



英译汉翻译材料:爱尔兰为了帮助大家练习英语翻译小编整理了一份英语笔译练习材料后面附有参考翻译希望能帮到大家IrelandisasovereignstateinwesternEurope,occupyingaboutfives ixthsoftheislandofIreland.ThecapitalandlargestcityisDublin, whosemetropolitanareaishometoaroundaquarterofthecountry’s4.6millioninhabitants.ThestatesharesitsonlylandborderwithN orthernIreland.Itisaunitary,parliamentaryrepublicwithanelec tedpresidentservingasheadofstate.Theheadofgovernmentisnomin atedbythelowerhouseofparliament.爱尔兰是西欧主权国家面积占爱尔兰岛的5/6仅与北爱尔兰接壤首都都柏林是最大的城市人口约为全国460万人口的1/4爱尔兰是单一制议会制共和国总统由选举产生并担任国家元首政府首脑则由众议院提名产生【注释1】Unitary:有参考译文翻译为“中央集权制”这里个人感觉“单一制”更贴切一些百度能搜到不少爱尔兰是中央集权的表述但可靠度有待考证以维基百科对unitarystate的解释来看其相对词汇为federations而且unitarystate也包括意大利意大利则是非中央集权国家所以“中央集权”这个词义可能不太合适“地方分权型国家也称非中央集权型国家主要代表是实行地方自治的意大利、英国、瑞典、挪威等”【注释2】Sovereignstate主权国家指拥有独立主权的国家主权国家是国际社会的最基本成员世界上共有195个主权国家包括193个联合国会员国和2个联合国观察员国(巴勒斯坦和梵蒂冈)FollowingtheIrishWarofIndependenceandthesubsequentAngloIris hTreaty,IrelandgainedindependencefromtheUnitedKingdomin1922 .Initiallyadominion,IrelandreceivedofficialBritishrecogniti onoffulllegislativeindependenceintheStatuteofWestminsterof1 931.Anewconstitutionwasadoptedin1937,bywhichthenameofthesta tebecame“Ireland.”In1949,IrelandwasdeclaredarepublicundertheRepublicofIreland act1948.爱尔兰独立战争以及随后的《英爱条约》签署之后爱尔兰于1922年脱离联合王国获得独立独立之初爱尔兰只是一个自治领1931年英国议会通过《威斯敏斯特条例》其完整的独立立法权才得到英国正式承认1937年爱尔兰制定新宪法定国名为爱尔兰1949年爱尔兰通过《1948年爱尔兰共和国法案》宣布成为共和国IrelandranksamongthewealthiestcountriesintheworldintermsofGDPpercapita.In1973,Irelandenactedaseriesofliberaleconomicpo liciesthatresultedinrapideconomicgrowth,coupledwithadramati criseininequality.Thecountryachievedconsiderableprosperityf rom1995toXX.ThiswashaltedbyanuNPRecedentedfinancialcrisisth atbeganinxx,inconjunctionwiththeconcurrentglobaleconomiccra sh.按人均GDP来看爱尔兰位居全世界最富有国家之列1973年爱尔兰颁布了一系列自由经济政策推动了经济快速增长也导致社会不平等问题加剧1995年至XX年爱尔兰经济蓬勃发展然而随着xx年空前的金融危机与世界经济崩溃这一良好经济展势头戛然而止InxxandXXIrelandwasrankedastheseventhmostdevelopedcountryin theworldbytheUnitedNationsHumanDevelopmentIndex.Italsoperfo rmswellinseveralmetricsofnationalperformance,includingfreed omofthepress,economicfreedomandcivilliberties.Itpursuesapol icyofneutralitythroughnonalignment.xx年和XX年根据《联合国人类发展指数报告》爱尔兰成为世界第七大最发达国家在其他多个国家评价指标中排名也非常出色包括新闻出版自由、经济自由、公民自由该国遵循不结盟的中立外交政策ThepopulationofIrelandstoodat4,588,252inxx,anincreaseof8.2%sinceXX.Asofxx,IrelandhadthehighestbirthrateintheEuropeanUn ion(16birthsper1,000ofpopulation).InXX,35.1%ofbirthsweretou nmarriedwomen.Annualpopulationgrowthratesexceeded2%duringth exxXXperiod,whichwasattributedtohighratesofnaturalincreasea ndimmigration.ThisratedeclinedsomewhatduringthesubsequentXX xxperiod,withanaveragegrowthrateof1.6%.xx年爱尔兰总人口达到4,588,252相比XX年增长了8.2%截止xx爱尔兰拥有欧盟最高的出生率:16‰XX年未婚先孕而出生的新生儿占35.1%xx年至XX年期间年人口增长率超过2%原因是较高的自然增长率以及移民涌入XX年至xx年期间增长率略微下降平均增长率为1.6%【注释3】数字的书写规范:如果一个数值很大数值中的“万”“亿”单位可以采用汉字数字其余部分采用阿拉伯数字示例1:我国1982年人口普查人数为10亿零817万5288人(国家标准GBT15835xx 代替GBT158351995)Irelandranksfifthintheworldintermsofgenderequality.Inxx,Ire landwasrankedthemostcharitablecountryinEurope,andsecondmost charitableintheworld.ContraceptionwascontrolledinIrelandunt il1979,however,therecedinginfluenceoftheCatholicChurchhasle dtoanincreasinglysecularizedsociety.In1983,theEighthAmendme ntrecognized“therighttolifeoftheunborn”,subjecttoqualificationsconcer ningthe“equalrighttolife”ofthemother.ThepassageoftheThirteenthandFourteenthAmendment s,guaranteeingtherighttohaveanabortionperformedabroad,andth erighttolearnabout“services”thatareillegalinIrelandbutlegalabroad.Theprohibitionondivor ceinthe1937Constitutionwasrepealedin1995undertheFifteenthAm endment.DivorceratesinIrelandareverylowparedtoEuropeanUnion averageswhilethemarriagerateinIrelandisslightlyabovetheEuro peanUnionaverage在性别平等方面爱尔兰排名世界第五xx年爱尔兰获评欧洲最慈善国家世界第二大最慈善国家1979之前爱尔兰控制避孕药使用但由于天主教教会影响日渐衰微爱尔兰社会越来越世俗化1983年爱尔兰第八宪法修正案确立“未出生的胎儿享有生命权”胎儿同母亲具有“同等生命权利”第十三以及第十四修正案通过后公民开始享有在国外堕胎的权利并享有了解、获取相关“服务”信息的权利这种服务在国外合法但在爱尔兰是非法的1937年宪法禁止公民离婚1995年第十五修正案废除了这一条目与欧盟平均水平相比爱尔兰离婚率非常低同时结婚率略高于欧盟平均水平【注释4】“therighttolifeoftheunborn”的意思参考资料:爱尔兰议会通过历史性法案允许有限合法堕胎:爱尔兰国内强大的反堕胎力量源于其深厚的天主教背景1861年《爱尔兰人身伤害法》禁止在爱实施堕胎提出以及执行堕胎均将面临刑事处罚1983年爱尔兰第8宪法修正案确立未出生婴儿享受与自然人一样的法律地位【注释5】learnabout如何翻译?结合文章背景搜索爱尔兰宪法+修正案基本没有对应结果只能搜英文版正好可以查到维基百科的介绍从介绍中则可以了解这句话的意思FourteenthAmendmentoftheConstitutionofIreland:TheFourteenthAmendmentoftheConstitutionofIrelandspecifiedth attheprohibitionofabortionwouldnotlimittherighttodistribute informationaboutabortionservicesinforeigncountries.Itwaseff ectedbytheFourteenthAmendmentoftheConstitutionAct,1992,whic hwasapprovedbyreferendumon25November1992andsignedintolawont he23Decemberofthesameyear.CapitalpunishmentisconstitutionallybannedinIreland,whiledis criminationbasedonage,gender,sexualorientation,maritalorfam ilialstatus,religion,raceisillegal.爱尔兰宪法禁止死刑此外年龄、性别、性取向、婚姻、家庭状况、宗教等方面的歧视都是非法的【注释6】Basedon可以略去Irelandbecamethefirstcountryintheworldtointroduceanenvironm entallevyforplasticshoppingbagsinxxandapublicsmokingbaninxx .RecyclinginIrelandiscarriedoutextensivelyandIrelandhasthes econdhighestrateofpackagingrecyclingintheEuropeanUnion.爱尔兰在xx年率先对塑料购物袋使用征收环境税xx年又成为第一个推行公众场所禁烟令的国家爱尔兰广泛实施废物循环利用并已成为欧盟包装循环利用率第二高的国家【全篇解析】:文章语法结构方面难度不算太大难点主要在于历史、政治背景知识语言表达也是很重要的方面不少考友译文版本意思没错但行文不够流畅一些数字等方面的表述也不太规范实际考试时没有办法去查阅背景资料能做到的只能是尽可能保证理解无误、表达清晰地道这也是平时更应注意和提高的地方以上译文及解析仅供参考如有批评建议欢迎指正。



英译汉练习参考译文There Is Only Luck 全凭运气On Leadership领导艺术Four Years of College, Why?我为什么要上四年大学Good-bye别了,夏日小镇How to Grow Old怎样才能活得老A Valentine to One Who Cared - Too Much 又到情人节Rules Every Achiever Knows怎样才能获得成功?The Song of the River 大河之歌First Snow 初雪What I Have Lived For? 我的追求Give Me Liberty, Give Me Death 不自由,毋宁死Glories of the Storm壮美的暴风雨Real London真正的伦敦There Is Only Luck 全凭运气HSP自译我们刚把车驶出车库就看到一支枪正指着我们,我一下子就懵了:这不会是真的吧/这样的事居然会发生到我的头上。






动念之间 /机不可失/说时迟那时快,我已经奔跑起来,横穿街道,冲到车旁时,并没有想到往车后躲, 而是嘶声喊叫了起来。




If you would do this for me, I should be grateful indeed. (如果你愿意为我做这件事,我将万分感激。) 如果你愿意为我做这件事,我将万分感激。 其言外之意是:船长心情不好, 其言外之意是:船长心情不好,也不会去非常细 腻地关注此刻的船况。 腻地关注此刻的船况。 改译:船长,看上去比任何时候都更严厉,更抿 改译:船长,看上去比任何时候都更严厉, 紧双唇。他已经不会去在意, 紧双唇。他已经不会去在意,这艘为我们付出太 多的船, 自从我们认识她以来, 多的船, 自从我们认识她以来,似乎第一次彻 底丧失了信心。 底丧失了信心。
5.Through that accident our dinner was not ready till late, but it didn’t matter in the end because Knowles, who went to fetch it, got knocked down by a sea and the dinner went over the side. 由于那次意外的事故,我们的晚餐很晚才准备好。 由于那次意外的事故,我们的晚餐很晚才准备好。 但是,这最终也无济于事。 但是,这最终也无济于事。因为当克诺利斯去取 晚餐时被又一次的海水袭击而撞倒, 晚餐时被又一次的海水袭击而撞倒,我们的晚餐 也不告而终。 也不告而终。 分析:but it didn’t matter in the end显示了一 分析: end显示了一 种特定环境下产生的无奈、自嘲和自我安慰的口 种特定环境下产生的无奈、 吻。
the dinner went over the side. “饭菜撒了一地。”? 饭菜撒了一地。 关键是如何理解over side中的 中的side? 关键是如何理解over the side中的side? 这里的side=brim,意为“船舷” 这里的side=brim,意为“船舷”。船舷在英 语中的表达之一就是: ship。 语中的表达之一就是:side of a ship。 改译:经过那次事故,午餐很晚才做好,不过, 改译:经过那次事故,午餐很晚才做好,不过, 到头来,早晚也无所谓了, 到头来,早晚也无所谓了,因为去拿饭菜的克诺 利斯被海浪击倒,饭菜全都越过船舷,掉入海中。 利斯被海浪击倒,饭菜全都越过船舷,掉入海中。



第二类神是吸收了其他宗教的神而来的,如佛教的如来、弥 勒、观音,道教的太上老君和赵公元帅。太上老君是道家对 春秋时期有名的哲学家老子的尊称;至于赵公元帅,老百姓 把他供作财神。
Another kind was from different religions, such as Tathagata, Maitreya and the Guanyin Bodhisattva from Buddhism, and the Supreme Old Lord and General Zhao from Taoism. The Supreme Old Lord was actually Laozi, a famous philosopher of the Spring and Autumn Period. General Zhao, however, was worshiped as the God of Wealth.
史学方法 The Historical Method
史学方法是任何历史研究工作者必须学习的课程,也是正 确掌握历史研究的一种重要训练。
The historical method is an obligatory course for anyone engaged in historical research. It is also an important training for a researcher to grasp the essence of his research work.
一类是古代的神,他们都有明确的职责,如掌管宇宙的玉皇大 帝,掌管吃喝和一家祸福的灶神,掌管雨水的龙王,象征长寿 的南极寿星。 One kind was the gods of ancient times, each of whom had their own power and responsibilities to perform. For example, the Jade Emperor was in charge of the entire universe, the Kitchen God of food, drinks, happiness and misfortunes, the Dragon King of rain and floods, and the south-Pole Star of Longevity was symbolic of long lives.



翻译综合练习I. 语篇翻译练习:1. I take heart [鼓起勇气(或信心),振作起来] from the fact that, the enemy, which boasts that it can occupy the strategic point (战略要地) in a couple of hours, has not yet been able to take even the outlying regions(边沿地区,外围地区), because of the stiff(强烈的,猛烈地)resistance that gets in the way (阻挡).2. The people were there, and the land—the first dazed (使茫然) and bleeding and hungry, and when, winter came, shivering in their rags in the hovels(陋屋)which the bombings had made of their homes; the second a vast wasteland(废墟)of rubble(碎石,碎砖,破瓦).II. 文学文体翻译练习:1.(散文) The Special Joys of Super-slow ReadingI took home a briefcase full of troubles. As I sat down on that hot and humid(湿的,湿气重的)evening, there seemed to be no solutions to the problems thrashing(翻来覆去)around in my brain. So I picked up a book, settled(停息,停留)into a comfortable chair and applied my own special therapy—super-slow reading.I spent three or four hours on two short chapters of Personal History by Vincent Sheean(维森特·谢安)—savoring(品尝,欣赏)each paragraph, lingering(逗留,徘徊)over a sentence, a phrase or even a single word, building a detailed mental picture of the scene. No longer was I in Sydney, Australia on a sticky(湿热的)heat wave night. Relishing(欣赏,玩味)every word, I joined foreign correspondent(记者)Sheean on a mission [使命,任务,(此处)专程访问] to China, and another to Russia. I lost myself in the author’s world. And when I put it down, my mind was totally refreshed (使精力恢复,使精神振作).Next morning, four words from the book—“take the long view”—were still in my mind. At my desk, I had a long-view look at my problems. Once more, super-slow reading had given me not only pleasure but perspective (正确观察事物相互关系的能力,眼力), and helped me in my everyday affairs.2.(小诗) Slowly(Mary Coleridge)Heavy is any my heart,Dark are thine eyes.Thou and I must part,Ere the sun rise.Ere the sun rise,Thou and I must part.Dark are thine eyes,Heavy is any my heart.III. 应用文体翻译:1.商业信函翻译:(1)Dear Sirs,We are keen to expand our export to Africa of top-class office furniture, and are looking for suitable agents to represent us. If you are interested in having the Kenya agent for a twelve-month trial period, we should be pleased to send you the draft agreement stating the terms and conditions of the agency.We enclose for your information a copy of our latest catalogue and price list.We are looking forward to your reply at an early date.Yours faithfully(2)Dear Sirs,We have learned from Market Information Paper that you are a well-known supplier of electric heaters in China. It is our desire to deal with you. We are now in the market for 600 sets of electric heaters. We wonder whether you are in a position to meet our requirements. If your answer is in the affirmative,please quote us your best price CIF London, stating the earliest date of shipment, specifications, packing, payment terms, etc. Besides, kindly let us know the commission and discount you will allow. Besides, it is appreciated if you could send us your catalogue.Your early reply will be appreciated.Yours faithfully2. 广告翻译练习(1) Breakfast without orange juice is like a day without sunshine.(2) Flowers by Inter-flora speak from the heart.(3) Once tasted,always loved.(4) Big thrills. Small bills.(5) Good to the last drop!(NESCAFE)(6)A diamond is forever.(7) We’re not in the computer business. We’re in the results business.(8) A Modern Car for a Modern Driver(9)Apple thinks different(10)Tasting is believing.IV. 新闻文体翻译练习:(标题)1. World Eyes Mid-East Peace Talks2. Australia Makes Bid (企图;努力;争取) to Lure (吸引) More Asian Tourists(正文)Leaders of demonstrators accused the government of trying to hinder the teach-in by hastily organizing pop concerts and commandeering the city’s mobile toilets.(teach-in [美](大学师生对政府政策,尤其是外交政策,进行讨论或辩论的)宣讲会/ commandeer [美口] 强占/ accuse somebody of something 指责,谴责(某人)某事)V. 科技文体翻译练习:(专业科技文章)1. Steel is usually made where the iron ore is melted, so that the modern steelworks forms a complete unity, taking in raw materials and producing all types of cast iron and steel, both for sending to other works for further treatment, and as finished products such as joists and other consumers。









A shining pearl on the co ast of South China, Macao attracts the world’s attention for her charm, history of great events and glory, especially for the unusual date of December 20, 1999.本句翻译没有完全按照汉语语序,而是用英语特有的翻译方式来凸显一些值得大家注意的细节。

South China Sea 表示中国南海,不是“南中国海”East China Sea 东海Macao has been the territory of China ever since the ancient times. TheChinese people have been living and working there for generations.汉语为一个长句,但翻译为英文就要注意,要分成两个句子。

自古以来:ever sinceEarly in the 80s, Mr. Deng Xiaoping, one of the great figures of thecentury, put forward the bold concept of "One Country, Two Systems".注意“80年代”这种翻译方式伟人:great figure提出:put forward一国两制:One Country, Two SystemsOn July 1,1997, the People’s Republic of China resumed her sovereignty over Hong Kong.恢复对......行使主权:resume one's sovereignty overThis year, Macao will completely get rid of the foreign regime and return to motherland. This is another great historical event for the Chinese people. It symbolizes another big step for the Chinese people on their way towards the great goal of the country’s reunification. Macao’s future is sure to be even brighter. 2、生气蓬勃,充满活力,丰富多彩的上海是现代中国的缩影。



. 05汉译英参考译文Confucius says, “Out of three men, there must be one that can teach me.〞So pupils are not necessarily inferior to their teachers, nor teachers better than their pupils. Some learn the truth. 05英译汉参考译文在我的窗外,夜正在挣扎着醒过来;在月光下黯然无色的花园如此生动地梦见它那失去的色彩。






















英译汉19:1.Betsy Holden was vice-president of strategy and new products at Kraft, a giant food company, when she became pregnant fbr the second time. "No one has ever done the job with two children," her male boss worried. "How many children do you have?,, Ms. Holden asked. "Two," he replied. This double standard is only one of the barriers that female executives face.2.Things are even more difficult for the vast majority of working mothers. Many work in smaller businesses, where maternity benefits and flexible hours are less likely to be available. Many are in low-paid jobs, or in sectors like health care and retailing, where it has been impossible to work remotely during the pandemic.3.There needs to be a lot more progress made in helping the vast majority of women to juggle their home and work lives, not least by providing affordable child care. (145 words)参考译文:贝特西•霍尔顿(Betsy Holden)第二次怀孕时,在食品公司巨头卡夫(Kraft)担任战略和新产品副总裁一职。


Flight 220 is schedu220次航班预计在晚上十点半抵达。
Fred was such a hard弗瑞德是一个学习十分用功的学生,所以不久他就成了班里学习最好的学生。
From the East coast海岸线东西相距约三千英里。
Give me your advice.给我你的建议。
….three times as mu三倍多。
A characteristic of美国文化的一个特点是尊重自我奋斗者,即通过努力成功的人。
A dog is always well在动物中,狗素以其聪明与和善而著称。
A dolphin is alway海豚作为聪明友好的动物而闻名。
A friend of mine fro我高中的一个朋友目前在英格兰工作。
All things are diffi凡事总是由难而易。
Although very import虽然聪明很重要,但未必是成功的关键。
Americans usually ea美国人通常一天吃三顿饭。
Apples here like wat这里的苹果喜欢水和阳光。
Are you fond of musi你喜欢音乐吗?
Christmas is the mos圣诞节是西方最重要的节日。
Could you give me a请你给我一杯咖啡好吗?
Could you show你可以告诉我去火车站的路吗?
Could you tell me ho你能告诉我去银行/你的大学怎么走吗?
Could you tell me wh你能告诉我邮局在哪儿吗?
Don't you think smok你不认为抽烟对你的身体有害吗?
Each student needs t每个学生需要学一些不同的东西。

英译汉 汉译英材料含译文

英译汉 汉译英材料含译文

英译汉1. We wanted to avoid the mistake made by many couples of marrying for the wrong reasons, and only finding out ten, twenty, or thirty years later that they were incompatible, that they hardly took the time to know each other, that they overlooked serious personality conflicts in the expectation that marriage was anautomatic way to make everything work out right.许多夫妻因为错误的理由结了婚,结果在10年、20年或者30年后才发觉他们原来是合不来的。


2.Now people have a choice about where they work and what kind of work they’ll do. They are faced with the challenge of deciding where to go. They need to know what standard to use in making their decisions. This book provides them with practical advice for making their choices. Meanwhile, they will know whatquestions to ask, what jobs to look for, and how to make their final decisions.对于去哪里工作,将要从事什么类型的工作,现在人们面临着选择。



英译汉20:1.Yuan Longping, a Chinese plant scientist whose breakthroughs in developing high-yield hybrid strains of rice helped to alleviate famine and poverty across much of Asia and Africa, died on Saturday in Changsha, China. He was 90.2.His research made him a national hero and a symbol of dogged scientific pursuit in China. His death triggered messages of grief across the country, where Mr. Yuan - slight, elfin-featured and wizened in old age - was a celebrity. Hundreds left flowers at the funeral home where his body was being kept.3.Mr. Yuan made two major discoveries in hybrid rice cultivation. Those discoveries in the early 1970s, together with breakthroughs in wheat cultivation in the 1950s and 1960s by Norman Borlaug, an American plant scientist, helped create the Green Revolution of steeply rising harvests and an end to famine in most of the world. (140 words)参考译文:中国植物科学家袁隆平本周六于中国长沙与世长辞,享年90岁。

英汉翻译课外实践材料 (带译文)

英汉翻译课外实践材料 (带译文)

请大家准备一个练习本,在课外自己进行翻译练习. 一共有26条练习内容,大家至少应完成13条练习.虽然课堂上不会对这些材料进行讲解,但期末考试会有50分出自这些练习材料哦!英汉翻译:1. Translation Practice: 从理解的角度改进下列英语句子的汉语译文:(1) I will teach him to deceive others. 我要教训他一顿,看他还敢不敢欺骗他人。

(2) This thesis leaves much to be desired. 这篇论文有很多地方可以改进。

(3) A measure of calm gave signs of returning after the flood subsided. 洪水退去后,稍有恢复平静的迹象。

(4) We cannot ignore our neighbors; only at our peril can we ignore their distress.我们不能不顾及我们的邻邦:不顾及它们的安危,我们就只能陷入自身难保的境地。

(5) “It’s a gloomy thing, however, to talk about one’s own past, with the day breaking. Turn me in some other direction before I go.”不过,在天亮前谈个人的往事,真扫兴。


(6) The German invaders slaughtered the innocent civilians of the city to a man. Such atrocities were blamed throughout the world.德国侵略者屠杀了该城的无辜平民,无一幸免.这样的残暴行为遭到了全世界人民的谴责。

2. Translation Practice: 从表达的角度改进下面句子的汉语译文:(1) In the doorway lay at least twelve umbrellas of all sizes and colours. :门口放着一堆雨伞,少说有十二把,五颜六色,大小不一.(2) The study had three windows, set with little, old-fashioned panes of glass, each with a crack across it.书房里有三扇窗,每扇镶嵌的都是旧式的小块玻璃,玻璃上都已有裂痕。

阅读材料 中英互译

阅读材料 中英互译

Truly happy and successful people get that way by becoming the best, most genuine version of themselves they can be. Not on the outside--on the inside. It's not about a brand, a reputation, a persona. It's about reality. Who you really are.真正快乐成功的人会长成最好最真实的自己——从内心而非外表上。


Sounds simple, I know. It is a simple concept. The problem is, it's very hard to do, it takes a lot of work, and it can take a lifetime to figure it out.道理很简单,讲出来也很容易。


Nothing worth doing in life is ever easy. If you want to do great work, it's going to take a lot of hard work to do it. And you're going to have to break out of your comfort zone and take some chances that will scare the crap out of you.需要穷尽毕生精力的事情必定不容易。





英译汉原文:Are We There Yet?America’s recovery will be much slower than that from most recessions; but the government can help a bit.“WHITHER goest thou, America?” That question, posed by Jack Kerouac on behalf of the Beat generation half a century ago, is the biggest uncertainty hanging over the world economy. And it reflects the foremost worry for American voters, who go to the polls for the congressional mid-term elections on November 2nd with the country’s unemployment rate stubbornly stuck at nearly one in ten. They should prepare themselves for a long, hard ride. The most wrenching recession since the 1930s ended a year ago. But the recovery—none too powerful to begin with—slowed sharply earlier this year. GDP grew by a feeble 1.6% at an annual pace in the second quarter, and seems to have been stuck somewhere similar since. The housing market slumped after temporary tax incentives to buy a home expired. So few private jobs were being created that unemployment looked more likely to rise than fall. Fears grew over the summer that if this deceleration continued, America’s economy would slip back into recession. Fortunately, those worries now seem exaggerated. Part of the weakness of second-quarter GDP was probably because of a temporary surge in imports from China. The latest statistics, from reasonably good retail sales in August to falling claims for unemployment benefits, point to an economy that, though still weak, is not slumping further. And history suggests that although nascent recoveries often wobble for a quarter or two, they rarely relapse into recession. For now, it is most likely that America’s economy will crawl along with growth at perhaps 2.5%: above stall speed, but far too slow to make much difference to the jobless rate. Why, given that Am erica usually rebounds from recession, are the prospects so bleak? That’s because most past recessions have been caused by tight monetary policy. When policy is loosened, demand rebounds. This recession was the result of a financial crisis. Recoveries after financial crises are normally weak and slow as banking systems are repaired and balance-sheets rebuilt. Typically, this period of debt reduction lasts around seven years, which means America would emerge from it in 2014. By some measures, households are reducing their debt burdens unusually fast, but even optimistic seers do not think the process is much more than half over.Battling on the busAmerica’s biggest problem is that its politicians have yet to acknowledge that the economy is in for such a long, slow haul, let alone prepare for the consequences. A few brave officials are beginning to sound warnings that the jobless rate is likely to “stay high”. But the political debate is more about assigning blame for the recession than about suggesting imaginative ways to give more oomph to the recovery. Republicans argue that Barack Obama’s shift towards “big government” explains the economy’s weakness, and that high unemployment is proof that fiscal stimulus was a bad idea. In fact, most of the growth in government to date has been temporary and unavoidable; the longer-run growth in government is more modest, and reflects the policies of both Mr Obama and his predecessor. And the notion that high joblessness “proves” that stimulus failed is simply wrong. Th e mechanicsof a financial bust suggest that without a fiscal boost the recession would have been much worse. Democrats have their own class-warfare version of the blame game, in which Wall Street’s excesses caused the problem and higher taxes on high-earners are part of the solution. That is why Mr. Obama’s legislative priority before the mid-terms is to ensure that the Bush tax cuts expire at the end of this year for households earning more than $250,000 but are extended for everyone else. This takes an unnecessary risk with the short-term recovery. America’s experience in 1937 and Japan’s in 1997 are powerful evidence that ill-timed tax rises can tip weak economies back into recession. Higher taxes at the top, along with the waning of fiscal stimulus and belt-tightening by the states, will make a weak growth rate weaker still. Less noticed is that Mr. Obama’s fiscal plan will also worsen the medium-term budget mess, by making tax cuts for the middle class permanent.Ways to overhaul the engineIn an ideal world America would commit itself now to the medium-term tax reforms and spending cuts needed to get a grip on the budget, while leaving room to keep fiscal policy loose for the moment. But in febrile, partisan Washington that is a pipe-dream. Today’s g oals can only be more modest: to nurture the weak economy, minimize uncertainty and prepare the ground for tomorrow’s fiscal debate. To that end, Congress ought to extend all the Bush tax cuts until 2013. Then they should all expire—prompting a serious fiscal overhaul, at a time when the economy is stronger.A broader set of policies could help to work off the hangover faster. One priority is to encourage more write-downs of mortgage debt. Almost a quarter of all Americans with mortgages owe more than their houses are worth. Until that changes the vicious cycle of rising foreclosures and falling prices will continue. There are plenty of ideas on offer, from changing the bankruptcy law so that judges can restructure mortgage debt to empowering special trustees to write down loans. They all have drawbacks, but a fetid pool of underwater mortgages will, much like Japan’s loans to zombie firms, corrode the financial system and harm the recovery. Cleaning up the housing market would help cut America’s unemployment rate, by making it easier for people to move to where jobs are. But more must be done to stop high joblessness becoming entrenched. Payroll-tax cuts and credits to reduce the cost of hiring would help. (The health-care reform, alas, does the opposite, at least for small businesses.) Politicians will also have to think harder about training schemes, because some workers lack the skills that new jobs require. Americans are used to great distances. The sooner they, and their politicians, accept that the road to recovery will be a long one, the faster they will get there.译文:我们到达目的地了吗?与大多数衰退之后的复苏相比,这次美国经济的复苏会慢得多。



第二部分练习参考译文Chapter 1 General PrinciplesDrills 1.3.1(1) 1. 这对克服困难很有帮助。

(go a long way towards something/doing something = helpgreatly in [achieving] something, OALD 2002: 525;《新英汉词典》2000: 1577)2. 趁你还年轻的时候,加油吧!/青春不再,趁早努力。

(go it = act in a manner that is quicker,more lively, impatient, etc., than is usual. Longman Dictionary of English Idioms1979: 130;《英汉大词典》1993: 740)3. 我需要更多空闲的时间。

(could do with something = need or want something, LDCE1998: 435)4. 这次失败促使他成功。

([the making of] = a means of gaining great improvement orsuccess, LDCE 1998: 918)5. 我盼望在最后一刻可以挽救和平。

(the eleventh hour = the very last moment, LDCE 1998:478)6.她对此事很了解。

(know a thing or two [about somebody/something] = know a lot [aboutsomebody/something], OALD 2002: 825)7. 她真是爱说话。


(ready = willing to do, LDCE 1998: 1249, 参见“学生用书”243页)8.无线电传来了该地区发现大油田的消息。



练习1 美国印象☐我恐怕不能把美国描绘成十足的天堂——从一般角度来说,也许我对这个国家所知甚少。






















许多人以为美国人常说的“I guess”(“我猜”)纯粹是一种美国式表达,但约翰∙洛克在他的The understanding (《理解论》)中就用过这种说法,就像我们现在使用“I think”(“我想”)一样。



英译汉照译法例子【原文1】We are enemies of all wars, but above all of dynastic wars.【分析】本句汉译时将名词“enemies”转译成动词“反对”。


【原文2】A fire in the neighbor's house can easily bring disaster to everyone.【分析】本句汉译时将名词“fire”转译成动词“失火”。


【原文3】My suggestion is that he should quit smoking at once.【分析】本句汉译时原文中的主语转译成了谓语,原文主语前的定语也相应地转译成主语。


【原文4】The sight and sound of our jet planes filled me with special longing.【分析】本句汉译时将含有动作意味的名词“sight”和“ sound” 转译成动词“看到”和“听见”。


【原文5】The road to development is long but we are firmly on it.【分析】英语中前置词有许多是含有动作意味的,如“on”、“for”、“ cross”、“over”、“ past”、“ toward” 等,汉译时往往可以转译成动词。



【取文6】The European Community is the best instrument for this purpose.【分析】本句汉译时将前置词“for”转译成动词“实现”。




I. 语篇翻译译文1.敌人声称自己能在两三个小时之内占领战略要地,却受到了顽强的抵抗,现在连外围地区都没有占领,这让我深受鼓舞。



.II.文学文体翻译译文1. (散文)超慢速阅读的特殊乐趣我带着满满一皮包伤脑筋的问题回到家里。











2.(小诗) (译文1)缓步我的心情悲戚,你的眼神忧郁。








(译文3) 意迟迟我心伤悲佼人惨兮卿我仳离东方未晞东方未晞卿我仳离佼人惨兮我心伤悲III.应用文文体译文.1.商业信函译文(1)敬启者:为扩大对非洲优质办公家具的出口业务,我司欲寻找一合适代理人。



英译汉材料So far we still have got so much work to do , we still have got so much work to implement health care,we still have got so much work to create good job.We've got too many teachers that we've got to hire. We've got too many schools that we've got to rebuild. We've got too many students who still need affordable higher education.we still need to generate more homegrown energy.we still need to open more door of opportunities to those who are willing to work hard.In the coming future, I am looking forward to discuss with leaders of both parties about how to meet the challenges we can only solve together – reducing our deficit, reforming our tax code, fixing our student aid system, freeing ourselves from foreign oil. We've got more work to do.I still need more time to finish my job,so please be patient, let wo finish what we started ,we will remind the world why America is the greatest nation on earth.译文:即便到目前为止,我们也还有很多事情要做,要落实医疗改革,要创造就业机会,有很多老师等着我们去征集,有很多学校需要我们去重建,有很多学生需要让他们负担得起的大学。



英译汉15:1.Artificial intelligence algorithms that power some of the most cutting-edge applications in technology, such as writing coherent passages of text or generating images from descriptions, can require vast amounts of computing power to train. And that in turn requires large amounts of electricity, leading many to worry about the carbon footprint of these increasingly popular ultra-large A.I. systems make them environmentally unsustainable.2. New research from scientists at the University of California at Berkeley and Google, which deploys many of these large A.I. systems, provides the most accurate estimates to date for the carbon footprint of some of these state-of-the-art systems.3. The researchers conclude that the carbon footprint of training these algorithms varies tremendously depending on the design of the algorithm, the type of computer hardware used to train it, and the nature of electricity generation where that training takes place. (140 words)参考译文:人工智能算法为最为尖端的科技应用提供动力,例如,撰写条理清楚的文章段落,或是根据描述生成图片,但是训练这些算法需要大量的计算能力。

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I. 语篇翻译译文



1. (散文)超慢速阅读的特殊乐趣











2.(小诗) (译文1)缓步








(译文3) 意迟迟








1. 没有橘汁的早餐犹如没有阳光的日子。

2. 英特弗劳拉的鲜花倾诉衷肠。

3. 一次品尝,永远喜欢。

4. 莫大的激动,微小的费用。

5. 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽!(雀巢咖啡)
6. 钻石恒久远,一颗永流传。

7. 唯我电脑,成效更高。

8. 做现代人,开现代车。

9. 苹果电脑,不同凡“想”。

10. 耳听是虚,品尝为实。

/ 不尝不知道,一尝味真妙。

1.世界关注中东和平谈判 2. 澳大利亚力图吸引更多的亚洲游客



















