human resourceC. nonphysical resource3.2.3 scarcity on resource factors and preliminary conclusion of IA on resources factors:A. has no scarcity: low competitivenessB. has immitable scarcity: short term competitivenessC.has unimmitable or sustainable scarcity: long term competitiveness3.3 analysis on capabilities factors3.3.1 the aims of capabilities analysisThe capabilities refer to any kinds of skill or capacity which a BO possess to make fully use of its various resources. Resources are only potential wealth, if they are not properly used.The capability to properly use the resources will greatly affact the value, which a certain kind ofresource contribute to the profit of a BO. So the capabilities is another improtant fatctor which will greatly affect the profitability of a BO, and thus is needed carefully analysing.3.3.2 Key factors in capability analysis.Different industry and different market may repuire quite different capabilities to achive and maintian a highly profitable performance. In CA, analysts should first identify those key capabilities which are crucial to the success in market comptetition.In a typical manufaturing industry, thses capabilities may include:A. R&D capabilityB. manufacturing capabilityC. marketing capabilityD. supplying capabilityE. distributing capabilityF. logistic capability3.3.3 the preliminary conclusion of CAA. has no a certain capability: disadvantagous competitiveness;B. has a certain capability,but with no scarcity: average competitiveness.C. has a certain capability with immitable scarcity: short term advantageous competitiveness.D. Has a certain capability, with unimmitable scarcity: relatively long term competitive advantages.3.4 the analysis of organizational factors3.4.1 the aims of organizational analysisthe organizational factors refer to the process and system by which a BO allocate and utilize its resources and capabilities. If a BO possess sufficient resources and excellent capabilities, but its does not have a efficient supporting system touse these resources and capabilites effectively, then the overall performance will not be very good and thus the profit will not be very high. Actually, it is the organizational factors which will finally determind the efficiency of the use of resources and capabilities, and thus the earning capacity of a BO. The aim of OA is to assess the strength and weakness a BO has in its supporting system.3.4.2 Key factors in organizational analysisDifferent enterprise may have different structure and system to make its decision on how to allocate and utilize its resources. But there are some common elements which most BOs have in their running system, which includeA. organizational structure and decision making systemB. managing and controlling systemC.operation systemD. information systempensation systemF. organizational culture and morale3.4.3 the preliminary conclusion of OAA. excellent in an organizational factors: high competitiveness;B. good: medium high competitiveness;C. ordinary level: medium competitiveness;D. unsatisfactory: low competitiveness3.5 general conclusion of IA and core competency3.5.1 general conculsion of IA(1) give a proper weight to each factor according to its importance to the performance and profitability of the BO.From 1a to 100a, and plus all a together which is equal to 100, and then get the specifie weight for each factor.(2) Multiply rate number of each factor by it weight, and then get a general results on internal factors of a BO, from 4 to 1.(3) Get a general conclusion on IAA. 4: high competitiveness, and leader in the industry ;B. 3 and above: high, and powerful follower in the industry;C. 2 and above: average, sustainable competitor;D. below 2: low, general participant.3.5.2 core competency and competitivenenssThe result derived above analysis is only a calculated figure, and can only be ued as a reference when making strategic decision. But it still can provide some useful information for making a rational strategic decision.First is the earning capacity of a BO largely depend on its competitiveness compared to other competitors. And secondly, the whole competitiveness largely depend those core competency. The core competency refer to those competitive factors which make crucial contribution to the performance and profits of a BO.As a matter of facts, every BO has competence in terms of its earning capacity in the market competition, but only those competence which make the most contributions to its earning capacity belong to core competency, and those core competency which has unimmtable scarcity will bring long term above average profits to a BO. This tell us something about how to build core competency for a BO.Chapter 4 Strategic positioning4.1 introduction of SP4.1.1 the meaning of strategic positioningSP means setting a position and direction for a BO, so it includes two parts, one is setting a position, which means choose a industry for a BO, and the other one is setting a direction,which means setting a long term goal for the development of a BO.4.1.2 the aim of SPthe aim of SP is to provide clear and contrete answers to the fundmental questions which every BO need to answer before it actually start it business, which include “what is our business”,that is the industry, and “what do we want to become after doing that business”, that is goal.Without SP, a BO may be like a aimless ship which losts controll over its activites, and will not grow better and stronger in the long run.4.1.3 the contents of SPA. Mission statement: choose industry and businessB. vision desctription: set a long term goal.4.1.4 the method of SP: SWOT analysis.A. SW analysis: from IAB. OT analysis: from EA4.1.4 possible combination of SWOT introduced in some typical SM textbook, and it sometimes looks confusing and even ridiculousA. combiantion of S and OB. S and TC. W and OD. W and T4.1.5 general principle of SPA. make the best use of opportunity,and choose industry which has most favorable industry devel opment conditions and thus make above average profits (according to Poter’s five forces analysis thoery)B. take proper measures to aviod or reduce threats.C. make the best use of resources and capabilities a BO has in itself, and choose the industry in which a BO has the best competitive advantage compared with other BO, and thus make above average profits (according to resource based thoery and comparative advantage thoery).D. take proper measures to improve weakness inside the BO and gradually make full development in all aspects of its key competition elements.(IBM, GE, Toyota, P&G, Microsoft)4.1.6 proper method of SPA. make an internal analysis and clarify the major competitive advantage possessed by the BO and make the best use of it.B. make an external analysis to choose the proper industry which has favorable growth GE choose the industry which its has leading market position.4.2 Vision statement4.2.1 key points of VSLiterally, vision means visual conception of a desired or dreamed goals, it depicts a bright pictures of one’s dreams and elucidate it in eloqent words. In a BO, vision answers question of “what is our dream in the business world?”and “what do we want to become as a business organization?”, it set adirection for the long term development of a BO.Some key points of an effectivevision statememt include:# Clarity and lack of ambiguity# Vivid and clear picture# Description of a bright future# Memorable and engaging wording# Realistic aspirations# Alignment with organizational values and culture4.2.2 examples of VSThere are some organization which elucidate its vision very succinct and clear, and there also some orgnization which portray its vision in very elusive and obscure words. We can see some example of both types of VS. For example, a charity organization working to help the poor may have a VS as“ a world without poverty”. A commercial bank may have a VS as “to protect the public interest, ensure competion and fairness within the revelent financial service industries, respond innovatively toa rapidly changing word enviornment, and foster a posotive impact on the regional economy”.4.3 Mission Statement4.3.1 key points of MSAfter portray the visual concept or its long term dreams, a BO should give answers to the question of “how to realize these dreams and “what is our businss”. MS outline its main business scope and some fundmental critiria of doing business.Some key points of an effective MS include#. Customers#. Products or services#. Techonologies#. Concerns for survival, growth, and profitability#. Philosophy#. Self-concept#. Concern for public image#. Concern for employees4.3.2 examples of MS(67)Chapter 5 Selecting strategy and Types of Strategies5.1 intruduction of selecting strategy5.1.1 aims of selecting strategyAfter identifying and clarifying the strategic or long term goal for the BO, the next question is how to reach this goal. The aim of selecting strategy is to provide a optimum or proper path, i.e strategy, to reach this goal successfully and efficiently.5.1.2 the steps of selecting strategyAt least, there are two steps included in the process of selecting strategy. The first one is listing all the possible and viable strategies, and the second one is selecting proper or best suitable choice. 5.2 the general classfication of different types of strategies5.2.1 classification of enterprise strategyA. operation strategy: focusing on internal operation and management, such as brand strategy, marketing strategy, R&D strategy, ect.B. competion strategy: focusing on external competition and development.5.2.2 general tpyes of competion strategyA. generic strategyB. intergration strategyC. intensive strategyD. dersification strategyE. defensive strategyF. flex strategyChapter 6 Generic strategy(operational strategy)6.1 introduction of generic strategy6.1.1 the meaning of GSGSs refer to those strategies which are used in the operational level in a specific selected business area to compete with other BO, so they are also called operational strategies .6.1.2 classfication of competitive strategiesA. corporation level: corporation strategiesB. business unit level: operational strategiesC. department level: functional strategies6.1.3 sub-types of GSsA.cost leading strategyB. differentiation strategyC. focus strategy6.2 focus strategy6.2.1 the meaning of FSFS refers to a strategy by which a BO focus its efforts and resources on relatively few specialized areas where it has comparative advantage.6.2.2 the purpose of FSA. make the best use of current advantageous abilities and resources in a BO.B. concentrate limited resources on special area where the BO has comparative advantage.C. focus on the core business to be a leading competitor in a certain industry.6.2.3 circumstance of conducting FSFS would be an effective stategy under such circumstance as following:A. the focused area has a sufficient size, and has a good potential growth.B. Customers in this area have consistant and enduring preferences or requirements on the products.C. the BO pursuing FS should have abilities to provide special satisfaction for the customers6.2.4 risks of FSthe risks of conducting FS include:A. the possibility that numerous competitors recognize the successful area and copy the strategy.B.the customer preference drift to a completely new area.C. an unforeseen technology breakthrough or other unexpected events make the focued area obsolete.6.2.5 specific method of FSsome commonly used method may include:A. focusing on productB. focusing on customer market segmentC. focusing on geographic areas。
企业战略管理相关理论和方法,mba战略管理论文2 相关理论和方法本章主要是为 M 公司未来发展提供理论依据,笔者会介绍当前企业战略管理理论、战略思维的转变介绍及问题管理倾向性和特点,为M 企业的真正发展提供理论依据。
2.1 公关基本理论国外的公共关系基本学理规范更加注重与现实工作紧密联系的问题研究层面。
2.1.1 企业社会责任企业的社会责任在现代社会很受到重视,公共关系在 21 世纪引领成员道德观念方面起到了积极的推进作用,行业标准的准则制定就是一个典范,是值得中国公共关系的发展中借鉴的;2.1.2 公共关系调研从公关计划和措施实施方面来看都是开始于调查研究,公共关系需要有足够的资料作为研究基础,没有大量的调查研究对可行性计划的制定是有失偏颇的,调研是现代公共关系最关键的一步。
2.1.3 公共关系管理理论公共关系管理系统在国外已经形成了自身的理论框架,传播学界专家认为公关是一个边界角色,公共关系管理者应该是一只脚在企业内部,一只脚在外部公众。
2.1.4 公共关系写作发展现代公共关系写作观念和形式上已经发生了根本的变化。
2.1.5 危机公共关系管理解决危机是公共关系的最终任务,管理者不仅要看到公共关系在危机发生时起到的作用,也应看到在公共事务中的价值。
在 20 世纪末到 21 世纪初,社会上充满了危害个人和组织的严重事件,从环境问题到能源问题,从歧视到企业规模缩小等,问题管理在现代公共关系中显得尤为重要。
以下是一些常见的企业战略理论:1. 波特五力模型:由迈克尔·波特提出,用于分析产业竞争的力量和竞争格局。
2. SWOT分析:即优势、劣势、机会和威胁的分析。
3. 经验曲线效应:该理论认为,随着产品的累积生产和销售数量的增加,企业的生产成本和单位成本将逐渐降低。
4. 核心竞争力理论:由哈佛教授麦肯齐·哈密尔顿提出,认为企业应该专注于其独特的能力和资源,以在竞争中获得优势。
5. 价值链理论:由迈克尔·波特提出,用于分析企业在产品生命周期中创造价值的活动。
6. 分析企业生命周期理论:该理论将企业的发展过程分为创业期、成长期、成熟期和衰退期。
三、战略管理的核心概念1. 战略:战略是企业为实现长远发展目标,在市场环境中,对内外部资源进行合理配置,以实现竞争优势的一系列管理活动。
2. 竞争优势:竞争优势是企业相对于竞争对手在市场中所具有的相对优势,包括成本优势、差异化优势等。
3. 外部环境:外部环境是指企业所处的外部市场、行业、技术、政策等因素。
4. 内部环境:内部环境是指企业的资源、能力、组织结构、文化等因素。
四、战略管理的主要理论1. 安索夫矩阵(Ansoff Matrix)安索夫矩阵是一种战略规划工具,用于分析企业如何通过市场、产品、技术等手段实现增长。
2. 五力模型(Porter's Five Forces)五力模型由迈克尔·波特提出,用于分析企业所在行业的竞争环境。
3. 价值链分析(Value Chain Analysis)价值链分析由迈克尔·波特提出,用于分析企业内部各个价值创造环节的竞争力。
4. SWOT分析(SWOT Analysis)SWOT分析是一种战略分析工具,用于分析企业的优势(Strengths)、劣势(Weaknesses)、机会(Opportunities)和威胁(Threats)。
1. SWOT分析SWOT分析是战略管理中最常用的工具之一。
3. 质量管理质量管理是企业战略管理中另一个重要的方面。
4. 成本控制成本控制是战略管理中的一个重要方面,因为它可以直接影响企业的利润和竞争力。
5. 组织文化组织文化是企业战略管理中最重要的因素之一。
理念1. 使命和愿景企业的使命是描述企业存在的目的和价值观,是企业战略管理的核心。
2. 价值主张企业的价值主张是描述企业提供给客户的独特价值和竞争优势的陈述。
3. 战略目标战略目标是企业在特定时间范围内希望实现的关键结果。
方法1. 环境分析环境分析是企业战略管理的重要组成部分,通过评估外部和内部环境来理解市场竞争状况和企业内部能力。
2. 目标制定目标制定是企业战略管理的核心步骤之一。
3. 战略选择战略选择是在目标制定的基础上,为达到这些目标而选择正确的战略方向。
成熟度模型通常包括五个阶段,分别为: 初始、可重复、已定义、已管理和优化。
1. SWOT 分析SWOT 分析是对企业内外环境进行分析的一种方法。
SWOT代表着Strengths (优势)、Weaknesses(劣势)、Opportunities(机会)和Threats(威胁)。
2. 波特五力模型波特五力模型是由麻省理工学院教授迈克尔·波特提出的概念。
3. 战略轮廓战略轮廓是通过对战略定位和资源配置的分析,来确定企业未来的战略方向。
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企业战略治理的理论和方法Theories and Methodologies in Strategic ManagementChapter 1 Introduction of Strategic Management Outline of this chapter1. Definition of strategic management (SM).2. Some key trems uesed in SM3. Model of SM.4. Aims of SM.5. Functions and benefits of SM6. Reasons for not doing SM.7. Guildlines or principles for an effective SM.8. Methodologies of SM9. Abilities learned and practiced in SM.1.1 definition of SM( or SMP).Strategic management process is the full set of commitments, decisions, and actions required for a firm to achieve strategic competitiveness and earn above average returns.And more specifically, SM can be defined as an art andscience of formulating, implementing and evaluating overall decisions that enable an business organization (BO) to achieve its long term objectives.1.2 some key terms often used in SMA. strategists: CEO, president(总裁), chair of the board (董事长), executive director(执行董事), or entrepreneur (企业家), who are responsible for making strategic decision and who will also take most responsibility for failure and success of a BO.B. mission(使命)and vision(愿景).a. Mission : which identify the business scope for a BO.b. Vision : which set the ultimate objectives and prospects for a BO.C. long term objective: refers to specific results, which a BO *strives to achieve within a period longer than one year.D. annual objective (*manage)E. Strategy: refers to the means which is used by a BO to achieve its long term objectives. e.g focus(专业化), acquisition(收购), diversification(多元化), retrenchment (收缩).F. policy: refers to the means which is used by a BO to guide its day to day operation, e.g compensation policy, motivation policy, business rules, cost control regulation, customer service policy, ect. The policy often reflect the business ethics and values of a BO and its top management.1.3 model of SMSteps 1: strategic analysis,which can be further divided into following steps: external analysis,internal analysis.Step 2: strategy formulation, which can be further divided into following steps:strategic position i.e developing vision and mission for a business organization,and strategy selection, which mainly focus on selecting proper strategies to achieve the long term objective of a BO. Steps 3:strategy implementation,which can be further divided into following steps : establishing objectives,managing to achieve objectives.Steps 4: strategy evaluation, which can be further divided intio following steps:evaluating strategy,adjusting strategy.1.4 aim of SMWhen we conduct SM, all of SM activities should be aimed at long term benefits rather than short term interests, and theories and methods used in SM are also developed and practiced on the basis of long term objectives . Therefore, in the long run, the aim of SM as well as the whole BO is to provide customer satisfaction and constantly compete to be the best among many other competitors. So the fundamental business ethics is the altruim.1.5 functions and benefits of SMThe major function or benefit of SM is to provide a clear direction and paths for the future development of a BO.1.6 why some BOs do not conduct SM.a. firefighting managementb. waste of timec. too expensived. fear of failuree. overconfident1.7 GUIDELINE OF SMA. Forward thinking.B. Fullsight thinking.C. Trend thinking.D. Rational thinking.E. Path thinking.1.8 methodology used in SMA. the first methodology is binary analysis or dialectics, which analyse two sides of the issue and try to make comprehensive conclusion of the targeted issue. Some typical binary analysis include external and internal analysis, SW, OT, gain or loss, ect.B. The second one is gain or loss, or benefit or harm analysis, which list and evaluate the major benefits and losses ofcertain actions and thereby make a final decision. C. The third one is objective orientation.Which means in SM, we always put objective as the top priority, and make strategic decisions in accordance with the objective. So before we take any action, it is important to make clear what is your purpose and what is your final goal of taking this action.D. The fourth one is the result or effect orientation, which means we evaluate the effectiveness of a certain strategy according to its final results or its actual effects it has produced.E. The fifth one is systematic plan or comprehensive management, which means in SM, we should see a BO as a whole system, each department or division has its independentfunctions and duties, and each department is also an indispensible part of the wholeorganization, and they are all committed to the same mission of the whole organization, and this kind of relationship between different department is called strategic partner. The other meanning of systematic plan is that each separate steps of business management are related to each other, and we should make thefirst step conducive and productive to the second step.1.9 ABILITIES NEEDED TO CONDUCTING EFFECTIVE SMConducting effective SM, a strategist will need to have several essential abilities, which include:A. Ability of foresightful and insightful analysis, which isneeded to conduct an effctive strategic analysis.B. Ability of making a decisive judgement, which is needed when making strategic selection.C. Ability of comprehesive planning, which is needed when formulating a strategic plan.D. Ability of thougthful practicing, which is needed when implementing the strategy.E. Ability of flexibility and adaptiveness, which is needed when facing a constantly changing enviornment in which a business organization may frequently encounter.Chapter 2 external analysis in strategic analysis Objectives:A.describe a framework of external analysis.B. identify key factors in EAC. outline a general process of analysing each of the key factor .D. make a preliminary conclusion of EA2.1 Introduction of EA2.1.1 a general definition of strategic analysisIn SM, SA refers to a systematic and comprehensive analysis on the external and internal factors, which will affect business operation of a BO. So SA include two parts of analysis, one is EA, and the other is IA.2.1.2 the aim or function of SABefore making strategic decisions for a BO, srategist should carefully analyzing some essential factors that willaffect the effectiveness of these decisions. As an old Chinese saying said: without knowing your enemy and yourself, you can never win a war.The first strategic decision needed to be made for a BO is the mission and vision, which identify the main business scope and long term goals for a BO. Before making this decisions, strategists should know the long term profitibility of the selected business.Basically, the long term profitibility of an business are mainly determined by two factors. One is the average profitibility of the whole industry, and the other one is the earning capacity of the individual BO. Therefore SA mainly focus on analyzing these two factors, among them, EA focus on industry analysis, and IA focus on enterprise analysis.2.1.3 methods used in EABesides some basic principles in SM, we will also study some methodologies used in SM. In EA, there are some basic methods, which we will illustrate in detail in our later discussion. Here we will make a brief introduction about some of these methods.The first method is the method of key factors. This method is used in selecting factors, which will affect the long term profitibility of a certain industry. Since there are so many factors which can affect the profitibility of an industry, that we can put all of these factors into our consideration. What we can do is to select some key factors that have significant affact on the profitibility of an industry. In Chinese philosophy, this method is called catching the majorcontradictions and major aspects of the major contradiction. The other method is trend analysis. As we said before in chapter 1, prediction about future events can not be made so precisely as some economic reports. But we still can make a basic prediction that could tell us the general trend of future events.2.1.4 the model of EAThe model here refer to the framework used in the EA, whichare different in different SM theory.2.1.5 Five force modelA. force from competitorsB. force from new entrantsC. force from substitute productsD. froce from buyersE. force from supplyers2.1.6 outline of industry analysisA. total demandB. total supplyC. competition situationD. supply chain situationE. other related factors2.2 analysis on general demand2.2.1 the theory of market mechanism:total supply and total demand decide market price, and market price affect total supply and total demand, and thus affect allocation of resources in the market.2.2.2 the aim of analysis on general demandFrom the basic theory of market mechanism, we can know that total demand is one of the two factors, which decide market price. In a market economy, all business activities are aimed to satisfy a certain kind of demand,and to some extent, the profitibility of a industry are largely determind by the total demand in this industry. By analysing the current total demand and the general trend in a relatively longer period, we can get a basic conclusion on the profitibility of an industry.2.2.3 some major indicators used to analysize general demandA. current total demand for a product = per captia consumption of a product * quantity of total populationB. Future demand for a product = per captia demand for a product in future * total population in futureC. the annual growth rate of total demand = (future demand – current) / growing years2.2.4 basic conclusion on total demand: four stages in product’s life cycleA. introduction stageB. growth stageC. maturity stageD. decline stageA. Main characteristics of introduction stage:-----high growth rate-----high profit margin********starsB. Main characteristics of growing stage------high growth rate------medium or low profit margin********cash cowsC. Main characteristics of stable stage:-----medium or low growth rate-----medium or low profit margin********dogsD. Main characteristics of decling stage:------negative growth rate------low profit margin********questions2.3 Analysis on general supply2.3.1 aims of general supply ananlysisfrom theory of market mechanism we have known that,in addition to general demand, general supply is another determinant factor which will affect market price. Actually, it is the relationship between total demand and total supply that finally determine the market price. Just because in most cases, general demand usually is the initial factor that will change the equillibrium price, we put it in the first place in our discussion. In this section,will turn our focus on total supply analysis, and discuss how it will affact market price and thus profitibility in a certain industry.2.3.2 indicators used in general supply analysisA. overall capacity of general supply relative to general demand: reflect current capacity(1) undercapacity(2) duecapacity(3) overcapacityB. Barrier of entering an industry: reflect possible capacity increase in the future(1) Investment barrier(2) techonology barrier(3) policy barrierC. Barrier of leaving an industry: reflect possible capacity decrease in the future(1) special equipment(2) large volume of investmemt2.3.3 basic conclusion on total supplyA. undersupply: relatively high prifit marginB. saturate: medium profit marginC. oversupply: low profit margin2.4 analysis on competing situation2.4.1 the aim of competing situation analysisIn a market economy, theoratically, there are four different kinds of competition situation, which include pure competion, monopolistic competion, oligopoly, and monopoly.Generally, in each of these different competition situation, the profit margin of a BO is different, so the competition situation is an important external factor which has significant influence on the profitibility of a industry as a whole. The aim of competition analysis is to analyze the current competition situation in a certain industry, and thusmake a preliminary assessment on the profitibility of a industry.2.4.2 the major indicators used in competitive situation analysisA. the number of competitors in an industry.B. the market share of the leading competitors in this industry.2.4.3 basic conclusion on competiting analysisA. pure competition: many competitors compete in a homogeneous product market, and no single competitor gain a notable market share.Conclusion: low profit marginB. monopolistic competition: many competitors compete in a heterogeneous product market with differentiated productfeatures, and no single competitor gain a dominant market share.Conclusion: relatively high profit margin.C. oligopoly: relatively fewer competitors compete in an identical product market or a differentiated product market, and each competitor has a remarkable market share. Conclusion: high profit marginD. monopoly: only a single player in the market, or a single competitor has a dominant market share, say 80% or 90% of the total market share.Conclusion: controllable high profit margin.2.5 analysis on supply chain2.5.1 the aim of supply chain analysisBesides the controllability in an industry that can greatly affect the profit margin of a BO, the supply chain before and after this BO will also play a role in the profit margin of this BO. These supply chain include suppliers which provide rawmaterials to the BO, and distributors which provide distribution channels to the BO. If the suppliers and the distributors can provide their products or services at cheaper price to the BO, it can get a higher profit margin, otherwise it will have a lower profit margin.2.5.2 indicators used in supply chain analysisA. monopolistic degree of supplier or distributor2.5.3 basic conclusion of supply chain analysisA. high monopolistic degree: low profit marginB. low monopolistic degree: medium or high profit margin2.6 analysis on macroeconomy2.6.1 aims of macroeconomy analysisBesides those factors with the industry that will greatly affect the profitability of an industry, the factors outside the industry will also affect the profitability of the industry . Except those countercycle industry, in an expansion period,an industry generally get a high profit margin, and in a shrinking period, an industry generally has a low profit margin.2.6.2 indicators used in macroeconomy analysisA. economic growth rateB. inflation rate2.6.3 basic conclusion on macroeconomy analysisA. high growth rate: high or medium profit marginB. low or nagetive growth rate:low profit marginChapter 3 internal analysis3.1 introdution of internal analysis3.1.1 aims of internal analysisAlthough the general profitability in an industry has an influence on the profitability of a BO, we still can see a big difference on the profitability of different BOs in the same industry. As a matter of fact, it is the factors within a BO that finally determind the profitability.3.1.2 key factors used in IAthose factors which are vitally important to the competitiveness of a BO, which include:A. resource factorsB. capability factorsC. organizational factors3.1.3 methods applied in IA--------scarcity rating methodhigh scarcity: highly competitive,and high profitabilitylow scarcity: lowly competitive,and low profitability3.2 analysis on resourse factors3.2.1 aims of resource analysis.The resources refer to the physical and nonphysical assets a BO possess or has actual controls. How much and how rare resources a BO own will greatly affect the earning capacity of a BO.3.2.2 key factors applied in resources analysisA. physical resourceB. human resourceC. nonphysical resource3.2.3 scarcity on resource factors and preliminary conclusion of IA on resources factors:A. has no scarcity: low competitivenessB. has immitable scarcity: short term competitivenessC.has unimmitable or sustainable scarcity: long termcompetitiveness3.3 analysis on capabilities factors3.3.1 the aims of capabilities analysisThe capabilities refer to any kinds of skill or capacity which a BO possess to make fully use of its various resources. Resources are only potential wealth, if they are not properly used.The capability to properly use the resources will greatly affact the value, which a certain kind of resource contribute to the profit of a BO. So the capabilities is another improtant fatctor which will greatly affect the profitability of a BO, and thus is needed carefully analysing.3.3.2 Key factors in capability analysis.。