CMA考试新考纲(官方)-part one 2 (2)
CMA考试新考纲(官方)-part one 3 (2)
Control Procedures
Section D: Internal Controls
Topic 1: Risk Assessment, Controls, and Risk Management
风险 – 暴露于某种情况的敞口,增加损失的可能性 风险 – P(t) ×P(f) ×(损失金额) 最小化风险 – 预防威胁发生,增加系统控制和保险 影响风险的因素 – 独立检查的频率,控制方法的足够程度、 沟通的足够程度,执行控制的一贯性,资产的访问限制或 物理控制 Risk – exposure to circumstance, increase likelihood of loss, Risk = P(t) × P(f) ×(Amount of Loss) Minimize risks – preventing threats from occurring, increasing system controls, insuring. Factors affecting risk – frequency of independent check, adequacy of controls methods, adequacy of communication, consistency of enforcement of control, limit access to or physical control of asset
Effective Control Principles
Control principle – internal control feature, protect a firm’s assets and ensure data is reliable Compatibility principle – in harmony with organizational and human factors of the business Flexibility principle – flexible enough to allow the volume of transaction to grow and changes to be made Cost-benefit principle - benefits must be greater than the system’s costs, both tangible or intangible 8
"CMA" 通常指的是管理会计师(Certified Management Accountant),是由全球管理会计师协会(Institute of Management Accountants,IMA)颁发的专业资格。
CMA考试分为两个部分:Part 1和Part 2。
### Part 1: Financial Planning, Performance, and Analytics1. **External Financial Reporting Decisions (15%)**- Financial statements- Recognition, measurement, valuation, and disclosure2. **Planning, Budgeting, and Forecasting (20%)**- Strategic planning- Budgeting concepts- Forecasting techniques3. **Performance Management (20%)**- Cost and variance measures- Responsibility centers and reporting segments- Performance measures4. **Cost Management (15%)**- Costing systems- Overhead costs- Supply chain management5. **Internal Controls (15%)**- Governance, risk, and compliance- Internal auditing- Systems controls and security measures6. **Technology and Analytics (15%)**- Information systems- Data governance- Data analytics### Part 2: Strategic Financial Management1. **Financial Statement Analysis (20%)**- Financial statement ratios- Profitability analysis- Analytical issues in financial accounting2. **Corporate Finance (20%)**- Risk and return- Long-term financial management- Raising capital3. **Decision Analysis (25%)**- Cost-volume-profit analysis- Marginal analysis- Pricing4. **Risk Management (10%)**- Enterprise risk- Hedging5. **Investment Decisions (15%)**- Capital budgeting process- Discounted cash flow analysis- Valuation methods6. **Professional Ethics (10%)**- Ethical considerations for management accounting and financial management professionals每个主题都包含了具体的知识点,而考试中的问题通常要求考生在实际场景中应用相关概念和技能。
• • • 每部分考试时间为4个小时:选择题3小时,问答题1小时 新考纲两门考试的先后顺序可由考生自行决定 (根据考生意愿,两门考试可在同一天进行) 所有考题的最高难度为C难度 (综合及推荐能力) 单选题部分的得分至少为50%的考生才有资格进入问答题部分的 考试。 考生无法立即知道考试结果;考试结果将在此考试窗口结束后几 周后邮寄给考生。
• • • • 考生需拥有国家认可的大学专科学历(专业不限)。GMAT考试分 数将不再作为考生学历背景的资格认证。 2年以上相关工作经验。 考生需具备一定的财务知识:经济,统计学原理,财务会计。 参加过会计和财务方面的课程(强烈建议)。
• 新考纲无免试政策 • 其他相关财务认证的互免将视具体情况来决定(中国目前还没有相关认 证的互免)
• Part 1 – 财务计划,业绩及控制 – 财务计划,预算及财务预测 (30%) – 绩效考核 (25%) – 成本管理 (25%) – 内部控制 (15%) – 职业道德 (5%) • Part 2 – 财务决策 – 财务报告分析 (25%) – 公司理财 (25%) – 风险管理及决策分析 (25%) – 投资决策 (20%) – 职业道德 (5%)
1. 考试内容将更加注重实际应用和问题解决能力的考察,而不仅仅是理论知识的掌握。
2. 考试形式将更加灵活多样,包括选择题、简答题、案例分析题等多种形式,以全面考察考生的综合素质。
3. 考试难度将有所提高,要求考生具备更深入的理解和更高水平的分析能力。
CMA考试新考纲(官方)-part two 2
Business Risk
经营风险 – 融资决策前其经营中的固有风险,可保风险
营运杠杆系数 – 营运收入变化的百分比除以销售变化的百 分比
DOL = 边际贡献/营业收益,案例,672页
Business risk – inherent with a firm’s operating before the financing decision, insurable risk Degree of operating leverage – percentage change in operating income give a percentage change in sales
风险和回报的关系 概率分布、风险和回报
Risk and Return Relationship
期望回报 – 案例,661页
标准差 – 案例,661页
变异系数 – 案例,662页
Probability Distribution and Risk and Return
Expected return – for example, page 97 Standard deviation – for example, page 98
Covariance – for example, page 100 Correlation – for example, page 101-102
Portfolio Risk
Portfolio Return
Portfolio return – page 102-103
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© Copyright 2015 Institute of Certified Management Accountants
2. Costing systems 成本计算制度 a. Job order costing 分批成本法 b. Process costing 分步成本法 c. Activity-based costing 作业成本法 d. Life-cycle costing 生命周期成本法
3. Overhead costs 间接成本 a. Fixed and variable overhead expenses 固定和变动间接费用 b. Plant-wide versus departmental overhead 全厂间接费用和部门(车间)间接费用 c. Determination of allocation base 分配基础的确定 d. Allocation of service department costs 服务部门成本的分配
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© Copyright 2015 Institute of Certified Management Accountants
January 2015
Institute of Certified Management Accountants 注册管理会计师协会
4. Supply Chain Management 供应链管理 a. Lean manufacturing 精益生产 b. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) 企业资源计划 c. Theory of constraints and throughput costing 约束理论和产量成本法 d. Capacity management and analysis 产能管理和分析
2024年的CMA(Certified Management Accountant)考试大纲将有一些变化。
具体来说,自2024年9月起,CMA考试内容将根据IMA(Institute of Management Accountants)近期的职业分析调查结果进行调整。
详细章节变革:CMA考试考纲变革自2015年1月1日起生效注册管理会计师(CMA)考试内容大纲Part 1第一部分 - 财务报告、计划、业绩考核和控制第一节、外部财务报告决策(15% - A、B和C级)1、财务报表a.资产负债表b. 利润表c. 所有者权益变动表d.现金流量表2、确认,计量,计价和披露a.资产计价b. 负债计价c.权益性交易d.收入确认e.收益计量f.美国公认会计原则与国际财务报告准则的主要差异第二节、计划、预算和预测(30% - A、B和C级)1. 战略计划a.分析影响战略的内部和外部因素b.长期使命与目标c. 根据长期战略目标调整策略d. 战略计划模型与分析技术e. 成功的战略计划制定过程所具备的特性2.预算概念a. 经营和业绩目标b. 成功的预算编制过程所具备的特性c. 资源分配d. 其他预算概念3.预测技术a. 回归分析b. 学习曲线分析c. 期望值4.预算方法a. 年度企业计划(总预算)b. 项目预算c. 作业预算编制d. 零基预算法e. 连续(滚动)预算f. 弹性预算5.年度利润计划和附表a. 营业预算b. 财务预算c. 资本预算6、顶层规划与分析a.预计损益表b. 预计财务报表c. 预计现金流量第三节、业绩管理 (20% - A、B和C级)1. 成本与差异核a. 实际与计划成果比较b. 使用弹性预算分析业绩c. 例外原则管理d.标准成本系统的使用e. 对预期的标准成本的差异分析2. 责任中心和报告部门a. 责任中心的种类b. 转移价格定价模式c.组织各部门的报告书3. 业绩考核a. 产品获利能力分析b. 经营单位获利能力分析c. 客户获利能力分析d. 投资回报率e. 剩余收益f. 投资基准问题g. 关键绩效指标h. 平衡记分卡第四节、成本管理 (20% - A、B和C级)1. 计量概念a. 成本习性和成本对象b. 实际成本和正常成本c. 标准成本d. 吸收(全部)成本法e. 变动(直接)成本法f. 联产品和副产品成本法2. 成本计算制度a. 分批成本法b. 分步成本法c.作业成本法d.生命周期成本法3. 间接成本a. 固定和变动间接费用b. 全厂间接费用和部门(车间)间接费用c. 分配基础的确定d. 服务部门成本的分配4. 供应链管理a. 精益生产b.企业资源计划c. 约束理论和产量成本法d. 产能管理和分析5. 业务流程改进a. 价值链分析b. 增值概念c. 流程分析d. 作业管理e. 持续改进概念f. 最佳方法分析g. 质量成本分析h. 高效的会计流程第五节、内部控制 (15% - A、B和C级)1. 管理,风险与法规遵守a. 内部的控制结构和管理理念b. 保护和担保的内部控制政策c. 内部控制风险d. 公司管理e. 外部审计规要2. 内部审计a. 内部审计职能的责任和权力b. 内部审计师进行审计的类型3. 系统控制和安全措施a. 普通会计系统控制b. 应用控制和交易控制c. 网络控制d. 安全备份管控e.业务连续性计划Part 2-第二部分—财务决策第一节、财务报表分析 (25% - A、B和C级)1.基本财务报表分析a. 同比财务报表b. 共同基年财务报表2.财务比率a. 流动性(变现能力)b. 杠杆C. 活动性d. 获利能力e. 市场3.获利能力分析a. 收益计量分析b. 收入分析c. 销货成本分析d. 费用分析e. 差异分析4.特殊问题a. 国外业务影响b. 物价变动和通货膨胀的影响c. 资产负债表外融资d. 会计处理方法变更的影响e. 价值与收益的会计和经济概念f.盈余质量第二节、公司财务 (20% - A、B和C级)1. 风险和报酬a. 计算回报率b. 风险类型c. 风险与回报之间的关系2. 长期财务管理a. 利率期限结构b. 金融工具的种类c. 资本成本d. 对金融工具的计价3. 筹集资本a. 金融市场与法规b. 市场效率c. 金融机构d. 首次公开募股与二次发行e. 股息政策和股份回购f. 租赁融资4. 营运资本管理a. 营运资金(营运资本)术语b. 现金管理c. 有价证券管理d. 应收账款管理e. 存货管理f. 短期信贷种类g. 短期信贷管理5. 公司重组a. 合并与收购b. 破产c. 其他重组形式6. 国际金融a. 固定、弹性和浮动汇率b. 交易风险管理c. 国际贸易融资d. 转移定价的税金影响第三节、决策分析 (20% - A、B和C级)1. 成本/数量/利润分析a. 保本分析b. 盈利业绩和营业水平的改变c. 多产品的分析2. 边际分析a. 沉没成本、机会成本和其他相关的概念b. 边际成本和边际收入c. 特别定单和定价d. 自制或外购决策e. 销售或进一步加工f. 添设或终止一个部门g. 产能考虑3. 定价a. 定价方法b. 目标成本法c. 需求弹性d. 产品寿命周期的考量e. 市场结构因素的考量第四节、风险管理 (10% - A、B和C级)1. 企业风险a. 风险的类型b. 风险的确定和评估c. 风险缓解策略d. 风险管理第五节、投资决策 (15% - A、B和C级)1. 资本预算过程a. 资本预算的步骤b. 递增现金流c. 所得税因素2. 现金流折现分析a. 净现值b. 内部回报率c. 净现值和内部回报率的比较3.投资回收期与折现投资回收期a. 投资回收期法的应用b. 投资回收期法的局限性c. 折现投资回收期4. 资本投资的风险分析a. 敏感性分析和情景分析b. 实际选择权第六节、职业道德 (10% - A、B和C级)1. 管理会计和财务管理专业人士的职业道德注意事项a. IMA“职业道德守则公告”b. 舞弊三角c. 职业道德问题的评估和解决方案2. 组织对道德的考虑a. IMA管理会计公告“价值观和道德规范:从确立到实践”b. 美国《反海外贪腐法》c. 公司对道德操守的责任X。
CMA考试新考纲(官方)-part one 2 (1)
Sales Volume, Mix, Quantity Variance
标准成本预期的差异分析 Analysis of Variation from Standard Cost Expectation 直接材料和直接人工的组合和产出差异
组合差异 – 案例
Characteristics of Flexible Budgets
Example – Figure 1B-2, Page 11
使用弹性预算来分析绩效 Use of Flexible Budgets to Analyze Performance 编制弹性预算的步骤
编制静态总预算 找到实际数量和产出 计算总销售的预算金额 计算费用的弹性预算金额 案例 – 图表1B-3 Prepare a static master budget Find the actual quantity and output Calculate the flexible budget amount for total sales Calculate the flexible amounts for expenses example – Figure 1B-3, page 115
Types of Responsibility Center
责任中心 – 定义分部或部门,责任的种类,管理者绩效 衡量的自主权和责任 收入中心 – 对销售负责,但不对制造成本负责,产生贡 献的能力,销售减去直接成本
Responsible accounting – defining segment or subunit, type of responsibility, autonomy and the responsibility of manager, performance evaluation
2020新版CMA(美国注册管理会计师) P1 第二章 规划、预算和预测01
知识点一 战略和战略规划
公司整体战略 多种业务战略
关注全部商业机遇, 使用财务和非财务指 标,定义公司的价值 等。
竞争性战略 (业务部门
事业部门管 理层
组合,指出所处的竞争环境(所处的市场)。 ➢ 竞争性战略和职能性战略更加关注组织从战术
上如何在既定行业内提高竞争力。 ➢ 竞争的环境下,企业战略必须是动态的。 ➢ 对于一个有效的战略来说,预见性和事先准备 是非常重
要的。它必须能够应对来自竞争对手、 客户或者其他重要因素形成的可能结果,并迅 速地采取行动。
能 4.决定公司应该进入哪一个行业,以及怎样
把各种业务联系起来 5.确定公司资源应该如何在公司不同业务之
间进行分配 6.确定公司应该做什么和不应该做什么
知识点一 战略和战略规划
(二)竞争性战略(一个业务部门的战略) 1.决定一个公司应该怎样在行业中实现自己,
即公司应该如何创造价值 2.明确服务对象,并指导如何向他们传递组
织的价值理念 3.将特定的公司活动与流程结合起来,使公
司创造独特的价值 4.联合公司的各种活动,全力加强组织在竞
知识点一 战略和战略规划
(三)职能战略(业务内部的战略) 1.加强公司的竞争战略 2.设定市场营销、财务、科研、技术和营运
等计划和目标 3.关注各种职能的协调 4.确定各种活动或流出,以帮助公司最大限
度地扩大竞争优势 5.阐明公司各种职能是否以及怎样与竞争战
知识点一 战略和战略规划
例题:以下表述最符合公司整体战略的是: A.一份描述为获取超额投资回报的公司将会做
CMA考试新考纲(官方)-part two 4 (2)
成功预算过程的特征 Characteristics of Successful Budget Process
预算期—财政年度,三/五/十年的预算,月/季度预算,连 续性或滚动预算 Budget period – fiscal year, three/five/ten year budgets, monthly/quarterly budget, continuous and rolling budgets
CMA Learning System
Part 1: Financial Planning, Performance
and Control
主讲:张宇 CMA
Section A: Planning, Budgeting and Forecasting
Fundamentals: Terminology, Budget Cycle, and Reasons for Budgeting
模拟报表—预算财务报表,以历史信息为基础,假设某 些事件已经发生而做出调整,资源的配臵 模拟对内/外部使用者的不同定义 Pro forma statements – budgeted financial statement, based on historical documents, adjusted for event “as if” occurred, allocation of resource pro forma definition for internal/external users
采取措施 Take action
Cash Ratio = (cash + marketable securities)/current liabilities
Cash Flow Ratio
Cash Flow Ratio = Operation Cash Flow/Current Liabilities
营运资本 – 公司短期内的偿付能力,短期内的财务健康状 况;营运资本 = 流动资产 – 流动负债
流动资产 – 现金或其他短期投资 流动负债 – 一年之内偿付的债务,案例,592页 Working capital – company’s ability in the short run to pay its
obligation, short-term financial health Working capital = current assets – current liabilities Current assets – cash or other liquid investments Current liabilities – obligation paid within a year, examples,
资本结构 – 长期负债与权益的组合 财务杠杆 – 利用负债来提高对公司所有者(股东)的回报
Component and Classifications
Investing activities – come from changes in long-term asset, cash inflow from sales of PPE, investments in another entity’s debt or equity securities, collection of the principal on loans to another entity, cash outflow result from purchases of PP&E, other companies debt or equity securities and granting loan to other entities
Part 1 Financial Planning, Performance and ControlPlanning, Budgeting, and Forecasting 30% Level C旧第二部分Performance Management 25% Level C旧第三部分Cost Management 25% Level C旧第二部分Internal Controls 15% Level C旧第一部分Ethics旧第四部分5% Level CPart 2 Financial Decision MakingFinancial Statement Analysis 25% Level C旧第一部分Corporate Finance 25% Level C旧第三部分Decision Analysis and Risk Management 25% Level C旧第三部分Investment Decisions 20% Level C旧第三部分Ethics旧第四部分5% Level C Part 1 - Financial Planning, Performance and ControlA. Planning, Budgeting and Forecasting (30% - Levels A, B, and C)1. Budgeting conceptsa. Operations and performance goalsb. Characteristics of a successful budget processc. Resource allocationd. Other budgeting concepts2. Forecasting techniquesa. Regression analysisb. Learning curve analysisc. Exponential smoothingd. Time series analysise. Expected value3. Budgeting methodologiesa. Annual business plans (master budgb. Project budgetingc. Activity-based budgetingd. Zero-based budgetinge. Continuous (rolling) budgetsf. Flexible budgeting4. Annual profit plan and supporting schedulesa. Operational budgetsb. Financial budgetsc. Capital budgets5. Top-level planning and analysisa. Pro forma incomeb. Financial statement projectionsc. Cash flow projectionsB. Performance Management (25% - Levels A, B, and C)1. Cost and variance measuresa. Comparison of actual to planned resultsb. Use of flexible budgets to analyze performancec. Management by exceptiond. Use of standard cost systemse. Analysis of variation from standard cost expectations2. Responsibility centers and reporting segmentsa. Types of responsibility centersb. Transfer pricing modelsc. Reporting of organizational segments3. Performance measuresa. Product profitability analysisb. Business unit profitability analysisc. Customer profitability analysisd. Return on investmente. Residual incomef. Investment base issuesg. Effect of international operationsh. Critical success factorsi. Balanced scorecardC. Cost Management (25% - Levels A, B, and C)1. Measurement conceptsa. Cost behavior and cost objectsb. Actual and normal costsc. Standard costsd. Absorption (full) costinge Variable (direct) costingf. Joint and by-product costing2. Costing systemsa. Job order costingb. Process costingc. Activity-based costingd. Life-cycle costing3. Overhead costsa. Fixed and variable overhead expensesb. Plant-wide versus departmental overheadc. Determination of allocation based. Allocation of service department costs4. Operational Efficiencya. Just-in time manufacturingb. Material requirements planning (MRP)c. Theory of constraints and throughput costingd. Capacity management and analysis5. Business process performancea. Value chain analysisb. Value-added conceptsc. Process analysisd. Benchmarkinge. Activity-based managementf. Continuous improvement conceptsg. Best practice analysish. Cost of quality analysisD. Internal Controls (15% - Levels A, B, and C)1. Risk assessment, controls, and risk managementa. Internal control structure and management philosophyb. Internal control policies for safeguarding and assurancec. Internal control riskd. Implications of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002e. U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act internal control requirementsf. COSO Internal Control Framework2. Internal auditinga. Responsibility and authority of the internal audit functionb. Types of audits conducted by internal auditors3. Systems controls and security measuresa. General accounting system controlsb. Application and transaction controlsc. Network controlsd. Flowcharting to assess controlse. Backup controlsf. Disaster recovery proceduresE. Professional Ethics (5% - Levels A, B, and C)1. Ethical considerations for management accounting and financial management professionalsa. Provisions of IMA’s “Statement of Ethical Professional Practice”b. Evaluation and resolution of ethical issues such as:ƒ Fraudulent reportingƒ Manipulation of analyses and resultsƒ Unethical behavior in developing budgets and standardsƒ Manipulation of decision factorsPart 2- Financial Decision MakingA. Financial Statement Analysis (25% - Levels A, B, and C)1. Basic Financial Statement Analysisa. Common size financial statementsb. Common base year financial statementsc. Growth analysis2. Financial Performance Metrics – Financial Ratiosa. Liquidityb. Leveragec. Activityd. Profitabilitye. Market3. Profitability analysisa. DuPont analysisb. Income measurement analysisc. Revenue analysisd. Cost of sales analysise. Expense analysisf. Variation analysis4. Analytical Issues in Financial Accountinga. Impact of foreign operationsb. Effects of changing prices and inflationc. Off-balance sheet financingd. Cash Flow Statement reconciliation to Income Statemente. Impact of changes in accounting treatmentf. International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)g. Fair value accountingh. Differences in accounting and economic concepts of value and incomei. Earnings qualityB. Corporate Finance (25% - Levels A, B, and C)1. Risk and returna. Calculating returnb. Types of riskc. Relationship between risk and returnd. Risk and return in a portfolio contexte. Diversificationf. Asset pricing models2. Managing financial riska. Portfolio managementb. Hedgingc. Financial risk management3. Financial instrumentsa. Term structure of interest ratesb. Bondsc. Debt managementd. Common stocke. Preferred stockf. Options and other derivativesg. Valuation of financial instruments4. Cost of capitala. Weighted average cost of capitalb. Cost of individual capital componentsc. Calculating the cost of capitald. Marginal cost of capital5. Managing current assetsa. Working capital terminologyb. Cash managementc. Marketable securities managementd. Accounts receivable managemente. Inventory managementf. Types of short-term creditg. Minimizing the cost of short-term credit6. Raising capitala. Financial markets and regulationb. Market efficiencyc. Financial institutionsd. Initial public offeringse. Secondary offeringsf. Dividend policy and share repurchasesg. Private placementsh. Lease financing7. Corporate restructuringa. Mergers and acquisitionsb. Divestituresc. Bankruptcy8. International financea. Fixed, flexible and floating exchange ratesb. Managing transaction exposurec. Financing international traded. Transfer pricing tax implicationse. Political riskC. Decision Analysis and Risk Management (25% - Levels A, B, and C)1. Cost/volume/profit analysisa. Breakeven analysisb. Profit performance and alternative operating levelsc. Analysis of multiple products2. Marginal analysisa. Sunk costs, opportunity costs and other related conceptsb. Marginal costs and marginal revenuec. Special orders and pricingd. Make versus buye. Sell or process furtherf. Add or drop a segmentg. Capacity considerations3. Pricinga. Market comparablesb. Setting pricesc. Target costingd. Elasticitye. Product life cycle considerationsf. Market structure considerations4. Risk assessmenta. Risk identification and exposureb. Definition and scope of operational risk, hazard risk, financial risk and strategic riskc. Risk mitigation strategiesd. Enterprise Risk ManagementD. Investment Decisions (20% - Levels A, B, and C)1. Capital budgeting processa. Stages of capital budgetingb. Incremental cash flowsc. Income tax considerations2. Discounted cash flow analysisa. Net present valueb. Internal rate of returnc. Comparison of NPV and IRR3. Payback and discounted paybacka. Uses of payback methodb. Limitations of payback methodc. Discounted payback4. Ranking investment projectsa. Ranking methodsb. Capital rationingc. Mutually exclusive projects5. Risk analysis in capital investmenta. Sensitivity analysisb. Certainty equivalentsc. Real options6. Valuationa. Discounted cash flow modelsb. Multiples modelsc. Valuation for acquisitions and divestituresd. Discount ratesE. Professional Ethics (5% - Levels A, B, and C)2. Ethical considerations for the organizationa. Anti-bribery provisions of the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Actb. Provisions of IMA’s Statement on Management Accounting, “Values and Ethics: From Inception to Practice”c. Corporate responsibility for ethical conduct。
b.项目的期望报酬率(内含报酬率) 【例】项目初始投资97万,周期5年,1-4年每年获得 现金流量10万,五年末获得现金流量110万。则其预期收 益率为多少?
-97 10 10
10 10 10 100
插值法计算的总结: 注意事项 a.可以通过换算系数的数值判断贴现率的位置 b.一致性原则
2.相比于无赎回条款的债券,有赎回条款的债券 利率更高还是更低?
2.1.3 债券的收回
(2)偿债基金 大部分公司发行的债券都附有偿债基金条款,要求公 司定期向受托人(一般为银行)支付偿债基金以确保每期 收回特定数量的债券。 由于偿债基金能够有序地收回债券,这被称为摊销效 应,所以这种债券的违约风险要比其他没有偿债基金的债 券要小(对投资者有利)。因此对于融资方而言,设立偿 债基金可以有效地降低债券发行的资本成本。
(7) 可转换债券 转换价格是指可转换证券用来交换普通股的每股股价。 【例】可转换债券面值1000元,转换价格为20元,则 投资者可在转换期限内选择将债券转换为50股普通股。 问题:1.如何选择是否转换?
2.为什么不直接买股票? 这种债券的转换权类似于认股权证、股票的看涨期权, 都是有价值的。
2.1.3 债券的收回
6.418 a
fgLeabharlann bc插值法计算的应用
a.计算债券、股票的收益率 b.计算项目的期望报酬率(内部报酬率)
Certified Management Accountant 注册管理会计师Learning Outcome Statements 学习成果公告(Content Specification Outline effective January 2015) (内容大纲 2015年1月生效) Part 1 – Financial Reporting, Planning, Performance, and Control第一部分 - 财务报告、计划、业绩考核和控制Section A. External Financial Reporting Decisions (15% - Levels A, B, and C)第A节.外部财务报告决策(15%—A级、B级和C级)Part 1 – Section A.1. Financial statements第一部分—第A.1节财务报表For the balance sheet, income statement, statement of changes in equity, and the statement of cash flows, the candidate should be able to:对资产负债表、利润表、所有者权益变动表和现金流量表,考生应能:a.identify the users of these financial statements and their needs 识别这些财务报表的使用者及他们的需求b.demonstrate an understanding of the purposes and uses of each statement 理解每一种财务报表的目的及用途c.identify the major components and classifications of each statement 识别每一种财务报表的主要组成部分及分类d.identify the limitations of each financial statement 识别每一种财务报表的局限性e.identify how various financial transactions affect the elements of each of thefinancial statements and determine the proper classification of the transaction 识别不同财务事项如何影响每一种财务报表的各要素,确定对财务事项的正确分类f.identify the basic disclosures related to each of the statements (footnotes,supplementary schedules, etc.) 识别与每一种财务报表相关的基本披露,(例如脚注,补充报表等)g.demonstrate an understanding of the relationship among the financial statements理解财务报表之间的关系h.prepare a balance sheet, an income statement, a statement of changes in equity,and a statement of cash flows (indirect method) 编制资产负债表、利润表、所有者权益变动表,和现金流量表(间接法)Part 1 – Section A.2. Recognition, measurement, valuation, and disclosure第一部分—第A.2节确认,计量,计价和披露Asset valuation资产计价a.identify issues related to the valuation of accounts receivable, including timingof recognition and estimation of uncollectible accounts 识别应收账款计价的相关问题,包括确认坏账的时间及对坏账的估算b.determine the financial statement effect of using the percentage-of-sales(income statement) approach as opposed to the percentage-of-receivables(balance sheet) approach in calculating the allowance for uncollectible accounts确定使用销售百分比(利润表)法与应收帐百分比(资产负债表)法计算备抵坏账时对财务报表的影响c.distinguish between receivables sold (factoring) on a with-recourse basis andthose sold on a without-recourse basis, and determine the effect on the balancesheet 区分有追索权的方式销售(出让)应收账款和无追索权的方式销售应收账款,并确定其对资产负债表的影响d.identify issues in inventory valuation, including which goods to include, whatcosts to include, and which cost assumption to use 识别存货计价的相关问题,包括哪些货物可记入存货,哪些成本可记入存货,及使用哪种成本假设e.identify and compare cost flow assumptions used in accounting for inventories识别与比较存货的成本流转假设f.demonstrate an understanding of the lower of cost or market rule for inventories理解在存货计价时使用成本与市价孰低法g.calculate the effect on income and on assets of using different inventorymethods 计算使用不同存货计价方法对利润与资产的影响h.analyze the effects of inventory errors 分析存货计价错误的影响i.identify advantages and disadvantages of the different inventory methods 识别不同存货计价方法的利弊j.recommend the inventory method and cost flow assumption that should be used for a firm given a set of facts 在给定条件下为公司推荐存货计价方法和存货的成本流转假设k.demonstrate an understanding of the following security types: trading, available-for-sale, and held-to-maturity 理解以下证券类型:交易性证券,可供出售证券,以及持有至到期证券l.demonstrate an understanding of the fair value method, equity method, and consolidated method for equity securities 理解权益证券的核算方法,包括公允价值法,权益法以及合并法m.determine the effect on the financial statements of using different depreciation methods 确定使用不同折旧方法对财务报表产生的影响n.recommend a depreciation method for a given a set of data 在给定数据下推荐一种折旧方法o.demonstrate an understanding of the accounting for impairment of long-term assets 理解长期资产减值的会计处理方法p.demonstrate an understanding of the accounting for impairment of intangible assets, including goodwill 理解无形资产包括商誉减值的会计处理方法Valuation of liabilities负债计价q.identify the classification issues of short-term debt expected to be refinanced 识别短期负债再融资的分类问题pare the effect on financial statements when using either the expense warranty approach or the sales warranty approach for accounting for warranties 比较使用费用计提法或销售额计提法记录质保费用对财务报表的影响s.define off-balance sheet financing and identify different forms of this type of borrowing 定义资产负债表外融资并识别不同的资产负债表外融资方式Income taxes (applies to Assets and Liabilities subtopics)所得税(适用于资产与负债的子课题)t.demonstrate an understanding of interperiod tax allocation/deferred income taxes 理解所得税的跨期分摊/递延所得税u.define and analyze temporary differences, operating loss carrybacks, and operating loss carryforwards 定义并分析暂时性差异及营业亏损的抵免v.distinguish between deferred tax liabilities and deferred tax assets 区分递延所得税负债和递延所得税资产w.differentiate between temporary differences and permanent differences and identify examples of each 区别暂时性差异和永久性差异,并分别举例x.indicate the proper income statement and balance sheet presentation of income tax expense and deferred taxes在利润表和资产负债表中正确列报所得税费用和递延所得税y.explain the issues involved in determining the amount and classification of tax assets and liabilities 解释与确认所得税资产和所得税负债金额及分类问题Leases (applies to Assets and Liabilities subtopics)租赁(适用于资产与负债的子课题)z.distinguish between an operating lease and a capital lease 区分经营性租赁和融资租赁aa.explain why an operating lease is a form of off-balance sheet financing 解释为什么经营性租赁是资产负债表外融资的一种形式bb.demonstrate an understanding of why lessees may prefer the accounting for a lease as an operating lease as opposed to a capital lease 理解为什么承租人偏向于将租赁记录为经营性租赁而非融资租赁cc.recognize the correct financial statement presentation of operating and capital lease 识别经营性租赁和融资租赁的正确财务报表列报Equity transactions权益性交易dd.identify transactions that affect paid-in capital and those that affect retained earnings 识别影响实缴资本和留存收益的交易ee.determine the effect on shareholders’ equity of large and small stock dividends, and stock splits 确认大额股票股利、小额股票股利以及股份分割对股东权益的影响ff.identify reasons for the appropriation of retained earnings 识别留存收益拨付的理由Revenue recognition收入确认gg.apply revenue recognition principles to various types of transactions 将收入确认原则应用于不同类型的交易hh.identify issues involved with revenue recognition at point of sale, including sales with buyback agreements, sales when right of return exists, and tradeloading (or channel stuffing) 识别在销售时点与收入确认相关的问题,包括附回购协议的销售,附退货权利的销售,填塞分销渠道ii.identify instances where revenue is recognized before delivery and when it is recognized after delivery 识别在发货前确认收入与在发货后确认收入的各种情况jj.distinguish between percentage-of-completion and completed-contract methods for recognizing revenue 区别完工百分比法和合同完工法在收入确认方面的不同pare and contrast the recognition of costs of construction, progress billings, collections, and gross profit under the two long-term contract accountingmethods 比较和对比两种长期合同会计处理方法下,对工程成本,按工程进度付款,收款以及毛利润的不同确认ll.identify the situations in which each of the following revenue recognition methods would be used: installment sales method, cost recovery method, anddeposit method 识别以下收入确认方法所适用的情景:分期付款销售法,成本回收法及保证金法mm.discuss the issues and concerns that have been identified with respect to revenue recognition practices 讨论在收入确认实践中相关的问题与焦点nn.demonstrate an understanding of the matching principle with respect to revenues and expenses and be able to apply it to a specific situation 理解收入与费用配比原则并能将该原则应用于某特定情景Income measurement收益计量oo.define gains and losses and indicate the proper financial statement presentation 定义利得与损失并说明其正确的财务报表列报pp.demonstrate an understanding of the proper accounting for losses on long-term contracts 理解处理长期合同损失的正确会计方法qq.demonstrate an understanding of the treatment of gain or loss on the disposal of fixed assets 理解处置固定资产损益的会计方法rr.demonstrate an understanding of expense recognition practices 理解费用确认惯例ss.define and calculate comprehensive income 定义并计算全面收益tt.identify correct treatment of extraordinary items and discontinued operations 识别正确处置非经常项目及终止经营的会计方法GAAP – IFRS differences美国公认会计原则与国际财务报告准则的差异Major differences in reported financial results when using GAAP vs. IFRS and the impact on analysis 对比采用美国公认会计原则(GAAP)与采用国际财务报告准则(IFRS)对报告的财务结果带来的主要差别,以及对分析带来的影响uu.identify and describe the following differences between U.S. GAAP and IFRS: (i) revenue recognition, with respect to the sale of goods, services,deferred receipts and construction contracts; (ii) expense recognition, withrespect to share-based payments and employee benefits; (iii) intangible assets,with respect to development costs and revaluation; (iv) inventories, with respectto costing methods, valuation and write-downs (e.g., LIFO); (v) leases, withrespect to leases of land and buildings; (vi) long-lived assets, with respect torevaluation, depreciation, and capitalization of borrowing costs; (vii)impairment of assets, with respect to determination, calculation and reversal ofloss; and (viii) financial statement presentation, with respect to extraordinaryitems and changes in equity 识别并描述美国GAAP与IFRS之间的下列差异:(i) 与货物销售、劳务销售、递延收款和建筑合同相关的收入确认方面的差异; (ii)以股份为基础支付和员工福利费用确认方面的差异; (iii)与无形资产的开发成本和重新估价相关的差异; (iv) 存货的成本计算、估价和减记方法(例如后进先出)方面的差异; (v) 土地和建筑物的租赁方面的差异; (vi) 长期资产的重新估价、折旧和借款成本资本化方面的差异;(vii) 资产减值的确定、计算和损失转回方面的差异;(viii) 非经常项目和权益变化而引起的财务报表列报方面的差异Section B. Planning, Budgeting and Forecasting (30% - Levels A, B, and C)第B节. 计划、预算和预测(30%—A级、B级和C级)Part 1 – Section B.1. Strategic planning第一部分—第B.1节战略计划The candidate should be able to:考生应能:a.discuss how strategic planning determines the path an organization chooses forattaining its long-term goals and mission 讨论战略计划如何决定一个组织为达到其长期目标及使命所选择的途径b.identify the time frame appropriate for a strategic plan 识别战略计划的适当时限c.identify the external factors that should be analyzed during the strategicplanning process and understand how this analysis leads to recognition oforganizational opportunities, limitations, and threats 识别在战略计划制定过程中应分析的外部因素,理解这项分析如何有助于识别组织所面临的机会、局限以及威胁d.identify the internal factors that should be analyzed during the strategic planningprocess and explain how this analysis leads to recognition of organizationalstrengths, weaknesses, and competitive advantages 识别在战略计划制定过程中应分析的内部因素,解释这项分析如何有助于识别组织的优势、劣势以及竞争优势e.demonstrate an understanding of how mission leads to the formulation of long-term business objectives such as business diversification, the addition ordeletion of product lines, or the penetration of new markets 理解公司使命如何有助于长期业务目标的形成,例如多种经营,增加或删除产品线或渗透新市场f.explain why short-term objectives, tactics for achieving these objectives, andoperational planning (master budget) must be congruent with the strategic planand contribute to the achievement of long-term strategic goals 解释为什么短期目标以及达到这些目标所用的策略和经营性计划(总预算)必须与战略计划相符合,并有助于长期战略目标的实现g.identify the characteristics of successful strategic plans 识别成功的战略计划的特点h.demonstrate an understanding of the following planning tools and techniques:SWOT analysis, Porter’s 5 forces, situational analysis, PEST analysis, scenarioplanning, competitive analysis, and contingency planning 理解以下计划工具和技术:强弱危机分析(SWOT analysis),波特五力分析(Porter’s 5forces),形势分析,政治,经济,社会和技术(PEST)分析,情境规划,竞争力分析以及可能性计划Part 1 – Section B.2. Budgeting concepts第一部分—第B.2节预算概念The candidate should be able to:考生应能:a.describe the role that budgeting plays in the overall planning and performanceevaluation process of an organization描述一个组织的预算编制在整体计划和业绩评价过程中的角色b.explain the interrelationships between economic conditions, industry situation,and a firm’s plans and budgets解释经济情况、行业形势和企业计划及预算之间的相互关系c.identify the role that budgeting plays in formulating short-term objectives andplanning and controlling operations to meet those objectives 识别预算编制在制定短期目标和计划及控制营运状况以达到这些目标中所起的作用d.demonstrate an understanding of the role that budgets play in measuringperformance against established goals 理解预算在衡量业绩是否达标中所起的作用e.identify the characteristics that define successful budgeting processes 识别成功的预算编制过程的特点f.explain how the budgeting process facilitates communication amongorganizational units and enhances coordination of organizational activities 解释编制预算的流程如何促进组织的各单位之间相互沟通,并提高组织的各项作业之间的协调g.describe the concept of a controllable cost as it relates to both budgeting andperformance evaluation 描述可控成本的概念及其相关的预算编制和业绩评价h.explain how the efficient allocation of organizational resources are plannedduring the budgeting process 解释在预算编制过程中,如何计划组织资源的有效分配i.identify the appropriate time frame for various types of budgets 识别对不同种类的预算应如何确定其不同的时限j.identify who should participate in the budgeting process for optimum success 识别谁应该参与预算的编制过程,以使预算达到最佳的结果k.describe the role of top management in successful budgeting 描述最高管理层在编制成功的预算中所起的作用l.identify best practice guidelines for the budget process 识别预算流程的最佳实践指南m.demonstrate an understanding of the use of cost standards in budgeting 理解在编制预算中标准成本的运用n.differentiate between ideal (theoretical) standards and currently attainable (practical) standards 区分理想(理论)标准和当前可以达到(可行)的标准o.differentiate between authoritative standards and participative standards 区分主管决定的标准和群众参与制订的标准p.identify the steps to be taken in developing standards for both direct material and direct labor 识别在制订直接材料和直接人工的标准时应该采取的步骤q.demonstrate an understanding of the techniques that are used to develop standards such as activity analysis and the use of historical data 理解制订标准所采用的技术,诸如作业分析和采用历史数据r.discuss the importance of a policy that allows budget revisions that accommodate the impact of significant changes in budget assumptions 讨论在原定预算假设发生重大变化时,为适应变化造成的影响,要对预算进行修改的重要性s.explain the role of budgets in monitoring and controlling expenditures to meet strategic objectives 解释预算在监督和控制费用开支以达到战略目标中所起的作用t.define budgetary slack and discuss its impact on goal congruence 定义预算松驰,并讨论它对目标一致性的影响Part 1 – Section B.3. Forecasting techniques第一部分—第B.3节预测技术The candidate should be able to:考生应能:a.demonstrate an understanding of a simple regression equation 理解简单回归方程b.define a multiple regression equation and recognize when multiple regression isan appropriate tool to use for forecasting 定义多元回归,并识别在何种情况下多元回归适用于预测c.calculate the result of a simple regression equation 计算简单回归方程d.demonstrate an understanding of learning curve analysis 理解学习曲线分析e.calculate the results under a cumulative average-time learning model 计算累积平均时间学习模式f.list the benefits and shortcomings of regression analysis and learning curveanalysis 列示回归分析和学习曲线分析的优点与缺点g.calculate the expected value of random variables 计算随机变量的期望值h.identify the benefits and shortcomings of expected value techniques 识别期望值技术的优点与缺点e probability values to estimate future cash flows 应用概率值对未来的现金流量作出估计Part 1 – Section B.4. Budget methodologies第一部分—第B.4节预算方法For each of the budget systems identified (annual/master budgets, project budgeting, activity-based budgeting, zero-based budgeting, continuous (rolling) budgets, and flexible budgeting), the candidate should be able to:对各项不同的预算(年度/总预算、项目预算编制、作业预算编制、零基预算编制、连续(滚动)预算和弹性预算),考生应能:a.define its purpose, appropriate use, and time frame 定义其目的、适当的用途和时限b.identify the budget components and explain the interrelationships among thecomponents 识别预算的组成,并解释各组成部分的相互关系c.demonstrate an understanding of how the budget is developed 理解如何制定预算pare and contrast the benefits and limitations of the budget system 比较并对比预算制度的优点及局限性e.evaluate a business situation and recommend the appropriate budget solution 评价企业的状况,并推荐适用的预算方法f.prepare budgets on the basis of information presented 按所提供的信息编制各项预算g.calculate the impact of incremental changes to budgets 计算预算发生增量变化的影响Part 1 – Section B.5. Annual profit plan and supporting schedules第一部分—第B.5节年度利润计划和附表The candidate should be able to:考生应能:a.explain the role of the sales budget in the development of an annual profit plan解释销售预算在制定年度利润计划中所起的作用b.identify the factors that should be considered when preparing a sales forecast 识别在编制销售预算中应考虑的因素c.identify the components of a sales budget and prepare a sales budget 识别销售预算的组成部分,并编制销售预算d.explain the relationship between the sales budget and the production budget 解释销售预算和生产预算之间的关系e.identify the role that inventory levels play in the preparation of a productionbudget and define other factors that should be considered when preparing aproduction budget 识别存货水平在编制生产预算中所起的作用,并定义在编制生产预算时应该考虑的其他因素f.prepare a production budget 编制生产预算g.demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the direct materialsbudget, the direct labor budget, and the production budget 理解直接材料预算、直接人工预算和生产预算之间的关系h.explain how inventory levels and procurement policies affect the directmaterials budget 解释存货水平和采购政策如何影响直接材料预算i.prepare direct materials and direct labor budgets based on relevant informationand evaluate the feasibility of achieving production goals on the basis of thesebudgets 根据相关信息编制直接材料和直接人工预算,并根据这些预算对达成生产目标的可行性作出评价j.demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the overhead budget and the production budget 理解间接费用预算和生产预算之间的关系k.separate costs into their fixed and variable components 把成本分离为固定和变动两个组成部分l.prepare an overhead budget 编制间接费用预算m.identify the components of the cost of goods sold budget and prepare a cost of goods sold budget 识别销货成本预算的组成部分,并编制销货成本预算n.demonstrate an understanding of contribution margin per unit and total contribution margin, identify the appropriate use of these concepts, andcalculate both unit and total contribution margin 理解单位边际贡献和边际贡献总额;识别对这些概念的适当应用,并计算单位边际贡献和边际贡献总额o.identify the components of the selling and administrative expense budget 识别销售与管理费用预算的组成部分p.explain how specific components of the selling and administrative expense budget may affect the contribution margin 解释销售与管理费用预算的一些特定的组成部分如何影响边际贡献q.prepare an operational (operating) budget 编制业务(营业)预算r.prepare a capital expenditure budget 编制资本支出预算s.demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the capital expenditure budget, the cash budget, and the pro forma financial statements 理解资本支出预算、现金预算和预计财务报表之间的关系t.define the purposes of the cash budget and describe the relationship between the cash budget and all other budgets 定义现金预算的目的,并描述现金预算与其他各项预算之间的关系u.demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between credit policies and purchasing (payables) policies and the cash budget 理解信贷政策及采购(应付账款)政策与现金预算之间的关系v.prepare a cash budget 编制现金预算Part 1 – Section B.6. Top-level planning and analysis第一部分—第B.6节顶层规划与分析The candidate should be able to:考生应能:a.define the purpose of a pro forma income statement, a pro forma balance sheet,and a pro forma statement of cash flows; and demonstrate an understanding ofthe relationship among these statements and all other budgets 定义预计利润表、预计资产负债表和预计现金流量表的目的;理解这些报表与其他预算之间的关系b.prepare pro forma income statements based on several revenue and costassumptions 根据若干项收入和成本的假定数字,编制预计利润表c.evaluate whether a company has achieved strategic objectives based on proforma income statements 根据预计利润表,评价一个公司是否达到其战略目标e financial projections to prepare a pro forma balance sheet and a pro formastatement of cash flows 应用财务预测数据,编制预计资产负债表和预计现金流量表e.identify the factors required to prepare medium- and long-term cash forecasts 识别编制中期现金预测和长期现金预测所需的数据e financial projections to determine required outside financing and dividendpolicy 应用财务预测数据,确定外部融资的需求额和股利政策Section C.Performance Management(20% - Levels A, B, and C)第C节. 业绩管理(20%—A级、B级和C级)Part 1 – Section C.1. Cost and variance measures第一部分—第C.1节成本与差异核算The candidate should be able to:考生应能:a.analyze performance against operational goals using measures based on revenue,manufacturing costs, non-manufacturing costs, and profit depending on the typeof center or unit being measured 根据所考核的责任中心或单位的类型,采用收入、制造成本、非制造成本和利润的衡量指标,分析其业绩是否达到经营目标b.explain the reasons for variances within a performance monitoring system 在一个业绩监督体系中,解释造成差异的理由c.prepare a performance analysis by comparing actual results to the master budget,calculate favorable and unfavorable variances from budget, and provideexplanations for variances经由实际成果与总预算对比来评估并编制业绩分析,计算有利和不利差异,并对差异作出说明d.identify and describe the benefits and limitations of measuring performance bycomparing actual results to the master budget 识别并描述把实际成果与总预算对比来衡量业绩的优点与局限性e.prepare a flexible budget based on actual sales (output) volume 根据实际销售(产出)量编制弹性预算f.calculate the sales-volume variance and the sales-price variance by comparing theflexible budget to the master (static) budget 比较弹性预算与总(静态)预算,计算销售数量差异和销售价格差异g.calculate the flexible-budget variance by comparing actual results to the flexiblebudget 比较实际结果与弹性预算,计算弹性预算差异h.investigate the flexible-budget variance to determine individual differencesbetween actual and budgeted input prices and input quantities 分析弹性预算差异并确定实际与预算的投入价格的差异和投入数量的差异i.explain how budget variance reporting is utilized in a management by exceptionenvironment 解释在按例外原则管理的情况下如何利用预算差异报告j.define a standard cost system and identify the reasons for adopting a standard cost system 定义标准成本制度,并识别采用标准成本制度的理由k.demonstrate an understanding of price (rate) variances and calculate the price variances related to direct material and direct labor inputs 理解价格(费率)差异,并计算直接材料价格差异和直接人工投入价格差异l.demonstrate an understanding of efficiency (usage) variances and calculate the efficiency variances related to direct material and direct labor inputs 理解效率(用量)差异,并计算直接材料效率差异和直接人工投入效率差异m.demonstrate an understanding of spending and efficiency variances as they relate to fixed and variable overhead 理解与固定和变动间接费用有关的开支差异和效率差异n.calculate a sales-mix variance and explain its impact on revenue and contribution margin 计算销售组合差异,并解释它对收入和边际贡献的影响o.calculate and explain a mix variance 计算并解释组合差异p.calculate and explain a yield variance 计算并解释产出差异(实得差异)q.demonstrate how price, efficiency, spending, and mix variances can be applied in service companies as well as manufacturing companies 说明价格、效率、开支和组合差异如何既可以用于制造业公司,也可以用于服务性公司r.analyze factory overhead variances by calculating variable overhead spending variance, variable overhead efficiency variance, fixed overhead spendingvariance, and production volume variance 通过计算变动间接费用开支差异、变动间接费用效率差异、固定间接费用开支差异和产量差异,来分析工厂间接费用的各项差异s.analyze variances, identify causes, and recommend corrective actions 分析各项差异,识别原因并提出改进措施Part 1 – Section C.2. Responsibility centers and reporting segments第一部分—第C.2节责任中心和报告部门The candidate should be able to:考生应能:a.identify and explain the different types of responsibility centers 识别并解释不同类型的责任中心b.recommend appropriate responsibility centers given a business scenario 给定某业务场景,推荐适用的责任中心制度c.calculate a contribution margin 计算边际贡献d.analyze a contribution margin report and evaluate performance 分析边际贡献报告并评估其业绩e.identify segments that organizations evaluate, including product lines,geographical areas, or other meaningful segments 识别组织对其业绩进行评估的各个分部,包括生产线、地理区域或依其他目的而划分的分部f.explain why the allocation of common costs among segments can be an issue inperformance evaluation 解释为什么共同成本在各个分部之间的分配可能成为业绩评估中的一个问题g.identify methods for allocating common costs such as stand-alone cost allocationand incremental cost allocation 识别共同成本的各种分配方法,诸如独立成本分配法和增量成本分配法h.define transfer pricing and identify the objectives of transfer pricing 定义转移价格定价,识别转移价格定价的目的i.identify the methods for determining transfer prices and list and explain theadvantages and disadvantages of each method 识别确定转移价格的各种方法,并列出和解释每一种方法的优缺点j.identify and calculate transfer prices using variable cost, full cost, market price, negotiated price, and dual-rate pricing 采用变动成本、全部成本、市场价格、协商价格和双重定价法,识别和计算转移价格k.explain how transfer pricing is affected by business issues such as the presence of outside suppliers and the opportunity costs associated with capacity usage 解释业务问题如何影响转移价格定价,例如外部供应商的存在和与产能利用相关的机会成本l.describe how special issues such as tariffs, exchange rates, taxes, currency restrictions, expropriation risk, and the availability of materials and skills affectperformance evaluation in multinational companies 描述跨国公司的一些特殊问题,诸如关税、汇率、税收、货币限制、征收风险和获得材料和技术的可能性对其业绩评估的影响Part 1 – Section C.3. Performance measures第一部分—第C.3节业绩考核The candidate should be able to:考生应能:a.explain why performance evaluation measures should be directly related tostrategic and operational goals and objectives; why timely feedback is critical;and why performance measures should be related to the factors that drive theelement being measured, e.g., cost drivers and revenue drivers 解释为什么业绩评估考核应该与战略和经营目标直接相关;为什么及时反馈至关重要;以及为什么业绩考核应该与驱动因素相联系,例如成本动因和收入动因b.explain the issues involved in determining product profitability, business unitprofitability, and customer profitability, including cost measurement, costallocation, investment measurement, and valuation 解释与确定产品获利能力、经营单位获利能力和顾客获利能力有关的各项问题,包括成本计量、成本分摊、投资计量和估价c.calculate product-line profitability, business unit profitability, and customerprofitability 计算产品线的获利能力、经营单位获利能力和顾客获利能力d.evaluate customers and products on the basis of profitability and recommendways to improve profitability and/or drop unprofitable customers and products 根据获利能力评估顾客和产品,并提出提高获利能力和/或终止不盈利的顾客和产品的建议e.define and calculate return on investment (ROI) 定义和计算投资回报率(ROI)f.analyze and interpret ROI calculations 分析并解释投资回报率的计算g.define and calculate residual income (RI) 定义和计算剩余收益(RI)h.analyze and interpret RI calculations分析并解释剩余收益的计算pare and contrast the benefits and limitations of ROI and RI as measures ofperformance 比较和对比使用投资回报率和剩余收益来考核业绩的优点和局限性j.explain how revenue and expense recognition policies may affect the measurement of income and reduce comparability among business units 解释收入与费用的确认政策如何可能影响收益的计量,并减少经营单位之间的可比性k.explain how inventory measurement policies, joint asset sharing, and overall asset measurement policies may affect the measurement of investment and reducecomparability among business units 解释存货计量政策、产权共有和总体资产计量如何可能影响投资的计量,并减少经营单位之间的可比性l.define key performance indicators (KPIs) and discuss the importance of these indicators in evaluating a firm 定义关键绩效指标,并讨论其对于评估公司的重要性m.define the concept of a balanced scorecard and identify its components 定义平衡记分卡,并识别它的组成部分n.identify and describe the perspectives of a balanced scorecard, including financial measures, customer satisfaction measures, internal business process measures, and innovation and learning measures 识别并描述平衡记分卡的评估角度,包括财务指标、客户满意度指标、内部业务流程指标以及创新和学习指标o.identify and describe the characteristics of successful implementation and use of a balanced scorecard 识别并描述成功运用平衡记分卡所具备的特性p.analyze and interpret a balanced scorecard and evaluate performance on the basis of the analysis 分析并解释平衡记分卡,并在分析的基础上评估业绩q.recommend performance measures and a periodic reporting methodology given operational goals and actual results 在给定经营目标和实际成果的情况下,推荐业绩考核指标和定期报告的方法。
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Cost object – anything for which cost data is accumulated
Fixed cost – remain constant in total within a relevant range
CVP Terminology and Assumption
总成本 – 总变动成本和总固定成本,806页 营业收益 – 总收入减去经营的总成本,806页
净营业收益 – 税后的净收益,806页
Total cost – total variable costs and total fixed cost, page 281 Operation income – total revenue less total costs from operation, page 281 Net operating income – after-tax operating income, page 281
CVP Terminology and Assumption
作业水平 – 某一期间生产或销售的数量 CVP分析的四个假设 – 线性、确定性、单一产品或明确界 定的产品组合、产量等于销量 Activity level – number of units produced or sold during the period Four assumption underlying CVP analysis – linearity, certainty, a single product or a defined product mix, production is equal to sales
Equation Method – page 284
Contribution Margin Method – page 285, figure 2C-4, page 286
Contribution Margin Percentage/Contribution Margin Ratio – page 286
Cost behavior – how a cost will react to changes in business activity level, figure 2C-1, page 282 Fixed and Variable Classification Over Time – following principles, figure 2C-2, page 283
Joint cost
Sell or Process Further
销售或者再加工决策的步骤 – 步骤2C-13,826页
案例1 – 827页
案例2 – 827页
Sell or process further decision-making steps – figure 2C-13, page 305
变动成本 – 在相关范围内随作业水平的变化而正比例变化 相关范围 – 变动和固定成本函数保持成立的作业范围
收入 – 产品的价格乘以该产品的数量
收入动因 – 影响收入的因素 Variable cost – varies in direct proportion to changes in the level of activity within a relevant range Relevant range – range of activity within which the variable and fixed cost function remain valid
Equation Method – page 288
Contribution Margin Method – page 288, figure 2C-6, page 289 PV Graph – figure 2C-7
Graph Method
Analysis of Multiple Products
Revenues – sum of the price multiplied by the number of unit sold
Revenue driver – factor that affect revenue
CVP Terminology and Assumption
Sell or Process Further
销售还是再加工 – 在中间处理步骤之前将产品或服务出 售出去或者进行再加工然后以更高的价格卖出产品或服务 联产品或服务 联成本 Sell or process further – decision to sell a product or service before an intermediate processing step or to add further processing and then sell the product or service for a higher price Joint products or service
Graph Method – figure 2C-5, page 287
盈亏平衡分析 安全边际
Break-Even Analysis
Margin of Safety
How far an organization is past the break-even point at its current sales volume level
成本 – 实现特定目标而花费的资源 成本动因 – 影响成本的任何因素,在CVP分析中,成本动 因是生产和销售的数量 成本对象 – 归集成本数据的对象 固定成本 – 在相关范围内总量保持不变
Cost – resource to achieve a specific objective
Cost driver – any factor that affect cost, in CVP analysis, cost driver is units produced and sold
CVP术语和假设 总收入与总成本
CVP Terminology and Assumption
总收入、总成本和产出水平的CVP图 – 2C-3,808页
Total Revenue and Total Cost
CVP Graph of Total Revenues, total costs, and Output Levels – page 2C-3, page 283
CVP Terminology and Assumption
成本习性 – 产出量变化时一个成本如何反应,图表2C-1, 807页 考虑时间纬度的固定成本和变动成本划分 – 原则,图表2C2,807页
Fixed and Variable Cost Behavior
销售组合 – 出售产品或服务的相对比例关系,图表2C-8, 814页
加权平均边际贡献 – 814页,图表2C-9,815页
约束资源 – 制约或限制产品或服务的产量或销量的资源 Sales mix – relative proportions of products or services sold, figure 2C-8, page 290 Weight Average Contribution Method – page 291, figure 2C-9, page 292 Constraining resource – restricts or limits the production or sale of products or service
Income Taxes and CVP Analysis
所得税和CVP分析 – 图表2C-10,816页,图表2C-11,817 页 Income taxes and CVP analysis – figure 2C-10, page 293, figure 2C-11, Page 294
盈亏平衡点分析 使用盈亏平衡来计算目标利润
Break-Even Analysis
公式法 – 812页 边际贡献法 – 812页,图表2C-6,812页 PV表 – 图表2C-7
Using Break-even Analysis to Calculate Target Profit
Break-Even Analysis
盈亏平衡点 – 总收入等于总成本的产出量水平 公式法 – 809页
边际贡献法 – 809页,图表2C-4,810页
边际贡献率/边际贡献比率 – 810页 图表法 – 图表2C-5,811页
Break-even point – output level at which total revenue and total costs are equal
Special Order Cost Analysis
Excess capacity – exacapacity – page 302
Make versus Buy