




以下是与外贸跟单相关的英语基础知识,包括一些常见的术语和表达:常见术语:1. Proforma Invoice (PI): 形式发票,通常在正式交易前提供的一种商业文件,包含了有关商品、价格、交货条件等信息。

2. Quotation (Quote): 报价,商家提供的关于产品价格和交货条件的文件。

3. Purchase Order (PO): 采购订单,买方下发给卖方的正式订单文件。

4. Shipping Documents: 装运单据,包括提单(Bill of Lading)、装箱单(Packing List)和发票(Invoice)等。

5. Letter of Credit (L/C): 信用证,是一种付款方式,由买方的银行向卖方发出,保证买方按照合同履行付款义务。

6. Lead Time: 前导时间,指从接到订单到发货的时间。

7. Incoterms: 国际贸易术语,规定了买卖双方在货物运输过程中各自的责任和义务。

8. Customs Clearance: 海关清关,指货物通过海关检查并获准进入目的地国家。

9. Shipment Tracking: 货物跟踪,追踪货物在运输过程中的实时位置。

常用表达:1. Dear Sir/Madam: 尊敬的先生/女士(用于称呼不知道性别的收信人)。

2. We are pleased to inform you that: 我们很高兴地通知您……3. Attached please find: 附上请查阅……4. Confirm receipt of (something): 确认收到……5. We appreciate your prompt attention to this matter: 感谢您对此事的迅速关注。

6. Please be advised that: 请注意……7. Kindly note that: 请注意……8. Your cooperation in this matter is highly appreciated: 非常感谢您在此事上的合作。





以下是参考例句:BuineWorldthatyouareinthemarketforbundlingmachine.Weareappreciative(indebted/beholden/impaioned)foryournameand addretoMr.JohnSmith,CanadianAmbaadorinBeijing.2、Purpoeofletter写信的目的Pleaeallowutoe某preourhopeofopeninganaccountwithyou.Havingbeendeeplyinteretedinthequalityofyourproduct,wearedeir ouofdoingbuinewithyou.Specializinginthee某portofChineefoodtuff,wewihtoe某preourdeiretotradewithyouinline.Wearegladtoforwardtoyouthiintroductoryletter,hopingthatitwil lbethepreludetomutuallybeneficialrelationbetweenu.Wetakethelibertyofwritingtoyouwithaviewtoetablihingbuinerela tionwithyou.Ourlatetpricelitwillbeenttoyouuponrequet.Shouldyoudeire,wewouldbepleaedtoendyoucatalogtogetherwithe 某portpriceandetimatedhippingcotfortheeitem.Toacquaintyouwiththelightindutrialgoodwehandle,weareendingyo u,byeparateairmail,everalpamphletforyourreference.Foryourreferenceweareencloingourlatetillutratedcatalogtogeth erwiththepricelitonelectedgoodwhichwebelievewouldbeofinterettoyo u.3、Friendlycloe友好结尾Weawaityourfavorablereplyinthenearfuture.Welookforwardverymuchtopleaantbuinerelationwithyou.Wethankyouinadvanceforyourkindlyattentionandhopetohearfromyo uoon.Wewouldbeobligedifyouwouldreplyatanearlydate.国际商务英语(2)询盘和回复每天学一点,坚持一年后,你会发现你已经站在更高的一个台阶了。






To respect the local custom of the buying country is one important aspect of China's foreign policy.
Our purpose is to explore the possibilities of developing trade with you.
multilateral trade 多边贸易
counter trade 对销贸易;抵偿贸易
counter purchase 互购贸易
buy-back 回购贸易
compensation trade 补偿贸易
processing trade 来料加工贸易
assembling trade 来料装配贸易
We are one of the largest importers of Electric Goods in this city, and we wish to establish business relationship with you.
We're writing you in order to establish business relationship.
The arrangement will contribute to cement our pleasant relationship.
to do business in a sincere way 做生意诚恳



外贸人必会的英语知识外贸人必会的英语知识我的介绍完了,谢谢! That's all for my presentation.thank you.我先说这么多。

So much for my remarks for now.我要说的就是这些。

That's all for what I want to say.您看是先谈原则问题呢,还是先谈具体问题? I wonder if you wouldlike to start with matters of principle or specific issues?让我先谈一个问题。

If you agree(With your permission), let me start with one issue在谈那个问题之前我想对您刚才讲的话谈点看法。

Before we trun to that issue, I wish to make a few comments/remarks on your presentation.您对此事怎么看呢? I wish to benefit from your views on this matter./ What is your view on this matter?/ How do you see this matter?我提议休会十分钟。

I propose a ten-minute break.我想接着刚才的问题讲下去。

I will pick up where we left off just now.对不起,我插一句。

Sorry for the interruption but当然可以! By all means.怎么都行! Whatever you say.我没有异议。

I have no objection.我方对这个问题有异议。

We take exception to this question.我们高兴地看到… We note with pleasure that …这个日期贵方觉得合适吗? I wonder if this date wuld be suitablefor you?不知你们上午谈的怎样? I wonder how the meeting went this morning?我方很希望贵方能尽早给予肯定的答复。




1. Incoterms(国际贸易术语解释):Incoterms是国际商会(ICC)制定的贸易术语,用于明确买卖双方在国际贸易中的责任与义务,包括支付运输费用、转移货物所有权、贸易保险、海关手续等。

2. Payment Terms(付款方式):常见的付款方式包括L/C(信用证)、T/T(电汇)、D/P(付款交单)等。


3. Trade Barrier(贸易壁垒):指限制或阻碍进出口贸易的各


4. Proforma Invoice(形式发票):在国际贸易中,买卖双方通


5. Trade Fair(贸易展会):贸易展会是供供应商和买家进行商业交流和推广产品的重要渠道。






外贸实用英语——必学!!(8)付款Payment Terms(一)Payment is to be effected (made) before the end of this month.这个月末以前应该付款。

It's convenient to make payment in pound sterling.用英镑付款较方便。

Now, as regards payment, we've agreed to use U.S. Dollar, am I right?至于付款,我们已同意用美圆,对吗?We may have some difficulties making payment in Japanese yen.用日圆付款可能会有困难。

I've never made payment in Renminbi before.我从未用过人民币付款。

We can't accept payment on deferred terms.我们不能接受延期付款。

What's your reason for the refusal of payment?你们拒付的理由是什么?Collection is not paid.托收款未得照付。

We don't think you'll refuse to pay.我们相信你们不会拒付。

Only one refusal of payment is acceptable to the bank.银行只接受一次拒付。

You ought to pay us the bank interest once payment is wrongly refused.如果拒付错了,你们应该偿付我方的银行利息。

We'll not pay until shipping documents for the goods have reached us.见不到货物装船单据,我们不付款。



国贸双语教程知识点总结国贸双语教程(GuoMao Bilingual Tutorial)是一门帮助学习者掌握国际贸易知识和提高英语水平的课程。




教程重点在国贸双语教程中,我们重点介绍了以下几个方面的内容:1. 贸易原理:教学者将从国际贸易的基本概念开始,介绍贸易的基本原理、运作机制和各种商业术语,使学习者对国际贸易有一个清晰的认识。

2. 国际商务法律:作为国际贸易的重要组成部分,法律知识在实践中起着至关重要的作用。


3. 跨境电商:随着互联网的普及和全球市场的开放,跨境电商已成为了国际贸易的重要形式之一。


4. 跨文化交流:在国际贸易中,跨文化交流能力是非常重要的。


教程特色国贸双语教程具有以下几个特色:1. 双语教学:教程使用英语和中文结合的方式进行教学,帮助学习者更好地理解和掌握所学知识。

2. 实操案例:除了理论知识外,教程还包括大量的实操案例,帮助学习者将所学知识应用到实践中,提高他们的实际操作能力。

3. 互动教学:教程采用交互式教学模式,鼓励学习者参与讨论和互动,促进学习者之间的知识交流和思想碰撞。




国际贸易英语知识点总结一、国际贸易术语(Incoterms)1. FOB (Free on Board)- 含义:卖方在指定的装运港将货物装上买方指定的船只后,卖方即完成交货义务。


- 示例:We offer the goods FOB Shanghai.(我们提供上海港船上交货价的货物。

)- 相关费用:卖方负责将货物运至装运港船上之前的一切费用,包括国内运输、装卸等费用;买方负责从装运港到目的港的运费、保险费等。

2. CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight)- 含义:卖方负责支付货物成本、保险费和运费,将货物运至指定目的港。

- 示例:The price is quoted CIF New York.(价格报的是纽约港到岸价。

)- 相关费用:卖方承担货物到达目的港之前的成本、保险费和运费;买方负责卸货后的费用,如进口关税等。


3. CFR (Cost and Freight)- 含义:卖方负责货物成本和运费,将货物运至指定目的港。


- 示例:We can supply the goods CFR London.(我们可以供应伦敦港成本加运费价的货物。

)- 相关费用:卖方承担货物运至目的港的成本和运费,买方负责保险费及卸货后的费用。



1. 信头(Letterhead)- 包含公司名称、地址、联系方式(电话、传真、电子邮箱等)。

- 例如:ABC Company.123 Main Street, New York, NY 10001.Tel: +1 - 212 - 1234567.Fax: +1 - 212 - 1234568.Email:*******************.2. 称呼(Salutation)- 如果知道对方姓名,用“Dear Mr./Ms. + 姓氏”,如“Dear Mr. Smith”;如果不知道具体姓名,可用“Dear Sir/Madam”或者“To Whom It May Concern”。



外贸档口英语初级教程包括以下内容:1.常用英语句型•问候语和寒暄:如:How are you?/Fine, thank you.•感谢和道歉:如:Thank you./Sorry.•邀请和请求:如:Would you like to…?/Can you…?2.外贸基础知识•货币和汇率:如:What's the exchange rate between RMB and USD?/What's the current rate?•国际贸易条款:如:What are the terms of payment?/What's the lead time?•国际贸易方式:如:What's the difference between FOB and CIF?/What's the advantage of EXW?3.商品描述和推销•商品类型和特点:如:What kind of product do you have?/What's the feature of your product?•商品价格和订购:如:How much does it cost?/What's your minimum order quantity?•客户需求和服务:如:What style do you want?/Can we offer you some samples?4.交货和运输•货物检验和装运:如:When can we have the goods inspected?/What's the shipping schedule?•运输方式和费用:如:Which means of transport do you prefer?/How much is the freight charge?•提单和保险:如:Can you send me the bill of lading?/Do you need us to insure the goods?5.投诉和解决问题•投诉和处理方式:如:I'm sorry to say we received damaged goods./I'll check with the carrier and see what caused the problem.•信任和沟通:如:We trust each other and we can work together./We should keep in touch in case of any problems.通过掌握以上内容,初级外贸档口工作者可有效地应对日常工作中面对的各种英文交流场景。



外贸英语学习资料⼤全为了帮助⼤家学习到更多外贸英语知识,⽅便⼤家的⼯作和⽣活,下⾯⼩编给⼤家带来外贸英语学习资料⼤全,更多讯息请关注店铺!外贸英语学习资料:建⽴贸易关系Unit 1:Establishing trade relation.建⽴贸易关系 The following conversation is between Mr.Gatty, an importer from Britain, and Mr.Dong,a director of Liming Foodstuffs factory. Mr Gatty is visiting the sample room of the factory and Mr Dong is accompanying with him.Mr Dong: Here is our sample room.Mr Gatty: You certainly have got a large collection of sample foodstuffs here.Mr Dong: Yes. We are exporting a wide range of foodstuffs to many countries. And the demand is getting greater and greater.Mr Gatty: So it is. Though we havent done business with you, as you know, your exports of foodstuffs to our country have considerably increased during the last few years. It appears that Chinese foodstuffs are very attractive.D:You said it .The quality of ours is as good as that of many other suppliers, while our prices are not high as theirs .By the way ,which items are you interested in ?G:Canned goods are of special interest to me ,particularly the canned fruit and meat.As your canned fruit is among the most popular ones in our market,I'm going to place an order in a day or two .D:Good .How about our canned meat?G:I think it will also find a good marketing in our country.Will you show me some samples?D:Yes.This way ,please! Our canned meat is in various weighs .The largest one weighs three and a half pounds net,the smallest seven ounces net.G: The small sizes are more saleable in our market than the large ones .I've brought with me a sample of canned meat Which is only six ounces .The smallest size of yours is even bigger than that of mine .I wonder if your canned meat tastes better.D:Your are welcome to have a try .Here it is .Ours is of prime quality .G:Oh, It's delicious.Mm...I'm not sure about the pesticide residues in your foodstuffs ,though I'm sure,you must have given much thought to the matter.But you know ,our governmental restrictions have been getting more and more tight,so we are not allowed to import any polluted goods.D:You can rest assured .Our foodstuffs are guaranteed to conform to WHO standards.G:Good.I'd like to order meat of this kind in seven ounce tins if the price is competitive.D:What about other canned goods ,such as canned mushrooms and vegetables?G:They are not as saleable as canned fruit ,I suppose .D:Mm , no .I really do not think that is so .They are also among our major exports and have found a favourable reception in many other countries.G:Then ,may I have a look at the samples first ?D:Certainly .Here you are .G:Ah ,very nice indeed .But I am not sure whether they are to the taste of our people .What would you say to my taking some samples home before I make a decision?D:That's all right.G:Well ,I have an appointment at 4:00.shall we talk about over tomorrow moning ?D:Ok ,See you tomorrow .D:Doodbye!!Dialogue 1:A:Would you like to have a see at our showroom,Ms Olive?B:I Love to.A:This way,please.B:Thanks you.How beautiful.A:Where shall we start?B:It will take hours if I really look a look at everything.A:You may be interests in our some items.Let's look at those.B:Good idea.I can just have plans and a rest.A:By the way,Ms Olive.How long have you been in this business?B:I have been this for more than 20years,but the company it this business since 1935.A:No wonder you are so experienced.B:That 's our business have becoming difficult since competition growA:That's true.B:Do you have a catalogue or something tells me about your company?A:Yes,I will get you some later.B:Thanks.When can we work for a deal?A:Would tomorrow be convenient?B:Yes,I will be fine.Dialogue 2:A:Excuse me,could you tell me where I can order electronical planes?B:This line will be glad to take your order.Here's my card.A:Thanks.Here's my card.I'm Adison from ABC trading company limited.We've imports electronics and chain systems.B:We've have a look at our samples.A:Your development of electronical products have been remarkable.B:Yes,our research has had a good results.A:Do you produce middle tape recorders?What's that?Is it television sets?B:No,that's television phone.It is still experimental.A:What's the problem?B:We have to solve the problem of using agricutural focusing waves and around 1000 hz..I've forgotten to ask you what products you are interested in.A:I think I have already seen some items we'd like to order.But allow us to study them a little further.B:Okay,go ahead.A:I will probably let you know by tomorrow.B:I will be expecting you tomorrow morning,saying am I.A:Tomorrow am I.Prefect.商务英语学习资料:外贸出差A: Excuse me, is this the office of the Textile Corporation?A:对不起,请问这是纺织公司的办公室吗?B: Yes, What can I do for you?B:是的,有什么事能帮你吗?A: I'm from CTC Trade Company. Here is my card.A:我来⾃CTC 贸易公司,这是我的名⽚。



外贸口语知识点总结英文一、询盘1. Hi, I’m writing to inquire about your products.2. Could you please send me more information about your goods?3. I’m interested in your (product name). Can you provide more details?4. Can you give me a quotation for (product name)?5. What’s your best price for (product name)?6. Do you have a catalog or price list for your products?二、报盘1. Thank you for your inquiry. We are pleased to offer you the following quotation.2. Please find attached our price list/catalog for your reference.3. The price we quoted is based on (terms of payment, delivery, etc.).4. We can also offer you a discount if you place a large order.5. The quoted price is valid for (time period).6. We can offer you a sample for testing.三、订单确认1. We are satisfied with your quotation and would like to place an order.2. Please send us a proforma invoice for the order.3. We will pay by (terms of payment).4. Could you give us an estimated delivery time?5. We look forward to doing business with you.四、支付方式1. We can accept payment by T/T, L/C, Western Union, etc.2. We require a 30% deposit before production and the balance before shipment.3. The payment terms are negotiable based on the order amount.4. The payment should be made in US dollars or Euros.五、货物提运1. We have arranged the shipment of your order.2. The goods will be delivered to your designated port.3. The tracking number will be provided once the goods are shipped.4. Please confirm the receipt of the goods when they arrive.六、质量检验1. We have received the goods and they are in good condition.2. We are satisfied with the quality of the products.3. There are some defects in the goods. We request a replacement.4. We will conduct a quality inspection upon receipt of the goods.七、投诉处理1. We are unsatisfied with the quality of the products received.2. We request a refund for the defective goods.3. We hope you can rectify the problem and improve the quality of your products.4. We expect better service in the future to avoid similar issues.八、市场营销1. We would like to introduce our new product line to you.2. We are offering a special promotion for our products this month.3. We are interested in becoming your distributor in our region.4. We would like to explore opportunities for collaboration with your company. 以上是一些常见的外贸口语知识点,希望对您有所帮助。

外贸英语 知识点

外贸英语 知识点

1. 外贸基础知识:了解国际贸易的基本概念、国际贸易的形式和模式、进出口的基本流程和步骤等。

2. 贸易方式和交易方式:了解不同贸易方式(如进出口贸易、代理贸易、合资合作等)和交易方式(如FOB、CIF、DDP 等),熟悉各种交易方式的特点和适用范围。

3. 外贸操作流程:包括询盘、报价、谈判、签约、装运、结算等各个环节的具体操作,了解每个环节的重要事项和注意事项。

4. 国际贸易术语:熟悉国际贸易常用的英文术语,如INCOTERMS、L/C、T/T、B/L等,了解这些术语的含义和使

5. 贸易文件和证书:了解常见的贸易文件和出口证书,如发票、装箱单、产地证书、检验证书等,知道如何填写和使用这些文件和证书。

6. 国际贸易的风险管理:了解不同的贸易风险,如信用风险、汇率风险、物流风险等,学会如何进行风险评估和管理,以减少贸易风险带来的损失。

7. 外贸谈判和沟通技巧:掌握外贸谈判和沟通的基本技巧,了解不同文化背景下的交流方式和礼仪,学会如何与国外客户建

8. 国际贸易政策和法规:了解国际贸易的相关法律法规和政策,如关税规定、进口限制、贸易协定等,以便在外贸业务中合规经营。





模具行业英语词汇大全dowel pin 定位梢draft 拔模锥度draw bead 张力调整杆drive bearing 传动轴承ejection pad 顶出衬垫ejector 脱模器ejector guide pin 顶出导梢ejector leader busher 顶出导梢衬套ejector pad 顶出垫ejector pin 顶出梢ejector plate 顶出板ejector rod 顶出杆ejector sleeve 顶出衬套ejector valve 顶出阀eye bolt 环首螺栓filling core 椿入蕊film gate 薄膜形浇口finger pin 指形梢finish machined plate 角形模板finish machined round plate 圆形模板fixed bolster plate 固定侧模板flanged pin 带凸缘销flash gate 毛边形浇口flask 上箱floating punch 浮动冲头gate 浇口gate land 浇口面gib 凹形拉紧楔goose neck 鹅颈管guide bushing 引导衬套guide pin 导梢guide post 引导柱guide plate 导板guide rail 导轨head punch 顶头冲孔headless punch 直柄冲头heavily tapered solid 整体模蕊盒hose nippler 管接头impact damper 缓冲器injection ram 压射柱塞inlay busher 嵌入衬套inner plunger 内柱塞inner punch 内冲头insert 嵌件insert pin 嵌件梢king pin 转向梢king pin bush 主梢皮革行业英语词汇artificial leather人造革baseball leather棒球革basketball leather篮球革bellow leather风箱革belt leather带皮belting leather带革; 轮带book-binding leather书面革bottom leather底革boxing-glove leather拳击手套革buck leather(雄)鹿革buckle leather带用革buffed leather磨面革butt leather底革card leather梳革case leather箱皮charred leather皮炭chamois leather麂皮chrome leather铬革chrome tanned leather铬鞣革clothing leather服装革combination tanned leather结合鞣制的革combing leather梳刷革cow leather牛皮crown leather上等皮革crup leather马臀革crust leather坯革; 半硝革cup leather制动缸皮碗diaphragm leather隔膜革[皮] dogskin leather狗皮(制的)革dressing leather饰革drum leather鼓皮drycleanable leather耐干洗革easy-care leather易保养革embossed leather压花革enamel leather漆皮enamelled leather漆皮fair leather集市皮革fancy leather美术革, 装饰用革finished leather成革; 整饰过的皮革football leather足球革football-helmet leather橄榄球头盔革furniture leather家具革garment leather衣服革gas meter leather气表革glace leather白鞣革glove leather手套皮hair-on leather带毛革half leather半皮面装订, 半革装harness leather马具革hat leather制帽革hat sweatband leather帽圈革heavy leather厚革heel leather(鞋)后跟皮hunting leather粗绒面革hydraulic leather水压机革(密封用革)imitation leather充牛皮装订, 漆布装订, 人造革装订industrial leather工业用革iron tanned leather铁鞣革japanned leather漆皮kangaroo leather袋鼠革kaspine leather开斯宾革levant leather皱纹革; 摩洛哥革light leather轻革line leather马具革lining leather衬里革luggage leather箱包革mountain leather石棉napped leather绒毛皮革oar leather桨革oil seal leather油封革oiled leather涂油革oil-tanned leather油鞣革organ-pipe leather风琴管革packing leather皮碗paper based artificial leather纸基人造革patent leather漆皮patent leather漆革piano leather钢琴革piston packing leather活塞填密皮plated leather熨压皮革portmanteau leather旅行皮包革rein leather马具革rock leather一种石棉rolled leather轧制革roller leather机轴革rough-tanned leather粗鞣革rubbing leathers【纺】搓条皮圈Russia(n) leather俄罗斯革saddle leather鞍皮[革]saffian leather山羊革; 摩洛哥革scrap leather废皮; 碎皮semi-aniline leather半苯胺革semi-chrome leather混合铬鞣革sheep leather(绵)羊革shrink leather皱纹革skirt leather植物鞣牛皮坯革slick-surfaced leather光面皮革soccerballleather足球革softleather软革soleleather底革stirrup leather镫革strop leather磨刀皮革suede leather起毛皮革sweat band leather(帽中)汗带皮synthetic leather合成皮带textile machinery leather纺织机用革tie and dye leather扎染革two-tone leather双色调革upholstery leather装饰用皮革upper leather面革valve leather阀皮vegetable tanned sole leather植物鞣鞋底革velvet leather正绒面革zirconium tanned leather锆鞣革volleyball leather排球革wash leather可洗皮革washable chamois leather可洗麂皮welting leather镶边革; 贴边革white leather白革; 矾鞣革FOB和CIF相关具体费用分别有哪些这里关键是FOB价格如何计算,如果算出FOB价格了,就可以计算其它价格了。



外贸全流程英语--新手必读第一期:General Terms1. establishing business relation-建立业务关系2. inquiry-询盘3. offer-报盘4. counter offer-还盘5. quantity-数量6. packing-包装7. time of shipment-装运期8. price-价格9. discount-折扣10. terms of payment-支付条款11. insurance-保险12. commodity inspection-商品检验13. acceptance-接受14. signing a contract-签订合同15. claim-索赔16. agency-代理17. commission-佣金18. exclusive sales-包销19. joint venture-合资企业20. compensation trade-补偿贸易21. processing and assembling trade-加工装配贸易22. the terms of international trade-国际贸易术语第二期:Establishing business relation 建立业务关系1. recommendation 推荐、介绍2. inform 通知3. enter into business relations 建立业务关系4. catalogue 目录5. for your reference 供您参考6. specific inquiry 具体询价7. promptly 立即8. representative 代表9. chamber of commerce 商会10. specialize in 专营11. on the bases of equality and mutual benefit 在平等互利的基础上12. pamphlet 小册子13. a range of 一套14. make offers 报价15. import and export corporation 进出口公司16. silk 丝绸17. cotton piece goods 棉布18. blouse 女衬衫19. be of the latest style 最新式样20. financial position 财务状况21. trade reputation 贸易声誉22. on display 展出23. woolen knitwear 毛织品24. garment 服装25. meet with great favor 受欢迎26. credit standing 信用地位27. state-operated 国营的28. currency, Chinese currency, British currency 货币,中国货币,英国货币29. investment 投资30. a long-term investment 长期投资31. a profitable investment 有利可得的投资32. a safe and sure investment 安全可靠的投资33. a heavy investment 巨额投资34. investment intent 投资意向35. investment partner 投资伙伴36. direct investment 直接投资37. investment environment 投资环境38. investor 投资者39. enterprise 企业40. joint venture enterprise 合资企业41. cooperative enterprise 合作企业42. exclusively foreign-owned enterprise 外商独资企业43. state-owned enterprise 国营企业44. collectively-owned enterprise 集体企业45. individually owned enterprise 个体企业第三期: inquiry 询盘1. general inquiry 一般询盘2. specific inquiry 具体询盘3. dealer 商人4. quotation 报价5. sales department 销售部6. purchase 购买7. enquiry 询价8. quote 开价9. sample 样品10. a long-term contractt 长期合同11. discount 折扣12. grant 批准13. to make an inquiry for sth 对某物询价14. to keep the inquiry on file 把询价记录在卷15. to inquiry for sth 对某物询价16. to inquiry about sth 询问某事17. process 加工18. guarantee, guarantor 保证, 保证人19. delivery 交货20. port of delivery 交货港21. time of delivery 交货期22. prompt delivery 即期交货23. to effect delivery 办理交货24. to make delivery 办理交货25. to postpone delivery 推迟交货26. to deliver sth to sb 把某物交付给某人27. shipment 装船28. to make shipment 装船29. to receive shipment 接货30. partial shipment 分批装船31. prompt shipment 即期装运32. time of shipment 装运期33. offer 报盘报价34. a firm offer 实盘35. a counter offer 还盘36. to accept an offer 接受报盘37. to extend an offer 延长报盘38. to renew an offer 更新报盘39. to withdraw an offer 撤消报盘40. the validity of an offer 报盘有效期41. to make an offer 报价42. to offer firm 报实盘43. to offer subject to final confirmation 报盘以最后确认为准44. specialize in 专门经营第四期:Counter offer 还盘1. counter offer 还盘2. enjoy great popularity 享有盛誉3. ready seller; quick seller; quick-selling product 畅销品4. conclude business with sb. 与某人达成交易5. close business, close a deal , close a transaction, close a bargain 达成交易6. trade terms 贸易条件7. trade agreement 贸易协定8. trade fair 交易会9. trade mark 商标10. foreign trade对外贸易11 trade in sth 经营某物12. trade with sb.与某人交易13. favourable price 优惠价格14. favourable terms 优惠条件15. quotation 行情16. discount quotation 贴现行情17. exchange rate quotation外汇行情18. commission 佣金19. a commission of....%; ....% commission.百分之几佣金20. your ..% commission你的百分之几佣金21. The above price includes your commission of 2%.上述价格包括你方2%佣金.22. general practice 惯例23. accept an order 接受订单24. cancel an order 撤消订单25. confirm an order 确认订单26. execute an order 履行订单27. a back order 尚未执行的订单28. a fresh order 新订单29. a repeat order 续订订单第五期uantity 数量1. weight重量2. metric ton公吨3. long ton长吨4. short ton短吨5. kilogram, kilo, kg公斤6. pound, lb磅7. ounce, oz盎司8. number个数9. piece件10. pair双11 dozen打12. ream令13. set套14. length长度15. area面积16. volume体积17. cubic meter立方米18. capacity容积19. litre升20. gallon加仑21. bushel蒲式耳22. metric system公制23. british system英制24. U.S.System美制25. gross weight毛重26. net weight净重27. shipping weight装运重量28. landed weight卸货重量29. theoretical weight理论重量第六期: Packing 包装1. packaging 包装方法2. blister packing起泡包装3. neutral packing中性包装4. skin packing吸塑包装5. hanging packing挂式包装6. catch sb's eye引某人注目7. mark唛头8. unlabelled packing无牌的包装9. in bulk散装10. in loose packing散装11 nude packing裸装12. bulk pack整批包装13. consumer pack零售包装14. large packing大包装15. inner packing, external packing, end packing 小包装16. shrunk packaging, 压缩包装17. foam-spary packaging喷泡沫包装18. gift-wrap礼品包装19. bag, sack袋20. jute bag麻袋21. polythelene bag, plastic bag塑料袋22. polythelene net尼龙绳网袋23. zippered bag拉链袋24. case, chest箱25. box 盒26. wooden case木箱27. carton纸箱28. container集装箱29. rate板条箱30. fibre board case纤维板箱第七期: Packing(二) 包装1. packet 小包2. bale包3. bundle捆4. tin , can罐头5. basket篮,篓,筐6. bamboo basket竹篓7. bottle瓶8. wooden keg小木桶9. hogshead大桶10. iron drum铁桶11 cylinder铁桶12. barrel琵琶桶13. drum圆桶14. waterproof paper防水纸15. cellophone玻璃纸16. kraftpaper牛皮纸17. canvas帆布18. fibreboard纤维板19. nylon strap尼龙腰子20. plastic strap塑料腰子21. adhesive tape胶带22. stuffing material填料23. nylon plastic尼龙丝24. fermented plastic泡沫塑料25. paper scrap纸屑26. saw dust木屑27. tar paper沥青纸28. wax paper蜡纸29. slushing compound润滑油30. tarpaulin油布、防水帆布第八期:Shipment 装运1. backlog积压而未交付的订货2. terms of shipment装运条件3. prepare goods备货4. load装货5. unload卸货6. board木板,板,船舷7. on board在船(或车、飞机)上8. steamer轮船9. space of a steamer舱位10. shipping department运输部门11 liner班轮,班机12. book up(票、车位、舱位等)订完13. tranship转运14. transhipment转载15. Force Majeure人力不可抗力16. European Main Ports --EMPs欧洲主要口岸17. vessel船;飞船;飞机18. the first available vessel第一艘可订到的船19. call at停泊20. duly 按期地,按时的第九期: Price 价格1. Price terms 价格条件2. bargain 讨价还价3. currency 货币4. on the low side 价格偏低5. market price 市场价6. current price 现行价7. floor price 底价8. make a bargain with sb 与某人成交9. drive a hard bargain over sth. 为某事拼命讨价还价10. a bargain sale 廉价出售11. rock-bottom price 最低价12. F.O.B 船上交货13. C.I.F. 成本加保险费,运费价14. CFR 成本加运费价。



关于外贸业务员的必备英语我们作为外贸业务员应该要多多学习一下有关外贸的英语口语,今天就跟大家分享一下外贸英语,大家一起来参考学习一下吧外贸业务员的英语重点1 Then we'd have some ideas of what you'll be needing那么我们就会心中有点儿数,知道你们需要什么了。

2 I can't say for certain off-hand.我还不能马上说定。

3 Better have something we can get our hands on rather than just spend all our time talking.有些实际材料拿到手总比坐着闲聊强。

4 It'll be easier for us to get down to facts then.这样就容易进行实质性的谈判了。

5 But wouldn't you like to spend an extra day or two here?你们不愿意在北京多待一天吗?6 I'm afraid that won't be possible,much as we'd like to.尽管我们很想这样做,但恐怕不行了。

7 We've got to report back to the head office.我们还要回去向总部汇报情况呢。

8 Thank you for you cooperation.谢谢你们的合作。

9 We've arranged our schedule without any trouble.我们已经很顺利地把活动日程安排好了。

10 Here is a copy of itinerary we have worked out for you and your friends.Would you please have a look at it?外贸业务员的职场必备英语1 I've come to make sure that your stay in Beijing is a pleasant one.我特地为你们安排使你们在北京的逗留愉快。






1. 国际贸易术语十三种-------------------------------------------------------- 22. 外贸单证常用词汇200句-------------------------------------------------- 6外贸单证词汇 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 63. 专业外贸术语的英文表达------------------------------------------------ 18 3.1.支付条件(T ERMS OF PAYMENT) ------------------------------------- 18 3.2.催开信用证(P RESSING FOR L/C) -------------------------------------- 203.3.修改信用证(A MENDMENT TO L/C) ---------------------------------- 214. 国际结算常用英语词汇 ----------------------------------------------- 225. 外贸英语口语:打造金牌销售------------------------------------------ 246. 外贸常用语——商品检验------------------------------------------------ 277. 不可不知的国际贸易英语------------------------------------------------ 358. 企业外贸业务用语大全--------------------------------------------------- 379. 采购员必须掌握的英语词汇--------------------------------------------- 4310. 疯狂商务英语30句------------------------------------------------------ 4411. 6种英文邀请信范文------------------------------------------------------ 4712. 交际英语:美式待客之道 ---------------------------------------------- 5814. 钱在英语中的二十六种使用方法 ------------------------------------- 6515. 几种外贸出口单据的制作 ---------------------------------------------- 671. 国际贸易术语十三种《1990年国际贸易术语解释通则》共列出十三种贸易术语,其要点如下:(一)工厂交货( EXW)本术语英文为"EX Works(... named place)",即"工厂交货(......指定地点)"。







以下是一些常用的外贸跟单英语词汇和短语:•Inquiry:询盘•Quotation:报价•Proforma Invoice:形式发票•Packing List:装箱单•Bill of Lading:提单•Commercial Invoice:商业发票•Certificate of Origin:原产地证•Incoterms:国际贸易术语•Lead Time:交货时间•Payment Terms:付款条件•FOB:离岸价•CIF:成本、保险和运费•MOQ:最小订单量•ETA:预计到达时间•QC:质量控制了解这些词汇和短语可以帮助外贸跟单员更好地理解和处理文件,与客户有效沟通。










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外贸英语学习内容的学习一直就是十分的重要, 为了更好的学习好这些问题, 我们就可以从下面的文章中好好的解析一下,当大家了解到这些后,英语的能力才会变得更好。

最常见的外贸英语学习内容有哪些呢?那么接下来的文章中就有了一些很好的表述, 当大家看过了这些语句和短语后, 自己的英语水平才会慢慢的变得更好。

当大家意识到这些后, 相信所有的学习难题也会被全面的解决,大家好好了解吧。

I' ve heard so much about you.好久不见了!
Long time no see.辛苦了!
You' ve had a long day.You've had a long flight.尊敬的朋友们!
Distinguished/Honorable/Respected friends阁下(多用于称呼大使
Your Excellency我代表北京市政府欢迎各位朋友访问北京。

On behalf of the Beijing Municipal government, I wish to extend our warm welcome to the friends who have come to visit Beijing.对您的大力协助,我谨代表北京市政府表示衷心的感谢。

On behalf of the Beijing Municipal government, i wish to express our heartfelt thanks to you for your gracious assistance.在北京过得怎么样?
How are you making out in Beijing?

I'll surely remember you and your invitation to him.欢迎美商来北京投资。

American businessmen are welcome to make investment in Beijing.欢迎多提宝贵意见。

Your valuable advice is most welcome.不虚此行!
It's a rewarding trip!

As you have a tight schedule, I will not take up more of your time.请代我问候王先生。

Please remember me to Mr.Wang.感谢光临!
Thank you so much for coming.欢迎再来!
最常见的外贸英语学习内容有哪些呢?那么上面的文章中就做出了一些解读, 当大家看过了这些问题后, 自己才会真正的明白自己对于相关的短语有哪些了解了, 为此, 大家一定

商务英语初级考试阅读题分数占考试卷的比例相对来说还是挺大的, 并且小编做过阅读题只要掌握了正确的方法拿分是很容易的事, 看看下面美联小编为您整理的详细阅读解题方法吧,相信一定会帮到你的。

初级阅读材料由句子或短小段落组成, 考试题型主要是:搭配题, 选择题, 填空
题 ; 共分 7个部分,以下分别讲解。


该部分由五个简短的句子构成 (有时后设一问题和三个选项,要求找出与原句含义相同的选项或选出对原句的正确解释及说明。


因此, 考生应记忆并掌握一些相关的词汇及商务用语。

答题时, 尽可能仔细地阅读这些句子与其三个选项, 抓住关键词, 做出正确选择, 不被似是而非的各种选择项所误导。


考生须把每个词组和标有 A 到 H 的各个句子进行相应的配对。

由于只有五个句子, 并非每个词组都能得到配

此项考题的测试重点是考生的词汇量, 包括一部分商务词汇。


(三该部分一般由八个图表 (或者一张图表带有八个不同部分与五个句子组成。


考生需要将问题和标有 A 到 H 的图表部分进行相应的配对。


考生应该能够分析图表数据, 了解图表之间细微的差别, 同时理解各句子的准确含义, 尤其是某些描述图表走势的动词短语, 例如:“ rose steadily” (稳定上升, “ remained stable” (保持稳定, “ decreased slowly ” (缓慢减少, “ reached a peak” (达到最高点等描述图表用语。

(四此部分的阅读材料是一篇 100-150字的短文,主要测试考生对阅读材料细节的理解能力。

这部分选择题的三个选项是固定的(A. Right, B. Wrong, C. Doesn’ t say。

内容来自美联学习网题目的内容与原文一致时选 A; 不一致时选 B; 如果题目的信息在原文中没有提到, 也没有针对性的句子证明它是对或错, 则应选 C 。

考生要特别注意 B 和 C 的区别:B 指文中有材料证明题目内容与原文不符,是错的, C 则表示文中没有提到,其表述并不一定是错误的。


文章包含的信息量相对来说比较多, 并且往往取材于传单、报纸、杂志等。

考生阅读时可按卷面排列的顺序先看文章后读问题, 也可先读问题再看文章。

根据实际经验, 我们发现从问题入手阅读效率会更高些。

因为,一般来说问题的语言较为简单明确, 容易理解。

考生读后可首先了解问题的内容, 带着问题去阅读文章,可做到阅读时目标明确,有的放矢,尽量减少盲目性阅读。

(六此部分填空题一般包含 12个空白处,要求考生从给出的三个选择项中选择一个填入空白处。

主要是测试考生的语法知识, 考查考生对文章的整体及上下文的理解以及对语法结构的分析能力。

这部分所要填的词主要是虚词,如介词、连词及冠词等 ; 也有少量实词, 如动词、代词、副词等。




表格内有五个空白栏, 考生必须填上一个单词、一个数字或一个词组。


需要提醒考生注意的是,考题要求第三点里的“ in CAPITAL LETTERS” ,意为用大写字母填写答案, 这一要求很容易被考生忽略, 所以考生务必要认真阅读考题要求, 不
