
AA/D abbr. Analog-to-Digital 模数转换16, 17AC abbr. alternating current 交流电5AC analysis 交流分析5 accumulator [ə'kjuːmjʊleɪtə] n.累加器17 accuracy [ˈækjʊrəsi] n.精度6 acquisition time 采集时间16 activate [ˈæktɪveɪt] vt. 激活3active [ˈæktɪv] adj.有源的4, 18 actuator [ˈæktjʊeɪtə] n.激励器4ADC abbr. analog-to-digital converter 模数转换器6, 18 addition [əˈdɪʃən] n. 加法3 address generator 地址产生器17 address latch 地址锁存器3 address pointer 地址指针2 addressing mode 寻址模式26 ADSL abbr. Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Loop 非对称数字用户线21AFG abbr. Arbitrary Function Generator 任意函数发生器28 algorithm ['ælgərɪðəm] n. 算法27 aliasing ['eɪlɪəsiŋ] n.混叠16ALU abbr. Arithmetic Logic Unit 算术逻辑单元3 amplifier [ˈæmplɪˌfaɪə] n. 放大器4 analog interfacing模拟接口(技术)6 angular [ˈæŋɡjələ] adj.角度的5 angular frequency 角频率5 annotation [ænə'teɪʃən] n.标注15 antenna [ænˈtenə] n.天线10anti-aliasing filter 抗混叠滤波器6, 16 array [ə'reɪ] n.数组26ASIC abbr. Application-Specific Integrated Circuit 专用集成电路13, 14, 15, 16, 25专用集成电路assembler [əˈsemblə] n. 汇编器3 assembly language 汇编语言3 ASSP abbr. Application-Specific Standard Part 专用标准部件14, 25 asynchronous [ə'sɪŋkrənəs] adj.异步的13 attenuator [ə'tenjʊeɪtə] n. 衰减器29 audio [ˈɔːdiəʊ] adj.音频的6 automatic variable 自动变量26AWG abbr. Arbitrary Waveform Generator 任意波形发生器28axis [ˈæksɪs] n. 坐标轴5Bbackplane [ˈbækˌpleɪn] n. 背板;底板9 backward compatible 向下兼容21 bandwidth ['bændˌwɪdθ] n.带宽6第 1 页共15 页bar graph 柱图22base band 基带6base station 基站10, 21battery [ˈbætəri] n. 电池7, 12baud [bɔːd] n.波特21Bessel filter 贝塞耳滤波器19biased [ˈbaɪəst] adj.加偏压的7bill of materials 材料单25binary number 二进制数3BIOS [ˈbaɪɒs] abbr. Basic Input Output System 基本输入输出系统3bipolar [baɪˈpəʊlə] adj.双极性的2bit pattern 位模式3bit vector 位向量26block diagram 方框图6block diagram 框图19BNC abbr. bayonet Neill–Concelman BNC连接器9Bode plot 伯德图5bond [bɒnd] n.接头9boot sector 引导扇区3branch instruction 分支指令26缓存器;;缓存区3, 10 buffer [ˈbʌfə] n. 缓存器bunching ['bʌntʃiŋ] n.聚束19bus interface 总线接口16Ccable ['keɪbl] n.电缆12cache [kæʃ] n.高速缓存2CAD abbr. Computer Aided Design 计算机辅助设计13, 18calculation-intensive algorithm 运算密集型算法17CAM [kæm] abbr. Content Addressable Memory 内容寻址存储器2capacitance [kəˈpæsɪtəns] n. 电容(值)5capacitive [kəˈpæsɪtɪv] adj. 容性的9capacitor [kəˈpæsɪtə] n.电容器2, 5capacity [kə'pæsɪtɪ ] n.容量10capture ['kæptʃə] vt. 输入,记录13carrier wave 载波24carry bit 进位位3cascade [kæsˈkeɪd] n.级联5cathode ['kæθəʊd] n. 阴极29CB abbr. Citizen's Band 民用波段10CCD abbr. Charge Coupled Device 电荷耦合器件18, 23CD abbr. Compact Disc 光盘12, 13cellular [ˈseljʊlə] n.使用蜂窝技术的6channel [ˈtʃænəl] n.信道6第 2 页共15 页characteristic frequency 特征频率5 charge pump 电荷泵8 Chebyshev Type 1 filter 契比雪夫I型滤波器18 chip [tʃɪp] n. 芯片1 chip rate 码片速率21 chrominance [ˈkrəʊmɪnəns] n.色度24 circuit [ˈsɜːkɪt] n. 电路1 circuit board 电路板1 circuitry [ˈsɜːkɪtri] n. 电路2, 4, 6 circular [ˈsɜːkjʊlə] adj. 圆形的5 circular buffer 循环缓冲区17 class [klɑːs] n.类26 clock cycle 时钟周期3 clock generator 时钟发生器8 clock rate 时钟速率9 CMOS abbr. complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor 互补金属氧化物半导体2, 9, 12, 23 coding theory 编码理论11 comparator [kəmˈpærətə] n.比较器2, 6 compatibility [kəmˌpætɪ'bɪlɪtɪ] n. 兼容性16 compiler [kəmˈpaɪlə] n.编译器3, 26 complex plane 复平面5 component [kəmˈpəʊnənt] n. 元器件;组件;部件1 concurrent [kən'kʌrənt] adj.并发的15 concurrent process 并发进程26 conductivity [kɒndʌkˈtɪvɪti] n.导电性7 conjugate [ˈkɒndʒʊɡeɪt] adj.共轭的5 converter [kənˈvɜːtə] n. 整流器7 converter resolution 转换器分辨率6 coordinate [kəʊˈɔːdɪnət] n. 坐标5 cordless phone 无绳电话10 counter [ˈkaʊntə] n. 计数器3 coupling [ˈkʌplɪŋ] n.耦合9 CPU abbr. central processing unit中央处理器1, 12程序))25, 27交叉编译器((程序cross-compiler 交叉编译器crosstalk [ˈkrɒsˌtɔːk] n.串扰9 crowbar [ˈkrəʊˌbɑː] n. 短路器7 CRT abbr. Cathode Ray Tube 阴极射线管29 cryptography [krɪp'tɒgrəfɪ] n. 密码学14 crystal [ˈkrɪstəl] n.晶体8, 18 CT abbr. Computed Tomography 计算机层析成像22 current source 电流源4 cutoff [ˈkʌtɒf] n.截止7 cutoff frequency 截止频率18第 3 页共15 页DD/A abbr. Digital-to-Analog 数模转换16, 17 DAC abbr. Digital-to-Analog Converter 数模转换器18 damping [ˈdæmpɪŋ] n.幅度衰减5 data acquisition 数据采集30 data compression 数据压缩18 data converter 数据转换器6 data processing 数据处理14 data rate 数据率19 data sheet 数据手册4, 6 dB abbr. decibel [ˈdesɪˌbel] 分贝5 DC abbr. direct current 直流电5 DCT abbr. Discrete Cosine Transform 离散余弦变换22 debug [diː'bʌg] vt.调试28 debugger [diː'bʌgə] n. 调试程序27 decimation [desɪ'meɪʃən] n.抽取6 declaration [deklə'reɪʃən] n.声明15 decoder [diːˈkəʊdə] n. 译码器3 delta modulation 增量调制(∆调制)11 denominator [dɪˈnɒmɪˌneɪtə] n.分母5 density [ˈdensəti] n. 密度2 design flow 设计流程13 design specification 设计规格28 desired signal 期望信号28 detector [dɪˈtektə] n.检波器8 deviation [ˌdiːviˈeɪʃən] n. 偏差8 device driver 设备驱动程序27 DG abbr. Data Generator 数据发生器28 dial tone 拨号音10 differentiation [ˌdɪfərenʃiˈeɪʃən] n. 微分4 digital [ˈdɪdʒɪtəl] adj.数字的1 digital cellular phone 数字蜂窝电话6 digital circuit 数字电路2 digital filtering 数字滤波6 digitization [ˌdɪdʒɪtɪ'zeʃən] n. 数字化16 diode [ˈdaɪəʊd] n. 二极管7 discrete [dɪ'skriːt] adj.离散的,分立的1, 13 discrete component 分立元件3 disk drive head 磁盘驱动器磁头18 dissipate [ˈdɪsɪˌpeɪt] vi.耗散7 distortion [dɪ'stɔːʃən] n.畸变28 division [dɪˈvɪʒən] n. 除法3 DMM abbr. digital multimeter 数字多用表28第 4 页共15 页Dolby Stereo 杜比立体声19 don't care 无关项15 downstream ['daʊn'striːm] n.下行比特流11 DRAM abbr. Dynamic Random Access Memory 动态随机存取存储器2 drive [draɪv] n.驱动器2, 12 DSP abbr. Digital Signal Processing 数字信号处理14, 18 DSP abbr. Digital Signal Processor 数字信号处理器16, 17 DSSS abbr. Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum 直序扩频21 duty cycle 占空比7, 8 DVD abbr. Digital Video Disk 数字视盘12 DVI abbr. Digital Video Interactive 交互式数字视频系统12 dynamic range 动态范围16 E合逻辑2, 9 ECL abbr. emitter coupled logic 射极耦射极耦合逻辑EDA abbr. Electronic Design Automation 电子设计自动化13, 15 edge detection 边缘检测22 EEPROM [ˈi:prɒm] abbr. Electrically Erasable Programmable ROM 电可擦除可编程只读存储器2 electrical power 电能7 electricity [ˌilekˈtrɪsəti] n. 电1 electron beam 电子束29 electronics [ˌilekˈtrɒnɪks] n. 电子学, 电子电路1, 7 embedded system 嵌入式系统13 emulation [ˌemjʊ'leɪʃən] n. 仿真16 encoding [ɪn'kəʊdɪŋ] n.编码19 end office 端局10 end product 最终产品16 erasable [ɪˈreɪzəbl] adj.可擦除的2 ethernet[ˈiːθənet] n. 以太网9, 12 even field 偶数场24 execute [ˈeksɪˌkjuːt] vt. 执行3 execution time 执行时间27 exponent [ɪk'spəʊnənt] n.指数17 exponential [ˌekspəˈnenʃəl] adj. 指数的5 expression [ɪk'spreʃən] n. 表达式26 external compensation 外部补偿4 FFCC abbr. Federal Communications Commission 联邦通信委员会10 FDM abbr. Frequency-division multiplexing 频分复用11 feature size 特征尺寸19 feedback [ˈfiːdbæk] n.反馈4 feedback component 反馈元件4 ferroelectric [ˌferəʊɪˈlektrɪk] adj.铁电的2 FFT abbr. Fast Fourier Transform 快速傅里叶变换6, 18第 5 页共15 页field [fiːld] n. 字段26 field operation 现场运行4 filter ['fɪltə] n.滤波器6 filtering [ˈfɪltərɪŋ] n.滤波9, 18 flash memory 闪存23 flip flop 触发器2 floating point processor 浮点处理器3 flux [flʌks] n.通量7 flyback [ˈflaɪbæk] n.回扫7 foundry ['faʊndri] n. 晶圆代工厂16 FPGA abbr. Field Programmable Gate Array 现场可编程门阵列13, 15, 16 frame grabber 帧采集器24 frequency conflict 频率冲突11 frequency masking 频率掩蔽20 frequency response 频率响应9 frequency reuse 频率复用10 frequency synthesizer 频率合成器8full range 满量程28 full scale 满幅度;满量程6full scale range 满量程范围16 functional accelerator 性能加速器16 fundamental frequency 基频29Ggain drift 增益漂移4 GBW abbr. Gain × Bandwidth 增益带宽积4 global data 全局数据26 GPP abbr. General Purpose Processor 通用处理器16 gray scale level 灰度级22 GSM abbr. Global System for Mobile communications 全球移动通信系统6 guided missile 导弹28 gyro ['dʒaɪrəʊ] n.陀螺仪28 handoff [hændɒf] n. 越区切换21 handset ['hænset] n. 手持设备10 Harvard architecture 哈佛结构17 HDL abbr. Hardware Description Language 硬件描述语言13, 15 HDMI abbr. High-Definition Multimedia Interface 高清晰度多媒体接口12 headroom [ˈhedˌruːm] n.净空,活动空间7 heatsink [ˈhiːt ˈsɪŋk] n.散热片7, 12 high impedance 高阻15 high-powered [ˌhaɪ ˈpaʊəd] adj. 大功率的10 histogram ['hɪstəgræm] n.直方图22 histogram equalization 直方图均衡22 Huffman encoding 哈夫曼编码22第 6 页共15 页IIC abbr. integrated circuit 集成电路1, 4 IDE [aɪd] abbr. Integrated Drive Electronics 集成驱动器电路12 IEEE abbr. Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers 电气与电子工程师学会15 image contrast 图像对比度22 image sensor 图像传感器23 imaginary part 虚部5 impedance [ɪmˈpiːdəns] n. 阻抗5, 15, 30 inbound ['ɪnbaʊnd] adj.输入的10 inductance [ɪnˈdʌktəns] n. 电感(值)5 inductive [ɪnˈdʌktɪv] adj.感性的9 inductor [ɪnˈdʌktə] n. 电感器5, 7 infinity [ɪnˈfɪnəti] n.无穷大5in-phase 同相28 input offset voltage 输入偏置电压4 instruction [ɪnˈstrʌkʃən] n. 指令3 instruction decoder 地址译码器3 instrumentation [ˌɪnstrʊmen'teɪʃən] n.仪器28 insulate [ˈɪnsjuleɪt] vt.绝缘1 integrated development tool 集成开发工具27集成;;积分4, 7 integration [ˌɪntəˈɡreɪʃən] n. 集成integrator [ˈɪntɪgreɪtə] n. 积分器5 interconnect [ˌɪntəkəˈnekt] n. 互连9 interface [ˈɪntəˌfeɪs] n. 接口电路2, 4 interference [ɪntə'fɪərəns] n. 干扰10 interpolation [ɪntɜːpəʊ'leɪʃən] n.插值6 interrupt latency 中断等待时间27 interval [ˈɪntəvəl] n. 间歇2IP abbr. Intellectual Property 知识产权25 IP abbr. Internet Protocol 互联网协议21 IP packet IP分组21 ISO abbr. International Organization for Standardization 国际标准化组织26 ISP abbr. in-system programmable 在系统可编程14 ISR abbr. Interrupt Service Routine 中断服务程序27Jjack [dʒæk] n.音频插口12 jitter ['dʒɪtə] n.抖动28 jitters [ˈdʒɪtəz] n. 时钟抖动8 JPEG abbr. Joint Photographic Experts Group 联合图象专家组23 JTAG abbr. Joint Test Action Group 联合测试行动组25Kkernel ['kɜːnəl] n.内核程序27 lagging [ˈlæɡɪŋ] adj.滞后的8第7 页共15 页laptop ['læptɒp] n.膝上型轻便电脑12 laser ['leɪzə] abbr. light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation 激光19 latency ['leɪtənsɪ] n. 反应时间27 LLCD abbr. Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示器23 lead [liːd] n.引线9 leading [ˈliːdɪŋ] adj.超前的8 leakage [ˈli:kɪdʒ] n.泄露2 learning curve 学习曲线15 licensing agreement 专利使用权转让协定17 linear ramp 线性斜坡5 linear regulator 线性稳压器7 linearity [ˌlɪnɪˈærɪtɪ] n. 线性28 lithographic [ˌlɪθəˈɡræfɪk] adj. 平版印刷的2 load [ləʊd] n. 负载7 load current 负载电流7 loading ['ləʊdɪŋ] n.负载30 log [lɒɡ] abbr. logarithm [ˈlɒɡərɪðəm] 对数4 logic [ˈlɒdʒɪk] n. 逻辑1 logic analyzer 逻辑分析仪28 logical channel 逻辑通道21 look-up table 查找表2, 19 loop filter 环路滤波器8 looping scheme 循环机制17 loss [lɒs] n. 损耗7 LP abbr. Long Playing 密纹唱片13 LSI abbr. large-scale integration 大规模集成1 luminance ['luːmɪnəns] n.亮度24 MMAC abbr. Multiplication and Accumulation 乘法累加运算18 machine instruction 机器指令3 magnetic [mæɡˈnetɪk] adj.有磁性的2, 7 magnitude spectrum 幅度谱22 mantissa [mæn'tɪsə ] n.尾数17 m-commerce 移动商务21 memory [ˈmeməri] n.存储器2 memory location 存储器位置3 metallization [ˌmetəlaɪ'zeɪʃən] n.金属化13 microcell [ˈmaɪkrəʊˌsel] n.微蜂窝10 microcontroller [maɪkrəkən'trəʊlə] n.微控器2 micron [ˈmaɪkrɒn] n. 微米;10-6米3 microphone ['maɪkrəfəʊn] n.扩音器18 microprocessor [maɪkrəʊ'prəʊsesə] n. 微处理器1, 3第8 页共15 页miniaturization [ˈmɪnɪətʃəˌraɪˈzeɪʃən] n. 缩微化1 MIPS [mɪps] abbr. Million Instructions Per Second 每秒百万条指令数3, 18 MMX abbr. Multi-Media Extension多媒体增强指令集17 mnemonics [nɪ'mɒnɪks] n. 助记符30 modem ['məʊdem] n.调制解调器12 monotonicity [mɒnətəˈnɪsɪtɪ] n. 单调性28µP abbr. microprocessor 微处理器14 MPEG abbr. Motion Picture Experts Group 运动图象专家组20 MRI abbr. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 核磁共振成像22 MSC abbr. Mobile Switching Center 移动电话交换中心10 MSPS abbr. million samples per second 每秒百万样本数6 MTSO abbr. Mobile Telephone Switching Office 移动电话交换局10 multiframe n.复帧11 multiplexer ['mʌltɪˌpleksə] n.多路复用器28 multiplication [ˌmʌltəplɪˈkeɪʃən] n. 乘法3 multiplier [ˈmʌltɪˌplaɪə] n.乘法器3, 17 Nnetwork operator 网络运营商21 network router 网络路由器2 next state 次态13 noise shaping 噪声整形6 nominal [ˈnɒmɪnəl] adj.标称的8 NRE abbr. nonrecurring engineering 一次性工程14 NTSC abbr. National Television Systems Committee 国家电视系统委员会24 Nyquist theorem 奈奎斯特定理16 Oobject recognition 目标识别22 odd field 奇数场24 one's complement 二进制反码11 op amp abbr. operational amplifier 运算放大器4, 18 opcode [ˈɒpkəʊd] abbr. operation code 操作码3 open loop gain 开环增益4 operand ['ɒpərænd] n.操作数26 operating system 操作系统3 optical [ˈɒptɪkəl] adj.光学的2 order of magnitude 数量级10 OS abbr. Operating System 操作系统12 oscillation [ˌɒsɪˈleɪʃən] n. 振荡4 oscillator [ˈɒsɪˌleɪtə] n.振荡器8 oscilloscope [əˈsɪləˌskəʊp] n.示波器20, 28 OTP abbr. one-time programmable 一次性编程14 outbound ['aʊtbaʊnd] adj.输出的10 outlet ['aʊtlet] n.电源插座12第9 页共15 页overload [ˌəʊvəˈləʊd] n.过载10 overvoltage [ˈəʊvəˈvəʊltɪdʒ] n.过压7Ppackage ['pækɪdʒ] n.封装形式; 程序包4, 15 packet ['pækɪt] n.信息分组21 packet switching 分组交换10 pad [pæd] n.焊盘9 PAL [pæl] abbr. Phase Alternation by Line 逐行倒相24 parallel [ˈpærəlel] adj.并联的8 parallel architecture 并行结构17 parallel resonant 并联谐振8 parallelism ['pærəlelɪzəm] n. 并行度14 passband ['pæsbænd] n.通带5, 18 passive [ˈpæsɪv] adj.无源的4, 7, 18 payload [ˈpeɪˌləʊd] n.有效载荷11 PCB abbr. printed circuit board 印制电路板9, 18 PCM abbr. Pulse Code Modulation 脉冲编码调制11 PCS abbr. Personal Communication Service 个人通信业务11 perceptual coding 知觉编码20 performance specification 性能指标6 peripheral [pə'rɪfərəl] n.外设12 PGA abbr. Programmable Gain Amplifier 可编程增益放大器18 phase spectrum 相位谱22 phone service 电话业务4 piezoelectric [ɪˈlektrɪk] adj.压电的piezoelectric [paɪzəʊɪˈlektrɪk] adj.压电的8, 18 piezoelectric crystal 压电晶体18 pipelining [ˈpaɪpˌlaɪnɪŋ] n. 流水线技术3 pixel ['pɪksəl] n.像素22 PLA abbr. Programmable Logic Array 可编程逻辑阵列13 playback ['pleɪbæk] n.重放19 PLCC abbr. plastic leadless chip carrier 塑料无引线芯片承载封装9 PLD abbr. Programmable Logic Device 可编程逻辑器件13, 14, 15 PLL abbr. phase locked loop 锁相环8 pointer ['pɒɪntə] n.指针26 pole [pəʊl] n. 极点5 pole [pəʊl] n.极点18 POST [pəʊst] abbr. power-on self-test 开机自检12 power [ˈpaʊə] n. 功率1 power consumption 功耗1, 6 power dissipation 功耗16 power loss 功率损耗9 power supply voltage 电源电压4第10 页共15 页power supply 电源12 ppm abbr. parts per million 百万分之一8 predictive encoding 预测编码11 present state 现态13 price/performance ratio 性价比16 probe [prəʊb] n.探头30 processing gain 处理增益6 program call 程序调用26 program counter 程序计数器3, 26 programmable [ˈprəʊɡræməbl] adj.可编程的2 propagate [ˈprɒpəɡeɪt] vi.传播8 propagation delay 传输延迟8, 30 prototype ['prəʊtətaɪp] n. 样机14 PSTN abbr. Public Switched Telephone Network 公共交换电话网10 psychoacoustics [ˌsaɪkəʊə'kuːstɪks] n.心理声学20 PTT abbr. Post Telephone and Telegraph Administration 邮政电话电报管理局10 pulse [pʌls] n.脉冲3 pulse width 脉冲宽度30 QoS abbr. quality-of-service 服务质量21 quality factor 品质因数5 quantization error (noise) 量化误差(噪声)6 quantization level 量化电平16 quartz [kwɒts] n. 石英8 RRAM [ræm] abbr. random-access memory 随机存取存储器3, 12 random noise 随机噪声11 raster ['ræstə] n.光栅29 RC abbr. Reconfigurable Computing 可重配计算14 RC abbr. resistor capacitor 电阻电容5 RCA abbr. Radio Corporation of America 美国无线电公司12 real part 实部5 real time 实时16 rectifier [ˈrektɪfaɪə]n.整流器7 redundancy [rɪ'dʌndənsɪ] n.冗余20 Reed-Solomon coding 里德-索罗蒙编码(RS编码)19 reference voltage 参考电压6 refresh [rɪˈfreʃ] vt.刷新2 register [ˈredʒɪstə] n.寄存器2 regulator [ˈreɡjʊˌleɪtə] n.稳压器7 resistor [rɪˈzɪstə] n. 电阻器6 resolution [rezə'luːʃən] n.分辨率6, 23 resolution function 判决函数26 resonant [ˈrezənənt] adj. 谐振的8第11 页共15 页resonating frequency 谐振频率8 ribbon cable 带状电缆;扁平柔性电缆9 ringing [ˈrɪŋɪŋ] n. 振铃振荡5 ripple ['rɪpl] n.波纹18 RISC abbr. Reduced Instruction-Set Computer 精简指令集计算机25 roll off 滚降18 ROM [rɒm] abbr. read-only memory 只读存储器3 router [ˈruːtə] n. 路由器2 rpm abbr. revolutions per minute 每分钟转数19 RTL abbr. Register Transfer Level 寄存器传输级13 RTOS abbr. Real-Time Operating System 实时操作系统26, 27 run-length encoding 行程编码22Ssample and hold circuit 采样保持电路16 sampling interval 采样间隔16 sampling rate 采样率6 SATA abbr.. Serial Advanced Technology Attachment 串行高级技术附件12 scanning velocity 扫描速度19 scheduler ['ʃedjuːələ] n. 调度程序27 schematic [skiːˈmætɪk] n.原理图7, 13 scientific notation 科学记数法17 SCR abbr. silicon controlled rectifier 可控硅整流器7 SDR abbr. Software-defined Radio 软件无线电14 SECAM ['siːkæm] abbr. SEquential Couleur Avec Memoire 顺序与存储彩色电视系统24 selective [sɪˈlektɪv] adj. 选择性的5 semiconductor [ˌsemɪkənˈdʌktə] n. 半导体1, 7 sequence[ˈsiːkwəns] n. 序列3 sequential [sɪ'kwenʃəl] adj.时序的13 series [ˈsɪəriːz] n. 串联7, 8 series resonant 串联谐振8 shade [ʃeɪd] n.明暗度22 shielding [ˈʃiːldɪŋ] n.屏蔽9 shifter ['ʃɪftə] n. 移位器17 signal conditioning 信号调理4 signal conditioning circuit 信号调理电路18 signal integrity 信号完整性9 signal-to-noise ratio 信噪比16, 20 silicon [ˈsɪlɪkən] n.硅1 simplex ['sɪmpleks] n.单工,单向通信11 simulation [ˌsɪmjʊˈleɪʃən] n.模拟9, 13, 16 sinc correction 抽样函数校正19 sine wave 正弦波6 single-shot 单脉冲29第12 页共15 页skew[skjuː] n.相位偏移8 slew [sluː] n. 摆率8 slope [sləʊp] n. 斜率5 smallest resolvable difference 最小可分辨值17 smoothing ['smu:ðiŋ] n. 平滑(滤波)16 SMS abbr. Short Message Service 短信业务21 SNR abbr. signal to noise ratio 信噪比6 SoC abbr. System-on-Chip 片上系统14 socket [ˈsɒkɪt] n.插座9 soldering [ˈsɒldərɪŋ] n.焊接9 solid state 固态1 sound card 声卡20 source [sɔːs] n. 信号源2 source and load impedances 源阻抗和负载阻抗9 source code 源代码27 spec [spek] abbr. specification 性能指标; 规格8, 12 specification [ˌspesɪfɪˈkeɪʃən] n. 性能指标; 规格4 spectral inversion 频谱反转16 spectral resolution 频率分辨率20 spectrum ['spektrəm] n.频谱6, 16 spread spectrum communication 扩频通信11 SPS abbr. Sample Per Second 每秒样本数18 SRAM abbr. Static Random Access Memory 静态随机存取存储器2 stability [stə'bɪlɪti] n. 稳定性4 stack [stæk] n.堆栈26 startup cost 启动成本27 state machine 状态机14 statement ['steɪtmənt] n.语句15 steady state 稳态8 step function 阶跃函数5 stimuli ['stɪmjʊlaɪ] n.激励源15 stimulus signal 激励信号28 stopband ['stɒpbænd] n.阻带18 strain gage 应力计18 string [strɪŋ] n. 字符串26 structure ['strʌktʃə] n. 结构体26 subassembly [ˌsʌbəˈsembli] n.部件9 subsystem ['sʌbsɪstəm] n.子系统28 subtraction [səbˈtrækʃən] n. 减法3 SUT abbr. System Under Test 被测系统30 switch [swɪtʃ] n. 开关1 switched-capacitor filter 开关电容滤波器5 switching [ˈswɪtʃɪŋ] n.交换,切换7第13 页共15 页synchronization [ˌsɪŋkrənaɪ'zeɪʃən] n.同步11, 21 synchronous ['sɪŋkrənəs] adj.同步的13 synthesis ['sɪnθɪsɪs] n. 综合13 synthesizer [ˈsɪnθəsaɪzə] n.合成器8 system call 系统调用27 TTCXO abbr. temperature compensated crystal oscillator 温度补偿晶体振荡器8 TDM abbr. Time Division Multiplexing 时分复用11 telepresence [ˈtelɪˌprezəns] n. 远程在位21 template ['templeɪt] n. 模板26 temporal masking 暂时掩蔽20 termination [ˌtɜːmɪˈneɪʃən] n.端接9 termination characteristics 端接特性9 test bench 测试台15 test register 测试寄存器3 thermocouple [θɜːməʊˈkʌpəl] n.热电偶18 third party developer 第三方开发商17 thread [θred] n.线程26 TIFF abbr. Tagged Image File Format 标签图像文件格式23 time base 时基30 time constant 时间常数5 time slot 时隙21 time to market 上市时间16 timing [ˈtaɪmɪŋ] n.时序9, 15 timing diagram 时序图30 top-down approach “自顶而下”设计法15 transducer [trænzˈdjuːsə] n. 传感器4, 29 transfer function 传递函数4, 5 transient ['trænzɪənt] n.暂态过程28 transient response 暂态响应5 transistor [trænˈsɪstə] n. 晶体管1 transmission bandwidth 传输带宽20 transmission power 发射功率11 trench capacitor 沟道式电容器2 trigger ['trɪgə] vt.触发13 truth table 真值表26 TTL abbr. transisitor-transisitor logic晶体管晶体管逻辑9 tuning ['tjuːnɪŋ] n.调谐8 type conversion 类型转换15 Uupstream ['ʌpstriːm] n.上行比特流11 USB abbr. Universal Serial Bus 通用串行总线12 UUT abbr. Unit Under Test 被测单元28第14 页共15 页UV abbr. ultraviolet 紫外线2 Vvacuum tube 真空管4 VCO abbr. voltage controlled oscillator 压控振荡器8 vector [ˈvektə] n. 向量5 vertical resolution 垂直分辨率28 VGA abbr. Video Graphics Array 视频图形阵列12 VHS abbr. Video Home System 家用录像系统21 video conference 视频会议21 viewfinder ['vjuːfaɪndə] n. 取景器23 virtual memory 虚拟内存3 VLSI abbr. very large-scale integration 超大规模集成1 vocoder ['vəʊˌkəʊdə ] n.声码器11 volt[vəʊlt] n. 伏特8 voltage [ˈvəʊltɪdʒ] n. 电压;伏特数7 voltage reference 参考电压18 voltage swing 电压摆幅8 volume [ˈvɒljuːm] n. 音量4 Von Neumann architecture 冯·诺依曼结构17 VSWR abbr. voltage standing wave ratio 电压驻波比9 Wwatt [wɒt] n.瓦特10 waveform [ˈweɪvˌfɔːm] n.信号波形7 waveform coding 波形编码20 webcam ['webkæm] n.网络摄像头12 wideband ['waɪd'bænd] adj.宽频带的21 wild card 通配符15 wireless infrastructure 无线基础设施16 XYZzero order hold 零阶保持器16第15 页共15 页。

O ptic a l detector
E lectrical re c e i ve r
O ptical fiber com m unication system
D e stina tion
Figure 1.1 (a) The general communication system; (b) The optical fiber communication system
signal processing is usually performed electrically.
Unit One Optical Fiber Communication
Information source
Transmitter (modulator)
Transmission medium
Communication system
transmission is continued down the ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ink.
Unit One Optical Fiber Communication
For optical fiber communications system shown in Figure1.1(a) may be considered in slightly greater detail, as given in Figure1.1(b). In this case the information source provides an electrical signal to a transmitter comprising an electrical stage which drives an optical source to give modulation of the lightwave carrier. The optical source which provides the electrical-optical conversion may be either a semiconductor laser or light emitting diode (LED). The transmission medium consists of an optical fiber cable and the receiver consists of an optical detector which drives a further electrical stage and hence provides demodulation of the optical carrier. Photodiodes (p-n, p-i-n or avalanche) and, in some instances, phototransistors and photoconductors are utilized for the detection of the optical signal and the optical-electrical conversion. Thus there is a requirement for electrical interfacing at either end of the optical link and at present the

The Translation
3、The frequency of a waveform can be determined by counting the number of centimeters, horizontally, in one cycle of the waveform and then multiplying it by the setting time/cm control.
4、For example, if the waveform is 2 cm long and the control is set at 1 ms/cm, the period would be 2 ms. The frequency can now be found from the formula: f=1/T=1/2 ms=500Hz.
重点词汇 frequency ['frikwənsi] n. 频率;频繁 centimeter ['sɛntə,mitɚ] n. [计量] 厘米;[计量] 公分 horizontally [,hɑrə'zɑntli] adv. 水平地;地平地 multiplying ['mʌltɪplaɪɪŋ] adj. 乘法的v. 乘;繁殖;增加
The Translation
2、It is widely used in the electronic industry for research and development, design work, trouble shooting and signal monitoring, manufacturing and production line testing, and many other applications where the observation of an electrical waveform is desired.
电子信息类专业英语unit 11 Database

·rest with意思为“取决于,属于…的权 限”,它在由since引导的原因状语从句中作 谓语。
[3] A non-management employee would probably have no access privileges to the payroll data and could neither inquire about nor change the data.
• The portion of a playing field having specific dimensions on which the action of a game takes place. 比赛场地
Field in dictionary
Unit 11 Database 数据库 (p137)
Passage A Database: A Better Way to Manage and Organize Data
Passage B DBMS and Data Independence, Integrity,Security
Passage C Database System and Three Data Models
Approach in text
In a traditional approach using COBOL programs, each individual COBOL application program that used that particular field would have to be changed, recompiled, and retested. COBOL语言编程的习惯方法是:每个独 立的使用了这种字段的COBOL应用程序 都要修改、重新编译并检测。来自field in text

电子行业电子信息专业英语1. IntroductionThe electronic industry plays a crucial role in the modern world, as it encompasses a wide range of products and services that rely on electronic components and systems. Within the electronic industry, the field of electronic information is particularly important. Electronic information professionals are responsible for the design, development, and maintenance of electronic systems that process and transmit information. In this document, we will explore the key concepts and terminology related to electronic information in the electronic industry.2. Fundamental Concepts2.1 Electronic InformationElectronic information refers to the data or signals that are processed, stored, and transmitted by electronic systems. It can includevarious forms of media, such as text, images, audio, and video. Electronic information systems are designed to convert, manipulate, and transmit this information in a reliable and efficient manner.2.2 Electronic ComponentsElectronic components are the building blocks of electronic information systems. They are devices that can control the flow of electrons in a circuit and perform various functions, such as amplification, signal processing, and data storage. Examples of electronic components include resistors, capacitors, transistors, and integrated circuits.2.3 Electronic SystemsElectronic systems are composed of multiple electronic components that work together to perform a specific function. They can range from simple systems, such as a basic calculator, to complex systems, such as a computer or a smartphone. Electronic systems often consist ofinterconnected circuits and subsystems that enable the processing and transmission of electronic information.3. Key Terminology3.1 Analog and Digital SignalsAnalog signals are continuous signals that can take on any value within a certain range. They are commonly used to represent real-world phenomena, such as sound and light. Digital signals, on the other hand, are discrete signals that can only take on specific values, typically represented as 0s and 1s. They are used in digital electronic systems to represent and process information.3.2 MicrocontrollersMicrocontrollers are small, self-contained computers that are used to control electronic systems. They are often embedded in electronic devices to perform specific tasks, such as reading sensor data,controlling actuators, and executing algorithms. Microcontrollers typically have a CPU, memory, and input/output interfaces.3.3 Wireless CommunicationWireless communication refers to the transmission of electronic information without the use of physical cables or wires. It relies on electromagnetic waves to carry signals between electronic devices. Wireless communication technologies, such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, are widely used in various applications, including mobile devices, home automation, and industrial control systems.3.4 Circuit DesignCircuit design involves the creation and optimization of electronic circuits that perform specific functions. It includes selecting and connecting electronic components, designing PCB layouts, and analyzing circuit performance. Circuit design is crucial for ensuring the proper functioning and reliability of electronic systems.4. ConclusionIn conclusion, electronic information is a vital aspect of the electronic industry. Understanding the fundamental concepts and key terminology related to electronic information is essential for professionals working in this field. By familiarizing themselves with these concepts and terminology, electronic information professionals can effectively design, develop, and maintain electronic systems that process and transmit information in a reliable and efficient manner.。

transistor n 晶体管diode n 二极管semiconductor n 半导体resistor n 电阻器capacitor n 电容器alternating adj 交互的amplifier n 扩音器,放大器integrated circuit 集成电路linear time invariant systems 线性时不变系统voltage n 电压,伏特数Condenser=capacitor n 电容器dielectric n 绝缘体;电解质electromagnetic adj 电磁的adj 非传导性的deflection n偏斜;偏转;偏差linear device 线性器件the insulation resistance 绝缘电阻anode n 阳极,正极cathode n 阴极breakdown n 故障;崩溃terminal n 终点站;终端,接线端emitter n 发射器collect v 收集,集聚,集中insulator n 绝缘体,绝热器oscilloscope n 示波镜;示波器gain n 增益,放大倍数forward biased 正向偏置reverse biased 反向偏置P-N junction PN结MOS(metal-oxide semiconductor)金属氧化物半导体enhancement and exhausted 增强型和耗尽型integrated circuits 集成电路analog n 模拟digital adj 数字的,数位的horizontal adj, 水平的,地平线的vertical adj 垂直的,顶点的amplitude n 振幅,广阔,丰富multimeter n 万用表frequency n 频率,周率the cathode-ray tube 阴极射线管dual-trace oscilloscope 双踪示波器signal generating device 信号发生器peak-to-peak output voltage 输出电压峰峰值sine wave 正弦波triangle wave 三角波square wave 方波amplifier 放大器,扩音器oscillator n 振荡器feedback n 反馈,回应phase n 相,阶段,状态filter n 滤波器,过滤器rectifier n整流器;纠正者band-stop filter 带阻滤波器band-pass filter 带通滤波器decimal adj 十进制的,小数的hexadecimal adj/n十六进制的binary adj 二进制的;二元的octal adj 八进制的domain n 域;领域code n代码,密码,编码v编码the Fourier transform 傅里叶变换Fast Fourier Transform 快速傅里叶变换microcontroller n 微处理器;微控制器assembly language instrucions n 汇编语言指令chip n 芯片,碎片modular adj 模块化的;模数的sensor n 传感器plug vt堵,塞,插上n塞子,插头,插销coaxial adj 同轴的,共轴的fiber n 光纤relay contact 继电接触器Artificial Intelligence 人工智能Perceptive Systems 感知系统neural network 神经网络fuzzy logic 模糊逻辑intelligent agent 智能代理electromagnetic adj 电磁的coaxial adj 同轴的,共轴的microwave n 微波charge v充电,使充电insulator n 绝缘体,绝缘物nonconductive adj非导体的,绝缘的simulation n 仿真;模拟prototype n 原型array n 排队,编队vector n 向量,矢量inverse adj倒转的,反转的n反面;相反v倒转high-performance 高精确性,高性能two-dimensional 二维的;缺乏深度的three-dimensional 三维的;立体的;真实的object-oriented programming面向对象的程序设计spectral adj 光谱的distortion n 失真,扭曲,变形wavelength n 波长refractive adj 折射的ivision Multiplexing单工传输simplex transmission半双工传输half-duplex transmission全双工传输full-duplex transmission电路交换circuit switching数字传输技术Digital transmission technology灰度图像Grey scale images灰度级Grey scale level幅度谱Magnitude spectrum相位谱Phase spectrum频谱frequency spectrum相干解调coherent demodulation coherent相干的数字图像压缩digital image compression图像编码image encoding量化quantization人机交互man machine interface交互式会话Conversational interaction路由算法Routing Algorithm目标识别Object recognition话音变换Voice transform中继线trunk line传输时延transmission delay远程监控remote monitoring光链路optical linkhalf-duplex transmission 半双工传输accompaniment 伴随物,附属物reservation 保留,预定quotation 报价单,行情报告,引语memorandum 备忘录redundancy 备用be viewed as 被看作…be regards as 被认为是as such 本身;照此;以这种资格textual 本文的,正文的variation 变化,变量conversion 变化,转化identity 标识;标志criterion 标准,准则in parallel on 并联到,合并到juxtapose 并置,并列dialing pulse 拨号脉冲wave-guide 波导wavelength division multiplexed 波分复用baud rate 波特率playback 播放(录音带,唱片)no greater than 不大于update 不断改进,使…适合新的要求,更新asymmetric 不对称的irrespective 不考虑的,不顾的inevitably 不可避免的inevitable 不可避免的,不可逃避的,必定的segment 部分abrasion 擦伤,磨损deploy 采用,利用,推广应用take the form of 采用…的形式parameter 参数,参量layer 层dope 掺杂FET(field effect transistors) 场效应管audio recording 唱片ultra-high-frequency(UHF) 超高频in excess of 超过in excess of 超过hypertext 超文本ingredient 成分,因素ingredient 成分,组成部分,要素metropolitan-area network(WAN) 城域网metropolitan area network(WAN) 城域网,城市网络congestion 充满,拥挤,阻塞collision 冲突extractive 抽出;释放出extract 抽取,取出,分离lease 出租,租约,租界期限,租界物pass on 传递,切换transmission 传输facsimile 传真innovative=innovatory 创新的,富有革新精神的track 磁道impetus 促进,激励cluster 簇stored-program control(SPC) 存储程序控制a large number of 大量的peal 大声响,发出supersede 代替supplant 代替,取代out-of-band signaling 带外信号simplex transmission 单工传输monochromatic 单色的,单色光的,黑白的ballistic 弹道的,射击的,冲击的conductor 导体hierarchy 等级制度,层次infrastructure 底层结构,基础结构geographic 地理的,地区的geographically 地理上GIS(ground instrumentation system) 地面测量系统ground station 地面站earth orbit 地球轨道extraterrestrial 地球外的,地球大气圈外的Land-sat 地球资源卫星rug 地毯,毯子ignite 点火,点燃,使兴奋electromagnetic 电磁的inductive 电感arc 电弧telephony 电话(学),通话dielectric 电介质,绝缘材料;电解质的,绝缘的capacitor 电容telecommunication 电信,无线电通讯scenario 电影剧本,方案modem pool 调制解调器(存储)池superimposing 叠加,重叠pin 钉住,扣住,抓住customize 定做,定制monolithic 独立的,完全统一的aluminize 镀铝strategic 对全局有重要意义的,战略的substantial 多的,大的,实际上的multi-path fading 多径衰落multi-path 多路,多途径;多路的,多途径的multi-access 多路存取,多路进入multiplex 多路复用multiplex 多路复用的degradation 恶化,降级dioxide 二氧化碳LED(light-emitting-diode) 发光二极管evolution 发展,展开,渐进feedback 反馈,回授dimension 范围,方向,维,元scenario 方案scenario 方案,电影剧本amplifer 放大器noninvasive 非侵略的,非侵害的tariff 费率,关税率;对…征税distributed functional plane(DFP) 分布功能平面DQDB(distributed queue dual bus) 分布式队列双总线hierarchy 分层,层次partition 分成segmentation 分割interface 分界面,接口asunder 分开地,分离地detached 分离的,分开的,孤立的dispense 分配allocate 分配,配给;配给物centigrade 分为百度的,百分度的,摄氏温度的fractal 分形molecule 分子,微小,些微cellular 蜂窝状的cellular 蜂窝状的,格形的,多孔的auxiliary storage(also called secondary storage)辅助存储器decay 腐烂,衰减,衰退negative 负电vicinity 附近,邻近vicinity 附近地区,近处sophisticated 复杂的,高级的,现代化的high-frequency(HF) 高频high definition television 高清晰度电视chromium 铬annotate 给…作注解in terms of 根据,按照disclosure 公布,企业决算公开public network 公用网functionality 功能,功能度mercury 汞resonator 共鸣器resonance 共振whimsical 古怪的,反复无常的administration 管理,经营cursor 光标(显示器),游标,指针optical computer 光计算机photoconductor 光敏电阻optical disks 光盘optically 光学地,光地wide-area networks 广域网specification 规范,说明书silicon 硅the international telecommunication union(ITU)国际电信联盟excess 过剩obsolete 过时的,废弃的maritime 海事的synthetic 合成的,人造的,综合的synthetic 合成的,综合性的rational 合乎理性的rationalization 合理化streamline 合理化,理顺infrared 红外线的,红外线skepticism 怀疑论ring network 环形网hybrid 混合物counterpart 伙伴,副本,对应物electromechanical 机电的,电动机械的Robot 机器人Robotics 机器人技术,机器人学accumulation 积累infrastructure 基础,基础结构substrate 基质,底质upheaval 激变,剧变compact disc 激光磁盘(CD)concentrator 集中器,集线器centrex system 集中式用户交换功能系统converge on 集中于,聚集在…上lumped element 集总元件CAI(computer-aided instruction) 计算机辅助教学computer-integrated manufacturing(CIM) 计算机集成制造computer mediated communication(CMC) 计算机中介通信record 记录register 记录器,寄存器expedite 加快,促进weight 加权accelerate 加速,加快,促进categorize 加以类别,分类in addition 加之,又,另外hypothetical 假设的rigidly 坚硬的,僵硬的compatibility 兼容性,相容性surveillance 监视surveillance 监视retrieval 检索,(可)补救verification 检验simplicity 简单,简明film 胶片,薄膜take over 接管,接任ruggedness 结实threshold 界限,临界值with the aid of 借助于,用,通过wire line 金属线路,有线线路coherent 紧凑的,表达清楚的,粘附的,相干的compact 紧密的approximation 近似undertake 进行,从事transistor 晶体管elaborate 精心制作的,细心完成的,周密安排的vigilant 警戒的,警惕的alcohol 酒精,酒local area networks(LANs) 局域网local-area networks(LANs) 局域网drama 剧本,戏剧,戏剧的演出focus on 聚集在,集中于,注视insulator 绝缘root mean square 均方根uniform 均匀的open-system-interconnection(OSI) 开放系统互连expire 开始无效,满期,终止immunity 抗扰,免除,免疫性take…into account 考虑,重视…programmable industrial automation 可编程工业自动化demountable 可拆卸的tunable 可调的reliable 可靠be likely to 可能,大约,像要videotex video 可视图文电视negligible 可以忽略的aerial 空气的,空中的,无形的,虚幻的;天线broadband 宽(频)带pervasive 扩大的,渗透的tensile 拉力的,张力的romanticism 浪漫精神,浪漫主义discrete 离散,不连续ion 离子force 力量;力stereophonic 立体声的continuum 连续统一体,连续统,闭联集smart 灵巧的;精明的;洒脱的token 令牌on the other hand 另一方面hexagonal 六边形的,六角形的hexagon 六角形,六边形monopoly 垄断,专利video-clip 录像剪辑aluminum 铝pebble 卵石,水晶透镜forum 论坛,讨论会logical relationships 逻辑关系code book 码本pulse code modulation(PCM) 脉冲编码调制roam 漫步,漫游bps(bits per second) 每秒钟传输的比特ZIP codes 美国邮区划分的五位编码susceptible(to) 敏感的,易受…的analog 模拟,模拟量pattern recognition模式识别bibliographic 目录的,文献的neodymium 钕the european telecommunicationstandardization institute(ETSI) 欧洲电信标准局coordinate 配合的,协调的;使配合,调整ratify 批准,认可bias 偏差;偏置deviate 偏离,与…不同spectrum 频谱come into play 其作用entrepreneurial 企业的heuristic methods 启发式方法play a …role(part) 起…作用stem from 起源于;由…发生organic 器官的,有机的,组织的hypothesis 前提front-end 前置,前级potential 潜势的,潜力的intensity 强度coincidence 巧合,吻合,一致scalpel 轻便小刀,解剖刀inventory 清单,报表spherical 球的,球形的distinguish 区别,辨别succumb 屈服,屈从,死global functional plane(GFP) 全局功能平面full-duplex transmission 全双工传输hologram 全息照相,全息图deficiency 缺乏thermonuclear 热核的artifact 人工制品AI(artificial intelligence) 人工智能fusion 熔解,熔化diskettes(also called floppy disk) 软盘sector 扇区entropy 熵uplink 上行链路arsenic 砷neural network 神经网络very-high-frequency(VHF) 甚高频upgrade 升级distortion 失真,畸变identification 识别,鉴定,验明pragmatic 实际的implementation 实施,实现,执行,敷设entity 实体,存在vector quantification 矢量量化mislead 使…误解,给…错误印象,引错vex 使烦恼,使恼火defy 使落空facilitate 使容易,促进retina 视网膜compatible 适合的,兼容的transceiver 收发两用机authorize 授权,委托,允许data security 数据安全性data independence 数据独立data management 数据管理database 数据库database management system(DBMS) 数据库管理信息系统database transaction 数据库事务data integrity 数据完整性,数据一致性attenuation 衰减fading 衰落,衰减,消失dual 双的,二重的transient 瞬时的deterministic 宿命的,确定的algorithm 算法dissipation 损耗carbon 碳diabetes 糖尿病cumbersome 讨厌的,麻烦的,笨重的razor 剃刀,剃go by the name of 通称,普通叫做commucation session 通信会话traffic 通信业务(量)synchronous transmission 同步传输concurrent 同时发生的,共存的simultaneous 同时发生的,同时做的simultaneous 同时发生的,一齐的coaxial 同轴的copper 铜statistical 统计的,统计学的dominate 统治,支配invest in 投资perspective 透视,角度,远景graphics 图示,图解pictorial 图像的coating 涂层,层deduce 推理reasoning strategies 推理策略inference engine 推理机topology 拓扑结构heterodyne 外差法的peripheral 外界的,外部的,周围的gateway 网关hazardous 危险的microwave 微波(的)microprocessor 微处理机,微处理器microelectronic 微电子nuance 微小的差别(色彩等)encompass 围绕,包围,造成,设法做到maintenance 维护;保持;维修satellite communication 卫星通信satellite network 卫星网络transceiver 无线电收发信机radio-relay transmission 无线电中继传输without any doubt 无疑passive satellite 无源卫星sparse 稀少的,稀疏的downlink 下行链路precursor 先驱,前任visualization 显像feasibility 现实性,可行性linearity 线性度constrain 限制,约束,制约considerable 相当的,重要的geo-stationary 相对地面静止by contrast 相反,而,对比起来coorelation 相关性mutual 相互的mutually 相互的,共同的interconnect 相互连接,互连one after the other 相继,依次minicomputer 小型计算机protocol 协议,草案protocol 协议,规约,规程psycho-acoustic 心理(精神)听觉的;传音的channelization 信道化,通信信道选择run length encoding 行程编码groom 修饰,准备virtual ISDN 虚拟ISDNmultitude 许多,大批,大量whirl 旋转preference 选择,喜欢avalanche 雪崩pursue 寻求,从事interrogation 询问dumb 哑的,不说话的,无声的subcategory 亚类,子种类,子范畴orbital 眼眶;轨道oxygen 氧气,氧元素service switching and control points(SSCPs) 业务交换控制点service control points(SCPs) 业务控制点service control function(SCF) 业务控制功能in concert 一致,一齐handover 移交,越区切换at a rate of 以……的速率in the form of 以…的形式base on…以…为基础yttrium 钇(稀有金属,符号Y)asynchronous transmission 异步传输asynchronous 异步的exceptional 异常的,特殊的voice-grade 音频级indium 铟give rise to 引起,使产生cryptic 隐义的,秘密的hard disk 硬盘hard automation 硬自动化by means of 用,依靠equip with 用…装备subscriber 用户telex 用户电报PBX(private branch exchange) 用户小交换机或专用交换机be called upon to 用来…,(被)要求…superiority 优势predominance 优势,显著active satellite 有源卫星in comparison with 与…比较comparable to 与…可比preliminary 预备的,初步的premonition 预感,预兆nucleus 原子核valence 原子价circumference 圆周,周围teleprocessing 远程信息处理,遥控处理perspective 远景,前途constrain 约束,强迫mobile 运动的,流动的,机动的,装在车上的convey 运输,传递,转换impurity 杂质impurity 杂质,混杂物,不洁,不纯regenerative 再生的improve over 在……基础上改善play important role in 在…中起重要作用in close proximity 在附近,在很近underlying 在下的,基础的in this respect 在这方面germanium 锗positive 正电quadrature 正交orthogonal 正交的quadrature amplitude modulation(QAM) 正交幅度调制on the right track 正在轨道上sustain 支撑,撑住,维持,持续outgrowh 支派;长出;副产品dominate 支配,统治knowledge representation 知识表示knowledge engineering 知识工程knowledge base 知识库in diameter 直径helicopter 直升飞机acronym 只取首字母的缩写词as long as 只要,如果tutorial 指导教师的,指导的coin 制造(新字符),杜撰fabrication 制造,装配;捏造事实proton 质子intelligence 智能,智力,信息intelligent network 智能网intermediate 中间的nucleus(pl.nuclei) 中心,核心neutrons 中子terminal 终端,终端设备overlay 重叠,覆盖,涂覆highlight 重要的部分,焦点charge 主管,看管;承载dominant 主要的,控制的,最有力的cylinder 柱面expert system 专家系统private network 专用网络transition 转变,转换,跃迁relay 转播relay 转播,中继repeater 转发器,中继器pursue 追赶,追踪,追求,继续desktop publish 桌面出版ultraviolet 紫外线的,紫外的;紫外线辐射field 字段vendor 自动售货机,厂商naturally 自然的;天生具备的synthesize 综合,合成integrate 综合,使完全ISDN(intergrated services digital network) 综合业务数字网as a whole 总体上bus network 总线形网crossbar 纵横,交叉impedance 阻抗initial 最初的,开始的optimum 最佳条件appear as 作为…出现A Analog 模拟A/D Analog to Digital 模-数转换AAC Advanced Audio Coding 高级音频编码ABB Automatic Black Balance 自动黑平衡ABC American Broadcasting Company 美国广播公司Automatic Bass Compensation 自动低音补偿Automatic Brightness Control 自动亮度控制ABL Automatic Black Level 自动黑电平ABLC Automatic Brightness LimiterCircuit 自动亮度限制电路ABU Asian Broadcasting Union 亚洲广播联盟(亚广联ABS American Bureau of Standard 美国标准局AC Access Conditions 接入条件Audio Center 音频中心ACA Adjacent Channel Attenuation 邻频道衰减ACC Automatic Centering Control 自动中心控制Automatic Chroma Control 自动色度(增益ACK Automatic Chroma Killer 自动消色器ACP Additive Colour Process 加色法ACS Access Control System 接入控制系统Advanced Communication Service 高级通信业务Area Communication System 区域通信系统ADC Analog to Digital Converter 模-数转换器Automatic Degaussirng Circuit 自动消磁电路ADL Acoustic Delay Line 声延迟线ADS Audio Distribution System 音频分配系统AE Audio Erasing 音频(声音AEF Automatic Editing Function 自动编辑功能AES Audio Engineering Society 音频工程协会AF Audio Frequency 音频AFA Audio Frequency Amplifier 音频放大器AFC Automatic Frequency Coder 音频编码器Automatic Frequency Control 自动频率控制AFT Automatic Fine Tuning 自动微调Automatic Frequency Track 自动频率跟踪Automatic Frequency Trim 自动额率微调AGC Automatic Gain Control 自动增益控制AI Artificial Intelligence 人工智能ALM Audio-Level Meter 音频电平表AM Amplitude Modulation 调幅AMS Automatic Music Sensor 自动音乐传感装置ANC Automatic Noise Canceller 自动噪声消除器ANT ANTenna 天线AO Analog Output 模拟输出APS Automatic Program Search 自动节目搜索APPS Automatic Program Pause System 自动节目暂停系统APSS Automatic Program Search System 自动节目搜索系统AR Audio Response 音频响应ARC Automatic Remote Control 自动遥控ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange 美国信息交换标准AST Automatic Scanning Tracking 自动扫描跟踪ATC Automatic Timing Control 自动定时控制Automatic Tone Correction 自动音频校正ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode 异步传输模式ATF Automatic Track Finding 自动寻迹ATS Automatic Test System 自动测试系统ATSC Advanced Television Systems Committee (美国高级电视制式委员会)***C Automatic Volume Control 自动音量控制***R Automatic Voltage Regulator 自动稳压器AWB Automatic White Balance 自动白平衡AZC Automatic Zooming Control 自动变焦控制AZS Automatic Zero Setting 自动调零BA Branch Amplifier 分支放大器Buffer Amplifier 缓冲放大器BAC Binary-Analog Conversion 二进制模拟转换BB Black Burst 黑场信号BBC British Broadcasting Corporation 英国广播公司BBI Beijing Broadcasting Institute 北京广播学院BC Binary Code 二进制码Balanced Current 平衡电流Broadcast Control 广播控制BCT Bandwidth Compression Technique带宽压缩技术BDB Bi-directional Data Bus 双向数据总线BER Basic Encoding Rules 基本编码规则Bit Error Rate 比特误码率BF Burst Flag 色同步旗脉冲BFA Bare Fiber Adapter 裸光纤适配器Brillouin Fiber Amplifier 布里渊光纤放大器BGM Background Music 背景音乐BIOS Basic Input/Output System 基本输入输出系统B-ISDN Broadband-ISDN 宽带综合业务数据网BIU Basic Information Unit 基本信息单元Bus Interface Unit 总线接口单元BM Bi-phase Modulation 双相调制BML Business Management Layer 商务管理层BN Backbone Network 主干网BNT Broadband Network Termination 宽带网络终端设备BO Bus Out 总线输出BPG Basic Pulse Generator 基准脉冲发生器BPS Band Pitch Shift 分频段变调节器BSI British Standard Institute 英国标准学会BSS Broadcast Satellite Service 广播卫星业务BT Block Terminal 分线盒、分组终端British Telecom 英国电信BTA Broadband Terminal Adapter 宽带终端适配器Broadcasting Technology Association (日本BTL Balanced Transformer-Less 桥式推挽放大电路BTS Broadcast Technical Standard 广播技术标准BTU Basic Transmission Unit 基本传输单元BVU Broadcasting Video Unit 广播视频型(一种3/4英寸带录像机记录格式BW BandWidth 带宽BWTV Black and White Television 黑白电视CA Conditional Access 条件接收CAC Conditional Access Control 条件接收控制CAL Continuity Accept Limit 连续性接受极限CAS Conditional Access System 条件接收系统Conditional Access Sub-system 条件接收子系统CATV Cable Television 有线电视,电缆电视Community Antenna Television 共用天线电视C*** Constant Angular Velocity 恒角速度CBC Canadian Broadcasting Corporation加拿大广播公司CBS Columbia Broadcasting System (美国哥伦比亚广播公司CC Concentric Cable 同轴电缆CCG Chinese Character Generator 中文字幕发生器CCIR International Radio ConsultativeCommittee 国际无线电咨询委员会CCITT International Telegraph andTelephone ConsultativeCommittee 国际电话电报咨询委员会CCR Central Control Room 中心控制室CCTV China Central Television 中国中央电视台Close-Circuit Television 闭路电视CCS Center Central System 中心控制系统CCU Camera Control Unit 摄像机控制器CCW Counter Clock-Wise 反时针方向CD Compact Disc 激光唱片CDA Current Dumping Amplifier 电流放大器CD-E Compact Disc Erasable 可抹式激光唱片CDFM Compact Disc File Manager 光盘文件管理(程序CDPG Compact-Disc Plus Graphic 带有静止图像的CD唱盘CD-ROM Compact Disc-Read OnlyMemory 只读式紧凑光盘CETV China Educational Television 中国教育电视台CF Color Framing 彩色成帧CGA Color Graphics Adapter 彩色图形(显示卡CI Common Interface 通用接口CGA Color Graphics Adapter 彩色图形(显示卡CI Common Interface 通用接口CIE Chinese Institute of Electronics 中国电子学会CII China Information Infrastructure 中国信息基础设施CIF Common Intermediate Format 通用中间格式CIS Chinese Industrial Standard 中国工业标准CLV Constant Linear Velocity 恒定线速度CM Colour Monitor 彩色监视器CMTS Cable Modem Termination System线缆调制解调器终端系统CNR Carrier-to-Noise Ratio 载噪比CON Console 操纵台Controller 控制器CPB Corporation of Public Broadcasting(美国公共广播公司CPU Central Processing Unit 中央处理单元CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check 循环冗余校验CRCC CRI Cyclic Redundancy Check Code循环冗余校验码CROM China Radio International 中国国际广播电台CRT Control Read Only Memory 控制只读存储器CS Cathode-Ray Tube 阴极射线管CSC Communication Satellite 通信卫星CSS Color Sub-carrier 彩色副载波Center Storage Server 中央存储服务器Content Scrambling System 内容加扰系统CSU Channel Service Unit 信道业务单元CT Color Temperature 色温CTC Cassette Tape Controller 盒式磁带控制器Channel Traffic Control 通道通信量控制Counter Timer Circuit 计数器定时器电路Counter Timer Control 计数器定时器控制CTE Cable Termination Equipment 线缆终端设备Customer Terminal Equipment 用户终端设备CTV Color Television 彩色电视CVD China Video Disc 中国数字视盘CW Carrie Wave 载波DAB Digital Audio Broadcasting 数字音频广播DASH Digital Audio Stationary Head 数字音频静止磁头DAT Digital Audio Tape 数字音频磁带DBMS Data Base Management System 数据库管理系统DBS Direct Broadcast Satellite 直播卫星DCC Digital Compact Cassette 数字小型盒带Dynamic Contrast Control 动态对比度控制DCT Digital Component Technology 数字分量技术Discrete Cosine Transform 离散余弦变换DCTV Digital Color Television 数字彩色电视DD Direct Drive 直接驱动DDC Direct Digital Control 直接数字控制DDE Dynamic Data Exchange 动态数据交换DDM Data Display Monitor 数据显示监视器DES Data Elementary Stream 数据基本码流Data Encryption Standard 美国数据加密标准DF Dispersion Flattened 色散平坦光纤DG Differential Gain 微分增益DI Digital Interface 数字接口DITEC Digital Television Camera 数字电视摄像机DL Delay Line 延时线DLD Dynamic Linear Drive 动态线性驱动DM Delta Modulation 增量调制Digital Modulation 数字调制DMB Digital Multimedia Broadcasting 数字多媒体广播DMC Dynamic Motion Control 动态控制DME Digital Multiple Effect 数字多功能特技DMS Digital Mastering System 数字主系统DN Data Network 数据网络DNG Digital News Gathering 数字新闻采集DNR Digital Noise Reducer 数字式降噪器DOB Data Output Bus 数据输出总线DOCSIS Data Over Cable Service Interface Specifications 有线数据传输业务接口规范DOC Drop Out Compensation 失落补偿DOS Disc Operating System 磁盘操作系统DP Differential Phase 微分相位Data Pulse 数据脉冲DPCM Differential Pulse Code Modulation 差值脉冲编码调制DPL Dolby Pro Logic 杜比定向逻辑DSB Digital Satellite Broadcasting 数字卫星广播DSC Digital Studio Control 数字演播室控制DSD Dolby Surround Digital 杜比数字环绕声DSE Digital Special Effect 数字特技DSK Down-Stream Key 下游键DSP Digital Signal Processing 数字信号处理Digital Sound Processor 数字声音处理器DSS Digital Satellite System 数字卫星系统DT Digital Technique 数字技术Digital Television 数字电视Data Terminal 数据终端Data Transmission 数据传输DTB Digital Terrestrial Broadcasting 数字地面广播DTBC Digital Time-Base Corrector 数字时基校正器DTC Digital Television Camera 数字电视摄像机DTS Digital Theater System 数字影院系统Digital Tuning System 数字调谐系统Digital Television Standard 数字电视标准DVB Digital Video Broadcasting 数字视频广播DVC Digital Video Compression 数字视频压缩DVE Digital Video Effect 数字视频特技DVS Desktop Video Studio 桌上视频演播DVTR Digital Video Tape Recorder 数字磁带录像机EA Extension Amplifier 延长放大器EB Electron Beam 电子束EBS Emergency Broadcasting System 紧急广播系统EBU European Broadcasting Union 欧洲广播联盟EC Error Correction 误差校正ECN Emergency Communications Network应急通信网络ECS European Communication Satellite 欧洲通信卫星EDC Error Detection Code 错误检测码EDE Electronic Data Exchange 电子数据交换EDF Erbium-Doped Fiber 掺饵光纤EDFA Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier 掺饵光纤放大器EDL Edit Decision List 编辑点清单EDTV Extended Definition Television 扩展清晰度电视EE Error Excepted 允许误差EFM Eight to Fourteen Modulation 8-14调制EFP Electronic Field Production 电子现场节目制作EH Ethernet Hosts 以太网主机EIN Equivalent Input Noise 等效输入噪声EIS Electronic Information System 电子信息系统EISA Extended Industrial StandardArchitecture 扩展工业标准总线EL Electro-Luminescent 场致发光EM Error Monitoring 误码监测EN End Node 末端节点ENG Electronic News Gathering 电子新闻采集EOT End of Tape 带尾EP Edit Point 编辑点Error Protocol 错误协议EPG Electronic Program Guides 电子节目指南EPS Emergency Power Supply 应急电源ERP Effective Radiated Power 有效辐射功率ES Elementary Stream 基本码流End System 终端系统ESA European Space Agency 欧洲空间局ETV Education Television 教育电视FA Enhanced Television 增强电视FABM FAS Facial Animation 面部动画FC Fiber Amplifier Booster Module 光纤放大器增强模块Fiber Access System 光纤接入系统Frequency Changer 变频器FCC Fiber Channel 光纤通道FD Film Composer 电影编辑系统Federal Communications Commission 美国联邦通信委员会FDCT Frequency Divider 分频器FDDI FDM Fiber Duct 光纤管道FDP Forward Discrete Cosine Transform离散余弦正变换FE Fiber Distributed Data Interface 分布式光纤数据接口Frequency-Division Multiplexing 频分复用FF Fiber Distribution Point 光纤分配点FG Front End 前端FH Framing Error 成帧误差FIT Fast Forward 快进FN Frequency Generator 频率发生器FOA Frequency Hopping 跳频FOC Frame-Interline Transfer 帧一行间转移Fiber Node 光纤节点Fiber Optic Amplifier 光纤放大器FOM Fiber Optic Cable 光缆FON Fiber Optic Communications 光纤通信FOS Fiber Optic Coupler 光纤耦合器FOTC Fiber Optic Modem 光纤调制解调器FS Fiber Optic Net 光纤网Factor of Safety 安全系数Fiber Optic Trunk Cable 光缆干线FT Frame Scan 帧扫描FTP Frame Store 帧存储器FTTB Frame Synchro 帧同步机FTTC France Telecom 法国电信Absorber Circuit 吸收电路AC/AC Frequency Converter 交交变频电路AC power control交流电力控制AC Power Controller交流调功电路AC Power Electronic Switch交流电力电子开关Ac Voltage Controller交流调压电路Asynchronous Modulation异步调制Baker Clamping Circuit贝克箝位电路Bi-directional Triode Thyristor双向晶闸管Bipolar Junction Transistor-- BJT双极结型晶体管Boost-Buck Chopper升降压斩波电路Boost Chopper升压斩波电路Boost Converter升压变换器Bridge Reversible Chopper桥式可逆斩波电路Buck Chopper降压斩波电路Buck Converter降压变换器Commutation换流Conduction Angle导通角Constant Voltage Constant Frequency --CVCF恒压恒频Continuous Conduction--CCM(电流)连续模式Control Circuit 控制电路Cuk Circuit CUK 斩波电路Current Reversible Chopper电流可逆斩波电路Current Source Type Inverter--CSTI 电流(源)型逆变电路Cyclo convertor周波变流器DC-AC-DC Converter直交直电路DC Chopping直流斩波DC Chopping Circuit直流斩波电路DC-DC Converter直流-直流变换器Device Commutation器件换流Direct Current Control直接电流控制Discontinuous Conduction mode (电流)断续模式displacement factor 位移因数distortion power 畸变功率double end converter 双端电路driving circuit 驱动电路electrical isolation 电气隔离fast acting fuse 快速熔断器fast recovery diode快恢复二极管fast revcovery epitaxial diodes 快恢复外延二极管fast switching thyristor快速晶闸管field controlled thyristor场控晶闸管flyback converter 反激电流forced commutation 强迫换流forward converter 正激电路frequency converter 变频器full bridge converter全桥电路full bridge rectifier 全桥整流电路full wave rectifier 全波整流电路fundamental factor基波因数gate turn-off thyristor——GTO 可关断晶闸管general purpose diode 普通二极管giant transistor——GTR 电力晶体管half bridge converter 半桥电路hard switching 硬开关high voltage IC 高压集成电路hysteresis comparison 带环比较方式indirect current control间接电流控制indirect DC-DC converter直接电流变换电路insulated-gate bipolar transistor---IGBT绝缘栅双极晶体管intelligent power module---IPM智能功率模块integrated gate-commutated thyristor---IGCT 集成门极换流晶闸管inversion 逆变latching effect 擎住效应leakage inductance 漏感light triggered thyristor---LTT光控晶闸管line commutation 电网换流load commutation 负载换流loop current 环流1 backplane 背板2 Band gap voltage reference 带隙电压参考3 bench top supply 工作台电源4 Block Diagram 方块图5 Bode Plot 波特图6 Bootstrap 自举7 Bottom FET Bottom FET8 bucket capacitor 桶形电容9 chassis 机架11 constant current source 恒流源12 Core Saturation 铁芯饱和13 crossover frequency 交叉频率14 current ripple 纹波电流15 Cycle by Cycle 逐周期16 cycle skipping 周期跳步17 Dead Time 死区时间18 DIE Temperature 核心温度19 Disable 非使能,无效,禁用,关断20 dominant pole 主极点21 Enable 使能,有效,启用22 ESD Rating ESD额定值23 Evaluation Board 评估板24 Exceeding the specifications below may result in permanent damage to the device, or device malfunction. Operation outside of the parameters specified in the Electrical Characteristics section is not implied. 超过下面的规格使用可能引起永久的设备损害或设备故障。
电子信息工程专业英语翻译清华出版社English for IT and EE-03

随着时间的推移,人们认识到 随着时间的推移, 电场和磁场是电磁场这一整体 的两个部分。 的两个部分。
Once this electromagnetic field has been produced from a given charge distribution, other charged objects in this field will experience a force (in a similar way that planets experience a force in the gravitational field of the Sun). If these other charges and currents are comparable in size to the sources producing the above electromagnetic field, then a new net electromagnetic field will be produced.3 如果另外这些电荷和电流的大小与 产生上述电磁场的源是可比的, 产生上述电磁场的源是可比的,那 么将产生一个新的净电磁场。 么将产生一个新的净电磁场。 电磁场中其它带电 体就会受到一个力 的作用
The electromagnetic field is a physical field produced by electrically charged objects. It affects the behavior of charged objects in the vicinity of the field. The electromagnetic field extends indefinitely throughout space and describes the electromagnetic interaction. It is one of the four fundamental forces in the nature (the others are gravitation, the weak interaction, and the strong interaction) 电磁场在空间无限延伸, 电磁场在空间无限延伸, 并描述电磁相互作用。 并描述电磁相互作用。

电子信息工程专业英语课后答案电子信息工程专业英语-教师用书Part 1第一课关于电子技术一、课文习题参考答案Ⅰ. (1) alternating current circuits (2) semiconductor diodes(3) passive component(4) the combinatory logic electric circuit(5) rectification(6) Laplace transform(7) inductor(8) Fourier series and Fourier transformⅡ.(1)控制理论(2)场效应管三极管(3)布尔代数(4)稳压(5)相关性和功率谱密度(6)滤波器类型(7)模/数转换器(8)时序逻辑电路的分析与综合Ⅲ.(1)Electronics is a part of the larger field of electricity. The basic principles of electricity are also common to electronics. Modern advances in the field of computer, control system, communications have a close relationship with electronics. The field of electronics includes the electron tube, transistor, integrated circuit and so on.(2) Direct current circuits & Alternating current circuits,Analog electronics,Digital electronics,signal and systems,Circuit theory and design, Control theory, Microcontrollersystems,Computer programming for engineering applications.(3) This curriculum mainly introduces the characteristics of semiconductor devices in linear application scope.The content involved in semiconductor diodes (PN junction diodes, special purpose diodes), transistors (field effects and bipolar transistors), signal amplifiers, practical amplifiers, biasing circuits, operationalamplifiers circuit and other circuits (rectification, regulation and DC power supplies).(4) This partial studies take the basicelectric circuit theory and the operational amplifier knowledge as the foundation. The main study goal is to enhance understanding of the electric circuit theory. Its main content includes the elementary theory in circuit theory (network functions, characteristic frequencies), types offilter (lowpass,bandpass), review of operational amplifiers (design of first and second order using operational amplifiers, cascade design), filter characteristics(Butterworth, Chebyshev, frequency transformations in design, sensitivity design of passive LC ladder filters and a brief introduction to switched capacitor filters).(5) Perfect.二、参考译文电子学的发展电子学是电学的一部分。

6.写作能够运用所学词汇和语法写出简单的科技应用文,能在规定时间内模拟套写 100个词左右的语篇及便笺、短函等常见应用文,词句达意、结构合理,无严重语法错误,符合涉外业务中的常用格式。

access: 读写;接入active: 有源的;有效的adaptor: 适配器address: 地址addressing: 寻址aerial: 天线* algorithm: 算法Ampere: 安培amplify: 放大* amplifier: 放大器amplitude: 幅度analog: 模拟的analog-to-digital converter: 模数转换器 * antenna: 天线array: 阵列assembly: 组件assembly language: 汇编语言asynchronous: 异步的attenuation: 衰减* automation: 自动化backup: 备份* band: 波段;频段barcode: 条形码base: 基础;基极baseband: 基带* battery: 电池baud: 波特beam: 波/光束* binary: 二进制bipolar: 双极性bitmap: 位图Bluetooth: 蓝牙技术Boolean: 布尔型的;逻辑类型的boot: 引导;启动breakdown: 击穿brightness: 亮度buffer: 缓冲器* bus: 总线buzzer: 蜂鸣器bypass: 旁路* cable: 电缆* capacitor: 电容器capacitance: 电容(值)case: 封装;大小写case-sensitive: 区分大小写的casing: 封装* carrier: 载波cell: 电池;单元* cell phone: 手机cellular phone: 蜂窝电话cache: 高速缓存* channel: 信道;频道;通道character: 字符characteristic: 特征的* charge: 电荷;充电 * chip: 芯片* circuit: 电路* code: 码;代码;编码* source codes: 源代码codec: 编码解码器coding: 编码collector: 集电极* clock: 时钟* communication: 通信; 交通compatible: 兼容的compensation: 补偿competition: 竞争* compile: 编译compiler: 编译器complex: 复数* component: 元器件;成分* computer: 计算机concurrency: 并发* conductor: 导体* connector: 连接器;插接件console: 控制台constant: 恒定的* consumable: 耗材* consumer electronics: 消费类电子(产品) converter: 转换器* counter: 计数器couple: 耦合cordless phone: 无绳电话crosstalk: 串音;交叉干扰* crystal: 晶体* current: 电流* cursor: 光标cutoff: 截止cyberspace: 网络空间;虚拟空间cutter: 剪子;(剪线)钳子data: 数据* debug: 调试程序;除错* decimal: 十进制的;小数点的decupling: 去耦default: 缺席;默认值definition: 清晰度;分辨力* demodulation: 解调* design: 设计detection: 检波;解调;探测device: 设备;元件die: 晶片;晶粒;小片dielectric: 电介质的;绝缘的* digital: 数字的;数码的* diode: 二极管direct-coupled: 直接耦合的discrete: 分离的;分立的discrimination: 分辨率;识别力discriminator: 鉴别器;鉴频器* disk: 磁盘distortion: 失真distributed: 分布式的document: 文件domestic appliances: 家用电器drift: 漂移drive: 驱动* driver: 驱动器;驱动程序dual-in-line: 双列直插duplex: 双工edge: 边沿edit: 编辑* electricity: 电;电流;电学electric: 电的;导电的;用电的;电动的 * electrical: 电的;电气科学的electrician: 电工electron: 电子* electronic: 电子的* electronics: 电子学electromagnetic field: 电磁场electromagnetic waves: 电磁波embedded system: 嵌入式系统emitter: 发射极encryption: 编密码;加密entropy: 熵envelop: 包络equalization: 均衡equation: 方程* equipment: 设备Ethernet: 以太网fabrication: 制造;组装fade: 衰落facsimile: 传真feedback: 反馈* filter: 滤波器firewall: 防火墙firmware: 固件(存储在只读存储器中的软件)flash memory: 闪存frame: 帧* frequency 频率* fuse: 保险丝* gain: 增益gateway: 网关generator: 发电机;发生器* glass fiber: 玻璃纤维hacker: 黑客* image: 图像* impedance: 阻抗impulse: 冲激* inductor: 电感器inductance: 电感(量)* information: 信息infrastructure: 基础设施* input: 输入installation: 安装* instruction: 指令* instrument: 仪器 integer: 整型数* integrated circuit: 集成电路(芯片);IC interactive: 交互式的* interface: 接口* interrupt: 中断inverter: 反向器;非门* information technology: 信息技术; IT jamming: 干扰* laser: 激光layout: 布置;布局lead: 1. 引线;连线;2.铅line: 线路link: 连接;链路;* load: 负载magnitude: (复数的)模;幅度manufacture: 制造matrix: 矩阵measure: 测量;测度;措施* measurement: 测量mechatronics: 机电一体化;机械电子学* message: 消息meter: 仪表microcontroller: 微控制器* microphone: 麦克风* microprocessor: 微处理器* microwave: 微波* mobile phone: 移动电话model: 模型;型号module: 模块;组件modulate: 调制* modulation: 调制* modem: 调制解调器* monitor: 监视器* motor: 电动机;马达;汽车;汽艇* multimedia: 多媒体multiplex: 多路复用mutual conductance: 互导* network: 网络networked computing: 网络计算* noise: 噪音nominal: 标称的;名义上的offset: 补偿;偏离open circuit: 开路* optical fiber: 光学纤维opto-: 光-oscillation: 振荡* oscillator: 振荡器* oscilloscope: 示波器* output: 输出overflow: 溢出overhead: 开销overload: 1. 过载;2.重载package: 包panel: 面板* passive: 无源的peripheral: (计算机)外围设备* phase: 相位pin: 管脚pliers: 钳子;老虎钳;手钳 plotter: 绘图仪* plug: 插头polarization: 极化potentiometer: 电位器* power: 功率;动力* power supply: 电源* printer: 打印机probe: (示波器)探头process: 过程;进程processing: 处理* programme: 程序projector: 投影仪* pulse: 脉冲quartz: 石英radar: 雷达* radio: 1. 无线电传送real time: 实时receive: 接收* receiver: 接收机* record: 记录rectifier: 整流器;检波器* relay: 继电器;中继;转播; refresh: 刷新register: 注册;寄存器* regulator: 稳压器* remote sensing: 遥感resin: 松香resistance: 电阻(量)* resistor: 电阻(器)resolution: 分辨率;解析率 resonate: 谐振response: 响应route: (PCB)布线router: 路由器sample: 样本;样品;采样* satellite: 卫星saturation: 饱和scan: 扫描* scanner: 扫描仪;天线* screen: 1. 屏幕;2. 屏蔽screw: 螺丝钉screwdriver: 螺丝刀* semiconductor: 半导体serial no: 序列号 series: 级数;串联set top box: 机顶盒sharing: 共享shielding: 屏蔽short circuit: 短路* signal: 信号* silicon: 硅simulation: 模拟* software: 软件* socket: 插座solder: 焊锡;焊接source: 源;源极* spare: 备件* spectrum 谱;频谱* specification: 指标storage: 存储* switch: 开关;交换synchronism: 同步* system: 系统* technology: 技术* telecommunication: 电信* telegraph: 电报* telephone: 电话* television: 电视* terminal: 终端;集散地* transformer: 变压器* transistor: 晶体三极管* transmission: 传输* transmitter: 发射机* transportation: 运输trig: 触发tune: 调谐update: 更新upgrade: 升级vacuum tube: 真空管;电子管* video: 视频Volt: 伏特* voltage: 电压wafer: 晶片;硅片;晶圆Watt 瓦特wave: 波waveform generator: 波形发生器 waveguide: 波导wavelength: 波长wire: 线;导线* wireless: 无线的adder 加法器and gate 与门audio amplifier 音频放大器comparator 比较器DC-coupled 直流耦合的discrete 离散的emitter coupled logic 发射极耦合电路fidelity 保真度flip-flop 触发器mixer 混合器,混频器modulator 故障,失灵opertional amplifier 运算放大器radio frequency amplifier 射频放大器superconductiong 超导电的video amplifier 视频放大器zener diode 稳压二极管active element 有源元件anode 阳极attributable 可归属的bais 偏压cathode 阴极current intensity 电流强度dope 掺杂electrode 电极field-effect transistor 场效应管grid 格子,栅极magnetic field 磁场monolithic 独石的,整体的,单片的passive component 无源元件photocell 光电管光电池sensor 传感器triode 三极真空管unipededly 无阻的,不受阻的abstract code 抽象码acronym 缩写字assembler 汇编程序,汇编器assembly language 汇编语言bit (二进制)位,比特bug 故障,错误byte 字节,位元组central processing unit 中央处理器decoder 译码器graghical user interface 图形用户界面icon 图标,像标instruction register 指令寄存器machine code 机器码menory location 存储单元program counter 程序计数器专业英语词汇静态电阻(n.) static resistance 2.动态电阻(n.)dynamic resistance 3.感抗(n.) inductive reactance 4.容抗(n.) capacitive reactance 5. 阻抗(n.) impedance 6. 导纳(n.) admittance 7. 电子电路(n.) electronic circuitry 8. 二端元件(n.) two-terminal element 9. 电压降(n.) voltage drop 10. 毫安(n.) milliampere 11.微伏(n.) microvolt 12.纳米(n.) nanometer 13皮法(n.) picofarad 14千克(n.) kilogram 15兆欧(n.) megohm 16电介质(n.) dielectric 17线圈(n.) coil18磁场(n.) magnet field19电场(n.) electric field20电荷守恒(n.) electric charge conservation / conservation of electric charge21节点(n.) node22回路(n. ) loop23正极(n.) positive polarity / anode 24负极(n.) negative polarity / cathode 25三角函数(n.) trigonometric function 26正弦(n.) sine27余弦(n.) cosine 28阶跃函数(n.) step function29脉冲函数(n.) impulse function30静态响应(n.) static response 31稳态过程(n.) steady process32瞬态分析(n.) transient analysis33时变的(adj.) time-variant34是不变的(adj.) time-invariant35频域(n.) frequency domain36时域(n.) time domain37超前网络(n.) lead network38滞后网络(n.) lag network39频带宽度(n.) bandwidth 40半导体(n.) semiconductor 41微波(n.) microwave42声纳(n.) SONAR(sound navigation and ranging)43雷达(n.) RADAR(radio detecting and ranging)44只读存储器(n.) ROM(read only memory)45随机(存取)存储器(n.) random access memory46交流电(n.) AC(alternating current)47直流电(n.) DC(direct current)48发光二极管(n.) LED(light emitting diode)49正电子(n.) positron50负电子(n.) negatron 51变压器(n.) transforme52接收机(n.) receiver 53发射机(n.) transmitter 54放大器(n.) amplifier 55本振器(n.) local oscillator56滤波器(n.) filter 57混频器(n.) mixer 58解调器(n.) demodulator 59衰减器(n.) attenuator 60锁相环合成器(n.) phase-locked loop synthesizer 61检波器(n.) detector 62反相器(n.) inverter 63窄带的(n.) narrow-band 64旁(频)带(n.) sideband 65差频(n.) difference frequency 66和频(n.) sum frequency 67中频(n.) intermediate frequency 68射频, 无线电频率(n.) Radio Freqency 69次要频率(n.) second frequency 70噪声系数[指数] (n.) noise figure 71调谐电路(n.) tuned circuit 72镜象信号(n.) image signal 73寄生信号(n.) spurious signal 74自动增益控制(n.) AGC=Automatic Gain Control75自动频率控制(n.) AFC=automatic frequency control76转换增益(n.) conversion gain 77噪声级(n.) noise level 78调幅(n.) amplitude modulation 79调频(n.) frequency modulation 80波段转换(n.) band switching 81等幅波(n.) Constant Wave 82民用波段(n.) Citizen Band 83灵敏度(n.) sensitivity 84调频立体声广播(n.) FM stereo broadcasting 85音频(n.) audio frequency 86背景噪声(n.) background noise87频率公差, 容许频偏(n.) frequency tolerance 88交叉调制(n.) crossmodulation 89平方律传递特性(n.) square law transfer characteristic90二次谐波(n.) second harmonic 91变换[变频]增益(n.) conversion gain 92噪声因子(n.) noise factor 93变形,失真,畸变(n.) distortion 94负反馈(n.) negative feedback 95电荷载流子(n.) charge carrier 96捕获比(n.) capture ratio 97变换损耗(n.) conversion loss 98噪声带宽(n.) noise bandwidth 99干扰信号(n.) interfering signal 100积分电路(n.) integrated circuit 101晶体管(n.) transistor 102调试(n.) debugging 103数字电路(n.) digital circuit 104模拟电路(n.) analog circuit 105“与”门(n.) NOT gate 106“非”门(n.) AND gate 107发射极(n.) emitter 108基极(n.) base 109集电极(n.) collector 110饱和(n.) saturation 111传递延迟(n.) propagation delay 112功耗(n.) power consumption。

电子信息工程专业英语词汇(精选整理版)1. IntroductionThis document provides a curated collection of key vocabulary terms related to the field of Electronic Information Engineering. It aims to assist students and professionals in their understanding and use of English terminology in this domain.2. Key Vocabulary Terms- Digital signal processing (数字信号处理)- Semiconductor device (半导体器件)- Electromagnetic wave (电磁波)- Microelectronics (微电子学)- Integrated circuit (集成电路)- Wireless networks (无线网络)- Optoelectronics (光电子学)- Signal transmission (信号传输)- Information theory (信息论)- Digital image processing (数字图像处理)- Electronic circuit design (电子电路设计)- Microprocessor technology (微处理器技术)- Power electronics (功率电子学)- Network security (网络安全)- Control systems (控制系统)3. Conclusion(Note: Please note that the translations provided are for reference purposes and may vary in different contexts. It is always advisable to consult reliable sources for accurate translations and further clarification.)。

The Types of Oscilloscopes
• analog oscilloscope • digital oscilloscope
– digital storage oscilloscopes (DSOs) – digital phosphor oscilloscopes (DPOs) – digital sampling oscilloscopes
• Something that is an essential or necessary part of a system or object. 基础
• The lowest frequency of a periodically varying quantity or of a vibrating system. 基频
• Terminology
– CRT: Cathode Ray Tube 阴极射线管
– Transducer 传感器,变频器,变换器
– Fundamental frequency 基频
• Terminology
– sonic boom 声爆
Digital Oscilloscopes
Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes
Figure 10.6 The parallel-processing architecture of a digital phosphor oscilloscope (DPO)

Integrated Circuits(集成电路)The Integrated CircuitDigital logic and electronic circuits derive their functionality from electronic switches called transistor. Roughly speaking, the transistor can be likened to an electronically controlled valve whereby energy applied to one connection of the valve enables energy to flow between two other connections.By combining multiple transistors, digital logic building blocks such as AND gates and flip-flops are formed. Transistors, in turn, are made from semiconductors. Consult a periodic table of elements in a college chemistry textbook, and you will locate semiconductors as a group of elements separating the metals and nonmetals.They are called semiconductors because of their ability to behave as both metals and nonmetals. A semiconductor can be made to conduct electricity like a metal or to insulate as a nonmetal does. These differing electrical properties can be accurately controlled by mixing the semiconductor with small amounts of other elements. This mixing is called doping. A semiconductor can be doped to contain more electrons (N-type) or fewer electrons (P-type). Examples of commonly used semiconductors are silicon and germanium. Phosphorous and boron are two elements that are used to dope N-type and P-type silicon, respectively.A transistor is constructed by creating a sandwich of differently doped semiconductor layers. The two most common types of transistors, the bipolar-junction transistor (BJT) and the field-effect transistor (FET) are schematically illustrated in Figure 2.1.This figure shows both the silicon structures of these elements and their graphical symbolic representation as would be seen in a circuit diagram. The BJT shown is an NPN transistor, because it is composed of a sandwich of N-P-N doped silicon. When a small current is injected into the base terminal, a larger current is enabled to flow from the collector to the emitter.The FET shown is an N-channel FET, which is composed of two N-type regions separated by a P-type substrate. When a voltage is applied to the insulated gate terminal, a current is enabled to flow from the drain to the source. It is called N-channel, because the gate voltage induces an N-channel within the substrate, enabling current to flow between the N-regions.Another basic semiconductor structure is a diode, which is formed simply by a junction of N-type and P-type silicon. Diodes act like one-way valves by conducting current only from P to N. Special diodes can be created that emit light when a voltage is applied. Appropriately enough, these components are called light emitting diodes, or LEDs. These small lights are manufactured by the millions and are found in diverse applications from telephones to traffic lights.The resulting small chip of semiconductor material on which a transistor or diode is fabricated can be encased in a small plastic package for protection against damage and contamination from the out-side world.Small wires are connected within this package between the semiconductor sandwich and pins that protrude from the package to make electrical contact with other parts of the intended circuit. Once you have several discrete transistors, digital logic can be built by directly wiring these components together. The circuit will function, but any substantial amount of digitallogic will be very bulky, because several transistors are required to implement each of the various types of logic gates.At the time of the invention of the transistor in 1947 by John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley, the only way to assemble multiple transistors into a single circuit was to buy separate discrete transistors and wire them together. In 1959, Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce independently invented a means of fabricating multiple transistors on a single slab of semiconductor material. Their invention would come to be known as the integrated circuit, or IC, which is the foundation of our modern computerized world. An IC is so called because it integrates multiple transistors and diodes onto the same small semiconductor chip. Instead of having to solder individual wires between discrete components, an IC contains many small components that are already wired together in the desired topology to form a circuit.A typical IC, without its plastic or ceramic package, is a square or rectangular silicon die measuring from 2 to 15 mm on an edge. Depending on the level of technology used to manufacture the IC, there may be anywhere from a dozen to tens of millions of individual transistors on this small chip. This amazing density of electronic components indicates that the transistors and the wires that connect them are extremely small in size. Dimensions on an IC are measured in units of micrometers, with one micrometer (1mm) being one millionth of a meter. To serve as a reference point, a human hair is roughly 100mm in diameter. Some modern ICs contain components and wires that are measured in increments as small as 0.1mm! Each year, researchers and engineers have been finding new ways to steadily reduce these feature sizes to pack more transistors into the same silicon area, as indicated in Figure 2.2.When an IC is designed and fabricated, it generally follows one of two main transistor technologies: bipolar or metal-oxide semiconductor (MOS). Bipolar processes create BJTs, whereas MOS processes create FETs. Bipolar logic was more common before the 1980s, but MOS technologies have since accounted the great majority of digital logic ICs. N-channel FETs are fabricated in an NMOS process, and P-channel FETs are fabricated in a PMOS process. In the 1980s, complementary-MOS, or CMOS, became the dominant process technology and remains so to this day. CMOS ICs incorporate both NMOS and PMOS transistors.Application Specific Integrated CircuitAn application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) is an integrated circuit (IC) customized for a particular use, rather than intended for general-purpose use. For example, a chip designed solely to run a cell phone is an ASIC. In contrast, the 7400 series and 4000 series integrated circuits are logic building blocks that can be wired together for use in many different applications.As feature sizes have shrunk and design tools improved over the years, the maximum complexity (and hence functionality) possible in an ASIC has grown from 5,000 gates to over 100 million.Modern ASICs often include entire 32-bit processors, memory blocks including ROM, RAM, EEPROM, Flash and other large buildingblocks. Such an ASIC is often termed a SoC (System-on-Chip). Designers of digital ASICs use a hardware description language (HDL), such as Verilog or VHDL, to describe the functionality of ASICs.Field-programmable gate arrays (FPGA) are the modern day equivalent of 7400 series logic and a breadboard, containing programmable logic blocks and programmable interconnects that allow the same FPGA to be used in many different applications. For smaller designs and/or lower production volumes, FPGAs may be more cost effective than an ASIC design. The non-recurring engineering cost (the cost to setup the factory to produce a particular ASIC) can run into hundreds of thousands of dollars.The general term application specific integrated circuit includes FPGAs, but most designers use ASIC only for non-field programmable devices and make a distinction between ASIC and FPGAs.HistoryThe initial ASICs used gate array technology. Ferranti produced perhaps the first gate-array, the ULA (Uncommitted Logic Array), around 1980. Customization occurred by varying the metal interconnect mask. ULAs had complexities of up to a few thousand gates. Later versions became more generalized, with different base dies customized by both metal and polysilicon layers. Some base dies include RAM elements.Standard cell designIn the mid 1980s a designer would choose an ASIC manufacturer and implement their design using the design tools available from the manufacturer. While third party design tools were available, there was not an effective link from the third party design tools to the layout and actual semiconductor process performance characteristics of the various ASIC manufacturers.Most designers ended up using factory specific tools to complete the implementation of their designs. A solution to this problem that also yielded a much higher density device was the implementation of Standard Cells. Every ASIC manufacturer could create functional blocks with known electrical characteristics, such as propagation delay, capacitance and inductance; that could also be represented in third party tools.Standard cell design is the utilization of these functional blocks to achieve very high gate density and good electrical performance. Standard cell design fits between Gate Array and Full Custom design in terms of both its NRE (Non-Recurring Engineering) and recurring component cost.By the late 1980s, logic synthesis tools, such as Design Compiler, became available. Such tools could compile HDL descriptions into a gate-level netlist. This enabled a style of design called standard-cell design. Standard-cell Integrated Circuits (ICs) are designed in the following conceptual stages, although these stages overlap significantly in practice.These steps, implemented with a level of skill common in the industry, almost always produce a final device that correctly implements the original design, unless flaws are later introduced by the physical fabrication process.A team of design engineers starts with a non-formal understanding of the required functions for a new ASIC, usually derived from requirements analysis.*The design team constructs a description of an ASIC to achieve these goals using an HDL. This process is analogous to writing a computer program in a high-level language. This is usually called the RTL (register transfer level) design.*Suitability for purpose is verified by simulation. A virtual system created in software, using a tool such as Virtutech’s Simics, can simulate the performance of ASICs at speeds up to billions of simulated instructions per second.*A logic synthesis tool, such as Design Compiler, transforms the RTL design into a large collection of lower-level constructs called standard cells. These constructs are taken from a standard-cell library consisting of pre-characterized collections of gates such as 2 input nor, 2 input nand, inverters, etc.The standard cells are typically specific to the planned manufacturer of the ASIC. The resulting collection of standard cells, plus the needed electrical connections between them, is called a gate-level netlist.*The gate-level netlist is next processed by a placement tool which places the standard cells onto a region representing the final ASIC. It attempts to find a placement of the standard cells, subject to a variety of specified constraints. Sometimes advanced techniques such as simulated annealing are used to optimize placement.*The routing tool takes the physical placement of the standard cells and uses the netlist to create the electrical connections between them. Since the search space is large, this process will produce a “sufficient” rather than “glo bally-optimal” solution. The output is a set of photomasks enabling semiconductor fabrication to produce physical ICs.*Close estimates of final delays, parasitic resistances and capacitances, and power consumptions can then be made. In the case of a digital circuit, this will be further mapped into delay information. These estimates are used in a final round of testing. This testing demonstrates that the device will function correctly over all extremes of the process, voltage and temperature. When this testing is complete the photomask information is released for chip fabrication.These design steps (or flow) are also common to standard product design. The significant difference is that Standard Cell design uses the manufacturer’s cell libraries that have been used in hundreds of other design implementations and therefore are of much lower risk than full custom design.Gate array designGate array design is a manufacturing method in which the diffused layers, i.e. transistors and other active devices, are predefined and wafers containing such devices are held in stock prior to metallization, in other words, unconnected.The physical design process then defines the interconnections of the final device. It is important to the designer that minimal propagation delays can be achieved in ASICs versus the FPGA solutions available in the marketplace. Gate array ASIC is a compromise as mapping a given design onto what a manufacturer held as a stockwafer never gives 100% utilization.Pure, logic-only gate array design is rarely implemented by circuit designers today, replaced almost entirely by field programmable devices such as FPGAs, which can be programmed by the user and thus offer minimal tooling charges, marginally increased piece part cost and comparable performance.Today gate arrays are evolving into structured ASICs that consist of a large IP core like a processor, DSP unit, peripherals, standard interfaces, integrated memories SRAM, and a block of reconfigurable uncommitted logic.This shift is largely because ASIC devices are capable of integrating such large blocks of system functionality and “system on a chip” requires far more than just logic blocks.Full-custom designThe benefits of full-custom design usually include reduced area, performance improvements and also the ability to integrate analog components and other pre-designed components such as microprocessor cores that form a System-on-Chip. The disadvantages can include increased manufacturing and design time, increased non-recurring engineering costs, more complexity in the CAD system and a much higher skill requirement on the part of the design team.However for digital only designs, “standard-cell” libraries together with modern CAD systems can offer considerable performance/cost benefits with low risk. Automated layout tools are quick and easy to use and also offer the possibility to manually optimize any performance limiting aspect of the design.Structured designStructured ASIC design is an ambiguous expression, with different meanings in different contexts. This is a relatively new term in the industry, which is why there is some variation in its definition. However, the basic premise of a structured ASIC is that both manufacturing cycle time and design cycle time are reduced compared to cell-based ASIC by virtue of there being pre-defined metal layers and pre-characterization of what is on the silicon.One definition states that, in a structured ASIC design, the logic mask-layers of a device are predefined by the ASIC vendor (or in some cases by a third party). Structured ASIC technology is seen as bridging the gap between field-programmable gate arrays and “standard-cell” ASIC designs.What makes a structured ASIC different from a gate array is that in a gate array the predefined metal layers serve to make manufacturing turnaround faster. In a structured ASIC the predefined metallization is primarily to reduce cost of the mask sets and is also used to make the design cycle time significantly shorter as well.Likewise, the design tools used for structured ASIC can substantially lower cost, and are easier to use than cell-based tools, because the tools do not have to perform all the functions that cell-based tools do.One other important aspect about structured ASIC is that it allows IP that is comm on to certain applications to be “built in”, rather than “designed in”. By building the IP directly into the architecture the designer can again save both time and money compared to designing IP into a cell-based ASIC.中文翻译:集成电路数字逻辑和电子电路由称为晶体管的电子开关得到它们的(各种)功能。
电子信息类专业英语 第1章

Unit 1 Current, Voltage and Resistance
We shall define voltage “across” an element as the work
done in moving a unit charge (+1C) through the element from one terminal to the other. The term voltage (represented by the letter symbol U) is commonly used to indicate both a potential difference and an electromotive force. The unit in which voltage is measured is the volt(V). One volt is defined as that magnitude of electromotive force required cause a current of one ampere to pass through a conductor having a resistance of one ohm. Besides the volt, smaller or larger magnitude of voltage are expressed in millivolts(mV), microvolts(μV) or kilovolts(kV).
Unit 1 Current, Voltage and Resistance
Resistors restrict the flow of electric current, for example, a

Feedback Control Loop
Error etector Computation Comparison Desired value
Measuring Eelement
山东信息职业技术学院电子工程系 controlled variable 被控变量 manipulated variable 控制变量 act on/upon 对……起作用,按照……而行动,施于,作用于 transmitter [ trænz'mitə] n. 变送器,转送者,传导物 final control element 末级控制元件 evaluate [ i'væljueit ] vt. 评估,评价,计算 deviation [ˌ di:vi'eiʃən ] n. 背离,偏离 feedback [ 'fi:dbæk ] n. 反馈,反应 tend to 易于,倾向于,有助于 disturbance [ di'stə:bəns ] n. 扰动 on the basis of 以……为基础,根据……,基于…… identify [ ai'dentifai ] vt. 确定,打出,识别 actuating signal 执行信号 error signal 误差信号 upset [ ʌp'set, 'ʌpset ] vt. 打乱,扰乱,搅动 prescribed [ pris'kraibd ] adj. 规定的,法定的

《电子类专业英语》课程标准一、基本信息适用对象:电子类专业制定时间:课程代码:070590 所属系部:信息工程学院学分:2 学时:36制定人:批准人:二、课程的目标1、专业能力目标培养学生掌握电子方面的专业词汇,达到一定的对应用电子英语的翻译能力,并且能够依靠自身的专业背景知识阅读电子英文技术文献的应用能力。

1)The term modem is derived from the wordsd
a.modulate emphasis b. modular emulation
c.multiplex or demultiplex d. modulate demodulate
f)An identifier that indicates the location of a record.
g)Protection of a database against access or modification without authorization.
h)Protection of a database against invalid alteration or destruction.
6)PC-to-PC networking could be easily accomplished between buildingsc.
a. on one campusb. between campuses
c. a or bd. none of them
7)In aaswitching system, a call was established and routed in a set of progressive electromechnical steps, each under the direct control of the user’s dialing pulse.
2)ddatabase management
system (DBMS)
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To measure resistance,we use the unit "ohm".重要的是要应用这些定律。
It is important to apply these laws. 这种装置能用来测量电流电压电阻。
Such a device can be used to measurecurrent,voltage and resistance. 我们想要求这个电流中的电流。
We wish to find the current in the circuit.无线电波的用途之一是发送信息。
One of the uses of radio waves is to transmit intelligence.在这种情况下该物体被说成带电了。
In this case the object is said to be charged.我们感到理解这个概念很困难。
We find it very difficult to understand this concept.工科学生应该知道如何使用计算机。
Engineering studentsshould know how to use acomputer.物体做工的能力被称为能量。
The ability of a body to do workis called energy.重要的是我们要把理论应用于实践。
It is important for us toapply theory to practice.计算在这个电流中流动的电流密度是可能的。
It is possible tocalculate the current flowing inthis circuit.这些是常用的设备。
These arecommonly used devices.电压等取决于电路中的电阻以及所加的电压。
Voltage equalscurrent multiplied byresistance.显然电流与外加电压成正比。
Itis apparent that current isproportional to the appliedvoltage.人们发现的金属都是良导体。
Ithas been found that metals areall good conductors.该机器的效率取决于它能运转多快。
The efficiency of themachine depends on how fastit can run.你知道电位差是什么吗?Doyou know what the potentialdifference is?正如我们将会看到的那样,速度是一个矢量。
As we shallsee,velocity is a vector.这些仪器正是我们需要的。
There instruments are justwhat we need.导线中的电子绝不能从正流向负。
By no means do electronsin a wire flow from the positiveto the negative.所有物质,不论是水、铁还是空气,都是由原子构成的。
Every substance,be it water,iron or air,consists of atoms.(1) If the signal source were direct connected instead of capacitor coupled, there would be a low resistance path from the base to the negative supply line, and this would affect the circuit bias conditions.如果信号源和电路不是用电容耦合而是直接耦合,从基极到负电源线就会有一个低阻通路,并且这将影响到电路偏置状态(2) A conventional operational amplifier (op-amps) can be simply described as ahigh-gain direct-coupled voltage amplifier that has a single output terminal, and because it has both invertingand non-inverting inputterminals, the device canfunction as an inverting,non-inverting, or differentialamplifiers, filters, oscillators,level switches, comparators,etc. 传统的运算放大器(op-amps)可以被简单的描述为一个高增益使电压放大器,优点有一个输出端,因为它既有反向和用户的输入端子,设备能作为一个反向功能,用户,或差分放大器、滤波器、振荡器、液位开关、比较器等。
(3) The differential amplifierhas a high-impedance(constant-current)“tail” to give ita high input impedance and ahigh degree of common-modesignal rejection. It also has ahigh-impedance collector (ordrain) load, to give it a largeamount of signal-voltage gain(typically about 100 dB). (3)微分放大器有一个高祖抗(恒流)“尾巴”给它一个高输入阻抗及高度的共模信号的排斥反应。
(4) In that circuit, a fixedreference voltage is fed to thenon-inverting terminal.Because of the very highopen-loop voltage gain of theop-amp, the output is driveninto positive saturation (closeto +V) when the samplevoltage goes slightly above thereference voltage, and driveninto negative saturation (closeto -V) when the sample voltagegoes slightly below the reference voltage. 电路、固定的参考电压反馈到用户的终端。
因为非常高电压增益的放大器的开环,输出驱动转化为积极的饱和度(接近+ V)当样品是略高于电压参考电压,并被推入负面饱和度(接近-V)电压略低于样品去参考电压。
(1) For example, to represent the 10 numerals (0, 1, 2, …, 9) and the 26 letters of the English alphabet would require 36 different combinations of 1’s and 0’s. Since 25<36<26, then a minimum of 6 bits per bite are required in order to accommodate all the alphanumeric characters. (2) Furthermore, ripple or voltage spikes may exist in the power supply or ground leads, and other sources of unwantedsignals, called noise, may bepresent in the circuit.(3) For these reasons thedigital levels are not specifiedprecisely, but as indicated bythe shaded region in Figure 3.6,each state is defined by avoltage range about adesignated level, such as 41 Vand 0.20.2 V.(4) At 1 signifies the existenceof a positive pulse in a dynamicpositive-logic system; anegative pulse denotes a 1 in adynamic negative-logic systema 0 at a particular input (oroutput) at a given instant oftime designates that no pulseis present at that particularmoment.1)例如,代表10数字(0、1、2、9、…)和26个字母需要36不同的组合,“1”和“0”。
自从25 < 36 < 26,那么至少6位要求每一口为了适应所有的字母数字字符。
(3)对这些原因是没有指定的数字水准仪清楚,但所示的阴影区域图3.6中,每个国家都被定义为一个关于一个指定层次电压范围,如41伏特和0.20.2 V。
(4)在1表示存在一种积极的脉冲在动态positive-logic系统、负脉冲代表一个1日在系统动态negative-logic 0在某一特定的输入(或产量)在一个特定的瞬间表示无脉搏是目前在那个时刻。
(1) It is assumed that thereader has a generalknowledge of circuit theory. (2)Which of these methods is determine Reqdepends upon which is the easiest in any given situation.(3) It is an experimental fact that an electric field is established in a conducting rod when there is a temperature difference between its ends. (4) That this condition is sufficient is obvious.(5) It can be shown that any rational function of sin xand cos xcan be integrated.(6) A major advantage of this device is that it operates continuously.(7) In this chapter we shall determine which load receives the maximum power for a given practical voltage source.1)它是假定读者的普遍知识的电路理论。