山东省威海市2020届九年级英语上学期期中质量检测试题(无答案) 鲁教版五四制

山东省威海市2020届九年级英语上学期期中质量检测试题(无答案) 鲁教版五四制
山东省威海市2020届九年级英语上学期期中质量检测试题(无答案) 鲁教版五四制





Animals grow up in different ways. Some newborn animals are helpless

but their mothers protect them. A newborn kangaroo is very small. It is

only a few centimeters long. It closes its eyes and doesn't have hair.

It stays safe in its mother's pouch(育儿袋)for a long time.

A newborn monkey can not walk, Its mother carries it everywhere.Other

baby an imals can walk soon after they're born. They learn to run with their

mothers when danger is near. A bay zebra can run, an hour after it

is born.

Some baby animals are born in a place that is safe. Baby wolves

are usually born in big holes with little light. Other baby animals

are born in the open.A baby elephant is often born on the open land.

Animals that drink their mothers' milk are called mammals. A

mother bear's milk is rich. Baby bears have milk for a few months. This is the same with baby zebras. As baby animals grow, they need solid(固体的)food. Baby lions eat what their mother can catch!

( ) 1. According to the passage, many newborn animals need their mothers' help because the babies can't _______.

A. look after themselves

B. eat any food

C. walk by themselves ( ) 2. A newborn monkey's mother carries it everywhere because ______.

A. it is very small

B. it can't walk

C. it closes its eyes ( ) 3. Baby wolves are usually born in a(an) ______ place.

A. open

B. bright

C. safe

( ) 4. Newborn mammals' main food is ________.

A. mother's milk

B. solid food

C. smaller animals

( ) 5. How many kinds of baby animals are mentioned in this passage?

A. Six

B. Seven

C. Eight


Ray Charles, a black singer and pianist of the USA. He had won 12 Grammy Awards (格莱美奖) and performed at 10,000 concerts around the world. Many musicians called him simply “the Genius” (天才).

Ray Charles was born into a poor family, without a father. When he was 5 years old, his younger brother died, and around the same time, Charles started to lose his sight. By the age of 7 he was completely blind. He had already been learning the piano for a year, and when he went blind, his mother knew this would be the only way he would make any money in the future. All his life, Charles remembered her saying: “Do it right, or don’t do it at all.”

Later he went to a school for blind and deaf children. There the teachers also encouraged him to study music. Sadly, while he was still at school, his mother died. He left school and in the early 1950s Charles organized a group of players. He sang, p layed the piano and wrote music.

He made many classical CDs wit h famous artists such as Elton John and the Beatles. In 2020 a film of his life Ray was made. The part of Charles was played by a younger actor and musician called Jamie Fox. The film director brought Fox to meet Charles. After they had been playing together for two hours, Charles, then aged 73, jumped up and said: “He’s the one ... he can do it.” A year later Charles died aged 74. The film of his life has been as popular as his songs and means that the memory of Charles’ music will live on. ( ) 6. What can we learn from Ray’s childhood story?

A. His father died when he was 5 years old.

B. He started to learn the piano at the age of 6.

C. He was born in a rich musician family.

( ) 7. Ray Charles’ mother encouraged him to play music because.

A. his father was a musician as well

B. because it would help him get used to being blind

C. it was a good way for a blind person to get money

( ) 8. Ray Charles went to a school for .

A.normal children

B. deaf and blind children

C. talented children only ( ) 9. Ray Charles thought that Jamie Fox .

A. was the right person to play him in the film

B. was a good film maker

C. was the wrong person to play him in the film

( ) 10. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

A. Becoming a musician.

B. Childhood story.

C. The film of Ray’s life.


When I was a boy my mum used to say I would read the back of a medicine bottle if I didn’t have a book in my hand. It was true, and even now that reading habit has been with me. I always have at least one book being read, sometimes I might have two or three. And I’m talking about real books, books made out of paper, books that you can hold in your hand, to read, at the table, on the subway or my favorite place to read—in the bath.

But the number of people reading books is dropping. A recent survey tells us that Chinese people only read 4.77 printed books a year on average(平均) and in the US, 25 percent of the population say they didn’t read a book last year! So what’s stopping people from reading?

The answer of course is the huge influence that technology has had on our life. Why read a book when you can watch a movie or TV play on your smart phones or iPads? For younger people, books may not be as exciting as online games. With stories you have to work at it, closely follow the turns of the plot(情节). There are no shortcuts with a book. You have to turn page after page.

But you can still ge t lost in a book. We all have this thing called imagination. It’s much more powerful than any computer; in fact, it’s worth remembering that an y online ga me was first written in words as a story by its writer. It’s all about his or her or their imagination.

So we need to read—if we do not read, it will be hard for us to improve our ability to think widely, to have an imagination. Reading is a process in which we need to compare and connect other things we have read and seen in the past. If you do not read, this will not only influence your study, but also your social life in the future.

So why not follow me from now on? Run a hot bath, or find a comfortable chair and read a good book for a few hours—there are quite many, for free, in your local library. ( ) 11. What’s the main idea of Paragraph 1?

A. The writer used to enjoy playing with a medicine bottle.

B. The writer has had the reading habit since his childhood.

C. The writer often reads books at a table on the subway.

( ) 12. The number of people reading books is dropping because _______________.

A. books are becoming less interesting

B. technology has greatly influenced our life

C. there aren’t enough printed books to read

( ) 13. What does the w ord “shortcuts” in Paragraph 3 most probably mean in Chinese?

A. 捷径

B. 理念

C. 缺点

( ) 14. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

A.Reading can help to develop our imagination.

B. All online games were first written in words.

C. Younger people prefer books to online games.

( ) 15. In the last paragraph, the writer mainly suggests that we should __________.

A. read books in a comfortable chair

B. borrow books from the library

C. read more books in our life



my hands on it,” he says.

19._______ In an international class, Asian-Americans, on average, scored higher than

other students. The teacher found that the Asian-Americans discussed

homework problems together, tried different ways to work out the problems

and explained their solutions to one anothe r.

20._______ Christi is an excellent student at the University of California. If her

math teacher assigns five problems, she does ten. If the history teacher

assigns eight pages of reading, she reads twelve. “Part of learning is

practicing,” she says. “And the more you practice, the more you learn.”


“Ma y we all blessed with longevity. Though miles apart, we are still able to share the beauty of the moon together(但愿能长久,千里共婵娟)”,wrote Su Shi, a poet during the Song Dynasty, in his well-know poem to his younger brother Su Zhe.

The moon is at its brightest on the 15th day of the eight month of the lunar calendar (阴历). On this day , people celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival. It has been enjoying great popularity all over the country.

In ancient China, that day was a harvest (收获)festival because crops(庄稼)were harvested during that period. It was a time for relaxation and celebration.

Just like Thanksgiving in Western countries, families also try to get together for the Mid-Autumn Festival in China. Usually, no matter how far away or how busy they are , people A. Do more than you are asked. B. Study anywhere or everywhere. C. Study together. D. Schedule your time. E. Get your things in order.

will try to return home for the celebration.

The Mid-Autumn has its own special food just as other traditional Chinese holidays. People eat moon cakes with filings such as sugar and eggs. The round shape of the cake makes it look like the full moon. The full moon and moon cakes stand for family reunion(团聚).

With the beautiful moon up in the sky, people sit together, enjoy the full moon, eat moon cakes and fruits, share the stories, and express the best wishes for the family members and friends who live far.

21. Who did Su Shi wrote the poem for in Paragraph One?

22. Why was the Mid-Autumn Festival a harvest festival in ancient China?

23. Do Thanksgiving and the Mid-Autumn Festival have anything in common?

24. What do the full moon and moon cakes stand for?

25. How do people spend the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival? (List at least three activities)

第Ⅱ卷 (共50分)






26.When he was a kid , he _____/:d/ flying a kite.

27.Lucy _____/:/ my mother the wrong way when he visited my house last night.

28.No matter teachers or parents all care about our _____/t/

29.Taiwan is a part of China. It shouldn’t be ______ // out

30.He was beat by his mum because he ___/t/ his chopsticks into the rice.

31.The Stonehenge was built for special ______/:/

32.Soliders ran after those _______// thirty miles for two days.

33.People usually wear warm clothes in the ______/:/ part of China in winter.


Wu Juping is a 31-year-old woman from Zhejiang Province. She 34._____________ (call) “The Most Beautiful Mother”because she saved a 2-year-old girl who 35.

_____________ (fall) from the 10th floor of a building in Hangzhou on July 2, 2020.

The 2-year-old girl 36._____________ (sleep) in the bedroom when her grandmother left

her to get something. Before her granny returned, the little girl woke up and crawled

to the windowsill.

A neighbor who lives a floor below tried 37. _____________ (reach) the girl on the windowsill, but he didn’t succeed and the girl fell down.

Wu, who lives in the same neighborhood, 38. ( pass)by. She immediately took

off her high heels and ran towards the building. She tried to catch the girl before she

hit the ground. Though she 39. _____________ (not hold) the girl, she managed to break

the 2-year-old girl’s fall.

Wu is now in hospital with a broken arm and the little girl 40. _____________ (get)

better now.

“I did it out of a mother’s instinct(本能),” Wu said from her hospital bed later.

“If the baby 41. _____________ (hit) the lady’s head, she will probably be dead at once. This is the great love of a mother!”said Doctor Jin Dengfeng who treated Wu.

34._____________35. _____________36.____________37._______________

38. _____________39. ____________ 40.__________ 41._______________



42. 当你首次见你的老板时,你应该穿西装打着领结。


43. 作为成年人,我们不应该被允许酒后驾车。


44. 肯定有人在教室里唱歌呢。


45. 我爸爸喜欢歌词很棒的音乐。









A. Because

B. robots

C. over

D. recycle

E. dangerous

F. Our

G. and

H. forever

I. cars

J. run

What will our world be like in 2050? We asked a group of experts to make their predictions about our future.

By 2050 we will have “clever” 48 . We won’t have so many accidents, 49 they

will be able to communicate with each other. Cars will slow down by themselves or stop

in 50 situations. Also, our cars will 51 on electricity or water.

By 2050 our homes will be more eco-friendly (环保). We will use solar (太阳的) energy,

and we will clean and 52 our water. There will be many more people in the world

53 our houses will be smaller. Many houses will be underground and we will have

54 to help clean, cook and do 55 home shopping.

We won’t die! We will put our brains onto computers and live 56 . The computers

of the future won’t look like machines. They’ll look like humans.

By 2050 there will be too many people on the earth and 57 100 million people will

be living on the moon and other planets. We will be able to travel to Mars and back in

just three days.

48. __________49. __________ 50. __________ 51. __________ 52. ___________

53. __________ 54. __________ 55. __________ 56.__________ 57. ___________


58.假如你叫Liu Lu,你的一位外国笔友Lisa即将作为交换生来到中国,请以书信的形式向她


要求:1.字迹工整 2.语言流畅,语法规范 3.字数为100左右

Dear Lisa,
















Best wishes

Liu Lu
