头脑特工队的好词佳句1. 有头脑特工队英文好词好句吗A seven day long holiday has flown away.Mourning my happy hours during the vacation,I've been looking forward to winter holidays.People around me seemed to have enjoyed the vacation,too.Then,is it fair that people have the same amount of holidays regardless of their occupations?Nevertheless,divergent views emerge on the matter in question.Some people are of the opinion that laborers should have the same length of holiday.They hold the view that people are born equal and should be treated equally.The same amount of leisure time may eliminate the unfairness among people who might be upset psychologically if otherwise.。
2. 有头脑特工队英文好词好句吗A seven day long holiday has flown away.Mourning my happy hours during the vacation,I've been looking forward to winter holidays.People around me seemed to have enjoyed the vacation,too.Then,is it fair that people have the same amount of holidays regardless of their occupations?Nevertheless,divergent views emerge on the matter in question.Some people are of the opinion that laborers should have the same length of holiday.They hold the view that people are born equal and should be treated equally.The same amount of leisure time may eliminate the unfairness among people who might be upset psychologically if otherwise.。
头脑特工队有意义的句子英文回答:The Mind Control Agency is an elite team of highly skilled agents who use their exceptional cognitiveabilities to protect the world from various threats. As a member of this team, I have witnessed firsthand the incredible impact our work has on society.One meaningful aspect of being a part of the Mind Control Agency is the ability to make a real difference in people's lives. For example, we recently received a mission to infiltrate a criminal organization that was using mind control technology to manipulate innocent civilians. By successfully completing this mission, we were able to free those affected individuals from the control of thecriminals and restore their autonomy. Seeing the gratitude and relief on their faces was incredibly rewarding.Another meaningful aspect of being a part of this teamis the camaraderie and support we have for one another. We face dangerous situations together and rely on each other's skills and expertise to succeed. The bond we form through these experiences is unbreakable, and it provides us with a sense of belonging and purpose.Furthermore, the Mind Control Agency provides extensive training and resources to its agents, allowing us to continually develop and enhance our cognitive abilities. This not only benefits us professionally but also personally, as we are able to apply these skills in our everyday lives. For instance, I have found that my enhanced memory and problem-solving skills have greatly improved my academic performance and decision-making abilities.中文回答:头脑特工队是一个由高技能特工组成的精英团队,他们利用卓越的认知能力保护世界免受各种威胁。
1. “哇塞,快乐就像是脑袋里的小太阳,一直照耀着我们!”例子:就像我那次考试得了满分,心里那个快乐呀,简直就像头脑特工队里的快乐一样,让我整个人都闪闪发光!
2. “悲伤可不是啥坏事,它就像一场雨,会让情感的种子发芽呢!”例子:朋友失恋后大哭一场,之后反而变得更坚强了,这不就是像头脑特工队里的悲伤一样,带来成长嘛!
3. “愤怒有时像个小鞭炮,可炸开后也许会有惊喜哦!”例子:和同学吵架时特别愤怒,但吵完后把心里话都说出来了,关系反而更好了,这不就像头脑特工队里的愤怒有时也有正面作用嘛!
4. “恐惧其实是个胆小鬼,你强它就弱呀!”例子:我以前很怕黑,后来鼓起勇气走进黑暗中,发现也没什么可怕的,这不就像打败头脑特工队里的恐惧一样嘛!
5. “厌恶也能帮我们筛选好坏呢,就像选糖果一样!”例子:弟弟不喜欢吃青椒,虽然看着讨厌,但这也让他知道自己喜欢什么口味呀,多像头脑特工队里的厌恶呀!
6. “惊喜就像头脑里的烟花,瞬间点亮一切!”例子:收到意外的礼物时,那惊喜的感觉,就像头脑特工队中突然绽放的烟花一样美妙!
7. “爱是头脑里最温暖的力量,像冬日的阳光!”例子:爸爸妈妈对我的爱,真的就如同头脑特工队里的爱,让我感到无比温暖和安心。
8. “回忆就像宝藏,藏在头脑的每个角落!”例子:和小伙伴们一起玩耍的回忆,就像是头脑特工队里那些珍贵的宝藏,什么时候想起来都很美好。
9. “希望是头脑里的星星,永远指引我们向前!”例子:面对困难时,心里的希望就像头脑特工队里的星星一样,让我们有勇气继续前进。
你是否也曾看着某人想过Do you ever look at someone and wonder,12"他们脑子里到底在想什么""What is going on inside their head?"13我知道我知道莱莉在想什么Well, I know. Well, I know Riley's head.14就是这个可爱的小家伙And there she was...15你好吗Hello.16莱莉Riley.17看啊真是个快乐的小天使Look at you. Aren't you a little bundle of Joy?18真是个快乐的小天使Aren't you a little bundle of Joy?19真好就这样只有我跟莱莉It was amazing. Just Riley and me. Forever.20只持续了33秒Er, for 33 seconds?21我是忧忧I'm sadness.22你好我是乐乐Hello. I... I'm Joy. So...23能不能让让我不想让她伤心谢谢Can I just... if you could... I just want to fix that. Thanks.24而这一切仅仅是开始And that was just the beginning.25总部一天比一天拥挤Headquarters only got more crowded from there.26很好看起来你能应付得了棒极了V ery nice. Okay, looks like you got this. V ery good.27快转弯不小心天啊Sharp turn! No! Look out! No!28这位是怕怕他总能确保莱莉的安全That's fear. He's really good at keeping Riley safe.慢点慢点没事没事Easy, easy. We're good. We're good.30-干得好-谢谢非常感谢- Good job. - Thank you. Thank you very much.31继续玩And we're back!32好了吃饭了张嘴Here we go. All right, open.33-这个没见过-你觉得安全吗- This looks new. - Y ou think it's safe?34这是什么What is it?35小心我闻到了危险的气息Okay, caution. There is a dangerous smell, people.36等等这是什么Hold on. What is that?37这位是厌厌This is disgust.38她主要是防止莱莉惨遭毒害She basically keeps Riley from being poisoned.39不管是身体方面还是社交方面Physically and socially.40颜色不艳丽样子也不像恐龙That is not brightly colored or shaped like a dinosaur.41等等各位Hold on, guys.42是西兰花It's broccoli!43不要Y ucky!44我刚刚救了大家的命不客气Well, I just saved our lives. Y eah. Y ou're welcome.45莱莉如果你不吃晚餐Riley, if you don't eat your dinner,46就没甜点吃you're not gonna get any dessert.47等等他是说我们不能吃甜点吗Wait. Did he just say we couldn't have dessert?48他是怒怒That's Anger.49他很在乎公平这件事He cares very deeply about things being fair.50老家伙你真要这样做吗不给甜点So that's how you want to play it, old man? No dessert?51我们会吃晚饭的Sure, we'll eat our dinner!52不过让你先尝尝愤怒的滋味吧Right after you eat this!53莱莉莱莉飞机来了Riley, Riley, here comes an airplane!54飞机有飞机啊各位Airplane. We got an airplane, everybody.55飞机Airplane.56你们已经见过忧忧了她嘛And you've met sadness. She... well, she...57我也不太明白她的职责I'm not actually sure what she does.58我确认了下她也没有地方去And I've checked, there's no place for her to go, so...59她还不错我们也是大家都不错She's good, we're good. It's all great!60不管怎样这里存放着莱莉的记忆Anyway, these are Riley's memories,61我可不是吹大多数是快乐的回忆and they're mostly happy, you'll notice. Not to brag.62但真正重要的都摆在这边But the really important ones are over here.63我不打算说得太复杂I don't want to get too technical,64这些被称之为核心记忆but these are called core memories.65每一个都记录着莱莉生命中的重要时刻Each one came from a super important time in Riley's life.66比如她的第一次进球得分真是太棒了Like when she first scored a goal. That was so amazing!67看见没真棒Hey! Would you look at that? V ery nice!68-我们家要出中锋了-干得好- We got a future center here! - Nice job.69每一个核心记忆And each core memory70都塑造了莱莉性格中的一部分powers a different aspect of Riley's personality.71比如说冰球岛Like hockey island.72搞怪岛是我的最爱Goofball island is my personal favorite.快回来你这个小猴子Come back here, you little monkey!74傻孩子Y ou're silly.75没错搞怪岛是最棒的Y ep, goofball is the best.76不过友情岛也不错Friendship island is pretty good too.77我喜欢诚实岛这是实话I love honesty island. And that's the truth!78当然家庭岛也很好And of course, family island is amazing.79重点是正是这些小岛The point is, the islands80造就了现在的莱莉of personality are what make Riley...Riley!81小心美人鱼Look out, mermaid!82火山岩浆Lava!83谁是你爱玩的小伙伴冰棒冰棒Who's your friend who likes to play? Bing bong, bing bong!84-真棒-谁教你的- Hey! V ery nice! - Where'd you learn that?85大脑被冻住了Brain freeze!86耶Y eah!87-晚安孩子-晚安爸爸- Good night, kiddo. - Good night, dad.88这样我们也下班了And... we're out!89这就是我所描绘的完美又一天That's what I'm talking about! Another perfect day!90大家表现都很棒Nice job, everybody!91把它们放进长期记忆区里吧Let's get those memories down to long term.92太好了我们今天没死All right, we did not die today!93简直是完美的胜利I call that an unqualified success.94就是这样And that's it.95我们爱莱莉We love our girl.96她有很多好朋友很棒的家She's got great friends and a great house.97这一切都很完美Things couldn't be better.98毕竟莱莉现在才11岁能发生什么事呢After all, Riley's 11 now. What could happen?99{\an5}{\pos(185.252,215.182)}已售出100什么What...101好吧这我也没料到Okay, not what I had in mind.102{\an5}{\pos(39.237,100.582)}丨103{\an5}{\pos(35.94,139.746)}头104{\an5}{\pos(64.527,136.801)}脑105{\an5}{\pos(67.606,187.527)}特106{\an5}{\pos(94.843,188.345)}工107{\an5}{\pos(121.959,187.365)}队108{\an5}{\pos(112.4,220)}丨109快看金门大桥是不是很棒Hey, look! The golden gate bridge! Isn't that great?110虽然发现它并不是金子造的It's not made out of solid gold like we thought,111有点失望不过还是很棒which is kind of a disappointment, but still...112乐乐听到你说地震只是传说我太开心了I sure am glad you told me earthquakes are a myth, Joy. 113不然我现在要吓死了Otherwise I'd be terrified right now!114是啊Y eah.115你在开玩笑吗快走Are you kidding? Get out of the street!116天啊快点For Pete's sake! Move it!117他们和我是一类人These are my kind of people.118好的再过几个街区就到新家了All right, just a few more blocks. We're almost to our new house! 119加把劲爸爸Step on it, daddy!120干脆在这臭烘烘的车里住得了Why don't we just live in this smelly car?121反正也坐了一个多世纪了We've already been in it forever.122其实刚刚好呢Which, actually, was really lucky,123我们可以有足够的时间想想because that gave us plenty of time to think about124新家到底长什么样子what our new house is going to look like!125我们来看看想象中的前五名What! Let's review the top five daydreams.126-看起来很安全-这个不错- That looks safe! - That one's nice.127莱莉会很喜欢的不这一个This will be great for Riley! No, no, no, no, this one! 128乐乐我再说一次曲奇屋没法住人Joy, for the last time, she cannot live in a cookie. 129就是这个有龙的房子That's the one! It comes with a dragon.130越来越近了我感觉得到Now we're getting close, I can feel it.131到了我们的新家Here it is, here's our new house. And...132说不定里面还不错Maybe it's nice on the inside.133-我们就住这里吗-一定得住着吗- We're supposed to live here? - Do we have to? 134我告诉你这里好像有尸体的味道I'm telling you, it smells like something died in here. 135搬家会死人吗Can you die from moving?136各位你们反应过度了没有人会死Guys, you're overreacting. Nobody is dying...137一只死老鼠A dead mouse!138-太棒了真是棒-我要吐了- Great. This is just great. - I'm gonna be sick.139这是死亡之屋怎么办It's the house of the dead! What we gonna do?140我们会得狂犬病的We're going to get rabies!141快走开Get off of me!142刚刚开车的时候Hey. All through the drive,143爸爸一直在说房间很棒dad talked about how cool our new room is.144我们去看看吧Let's go check it out!145-走吧-会很不错的- Let's go! - It's gonna be great!146对对对Y es, yes, yes.147不不不不No, no, no, no, no.148我都开始嫉妒那只死老鼠了I'm starting to envy the dead mouse.149把橡皮球拿开开始关禁闭了Get out the rubber ball, we're in solitary confinement. 150莱莉不能住在这Riley can't live here.151-她说得没错-这简直太糟了- She's right. - It's the worst.152-太糟了-绝对是最糟的- Really bad. - It's absolutely the worst.153这是我这辈子去过的最烂的地方It's the worst place I've ever been in my entire life.154没什么是蝴蝶窗帘遮不住的Hey, it's nothing our butterfly curtains couldn't fix.155有本书说过空房间正是大好机会I read somewhere that an empty room is an opportunity.156哪本书啊Where did you read that?157这不重要反正我看过也觉得它说得对It doesn't matter. I read it and it's great.158这里放床那里放桌子We'll put the bed there. And the desk over there.159-冰球灯放这里-椅子放那里- The hockey lamp goes there. - Put the chair there.160-奖杯都放那-星星我喜欢- The trophy collection goes there. - Stars! I like that!161这就对了快把东西从搬运车里搬出来吧Now we're talking! Let's go get our stuff from the moving V an! 162好了拜拜All right. Goodbye.163你猜怎么着搬运车周四才能到Well, guess what? The moving V an won't be here until Thursday. 164开什么玩笑Y ou're kidding.165搬运车还没到简直是最糟糕的一天The V an is lost? It is the worst day ever!166搬运车还没到The V an is lost.167你不是说昨天就能到吗Y ou said it would be here yesterday!168我知道说好是昨天到的I know that's what I said. That's what they told me!169妈妈和爸爸压力好大Mom and dad are stressed out!170-他们压力很大-我们该怎么办- They're stressed out? - What are we going to do?171他们到底什么情况What’s their problem?172我有个好主意I've got a great idea!173你到底看合同没有Did you even read the contract?174安德森进攻了她在逼近Andersen makes her move. She's closing in!175想都别想No, you're not!176她就要前去射门了She's lining up for the shot!177我在你后面Coming behind you.178-小心小心-她射门得分- Watch out! Watch out! - She shoots and she scores! Y eah! 179来啊老太婆Come on, grandma!180老太婆"Grandma"?181她把头发扎起来了比赛开始了She put her hair up, we're in for it!182把我放下来Hey, put me down!183抱歉等等Sorry. Hold on. Hold on.184喂Hello?185等等Wait. Wh...186开什么玩笑Y ou're kidding.187好吧帮我拖一下时间马上到All right. Stall for me. I'll be right there.188约好周四见面但投资人今天提前到了The investor's supposed to show up on Thursday, not today!189-我得走了-没事我们理解- I got to go. - It's okay. We get it.190你是最棒的谢谢亲爱的Y ou're the best. Thanks, hon.191拜拜亲爱的See you, sweetie.192爸爸就这样走了Dad just left us.193他不爱我们了好难过He doesn't love us anymore. That's sad.194该由我操作了吧I should drive, right?195乐乐你在干什么Joy? What are you doing?196先等一下Just give me one second.197原来莱莉还没吃午餐记得吗Y ou know what I've realized? Riley hasn't had lunch! Remember?198我在街边看到了披萨店Hey, I saw a pizza place down the street.199我们要不要去吃吃看Maybe we could try that?200听上去很美味Pizza sounds delicious.201-披萨好啊-吃披萨去- Pizza? That's good. - Y es! Pizza!202-怎么回事-谁会往披萨上放西兰花- What the heck is that? - Who puts broccoli on pizza?203够了我受够了That's it. I'm done.204恭喜你旧金山你把披萨也毁了Congratulations, San Francisco, you've ruined pizza!205先是夏威夷然后是你First the Hawaiians and now you!206哪有披萨店只卖一种口味的What kind of a pizza place only serves one kind of pizza? 207肯定是旧金山特色对吧Must be a San Francisco thing, huh?208不过总比在内布拉斯加吃的那顿晚餐强一点Still, it's not as bad as that soup. At that diner in Nebraska. 209是啊勺子都能在汤里立着Y eah. The spoon stood up in the soup by itself!210真恶心That was disgusting.211太好了家庭岛开始运作了Good. Family is running.212爸爸的胃真是铁打的Dad's got a steel stomach.213开车出来还是挺有趣吧The drive out was pretty fun, huh?214你最喜欢哪个部分What was your favorite part?215朝车窗外吐口水Spitting out the car window!216绝对不是老爸唱歌的时候Definitely not when dad was singing.217系安全带Wearing a seat belt!218和恐龙照相的那次怎么样What about the time with the dinosaur?219-就是这个-绝对的- That's the one. - Definitely!220茄子Say cheese!221-爸爸-亲爱的- Dad! Dad! - Honey!222-别乱动-车滑走了- Now hold still. - The car!223停别别别Stop! No, no, no!224这个不错乐乐Nice one, Joy.225我喜欢跟恐龙照相那次真有趣I liked that time at the dinosaur. That was pretty funny. 226等等发生了什么事Wait. What? What happened?227她影响了记忆She did something to the memory.228你干了什么What did you do?229我只是摸了一下I just touched it.230-应该不会变才对-把它变回来乐乐- That shouldn't make it change. - Change it back, Joy! 231-我正在试-变不回来吗- I'm trying. - Y ou can't change it back?232-不行我做不到-干得漂亮忧忧- No! I guess I can't! - Good going, sadness.233要是现在莱莉想起刚刚那一幕Now when Riley thinks of that moment with dad,234她会感到伤心真棒she's gonna feel sad. Bravo.235抱歉乐乐我不知道I'm sorry, Joy. I don't really know...236我还以为...I thought maybe if you...237乐乐前面有楼梯Joy, we've got a stairway coming up.238在搞清楚怎么回事之前Just don't touch any other memories239别再碰其他记忆了until we figure out what's going on.240-好的-好的准备好- Okay. - All right. Get ready.241这个扶手很长我们可以一直滑到底This is a monster railing and we are riding it all the way down!242等等发生了什么事Wait, what? What happened?243-核心记忆-不- A core memory! - No!244忧忧你在干什么Sadness, what are you doing?245这个看着有点歪了It looked like one was crooked,246我一打开它就掉出来了so I opened it and then it fell out. I...247我只是想摸摸它It's just that... I wanted to maybe hold one. 248-乐乐- Joy!249忧忧你差点碰到核心记忆Sadness, you nearly touched a core memory. 250你一碰它们就变不回来了And when you touch them, we can't change them back. 251我知道很抱歉我不知道自己怎么了I know. I'm sorry. Something's wrong with me.252感觉自己快要崩溃了It's like I'm having a breakdown.253你没有崩溃只是压力有点大Y ou're not having a breakdown. It's stress.254我不停地犯这种错真是糟糕透了I keep making mistakes like that. I'm awful.255-没有啦-还很烦人- No, you're not. - And annoying.256你不能一直盯着你犯的错Y ou know what? Y ou can't focus on what's going wrong. 257总有峰回路转的时候去找寻快乐There's always a way to turn things around, to find the fun. 258找寻快乐我不知道怎么找Y eah. Find the fun. I don't know how to do that.259想想快乐的事吧Okay. Well, try to think of something funny.260还记得那个狗狗死掉的搞笑电影吗Remember the funny movie where the dog dies?261那不是Y eah, that's not...262那么和梅格一起的那次呢What about that time with Meg263莱莉笑得太猛牛奶从鼻子里喷出来when Riley laughed so hard milk came out of her nose? 264是啊超难受火烧火燎的Y eah. That hurt. It felt like fire.265太糟糕了It was awful.266好吧别想那个了想想其他的Okay, okay, don't think of that. Let's try something else. 267你最爱干嘛What are your favorite things to do?268我最爱干嘛My favorite?269我喜欢在户外Well, I like it when we're outside.270很好有沙滩和阳光That's good. Like there's the beach and sunshine.271我们把爸爸埋进去只露出头Like that time we buried dad in the sand up to his neck. 272我想的是雨天I was thinking more like rain.273雨天我也很喜欢雨天Rain? Rain is my favorite, too!274我们可以踩水坑啊We can stomp around in puddles.275很帅气的雨伞闪电Y ou know, there's cool umbrellas, lightning storms. 276下雨天背会被打湿More like when the rain runs down our back277鞋子还会进水and makes our shoes soggy.278很冷很冷冷得发抖And we get all cold, shivery,279让人打不起精神and everything just starts feeling droopy.280放轻松点Hey, hey. Hey, easy.281你怎么哭了Why are you crying?282咱俩想的真是天差地别It's just like really the opposite of what we're going for here. 283哭泣让我慢下步伐Crying helps me slow down,284免被生活的重担所困扰and obsess over the weight of life's problems.285我们想点别的吧Y ou know what? Let's, think about something else.286读点头脑手册如何听上去很有趣How about we read some mind manuals, huh? Sounds fun. 287我基本都读过I've read most of them.288这个你读过吗好像很有趣Well, have you read this one? This seems interesting.289第47卷恢复长期记忆"Long term memory retrieval, volume 47"?290-没有-多么引人入胜- No. - A real page-turner!291长期记忆经由通道分类选取"Long term memory data selection via channel subgrouping"? 292怎么样有趣吧你这个幸运的家伙See? Fun already! Y ou lucky dog.293你有这么多有趣的书可以读Y ou're reading these cool things.294我却得去工作真不公平I got to go work. Life is so unfair.295我们怎么办What can we do?296资金只够用维持一到两个月We've only got capital to last a month, maybe two. 297如果到时我们还没找到投资者If we can't find investors by then,298我们就得裁员了we're going to have to lay people off.299妈妈爸爸来给我个晚安吻吧Mom! Dad! Come kiss me good night!300-我知道-马上来- I know. I know. - Be right there!301这个项目必须做成知道吗We've got to land this, okay?302你听到爸爸说话了吗他好像很沮丧Did you hear dad? He sounded really upset.303那是什么一头熊吗是一头熊What was that? Was it a bear? It's a bear!304旧金山怎么会有熊There are no bears in San Francisco.305我看过一个长满毛的家伙看上去就像熊I saw a really hairy guy. He looked like a bear.306吓得我一惊一乍的快要神经衰弱了I'm so jumpy. My nerves are shot.307别跟我提你的神经I don't want to hear about your nerves.308要我来说I'll tell you what it is.309搬家根本就是个错误的决定This move has been a bust.310这不就是我一直说的吗That's what I've been telling you guys!311现在莱莉害怕的东西至少有三十七样There are at least 37 things for Riley to be scared of right now. 312光是这臭味就足以让她窒息了The smell alone is enough to make her gag.313真不敢相信父母居然把家搬到这来I can't believe mom and dad moved us here!314好了我明白你们都不是很满意Look, I get it. Y ou guys have concerns.315不过我们经历过更糟的不是吗But we've been through worse!316这样吧我们列个清单Tell you what, let's make a list317来看看哪些事能让莱莉高兴起来of all the things Riley should be happy about. 318好吧让我数数破房子破房间Fine. Let's see, this house stinks, our room stinks. 319-诡异的披萨-远在天边的朋友- Pizza is weird here. - Our friends are back home. 320还有载满家当的迟到搬运车And all of our stuff is in the missing van!321行了还能坏到哪去呢Come on. It could be worse.322你说得对乐乐Y eah, Joy.323如果没有躺在脏兮兮的地板上睡睡袋的话We could be lying on the dirty floor. In a bag.324好吧我承认开头确实很不顺Okay, I admit it, we had a rough start.325但是往好的方面想想...But think of all the good things that...326你错了乐乐No, Joy.327莱莉在这种环境下没理由开心起来There's absolutely no reason for Riley to be happy right now. 328你就别管了Let us handle this.329要我说直接翘课把自己反锁在屋里最好I say we skip school tomorrow and lock ourselves in the bedroom.330我们连换洗衣服都没有怎么见人We have no clean clothes. I mean, no one should see us.331我们还可以哭到气绝Y eah, we could cry until we can't breathe.332或者干脆关上门尽情地骂脏话We should lock the door and scream that curse word we know. 333-这样准没错-都打住- It's a good one! - Now hold on!334谁没有不顺心的时候呢对吧Look, we all have our off days. Y ou know...335亲爱的Hi, honey.336载着坏消息的"妈妈号"列车已进站The mom bad news train is pulling in.337搬运车还是没到Still no moving V an.338他们现在又改口说下周二才能到Now they're saying it won't be here till Tuesday,339真是难以置信can you believe it?340爸爸去哪儿了Where's dad?341接电话呢这一趟简直让他脱不开身On the phone. This new venture is keeping him pretty busy. 342还需要我多说吗I rest my case!343你爸爸最近压力过大Y our dad's a little stressed,344为新公司的起步和运营操碎了心you know, about getting his new company up and running. 345现在稍微来点不开心的表情吧Now for a few well-placed withering scowls.346其实我真的很想对你说I guess all I really want to say is,347谢谢你thank you.348就算经历了那么多不顺心的事Y ou know, through all this confusion you've stayed (349)你却还能保持积极的心态Well, you've stayed our happy girl.350爸爸最近确实压力很大Y our dad's under a lot of pressure,351但如果我们都能乐观一点but if you and I can keep smiling,352爸爸也许会好受一点it would be a big help.353我们能做到的对吧We can do that for him. Right?354那当然Y eah, sure.355你真是上天赐予的小礼物What did we do to deserve you?356-做个好梦-晚安- Sweet dreams. - Good night.357比起和妈妈吵架还是开心一点比较好Well, you can't argue with mom. Happy it is.358我们是快乐家族这名字不错Team Happy! Sounds great!359无条件支持你乐乐Totally behind you, Joy.360看来我们也该休息了Looks like we're going into rem.361今晚我来值夜班I got dream duty,362我等下会把这些送到长期记忆区去的so I'll take care of sending these to Long Term.363今天干得不错伙计们Great day today, guys!364都睡个好觉吧快乐家族Sleep well, Team Happy!365好了来看看今晚会做个什么梦All right, what's on tonight, Dream Production? 366我们到了这就是新家Well, this is it. The new place.367跟我一起住吧莱莉Come live with me, Riley.368是谁叫了西兰花披萨外卖Somebody order a broccoli pizza?369-来吃我呀-我可是有机蔬菜-Eat me! -I'm organic!370够了到底是谁在负责造梦No! Who is in charge of programing down there? 371我知道不能这么做不过...I know I'm not supposed to do this, but...372今天不能就这么结束了We are not going to end the day like this.373别担心don't you worry.374我保证明天一定是美好的一天I'm gonna make sure that tomorrow is another great day. 375相信我I promise.376早上好没吵醒你们吧Hello! Did I wake you?377你非得鼓捣那玩意儿吗Do you have to play that?378我需要练习呀Well, I have to practice.379不过我倒觉得这个动作更像是拥抱And I don't think of it as playing so much as hugging. 380新学校的第一天激动死我了First day of school! V ery, very exciting.381昨晚我熬夜想了个周全的计划I was up late last night figuring out a new plan.382听好了怕怕Here it is! Fear.383关于转校第一天可能出现的所有坏结果I need a list of all the possible negative outcomes 384你来整理一份清单on the first day at a new school.385我早就想过了Way ahead of you there.386有谁知道"流星"怎么写吗Does anyone know how to spell "Meteor"?387厌厌你把莱莉打扮得出众一点Disgust. Make sure Riley stands out today.388但也不要太格格不入But also blends in.389我一定会让莱莉看起来美美的When I'm through, Riley will look so good,390其他人只有自惭形秽的份the other kids will look at their own outfits and barf. 391"乐乐" "我在这""Joy." "Yes, Joy?"392"今天控制台由你操纵"Y ou'll be in charge of the console,393确保莱莉能开心一整天keeping Riley happy all day long.394"另外你的裙子真可爱我喜欢""And may I add I love your dress? It's adorable." 395"你说这件旧衣服吗谢谢你"This old thing? Thank you so much.396我觉得裙摆飘起来特好看”I love the way it twirls."397思想火车真准时Train of Thought! Right on schedule.398怒怒把原来的白日梦都撤下来Anger. Unload the daydreams.399我准备了一些新的免得课程无聊I ordered extra in case things get slow in class. 400要想派上用场的话It might come in handy.401除非新学校的课程又无聊又没用If this new school is full of boring, useless classes.402不过我觉得多半是这样Which it probably will be.403忧忧我有一个很重要的任务交给你Sadness. I have a super important job just for you.404-真的吗-跟我来- Really? - Follow me.405-你在干什么-搞定真棒- What are you doing? - And there. Perfect!406这个是属于忧忧你的圆圈This is the circle of sadness.407你的任务Y our job is to make sure408就是保证把悲伤都留在里面that all the sadness stays inside of it.409所以你想让我在这里站一天So you want me to just stand here?410我没有那个权力对你指手画脚Hey, it's not my place to tell you how to do your job. 411你就负责把悲伤保管好就对了Just make sure that all the sadness stays in the circle! 412看你做得多好是不是很好玩See? Y ou're a pro at this! Isn't this fun?413-不好玩-好孩子- No. - Atta girl.414好了各位开局不错All right, everyone, fresh start.415美好的一天即将开始We are gonna have a good day,416然后是美好的一周which will turn into a good week,417再是美好的一年which will turn into a good year,418最后是美好的一辈子which turns into a good life!419重要的日子So, the big day!420去新学校结交新朋友New school, new friends, huh?421对啊我有点小紧张但我更兴奋I know! I'm kind of nervous, but I'm mostly excited. 422我裙子好看吗喜欢吗How do I look? Do you like my shirt?423可爱极了V ery cute!424一个人上学没事吧要不要我们送你去Are you gonna be okay? Y ou want us to walk with you? 425众目睽睽下跟家长一起上学Mom and dad? With us in public?426-还是算了吧-我来搞定- No thank you. - I'm on it!427不用了我能行的爸爸妈妈再见Nope! I'm fine. Bye, mom. Bye, dad.428在学校过得开心小猴子Have a good day at school, Monkey.429去学校好好玩亲爱的Have a great day, sweetheart!430-这简直太疯狂了-还挺好玩的-That's crazy. It really is. -That was so funny.431是哪场棒球赛最近开始来着Do you know what basketball game is coming up? 432我们真的乐意来这里吗Are you sure we want to do this?433-进去再说-说得对大步向前吧- In we go! - Okay! Going in! Y es!434看见那个女孩没Did you see her? Hello?435两点钟方向那群女生一定很酷Okay, we've got a group of cool girls at two o'clock. 436你怎么知道How do you know?437一个打了双耳洞一个围了套头围巾Double ears pierced, infinity scarf.438她这是涂了眼影吗Is she wearing eye shadow?439挺想和这种人做朋友的Y eah, we want to be friends with them.440那就去搭讪吧Let's go talk to them!441开什么玩笑搭讪行不通的Are you kidding? We're not talking to them.442得先获得她们的好感才行We want them to like us.443说的是等等什么Y eah. Wait, what?444终于把所有潜在的坏结局整理完了Almost finished with the potential disasters.445最坏莫过于身陷流沙或者人体自燃Worst scenario is either quicksand, spontaneous combustion, 446或者是被老师点名回答问题or getting called on by the teacher.447只要说的这些都不发生的话...So as long as none of those happen...448同学们我们班来了个新同学Okay, everybody. We have a new student in class today. 449开什么玩笑这才来第一天Are you kidding me? Out of the gate?450告诉我这不是真的This is not happening!451莱莉跟大家做个自我介绍好吗Riley, would you like to tell us something about yourself? 452才不要No!。
以下是《头脑特工队》中的20句经典名句,附上英文原句:1. 哭泣能让我缓下来,更好地感受人生难题的重量。
Crying helps me slow down and observe the weight of life’s difficulties.2. 记忆是会被时间冲淡的。
Memories fade with time.3. 成长需要五颜六色。
Growing up needs all sorts of colors.4. 核心记忆塑造了我们的性格与内心世界。
Core memories shape our personalities and inner worlds.5. 大脑所有区域都是互相联系的。
All regions of the brain are interconnected.6. 美好记忆是永不消逝的。
Good memories never fade away.7. 正面的情绪、记忆都是金色的。
Positive emotions and memories are golden.8. 我们给情绪命名,有了情绪就有了自我。
We give emotions names, and with emotions come our sense of self.9. 把你的情绪放在心里,不是脑袋里。
Put your emotions in your heart, not your head.10. 所有的事情都是有其原由的。
Everything has its reasons.11. 记忆是生活馈赠的礼物。
Memories are the gifts of life.12. 从来不是只有快乐才有意义。
It’s never just happy that counts.13. 悲伤也是生命的一部分。
Sadness is also a part of life.14. 有时候我们需要别人帮我们找回自己。
1. island.- 音标:英[ˈaɪlənd];美[ˈaɪlənd]- 词性:n.(名词)- 例句:There are many beautiful islands in the Pacific Ocean.(太平洋上有许多美丽的岛屿。
)2. emotion.- 音标:英[ɪˈməʊʃn];美[ɪˈmoʊʃn]- 词性:n.(名词)- 例句:Love, anger, and sadness are all basic emotions.(爱、愤怒和悲伤都是基本的情绪。
)3. memory.- 音标:英[ˈmeməri];美[ˈmeməri]- 词性:n.(名词)- 例句:She has a good memory for faces.(她对人的相貌记忆力很好。
)4. core.- 音标:英[kɔː(r)];美[kɔːr]- 词性:n.(名词)- 例句:The core of the problem is lack of communication.(问题的核心是缺乏沟通。
)5. console.- 音标:英[kənˈsəʊl];美[kənˈsoʊl]- 词性:v.(动词)- 例句:He tried to console her when she was sad.(当她悲伤时,他试图安慰她。
)- 词性:n.(名词)- 例句:The game console is very popular among children.(这个游戏机在孩子中很受欢迎。
)6. imagination.- 音标:英[ɪˌmædʒɪˈneɪʃn];美[ɪˌmædʒɪˈneɪʃn]- 词性:n.(名词)- 例句:Children have rich imaginations.(孩子们有丰富的想象力。
)7. subconscious.- 音标:英[ˌsʌbˈkɒnʃəs];美[ˌsʌbˈkɑːnʃəs]- 词性:adj.(形容词)/n.(名词)- 例句:Our subconscious mind can influence our behavior.(我们的潜意识能影响我们的行为。
《头脑特工队》优美句子1. 如何评价电影《头脑特工队》成长,就是一路失去。
2. 如何评价电影《头脑特工队》(inside out)?大家静静地坐到片尾,屏幕上打出一行字“献给我们的孩子,愿永不长大”,我看在眼里,却觉得这话像是说给我心里的那个孩子听的。
头脑特工队有意义的句子英文回答:The Mind-Force Squad is a highly meaningful team. They are a group of individuals with exceptional cognitive abilities and specialized training, working together to solve complex problems and confront formidable challenges. This team is not only a force to be reckoned with, but also a symbol of hope and inspiration for others.One of the key reasons why the Mind-Force Squad is meaningful is their ability to think outside the box. They have the unique capacity to approach problems fromdifferent angles and come up with innovative solutions. For example, when faced with a seemingly unsolvable puzzle, they can tap into their creative thinking and find a hidden clue that others might have missed. This ability to think creatively and find unconventional solutions is what sets them apart and makes them so valuable.Another reason why the Mind-Force Squad is meaningful is their unwavering determination and resilience. They never give up, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Their never-say-die attitude and refusal to accept defeat inspire others to persevere and believe in themselves. For instance, when confronted with a seemingly impossible mission, they push through the challenges and ultimately succeed, showing others that with enough determination, anything is possible.Furthermore, the Mind-Force Squad's teamwork and camaraderie make them even more impactful. They understand the importance of collaboration and leverage each other's strengths to achieve their goals. For instance, one team member might excel in problem-solving, while another is a master of strategy. By working together and combining their unique abilities, they can overcome even the toughest challenges. This sense of teamwork and mutual support not only strengthens their bond but also serves as a powerful example for others.In addition to their exceptional skills and teamwork,the Mind-Force Squad also serves as role models for others. Their dedication, discipline, and commitment to their mission inspire others to strive for greatness. For example, a young aspiring detective may look up to a member of the Mind-Force Squad and be motivated to work hard and develop their own cognitive abilities. By serving as role models, they have the power to positively influence and shape the next generation of problem solvers.中文回答:头脑特工队是一个非常有意义的团队。
头脑特工队好句子英文1. "Our emotions are the colorful characters that star in the movie of our mind –'Inside Out'."2. "In a world within our minds, 'Joy' leads the way, but every emotion has its day."3. "At the helm of our mental Headquarters, 'Sadness', 'Anger','Fear', 'Disgust', and 'Joy' collaborate to paint our life's canvas."4. "'Inside Out' teaches us: it’s not about being happy all the time, it’s about embracing every emotion that defines who we are."5. "True bravery lies in acknowledging that 'every emotion is crucial, even when they're not joyful.'"6. "'Memories aren't just pictures, they're moments that shape us,' as Inside Out so vividly illustrates."7. "In the vast landscape of our psyche, 'each emotion is a guide, steering us through life's complex terrains.'"8. "'Growing up isn't about leaving certain emotions behind; it's learning how to balance them all.' - A lesson from Inside Out."9. "The film 'Inside Out' reminds us, 'Emotions are the gears turning the machinery of our thoughts and actions.'"10. "'Life's most valuable lessons often come wrapped in unexpected emotions,' a truth beautifully portrayed by 'Inside Out'."11. "When 'Joy' and 'Sadness' unite, they create a symphony of emotions that resonate with profound depth, echoing the essence of'Inside Out'."12. "'We can't have the rainbow without a little rain,' says 'Inside Out', teaching us the importance of contrasting emotions."13. "As 'Inside Out' suggests, 'Every feeling has its purpose, for happiness needs sadness to be truly appreciated.'"14. "'Navigating life's challenges would be impossible without the full spectrum of emotions,' a notion masterfully conveyed by Pixar's 'Inside Out'."15. "Just like Riley in 'Inside Out', we learn that 'embracing our complexities makes us beautifully human'."16. "'The heart of the story lies in understanding –emotions are not enemies, they’re integral parts of our emotional ecosystem.'"17. "'Inside Out' whispers, 'It’s okay not to be okay sometimes, because it's part of the journey to grow and evolve'."18. "Each character in 'Inside Out' is a testament to the fact that 'noemotion is too small or insignificant; they all play their roles in shaping our lives'."19. "Remember, as per 'Inside Out', 'even when Sadness seems to take over, she helps you heal and move forward'."20. "'The art of emotional intelligence begins with acknowledging that emotions are our allies, not adversaries,' a principle embodied by 'Inside Out'."21. "'Life’s tapestry is woven with threads of different hues, each representing an emotion that enriches our existence,' as depicted in'Inside Out'."22. "One powerful message from 'Inside Out' is: 'No emotion is solely good or bad; they are interconnected, forming the fabric of our experiences'."23. "The core of 'Inside Out' underscores that 'our emotional responses are as unique as our fingerprints, defining the individuality of our journeys'."24. "'Like a well-conducted orchestra, our emotions work together in harmony to create the beautiful music of our lives,' this analogy echoes throughout 'Inside Out'."25. "Ultimately, 'Inside Out' tells us, 'Understanding and accepting the complexity of our emotions is the key to unlocking a fulfilling life.'”。
1. “别让悲伤控制了你呀,就像乌云不能一直遮住太阳!” 例子:我那次考试没考好,心情超级低落,感觉天都要塌了,这时候朋友就跟我说了这句话,真的一下就点醒了我。
2. “快乐其实很简单,就像吃颗糖果那么容易!” 例子:我们一起出去玩,看到小朋友笑得那么开心,仅仅是因为手里的一颗糖果,可不就是快乐其实很简单嘛。
3. “恐惧不是你的敌人,而是你的提醒者!” 例子:我以前很怕黑,总觉得黑暗里有什么,后来想想,恐惧其实是在提醒我要小心呀。
4. “愤怒也可以是力量,就像燃烧的火焰!” 例子:他在赛场上很愤怒,觉得对手不公平,结果这股愤怒让他爆发,赢得了比赛。
5. “厌恶有时候是在保护我们呀,像个小卫士!” 例子:我看到那个脏脏的东西就很厌恶,这不就是身体在保护我不要去接触嘛。
6. “记忆是宝藏,要好好珍惜!” 例子:我和家人一起回忆过去的美好时光,真的觉得那些记忆就是最珍贵的宝藏。
7. “情绪没有好坏之分,就像彩虹的颜色都很美!” 例子:我以前总觉得哭是不好的,后来才明白每种情绪都有它的意义。
8. “你的内心世界比你想象的更精彩!” 例子:我每次做梦,都感觉自己进入了一个超级精彩的内心世界。
9. “让情绪自由流淌,就像河水奔腾不息!” 例子:她那天大哭了一场,之后整个人都轻松了,情绪就是要释放呀。
10. “头脑特工队就是我们的小天使,守护着我们的情绪!” 例子:每次我情绪波动的时候,就好像能感觉到头脑特工队在努力工作呢。
1、Do you ever look at someone and wonder.
2、What is going on inside their head?
3、Well, I know. Well, I know Riley's head.
4、And there she was...
在电影中房子的地址被改为皇家街21号,在迪士尼乐园中,这个地址是位于Club 33附近的一个私人餐厅。
头脑特工队2英文经典语句In the sequel to the beloved animated film, "Inside Out 2" takes us on a new adventure with our favorite emotions. As they navigate through the complexities of growing up, they discover that life's challenges are not just about happiness but also about embracing the full spectrum of feelings.With each emotion playing a pivotal role, the film teaches us that it's okay to feel sad, scared, or angry. These emotions are just as important as joy and can lead to personal growth and resilience.The movie also explores the importance of change and how our emotions evolve as we age. It highlights the significance of friendship and teamwork, showing that even emotions can rely on each other for support.As the characters embark on their journey, they learnthat it's not about suppressing negative feelings but about understanding and managing them. This powerful message resonates with audiences of all ages, reminding us that our emotions are what make us human.In "Inside Out 2", the characters face new challengesthat test their unity. Yet, they learn that as long as they work together, they can overcome any obstacle. This theme of unity in diversity is a timeless lesson that resonates with viewers.The film's classic lines, such as "Crying helps me slow down and obsess over the weight of life's problems," remind us of the importance of emotional expression and the healing power of tears.As the story unfolds, we are reminded that "Growing up is a journey, and it's filled with all kinds of emotions," which is a comforting thought for both children and adults alike.In conclusion, "Inside Out 2" is a heartwarming tale that teaches us to cherish every emotion, as they all contribute to the richness of our lives. It's a reminder that it's okay not to be okay, and that's what makes us truly alive.。
4、You cant focus on whats wrong.你不能把注意力集中在错事上。
5、I hope we dont have to grow up and every castle can exist forever.愿我们都不用长大,每一座城堡都能永远存在。
6、Dont be hit by a little difficulty in life.别被生活上的一点小困难打到。
头脑特工队好句摘抄1. You can’t focus on what’s going wrong. There are alw ays ways to turn things around.你不能把注意力集中在错事上,我们总能找到解决办法的。
2. Crying helps me slow down and obsess over the weight of life’s problems.哭泣能让我缓下来,更好地感受生命中遇到的困难的重量。
3. Disgust, make sure Riley stands out today. But also blends in. Disgust,请确保Riley今天很显眼,但是也要合群。
4. We should lock the door and scream that curse word we know. It’s a good one!我们应该把房间的门锁上,大声吼出我们知道的那句脏话。
那句脏话很适合现在说!5. Sadness: Wait Joy! You’ll get lost in there.等等Joy!你会迷失在那里的。
Joy: Think positive!想得乐观点!Sadness: Okay... I’m positive that you’ll get lost in there!好...我很确信地认为你会迷失在那里的!6. Bingbong: Take her to the moon for me, okay?冰棒:替我把她送上月球,好吗?7. Don’t obsess over the way of life’s problems.别被生活上的一点小困难打倒。
8. We all have our off days.我们都有不如意的日子。
9.Who's your friend who likes to play?Bing Bong,Bing Bong!His Rocketmakes you yell"Horray!"Bing Bong,Bing Bong!Who's the best in every wayandwants to sing this song to say?Bing Bong,Bing Bong!你喜欢玩的朋友是谁?冰棒,冰棒!他的火箭队,你大喊“万岁!”冰棒,冰棒!谁在各方面都是最好的,想唱这首歌来表达?冰棒,冰棒!。
《头脑特工队》(Inside out)
青春期是成长过程中必须经历的一个阶段,结合动画主人公莱 莉,该如何控制住自己的负面情绪?
试回想在自己的成长过程中,是否有着相似的得失经历,试图 写一遍小文章记录自己当时的感悟?
仔细阅读本文并结合本文,试与同学讨论该如何正确对待自己 的得失?
生中的第一次搬家,从明尼苏达搬到 了旧金山,告别了明尼苏达熟悉的一 切,跟随家人忧心忡忡地来到了陌生 的旧金山。告别了朋友,告别了明尼 苏达的快乐时光。莱莉开始变得焦虑、 惶恐、不安、愤怒,然后失落、绝望、 悲伤、难过。而就在此时,大脑中的 五个“小情绪”也被这一变化弄得手 足无措。处在主导地位的“乐乐”也 仿若霎时间失去了分寸,一切也彷佛 变得不受控制。 在一片混乱之中, “乐乐”和“忧 忧”意外地随着“核心记忆球”离开 了大脑“总部”——他们控制莱莉情 绪的地方。在没有“乐乐”的总部, 莱莉的“个性岛”也一个个塌陷。直 到莱莉决定离家出走,最后一个“个 性岛” , “家庭岛”也塌陷了。所有“个 性岛”塌陷让她变得冷漠。与此同时, “乐乐”和“忧忧”也在努力地回到 “总部” 。在返回的旅程中, “乐乐” 也一直保护着莱莉的“核心记忆” ,那 一切全都是开心的记忆。 但是, “乐乐” 在一次不小心中掉进了满是“记忆球” 的“记忆废墟” ,而在这里的记忆球, 最后都会变成灰烬, 彻彻底底消失 (包
在动画的结尾,出现了这样的字 幕:This film is dedicated to our kids. Please don’t grow up, ever. (此片仅献 给我们的孩子,请不要长大,永远不 要。 ) 因为在片尾我们看到,莱莉进入 了青春期, 她之后的每一个 “记忆球” 都不再只是一个颜色。因为长大后, 我们的快乐不再像儿时那么纯粹。
Inside Out.头脑特工队-英文剧本
1--Do you ever look at someone and wonder...2--"What is going on inside their head?"3--Well, I know. Well, I know Riley's head.4--And there she was...5--Hello.6--Riley.7--Look at you. Aren't you a little bundle of joy?8--Aren't you a little bundle of joy?9--It was amazing. Just Riley and me. Forever.10--For 33 seconds.11--I'm Sadness.12--Hello. I... I'm Joy. So...13--Can I just... If you could... I just want to fix that. Thanks.14--And that was just the beginning.15--Headquarters only got more crowded from there.16--Very nice. Okay, looks like you got this. Very good.17--Sharp turn! No! Look out! No!18--That's Fear. He's really good at keeping Riley safe.19--Easy, easy. We're good. We're good.20--- Good job. - Thank you. Thank you very much.21--And we're back!22--Here we go. All right, open.23--- This looks new. - You think it's safe?24--What is it?25--Okay, caution. There is a dangerous smell, people.26--Hold on. What is that?27--This is Disgust.28--She basically keeps Riley from being poisoned.29--Physically and socially30--That is not brightly colored or shaped like a dinosaur.31--Hold on, guys.32--It's broccoli!33--Yucky!34--Well, I just saved our lives. Yeah. You're welcome.35--Riley, if you don't eat your dinner, you're not gonna get any dessert. 36--Wait. Did he just say we couldn't have dessert?37--That's Anger.38--He cares very deeply about things being fair.39--So that's how you want to play it, old man? No dessert?40--Sure, we'll eat our dinner! Right after you eat this!41--Riley, Riley, here comes an airplane!42--Airplane. We got an airplane, everybody.43--Airplane.44--And you've met Sadness. She... Well, she...45--I'm not actually sure what she does.46--And I've checked, there's no place for her to go, so...47--She's good, we're good. It's all great!48--Anyway, these are Riley's memories49--and they're mostly happy, you'll notice. Not to brag.50--But the really important ones are over here.51--I don't want to get too technical, but these are called Core Memories. 52--Each one came from a super important time in Riley's life.53--Like when she first scored a goal. That was so amazing!54--Hey-hey! Would you look at that.55--Very nice.56--- Woo-hoo! - Yeah!57--And each core memory powers a different aspect of Riley's personality. 58--Like. Hockey Island.59--Goofball Island is my personal favorite.60--Come back here, you little monkey!61--Oh, you like that.62--Yup. Goofball is the best.63--Friendship Island is pretty good too.64--Oh. I love Honesty Island.65--And that's the truth.66--And of course, Family Island is amazing.67--I thought it is perfect.68--The point is. The islands are personality are what make Riley, Riley.69--Look out, blue face.70--Lava! Hoo!71--- Who's your friend who likes to play? - Bing Bong. Bing Bong.72--Hey, very nice.73--- Agh. - Brain freeze!74--- Agh! - Awh!75--Aw.76--- Yeah! - Yeh!77--- Good night, kiddo. - Good night, Dad.78--And...79--We're out.80--That's what I'm talking about. Woo! Another perfect day.81--Nice job everybody.82--Let's get those memories down to long term.83--Alright. We did not die today.84--I call that an unqualified success.85--And, that's it. We love our girl.86--She's got great friends and a great house.87--Things couldn't be better.88--After all. Riley is 11 now.89--What could happen?90--SOLD91--- What? - Aw!92--- Hnh! - Aw!93--Okay. Not what I had in mind.94--Aw!95--Hey, look. The Golden Gate Bridge, isn't that great?96--It's not made up of solid gold like we thought,97--which is kind of disappointed. But still...98--I sure am glad you told me earthquakes are a myth, Joy. 99--- Otherwise I be terrified right now. - ...Yeah.100--These are my kind of people.101--Alright, just a few more blocks.102--We're almost to our new house.103--Step on it, Daddy.104--Why can't we just live in the smelly car.105--We're already been in it forever.106--Which... actually was really lucky.107--Because that gave us plenty of time108--to think about what our new house is going to look like. 109--What? Let's review the top 5 daydreams.110--Woo, that looks safe.111--That looks nice.112--Oh. This will be great for Riley. Oh! No, no, no... this one. 113--Joy for the last time. She cannot live in a cookie.114--That's the one. It comes with a dragon.115--Are we getting close? I can feel it.116--Here it is. Here's our new house.117--And...118--Maybe, it's nice on the inside.119--- We're suppose to live here? - Do we have to?120--I'm telling you, it smells that something died in here. 121--Can you die from moving?122--Guys, you are overreacting.123--- Nobody is dying. - A dead mouse!124--- Great. - I'm gonna be sick.125--It's a house of the dead. What're we gonna do?126--- We're gonna get rabies. - Get off from me!127--Hey, hey, hey. All through the drive,128--Dad talked about how cool our new room is.129--- Let's go check it out. - It's gonna be great.130--Yes, yes, yes...131--- No, no, no... - I'm starting to envy the dead mouse. 132--Get out the rubber ball. We're in solitary confinement.133--- Riley can't live here. - She's right.134--- Really bad. - It's absolutely the worst.135--- This house stinks. - It's the worst place136--- ...I've been in my entire life. - Oh, yeah.137--Hey, it's nothing our butterfly curtains couldn't fix.138--I read somewhere that an empty room is an opportunity.139--Where did you read that?140--It doesn't matter. I read it and it's great.141--We'll put the bed there. And the desk over there.142--The hock lamp goes there.143--- Put the chair there. - Oh, the trophy collections.144--- There... - Stars!145--- I like that. - Now, we're talking.146--Let's go get our stuff from the moving van.147--Alright. Goodbye. Well, guess what?148--The moving van won't be here till next Thursday.149--Your kidding.150--Our van is lost? It's the worst day ever.151--- You said it would be here yesterday. - And I know that's what I said. 152--That's what they told me.153--Mom and Dad are stressed out.154--- They are stressed out. - Arguing.155--What're we going to do?156--I've got a great idea.157--Did you even read the contract?158--Anderson makes her move. She's closing in.159--Hey. Oh no, you're not.160--- She's running for the shot. - Coming behind you, watch out.161--And she scores! Yeah!162--- Woo-hoo. - Yo-ho.163--Come on. Grandma.164--Ha. Grandma?165--Oh-oh, she put her hair up. We're in for it.166--Heyyy. Put me down.167--- Eh-heh-heh. - Ha-ha.168--Sorry, hold on.169--- Hello. - Wait. What?170--You're kidding.171--Alright. Stall for me, I'll be right there.172--The investors are suppose to show up on Thursday, not today.173--- I got to go. - It's okay, we get it.174--You're the best. Thanks hon. See you, sweetie.175--Dad just left us.176--Oh, he doesn't love us anymore. That's sad.177--I should drive, right?178--Joy. What are you doing?179--Just you, give me one second.180--You know what I've realised. Riley hasn't had lunch. Remember?181--Hey, I saw a pizza place down the street. Maybe we can try that.182--- Pizza sounds delicious. - Pizza.183--- Yeah, pizza. - Pizza. Great idea. Let's get it.184--- What the heck is that? - Who puts broccoli on pizza?185--That's it. I'm done.186--Congratulation San Francisco. You ruined pizza.187--First the Hawaiians. And now you.188--What kind of a pizza place only serves one kind of pizza.189--Must be a San Francisco thing.190--Still, it's not as bad as the soup at that diner in Nebraska.191--Oh, yeah. The spoon stood up in the soup by itself.192--We're good. Family's running.193--The drive out was pretty fun. What was your favorite part?194--Spitting out of the car window.195--- Definitely not when Dad was singing. - Wearing the sit belt.196--Oh. What about the time with the dinosaur?197--- Oh, that's the one. - That was great.198--Say cheese.199--- Dad. Dad. Dad - Honey.200--Dad, look at the car. Just look behind you.201--No-no-no...202--No! Aw.203--Nice one, Joy.204--I like that time with the dinosaur. That was pretty funny.205--Wait, what. What happened?206--She did something to the memory.207--- What did you do? - I... I just touched it.208--That shouldn't make it change.209--Oh. Change it back, Joy.210--- I'm trying. - You can't change it back?211--- No. I guess I can't. - Good going, Sadness.212--Now when Riley thinks of213--that moment with Dad, she's gonna feel sad. Bravo.214--I'm sorry, Joy. I don't really know.215--I thought maybe if you, if you, I mean...216--Joy. We got a stairway coming up.217--Just don't touch any other memories until we figured out what's going on. 218--- Okay. - Alright.219--Get ready. This is the monster railing and we are riding it all the way down. 220--Wait, what. What happened?221--- A core memory! - Oh no.222--Sadness, what're you doing?223--It looked like one was crooked224--- So I opened it and it fell out. - I.225--It's just that. I want to, maybe. Hold one.226--Joy!227--Sadness. You nearly touch a core memory.228--And when you touch them, we can't change them back.229--Oh, I know. I'm sorry. Something's wrong with me.230--I... It's like I'm having a break down.231--You're not having a break down. It's stress.232--I keep making mistakes like that. I'm awful.233--- Oh, you're not. - And annoying.234--They, well... You know what.235--You can't focus on what's going wrong.236--There's always a way to turn things around.237--To find the fun.238--Yeah, find the fun. I don't know how to do that.239--Okay, well. Try to think of something funny.240--Oh. Remember the funny movie where the dog dies?241--Oh, yeah. That's not...242--What about that time, with Mag.243--When Riley laughed so hard, milk came out of her nose.244--Come on.245--Yeah, that hurts. It felt like fire.246--- It was awf... - Okay, okay.247--Don't think of that. Let's try something else.248--- What're your favorite things to do. - My favorite?249--Well, I like it when we're outside.250--That's good! Like, there's the beach and sunshine.251--Oh. Like the time we buried Dad in the sand up to his neck.252--I was thinking more like rain.253--Rain. Rain is my favorite too!254--We can stomp around the puddles255--You know. There's cool umbrellas, lightning storms.256--More like when the rain went south and bad, that makes our shoe soggy. 257--And we get all cold, shivery and everything starts feeling droopy.258--Oh. Hey, hey, hey. Easy.259--Why are you crying?260--It's... It's really the opposite of what we're going for here.261--Crying helps me slow down and not obsessive worried of life's problems. 262--You know what? Let's think about something else.263--How about we read some mind manuals. Sounds fun.264--I've read most of them.265--Well. Have you read this one. This seem interesting.266--Long term memory retrieval. Volume 47.267--- No. - Woo. A real page turner.268--Long term memory data selection via channel sober be.269--See. Fun already. Oh, you lucky dog.270--You're reading these cool things, I got to go work.271--Life is so unfair.272--What can we do. We only got capital that'll last a month maybe two.273--If we can't find investors by then,274--we're gonna have to lay people off.275--Mom. Dad. Come kiss me good night.276--- I know. I know. We got to land this, okay. - Be right there.277--Did you hear Dad? He sounded really upset.278--What was that? Was it a bear? It's a bear!279--There are no bears in San Francisco.280--I saw a really hairy guy. He looked like a bear.281--Oh. I'm so jumpy, my nerves are shocked.282--Ew. I don't wanna hear about your nerves.283--I'll tell you what it is. This move has been a bust.284--That's what I've been telling you guys.285--There're at least 37 things for Riley to be scared of right now.286--This smell alone is enough to make her gag.287--I can't believe Mom and Dad moved us here.288--Look. I get it. You guys have concerns.289--But we've been through worst.290--Tell you what. Let's make a list of all the things Riley should be happy about. 291--Fine. Let's see. This house stinks. Our room stinks.292--- Pizza is weird here. - Our friends are back home.293--And all our stuff is in the missing van.294--Oh, come on. It could be worse.295--Yeah, Joy.296--We could be lying on297--a dirty floor. In a bag.298--Okay, I admit it. We had a rough start.299--- But think of all the good things that... - No, Joy.300--There is absolutely no reason for Riley to be happy right now.301--Let us handle this.302--I say we skip school tomorrow and lock ourselves in the bedroom.303--We have no clean clothes. I mean no one should see it.304--And we could cry until we can't breathe.305--We should lock the door and scream the curse word we know.306--- It's a good one. - Now, hold on.307--Look. We all have our off days. You know...308--Hi honey.309--The Mom bad news Train is pulling in.310--Still no moving van.311--Now they're saying it won't be here till Tuesday. Can you believe it. 312--- Where's Dad? - On the phone.313--This new adventure is keeping him pretty busy.314--I rest my case.315--Now, for a few well place withering scowls.316--I guess all I really want to say is317--thank you.318--You know. Through all these confusion you stayed...319--Well, you stayed our happy girl.320--Your Dad is under a lot of pressure.321--But, if you and I can keep smiling,322--it would be a big help.323--We can do that for him. Right?324--Well.325--Yeah. Sure.326--What did we do to deserve you.327--- Sweet dreams. - Good night.328--Well. You can't argue with Mom.329--Happy it is.330--Can't argue with Mom, that's true.331--- Team Happy. Sounds great. - Totally behind you, Joy.332--Looks like we're going into REM.333--I've got dream duty so I'll take care of sending these to long term. 334--Great day today, guys. All is well, team Happy.335--Alright. What's on tonight, dream production?336--Now. This is it. The new place.337--Come live with me, Riley.338--- Somebody ordered a broccoli pizza. - Eat me, I'm organic.339--Now. Who is in charge of programming down there?340--I know I'm not suppose to do this. But.341--We are not going to end the day like this.342--Don't you worry.343--I'm going to make sure that tomorrow is another great day.344--I promise.345--CARAMEL CORN CURLS346--- Hello. Did I wake you? - Do you have to play that?347--Well, I have to practice.348--And I don't think of it as playing so much as hugging.349--Okay. First day of school. Very, very exciting.350--I was up late last night figuring out a new plan. Here it is.351--- Fear. I need a list - What?352--of all the possible negative outcomes on the first day at a new school.353--Way ahead of you there. They won't notice no meteor.354--Disgust. Make sure Riley stands out today.355--But, also blends in.356--When I'm through, Riley will look so good,357--the other kids will look at their own outfits and fart.358--- Joy! - Yes, Joy. - You'll be in charge of the console.359--Keeping Riley happy all day long.360--And may I add, I love your dress, it's adorable.361--Oh, this old thing. Thank you so much.362--I love the way it twirls.363--Train of Thought, right on schedule.364--Anger. Unload the daydreams.365--I ordered extra, in case things get slow in class.366--Might come in handy.367--If this new school is full of boring, useless classes.368--Which it probably will be.369--Oh, Sadness. I've a super important job just for you.370--- Really. - Uh-heh. Follow me.371--- What are you doing? - And there. Perfect.372--This is the circle of sadness.373--Your job is to make sure that all the sadness stays inside of it. 374--So, you want me just to stand here?375--Hey, it's not my place to tell you how to do your job.376--Just make sure that377--all... the sadness stays in the circle.378--See. You're a pro at this. Isn't this fun?379--- No. - Atta girl.380--Alright everyone, fresh start.381--We're going to have a good day which will turn into a good week, 382--which will turn into a good year, which will turn into a good life! 383--So, big day. New school. New friends.384--I know. I'm kind of nervous but I'm mostly excited.385--How do I look? Do you like my quote?386--Very cute.387--You gonna be okay. You want us to walk with you?388--Mom and Dad, with us in public. No, thank you.389--Yup, I'm on it.390--Nope, I'm fine. Bye Mom. Bye Dad.391--Have a good day in school, monkey.392--Have a great day, sweetheart.393--- Are you sure we want to do this? - In we go.394--Okay, going in. Yes.395--Okay. We've got a group of cool girls at 2 o'clock.396--- How do you know? - Double ears pierce. Infinity scarf.397--Whoa. Is she wearing eye shadow?398--Yeah. We want to be friends with them.399--- Let's go talk to them. - Are you kidding.400--We're not talking to them. We want them to like us.401--Oh... yeah. Wait. What?402--Almost finished with the potential disasters.403--Worst scenario is either quicksands, spontaneous combustion404--or getting called on by the teacher. As long as none of those happens... 405--Okay, everybody. We have a new student in class today.406--Are you kidding me! Out of the days! This is not happening!407--Riley, would you like to tell us something about yourself?408--No! Pretend we can't speak English.409--Don't worry. I got this.410--Okay.411--My name is Riley Anderson.412--I'm from Minnesota and now I live here.413--And how about Minnesota?414--Can you tell us something about it?415--Well you certainly get a lot more snow than we do.416--Ha-ha-ha. She's hilarious.417--Yeah, it get's pretty cold.418--The lake freezes over. And that’s when we play hockey.419--I'm on a great team. We're called the Prairie dogs.420--My friend, Mag, plays forward and my dad's the coach.421--Pretty much everyone in my family skates.422--It's kind of a family tradition.423--We go out on the lake almost every weekend.424--Or, we did. Till...425--I moved away.426--- Hey. What gives? - What?427--Hey, Sadness. You touched a memory.428--We talked about this.429--Oh yeah, I know. But I...430--Get back in your circle.431--Ah. What's going on?432--- Get it out of there, Joy. - Eject.433--We used to play tag and stuff.434--Cool kids whispering at 3 o'clock.435--Did you see that look? They're judging us.436--Somebody help grab that thing. Everybody put in...437--But, everything is different now.438--Since we moved.439--Oh no. We're crying and sloth.440--What? Sadness, what are you doing!441--Oh, I'm sorry. I'm, oh.442--- It's a core memory. - But, it's blue.443--No! Wait!444--Stop it. No.445--No.446--Joy. No.447--- That's a core memory. - Hey!448--- Stop it. Let go. - Don't. Wait.449--The core memories!450--No... no... no...451--Thank you, Riley.452--I know it can be tough moving to a new place.453--But we are happy to have you here.454--Alright everyone. Get out your history books.455--And turn to chapter 7.456--Can I say that curse word now?457--Oh no. 1, 2, 3, okay.458--Not enough. What?459--Where are we?460--Long term memory? Wait.461--Goofball Island?462--Riley's islands of personality, they're all down.463--Oh, this is bad.464--We... We can fix this.465--We just have to get back to Headquarters,466--plug the core memories in and Riley will be back to normal.467--Oh. Riley has no core memories.468--No personality islands and no... Oh.469--- What? What is it? - You.470--You're not in Headquarters. Without you, Riley can't be happy. 471--We got to get you back up there.472--I'm coming, Riley.473--So, as it turns out the green trash can is not recycling,474--it's for greens, like compose and egg shells.475--And the blue one is recycling.476--Riley is acting so weird. Why is she acting so weird?477--What did you expect? All the islands are down.478--- Joy would know what to do. - That's it.479--Until she gets back, we just do what Joy would do.480--Great idea. Anger, Fear, Disgust.481--How are we suppose to be happy? Huh.482--Hey, Riley. I've got good news.483--I found a junior hockey league, right here, in San Francisco.484--And get this, trial outs are tomorrow after school. What luck, right?485--- Hockey? - Oh oh. What do we do?486--Guys...th... this... Here, you pretend to be Joy.487--Wouldn't it be great to be back out on the ice?488--Oh, yeah. That sounds fantastic.489--What was that? That wasn't anything like Joy.490--- Ah... because I'm not Joy. - Yeah, no kidding.491--Did you guys pick up on that?492--- Uh-huh. - Sure. - Oh yeah.493--- Somethings wrong. - Should we ask her?494--Let's probe, but keep it subtle so she doesn't notice. 495--So. How was the first day of school?496--- She's probing us. - I'm done.497--- You pretend to be Joy. - What?498--Okay. Um.499--It was fine, I guess. I don't know.500--Oh, very smooth. That was just like Joy.501--Something is definitely is going on.502--She's never acted like this before. What should we do? 503--We're going to find out what's happening.504--But we'll need support. Signal the husband.505--Ahem.506--What a nice pass, over to Reed. Constance cross the line. 507--Ahem!508--Uh-oh. She's looking at us.509--- What did she say? - What?510--Oh, sorry sir. No one was listening.511--Isn't it garbage night?512--We let the toilet seat up.513--What? What is it, woman? What?514--He's making that stupid face again.515--I could strangle him right now.516--Signal him again.517--Ah. So...518--Riley, how was school?519--Aw. Waste of time.520--You got to be kidding me.521--Seriously?522--For this, we gave up that Brazilian helicopter pilot?523--Move! I'll be Joy.524--School was great. Alright?525--Riley. Is everything okay?526--Sir, she just rolled her eyes at us.527--What is her deal?528--Alright, make a show of force.529--I don't want to have to put the foot down.530--No. Not the foot.531--Riley, I do not like this new attitude.532--Oh. I'll show you attitude, old man.533--No-no-no-no. Stay happy.534--What is your problem? Just leave me alone.535--Sir. Reporting high level of sass.536--Take it to DEFCON 2!537--Your heard that gentlemen? DEFCON 2!538--Listen, young lady. I don't know where this disrespectful attitude came from. 539--You want a piece of this, pops. Come and get it!540--Yeah. Well... well...541--Here it comes. Prepare the foot.542--Keys, to exec position.543--Ready to launch on your command, sir.544--Just, shut up!545--Fire.546--That's it. Go to your room.547--Now!548--Foot is down. The foot is down.549--Good job, gentlemen. That could've been a disaster.550--Well, that was a disaster.551--Come. Fly with me, criancinha.552--We're gonna walk out there, on that?553--It's the quickest way back.554--But it's right over the Memory Dump.555--If we fall, we'll be forgotten forever.556--We have to do this for Riley.557--Just follow my footsteps.558--Not that high. It's totally...559--Hey.560--So...561--Things got a little out of hand downstairs.562--You wanna talk about it?563--Come on. Where's my happy girl?564--Monkey. Woo-hoo.565--Whoa! He's trying to start up Goofball.566--Come on. Hoo-Haa.567--Sadness! Turn right back!568--What the?569--I get it. You need some alone time.570--And we'll talk later.571--- We have a major problem. - Oh, Joy. Where are you?572--We lost Goofball Island.573--That means she can lose Friendship and Hockey and Honesty and Family. 574--You can fixed this. Right, Joy?575--- I... I don't know. - Oh.576--But we have to try. Okay, come on.577--- Riley's gone to sleep. - Oh.578--Which is a good thing if... When you think about it.579--Because nothing else bad can happen when she's asleep.580--We'll be back to Headquarters before she wakes up.581--We'll just go across Friendship Island.582--- Oh, we'll never make it. - No-no-no...583--Don't obsess over the way of life's problems.584--Remember the funny movie where the dog dies?585--Oh Sadness. We don't have time for this.586--We'll just have to go around.587--Take the scenic route.588--Wait, Joy, you can get lost in there.589--- Think positive. - Okay.590--I'm positive you will get lost in there.591--That's long term memory.592--An endless swarm of corridors and shelves.593--I read about it in the manuals.594--The manuals? The manuals.595--- You read the manuals? - Yeah.596--So you know the way back to headquarters.597--- I guess. - Woo-Hnn!598--You are my map.599--Let's go. Lead on, my map.600--Show me where we're going.601--Okay, only...602--I'm too sad to walk...603--Just give me a few hours to...604--- Which way, left? - Right.605--No, I mean go left. I said left was right like correct.606--Okay.607--This actually feels kind of nice.608--Okay, here we go. We'll be back to Headquarters before morning.609--We can do it. This will be easy!610--This is working.611--This is not working.612--- Are we getting close? - Yeah. Just another right.613--And a left. And then another left.614--Are you sure you know where we're going?615--'Cause we seem to be walking away from Headquarters.616--Oh. Riley's awake.。
头脑特工队里的好词好句好词摘抄:1. 五彩缤纷- 小片段:你看过《头脑特工队》吗?那里面的记忆球就像五彩缤纷的糖果,每一个都代表着不同的回忆。
2. 千奇百怪- 小片段:《头脑特工队》里的思维世界简直千奇百怪。
3. 若隐若现- 小片段:电影里有个情节,莱莉小时候的幻想朋友冰棒,在她慢慢长大的过程中,就变得若隐若现了。
好句摘抄:1. “每一段记忆都是独一无二的,就像雪花一样,没有两片是完全相同的。
”- 小片段:我在看《头脑特工队》的时候,听到这句台词,感觉一下子就被触动了。
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