ISO 9606-1 2012 中文版焊工考核
4 数字、符号和缩略语 .......................................................................................................................................... 7
5.1 概述 ....................................................................................................................................................................... 10 5.2 焊接方法 ............................................................................................................................................................... 10 5.3 试件类型 ............................................................................................................................................................... 11 5.4 焊缝种类 ............................................................................................................................................................... 11 5.5 填充材料组别(FM) .......................................................................................................................................... 12
1. 哪个标准规定了焊接责任人员的职责和任务?A. EN ISO 14731B. EN ISO 3834-2C. EN ISO 3834-3C. EN ISO 3834-42. 一企业根据EN729-2(ISO3834-2)进行认证时,关于焊接责任人员描述正确的是:A. 企业需要一名焊接工程师B. 企业需要一名焊接技师C. ISO3834对焊接责任人员没有专门要求,它取决于应用标准中的要求D. ISO3834要求焊接责任人员完全满足EN719/ISO14731的要求3. 质量经理:A. 由部门经理任命B. 由管理部门书面任命C. 由雇主选任D. 由机构要求作为指导作用4. 根据ISO15609-1,哪些内容是WPS重要部分?A. 按ISO9606进行焊工考试的厚度范围B. 接头厚度C. 预热和层间温度D. 焊接填充材料牌号5. 哪个标准规定了焊接工艺规程(WPS)的内容?A. EN ISO 9606-2B. EN ISO 15611C. EN ISO 15614-1D. EN ISO 15609-16. 根据EN287-1/ISO9606-1进行焊工考试,管径范围多大时可以使用缺口拉伸试验?A. 最小25mmB. 最大25mmC. 最小150mmD. 最大150mm7. 开坡口焊接时,在下列哪些条件下,接头横向收缩大?A. 当试板宽度较大时B. 当用较大热输入焊接板材时C. 当用较小热输入焊接板材时D. 用X型坡口替代V型坡口时8. 在焊接制造中,材料的哪些性能影响其变形量?A. 密度B. 磁导率C. 热膨胀系数D. 杨氏模量- 弹性模量9. 宽板MIG焊时,下列哪些情况下易发生电弧磁偏吹?A. 在定位焊点附近焊接时B. 在板材中心焊接时C. 在板材边缘处焊接时10. MMA(焊条电弧焊)常用的辅助工具或设施有:A. 清渣锤B. 清理接头的钢丝刷C. 焊剂烘干箱D. 焊条烘干箱11. 焊接或切割处放置防护屏/帘的目的是:A. 防止其他人员受到焊接烟尘的影响B. 保护工人免受可见光的辐射C. 保护工人免受紫外线的辐射D. 减少噪音等级12. 在狭小空间进行焊接/切割时:A. 确保气瓶安全放置,并能就近关闭气体B. 作业现场通常2人(含安全监督人员)C. 总是有一名辅助人员在狭窄空间以外监督整个工作D. 确保工作区域氧含量尽可能低,避免爆炸13. 在测量电弧电压时,如何连接测量仪器?A. 在电路的任意位置B. 尽可能在接近电弧处C. 仅在电源终端D. 直流电源时在电路任意处,交流电源时仅在终端14. PWHT确定保温时间时必须考虑下列哪些因素?A. 最厚部分的厚度B. 最薄部分的厚度C. 生产复杂性D. 用于加热的能源15. 渗透试验检测缺陷时必须满足哪些条件?A. 试件必须是铁素体B. 必须表面开口缺陷C. 缺陷必须是体积型D. 缺陷必须是面积型16. 下列哪种材料适于用渗透检验方法,而不能用磁粉检验方法检测表面缺欠?A. 碳钢B. 铝合金C. 镁合金D. 奥氏体不锈钢17. 椭圆透照法是指:A. 用椭圆状试块进行检验B. 管径?100mm,斜照,胶片平放在管下面C. 管斜照,胶片放在管四周D. 板厚?10mm,斜照,胶片平放在板下面18. 单件成本包括以下哪些费用?A. 焊接材料费用B. 人员工资C. 最初损失D. 不同保证体系的影响19. 减少成本的措施包括:A. 采用高熔敷率的焊接工艺B. 增加操作人员数量C. 降低辅助材料消耗20. 关于修补焊正确的说法时:A. 每种情况下,修补面积均采用矩形B. 使用减少变形和应力的焊接顺序C. 不停弧的单道焊缝修补D. 在修补前,必须知道损坏的原因及母材类型21. 为什么在修补焊时,广泛使用镍基填充材料?A. 具有良好的韧性,能够通过塑性变形释放残余应力B. 具有良好的抗凝固裂纹性能,因此降低了对焊前准备的要求C. 具有良好的抗点状腐蚀能力D. 不能形成碳化物,能够阻止碳扩散22. 确定焊接结构是否适合于使用,下列哪些因素需要考虑?A. 系统的受力状态B. 缺陷尺寸C. 材料的密度D. 环境因素23. 超声波检验测焊接接头缺陷是基于:A. 让被测试件振动,测量其自身振动的振幅B. 超声波在材料中传导,在两种介质边界表面的反射C. 超声在材料中传导,测量它通过焊缝频率的变化D. 测量超声通过焊缝的衰减24. 怎样的缺陷位置及取向,在射线探伤时能够很好地被发现?A. 缺陷位置及取向并不重要,若板厚<30mmB. 缺陷应尽可能呈面状并垂直于射线透射方向C. 如果缺陷呈面状,则与缺陷位置取向无关D. 缺陷应尽可能为体积状或如果呈面状则与射线透射方向平行E. 缺陷应尽可能位于焊缝中心,接近表面的缺陷难以被发现25. 下列哪种说法是正确的?A. 检查表面缺陷的无损检测方法为PT、MT、RTB. 检查表面缺陷的无损检测方法为PT、ET、UTC. 检查表面缺陷的无损检测方法为RT、VT、MTD. 检查表面缺陷的无损检测方法为PT、MT、UTE. 检查表面缺陷的无损检测方法为PT、MT、VT26. 在一份硬度试验报告中有下列说明:640HV30,请问代表什么意义?A. 维氏硬度30,检验作用640NB. 洛氏硬度,压入深度0.3mmC. 维氏硬度640,检验作用力294ND. 布氏硬度30,检验作用力64NE. 维氏硬度640,检验作用力30N27. PT(着色检验)与MT(磁粉检验)相比?A. PT能检查表面和近表面缺陷B. MT能检查表面和近表面缺陷C. PT能检查近表面2 um的缺陷D. MT能检查近表面2mm内的缺陷E. 以上答案均不对28. 下列哪些成本属于生产特殊成本?A. 产品返修成本B. 验收成本C. 辅助材料价格D. 设备维修成本E. 辅助成本29. 下列哪些时间可以是辅助工作时间?A. 焊接时间B. 清渣C. 调节电流D. 打磨E. 待料30. 一种焊接方法是否是经济的,取决于下列哪些因素?A. 件数B. 板厚C. 焊接位置的可接近性D. 产品储运E. 企业规模31. 企业通过成本计算可解答下述哪些问题?A. 是否开发一种新产品?B. 何种工艺方法是合适的?C. 是否可将某种工艺方法的熔化效率得到提高?D. 产品是否在企业制造或外委?E. 是否可免除或降低对产品的必要的检验要求?32. 修补焊之前应了解该种材料状况,为此通过以下……确定:A. 焊接材料的选择B. 焊接方法的选择C. 通过该材料的化学分析D. 通过该材料材质单分析E. 通过该材料机械性能检验33. 对焊接修复工作有下列工作过程:1.焊接位置的确定,2.修复地点的确定(车间或工地),3.材料状态的确定,4.破坏原因的确定,下列哪种顺序是正确的?A. 2,3,1,4B. 3,2,1,4C. 2,1,3,4D. 1,2,3,4E. 3,4,2,134. 在噪音区进行工作时,下列哪些说法是正确的?A. 超过80dB(A)准备好防噪音物品,超过85dB(A)必需携戴B. 超过90dB(A)准备好防噪音物品,超过100dB(A)必需携戴C. 超过85dB(A)准备好防噪音物品,超过90dB(A)必需携戴D. 超过100dB(A)准备好防噪音物品,未规定必需携戴E. 每个人自己决定是否戴防噪音用品35. 按ISO9606进行的焊工考试可能会使用哪些检验方法?A. 外观检验B. 缺口冲击试验C. 硬度试验D. 断口试验E. 弯曲试验36. ISO15614-1适用于下列哪些焊接方法?A. 电阻焊B. 气焊C. 钢电弧焊D. 铝电弧焊E. 铜电弧焊37. 下述哪些焊接方法可以按ISO9606进行焊工考试?A. 全自动钨极氩弧焊(141)B. 手工电弧焊(111)C. 全自动埋弧焊(12)D. 半自动药芯焊丝金属电弧焊(无保护气体)(114)E. 超声波焊(41)38. 按ISO9606-1下列哪个焊接位置不能被H-L045替代?A. PFB. PBC. PDD. PGE. PE39. 焊工考试证书上标有:ISO9606-1 111/114 T BW 3.1 C/S t07(t03/t04) D426 PG ss nb 它表明在生产中可适应范围(A-D)A. 焊接材料:1.1,1.2,1.4,1.3,2,3组B. 焊接位置:PG,PFC. 板厚:7-14mmD. 管直径≥426mmE. 该考试可用ISO9606-1 111 T BW 3.1 C t03 D426 PG ss nb 与ISO9606-1 114 T BW 3.1 S t04 D426 PG ss mb 两项考试代替40. 在ISO15614中包括哪些试件?A. 板或管的对接焊缝B. 型钢结点焊缝C. 管角焊缝D. 支连管E. 三板焊缝41. 下列哪些材料是属于ISO15608中1组的材料:A. S235JRB. S690QC. S355ND. 10CrMo9-10E. X8Ni942. 一焊工需在实际生产中焊接S690Q板材,板厚12mm,具备下列哪些考试资格时允许他在生产中进行焊接?A. ISO9606-2 T BW 131 23 S t10 D96 PF ss nbB. ISO9606-1 T BW 141 3.1 S t08 D148 PA ss nbC. ISO9606-1 P BW 135 2.1 S t12 PC ss nbD. ISO9606-1 P FW 135 11 S t10 PF mlE. ISO9606-1 P FW 135 3.1 S t15 PD ml43. 哪些措施可以用来防止层状撕裂?A. 采用对接接头代替T型接头B. 使用高强度的焊接材料C. 预热>100℃D. 焊后做除氢处理E. 半V型焊缝尽量采用较大的坡口张开角度44. 修补焊接时应注意哪些规则?A. 一般不预热焊接B. 修补面尽量小C. 修补面尽量大D. 避免分段倒退焊E. 修补焊部位加工成圆角45. 按欧洲标准对焊接车间设计的质量保证方面应考虑下列哪些因素?A. 可不考虑附近道路和交通B. 设计应变能力C. 产品结构形式及焊接工艺D. 单件或批量生产E. 可不必考虑射线幅射对周围环境的影响46. 在装备焊接车间时,坡口加工设备的选择与下列哪些因素有关?A. 工厂的生产计划B. 要加工的材料的种类C. 焊工的手工技能D. 现有的焊工考试E. 焊接工艺规程的认证方式47. 制定焊接顺序方案的基本规则是:A. 先焊对接焊缝,后焊角焊缝B. 当已知载荷的应力状态时,先焊拉应力区,后焊剪应力和压应力区C. 在全自动焊接时,由两侧向中间施焊D. 位于构件刚性最大的部件最先施焊E. 先焊短焊缝,后焊长焊缝48. 图1141的工字梁组焊焊缝应按什么顺序进行焊接?A. 1234576B. 3124567C. 2531467D. 2314576E. 213546749. 焊接后容易有残余变形,从结构设计角度看,防止变形的主要措施有下列那些?A. 结构设计中尽可能减少不必要的焊缝B. 结构设计中在保证结构承载能力条件下,尽量采用较小焊缝尺寸C. 受力大的⊥形接头或十字接头,其角焊缝尽量加大焊脚尺寸,而不是开坡口及减少焊脚尺寸D. 安排焊缝尽量对称于结构件截面中性轴E. 如果设计中不可能对称于结构件截面中性轴,则焊缝应离开截面中性轴远些为好50. 圆型修补焊,二层焊道时,说出正确的焊接顺序:(图1137)A. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12B. 1,2,3,7,8,4,5,6,9,10,11,12C. 1,4,2,5,3,6,7,10,8,11,9,12D. 1,2,7,3,4,8,9,5,6,10,11,12E. 1,2,4,5,7,10,3,6,8,9,11,1251. 钢材的表面处理方法有以下哪几种方法?A. 机械加工B. 打磨C. 喷丸D. 酸洗E. 碳弧气刨52. 一般钢结构焊接车间在加工生产流程中的“标记”包括下列哪些内容:A. 校形B. 组装53. 在室内存放焊接材料时应满足哪一存放条件?A. 无特殊要求B. 最低18℃,最大湿度60%C. 最低20℃,最大湿度80%D. 干燥空间是不够的,焊接材料和辅助材料应放在干燥炉中E. 所有焊条都必须存放在保温筒里54. 一“空的”200升的汽油箱需进行焊接修复,需要哪种填充介质,填充状态及填充方向作为安全措施?A. 不充许焊接B. 氮气,由底部充入C. 二氧化碳,由底部充入D. 填水至修复位置以下10cmE. 汽油箱不需要采取特殊措施即可焊接55. 下列哪些属于个人防护用品?A. 防燃工作服B. 清渣锤C. 防回火装置D. 皮围裙E. 防护眼镜56. 焊接时,采取下列哪些办法可对电流产生的危险进行防护?A. 绝缘的人体防护用品B. 绝缘垫C. 降低人体电阻D. 使用干燥的焊条E. 绝缘的焊接电缆57. 在焊条电弧焊时弧光中会含有:A. 阳极射线B. 伦琴射线C. 红外线D. 超声波E. 紫外线58. 在具有较高触电危险的条件下使用弧焊整流器焊接时,在联邦德国允许的最高空载电压和标记是什么?A. 48V 无B. 42V SC. 113V 无D. 113V SE. 120V K59. 射线照像时反差:A. 能量一定,随材料密度的降低而增加B. 随壁厚增大而增加C. 随底片与焦点之间距离增大而增加D. 在保证照透的前提下,随管电压减小而增加E. 随管电压增加而增加60. 如果想着重检出厚板单面焊焊缝根部未焊透,最适于哪几种角度的探头:A. 35°B. 45°C. 60°D. 70°E. 75°。
ISO 国际焊工证
ISO9606的主要标准:ISO 9606-1-2012 Qualification testing of welders -- Fusion welding -- Part 1: Steels焊工的资格考试--熔焊--第1部分:钢ISO 9606-2-2004 Qualification testing of welders--Fusion welding--Part 2: Aluminium and aluminium alloys焊工的资格考试--熔焊--第2部分:铝和铝合金ISO 9606-3-1999 Approval testing of welders-Fusion welding-Part 3:Copper and copper alloys.焊工的鉴定试验-熔焊接-第三部分:铜和铜合金.ISO 9606-4-1999 Approval testing of welders-Fusion welding-Part 4:Nickel and nickel alloys.焊工认证试验-熔焊接-第四部分:镍和镍合金.ISO 9606-5-2000 Approval testing of welders--Fusion welding.Part 5:Titanium and titanium alloys,zirconium and zirconium alloys.焊工的资格考试--熔焊.第五部分:钛和钛合金,锆和锆合金ISO9606-1将取代EN287-1:欧洲钢的焊工考试标准EN287-1:2011已于2013年被国际焊工考试标准ISO9606-1:2012所取代。
培训教师:现场监考人员:培训时间:考试时间: 培训人数: 6 人取证人数:6人
考试项目:EN287 标准(PA)平焊WPS 编号:PWPS-DZ-607
培训教师:现场监考人员:培训时间:考试时间: 培训人数:6人取证人数: 6 人
考试项目:EN287 标准(PB)角焊WPS 编号:PWPS-DZ-606
按 ISO9606(EN287) 标准焊工培训、考试资料明细表
培训班名称 (中英文 ) :
培训教师: 现场监考人员: 培训时间: 考试时间 : 培训人数: 考试项目: EN287 标准( PA )平焊
培训教师:现场监考人员:培训时间:考试时间: 培训人数:取证人数:
考试项目:EN287 标准(PB)角焊WPS 编号:PWPS-DZ-0604
按ISO9606(EN287) 标准焊工培训、考试资料明细表
培训教(中英文) :
现场监考人员:培训时间:考试时间: 培训人数:取证人数:
EN287 标准(PA)平焊WPS 编号:PWPS-DZ-0609
按ISO9606(EN287) 标准焊工培训、考试资料明细表
培训教(中英文) :
现场监考人员:培训时间:考试时间: 培训人数:取证人数:
EN287 标准(PB)角焊WPS 编号:PWPS-DZ-0608。
ISO 9606-1 2012 焊工资格考试 熔化焊 钢(中文版)
ISO 9606-1:2012 焊工资格考试—熔化焊第1部分:钢狮子十之八九译目录前言(略)引言1 范围2 引用标准(略)3 名词和术语4 代号、符号和缩写4.1 概述4.2 焊接方法数字代号4.3 缩写5 基本参数和认可范围5.1 概述5.2 焊接工艺方法5.3 产品类型5.4 焊缝类型5.5 填充材料组别5.6 填充材料类型5.7 尺寸5.8 焊接位置5.6 焊缝细节6 检验和试验6.1 概述6.2 焊接工艺方法6.3 焊接位置6.4 铸铁的材料组别6.5 试样6.6 操作模式6 考试和试验认可范围6.1 考试6.2 试件6.3 焊接条件6.4 试验方法6.5 试件和试样6.6 试验报告7 试件的验收要求8 补考9 有效期9.1 初次取证9.2 有效期确认9.3 焊工证延期9.4 取消资格10 焊工资格证书11 标记附录A(信息)焊工资格证书附录B(信息)专业知识附录C(信息)FW/BW组合考试文献(略)前言(略)引言焊工有有熟练的操作技能和执行口头或书面工艺规程的能力,是保证焊接产品质量的重要因素。
资格考试可以用来验证焊接工艺和焊接技能,以证明其满足所有的相关要求,例如试件尺寸和试验要求是合理的(见ISO 15614-1[11])。
1 范围ISO 9606标准的本部分规定了钢材熔化焊焊工资格考试的要求。
3组:屈服极限Reh﹥ 360N/mm 的 IIW Authorised Training Body
3.1组:屈服极限360N/mm2﹤Reh≤690N/mm2调质钢 例:S460Q、S460QL 、S690Q、S690QL、 S690QL1 3.2组:屈服极限Reh ﹥690N/mm2调质钢 例:S890Q、S890QL、S890QL1;
24组:Cu≤1%的Al-Si合金分类 IIW Authorised Training Body
24.1组:不可热处理强化铸造的Al-Si合金 Cu≤1%,5%﹤Si ≤15%
例:1)EN AC-AlSi12 或 EN AC-44200 24.2组:可热处理强化铸造Al-Si-Mg合金
图11 焊缝的外部缺陷
①反面余高过大 ②根部未熔合 ③反面凹槽 ④咬边 ⑤外表裂纹 ⑥火口裂纹 ⑦余高过高 ⑧飞溅损伤 ⑨电弧损伤
V-坡口焊缝外部缺陷 IIW Authorised Training Body
⑤ ⑥
图11 焊缝的外部缺陷
①反面余高过大 ②根部未熔合 ③反面凹槽 ④咬边 ⑤外表裂纹 ⑥火口裂纹 ⑦余高过高 ⑧飞溅损伤 ⑨电弧损伤
6组:高钒Cr-Mo-〔Ni〕合金钢 IIW Authorised Training Body
6.1组: 0.3% ≤Cr ≤0.75%,Mo ≤0.7%,V ≤0.35% 例: 6.2组: 0.75% ﹤Cr ≤3.5%, 0.7% ﹤Mo ≤1.2%,V ≤0.35% 例:13CrMoV9-10〔国标12Cr3MoVSiTiB〕 6.3组: 3.5% ﹤Cr ≤7.0%, Mo ≤ 0.7% , 0.45% ≤ V ≤0.55% 例:国标10Cr5MoWVTiB〔G106〕; 6.4组: 7.0 % ﹤Cr ≤12.5%, 0.7% ﹤Mo ≤1.2% , V ≤0.35% 例:X10CrMoVNb9-1(国标1Cr9Mo1VNb;美国T91,P91);
ISO9606国际焊工考试实验方法及要求一、对接、角接实验项目如下表:对接焊缝试验项目试验标准 判定标准 试样尺寸(mm) 数量 备注超声波检验 ISO 17640:2010 ISO9606-1:2012 Clause 7 焊接试板 1弯曲试验ISO 5173:2010ISO9606-1:2012 Clause 7 250╳12╳104侧弯角接焊缝宏观试验 ISO 17639:2003 ISO9606-1:2012 clause 7 60╳60╳20(厚) 2 单面二、实验过程1、试样截取区域:(a )对接焊缝试板两端25 mm 丢弃,内部区域为取样区域。
超声波检验:将焊缝周围40mm 内用砂轮将母材表面打磨光滑,无飞溅,见图1弯曲试验:沿焊缝长度方向均匀截取4段试样,其中必须有一处试样截面取在息弧起弧(箭头处),试样尺寸见图2。
试样圆角r 取2mm ,四边全倒角。
图1图2弯曲试样(本实验指横向侧弯试样)(b )角接焊缝试板两端25mm 丢弃,内部区域为取样区域。
截取的试样尺寸见图4,实物图见图5焊缝余高及背面磨平距端部25mm 内不做试验距焊缝40mm 内清理飞溅均匀截取4段试样两个切割面要求铣面四条棱边倒R2角至少一处试样截面取在箭头图3 角焊缝试样图4宏观试样尺寸图5宏观试样实物图三、实验标准及评定依据1、宏观测试实验标准:宏观测试应该根据ISO 17639-2003标准进行。
具体内容如下:焊缝余高超高(502)、角焊缝凸度过大(503)、焊缝厚度过大(5214),下塌(504)、咬边(501)缺陷在C级之内,其他缺陷需在ISO 5817质量等级B之内才能判定合格。
表 3.12、超声波试验实验标准:超声波试验应该根据ISO17640-2010标准进行。
ISO 国际焊工考试实验方法及要求
ISO9606国际焊工考试实验方法及要求一、对接、角接实验项目如下表:对接焊缝试验项目试验标准 判定标准 试样尺寸(mm) 数量 备注超声波检验 ISO 17640:2010 ISO9606-1:2012 Clause 7 焊接试板 1弯曲试验ISO 5173:2010ISO9606-1:2012 Clause 7 250╳12╳104侧弯角接焊缝宏观试验 ISO 17639:2003 ISO9606-1:2012 clause 7 60╳60╳20(厚) 2 单面二、实验过程1、试样截取区域:(a )对接焊缝试板两端25 mm 丢弃,内部区域为取样区域。
超声波检验:将焊缝周围40mm 内用砂轮将母材表面打磨光滑,无飞溅,见图1弯曲试验:沿焊缝长度方向均匀截取4段试样,其中必须有一处试样截面取在息弧起弧(箭头处),试样尺寸见图2。
试样圆角r 取2mm ,四边全倒角。
图1图2弯曲试样(本实验指横向侧弯试样)(b )角接焊缝试板两端25mm 丢弃,内部区域为取样区域。
截取的试样尺寸见图4,实物图见图5焊缝余高及背面磨平距端部25mm 内不做试验距焊缝40mm 内清理飞溅均匀截取4段试样两个切割面要求铣面四条棱边倒R2角至少一处试样截面取在箭头图3 角焊缝试样图4宏观试样尺寸图5宏观试样实物图三、实验标准及评定依据1、宏观测试实验标准:宏观测试应该根据ISO 17639-2003标准进行。
具体内容如下:焊缝余高超高(502)、角焊缝凸度过大(503)、焊缝厚度过大(5214),下塌(504)、咬边(501)缺陷在C级之内,其他缺陷需在ISO 5817质量等级B之内才能判定合格。
表 3.12、超声波试验实验标准:超声波试验应该根据ISO17640-2010标准进行。
培训教师:现场监考人员:培训时间:考试时间: 培训人数:6人取证人数:6人
培训教师:现场监考人员:培训时间:考试时间: 培训人数:6人取证人数:6人考试项目:EN287标准(PB)角焊WPS编号: PWPS-DZ-0606
培训教师:现场监考人员:培训时间:考试时间: 培训人数:取证人数:
考试项目: EN287标准(PA)平焊WPS编号: PWPS-DZ-0605
培训教师:现场监考人员:培训时间:考试时间: 培训人数:取证人数:
培训教师:现场监考人员:培训时间:考试时间: 培训人数:取证人数:
考试项目: EN287标准(PA)平焊WPS编号: PWPS-DZ-0609
培训教师:现场监考人员:培训时间:考试时间: 培训人数:取证人数:
考试项目: EN287标准(PB)角焊WPS编号: PWPS-DZ-0608。
IIW Authorised Training Body
按缺陷性质进行的焊缝缺欠的分类 一类缺欠
微观裂纹: 在显微镜下才能观察到的裂纹 纵向裂纹: 基本上与焊缝轴线平行的裂纹 横向裂纹: 基本上与焊缝轴线垂直的裂纹 放射状裂纹:在某一公共点的放射状裂纹 弧坑裂纹:在焊缝收弧弧坑处的裂纹 间断裂纹:一组间断的裂纹 枝状裂纹:由某一公共裂纹派生的一组裂纹,它与 间断裂纹群和放射状裂纹不同
IIW Authorised ining Body
未熔合:在焊缝金属和母材之间或焊道金属和焊道金 属之间未完全熔化结合的部分,它可分为下述几种 形式: 侧壁未熔合 层间未熔合 焊缝根部未熔合 未焊透:焊接时接头的根部未完全焊透的现象
IIW Authorised Training Body
提高焊接速度或降低焊接能量 焊前清理施焊部位
IIW Authorised Training Body
空气从接头间隙处侵入焊接区 湿气从接头间隙处侵入,由铁锈 而产生的水份
加大接头间隙,尽量采用角接头 或搭接接头. 采取预热,除锈,以及尽量采用 角接接或搭接接头.
IIW Authorised Training Body
• 由于熔池超前,使电弧不能达到坡口面或者焊层 宽度,致使不能熔化坡口面。
• 焊接速度慢或熔敷系数大 • 单焊道不要太厚
图7 产生未熔合的原因
IIW Authorised Training Body
• 此位置焊接熔池下淌 • 应限制熔敷系数; • 焊接速度不要太慢
IIW Authorised Training Body
1. 哪个标准规定了焊接责任人员的职责和任务?A. EN ISO 14731B. EN ISO 3834-2C. EN ISO 3834-3C. EN ISO 3834-42. 一企业根据EN729-2(ISO3834-2)进行认证时,关于焊接责任人员描述正确的是:A. 企业需要一名焊接工程师B. 企业需要一名焊接技师C. ISO3834对焊接责任人员没有专门要求,它取决于应用标准中的要求D. ISO3834要求焊接责任人员完全满足EN719/ISO14731的要求3. 质量经理:A. 由部门经理任命B. 由管理部门书面任命C. 由雇主选任D. 由机构要求作为指导作用4. 根据ISO15609-1,哪些内容是WPS重要部分?A. 按ISO9606进行焊工考试的厚度范围B. 接头厚度C. 预热和层间温度D. 焊接填充材料牌号5. 哪个标准规定了焊接工艺规程(WPS)的内容?A. EN ISO 9606-2B. EN ISO 15611C. EN ISO 15614-1D. EN ISO 15609-16. 根据EN287-1/ISO9606-1进行焊工考试,管径范围多大时可以使用缺口拉伸试验?A. 最小25mmB. 最大25mmC. 最小150mmD. 最大150mm7. 开坡口焊接时,在下列哪些条件下,接头横向收缩大?A. 当试板宽度较大时B. 当用较大热输入焊接板材时C. 当用较小热输入焊接板材时D. 用X型坡口替代V型坡口时8. 在焊接制造中,材料的哪些性能影响其变形量?A. 密度B. 磁导率C. 热膨胀系数D. 杨氏模量- 弹性模量9. 宽板MIG焊时,下列哪些情况下易发生电弧磁偏吹?A. 在定位焊点附近焊接时B. 在板材中心焊接时C. 在板材边缘处焊接时10. MMA(焊条电弧焊)常用的辅助工具或设施有:A. 清渣锤B. 清理接头的钢丝刷C. 焊剂烘干箱D. 焊条烘干箱11. 焊接或切割处放置防护屏/帘的目的是:A. 防止其他人员受到焊接烟尘的影响B. 保护工人免受可见光的辐射C. 保护工人免受紫外线的辐射D. 减少噪音等级12. 在狭小空间进行焊接/切割时:A. 确保气瓶安全放置,并能就近关闭气体B. 作业现场通常2人(含安全监督人员)C. 总是有一名辅助人员在狭窄空间以外监督整个工作D. 确保工作区域氧含量尽可能低,避免爆炸13. 在测量电弧电压时,如何连接测量仪器?A. 在电路的任意位置B. 尽可能在接近电弧处C. 仅在电源终端D. 直流电源时在电路任意处,交流电源时仅在终端14. PWHT确定保温时间时必须考虑下列哪些因素?A. 最厚部分的厚度B. 最薄部分的厚度C. 生产复杂性D. 用于加热的能源15. 渗透试验检测缺陷时必须满足哪些条件?A. 试件必须是铁素体B. 必须表面开口缺陷C. 缺陷必须是体积型D. 缺陷必须是面积型16. 下列哪种材料适于用渗透检验方法,而不能用磁粉检验方法检测表面缺欠?A. 碳钢B. 铝合金C. 镁合金D. 奥氏体不锈钢17. 椭圆透照法是指:A. 用椭圆状试块进行检验B. 管径‹100mm,斜照,胶片平放在管下面C. 管斜照,胶片放在管四周D. 板厚›10mm,斜照,胶片平放在板下面18. 单件成本包括以下哪些费用?A. 焊接材料费用B. 人员工资C. 最初损失D. 不同保证体系的影响19. 减少成本的措施包括:A. 采用高熔敷率的焊接工艺B. 增加操作人员数量C. 降低辅助材料消耗20. 关于修补焊正确的说法时:A. 每种情况下,修补面积均采用矩形B. 使用减少变形和应力的焊接顺序C. 不停弧的单道焊缝修补D. 在修补前,必须知道损坏的原因及母材类型21. 为什么在修补焊时,广泛使用镍基填充材料?A. 具有良好的韧性,能够通过塑性变形释放残余应力B. 具有良好的抗凝固裂纹性能,因此降低了对焊前准备的要求C. 具有良好的抗点状腐蚀能力D. 不能形成碳化物,能够阻止碳扩散22. 确定焊接结构是否适合于使用,下列哪些因素需要考虑?A. 系统的受力状态B. 缺陷尺寸C. 材料的密度D. 环境因素23. 超声波检验测焊接接头缺陷是基于:A. 让被测试件振动,测量其自身振动的振幅B. 超声波在材料中传导,在两种介质边界表面的反射C. 超声在材料中传导,测量它通过焊缝频率的变化D. 测量超声通过焊缝的衰减24. 怎样的缺陷位置及取向,在射线探伤时能够很好地被发现?A. 缺陷位置及取向并不重要,若板厚<30mmB. 缺陷应尽可能呈面状并垂直于射线透射方向C. 如果缺陷呈面状,则与缺陷位置取向无关D. 缺陷应尽可能为体积状或如果呈面状则与射线透射方向平行E. 缺陷应尽可能位于焊缝中心,接近表面的缺陷难以被发现25. 下列哪种说法是正确的?A. 检查表面缺陷的无损检测方法为PT、MT、RTB. 检查表面缺陷的无损检测方法为PT、ET、UTC. 检查表面缺陷的无损检测方法为RT、VT、MTD. 检查表面缺陷的无损检测方法为PT、MT、UTE. 检查表面缺陷的无损检测方法为PT、MT、VT26. 在一份硬度试验报告中有下列说明:640HV30,请问代表什么意义?A. 维氏硬度30,检验作用640NB. 洛氏硬度,压入深度0.3mmC. 维氏硬度640,检验作用力294ND. 布氏硬度30,检验作用力64NE. 维氏硬度640,检验作用力30N27. PT(着色检验)与MT(磁粉检验)相比?A. PT能检查表面和近表面缺陷B. MT能检查表面和近表面缺陷C. PT能检查近表面2 um的缺陷D. MT能检查近表面2mm内的缺陷E. 以上答案均不对28. 下列哪些成本属于生产特殊成本?A. 产品返修成本B. 验收成本C. 辅助材料价格D. 设备维修成本E. 辅助成本29. 下列哪些时间可以是辅助工作时间?A. 焊接时间B. 清渣C. 调节电流D. 打磨E. 待料30. 一种焊接方法是否是经济的,取决于下列哪些因素?A. 件数B. 板厚C. 焊接位置的可接近性D. 产品储运E. 企业规模31. 企业通过成本计算可解答下述哪些问题?A. 是否开发一种新产品?B. 何种工艺方法是合适的?C. 是否可将某种工艺方法的熔化效率得到提高?D. 产品是否在企业制造或外委?E. 是否可免除或降低对产品的必要的检验要求?32. 修补焊之前应了解该种材料状况,为此通过以下……确定:A. 焊接材料的选择B. 焊接方法的选择C. 通过该材料的化学分析D. 通过该材料材质单分析E. 通过该材料机械性能检验33. 对焊接修复工作有下列工作过程:1.焊接位置的确定,2.修复地点的确定(车间或工地),3.材料状态的确定,4.破坏原因的确定,下列哪种顺序是正确的?A. 2,3,1,4B. 3,2,1,4C. 2,1,3,4D. 1,2,3,4E. 3,4,2,134. 在噪音区进行工作时,下列哪些说法是正确的?A. 超过80dB(A)准备好防噪音物品,超过85dB(A)必需携戴B. 超过90dB(A)准备好防噪音物品,超过100dB(A)必需携戴C. 超过85dB(A)准备好防噪音物品,超过90dB(A)必需携戴D. 超过100dB(A)准备好防噪音物品,未规定必需携戴E. 每个人自己决定是否戴防噪音用品35. 按ISO9606进行的焊工考试可能会使用哪些检验方法?A. 外观检验B. 缺口冲击试验C. 硬度试验D. 断口试验E. 弯曲试验36. ISO15614-1适用于下列哪些焊接方法?A. 电阻焊B. 气焊C. 钢电弧焊D. 铝电弧焊E. 铜电弧焊37. 下述哪些焊接方法可以按ISO9606进行焊工考试?A. 全自动钨极氩弧焊(141)B. 手工电弧焊(111)C. 全自动埋弧焊(12)D. 半自动药芯焊丝金属电弧焊(无保护气体)(114)E. 超声波焊(41)38. 按ISO9606-1下列哪个焊接位置不能被H-L045替代?A. PFB. PBC. PDD. PGE. PE39. 焊工考试证书上标有:ISO9606-1 111/114 T BW 3.1 C/S t07(t03/t04) D426 PG ss nb 它表明在生产中可适应范围(A-D)A. 焊接材料:1.1,1.2,1.4,1.3,2,3组B. 焊接位置:PG,PFC. 板厚:7-14mmD. 管直径≥426mmE. 该考试可用ISO9606-1 111 T BW 3.1 C t03 D426 PG ss nb 与ISO9606-1 114 T BW 3.1 S t04 D426 PG ss mb 两项考试代替40. 在ISO15614中包括哪些试件?A. 板或管的对接焊缝B. 型钢结点焊缝C. 管角焊缝D. 支连管E. 三板焊缝41. 下列哪些材料是属于ISO15608中1组的材料:A. S235JRB. S690QC. S355ND. 10CrMo9-10E. X8Ni942. 一焊工需在实际生产中焊接S690Q板材,板厚12mm,具备下列哪些考试资格时允许他在生产中进行焊接?A. ISO9606-2 T BW 131 23 S t10 D96 PF ss nbB. ISO9606-1 T BW 141 3.1 S t08 D148 PA ss nbC. ISO9606-1 P BW 135 2.1 S t12 PC ss nbD. ISO9606-1 P FW 135 11 S t10 PF mlE. ISO9606-1 P FW 135 3.1 S t15 PD ml43. 哪些措施可以用来防止层状撕裂?A. 采用对接接头代替T型接头B. 使用高强度的焊接材料C. 预热>100℃D. 焊后做除氢处理E. 半V型焊缝尽量采用较大的坡口张开角度44. 修补焊接时应注意哪些规则?A. 一般不预热焊接B. 修补面尽量小C. 修补面尽量大D. 避免分段倒退焊E. 修补焊部位加工成圆角45. 按欧洲标准对焊接车间设计的质量保证方面应考虑下列哪些因素?A. 可不考虑附近道路和交通B. 设计应变能力C. 产品结构形式及焊接工艺D. 单件或批量生产E. 可不必考虑射线幅射对周围环境的影响46. 在装备焊接车间时,坡口加工设备的选择与下列哪些因素有关?A. 工厂的生产计划B. 要加工的材料的种类C. 焊工的手工技能D. 现有的焊工考试E. 焊接工艺规程的认证方式47. 制定焊接顺序方案的基本规则是:A. 先焊对接焊缝,后焊角焊缝B. 当已知载荷的应力状态时,先焊拉应力区,后焊剪应力和压应力区C. 在全自动焊接时,由两侧向中间施焊D. 位于构件刚性最大的部件最先施焊E. 先焊短焊缝,后焊长焊缝48. 图1141的工字梁组焊焊缝应按什么顺序进行焊接?A. 1234576B. 3124567C. 2531467D. 2314576E. 213546749. 焊接后容易有残余变形,从结构设计角度看,防止变形的主要措施有下列那些?A. 结构设计中尽可能减少不必要的焊缝B. 结构设计中在保证结构承载能力条件下,尽量采用较小焊缝尺寸C. 受力大的⊥形接头或十字接头,其角焊缝尽量加大焊脚尺寸,而不是开坡口及减少焊脚尺寸D. 安排焊缝尽量对称于结构件截面中性轴E. 如果设计中不可能对称于结构件截面中性轴,则焊缝应离开截面中性轴远些为好50. 圆型修补焊,二层焊道时,说出正确的焊接顺序:(图1137)A. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12B. 1,2,3,7,8,4,5,6,9,10,11,12C. 1,4,2,5,3,6,7,10,8,11,9,12D. 1,2,7,3,4,8,9,5,6,10,11,12E. 1,2,4,5,7,10,3,6,8,9,11,1251. 钢材的表面处理方法有以下哪几种方法?A. 机械加工B. 打磨C. 喷丸D. 酸洗E. 碳弧气刨52. 一般钢结构焊接车间在加工生产流程中的“标记”包括下列哪些内容:A. 校形B. 组装53. 在室内存放焊接材料时应满足哪一存放条件?A. 无特殊要求B. 最低18℃,最大湿度60%C. 最低20℃,最大湿度80%D. 干燥空间是不够的,焊接材料和辅助材料应放在干燥炉中E. 所有焊条都必须存放在保温筒里54. 一“空的”200升的汽油箱需进行焊接修复,需要哪种填充介质,填充状态及填充方向作为安全措施?A. 不充许焊接B. 氮气,由底部充入C. 二氧化碳,由底部充入D. 填水至修复位置以下10cmE. 汽油箱不需要采取特殊措施即可焊接55. 下列哪些属于个人防护用品?A. 防燃工作服B. 清渣锤C. 防回火装置D. 皮围裙E. 防护眼镜56. 焊接时,采取下列哪些办法可对电流产生的危险进行防护?A. 绝缘的人体防护用品B. 绝缘垫C. 降低人体电阻D. 使用干燥的焊条E. 绝缘的焊接电缆57. 在焊条电弧焊时弧光中会含有:A. 阳极射线B. 伦琴射线C. 红外线D. 超声波E. 紫外线58. 在具有较高触电危险的条件下使用弧焊整流器焊接时,在联邦德国允许的最高空载电压和标记是什么?A. 48V 无B. 42V SC. 113V 无D. 113V SE. 120V K59. 射线照像时反差:A. 能量一定,随材料密度的降低而增加B. 随壁厚增大而增加C. 随底片与焦点之间距离增大而增加D. 在保证照透的前提下,随管电压减小而增加E. 随管电压增加而增加60. 如果想着重检出厚板单面焊焊缝根部未焊透,最适于哪几种角度的探头:A. 35°B. 45°C. 60°D. 70°E. 75°。
ISO 9606-3-1999焊工的认可试验.熔焊.铜及铜合金
Reference number ISO 9606-3:1999(E)INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 9606-3First edition 1999-04-01Approval testing of welders — Fusion welding —Part 3:Copper and copper alloysÉpreuve de qualification des soudeurs — Soudage par fusion —Partie 3: Cuivre et ses alliagesCopyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO--`,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 9606-3:1999(E)© ISO 1999All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher.International Organization for StandardizationCase postale 56 • CH-1211 Genève 20 • Switzerland Internet Printed in SwitzerlandiiForewordISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental,in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3.Draft International Standards adopted by the Technical Committees are circulated to member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of member bodies casting a vote.International Standard ISO 9606-3 was prepared by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) in collaboration with ISO Technical Committee TC 44, Welding and allied processes , Subcommittee SC 11, Approval requirements for welding and allied processes personnel , in accordance with the Agreement on technical cooperation between ISO and CEN (Vienna Agreement).Throughout the text of this standard, read "...this European Standard..." to mean "...this International Standard...".ISO 9606 consists of the following parts, under the general title Approval testing of welders — Fusion welding :—Part 1: Steels—Part 2: Aluminium and aluminium alloys —Part 3: Copper and copper alloys —Part 4: Nickel and nickel alloys —Part 5: Titanium and titanium alloys —Part 6: Magnesium and magnesium allloysCopyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO--`,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---© ISOISO 9606-3:1999(E)iiiAnnexes A and ZA of this part of ISO 9606 are for information only.For the purposes of this part of ISO 9606, the CEN annex regarding fulfilment of European Council Directives has been removed.Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO--`,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 9606-3:1999(E)© ISOiv ContentsPageForeword (v)Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................11Scope ..........................................................................................................................................................12Normative references ................................................................................................................................13Definitions ..................................................................................................................................................24Symbols and abbreviations ......................................................................................................................24.1General........................................................................................................................................................24.2Test piece....................................................................................................................................................24.3Consumables..............................................................................................................................................24.4Miscellaneous............................................................................................................................................25Essential variables for approval testing .................................................................................................35.1General........................................................................................................................................................35.2Welding processes....................................................................................................................................35.3Joint types (butt and fillet welds).............................................................................................................35.4Material groups..........................................................................................................................................35.5Consumables..............................................................................................................................................45.6Dimensions.................................................................................................................................................45.7Number of test pieces ..............................................................................................................................55.8Welding positions......................................................................................................................................56Range of approval for the welder ............................................................................................................56.1General........................................................................................................................................................56.2Welding process........................................................................................................................................56.3Joint types..................................................................................................................................................56.4Material groups..........................................................................................................................................66.5Consumables..............................................................................................................................................76.6Dimensions.................................................................................................................................................76.7Welding positions......................................................................................................................................77Examination and testing ...........................................................................................................................97.1Supervision.................................................................................................................................................97.2Shapes and dimensions of test pieces....................................................................................................97.3Welding conditions....................................................................................................................................117.4Test methods..............................................................................................................................................127.5Test piece and test specimens.................................................................................................................128Acceptance requirements for test pieces ...............................................................................................169Re-tests .......................................................................................................................................................1610Period of validity ........................................................................................................................................1710.1Initial approval............................................................................................................................................1710.2Prolongation...............................................................................................................................................1711Certificate (1712)Designation ................................................................................................................................................17Annex A (informative) Job knowledge................................................................................................................20Annex ZA (informative) Bibliography..................................................................................................................23Copyright International Organization for StandardizationProvided by IHS under license with ISO--`,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---© ISOISO 9606-3:1999(E)vForewordThe text of EN ISO 9606-3:1999 has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 121 "Welding", the secretariat of which is held by DS, in collaboration with Technical Committee ISO/TC 44 "Welding and allied processes".This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by August 1999, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by August 1999.This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of EU Directive(s).For relationship with EU Directive(s), see informative Annex ZB, which is an integral part of this standard.According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany,Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO--`,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`-----`,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---Copyright International Organization for StandardizationProvided by IHS under license with ISO© ISOISO 9606-3:1999(E)1IntroductionThis standard covers the principles to be observed in the approval testing of welder performance for the fusion welding of copper and copper alloys.The term ''copper'' stands for copper and weldable copper alloys.The ability of the welder to follow verbal or written instructions and testing of his skill are important factors in ensuring the quality of the welded product.Testing of skill to this standard depends on welding methods in which uniform rules and test conditions are complied with, and standard test pieces are used.The test weld can be used to approve a welding procedure and a welder provided that all the relevant requirements, e.g.test piece dimensions, are satisfied (see relevant part of EN 288-2).1 ScopeThis standard specifies essential requirements, ranges of approval, test conditions, acceptance requirements and certification for the approval testing of welder performance for the welding of copper.This standard applies to the approval testing of welders for the fusion welding of copper.This standard is intended to provide the basis for the mutual recognition by examining bodies for approval relating to welders' competence in the various fields of application. Tests will be carried out in accordance with this standard unless more severe tests are specified by the relevant application standard when these are applied.During the approval test the welder should be required to show adequate practical experience and job knowledge (test non mandatory) of the welding processes, materials and safety requirements for which he is to be approved; information on these aspects is given in Annex A.This standard is applicable when the welder's approval testing is required by the purchaser, by inspection authorities or by other organizations.The welding processes referred to in this standard include those fusion welding processes which are designated as manual or partly mechanized welding. It does not cover fully mechanized and automatic processes (see 5.2).This standard covers approval testing of welders for work on semi-finished and finished products made from wrought,forged or cast material types listed in 5.4.The certificate of approval testing is issued under the sole responsibility of the examiner or examining body.2 Normative referencesThis European Standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. Thesenormative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this European Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the latest edition of the publication referred to applies.EN 287-1 : 1992Approval testing of welders – Fusion welding – Part 1: SteelsEN 287-2 : 1992Approval testing of welders – Fusion welding – Part 2: Aluminium and aluminium alloys EN 288-2 : 1992Specification and approval of welding procedures for metallic materials – Part 2: Welding procedure specification for arc weldingEN 571-1Non destructive testing – Penetrant testing – Part 1: General principles EN 895Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials – Transverse tensile testCopyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO--`,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 9606-3:1999(E)© ISO2EN 910Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials – Bend tests EN 970Non-destructive examination of fusion welds – Visual examinationEN 1289Non-destructive examination of welds – Penetrant testing of welds – Acceptance levels EN 1320Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials – Fracture testEN 1321Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials – Macroscopic and microscopic examination of weldsEN 1435Non-destructive examination of welds – Radiographic examination of welded joints EN 24063 : 1992Welding, brazing, soldering and braze welding of metals – Nomenclature of processes and reference numbers for symbolic representation on drawings (ISO 4063 : 1990)EN 26520 : 1991Classification of imperfections in metallic fusion welds, with explanations (ISO 6520 : 1982)EN 30042 : 1994Arc-welded joints in aluminium and its weldable alloys – Guidance on quality levels for imperfections (ISO 10042 : 1992)EN ISO 6947 : 1997Welds – Working positions – Definitions of angles of slope and rotation (ISO 6947 : 1993)CR 12187Welding – Guidelines for a grouping system of materials for welding purposes ISO 857 : 1990Welding, brazing and soldering processes – Vocabulary3 DefinitionsFor the purposes of this standard, the definitions given in EN 287-1 apply.4 Symbols and abbreviations4.1 GeneralWhere the full wording is not used, the following symbols and abbreviations shall be used when completing the test certificate in accordance with Annex A of EN 287-2 : 1992.4.2 Test piecea nominal throat thickness ;BW butt weld ;D outside diameter of pipe ;FW fillet weld ;P plate ;t plate or pipe wall thickness ;T pipe ;zleg length of fillet weld.4.3 Consumablesnm no filler metal ;wmwith filler metal.4.4 Miscellaneousbs welding from both sides ;gg back grinding or back milling of welds ;mbwelding with backing material;Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO--`,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---© ISOISO 9606-3:1999(E)3nb welding without backing ;ng no back grinding or back milling ;ss single-side welding5 Essential variables for approval testing5.1 GeneralThe criteria specified in this clause shall be examined in order to identify the ability of the welder in these areas. Each criterion is considered to be a significant factor in the approval testing.The welder's approval test shall be carried out on test pieces and is independent of the type of construction.5.2 Welding processesWelding processes are defined in ISO 857 and reference numbers of welding processes for symbolic representation are listed in EN 24063.This standard covers the following welding processes:111metal-arc welding with covered electrodes;131metal-arc inert gas welding (MIG welding);141tungsten inert gas arc welding (TIG welding);15plasma arc welding;311oxy-acetylene welding;other fusion welding processes by agreement.5.3 Joint types (butt and fillet welds)Test pieces shall be produced for butt weld (BW) and fillet weld (FW) in plates (P) or pipes 1) (T) for approval tests in accordance with Material groups5.4.1 GeneralIn order to minimize unnecessary multiplication of technically identical tests, copper with similar metallurgical and welding characteristics are grouped for the purpose of a welder's approval (see 5.4.2).In general, a welder's approval test shall involve depositing weld metal having a chemical composition compatible with any copper in the parent metal group(s).The welding of any one material in a group confers approval on the welder for the welding of all other materials within the same group.When welding parent metals from two different groups which do not give approval to each other according to table 4 (see 6.4), an approval for the combination as a separate group is required.When the filler metal is dissimilar to the parent metal group, an approval for that combination of parent metal group and filler metal is needed, except when permitted by table 4.1)The word "pipe" alone or in combination, is used to mean "pipe", "tube" or "hollow section".Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO--`,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 9606-3:1999(E)© ISO45.4.2 Copper groups of parent metal GeneralCopper casting alloys are included in the following groups but the filler metal shall be compatible with the filler metal used for the wrought materials in the same group.Material groups according to CR 121875.4.2.2 Group W 31: Pure copper Group W 32: Copper-zinc alloys Group W 33: Copper-tin alloys Group W 34: Copper-nickel alloys Group W 35: Copper-aluminium alloys Group W 36: Copper-nickel-zinc alloys5.5 ConsumablesIn the approval test, the filler metal and the shielding gas, including plasma gas, shall be compatible with the parent metal and the process used in accordance with the relevant pWPS or WPS (see EN 288-2).5.6 DimensionsThe approval test should be based on the thickness of the material (i.e. plate thickness or wall thickness of pipe) and pipe diameters which the welder will use in production. A test is listed for each of the ranges of plate thickness and pipe wall thickness or pipe diameter as specified in tables 1 and 2.It is not intended that thicknesses or diameters should be measured precisely but rather the general philosophy behind the values given in tables 1 and 2 should be applied.Table 1: Test piece (plate or pipe) and range of approvalTable 2: Test piece diameter and range of approvalCopyright International Organization for StandardizationProvided by IHS under license with ISO--`,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---55.7 Number of test piecesPlate:One test piece per position.Pipe: A minimum weld length of 150 mm is required, but not more than three test pieces.5.8 Welding positionsThe welding positions shall be taken from EN ISO 6947.The test pieces shall be welded in accordance with the nominal angles of the positions according to EN ISO 6947.6 Range of approval for the welder6.1 GeneralAs a general rule, the test piece approves the welder not only for the conditions used in the test, but also for all joints which are considered easier to weld. The range of approval for each type of test is given in the relevant sub-clauses and tables. In these tables the range of approval is indicated in the same horizontal line.6.2 Welding processEach test normally approves one process. A change of process requires a new approval test. However, it is possible for a welder to be approved for more than one welding process by a single test or by two separate approval tests to be used to cover a multi-process joint. For example in a case where approval is required for a single-side butt joint with the root to be welded by TIG (141) without backing and to be filled by MIG (131), the welder can be approved by either of the following routes:a) a successful completion of an approval test simulating the multi-process joint, i. e. the root run welded by TIG (141) without backing, subsequent runs or layers welded by MIG (131) within the limits of the range of approval for each welding process;b) successful completion of separate relevant approval tests one for TIG (141) without backing for the root run and a separate test for the fill by MIG (131) with backing or welded from both sides with or without back grinding or milling.6.3 Joint typesDepending on the test piece, the range of welds for which the welder is approved is shown in table 3; the following criteria are applicable:a) approval for butt welds in pipes, diameter > 25 mm, includes butt welds in plates;b) approval for butt welds in plates in all relevant positions covers butt welds on pipes having an outside diameter ≥500 mm, except when item c) also applies;c) approval on test butt joints in plates welded in the flat (PA) or horizontal (PC) position shall include approval for butt joints in pipes of outside diameter ≥ 150 mm welded in similar positions according to table 4;d) butt welds approve fillet welds. In cases where the majority of production work is fillet welding, the welder shall be approved also by an appropriate fillet welding test;e) approval for butt welds in pipes without backing includes approval for branch connections within the same range of approval as in tables 3 to 5. For a branch weld the range of approval is based on the diameter of the branch;f) in cases where the majority of production work is predominantly branch welding or involves a complex branch connection, the welder should receive special training. In some cases a welder approval test on a branch connection can be necessary.Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO--`,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---Table 3: Range of approval for tests on butt joints (Details of the weld type)6.4 Material groupsAccording to the material group of the test piece, the range of materials for which a welder is approved is shown in table 4 (see 5.4). For any copper alloy not covered by any of the copper groups the welder shall carry out an approval test, which only approves for that copper.An approval test made on wrought material groups gives approval for cast material and a mixture of cast and wrought material in the same material group (see 5.4).Table 4: Range of approval for parent metalCopyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO --`,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---66.5 ConsumablesAn approval test made with a specific filler metal and shielding gas (pure gas or gas mixture) shall give approval to weld with any other filler metal compatible with the parent metal group when using the same welding process and a shielding gas (pure gas or gas mixture) which does not require a change in the welder's technique.6.6 DimensionsThe range of approval according to plate thickness or wall thickness of pipe and/or pipe diameter is shown in tables 1 and 2.6.7 Welding positionsThe range of approval for each welding position is given in table 5. The welding positions and codes refer to EN ISO 6947. The welding position H-L045 for pipes approves for all pipe angles in production work. In pipes diameter D ≥ 150 mm it is allowed to weld in two welding positions (PF 2/3 of circumference, PC 1/3 of circumference) using only one test piece.Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO--` , , ` , -` -` , , ` , , ` , ` , , ` ---78Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO --`,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---7 Examination and testing7.1 SupervisionThe welding and testing of test pieces shall be witnessed by an examiner or examining body acceptable to the contracting parties.The test pieces shall be marked with the identification of the examiner and the welder before welding starts.The examiner or examining body can stop the test if the welding conditions are not correct or if it appears that the welder does not have the technical competence to comply to the requirements of this standard, e.g. where there are excessive and/or systematic repairs.7.2 Shapes and dimensions of test piecesThe shape and dimension of test pieces (see 5.6) required are shown in figures 1 to 4.Dimensions in millimetresFigure 1: Dimensions of test piece for a butt weld in plateCopyright International Organization for StandardizationProvided by IHS under license with ISO --` , , ` , -` -` , , ` , , ` , ` , , ` ---910Dimensions in millimetresFor t у 6 mm, a р 0,5 t For t < 6 mm, 0,5 t р a р t (z ≈ 0,7 t )Figure 2: Dimensions of test piece for fillet weld(s) on plateDimensions in millimetresFigure 3: Dimensions of test piece for a butt weld in pipeCopyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO--`,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---11Dimensions in millimetresFigure 4: Dimensions of test piece for a fillet weld on pipe7.3 Welding conditionsThe approval test for the welder shall correspond to the conditions used in production and follow a WPS or pWPS prepared in accordance with EN 288-2.The following conditions shall apply:a) the welding time for the test piece shall correspond to the working time under usual production conditions;b) the test piece shall have at least one stop and one re-start in the root run and in the top capping run and be identified in the inspection length to be examined;c) any pre-heat or controlled heat input required in the pWPS or WPS is mandatory for the welder's test piece;d) any post-weld heat treatment required in the pWPS or WPS can be omitted unless bend tests are required;e) identification of the test piece;f) the welder shall be allowed to remove minor imperfections, except on the surface layer, by grinding or any other method used in production. The approval of the examiner or test body shall be obtained.Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO--`,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---。
ISO9606的主要标准:ISO 9606-1-2012 Qualification testing of welders -- Fusion welding -- Part 1: Steels焊工的资格考试--熔焊--第1部分:钢ISO 9606-2-2004 Qualification testing of welders--Fusion welding--Part 2: Aluminium and aluminium alloys焊工的资格考试--熔焊--第2部分:铝和铝合金ISO 9606-3-1999 Approval testing of welders-Fusion welding-Part 3:Copper and copper alloys.焊工的鉴定试验-熔焊接-第三部分:铜和铜合金.ISO 9606-4-1999 Approval testing of welders-Fusion welding-Part 4:Nickel and nickel alloys.焊工认证试验-熔焊接-第四部分:镍和镍合金.ISO 9606-5-2000 Approval testing of welders--Fusion welding.Part 5:Titanium and titanium alloys,zirconium and zirconium alloys.焊工的资格考试--熔焊.第五部分:钛和钛合金,锆和锆合金ISO9606-1将取代EN287-1:欧洲钢的焊工考试标准EN287-1:2011已于2013年被国际焊工考试标准ISO9606-1:2012所取代。
ISO 9606-1焊工考试(资格认证)最佳化的探讨与研究
关键词:焊接;焊工考试;质量保证;焊接检验中图分类号:TG47Discussion and research on rie optimization of ISO9606-1welder(s qualification testLu Shiqiang,Yang GuOe,Zhao Haiyan,Zhu Chenyu(HarbinWelding Training Institute,Harbin150046,Heilongjiang,China)Abstract:In ordea to ioprove the inspection lficienco of weldea examination and test pieces and ensure the skill level ot welders,requirements ot weldea examination items(weldea qualification)were analyzed from foua aspects of selection,joint form,specinien thickness,welding position and welding details.The selection of testing method Oo weldea test specinien was introduced.According to the ISO9606-1standard,the best weldea ea-amination itemsweeeseeeoted tomaaimiaethesatistaotion otthetutueeweedingpeoduotion and weedingwage quality requirements.Key worts:welding;weldea's qualification test;quality asuranco;welding inspection0前言焊接过程是现代工业中不可或缺的一项特工艺&随现代工业设计更快、更、更的不断发展,现工业对焊接质量的要求也不断提高&为了保证焊接质量,ISO/TC44(国际组织/44技术委员会)针对熔化焊的质量管理制定了ISO3834(熔焊的质量要求)系列,对焊接生产中的每个都做出了规定,而焊工考试(资认证)是其中非常重要的一个环节。
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试验标准 判定标准 试样尺寸(mm) 数量 备注
超声波检验 ISO 17640:2010 ISO9606-1:2012 Clause 7 焊接试板 1
ISO 5173:2010
ISO9606-1:2012 Clause 7 250╳12╳10
宏观试验 ISO 17639:2003 ISO9606-1:2012 clause 7 60╳60╳20(厚) 2 单面
(a )对接焊缝
试板两端25 mm 丢弃,内部区域为取样区域。
超声波检验:将焊缝周围40mm 内用砂轮将母材表面打磨光滑,无飞溅,见图1
试样圆角r 取2mm ,四边全倒角。
(b )角接焊缝
试板两端25mm 丢弃,内部区域为取样区域。
距端部25mm 内不做试验
距焊缝40mm 内清理飞溅
图3 角焊缝试样
实验标准:宏观测试应该根据ISO 17639-2003标准进行。
具体内容如下:焊缝余高超高(502)、角焊缝凸度过大(503)、焊缝厚度过大(5214),下塌(504)、咬边(501)缺陷在C级之内,其他缺陷需在ISO 5817质量等级B之内才能判定合格。
表 3.1
超声波的测试等级为B级(Testing level B)。
报告内容符合ISO17640-2010 第13节(Page11-12)要求。
报告内容符合ISO5173-2010 第8节(Page17)要求。