





( )1.

( )2. A. went B. wash C. off

( )3. A. rode B. read C. old

( )4. A. till B. feel C. mule

( )5. A. loud B. could C. took

( )6. A. ate B. saw C. small

( )7. A. licked

( )8. A. rode a horse a bike a book

( )9. camping B. went fishing smimming

( )10. A. How did you go there B. How did Chen Jie go there

( )11. A B

C. How did Amy go there



( )12. A.

C. B.

( )13. A.

C. B.

( )14. A.

B. C.

( )15. A. B.C.


( )21. A. She washed her clothes. B. I rode a bike. ( )22. A. I took pictures. B. I went to New York. ( )23. A. She went by plane. B. I went by bike.

( )24. A. Yes, I can’t. B. Yes, I can.

( )25. A. It was good. B. Thank you


( )16.

( )17.

( )18.

( )19. ( )20.

笔试部分60分五、Look and choose.看图选择正确的单词或短语。10分( )1. A. rode a horse a bike ( )2. fishing my foot

( )3. camping swimming

( )4.

gifts pictures

( )5.

a bike fresh food


( )1. ( )2. ( )

( )4. ( )5.

七、Read and choose.读一读,选择恰当的选项。10分 ( )1. ________ he ________ football last weekend

A. Did, played

B. Did, play

C. Did, plays

( )2. Did tou help me take pictures Yes, I _____ . ( )3. _______was your summer holiday,Yifan A. What B. When C. How ( )4. Yesterday _____ a sunny day.

( )5. ______ did you go last Saturday A. Where B. What C. How 八、选择正确答语

1. How did you go to Hong Kong A. Yes, she can.

2. Can your sister ride a horse B. I went there by plane.

3. What did Liu Wei do last Sunday C. No, he didn ’t.

4. Did Tom go camping yesterday

D. He went fishing. did Sarah go on her holiday

E. She went to Beijing.

九、补全对话。10分 Sarah:____________________

Amy: My family and I went to Sanya. Wu Yifan: Really________________ Amy: Yes, it was warm.

Sarah: Hainan is far from here. _____________ Amy: We went there by plane. Wu Yifan: ___________

Amy:I took lots of pictures, and I also went swimming. Sarah: Sounds great!_____________

Amy: Sure.

A. How did you go there

B. Can I see your pictures sometimes

C. Where did you go over the winter holiday

D. Did you like it

E. What did you do there 十、连词成句和模仿秀。10分

1. Saturday my fell I bike last (.)

2. John go holiday his where did over ()

3. they yesterday do what did ()

4. was summer how your holiday ()





仿写句子:例:I/ go swimming/ yesterday I went swimming yesterday.

5. Chen Jie/ eat fresh food/ last Saturday


Last holiday Amy took a trip with her aunt. They went to Australia by plane. It was in August. They left Beijing on August 3rd . It was winter in Australia. But it was summer in Beijing. She likes there because she likes playing with snow . She went ice-skating there and took many pictures. She bought many presents for her friends,too. She was tired but excited after the trip.

( )1. Amy went to visit Australia with her aunt last August.

( )2. They went to Australia by air.

( )3. When it is summer in Beijing, it’s summer in Australia, too.

( )4. Amy doesn’t like winter because it’s too cold.

( )5. Amy was happy in Australia.


姓名:得分:听力部分(30分)一、听选单词。(仔细听,从A、B、C中选出你所听到的句子中所包含的那个单词或短语。每小题听两遍,每小题1分,共10分)( )1、A、do B、did C、does ( )2、A、watch B、wash C、watched ( )3、A、saw B、short C、see ( )4、A、swim B、swam C、swims ( )5、A、study B、studied C、studies ( )6、A、went B、watched C、go ( )7、A、on the weekend B、last weekend C、this weekend ( )8、A、help them B、cleaned the classroom C、studied English ( )9、A、played football B、busy C、read English ( )10、A、went fishing B、went hiking C、went swimming 二、听选答语(认真听,从A、B中选出你所听到句子中相应的答语将标号填入题

前括号内,每小题听两遍,每小题2分,共10分) ( ) 1、A、Yes, I did. B、Yes , I do. ( ) 2、A、I read a book. B、last weekend. ( ) 3、A、He went swimming . B、She went swimming. ( ) 4、A、No, I didn’t . B、Sure. ( ) 5、A、I usually watch TV. B、I watched TV.

三、根据所听内容,补全短文。 (写出你所听到的那个短语,听三遍,每空2分,

共10分) I was busy .On Saturday, I with my father and mother .On Sunday ,in the morning ,I ,then I . In the afternoon I

With My friends. 笔试部分(70分)







6、wash clothes

7、visit grandparents

8、listen to music

9、play football 10、go to the park 五、根据句意和已给出的首字母,补全单词。(每小题2分,共10分) 1、He w to a park yesterday 2、I c my room last weekend. 3、Did you r the magazine 4、Did Lucy c a mountain

5、Last Saturday ,Candy v her uncle. 六、选择(每小题1分,共10分)

( )1、-Did you help me clean my room -Yes , I . A 、did B 、do C 、does

( )2 -What did Lisa do yesterday -She to music . A 、listens B 、listen C 、listened

( )3、-What did you do last weekend –I TV. A 、saw B 、looked at C 、watched

( )4、He in to he lake and to it. A 、jumped,swimed B 、jump, swam C 、jumped,swam ( )5、Did John football yesterday A 、play B 、played C 、play

( )6、They books last weekend . A 、read B 、readed C 、look

( )7、Did you play football Zhang Peng A 、with B 、 and C 、to

( )8、 Tom busy yeaterday. A 、did B 、 was C 、were

( )9、Lisa usually her homework after super.

A 、does

B 、do

C 、did

( )10、Did you swimming last weekend A 、go B 、goes C 、went 七、连词成句。(每个2分,共10分) 1、did , what , you , yesterday , do 2、you , full , did , the , moon , see 3、went , I , to , park , a , yesterday 4、jumped , the , into , lake , he

5、with , Wang Ping , his ,played ,friends , last , football , weekend 八、读下列短文,选择正确答案(每题2分,共10分)

Today was hot. I went to the farm (农场) with my parents. There was a river near the farm . I went to the river with my dog . We ran and played . Suddenly I dropped (掉进)into the river ,“Help , Help……”My dog jumped into (跳进)the river and swam to me , Ten minutes later , I was saved (救)。 I was grateful to him. We are good friends. ( )1、It was very .

A 、cold

B 、hot

C 、windy ( )2、I went to the river with my . A 、parents B 、friends C 、teacher ( )3、I ran and played with .

A 、my cat

B 、my dog

C 、my sister ( )4、 jumped into the river and saved me.

A、my dog

B、my mother

C、my father

( )5、I was very grateful to my .





1、What do you usually do on the weekend

2、What did you do last weekend

3、Did you help your mother clean the room(肯定回答)

4、Did you go to the park yesterday(否定回答)



1. Did you play basketball with Zhang Peng

2. I watched TV last weekend.

3. What did you do yesterday

I went to the zoo and saw the elephants.

4. Do you often go swimming in the river in summer

5. I studied English yesterday.

6. – What did you do last weekend

- I went fishing.

did you do last weekend

you help them clean their room

9. Wu Yifan played football with Zhang Peng yesterday.

you read books No ,I went hiking.


1. Do you usually go to school on foot

2. What sis you do last weekend

3. What did Sarah do yesterday

4. Did you clean your room yesterday

5. What do you often do on Sunday


I was busy last weekend .On Saturday I visited my grandparents with my father and mother .On Sunday ,in the morning ,I did my homework ,then I cleaned my room .In the afternoon ,I went to a park with my friends.


weekend ; swimming ; fishing; hiking ; TV;6洗衣服;7.看望祖父母;

8.听音乐; 9踢足球;10.去公园;


1. ent ; ; ; ;





1 What did you do yesterday

2 Did you see the full moon

3 I went to a park yesterday.

4 He jumped in to the lake.

5 Wang Ping played football with his friends last weekend.




1. I usually do my homework ,watch TV and visit my grandparents.

2. I played computer games./I flew kites.

3. Yes , I did.

4. No , I didn’t .
