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定义: 定义 BTS是指在指点的生产日按照正确的生产顺序完成生产计划的比例情况。BTS 反映了工厂能够按照客户的要求完成生产的能力,客户需何种产品,何时需要和客 户使用产品的顺序。 BTS% = Volume% X Mix% X Sequence% Volume Performance: 产量性能用于监控生产计划完成情况。 Mix Performance: BTS的混线性能用于测量在厂内制造的产品系/型号/类型等在适当的生产日的完 成比率。 Sequence Performance: BTS的顺序性能用于测量在适当的生产日按照正确的生产顺序完成生产任务的比 率。
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= = = = = = = = = = = =
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First Time Through Calculation (FTT)
730/12 原材料+半成品+最终产品 300 181 3 3 200 300/60.83 181/60.83 3/60.83 3/60.83 200/60.83
=4.93小时 =2.98小时 =0.05小时 =0.05小时 =3.29小时 =11.3小时 铸就商用车领域成功企业的典范
Total DTD= 4.93+ 2.98+ 0.05+ 0.05+ 3.29
单工序: 单工序: 进入数量 报废 返工 测试 下线修理 FTT% FTT% 多工序: 多工序: FTT (工序1) FTT (工序2) FTT (工序3) 最终检验(工序4) 总FTT% Total FTT%
29755-00-OutlookSpeech-30Aug02-CH-dwl-SHI-color.ppt Create a model of successful enterprise in the field of commercial vehicles
Lean Manufacturing 精益生产
Ford Motor China 福特汽车中国
First Time Through Calculation (FTT)
Definition: First Time Through is the percentage of units that complete a process and meet quality guidelines the first time without being scraped, rerun, retested, diverted for off-line repair, or returned. It is a measure of the quality of the manufacturing process. 定义: 定义 首次通过率是指一次性完成一个生产过程并且满足质量要求的零件的百分率, 不包括报废,返工,再测试,下线修理或返回。FTT 用于衡量制造过程的质量。 FTT= Units entering process-(scrap+reruns+retests+repaired off-line+returns) Units entering process
Total Dock To Dock Calculation (DTD)
Definition: Dock to Dock is the elapsed time between the unloading of raw materials and the release of finished goods for shipment. DTD measures how fast raw materials are converted to finished goods and shipped. It is a measure of the speed of material through the plant, not the speed of the processes. 定义: DTD指从原材料到发运产品之间的总运转时间间隔。DTD用于测量原材料转化 成成品发运的速度。也就是指材料通过工厂的速度,而不是加工工艺的速度。
Process with a sequenced ‘batch of many’ schedule 铸就商用车领域成功企业的典范
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质量率: 质量率 总零件数 返工数 报废数 质量率 总设备利用率: 总设备利用率: 利用率 性能效率 质量率 总设备利用率 OEE = = = = 86.3% 83.4% 93.8% 86.3% X 83.4% X 93.8% = 1440 = 50 = 40 = 1440 – (50+ 40) = 93.8%
Total Dock To Dock Calculation (DTD)
The End of Line Rate is calculated off the last operation in the manufacturing line for a product: 总产量 = 730 (最终工位) 生产时间 = 12小时 (正常生产时间10小时+加班时间2小时) End of Line Rate 各区域数量 原材料 工序1 工序2 工序3 最终产品 DTD(原材料) DTD (工序1) DTD (工序2) DTD (工序3) DTD (最终产品)
DTD (Single Operation) = Total Units of Control Part End of line Rate DTD (Multiple Operation)= DTD(OP 1)+DTD(OP 2)+… End of line Rate
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29755-00-OutlookSpeech-30Aug02-CH-dwl-SHI-color.ppt Create a model of successful enterprise in the field of commercial vehicles
Overall Equipment Effecwk.baidu.comiveness (OEE)
利用率: 利用率: 总计划时间(包括加班) 计划停线时间(30分钟午饭+30分钟休息) 净利用时间 其它停线时间 作业时间 可利用率 性能效率: 性能效率 理想循环时间 总零件数 作业时间 性能效率 = 0.33分钟/件 = 1440 = 570分钟 = 0.33 X 1440 570 =83.4% = 720分钟 = 30+30 = 720-60 = 45+45 = 660-90 = 570/660 = 60分钟 = 660分钟 = 90分钟 = 570分钟 =86.3%
Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)
Definition: OEE is a combination of three different calculations. It is a measure of the availability, performance efficiency, and quality rate of a given piece of equipment. OEE data will help identify several wastes caused by machine/process inefficiencies. Stretch objective: 85% 定义:OEE是三个不同计算值的乘积,用于测量指定设备的利用率,性能效率 和质量率。OEE 数据可以帮助识别由设备/过程不足引起的不同的浪费。 接受标准: 85% OEE Availability Performance Efficiency Quality = = = = Availability X Performance Efficiency X Quality Operation Time Net Available Time Ideal cycle time X Total parts run Operating Time Total parts run – Total defects Total parts run
= 1000 = 10 = 15 = 5 = 0 = 1000 -(10+ 15+ 5+ 0) 1000 = 97.0%
= = = = =
92.87% 87.65% 82.34% 82.34% 92.87% X 87.65% X 82.34% X 82.34%
= 44.22%
Definition: Build to schedule is the percentage of products shceduled for a given day that are produced on that day, in the correct sequence. BTS reflects the plant’s ability to produce what it’s customers want, when it’s customers want it, and in the order the customers use the product. BTS% = Volume% X Mix% X Sequence% Volume Performance: Volume Performance, is the traditional measure that manufacturing has used to monitor their performance to schedule. Mix Performance: The Mix component of BTS measures the percentage of product derivatives/models/types that a plant builds on the right day. Sequence Performance: The sequence component of BTS measures the percentage of those products built on the right day that were also built in the right sequence.
= 67.5%
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Build to Schedule (BTS)
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Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)