



翻译 1:常常做运动会提高人的自信常常参加体育活动能够提高人们的自信心,这不只对年青人并且对老人很重要翻译 2:依靠计算器会影响人的默算能力(mental arithmetic )。


翻译 3:好多女孩都不肯意在男人居多的行业里(male-dominated world )找工作。


翻译 4:环境问题已经成为民众关怀的焦点。


翻译 5:家长和老师应当努力去减少儿童看电视的时间。


翻译 6:艺术不属于学校的主科固然艺术不属于学校的主要课程,可是它们在课程纲领里值得拥有一席之地,因为这些科目能够给生活添色彩。

翻译 7:乡村的失业问题在某种程度上能够经过城乡转移(rural-to-urban shift)解决。


翻译 8 经济的下滑( economic slowdown )致使失业率的上涨经济下滑已经致使失业率上涨,因为人们对展开新失业举棋不定,并且好多大公司减员。

翻译 9 因为不够明亮的经济远景(economic outlook ),好多公司不行能招聘新的职员。


翻译 10 高层建筑有时被以为是城市的eyesore。

翻译 11:经济的发展需要年青的劳动者一个国家的经济发展依靠必定量的年青劳动力,可是问题是老龄化的社会对劳动力有负面影响。

翻译 12:工作好多的人没有时间去歇息,去充电(recharge batteries )工作好多的人没有足够的时间去歇息和充电,这样对他们的健康有害。

B150-雅思-顾家北写作-0608 精品班第四课公屏

B150-雅思-顾家北写作-0608 精品班第四课公屏

顾家北(389522376) 19:05:12which was 4%顾家北(389522376) 19:13:55The chart shows the online activities of people living in a UK city in two years.顾家北(389522376) 19:15:53The bar chart compares the proportions of Internet users who engaged in different online activities in the years 2007 and 2009.顾家北(389522376) 19:16:26The bar chart compares the proportions of Internet users who engaged in different online activities in the years 2007 and 2009. (T)顾家北(389522376) 19:21:24The proportion of internet users who shopped online was 65%.顾家北(389522376) 19:22:0865% of Internet users shopped online.顾家北(389522376) 19:23:16Those who shopped online accounted for 65% of internet users.广告:主播趣事一箩筐~赵小磊获开1国王,11公爵守护!小损样竟然曝料红叶舞秋山"拉"了;神豪“散人”被曝真容;神壕点哥给天佑刷礼物,破传闻!顾家北(389522376) 19:32:27Booking something online was the next top activity and also gained in popularity, with the figure rising from 56% to 60%.顾家北(389522376) 19:38:31•单图按照对象分•••多图如果对象一致,单位一致,按照单图来看••多图如果对象不一致,单位不一致,按照图来分顾家北(389522376) 19:42:38Listening to music was also popular, but the percentage of users who streamed music online declined to around 45% during this period.顾家北(389522376) 19:48:04On the other hand, other activities attracted a smaller proportion of people on the web.顾家北(389522376) 19:50:37The most remarkable increase was in the use of the Internet for watching TV (reaching 32% in 2009), while the figures for jobseeking and gaming climbed to 32% and 28% respectively.顾家北(389522376) 20:06:43Overall, shopping online and booking something remained the most prevalent online activities. There was an increase in the popularity of all online activities, except online learning and listening to music. 顾家北(389522376) 20:41:04The bar chats show the percentages of people aged 60-64 who were still in the workforce in four countries in 1970 and 2000.顾家北(389522376) 20:42:23The charts compare four countries in terms of the proportions of people who continued to work after the age of 60 in two different years. (T)顾家北(389522376) 21:45:51least likely to。

B147-雅思-顾家北写作-0608 精品班第六次课公屏

B147-雅思-顾家北写作-0608 精品班第六次课公屏

顾家北(389522376) 19:07:21A 负社会责任B 对员工好C 员工表现更好,企业受益更好A 负社会责任B 帮助当地社区的人解决问题C 得到当地人支持,效益更好A负社会责任 B 产品符合当地人的需要 C 收益更高A负社会责任 B 保护当地环境 C 得到当地政府的支持,经营更加容易A负社会责任 B 增加企业的成本 C 影响效益顾家北(389522376) 19:07:521. (A工作的收入 B 工作的稳定性 C 工作的升职和发展机会 D 和同事上司的关系 E 工作的环境 F 工作的时间和放假的时间长短 G 工作的自由度 H 实现自己才华的机会)能够决定工作满意度顾家北(389522376) 19:09:41profitable顾家北(389522376) 19:15:06政府、企业、有钱人,甚至是普通人(A 捐钱去帮助穷人 B筹款去解决民生问题,譬如说医疗、住宿还有教育 C捐钱建基础的设施,譬如说图书馆 D 保护环境),使社区减少贫富差距,社区更加快乐和和平广告:年度巅峰大战!Y阅抢先看:阿哲三小时500百万票!荣登22日榜首;神豪星爷下山助战安可儿年度;聆听king获神壕孤帆134万票秒榜;赵家军凑单团购马甲;更多一手战报猛戳这里>>顾家北(389522376) 19:15:451. 公司需要(A 注意客户的需要,设计有竞争力的产品 B 产品性价比高 C提供准时快捷贴心的服务,处理客户投诉很快捷 D有激情、接受过好培训、有创造力的员工 E 好的理财能力,控制好成本 F 足够的资金 G好的商业计划 H好的管理能力,增加效率)才能够获得利润和成功顾家北(389522376) 19:16:41次话题一:能源的消耗,新能源的开发次话题二:水资源的使用和水污染次话题三:垃圾的产生次话题四:动物保护顾家北(389522376) 19:19:16shut down factories顾家北(389522376) 19:30:57In the modern world, fashion is becoming more and more popular in people's choice of clothes. Why has this happened? Do you think it is positive development or negative development?顾家北(389522376) 19:34:401. (A 广告 B 信用卡付账 C 网络商务 D经济发展导致收入增加 E产品不断更新 F某些商品的价格不断下降 G 追求时尚的名人不断在媒体上出现 H 人们追求物质享受)导致了消费文化,人们喜欢攀比,大手大脚花钱,买很多东西。



顾家北 0813精品班作文大作文Man.peopl.thin.i.i.ver.importan.t.protec.th.environmen.bu.t he.mak.n.effor.t.d.i.themselves.Wh.d.yo.thin.i.i.th.case.Wh a.action.ca.b.don.t.ensur.tha.individual.protec.th.environm ent?顾家北Environmenta.problem.hav.threatene.th.worl.bu.fe.peopl.hav. chose.t.tak.an.actio.t.dea.wit.thes.problems.althoug.the.re alis.th.impac.o.thes.environmenta.woe.o.thei.lives.W.shoul. implemen.som.change.t.improv.th.situation.Man.peopl.spen.mone.wisely.s.the.ar.no.willin.t.purchas.env ironmentall.friendl.products.despit.th.fac.tha.thes.product .ca.hel.preserv.th.environment.Thes.product.ar.normall.mor.expensiv.tha.conventiona.counte rparts.Fo.example.LE.lightin.device.ar.energ.efficient.bu.n ormall.charg.consumer..highe.pric.tha.traditiona.ligh.bulbs .Electri.car.ar.normall.likel.t.cos.mor.mone.tha.thos.vehic le.powere.b.petrol.A.consumer.d.no.op.fo.thes.gree.products .i.i.no.eas.t.conserv.resource.an.reduc.pollution.Anothe.reaso.i.tha.man.peopl.ar.no.willin.t.chang.thei.way. o.life.eve.thoug.thes.lifestyle.ca.b.harmfu.t.th.environmen t..o.electrica.equipmen.ha.le.t..shar.ris.i.electricit.c onsumption.whic.mean.tha.th.powe.generatio.secto.ha..highe. deman.fo.fossi.fuels.Peopl.als.prefe.t.trave.b.car.bu.ca.em ission.ca.caus.globa.warming.whic.i..threa.t.th.environment .Th.relianc.o.differen.electroni.product.includin.mobil.pho ndfil.si tes.●ernment.ca.enaw.t.forbi.thos.behaviour.whic.ca.caus.damag.t.th.environment.suc.a.disposin.o.wast.carelessly.Thos.wh.dro.li tte.shoul.b.fined.s.th.environmenta.impac.o.thi.behaviou .ca.b.reduced.Anothe.solutio.i.t.offe.subsidie.t.encourag.peopl.t.g.green.Fo.example.thos.consumer.wh.bu.fue.efficien.car.ca.b.subsidised.s.ca.emission.ca.b.reduce.sign ificantly.●Currently, more and more people are aware of the importance ofenvironmental protection but the public never give priority to protect environment during their daily life.On.reaso.account.fo.th.phenomeno.i.tha.peopl.liv.carefull.w ithou.spendin.thei.mone.o.environmenta.products.Household.l iv.wit..tigh.budge.ar.no.willin.t.spen.thei.mone.thes.produ cts.whos.price.ar.highe.tha.othe.simila.goods.Fo.instance.L E.light.ar.energ.saving.bu.the.ar.mor.expensiv.tha.incandes cen.bulbs.Similarly.price.o.electri.vehicle.ar.highe.tha.th os.o.traditiona.vehicle.averagely.Fo.th.sak.o.money.peopl.q ui.buyin.gree.product.an.thi.i.contrar.t.ou.purpos.o.enviro nmenta.protection.Anothe.reaso.ca.b.tha.peopl.ar.no.willin.t.chang.thei.livin .styles.whic.nee.t.consum.variou.kind.o.energy.Fo.example.e lectroni.appliance.consum.electricit.whil.drivin.consume.pe trol.Especiall.thos.wh.ar.fon.o.plent.o.material.consum.mor e.w.t .ba.citizen.fro.doin.detrimenta.behaviour.t.environment.Pun ishment.ar.imperativ.fo.thos.wh.littered.O.th.othe.hand.i.iernmen.t.giv.subsidie.t.encourag.en vironmenta.protection.Som.countries.suc.a.China.provid.subs idie.fo.thos.wh.purchasin.vehicle.unde.1.6L.All in all, only through the joint efforts of government and individuals can we live in a sustainable environment.rg.proportio.o.childre.ar.expose.t.a.ocea.o.co mmercia.advertisement.da.t.day..a.o.th.sid.tha.th.ads.whic. purposel.incit.kid.t.bu.snacks.toy.an.electroni.games.shoul .b.limite.o.even.banned.Suppos.tha.ad.ai.t.kid.wer.rectified.childre.wil.no.reques. c.sensiti vit.t.price.nevertheless.parent.ten.t.satisf.thei.materia.n eeds.Fo.instance.som.childre.lik.expensiv.toy.an.girl.ar.i. favo.o.clothes.Thi.wil.brin..heav.burde.fo.th.middle-clas.f amilies.Onl.b.minimiz.th.impac.o.ad.o.kid.ca.th.proble.b.av oided.Childre.ma.hav.eccentri.behaviour.an.ba.livin.habit.du.t.th .ads.Som.kid.ar.fan.o.fas.food.sinc.the.se.ad.o.i.ever.day. Other.ar.i.ba.temper.du.t.th.violen.game.the.pla.daily.Th.p redominanc.o.game.i.als.resulte.fro.merchants.propaganda.Al .thes.problem.wil.influenc.th.health.growt.proces.o.kid.bot .physicall.an.mentally.However.w.canno.den.tha.som.ad.d.hav.thei.advantage.t.kids. k.wheat.etc. cationa.toys.Parent prehensiv.v erdic.accordin.t.advertisements.ernmen.ba.ad.whos.targe.c onsumer.ar.kids.especiall.i.thei.product.ar.harmfu.t.childr en.Bu.i.th.product.th.advertisement.focu.o.ar.beneficial.th e.th.ad.shoul.b.allowed.小作文第一篇i.of.i.Pola nd.Denmark.Germany.Ital.an.Hungary.Th.tw.colon.ar.th.figure .o.youn.peopl.(age.fro.15-24.an.al.citizen.respectively.Th.highes.unemploymen.rat.fo.youn.goe.t.Poland.whic.reache.37.an.i.twic.mor.tha.th.rat.o.it.overal.rat.15%.Comin.nex.i .Italy.Th.proportio.o.it.youn.citizen.wh.ar.ou.o.wor.i.23.a e.t.to.a.18%.Hungar.show. mediocr.rate.o.21.an.17%.An.Germa.figure.ar.4.an.3.lowe.tha .Denmar.respectively.Denmar.keep.bot.figure.lowest.wit.th.u nemploymen.rat.fo.15-2.ag.grou.8.an.fo.overal.onl.3%.Al.o.th.fiv.countrie.sho.3~5.rate.lowe.o.overal.unemploymen rges.ga.betwe e.th.tw.figures.第二篇The bar charts provide us information about how families in an Asian country spent their money in 1998 and 2008..glanc.a.th.chart.tell.tha.expenditur.o.differen.good.i.200 .overweighe.tha.i.199.excep.tha.spen.o.clothes.Peopl.gav.mu c.mor.priorit.t.spiritua.enjoymen.whic.lea.t..hug.increas.o.expenditur.o.holiday.eatin.out.readin.(newspaper.an.magazi nes.an.goin.t.cinema.risin.fro.8.t.15%.6.t.15%,3.t.8.an.3%t .5.respectively.Th.cost.fo.electroni.good.als.increase.fro.12.to14.durin.th.decade.Th.onl.differenc.i.expenditur.o.clothe.whic.wa.totall.oppos it.t.th.mainstream.Th.proportio.o.i.wa.10.i.1998.howeve.i.d roppe.t.hal.o.it.origina.rate.i.2008.All in all, the past 10 years witnessed a huge change of the expenditure on various of aspects for households.第三篇The charts tell the proportion of different categories of house people live in three parts of Australia in 2001 and 2006.I.2001.Victori.ha.76.resident.i.house.12.i.semi-detache.hou se.11%i.apartment.an.th.res.i.othe.types.I.NSW.hous.als.acc rges.par.o.66%.wit.10.an.13.i.duple.an.fla.re rges .proportio.o.hous.livin.population.whic.reache.88%.ter.th.rate.fo.hous.al.droppe.2.i.th.thre.region s.A.fo.semi-detache.house.Victoria.NS.an.Tasmani.sa.1.incre ase.1percen.decreas.an.stabilit.respectively.Th.figure.o.fl a.al.ha..slightl.increase.An.fo.th.res.unmentione.types.the .remaine.th.sam.a.1.excep.NS.ros.fro.11.t.12%.pare.fiv.Europea.countrie.i.term.o.th.proportion .o.unemploye.peopl.a.wel.a.th.figure.fo.thos.youn.peopl.ou. o.work.Polan.ha.th.highes.yout.unemploymen.rat.a.37%.nearl.fiv.tim e.th.leve.i.Denmark.Th.level.o.unemploymen.fo.youn.peopl.wer.simila.i.othe.coun tries.wit.th.highes.see.i.Ital.23.an.th.lowes.i.German.a.17 %.I.i.clea.fro.th.tabl.tha.i.al.thes.countries.th.unemploymen .rat.fo.th.younge.generatio.wa.highe.tha.th.overal.unemploy men.figures.Interestingly.Poland.Germany.Ital.an.Hungar.ha. simila.unemploymen.rates.rangin.betwee.15.an.18%.Th.figur.f o.Denmar.wa.significantl.lowe.a.3%.Overall.yout.unemploymen.wa.mor.seriou.i.Polan.tha.i.othe.c ountries.Denmar.ha.th.lowes.figure.fo.bot.yout.unemploymen.an.overal.unemployment.whil.othe.countrie.ha.simila.figure. fo.thes.problems.流程图写作.coco.bean.t.produc.severa.foo.it em.fo.customers.Firstly.whol.bean.ar.carefull.pickin.befor.dryin.i.th.shell .The.the.ar.presse.int.coco.liquor.whic.i.th.mai.materia.o. th.secon.stage.The.coco.liquo.i.furthe.presse.unti.i.become ..coc.cake.whic.i.directl.sen.t.industr.t.mak.cake.an.drink .o.i.sol.t.th.consume.afte.grinde.int.coco.powder.Th.coco.l iquo.ca.als.conver.int.coco.an.the.b.sen.t.relevan.industry .Coco.liquor.afte.furthe.refining.mi.wit.coco.an.suga.turn. t.industr.chocolate.Finishe.chocolat.product.wil.b.pu.o.th. shell.befor.th.fina.process.e.t.produc.coco.powder.chocolat.p roduct.an.ingredient.fo.relevan.industr.throug.thre.simpl.s tage.startin.fro.pre-processin.ra.materia.t.fina.packagin.f o.sell.顾家北Th.whol.bean.ar.picke.a.th.firs.stag.wit.shell.removed.an.t he.drie.an.presse.unti.coco.liquo.i.created.Thi.mark.th.sta r.o.th.secon.stage.whic.involve.thre.processes.Th.coco.liqu e.t.mak.coc.cake.i.th.firs.option.Anothe.choic.i.t h.manufactur.o.cocoa.whil.coco.liquo.i.refine.i.th.thir.pro ces.t.produc.industria.chocolate.I.th.fina.stage.thes.material.ar.processe.furthe.t.creat.di fferen.en.product.fo.eithe.corporat.client.o.ordinar.consum ers.Coc.cake.ar.groun.int.coco.powde.fo.individua.consumers .o.directl.delivere.t.caterin.businesse.whic.provid.drink.a n.cakes.Coco.i.th.secon.procedur.mentione.earlie.i.als.tran sporte.t.thes.businesses.I.contrast.th.industria.chocolat.i .flavore.wit.sugar.an.finishe.chocolat.product.ar.subsequen tl.availabl.fo.consumers.第一篇The table provides us with data of the percentage of consumer expenditure on different items in five countries in 2002.Th.bigges.numbe.existe.i.Turkey.wher.peopl.spen.32.14.o.the i.incom.o.food.drin.an.tobacco.almos.fiv.time.th.numbe.o.pe rcentag.spen.o.clothin.(6.63%.an.eigh.time.th.figur.o.percein.nex.i.Ireland.whos.per centag.o.nationa.consume.expenditur.o.eatin.wa.28.91%.Cost. fo.clothin.an.footwea.accounte.fo.onl.6.43%.thre.time.th.ex cation.Spai.too.th.thir.plac.thoug. th.proportio.o.it.nationa.consume.expenditur.wa.th.lowes.(1 .98%).Expenditur.o.foo.item.i.Spai.accounte.fo.18.8%.threef ol.th.figur.o.it.clothin.spending.Ital.an.Swede.citizen.ha. smal.percentage.o.incom.spen.o.food(16.36%, 15.77%),onl.abou.hal.th.figur.o.Turkey.However.thei.clothin.cost.(9 %.5.4%.an.spiritua.pay-out.(3.2%.3.22%.wer.relativel.high.I..nutshell.th.percentage.o.nationa.consume.expenditur.b.ca tegor.i.200.varie..lo.amon.th.fiv.countries.Bu.al.share.som rges.proportio.o.expenditur.o.food.d catio.cos ts.第二篇The bar charts show the number of marriages and divorces in USA and marital status of American adults during the period of 1970 to 2000.lio.i.197.an.1980.afte. lio.i.2000.Th.divorce.numb lio.i.197.an.suddenl.increase.t.almos.1..m lio.i.198.a n.finall.reache.t.it.start(.million).Th.percentag.o.neve.marrie.adult.wa.15.i.197.an.th.figur.in ter.Th.proportion.o.bot.marrie.an.w idowe.adult.sa.drop.durin.th.thre.decades.Marrie.adult.acco unte.fo.70.i.197.whil.th.figur.wa.les.tha.60.i.2000.A.fo.di vorc.rate.i.ha..significan.ris.for.nearl.0.t.almos.10%.Al.i.all.th.perio.fro.197.t.200.witnesse..hug.chang.o.marri age.an.divorce.i.America.Bot.th.tota.numbe.an.percentag.o.m arriag.decrease.whil.th.proportion.o.neve.marrie.an.divorce .peopl.sa.a.upwar.trend.流程图The two diagrams illustrate how to produce cement and how to use cement to produce concrete.e.tw.materials.Firs tly.limeston.an.cla.ar.place.i.th.crusher.wher.thes.materia l.ar.crushe.b.th.crusher.The.powde.i.mixe.b.th.mixer.befor.bein.heate.b.th.rotatin.h eater.A.th.nex.stage.heate.powde.i.sen.t.th.grind.wher.i.i. grounde.int.cement.An.finall.cemen.i.packe.i.th.bags. Concret.productio.i.relativel.simple.15.o.cement.10.o.water l.smal.stone.ar.mi.i.th.concre t.mixer.wher.the.turne.ou.t.b.concrete.All in all, cement production includes 5 stages and the outcome cement is one of the four raw materials of the concrete production.地图Th.map.sho.ho.a.are.change.durin.th.perio.o.178.t.2000.I.1780.ther.wer.10.home.locate.o.th.north-easter.corne.wit. wood.t.th.south..rive.crosse.th.are.fro.sout.t.nort.wit.fou .farm.i.th.middl.o.th.region.ter.th.numbe.o.dwellin.place.double.t.200.whil.th. numbe.o.farm.droppe.b.hal.an.wood.als.shran.i.size..roa.wa. buil.i.th.nort.area.connectin.th.livin.plac.t.th.river.Anot he.majo.chang.i.tha..bridg.wa.constructe.ove.th.river.I.2000.th.numbe.o.home.suddenl.increase.t.50.an..newl.buil. road.headin.toward.sout.replace.far.an.wood.area.whic.linke .th.dwellin.place.t.th.schoo.an.sport.fiel.i.th.south.Sever a.shop.opene.t.th.righ.sid.o.th.downstrea.rive.wit..wetlan. fo.bird.t.thei.south.Overall.thi.are.sa.a.increas.i.construction.suc.a.dwellin.p laces.school.an.facilities.althoug.farmlan.an.forest.wer.re move.fo.ne.building.an.transpor.infrastructure.大作文W.liv.i.citie.o.town.whic.hav.museum.displayin.historica.an .cultura.importance.bu.peopl.d.no.visi.them.Wh.d.yo.thin.pe opl.d.no.visi.museum.i.thei.loca.areas?Wha.i.th.importanc.o.museum.t.society?顾家北Visitin.museum.i.hardl..rewardin.experienc.fo.man.people.s. the.wil.no.conside.thi.optio.whe.the.ca.spen.leisur.tim.o.o aniz.ne.exhibition.tha.c a.kee.u.wit.th.trends.o.provid.an.for.o.entertainmen.lik.in teractiv.game.t.attrac.th.youn.audience.Thi.i.wh..tri.t..mu pet.fo.attentio.wit.sports.picnic.an.partie rmatio.abou.thos.ar tefact.o.displa.o.th.Internet.The.wil.increas.knowledg.abou.th.storie.behin.an.th.cultura.valu.o.eac.item.withou.havin .t.visitin.th.museu.i.person.Museum.ca.encourag.visitors.interes.i.thei.cultura.heritag. an.disseminat.knowledg.abou..cit.o..county’.cultura.assets e.b.previou.generat ions.s.peopl.wh.atten.thes.exhibition.ma.hav..goo.ide.o.ho. traditiona.foo.wa.cooked.Som.historica.document.an.painting e.t.predominate.an.ma n.visitor.migh.b.impresse.b.th.architectura.achievement.o.t hei.ancestors.Wit.suc.knowledge.thes.visitor.ma.mak.a.effor .t.preserv.som.tradition.an.kee.som.old-fashione.cookin.ski ll.o.buildin.technique.alive.Museum.hav.als.bee.operatin.a..cente.o.learning.wher.youn.p eopl.ca.kee.u.t.dat.wit.th.cutting-edg.technolog.i.differen .fields.Th.aviatio.museums.fo.example.giv.childre..glimps.o .th.airlin.industr.an.eve.spac.travel.includin.spaceship.an .equipmen.supportin.astronaut.wh.explore.th.oute.space.Th.m useu.o.archeolog.ca.sho.the.ho.som.specie.hav.die.out.an.po ssibl.inspir.the.t.d.researc.i.biolog.an.exten.ou.knowledg.o.ho.t.preserv.ou.ecosystem.The.coul.no.mak.contribution.t. socia.progress.i.the.di.no.hav.acces.t.suc.knowledge.Recently.a.increasin.numbe.o.peopl.refuse.t.pa..visi.t.muse um.i.thei.loca.places.Personally.followin.reason.ma.accoun. fo.th.phenomenon.Som.peopl.recko.museum.a.borin.place.s.tha.the.ar.neve.will in.t.visit.Fo.example.th.historica.an.cultura.importanc.dis playe.ther.ha.neve.change.an.ther.i.n.entertainment.suc.a.i nteractiv.games.Al.thes.ten.t.lef.peopl..borin.feeling.I.co ntrast.peopl.prefe.t.joi.som.interestin.activitie.suc.a.bal .games.picni.an.dinin.out.Anothe.reaso.i.tha.nowaday.peopl. lear.histor.an.acquir.scienc.knowledg.throug.interne.rathe. rmatio.o.th.exhibition'.th.hist orica.valu.an.stor. ca.b.easil.accesse.o.line.However.visitin.museum.pla.a.importan.rol.i.traditio.inheri ting.Ancien.vessel.provid.u.wit.traditiona.cookin.method.wh prehen.styl.o.ancien.architectur.t.so m.degree.I.i.advantageou.fo.youn.peopl.t.pas.o.th.cultur.i.the.hav..goo.acknowledg.o.thei.ow.traditio.b.visitin.museum s.Additionally.museum.offe.u.th.mos.advance.scienc.an.technol tes. developmen.o.spac.an.univers.i.ou.countr.ca.b.acquire.i.spa c.museum.an.th.youn.ca.understan.th.reaso.o.creatur.extinct io.throug.visitin.archaeolog.museums.Museum.ca.motivat.th.i nterest.o.th.adolescent.an.th.youn.wil.accelerate.th.develo pmen.o.societ.i.th.future.Overall, visiting museums is of great significance for both the individuals’ comprehending of culture and the development of our society.顾家北Visitin.museum.i.hardl..rewardin.experienc.fo.man.people.s. the.wil.no.conside.thi.optio.whe.the.ca.spen.leisur.tim.o.o anis.ne.exhibition.tha.c a.kee.u.wit.th.trends.o.provid.an.for.o.entertainmen.lik.in teractiv.game.t.attrac.th.youn.audience.Thi.i.wh..tri.t..mu pet.fo.attentio.wit.sports.picnic.an.partie rmatio.abou.thos.artefact.o.displa.o.th.Internet.The.wil.increas.knowledg.abou .th.storie.behin.an.th.cultura.valu.o.eac.item.withou.havin .t.visitin.th.museu.i.person.Museum.ca.encourag.visitors.interes.i.thei.cultura.heritag. an.disseminat.knowledg.abou..cit.o..county’.cultura.assets e.b.previou.generat ions.s.peopl.wh.atten.thes.exhibition.ma.hav..goo.ide.o.ho. traditiona.foo.wa.cooked.Som.historica.document.an.painting e.t.predominate.an.ma n.visitor.migh.b.impresse.b.th.architectura.achievement.o.t hei.ancestors.Wit.suc.knowledge.thes.visitor.ma.mak.a.effor .t.preserv.som.tradition.an.kee.som.old-fashione.cookin.ski ll.o.buildin.technique.alive.tes.technologica.advances.w hic.i.beneficia.t.th.developmen.o.th.society.Fo.example.th. tes.knowledg.o.aeronautic.whil.th.a prehen.th.reaso.o.extinction.Thi.i.wh.museum.ca.no.onl.motivat.th.interest.o.teenager.bu.als .encourag.the.t.stud.har.i..lon.run.whic.wil.accelerat.th.i mprovemen.o.th.societ.i.th.future.(Self-writte.paragraph)The aviation museums spaceships, shuttles, astronauts, explore the outer space,catio.shoul.provid.student.wit. skill.o.employmen.i.th.futur.whil.other.believ.tha.peopl.sh oul.focu.o.academi.stud.only.Discus.bot.view.an.giv.you.ow. opinion.Som.peopl.thin.th.increasin.busines.an.cultura.contac.betwe e.countrie.bring.man.positiv.effects.Other.sa.i.cause.th.lo s.o.nationa.identities.Discus.o.bot.side.an.giv.you.opinion .Peopl.rel.mor.o.foreig.product.an.imitat.tradition.an.cultu r.o.othe.countries.whic.lea.t..har.wa.t.pas.o.thei.ow.cultu re.Fo.instance.to.muc.relianc.o.th.foreig.cosmetic.wil.sure l.shrin.th.deman.o.domesti.market.whic.require.th.loca.indu str.t.downsiz.wor.forc.an.thu.traditiona.way.o.makin.u.wil.b.abandoned.Additionally.thos.wh.ar.i.favo.o.celebratin.oth ers.festival.ten.t.giv.les.priorit.t.thei.ow.traditions.Thi .wil.pu.th.intangibl.cultur.heritag.for.ou.ancestor.i..dang erou.situation.Man.countrie.spen..lo.o.mone.i.art.Som.peopl.thin.investmen .i.ar.i.necessary.bu.other.sa.mone.i.bette.spen.o.publi.ser vice.an.facilities.Discus.bot.view.an.giv.you.ow.opinion.翻译练习1. 人们对政府赞助艺术(governmen.sponsorship)有不同的看法, 特别在国家遇到预算问题的时候.People have adopted different attitudes towards government sponsorship of arts, especially when their countries’ budgets are in the red.2. 我觉得我们应该首先注重基础设施, 只有政府有盈余的时候才去投资艺术。



Recent years, the number of crimes committed by young people in major cities throughout the world has been increasing. Why this has happened and how to deal with this problem? 犯罪A大城市竞争激烈B经济和心理压力大C年轻人犯罪解决Intense competition economic pressures release negative emotionsA: 影视作品追求收视率 R: 接触承认内容 E:年轻人模仿Boost ratings, exposed to adult content, fall into a life of crime led astrayA政府加强教育宣传R认识到犯罪严重性E少年犯罪率下降Launch awareness campaigns, dire consequences of crimes, curb crime年轻人应注重培养各方面的能力(receive a well-rounded education) b. 提高年轻人的竞争力(increase competitiveness) c. 解决生存问题(make a decent living),年轻人犯罪率下降Juvenile delinquency has become a widespread problem in some urban areas and it is important to tackle this problem.The competition is intense in cities and this is possibly a primary cause of soaring youth crime. Young people are likely to face some problems that cause economic pressures, and it is difficult for them to find well-paid jobs and afford property. They may choose to commit crimes to release negative emotions or sometimes to earn a fast buck.Another reason is that media companies give importance to the coverage of violence and crime in order to boost ratings. Exposure to violence can have a negative effect on young people's perception of violence, and they do not realise the consequences of their behaviour. As a consequence, they may fall into a life of crime. This is particularly the case for those who lack self-control.To solve this problem, governments should launch awareness campaigns, which enable young adults to understand the dire consequences of crimes. It is therefore easier to curb crime. Young people should also receive a well-rounded education and improve skills. Education can provide them with oppoirtunities to increase competitivenes and make a decent living. This will also lead to a lower crime rate.To summarise, I believe that competition and the media are responsible for juvenile delinquency. This issue can be addressed by government action, such as giving young people educational opportunities.Some teachers say students should be organised into groups to study. Others argue students should be arranged to study alone. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.教育类A 小组学习B 互相交流,知识共享C 学生能发现自己知识漏洞(knowledge gaps)Draw upon each other’s ideas pool knowledgeA 单独学习b.不会被同伴拉后腿(held back by peersc. )专心(concentrate on studies) , 时间自由(Manage time freely ),效率高A小组学习-B一起讨论 -C提升交流 (Communication skills)、合作(abilities to work well in groups) 、解决冲突能力(skills to resolve disagreement)It is sometimes argued that students can achieve more if they study in groups. I agree with this idea, although studying independently is sometimes important.If students study in teams, they are able to communicate with each other and share knowledge. Teamwork provides them with opportunities to discover knowledge gaps and acquire knowledge accordingly to fill these gaps. They can make the most of each other’s knowledge and strengths to overcome their weaknesses. By contrast, it is difficult for those students who study by themselves to realise their problems and make progress. On the other hand, opponents argue that it is possible to improve learning outcomes, if students study independently.These students are less likely to be held back by peers, and they do not have to block out distractions in team meetings or assignments. It is easier for them to concentrate on studies and manage time freely, thereby performing well in studies. This benefit is obvious for high-achievers.In my opinion, studying in groups enables students to improve communicationskills.They normally discuss how to solve problems together and how to deal with team tasks. These experiences make it possible for them to improve abilities to work well in groups and upgrade the skills to resolve disagreement. They are thus well prepared for their working lives.To sum up, I believe that both approaches can benefit students, but it appears that studying in groups offers more advantages.Some people think the increasing business and cultural contact between countries brings many positive effects. Others say it causes the loss of national identities. Discuss on both sides and give your opinion. 全球化Advertising encourages consumers to buy in quantity rather than promoting quality. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 媒体——广告。



审题:A. 鼓励廉价航空因为给了普通人更多的旅行机会。


B. 航空服务应该更贵,降低环境影响一次航空飞行带来巨大的能源消耗,不利于可持续发展。

我的观点: 不支持廉价航空,廉航虽然可以为更多普通人服务,但是服务比较差,体验不太好,会影响民航工业,也带来的大量的环境问题。

Taking a cheap air journey has become more popular these days for many ordinary people in many countries. This trend has caused some controversy.Some citizens strongly support to encourage cheap flights. They think the lower price of the flight can bring more traveling opportunities to ordinary people who are not very rich, which can prompt population communication. It can also encourage the tourism industry and economy development.But the opponents argue that cheap air travel is not conducive to environmental protection. Since the energy consumption once the flight is intensive, as well as the carbon dioxide emission, they think the price of flight should be higher to restrict mass air traveling.I also agree with the second argument. Although people have more chances to have long-distance traveling by taking a cheap airplane, the experiences are not very pleasing. The facilities such as the toilet and the space of the site are usually not very comfortable on a cheap flight. There are even not offering food service sometimes. All these will influence traveling emotions.根据顾的观点The cheap air traveling provides us more opportunities to take an international trip cheaply. I argue that the cheap air flight is conducive to service the public, although citizen needs to limit travel times.Low-cost air travel has enabled us travel across borders at a lower cost. I think cheap flights can benefit the masses, although we should avoid unnecessary journeys.People can visit another country by air traveling to learn more about those countries and get more job opportunities. For example, some people can find a better job in another country and get a higher salary. If the price of the flight rises, they will lose these opportunities.People who travel to different countries can have a better understanding of these countries and explore more career opportunities. Some people can visit other countries where they can find better jobs and earn higher salaries. Some small business owners can discover business opportunities during their trips and earn profits by exporting or importing products. They are likely to miss out on these opportunities, if the cost of flights is higher.On contrast, opponents argue that a higher price of airplanes can help decrease environmental pollution. People are not willing to pay more for traveling. If the flight decreases, the carbon dioxide produced by airplanes will dropdown. Other issues associated with the air industry, suchas noise pollution, airport construction, and environmental damage, can also be improved.At the same time, some people argue that raising airfares can help reduce the environmental impact of the airline industry. Higher prices have discouraged people from travelling great distances to other places. Greenhouse gases produced by airplanes can decrease if the number of air flights drops. Other problems related to the aviation sector, including noise pollution and the environmental destruction caused by the construction of airports and other facilities, will also be mitigated.I think there is no need to ra ise flights’prices because people should have more chances of traveling for relaxation. They are so stressful and busy, especially those workers living in big cities. If the flight is cheap, they could have an international vocation.Personally, I do not think it is necessary to make air services expensive to potential passengers, because they deserve an affordable holiday to relax. Many people, especially working people living in large cities, lead a hectic life and feel stressed. If air tickets are highly affordable, they can travel to some exotic locations on holiday.Overall, it would be wrong to impose restrictions on air travel, and above all, cheap airlines can benefit public. Air companies can turn to technological innovations as part of the effort to reduce the strain of the whole industry on the environment.词伙。



目录话题1-政府类:政府职能27政府的职能: (27)经济:促进经济发展。

(27)社会环境:维持社会的秩序 (27)生活标准:政府要提高社会公平 (28)环保:保护生态环境和自然资源。

(29)话题2-政府类:预防犯罪的方法(主要是刑罚) (30)犯罪的原因: (30)A.没有钱B.他们的生活无法被保障C.犯罪 (30)A贫富差异B因为他们觉得不公平C报复社会 (30)行为:A教育忽视小孩的行为,获得教育机会有限B不知道行为标准C犯罪 (31)行为:A基因B决定了脾气性格等C犯罪 (31)家庭:A家庭的疏忽,B他们可能没有获得家庭的关心和照顾,没有管教C犯罪 (32)媒体:A接触暴力的信息B模仿C犯罪 (32)预防犯罪的方法: (33)A刑罚b震慑C减少犯罪 (33)A教育B增加技能,教授行为规范C减少犯罪 (33)A社区服务(适合初犯、小的犯罪,青少年犯罪)B提升责任感,避免犯罪记录的影响C减少犯罪 (34)A提升保安措施B震慑犯罪C减少犯罪 (35)话题3-政府类:政府如何影响行为 (35)政府如何影响人的行为?: (36)知识:A提供知识和信息B改变人们的态度,以教育他们做出正确的选择C影响人们的行为 (36)法律:A政府制定和执行法律B人们很难克制自己的行为C规范行为 (36)经济方面的激励A政府提供经济方面的奖励C鼓励良好的行为 (37)科技:A对科技的投资B技术创新C鼓励人们养成一些新的习惯 (38)生活方式:A设施B某些行为更加方便C改变行为 (38)为什么政府要影响人的行为?: (39)法律:A人们有时会受到自身利益的驱使B做一些不道德甚至非法的事情C政府限制人们行为 (39)个人行为:A有些人缺乏自律B不遵循一些行为规范C政府干预 (39)政府改变行为的好坏处?: (40)经济:A政府规范公民行为B减少费用C对经济有帮助 (40)A改变行为B大家遵守规则C社会和谐 (41)行为:A改变行为B大家觉得有约束C生活不自由 (41)话题4-政府类:男女平等 (42)女性在工作受到的歧视: (42)收入:A聘用女性B做某些工作更好C增加企业的效益 (42)收入:A聘用女性B促进创新C企业收入增加 (43)生活水准:A聘用女性B获得收入C让家人生活更好 (44)社会文化A聘用女性B让女性有更多机会打破性别成见C推进男女平等 (45)家庭生活:A聘用女性B更少的时间陪家人C家庭关系不好 (45)身体角度:A聘用女性B生理因素导致某些工作不是很适合C影响公司 (46)自尊心角度:A聘用女性B对女性员工没有足够的尊重C员工没有士气 (46)话题5-政府类:老人 (47)老龄化积极的影响: (47)经济:A老年B继续工作C人可能对经济有一定帮助 (47)知识:A寿命延长B让人们增加社会的知识C社会发展 (49)老龄化消极的影响: (49)经济:A老龄化B青年劳动力的减少C对经济造成压力 (49)生活标准:A老龄化B它可能给医疗服务,老年护理设施和养老金体系带来压力C生活标准下降 (50)家庭:A老人增加B抚养老人负担大C增加家庭矛盾。



0210第3次课ABCSome people believe that public health should be improved by increasing the number of sports facilities, while others believe that it has little effects other measures should be taken to solve this problem. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 政府&行为A提供体育设施B方便大家参加体育活动(take part in sport),鼓励一种健康的生活方式(encourage a healthy/active lifestyle)C提高人们的健康(create health benefits)A 政府可以加大宣传(launch awareness campaigns)B 说一下不运动(an inactive lifestyle/inactivity)的坏处(health problems/adverse health consequences)C 鼓励人们去运动A 政府可以制定法律(enforce laws)B 强迫人们改变生活方式(adopt a healthy lifestyle),改变一些破坏健康的行为(health-damaging habits)C 提高健康People tend to lay emphasis on their fitness today, and I agree that the number of sports facilities should be increased to satisfy their needs. Apart from this, some other approaches should also be taken.It is argued that the access to facilities can provide people with opportunities to take part in sport and improve health effectively. They are likely to exercise regularly in the gym and to make the most of playgrounds and public parks for physical activity. This active lifestyle can create health benefits. These facilities are particularly important for those city dwellers who find it difficult to maintain physical activity due to the lack of sports equipment.It is argued that the access to facilities can provide people with opportunities to take part in sport and improve health effectively. They are likely to exercise regularly in the gym and to make the most of playgrounds and public parks for physical activity. This active lifestyle can create health benefits. It is also worth mentioning that these facilities are available free of charge, so more people will play sport.On the other hand, alternative approaches are proposed and governments can launch awareness campaigns to promote a healthy lifestyle. People will realise that living an inactive lifestyle may cause many health problems, such as obesity and heart disease. They will be encouraged to exercise more frequently, instead of spending many hours in front of the screen every day.In my opinion, enforcing laws to curb some unhealthy habits can also have a positive impact on citizens’ health. Tough punishment can prompt them to adopt a healthy lifestyle and break health-damaging habits. For example, governments can impose a heavy tax on tobacco and alcohol, thereby discouraging smoking and drinking. It is therefore easier to help people maintain health, especially for those who fail to discipline themselves.。



顾家北雅思作文汇总顾家北 0813精品班作文大作文Many people think it is very important to protect the environment but they make no effort to do it themselves. Why do you think it is the case? What actions can be done to ensure that individuals protect the environment?顾家北Environmental problems have threatened the world but few people have chosen to take any action to deal with these problems, although they realise the impact of these environmental woes on their lives. We should implement some changes to improve the situation.Many people spend money wisely, so they are not willing to purchase environmentally friendly products, de spite the fact that these products can help preserve the environment. These products are normally more expensive than conventional counterparts. For example, LED lighting devices are energy efficient, but normally charge consumers a higher price than traditional light bulbs. Electric cars are normally likely to cost more money than those vehicles powered by petrol. As consumers do not opt for these green products, it is not easy to conserve resources and reduce pollution.Another reason is that many people are not willing to change their ways of life, even though these lifestyles can be harmful to the environment. The use of electrical equipment has led to a sharp rise in electricity consumption, which means that the power generation sector has a higher demand for fossil fuels. People also prefer to travel by car, but car emissions can cause global warming, which is a threat to the environment. The reliance on different electronic products including mobile phones is another issue, since many of these products end up in landfill sites.These problems can be tackled by two policies. Governments can enact laws to forbid those behaviours which can cause damage to the environment, such as disposing of waste carelessly. Those who drop litter should be fined, so the environmental impact of this behaviour can be reduced. Another solution is to offer subsidies to encourage people to go green. For example, those consumers who buy fuelefficient cars can be subsidised, so car emissions can be reduced significantly.Currently, more and more people are aware of the importance of environmental protection but the public never give priority toprotect environment during their daily life.One reason accounts for the phenomenon is that people live carefully without spending their money on environmental products. Households live with a tight budget are not willing to spend their money these products, whose prices are higher than other similar goods. For instance, LED lights are energy saving, but they are more expensive than incandescent bulbs. Similarly, prices of electric vehicles are higher than those of traditional vehicles averagely. For the sake of money, people quit buying green products and this is contrary to our purpose of environmental protection.Another reason can be that people are not willing to change their living styles, which need to consume various kinds of energy. For example, electronic appliances consume electricity while driving consumes petrol. Especially those who are fond of plenty of materials consume more.Personally, the government are supposed to establish relevant laws to ban citizens from doing detrimental behaviours to environment.Punishments are imperative for those who littered. On the other hand, it is also imperative for the government to give subsidies to encourage environmental protection. Some countries, such as China, provide subsidies for those who purchasing vehicles under 1.6L.All in all, only through the joint efforts of government and individuals can we live in a sustainable environment.Currently, a large proportion of children are exposed to an ocean of commercial advertisements day to day. I am on the side that the ads, which purposely incite kids to buy snacks, toys and electronic games, should be limited or even, banned.Suppose that ads aim to kids were rectified, children will not request their parents to buy what they want day in and day out. Kids lack sensitivity to price, nevertheless, parents tend to satisfytheir material needs. For instance, some children like expensive toys and girls are in favor of clothes. This will bring a heavy burden for the middle-class families. Only by minimize the impact of ads on kids can the problem be avoided.Children may have eccentric behaviours and bad living habits due to the ads. Some kids are fans of fast food, since they see ads of it every day. Others are in bad temper, due to the violent games they play daily. The predominance of games is also resulted from merchants’ propaganda. All these problems will influence the healthy growth process of kids both physically and mentally.However, we cannot deny that some ads do have their advantages to kids. Some advertisements promote nutrient food, such as milk, wheat, etc. Meanwhile, some advertise books, games and educational toys. Parents, who are not familiar with these products, can have a comprehensive verdict according to advertisements.In a nutshell, I strongly suggest the government ban ads whose target consumers are kids, especially if their products are harmful to children. But if the products the advertisements focus on are beneficial, then the ads should be allowed.小作文第一篇The table illustrates the proportion of people who are laid off in Poland, Denmark, Germany, Italy and Hungary. The two colons are the figures of young people (aged from 15-24) and all citizens respectively.The highest unemployment rate for young goes to Poland, which reaches 37% and is twice more than the rate of its overall rate 15%. Coming next is Italy. The proportion of its young citizens who are out of work is 23% and its unemployment of whole country comes to top at 18%. Hungary shows mediocre rates of 21% and 17%. And German figures are 4% and 3% lower than Denmark respectively. Denmark keeps both figures lowest, with the unemployment rate for 15-24 age group 8% and for overall only 3%.All of the five countries show 3~5% rates lower of overall unemployment than those of the young, except Poland which has the largest gap between the two figures.第二篇The bar charts provide us information about how families in an Asian country spent their money in 1998 and 2008.A glance at the charts tells that expenditure on different goods in 2008 overweighed that in 1998 except that spent on clothes. People gave much more priority to spiritual enjoyment which lead to a huge increase of expenditure on holiday, eating out, reading (newspapers and magazines) and going to cinema, rising from 8% to 15%, 6% to 15%,3% to 8% and 3%to 5% respectively. The costs for electronic goods also increased from 12% to14% during the decade.The only difference is expenditure on clothes which was totally opposite to the mainstream. The proportion of it was 10% in 1998; however it dropped to half of its original rates in 2008.All in all, the past 10 years witnessed a huge change of the expenditure on various of aspects for households.第三篇The charts tell the proportion of different categories of house people live in three parts of Australia in 2001 and 2006.In 2001, Victoria had 76% residents in house, 12% in semi-detached house, 11%in apartments and the rest in other types. In NSW, house also accounted for the largest part of 66%, with 10% and 13% induplex and flat respectively. And more people lived in other kinds. Tasmania had largest proportion of house living population, which reaches 88%.Five years later, the rates for house all dropped 2% in the three regions. As for semi-detached house, Victoria, NSW and Tasmania saw 1% increase, 1percent decrease and stability respectively. The figures of flat all had a slightly increase. And for the rest unmentioned types, they remained the same at 1% except NSW rose from 11% to 12%.The table compares five European countries in terms of the proportions of unemployed people as well as the figures for those young people out of work.Poland had the highest youth unemployment rate at 37%, nearly five times the level in Denmark. The levels of unemployment for young people were similar in other countries, with the highest seen in Italy 23% and the lowest in Germany at 17%.It is clear from the table that in all these countries, the unemployment rate for the younger generation was higher than the overall unemployment figures. Interestingly, Poland, Germany, Italyand Hungary had similar unemployment rates, ranging between 15% and 18%. The figure for Denmark was significantly lower at 3%.Overall, youth unemployment was more serious in Poland than in other countries. Denmark had the lowest figures for both youth unemployment and overall unemployment, while other countries had similar figuresfor these problems.流程图写作The chart illustrates how to use cocoa beans to produce several food items for customers.Firstly, whole beans are carefully picking before drying in the shell. Then they are pressed into cocoa liquor, which is the main materialof the second stage. Then cocoa liquor is further pressed until it becomes a coca cake, which is directly sent to industry to make cakes and drinks or is sold to the consumer after grinded into cocoa powder. The cocoa liquor can also convert into cocoa and then be sent to relevant industry. Cocoa liquor, after further refining, mix with cocoa and sugar turns to industry chocolate. Finished chocolate products will be put on the shell, before the final process.All in all, cocoa beans can be used to produce cocoa powder,chocolate products and ingredients for relevant industry throughthree simple stages starting from pre-processing raw material tofinal packaging for sell.顾家北The whole beans are picked at the first stage with shells removed, and then dried and pressed until cocoa liquor is created. This marks the start of the second stage, which involves three processes. The cocoa liquor can be used to make coca cakes in the first option. Another choice is the manufacture of cocoa, while cocoa liquor is refined in the third process to produce industrial chocolate.In the final stage, these materials are processed further to create different end products for either corporate clients or ordinary consumers. Coca cakes are ground into cocoa powder for individual consumers, or directly delivered to catering businesses which provide drinks and cakes. Cocoa in the second procedure mentioned earlier is also transported to these businesses. In contrast, the industrial chocolate is flavored with sugar, and finished chocolate products are subsequently available for consumers.第一篇The table provides us with data of the percentage of consumer expenditure on different items in five countries in 2002.The biggest number existed in Turkey, where people spent 32.14% of their income on food, drink and tobacco, almost five times the number of percentage spent on clothing (6.63%) and eight times the figure of percentage spent on spiritual enjoyment. Coming next is Ireland, whose percentage of national consumer expenditure of eating was28.91%. Costs for clothing and footwear accounted for only 6.43%, three times the expenditure of leisure and education. Spain took the third place though the proportion of its national consumerexpenditure was the lowest (1.98%). Expenditure of food items inSpain accounted for 18.8%, threefold the figure of its clothing spending. Italy and Sweden citizens had small percentages of income spent on food(16.36%,15.77%),only about half the figure of Turkey. However, their clothing costs (9%, 5.4%) and spiritual pay-outs (3.2%, 3.22%) were relatively high.In a nutshell, the percentages of national consumer expenditure by category in 2001 varied a lot among the five countries. But allshared some similarities, namely, largest proportion of expenditureon food, drink and tobacco and smallest percentage of leisure and education costs.第二篇The bar charts show the number of marriages and divorces in USA and marital status of American adults during the period of 1970 to 2000. The number of marriages remained at 2.5 million in 1970 and 1980, after which it had a slightly decrease to 2 million in 2000. The divorces number started form 1 million in 1970 and suddenly increased to almost 1.5 million during that decade. Then it dropped to nearly 1 million in 1980 and finally reached to its start(1 million).The percentage of never married adults was 15% in 1970 and the figure inclined to 20% thirty years later. The proportions of both married and widowed adults saw drops during the three decades. Married adults accounted for 70% in 1970 while the figure was less than 60% in 2000. As for divorce rate, it had a significant rise form nearly 0% to almost 10%.All in all, the period from 1970 to 2000 witnessed a huge change of marriages and divorces in America. Both the total number and percentage of marriage decreased while the proportions of never married and divorced people saw an upward trend.流程图The two diagrams illustrate how to produce cement and how to use cement to produce concrete.Cement production is relatively complex and uses two materials. Firstly, limestone and clay are placed in the crusher, where these materials are crushed by the crusher. Then powder is mixed by the mixer, before being heated by the rotating heater. At the next stage, heated powder is sent to the grind, where it is grounded into cement. And finally cement is packed in the bags.Concrete production is relatively simple. 15% of cement, 10% of water, 25% of sand and 50% of gravel, namely small stones are mix in the concrete mixer, where they turned out to be concrete.All in all, cement production includes 5 stages and the outcome cement is one of the four raw materials of the concrete production.地图The maps show how an area changed during the period of 1780 to 2000. In 1780, there were 100 homes located on the north-eastern cornerwith woods to the south. A river crossed the area from south to north with four farms in the middle of the region.80 years later, the number of dwelling places doubled to 200, while the number of farms dropped by half and woods also shrank in size. A road was built in the north area, connecting the living place to theriver. Another major change is that a bridge was constructed over the river.In 2000, the number of homes suddenly increased to 500 and a newly built road, heading towards south replaced farm and woods area, which linked the dwelling places to the school and sports field in the south. Several shops opened to the right side of the downstream river with a wetland for birds to their south.Overall, this area saw an increase in constructions such as dwelling places, schools and facilities, although farmland and forests were removed for new buildings and transport infrastructure.大作文We live in cities or towns which have museums displaying historical and cultural importance, but people do not visit them. Why do you think people do not visit museums in their local areas?What is the importance of museums to society?顾家北Visiting museums is hardly a rewarding experience for many people, so they will not consider this option when they can spend leisure time on other activities. These museums do not organize new exhibitions that can keep up with the trends, or provide any form of entertainment like interactive games to attract the young audience. This is why a trip to a museum can hardly compete for attention with sports, picnics and parties. Another reason is that people can gather information about those artefacts on display on the Internet. They will increase knowledge about the stories behind and the cultural value of each item, without having to visiting the museum in person.Museums can encourage visitors’ interest in th eir cultural heritage and disseminate knowledge about a city or a county’s cultural assets. Some exhibitions may show ancient utensils used by previous generations, so people who attend these exhibitions may have a good idea of how traditional food was cooked. Some historical documents and paintings might show the architectural style which used to predominate, and many visitors might be impressed by the architectural achievements of their ancestors. With such knowledge, these visitors may make an effort to preserve some traditions and keep some old-fashioned cooking skills or building techniques alive.Museums have also been operating as a center of learning, where young people can keep up to date with the cutting-edge technology in different fields. The aviation museums, for example, give children a glimpse of the airline industry and even space travel, including spaceships and equipment supporting astronauts who explored the outer space. The museum of archeology can show them how some species have died out, and possibly inspire them to do research in biology and extend our knowledge of how to preserve our ecosystem. They could not make contributions to social progress, if they did not have access to such knowledge.Recently, an increasing number of people refused to pay a visit to museums in their local places. Personally, following reasons may account for the phenomenon.Some people reckon museums as boring places so that they are never willing to visit. For example, the historical and cultural importance displayed there has never changed and there is no entertainment, such as interactive games. All these tend to left people a boring feeling. In contrast, people prefer to join some interesting activities such as ball games, picnic and dining out. Another reason is that nowadays people learn history and acquire science knowledge through internetrather than go to library in person. Information of the exhibition's the historical value and story can be easily accessed on line.However, visiting museums play an important role in tradition inheriting. Ancient vessels provide us with traditional cooking methods while murals enable us to comprehend style of ancient architecture to some degree. It is advantageous for young people to pass on the culture if they have a good acknowledge of their own tradition by visiting museums.Additionally, museums offer us the most advanced science and technology, which is beneficial to the development of the society. The latest development of space and universe in our country can be acquired in space museums and the young can understand the reason of creature extinction through visiting archaeology museums. Museums can motivate the interests of the adolescents and the young will accelerates the development of society in the future.Overall, visiting museums is of great significance for both the individuals’ comprehending of culture and the development of our society.顾家北Visiting museums is hardly a rewarding experience for many people, so they will not consider this option when they can spend leisure time on other activities. These museums do not organise new exhibitions that can keep up with the trends, or provide any form of entertainment like interactive games to attract the young audience. This is why a trip to a museum can hardly compete for attention with sports, picnics and parties. Another reason is that people can gather information about those artefacts on display on the Internet. They will increase knowledge about the stories behind and the cultural value of each item, without having to visiting the museum in person.Museums can encourage visitors’ interest in their cultural heritage and disseminate knowledge about a city or a county’s cultural assets. Some exhibitions may show ancient utensils used by previous generations, so people who attend these exhibitions may have a good idea of how traditional food was cooked. Some historical documents and paintings might show the architectural style which used to predominate, and many visitors might be impressed by thearchitectural achievements of their ancestors. With such knowledge, these visitors may make an effort to preserve some traditions and keep some old-fashioned cooking skills or building techniques alive.Museums can also provide us with the latest technological advances, which is beneficial to the development of the society. For example, the aviation museums offer us latest knowledge of aeronautics while the archaeology museums help us comprehend the reason of extinction. This is why museums can not only motivate the interests of teenagers but also encourage them to study hard in a long run, which will accelerate the improvement of the society in the future. (Self-written paragraph)The aviation museums spaceships, shuttles, astronauts, explore the outer space,Some people think university education should provide students with skills of employment in the future while others believe that people should focus on academic study only. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.Some people think the increasing business and cultural contact between countries brings many positive effects. Others say it causes the loss of national identities. Discuss on both sides and give your opinion.People rely more on foreign products and imitate traditions and culture of other countries, which lead to a hard way to pass on their own culture. For instance, too much reliance on the foreign cosmetics will surely shrink the demand of domestic market, which requires the local industry to downsize work force and thus traditional ways of making up will be abandoned. Additionally, those who are in favor of celebrating others’ festivals tend to give less priority to their own traditions. This will put the intangible culture heritage form our ancestors in a dangerous situation.Many countries spend a lot of money in art. Some people think investment in art is necessary, but others say money is better spent on public services and facilities. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.翻译练习1. 人们对政府赞助艺术(government sponsorship)有不同的看法,特别在国家遇到预算问题的时候。



0210 第 2 次课 ABCSome people think the increasing business and cultural contact between countries brings manypositive effects . O ther s say it causes the loss of national identities . Discuss on both sides and give your opinion.In the 21 century, international trade is growing at an amazing pace, and countries are cooperating more closely together in a wide range of fields, such as business and cultural exchange. I agree that the advantages of globalisation outweigh d isadvantages.Supporters of globalisation argue that strong economic ties between countries have aOn the other hand, opponents suggest that globalisation can pose a threat to cultural diversity. Many people tend to adopt western habits because advertisements and movies from western countries have conquered the screen and they regard these habits as fashionable . They choose to eat fast food and celebrate western festivals such as Christmas, and this means that some of their own traditions and norms may disappear. In my opinion, globalisation may encourage people to preserve their cultures. The expansion of some industries including tourism has made it possible for these people to realise the distinctive characteristics of their cultures. The growing popularity of their cultures, heritage sites and works of art can instill a sense of pride in these communities and this is why residents can make a conscious effort to protect their cultures.In conclusion, as countries are interconnected, some disadvantaged areas can expect economic growth and people who live in these areas will also pay attention to their heritage.A 各国之间进行商业文化交流B 增强进出口贸易C 赚得外汇, 促进各国的经济发展 Strengthen economic ties, earn foreign exchange, drive economic growth A 国际间文化交流越来越多 B 人们模范西方习惯 C 文化习俗濒临灭绝Western cultures predominate, adopt western habits, cultural diversity, Preserve well-established conventionsA 交流增加B 人们意识到自己文化的特点 (distinctive cultural characteristics )C 会给他们 灌输一种自豪感(instill a sense of pride ),他们会保护自己的文化060Tracy 0215(534110042) 19:12:14positive effect on economnic growth. Some underdeveloped countries are unable toget rid of poverty due to the lack of capital, technology and infrastructure. International trade provides these countries with opportunities to export goods and services to high-income countries and earn foreign exchange, which can driveeconomic growth and improve citizens’living standards.A 国家特色正在丧失B 语言丧失特色发音,方言;美食的种类过于繁杂没有了当地特色;C Comment[Winnie1]:A 错为了促进全球化而牺牲了当地的特色文化 (尤其是旅游发达的国家或者是沿海的国家)053RED BACK2.15/301(116653756) 19:13:08A 富国穷国交流B 穷国觉得落后C 舍弃自己文化举例:英语的流行造成语言绝种Comment[Winnie2]:A 错,且 B 不一定推出C029Danny0426<****************>19:16:04A 全球化增加效率B 国家与国家之间取长补短C 避免陷入不必要的发展误区,加速发展Comment[Winnie3]:A、B 没有明显的逻辑关B+解释:通过技术交换,国际峰会等手段系057rox0426(279708253) 19:17:00A.文化联系多B.外出留学或者工作的人多C.得到更多的机会去学习Comment[Winnie4]:B 、C 一个意思033Young0315(562653016) 19:19:12A 全球化B 学习外语,引进便宜的进口产品C 冲击本土文化和市场Comment[Winnie5]:“学习外语”放在里面没有逻辑了179 漠(290797170) 19:19:12A 国家间的贸易与文化交流B 商业合作,跨国公司,美剧韩剧英剧等影视业的传播,留学交流 C 自我身份认同感消失,增加国内的竞争人才竞争激烈,工作压力大,崇洋媚外思想严重Comment[Winnie6]:B 是在枚举 A 的分类, C里面包含了好几个 end results……同学,建议你把《对学生的话》再好好看一下,感觉你还不是很明白什么是 ABCA dver tising encour ages consumer s to buy in quantity r ather than pr omoting quality.T o whatextent do you agree or disagree?A 媒体利用明星 (high-profile people) 宣传 (endorse products)B 人们将消费和社会地位联系(associate the brand with higher status) C 大量购买商品,奢侈品(luxury items)A 广告宣传新的产品B 鼓励人们赶时尚(follow fashion)C 导致大家冲动购买(compulsive shopping)A 广告提供大量信息B 人们可以对比产品 ( compare products)C 选择性价高的产品(Maximize value to money),做出明智的决定 (well-informed decisions )There is controversy on the functions of advertising. I agree that advertisements havebeen used to persuade consumers to buy more than they need, instead of selectinghigh quality goods.Advertisers normally recruit high-profile people to endorse their products and thesecommercial messages can prompt consumers to purchase luxury items in largeamounts. These consumers tend to associate the brand with higher status. They maypurchase branded products such as electronics and handbags, although these productsmay not be practical or even reliable . This is particularly the case for new middleclasses, who intend to purchase luxuries to show wealth.Advertisers also promote the latest products to consumers and their advertising campaigns can lead to compulsive shopping. Many shoppers are likely to follow fashion because they can gain a sense of identity by acquiring advertised goods. They are obsessed with these products; otherwise, they feel that they are behind the times. On the other hand, it may be the case that advedrtising can provide enormous information, and encourage consumers to pay attention to quality. They are able to compare products in terms of quality and functions, so they can make well-informed decisions in shopping. This is possibly the reason why many producers will lay emphasis on quality, if they intend to retain customers.To summarize, advertising is responsible for people’s decision s to buy a large amount of goods and these decisions may not be sensible .However, in some cases, advertising may encourage producers to focus on quality.100Emma0412(1614837065) 19:08:30A 不同广告的展现方法B 吸引眼球C 人们愿意购买194amanda(93693509) 19:08:54A 广告给媒体大量的广告费B 媒体有资金维持下去C 老百姓才能花很少的钱或者免费看到许多好的节目。



顾家北最新雅思写作课程5篇第一篇:顾家北最新雅思写作课程技巧班F71446ECE401A35DFD5818FE5C7CB71C5FE09B25F0CAD80F26 教主1.23听力预测班链接:老龚1.24阅读预测班链接:码: pi2t顾家北0106精品班链接:码: xpsk我预测梅晗12.1期雅思词汇速记班(词霸营):链接:顾12月链接:顾家北施正南Frank 结构乐静阅读强化班钱多多frank黄瀚生9月口语预测班王陆8.18期听力高分班链刘洪波阅读高分真经班链密码:wjtp李慧芳听力资料杂2个链接雅思网资料下载链接和密码第二篇:Shrhqa雅思写作课程教案Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beautyof the ditch dug a shallow groove;Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.--ShakespeareIELTS Writing雅思写作课程教案Foreign Language Teaching and Research DepartmentHeilongjiang University第三篇:雅思写作School teachers used to be the source of information.However,some people argue that teachers are not as important as before because there is an increasing variety of information resources.What is your opinion?(08年4月24日考题)要对上面的句子进行重新描述,最简单的就是用同义词替换,请看下表:Know: recognizecomprehendgraspunderstandrealize 3.使用短语进行替换Some say that building more roads will help reduce the traffic congestion in big cities.Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this.Do you support or oppose this statement? 在这一段话里,可以替换的短语如下所示:英特网对我们的日常生活带来很大的影响。



顾家北雅思写作词伙收集Life expectancyPersonal wealthContribute extraordinarily to societyDemographic change人口变化An aging populationHealth care costImpose a burden on taxpayerMedical needsSit in front of a screenSuffer obesity , poor eyesight and fatigueExpose children to a world of knowledgeCope with the demand ofEducational programmesHistorical eventsAcquire foreign languageImprove their academic performanceThrow-away cultureReverse(反转、颠倒) this trendTechnological innovationsMass productionReduce the cost ofElectronic productsAt low pricesUp-to-date featuresEnvironmental awarenessEnergy consumptionHousehold appliancesEnd up in landfill sitesNon-biodegradable不可消解的Have a destructive effect onBreak the cycle of poverty Accommodate a large populationThe shortage of landPoor living conditionsAfford home ownershipBe prone to poor healthMeet the growing demand ofDipose of household wasteA rural-to-urban shiftIncome disparityEducational and employment opportunitiesShortage of labourRevitalize(振兴) the locao economyCommit crimes实施犯罪Widening gapPoor employment prospectsSluggish local economyWorrying tendAcross borders跨国界Unnecessary journeys不要的旅行Travel all over the world 周游世界Experience different cultures体验不同文化Traffic congestionFake productsLawless societyA sense of securityHave a negative impact onIn a peaceful ,closely-kint societyFollow rules and behave in a responsible waySocial normsLive in harmonyBe conscious of business etiquetteKeep voice down when talking on the phone in the workplaceThis also applies to the whole societyLimit freedom and stifle creativityBuilding a prosperous societyHigh income earnersBe subject to high tax ratesLack the information to make greater efforts increase their income Relax regulations to foster innovationsContribute to social progressFrom what has been discussedIt is reasonable to argue that a society cannot operate well Alternatively要不然。



passage 1:environmental problems are so big that they cannot be solved by any person or country alone. Instead, it should be solved at international level. To what extent do you agree or disagree.Environmental degradation has been recognized as one of the main challenges that we have to overcome in the 21st century. The rapid deterioration of environmental problems is believed to have posed a threat to our survival. To address this concern, countries worldwide should join forces, instead of working individually for their own targets.People support international cooperation for two reasons and the first point is that the impact of environmental problems is normally on a global scale. It is common knowledge that we share the same biosphere, whose components are interrelated. For example, a stream in one country can be polluted by the sewage dumped by its neighboring country. In other words, one country’s effort to tackle pollution can be futile if other countries are not involved. It should be noted that some countries do not have adequate resources(including capital and technology) to reduce pollution, even though these countries realise the importance of environmental protection. These countries can cooperate with developed countries, introduce technology and draw on experience so as to implement environmentally friendly policies continuously.Despite the importance of international cooperation, countries should take the initiative to implement some changes. It is fair to say that countries are confronted with different environmental problems. For instance, greenhouse gas emissions in china are mainly created by the electricity generation industry while those in the United States are primarily attributed to the increase in car use. The technologies and methods that are globally applicable may not be effective in some countries. In addition, countries should enforce some environmental laws and raise citizens’ awareness so as to restore the environment. To summarize, countries should make a joint effort not only because the ecosystem is a unified mechanism but also because it can make optimal use of financial and human resources. Countries’s resource commitment is also important at regional or national level. futile: 没有⽤用的In some countries, it is now possible for people to buy products made in other countries. To what extent do the benefits of this development outweigh the problems?As the world is increasingly globalized, the exchange of commodities across the border is proceeding at an astounding rate. It has sparked the controversy over whether the increase in imports has adverse impacts. From my point of view, the practice’s advantage s outweigh its disadvantages.Importing goods can yield a number of benefits. The first benefit is that despite the high cost of transportation, imports are competitively priced. The main reason is that the countries which export these goods normally have their technology and professional knowledge to ensure the goods’ quality and affordability. For example, China specializes in the production of textile products so china-made textile are cheaper than local counterparts in many parts of the world. Besides,imported goods have challenged domestic manufactures’ dominance and intensified competition, thereby prompting these manufacturers to lower product prices. It is beneficial to domestic customers, because products are more affordable and the cost of living will decline.On the other hand, the downside of importing goods is that the excessive reliance on imports is likely to lead to the underdevelopment of some domestic industries. For instance, many countries import computers, resulting in domestic manufacturers’ bankruptcy. This is detrimental to the development of a self-contained economy, and also likely to trigger massive job cuts. Another problem is that transportation may create considerable pollution, especially when it involves air freight. It will degrade air quality and also lead to other environmental issues, such as global warning.It is therefore reasonable to think that the advantage of importing commodities should be accepted with caution. Although customers are able to acquire commodities at lower cost, countries also need to pay attention to the development of their respective industries.Some people believe that charities should give aid to whose who need the aid most, wherever they live. Some people believe that charity organisations would better concentrate on people in their own countries instead. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.Concern about humanitarian assistance has been heightened in recent years. Although international aid illustrates the moral ideal of mankind, many people who hold opposing views think that the welfare of fellow citizens is the priority. International aid has its weaknesses, but its importance should not be denied.The main reason why international donation agencies should view international assistance from a global perspective is that their funds can help the citizens of those recipient countries to combat poverty, disease and inequality. We should recognize that citizens of developing countries are in desperate need of aid, because they are susceptible to natural or man-made disasters such as wars. In those war-torn or poverty-stricken countries, where resources are scanty, there is a high demand for food, medicine, tents and shelters. Despite the importance of helping those beyond our national borders, it is reasonable to lend a hand to our fellow citizens. Even in the richest countries, there are some disadvantaged/ deprived/ needy people whose needs for daily necessities are not met. If we can solve problems on our doorstep, low income people can have basic living standards and this is beneficial to social stability.From my personal perspective, humanitarian action can restore some of their basic rights, such as the right to receive education, in recipient countries. This is consistent with the universal principle of supporting vulnerable populations. Those who cannot provide financial support can work as aid workers and deliver services (e.g., training and medical service) to those needy people.To summarise, we should realise the implications of international aid to those who are affected by disasters, poverty and misfortunes. We can deliver aid to other countries to show compassion, although local beneficiaries is important.Societies benefit from international tourism and business. To what extent do you agree or disagree?In recent years, tourism has become an important industry and brought unprecedented opportunities to these countries. However, the impact of tourism on these countries remains a source of constant debate. The essay will elaborate on both positive and negative effects fo tourism.The implications of tourism for some countries are two fold. First of all, it should be recognized that the development of tourism stimulates economic growth by generating enormous employment opportunities and increasing foreign exchange earning. The benefit is particularly valuable to those impoverished countries, whose citizens are jobless, malnourished and ill-housed. Tourism provides a driving force for the development of various industries such as hospitality, transportation, communications, retail sales and manufacture, which require substantial capital investments. Without the revenues created by tourism, these industries are not likely to develop and the economic growth will be sluggish. Furthermore, tourism provides economic incentives for cultural preservation, because some places of cultural importance, e.g., historical sites, remain the most popular destinations. Those who express concerns about the negative effect of tourism should realise that tourism revenues can be used to protect cultural or historical heritage and also the local landscape.On the negative side, environmental destruction is one problem that arises from international tourism. The construction of infrastructure and tourism facilities(including airports, roads, hotels and resorts)will destroy environmental resources. Another problem associated with tourism is that it can threaten the local culture. The arrival of tourists can disrupt the life of local people, who abandon their traditional livelihoods and start to work in the tourism industry. It is true that in many places, local people do not embrace tourism with open arms. Due to a lack of understanding of local customs, tourists might display some impolite or even offensive behavior, which can lead to local people’s unhappiness or hostility.In the light of these facts, we can come to the conclusion that tourism can help some countries reap economic benefits although these countries may have to accept social and environmental costs. These countries should promote culturally appropriate activities and require tourists to show respect for the local life, traditions and natural scenery.English has become a universal language. Do you think that the positive effects of this trend outweigh negative effects?Today, the role of english as a global language is indispensable/irreplaceable, but it is worth mentioning that the prevalence of english worldwide might has its negative effect. In my opinion, English’s dominance can be viewed in a positive light.It is unquestionable that the extensive use of english worldwide helps promote international cooperation, as language constitutes the biggest barrier to people’s communication in the global setting.For example, if a company’s financial statements are written in english, any investor who a good command of english ia able to read this company’s documents and understand this company’s operation, whether or not english is their first language. That’s why English has been identified/regarded/ recognised/acknowledged as the main language by many international conferences and academic groups and also by 80 per cent of websites in the world when presenting information. It would be no exaggeration to say that those who do not speak English find it difficult to survive in the global community. By contrast, people who have proficiency in two languages (English plus their native language) can easily find jobs, collect information and travel overseas.Despite the contribution of the language to globalisation, it is considered the culprit of the loss of language diversity. The idea lies in the fact that many english leaners, such as those who move to English-speaking countries, speak their native language less frequently. It should also be noted that English, as the favorite language for international media, conveys English-speaking countries’s lifestyles, values and beliefs to different parts of the world. It might affect the world’s cultural diversity. In spite of this, I am convinced that english is able to bridge the language gap and introduce minority cultures to the world, thereby protecting these cultures.In conclusion, English plays a vital role in communication and cooperation among people from different countries. Although some people suspect that english will endanger some minority languages, this claim is not supported with evidence. The reality is that english sometimes assists us protecting cultural heritage.Many countries spend a lot of money in art. Some people think investment in art is necessary, but others say money is better spent public services and facilities. discuss both these views and give your own opinion.Government sponsorship for arts is a controversial issue, especially when the state is confronted with budget problem. Those who object to public funds for arts believe that money should be diverted to the construction of public facilities. i am of the opinion that the government should take citizen’s benefits into consideration and adjust the spending on art or infrastructures accordingly.It is important to realize that art is an essential component of cultural legacy, so the protection and development of art has important implications to cultural diversity. In terms of painting, for example, styles, genres, tools and materials differ from culture to culture. if not well protected, an art form is likely to disappear and we would like live in a mundane world.Despite the importance of art, public facilities deserve more of government spending than art. Citizens are interested in the availability of public facilities, such as water and electricity supply, schools, libraries and roads, which have a direct impact on their daily lives. By contrast, for most people, sculptures, paintings, or operas are luxury items, which cannot bring any tangible benefit to them. Therefore, it is pointless to support the use of public funds for this purpose, if basic facilities are underfunded and ill-equipped to meet public needs.I personally think that the arts should get public money, because it boosts the appeal of the built environment, reflected in the diversity of architecture and landscaping. If we are exposed to visually attractive objects every day, we can enjoy peace of mind and feel an increased level of satisfaction with life. People will be less likely to commit violent or anti-social acts, and this is beneficial to community cohesion.In the light of the facts outlined above, government investment in the arts is essential to cultural diversity and the visual appeal of the built environment. However, in those countries whose infrastructure is inadequate, spending cuts on the arts are justifiable.Instead of asking the government to bear the high cost of higher education, students should pay tuition fees themselves. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?The government has long been the major funder of university education. Those people who support government spending on education think that some students do not enrol because of learning costs. My view is that students’ personal situations should be considered, before the government decides whether to offer free education.It is worth noting that university education is the key to closing/bridging the income gap. There are numerous students, especially those from low income families, who cannot afford educational expenses. For example, students who study law or medical science may spend years in the university, and in other words, university education is an expensive option for them. Because of financial constraints, people of low socio-economic status are at a disadvantage in terms of educational opportunities and career development. If the government provides free access to education, children from disadvantaged backgrounds can get into the college and find decent jobs in the future. this can close the social divide and create a prosperous country.Even though government sponsorship can inspire people to receive tertiary education, it can also cause the waste of public resources. Free education may be a reason why many students are reluctant to complete their courses and enter the workforce at the earliest date.It not only adds/imposes a burden on the country but also affects state funding for other sectors(e.g., primary and secondary education). Another problem is that, because of financial pressures, universities cannot upgrade facilities and recruit well-qualified lecturers, which can have a negative impact on students’ academic achievement.To summarize, the government should provide financial support according to students’ needs to ensure that they have access to education. However, tuition fees are applicable to most students, especially those from middle to high income families, as it helps maintain the quality of tertiary education.Some people say that the government should ensure that people lead a healthy life, while others believe that individuals should have their own choices. Discuss both views and give your opinion.Leading a healthy lifestyle is important because it is closely correlated with one’s dignity and wellbeing. It is suggested that people are unlikely to adopt healthy lifestyles, unless the government takes some actions. My view is that the lifestyle should be decided by people themselves, despite the importance of the government guidance and intervention. It is reasonable to think argue that if people can choose their lifestyles freely, it reflects the respect for basic human rights. People who are obsessed with how to comply with government regulations will live under tremendous pressure. Although people are encouraged to eat vegetables and adopt a balanced diet, it does not mean that laws should specify the proportion of vegetables in diet. It not only poses a threat to their health, but also causes their resentment against the government.On the other hand, it is important for the government to impose restrictions on some habits, especially those that are wildly believed to be damaging. This is due to the fact that most people have difficulty in disciplining themselves and cannot refrain from some unhealthy habits. For example, it is common knowledge smoking is harmful to people’s health but many people have problems ceasing smoking. The consequence is that their behavior not only damages their own health but also has an adverse effect on others. Their reliance on medical care leads to overconsumption of resources and a higher demand for the use of tax payer’s money; this is unfair to those who follow healthy habits. Overall, i believe that one’s freedom to choose lifestyles should be protected provided that is does not interfere with other people.The primary role of the government is to provide information rather than to regulare citizens’ behavior.The society is based on rules and laws. The society would not function well if individuals were free to do whatever they want. To want extend do you agree or disagree?Laws refer to the rules imposed on human beings. Although the law is important in regulating people’s behavior, many people argue that it restricts individual’s freedom. I think that it is necessary to gain a comprehensive understanding of the functions of law in society and its demerits.It is an undeniable fact that the law informs citizens of the rules that are recognized by the whole society. The essential point of formulating laws is that laws can prevent one from engaging in actions that are harmful to other people. Anybody who fails to comply with laws will be punished, so the law helps establish a harmonious society. For example, people may commit robberies and murders because of jealousy, greed and hatred. If these actions were accepted/permitted on the grounds of personal choice, it would be detrimental to other people’s interest. It is also true that many ethical standards, such as those standards that emphasize honesty, loyalty, and compassion, enhance/ improve/ increase social cohesion.Nevertheless, laws sometimes inevitably infringe upon human’s freedom and even hamper/hinder/obstruct social development. For instance,if one country has many restrictions on the business world, the business activity will not be active/brisk. High income earners who subject to high income tax rates may lack motivation to maker greater efforts to increase their income. It is also true that in a society where personal freedoms, such as the freedom of speech, are limited, it is impossible to have different voices heard and solve problems efficiently.It is reasonable to conclude that the society cannot operate well without laws and rules. Even though the law does not allow people to act at will, the main purpose is to create a society where people can live in harmony.Economic progress is one way to measure the success of one country, while some people think that there are other factors. What other factors should be considered? Among these factors, do you think that any factor is more important than the others?The rapid growth of emerging economies has fueled the controversy over how to define successful countries. Regarding the distinguishing features of successful countries, people might have some shared opinions but they do not reach any agreement. I think that besides economic development, other factors should be taken into consideration. Firstly, social welfare is a significant factor, which has relevance to people’s satisfaction with life. There is ample evidence that in many in many countries, poor people do not benefit from economic growth,which is reflected in the widening gap between haves and have-nots. National wealth is not distributed evenly, and the health service and the education are underfunded. Because of the ever-increase cost of living, people are not satisfied with their living standards, while the escalating class conflict can threaten social cohesion. It is also important to realise that the economic progress of some countries is achieved at environment’s expense. Industrialization leads to the exploitation of natural resources, destroying the environment and causing severe pollution.Considering these factors, economic growth should not be regarded as the main criterion for measuring a country’s success. There is a growing recognition that a successful country should ensure the fair distribution of wealth so citizens’ needs can be satisfied. People are able to acquire necessities such as food, housing, education, medical care and so forth at affordable prices. In deciding whether a country is liveable, it is also important to consider air quality, access to clean water, waste disposal, sewage management and transport infrastructures. In addition, we must take into account the issue of whether or not the economic development is sustainable, namely, whether the country can conserve resources for future generations.In brief, it is premature to equate wealth with success. Living standards and sustainable development are among those factors that can be taken into consideration when a country’s success is evaluated.Some people believe that they should be able to keep all the money they earn and should not pay any tax to the state. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Tax has long been a disputable issue, especially when people struggle with economic uncertainties and higher costs of living. Some people might complain that tax is a heavy burden especially when it undermines their buying power significantly. I am of the opinion that we are beneficiaries rather than victimes of taxation.The reasons for levying tax are manifold. With tax revenues, the government can pump money in public facilities, including roads, dams, ports, bridges and airports, which are essential to the public well-being. The public sector, which is normally state-funded, also plays an integral role in services such as waste management, sewage treatment and public transport while private enterprises are not likely to deliver thees services at low cost.Public security is another benefit that people can obtain from tax-paying. The expenses of law enforcement, fire department and national defence all have been paid by the taxes imposed on taxpayers. We should also recognise that the government can achieve the gaol of income redistribution and bridge the gap between rich and poor by taxation. For example, in many countries, the high income group needs to pay high tax, while the low income group can get assistance from the government.Taxation is also one of the important approaches to intervene in the economy.For instance, when one country’s economy experiences a downturn, the government needs to reduce the tax to encourage public consumption and business investment. In contrast, the government may levy higher taxes to curb consumption in order to avoid economic overheating.Another function of tax collection is to regulate citizens’ behavior. One example is that the heavy tax on cigarette and alcohol discourages people from spending on these items and from developing unhealthy habits.I am convinced that nobody would perceive tax as a burden which does not create any benefit, if he or she has a comprehensive understanding of taxation. The truth is that without tax revenues, the country would not function well while many public services are no longer widely available.。



顾家北 0813精品班作文大作文Many people think it is very important to protect the environment but they make no effort to do it themselves. Why do you think it is the case? What actions can be done to ensure that individuals protect the environment?顾家北Environmental problems have threatened the world but few people have chosen to take any action to deal with these problems, although they realise the impact of these environmental woes on their lives. We should implement some changes to improve the situation.Many people spend money wisely, so they are not willing to purchase environmentally friendly products, de spite the fact that these products can help preserve the environment. These products are normally more expensive than conventional counterparts. For example, LED lighting devices are energy efficient, but normally charge consumers a higher price than traditional light bulbs. Electric cars are normally likely to cost more money than those vehicles powered by petrol. As consumers do not opt for these green products, it is not easy to conserve resources and reduce pollution.Another reason is that many people are not willing to change their ways of life, even though these lifestyles can be harmful to the environment.The use of electrical equipment has led to a sharp rise in electricity consumption, which means that the power generation sector has a higher demand for fossil fuels. People also prefer to travel by car, but car emissions can cause global warming, which is a threat to the environment. The reliance on different electronic products including mobile phones is another issue, since many of these products end up in landfill sites.These problems can be tackled by two policies. Governments can enact laws to forbid those behaviours which can cause damage to the environment, such as disposing of waste carelessly. Those who drop litter should be fined, so the environmental impact of this behaviour can be reduced. Another solution is to offer subsidies to encourage people to go green. For example, those consumers who buy fuel efficient cars can be subsidised, so car emissions can be reduced significantly.Currently, more and more people are aware of the importance of environmental protection but the public never give priority to protect environment during their daily life.One reason accounts for the phenomenon is that people live carefully without spending their money on environmental products. Households livewith a tight budget are not willing to spend their money these products, whose prices are higher than other similar goods. For instance, LED lights are energy saving, but they are more expensive than incandescent bulbs. Similarly, prices of electric vehicles are higher than those of traditional vehicles averagely. For the sake of money, people quit buying green products and this is contrary to our purpose of environmental protection.Another reason can be that people are not willing to change their living styles, which need to consume various kinds of energy. For example, electronic appliances consume electricity while driving consumes petrol. Especially those who are fond of plenty of materials consume more.Personally, the government are supposed to establish relevant laws to ban citizens from doing detrimental behaviours to environment. Punishments are imperative for those who littered. On the other hand, it is also imperative for the government to give subsidies to encourage environmental protection. Some countries, such as China, provide subsidies for those who purchasing vehicles under 1.6L.All in all, only through the joint efforts of government and individuals can we live in a sustainable environment.Currently, a large proportion of children are exposed to an ocean of commercial advertisements day to day. I am on the side that the ads, which purposely incite kids to buy snacks, toys and electronic games, should be limited or even, banned.Suppose that ads aim to kids were rectified, children will not request their parents to buy what they want day in and day out. Kids lack sensitivity to price, nevertheless, parents tend to satisfy their material needs. For instance, some children like expensive toys and girls are in favor of clothes. This will bring a heavy burden for the middle-class families. Only by minimize the impact of ads on kids can the problem be avoided.Children may have eccentric behaviours and bad living habits due to the ads. Some kids are fans of fast food, since they see ads of it every day. Others are in bad temper, due to the violent games they play daily. The predominance o f games is also resulted from merchants’ propaganda. All these problems will influence the healthy growth process of kids both physically and mentally.However, we cannot deny that some ads do have their advantages to kids. Some advertisements promote nutrient food, such as milk, wheat, etc. Meanwhile, some advertise books, games and educational toys. Parents, who are not familiar with these products, can have a comprehensive verdict according to advertisements.In a nutshell, I strongly suggest the government ban ads whose target consumers are kids, especially if their products are harmful to children. But if the products the advertisements focus on are beneficial, then the ads should be allowed.小作文第一篇The table illustrates the proportion of people who are laid off in Poland, Denmark, Germany, Italy and Hungary. The two colons are the figures of young people (aged from 15-24) and all citizens respectively.The highest unemployment rate for young goes to Poland, which reaches 37% and is twice more than the rate of its overall rate 15%. Coming next is Italy. The proportion of its young citizens who are out of work is 23% and its unemployment of whole country comes to top at 18%. Hungary showsmediocre rates of 21% and 17%. And German figures are 4% and 3% lower than Denmark respectively. Denmark keeps both figures lowest, with the unemployment rate for 15-24 age group 8% and for overall only 3%.All of the five countries show 3~5% rates lower of overall unemployment than those of the young, except Poland which has the largest gap between the two figures.第二篇The bar charts provide us information about how families in an Asian country spent their money in 1998 and 2008.A glance at the charts tells that expenditure on different goods in 2008 overweighed that in 1998 except that spent on clothes. People gave much more priority to spiritual enjoyment which lead to a huge increase of expenditure on holiday, eating out, reading (newspapers and magazines) and going to cinema, rising from 8% to 15%, 6% to 15%,3% to 8% and 3%to 5% respectively. The costs for electronic goods also increased from 12% to14% during the decade.The only difference is expenditure on clothes which was totally opposite to the mainstream. The proportion of it was 10% in 1998; however it dropped to half of its original rates in 2008.All in all, the past 10 years witnessed a huge change of the expenditure on various of aspects for households.第三篇The charts tell the proportion of different categories of house people live in three parts of Australia in 2001 and 2006.In 2001, Victoria had 76% residents in house, 12% in semi-detached house, 11%in apartments and the rest in other types. In NSW, house also accounted for the largest part of 66%, with 10% and 13% in duplex and flat respectively. And more people lived in other kinds. Tasmania had largest proportion of house living population, which reaches 88%.Five years later, the rates for house all dropped 2% in the three regions. As for semi-detached house, Victoria, NSW and Tasmania saw 1% increase, 1percent decrease and stability respectively. The figures of flat all had a slightly increase. And for the rest unmentioned types, they remained the same at 1% except NSW rose from 11% to 12%.The table compares five European countries in terms of the proportions of unemployed people as well as the figures for those young people out of work.Poland had the highest youth unemployment rate at 37%, nearly five times the level in Denmark. The levels of unemployment for young people were similar in other countries, with the highest seen in Italy 23% and the lowest in Germany at 17%.It is clear from the table that in all these countries, the unemployment rate for the younger generation was higher than the overall unemployment figures. Interestingly, Poland, Germany, Italy and Hungary had similar unemployment rates, ranging between 15% and 18%. The figure for Denmark was significantly lower at 3%.Overall, youth unemployment was more serious in Poland than in other countries. Denmark had the lowest figures for both youth unemployment and overall unemployment, while other countries had similar figures for these problems.流程图写作The chart illustrates how to use cocoa beans to produce several food items for customers.Firstly, whole beans are carefully picking before drying in the shell. Then they are pressed into cocoa liquor, which is the main material ofthe second stage. Then cocoa liquor is further pressed until it becomes a coca cake, which is directly sent to industry to make cakes and drinks or is sold to the consumer after grinded into cocoa powder. The cocoa liquor can also convert into cocoa and then be sent to relevant industry. Cocoa liquor, after further refining, mix with cocoa and sugar turns to industry chocolate. Finished chocolate products will be put on the shell, before the final process.All in all, cocoa beans can be used to produce cocoa powder, chocolate products and ingredients for relevant industry through three simple stages starting from pre-processing raw material to final packaging for sell.顾家北The whole beans are picked at the first stage with shells removed, and then dried and pressed until cocoa liquor is created. This marks the start of the second stage, which involves three processes. The cocoa liquor can be used to make coca cakes in the first option. Another choice is the manufacture of cocoa, while cocoa liquor is refined in the third process to produce industrial chocolate.In the final stage, these materials are processed further to create different end products for either corporate clients or ordinary consumers.Coca cakes are ground into cocoa powder for individual consumers, or directly delivered to catering businesses which provide drinks and cakes. Cocoa in the second procedure mentioned earlier is also transported to these businesses. In contrast, the industrial chocolate is flavored with sugar, and finished chocolate products are subsequently available for consumers.第一篇The table provides us with data of the percentage of consumer expenditure on different items in five countries in 2002.The biggest number existed in Turkey, where people spent 32.14% of their income on food, drink and tobacco, almost five times the number of percentage spent on clothing (6.63%) and eight times the figure of percentage spent on spiritual enjoyment. Coming next is Ireland, whose percentage of national consumer expenditure of eating was 28.91%. Costs for clothing and footwear accounted for only 6.43%, three times the expenditure of leisure and education. Spain took the third place though the proportion of its national consumer expenditure was the lowest (1.98%). Expenditure of food items in Spain accounted for 18.8%, threefold the figure of its clothing spending. Italy and Sweden citizens had small percentages of income spent on food(16.36%,15.77%),only about half thefigure of Turkey. However, their clothing costs (9%, 5.4%) and spiritual pay-outs (3.2%, 3.22%) were relatively high.In a nutshell, the percentages of national consumer expenditure by category in 2001 varied a lot among the five countries. But all shared some similarities, namely, largest proportion of expenditure on food, drink and tobacco and smallest percentage of leisure and education costs.第二篇The bar charts show the number of marriages and divorces in USA and marital status of American adults during the period of 1970 to 2000.The number of marriages remained at 2.5 million in 1970 and 1980, after which it had a slightly decrease to 2 million in 2000. The divorces number started form 1 million in 1970 and suddenly increased to almost 1.5 million during that decade. Then it dropped to nearly 1 million in 1980 and finally reached to its start(1 million).The percentage of never married adults was 15% in 1970 and the figure inclined to 20% thirty years later. The proportions of both married and widowed adults saw drops during the three decades. Married adultsaccounted for 70% in 1970 while the figure was less than 60% in 2000. As for divorce rate, it had a significant rise form nearly 0% to almost 10%.All in all, the period from 1970 to 2000 witnessed a huge change of marriages and divorces in America. Both the total number and percentage of marriage decreased while the proportions of never married and divorced people saw an upward trend.流程图The two diagrams illustrate how to produce cement and how to use cement to produce concrete.Cement production is relatively complex and uses two materials. Firstly, limestone and clay are placed in the crusher, where these materials are crushed by the crusher. Then powder is mixed by the mixer, before being heated by the rotating heater. At the next stage, heated powder is sent to the grind, where it is grounded into cement. And finally cement is packed in the bags.Concrete production is relatively simple. 15% of cement, 10% of water, 25% of sand and 50% of gravel, namely small stones are mix in the concrete mixer, where they turned out to be concrete.All in all, cement production includes 5 stages and the outcome cement is one of the four raw materials of the concrete production.地图The maps show how an area changed during the period of 1780 to 2000. In 1780, there were 100 homes located on the north-eastern corner with woods to the south. A river crossed the area from south to north with four farms in the middle of the region.80 years later, the number of dwelling places doubled to 200, while the number of farms dropped by half and woods also shrank in size. A road was built in the north area, connecting the living place to the river. Another major change is that a bridge was constructed over the river.In 2000, the number of homes suddenly increased to 500 and a newly built road, heading towards south replaced farm and woods area, which linked the dwelling places to the school and sports field in the south. Several shops opened to the right side of the downstream river with a wetland for birds to their south.Overall, this area saw an increase in constructions such as dwelling places, schools and facilities, although farmland and forests were removed for new buildings and transport infrastructure.大作文We live in cities or towns which have museums displaying historical and cultural importance, but people do not visit them. Why do you think peopledo not visit museums in their local areas?What is the importance of museums to society?顾家北Visiting museums is hardly a rewarding experience for many people, so they will not consider this option when they can spend leisure time on other activities. These museums do not organize new exhibitions that can keep up with the trends, or provide any form of entertainment like interactive games to attract the young audience. This is why a trip to a museum can hardly compete for attention with sports, picnics and parties. Another reason is that people can gather information about those artefacts on display on the Internet. They will increase knowledge about the stories behind and the cultural value of each item, without having to visiting the museum in person.Museums can encourage visitors’ interest in their c ultural heritage and disseminate knowledge about a city o r a county’s cultural assets. Some exhibitions may show ancient utensils used by previous generations, so people who attend these exhibitions may have a good idea of how traditional food was cooked. Some historical documents and paintings might show the architectural style which used to predominate, and many visitors might be impressed by the architectural achievements of their ancestors. With such knowledge, these visitors may make an effort to preserve some traditions and keep someold-fashioned cooking skills or building techniques alive.Museums have also been operating as a center of learning, where young people can keep up to date with the cutting-edge technology in different fields. The aviation museums, for example, give children a glimpse of the airline industry and even space travel, including spaceships and equipment supporting astronauts who explored the outer space. The museum of archeology can show them how some species have died out, and possibly inspire them to do research in biology and extend our knowledge of how to preserve our ecosystem. They could not make contributions to social progress, if they did not have access to such knowledge.Recently, an increasing number of people refused to pay a visit to museums in their local places. Personally, following reasons may account for the phenomenon.Some people reckon museums as boring places so that they are never willing to visit. For example, the historical and cultural importance displayed there has never changed and there is no entertainment, such as interactive games. All these tend to left people a boring feeling. In contrast, people prefer to join some interesting activities such as ball games, picnic and dining out. Another reason is that nowadays people learn history and acquire science knowledge through internet rather than go to library in person. Information of the exhibition's the historical value and story can be easily accessed on line.However, visiting museums play an important role in tradition inheriting. Ancient vessels provide us with traditional cooking methods while murals enable us to comprehend style of ancient architecture to some degree. It is advantageous for young people to pass on the culture if they have a good acknowledge of their own tradition by visiting museums.Additionally, museums offer us the most advanced science and technology, which is beneficial to the development of the society. The latest development of space and universe in our country can be acquired in space museums and the young can understand the reason of creature extinction through visiting archaeology museums. Museums can motivate the interestsof the adolescents and the young will accelerates the development of society in the future.Overall, visiting museums is of great significance for both the individuals’ comprehending of culture and the development of our society.顾家北Visiting museums is hardly a rewarding experience for many people, so they will not consider this option when they can spend leisure time on other activities. These museums do not organise new exhibitions that can keep up with the trends, or provide any form of entertainment like interactive games to attract the young audience. This is why a trip to a museum can hardly compete for attention with sports, picnics and parties. Another reason is that people can gather information about those artefacts on display on the Internet. They will increase knowledge about the stories behind and the cultural value of each item, without having to visiting the museum in person.Museums can encourage visitors’ interest in their cultural heritage and disseminate knowledge about a city or a county’s cultural assets. Some exhibitions may show ancient utensils used by previous generations, so people who attend these exhibitions may have a good idea of how traditionalfood was cooked. Some historical documents and paintings might show the architectural style which used to predominate, and many visitors might be impressed by the architectural achievements of their ancestors. With such knowledge, these visitors may make an effort to preserve some traditions and keep some old-fashioned cooking skills or building techniques alive.Museums can also provide us with the latest technological advances, which is beneficial to the development of the society. For example, the aviation museums offer us latest knowledge of aeronautics while the archaeology museums help us comprehend the reason of extinction. This is why museums can not only motivate the interests of teenagers but also encourage them to study hard in a long run, which will accelerate the improvement of the society in the future. (Self-written paragraph)The aviation museums spaceships, shuttles, astronauts, explore the outer space,Some people think university education should provide students with skills of employment in the future while others believe that people should focus on academic study only. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.Some people think the increasing business and cultural contact between countries brings many positive effects. Others say it causes the loss of national identities. Discuss on both sides and give your opinion. People rely more on foreign products and imitate traditions and culture of other countries, which lead to a hard way to pass on their own culture. For instance, too much reliance on the foreign cosmetics will surely shrink the demand of domestic market, which requires the local industry to downsize work force and thus traditional ways of making up will be abandoned. Additionally, those who ar e in favor of celebrating others’ festivals tend to give less priority to their own traditions. This will put the intangible culture heritage form our ancestors in a dangerous situation.Many countries spend a lot of money in art. Some people think investment in art is necessary, but others say money is better spent on public services and facilities. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.翻译练习1. 人们对政府赞助艺术(government sponsorship)有不同的看法,特别在国家遇到预算问题的时候。



顾家北-雅思作文--总结————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:顾家北0813精品班作文大作文Many people think it is very important to protect the environment but they make no effort to do it themselves. Why do you think it is the case? What actions can be done to ensure that individuals protect the environment?顾家北Environmental problems have threatened the world but few people have chosen to take any action to deal with these problems, although they realise the impact of these environmental woes on their lives. We should implement some changes to improve the situation.Many people spend money wisely, so they are not willing to purchase environmentally friendly products, de spite the fact that these products can help preserve the environment. These products are normally more expensive than conventional counterparts. For example, LED lighting devices are energy efficient, but normally charge consumers a higher price than traditional light bulbs. Electric cars are normally likely to cost more money than those vehicles powered by petrol. As consumers do not opt for these green products, it is not easy to conserve resources and reduce pollution.Another reason is that many people are not willing to change their ways of life, even though these lifestyles can be harmful to the environment. The use of electrical equipment has led to a sharp rise in electricity consumption, which means that the power generation sector has a higher demand for fossil fuels. People also prefer to travel by car, but car emissions can cause global warming, which is a threat to the environment. The reliance on different electronic products including mobile phones is another issue, since many of these products end up in landfill sites.These problems can be tackled by two policies. Governments can enact laws to forbid those behaviours which can cause damage to the environment, such as disposing of waste carelessly. Those who drop litter should be fined, so the environmental impact of this behaviour can be reduced. Another solution is to offer subsidies to encourage people to go green. For example, those consumers who buy fuel efficient cars can be subsidised, so car emissions can be reduced significantly.Currently, more and more people are aware of the importance of environmental protection but the public never give priority to protect environment during their daily life.One reason accounts for the phenomenon is that people live carefully without spending their money on environmental products. Households live with a tight budget are not willing to spend their money these products, whose prices are higher than other similar goods. For instance, LED lights are energy saving, but they are more expensive than incandescent bulbs. Similarly, prices of electric vehicles are higherthan those of traditional vehicles averagely. For the sake of money, people quit buying green products and this is contrary to our purpose of environmental protection.Another reason can be that people are not willing to change their living styles, which need to consume various kinds of energy. For example, electronic appliances consume electricity while driving consumes petrol. Especially those who are fond of plenty of materials consume more.Personally, the government are supposed to establish relevant laws to ban citizens from doing detrimental behaviours to environment. Punishments are imperative for those who littered. On the other hand, it is also imperative for the government to give subsidies to encourage environmental protection. Some countries, such as China, provide subsidies for those who purchasing vehicles under 1.6L.All in all, only through the joint efforts of government and individuals can we live in a sustainable environment.Currently, a large proportion of children are exposed to an ocean of commercial advertisements day to day. I am on the side that the ads, which purposely incite kids to buy snacks, toys and electronic games, should be limited or even, banned.Suppose that ads aim to kids were rectified, children will not request their parents to buy what they want day in and day out. Kids lack sensitivity to price, nevertheless, parents tend to satisfy their material needs. For instance, some children like expensive toys and girls are in favor of clothes. This will bring a heavy burden for themiddle-class families. Only by minimize the impact of ads on kids can the problem be avoided.Children may have eccentric behaviours and bad living habits due to the ads. Some kids are fans of fast food, since they see ads of it every day. Others are in bad temper, due to the violent games they play daily. The predominance of games is also resulted from merchants’ propaganda. All these problems will influence the healthy growth process of kids both physically and mentally.However, we cannot deny that some ads do have their advantages to kids. Some advertisements promote nutrient food, such as milk, wheat, etc. Meanwhile, some advertise books, games and educational toys. Parents, who are not familiar with these products, can have a comprehensive verdict according to advertisements.In a nutshell, I strongly suggest the government ban ads whose target consumers are kids, especially if their products are harmful to children. But if the products the advertisements focus on are beneficial, then the ads should be allowed.小作文第一篇The table illustrates the proportion of people who are laid off in Poland, Denmark, Germany, Italy and Hungary. The two colons are the figures of young people (aged from 15-24) and all citizens respectively.The highest unemployment rate for young goes to Poland, which reaches 37% and is twice more than the rate of its overall rate 15%. Coming next is Italy. The proportion of its young citizens who are out of work is 23% and its unemployment of whole country comes to top at 18%. Hungary shows mediocre rates of 21% and 17%. And German figures are 4% and 3% lower than Denmark respectively. Denmark keeps both figures lowest, with the unemployment rate for 15-24 age group 8% and for overall only 3%.All of the five countries show 3~5% rates lower of overall unemployment than those of the young, except Poland which has the largest gap between the two figures.第二篇The bar charts provide us information about how families in an Asian country spent their money in 1998 and 2008.A glance at the charts tells that expenditure on different goods in 2008 overweighed that in 1998 except that spent on clothes. People gave much more priority to spiritual enjoyment which lead to a huge increase of expenditure on holiday, eating out, reading (newspapers and magazines) and going to cinema, rising from 8% to 15%, 6% to 15%,3% to 8% and 3%to 5% respectively. The costs for electronic goods also increased from 12% to14% during the decade.The only difference is expenditure on clothes which was totally opposite to the mainstream. The proportion of it was 10% in 1998; however it dropped to half of its original rates in 2008.All in all, the past 10 years witnessed a huge change of the expenditure on various of aspects for households.第三篇The charts tell the proportion of different categories of house people live in three parts of Australia in 2001 and 2006.In 2001, Victoria had 76% residents in house, 12% in semi-detached house, 11%in apartments and the rest in other types. In NSW, house also accounted for the largest part of 66%, with 10% and 13% in duplex and flat respectively. And more people lived in other kinds. Tasmania had largest proportion of house living population, which reaches 88%.Five years later, the rates for house all dropped 2% in the three regions. As forsemi-detached house, Victoria, NSW and Tasmania saw 1% increase, 1percent decrease and stability respectively. The figures of flat all had a slightly increase. And for the rest unmentioned types, they remained the same at 1% except NSW rose from 11% to 12%.The table compares five European countries in terms of the proportions of unemployed people as well as the figures for those young people out of work. Poland had the highest youth unemployment rate at 37%, nearly five times the level in Denmark. The levels of unemployment for young people were similar in other countries, with the highest seen in Italy 23% and the lowest in Germany at 17%.It is clear from the table that in all these countries, the unemployment rate for the younger generation was higher than the overall unemployment figures. Interestingly, Poland, Germany, Italy and Hungary had similar unemployment rates, ranging between 15% and 18%. The figure for Denmark was significantly lower at 3%. Overall, youth unemployment was more serious in Poland than in other countries. Denmark had the lowest figures for both youth unemployment and overall unemployment, while other countries had similar figures for these problems.流程图写作The chart illustrates how to use cocoa beans to produce several food items for customers.Firstly, whole beans are carefully picking before drying in the shell. Then they are pressed into cocoa liquor, which is the main material of the second stage. Then cocoa liquor is further pressed until it becomes a coca cake, which is directly sent to industry to make cakes and drinks or is sold to the consumer after grinded into cocoa powder. The cocoa liquor can also convert into cocoa and then be sent to relevant industry. Cocoa liquor, after further refining, mix with cocoa and sugar turns to industry chocolate. Finished chocolate products will be put on the shell, before the final process.All in all, cocoa beans can be used to produce cocoa powder, chocolate products and ingredients for relevant industry through three simple stages starting frompre-processing raw material to final packaging for sell.顾家北The whole beans are picked at the first stage with shells removed, and then dried and pressed until cocoa liquor is created. This marks the start of the second stage, which involves three processes. The cocoa liquor can be used to make coca cakes in the first option. Another choice is the manufacture of cocoa, while cocoa liquor is refined in the third process to produce industrial chocolate.In the final stage, these materials are processed further to create different end products for either corporate clients or ordinary consumers. Coca cakes are ground into cocoapowder for individual consumers, or directly delivered to catering businesses which provide drinks and cakes. Cocoa in the second procedure mentioned earlier is also transported to these businesses. In contrast, the industrial chocolate is flavored with sugar, and finished chocolate products are subsequently available for consumers.第一篇The table provides us with data of the percentage of consumer expenditure on different items in five countries in 2002.The biggest number existed in Turkey, where people spent 32.14% of their income on food, drink and tobacco, almost five times the number of percentage spent on clothing (6.63%) and eight times the figure of percentage spent on spiritual enjoyment. Coming next is Ireland, whose percentage of national consumer expenditure of eating was 28.91%. Costs for clothing and footwear accounted for only 6.43%, three times the expenditure of leisure and education. Spain took the third place though the proportion of its national consumer expenditure was the lowest (1.98%). Expenditure of food items in Spain accounted for 18.8%, threefold the figure of its clothing spending. Italy and Sweden citizens had small percentages of income spent onfood(16.36%,15.77%),only about half the figure of Turkey. However, their clothing costs (9%, 5.4%) and spiritual pay-outs (3.2%, 3.22%) were relatively high.In a nutshell, the percentages of national consumer expenditure by category in 2001 varied a lot among the five countries. But all shared some similarities, namely, largest proportion of expenditure on food, drink and tobacco and smallest percentage of leisure and education costs.第二篇The bar charts show the number of marriages and divorces in USA and marital status of American adults during the period of 1970 to 2000.The number of marriages remained at 2.5 million in 1970 and 1980, after which it had a slightly decrease to 2 million in 2000. The divorces number started form 1 million in 1970 and suddenly increased to almost 1.5 million during that decade. Then it dropped to nearly 1 million in 1980 and finally reached to its start(1 million).The percentage of never married adults was 15% in 1970 and the figure inclined to 20% thirty years later. The proportions of both married and widowed adults saw drops during the three decades. Married adults accounted for 70% in 1970 while the figure was less than 60% in 2000. As for divorce rate, it had a significant rise form nearly 0% to almost 10%.All in all, the period from 1970 to 2000 witnessed a huge change of marriages and divorces in America. Both the total number and percentage of marriage decreased while the proportions of never married and divorced people saw an upward trend.流程图The two diagrams illustrate how to produce cement and how to use cement to produce concrete.Cement production is relatively complex and uses two materials. Firstly, limestone and clay are placed in the crusher, where these materials are crushed by the crusher. Then powder is mixed by the mixer, before being heated by the rotating heater. At the next stage, heated powder is sent to the grind, where it is grounded into cement. And finally cement is packed in the bags.Concrete production is relatively simple. 15% of cement, 10% of water, 25% of sand and 50% of gravel, namely small stones are mix in the concrete mixer, where they turned out to be concrete.All in all, cement production includes 5 stages and the outcome cement is one of the four raw materials of the concrete production.地图The maps show how an area changed during the period of 1780 to 2000.In 1780, there were 100 homes located on the north-eastern corner with woods to the south. A river crossed the area from south to north with four farms in the middle of the region.80 years later, the number of dwelling places doubled to 200, while the number of farms dropped by half and woods also shrank in size. A road was built in the north area, connecting the living place to the river. Another major change is that a bridge was constructed over the river.In 2000, the number of homes suddenly increased to 500 and a newly built road, heading towards south replaced farm and woods area, which linked the dwelling places to the school and sports field in the south. Several shops opened to the right side of the downstream river with a wetland for birds to their south.Overall, this area saw an increase in constructions such as dwelling places, schools and facilities, although farmland and forests were removed for new buildings and transport infrastructure.大作文We live in cities or towns which have museums displaying historical and cultural importance, but people do not visit them. Why do you think people do not visit museums in their local areas?What is the importance of museums to society?顾家北Visiting museums is hardly a rewarding experience for many people, so they will not consider this option when they can spend leisure time on other activities. These museums do not organize new exhibitions that can keep up with the trends, or provide any form of entertainment like interactive games to attract the young audience. This is why a trip to a museum can hardly compete for attention with sports, picnics and parties. Another reason is that people can gather information about those artefacts on display on the Internet. They will increase knowledge about the stories behind and the cultural value of each item, without having to visiting the museum in person.Museums can encourage visitors’ interest in their c ultural heritage and disseminate knowledge about a city or a county’s cultural assets. Some exhibitions may show ancient utensils used by previous generations, so people who attend these exhibitions may have a good idea of how traditional food was cooked. Some historical documents and paintings might show the architectural style which used to predominate, and many visitors might be impressed by the architectural achievements of their ancestors. With such knowledge, these visitors may make an effort to preserve some traditions and keep some old-fashioned cooking skills or building techniques alive.Museums have also been operating as a center of learning, where young people can keep up to date with the cutting-edge technology in different fields. The aviation museums, for example, give children a glimpse of the airline industry and even space travel, including spaceships and equipment supporting astronauts who explored the outer space. The museum of archeology can show them how some species have died out, and possibly inspire them to do research in biology and extend our knowledge of how to preserve our ecosystem. They could not make contributions to social progress, if they did not have access to such knowledge.Recently, an increasing number of people refused to pay a visit to museums in their local places. Personally, following reasons may account for the phenomenon.Some people reckon museums as boring places so that they are never willing to visit. For example, the historical and cultural importance displayed there has never changed and there is no entertainment, such as interactive games. All these tend to left people a boring feeling. In contrast, people prefer to join some interesting activities such as ball games, picnic and dining out. Another reason is that nowadays people learn history and acquire science knowledge through internet rather than go to library in person. Information of the exhibition's the historical value and story can be easily accessed on line.However, visiting museums play an important role in tradition inheriting. Ancient vessels provide us with traditional cooking methods while murals enable us to comprehend style of ancient architecture to some degree. It is advantageous for young people to pass on the culture if they have a good acknowledge of their own tradition by visiting museums.Additionally, museums offer us the most advanced science and technology, which is beneficial to the development of the society. The latest development of space and universe in our country can be acquired in space museums and the young can understand the reason of creature extinction through visiting archaeology museums. Museums can motivate the interests of the adolescents and the young will accelerates the development of society in the future.Overall, visiting museums is of great significance for both the individuals’ comprehending of culture and the development of our society.顾家北Visiting museums is hardly a rewarding experience for many people, so they will not consider this option when they can spend leisure time on other activities. These museums do not organise new exhibitions that can keep up with the trends, or provide any form of entertainment like interactive games to attract the young audience. This is why a trip to a museum can hardly compete for attention with sports, picnics and parties. Another reason is that people can gather information about those artefacts on display on the Internet. They will increase knowledge about the stories behind and the cultural value of each item, without having to visiting the museum in person.Museums can encourage visitors’ interest in their cultural heritage and disseminate knowledge about a city or a county’s cultural assets. Some exhibitions may show ancient utensils used by previous generations, so people who attend these exhibitions may have a good idea of how traditional food was cooked. Some historical documents and paintings might show the architectural style which used to predominate, and many visitors might be impressed by the architectural achievements of their ancestors. With such knowledge, these visitors may make an effort to preserve some traditions and keep some old-fashioned cooking skills or building techniques alive.Museums can also provide us with the latest technological advances, which is beneficial to the development of the society. For example, the aviation museums offer us latest knowledge of aeronautics while the archaeology museums help us comprehend the reason of extinction. This is why museums can not only motivate the interests of teenagers but also encourage them to study hard in a long run, which will accelerate the improvement of the society in the future. (Self-written paragraph)The aviation museums spaceships, shuttles, astronauts, explore the outer space,Some people think university education should provide students with skills of employment in the future while others believe that people should focus on academic study only. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.Some people think the increasing business and cultural contact between countries brings many positive effects. Others say it causes the loss of national identities. Discuss on both sides and give your opinion.People rely more on foreign products and imitate traditions and culture of other countries, which lead to a hard way to pass on their own culture. For instance, too much reliance on the foreign cosmetics will surely shrink the demand of domestic market, which requires the local industry to downsize work force and thus traditional ways of making up will be abandoned. Additionally, those who are in favor of celebrating others’ festivals tend to give less priority to their own traditions. This will put the intangible culture heritage form our ancestors in a dangerous situation.Many countries spend a lot of money in art. Some people think investment in art is necessary, but others say money is better spent on public services and facilities. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.翻译练习1. 人们对政府赞助艺术(government sponsorship)有不同的看法,特别在国家遇到预算问题的时候。








2老龄化社会Life expectancyPersonal wealthContribute extraordinarily to societyDemographic change人口变化An aging populationHealth care costImpose a burden on taxpayerMedical needsIn the last years of lifeEssential serviceFinancial supportSlow pace of workSenior workersA conservative attitude towardsAdopt cutting-edge technology(前沿科技)Delay retirementProductivityBe a valuable asset to societyImpart their knowledge and skills(传授他们的知识技巧)Draw upon the expertise of older people(借鉴专业知识)Considerable extension of life expectancy寿命的急剧延长2。

4.3看电视学习Informative televisionMethod of learningAudio—visual informationEngage their interestsEducational valueIncreasing screen timeInterfere with children’s studiesGet distractedInteractive activitiesPromote brain developmentSit in front of a screenSuffer obesity , poor eyesight and fatigue Expose children to a world of knowledge Cope with the demand ofEducational programmesHistorical eventsAcquire foreign languageImprove their academic performance2。



51 因为费用的下降,航空业最近几十年发展得很快Because of low-cost carriers, the aviation industry has developed at an astounding pace over the past decades.句子结构:主语(the aviation industry)+不及物动词(developed); “Because of low-cost carriers”原因状语;“over the past decades”时间状语;“at an astounding pace”程度状语membership fees 会员费用booking feesannual feesindustry可数名词注意不要裸奔decade可数名词52 动物实验有时候不能够检验出药物的副作用Animal experiments sometimes fail to detect the undesirable side effects of drugs.句子结构:主语+ 不及物动词(fail)+状语(to ….)不能,fail to dodiscover 第一次找到已经存在的东西detect检测到什么。

Detect a change/differencecannot不要分开Animal experiments/tests/testing/experimentation 动物实验Experiment可数名词Pill一个药丸胶囊53非法捕杀导致某些动物的灭亡正确的句子:Some animals have died out because of illegal hunting主语(some animals)+不及物动词(have died out)+状语(because of ….)result in 导致不好的事情lead to 介词species 物种hunting不可数名词没特指不需要加the54 电脑对人交流技能的影响随着年龄变化正确的句子:The impact of computers on communication skills varies across ages.句子结构:主语(impact)+不及物动词(varies);“of computers on literacy skills”都是定语一个人的年龄不可数at age of five很多人的年龄一般是复数五十岁的女人people aged 50在小作文里面经常会用到The impact/effect/influence of sth on sth55很多女孩都不愿意在男人居多的行业里找工作正确的句子:Many women are not willing to seek employment in a male-dominated world.句子结构:主语+系动词+表语(willing)find employment/find jobsa male-dominated world/industryBe reluctant to 不愿意做Be not willing to do sthDo not要分开写can’t不分开Seek sthIn search of job opportunities56学校的主要功能是给下一代灌输知识正确的句子:The main function of schools is to impart knowledge to the next generation.句子结构:主语+系动词(is)+表语(to impart knowledge to the next generation)disseminate knowledge普及知识generation.可数名词impart sth to(介词) sb/sth 完整写like to do 喜欢某一次like doing 常年累月的喜欢come do 进行时表将来57 艺术不属于学校的主科正确的句子:The arts are not among core subject areas at school.句子结构:主语(The arts)+系动词(are)+表语(介词among+宾语…充当表语)The arts艺术的科目表示艺术为不可数at schoolbelong to 私人物品的属于58:因为不够明朗的经济前景(economic outlook),很多公司不可能招聘新的职员。



雅思大作文廉价航空范文In recent years, low cost airlines have been popping up all over the world like mushrooms after rain. It's a really interesting phenomenon that has both good and not so good sides.Let's start with the good stuff. For ordinary folks like you and me, low cost airlines are like a gift from heaven. They make traveling so much more affordable. Before, flying was often a luxury that only the rich could enjoy regularly. But now, with these budget airlines, even students with not much money in their pockets can think about jetting off to another city or country for a short break or to visit friends. For example, I have a friend who is a backpacker. Thanks to cheap flights, he can travel to different places in Europe without breaking the bank. He can explore new cultures, taste different foods, and meet all kinds of interesting people. It's like the world has become a smaller and more accessible place for him.Another great thing is that low cost airlines can boost tourism in many areas. Smaller, less known destinations can now attract more visitors. These airlines often fly to secondary airports that are closer to local attractions in some regions. So, it's not just the big, famous cities that get all the tourists. Small towns and rural areas can also benefit from the influx of travelers. This can bring more business to local restaurants, hotels, and souvenir shops, which in turn helps the local economy grow.However, it's not all sunshine and roses. There are some problems with these low cost airlines too. One of the most annoying things is the extra fees. You might think you got a great deal on a flight ticket, but then you find out that you have to pay extra for things like checking in a bag, choosing a seat, or even getting a glass of water on the plane. It can feel like you're being nickel and dimed. I once had an experience where Ithought I had a really cheap flight, but by the time I added up all the extra charges for my luggage and a seat with a bit more legroom, the price wasn't that much different from a regular airline.Also, the service on low cost airlines can sometimes be a bit lacking. The seats are often cramped, and there may not be as many in flight amenities as on more expensive airlines. You can't expect to be pampered like on a luxury flight. For long haul flights, this can be really uncomfortable. I've heard stories from people who were on a long distance low cost flight and they were really exhausted by the end of it because they couldn't stretch out or relax properly.In conclusion, low cost airlines are a double edged sword. They have opened up the world of travel to more people and given a boost to many local economies. But at the same time, we need to be aware of the hidden costs and the possible compromises in service. As travelers, we should do our research carefully before booking a flight with a low cost airline so that we don't end up with any unpleasant surprises. And airlines should also be more transparent about their fees and try to improve their service quality to make the whole travel experience better for everyone.。

【最新推荐】雅思写作范文:航空限制问题-精选word文档 (1页)

【最新推荐】雅思写作范文:航空限制问题-精选word文档 (1页)

【最新推荐】雅思写作范文:航空限制问题-精选word文档本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==雅思写作范文:航空限制问题下面雅思为大家整理了雅思写作范文:航空限制问题,供考生们参考,以下是详细内容。

Automobiles produce less pollution than do airplanes . Automobiles also consume less fossil fuel . Therefore it is necessary to restrict some flights . Do you agree or disagree with thisopinion ?The argument that the flights should be restricted is invalid . Clearly , it is unconvincing to compare the volume of pollutants an airplane produces with that generated by an automobile , because an airplane is shared by many passengers while an automobile is usually for one or , at the best , several passengers .Suppose a visitor drives 1,000 miles , burning 100 liter gasoline and emitting 10 cubic meter carbon dioxide , this very passenger is totally responsible for such an environment problem . But to what extent should another passenger , who travels the same distance by air , take environment responsibility ? If the airplane consumes 10,000 liter gasoline and produces 1000 cubic meter carbon dioxide and if altogether 300 passengers share the flight , then traveling by air causes less environmental damage .Another thing must also be in the list of consideration : the time . Traveling by air saves time . The point is that even if traveling by automobiles consumes less energy and produces less pollutants , traveling by air has a variety of reasons . Forinstance , a patient is transported by air from where she is injured to the hospital .。

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Some people think the recent increase in cheap air travel brings benefits, while other people think it has drawbacks to the environment and the world's resources. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 科技
A 廉价航空旅行增加(背景化:大部分飞机用矿物燃料,汽油,煤油)
B 增加了温室气体的排放
C 加剧了温室效应'\ A 低成本的空航 B 人们出游 C 开拓视野
1 表面是例子,但是事实上重复ABC
2 拓展偏离ABC
3 背景比较长,导致后面没空间写主要内容这是下面一个学生的背景化
