
测速传感器将物料的运作速度转换成脉冲信号,从而控制称重仪表的采样频 率。称重给料机选用光电脉冲式测速传感器.
如使用平皮带结构,则挡料装置橡胶板下沿与环行带上表面有 2mm 的间隙;
保证外清扫器刮料橡胶板与皮带接触; K.称重组件的检查及调整(见图七)
5. 技术参数
给料精度:±0.5% 给料流量:0.5-500t/h(具体给料流量见设备标牌) 使用环境温度:-10℃至+40℃ 使用主电源:380VAC±10% 50 HZ±2% 使用仪表电源:24VDC±10% Max1A
6. 工作原理
6.1. 计量原理
物料通过称量段平台将负荷加载至称重辊上,称重辊又将作用力传输给称重传感 器,称重传感器输出电压通过放大传输给称重仪表微处理器,微处理器通过一系 列计算得出有关的物料实际给料量、物料的累计量等数值。
松开锁紧螺母,将安全限位螺钉与称重传 限位螺钉
感器底部脱开,间隙 2mm,然后将锁紧螺
8.2.3 设备上电调试
合上电源开关,系统上电,称重仪表、变频器上电自检后处于正常显示状 态。 A.变频器参数设置
按变频器随机操作手册及设计资料设置参数;常用的变频器品牌有 ABB、 丹佛斯、施耐德。 B.IND560-BC 参数设置 ①.仪表下拉菜单
德国申克失重称说明书 中文

3.现场总线的选项卡VSS021V: Modbus/S5VPB020V: ProfibusVCB020V: DeviceNetVET020V: MODBUS/TCP本手册适用于失重式给料机的计量和控制。
1.卸料:控制(失重式)2.卸料:测量3.平台负载:控制(增量式)4.平台负载:测量更多内容,见Fieldbus 操作手册BVH2220S5-RK512 (3964R)FH 458Modbus (Compa)FH 525显示:荧光显示,6毫米字元高度上段显示左侧:运行信息右侧:设定流量单位:kg/h 或t/h总未料量单位:kg 或t下段显示左侧:故障信息右侧:可选则的流量,速度等采用美国单位时,显示有所改变信号灯(发光二极管)2个绿色和3个红色绿色:准备好红色:错误或限值的讯息键盘:可触摸性薄膜启/停选择低段显示选择功能复位调入分配功能和故障文本确认故障信息, 删除输入退出功能开始功能确认输入准备输入,如设定值输入参数输入符号和小数点儿定义:I =流量单位: kg/h 或t/h 单位时间内通过皮带的物料量P=流量设定值单位:kg/h 或t/h 根据设定值控制实际值Z=喂料量单位:kg 或t 喂料量=喂料速率×喂料时间F=平台负载单位:kg 或tFr=物料重量在总量中的百分比单位:%Nom. Amount Fo=料斗和物料总重量Y=控制器调节量单位: mAXd=控制偏差N=电机转速单位:1/m重力: 控制模式容积: 非控制模式失重式计量原理:用称重传感器测量满载的料斗,规定单位时间内的重量。

目录MKS200-8、C280-6主机机组岗位的操作规程 (2)中央控制室操作规程 (6)+G1柜失重计量秤的操作规程 (12)加热器、冷却水循环系统和空气压缩机的操作规程 (16)电渗析水处理操作法 (18)净化室操作规程 (20)PE树脂送料岗位操作规程 (21)XLPE包装岗位操作规程 (24)抗氧剂失重计量秤加料操作规程 (27)过氧化物失重计量秤加料操作规程 (28)MKS200-8、C280-6主机岗位的操作规程一、上岗资格本岗位由经授权的专职人员操作,无关人员严禁操作。
三、操作步骤1、开车前的准备工作1.1 明确此次生产任务;检查上次的原始记录;检查原料仓储料情况。
1.2 确保水、电、气、油的正常供应,所有阀门都在正确位置上。
1.3 检查个机器设备,确认各机器设备正常。

F-103 LSC6400系列重型远程平台称量器说明书

F-103HEAVY-DUTY REMOTE PLATFORM SCALESDURABLE, POWDER COATED OR STAINLESS STEELLSC6400 SeriesCapacities from 100 to 1000 lb (45 to 455 kgf)ߜShipping and Manifest SystemsߜIn-Line Weighing and Checkweighing ߜParts Counting or WeighingߜIn-Motion Weighing SystemsߜGeneral PurposeWeighing ApplicationsWith their rugged design and high 1 part in 5000 accuracy, the LSC6400 Series platform scales are ideal for industrial applications.Standard features include ranges from 100 to 1000 lb, durable powder-coated or stainless steel platforms, positive overload protection, full-frame design, and adjustable leveling feet.Excitation:15V max Linearity:0.01% Hysteresis:0.02%Connection:3 m (10') cable Shipping Weight:18 x 18":30 kgf (65 lb)18 x 24":34 kgf (75 lb)24 x 24":39 kgf (85 lb)Construction:STD: Mild steel with premium powder coated platformSS: All stainless steel (frame and platform) with environmentally sealed load cellLSC6400-2424-100,scale, $845, shown much smaller than actual size.Starts atHEAVY-DUTY REMOTE PLATFORM SCALESMOST POPULAR MODELS HIGHLIGHTED!To Order (Specify Model Number)WM7600, weighmeter, $645,shown smaller than actual size, see page F-107.CANADA www.omega.ca Laval(Quebec) 1-800-TC-OMEGA UNITED KINGDOM www. Manchester, England0800-488-488GERMANY www.omega.deDeckenpfronn, Germany************FRANCE www.omega.frGuyancourt, France088-466-342BENELUX www.omega.nl Amstelveen, NL 0800-099-33-44UNITED STATES 1-800-TC-OMEGA Stamford, CT.CZECH REPUBLIC www.omegaeng.cz Karviná, Czech Republic596-311-899TemperatureCalibrators, Connectors, General Test and MeasurementInstruments, Glass Bulb Thermometers, Handheld Instruments for Temperature Measurement, Ice Point References,Indicating Labels, Crayons, Cements and Lacquers, Infrared Temperature Measurement Instruments, Recorders Relative Humidity Measurement Instruments, RTD Probes, Elements and Assemblies, Temperature & Process Meters, Timers and Counters, Temperature and Process Controllers and Power Switching Devices, Thermistor Elements, Probes andAssemblies,Thermocouples Thermowells and Head and Well Assemblies, Transmitters, WirePressure, Strain and ForceDisplacement Transducers, Dynamic Measurement Force Sensors, Instrumentation for Pressure and Strain Measurements, Load Cells, Pressure Gauges, PressureReference Section, Pressure Switches, Pressure Transducers, Proximity Transducers, Regulators,Strain Gages, Torque Transducers, ValvespH and ConductivityConductivity Instrumentation, Dissolved OxygenInstrumentation, Environmental Instrumentation, pH Electrodes and Instruments, Water and Soil Analysis InstrumentationHeatersBand Heaters, Cartridge Heaters, Circulation Heaters, Comfort Heaters, Controllers, Meters and SwitchingDevices, Flexible Heaters, General Test and Measurement Instruments, Heater Hook-up Wire, Heating Cable Systems, Immersion Heaters, Process Air and Duct, Heaters, Radiant Heaters, Strip Heaters, Tubular HeatersFlow and LevelAir Velocity Indicators, Doppler Flowmeters, LevelMeasurement, Magnetic Flowmeters, Mass Flowmeters,Pitot Tubes, Pumps, Rotameters, Turbine and Paddle Wheel Flowmeters, Ultrasonic Flowmeters, Valves, Variable Area Flowmeters, Vortex Shedding FlowmetersData AcquisitionAuto-Dialers and Alarm Monitoring Systems, Communication Products and Converters, Data Acquisition and Analysis Software, Data LoggersPlug-in Cards, Signal Conditioners, USB, RS232, RS485 and Parallel Port Data Acquisition Systems, Wireless Transmitters and Receivers。
Shinn Fu Australia Pty. Ltd. 汽车搬运平台杆 G2500 产品说明书

OWNER'S MANUALWORKING LOAD LIMIT 2500KGGARAGE JACKModel No: G2500THIS NEW JACK CONFORMS TO MANDATORYASNZS 2615:2004 STANDARDSafe Instructions OperationSpecifications MaintenanceCAUTION:Carefully Read Instructions and Procedures for Safe OperationsSAFE INSTRUCTIONSINSTRUCTIONSThis hydraulic trolley jack is designed to be used with a 125mm diameter head cap, and a handle length of 1330mm length.1. Before Each UseVisual inspection should be made before each use of the garage service jack for abnormalconditions such as cracked welds, leaks and damaged, loose, or missing parts.2. After Each UseGarage jack should be inspected immediately if the lift is believed to have been subjected to an abnormal load or shock. It is recommended that inspection be made by manufacturer’s or supplier’s authorized repair facility.3. Annual InspectionAnnual inspection of the garage jack is recommended and shall be made by themanufacturer’s or supplier’s nominated repair facility to ensure that your garage jack is inoptimum condition.RECOMMENDATION FOR SAFE USAGE OF THE JACK1. The hydraulic trolley jack should be used on a hard level surface and be free to roll duringlifting and lowering.2. The unlifted wheels of the vehicle should be chocked.3. The load should be centrally located on the head cap.4. No person should remain in a vehicle that is being lifted.5. The hydraulic trolley jack should be used for lifting and lowering only; the raised vehicleshould be supported on vehicle support stands.6. No person should get bodily under a vehicle that is supported by a hydraulic trolley jack.7. The vehicle manufacturer owner's manual should be consulted prior to the lifting of thevehicle.8. Make sure that lift point is stable and properly centered on jack saddle.9. Vehicle should be clear of all passengers. Transmission should be in gear (or park forautomation transmission) and the emergency brake should be engaged.10. Familiarize yourself thoroughly with this owner manual before operation to prevent damageto jack and property, or personal injury.Front Castor Rear CastorHandle ForkRelease ValveGear Handle AssemblyHydraulic PowerUnit Saddle TO RAISE:Place vehicle in park, apply brake and chock wheels with suitable devices.1. Position the jack under the load and close releasevalve by turning clockwise firmly.2. Operate manually by pumping with handle untilsaddle ALMOST contacts with vehicle. Check tosee that the saddle is centered and will contact theload lifting point firmly.3. Continue to pump jack handle until load is raised todesired height and immediately transfer load toappropriately rated jack stands.TO LOWER:1. Raise load sufficiently to remove support devices,then slowly turn handle counterclockwise until loadbegins to lower. Carefully control the rate ofdescent and avoid shock load created by openingand closing valve quickly. This may result inoverloading hydraulic circuit causing damage to jackand personal injury.2. Remove jack from under load and if necessary,Model No. : G2500Working Load Limit: 2,500kgHeight Lowered: 135mmHeight Raised: 495mmJack Dimension: 640mm x 345mm x 195mm Handle Length: 1,330mmVolume of Oil: 180ccNet Weight: 34kg push saddle down fully to reduce piston and ram exposure to contamination.OPEARTION Know Your JackSPECIFICATIONImportant:When adding or replacing oil,ALWAYS use good grade Hydraulic Jack oil. DONOT use Hydraulic Brake Fluid, Alcohol, Glycerin,Detergent, Motor Oil or dirty oil. Use of animproper fluid can cause serious internal damageto your jack.ADDING OIL• Position the jack on level ground and fullylower the saddle. Remove oil filler plug.• Turn jack over and drain old oil out throughthe oil filler plug hole.• Refill with new oil through the oil filler plughole. Not allow dirt or other foreignmaterials to enter the hydraulic systemwhen filling.• After refilling, remove any air from hydraulicsystem by opening the release valve andrapidly pumping the jack handle severaltimes.• Put the oil filler plug back and the jack isready for use.• Add lubricating oil to all moving part asneeded.• Check ram and pump plunger every fewmonths for any signs of rust or corrosion.Clean as needed by wiping with oily cloth.• When not in use, ALWAYS store jack withsaddle and pump plunger lowered all theway down.POSSIBLE PROBLEMS POSSIBLE CAUSESJack will not liftloadJack will liftload, but will notholdJack will notlowercompletelyPoor jacklifting. Pumpfeels spongyJack will notlift to fullheightHandle raisesby itself whenjack is underloadAND SOLUTIONS(Refer to Operation andMaintenance proceduresfor detail information)X Release valve not tightly closed. To close or tighten, turn release valve clockwise.X X X X Air is in hydraulic system. Release air from system.X X X X Oil level is low in jack. Add oil as required.X 1. Oil reservoir is overfilled. Drain out someoil.2. Lubrication of movingparts is necessary.X X X Power unit is malfunctioning. Replace the power unit.MAINTENANCEMAINTAINING OIL LEVELLUBRICATIONPREVENTING RUSTPRODUCT NO.:G25002,500 KG GARAGE JACKMANUAL12345678910111241314151617181920212223242526272829301572737547484344744232333437383940413536374950535554555656575859575251616264636566676866676876706971636468G25001G489-30020-0001G489-30024-0000G489-30023-0000G489-30006-0000G489-30022-0000G489-30025-0000G489-30004-0003G489-30003-0000F348-30007-0000G489-30001-0000G489-30005-0000F348-30002-0000F361-30030-0000G489-30014-00001623-06350-2431623-09530-243BASE 2O-RINGRESERVOIR BACK-UP WASHER O-RING CYLINDER BACK-UP WASHER BUCHING COVER U-CUP-RAM TOP NUT BALL O-RING WASHER OIL FILTER 345678910111213141516ITEM QTY DESCRIPTIONPARTCODE ITEM QTY DESCRIPTIONPARTCODE 112111*********G489-30012-0000G489-30013-0000G489-30011-0000G489-30010-0000G489-30009-0000G489-30008-0000G489-30029-00001413-00006-2431103-06012-204G489-31000-0380G489-30021-0000G489-30027-0000G589-30015-0421GASKET COVERING LOCK WASHER SCREW SCREW PUMP PISTON BACK-UP WASHER GUARD SCREW OIL SEALSCREW SAFETY VALVE SAFE SPRING 181920212223242526272829O-RING 30SCREW11111111111111RAM PLUNGER G489-40004-0411G489-40003-100032RELEASE VALVE CONNECTING BAR RELEASE VALVE GEAR3311BALL NUT 3411317-00010-0313511401-00008-031WASHER 3637383940414243441511112111529-20010-0311413-00010-2041103-10016-031G489-20008-0410G489-40001-0410G589-40001-1000G489-10002-0421G489-12000-1000G95L-12000-0000RETAINER SCREWRETURNING SPRING PINLOCK WASHER HANDLE FORK RETURN SPRING LIFT ARM ASSY SADDLE 474849505152535455565758592112211221224G489-10001-1000G489-20004-0410G489-22000-1000G489-21000-10001303-00008-0311413-00008-204G489-20007-0410G489-20005-04101413-00020-204G493-20001-04101413-00012-204G489-20006-04101317-00012-031STUD RADIUS LINK RIGHT SIDE PLATE LEFT SIDE PLATE LOCK WASHER NUTLEFT HANDLE BOLT LOCK WASHER 616263646566224124G489-23000-0000G489-24000-00001413-00010-2041302-00010-031G070-20002-0410G489-20001-1000BEARING ASSY .REAR CASTER ASSY LOCK WASHER NUTFRONT AXLE FRONT WHEELSCREW RIGHT HANDLE BOLT NUTRADIUS LINK LOCK WASHER FRAME TIE RODG25006768HANDLE ASSY .70717273747576ITEM QTY DESCRIPTIONPARTCODE 1401-00018-0311438-00015-204WASHER SNAP RING-E SCREW O-RINGHANDLE II RELEASE VALVE ASSY RETAINER FILTERFRAME TIE ROD2269G489-41000-1002G489-40002-10011103-06034-031G489-30015-0000G489-32000-00001529-40035-031F361-30007-0000 G489-20003-041011111111。

二、按键操作说明三、主要技术性能☆使用温度范围:1400℃——1.8M, 1600℃——2.0M☆相对湿度:<90%RH☆字高:40mm/5位☆安全超载:200%F.S☆破坏超载:400%F.S☆读数稳定性:<5s☆准确度:Ⅲ级四、使用前准备把电子吊秤挂上行车,打开电子吊秤,待电子吊秤显示零位后,挂上物体进行秤重。
龙腾电子 JRZF-05A型粮食容重仪用户手册说明书

目录1.概述 (1)2.容重仪的结构 (1)3.工作环境及技术参数 (3)4.操作说明 (4)6.维护与保养 (7)7.保修 (7)8.装箱 (8)1.概述本使用说明书将以型号为JRZF-05A型为例向用户详细介绍产品具有如下特点:●超大LCD屏显示,显示清晰方便;●测量快速,操作简单,简单称量即可测试出农作物容重值;●高智能化,直接测试任意水分含量样品,测试结果准确度高;●水温恒温,测试水槽具有加热恒温功能,增加操作舒适度;●快速打印,配备微型打印机,实时打印测量结果:●可选配RS-232接口,与计算机等外部设备相连接。

Intecont Tersus‐‐‐失重秤标定步骤
1. 秤停止,秤内没有物料; 2. 按 功能键,操作选择键 ,找到标定;
3. 按 进入,按 ,找到 TW:去皮重;
4. 按 ,输入密码 7353,再按 ,程序自动运行,等稳定后,按 确 定,按 取消。
1. 秤停止,秤内没有物料; 2. 将标定需要的砝码重量输入 P03.04;
确定,按Βιβλιοθήκη 取消,校正完毕,动态量程标定:
1. 先设定大约额定流量量程的 50%(不能小于 30%),启动加料器; 2. 按 功能键,操作选择键 ,找到标定 2;按 进入,按操作选择键
,找到 CV:容积模式排料自适应, 输入密码 7353,按 进入;
3. 等待显示的数值稳定小幅变化时,按 确定,按 取消。
3. 按 功能键,操作选择键 ,找到标定; 4. 按 进入,按 ,找到 CW: 量程标定;
5. 按 ,输入密码 7353,再按 ,程序自动运行,等稳定后,会有两行显 示,上边显示为校正需要的砝码重量,下边显示为现在料仓里的物料重量, 将校正需要的一定重量的砝码放置于料仓顶部;
6. 按 ,程序自动运行,待稳定后,按 取下砝码。

GM8804C3使用说明书G M8804C3-V E R090101目录1概述............................................................................................................................ - 1 -1.1功能及特点................................................................................................ - 1 -1.2前面板说明................................................................................................ - 2 -1.3后面板说明................................................................................................ - 4 -1.4技术规格.................................................................................................... - 4 -1.4.1一般规格:........................................................................................ - 4 -1.4.2模拟输入部分:................................................................................ - 4 -1.4.3模拟输出部分:................................................................................ - 5 -1.4.4数字部分:........................................................................................ - 5 -2安装............................................................................................................................ - 6 -2.1一般原则.................................................................................................... - 6 -2.2传感器的连接............................................................................................ - 6 -2.3模拟量输入的连接.................................................................................... - 7 -2.4模拟量输出的连接.................................................................................... - 7 -2.5开关量接口的连接.................................................................................... - 8 -2.6电源连接.................................................................................................... - 9 -2.7串行口的连接.......................................................................................... - 10 -3标定.......................................................................................................................... - 12 -3.1标定方法.................................................................................................. - 13 -3.1.1进入功能设置.................................................................................. - 13 -3.1.2单位设置.......................................................................................... - 13 -3.1.3小数点位置设置.............................................................................. - 13 -3.1.4最小分度设置.................................................................................. - 13 -3.1.5最大量程设置.................................................................................. - 13 -3.1.6毫伏数显示...................................................................................... - 14 -3.1.7零位标定1 ....................................................................................... - 14 -3.1.8零点标定2 ....................................................................................... - 14 -3.1.9增益标定1 ....................................................................................... - 14 -3.1.10增益标定2 ....................................................................................... - 15 -3.1.11增益标定3 ....................................................................................... - 15 -3.1.12标定密码修改.................................................................................. - 15 -3.2标定参数表.............................................................................................. - 16 -4系统参数设置.......................................................................................................... - 17 -4.1系统参数的设置方法.............................................................................. - 17 -4.2工作参数说明.......................................................................................... - 18 -5用户参数设置.......................................................................................................... - 21 -5.1用户参数的设置方法.............................................................................. - 21 -5.2用户参数说明.......................................................................................... - 22 -6操作.......................................................................................................................... - 24 -6.1仪表的工作状态...................................................................................... - 24 -6.2仪表主、副显示说明.............................................................................. - 25 -6.3清除累计值.............................................................................................. - 25 -6.4手动清零.................................................................................................. - 25 -6.5进入运行状态.......................................................................................... - 25 -6.6返回停止状态.......................................................................................... - 26 -6.7清除报警.................................................................................................. - 26 -6.8PID控制说明 .......................................................................................... - 26 -6.9开关量测试.............................................................................................. - 27 -6.10开关量定义.............................................................................................. - 28 -7失重配料过程.......................................................................................................... - 30 -8串行口通讯.............................................................................................................. - 32 -8.1串行口模式.............................................................................................. - 32 -8.2Modbus通讯协议地址分配.................................................................... - 32 -9错误及报警信息...................................................................................................... - 35 -10仪表尺寸.......................................................................................................... - 36 -10.1仪表外形尺寸.......................................................................................... - 36 -10.2开孔尺寸.................................................................................................. - 36 -1概述GM8804C3失重秤控制器是针对动态实时配料设备的配料控制过程而开发、生产的一种称重控制仪表。
耐德精密称重器 BBA4x9 系列用户指南说明书

SpecificationsInterfacesThe instruments are fitted with one RS232 interface as standard. In addition, one of the following options is available:• Second RS232 interface • RS422/RS485 interface • Ethernet interface• Wireless LAN interface • USB (slave) interface• Digital I/O (with 4 inputs and 4 outputs)Further options• Internal storage battery (including AC charging adapter)• Version for external 12 to 24 VDC power supplyOptions that cannot be used in hazardous areas• External storage battery for model BBA4x9 (including AC charging adapter)OptionsModel BBA429 BBA439check BBA449check+ IND429 IND439check IND449check+Type of construction Compact balanceWeighing terminalBasic functions Zero setting • • • • • •Taring • • • • • •Change of unit • • • • • •Printing/data transfer • • • • • •MinWeigh • • • • • •Counting – – • – – •Info – – • – – •Identification (2 values) – – • – – •Date/time – – • – – •Tare definition – – • – – •Checkweighing Numeric display • • • • • •± application (check, check+) – • • – • •Bargraph ± display – • • – • •Colored ± display – • • – • •Input modes for target weights – 3 3 – 3 3Input modes for target quantities – – 2 – – 2Classify – – • – – •Standard tolerances – • • – • •«Take-away» mode – – • – – •Memory for ± data records – 99 99 – 99 99Memory for classification parameters – – 99 – – 99MiscellaneousBalance connections – – – 1 1 1Number of keys 6 10 25 6 10 25Battery operation (optional) • • • • • •IP69k protection • • • • • •Version with analog balance interface – – – • • •Version with IDNet balance interface – – – • • •Version for Zone 2/22 hazardous areas – ––•••(Category 3)AccessoriesGA46 thermal printer, stainless steel housing, RS232 interface, incl. 2.5 m cable 00505471 *1GA46 thermal printer, stainless steel housing, RS232 interface, incl. 0.4 m cable00507229 *1GA46 W thermal printer, stainless steel housing, RS232 interface, IP65, protective cover, take-up device, incl. 2.5 m cable00505799 *1GA46 W thermal printer, stainless steel housing, RS232 interface, IP65, protective cover, take-up device, incl. 0.4 m cable00507230 *1RS232 cable for PC (3 m, 8 pin <–> 9 pin Sub D socket) 00504376 *2RS232 male connector, 8 pin00503756 *2RS422/RS485 cable (3 m, 6 pin <–> open ends) 00204933 *2RS485 male connector, 6 pin00204866 *2Ethernet 10/100 Base T twisted pair cable (5 m –> 8 pin RJ45) 00205247 *2Ethernet 10/100 Base T twisted pair cable (20 m –> 8 pin RJ45) 00208152 *2USB adapter cable (0.2 m –> USB series A socket) 22006268 *2USB adapter cable (3 m –> USB series A socket) 22007713 *2Relay box for digital I/O option (same as for IND690) 22011967 *1Cable between digital I/O option (same as for IND690) 00504458 *2Digital I/O male connector, 19 pin00504461 *2Protective cover for BBA4x9 instruments (set of 3 covers) 22013992 *1Protective cover for IND4x9 terminals (set of 3 covers) 22013963 *1Stand, stainless steel, for IND4x9, height 330 mm 22013964 Stand, stainless steel, for IND4x9, height 660 mm22013965 Stand, stainless steel, for IND4x9 and KA-, KB-, MA-, MB- and DB- weighing platforms, height 330 mm 22014836 Bench support, stainless steel, for IND4x9, suitable for bench stand 00503632 and 00504854, height 500 mm22014835 Floor stand, stainless steel, for IND4x9, height 1000 mm22014834 ADI419 secondary display (IP69k, RS232, 3m cable incl., display without backlighting) 22013962 *1ADI419-B secondary display (IP69k, RS232, 3m cable incl., display with backlighting) 22014022 *1Stand base for floor stand22011982 Wall adapter, stainless steel, for IND4x9, tilting22013966 Wall bracket, stainless steel, for IND4x9, tilting and rotating22014833 GA46 mounting adapter, stainless steel, for bench and floor stand and wall bracket 22011985 *1External storage battery (additional storage battery for BBA4x9, excluding charger) 22013988 *1Charger for external and internal storage battery22014056 *1The following statements apply to installations in hazardous areas:*1 This instrument/accessory must not be used in hazardous areas!*2 This accessory is suitable for connecting a terminal in a hazardous area to an instrument in a non-hazardous area.Subject to technical changes © Mettler-Toledo AG MCG 05/08Printed in Germany 22 014 096 ADimensionsSales and service:For more informationService XXL• Integral service plan• Custom-designed service packets • Service contracts• On-site calibration certificates• Minimum weight determination with MinWeigh Quality certificate.Development, production and testing toISO9001. Environmental management system to ISO14001.«Conformité Européenne».This mark means you can rest assured that our products meet the requirements of thelatest EU guidelines.BBA4x9checkModel A B C D E F G H I A 300 235 102,5 216 240 175 380 432 228BB 400 335 104,5 216 300 235 450 432 230Colored tolerance control for unmistakable results!C h e c k w e i g h e r sThe optimal solution for manual checkweighing:4 Series with check application • Hygienic design • Colored backlighting • Fast and precise • Flexibly adjustableIP69k GMP EHEDG NSFThe perfect solutionfor convenient checkweighingIP protectionWith IP69k protection according to DIN 40050, the balances withstand even the harshest environments.The instruments are dustproof and also suitable for cleaning with high-pressure equipment.Good Manufacturing Practice“Very good for working to GMP!”. That’s how the IND4x9 terminals and BBA4x9 com-pact balances were rated by the Steinbeis Transfer Institute of Berlin University. The evaluation included cleanability, calibration, surfaces, and the qualifi-cation documentation.DisplayColor backlit 7-digit 7-segment LC dis-play. Brightness and colors individually adjustable.IND4x9 weighing technology The complete range of METTLERT OLEDO weighing platforms can be connected to the IND4x9 terminals. Terminal variants with analog and digital (IDNet) balance interfaces are optionally available. Most analog bal-ances from other manufacturers can also be used. You will find the metro-logical data in the operating instruc-tions or the data letter of the terminal.InterfacesA number of different interfaces are available for computer and printerc onnections (see options). The pro-tected interfaces are installed on the back of the instrument where they are easily accessible via IP69k protectedsockets.Wireless LANCommunication without cables! The IND4x9 terminals and BBA4x9 com-pact balances are optionally available with a WLAN interface according to IEEE 802.11b. The instruments can therefore be integrated into a WLAN network without problem. Data security is assured by WEP and WPA encryp-tion. The WLAN module is convenientlyconfigured with a WEB browser.GMPC h e c k w e i g h e rsIntrinsic safetyAll IND4x9 terminals are available in an intrinsically safe version for hazard-ous areas. As non-sparking equipment they fulfill the requirements of Category 3 and can therefore be used in Zones 2 (Gas) and 22 (Dust).A comprehensive range of weigh-ing platforms for hazardous areas isa vailable.Hygienic design, fast processing of measurement values,and the innovative color display set new standards in the industryModel BBA4x9MobilityAs an option, the instruments can also be supplied with a built-in storage bat-tery. A charge status indicator warns you in good time when the battery needs recharging. A single charge of the battery allows between 9 and 90 hours of network-independent opera-tion.9 h: continuous operation90 h: 10% operating time, power-offmode switched onFor the instruments of the BBA4x9 series a version with external storage battery is available. It is advisable to use a second storage battery. While the first battery is working, the othercan be recharged.Hygienic designwithout compromiseavailable:240x300 mm and 300x400 mm.For non-certifiable use, up to 30,000points can be displayed. For certifiableapplications, a resolution of up to 2 x3000e (multirange) is possible.CheckweighingThe optimal solution for manualcheckweighing is provided with the“check” and “check+” software mod-ules. Flexible setting possibilities in theSetup menu allow the instruments tobe adapted to different processes. Theintuitive operation reduces the trainingeffort and helps avoid incorrect inputs!HygieneThe IND4x9 weighing terminalsand BBA4x9 compact balances werespecially designed for use in hygieni-cally sensitive areas.The smooth surfaces and the materi-als used allow easy and thoroughcleaning. Even the back of the instru-ment has an impressively smooth,closed surface. The National SanitationFoundation (NSF) and European Hygi-enic Engineering and Design Group(EHEDG) have performed a positiveevaluation of the instruments. Cor-responding certificates and reports areavailable at .EHEDGprovides clarityColored display for unmistakable resultsThe colored backlighting of the LC display pro-vides easily readable unmistakable information as to whether or not the weight is within the tolerance limits! If you don't like our choice of colors, you can mix other colors in the Setup menu. The dis-play brightness is also adjustable. The bargraph provides additional information about the distance from the target weight.YellowWeight above the toleranceGreenWeight within the toleranceRedWeight below the toleranceDimmed grayCheckweighing not activated or net < = 0Flexible processes for convenient workingThe “check” and “check+” software modules are specially designed for manual checkweighing. The “check+” software module also allows manual checkweighing as well as classification into up to 5 classes. Numerous setting possibilities in the Setup menu make adaptation to individual requirements child’s play:• 3 different possibilities for inputting the target weight and tolerances Absolute: Definition of the lower and upper weight or quantity limits Relative: Definition of target weight or target quantity, + and – tolerances as weight values or quantitiesPercent: Definition of target weight, + and – tolerances in percent• Target values can be input using the keyboard or weighed• Different sizes of + and – tolerance can be used• When standard tolerances are used, only the target value is input or weighed. The effort is minimal and incorrect inputs are impossible.• Memory for 99 different articles and tolerances. Easy to call up and iden-tify! The display shows the number of the article memory at bottom right.• Secured against unauthorizedchanges! Individual functions, such as inputting and saving target val-ues, can be disabled for the user.• What do you prefer to see? The current weight, quantities or the deviation from the target weight? No problem! One simple input in theS etup menu is enough.• The “Take away” function allows repeated removal of a defined weight or quantity with automatic tolerance checking and automatic taring.The “Classify” function allows articles to be classified into up to five different classes.。

搅拌机容量和输送车容量而定 , 如搅拌机容量 3 方, 输送 车容 量 1 2方 , 那 一批 生产 4盘 。 配料控制方式 : 先设定一个落差值 , 当物料配到 s 时, 关 闭配料 口, 等物料 完全 落到 秤上 。 3 . 1 落差手 动调 整 这 时仪 表 刚好 显 示 s, 或 者也没超差 , 这 是 我 们 要 的 。通常那 些 物料均 匀 的流 动性 好 的如 河 沙 , 设 定 好 一 个准 确 的落差值 , 就 能轻 松配 准 。 3 . 2 落差 自 动补偿 如果最后仪表显示超差 , 说 明我们设定 的落差值不 准确 , 那 就要进 行调 整 , 下一 盘配料 就采 用调 整后 的落 差 进行 补偿 。一 般情 况下 采用半 值法 :
体参考 J J G 5 6 4— 2 0 o 2 《 重力式 自动装料衡器 ( 定量 自动 衡器 ) 检定 规程 》 。如 何保 证 这 种 精度 , 在 设 备 正 常 的情 况下 , 配料是否准确 , 控制好落差( 或叫提前量或叫过 冲 量) 是关键 , 其 中又以搅 拌站 的物料多变 、 复杂为较难 , 所以本文就搅拌站配料控制方面跟大家作一个交流。
申继平 : 重力式 自动装料衡 器的配料控 制
重 力 式 自动 装 料衡 器 的配料 控 制
申继 平
( 广东省韶关市质量计量监督检测所 , 广东 韶关 )
摘 要 : 本文对重力式 自动装料衡器 的配料控制原理 、 方式做了一些介绍 , 可用于混凝 土搅拌站 电子料斗秤 、 大米包装秤等的配料 P C 、 P L C程序设计参考。
配料 的实际值 , 一配方值。 公式( 2 ) 采用逐 次逼 近 的 方法 , 自动 补 偿 , 一 般 补偿 过 两三 次 ( 打过两三盘料) 后 就 会 稳 定 下 来 。 当物 料 情 况 发生 改变 后 , 又重新 补偿 直至稳 定 。 有的程序采用全值补偿 , 上一盘料多了, 下一盘料就 减去多 出来的值 , 这样能比较快的就看到补偿效果 , 但容 易造成 震荡 , 一 直靠 近不 了配方值 , 每 盘都 超差 。 4 精 度控 制 车要 打多 盘料 时 , 若 第一 盘超 差 , 通 过后 面几 盘 的 落 差 自动补 偿 , 则整 车料 的误 差 通 常都 能控 制 在 允 许 范 围 内。 但 若 只需打 一盘 料 , 如砂浆 或是 最后补 方 , 超差 怎 么

石田电子秤常用操作AC-4000 电子称共有三种模式:P模式、B模式、C模式。
2.修改四舍五入:接上步继续(模式→开机→显示C00) →按6→按输入→到C06-00 0 4→按向上箭头到C06-00 15 0→按3按输入→终了→复位3. 设置标签:按6000模式→按1→按输入2次→按2 按输入→按输入到B01-01-02→按325(标签高度)→按输入到B01-01-03→按580(纸宽)→按输入→终了。
4.IP设置:进入B模式→10→输入→1→输入(B10-01-01 addres)→172→输入→(B10-01-02)21→依此类推→终了。
2.选择“NO.号为01”且“文本号为X(此X你表秤的IP地址)”并输入其所需传秤的IP地址后选择“确定”并选择“Y”即传其格式即打开I-label(3.1版)程序,将原先设置好的人人乐标签发送到刚设好ip的那台电子称上(一定要一台一台的发送),接着以下步骤:进入B01-01-01 32 (标签类别)B02-01 23 (条码前两位)B02-04 17 (条码类别)终了→复位即:6000模式—1—输入到b01-01——b01-02—4141—尺寸—输入—31(标签格式,也可设为其他值)—“商品号码”键—2—复写—终了(将b01-01-01改为31号格式)注意:第一次设置标价签时才需要:复制标签:“b01-01”→“↓”→“b01-02”→“→”→“4141”→“尺寸”→“输入”→“31”→“商品号码”→“2”→复写→终了。
OCS-JD 集装箱吊具电子秤 使用说明书

Precisa390Hx 系列高端电子天平 操作说明书

Precisa390Hx系列高端电子天平操作说明书普利赛斯称重设备系统有限公司普利赛斯版权所有,未经许可不得翻印、修改或引用!“Precisa ”、“普利赛斯”为普利赛斯称重设备有限公司/上海天美天平仪器有限公司的注册商标!警告请勿在危险环境下使用本仪器(例如:周围环境的空气中含有气体,水蒸气,烟雾,易燃灰尘等易爆燃物质。
),可能会导致人员伤害或设备损坏警告1. 电子天平使用不当,可能会导致设备损坏、人身伤害或人员死亡2. 电子天平只能使用随机提供的普利赛斯电源适配器3. 在插入电源适配器之前,请确认电源适配器上所述的工作电压和电源电压一致4. 如果电源适配器或其电源线有损坏,必须马上切断电子天平电源(拔出电源适配器)5. 如果有任何可能使电子天平操作不安全的因素,必须切断电子天平电源(拔出电源适配器)以免损坏仪器注意1. 电子天平属于精密仪器,仅用于干燥、稳定的室内环境,并放置于坚实、牢固并具有防震功能的水平台面上2. 任何气流和气温的过度波动,可能导致称量的不稳定性3. 请勿用尖利或者尖锐物体操作屏幕4. 切勿自行打开电子天平。
倘若有任何问题,请与上海天美天平仪器有限公司售后服务联系5. 务必使用普利赛斯原装供应的电子天平选配件和外围设备普利赛斯保留修改本说明书的权利目 录1. 概述 (1)1.1 总体结构 (1)1.2 主要功能 (3)1.3 主要特点 (4)1.4 使用环境及条件 (5)1.5 技术指标 (6)2. 安装 (6)2.1 打开包装 (6)2.2 交货清单 (7)2.3 组装 (8)2.4 使用要求 (11)2.5 连接电源 (12)2.6 启动电子天平 (12)2.7 水平调节 (12)2.8 风罩顶部玻璃联动调节 (14)2.9 校准 (14)3. 操作界面 (15)3.1 导航 (15)3.1.1 主界面 (16)3.1.2 帮助 (16)3.1.3 任务栏 (16)3.1.4 附加功能 (16)3.1.5快捷菜单 (16)3.1.6 用户自定义栏 (16)3.1.7 操作栏 (16)3.2 用户界面 (17)4. 设置 (18)4.1 称重参数 (18)4.1.1 刷新率 (18)4.1.2 环境因素 (18)4.1.3 滤波参数 (19)4.1.4 称量值读取 (19)4.1.5 自动归零 (19)4.1.6 快速去皮 (19)4.1.7 自动待机 (20)4.2 数据交换 (20)4.2.1 串口 (20)4.2.2 大容量存储器 (20)4.2.3 网络 (20)4.3 外设设置 (20)4.3.1 设备编码 (21)4.3.2 语言 (21)4.3.3 按键音 (21)4.3.4 幕背光 (21)4.3.5 自动待机 (21)4.3.6 外设(恢复出厂设置) (22)4.4 日期和时间设置 (22)4.4.1 日期格式 (22)4.4.2 时间格式 (22)4.4.3 设定日期/时间 (22)4.4.4注意事项 (23)4.5 最小样品重量(MSW)和质量管理设置 (23)4.5.1 MSW最小样品称重 (24)4.5.2 最小秤量 (24)4.5.3 去皮范围 (24)4.5.4 截止日期 (24)4.6 风罩 (25)4.6.1 开门速度 (25)4.6.2 开门宽度 (25)4.7 红外感应器 (26)4.7.1 左/右控制(滑动) (26)4.7.2 左/右控制(长) (26)4.8 离子发生器及静电消除系统 (27)4.8.1 触发方式 (27)4.8.2 强度等级 (27)4.8.3 持续时间 (27)4.9 校准设置 (27)4.9.1 内校 (28)4.9.2 外校 (29)4.9.3 自动校准提示 (29)4.9.4 砝码编码 (29)4.9.5 协议 (29)4.9.6 自动校准提示 (30)4.10 水平向导设置 (30)4.11 系统设置 (31)4.12 用户管理 (31)4.12.1 创建用户 (31)4.12.2 首次创建 (31)4.12.3 输入用户名 (32)4.12.4 设置密码 (32)4.12.5 设置访问层级 (32)4.12.6 设置数据访问权限 (32)4.12.7 设置协议访问权限 (32)4.12.8 删除用户 (32)4.13 定制化软键盘 (32)5. 应用 (34)5.1 称重 (34)5.2 计数称重 (37)5.3 百分比称重 (37)5.4 动态称量 (38)5.5 密度检测 (39)5.6 浮力误差修正技术BEST (39)5.7 自动重复性检测ART (40)5.8 审计追踪 (40)5.9 调水平 (41)5.10 单位选择/自由转换 (42)5.11 统计 (43)5.11.1 “统计”启用或禁用 (43)5.11.2 最大检测数量 (43)5.11.3 记录 (43)5.11.4 载荷变化模式 (44)5.11.5 自动去皮 (44)5.12 信息窗 (44)6. 维护与服务 (46)6.1 校准 (46)6.1.1 外部校准 (46)6.1.2 内部校准 (46)6.1.3 自动校准 (46)6.1.4 外部定义校准 (46)6.2 软件更新 (47)6.3 清洁 (47)6.4 错误信息 (47)6.5 运输 (49)6.6 贮藏 (49)7. 补充信息 (50)8. 选件及附件 (51)1.概述普利赛斯,全球领先的实验室天平制造商,1935年创建于瑞士,欧洲著名品牌,全球著名三大电子天平品牌之一。

切断阀 称重仓收尘口
N:BVV\BVVG\FOLIEN: Staubdosierung.ppt / Neumann 02.01
Wägen - Dosieren - Sieben - Kühlen - Trocknen
各量程点 实际配料量: 2 t/h
5 t/h
10 t/h
各量程点 绝对误差:
5 kg
12.5 kg
(2 t/h ×0.25%) ( 5 t/h ×0.25%)
25 kg (10 t/h ×0.25%)
0.25 %
0.25 %
实际精度: (0.005 ÷2×100%) (0.0125 ÷5×100%)
DDP1 774
N:BVV\BVVG\FOLIEN: Staubdosierung.ppt / Neumann 02.01
Wägen - Dosieren - Sieben - Kühlen - Trocknen
N:BVV\BVVG\FOLIEN: Staubdosierung.ppt / Neumann 02.01
Wägen - Dosieren - Sieben - Kühlen - Trocknen
N:BVV\BVVG\FOLIEN: Staubdosierung.ppt / Neumann 02.01
Drawing 2 ( Liquid Pitch )
Wägen - Dosieren - Sieben - Kühlen - Trocknen
(19)中华人民共和国国家知识产权局(12)实用新型专利(10)授权公告号 (45)授权公告日 (21)申请号 202020425009.8(22)申请日 2020.03.29(73)专利权人 福建南安实达橡塑机械有限公司地址 350000 福建省泉州市南安市金淘镇莲坑(72)发明人 杨艺林 (51)Int.Cl.B65D 90/00(2006.01)B65G 65/00(2006.01)(54)实用新型名称一种可自清理料斗的失重式喂料机(57)摘要本实用新型涉及喂料机技术领域,且公开了一种可自清理料斗的失重式喂料机,包括称台,所述称台的顶部固定安装有送料座。
权利要求书1页 说明书3页 附图1页CN 211870325 U 2020.11.06C N 211870325U1.一种可自清理料斗的失重式喂料机,包括称台(1),其特征在于:所述称台(1)的顶部固定安装有送料座(2),所述送料座(2)的正面固定连接有出料口(3),所述送料座(2)的顶部固定连接有供料斗(4),所述供料斗(4)的顶部固定连接有计量料斗(5),所述计量料斗(5)的顶部活动安装有顶盖(6),所述顶盖(6)的顶部固定连接有清理电机(7),所述清理电机(7)的输出轴固定连接有螺纹杆(8),所述螺纹杆(8)的外侧螺纹连接有滑块(9),所述滑块(9)的背面固定连接有收缩筒(10),所述收缩筒(10)的内侧滑动连接有两个伸缩杆(11),两个所述伸缩杆(11)相背离的一侧均固定连接有清理刷(12),所述称台(1)的顶部固定安装有齿轮箱(13),所述齿轮箱(13)通过转轴固定连接有搅拌器(14),所述供料斗(4)的左右两侧均铰接有清理门(15),所述齿轮箱(13)的正面铰接有两个电动推杆(16),所述搅拌器(14)的左右两侧均固定连接有刷头(17),所述伸缩杆(11)的外侧固定连接有弹簧(18)。
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