








标签:功率分配;Nakagami衰落信道;AF协作;误码率1 引言协作通信网络中的用户通过共享彼此天线形成虚拟天线阵列,可获得空间分集,并能有效地抵抗衰落,因此,已成为近年来研究的热点[1-3],而中继选择和功率分配是协作通信中的重要研究方向。


2 系统模型考虑协作中继通信系统由N个中继节点,一个源节点S和一个目的节点D 组成(如图1所示),所有中继节点组成的集合为R={1,2,...,N}。









独立不同分布Nakagami-m衰落信道下最大比合并性能分析李涛;蒋磊;陈博文【摘要】为研究独立不同分布(i.n.d.) Nakagami-m衰落信道下的分集接收系统采用最大比合并(MRC)时的系统性能,以输出信噪比的概率密度函数为基础,导出了系统中断概率的精确解并给出中断概率数值解的一种获得方法.根据输出信噪比的矩生成函数,推导出不同调制方式下系统平均误符号率的Chernoff上界、渐进分集增益和有效分集增益的表达式,并仿真验证了其正确性.仿真结果表明:增加分集支路数能够很大程度地减小系统平均误符号率,提高分集增益,但同时各支路衰落不平衡程度对系统性能的影响变大,各支路衰落不平衡程度在信道衰落越小时对中断概率影响越大.【期刊名称】《空军工程大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2018(019)006【总页数】6页(P84-89)【关键词】Nakagami-m衰落;最大比合并;矩生成函数;平均误符号率;分集增益【作者】李涛;蒋磊;陈博文【作者单位】空军工程大学信息与导航学院,西安,710077;空军工程大学信息与导航学院,西安,710077;95844部队,甘肃酒泉,735000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN911.2无线信道是一种复杂的时变信道,由于多径的存在,各路径的振幅、相位及角度会随机变化,导致接收信号包络剧烈的波动,信噪比下降,甚至产生深衰落以致通信中断。


基本的合并方式有选择合并(Selection Combining, SC)、等增益合并(Equal Gain Combining, EGC)和最大比合并(Maximal Ratio Combining, MRC),其中MRC是性能最好的合并方式,但同时需要的先验知识也最多。

Nakagami-m衰落作为一个较为一般性的衰落模型,根据m的不同取值可以得到瑞利、莱斯等多种衰落分布[1],能够较好地描述无线接收信号的衰落情况,并且在实际分集合并系统中,各个接收节点往往相距较远,虽然链路之间相互独立,但不一定服从相同分布,因此,i.n.d. Nakagami-m衰落信道具有更广泛的适用性。



I.J.Wireless and Microwave Technologies,2013, 1, 26-36Published Online September 2013 in MECS()DOI: 10.5815/ijwmt.2013.01.03Available online at /ijwmtChannel Capacity and BER Performance Analysis of MIMO System with Linear Receiver in Nakagami ChannelSamarendra Nath Sur a*, Debjyoti Ghosh ba,b Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology, Sikkim Manipal University, Sikkim, India.AbstractMultiple input multiple output (MIMO) is one of the key technology to accomplish the goal of the future wireless broadband communication.This paper deals with the bit error rate (BER) and capacity performance of the Vertical Bell laboratories layered space-time (VBA LST) MIMO systems with a linear receiver such as minimum mean-square error (MMSE) and zero forcing (ZF) over Nakagami-m channel. Both the BER and the capacity of MIMO systems have been analyzed for different modulation techniques and also with various configurations of MIMO systems.We have also analyzed the VBLAST MIMO system performance in a higher SNR region.Index Terms: MMSE, ZF, V-BLAST, MIMO, Nakagami-m, Channel Capacity, BER.© 2013 Published by MECS Publisher. Selection and/or peer review under responsibility of the Research Association of Modern Education and Computer Science1.IntroductionFrom the perspective of today’s broadband communication scenario, the need of high-capacity and highly-reliable wireless communication has been growing noticeably over the last few decades. Most of the wireless communication systems developed before the mid 1990s may be referred to as single input single output (SISO) systems [1]. Later on more researches have been carried on exploring the possibilities of a MIMO system by exploiting the diversity at both the transmitter and receiver. From the perspective of research growth in MIMO technology, channel modeling, capacity analysis, space-time coding (STC), spatial multiplexing (SM) and multi-user detection techniques are the main point of interest for the researchers. At this age of 4th generation broadband communication, the growing demand of higher data rate under the constraint of limited available bandwidth, multi-input and multiple-output (MIMO) systems offer the possibility of spatial multiplexing which enables very high spectral efficiencies [2, 3, 4] and also this leads to the development of an appropriate signal processing architecture to support the spectral requirement. Vertical Bell laboratories layered space-time (V-BLA ST) [2, 5, 6] is a MIMO architecture known to have spectral efficiencies of 20-40 bps/Hz at 24-34 dB average SNR without coding [7].* C orresponding au thor.E-mail address: samar.sur@In the wireless environment the electromagnetic wave gets polluted by some physical phenomenon such as absorption, reflection, refraction, diffraction, and scattering etc. Because of the existence of physical object in their propagating path, such as trees, buildings, hills etc. [8]. Because of those phenomena the randomly varying phase, amplitude and the angle of arrival of multipath component added up constructively and destructively and give rise to a rapidly fluctuating signal at the receiver front end.For the practical purposes different fading channel can be modeled, out of which most important fading distributions are Rayleigh and Rician [9]. Recently Nakagami distribution has been of great interest because Nakagami-m fading channel can be considered as a universal one as it represents various fading condition in a wireless channel [9, 10]. Nakagami-m fading channel can provide severe conditions than the Rayleigh and Rician model and can be considered to fit into the mobile communication channel [9] .W ith the variation in the Nakagami fading parameter-m a wide range of distribution can be realized. It becomes the Rayleigh distribution when m = 1 and for m > 1 the Rician fading can be closely approximated. Also it becomes the one-sided Gaussian distribution (m → 0.5), and Nakagami -m distribution covers no fading channel as m goes to in finity [11, 12]. So analysis of Nakagami channel is very important.In this paper we analyze the capacity and BER performance of the V BLAST MIMO system with MMSE and ZF receiver [13] system in Nakagami-m fading channel and also we present the simulation result to analyze the system performance with the variation in the fading parameter m. We also quantify the BER and capacity performance advantage of the MMSE-V-BLAST over the ZF-V-BLAST.2. Mathematical Model2.1. Channel ModelFig. 1. MIMO system architecture.We consider a MIMO system, as in figure 1, with t N transmitting antenna and r N receiving antennas. The received signal y can be described byYY =HHHH +nn (1) Where the transmit symbols vector x satisfies P 2x E ≤(P is the total power), and n is the 1r N ×additive white Gaussian noise vector. The vector H represents the slowly varying flat fading (Nakagami-m) channels for the wireless transmission. The channel is assumed to be independent and identically distributed (i.i.d) and this follows a Nakagami –m fading probability distribution function (pdf). Let γ represent the instantaneous SNR and it can be defined asγγ=ββ2EE ss NN 0 (2) Where β is the fading amplitude, s E is the energy per symbol, and 0N is the noise spectral density. The probability distribution function of β for the Nakagami-m fading channel is given byPP ββ(ββ)=2ΓΓ(mm )�mm Ω�ββ2mm −1 eeHHee �−mm ββ2Ω�, β ≥ 0, m ≥ 12 (3)Where Γ(.) represents the gamma function,=Ω2βE and m is the parameter of fading depth that ranges from 0.5 to infinity and this parameter is responsible for the variation in fading condition.The fading parameter m is defined by the equation as given below mm =EE 2�ββ2�vvvvvv [ββ2] (4) Then the pdf of the instantaneous SNR γ is given by [14]PP γγ(γγ)=1ΓΓ(mm ) �mm γγ��mm γγmm −1 eeHHee �−mm γγγγ�� ,γγ≥0 (5)Fig 2. The PDF and CDF plots of Nakagami-m distribu tion. 2.2. BER CalculationThe moment generating function (MGF) [12, 15] of the SNR in Nakagami-m fading is given byφφγγ(ss )=∫eeHHee (−ssγγ)PP γγ(γγ)∞0ddγγ=�mmmm +ssγγ�mm ,mm ≥ 12 (6) The conditional- error probability (CEP) for MSK is given byPP ss (γγ)=1ππ ∫eeHHee �−γγ ssss nn 2(ππMM )ssss nn θθ�ππ−ππ0ddθθ (7) The average symbol error rate in Nakagami channel for positive values of fading depth ‘m’ is given byPP ss � = ∫PP ss (γγ)∞0PP γγ(γγ)ddγγ (8) = 1ππ II SS �0,ππ−ππMM ,�γγ�mm � ssss nn 2�ππMM �,mm � (9) As in [6], the generalized form of s I can be expressed asII SS (θθLL ,θθUU ,cc ,dd )=��ssss nn 2θθcc +ssss nn 2θθ�dd ddθθθθUU θθLL =θθUU − θθLL − �cc cc +1�ππ2+λλ(cc ,θθUU )�∑1[4(cc +1)]kk ��2kk kk �+1ππ∑�2kk ℎ�ssss nn [2(kk−ℎ)λλ(cc , θθUU ]kk−ℎkk−1ℎ=0� +�cc cc +1�ππ2+dd−1kk =0λλcc ,θθLLkk =0dd−114cc +1kk 2kkkk +1ππℎ=0kk−12kkℎssss nn 2kk−ℎλλ(cc , θθLLkk−ℎ (10) Where d is a positive integer andλλ( qq ,θθ )=tt vv nn −1���qq 1+qq � cccctt (ππ−θθ)� (11)As in [16], from the power series expansion of equation (3) we find that at the higher SNR region the PDF of the fading amplitude )(β is inversely vary with the signal SNR level. And the proportionality relation changes with the variation in Nakagami fading shape parameter. For m= 0.5 (one-sided Gaussian), the PDF changes inversely with SNR levels whereas for m=1 (Rayleigh fading) and m=2 (Rician fading) it is proportional to the inverse of the square and fifth power of the SNR level respectively. Therefore, the error probability rate in Nakagami fading channel with m=0. 5 is worse than that of Rayleigh and Rician channel.2.3. Linear Receiver:2.3.1 Zero Forcing (ZF): The Zero forcing receiver, is a Simple linear receiver, with low computational complexity. Zero forcing implements matrix (pseudo) inverse (+). The ZF estimated received signal is given by:HH �=(HH HH HH )−1HH HH .HH =HH +HH(12)Where superscript H denotes Hermitian transpose. And the output SNR for the ZF receiver can be obtained as ρρzzzz=SSNNSS (HH HH HH )−1The ZF minimizes interference but suffers from noise enhancement and shapes the received signal, therefore it is free of ISI. The ZF receiver works best with high SNR level.2.3.2 Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE):MMSE [17, 18] receiver is another type of linear detector which minimizes the mean squared error between the transmitted symbols. MMSE detector helps to jointly minimize both the noise and interference or we can say that the MMSE detector seeks to balance between the cancellation of the interference and reduction of noise enhancement. Therefore MMSE detector outperforms the ZF detector in the presence of noise.The MMSE receiver gives a solution to:HH�=�1SSNNSS II+ HH HH HH�−1.HH HH HH (13) And the output SNR for the ZF receiver can be obtained asρρmmmmssee=SSNNSS�HH HH HH+II1SSNNSS�−1−1The above two linear equalization algorithm is based on multiplying the received vector by a detection matrix and then decoding the symbols separately. Another approach in VBLAST receiver design is successive interference cancellation to achieve better performance at the cost of much higher complexity.From the mathematical relation one can estimate that ZF is the limiting form of the MMSE for SNR approaches to infinity. But from the simulation we observed that the bit error rate of MMSE and ZF receiver do not converge even for large SNR. Therefore we find that there is always a SNR gain of MMSE equalizer over the ZF receiver for large SNR values.2.4.Capacity CalculationThe capacity of a MIMO channel can be written asCC=ll cc ll2ddeett�II NN+SSNNSS.(HHHH HH)� (14)Where SNR is the average signal to noise ratio at each receiver antenna.The capacity of a sub-channel in a MIMO system with a linear detector (LD) can be written asCC LLLL=ll cc ll2(II NN+SSNNII SS) (15) For zero forcing receivers, the capacity associated with the channel can be written asCC ZZZZ=ll cc ll2�1+SSNNSS�HH HH HH�−1� (16) Similarly for MMSE receiverCC MMMMSSEE =ll cc ll 2�1�II NN +SSNNSS .HH HH HH �−1� (17) As we know that the minimization of the mean square error (MSE) leads to the maximization of the SNR, therefore MMSE based detector achieves higher SNR in comparison to that of a ZF based detector. And this advantage leads to the gain in channel capacity with MMSE based over that with the ZF based detector.The capacity gain of MIMO systems with MMSE receiver over the ZF receiver have been analyzed as followsThen ZF C MMSE C −=ll cc ll 2�1�II NN +SSNNSS .HH HH HH �−1 �1+SSNNSS �HH HH HH �−1�� (18) For large SNR, (IINN +SSNNSS .HH HH .HH)−1 can be expanded as follows=(SSNNSS .HH HH HH )−1[1+II NN (SSNNSS .HH HH HH )−1]−1Using the relation (1+HH )−1=1−HH +HH 2−HH 3+HH 4− ……… we have =(SSNNSS .HH HH HH )−1−[II NN (SSNNSS .HH HH HH )−2]+�II NN 2(SSNNSS .HH HH HH )−3�− ……=(SSNNSS .HH HH HH )−1−[II NN (SSNNSS .HH HH HH )−2]+OO (SSNNSS )−3 Thus for large SNR level the equation (18) can be written as =ll cc ll 2�1[(SSNNSS .HH HH HH )−1−[II NN (SSNNSS .HH HH HH )−2]+OO (SSNNSS )−3]�1+SSNNSS (HH HH HH )−1��=ll cc ll 2�SSNNSS[SSNNSS +(HH HHHH )−1][1−{II NN (SSNNSS .HH HHHH )−1}+OO (SSNNSS )−2]� =ll cc ll 2(SSNNSS )−ll cc ll 2{1−(SSNNSS )−1II NN .(HH HH .HH )−1+OO (SSNNSS )−2}−ll cc ll 2[SSNNSS +(HH HH HH )−1]---- (19)3. Result Analysis:Fig. 3: BER vs. SNR cu rves for VBLAS T MIMO systems in Nakagami channel.Above figure 3 represents a comparative study between MMSE and ZF receiver in Nakagami channel with variation in fading factor m. With the increase in m , the channel statistic changes and turns AWGN channel for higher values of m. This phenomenon has been established through the simulation as in figure 3.Fig. 4. B ER vs. SNR curves for 4 x 4 VBLAS T MIMO systems in Nakagami channel with different modulation.The above figure 4 represents the performance analysis of 4 x 4 VBLAST MIMO systems in the Nakagami channel (with fading factor m = 3) with different digital modulation schemes.Table1: BER C omparison Of Different Modulation Techniques.As in the table it is clear that with the increase in the modulation order the BER performance of the system gets degraded and also the MMSE receiver provide better performance with respect to the ZF receiver. From the theoretical point of view at high SNR level the MSSE receiver tends to behave like a ZF receiver, but from the practical scenario, these two receivers do not fully converge at high SNR level. As in figure 4 with the increase in SNR values the difference in BER level for the above said receivers decrease.Fig.5: BER Performance comparison of MIMO system in Lower (1 dB ) and higher (11dB) SNR region.Fig.6. Capacity vs. SNR curves for VBLAS T MIMO system in Nakagami channel with QPSK modulation.From figure 6 it is clear that with the increase in m factor value the spectral efficiency of the MIMO systems gets better. And also as MMSE receiver provides better SINR with respect to ZF receiver, it outperforms the ZF receiver in terms of spectral efficiency.Fig. 7: Capacity vs. SNR curves for different VBLAS T MIMO system in Nakagami channel (m=0.5) with QPSK modulation.Above figure represents a comparative analysis between the different configuration of MIMO systems in same channel condition (Nakagami channel with m=0.5) and with the same digital modulation scheme. As in figure with the increase in the number of antennas in transmitter and receiver side the difference in channel capacity for MIMO systems get enhanced.Fig. 8: C hannel capacity comparison of MIMO system in lower (1 dB ) and hig her (11dB) SNR region.Figure 8 shows the variation in channel capacity with the variation in the number of antennas and signal SNR level. For a particular antenna configuration with the increment on signal SNR level the channel capacity increases accordinglyFig 9. CCDF of capacityAbove figure 9 shows CCDF of the capacity in Nakagami channel as a function of the capacity. From the above figure one can conclude that the MMSE based receiver provides capacity gain in comparison to that of ZF receiver.4. ConclusionIn this paper, we present the BER and capacity performance of linear receivers in MIMO Nakagami-m fading channel. We also quantify the BER and capacity performance advantage of the MMSE-VBLA ST over the ZF-VBLAST through simulation and also we find out that the simulated results follow the mathematical relation as presented in this paper. And also we find that at high SNR region MMSE and ZF receivers do not perform similarly in comparison to the low SNR region.References[1] X Gu, X-H Peng and G C Zhang, “MIMO systems for broadband wireless communications”, BTTechnology Journal • Vol 24 No 2 • April 2006, pp-90-96[2] G.J. 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ReceivedB.Tech from University of Kalyani in the year 2003. Currently working as a AssistantProfessor, Department of E&C Engineering, Sikkim Manipal University, Sikkim,India. Broadband Wireless Mobile Communication, Remote Sensing and DigitalSignal processing are the area of specializations.。





1. 什么是nakagami-m衰落形状因子?让我们来了解一下nakagami-m衰落形状因子的定义。

nakagami-m 分布是一种特殊的概率分布,常用来描述无线信道的衰落特性。



2. nakagami-m衰落形状因子的取值范围接下来,让我们来考察一下nakagami-m衰落形状因子的取值范围。





3. 为什么nakagami-m衰落形状因子取值范围重要?那么,为什么对nakagami-m衰落形状因子的取值范围如此重要呢?这主要是因为nakagami-m衰落形状因子的取值范围直接影响着无线信道的多样性和随机性。






任意时域相关Nakagami复衰落模型朱秋明,徐大专,吕卫华,陈小敏(南京航空航天大学电子信息工程学院,南京 210016)摘要:针对传统Nakagami仿真模型难以提供精确时域自相关性问题,提出一种基于信道分解技术和谐波叠加方法的Nakagami 复衰落仿真模型,该模型适用于任意衰落参数且可指定时域自相关性。

文中首先推导了瑞利和Nakagami随机过程包络及自相关性的内在联系,然后给出Nakagami包络的瑞利分解改进模型,最后结合谐波叠加方法产生任意时域相关的Nakagami 复衰落信道。


关键词:信道建模;Nakagami衰落;瑞利衰落;时域相关性;包络和相位分布中图分类号:TN391 文献标识码:AA Novel Complex Nakagami Fading Model with Arbitrary Temporal CorrelationZHU Qiu-ming, XU Da-zhuan,LV Wei-hua, CHEN Xiao-min(College of Electronic Information Engineer, NUAA, Nanjing, 210016, China)Abstract: Traditional Nakagami fading models can not provide satisfactory temporal correlation. Based on channel decomposition technique and sum-of-sinusoids (SOS) method, a novel complex Nakagami fading channel simulator was proposed. The new model allows for arbitrary fading parameter and prespecified temporal correlation. In this paper, we firstly derived the relationships between Rayleigh and Nakagami random process, and then presented a modified Nakagami envelope decomposition model by Rayleigh processes. Finally, arbitrary temporal correlated Nakagami fadings are generated combining with SOS method. Simulation results verify that the output channel of new model has more accurate autocorrelation coefficient than other models, and the statistical properties, such as envelope and phase distributions, are also very close to the theoretical results.Key words: channel modeling; Nakagami fading; Rayleigh fading; temporal correlation; envelope and phase distributions引言Nakagami-m分布(简称Nakagami分布)通过改变m值可描述严重、适中、轻微和无衰落等不同衰落状况,由于与实测数据非常吻合[1~2],近年来被广泛用于各种无线衰落信道建模。



Nakagami信道下MIMO解码转发中继系统的安全性能分析赵睿;林鸿鑫;贺玉成;彭盛亮;周林【摘要】在协同自适应解码转发中继系统中,该文针对Nakagami-m 衰落信道,研究了基于多天线低复杂度的机会式传输策略的物理层安全性能。





%The physical layer security performances of low-complexity opportunistic transmission strategy based on multiple antenna are investigated for cooperative adaptive decode-and-forward relaying system in Nakagami-m fading channels. To fully utilize the antenna diversity gainto improve the system security performance, the transmitting nodes apply the transmit antenna selection strategy, and the receiving nodes apply the maximal ratio combining strategy. The closed-form expressions of secrecy outage probability are derived, the asymptotic analysis of secrecy performance is further provided, and the secrecy diversity order are also obtained. Simulation results verify the correctness of theoretical analysis and identify the effects of several system parameters on the secrecy performance of the opportunistic transmission strategy. It is shown thatthe system secrecy performance can be greatly improved by increasing thenumber of antennas at the legitimate nodes and increasing the Nakagami fading channel parameters of legitimate channels.【期刊名称】《电子与信息学报》【年(卷),期】2016(038)008【总页数】7页(P1913-1919)【关键词】无线通信;物理层安全;自适应解码转发;Nakagami-m衰落信道;安全中断概率【作者】赵睿;林鸿鑫;贺玉成;彭盛亮;周林【作者单位】华侨大学厦门市移动多媒体通信重点实验室厦门 361021; 西安电子科技大学ISN国家重点实验室西安 710071;华侨大学厦门市移动多媒体通信重点实验室厦门 361021;华侨大学厦门市移动多媒体通信重点实验室厦门 361021; 西安电子科技大学ISN国家重点实验室西安 710071;华侨大学厦门市移动多媒体通信重点实验室厦门 361021;华侨大学厦门市移动多媒体通信重点实验室厦门361021【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN92随着计算能力的迅速提升,依赖复杂数学算法的传统加密技术正面临巨大的挑战,这类加密技术在将来可能被轻易地破解。



Ab ta t A l s d f r o h p e o n o h u a ep o a it sd rv d i a a a — sr c : co e —o m ft eu p rb u df rt eo tg r b bl y i e ie n N k g mim i c a n l o e o efc iey e tma et ei a to u a ep o a it fc g i v ea ewo k h n e d l fe t l si t h m t v mp c no t g r b b l y o o n t er ly n t r s i i
f m h rls h n e a ig e p n n. Frt , n o srit fte s etu u d r y r tewi esc a n lfdn x o e t i l jitc n tan so h p crm n el o e sy o a
s a ig a d t eb s ea ee t n cie i r n lz d Th n,t ep o a i t e st u ci n h rn n h e tr ly s lc i rt r a e a ay e . o a e h r b bl y d n iy f n t i o a d c m u aied srb t n f n t no h in 1 on ier t tt es c n a yr c ie o ea e n u ltv iti u i u ci ft esg a os a i a h e o d r e ev rn d r o o t o o ti e sn h u s cin it g a. Th o dto a n e r l f h r b bl yd n iyf n t n b an d u ig t es b e to e r 1 n ec n i n l t g a ep o a i t e st u c i i i o t i o i p ro me s e f r d, a d t e co e -o m f t e u p r b u d f r t e o tg r b b l y s e ie n h l s d f r o h p e o n o h u a e p o a i t i i d rv d a c r ig t t e i piain r ls S m ua in e u t a d o a io s w i t e rd t n l co dn o h m l t u e. i lt r s ls n c mp rs n t c o o h h ta ii a o Ra lih c a n lm o e s o yeg h n e d l h w t a t e u a e p o a it e f r n e w i fdn x o e t h t h o tg r b bl y p ro ma c t a ig e p n n i h g e t rt a n a e efci ey e tma e y t e Na a a i c a n lm o e. Fu t em o e r a e h n o e c n b fe t l si t d b h k g m 一 v h n e d 1 rh r r , t e o t g p o a i t s e u e e a s t e o r o o ntv s r i i td n e h h ua e r b bl y i i r d c d b c u e h p we f c g iie u es s mie u d r t e l c n tan ft ei tre e c e p r t r fp i a y u e s o sr ito h n e fr n etm e au eo r m r s r . Ke wo d : c g i v ea ewo k ;o tg r b bl y;Na a a  ̄ fd n h n e y r s o n t er ly n t r s u a ep o a i t i i k g mi m a ig c a n 1


科技创新与应用 I 2 0 1 3 年 第1 1 期
信 息 技 术
N a k a g a mi — m 衰 落 信道 下机 会 中继协 作 系统 的功 率 分配 算法
汤 艳丽
( 湖北轻工职业技术学院 , 湖北 天门 4 3 0 0 7 3 )
摘 要: 为提 高协 作 中继通 信 系统 的 性 能 , 文章 提 出了 以最 小化 系统误 码 率 为 目标 的 功 率分 配 算法 。首 先 建 立 了 中继 系统模 型 。 然后 , 在 最优 功 率分 配 算 法 的基础 上 提 出 了一 种 次优 功 率 分 配算 法 , 该 算 法可 通过 一 次计 算得 到功 率 分 配 因子 , 且 只 与信 道 平均 增益相 关。 因此, 各节点不需要 实时地更新信道状态信息, 降低 了算法实现的复杂度 。 仿真结果表 明, 文章提 出的次优功率分配算 法和 最优 功 率分 配算 法及 理论 值 非 常 相近 , 能 提 高 系统 的误 码 率 性 能 。 关键 词 : 功 率分 配 ; N a k a g a mi 衰 落信 道 ; A F协 作 ; 误 码 率
点 进 行监 听 。
此 时 可 得 次 漾 优 解 为 , f x ( x ' y ) 可 近 似 为 善 【 两 。 + 一 二 可 J 一 。 ,

第二阶段 : 根据机会中继选择算法选择适 当的中继节点转发接 收到的信息到 目的节点 , 该中继节点采用 A F 模式转发信息 。 经任 意 中继链 路 S —R D 的输 出信 噪 比可表 示 为 由式( 6 ) 可知 , 次优 功率分配算法只与所有信道平均增益 、 中继 ( 1 ) 节点个数及 N a k a g a m i 信道 的衰落参数 i n 有关 ,而这些参数都是已 “ l 吩 d l N o + N O 7 + + 1 知, 所以, 次优功率分配算法具有复杂度低 , 计算简单 的特点。 3功率分配算法 4仿真实验结果 为改善 系统的性能 , 对源节点和 中继节点的发送功率进行合理 本文是在 N a k a g a m i 衰落信道模型下进行仿 真 ,主要三种功率 分配。 基于最小化误码率 的最优功率分配问题可等效为有约束条件 分配算法对误码性能的影 响。整个协作 系统存在三个 中继节点 , 即 N=5。 的优化问题 。因此 , 最佳的功率分配方案可转化为 从仿真结果可 以看到, 最优 和次优功率分配算法与理论结果基 ㈣ ( 2 ) 本一致 , 优于等功率分配算法大约 2 d B , 且这两种算 法都和信噪 比 l . + = P o <x , Y <1 无关 。最优功率分配算法可由迭代法完成 , 而本 文提 出的次优 功率 3 . 1最优功率分配算法 分配算法 由式 ( 6 ) 可知 , 只需一 次计算就可 以完成 , 算法 的复杂度大 要获得对应信 噪比下最佳 的误码性能。 假设各信道的衰落程度一致 , 即n  ̄ i = m i d = m l , 误码率公式可等价 大地 降低。此时 ,



重叠Nakagami-m信道协作通信最优功率分配方案宫丰奎;叶鹏【摘要】An optimal power allocation (OPA) scheme is proposed to solve the power resource waste problem between source and relay nodes for a cooperative communications system with single decode-and-forward relay over double Nakagami-m fading which is caused by equal power allocation (EPA). The proposed scheme bases on minimizing symbol-error-ratio (SER). First, the asymptotic SER is analyzed and then simplified in the so called typical condition. Then, the power allocation problem is formulated as a typical convex optimization problem with the SER as the objective function and the restriction of the sum power as the constrain condition. The Lagrange method is used to solve the optimization problem to obtain the close-form of the optimal power allocation in the so called typical condition. Simulations and comparisons with EPA show that in a big rang OPA can obtain the signal to noise ratio (SNR) gain about 1dB over some channel condition, and that the gain is consistent with the theoretical SNR gain.%为了解决重叠Nakagami-m信道衰落模型下中继译码转发协作通信系统中源与中继间由于等功率分配(EPA)造成的功率资源浪费问题,提出了一种基于渐近误符号率(SER)最小准则的最优功率分配方案(OPA).首先分析系统渐进SER解析式,在典型应用场景下对其进行进一步简化,然后将简化的系统SER 作为目标函数,总功率受限作为约束条件,将功率资源分配抽象为典型的条件受限凸优化求解问题,最后利用拉格朗日乘数法对此凸优化问题进行求解,从而得出在总功率资源受限时典型场景下重叠Nakagami-m信道协作通信系统的最优功率分配方案.仿真结果表明:相较EPA方案,在较大的信噪比区间内及相同的信道条件下,OPA 分配方案均能获得约1 dB的信噪比增益,且获得的实际信噪比增益与理论推导值一致.【期刊名称】《西安交通大学学报》【年(卷),期】2012(046)010【总页数】5页(P78-82)【关键词】协作通信;译码转发;功率分配;信噪比增益【作者】宫丰奎;叶鹏【作者单位】西安电子科技大学综合业务网理论及关键技术国家重点实验室,710071,西安;西安电子科技大学综合业务网理论及关键技术国家重点实验室,710071,西安【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN911中继协作分集技术[1-2]是通过中继与源节点的协作,获得类似于MIMO多天线系统的分集效果,从而起到抗多径衰落等作用.根据伙伴节点的协作模式,可以把协作分集划分为解码转发(decode and forward,DF)协作分集、放大转发(amplify and forward,AF)协作分集和解码再编码(decode and recode,DR)协作分集3类[3].中继协作分集技术能扩大传输半径、增加传输速率和提高传输可靠性,因此已被广泛应用于蜂窝网络、传感器网络和车载通信等众多通信系统中.随着对中继协作分集研究的不断深入,在各种不同信道模型下协作通信的系统性能及源节点和伙伴节点之间的功率分配等问题越来越受到人们的广泛关注[4-6].文献[4]研究了重叠 Rayleigh衰落模型下AF中继协作通信系统误符号率性能,但并没有分析源与中继间的最优功率分配问题.文献[5-6]分别研究了Nakagami-m模型下单中继和多中继DF协作通信的系统性能,但只是证明了系统最优功率分配的存在,并没有获得具体最优功率分配方案.文献[7]研究了重叠Nakagami-m信道下系统性能,但是并没有研究最优功率分配问题.针对以上问题,本文通过对渐进误符号率(SER)表达式[7]进行简化,得出典型场景下的SER渐近表达式,从而首次求解出在此典型场景下,重叠Nakagami-m模型下DF协作通信系统的最优功率分配的闭式解.为了分析功率优化性能和信道参数的关系,本文进一步提出了信噪比增益的概念并推导出其理论计算结果.通过仿真表明,相较等功率分配策略,最优功率分配能在一定程度上提高系统的SER性能.1 系统模型典型的T型中继DF协作通信系统由1个源节点(S)、1个目的节点(D)以及1个中继节点(R)构成.假定中继节点是移动的,以半双工模式工作,配置单发单收天线.第1个时隙,S以功率P 0向目的节点D发送信息x,中继节点侦听;第2个时隙到第3个时隙,中继节点R将接收到的信号以功率P 1转发到D;最后,D将3个时隙接收到的信号进行最大比合并(maximum ratio combining,MRC),从而获得空间分集增益.T型中继系统的模型如图1所示,其中hi表示信道SD、SR及RD 的衰落系数,i∈{SD,SR,RD},且均服从重叠 Nakagami-m 分布.参数m SD、m SR及m RD分别为对应信道的重叠Nakagami-m衰落指数,表征信道衰落情况.一般有mi≥0.5,mi越大表示衰落越小.不失一般性,本文考虑信道参数为 mi,1=mi,2=mi,i∈{SD,SR,RD}的典型情况,此时,可以根据重叠Nakagami-m性质推导出接收端信噪比(SNR)的矩母函数[1]和概率密度函数.这样,采用M-PSK调制时,上述T型中继系统的渐近SER表示为下式[7]图1 T型中继协作通信系统模型式中表示中继译码错误概率;表示信噪比,其中Ωi,k表示对应衰落信道方差其中Γ(·)表示伽马函数,常数积分函数.由于当时趋于无穷大,因此可用是一个很小的值,如Δm=0.001)来近似代替这一近似的正确性已经在文献[7]中得到论证.2 总功率受限下的最优功率分配2.1 最优功率分配的存在性证明在协作通信系统中,若发射端未知信道状态信息,则源和中继宜采用等功率分配,但这种方法显然不能保证功率资源的最优化利用,尤其是在信道条件不对称的情况下.本节考虑在总功率P t一定的条件下的最优功率分配问题,使系统的平均SER 最小,此时功率优化问题可以表示为下述极小值问题式中:P 0、P 1分别为源和中继的发射功率.上述功率分配对应的极小值问题的求解非常困难,特别是想要获得最优功率分配的闭式解.为此,本文定义一种典型场景:中继节点和源节点距离相对较近,系统的SR信道条件相对较好,中继译码近似正确,使得系统SER可近似为式(1)的主项.此典型场景对应信道参数的具体要求是m SR大于m RD,且(m SR-m RD)越大越好,具体分析请参见附录A.需要指出的是,在假设SR信道完全理想的情况下也仅需考虑式(1)的主项,此场景包含在上述典型场景中.另外,当SR信道理想时,从链路上看系统模型可以等效为重叠Nakagami-m信道下的2天线MIMO模型,故本文中相应的性能分析和功率优化均可以推广到对应的重叠Nakagami-m信道下的2天线MIMO系统中.当仅考虑式(1)的主项时,系统的SER可以表示为下面证明在典型场景下存在理论上的最优功率分配解.将式(3)看作关于P 1的函数,对P 1求二阶导数,整理后为可见,式(4)可看作是式(3)乘一个大于0的多项式,则总有成立.因此,根据凸函数的性质[8],在总功率一定的条件下,上述功率分配问题必定存在最优值.2.2 最优功率分配的闭式解本节进一步通过拉格朗日乘数法[9]来计算最优值.定义拉格朗日函数将J对P 0、P 1和λ分别求导,并令其为0,得到根据式(6)、式(7),可得出P 0 和P 1 满足关系式,代入式(8)后可以得到由式(9)、式(10)可见,最优化分配的闭式解是一个非常简洁的式子,与信道瞬时信息无关,只与信道参数相关.2.3 最优功率分配的信噪比增益为从理论上计算最优化功率分配相较于平均功率分配所能获得的性能增益,本节给出信噪比增益的概念,即当总功率一定时,系统为达到指定SER性能指标P DF,e,其最优功率分配和平均功率分配分别所需要满足的最小信噪比之差,单位为d B.假设系统总功率均为P t,根据式(9)、(10)和式(3),SER 为p DF,e 时,OPA方法和EPA方法所需要的最小信噪比分别为进一步可得到由上式可以看出,当SNR足够大时,最优化功率分配相较于平均功率分配所获得的信噪比增益与p DF,e相对独立,即无论系统SER性能较差还是较好,通过优化功率所能获得的信噪比增益大小基本上相等,表现在仿真中最优化功率分配和平均功率分配的两条渐近SER曲线应该是平行的,这一点在后面的仿真中将得到证实.3 计算机仿真及分析本节采用蒙特卡罗仿真来验证最优功率分配的理论分析.不失一般性,信道衰落系数方差Ωi,1均设为1,系统总功率P t=1,且信噪比为总功率与噪声的比值,即对于等功率分配,有最优功率分配采用式(9)和式(10)中的最优化分配方案.信道衰落参数设置如表1所示,其中,信道CH1~CH3旨在验证附录A中关于典型场景对应信道参数应用条件推导的正确性;CH1和CH4、CH2和CH5、CH6-CH9均遵循唯一变量原则.本文中所用仿真软件均为Matlab,分别考量了3个参数对系统性能增益和典型场景应用条件结论的影响.表1 信道参数设置参数CH1 CH2 CH3 CH4 CH5 CH6 CH7 CH8 CH9 mSR 2.0 1.5 1.0 2.0 1.5 2.0 2.0 1.5 3.5 mSD 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.8 0.8 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.5 m RD 0.5 1.0 1.5 0.5 1.0 0.5 1.0 0.5 2.3典型场景下系统的SER性能如图2所示.从图2中曲线CH1、CH2可以看出:在)较大时,SER表达式(3)和式(1)是吻合的,且与实际仿真相吻合;相反,从曲线CH3可以看出,当不满足上述条件时,SER的表达式(3)和式(1)是不吻合的,从而验证了附录A中推导的典型场景的对应信道参数条件——m SR大于m RD,且越大越好这一结论的正确性.进一步比较曲线CH1和CH4,CH2和CH5可以看出,m RD的大小对吻合程度的影响较小,但是m SD对系统SER性能影响较大.图3仿真了信道参数对理论SNR增益的影响.从图3可以看出,增益的大小取决于越大,获得的增益越大,而且当一定时,m SD和m RD越大,所获得的增益越小.图2 典型场景下系统的SER性能图3 理论SNR增益与信道参数的关系曲线在不同参数下最优化功率分配与平均功率分配的系统性能如图4所示.通过比较图4中曲线CH1上B点与图3中曲线CH1上A点的参数可知,OPA方案相对EPA 方案获得的信噪比增益约为0.9 dB,从而证明了仿真获得的增益与理论计算的增益基本吻合.比较CH1和CH6、CH1和CH7可知越小,获得的增益越小;CH1和CH8的仿真曲线是完全重合的,这说明只要满足)较大,则m SR对系统的性能影响较小,且SNR增益只与相关,与mSR基本无关.比较CH1、CH7和CH9,可以看出,只要满足较大均可获得增益,与mSD,m RD大小无关.另外,图4的仿真结果显示,最优化功率分配的曲线和平均功率优化的曲线基本是平行的,从而验证了2.3节中关于理论计算SNR增益与系统SER关系的结论的正确性.图4 最优化功率分配与平均功率分配比较4 结束语本文通过简化推导出的系统SER表达式,得出了在典型场景下最优功率分配的理论解的闭式表达式,并在此基础上推导出了较平均功率分配获得的SNR增益理论值.所有结论均通过仿真证明了其正确性.【相关文献】[1] LANEMAN J N,TSE D N C,WORNELL G W.Cooperative diversity in wireless network:effective protocols and outage behavior[J].IEEE Transactions on InformationTheory,2004,50(12):3062-3080.[2]任品毅,魏莉,廖学文.一种增强型选择放大转发机会协作分集协议[J].西安交通大学学报,2010,44(8):53-57.REN Pinyi,WEI Li,LIAO Xuewen.A cooperative diversity protocol with incremental selection and 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【VIP专享】有关Nakagami-m 衰落的小论文

【VIP专享】有关Nakagami-m 衰落的小论文

专业电子信息工程姓名康鸿博学号 141308010025摘要随着科学技术的发展,通信的应用领域越来越广泛,如深空通信、光通信等都是比较新的研究方向,面对越来越复杂的信道环境,传统经典的信道模型在应用上往往受限,或者需要针对具体的环境做出改进以提高精度,随着信道建模与仿真相关课题的研究逐步深入,通用信道模型逐渐成为研究的热点,本课题所研究的基于 Nakagami 的信道仿真与实现就是立足于信道的通用性,既包含了经典的信道模型,又兼顾更广泛的应用范围。

本篇论文主要的内容包括Nakagami 衰落概率密度函数的理论分析、 Nakagami 衰落随机数的 Matlab 仿真实现、及其概率密度随 m 参数而变化的统计特性图。





深空探测是人类在 21 世纪的三大航天活动之一。

21 世纪以来,经济全球化、科技发展增速、能源危机和环境污染问题是国际公认的当代社会主要特征,在此背景下,如何更好的开发利用深空资源将成为各国共同关注的热点,新一轮的深空探测浪潮正在兴起。



基于以上的需求,本论文研究的基于相关 Nakagami 衰落的信道仿真与硬件实现具有很高的研究价值和广阔的应用前景。



h a i h n e n e e e c o t y t p r r n e w t t e s t e p r y c a n li tr rn e t e s s m e o ma c i h i lt n w y T e e p r n s s o t f h e f h mu a o a . i h x e me t h w i
n e n a k ga a i g c a n l t b an t in lf dng p mee a d te sa n ta s t n a tn a, tNa a mifd n h n e ,o o t i e sg a a i a a tr m n h tto r n mi i g h r i t p we fe tn h y tm ef r a c . I rs n s te d rv to ls d e p e so f te s se b e k o ra ci g t e s se p ro n e t p e e t e a in co e x r sin o y tm r a m h i h p o a ii n e a e a e sg ro ae usn rb b l y d u i u to I e c b s t e i fu n e o r b b tt a d t v r g i er rr t i g p o a i t e st fncin. td s r e n e c f y h n i y i h l
h nayi d c r e fb k p o a l y a v r g in e r r rt i lt d r s ls a a . t e a lte u v s o r a rb ii d a ea e sg ro ae a d t e smu ae e u t e s me e b t n n h r W h n t e fd n aa tr m nd t e p u r o e n e e e c in n r s s t e s se p ro ma c e a i g p r me e a h o e f t itr r n e sg a i ce e , y tm e r n e h h f l h f d ce e. e r s s Ke r s: mu t— el p rt ha ne n e e e c y wo d lic l ; a y c n i l it r r n e; Na a a — f d n f k g mim a i g;b e k p b ii r a r a l y; a e a e o b t v rg sg ro ae ih e r rr t
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0 引言信号的衰落严重的恶化了无线通信系统的性能,为了削弱这一影响,学者进行了大量抗衰落技术的研究,时空处理技术、多天线技术、分集技术都具有良好的抗衰落效果。











由于Nakagami分布中同时包含了瑞利分布和莱斯分布,且Nakagami模型在各种无线通信环境下都非常接近实验数据, 因此Nakagami衰落模型在理解和设计无线通信系统中有着重要的作用,在计算机上对其进行性能仿真是至关重要的。






由第n 条入射波的入射方向和移动单元的运动方向定义的入射角n α按照如下关系式决定第n 条入射波的多普勒频率:n n f f αcos max =上式中,m ax f 与移动单元的速度V 、光速0C 和载波频率0f 的关系可以用数学表达式表示如 下:00max f c v f = 由于多普勒频移从而引起的多普勒色散,造成信道的时变特性,也就是信道出现了时间选择性衰落。





2 正弦波叠加法如果用有限多个谐波来代替无限个谐波,则随机过程表示为∑=+=Ni n n i n i n i i t f c t u1,,,)2cos()(ˆθπ上式中,n i ,C 和n i f ,表示多普勒系数和多普勒频移,n i ,θ相移是[0,2π]内均匀分布的随机变量。

可以看出,当∞→i N 时,)(ˆt ui →)(t u i 。

这时,必须强调仿真模型仍然具有随机特性,因为对于所有的n=1,2…Ni,相位n i ,θ都是服从均匀分布的随机变量。

仿真模型如下图,()u t ,1,1cos(2i i f t πθ+,2,2cos(2)i i f πθ+,,cos(2i Ni i f t πθ+正弦波叠加法:仿真模型在区间[0,2π]上服从均匀分布的随机发生器中得到的相位n i ,θ(n=1,2,…,i N )之后,相位n i ,θ就不再表示随机变量而是一个常量,因为现在它们是随机变量的实现,因此可知∑=+=Ni n ni n i n i i t f c t u 1,,,)2cos()(~θπ是一个确定性过程或者确定性函数。

这样)(ˆt ui 的统计特性就非常接近基本零均值有色高斯随机过程)(ˆt u i 。

由此,)(ˆt u i 将被称为实确定性高斯过程,并且)(ˆ)(~)(~21t u j t u t u +=被称为复确定性高斯过程。

所谓的确定性瑞利过程就是:)(~)(~)(~)(~21t u j t u t u t +==ζ 确定性莱斯过程是:)()(~)(~)(~t m t u t u t p +==ζ上式中,)(t m 仍然表示接收信号的视距传播分量,所得到的确定性过程的仿真模型结构图如下图所示。

1,1cos(2f t πθ+1,2cos(2f t πθ+1,1cos(2N f t π+2,1cos(2f t πθ+2,2cos(2f t πθ+2,2cos(2N f t π+莱斯过程的仿真模型 由于我们的目标是使用特有的确定性过程来对由多普勒效应引起的时变衰落特征建模,因此,我们把描述确定性过程的参数n i ,C ,n i f ,和n i ,θ分别称为多普勒系数,离散多普勒频率,多普勒相位。

作为对确定性过程)(~t u i的说明,即作为一种映射形式,可以使得我能够对这类过程的大部分基本特征参量(比如自相关函数、功率谱密度、多普勒扩展等)一样,推导出一些简单的封闭形式的解析解。

均值:设)(~t u i 是一个确定性过程。

其中n i f ,≠0(n =2,1,…, iN ),得到)(~t u i 的均值函数为ui m ~=0,通常都假设对所有的n =2,1,…, iN 和i =2,1都满足n i f ,≠0。

平均功率:设)(~t u i 是一个确定性过程。

那么,可以得到)(~t u i的平均功率为 ∑==Ni n n i uic 12,22~σ显然平均功率取决于多普勒系数n i C ,,而与离散多普勒频率n i f ,和多普勒相位n i ,θ无关。

自相关函数[6]:对于确定性过程)(~t u i的自相关函数,得到的封闭形式表达式为: ∑==Ni n n i n i uiui f c r 1,2,)2cos(2)(~τπτ应当注意,)(~τuiui r 取决于多普勒系数n i C ,和离散多普勒频率n i f ,,而与多普勒相位n i ,θ无关。

同样也要注意,平均功率2~ui σ在0=τ时和自相关函数)(~τuiui r 相等。

即)0(~~2uiui uir =σ。

功率谱密度:设)(~t u i 是一个确定性过程。

那么可以得到)(~t u i的功率谱密度表示如下: ∑=++-=Ni n n i n i n i uiui f f f f c f S 1,,2,)]()([4)(~δδ因此,)(~t u i 的功率谱密度函数是对称的线性谱,即)(~)(~f S f S uiuiuiui -=。

谱线分布在离散点f =±n i f ,并通过因子42,ni c 来加权[7]。

3 AR 模型原理本文采用基于AR 统计模型滤波来实现。

它的主要原理是利用 AR 模型参数设计的无限脉冲响应滤波器来产生不相关的高斯变量。

在这种方法中 AR 模型参数可以通过求解 Yule −Walker 方程而得出。

使用 AR 模型模拟产生信道的步骤[8]如下(1) 利用Bessel 自相关函数产生AR 模型的自相关矩阵;(2) 利用自相关矩阵构建Yule −Walker 方程,通过求解Yule −Walker 方程得到AR 模型参数;(3) 使用AR 模型参数来构建无限脉冲响应滤波器(IIR),并使用该滤波器模拟产生衰落信道系数。

一个阶数为p 的AR 过程(AR(p ))可用时域自回归差分方程表示为:(3-1)w(n)是输入方差为2σ的零均值高斯白噪声,仿真器的输出x (n )对应于生成的Nakagami-q 信道,AR 模型的参数为滤波器系数{a 1, a 2, ⋯, ap },相应的AR(p )过程输出功率谱密度为:(3-2)对于给定的自相关函数R xx(k)与AR(p)的关系,可以用Yele−Walker 方程表示为:(3-3)其中(3-4)符合实际传播环境统计特性的离散相关序列为(3-5)其中:T 为采样周期,n 表示采样时间的次数。

由式(3-5) 和(3-4),通过优化算法Yele−Walker 方程求解,即得到符合要求的AR 模型。

从前面分析可知,将统计独立的复高斯白噪声输入AR 模型,可以得到统计特性与广义平稳性都符合实际传播环境统计特性的时间相关过程。


当发射和接收端之间的相对移动且无直接路径分量时,接收信号可表示为∑=++=N i i D c i ray h t k t k at i 1)cos()(s (4-1)式(5-1)中,c k 为载波频率, i a 和i h 为第i 条到达路径的幅度和相位, i h 服从[0, 2π] 间的均匀分布; 式中i D k 为移动台接收到的第i 条反射或散射波的多谱勒角频移,式中的i J 为移动台接收到的第i 条反射或散射波与移动台运动方向之间的夹角,并假设i J 在[0, 2π]间均匀分布,当N 很大时,接收信号包络的概率密度函数服从瑞利分布; 当发射与接收间存在直接路径分量( LOS) 时, 式(5-1) 的接收信号可表示为纯随机散射分量和一个强路径分量之和, 即)cos()cos()(s 11t k t k d h t k t k a t D c N i i D c i rice i ++++=∑-= (4-2)式(5-2)中,常数d 为LOS 分量的强度, D k 为LOS 分量的多谱勒频移,在这种情况下的包络服从莱斯分布,当直达信号不存在时,即d=0时, 莱斯分布就退化为瑞利分布。

与莱斯分布相反, Nakagami-q 分布并不假定直接视距分量的存在,而是采用伽马分布的密度函数来拟合实验数据,得到近似分布,因而更具有一般性, Nakagami-q 分布的概率密度函数[1]为(4-3)式(5-3) 中,)x (0I 是第一类零阶修正的Bessel 函数,q 是Nakagami-q 衰落参量(0<q<l)。
