
收稿日期:2019-10-16 修回日期:2019-11-06基金项目:大气污染多组分在线源解析技术集成的典型区域示范专项(N o .2016Y F C 0208506) *通讯作者:吴晓妍,女,工程师,从事生态环境监测㊂E -m a i l :369588338@q q.c o m 第36卷第6期V o l .36 N o .6分析科学学报J O U R N A LO FA N A L Y T I C A LS C I E N C E2020年12月D e c .2020D O I :10.13526/j.i s s n .1006-6144.2020.06.012利用苏玛罐-预冷冻浓缩-气相色谱/质谱法同时测定空气中的108种挥发性有机物吴晓妍*1,谭 丽2(1.重庆市生态环境监测中心,有机污染物环境化学行为与生态毒理重庆市重点实验室,重庆401147;2.中国环境监测总站,北京100012)摘 要:本文采用苏玛罐-预冷冻浓缩-气相色谱/质谱方法,实现了对环境空气中108种挥发性有机物(V O C s )的同时检测㊂该方法一次进样即可完成双色谱柱分离㊁双检测器检测,提高了低碳㊁低沸点V O C s 的检测,方法快速高效㊂实验表明,该方法得到了良好的分离效果㊁较宽的线性范围㊁较高的灵敏度㊁较低的检出限㊂确定了实际样品的保存时间,在提高分析化合物的种类上有较大优势,适用于环境空气中低浓度V O C s 的检测㊂关键词:挥发性有机物;苏玛罐;气相色谱/质谱中图分类号:O 657.63 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-6144(2020)06-844-07挥发性有机化合物(V o l a t i l eO r g a n i cC o m po u n d ,V O C s )是指熔点低于室温㊁沸点范围在50~260ħ之间的挥发性有机物的总称㊂空气中的V O C s 种类繁多且成分复杂,目前美国环境保护署(E P A )已鉴别出1000多种V O C s,主要包括:苯系物㊁有机氯化物㊁氟利昂系列㊁有机酮㊁胺㊁醇㊁醚㊁酯㊁酸㊁石油烃化合物等[1]㊂V O C s 在环境中普遍存在,而大多数V O C s 毒性较大,如果人体长时间摄入这类污染物,会造成致癌㊁致畸㊁致突变等危害[2]㊂多数V O C s 还具有光化学活性,大气中的V O C s 在紫外光的照射下会与空气中的氮氧化物(N O x )发生光化学反应,形成二次污染,生成臭氧,引发光化学烟雾㊁臭氧污染等环境问题[3]㊂近年来,随着经济社会的发展,我国臭氧污染日益严峻,大有赶超P M 2.5并取而代之成为首要大气污染物的势头[4],V O C s 相关研究日益受到关注㊂此外,卤代烃类V O C s 还是破坏臭氧层的罪魁祸首[5]㊂目前,环境空气中V O C s 的采集技术主要分为全空气采样㊁固体吸附剂采样和衍生化采样㊂全空气采样用真空采样罐(苏马罐)来采集空气样品,可同时分析其中的多种组分,成本较高[6,7];固体吸附剂采样利用具有吸附能力的特殊材料吸附环境空气中的V O C s,受吸附效率㊁解析效率㊁吸附剂穿透㊁组分分解等因素影响较大,适用于高浓度样品的分析和检测[8,9];衍生化采样主要用于醛酮类V O C s 采样[10]㊂而最常用的分析方法是利用气相色谱(G C )分离后,用氢火焰离子化检测器(F I D )或质谱检测器(M S )进行检测[11]㊂F I D 具有结构简单㊁稳定性好㊁响应迅速等优点,被广泛应用于挥发性碳氢化合物和许多含碳有机物的检测[12,13];M S 拥有较强的定性能力,可以确保检测的精准性,具有很强的灵敏度,改善了气相色谱的局限性[14-16]㊂结合各方优势,本文建立了苏玛罐采样-预冷冻浓缩-气相色谱氢火焰离子化检测器/质谱检测器联用,同时测定环境空气中108种V O C s 的方法,包括C 2~C 12碳氢化合物㊁卤代烃和醛酮含氧化合物,即57种臭氧前体物(P A M S )[17]和美国T O -15中的65种有毒V O C s [18](P A M S 和T O -15目标化合物中有14种重合)㊂本方法只需一次进样,采用F I D 检测C 2和C 3等低沸点化合物,M S 检测其他化合物,解决了环境空气中乙烷㊁乙烯㊁乙炔在质谱上受氮气干扰㊁响应低㊁无法定性定量的问题㊂本方法可实现对环境空气中V O C s 的全采集㊁全分析,可重复进样,避免了预处理过程中使用大量的解析溶剂㊁吸附剂的选择性吸附问题和吸附剂可能穿透的问题,具有较低的检出限㊁较宽的线性范围㊁良好的精密度和准确度㊂448第6期分析科学学报第36卷1实验部分1.1仪器与试剂G C/M S:A g i l e n t7890B/5977A(同时配备D e a n-s w i t c h中心切割系统㊁F I D检测器和气动控制模块P C M);苏玛罐-气体预浓缩系统仪:E n t e c h7200浓缩仪㊁4600动态稀释仪㊁3100D罐清洗仪;烘箱;3.2L 苏玛罐;H P-1柱(60mˑ0.32m mˑ1.0μm);H P-P L O T/Q柱(30mˑ0.32m mˑ0.2μm);A g i l e n t0001柱(2.99mˑ0.15m mˑ0μm)㊂氮气㊁氦气㊁高纯空气㊁氢气(ȡ99.999%),液氮;P AM S混合标准气体(57种V O C s),各组分浓度为1.0μm o l/m o l;美国T O-15混合标准气体(65种V O C s),各组分浓度为1.0μm o l/m o l;内标气(一溴一氯甲烷㊁1,2-二氟苯㊁氯苯-d5)与替代物(4-溴氟苯)混合标准气体,各组分浓度为1.0μm o l/m o l;质谱校准溶液:4-溴氟苯(B F B)㊂1.2实验方法苏玛罐准备:使用罐清洗仪对苏玛罐在50~70ħ进行加温清洗,清洗至少3个循环㊂清洗完毕后,将苏玛罐抽至真空(<50m T o r r),待用㊂每清洗20个苏玛罐取一个注入高纯氮气分析,清洗后罐中目标化合物应小于3倍方法检出限(M D L),未检出明显的非目标化合物,以确保苏玛罐清洁㊂样品采集:对预先清洁好并抽至真空的苏玛罐使用流量阀控制采样(也可采用瞬时采样)㊂采样结束后关好罐阀,记录采样有关数据,带回实验室分析㊂样品在常温下保存,需在采样后20d内完成分析工作㊂仪器调谐:分析样品前,需检查G C/M S仪器性能㊂取1μL(20m g/L)B F B进行测试㊂得到的B F B 关键离子丰度须符合标准(H J759-2015)‘环境空气挥发性有机物的测定罐采样/气相色谱-质谱法“后,方可分析样品㊂1.3仪器条件色谱分析条件:升温程序:柱初始温度为35ħ,保持6m i n;以5ħ/m i n升温至180ħ,保持14m i n;载气(高纯氦)流速:1.5m L/m i n(H P-1柱);3.5m L/m i n(H P-P L O T/Q柱);进样口温度:250ħ;分流比: 30ʒ1;F I D温度:300ħ;空气流量:400m L/m i n;氢气流量:30m L/m i n;尾吹气(N2)流量:25m L/m i n㊂质谱分析条件:接口温度:250ħ;E I源,70e V;离子源温度:230ħ;四极杆温度:150ħ;采集模式: S C A N,扫描质量数范围:29~250a m u;溶剂延迟时间:8.2m i n㊂2结果与讨论2.1分析条件优化根据上述条件对标准样品进行分析,分别考察三级冷阱温度㊁转移时间㊁D e a n-s w i t c h阀切换时间对各组分响应的影响,得出最优的分析条件㊂2.1.1冷阱温度的影响考察一级冷阱温度为-20ħ㊁-40ħ㊁-60ħ㊁-80ħ㊁-100ħ时各组分响应值有无明显变化来确定合适的一级冷阱温度㊂实验后可知,随着一级冷阱温度设定值的降低,各组分响应值升高,其中乙烯的响应受温度变化影响最大㊂当一级冷阱温度设定为-40ħ时,各组分响应值最大,之后再降低一级冷阱温度,各组分响应值无明显变化,而乙烯的响应值反而减小㊂因为乙烯沸点较低,仅为-103.9ħ,如果一级冷阱温度设置太高,以乙烯为代表的低沸点V O C s很难富集在第一级冷阱中,随大部分空气组分(O2㊁N2)通过,导致响应较低;如果一级冷阱温度设置太低,乙烯被完全冻住,难以在短时间内从一级冷阱转移至二级冷阱,转移不完全导致响应降低㊂结果表明,-40ħ为最佳的一级冷阱设定温度㊂考察二级冷阱温度为-20ħ㊁-30ħ㊁-40ħ㊁-50ħ㊁-60ħ㊁-70ħ㊁-80ħ时各组分响应值变化㊂目标组分随着温度的降低,响应值逐渐升高,说明温度越低,V O C s富集效率越高㊂因为二级冷阱中的T e n a x 吸附剂将V O C s完全吸附,此时呈气态的C O2被载气带出系统,从而去除C O2㊂实验得出,二级冷阱温度为-70ħ时各组分响应值达最大且趋于稳定㊂继续降低冷阱温度各组分响应没有明显变化,且继续降低温度会导致C O2被冷冻富集,无法完全去除,干扰目标化合物响应㊂因此,得出-70ħ为二级冷阱的最佳设定温度㊂考察三级冷聚焦温度对各组分响应的影响㊂设定三级冷聚焦温度为-150ħ㊁-160ħ㊁-170ħ㊁-175ħ㊁-180ħ,可知各组分响应值随冷聚焦温度的降低而升高,当冷聚焦温度为-170ħ时,各组分548第6期吴晓妍等:利用苏玛罐-预冷冻浓缩-气相色谱/质谱法同时测定空气中的108种挥发性有机物第36卷响应值达最高,之后无明显变化㊂表明在-170ħ的条件下各组分可以被完全冷冻在冷聚焦处,故选取三级冷聚焦最佳温度为-170ħ㊂2.1.2 转移时间的选择 样品转移时间是指样品从冷阱2转移到冷聚焦系统的时间,以目标组分响应值考察转移时间分别为1.5m i n ㊁2.0m i n ㊁2.5m i n 和3.0m i n 条件下的影响㊂由实验结果可知,在转移时间为1.5m i n 时,由于转移时间过短,化合物未能转移完全,C 2目标物几乎没有响应㊂随着转移时间的增加,目标化合物的响应值有整体增加的趋势,当转移时间增加至2.5m i n 时,各组分响应值达最高值,继续增加转移时间,响应值没有明显变化㊂综合考虑分析时间及成本等因素,确定转移时间为2.5m i n ㊂图1 C 2~C 3低沸点组分的色谱图F i g .1 C h r o m a t o g r a mo f l o wb o i l i n g C 2-C 3c o m po u n d 1.e t h y l e n e ;2.a c e t y l e n e ;3.e t h a n e ;4.p r o p y l e n e ;5.p r o pa n e .2.1.3 D e a n -s w i t c h 阀切换时间的确定 通过D e a n -s w i t c h 电磁阀的切换,可改变微流板内部的气流方向,使样品经过主分离柱(H P -1)预分离后,将乙烯㊁乙炔㊁乙烷㊁丙烯和丙烷5种低沸点目标组分有选择地进入二级分离柱(H P -P L O T /Q )进行再分离,并通过F I D 进行检测㊂所以,精准的切换时间有助于提高双柱分离和检测的有效性㊂通过主色谱柱分离,全质谱扫描发现,切换阀值设定在丙烯和二氟二氯甲烷之间为宜,9.34m i n 即为最佳阀切换时间㊂2.2 色谱图和总离子流图根据以上实验所得的最优实验参数,对108种V O C s 混标进行分析,各组分得到较好的分离㊂图1为5种低沸点V O C s 通过F I D 检测的色谱图;图2为M S 检测的总离子流色谱图㊂图2 103种V O C s 混合标准样品的总离子流(T I C )色谱图(含4种内标物/替代物)F i g .2 T I Cc h r o m a t o g r a mo f 103k i n d s o fV O C s (i n c l u d i n g 4ki n d s o f I S /S S )1.m e t h y lc h l o r o f l u o r i d e ;2.m e t h a n e c h l o r i d e ;3.1,1,2,2-t e t r a f l u o r o -1,2-d i c h l o r o e t h a n e ;4.i s o b u t a n e ;5.c h l o r e t h yl e n e ;6.1-b u t e n e ;7.b u t a d i e n e ;8.n -b u t a n e ;9.t r a n s -2-b u t e n e ;10.m e t h y l b r o m i d e ;11.c i s -2-b u t e n e ;12.c h l o r o e t h a n e ;13.e t h y l a l c o h o l ;14.a c r o l e i n ;15.a c e t o n e ;16.i s o p e n t a n e ;17.i s o p r o p a n o l ;18.f l u o r ot r i c h l o r o m e t h a n e ;19.1-p e n t e n e ;20.n -p e n t a n e ;21.i s o p r e n e ;22.t r a n s -2-p e n t e n e ;23.1,1-d i c h l o r o -e t h y l e n e ;24.c i s -2-p e n t e n e ;25.d i c h l o r o m e t h a n e ;26.1,2,2-t r i f l u o r o -1,1,2-t r i c h l o r o e t h a n e ;27.c a r b o nd i s u l f i d e ;28.2,2-d i m e t h y lb u t a n e ;29.c i s -1,2-d i c h l o r o e t h y l e n e ;30.1,1-d i c h l o r o e t h a n e ;31.2-m e t h o x y -m e t h y l p r o p a n e ;32.2-m e t h y l p e n t a n e ;33.v i n y la c e t a t e ;34.2,3-d i m e t h y l b u t a n e ;35.c y c l o p e n t a n e ;36.2-b u t y l k e t o n e ;37.3-m e t h y l p e n t a n e ;38.1-h e x e n e ;39.t r a n s -1,2-d i c h l o r o e t h yl e n e ;40.a c e t i c e t h e r ;41.m o n o f l u o r o c h l o r o m e t h a n e (I S );42.n -h e x a n e ;43.c h l o r o f o r m ;44.b u t y l e n e o x i d e ;45.1,2-d i c h l o r o e t h a n e ;46.m e t h y l c y c l o pe n t a n e ;47.2,4-d i m e t h y l p e n t a n e ;48.1,1,1-t r i c h l o r o e t h a n e ;49.b e n z e n e ;50.c a r b o n t e t r a c h l o r i d e ;51.1,2-d if l u o r o b e n z e n e (I S );52.c y c l o h e x a n e ;53.2-m e t h yl e t h a n e ;54.2,3-d i m e t h y l p e n t a n e ;55.3-m e t h y l h e x a n e ;56.1,2-d i c h l o r o p r o pa n e ;57.m o n ob r o m o d ic h l o r o m e t h a n e ;58.1,4-d i o x a ne ;59.t r i c h l o r o e t h y l e n e ;60.2,2,4-t r i m e t h y l p e n t a n e ;61.m e t h y lm e t h a c r y l a t e ;62.n -h e p t a n e ;63.c i s -1,3-d i c h l o r o -1-p r o p e n e ;64.4-m e t h y l -2-pe n -t a n o n e ;65.m e t h y l c y c l o h e x a n e ;66.t r a n s -1,3-d i c h l o r o -1-p r o p e n e ;67.1,1,2-t r i c h l o r o e t h a n e ;68.2,3,4-t r i m e t h y l pe n t a n e ;69.t o l u e n e ;70.2-m e t h y l h e p t a n e ;71.2-h e x a n o n e ;72.3-m e t h y l h e pt a n e ;73.d i b r o m o c h l o r o m e t h a n e ;74.1,2-d i b r o m o e t h a n e ;75.n -o c t a n e ;76.t e t r a c h l o r o e t h y l e n e ;77.c h l o r o b e n z e n e d 5(I S );78.c h l o r o b e n z e n e ;79/80.p -x y l e n e /m -x y l e n e ;81.e t h yl b e n z e n e ;82.b r o m o f o r m ;83.s t y r e n e ;84.1,1,2,2-t e t r a c h l o r o e t h a n e ;85.o -x y l e n e ;86.n -n o n a n e ;87.4-b r o m o f l u o b e n z e n (S S );88.c u m i n ;89.n -p r o p l b e n z e n e ;90.m -e t h -y l t o l u e n e ;91.p -e t h y l t o l u e n e ;92.1,3,5-t r i t o l u e n e ;93.o -e t h y l t o l u e n e ;94.1,2,4-t r i t o l u e n e ;95.n -d e c a n e ;96.b e n z y l c h l o r i d e ;97.1,3-d i c h l o r o -b e n z e n e ;98.1,4-d i c h l o r o b e n z e n e ;99.1,2,3-t r i m e t h y l b e n z e n e ;100.1,2-d i c h l o r o b e n z e n e ;101.m -d i e t h y l b e n z e n e ;102.p -d i e t h y l b e n z e n e ;103.n -u n d e c a n e ;104.1,2,4-t r i c h l o r o b e n z e n e ;105.n a ph t h a l e n e ;106.n -d o d e c a n e ;107.h e x a c h l o r o b u t a d i e n e .2.3 标准曲线的制作2.3.1 标准气体配制 使用市售钢瓶标准气体(有证标准物质),钢瓶标准气体初始浓度为1.0μm o l /m o l ,648第6期分析科学学报第36卷用动态稀释仪稀释钢瓶标准气体,将P A M S 和T O -15钢瓶气混合稀释至2.0n m o l /m o l,作为工作标准气体㊂2.3.2 标准曲线的绘制 绘制标准曲线㊂表1为进样量对应的标准点浓度㊂在校准曲线中每个点的内标和替代物的浓度均为0.50n m o l /m o l㊂表1 标准进样量对应的标准点浓度T a b l e 1 C o r r e s p o n d i n g s t a n d a r d c o n c e n t r a t i o no b t a i n e db y i n j e c t i o no f d i f f e r e n t s a m pl e N o .I n je c t i o nv o l u m e (m L )C o n c e n t r a t i o n(n m o l /m o l)N o .I n je c t i o nv o l u m e (m L )C o n c e n t r a t i o n(n m o l /m o l)1200.1042001.002500.2554002.0031000.5065002.50通过M S 检测的目标化合物,以各组分的主要离子为定量离子,以内标物校准定量,计算每个校准点的目标化合物的响应因子(R F ),其相对标准偏差(R S D )在3.2%~26.8%之间㊂通过F I D 检测的目标化合物,以保留时间校准定量,通过线性回归绘制标准曲线,回归方程㊁相关系数r 和R F 的R S D 见表2㊂2.4 方法检出限采用上述优化好的分析条件,连续分析7个浓度为0.10n m o l /m o l 的标准气体样品,计算其标准偏差s ,通过方法检出限(M D L )=3.143ˑs 公式,得出各目标化合物的M D L 不高于0.05n m o l /m o l㊂结果见表2㊂表2 108种V O C s 的标准曲线及检出限T a b l e 2 S t a n d a r d c u r v e a n dd e t e c t i o n l i m i t o f 108V O C sN o .C o m po u n d R e g r e s s i o ne qu a t i o n C o r r e l a t i o nc o e f f i c i e n t R FR S D(%)M D L(n m o l /m o l )1M e t h yl c h l o r o f l u o r i d e y =0.1673x +0.02110.99908.40.032M e t h a n e c h l o r i d ey =0.0248x +0.00210.99199.80.0231,1',2,2'-T e t r a f l u o r o -1,2-d i c h l o r o e t h a n ey =0.1853x +0.01560.99925.70.014I s o b u t a n ey =0.0503x +0.00580.993010.70.025C h l o r e t h y l e n e y =0.0452x +0.00280.99956.90.0161-B u t e n e y =0.3010x +0.00160.99944.10.037B u t a d i e n e y =0.0147x +0.00080.997216.70.038n -B u t a n e y =0.0483x +0.00260.99935.20.039E t h y l e n e y =29065.0x +5030.10.9962-0.0210A c e t y l e n e y =41039.0x +8401.00.9942-0.0211T r a n s -2-b u t e n e y =0.0268x +0.00360.994519.40.0312M e t h y l b r o m i d e y =0.0638x +0.00410.99914.20.0113E t h a n e y =49433.0x +6020.40.9950-0.0314C i s -2-b u t e n ey =0.0348x -0.00040.99638.30.0315C h l o r o e t h a n e y =0.0254x +0.00320.995410.00.0316E t h y l a l c o h o l y =0.0214x -0.00190.993914.40.0217A c r o l e i n y =0.0072x +0.00190.993420.80.0218A c e t o n e y =0.0649x +0.01270.993817.60.0319I s o p e n t a n e y =0.0512x +0.00360.99759.60.0320I s o p r o pa n o l y =0.0573x +0.01510.993815.70.0121F l u o r o t r i c h l o r o m e t h a n ey =0.2388x +0.02570.99896.60.01221-P e n t e n e y =0.0390x +0.00450.991717.20.0323n -P e n t a n ey =0.0639x +0.00630.99649.00.0324I s o pr e n e y =0.0281x +0.00880.992417.20.0125T r a n s -2-pe n t e n e y =0.0785x +0.00070.99813.20.02261,1-D i c h l o r o e t h yl e n e y =0.0921x +0.00920.99837.10.0127C i s -2-pe n t e n e y =0.0701x +0.00200.99783.90.0328D i c h l o r o m e t h a n ey =0.0582x +0.00130.991511.50.01291,2,2-T r i f l u o r o -1,1,2-t r i c h l o r o e t h a n ey =0.2184x +0.02360.99856.90.0130C a r b o nd i s u l f i d e y =0.1608x -0.00580.99685.40.0131P r o p y l e n e y =180519.0x +9254.60.9960-0.03748第6期吴晓妍等:利用苏玛罐-预冷冻浓缩-气相色谱/质谱法同时测定空气中的108种挥发性有机物第36卷(续表2)N o.C o m p o u n d R e g r e s s i o ne q u a t i o n C o r r e l a t i o nc o e f f i c i e n t R FR S D(%)M D L(n m o l/m o l)322,2-D i m e t h y l b u t a n e y=0.0838x+0.00800.99657.60.02 33P r o p a n e y=65325.3x+5618.10.9961-0.02 34C i s-1,2-d i c h l o r o e t h y l e n e y=0.0639x+0.00350.99659.80.02 351,1-D i c h l o r o e t h a n e y=0.1000x+0.01480.99608.40.03 362-M e t h o x y-m e t h y l p r o p a n e y=0.1652x+0.01440.99578.70.01 372-M e t h y l p e n t a n e y=0.1736x+0.00230.998310.40.02 38V i n y l a c e t a t e y=0.0691x+0.00350.996113.30.02 392,3-D i m e t h y l b u t a n e y=0.1736x+0.00230.998310.40.02 40C y c l o p e n t a n e y=0.0527x+0.00770.996113.30.01 412-B u t y l k e t o n e y=0.0626x-0.00250.998414.50.03 423-M e t h y l p e n t a n e y=0.0897x-0.00300.998012.30.03 431-H e x e n e y=0.0418x+0.00550.99689.30.03 44T r a n s-1,2-d i c h l o r o e t h y l e n e y=0.0814x+0.00830.99786.50.01 45A c e t i c e t h e r y=0.0660x+0.00400.996410.00.03 46n-H e x a n e y=0.0455x+0.00440.99699.80.02 47C h l o r o f o r m y=0.0492x+0.00540.99796.20.01 48B u t y l e n e o x i d e y=0.0118x-0.00080.99338.70.03 491,2-D i c h l o r o e t h a n e y=0.0252x+0.00210.993210.90.01 50M e t h y l c y c l o p e n t a n e y=0.0623x+0.00690.995310.70.01 512,4-D i m e t h y l p e n t a n e y=0.0301x+0.00290.996910.90.01 521,1,1-T r i c h l o r o e t h a n e y=0.0573x+0.00390.99806.10.01 53B e n z e n e y=0.1214x+0.01520.99627.40.01 54C a r b o n t e t r a c h l o r i d e y=0.0667x+0.00290.99874.50.01 55C y c l o h e x a n e y=0.0507x+0.01240.991617.00.02 562-M e t h y l e t h a n e y=0.0251x+0.00240.997510.20.03 572,3-D i m e t h y l p e n t a n e y=0.0242x+0.00390.994011.00.03 583-M e t h y l h e x a n e y=0.0198x+0.00190.996712.70.03 591,2-D i c h l o r o p r o p a n e y=0.0170x+0.00250.995611.40.03 60M o n o b r o m o d i c h l o r o m e t h a n e y=0.0485x+0.00270.99795.00.01 611,4-D i o x a n e y=0.0098x+0.00260.991020.20.03 62T r i c h l o r o e t h y l e n e y=0.0438x+0.00540.99687.70.01 632,2,4-T r i m e t h y l p e n t a n e y=0.0675x+0.00670.990014.00.03 64M e t h y lm e t h a c r y l a t e y=0.0143x+0.00010.994514.60.01 65n-H e p t a n e y=0.0445x+0.00200.99777.40.01 66C i s-1,3-d i c h l o r o-1-p r o p e n e y=0.0244x-0.00070.998213.80.02 674-M e t h y l-2-p e n t a n o n e y=0.0237x+0.00170.996412.30.02 68M e t h y l c y c l o h e x a n e y=0.0390x+0.00330.994310.60.02 69T r a n s-1,3-d i c h l o r o-1-p r o p e n e y=0.0168x-0.00100.995517.10.02 701,1,2-T r i c h l o r o e t h a n e y=0.0274x+0.00420.99568.70.01 712,3,4-T r i m e t h y l p e n t a n e y=0.0399x+0.00190.998612.30.01 72T o l u e n e y=0.1531x+0.02480.995310.00.01 732-M e t h y l h e p t a n e y=0.0371x+0.00150.996411.40.03 742-H e x a n o n e y=0.0152x+0.00550.990222.40.02 753-M e t h y l h e p t a n e y=0.0287x+0.00170.998411.90.01 76D i b r o m o c h l o r o m e t h a n e y=0.0605x+0.00170.99797.90.01 771,2-D i b r o m o e t h a n e y=0.0394x+0.00470.99619.60.01 78n-O c t a n e y=0.0283x+0.00180.995614.30.01 79T e t r a c h l o r o e t h y l e n e y=0.0598x+0.00840.99688.30.01 80C h l o r o b e n z e n e y=0.0571x+0.01260.994812.10.01 81/82p-x y l e n e/m-x y l e n e y=0.1733x+0.02990.992912.80.01 83e t h y l b e n z e n e y=0.2555x+0.05570.991613.60.01 84B r o m o f o r m y=0.0559x+0.00110.996711.90.01848第6期分析科学学报第36卷(续表2)N o.C o m p o u n d R e g r e s s i o ne q u a t i o n C o r r e l a t i o nc o e f f i c i e n t R FR S D(%)M D L(n m o l/m o l)85S t y r e n e y=0.0894x+0.00980.991015.80.01 861,1,2,2-T e t r a c h l o r o e t h a n e y=0.0432x+0.00430.99559.40.0187o-x y l e n e y=0.1293x+0.03230.990213.30.0188n-N o n a n e y=0.0277x+0.00140.997215.20.0189C u m i n y=0.1637x+0.02290.990813.50.0190n-P r o p l b e n z e n e y=0.1479x+0.00710.992120.20.0291m-E t h y l t o l u e n e y=0.1323x+0.00460.993420.40.0292p-E t h y l t o l u e n e y=0.2401x+0.02720.995019.40.01 931,3,5-T r i t o l u e n e y=0.2091x+0.01070.992017.60.0194o-e t h y l t o l u e n e y=0.1342x+0.00830.990818.60.01 951,2,4-T r i t o l u e n e y=0.1879x+0.00350.995221.00.0196n-D e c a n e y=0.0362x-0.00510.998224.90.0197B e n z y l c h l o r i d e y=0.0122x-0.00210.993721.40.02 981,3-D i c h l o r o b e n z e n e y=0.0552x+0.00950.990011.80.02 991,4-D i c h l o r o b e n z e n e y=0.0465x+0.01170.994314.80.01 1001,2,3-T r i m e t h y l b e n z e n e y=0.0979x-0.00560.997221.70.02 1011,2-D i c h l o r o b e n z e n e y=0.0518x+0.00900.996714.00.01 102m-D i e t h y l b e n z e n e y=0.0717x-0.00580.996024.80.02 103p-D i e t h y l b e n z e n e y=0.0661x-0.00590.997426.20.02 104n-U n d e c a n e y=0.0198x-0.00700.993425.00.03 1051,2,4-T r i c h l o r o b e n z e n e y=0.0092x+0.00100.998224.80.02 106N a p h t h a l e n e y=0.0143x+0.00140.998526.80.02 107n-D o d e c a n e y=0.0025x+0.00020.991318.50.05 108H e x a c h l o r o b u t a d i e n e y=0.0337x+0.00790.995416.70.022.5方法的精密度与准确度根据实验所得最优参数,重复测定0.25n m o l/m o l㊁2.0n m o l/m o l108种标准混合气体样品6次,计算R S D来评价精密度㊂其中浓度为0.25n m o l/m o l的108种V O C s的R S D范围在0.9%~10.6%之间;浓度为2.0n m o l/m o l的108种V O C s的R S D范围在0.6%~10.1%之间,表现出良好的精密度㊂根据实验所得最优参数,对空白样品加标1.0n m o l/m o l标准气体,平行测定6次,各化合物的回收率均在78.2%~118%之间㊂2.6实际样品的测定采集某室内空气样品,按上文所述的实验条件进行分析,进样体积为400m L,从中检出33种目标V O C s,其含量在0.2~21.8μg/m3范围内㊂2.7样品保存时间研究通过实际样品加标实验,测定各组分回收率受保存时间的影响㊂将实际空气样品在常温下保存,加入1.0n m o l/m o l57种P AM S混合标准气体,测定第1d㊁第3d㊁第10d㊁第15d㊁第25d各组分的回收率㊂样品在15d内回收率能保持在78%以上,到25d,各组分回收率明显下降㊂因此,P AM S样品保存期限最好为10d以内,最多不宜超过15d,否则准确度将受到严重影响㊂3结论本文采用苏玛罐-预冷冻浓缩系统-双色谱柱-F I D/M S双检测器对环境空气中108种V O C s进行同时检测㊂通过三级冷阱温度㊁样品转移时间㊁双柱阀切换时间等条件的优化,实现108种目标化合物在色谱柱上较好分离,线性范围0.10~2.50n m o l/m o l,检出限不高于0.05n m o l/m o l㊂本方法一次进样即可实现108种V O C s的同时检测,快速高效,适用于环境空气中多组分㊁低浓度V O C s的检测㊂参考文献:[1] S HA O M,D O N GD.E n v i r o n m e n t a l P r o t e c t i o n(邵敏,董东.环境保护),2013,41(5):25.948第6期吴晓妍等:利用苏玛罐-预冷冻浓缩-气相色谱/质谱法同时测定空气中的108种挥发性有机物第36卷[2] N I U CL.R e s o u r c eE c o n o m i z a t i o n&E n v i r o n m e n t a l P r o t e c t i o n(牛春雷.资源节约与环保),2016,(12):94.[3] C A O W W,S H I JW,H A NB,e t a l.C h i n aE n v i r o n m e n t a l S c i e n c e(曹文文,史建武,韩斌等.中国环境科学),2012,32(2):200.[4]J I N H,L ILP.E n v i r o n m e n t a l S c i e n c e a n d M a n a g e m e n t(金辉,李丽萍.环境科学与管理),1994,(2):27.[5] L ICJ,HU S W.J o u r 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e c t e d i nS p e-c i a l l y-P r e p a r e dC a n i s t e r s a n dA n a l y z e db y G a sC h r o m a t o g r a p h y/M a s s S p e c t r o m e t r y(G C/M S).E P A.1999.S i m u l t a n e o u s D e t e r m i n a t i o n o f108V o l a t i l eO r g a n i cC o m p o u n d s i nA m b i e n t A i r b y G a s C h r o m a t o g r a p h y/M a s s S p e c t r o m e t r y w i t hS U MM AC a n i s t e r S a m p l i n g a n dP r e-c o n c e n t r a t e d S y s t e mWU X i a o y a n*1,T A NL i2(1.E c o l o g i c a l a n dE n v i r o n m e n t a lM o n i t o r i n g C e n t e r o f C h o n g q i n g,K e y L a b o r a t o r y o f O r g a n i cP o l l u t a n t si nE n v i r o n e n t a lC h e m i c a lB e h a v i o ra n dE c o l o g i c a lT o x i c o l o g y o f C h o n g q i n g,C h o n g q i n g401147;2.C h i n aN a t i o n a lE n v i r o n m e n t a lM o n i t o r i n g C e n t e r,B e i j i n g100012)A b s t r a c t:S i m u l t a n e o u sd e t e r m i n a t i o no f108v o l a t i l eo r g a n i cc o m p o u n d s(V O C s)i na m b i e n ta i r w a s r e a l i z e db y u s i n g G C/M S c o m b i n e dw i t hS UMMAc a n i s t e r s a m p l i n g a n d p r e-c o n c e n t r a t i o n s y s t e m.T o t a l 108V O C s,i n c l u d i n g l o wb o i l i n g p o i n t C2-C3V O C s,c a nb e a n a l y z e d b y o n l y o n e i n j e c t i o n,w h i c h i s b a s e d o nf a m o u s a n d e f f i c i e n t p e r f o r m a n c e o f d u a l-c h r o m a t o g r a p h i c c o l u m n a n d d u a l-d e t e c t o r.A g o o d s e p a r a t i o ne f f e c t,w i d e l i n e a r i t y,h i g hs e n s i t i v i t y,l o w d e t e c t i o nl i m i ta n ds a t i s f i e ds t o r et i m eo f s a m p l e w e r e o b t a i n e d.T h i sm e t h o d s h o w e d g r e a t a d v a n t a g e a n d i s a p p l i c a b l e f o r t h e d e t e c t i o n o fV O C sw i t h l o w c o n c e n t r a t i o n i na m b i e n t a i r.K e y w o r d s:V o l a t i l e o r g a n i c c o m p o u n d s;S UMMAc a n i s t e r;G a s c h r o m a t o g r a p h y/m a s s s p e c t r o m e t r y 058。

苏码罐采样-气相色谱-质谱法测定密闭环境空气中的有害气体韦桂欢;张洪彬;龙庆云;杨品【摘要】采用苏码罐采样,以预浓缩仪进行预浓缩,以DB-5毛细管色谱柱分离,质谱进行分析,建立了苏码罐采样-气相色谱-质谱法测定密闭环境空气中苯乙烯、氯苯、二硫化碳、三氯乙烷、三氯乙烯、四氯乙烯、萘和正已烷等8种有害气体.试验优化了色谱柱型、色谱柱温度、预浓缩温度和进样量等条件.8种化合物的线性范围均为0.002 0~0.050 0 mg·m-3,检出限(3S/N)在0.2~0.4μg·m-3之间.应用此方法对密闭环境中的有害气体进行检测,加标回收率在88.6%~97.1%之间,测定值的相对标准偏差(n=6)在1.4%~9.4%之间.【期刊名称】《理化检验-化学分册》【年(卷),期】2016(052)005【总页数】5页(P532-536)【关键词】气相色谱-质谱法;苏码罐采样;有害气体;空气;密闭环境【作者】韦桂欢;张洪彬;龙庆云;杨品【作者单位】中国船舶重工集团公司第七一八研究所,邯郸056027;中国船舶重工集团公司第七一八研究所,邯郸056027;中国船舶重工集团公司第七一八研究所,邯郸056027;中国船舶重工集团公司第七一八研究所,邯郸056027【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O657.63船舶等特殊密闭舱室是一个有限密闭空间,舱内环境不断受到各种挥发物、油料、润滑剂、制冷剂以及船员的有机体代谢、食物的烹调与腐败、结构材料的挥发与分解物等的污染[1]。
按照世界卫生组织(WHO)的定义,VOCs是指沸点范围在50 ℃~260 ℃之间,室温下饱和蒸汽压超过133.3 Pa,常温下以蒸汽形式存在于空气中的一大类有机物。
VOCs 大多具有较强的毒性,其中,至少有十几种被列入美国国家环境保护局(EPA)及我国环境保护部确定的优先监测污染物名录[2]。

Bag Sampling ̄SUMMA Canister Transferring ̄GC / MS Determination of Malodorous Alቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱehyde Compounds in Waste Gas
Key words: Malodorous aldehyde substanceꎻ Sampling bagꎻ SUMMA canisterꎻ GC ̄MSꎻ Waste gas
恶臭污染越来越受到人们关注[1] ꎬ恶臭物质 种类很多ꎬ主要有含硫[2] 、含氧化合物等ꎬ醛类属 于含氧化合物中的一种ꎬ汽车尾气、工业排放等都 是醛类污染物的重要来源[3] ꎮ 这类污染物能通过 光化学反应生成自由基、二次气溶胶等ꎬ影响空气 质量[4 - 5] ꎬ对人体健康也有较大危害ꎮ
«恶臭污染物排放标准» ( GB 14554—1993) 中 对 8 项恶臭污染物加以管控ꎬ然而未涉及丙醛等 5 种低分子醛类ꎮ 虽然上海市地标« 恶臭( 异味) 污 染物排放标准» ( DB 31 / 1025—2016) 中规定了丙 醛等 3 种恶臭物质的排放限值ꎬ但缺乏相应的监测 分析方法ꎮ 醛类物质的采集方法有吸附管衍生化 采集、有机溶液吸收等ꎬ测定方法有液相色谱法、气
第 31 卷 第 2 期
曹爱丽. 气袋采样 - 苏玛罐转移 - GC / MS 法测定废气中醛类恶臭物质
2019 年 4 月
1 试验 1. 1 主要仪器与试剂
Agilent 6890 / 5977 型气相色谱 - 质谱仪ꎬ气密 性注射器(1 mL) ꎬ美国 Agilent 科技有限公司ꎻEn ̄ tech 7016D 型 苏 玛 罐 自 动 进 样 装 置ꎬ Entech 7200 型预浓缩系统ꎬEntech 4600 型动态稀释仪( 带自动 加湿功能ꎬ配气湿度约 40% ) ꎬEntech 3100 型清罐 仪ꎬ苏玛罐转接头( 气袋转移用) ꎬEntech 硅烷化苏 玛罐(6 L) ꎬ 美国 Entech 仪 器 公 司ꎮ 聚 氟 乙 烯 膜 Tedler 采样袋ꎬ聚全氟乙丙烯膜( 氟树脂) FEP 采样 袋ꎬ共聚偏氟乙烯膜 PVDFs 采样袋ꎬ耐高温聚酯薄 膜 PET 采样袋ꎬ尼龙膜、铝箔和聚乙烯膜铝塑复合 采样袋ꎬ体积均为 3 Lꎮ

苏码罐采样预浓缩—GC—MS法测定环境空气中的挥发性有机化合物作者:陈舒迟郭岩黄宜耀来源:《环球人文地理·评论版》2014年第09期摘要:采用苏码罐采样技术,预浓缩系统与GC- MS 联用,建立了测定环境空气中77(VOCS)种挥发性物的监测方法,回收率在75%-125%,方法检出限在该方法用于环境空气监测,结果令人满意。
关键词:预浓缩系统;;气相色谱-质谱;挥发性有机化合物;环境空气挥发性有机物(Volatile Organic Compounds,简称VOCs)是指沸点在50~260 ℃之间、室温下饱和蒸气压超过133.32Pa,在常温下能以蒸气的形式存在于空气中的一类有机物 [1]。
VOCS 中的许多物质有致癌、致畸、致突变性,对环境安全和人体健康构成威胁[3 - 4]。
关于挥发性有机物的研究测定已有多篇文献报道[5 - 8]。
苏码罐采样预浓缩-GC-MS 分析方法是一种快速采集气体样品、痕量分析环境空气中VOCs的方法。
进行采样的不锈钢罐(Summa 罐)内壁经电子抛光和惰性化处理,避免光照引起化学反应,对VOCs几乎没有吸附性,样品可长时间保存[9],避免在传统吸附法中采用吸附剂时的采样穿漏、分解及解吸损失的问题。
苏码罐采样预浓缩—GC-MS 分析方法可直接进样分析多组分样品,灵敏度高,无需溶剂,且样品保存时间长。
本研究旨在通过建立环境空气中77 种VOCs 的苏码罐采样预浓缩-GC-MS 分析方法,为汕头市环境空气中的挥发性有机污染物的监控提供科学基础。
1 实验部分1. 1仪器设备3 结论在本研究中,采用苏码罐采样,预浓缩系统与 GC-MS联用测定空气中77种挥发性有机化合物的分析方法,具有采样方便,灵敏度好,准确度高,同一样品可多次同时测定出多种污染物,且样品保存时间长等优点,该法的检出限0.16 –0.96 μg/m3,回收率在75% -125%。

化学分析计量CHEMICAL ANALYSIS AND METERAGE第30卷,第3期2021年3月V ol. 30,No. 3Mar. 202160doi :10.3969/j.issn.1008–6145.2021.03.013苏玛罐采样–多重毛细柱捕集–气相色谱–质谱法测定空气中挥发性有机硫化合物马小杰,李明芳(山东省临沂市环境监测中心,山东临沂 276000)摘要 建立了苏玛罐采样–多重毛细柱捕集–气相色谱–质谱法测定环境空气中二硫化碳、甲硫醇、甲硫醚、二甲二硫醚。
采用DB–1色谱柱,进样体积为10~350 mL ,程序升流进样,考察了样品保存时间、湿度对捕集系统的影响。
结果表明,4种化合物在1.0~20.0 μmol /mol 范围内线性良好,相关系数均大于0.998,检出限为0.15~0.24 μg /m 3,满足GB 14454–1993恶臭污染物厂界一级标准限值分析要求,同时低于人的嗅觉阈值。
样品加标回收率为94%~104%,测定结果的相对标准偏差为1.5%~4.8%(n =6)。
关键词 苏玛罐;环境空气;气相色谱–质谱法;有机硫化合物中图分类号:O657.7 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008–6145(2021)03–0060–05Determination of volatile organic sulfur compounds in airby summa canisters sampling–multiple capillary column trapping–GC–MSMa Xiaojie, Li Mingfang(Shandong Province Linyi Environmental Monitoring Center, Linyi 276000, China)Abstract A method was established for the determination of carbon disulfide, methyl mercaptan, methyl sulfide and dimethyl disulfide in ambient air by summa canisters sampling–multiple capillary column trapping–GC–MS. DB–1 column was used, the injection volume was 10–350 mL, and the samples were injected by program flow. The effects of sample storage time and humidity on the capture system were investigated. The results showed that the linearity of the four organic sulfur compounds was good in the range of 1.0–20.0 μmol /mol with the correlation coefficients more than 0.998, and the detection limits were 0.15–0.24 μg /m 3, which met the requirements of GB 14454–1993 grade I standard for odor pollutants at the factory boundary, which were lower than human olfactory threshold. The recoveries of standard addition were 94%–104%, and the relative standard deviations of determination results were 1.5%–4.8% (n =6). The method is simple, rapid, accurate, reproducible and low detection limit without liquid nitrogen refrigeration. It is suitable for the analysis of sulfide in laboratory and on-line ambient air.Keywords summa canisters; ambient air; GC–MS; organic sulfur compounds挥发性有机硫化合物如二硫化碳、甲硫醇、甲硫醚、二甲二硫醚等属于典型的恶臭物质,人体对其嗅觉阈值极低,该类物质对人体中枢神经系统、呼吸器官、眼睛、皮肤等具有麻醉和刺激作用,高浓度时会导致头晕、恶心、呕吐、头痛甚至死亡[1–4]。

地球科学与环境工程河南科技Henan Science and Technology总第875期第4期2024年2月收稿日期:2023-08-22作者简介:马梦杰(1992—),女,硕士,助理工程师,研究方向:环境监测。
固定污染源废气中挥发性有机物测定方法探讨马梦杰 范传艺 杨明沁(河南省焦作生态环境监测中心,河南 焦作 454000)摘 要:【目的】近年来,挥发性有机物排放日益增多,对环境产生严重影响,固定污染源产生的挥发性有机物是其主要来源。
【方法】介绍了国内现行的固定污染源废气中挥发性有机物的测定方法标准、列出了现行有效的VOCs 采样方法、分析了固定污染源废气VOCs 实验室测定方法和现场测定方法及其优缺点。
关键词:挥发性有机物;固定污染源;废气中图分类号:X831 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1003-5168(2024)04-0122-04DOI :10.19968/ki.hnkj.1003-5168.2024.04.022Discussion on the Determination Methods of Volatile OrganicCompounds in Waste Gas from Stationary Pollution SourcesMA Mengjie FAN Chuanyi YANG Mingqin( Jiaozuo Ecological Environment Monitoring Center of Henan Province, Jiaozuo 454000, China)Abstract: [Purposes ] In recent years, the emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) has been in⁃creasing, and the composition is complex. It has serious impacts on the environment, which attracted more and more attention. VOCs generated from stationary pollution sources is the main source.Control⁃ling VOC emissions from stationary pollution sources is crucial for air pollution control. [Methods ] This article introduces the current domestic standards for the determination of volatile organic compounds in waste gas from stationary pollution sources, lists the effective methods for sampling VOCs, analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of laboratory measurements and on-site measurement methods. [Findings ]The accuracy of laboratory monitoring is high, and many kinds of pollutants can be analyzed, but the transportation and storage process of samples can affect the measurement results. The process of on-site measurement is fast and simple, but the accuracy is low. [Conclusions ] In future research, on-site mea⁃surement and laboratory measurement can be organically combined to make the results more real, accu⁃rate and complete, so as to better assist in the prevention and control of air pollution.Keywords: volatile organic compounds; stationary pollution sources; waste gas0 引言挥发性有机化合物(Volatile Organic Com⁃pounds ,VOCs )是一类有机化合物的统称,主要包含各种烃类化合物(烷烃、烯烃、炔烃、芳香烃)、卤代烃化合物、含氧有机化合物(醛类、酮类、醚类、酯类)、含氮有机化合物(胺类)等。

关键词:苏玛罐;挥发性有机物;手动配置低浓度曲线文献标识码:A 中图分类号:O657文章编号:2096-4137(2017)10-009-03 DOI:10.13535/ki.10-1507/n.2017.10.03近年来,随着雾霾天气越来越多,臭氧和PM2.5所代表的细粒子污染渐渐发展为大城市和区域空气污染的首要大敌。
经研究发现,挥发性有机物(Volatile Organic Compound,VOCs)是光化学烟雾的重要前体物。
1 仪器与试剂1.1 仪器GC-MS:Agilent 7890A/5975;预浓缩仪:Entech 7100A;动态稀释仪:Entech 4600;清罐仪:Entech 3100A;苏玛罐:硅烷化处理(6L和15L);质量流量器;加热带。
1.2 试剂VOCs混合标准气体:采用美国Linde生产的TO14标气,浓度1ppm,氮气底。

• 避免静电放电,压强高,气体传导引起的高压放电
-提高灵敏度 !!!
1 orr = 1 mmHg 1 orr=133.3Pa 1大气压 = 760 mmHg 真空的划分 P > 10-2 orr P = 10-2 - 10-4 orr P = 10-4 - 10-7 orr 低真空 中真空 高真空
热导 TCD 氢火焰 FID 进样系统 气路系统 检测系统 电子捕 ECD 氮、磷 NPD 火焰光 FPD
质谱 MS
GC 柱
流量 流出时间不同实现分离
• Liquid/solid samples analyzed by Headspace
Capable of detecting chemical health and environmental risks at very low levels
柱流量 3mL/min
① 前吹扫 ②后吹扫
Example: ① Fore flush (Injection): 60 sec (Detectable until Retention time 10 min. ) ② Back flush: Until the end of acquisition (until next Analysis)
大气VOCs在线监测系统联用GC-TOF MS 监测室外大气中VOCs含量

大气VOCs在线监测系统联用GC-TOF MS监测室外大气中VOCs含量上海磐合科学仪器股份有限公司1引言挥发性有机化合物(volatile organic compounds,VOCs)是大气中普遍存在的,且对环境影响最为严重的有机污染物。
飞行时间质谱仪(TOF MS)以其较高的分辨率,以及未知化合物定性分析等优势在VOCs分析中得到越来越多的应用。
Bench TOF具有高灵敏度、高稳定性、扫描速率快、高质量准确度、高分辨率等性能,以及无质量歧视、可选择电离电压(Select-ev)等功能,特别适用于连接Fast GC进行测试,可以在短时间内获得大量的物质信息。
2实验部分2.1实验仪器设备与材料2.1.1实验仪器设备:TT24-7大气VOCs在线监测系统(英国Markes公司);GC-TOF MS气相-飞行时间质谱联用仪(赛默飞/Markes公司)2.1.2实验材料标准物质:65种含氧挥发性有机物及卤代烃标准气体标准气(1ppmv)。

VOCs 会通过人体的血液流入大脑,这样很容易使中枢神经系统受损。

技术与检测Һ㊀VOC气体的采样及检测技术分析及应用张如禹,许㊀凯摘㊀要:随着人们对环保重视程度的提高,环境检测技术水平也在实际应用中得到了提高,对于提高社会环境水平发挥了重要作用㊂首先,分析了VOC气体排放的现状及VOC气体的采样技术,其次,阐述了VOC气体具体的检测技术,最后,介绍了VOC气体具体的检测技术的相关应用情况㊂关键词:VOC气体;采样;检测技术一㊁引言近年来,我国多地的空气质量不合格,常出现雾霾天气,大气污染情况较为严重,应采取切实有效的措施加以应对㊂同时,国家相关部门发布了相关的大气污染防治措施,对于改善我国的大气污染情况发挥了相应的价值,在实际中对大气质量也取得了较大的改善作用,其污染控制工作是 大气十条 的工作重点之一㊂文章详细分析了VOC气体的采样及检测技术及应用,对于提高VOC气体的采样效率及检测技术水平具有一定的价值㊂二㊁VOC气体的采样检测概述目前,一般工厂的有机气体是通过抽风机直接排放到大气中,而通常的环境气体排放监测主要是监测烟道排放气体,车间的有机气体排放则有所忽略㊂在对VOC气体的成本分析中,首先的一步是需要对VOC气体进行采样,之后再对VOC气体进行气味等测试,并完成相应的VOC气体检测任务㊂比如,在VOC气体的测试中,将气体放入袋中,并放置在合适的温度中一段时间,使得样品中的VOC气体能够受热挥发,之后气体就可以进入到袋中,完成对VOC气体的采样㊂但这种方法会对待测试物品产生一定的损坏,如果对待测试物品的质量要求较高,要求不能对待测试物品造成损坏,则将不能采用该方法㊂比如在对体育馆中的塑胶场地进行VOC气体的检测时,则就要求不能对体育馆的场地产生破坏,应保证体育馆的场地质量的前提下,对挥发性VOC气体进行现场采样㊂为了解决目前存在的问题,可以对VOC气体采样检测技术进行改进㊂三㊁VOC气体的采样检测技术分析利用VOC气体采样检测技术,可以制造VOC气体采样检测系统㊂在该检测系统中,包括采样装置和检测装置,检测装置包括三个合成车间排气口通过管道连接有机废气吸收塔,有机废气吸收塔连接活性炭吸附塔,活性炭吸附塔连接风机㊂风机安装有检测装置,检测装置连接在烟道排放口底部,烟道排放口连接有达标排放㊂有机废气吸收塔通过防爆齿轮油泵连接电控柜,电控柜连接风机㊂采样装置包括一个敞口的箱体,箱体内有一个一面开口的储气袋,储气袋的开口处连接在箱体的开口处㊂同时,在该VOC气体采样及检测装置中,还在储气袋的开口处设置了密封圈,通过密封圈可以保证所采集的VOC气体不会挥发掉,保证VOC气体的采集量符合相应的要求㊂这样也能够保持一个相对密封的空间,并且在采样装置还带有相关的加热装置,以便对待测试物品进行加热㊂在加热装置中,可以采用红外线加热的方式,但这种加热方式的加热效率相对不高,实际应用效果可能受限㊂为了改善对待测试物品的加热效果,可以采用电阻加热的方式,这样的加热方式的加热较为直接,并且可以实现快速加热㊂在这种加热装置中,一般也采用了温度控制模块,包括温度传感器㊁控制芯片和控制面板,可以实现相应的自动化控制功能㊂四㊁VOC气体采样及检测技术应用随着社会的不断发展,人们对环境问题也越来越重视,而空气的污染指数直接影响着人们的身体健康,在对空气进行检测时,需要用到气体采集装置对空气进行采样,但一般的气体采集装置在使用的时候存在一定的弊端㊂首先,一般的气体采集装置在对气体采集完毕的时候,需要用户将吸收瓶拿到一定的位置进行封口,这过程中,可能会对实验数据造成一定的影响㊂其次,普通的气体采集装置在不使用的时候,出气口暴露在外,可能会进入部分污染物,从而给下次的气体采集造成影响㊂为了能够有效提高样本气体采集速率,可以采用这种VOC气体检测用样本采集装置㊂在这种装置中包括固定支架,其固定支架顶部活动安装有控制基座,控制基座底部设置有封口机构,控制基座内设置有辅助集气的集气机构,且控制基座上位于集气机构一侧的位置设置有活动固定机构㊂在使用时,通过集气机构辅助集气,并配合活动固定机构保证集气过程稳定,以区别于现有技术,在采集气体样本时,能够极大的提高样本气体采集的效率,从而避免工作人员长时间的等待,以及时有效地对空气环境中的危险气体进行检测,方便实用㊂该种VOC气体采样检测系统可以在有害气体进入烟道之前进行检测,通过检测装置可以检测出有害气体中VOC气体含量是否超标㊂若超标则排放口关闭,风机把超标气体通过旁路排气管重新进入有机废气吸收塔和接活性炭吸附塔处理,直到VOC气体采样检测系统检测气体排放浓度数据达到设定数据以下方可排放㊂五㊁结语及时有效对VOC气体进行采样并检测分析,可以掌握环境的基本状况,并及时采取应对措施㊂在文章所述的VOC气体采样及检测系统中,通过设置的集气机构,能够有效提高集气瓶的样本气体采集的速率,从而保证对空气环境中危险气体及时检测,在实际中加以推广应用㊂参考文献:[1]刘若愚,胡泓.一种VOC气体检测的光离子化传感器设计[J].仪表技术与传感器,2019(7):1-5.[2]李芳萍,唐风志,刘江.采样流速对汽车零部件及材料VOC测试结果的影响[J].认证技术,2019(7):60-62.[3]王晓明,景艳.高温条件下环境测试舱内VOC采集方法优化研究[J].建材与装饰,2019,No.605(8):48-49.作者简介:张如禹,许凯,江苏博恩环保科技有限公司㊂361。

2 原理用经特殊处理的不锈钢罐采集空气样品,然后进行样品预浓缩和除去惰性气体后,用气相色谱分离和用质谱或多检测器技术测定环境空气中的挥发性有机物(VOCs)。
3 试剂3.1氢气、氮气、氦气超高纯钢瓶气(99.9999%)和超高纯的零空气。
3.5 4-溴氟苯(BFB),用于GC-MS调谐。
4 仪器4.1 OV-1毛细管柱(0.32mm×50m)。

大气中挥发性有机物v o c s检测技术Document serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】大气中挥发性有机物(VOCs)检测技术随着大气环境的日益污染,人们愈来愈关注的大气中挥发性有机废气。

第37卷第3期2021年2月Vol.37血3F c W.2021甘肃科技Gansu Science and Technology苏玛罐采样-GC/MS研究室内空气中VOCs的污染状况吕康乐,宋俊密(甘肃省环境监测中心站,甘肃兰州730020)摘要:文章建立了苏玛罐采样-GC/MS定性和定量分析-对室内空气中VOCs的污染状况进行了研究°结果表明:室内空气中主要污染物为氯甲烷、三氯一氟甲烷、苯$1,2-二氯乙烷、甲苯、乙苯、二甲苯、苯乙烯等,主要来源于室内装修°装修后1个月内居民室内空气出现超标,超标因子为TVOC和甲苯°随着装修时间的推移挥发性有机物的浓度降低但仍能检出"精装修的居室较简装的污染较重°关键词:室内空气;挥发性有机物;装修;苏玛罐中图分类号:X511概述挥发性有机物(VOCs',是常温下,沸点50!至260!的各种有机化合物。

预浓缩的基本原理:1、将第一级冷阱模块降温至预浓缩温度,内标化合物和大气样品在质量流量控制下分别以一定的恒定流速进入第一级冷阱富集,一级冷阱为多孔玻璃微珠,水气、CO2、VOCs 呈固态富集在第一级冷阱中,而大部分空气组分(O2, N2)不受影响通过。
2、将二级冷阱降温,缓慢加热第一级冷阱并维持一定温度,载气将第一级中VOCs 组分向第二级转移,而大部分水份留在第一级冷阱。
转移中二级冷阱中的Tenax 吸附将VOCs 完全吸附,此时呈气态的CO2 则被载气带出系统,从而去除CO2。
3、将第三级冷阱(空管)降温,加热二级冷阱,解吸出的VOCs 组分经载气转移至第三级冷冻聚焦。
推荐条件色谱柱DB-624 (60m×0.25mm×1.8μm, J&W Scientific);PLOT(AL/KCl)(30m×0.25mm×3.0μm, J&W Scientific)升温程序柱初始温度为30℃,保持7min;以5℃/min升温至120℃,保持5min;以6℃/min 升温至180℃,并保持7min程序运行时间47min载气(高纯氦)流速DB-624 : 1.2 mL/min;PLOT(AL/KCl):2ml/minFID/GC-MS原理1、FID检测器是采用分析标准混合气体样品和单个化合物标准样品,根据各标准化合物的保留时间和化合物性质对目标化合物定性。

NATIONAL CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY78生态环境 / ECOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT苏码罐采样预浓缩-GC-MS 法测定环境空气中的挥发性有机化合物陈舒迟 郭 岩 黄宜耀(广东省汕头市环境保护监测站,广东 汕头 515041)摘要:采用苏码罐采样技术,预浓缩系统与GC- MS 联用,建立了测定环境空气中77(VOC S )种挥发性物的监测方法,回收率在75%-125%,方法检出限在0.16 - 0.96 μg/m 3,该方法用于环境空气监测,结果令人满意。
关键词:预浓缩系统;气相色谱-质谱;挥发性有机化合物;环境空气挥发性有机物(Volatile Organic Compounds,简称VOCs)是指沸点在50 ̄260 ℃之间、室温下饱和蒸气压超过133.32Pa,在常温下能以蒸气的形式存在于空气中的一类有机物 [1]。
VOCS 中的许多物质有致癌、致畸、致突变性,对环境安全和人体健康构成威胁[3 - 4]。
关于挥发性有机物的研究测定已有多篇文献报道[5 - 8]。
苏码罐采样预浓缩-GC-MS 分析方法是一种快速采集气体样品、痕量分析环境空气中VOCs的方法。
进行采样的不锈钢罐(Summa 罐)内壁经电子抛光和惰性化处理,避免光照引起化学反应,对VOCs几乎没有吸附性,样品可长时间保存[9],避免在传统吸附法中采用吸附剂时的采样穿漏、分解及解吸损失的问题。
苏码罐采样预浓缩—GC-MS 分析方法可直接进样分析多组分样品,灵敏度高,无需溶剂,且样品保存时间长。
本研究旨在通过建立环境空气中77 种VOCs 的苏码罐采样预浓缩-GC-MS 分析方法,为汕头市环境空气中的挥发性有机污染物的监控提供科学基础。
1 实验部分1. 1仪器设备7200低温预浓缩仪(美国ENTECH公司),7016D型自动进样器(美国ENTECH公司),4600D动态稀释仪(美国ENTECH公司),3100A自动清罐仪(美国ENTECH公司),3.2L 的SUMMA 不锈钢采样罐(美国ENTECH公司),GCMS-QP2010 Ultra气质联用仪(日本岛津),毛细柱为RTX-624(60 m × 0.32 mm × 1.8μm)(美国 Restek 公司),液氮罐:内充液氮( - 183℃,沸点)。

VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS (VOCs) in Ambient Air Using Summa Canister Sampling and Gas Chromatography (GC) Analysis Table 1A. Summary of Holding Times and PreservationAnalytical Parameter aVolatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in SUMMA® canisters bVOCs in tedlar bags Technical and Contract Holding TimesTechnical: 14 days from collection;Contract: 12 days from receipt atlaboratoryTechnical: 48 hours from collection;Contract: 36 hours from receipt atlaboratoryPreservationAmbient temperature; atnear atmospheric pressuAmbient temperature; atnear atmospheric pressua Individual target compounds are listed in Table 1B.b The laboratory must provide clean and certified 6-liter SUMMA® canisters with the manufacturer's serial number, or a unique permanent identification number attached. For cleaning and certification of SUMMA® canisters, follow the requirements specified in Sections 7.3 and 11 of EPA Method TO-14. After cleaning and certification, the SUMMA canisters will be shipped to the field with a vacuum of < 50 mm TORR. One canister shall be designated as the trip blank for each SDG.Data Calculations and Reporting Units:Calculate and report the sample results as specified in the EPA Method TO-14. Perform sample quantitation using the response factor (RF) from the average response factors of the calibrated range. Report results for all target analytes in concentration units of parts per billion by volume (ppbv).Report tentatively identified compounds (TICs) with a response of <10% of the nearest internal standard.TIC values should be estimated in ppbv based on the response of the corresponding internal standard.EPA Method TO-14 Table 1B. Target Compound List and Contract Required Quantitation Limits for VOCs by EPA Method TO-14Analyte CAS Numbers CRQL(ppbv)Acetone 67-64-1 5Acetonitrile 27521 5Acrolein 39120 5Acrylonitrile 39447 5Benzene 71-73-2 2Benzyl chloride 100-44-7 5Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 2Bromomethane 74-83-9 51,3-Butadiene 106-99-0 52-Butanone 78-87-5 5Carbon tetrachloride 56-32-5 2Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 2Chlorodifluoromethane 2Chloroethane 0 2Chloroform 67-66-3 2Chloromethane 74-87-3 23-Chloro-1-propene 2Cyclohexane 110-82-7 2Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 21,2-Dibromoethane 106-93-4 21,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 21,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 51,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 5Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 21,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 21,2-Dichloroethane 39234 21,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 5cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 2trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 2 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 2 Dichlorofluoromethane 75-43-4 2 t-1,2-Dichloropropene 2 cis-1,2-Dichloropropene 52 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethaneEthylbenzene 100-41-4 2 Heptane 142-82-5 2 Hexachlorobutadiene 87-68-3 5 Hexane 110-54-3 2 Methanol 67-56-1 5 Methylene chloride 27638 5 Methyl methacrylate 2 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 39721 5 alpha-Methyl styrene 5 Octane 111-65-9 5 n-Pentane 109-66-0 2 Propylene 42185 5 Styrene 100-42-5 5 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 2 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0 5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 2 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 5 Toluene 108-88-3 5 Trichloroethene 28860 2 Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 22 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2trifluoroethane1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 2 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 2 Vinyl acetate 39571 5 Vinyl chloride 27397 2Xylenes (m- and p-) 5 Xylene (o-) 5cTable 2.Summary of Calibration ProceduresCalibration Element FrequencyAcceptance CriteriaCorrective GC/MS Tuning with 4bromofluorobenzene (BFB)Beginning of each 12 hour period during which standards and samples are analyzedIon abundance criteria in Table 4 of Method TO14 1. Identify 2. MS tune met before Initial Calibration (minimum blank + 3 to 5 points for each Initially; whenever required, due to failure of CCVRSD for RFs #25% 1. Terminat 2. Recalibr before sampanalyte) (ICAL) a, b, c Continuing Calibration Verification (CCV) (middle of thecalibration range)Following ICV, after every 10 samples, and end of run%D between RF of CCV and 1. Recalibra avg. RRFs from ICAL #25% 2. Reanalyzelast good CaThe ICAL low standard must be at concentrations equivalent to the CRQL. b ICAL and CCV standards must contain all target analytes listed in Table 1B.Report the retention time (RT) window for each analyte. Determine RTwindows as ±3 x the standard deviation (SD) of the average initial calibration RT for each analyte.Follow the tuning and calibration procedures in Section 10.2.2 and 10.2.3 of EPA Method TO-14 and in SOP #1705, Section 3.7.1 and 3.7.2 of OSWER Directive 9360.4-05, May 1992.The standards must be traceable to a known certified source.Table 3. Summary of Internal Quality Control ProceduresQC Element Frequency Acceptance Criteria Corrective AcMethod Blank (MB) One for each day,minimum of one per SDG < CRQL for each compound 1. Investigatcontamination2. Reanalyzeprocessed witout of controPerformance Evaluation (PE) sample aSurrogate Spikes b Laboratory Duplicates One per day or for eachSDG batchEvery sample, standardand method blankOne of every 10 samplesor one per day,whichever is greater80-120% of expected value70-130% of expected valueRPD #20 between duplicateresults $5 times CRQL;±CRQL for duplicateresults #5 times CRQL1. Reanalyze aassociated wicompliant PE1. Reanalyze anon-compliantrecoveries.1. Reanalyze anon-complianta PE samples - The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) standard reference materials (SRM) that are traceable to known concentrations.b Surrogates - The laboratory must demonstrate that the selected three surrogates do not interfere with any target analytes.Dilute and reanalyze samples which contain one or more target analytes at concentrations above the initial calibration range. Results for suchreanalyses should fall within the mid-range of the calibration curve. Report results and submit documentation for both analyses.VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS (VOCs) in Air(Ambient Air/Soil Vapor/Stack Gas) Samples Collected in Specially-PreparedCanistersand Analyzed by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS)Table 1A. Summary of Holding Times and PreservationAnalytical Parameter aVolatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in SUMMA® canisters bVOCs in tedlar bags Technical and Contract Holding TimesTechnical: 14 days from collection;Contract: 10 days from receipt at laboratoryTechnical: 48 hours from collection;Contract: 36 hours from receipt atlaboratoryPreservationAmbient temperatuAmbient temperatua Individual target compounds are listed in Table 1B.b The laboratory must provide the following equipment certified as clean:Cleaned and evacuated 6-liter SUMMA® canisters with the manufacturer's serial number, or a unique permanent identification number attached.For cleaning and certification of SUMMA® canisters, follow therequirements specified in Section 8.4 of EPA Method TO-15 (January1999).Cleaned and preset ultra-low flow orifices for each ambient air sample preset by the laboratory at a flow rate of 3.2 mL/min ±10% and digital flow meters capable of accurate measurements in the 3.2 mL/min range.Leak test all canisters prior to sample collection according to Section8.4 of Method TO-15 (January 1999).Data Calculations and Reporting Units:Calculate and report the sample results as specified in Section 10.8.4 of EPA Method TO-15 (January 1999).Perform sample quantitation using the relative response factor (RRF) from the daily continuing calibration standard. Report results for all target analytes in concentration units of parts per billion by volume (ppbv). Reporttentatively identified compounds(TICs) with a response of <10% of the nearest internal standard. TIC values should be estimated in ppbv based on the response of the corresponding internal standard.Table 1B.Target Compound List, CAS Numbers, and Contract Required Quantitation LimitsAnalyteBenzeneBromomethaneCarbon Tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane1,1-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 1 4.4 0.0044 0.2 1,1-Dichloroethene75-35-4 1.0 4.3 0.0043 0.2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 1.0 4.3 0.0043 0.2 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropanecis-1,3-Dichloropropene trans-1,3-Dichloropropene EthylbenzeneMethylene Chloride Styrene1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethene Toluene1,1,1-Trichloroethane (TCA) 1,1,2-Trichloroethane CAS Number 71-43-2 74-83-9 56-23-5 108-90-7 1.0 5.0 0.0050 0.2 75-00-3 1.0 2.9 0.0029 0.2 67-66-3 1 5.3 0.0053 0.2 74-87-3 75-34-3 156-60-5 78-87-5 10061-01-5 1.0 5.0 0.0050 0.2 10061-02-6 1.0 5.0 0.0050 0.2 100-41-4 1.0 4.7 0.0047 0.2 75-09-2 100-42-5 79-34-5 1.0 7.5 0.0075 0.2 127-18-4 1.0 7.4 0.0074 0.2 108-88-3 1.0 4.1 0.0041 0.2 71-55-6 79-00-5 CRQL CRQL CRQL MDL ppbv ug/M3 ug/L ppbv 1.0 3.5 0.0035 0.2 1.0 1.0 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 1 4.2 6.9 2.3 4.4 4.3 5.0 3.8 4.6 6.0 6 0.0042 0.0069 0.0023 0.0044 0.0043 0.0050 0.0038 0.0046 0.0060 0.0060 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 Trichloroethene (TCE) Vinyl Chloride p-Xylene & m- Xylene o-Xylene 79-01-6 1.0 5.9 0.0059 0.2 75-01-4 1.0 2.8 0.0028 0.2 106-42-3 & 108-38-3 2.0 9.5 0.0095 0.4 95-47- Method TO-15 (January 1999)Table 2.Summary of Calibration ProceduresCalibration Element FrequencyAcceptance Criteria Corrective GC/MS Tuning with 4Beginning of each 12 Ion abundance criteria in 1. Identify bromofluorobenzene hour period during Table 3 of Method TO-152. MS tune (BFB)which standards and met beforesamples are analyzed Initial Calibration (minimum blank + 5 points for eachanalyte) (ICAL) a, b, cInitially; whenever required, due to failure of CCVRRFs $0.05 for each analyte; RSD for RRFs #30% 1. Terminate2. Recalibrbefore sampc Continuing CalibrationVerification (CCV)(middle of thecalibration range)CRQL standardInternal Standards dRetention timeevaluationFollowing ICV, every12-hour, and end ofrunEvery 12 hourEvery standard,sample, blank, and QCsampleEach analysisRRFs $0.05 for each 1. Recalibraanalyte; %D between RRF of 2. ReanalyzeCCV and avg. RRFs from last good CICAL #30%65-135% of the expected 1. Recalibravalue 2. Reanalyzelast good CIS area within ±40% of the 1. InvestigaIS area in the associated 2. Re-analyzCCV analyzed dumalfunction±0.50 minute of the IS 1. Re-calibrretention time in the 2. Re-analyzassociated CCV to last gooa The ICAL low standard must be at concentrations equivalent to the CRQL.b ICAL and CCV standards must contain all target analytes listed in Table 1B.Report the retention time (RT) window for each analyte. Determine RT windows as ±3 xthe standard deviation (SD) of the average initial calibration RT for each analyte.d Internal standards: Bromochloromethane, 1,4-Difluorobenzene, and Chlorobenzene-d5.The standards must be traceable to known certified source. Humidify calibrationstandards when used.EPA Method TO-15 (January 1999)Table 3. Summary of Internal Quality Control ProceduresQC Element Frequency Acceptance Criteria Corrective AcMethod Blank (MB) Each 12-hour timeperiod, minimum of oneper SDG < CRQL for each compound 1. Investigatcontamination2. Reanalyzeprocessed witout of controBlank Spike Blank Spike Duplicate (BS/BSD) One BS/BSD set per batchor SDG (1 MS/MSD set per20 samples minimum)65-135% of expectedvalue; #35% RPD betweenBS and BSD1. Report inSurrogate Spikes a Every sample, standardand method blank 80-120% of expected value 1. Reanalyzenon-compliantrecoveriesLaboratory Duplicates One per SDG RPD #20 between duplicateresults $5 times CRQL;±CRQL for duplicateresults #5 times CRQL1. Reanalyzenon-complianta 1,2-dichloroethane-d4, Toluene-d8, and 4-Bromofluorobenzene. If other surrogates are used the laboratory must demonstrate that the surrogates do not interfere with any target analytes. The laboratory must also notify the Region in advance.Reanalyze samples containing target analytes at concentrations greater than theinitial calibration range. Analyze a smaller aliquot of sample from the SUMMA® canister. If after analyzing a smaller aliquot, the concentration is still greater than the initial calibration range, then dilute the sample and reanalyze according toprocedures outlined in EPA Method TO-15. If sample dilution is necessary, thedilution must be adjusted so that the target analyte is quantitated at a level in the upper half of the calibration range. Report the results and submit documentation for the analysis of both the diluted and undiluted sample.Both the primary ions and the secondary ions must be present in the spectra. The acceptance level for relative abundance of the appropriate ions in all standards, method blanks, QC samples, laboratory duplicates and field samples is determined to be ±20% of the expected abundance observed in the most recent continuing calibration standard. All ions greater than 15% in the standard spectrum must be present in the sample spectrum.。
VOCs 采样

(3)通过现场监测,建立佛山市重点VOCs排放行业典型排放环节的VOCs 排放成份特征谱(定性和定量)。
(6)基于对佛山市五大行业VOCs排放现状的研究,提出下一阶段工业VOCs 治理的建议与对策。
3、研究范围与内容3.1 研究范围根据《佛山市大气污染源排放系数研究和排放量调查一期》的研究成果,佛山市工业源VOCs主要来源于印刷、家具、制鞋、家电机械、化学纤维等行业。
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VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS (VOCs) in Ambient Air Using Summa Canister Sampling and Gas Chromatography (GC) Analysis Table 1A. Summary of Holding Times and PreservationAnalytical Parameter aVolatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in SUMMA® canisters bVOCs in tedlar bags Technical and Contract Holding TimesTechnical: 14 days from collection;Contract: 12 days from receipt atlaboratoryTechnical: 48 hours from collection;Contract: 36 hours from receipt atlaboratoryPreservationAmbient temperature; atnear atmospheric pressuAmbient temperature; atnear atmospheric pressua Individual target compounds are listed in Table 1B.b The laboratory must provide clean and certified 6-liter SUMMA® canisters with the manufacturer's serial number, or a unique permanent identification number attached. For cleaning and certification of SUMMA® canisters, follow the requirements specified in Sections 7.3 and 11 of EPA Method TO-14. After cleaning and certification, the SUMMA canisters will be shipped to the field with a vacuum of < 50 mm TORR. One canister shall be designated as the trip blank for each SDG.Data Calculations and Reporting Units:Calculate and report the sample results as specified in the EPA Method TO-14. Perform sample quantitation using the response factor (RF) from the average response factors of the calibrated range. Report results for all target analytes in concentration units of parts per billion by volume (ppbv).Report tentatively identified compounds (TICs) with a response of <10% of the nearest internal standard.TIC values should be estimated in ppbv based on the response of the corresponding internal standard.EPA Method TO-14 Table 1B. Target Compound List and Contract Required Quantitation Limits for VOCs by EPA Method TO-14Analyte CAS Numbers CRQL(ppbv)Acetone 67-64-1 5Acetonitrile 27521 5Acrolein 39120 5Acrylonitrile 39447 5Benzene 71-73-2 2Benzyl chloride 100-44-7 5Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 2Bromomethane 74-83-9 51,3-Butadiene 106-99-0 52-Butanone 78-87-5 5Carbon tetrachloride 56-32-5 2Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 2Chlorodifluoromethane 2Chloroethane 0 2Chloroform 67-66-3 2Chloromethane 74-87-3 23-Chloro-1-propene 2Cyclohexane 110-82-7 2Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 21,2-Dibromoethane 106-93-4 21,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 21,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 51,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 5Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 21,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 21,2-Dichloroethane 39234 21,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 5cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 2trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 2 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 2 Dichlorofluoromethane 75-43-4 2 t-1,2-Dichloropropene 2 cis-1,2-Dichloropropene 52 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethaneEthylbenzene 100-41-4 2 Heptane 142-82-5 2 Hexachlorobutadiene 87-68-3 5 Hexane 110-54-3 2 Methanol 67-56-1 5 Methylene chloride 27638 5 Methyl methacrylate 2 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 39721 5 alpha-Methyl styrene 5 Octane 111-65-9 5 n-Pentane 109-66-0 2 Propylene 42185 5 Styrene 100-42-5 5 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 2 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0 5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 2 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 5 Toluene 108-88-3 5 Trichloroethene 28860 2 Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 22 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2trifluoroethane1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 2 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 2 Vinyl acetate 39571 5 Vinyl chloride 27397 2Xylenes (m- and p-) 5 Xylene (o-) 5cTable 2.Summary of Calibration ProceduresCalibration Element FrequencyAcceptance CriteriaCorrective GC/MS Tuning with 4bromofluorobenzene (BFB)Beginning of each 12 hour period during which standards and samples are analyzedIon abundance criteria in Table 4 of Method TO14 1. Identify 2. MS tune met before Initial Calibration (minimum blank + 3 to 5 points for each Initially; whenever required, due to failure of CCVRSD for RFs #25% 1. Terminat 2. Recalibr before sampanalyte) (ICAL) a, b, c Continuing Calibration Verification (CCV) (middle of thecalibration range)Following ICV, after every 10 samples, and end of run%D between RF of CCV and 1. Recalibra avg. RRFs from ICAL #25% 2. Reanalyzelast good CaThe ICAL low standard must be at concentrations equivalent to the CRQL. b ICAL and CCV standards must contain all target analytes listed in Table 1B.Report the retention time (RT) window for each analyte. Determine RTwindows as ±3 x the standard deviation (SD) of the average initial calibration RT for each analyte.Follow the tuning and calibration procedures in Section 10.2.2 and 10.2.3 of EPA Method TO-14 and in SOP #1705, Section 3.7.1 and 3.7.2 of OSWER Directive 9360.4-05, May 1992.The standards must be traceable to a known certified source.Table 3. Summary of Internal Quality Control ProceduresQC Element Frequency Acceptance Criteria Corrective AcMethod Blank (MB) One for each day,minimum of one per SDG < CRQL for each compound 1. Investigatcontamination2. Reanalyzeprocessed witout of controPerformance Evaluation (PE) sample aSurrogate Spikes b Laboratory Duplicates One per day or for eachSDG batchEvery sample, standardand method blankOne of every 10 samplesor one per day,whichever is greater80-120% of expected value70-130% of expected valueRPD #20 between duplicateresults $5 times CRQL;±CRQL for duplicateresults #5 times CRQL1. Reanalyze aassociated wicompliant PE1. Reanalyze anon-compliantrecoveries.1. Reanalyze anon-complianta PE samples - The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) standard reference materials (SRM) that are traceable to known concentrations.b Surrogates - The laboratory must demonstrate that the selected three surrogates do not interfere with any target analytes.Dilute and reanalyze samples which contain one or more target analytes at concentrations above the initial calibration range. Results for suchreanalyses should fall within the mid-range of the calibration curve. Report results and submit documentation for both analyses.VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS (VOCs) in Air(Ambient Air/Soil Vapor/Stack Gas) Samples Collected in Specially-PreparedCanistersand Analyzed by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS)Table 1A. Summary of Holding Times and PreservationAnalytical Parameter aVolatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in SUMMA® canisters bVOCs in tedlar bags Technical and Contract Holding TimesTechnical: 14 days from collection;Contract: 10 days from receipt at laboratoryTechnical: 48 hours from collection;Contract: 36 hours from receipt atlaboratoryPreservationAmbient temperatuAmbient temperatua Individual target compounds are listed in Table 1B.b The laboratory must provide the following equipment certified as clean:Cleaned and evacuated 6-liter SUMMA® canisters with the manufacturer's serial number, or a unique permanent identification number attached.For cleaning and certification of SUMMA® canisters, follow therequirements specified in Section 8.4 of EPA Method TO-15 (January1999).Cleaned and preset ultra-low flow orifices for each ambient air sample preset by the laboratory at a flow rate of 3.2 mL/min ±10% and digital flow meters capable of accurate measurements in the 3.2 mL/min range.Leak test all canisters prior to sample collection according to Section8.4 of Method TO-15 (January 1999).Data Calculations and Reporting Units:Calculate and report the sample results as specified in Section 10.8.4 of EPA Method TO-15 (January 1999).Perform sample quantitation using the relative response factor (RRF) from the daily continuing calibration standard. Report results for all target analytes in concentration units of parts per billion by volume (ppbv). Reporttentatively identified compounds(TICs) with a response of <10% of the nearest internal standard. TIC values should be estimated in ppbv based on the response of the corresponding internal standard.Table 1B.Target Compound List, CAS Numbers, and Contract Required Quantitation LimitsAnalyteBenzeneBromomethaneCarbon Tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane1,1-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 1 4.4 0.0044 0.2 1,1-Dichloroethene75-35-4 1.0 4.3 0.0043 0.2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 1.0 4.3 0.0043 0.2 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropanecis-1,3-Dichloropropene trans-1,3-Dichloropropene EthylbenzeneMethylene Chloride Styrene1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethene Toluene1,1,1-Trichloroethane (TCA) 1,1,2-Trichloroethane CAS Number 71-43-2 74-83-9 56-23-5 108-90-7 1.0 5.0 0.0050 0.2 75-00-3 1.0 2.9 0.0029 0.2 67-66-3 1 5.3 0.0053 0.2 74-87-3 75-34-3 156-60-5 78-87-5 10061-01-5 1.0 5.0 0.0050 0.2 10061-02-6 1.0 5.0 0.0050 0.2 100-41-4 1.0 4.7 0.0047 0.2 75-09-2 100-42-5 79-34-5 1.0 7.5 0.0075 0.2 127-18-4 1.0 7.4 0.0074 0.2 108-88-3 1.0 4.1 0.0041 0.2 71-55-6 79-00-5 CRQL CRQL CRQL MDL ppbv ug/M3 ug/L ppbv 1.0 3.5 0.0035 0.2 1.0 1.0 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 1 4.2 6.9 2.3 4.4 4.3 5.0 3.8 4.6 6.0 6 0.0042 0.0069 0.0023 0.0044 0.0043 0.0050 0.0038 0.0046 0.0060 0.0060 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 Trichloroethene (TCE) Vinyl Chloride p-Xylene & m- Xylene o-Xylene 79-01-6 1.0 5.9 0.0059 0.2 75-01-4 1.0 2.8 0.0028 0.2 106-42-3 & 108-38-3 2.0 9.5 0.0095 0.4 95-47- Method TO-15 (January 1999)Table 2.Summary of Calibration ProceduresCalibration Element FrequencyAcceptance Criteria Corrective GC/MS Tuning with 4Beginning of each 12 Ion abundance criteria in 1. Identify bromofluorobenzene hour period during Table 3 of Method TO-152. MS tune (BFB)which standards and met beforesamples are analyzed Initial Calibration (minimum blank + 5 points for eachanalyte) (ICAL) a, b, cInitially; whenever required, due to failure of CCVRRFs $0.05 for each analyte; RSD for RRFs #30% 1. Terminate2. Recalibrbefore sampc Continuing CalibrationVerification (CCV)(middle of thecalibration range)CRQL standardInternal Standards dRetention timeevaluationFollowing ICV, every12-hour, and end ofrunEvery 12 hourEvery standard,sample, blank, and QCsampleEach analysisRRFs $0.05 for each 1. Recalibraanalyte; %D between RRF of 2. ReanalyzeCCV and avg. RRFs from last good CICAL #30%65-135% of the expected 1. Recalibravalue 2. Reanalyzelast good CIS area within ±40% of the 1. InvestigaIS area in the associated 2. Re-analyzCCV analyzed dumalfunction±0.50 minute of the IS 1. Re-calibrretention time in the 2. Re-analyzassociated CCV to last gooa The ICAL low standard must be at concentrations equivalent to the CRQL.b ICAL and CCV standards must contain all target analytes listed in Table 1B.Report the retention time (RT) window for each analyte. Determine RT windows as ±3 xthe standard deviation (SD) of the average initial calibration RT for each analyte.d Internal standards: Bromochloromethane, 1,4-Difluorobenzene, and Chlorobenzene-d5.The standards must be traceable to known certified source. Humidify calibrationstandards when used.EPA Method TO-15 (January 1999)Table 3. Summary of Internal Quality Control ProceduresQC Element Frequency Acceptance Criteria Corrective AcMethod Blank (MB) Each 12-hour timeperiod, minimum of oneper SDG < CRQL for each compound 1. Investigatcontamination2. Reanalyzeprocessed witout of controBlank Spike Blank Spike Duplicate (BS/BSD) One BS/BSD set per batchor SDG (1 MS/MSD set per20 samples minimum)65-135% of expectedvalue; #35% RPD betweenBS and BSD1. Report inSurrogate Spikes a Every sample, standardand method blank 80-120% of expected value 1. Reanalyzenon-compliantrecoveriesLaboratory Duplicates One per SDG RPD #20 between duplicateresults $5 times CRQL;±CRQL for duplicateresults #5 times CRQL1. Reanalyzenon-complianta 1,2-dichloroethane-d4, Toluene-d8, and 4-Bromofluorobenzene. If other surrogates are used the laboratory must demonstrate that the surrogates do not interfere with any target analytes. The laboratory must also notify the Region in advance.Reanalyze samples containing target analytes at concentrations greater than theinitial calibration range. Analyze a smaller aliquot of sample from the SUMMA® canister. If after analyzing a smaller aliquot, the concentration is still greater than the initial calibration range, then dilute the sample and reanalyze according toprocedures outlined in EPA Method TO-15. If sample dilution is necessary, thedilution must be adjusted so that the target analyte is quantitated at a level in the upper half of the calibration range. Report the results and submit documentation for the analysis of both the diluted and undiluted sample.Both the primary ions and the secondary ions must be present in the spectra. The acceptance level for relative abundance of the appropriate ions in all standards, method blanks, QC samples, laboratory duplicates and field samples is determined to be ±20% of the expected abundance observed in the most recent continuing calibration standard. All ions greater than 15% in the standard spectrum must be present in the sample spectrum.。