计算机专业英语影印版(Computing Essentials 2008)课后答案大全——第六单元Chapter 6 The System Unit

home software家庭软件 home suite家庭套装软件 Icons图标 integrated package集成组件 Label标签 master slide母板 Menu菜单 menu bar菜单栏 numbered list编号列表 numeric entry数值型输入 personal software个人软件 personal suite个人套装软件 Pointer指针 presentation graphic图形演示文稿 productivity suite生产力套装软件
Application software, in turn, can be divided into two categories. One category, Basic applications, is the focus of this chapter. These programs are widely used in nearly every discipline and occupation. They include word processors, spreadsheets, database management systems, and presentation graphics. 那么接下来应用软件,也可以被划分为两大类型。第一类 是基本应用软件,也是这一章的重点。这些软件被广泛地 适用于几乎任何学科和职业。它们包括文字处理器,电子 制表软件,数据库管理系统以及演示图片。
Not long ago, trained specialists were required to perform many of the operations you can now do with a microcomputer. 不久前,执行许多工作都需要训练有素的专家,现在却可以用一个微 型计算机来完成。 Secretaries used typewriters to create business correspondence. Market analysts used calculators to project sales. Graphic artists created designs by hand. Data processing clerks created electronic files to be stored on large computers. Now you can do all these tasks—and many others—with a microcomputer and the appropriate application software. 秘书用打字机来创建商业信函。市场分析师使用计算器来做项目销售。 图形艺术家用手工创建设计。数据处理职员创建的电子文件需要存储在 大型计算机上。现在你可以通过微机和适当的应用软件做所有这些任务 -以及更多。

Unit 11.Operating systems are programs that coordinate computer resources,provide an interfacebetween user and the computer,and run applications. 协调计算机资源,用户和计算机之间提供一个接口,运行应用程序。
2.Device drivers are specialized programs designed to allow particular input or output devicesto communicate with the rest of the computer system. 设备驱动程序是专门的程序设计为允许特定的输入或输出设备与计算机系统的其余部分。
3.System unit:the system unit is a container that houses most of the electronic components thatmake up a computer system. 系统单元:系统单元是一个容器,房子的大部分电子元件组成一个计算机系统。
4.Optical discs use laser technology and have the greatest capacity光盘使用激光技术和具有最大的能力5.*Connectivity is the capability of your microcomputer to share information with othercomputers连接是微机的功能与其他计算机共享信息6.Procedures are rules or guidelines to follow when using software,hardware,and date.they aretypically documented in manuals written by computer professionals. 程序规则或指导方针在使用软件,硬件,和日期。
计算机专业英语(computing essentials)第九章key terms

coaxial cable (244) Communication channel (244) Communication system (243)
computer network (251) connectivity (242)
(254) microwave (245)
modem (247) modulation (247) network administrator (251, 264) network gateway (253) network hub (255)
dispersed locations. A system in which computing power is located and shared at different locations. Converts text-based addresses to IP addresses The most common way in which nodes can be connected to one another and communications can be controlled. A modem that stands apart from the computer and typically is connected by a cable to the computer’s serial port. A private network that connects more than one organization. Transmits data as pulses of light through tiny tubes of glass. A security system designed to protect an organization’s network against external threats. Global positioning system (GPS) devices use location information sent by satellites to uniquely determine the geographic location of the device. Consists of several computers linked to a central host computer, but also are hosts to other, smaller computers or peripheral devices. Local Area Networks used by individuals in their homes and apartments. A large centralized computer, usually a minicomputer or a mainframe. The center or central node for other nodes. A type of wireless connection that uses infrared light waves to communicate over short distances. A modem that consists of a plug-in circuit board inside the system unit. A private network within an organization that resembles the Internet. A unique numeric address for every computer on a network. Networks with nodes that are in close physical proximity Used for standard telephone communication. (see also voiceband) the bandwidth used in special leased lines to connect minicomputers and mainframes

Crossword Puzzle Answers:Open Ended Questions:1.Describe system software. What are the four types of system programs?System software works with end users, application software, and computer hardware to handlethe majority of technical details. System software is not a single program. Rather it is a collection or a system of programs that handle hundreds of technical details with little or no userintervention. System software consists of four types of programs:• Operating systems coordina te computer resources, provide an interface between users and the computer, and run applications.• Utilities, also known as service programs, perform specific tasks related to managing computerresources.• Device drivers are specialized programs that all ow particular input or output devices tocommunicate with the rest of the computer system.• Language translators convert the programming instructions written by programmers into a language that computers understand and process.2.What are the basic functions of every operating system? What are the three basic operatingsystem categories?Every operating system performs various functions. These functions are:• Managing resources:These programs coordinate all the computer’s resources includingmemory, processing, storage, and devices such as printers and monitors. They also monitorsystem performance, schedule jobs, provide security, and start up the computer.• Providing user interface: Users interact with application programs and computer hardware through a user interface.• Running applications: These programs load and run applications such as word processors and spreadsheets. Most operating systems support multitasking, or the ability to switch between different applications stored in memory.The three main categories of Operating systems are:• Embedded operating systems - The entire operating system is stored within or embedded in the device and permanently stored on ROM.• Network operating systems (NOS) are used to control and coordinate computers that are networked or linked together.• Stand-alone operating systems control a single desktop or notebook computer.3.Explain the differences and similarities betw een Windows, Mac OS, and Linux.They all perform the basic functions of an operating system. They manage resources, provide a user interface, and run applications. They all use a graphical user interface, and can network small groups of computers.The differences are as follows:Windows– has 90 percent of the market operating system market share, more applicationprograms are developed to run under Windows than any other operating system, designed to run with Intel and Intel-compatible microprocessors. The new version, Vista, has Advanced system security, a Three-dimensional workspace, and utilizes WinFS, makes it possible to locate files based on a description of their content.MAC OS- Designed to run on Apple machines, but with the latest version can also run on Intel microprocessors. It is not as widely used as Windows, but is one of the most innovativeoperating systems. It includes utilities such as Spotlight which is an advanced search tool that can rapidly locate files, folders, email messages, addresses, and much more, and Dashboard Widgets which are a collection of specialized programs that will constantly update and display information.Linux– Of the three operating systems, it is the only one that is an open source. It is a version of UNIX. It runs on powerful microcomputers and by servers on the Web. It encourages others to modify and further develop the code.4.Discuss utilities. What are the five most essential utilities? What is a utility suite?Utilities are specialized programs designed to make computing easier. The most essential are • Troubleshooting or diagnostic programs that recognize and correct problems, ideally before they become serious.• Antivirus programs that guard your computer system against viruses or other damagingprograms that can invade your computer system.• Uninstall programs that allow you to safely and completely remove unneeded programs and related files from your hard disk.• Backup programs that make copies of files to be used in case the originals are lost or damaged.• File compression programs that reduce the size of files so they require less storage space and can be sent more efficiently over the Internet.Utility suites combine several programs into one package. Buying the package is less expensive than buying the programs separately.5.Explain the role of device drivers. Discuss the Add Printer Wizard and WindowsUpdate.Every device, such as a mouse or printer, that is connected to a computer system has a special program associated with it. This program, called a device driver, works with the operating system to allow communication between the device and the rest of thecomputer system. Each time the computer system is started, the operating system loads all of the device drivers into memory.Windows’ Add Printer Wizard provides step-by-step guidance for selecting theappropriate printer driver and installing that driver.Windows Update makes it easy to update the drivers on your computer.1.Writing About Technology exercise #1 Antitrust has students research and write aboutthe legal and ethical ramifications of Microsoft’s antitrust lawsuit and domination of the software market.Web Tools1.Expanding Your Knowledge exercise #3 Customized Desktop has students explore theWeb to learn about desktop customization. They need to explain the answer they found and how they could use them.Software Tools1.Applying Technology exercise #1 Virus Protection explores what viruses are, how acomputer system can be protected, and what means the student has taken in the past toprotect a computer system.2.Applying Technology exercise #2 Windows Update has the student explore what thefunction Windows Update is, how to configure it, and when to use it.3.Applying Technology exercise #3 WinZip has the student research the functionality ofthe WinZip program, what are some of its uses, and how to use it.4.Expanding Your Knowledge exercise #1 How Virus Protection Works explores whatviruses are, and how a computer system can be protected. It also has the student writeabout the steps they have taken in the past to protect a system and if was effective or not.5.Expanding Your Knowledge exercise #2 Booting and POST has the student research theboot process, the definition of BIOS, and what can be achieved by customizing theprocess.Writing Skills1.Expanding Your Knowledge exercise #1 How Virus Protection Works explores whatviruses are, and how a computer system can be protected. It also has the student writeabout the steps they have taken in the past to protect a system and if was effective or not.2.Writing About Technology exercise #1 Antitrust has students research and write aboutthe legal and ethical ramifications of Microsoft’s antitrust lawsuit and domination of the software market.3.Writing About Technology exercise #2 Online Backup has students research and write apaper on online backup options.。

○11.Visual chapter openers and summaries具视觉效果的开篇和总结2.On the Web explorations 网络资源3.Tips 小贴士,小窍门4.Making IT work for you 为你所用5.Concept checks and review 检查6.Key terms 核心词汇7.Careers in IT 信息技术相关职业8.Procedures (指令,操作说明)9.Software (软件)10.Hardware (硬件)11.Blocking spam 垃圾邮件过滤软件12.Speech Recognition 语音识别软件13.Virus Protection and Internet Security14.网络安全软件 Tuner Cards and Video Clips电视卡和视频编辑软件16.Web Cams and Instant Messaging网络视频摄像头和即时通讯17.Music from the Internet网络音乐下载、上传和编辑18.Home Networking 家庭网络19.Spyware Removal 间谍软件移除工具20.Job Opportunities 网络就业机会搜索软件21.Operation system 操作系统22.Coordinate resources 协调资源23.Interface 提供接口24.Run applications 运行应用程序25.Utilities 公共实用程序26.Device drivers 设备驱动程序27.Browser 浏览器程序28.Microsoft Office 办公软件29.Basic application 基础应用程序itary or Government军事政府31.Research institute 研究机构32.Insurance companies 保险公司33.Mainframe computers 大型机,主机34.Supercomputers 超级计算机35.Minicomputers 中型电脑36.Microcomputers 微机个人计算机37.Desktop computer 台式电脑38.Notebook computer, laptop computers手提式、膝上轻便电脑39.Tablet PC 支持手写的平板电脑40.Handheld computer 掌上电脑41.Windows mobile 操作系统42.Electronic Dictionary 电子词典43.Palm computer 掌上电脑44.Handheld computer 手持电脑itary PDA 军用PDA46.System unit:microprocessor and memory微处理器和内存47.Input/output devices 输入和输出48.Keyboard 键盘49.Mouse 鼠标50.Monitor 显示器printer 打印机51.Secondary storage 辅助存储器pact discs (CD) 激光盘53.Digital versatile or video discs (DVD) 数字化视频光盘54.High-definition discs (HDD) 高清盘55.Document files 文字处理56.Worksheet files 工作表单57.Database files 数据库文件58.Presentation files 演示文件puter competency refers to acquiring computer-related skills-indispensable tools for today.2.Present an overview of an information system 概述信息系统3.Understand these basic parts and how connectivity through the Internet.5大组成部分及如何访问网络4.Filled out computerized forms, took computerized tests 填写电脑化的表格和考试5.People are surely the most important part of any information system. 人是信息系统中最重要的组成元素6.Our lives are touched every day by computers and information systems. 我们的生活每天都要接触计算机、信息系统分不开7.Making IT Work for You:presentinteresting and practical IT applications. 实用的信息技术应用8.Tips:suggestions ranging from the basicsof keeping your computer system runningsmoothly to how to protect your privacy whilesurfing the Web. 关于计算机运用和网上冲浪安全的提示和建议9.Careers in IT:provides job descriptions,projected employment demands, educationalrequirements, current salary ranges, andadvancement opportunities. 信息技术相关的工作puting Essentials Web site:moreinformation on the Web. 本课本相关的网络资源11.Software are the instructions that tell thecomputer how to process date into the form youwant. 软件就是指导计算机把数据转换成信息的指令12.In the most case, the words software andprograms are interchangeable. 大多时候,软件和程序的概念是可以互换的13.系统软件是应用软件和计算机硬件的中间连接件。

Computing Essentials 2008课后练习题答案详解Chapter 1: Information Technology, The Internet, and Y ouCrossword Puzzle Answers: (p22)Across1 、The most essential part of an information system. People信息系统最基本的部分。
人7 、Coordinates computer resources. Operating System协调计算机资源。
操作系统10 、Modifies signals for processing. Modem修改信号以便处理。
调制解调器12 、Data that has been processed by the computer. Information计算机处理过的数据。
信息13 、Unprocessed facts. Data没处理过的事实。
数据14 、Notebook computer that accepts handwritten input.. Tablet PC可以用手写输入的笔记本电脑。
平板电脑DownNum. Clue Answer2 、Uses computers to become more productive. End User使用电脑变得更有效率。
终端用户3 、Rules or guidelines to follow when using software, hardware, and data. Procedures使用软件,硬件和数据时遵循的规则或指引。
指令说明书4 、Created by word processors. Document Files文字处理创建出来的。
文档文件5 、Specialized programs that allow input and output devices to communicate. Device Drivers 允许输入和输出设备通信的专业程序。

计算机专业英语影印版(Computing Essentials 2008课后答案大全)第三单元Basic Application Software

Crossword Puzzle Answers:Open Ended Questions:1.Explain the difference between general-purpose and special-purpose applications.General-purpose applications are widely used in nearly every discipline and occupation. They include word processors, spreadsheets, database management systems, and presentation graphics.special-purpose applications are more narrowly focused on specific disciplines and occupations, such as graphics programs, audio and video editors,2.Discuss the common features of most software programs. Describe the new interfaceintroduced with 2007 Microsoft Office.The newest Office version, 2007 Microsoft Office, has a redesigned interface that is intended to make it easier for users to find and use all the features of an application. This new designintroduces ribbons, contextual tabs, galleries, and more.• Ribbons replace menus and toolbars by organizing commonly used commands into a set of tabs.These tabs display command buttons that are the most relevant to the tasks being performed by the user.• Contextual tabs are tabs that appear automatically. These tabs only appear when they are needed and anticipate the next operations to be performed by the user.• Galleries simplify the process of making a selection from a list of alternatives. This isaccomplished by replacing many dialog boxes with visual presentations of potential results.This new interface is the first major change in over a decade.3.What is the difference between a function and a formula? How is a formula related to what-if analysis?A formula is an instruction to calculate or process. Functions are prewritten formulas providedby the spreadsheet program that perform calculations such as adding a series of cells. If a change is made to one or more numbers in a spreadsheet, all related formulas will automaticallyrecalculate and charts will be recreated. Observing these changes is what-if analysis.4.What are presentation graphics programs? How are they used?Presentation graphics are programs that combine a variety of visual objects to create attractive, visually interesting presentations. They are excellent tools to communicate a message and to persuade people.5.What is the difference between an integrated package and a software suite? Whatare the advantages and disadvantages of each?An integrated package is a single program that provides the functionality of a wordprocessor, spreadsheet, database manager, and more. The primary disadvantage of an integrated package is that the capabilities of each function (such as word processing) are not as extensive as in the individual programs (such as Microsoft Word). The primary advantages are cost and simplicity.A software suite is a collection of separate application programs bundled together andsold as a group. While the applications function exactly the same whether purchased in a suite or separately, it is significantly less expensive to buy a suite of applications than to buy each application separately.1. Expanding Your Technology exercise #3 Shareware explores how shareware programswork and what the risks involved in using them are.2.Writing About Technology exercise #1 Acquiring Software asks the student to explorefive ways of acquiring software. And asks if it is wrong to obtain and use unauthorized software.Web Tools1.Applying Technology exercise #3 Corel WordPerfect Office Suite has the studentresearch the suite and compare/contrast it to the Microsoft Office suite. It asks thestudent to do critical thinking and decide which is better for them.2. Expanding Your Technology exercise #2 Sharing Data between Applications has thestudent research object linking and embedding. The student is asked to provide examples and be able to define the difference between linking and embedding.Software Tools1.Applying Technology exercise #1 Speech Recognition explores the technology of speechrecognition software. How it is configured and what are its uses. It asks them to writeabout the advantages and disadvantages of it.2.Applying Technology exercise #2 Presentation Graphics explores the requirements,features, and uses of a presentation graphics application found on the website.3.Applying Technology exercise #3 Corel WordPerfect Office Suite has the studentscompare and contrast the Corel Suite with the Microsoft Suite products, and asks them to choose one.Writing Skills1.Applying Technology exercise #1 Speech Recognition explores the technology of speechrecognition software. How it is configured and what are its uses. It asks them to writeabout the advantages and disadvantages of it.2.Applying Technology exercise #3 Corel WordPerfect Office Suite has the studentscompare and contrast the Corel Suite with the Microsoft Suite products, and asks them to choose one.3.Expanding Your Knowledge exercise #1 How Speech Recognition Works has the studentexplore how speech recognition could enhance applications and to describe a profession that could benefit from it.4.Expanding Your Technology exercise #3 Shareware explores how shareware programswork and what the risks involved in using them are.5.Writing About Technology exercise #1 Acquiring Software asks the student to explorefive ways of acquiring software. And asks if it is wrong to obtain and use unauthorized software.6.Writing About Technology exercise #2 Software Standards has the student explore theissue of standardization of computer software. It asks them to find out about therequirements of certifications and how compliance is handled.。

P182What is inout?输入任何数据或由计算机使用的指令。
Keyboard enter通过键盘输入数据,最常见的方式之一。

CHAPTER 11、A common term that describes the combination of traditional computer and communication technologies isb. information technology一个描述了传统的计算机和通信技术结合的常见的术语B.信息技术2、Procedures are typically documented in manuals written byb. computer specialists程序一般是___在手册撰写记录的B.计算机专家3、Which of the following is an example of connectivity?a. Internet下列哪一项是连接的一个例子吗?A.互联网4、Windows XP, windows Vista, and Macintosh OS X are all examples ofb. operating systemsWindows XP,Windows Vista,和Macintosh OS X都是__的例子B.操作系统5、Because of their size and cost, these computers are relatively rare.d. supercomputers由于它们的尺寸和成本,这些电脑是比较少见的。
D.超级计算机6、The system component that controls and manipulates data in order to produce information is called thed. microprocessor系统组成,控制和操纵数据来产生信息称为D.微处理器7、A system component that translates data and programs that humanscan understand into a form that the computer can process is called a(n)c. output device一个系统组件,将人类可以理解成计算机能够处理的形式的数据和程序被称为C.输出设备8、A CD is an example of a(n)c. optical discCD是___的简称C.光盘9、If you want to communicate a message or persuade other people, you would typically use this type of software.d. presentation如果你想传达信息或说服别人,你通常会使用这种类型的软件。
【免费下载】计算机专业英语影印版Computing Essentials 课后答案大全第一单元Information Technology

Key TermsKey Term Definitionapplication software (9)End user softwarebasic application (9)Application software that is used in nearly all careers(See also general-purpose application) communication device (13)Computer equipment that allows a computer toconnect to other computer systems to share data andinformation.compact disc (CD) (13) A type of optical disc that has the least storagecapacity.computer competency (3)Having computer related skillsconnectivity (15)Allows computers to connect and share informationdata (4)Unprocessed factsdatabase file (14)typically created by database management programsto contain highly structured and organized data.desktop computer (11) A type of microcomputer that is small enough to fiton top of or alongside a desk yet are too big to carryaround.device driver (8)specialized programs designed to allow particularinput or output devices to communicate with the restof the computer system.digital versatile disc (DVD) (13) A type of optical device that gives great capacity andcan be used store many different types of data. (Seealso digital video disc)digital video disc (DVD) (13) A type of optical device that gives great capacity andcan be used store many different types of data. (Seealso digital versatile disc)document file (14)Data files created by word processors to savedocuments such as memos, term papers, and letters.end user (4)The most important part of an information system.(See also people)floppy disk (13) A magnetized secondary storage device that is smalland can easily transport data from one computer toanother.handheld computer (11)The smallest microcomputer that is designed to fitinto the palm of one hand. (See also palm computer) hard disk (13) A secondary storage device that uses magnetized dustto store the information.hardware (5)The equipment that processes the data to createinformationhigh definition (hi def) (13) A type of optical disk that has great capacity.information (4)Processed factsinformation system (4)Composed of five parts: people, procedures, software,hardware, and data.information technology (IT) (5)Relating to computer software and hardware, and data input device (11)Translate data and programs that humans canunderstand into a form that the computer can process.Internet (16)The largest computer network in the worldkeyboard (11) A type of input device that allows the user to inputcharacter data into the computer.mainframe computer (10) A type of computer that is capable of great processingspeeds and data storage.memory (11)Holds data and program instructions for processingthe data. (See also primary storage, random accessmemory)microcomputer (10)The least powerful type of computer, yet the mostwidely used and fastest-growing, type of computer.microprocessor (11)controls and manipulates data to produce information.midrange computer (10)Refrigerator-sized machines that medium-sizedcompanies or departments of large companiestypically use them for specific purposes. (See alsoMinicomputer)minicomputer (10)Refrigerator-sized machines that medium-sizedcompanies or departments of large companiestypically use them for specific purposes. (See alsomidrange computer)modem (13)Modifies telephone communications into a form thatcan be processed by a computer.monitor (13) A common output device that allows the use to seewhat the computer is doing. (See also video displayscreens)mouse (11) A type of input device that allows the user to pointand click on items for easier operation.network (16) A communications system connecting two or morecomputers. (See also computer network) notebook computer (11) A type of microcomputer that is portable, lightweight,and fit into most briefcases. (See also laptopcomputer)operating system (8)Program that coordinates computer resources,provides an interface between users and thecomputer, and runs applications.optical disk (13) A secondary storage device that uses laser technologyand has the greatest capacity.output device (11)translate the processed information from thecomputer into a form that humans can understand.palm computer (11)The smallest microcomputer that is designed to fitinto the palm of one hand. (See also handheldcomputer)people (4)The most important part of an information system.(See also end users)personal digital assistant (PDA)The most widely used handheld computer(11)presentation file (15)created by presentation graphics programs to savepresentation materials.primary storage (11)Holds data and program instructions for processingthe data. (See also random access memory, memory) printer (13) A computer output device that produces a hard copyof data.procedures (4)The rules or guidelines for people to follow whenusing software, hardware, and dataprogram (4)Consist of the step-by-step instructions that tell thecomputer how to do its work. (See also software)random access memory (RAM)(11)Holds data and program instructions for processing the data. (See also primary storage, memory)secondary storage device (13)holds data and programs even after electrical powerto the computer system has been turned off.service program (9) A part of the system software that perform specifictasks related to managing computer resources. (Seealso Utility)software (4)Consist of the step-by-step instructions that tell thecomputer how to do its work. (See also program) specialized application (10)Computer programs that are narrowly focused onspecific disciplines and occupations. (See alsospecial-purpose application)supercomputer (10)The most powerful type of computer that is a specialhigh-capacity computer used by very largeorganizations.system software (8)enables the application software to interact with thecomputer hardware and helps the computer manageits own internal resources.system unit (11) A container that houses most of the electroniccomponents that make up a computer system. (Seealso chassis, system cabinet)tablet PC (11) a type of notebook computer that accepts yourhandwriting and converts it to standard text that canbe further processed by .utility (8) A part of the system software that perform specifictasks related to managing computer resources. (Seealso Service Program)Web (16)provides a multimedia interface to the numerousresources available on the Internet. (See also WorldWide Web)wireless revolution (15) a revolution that is expected to dramatically affect theway we communicate and use computer technology.worksheet file (14)created by electronic spreadsheets to analyze thingslike budgets and to predict sales.Crossword Puzzle Answers:AcrossNum.Clue Answer 1The most essential part of an information system.People7Coordinates computer resources.Operating System 10Modifies signals for processing.Modem12Data that has been processed by the rmation13Unprocessed facts.Data14Notebook computer that accepts handwritten input..Tablet PCDownNum.Clue Answer 2Uses computers to become more productive.End User3Rules or guidelines to follow when using software,hardware, and data.Procedures 4Created by word processors.Document Files5Specialized programs that allow input and outputdevices to communicate.Device Drivers 6Created by database management programs.Database Files8The physical equipment of a microcomputer.Hardware9The world’s largest computer network.Internet13Provides step-by-step instructions to the computer.SoftwareNum Multiple ChoiceAnswers Matching Answers1 B E2 B F3 A I4 B H5 D A6 D C7 A G8 C B9D D10 D JOpen Ended Questions:1.Explain the five parts of an information system. What part do people play in this system?a.People: making people, or end users more productive.Procedures: The rules or guidelines for people to follow when using software,hardware, and data are procedures.Software: A program consists of the step-by-step instructions that tell thecomputer how to do its work. The purpose of software is to convert data(unprocessed facts) into information (processed facts).Hardware: The equipment that processes the data to create information is calledhardware.Data: The raw, unprocessed facts, including text, numbers, images, and sounds,are called data.b.People are surely the most important part of any information system. Our livesare touched every day by computers and information systems.2.What is system software? What kinds of programs are included in system software?a.System software enables the application software to interact with the computerhardware. System software is “background” software that helps the computermanage its own internal resources.b.It consists of operating systems, utilities, and device drivers.3.Define and compare basic and specialized application software. Describe some differenttypes of basic applications. Describe some types of specialized applications.a.Basic applications, or general-purpose applications, are widely used in nearly allcareer areas. They are the kinds of programs you have to know to be consideredcomputer competent. One of these basic applications is a browser to navigate,explore, and find information on the Internet.b.Specialized applications, also known as special-purpose applications, includethousands of other programs that are more narrowly focused on specificdisciplines and occupations. Some of the best known are graphics, audio, video,multimedia, Web authoring, and artificial intelligence programs.4.Describe the different types of computers. What is the most common type? What are thetypes of microcomputers?a.There are four types of computers: supercomputers, mainframe, computers,minicomputers, and microcomputers.b.Microcomputers are the most widely used and fastest-growing, type of computer.(10)c.There are four types of microcomputers: desktop, notebook, tablet PC, andhandheld computers.5.What is connectivity? How are the wireless revolution and connectivity related? What isa computer network? What is the Internet? What is the Web?a.Connectivity is the capability of your microcomputer to share information withother computers.b.The single most dramatic change in connectivity in the past five years has beenthe widespread use of mobile or wireless communication devices. These wirelessapplications are just the beginning of the wireless revolution, a revolution that isexpected to dramatically affect the way we communicate and use computertechnology.c. A computer network is a communications system connecting two or morecomputers.d.The largest network in the world is the Internet. It is like a giant highway thatconnects you to millions of other people and organizations located throughout theworld.e.The Web, also known as the World Wide Web or WWW, provides a multimediainterface to the numerous resources available on the InternetTopic Area Description Applying Your KnowledgeTV Tuner Cards and Video Clips The student explores inserting clips from TV and VHS using tuner card.Digital Video Editing The students explore ways of making, editing anddistributing their own home videos and clips.Home Networking The student explores how to setup a home network andget connected to the Internet.Job Opportunities It explains how to use the Internet to look for differenttypes of job openings and types of job resumes. Expanding Your KnowledgeHow Computer Virus Protection Programs Work The students explore how Viruses work and how they affect applications, operating systems, and networks.How Digital Cameras Work The students compare traditional photography with how digital photography works.How Internet Telephones Work The students explore the different items needed to use Internet telephony and how it can be cost effective to us.How Wireless Home Networks Work The students explore how easy to install and use a home network can be. It also looks at how easy it is to configure to can access to the Internet.Writing About TechnologyHTML Source Code The students look at the pros and cons of writing theirown HTML code versus using a Web Authoringprogram.Antitrust The students explore the Antitrust cases againstMicrosoft, and how if owning an Operating System cangive its applications an unfair advantage.Electronic Monitoring The students explore the new technologies that areavailable to police and other agency, and how they relateto personal privacy issues.Topics covered in End of Chapter materials Page 7of 7。

Key Terms Page 1of 6 Key TermsKey TermDefinition3G cellular network (249) A computer network that allows users to download data from the Internet at 400 to 700 Kbps using cell phone technology. analog signal (247) Continuous electronic waves. asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL) (248) The most widely used types of DSL. backbone (258) A common connecting cable on which all communications travel along. (see also bus) bandwidth (249) A measurement of the width or capacity of the communication channel. base station (254) A network’s centrally located receiver that interprets incoming radio frequencies and routes communications to the appropriate devices. (see also wireless receiver) bits per second (bps) (247) How transfer speed is measured Bluetooth (245) A short-range wireless communication standard that uses microwaves to transmit data over short distances broadband (250) The bandwidth used for high-capacity transmissions. broadcast radio (245) Uses radio signals to send and receive signals from wireless devices. bus (258) A common connecting cable on which all communications travel along. (see also backbone) bus network (258) Each device in the network handles its own communications control. cable modem (249) Use existing television cables to provide high-speed connections to the Internet. cellular service (249) Offer an alternative for mobile devices and laptops. client (251) A node that requests and uses resources available from other nodes. client/server network system (260) A computer network where one computer coordinates and supplies services to other nodes on the network. coaxial cable (244) A high-frequency transmission cable with a single solid-copper core. Communication channel (244) The actual connecting or transmission medium that carries the message. Communication system (243) An electronic system that transmit data from one location to another computer network (251) A communication system that connects two or more computers so that they can exchange information and share resources. connectivity (242) Using computer networks to link people and resources. demodulation (247) The process of converting from analog to digital. dial-up service (248) Using standard telephone lines and conventional modems to link to the Internet or other computers digital signal (247) A representation of the presence or absence of an electronic pulse – on/off digital subscriber line (DSL) (248) Uses existing telephone lines to provide high-speed connections distributed data processing system Computers that can perform processing tasks at their own Key Terms Page 2of 6 (258) dispersed locations. distributed processing (251) A system in which computing power is located and shared at different locations. domain name server (DNS) (250) Converts text-based addresses to IP addresses Ethernet (253) The most common way in which nodes can be connected to one another and communications can be controlled. external modem (247) A modem that stands apart from the computer and typically is connected by a cable to the computer’s serial port. extranet (262) A private network that connects more than one organization. fiber-optic cable (244) Transmits data as pulses of light through tiny tubes of glass. firewall (263) A security system designed to protect an organization’s network against external threats. global positioning system (GPS) (245) Global positioning system (GPS) devices use location information sent by satellites to uniquely determine the geographic location of the device. hierarchical network (258) Consists of several computers linked to a central host computer, but also are hosts to other, smaller computers or peripheral devices. home network (254) Local Area Networks used by individuals in their homes and apartments. host computer (251) A large centralized computer, usually a minicomputer or a mainframe. hub (251) The center or central node for other nodes. infrared (245) A type of wireless connection that uses infrared light waves to communicate over short distances. internal modem (248) A modem that consists of a plug-in circuit board inside the system unit. intranet (262) A private network within an organization that resembles the Internet. IP address (Internet Protocol address) (250) A unique numeric address for every computer on a network. local area network (LAN) (253) Networks with nodes that are in close physical proximity low bandwidth (250) Used for standard telephone communication. (see also voiceband) medium band (250) the bandwidth used in special leased lines to connect minicomputers and mainframes metropolitan area network (MAN) (254) A network that span distances up to 100 miles. microwave (245) A type of communication uses high-frequency radio waves. modem (247) Modulator-demodulator, enables digital microcomputers to communicate across analog telephone lines. modulation (247) The process of converting from digital to analog. network administrator (251, 264) A computer specialist responsible for efficient network operations and implementation of new networks. network gateway (253) A device that allows one LAN to be linked to other LANs or to larger networks. network hub (255) A central unit in a network, such as a server. Key Terms Page 3of 6 network interface card (NIC) (251) Expansion cards located within the system unit that connect the computer to a network network operating system (NOS) (251) An operating system that control and coordinate the activities of all computers and other devices on a network. node (251) Any device that is connected to a network. packet (250) Data reformatted or broken down into small parts PC Card modem (248) A modem that is a credit card –size expansion board that is inserted into portable computers peer-to-peer network system (261) A network system where nodes have equal authority and can act as both clients and servers. polling (255) A type of communications where each connecting device is asked whether it has a message to send. protocol (250) Rules for exchanging data between computers proxy server (263) A computer through which all communications between the company’s internal n etworks and the outside world must pass. ring network (258) Each device is connected to two other devices, forming a ring with no central computer satellite (245) A type of communication that uses satellites orbiting about 22,000 miles above the earth as microwave relay stations. satellite/air connection service (249) Use satellites and the air to download or send data to users at a rate seven times faster than dial-up connections. server (251) A node that shares resources with other nodes. star network (255) A number of small computers or peripheral devices are linked to a central unit. strategy (260) A way of coordinating the sharing of information and resources T1, T2, T3, T4 lines (248) Special high-speed lines leased from telephone companies. telephone line (244) A type of cable that uses 2, 4, or 8 pairs of copper wire. terminal network (260) A network system where processing power is centralized in one large computer, usually a mainframe. time-sharing system (258) Several users can share resources (time) on a central computer. topology (255) How a network is arranged or configured transfer rate (247) The speed at which data can be transmitted Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) (250) The standard protocol for the Internet voiceband (250) Used for standard telephone communication. (see also low bandwidth) wide area network (WAN) (254) A countrywide or worldwide network that spans distances greater than 100 miles. Wi-FI (wireless fidelity) (245) A wireless standard used to connect computers to each other and to the Internet. wireless LAN (WLAN) (254) Local area network that uses wireless devices to connect nodes together. wireless modem (248) A modem that may be internal, external, or a PC Card sends and receives through the air. wireless receiver (254) A network’s centrally located receiver that interprets incoming radio frequencies and routes communications to the appropriate devices. (see also base station) Crossword Puzzle Answers:AcrossNum. Clue Answer 5 Interprets and routs incoming radio frequencies. Base station7 Continuous electronic waves. Analog9 Configuration of a network. topology10 Network interface card. NIC11 Transfer speed or transfer rate. bps12 Short range wireless communication standard. bluetooth14 Measurement of the width of the communication channel. bandwidth DownNum. Clue Answer 1 Node that requests and uses resources available from other nodes. client 2 Each device in the network handles its own communications. Bus network 3 Device that allows links between LANs. Network gateway 4 Process that converts digital to analog. modulation6 Pieces of a message sent over the Internet. packets8 Global positioning system. GPS13 Any device that is connected to a network. node15 Uses existing telephone lines to provide high-speed connections. DSL 16 Central node for other nodes. hubNum Multiple ChoiceAnswers Matching Answers1 C G 2 B B 3 A A 4 D I 5 C H 6 D E 7 B C 8 B J 9 B D 10 D F Open Ended Questions:to another 2.Identify and describe the various physical and wireless communication channels.PhysicalTelephone lines - consist of twisted-pair cable made up of hundreds of copper wires. Coaxial cable- a high-frequency transmission cable with a single solid-copper core. Fiber-optic cable - transmits data as pulses of light through tiny tubes of glass. WirelessInfrared - uses infrared light waves to communicate over short distances. Broadcast radio sends and receive radio signals through transceivers. Microwave - uses high-frequency radio waves. Satellite - uses satellites orbiting above the earth as microwave relay stations. 3.Identify the standard Internet protocol and discuss its essential features.The standard protocol for the Internet is TCP/IP (transmission control protocol/Internet protocol). Every computer on the Internet has a unique numeric address called an IP address. Information is reformatted or broken down into small parts called packets. 4.Define and discuss the four principal network topologies.S tar network - a number of small computers or peripheral devices are linked to a central unit. Bus network - each device in the network handles its own communications control. Ring network - each device is connected to two other devices, forming a ring. Hierarchical network— consists of several computers linked to a central host computer, and also hosts to other, smaller computers or to peripheral devices. 5.Define and discuss the three most common network strategies.Terminal network system,- processing power is centralized in one large computer, usually a mainframe. - use one computer to coordinate and supply services to other Client/server network systems - use one computer to coordinate and supply services to other nodes on the network. Peer-to-peer network system, nodes have equal authority and can act as both clients and servers. Answers to End of Chapter materials Page 5 of 6 Focus Applying Technology Expanding YourKnowledgeWriting AboutTechnologyEthical Electronic Monitoring Digital Rights Management Web Tools Palm How Napster and Gnutella Work Software Tools Home Networking Distributed Computing How Wireless Home Networks Work Hotspots Writing Skills Ethical focusWriting About Technology exercise #1 Electronic Monitoring explores the FBI Carnivore monitoring system and how it affects personal privacy. Writing About Technology exercise #2 Digital Rights Management explores the issue of sharing copyrighted material over the Internet and how it affects software piracy. Applying Technology exercise #3 Palm explores how Palms work with the Internet and looks at the types of information are available. Expanding Your Knowledge #2 How Napster and Gnutella Work looks at the different types of network architectures employed by each program and their efficiencies. Applying Technology exercise #1 Home Networking works with the Making it Work for you section in exploring the different types of home networking and how to configure Applying Technology exercise #2 Distributed Computing has the students research the concept of distributed computing, how it works, and why it is beneficial. Expanding Your Knowledge exercise #1 How Wireless Home Networks Work has the students discover basic features and functionalities of home networking and how they can Expanding Your Knowledge exercise #3 Hotspots has the student explore the technology of public Internet access and what is necessary to use it. 。
计算机专业英语影印版(Computing Essentials 2008)课后答案大全——第一单元Information Technology

Crossword Puzzle Answers:Open Ended Questions:1.Explain the five parts of an information system. What part do people play in this system?a.People: making people, or end users more productive.Procedures: The rules or guidelines for people to follow when using software,hardware, and data are procedures.Software: A program consists of the step-by-step instructions that tell thecomputer how to do its work. The purpose of software is to convert data(unprocessed facts) into information (processed facts).Hardware: The equipment that processes the data to create information is calledhardware.Data: The raw, unprocessed facts, including text, numbers, images, and sounds,are called data.b.People are surely the most important part of any information system. Our livesare touched every day by computers and information systems.2.What is system software? What kinds of programs are included in system software?a.System software enables the application software to interact with the computerhardware. System software is “background” software that helps the computermanage its own internal resources.b.It consists of operating systems, utilities, and device drivers.3.Define and compare basic and specialized application software. Describe some differenttypes of basic applications. Describe some types of specialized applications.a.Basic applications, or general-purpose applications, are widely used in nearly allcareer areas. They are the kinds of programs you have to know to be consideredcomputer competent. One of these basic applications is a browser to navigate,explore, and find information on the Internet.b.Specialized applications, also known as special-purpose applications, includethousands of other programs that are more narrowly focused on specificdisciplines and occupations. Some of the best known are graphics, audio, video,multimedia, Web authoring, and artificial intelligence programs.4.Describe the different types of computers. What is the most common type? What are thetypes of microcomputers?a.There are four types of computers: supercomputers, mainframe, computers,minicomputers, and microcomputers.b.Microcomputers are the most widely used and fastest-growing, type of computer.(10)c.There are four types of microcomputers: desktop, notebook, tablet PC, andhandheld computers.5.What is connectivity? How are the wireless revolution and connectivity related? What isa computer network? What is the Internet? What is the Web?a.Connectivity is the capability of your microcomputer to share information withother computers.b.The single most dramatic change in connectivity in the past five years has beenthe widespread use of mobile or wireless communication devices. These wirelessapplications are just the beginning of the wireless revolution, a revolution that isexpected to dramatically affect the way we communicate and use computertechnology.c. A computer network is a communications system connecting two or morecomputers.d.The largest network in the world is the Internet. It is like a giant highway thatconnects you to millions of other people and organizations located throughout theworld.e.The Web, also known as the World Wide Web or WWW, provides a multimediainterface to the numerous resources available on the InternetTopics covered in End of Chapter materials Page 6of 6。
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Crossword Puzzle Answers:Open Ended Questions:1.Describe the four basic types of system units.• Desktop system units contain the system’s electronic components and selected secondarystorage devices. Input and output devices are located outside the system unit.• Notebook system units are portable and much smaller and contain the electronic components, selected secondary storage devices, and input devices• Tablet PC system units are highly portable devices that support the use of a stylus or pen toinput commands and data.• Handheld computer system units are the smallest and contain an entire computer system2.Describe the two basic components of the CPU.• Control unit: tells the rest of the computer system how to carry out a program’s instructions. It directs the movement of electronic signals between memory, which temporarily holds data,instructions, and processed information, and the arithmetic-logic unit. It also directs these control signals between the CPU and input and output devices.• Arithmetic-logic unit: The arithmetic-logic unit performs two types of operations: arithmetic and logical. Arithmetic operations are, as you might expect, the fundamental math operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Logical operations consist of comparisons. 3.What are the differences and similarities between the three types of memory?Random-access memory (RAM) chips hold the program and data that the CPU is presently processing. RAM is called temporary or volatile storage because everything in most types of RAM is lost as soon as the microcomputer is turned off.Read-only memory (ROM) chips have programs built into them at the factory. Unlike RAM chips, ROM chips are not volatile and cannot be changed by the user.C omplementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) chips provide flexibility andexpandability for a computer system. They contain essential information that is required every time the computer system is turned on.4.Identify five expansion cards and describe the function of each.• Sound cards: These cards accept audio input from a microphone and convert it into a form that can be processed by the computer. Also, these cards convert internal electronic signals to audio signals so they can be heard from external speakers.• Modem cards: These cards allow distant computers to communicate with one another byconverting electronic signals from within the system unit into electronic signals that can travel over telephone lines and other types of connections.• Network interface cards (NIC): These cards are used to connect a computer to one or more other computers. The network adapter card typically connects the system unit to a cable that connects to the network.• TV tuner cards: TV tuner cards contain a TV tuner and a video converter that changes the TV signal into one that can be displayed on your monitor.• Video cards: These cards connect the system board to the computer’s monitor, and they convert the internal electronic signals to video signals so they can be displayed on the monitor.5.Identify and describe four standard ports and three specialized ports.The four standard ports are:• Serial ports are used for a wide variety of purposes. They are often used to connect a mouse, keyboard, modem, and many other devices to the system unit. Serial ports send data one bit at a time and are very good for sending information over a long distance.• Parallel ports are used to connect external devices that need to send or receive a lot of data over a short distance. These ports typically send eight bits of data simultaneously across eight parallel wires. Parallel ports are mostly used to connect printers to the system unit.• Universal serial bus (USB) ports are gradually replacing serial and parallel ports. They are faster, and one USB port can be used to connect several devices to the system unit.• FireWire ports are as fast as USB 2.0 ports and provide connections to specialized FireWire devices such as camcorders.The three specialized ports are:• Musical instrument digital interface (MIDI) ports are a special type of serial port for connecting musical instruments to a sound card. The sound card converts the music into a series of digital instructions. These instructions can be processed immediately toreproduce the music or saved to a file for later processing.• Small computer system interface (SCSI) ports are a special type of highspeed parallel port for connecting a series of input and/or output SCSI devices to a single SCSI controller card. This arrangement allows several devices to communicate with the system unit through a single slot on the system board.• Infrared Data Association (IrDA) provide a wireless mechanism for transferring data between devices. Instead of cables, the IrDA ports from each device are directly aligned and infrared light waves are used to transmit data. One of the most common applications is to transfer data from either a handheld or notebook computer to a desktop computer.1.Writing About Technology exercise #1 Processor Serial Numbers has the studentsexplore the issue of the microprocessors containing unique serial numbers that can beaccessed by web sites to track individuals buying habits, and how it relates to personalprivacy.Web Tools1.Applying Technology exercise #2 Desktop and Notebook Computers has the students usethe Web to research different desktop and notebook options and decide which they would purchase.2.Applying Technology exercise #3 Custom System Units has the students configure acomputer online.3.Expanding Your Knowledge exercise #3 Binary Numbers has the students use the binaryconversion tool on the website to translate binary numbers to decimal and ASCII equivalents.Software Tools1.Applying Technology exercise #1 TV Tuner Cards and Video Clips has the studentsexplore the different functions of TV Tuner cards.2.Expanding Your Knowledge exercise #1 How TV Tuner Cards Work has the studentexplore the functionality and configurations of tuner cards.3.Expanding Your Knowledge exercise #2 How Virtual Memory Works explores thefunctionality of virtual memory and why operating systems employ it.Writing Skills1.Writing About Technology exercise #2 Smart Cards has the students explore the usage ofSmart Cards and how it relates to privacy issues。