解-47416-新西兰人学汉语Chinese-English dictionary

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解-47416-新西兰人学汉语Chinese-English dictionary

xiè①懂得;明白understand/know/see:~不开这个道理can't understand the point②杂技表演的技艺acrobatic skill:跑马卖~make a living by walking around giving


jiě①剖开;分开seperate/divide:分~resolve/decompose/break down丨~剖dissect 丨难~难分be inextricably insolved (in a dispute)/be locked together (in a struggle)②把系着的东西打开untie/undo:~扣子unbutton丨~鞋带undo shoelaces③除去;去掉allay/dispel/dismiss:~除remove/relieve/get rid of丨~恨vent one's hatred/have one's hatred slaked丨~渴quench one's thirst④讲明白;说清楚explain/interpret/solve:~释explain/expound/interpret丨注~annotate/explain with notes丨~答answer/explain丨~说explain orally/comment⑤了解;明白understand/comprehend:令人不~puzzling/incomprehensible丨通俗易~easy to understand⑥代数方程中未知数的值及求这个值的过程solution⑦排泄(大小便)relieve oneself:~手relieve oneself/go to the toilet (lavatory)/ease (relieve) nature

解雇停止雇用discharge/dismiss/fire/give the sack

解聘解除职务,不再聘用dismiss an emproyee (usu. at the expiration of a contract) 解约取消原来的约定terminate an agreement/cancel a contract/annul an agreement 解甲归田脱下战袍,回家种田指武将辞去官职,回乡务农

take off one's armor and return to one's native place/be demobilized/quit military

service and resume civilian life/retire from military service

解囊相助解开口袋拿出财物来帮助别人help sb. generously with money

解铃还须系铃人比喻谁惹出了麻烦,还由谁去解决let him who tied the bell (on the tiger) loose it/anyone who has caused the trouble must put an end to it/it is better for the doer to undo what he has done/let the mischief-maker undo the mischief/only he who has tied the bell on the tiger neck can untire it/untie the bell, the person who tired it is required/he that hides can find/untie the knot they themselves tied/the one

who creates a problem should be the one to solve it

解放思想liberate ideology│解剖麻雀dissecting a sparrow
