
The Tourism
03 Resources of Hainan Island
Tourism facilities and services in Hainan Island
Many hotels offer various facilities such as swimming pools, fitness centers, and spas
Festival Activities
During these festivals, there are colorful paragraphs, performances, and food markets that showcase the local culture and conditions
Sanya Bay
It is the most common beach in Hainan Island, and is also one of the best beaches in the world The beach is long, wide, and sandy, and is suitable for swimming, surfing, and other water sports
Nature Exploration
Visitors can enjoy hiking and trekking in the island's national parks and scientific trails
There are also opportunities to go birdwatching and wildlife observation
Island • English Education in Hainan Island

早古生代时(距今5.7亿年前—4.4亿年前),雷 州半岛与海南岛地区是一个沉降带。加里东造山运 动使雷琼地区上升成陆,形成以北东方向为主的一 系列断裂褶皱带,使早古生代沉积的地层发生了质 变。到晚古生代(距今4.4亿年前— 2.3亿年前), 海南岛陆块相对稳定。但印支运动又促使岩浆活动 强烈,形成现在海南岛广泛分布的花岗岩体,构成 了山地,也筑成了海南岛的基础。后来的燕山运动 和喜马拉雅运动又使这个花岗岩穹窿发生强烈的断 裂,形成几条大的东西向断裂带,使断裂以南大约 三分之二的区域抬升,称为海南构造隆起,且1亿 多年以来一直在上升;断裂以北发生下陷,称为雷 琼凹陷。然而,在第四纪以前(250万年前),海南 岛和雷州半岛还连在一起,在地质构造上属华夏地 块的延伸部分。到了大约更新世(距今250万年前— l.5万年前)中期,由于火山活动,雷州半岛和海南 岛之间发生了断陷,变成了琼州海峡,才使海南岛 与大陆分开。以后海平面多次升降又使海南岛与大 陆多次分离和相连,到第四纪冰期结束,海平面大 幅度上升,才形成琼州海峡和海南岛现在的形态。 地质构造运动引起的海南构造隆起是海南岛中 部不断抬升,逐渐形成了现在海南岛的地貌特征; 山地位于中央,丘陵、台地、平原依次环绕四周。 海南岛平均海拔 20米。500米以上的山地占全岛的 25%,100米以上的平原、台地占三分之二。
旅游资源 ——东寨红树林
是而 干 有 上 像 的 在 著有 露 茂 涨 一 海 海 名“ 出 密 时 道 滩 南 的海 海 的 , 绿 上 岛 海上 面 树 海 色 , 北 南森 , 冠 滩 长 生 岸 岛林 盘 飘 被 城 长 , 东” 根 浮 海 一 着 沿 寨或 错 在 水 般 一 着 红“ 节 海 淹 , 片 铺 树海 , 面 没 出 茫 前 林底 好 上 , 没 茫 港 。森 像 ; 树 在 无 到 林一退干海边东 ”片潮浸水际寨 的原后泡之的港 美始,在中红 誉森泥水:树多 。林泞中当林公 这,的,潮,里 就因树只水它长 10

-Yalong bayYalong bay resort is located in China's southernmost tropical seaside tourism city - 28 km southeast of sanya, hainan is the southernmost tip of a half moon bay, about 7.5 km, is the famous scenery of hainan. The beach of yalong bay stretches for 7 kilometers and is smooth and wide. The shallow sea area is 50 to 60 meters wide. The grains of sand were white and soft, and the water was crystal clear and blue. Visibility 7-9 meters. The seabed world resources are rich, there are coral reefs, various tropical fish, precious shellfish and so on. The annual average temperature 25.5 ° C, the water temperature 22 to 25.1 ° C, all the year round can be swimming, was regarded as the first bay "day"
Blue sky, white clouds, sea water, sand -- Hainan

Welcome to come to my home town of hainan
Hainan province is located in the southern China, including hainan island of hainan province and the xisha islands, the zhongsha islands and the nansha islands of the reef and its territorial waters. With a total area of 3.5 square kilometers, sea area of about 200 square kilometers.
Appreciate so much beauty, everyone should also tired hungry. To introduce below the hainan food. First of all, of course, is a tropical fruit. 欣赏了这么 多美景,大 家应该也累 了饿了。下 面给大家介 绍海南的美 食。首先当 然是热带水 果。
To introduce the culture and other next hainan。 再为大家介绍下海南的文化以及其他。
Boao Asia forum. 博鳌亚洲论坛会。
57 th miss world held in sanya, sanya added for a beautiful scenery. 第五十七届世界小姐在三亚举行,为三亚增添了一道亮丽的风景。
海南是中国第五个经济特 区,是中国南海上的一颗 璀璨的明珠,是仅次于台 湾的全国第2大岛。海南 省是中国陆地面积最小, 海洋面积最大的省。
Hainan province is located in the southern China, including hainan island of hainan province and the xisha islands, the zhongsha islands and the nansha islands of the reef and its territorial waters. With a total area of 3.5 square kilometers, sea area of about 200 square kilometers.
Appreciate so much beauty, everyone should also tired hungry. To introduce below the hainan food. First of all, of course, is a tropical fruit. 欣赏了这么 多美景,大 家应该也累 了饿了。下 面给大家介 绍海南的美 食。首先当 然是热带水 果。
To introduce the culture and other next hainan。 再为大家介绍下海南的文化以及其他。
Boao Asia forum. 博鳌亚洲论坛会。
57 th miss world held in sanya, sanya added for a beautiful scenery. 第五十七届世界小姐在三亚举行,为三亚增添了一道亮丽的风景。
海南是中国第五个经济特 区,是中国南海上的一颗 璀璨的明珠,是仅次于台 湾的全国第2大岛。海南 省是中国陆地面积最小, 海洋面积最大的省。

the mark of famous place
• You can do many things in Sanya .
Sanya is known as Oriental Hawaii(东方夏威夷) .It’s my dream place!
If you like it as me,you can go to enjoy it with your friends,parents or your lovers.
Food scenery Tourism resources
Too many fruits
Seafood feast
HOTEL(Yalong Bay)
• • • • If you have enough money ! you could choose the best Environment to enjoy your sleeping !
为弘扬佛法五次东渡日本未果,第五次漂流 100多公斤翠玉等奇珍异宝 到南山,在此居住一年半之久并建造佛寺, 传法布道,随后第六次东渡日本终获成功。 采用中国传统“宫廷金细工” 手 工艺制造 中国传扬千古的名句“福如东海,寿比南山” 则更道出了南山与福寿文化的悠久渊源。
SanYa ——Paradise on Earth
三亚拥有清新的空气、蔚蓝的天空、碧蓝的大海、和煦的阳光、 洁白的沙滩,还有那风光旖旎的亚龙湾、西岛、天涯海角、南 山海上观音、蜈支洲岛等独特的、迷人的景区。
Sanya has the fresh air, the blue sky, blue sea, the warm sun, white-sand beaches, and the beautiful scenery of the nanwan monkey island resort yalong bay, and the ends of the earth, and other unique, fascinating scenic spot.

三亚,位于海南岛最南端,是 中国最南部的热带滨海旅游城市。 三亚市别称鹿城,又被称为“东方 夏威夷”,它拥有全海南岛最美丽 的海滨风光。三亚拥有亚龙湾 、天 涯海角风景区、鹿回头公园、呀诺 达雨林 、三亚大小洞天、亚龙湾海 底世界等著名景点。
Distribution of food in Hainan
海南省位于中国最南端, 海南省包括海南岛和西沙群岛、 中沙群岛、南沙群岛的岛礁及 其海域。总面积3.5万平方公 里,海域面积约200万平方公 里。
Hainan province is located in the southern China, including the Hainan island and the Xisha islands, the Zhongsha islands and the Nansha islands of the reef and its territorial waters. With a total area of 3.5 square kilometers, sea area of about 200 square kilometers.
Here, you can choose different modes of transportation for travelling, enjoying every unique beauty!
火车(train):huǒ chē 自行车(bicycle ):zìxíng chē 船(boat ):chuán 等等
蜈支洲岛Wuzhizhou Island
三亚,位于海南岛最南端,是 中国最南部的热带滨海旅游城市。 三亚市别称鹿城,又被称为“东方 夏威夷”,它拥有全海南岛最美丽 的海滨风光。三亚拥有亚龙湾 、天 涯海角风景区、鹿回头公园、呀诺 达雨林 、三亚大小洞天、亚龙湾海 底世界等著名景点。
Distribution of food in Hainan
海南省位于中国最南端, 海南省包括海南岛和西沙群岛、 中沙群岛、南沙群岛的岛礁及 其海域。总面积3.5万平方公 里,海域面积约200万平方公 里。
Hainan province is located in the southern China, including the Hainan island and the Xisha islands, the Zhongsha islands and the Nansha islands of the reef and its territorial waters. With a total area of 3.5 square kilometers, sea area of about 200 square kilometers.
Here, you can choose different modes of transportation for travelling, enjoying every unique beauty!
火车(train):huǒ chē 自行车(bicycle ):zìxíng chē 船(boat ):chuán 等等
蜈支洲岛Wuzhizhou Island

The island is located at the crossloads of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, providing convenient access to international shipping routes
The island's strategic location has played an important role in its history, as it has been a key navy base for China's defense and a gateway for trade and cultural exchange with Southeast Asia and the rest of the world
Tourist attractions in
Hainan Island
The main attractions of Haikou City
Haikou Botanical Garden
A large Botanical garden that features a wide range of plants and is a popular destination for visitors to enjoy nature
Cuisine in Hainan Island
Hainan Island's specialty dishes
Hainan Chicken
A mushroom dish in Hainan Island, it is made by stepping a whole chicken in a special sauce made of herbs and spies
The island's strategic location has played an important role in its history, as it has been a key navy base for China's defense and a gateway for trade and cultural exchange with Southeast Asia and the rest of the world
Tourist attractions in
Hainan Island
The main attractions of Haikou City
Haikou Botanical Garden
A large Botanical garden that features a wide range of plants and is a popular destination for visitors to enjoy nature
Cuisine in Hainan Island
Hainan Island's specialty dishes
Hainan Chicken
A mushroom dish in Hainan Island, it is made by stepping a whole chicken in a special sauce made of herbs and spies
英文介绍旅游景点之海南岛 PPT

古迹名胜:具有历史意义的古迹主要有:为纪念唐宋两代被贬谪来海南岛的李德裕 等5位历史名臣而修建的五公祠、 北宋大文豪苏东坡居琼遗址----东坡书院以及为纪念苏东坡而修建的苏公祠、 为巡雷琼兵备道焦映汉所修建的琼台书院、 丘浚(明代名臣)之墓、海瑞(明代大清官)之墓 ,汉武帝派遗率兵入海南的伏波将军为拯救兵马而下令开凿的汉马伏波井, 还有崖州古城、韦氏祠堂、文昌阁等等。 革命纪念地有琼崖纵队司令部旧址、嘉积镇红色娘子军纪念塑像、 金牛岭烈士陵园、白沙起义纪念馆、宋氏祖居及宋庆龄陈列馆等。
• 海南的山岳最具有特色的是密布着热带原始森林
its natural beauty has gained a good reputation(名声) among the visitors and has been widely known around the world. People call it "the Oriental Hawaii".
• 海南岛为中国一个省级行政区——海南省 的主岛。海南省简称琼,位于中国最南端。 北以琼州海峡与广东划界,西临北部湾与 越南民主共和国相对,东北濒南海与台湾 省相望,东南和南边在南海中与菲律宾、 文莱和马来西亚为邻。
1Hainan island is the second largest island of China (after Taiwan). 2The capital of Hainan is Haikou City,while it is also the biggest city on the island.

You may spend your honey months with your darling in Sanya.
This is Nanshan Yuguanyin. It is 108 meter tall.
Haikou is located in the north of Hainan. It is the capital of Hainan .
The Li people are good at the bamboo dancing in Hainan.
Look!They are enjoying the bamboo dancing
The Li girls are not only good at dancing but also singing folk songs(山歌)and weaving(织布)
This is Boao.It is in Qionghai . Many important meetings were held in here.
These are some pictures about Boao
Hainan’s four famous food
Thank you! I hope you have a good day!
This is Century Bridge . It is the symbol of Haikou . It is very beautiful in the evening
The Green Garden
The Holiday Beach
The Xixiu Beach
The Green Garden
There is no winter in Hainan
You may spend your honey months with your darling in Sanya.
This is Nanshan Yuguanyin. It is 108 meter tall.
Haikou is located in the north of Hainan. It is the capital of Hainan .
The Li people are good at the bamboo dancing in Hainan.
Look!They are enjoying the bamboo dancing
The Li girls are not only good at dancing but also singing folk songs(山歌)and weaving(织布)
This is Boao.It is in Qionghai . Many important meetings were held in here.
These are some pictures about Boao
Hainan’s four famous food
Thank you! I hope you have a good day!
This is Century Bridge . It is the symbol of Haikou . It is very beautiful in the evening
The Green Garden
The Holiday Beach
The Xixiu Beach
The Green Garden
There is no winter in Hainan

-Yalong bay-
Yalong bay resort is located in China's southernmost tropical seaside tourism city - 28 km southeast of sanya, hainan is the southernmost tip of a half moon bay, about 7.5 km, is the famous scenery of hainan. The beach of yalong bay stretches for 7 kilometers and is smooth and wide. The shallow sea area is 50 to 60 meters wide. The grains of sand were white and soft, and the water was crystal clear and blue. Visibility 7-9 meters. The seabed world resources are rich, there are coral reefs, various tropical fish, precious shellfish and so on. The annual average temperature 25.5 ° C, the water temperature 22 to 25.1 ° C, all the year round can be swimming, was regarded as the first bay "day"
-Nanshan sea guanyin-
The nanshan sea guanyin was founded by the foundation of hainan's nanshan sea guanyin foundation. It is one of the most magnificent and magnificent, and it is the most beautiful in the world. Due to its great scale, great significance, and rich buddhist understanding, the project is known as the "world class and century" buddhist project. The head of the Chinese buddhist association, zhao park, is entitled "nanshan sea guanyin". The 108meter sea guanyin is 15 meters higher than the statue of liberty. It is the world's largest guanyin, and is the largest in the world. It is forged for stainless steel.

This Folk ritual activities is held to commemorate Mrs. Xian. In hainan JunPo festival has a history more than 1300 years. Mrs. xian is a Outstanding female politician and strategist in hainan Baiyue ethnic group.
The night will bring you different feelings.
With the village for the theme hold the “Autumn Song”, also known as the "wine of the MidAutumn love song. The young men and women singers sing love songs.
The scenic spots I will introduced Were marked with red background.
(1) Dongzhaigang Mangrove Nature Reserve
(6) Jianfengling (5) Kwan-yin on the Water (4) Tianyahaijiao
1: Hainan International Coconut Festival 2: March third ” 3: HuanHuaJie” 4: Danzhou Mid-Autumn and song festival 5: Hainan JunPo festival
Hainan International Coconut Festival
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1Hainan island is the second largest island of China (after Taiwan). 2The capital of Hainan is Haikou City,while it is also the biggest city on the island.
its natural beauty has gained a good reputation(名声) among the visitors and has been widely known around the world. People call it "the Oriental Hawaii".
Tropical rain forest
• 山岳、热带原始森林: • 海南岛有海拔1000米以上的山峰81座,绵延起伏, 山形奇特,气势雄伟。 • 颇负盛名有的山顶部成锯齿状、形如五指的五指 山, • 气势磅礴的鹦歌岭,奇石叠峰的东山岭,瀑布飞 泻的太平山, • 以及七仙岭、类锋岭、吊罗山、霸王岭等,均是 登山旅游和避暑胜地。 • 海南的山岳最具有特色的是密布着热带原始森林,
The edge of the sky and the rim of the sea (天涯海角)
• Hai Kou city is the capital of Hainan Province while it is also the biggest city on the island. There, you could either go visit the flower markets or enjoy the delicious seafood. There, you could find many beautiful beaches. People there love walking along the seaside or swimming in the sea,and you can go swimming,diving,surfing and so on. On Hainan Island you could enjoy bright sunshine, fresh air and beautiful scenery. The sunshine there is very heavy,do not forget to bring your sunshine glasses,umbrella and sunshine hat.You will never forget that.
谢 谢 观 看 !
古迹名胜:具有历史意义的古迹主要有:为纪念唐宋两代被贬谪来海南岛的李德裕 等5位历史名臣而修建的五公祠、 北宋大文豪苏东坡居琼遗址----东坡书院以及为纪念苏东坡而修建的苏公祠、 为巡雷琼兵备道焦映汉所修建的琼台书院、 丘浚(明代名臣)之墓、海瑞(明代大清官)之墓 ,汉武帝派遗率兵入海南的伏波将军为拯救兵马而下令开凿的汉马伏波井, 还有崖州古城、韦氏祠堂、文昌阁等等。 革命纪念地有琼崖纵队司令部旧址、嘉积镇红色娘子军纪念塑像、 金牛岭烈士陵园、白沙起义纪念馆、宋氏祖居及宋庆龄陈列馆等。
Sanya is famous for its tropical beach the edge of the sky and the rim of the sea (天涯海角) and Dadonghai (大东海)are two well known beaches. Just imagine that you are lying on the soft beach under beautiful sunshine or that you are walking through the coconut plantation(椰子种植园 ) under the blue sky. How wonderful everything is!
Follow me
Take you to a beautiful place…
• • • •
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
1.Geography 2.Tropical forest and mountains 3.Tourism 4.The best time to visit Hainan
• 海南岛为中国一个省级行政区——海南省 的主岛。海南省简称琼,位于中国最南端。 北以琼州海峡与广东划界,西临北部湾与 越南民主共和国相对,东北濒南海与台湾 省相望,东南和南边在南海中与菲律宾、 文莱和马来西亚为邻。
Hainan is an ideal place for you to be away from the cold winter. In January and February, the average temperature is 16℃ to 24 ℃, In July and August,the average temperature is 27 ℃ . The rainy seasons are from May to October. So the best time to visit Hainan is between November and March the next year. I suggest those who are fond of swimming had better come to Hainan. It's an excellent swimming and bathing place all the year around, and far away from the crowded cities, it is your best choice for relaxation and entertainment.
its natural beauty has gained a good reputation(名声) among the visitors and has been widely known around the world. People call it "the Oriental Hawaii".
Tropical rain forest
• 山岳、热带原始森林: • 海南岛有海拔1000米以上的山峰81座,绵延起伏, 山形奇特,气势雄伟。 • 颇负盛名有的山顶部成锯齿状、形如五指的五指 山, • 气势磅礴的鹦歌岭,奇石叠峰的东山岭,瀑布飞 泻的太平山, • 以及七仙岭、类锋岭、吊罗山、霸王岭等,均是 登山旅游和避暑胜地。 • 海南的山岳最具有特色的是密布着热带原始森林,
The edge of the sky and the rim of the sea (天涯海角)
• Hai Kou city is the capital of Hainan Province while it is also the biggest city on the island. There, you could either go visit the flower markets or enjoy the delicious seafood. There, you could find many beautiful beaches. People there love walking along the seaside or swimming in the sea,and you can go swimming,diving,surfing and so on. On Hainan Island you could enjoy bright sunshine, fresh air and beautiful scenery. The sunshine there is very heavy,do not forget to bring your sunshine glasses,umbrella and sunshine hat.You will never forget that.
谢 谢 观 看 !
古迹名胜:具有历史意义的古迹主要有:为纪念唐宋两代被贬谪来海南岛的李德裕 等5位历史名臣而修建的五公祠、 北宋大文豪苏东坡居琼遗址----东坡书院以及为纪念苏东坡而修建的苏公祠、 为巡雷琼兵备道焦映汉所修建的琼台书院、 丘浚(明代名臣)之墓、海瑞(明代大清官)之墓 ,汉武帝派遗率兵入海南的伏波将军为拯救兵马而下令开凿的汉马伏波井, 还有崖州古城、韦氏祠堂、文昌阁等等。 革命纪念地有琼崖纵队司令部旧址、嘉积镇红色娘子军纪念塑像、 金牛岭烈士陵园、白沙起义纪念馆、宋氏祖居及宋庆龄陈列馆等。
Sanya is famous for its tropical beach the edge of the sky and the rim of the sea (天涯海角) and Dadonghai (大东海)are two well known beaches. Just imagine that you are lying on the soft beach under beautiful sunshine or that you are walking through the coconut plantation(椰子种植园 ) under the blue sky. How wonderful everything is!
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1.Geography 2.Tropical forest and mountains 3.Tourism 4.The best time to visit Hainan
• 海南岛为中国一个省级行政区——海南省 的主岛。海南省简称琼,位于中国最南端。 北以琼州海峡与广东划界,西临北部湾与 越南民主共和国相对,东北濒南海与台湾 省相望,东南和南边在南海中与菲律宾、 文莱和马来西亚为邻。
Hainan is an ideal place for you to be away from the cold winter. In January and February, the average temperature is 16℃ to 24 ℃, In July and August,the average temperature is 27 ℃ . The rainy seasons are from May to October. So the best time to visit Hainan is between November and March the next year. I suggest those who are fond of swimming had better come to Hainan. It's an excellent swimming and bathing place all the year around, and far away from the crowded cities, it is your best choice for relaxation and entertainment.