一、检验依据:MT 914-2008煤矿用织物整芯阻燃输送带GB/T 12736-91 输送带机械接头强度的测定静态试验方法GB/T 528-1998(代替GB/T 528-92)硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶拉伸应力应变性能的测定GB/T 531-1999橡胶袖珍硬度计压入硬度试验方法MT 113-1995 煤矿井下用聚合物制品阻燃抗静电性通用试验方法和判定规则GB/T 3512-2001硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶热空气加速老化和耐压试验MT 930-1999 煤矿用织物叠层阻燃输送带MT/T 318.1-1997 煤矿用输送带机械接头技术条件GB/T 12736-91 输送带机械接头强度的测定静态试验方法GB/T 4490-94(代替4490-84)输送带尺寸MT113-1995 煤矿井下用聚合物制品阻燃抗静电性通用试验方法和判定规则二、检验项目:1、外观质量2、抗静电性能试验3、酒精喷灯燃烧试验4、滚筒摩擦试验5、拉伸强度6、拉断伸长率7、粘合强度8、撕裂力9、接头强度10、宽度极限偏差11、覆盖层厚度12、橡胶覆盖层拉伸强度13、橡胶覆盖层拉断伸长率14、橡胶覆盖层磨耗量三、检验用主要设备和仪器、仪表(见下表)四、检验方法1、外观质量:采用目测方法检查。
1. 检查输送带的张力是否适当,通过调整张力器来保持合适的张力。
2. 检查输送带的对中情况,使其在运行时保持在中心线附近,避免侧向摆动。
3. 检查输送带的表面是否平整,不应有凹状或凸状。
4. 检查输送带的连接处是否牢固,如有松动应及时修复。
5. 检查输送带的支架和导轨是否结实,避免倾斜或晃动等情况。
6. 检查输送带的带子是否磨损或损坏,及时更换。
7. 检查输送带的驱动齿轮或皮带轮是否有断裂或磨损,及时更换或修复。
8. 检查输送带的运行速度是否正常,如有偏差应及时调整。
- 1 -。
输送带检测输送带(conveying belt)又叫运输带,是用于皮带输送带中起承载和运送物料作用的橡胶与纤维、金属复合制品,或者是塑料和织物复合的制品。
科标橡塑实验室输送带热点检测产品:普通棉帆布输送带、尼龙输送带、一般阻燃输送带、耐热输送带、耐灼烧输送带、耐寒输送带、耐酸碱输送带、耐油输送带、输送网带、挡边输送带、高耐磨输送带、钢丝芯输送带等;10.29输送带范围分类如下:6按材质:PVC输送带、PU输送带、聚乙烯输送带、塑料链板输送带、模块网输送带、聚丙烯输送带、尼龙输送带、铁氟龙输送带、不锈钢输送带等;按使用用途:防油、防滑输送带、爬坡输送带、防热输送带、耐酸输送带、阻燃输送带等;按耐热程度:耐热输送带、耐高温输送带、耐烧灼输送带等;按使用行业:汽车行业专用输送带、轮胎专用输送带、化工专用输送带、食品输送带等;输送带检测项目:覆盖层性能:拉伸强度、断裂伸长率、热空气老化、耐酸碱、磨耗、上下覆盖层剥离强度、层间粘合强度等整体性能:全厚度拉伸强度、酒精喷灯燃烧、滚筒燃烧、丙烷巷道燃烧、防静电、氧指数、成槽度、直线度、钢丝粘合强度、接头寿命、接头强度等成分分析项目:成分分析主成分分析图谱分析失效分析全成份分析材质鉴定等输送带检测部分标准:GB/T 7984-2001 输送带普通用途织物芯输送带GB/T 9770-2001 普通用途钢丝绳芯输送带HG/T 3646-1999普通用途防撕裂钢丝绳芯输送带GB/T 10822-2003 一般用途织物芯阻燃输送带HG 2014-2005 钢丝绳牵引阻燃输送带GB/T 20021-200 帆布芯耐热输送带HG 2539-1993 钢丝绳芯难燃输送带HG/T 3714-2003 耐油输送带HG 2805-1996 煤矿井下用织物芯阻燃输送带HG/T 2818-1996 轻型输送带HG/T 3647-1999 耐寒输送带HG/T 4062-2008 波形挡边输送带MT 914-2008 煤矿用织物整芯阻燃输送带MT 668-2008 煤矿用钢丝绳芯阻燃输送带。
1. ISO标准:
* ISO 5296:橡胶和塑料同步带的尺寸、外形、结构和材料方面的一般规范。
* ISO 13050:橡胶同步带的试验方法,包括拉伸试验、扭曲试验、耐热性试验等。
2. JIS标准:
* JIS B 1856:日本工业标准,涉及橡胶同步带的尺寸和外形。
3. BS标准:
* BS ISO 5296:英国标准,是ISO 5296的英文版本,规定了橡胶和塑料同步带的尺寸、外形、结构和材料方面的一般规范。
4. DIN标准:
* DIN 7721:德国标准,涉及橡胶同步带的尺寸和外形。
5. ASTM标准:
* ASTM D5150:美国材料与试验协会(ASTM)发布的标准,涵盖了橡胶同步带的试验方法,包括拉伸试验、弯曲试验、耐久性试验等。
6. GB标准(中国国家标准):
* GB/T 22572:中国国家标准,规定了汽车用橡胶同步带的尺寸、结构和性能要求。
ASTM D378-2000 平型橡胶传送带的测试方法
these test methods are used in this activity.4.5In case of conflict between the provisions of these test methods and those of detailed specifications or test methods fora particular belt,the latter shall take precedence.5.Sampling5.1Test samples shall be the full width and thickness of the belt and shall be of sufficient length to perform the desired tests.In general,the amount of sample required shall be as shown in5.2.The frequency of sampling for each size and type shall be one sample from each lot of600m(2000ft)of belt or fraction thereof.When only adhesion,cover tensile,elonga-tion,hardness,and oil immersion tests are to be performed,the sample shall be not less than25mm(1in.)lengthwise by full belt width.5.2The following lengths of samples are recommended:Length of Length of SampleSample When When TensionTension Test Test is Not Width of Belt is Required Required mm in.mm in.mm in.Under200Under88003230012 200to4508to186******** Over450Over185******** 6.Number of Tests6.1When minimum requirements are established,one specimen shall be tested for each physical characteristic required in the detailed specifications for a particular belt. 6.2If minimum requirements are not established,a median of the values for three specimens shall be taken as the characteristics of the piece,except that under referee condi-tions the median of the values forfive specimens shall be used.6.3When strength deterioration after immersion is to be compared as percentage loss from the original strength,it is necessary to test three specimens for tensile strength and elongation both before and after immersion.7.Test Conditions7.1Unless otherwise specified(see12.2.1for conditioning belt specimen for breaking strength test),tests may be made within a temperature range from18to29°C(64to84°F)and 35to65%relative humidity.Specimens shall be kept between these limits for at least30min previous to the time of testing. In case of arbitration,condition the specimens for at least3h in the standard test conditions of2361°C(73.461.8°F)and 5064%relative humidity.8.Measurement of Dimensions8.1Width—Determine the width by laying across the belt a steel rule or tape graduated in millimetres(or sixteenths of an inch)in conformance with Method C of Practice D3767. Record the width in millimetres(or inches)to the nearest1mm (or1⁄16in.).8.2Length—Determine the length of a belt by measuring with a calibrated wheel and counter or a steel tape in conformance with Method C of Practice D3767.Make refer-ence marks parallel and in the same plane.The reported length of an endless belt shall be its inside circumference.The summation of measurements obtained by laying the belt on a flat surface and measuring the length of the belt along successiveflat surfaces minus the product of p and the belt thickness is the inside circumference of the belt.Report the length in metres(or feet and inches)to the nearest0.01m(or 1⁄4in.).8.3Thickness of Belts and Covers—Measure the thickness of a belt and of belt covers in accordance with Practice D3767. Report the thickness to the nearest0.02mm(or0.001in.).8.4Thickness of Covers—The thickness of the top or bottom cover shall be determined as follows:(1)first measure the over-all thickness of the test specimen,(2)strip the rubber cover from one surface and measure the thickness of the carcass,including the remaining cover,(3)the difference between thefirst and second measurements will represent the thickness of the cover removed.Follow the same procedure on the test specimen from which thefirst cover has been removed, when the thickness of the other cover is required.When determining the cover thickness of a belt it is essential to have the specimen lieflat on the platform of the micrometer and to support properly the projecting ends to prevent tilting.The test specimen may consist of a small section cut from the belt. 8.5Thickness of Cover When Tie Cloth(Breaker)Is Used—The thickness of the cover shall include the tie cloth,unless otherwise specified.9.Tension Tests of Rubber Parts9.1Apparatus—The dies,bench marker,stamp pad,mi-crometer,testing machine,testing machine grips,and calibra-tion of the testing machine shall conform to Test Methods D412.9.2Test Specimens:9.2.1Preparation of Cover Pieces—Separate the covers from the carcass according to Practice D3183.Buff the covers if necessary to obtain smooth parallel surfaces.If possible, cover pieces should be about150mm(6in.)long,at least25 mm(1in.)wide and2.060.2mm(0.0860.008in.)thick.In no case,shall the thickness exceed3mm(0.12in.)or be less than1mm(0.04in.).If cover pieces can not be obtained from the belt,molded sheets prepared from the same unvulcanized rubber compound with an equivalent state of vulcanization may be requested from the belt manufacturer.9.2.2Preparation of Test Specimen—The test specimen shall be stamped out from the separated cover with a steel die conforming to A,B,or C of Fig.1of Test Methods D412.Die B shall be used when the size of the sample and the tension and stretch limits of the testing machine permit,with exceptions as explained below.If the tension limit is too low for the machine, Die A shall be used.If the stretch is too high for the machine, Die C shall be used.Die C shall be used for samples that are too small for Die A or B.9.2.3Marking—Dumbbell specimens shall be marked with the prescribed stamp pad and either of the prescribed bench markers described in Test Methods D412.Aged or immersed dumbbell specimens shall be marked after the aging or the immersion exposure.9.2.4Measurement of Test Specimen—The thickness of the test specimen shall be the median thickness described in Practice D3767.The width of the specimen shall be the nominal distance between cutting edges of the die intherestricted section.The median thickness and nominal width between the gage marks shall be used for calculating the area to be used in determining the tensile strength of the specimen. The strength per unit cross section of aged or immersed dumbbell specimens shall be calculated on the basis of the cross-sectional area of the dumbbell before the aging or the immersion exposure.9.3Procedure—Use the procedure for tensile testing,mea-suring,and recording in accordance with Test Methods D412. Measure and record the elongation to the nearest10%of the original distance between bench marks.The elongation value shall be obtained at the instant of break by holding a ruler to the specimen or by some suitable means of duplicating that method.9.4Calculations:9.4.1Tensile Strength—The tensile strength(stress)is the applied force relative to the original cross-sectional area.It is calculated by dividing the force in newtons(pounds-force)by the cross-sectional area of the unstressed specimen in square metres(square inches)and is expressed in megapascals or pounds force per square inch.9.4.2Elongation—The elongation(strain)is the extension between bench marks,produced by a tensile force applied to a specimen,relative to the original distance between the marks. It is calculated by dividing the distance extended beyond the original distance by the original distance and is expressed in percent.10.Immersion Tests10.1Purpose—Immersion tests are necessary only when the belt covers are exposed to harmfulfluid in service.10.2Test Method—ASTM D471,Test Method for Rubber Property—Effect of Liquids.10.3Test Liquids—For oil exposure use ASTM Oil No.3. For non-oil applications,use the actual servicefluid.10.4Test Conditions—For ASTM Oil No.3,the test shall be 46h at100°C.When the actual servicefluid is used,the user and the manufacturer should agree on the test conditions. 10.5Report—List the changes in tensile strength,elonga-tion and volume after exposure to the testfluid.Record the test fluid and the time and temperature of exposure.11.Adhesion Test(Static Mass or Machine Method) 11.1Apparatus—Static Mass or Machine Method apparatus in accordance with Test Methods D413shall be used.11.2Test Specimens—The25-mm(1-in.)wide by150-mm (6-in.)minimum long test specimen shall be cut with the longer dimension longitudinally from belts less than150mm wide but transversely from belts150mm and greater in width.Separate each layer,before it is tested,only a sufficient distance to permit securing it in the jaws of the testing clamp.The remaining portion of the specimen shall consist of the unsepa-rated plies of the specimen.11.2.1Specimens for adhesion between successive plies of fabric shall be prepared by removing the specimen from the jaws of the testing machine and separating the plies of fabric as above but to not less than two plies of fabric remaining within the jaw of the stationary clamp.The specimen for adhesion between the last two plies of fabric shall be prepared from the opposite side of the sample in accordance with11.2.N OTE1—The last two plies are omitted from the successive tests on a specimen because the condition of separation would vary so much as to result in erroneous values.11.2.2Specimens for adhesion between rubber covers and the fabric of a belt sample shall be prepared in the same manner as specimens for adhesion between plies of fabric.Adhesion tests shall not be made on covers less than1mm(0.04in.) thick.11.2.3Specimens for adhesion between rubber covers and the tie cloth(or breaker fabric),and between body fabric and the tie cloth(or breaker fabric)shall be on separate test specimens cut from the belt sample.11.3Procedure:11.3.1Machine Method—Proceed in accordance with Test Methods D413.11.3.2Static Mass Method—The adhesion value is the force (weight)required to cause a separation rate as close to,but not in excess of0.4mm/s(1in./min)using a series of masses to provide force increments of5N(1lbf)when Static Mass testing against a specified minimum adhesion value.12.Breaking Strength of Belting12.1Apparatus—The apparatus used for obtaining the breaking strength of belting shall be a suitable vertical tensile testing machine having a capacity of not less than50kN (10000lbf),and equipped with wedge-shaped jaws.The base of the jaws shall be at right angles to the longitudinal center of the test specimen when correctly placed in the jaws.The base surfaces of the two edges of each set of jaws shall be in the same horizontal plane.Adequate means shall be provided to lock the two halves of the jaws so they will travel together in parallel.Means shall be provided to hold the jaws in conve-nient position for correctly inserting the test specimen,as well as to loosen them after each test.The heads of the testing machine shall be constructed to provide uniform lateral align-ment of the jaws.The inner surfaces of the wedge-shaped slots shall be machined to within0.1mm(0.005in.)of a true plane. The included angle of the two sides shall be from17.5to22°. This angle must be identical to the angle of the jaws.12.2Test Specimens:12.2.1Conditioning—The breaking strength test on belting in case of arbitration shall take place after conditioning the specimens for3days at18to29°C(64to84°F)and35to65% relative humidity.12.2.2Rubber Covers—Remove any rubber covers in ex-cess of3-mm(0.12-in.)thickness from the area of the belt from which the test specimen will be cut.(Excessively thick cover on a tensile test specimen will be conducive to slippage in the jaws.)12.2.3Longitudinal(Warp)Test Specimen—The longitudi-nal test specimen shall not be cut closer than50mm(2in.) from the belt edge.The test specimen shall be cut exactly parallel to the longitudinal belt axis.Belts less than200mm(8 in.)wide shall not be tested.12.2.4Transverse(Weft or Filling)Test Specimen—The transverse test specimen shall be cut exactly perpendicular to the longitudinal beltaxis.12.2.5Specimen Configuration —The test specimen con-figuration shall conform to the following:Belt Breaking Strength (Single Ply of Fabric)Test Specimen Configuration Plies ofFabric(Max Plies)kN/m lbf/in.(a )less than 40250rectangular or dumbbell ofFig.1or 28(b )40through 140250through 800rectangular or dumbbell ofFig.1or 24(c )greater than 140800dumbbell of Fig.1or 22N OTE 2—Belt breaking strength is expressed in terms of force per unitof belt width,rather than force per unit area.This mode of expressiongives the intrinsic “belt”strength,since the belt thickness is specific to theparticular belt in question and is a function of its basic design. Test Specimen —The rectangular testspecimen shall be not less than 50mm (2in.)wide or 350mm(14in.)long.The rectangular test specimen shall be used forthis elongation and breaking strength test until the specimenslips or breaks in the jaws.Specimen slippage in the jaws canbe minimized by rubbing rosin on the portion of the specimenthat will be in the jaws,removing any excess rosin andenclosing both sides of the rosin coated specimen with coarseemery cloth.Fold the emery cloth over the ends of thespecimen with the coarse side of the cloth next to the rosincoated surfaces as the specimen is inserted into the jaws.Whenthe rosin/emery cloth treatment will not prevent the rectangularspecimen from slipping out of the jaws use the dumbbell typespecimen.The ratio of specimen width in the jaw to jaw widthshould approach one;however,if this is not possible,excessjaw width should be filled in with additional specimen mate-rial.Longer specimens will be required when the jaw length isincompletely filled.The extension reference marks for theelongation test shall be not less than 100mm (4in.)apart andnot less than 25mm (1in.)from the adjacent jaw.Therectangular specimen testing shall be performed with 250mm(10in.)between extension reference marks and not less than300mm (12in.)between jaws at the start of the test. Test Specimen —The dumbbell testspecimen shall conform to the dimensions in Fig.1.The jawsshall be 200mm (8in.)apart when the test specimen is inserted.The extension reference marks for the elongation test shall be 100mm (4in.)apart.The specimen should be cut by a die.Alternatively,the dumbbell may be prepared by clamping the belt between two metal templates and shaving the belt with a knife,using the edges of the template to guide the knife.Excess plies of fabric may be alternatively removed from both sides of the specimen when the specimen will not break satisfactorily in the dumbbell configuration. (For Two-Ply Test Specimens Only)—After the test specimen has been cut,the number of complete warp yarns for the longitudinal direction tests or the number of complete filling picks for the transverse direction test,shall be counted for both plies and recorded.Also,from a section of the belt sample in the adjacent location from which the test specimen was cut,the number of warp yarns or filling picks shall be counted per 75mm (3in.)and recorded. solid-woven multiple-warp system belts,either the rectangular or the dumbbell test specimen may be used.12.3Procedure :12.3.1Breaking Strength —Test the test specimen in the machine described in 12.1.Take care to place the specimen squarely in the jaws of the e a separation rate of 0.32to 0.83mm/s (0.75to 2in./min).The rate of separation is dependent on the modulus of the belt and the type of extensometer used.Discard test specimens that break outside of the extension reference marks or that,upon examination,are found to be imperfect,and retest unless the results obtained in the first test exceed minimum values that may be required.Report the breaking strength,width,and number of plies of fabric of the test specimen.From the breaking strength thus determined,the breaking strength of the sample belt or the breaking strength per ply may be calculated and reported.12.3.2Elongation —Measure the elongation,when required,during the performance of the tensile strength test.For this purpose,mark parallel reference lines at the midportion of the specimen length across the middle of the test specimen at right angles to the longitudinal axis.Determine the elongation with a steel scale or suitable extensometer.When an extensometer is used,pin it or hold it on the specimen with the points on the reference lines and the scale set at zero.Apply the load at the specified rate of speed and note the elongation at the breaking point.12.3.3Stress-Strain —If the stress-strain characteristics of the belt are desired,they may be obtained simultaneously with the tensile strength determination.This data should not be used for establishing the modulus of elasticity for textile belt which is used for the calibration of transition distance on three equal length idler e stress/strain data after repeatedly loading and unloading the belt specimen.In this case take elongation readings with the steel scale or extensometer at intermediate points of applied load.Report the total load on the belt and the percentage elongation for each increment increase in load as well as the total load and percentage elongation at break.12.4Calculations :12.4.1Purpose —The purpose of this section is to calculate the breaking strength of the belt both in terms of a unit width of the belt (S )and of a unit width per ply of the fabric (T).mm in.A 25(−0+1) 1.0(−0+0.04)B 65 2.5C 2208.65D 50(min)2(min)E C +2(clamp length)F 31212.3FIG.1Dimensions of Dumbbell TestSpecimen12.4.2Symbols:,number of plies of fabric in the belt.,number of plies of fabric in test specimen.,width of test specimen,m(in.).,breaking force,kN(lbf),obtained on test speci-men.,number of complete warp yarns per ply in test specimen.,number of completefilling yarns per ply in test specimen.,number of warp yarns per ply in a representative 75mm(3in.)of belt sample.,number offilling yarns per ply of fabric in a representative75-mm(3-in.)width of belt sample.,breaking strength,per unit width of the belt, kN/m(lbf/in.).,breaking strength,per unit width per ply of fabric,kN/m ply(lbf/in.ply).12.4.3Breaking Strength(Belt Sample Tested Basis): the belt sample breaking strength per unit width of the belt as follows:S5L/W(1) the breaking strength per unit width per ply of fabric as follows:T5L/WP(2) 12.4.4Breaking Strength(Test Specimen Basis): the belt sample breaking strength per unit width of the belt as follows:S5LP/WZ(3) the breaking strength per unit width per ply of fabric as follows:T5L/WZ(4) 12.4.5Breaking Strength of the Belt,Corrected to Warp and Filling Yarns per Unit Width(see12.2.5.3)of Complete Belt Sample(Test Specimen Basis): the corrected belt breaking strength per unit width of the belt as follows:S~warp direction!5~L/W!3~P/Z!3@1/~A/Z!#3~C/7.5!5LPC/7.5WA(5)S~filling direction!5~L/W!3~P/Z!3@1/~B/Z!#3~D/7.5!5LPD/7.5WB(6) the corrected strength per unit width per ply of fabric as follows:T~warp direction!5~L/WZ!3~P/Z!3@1/~A/Z!#3~C/7.5!5LPC/7.5WZA(7)T~filling direction!5~L/WZ!3~P/Z!3@1/~B/Z!#3~D/7.5!5LPD/7.5WZB(8) N OTE3—For inch-pound units,substitute the value3for the value of 7.5.13.Cover Hardness13.1Apparatus and calibration thereof shall conform to Test Method D2240or to Test Method D1415.13.2Test Specimen:13.2.1Hardness shall not be determined on covers less than 1.6mm(0.06in.)in thickness.13.2.2Covers greater than4mm(0.16in.)in thickness may have their hardness determined without removing them from the carcass.13.2.3Covers with thicknesses between1.6and4mm(0.06 and0.16in.)shall be prepared by removing a sufficient area of the cover,buffing the reverse side smooth to remove carcass impression,and plying up the resulting specimens on the full belt until a minimum of4.8mm(0.18in.)thickness of cover is available for test.13.3Conditioning and procedure shall conform to Test Method D2240or to Test Method D1415.14.Cover Tear Test14.1Apparatus shall conform to Test Method D624,Die B.14.2Test Specimens:14.2.1Tear tests shall not be performed on covers less than 2.4mm(0.09in.)in thickness.14.2.2Test specimens shall be prepared from the cover stripped in both the longitudinal and transverse direction of the belt and buffed to a smooth condition.14.3Number of Test Specimens—Three specimens per sample shall be tested for tear resistance.The value reported shall be the median.If any value deviates more than20%from the median,two additional specimens shall be tested and the median of allfive values shall be reported.The average of the two median values,that is,the longitudinal and transverse results,shall be reported as the tear resistance.15.Flame Test for Belting15.1This standard should be used to measure and describe the properties of materials,products,or systems in response to heat andflame under controlled laboratory conditions and should not be used for the description or appraisal of thefire hazard of materials,products,or systems under actualfire conditions.15.2The following test method shall be used to measure the duration offlame and afterglow under a standard set of laboratory conditions and shall not be construed as indicating what will happen under actualfire conditions.Under somefire conditions,the belting may be consumed.15.3Apparatus:33The apparatus described in Section15may be purchased from Custom Scientific Instruments Inc.,13Wing Drive,Whippany,NJ07981.15.3.1Test Chamber—The chamber shall be a0.53-m (21-in.)cubicle.15.3.2Support Stand With a Ring Clamp and Wire Gauze.15.3.3Pittsburgh-Universal Bunsen-Type Burner,(inside diameter of burner tube shall be11mm(0.44in.))or equivalent,mounted in a burner placement guide in such a manner that the burner may be placed beneath the test specimen or pulled away from it by an external knob on the front panel of the test chamber.15.3.4Variable Speed Electric Fan and an ASME Flow Nozzle,406to216-mm(16to81⁄2-in.)reduction to attain constant air velocities at any speed between0.25to2.5m/s(50 to500ft/min).The fan must reach proper speed in3s. 15.3.5Electric Timer or Hand-operated Stopwatch, accurate to1s,to measure the duration of the tests.15.3.6Mirror,mounted inside the test chamber to permit the test specimen to be viewed from the back through the viewing door.15.3.7Sliding Valve or a Stovepipe Damper,must be provided on one side of the chamber to stop airflow during the flaming part of the test.The damper must be constructed so that it will give quick positive control over the air stream.15.3.8Alnor All-purpose Instantaneous Direct Air Velocity Meter or an Equivalent Instrument,must be used to measure the air velocity in the chamber.15.4Test Specimens:15.4.1Shape and Dimensions—A rectangular test piece shall be cut from the belt having a length of150mm(6in.)anda width of12.7mm(0.50in.).15.4.2Number and Distribution—Four test specimens shall be prepared;two parallel to the length and two parallel to the width of the belt.15.5Procedure:15.5.1Clamp the specimen in a support with its longitudinal axis horizontal and its transverse axis inclined at45°to the horizontal.Clamp a piece of20-mesh iron wire gauze,125-mm (5-in.)square under the test specimen in a horizontal position, 6mm(0.25in.)below the pulley cover edge of the specimen and with about13mm(0.50in.)of the specimen extending beyond the edge of the gauze.15.5.2Position the support stand,with the test specimen mounted as described in15.5.1,in the burner placement guide within the test chamber.15.5.3Adjust the bunsen burner to give a blueflame75mm (3in.)in height,when using Pittsburgh natural gas or equivalent as fuel.The temperature of theflame shall be7606 55°C(14006100°F),measured at a distance of25mm(1in.) above the top of the burner.15.5.4Move the burner so the test specimen shall be positioned in theflame at a distance of25mm(1in.)above the top of the burner.Center the free end of the specimen in the flame.15.5.5Keep the observation door of the chamber closed for the entire test.15.5.6Apply the burnerflame to the test specimen for60s in still air.15.5.7At the end of60s,remove the burnerflame,turn-on the ventilating fan to give an air current having a velocity of 1.5m/s(300ft/min),and measure the duration of theflame.15.5.8After the test specimen ceases toflame,keep it in the current for at least3min to determine the presence and duration of afterglow.If a glowing specimen bursts intoflame within3min,add the duration of theflame to the duration of flame measured in15.—Report the following information for each belt tested:15.6.1Specification and description of each belt tested, 15.6.2Afterflame and afterglow times of each of the two longitudinal specimens tested,15.6.3Afterflame and afterglow times of each of the two transverse specimens tested,15.6.4Whether or not specimen(s)reignited,and15.6.5Description of any unusual behavior of the specimen(s)noted during the test.16.Carcass Tear Test16.1Apparatus—The apparatus described in12.1is suitable,providing it has the following additional essential characteristics:16.1.1The forces to be measured should fall between15 and85%range of the machine’s full-rated capacity.16.1.2The separation speed of the jaws should be adjustable to1.6760.17mm/s(460.4in./min).16.1.3The free distance between the jaws should be adjustable to at least300mm(12in.).16.1.4Preferably,it should be equipped to graphically record the necessary tearing forces.16.2Test Specimens:16.2.1Number and Dimensions—Cut two specimens parallel to the longitudinal belt axis and not closer than50mm (2in.)to the belt edge. or Longitudinal Direction—The length shall be300mm(12in.)or longer. or Transverse Direction—The width shall be100mm(4in.).16.2.2Preparation of Specimens: there are no breakers,remove covers over the entire area of the specimen.If the specimen contains a floating breaker,this too is to be removed. there are regular breakers next to the carcass,remove a20-mm(0.8-in.)width of cover along the center of the specimen for approximately225mm(9in.) without cutting or disturbing the breaker.(See Fig.2). each specimen at one end about100mm(4in.) along the center line.(See Fig.2and Fig.3)FIG.2Test Piece WithBreaker16.2.2.4If necessary for a better fit in the jaws of the testmachine,the cut end of the specimen may be symmetricallytapered.The length of taper should not exceed the length of thecenter cut.(See Fig.4) alternative sample as shown in Fig.5may beused. —In case of arbitration,thespecimens shall be conditioned for 3days at 18to 29°C (64to84°F)and 35to 65%relative humidity.16.3Procedure :16.3.1Mount the cut ends of the test specimen in the jawsof the test machine as shown in Fig.6and so that the inneredges of the cut are situated at the center of each jaw.16.3.2Set the speed of jaw separation at 1.6760.17mm/s(460.4in./min)and continue testing until the tear hasextended for at least 100mm (4in.).16.3.3The tear resistance is the mean of the peak forcesrecorded during the test.Record the tearing force for at least a75-mm (3-in.)length of tear.16.4Report :16.4.1Record the tear resistance of each specimenseparately and record the mean value of the two specimens.16.4.2Note the manner in which the tear occurred,that is,the filling threads tore in a normal manner or they pulled outwithout tearing.17.Troughability Test17.1Apparatus :17.1.1Suspension System ,a level frame,about 1.50m (59in.)long,dependent on the widest belt to be tested,attached toa wall about 1.25m (50in.)from the floor,again,dependent onthe widest belt to be tested.Two suspension cables or lines 0.50m (20in.)each,are attached to one end of the frame.Two more0.50-m cables or lines are attached to a free-moving carriagethat travels on the frame (see Fig.7).Each line has a hook onthe free end.17.1.2Clamps may be standard stationer’s binder clips,such as shown in the sketch.Two of these clamps are attached to a 25-mm (1-in.)“T”bar that is 150mm (6in.)long.At either end of the “T”bar a stud is located (see Fig.7),and the clamp assembly is balanced while suspended on the hooks in accordance with 17.1.1.Two of these clamp assemblies are needed.17.2Test Procedures :17.2.1Prepare the test specimen according to the following specifications: —A rectangular parallel-piped piece of the whole belt. (Transverse Direction of Belt )—The flat width,Width “L”of the belt. (Longitudinal Direction of Belt )—150mm (6in.),e ,the thickness of the belt,with covers.17.2.2Allow specimen to condition for 24h at 18to 29°C (64to 84°F)on a flat surface.17.2.3Attach the clamp assembly to the belt ends. clamp assemblies on hooks in accordance with 17.1.2for balance and free rotation before attaching the belt.17.2.4Place the clamp assemblies with the test specimen on the test assembly hooks (see Fig.7)with the carrying surface up.17.2.5Allow the test specimen to hang under the force of its own mass from the flat position to form a trough.17.2.6Move the carriage until the suspension lines,from which the specimen is suspended,are vertical as checked by a plumb line on the carriage (see Fig.8and 17.1.1).17.2.7Take readings after 5min (see Fig.9).17.3Measurements :17.3.1e 5thickness,mm (in.),17.3.2L 5width of belt,mm (in.),and 17.3.3F 5deflection,mm (in.)(see Fig.9). of F :F 5A 22A 11e 2(9)where:A 15distance from test frame to suspension point,mm (in.),and A 25distance from the lowest point of the belt surface to the test frame,mm (in.). Determination of F :F 5B 12B 22e 2(10)where:B 15distance from the lower horizontal reference plane to suspension point,mm (in.),and B 25distance from the lowest point on the belt surface to the lower horizontal reference plane,mm (in.).17.4Report —The troughability is expressed as the ratio,F:L.FIG.3Test Piece WithoutBreakerFIG.4Tapered TestPiece。
普通橡胶V带检测普通V带一般适用于一般机械传动装置的V带产品,检测标准可依据GB/T 1171-2023《一般传动用普通V带》。
GB/T 1171-2023将普通V带分成包边V带和切边V带两个种类。
窄V带检测可依据 GB/T 12730-2023《一般传动用窄V带》。
除此之外,联动窄V带可以依据行业标准 HG/T 2819-2023《联组窄V带》来进行检测。
检测标准可以依据GB/T 15327-2023《工业用变速宽V带》。
阻燃橡胶V带检测阻燃V带检测依据标准为 GB 12731-2023《阻燃V带》。
东标 输送带检测标准及标准
MT 147-1995 煤 矿 用阻燃抗静电织物整 / 芯输送带
MT 668-2007 煤 矿 用钢丝绳芯阻燃输送 / 带
钢丝绳直径 钢丝绳间距 钢丝绳根数 钢丝绳偏心值 覆盖层拉伸性能 覆盖层耐老化性能 老化后拉伸性能 覆盖层耐磨性能
mm mm / / MPa / MPa
动态钢丝绳黏合抗疲劳性能 /
欧姆 级 / /
MPa % (70℃、168h)
覆盖层拉伸强度(老化后) MPa
HG/T 4062-2008 /
覆盖层拉伸强度(老化后) MPa
HG 2297-1992 耐 NEQ 4195/2-88
立方毫米 N/mm
钢丝绳粘合强度 (70℃、168h 老化后)
HG 3646-1999-T 普通用途防撕裂钢丝 / 绳芯输送带
输送带检测报告1. 简介输送带是工业生产过程中常见的物料输送设备之一,广泛应用于矿山、港口、建筑等工业领域。
2. 检测方法2.1 目视检测目视检测是最简单也是最常用的输送带检测方法之一。
2.2 磁粉检测磁粉检测是一种常用的检测输送带的方法,通过在输送带表面涂覆磁粉试剂,利用磁粉试剂在磁场作用下的反应,检测输送带表面的裂纹和缺陷。
2.3 超声波检测超声波检测是一种非破坏性检测方法,通过向输送带表面发送超声波,并接收其回波,利用超声波在不同介质中传播速度的差异,来检测输送带表面和内部的缺陷和损伤。
3. 检测项目3.1 裂纹检测裂纹是输送带常见的缺陷之一,容易导致带子断裂和脱落。
3.2 磨损检测输送带的磨损程度直接影响其使用寿命和输送效果。
3.3 连接部位检测输送带连接部位是容易出现断裂和松脱的地方,检测连接部位的牢固程度对于确保输送带的安全运行至关重要。
4. 检测结果和修复建议根据对输送带的检测结果,可以针对具体问题提出相应的修复和维护建议。
4.1 裂纹修复建议对于表面裂纹,可以采用局部修复的方法,使用特定的胶水或补片进行修复。
4.2 磨损修复建议对于轻微的磨损,可以进行表面修复,使用橡胶或聚氨酯覆盖层进行修复。
4.3 连接部位修复建议对于断裂或松脱的连接部位,应及时重新连接或更换连接件,并进行强化处理,以确保连接部位的稳固性。
输送带磨耗检测 电阻检测 老化检测
1. ISO 14890-2003 《输送带-规范和试验方法-耐磨性》:该标准规定了橡胶输送带的耐磨性要求和试验方法,对于保证输送带的使用寿命和安全性能具有重要意义。
2. ISO 15236-1:2016《输送带-规范和试验方法-部分1:耐火性》:该标准规定了橡胶输送带在高温条件下的耐火性能要求和试验方法,是确保输送带在高温环境下安全运行的基础。
3. DIN22102标准:该标准规定了输送带的物理和机械性能参数、耐磨性、耐火性、抗裂性、抗拉强度、抗撕裂性等,是欧洲地区较为常用的标准。
4. AS1332标准:该标准是澳大利亚标准,规定了橡胶输送带的物理特性、耐火性、抗裂性、抗拉强度、耐磨性等指标。
5. GB/T 7984-2013《橡胶输送带》:该标准是中国标准,规定了橡胶输送带的结构、性能指标、试验方法、检验规则、标志、包装、运输和贮存等方面的内容,
三、工作内容1. 无损检测的定义无损检测是指在不破坏被检测对象外表面的前提下,利用声波、超声波、磁粉等检测方法,对输送带设备进行内部损伤、缺陷、腐蚀等情况进行检测和评估。
2. 无损检测的目的通过无损检测,及时发现输送带设备的安全隐患,预防设备故障和事故的发生,确保输送带设备的安全运行和有效使用。
3. 无损检测的程序(1)无损检测前的准备工作:确定检测时间、地点和人员,准备检测设备和工具。
四、工作标准1. 专业技术人员:进行无损检测的人员必须具备相关的专业技术资格证书,且具有一定的检测经验。
2. 检测设备和工具:选择高质量的检测设备和工具,确保检测结果的准确性和可靠性。
3. 检测周期:根据输送带设备的使用情况和工作环境,制定合理的无损检测周期,保证设备定期、及时进行检测。
4. 检测报告:对每次无损检测的结果制作检测报告,包括设备的基本信息、检测方法和过程、检测结果及评估意见等。
五、安全保障1. 无损检测操作过程中需严格遵守相关安全操作规定,保障人员的安全。
2. 对检测设备和工具进行定期检测和维护,确保设备的正常运转。
3. 对检测人员进行相关安全培训,提高人员的安全意识和应变能力。
七、监督检查1. 由公司相关部门负责对无损检测工作进行监督检查,确保无损检测工作按照规定程序进行。
2. 对无损检测工作中出现的问题和隐患进行整改和纠正,确保无损检测工作的质量和安全。
输送带检测 输送带成分检测 输送带老化测试
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