商务英语 资料大全

商务英语学习资料1.i'm an office worker. 我是上班族。
2.i work for the government. 我在政府机关做事。
3.i'm happy to meet you. 很快乐见到你。
4.i like your sense of humor. 我喜欢你的幽默感。
5.i'm glad to see you again. 很快乐再次见到你。
6.i'll call you. 我会打给你。
7.i feel like sleeping / taking a walk. 我想睡/散步。
8.i want something to eat. 我想吃点东西。
9.i need your help. 我需要你的帮助。
10.i would like to talk to you for a minute. 我想和你谈一下。
11.i have a lot of problems. 我有很多问题。
12.i hope our dreams e true. 我希望我们的梦想成真。
13.i'm looking forward to seeing you. 我期望见到你。
hearing from you14.i'm supposed to go on a diet / get a raise. 我应该节食/涨工资。
15.i heard that you're getting married. congratulations.听说你要结婚了,恭喜!16.i see what your mean. 我了解你的意思。
17.i can't do this. 我不能这么做。
18.let me explain why i was late. 让我解释迟到的理由。
19.let's have a beer or something. 咱们喝点啤酒什么的。

商务英语词汇大全文库一、国际贸易1. 进出口:Import / Export2. 贸易顺差:Trade Surplus3. 贸易逆差:Trade Deficit4. 自由贸易区:Free Trade Zone (FTZ)5. 关税:Tariff6. 世界贸易组织:World Trade Organization (WTO)7. 贸易壁垒:Trade Barrier8. 非关税壁垒:Non-T ariff Barrier (NTB)9. 贸易协定:Trade Agreement10. 区域经济一体化:Regional Economic Integration二、商务谈判1. 谈判:Negotiation2. 议价:Bargaining3. 报价:Quotation4. 还价:Counteroffer5. 合同:Contract6. 交货期:Delivery Date7. 支付方式:Payment Method8. 谈判策略:Negotiation Strategy9. 协商:Mediation10. 仲裁:Arbitration三、营销策略1. 市场调研:Market Research2. 目标市场:Target Market3. 产品定位:Product Positioning4. 品牌建设:Brand Building5. 促销策略:Promotion Strategy6. 广告宣传:Advertising Promotion7. 公共关系:Public Relations (PR)8. 市场细分:Market Segmentation9. 定价策略:Pricing Strategy10. 销售渠道:Sales Channel四、金融与投资1. 货币:Currency2. 外汇:Foreign Exchange (FX)3. 本币:Domestic Currency4. 外汇市场:Foreign Exchange Market (FX Market)5. 国际金融市场:International Financial Market (IFM)6. 投资组合:Portfolio7. 股票:Stocks8. 债券:Bonds9. 期货与期权:Futures & Options10. 对冲基金:Hedge Funds11. 风险投资:Venture Capital (VC)12. 私募股权投资:Private Equity (PE)。

1.Enclosed please find a copy of our price list.随函附上我方价目表一份,请查收。
2.However,up to the present writing, we have not had the pleasure of hearing from you. 然而,迄今为止未见贵方赐复。
3. We should be much obliged if you could make us a firm offer for 100 tons. 如能报给我方一个100的实盘,我方将不胜感激。
4.Your early reply will be highly appreciated.Your prompt cooperation will be highly appreciated.5. If you will kindly inform us as to his financial standing, reliability and reputation for paying bills, we shall greatly appreciate the favor. 如蒙贵方将他的信用状况及付款方面的信誉状况告知我方,我方将非常感激。
6.、、、fall/come within the scope of our business activities、、、是我们的业务范围7.、、、enter into/establish direct business relations 建立直接的业务关系8.FOB:Free on Board 离岸价CFR;Cost and FreightCIF;Cost,Insurance and Freight9. pay on demand 见票即汇at a future fixed timeBearer 持票人at a 60 days sightSight bill 即期汇票time bill 远期汇票Seventy-five thousand only(整)Negotiable 转让drawer 出票人drawee 授票人endorsement 背书10.Collection 托收Document Against Payment D/P 付款交单Document Against Acceptance D/A 承兑交单Shipping documents货运单据:Performa invoice 形式发票,Commercial invoice商业发票,Bill of landing提单(B/L)Inspection certificate 商检证Shipping advice 装运通知Policy of insurance 保险单Customs declaration 报关单Bill of exchange 汇票(Draft)Letter of Credit 信用证(L/C)Certificate of origin 产地证明Clean bill 清洁提单Unclean bill12.Effect/make paymentThe full payment is effectedEffect/make shipment (of the ordered goods)13. PS: Poster Script 备注14.Rules in Business English(5C)Clear. Concise. Complete. Correct. Concrete.15. Irrevocable L/C 不可撤销的L/CRevocable L/C 可撤销的L/C16.词语叠用Sole and exclusive Effective and efficient Final and conclusiveTrue and correct Force and effect Type and kindPower and authority Obligation and responsibilityBind and obligate Finish and completeRelieve and discharge Request and demand17. 经贸翻译Part1.This company specialized in importing textile.我们公司专营纺织品的进口业务。

《商务英语口语大全【完整版】》一、商务问候与介绍1. 问候Good morning/afternoon/evening, it's a pleasure to meet you.(早上/下午/晚上好,很高兴见到您。
)How do you do? I've heard a lot about you.(您好,我久闻大名。
)It's nice to finally put a face to the name.(很高兴能将名字与人对上号。
)2. 自我介绍My name is [Your Name], and I'm the [Your Position] at [Company Name].(我叫[您的名字],是[公司名称]的[您的职位]。
) I'm looking forward to working with you on this project.(我期待与您共事这个项目。
)二、商务洽谈与沟通1. 表达意见In my opinion, [Your Opinion].(在我看来,[您的意见]。
)I believe that [Your Idea] could be beneficial for both parties.(我相信[您的想法]对双方都有益。
)I'd like to suggest [Your Suggestion].(我想提出[您的建议]。
)2. 谈判技巧I understand your concerns, but let's consider the possibilities from another angle.(我理解您的担忧,但让我们从另一个角度考虑一下可能性。
)If we can agree on [Certain Terms], I'm confident that we can finalize the deal.(如果我们能在[特定条款]上达成一致,我相信我们可以完成这笔交易。

商务英语词汇大全一、基本商务术语1. 商务活动(Business Activity)2. 市场营销(Marketing)3. 销售额(Sales Revenue)4. 成本(Cost)5. 利润(Profit)6. 投资回报率(Return on Investment, ROI)7.SWOT分析(Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)8. 目标市场(Target Market)9. 市场细分(Market Segmentation)10. 定位(Positioning)二、商务谈判术语1. 谈判(Negotiation)2. 合同(Contract)3. 报价(Quotation)4. 还价(Counteroffer)5. 成交(Close the Deal)6. 付款方式(Payment Terms)7. 交货期(Delivery Time)8. 质量保证(Quality Assurance)9. 售后服务(Aftersales Service)10. 合作伙伴(Business Partner)三、商务函电术语1. 询盘(Inquiry)2. 报盘(Offer)3. 订单(Order)4. 发票(Invoice)5. 装箱单(Packing List)6. 信用证(Letter of Credit, L/C)7. 汇票(Bill of Exchange)8. 托运单(Shipping Order)9. 提单(Bill of Lading)10. 保险(Insurance)四、人力资源术语1. 招聘(Recruitment)2. 简历(Resume)3. 面试(Interview)4. 培训(Training)5. 薪资(Salary)6. 福利(Benefits)7. 绩效考核(Performance Appraisal)8. 晋升(Promotion)9. 劳动合同(Labor Contract)10. 职业规划(Career Planning)五、企业运营术语1. 企业战略(Corporate Strategy)2. 企业文化(Corporate Culture)3. 组织结构(Organizational Structure)4. 部门(Department)5. 团队协作(Teamwork)6. 项目管理(Project Management)7. 生产计划(Production Plan)8. 供应链管理(Supply Chain Management)9. 库存(Inventory)10. 客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management, CRM)六、财务与会计术语1. 财务报表(Financial Statements)2. 资产(Assets)3. 负债(Liabilities)4. 所有者权益(Owner's Equity)5. 现金流(Cash Flow)7. 资产负债表(Balance Sheet)8. 利润分配(Profit Distribution)9. 折旧(Depreciation)10. 纳税(Taxation)七、国际贸易术语1. 进口(Import)2. 出口(Export)3. 贸易壁垒(Trade Barrier)4. 关税(Tariff)5. 配额(Quota)6. 原产地证明(Certificate of Origin)7. 贸易术语(Trade Terms,如FOB、CIF等)8. 国际支付(International Payment)9. 外汇(Foreign Exchange)10. 世界贸易组织(World Trade Organization, WTO)八、市场营销策略术语1. 市场调研(Market Research)2. 产品生命周期(Product Life Cycle)3. 广告(Advertising)4. 促销(Promotion)5. 公关(Public Relations)6. 品牌战略(Brand Strategy)7. 网络营销(Internet Marketing)8. 社交媒体营销(Social Media Marketing)9. 客户满意度(Customer Satisfaction)10. 忠诚度计划(Loyalty Program)九、企业管理术语1. 领导力(Leadership)2. 决策(Decision Making)3. 风险管理(Risk Management)4. 企业伦理(Business Ethics)5. 知识管理(Knowledge Management)6. 创新能力(Innovation Capability)7. 企业形象(Corporate Image)8. 危机管理(Crisis Management)9. 持续改进(Continuous Improvement)10. 企业社会责任(Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR)十、电子商务术语2. 在线支付(Online Payment)3. 网络安全(Network Security)4. 顾客评价(Customer Review)6. 网络营销策略(Online Marketing Strategy)7. 搜索引擎优化(Search Engine Optimization, SEO)8. 率(Clickthrough Rate, CTR)9. 转化率(Conversion Rate)通过这些词汇的积累,您将能够在商务交流中更加得心应手,展现出您的专业素养和沟通能力。

商务英语大全Business English Summary: Source GathererFinance and Accounting: XXX: Tax FilingXXX XXX is the amount that is XXX the decrease in the value of an asset over time。
A dependent is a person who is supported by another person。
n refers to the process of XXX E-filing is the process of filing tax returns online。
Freight is the cost of XXX is the amount of e that is not subject to tax。
Head of household is the person who XXX of financial support to a household。
Net e is the amount of e left after all XXX who choose to file separate tax returns。
Net sales are the sales revenue minus the cost of goods sold。
A return is the amount of money XXX are the costs associated with running a business。
Tax arrears are the taxes that are owed but have not been paid。
Sales revenue is the amount of money a company earns from selling goods or services。

商务英语Chapter1 Setting Up a Business ⑴Sole proprietorship个人独资企业,个体户本章重要词组:Sole proprietorship个体户sales revenue销售收入double taxation双重征税Limited liability company 有限责任公司dividend股息,分红Chapter2 Marketing: an Overview⑴The functions of marketing①Marketing research ②Acquiring ③Selling ④Transportation ⑤Storage ⑥Finance and Credit ⑦Risk Taking ⑧Standardization and Grading⑵4〞p〞:①Product ②price ③promotion ④place本章重要词组:market segmentation市场细分legal tender 法定货币Chapter3 Products and Pricing完形填空⑴Product life cycle:①introduction 特点:profits tend to be small and even losses may occur②growth 特点:sales increase quickly and profits begin to pour in○3maturity 特点:the total sales volume begins to fall,and the profits start to shrink .④decline 特点:the demand for the product continues to fall and so does the sales volume.⑵skimming strategy:When a product is at the introduction stage of its life cycle and there is little competition,it can be priced high to make maximum profit and skim the “cream〞of the market.本章重要词组:Product life cycle产品生命周期〔中英互译〕profit-oriented objectives利润导向型目的sales-oriented objective销售额导向型目的skimming strategy撇脂战略Return on capital 投资回报率break—even analysis 盈亏平衡点分析Chapter4 Channels of distributionWholesaler批发商:wholesaler are middlemen who buy in large quantities from the producers and redistribute the goods to the middlemen at the next level retailers.Water 海上运输最廉价air 空运最贵本章重要词组:Channels of distribution分销渠道Chapter5 Promotion完形填空⑴The combination of the promotional tools is called the promotion mix.Tools that are commonly used for promotion are advertising广告, sales promotion促销,personal selling当面行销, public relations公共关系, publicity媒体推介, etc. At the core of the mix, of course, is a good product. Without such a product, the tools will be uesless or produce undesirable results.(2) Advertising media are newspaper,television,radio,direct mail,the internet,outdoor billboards,yellow pagesTelevision电视广告最贵本章的重要词组:promotion mix促销组合coupon打折券trade stamp行业实惠券trade show 行业展览会personal selling当面行销Chapter6 Money and Banking影响货币供应的三个工具:reserve requirements,changes in the discount rates,and open—market operations.本章重要词组:paper note 纸币legal tender法定货币time deposit定期存款demand deposit活期存款banker’s acceptance银行承兑credit card信誉卡debit card借记卡pension fund养老基金reserve requirements贮存金要求discount rate贴现率open-market operation公开市场运作Chapter7 Financing1、Trade credit分为三类:open account开立账户promissory note本票draft汇票2、promissory note(定义) which is an unconditional written promise by the buyer to make repayment to the seller on a particular date.本章重要词组:trade credit行业信誉account receivable应收账款account payable应付账款open account开立账户promissory note本票draft汇票compensating balance补偿余额retained earnings留用利润depreciation折旧equity financing股权融资debt financing债务融资preferred stock优先股融资方式分两种:long—term financing short—term financingChapter8 Accounting⑴Balance sheet(定义) is one type of financial statement,which reports the financial health of a firm on a specific date.A banlance sheet is made up of three types of account,i.e. assets 资产,liabilities负债and owner s’ equity全部者权益.Assets are what a business owns.assets = liabilities + owner’s equity (资产=负债+全部者权益)⑵Gross profit margin = Gross profit / Net salesNet profit margin = Net income / Net sales本章重要词组:balance sheet 资产负债表current assets流淌资产fixed assets 固定资产current liabilities流淌负债long-term liabilities长期负债current ratio流淌比率quick ratio速动比率income statement损益表gross profit margin毛利润率net profit margin 净利润率return on owners’ investment投资回报率Chapter9 The Securities Market本章重要词组:securities market证券市场stock speculator股票投机者Chapter12 International Business⑴Foreign exchange定义:Doing international business often involves use of currencies different from your own.本章重要词组:absolute advantage肯定优势comparative advantage相对优势licensing arrangement特许协议multinatioal corporation跨国公司foreign exchange外汇import surtax进口附加税tariffs关税quota配额import license进口答应证Chapter13 Managing Business Enterprises1、Planning:Planning involves setting goals and working out strategies to achieve the goals。

商务英语常用基本小资料*商业信函常用开头语*1. 特此奉告等To inform one of;To say;To state;To communicate;To advise one of;To bring to one‘s notice (knowledge);To lay before one;To point out;To indicate;To mention;To apprise one of;To announce;To remark;To call one’s attention to;To remind one of;etc.1. We are pleased to inform you that2. We have pleasure in informing you that3. We have the pleasure to apprise you of4. We have the honour to inform you that (of)5. We take the liberty of announcing to you that6. We have to inform you that (of)7. We have to advise you of (that)8. We wish to inform you that (of)9. We think it advisable to inform you that (of)10. We are pleased to have this opportunity of reminding you that (of)11. We take the advantage of this opportunity to bring before your notice12. Please allow us to call your attention to13. Permit us to remind you that (of)14. May we ask your attention to15. We feel it our duty to inform you that (of)2. 为(目的)奉告某某事项1. The purpose of this letter is to inform you that (of)2. The purport of this line is to advise you that (of)3. The object of the present is to report you that4. The object of this letter is to tell you that5. By this letter we Purpose to inform you that (of)6. Through the present we wish to intimate to you that7. The present serves to acquaint you that3. 惠请告知某某事项等1. Please inform me that (of)2. Kindly inform me that (of)3. Be good enough to inform me that (of)4. Be so good as to inform me that (of)5. Have the goodness to inform me that (of)6. Oblige me by informing that (of)7. I should be obliged if you would inform me that (of)8. I should be glad if you would inform me that (of)9. I should esteem it a favour if you would inform me that (of)10. I will thank you to inform me that (of)11. You will greatly oblige me by informing that (of)12. We shall be obliged if you will inform us that (of)13. We shall be pleased to have your information regarding (on,as to;about)14. We shall deem it a favour if you will advise us of15. We shall esteem it a high favour if you will inform us that (of)4. 特确认,本公司某月某日函件等1. We confirm our respects of the l0th May2. We confirm our letter of the l0th of this month3. We confirm our last letter of the l0th June4. We had the pleasure of writing you last on the l0th of this month5. We confirm our respects of the l0th June6. We confirm the remarks made in our respects of the l0th July7. We confirm the particulars of our enquiry by telephone of this morning8. In confirming our telegram of this morning,-9. Confirming our respects of the 10th May,-10. Confirming our last of the 10th June,-5. 贵公司某月某日函电,敬悉等l. We have pleasure in acknowledging receipt of your esteemed favour of the 3rd May2. We are pleased to acknowledge receipt of your favour of the lst June3. We have to acknowhedge receipt of your favour of the 5th July4. Your letter of May 5 was very welcome5. Your letter of April l0 gave me much pleasure6. Your esteemed favour of 7th May was duly received by us7. Your favour of the 5th June is duly to hand8. Your favour of the l0th is to (at)hand9. We are in due receipt of your favour dated the 7th June10. We are in receipt of your letter of the 7th July11. We are in possession of your letter of the 5th April12. We have duly received your favour of the 5th March13. Your letter of yesterday‘s date is duly to (at)hand14. Your esteemed communication of yesterday‘s date is just to (at)hand15. We thank you for your favour of the 5th May16. We are obliged for your letter of the 5th May17. Many thanks for your latter of the 5th June18. Very many thanks for your letter of May 519. In acknowledging receipt of your letter of the 5th June,……20. Your favour of the 5th May has just reached me21. Your favour of the 5th May is duly received22. Your favour of the 5th May is now before me23. Your promised letter under date (of)the 5th June has just reached us(6)特回答贵公司某月某日函所叙述有关事项等1. I have the pleasure of stating,in answer to your inquiry of the 4th inst,that2. In reply to your letter of the 5th of May,I have to inform you that (of)3. I hasten to answer your inquiry of the l5th May,by stating that4. We are in receipt of yours of the 5th June,in reply to which we are pleased to state that5. In reply to yours of the l0th May,relative to……,I would say that6. I am in receipt of your favour of the 7th May,and in response I inform you that (of)7. In response to your letter of l0th May,I wish to say that8. In answer to your favour of the 5th May regarding……I reply as follows:9. Answering your letter of the 8th of February re……,I would say that10. In reply to your letter of February 8th,I inform you that (of)11. Replying to yours of the 8th of February regarding……,I would say that12. Replying to your favour under date of February 8th re……,I say that (7)非常遗憾,我们奉告您关于,等。

1. 《商务英语教程-国际商务实践》:该教材详细介绍了国际商务的概念、流程和关键技巧,适合初学者入门。
2. 《商务英语口语速成》:该书以实际商务场景为背景,提供了大量的对话和练习,帮助读者快速掌握商务英语口语表达。
3. 《商务英语写作》:该书以写作为重点,涵盖了商务报告、商务邮件、商务函件等常见的商务写作形式,对商务英语写作有较全面的介绍。
4. 网上商务英语学习资源:可以通过在线课程、学习平台或者订阅商务英语学习资料,例如Coursera、Udemy和LinkedIn Learning等。
5. 商务英语学习网站和应用程序:许多免费的商务英语学习资源可在网上找到,例如BBC Learning English、EF Englishtown和Duolingo等。

Job titles 工作头衔
Personnel Manager/Human Resources Manager 人事经理 Chief Accountant 总会计师 Sales Manager 销售经理 Marketing Manager 营销经理 Public Relations Manager 公关经理 Advertising Manager 广告经理 Works/Factory/Production Manager 生产经理 Purchasing Manager 采购经理 After-sales Manager 售后经理
New Words & Expressions
destination n. 目的地 follow-up questions 后续问题,补充问题 varied adj. 多变化的,各不相同的 confectionary adj. 糖果的,有关甜食制造的 annual adj. 每年的,年度的 allocate vt. 分配,分派 candidate n. 候选人 criterion n. 标准,准则 pl.(复数) criteria
New Words & Expressions
Inc. adj. Incorporated 的缩写,股份有限的 employee n. 员工,雇员 value n. 价值观,准则 supervise vt. 主管,监管,管理 coordinate vt. 使协调 scuba diving 水肺潜水 marathon n. 马拉松赛跑 finance assistant 财务助理 audit vt. 审计
New Words & Expressions
efficiency n. 效率 profit n. 利润 mentor n. 良师益友 make contribution to 为……做贡献 personal problem 个人(私人)问题 set an example to 树立榜样 be based in 在……总部 raise money 募捐

商务英语汇总:来源聚行家财务与会计:损益表税务:报税beginning inventory :期初存货charitable donation :慈善捐款cost of goods sold :销货成本deduction :n.扣除;扣除额depreciation :n.折旧dependent :n.被抚养人distribution :n.配销e-filing :n.网络报税freight :n.运费exemption :n.免税额gross margin :毛利filing status :报税身分income statement :损益表head of household :户长net income :净损益,净收入married filing separately :已婚分报net sales :销货净额return :n.退税;收益operating expense :营业费用tax arrears :欠税,滞纳税金sales revenue :销货收入tax credit :税款扣抵额财务与会计:资产负债表tax evasion :逃(漏)税accumulated depreciation :备抵折旧tax return :报税单asset :n.资产tax saving :节税balance sheet :资产负债表unearned income :非劳动收入contributed capital :实缴股本税务:税务事宜fixed asset :固定资产alimony :n.赡养费liability :n.负债corporate tax :企业税notes payable :应付票据direct tax :直接税prepaid expense :预付款项excluding tax :不含税retained earnings :保留盈余gift tax :赠与税stockholders' equity :股东权益income tax :所得税产业:品管inheritance tax :遗产税batch :n.一批IRS (Internal Revenue Service) :美国国税局glitch :n.缺失progressive taxation :累进课税inspection :n.检查tax break :减税优惠leave out :遗漏tax increase :增税QC history :品管记录tax reform :税务改革QC procedure :品管流程tax revenue :税收quality standard :质量标准taxation :n.课税;征税random sampling :随机抽样taxpayer :n.纳税人recall :v.回收谈判:代理权reject :v.拒收;退回allowance :n.折让;备抵simulation test :模拟测试distribute :v.经销;代理产业:生产制造distribution network :经销网assembly line :装配线distributorship :n.代理权;经销权automated :a.自动化的exclusive :a.独家的breakthrough :n.突破hammer out :敲定capacity utilization :产能利用minimum :a.最低的component :n.零件normally :adv.通常;一般情形electronics :n.电子产品null and void :(法律上)无效的farm produce :农业产品third party :第三方global warming :全球暖化written consent :书面同意书high-tech industry :高科技产业谈判:合约labor-intensive :a.劳力密集的alliance :n.结盟;联盟manufacturing :n.制造amend :v.修改;修订mass production :大量制造attorney :n.律师offshoring :n.产业外移beneficial :a.受益的;有利的outsource :v.外包breach :n.违反;侵害power failure :停电clause :n.条款production capacity :产能commit :v.承诺;保证production process :生产流程compromise :v.妥协;让步recycling :n.回收;再生contract :n.合约semiconductor :n.半导体deadlock :n.僵局service industry :服务业dotted line :(尤指文件签名处之)点线;虚线waste disposal :废弃物处理draft :n.草稿;草案国际贸易:货运negotiator :n.谈判者;磋商者cash on delivery :货到付款party :n.(契约)当事人;一方delay :v.延迟resume :v.重新开始free on board :船上交货terminate :v.终止;终结ground delivery :海陆运输terms and conditions :交易条款letter of credit :信用状timetable :n.时间表lump sum :一次付清谈判:议价Net 30 :货到后三十日付款affordable :a.负担得起的net weight :净重bargain :v.议价pallet :n.(装卸、搬运货物用的)货板discount :n.折扣rush order :紧急订单;急件going rate :现行价格;现在行情shipment :n.货运物;货运in bulk :大量国际贸易:进出口outrageous :a.荒唐的;骇人听闻的customs duty :关税preferential price :优惠价格duty-free :a.免税的price war :价格战;削价竞争export :n.出口profit margin :毛利(率)import ban :进口禁令profitable :a.有利润的;有赚头的import restriction :进口限制quantity :n.数量;数额import substitution :进口替代quote :n.报价non-tariff barrier :非关税壁垒reflect :v.反映quarantine :n.检疫;隔离throw in :外加;额外赠送quota :n.配额通讯:传真smuggling :n.走私cover sheet :封面页国际贸易:贸易face down :正面朝下barrier :n.障碍fax machine :传真机bilateral :a.双边的incoming :a.传进来的boycott :v.抵制paper jam :卡纸dumping :n.倾销refill :v.再装填free trade :自由贸易resolution :n.分辨率Normal Trade Relations :正常贸易关系scan :v.扫描protectionism :n.保护主义通讯:电话英语trade agreement :贸易协议call waiting :电话插拨trade friction :贸易磨擦caller ID :来电显示器trade imbalance :贸易不均衡cell phone :手机trade surplus :贸易出超cold call :陌生电访;主动以电话推销商品trade talk :贸易会谈cordless :a.无线的国际贸易:外汇dial tone :拨号音currency :n.货币,通货directory assistance :查号服务devalue :v.贬值extension :n.分机号码downward :a.下降的,向下的long-distance call :长途电话exchange rate :汇率payphone :n.公共电话float :v.浮动receiver :n.电话筒fluctuation :n.变动,波动reception :n.收讯;接收foreign exchange :外汇telemarketing :n.电话营销foreign exchange loss :汇兑损失text message :简讯in dollar terms :以美元换算toll-free :a.免付费的intervention :n.干预;介入touch-tone phone :按键式电话peg :n.连动;紧盯(某货币) transfer :v.转接purchasing power parity :购买力平价voicemail :n.语音信箱selling pressure :卖压wrong number :打错电话volatile :a.不稳定的;易波动的通讯:电子邮件会议:会后attachment :n.附加檔consensus :n.(意见等的〉一致;共识capacity :n.容量decision :n.决定;裁决CC (carbon copy) :副件抄送get down to business :开始办正事delete :v.删除implement :v.实施;执行download :v.下载minutes :n.会议记录e-mail :v.寄电子邮件postpone :v.延期forward :v.转寄tie up loose ends :处理枝节问题junk mail :垃圾邮件unresolved :a.未解决的mailbox :n.邮件信箱会议:会前recipient :n.收件者announce :v.宣布reply :n.回复chairman :n.主席salutation :n.称谓conference room :会议室subject :n.主旨document :n.文件通讯:邮件equipment :n.设备fragile :a.易碎的formal :a.正式的mail order :邮政划拨location :n.地点mailman :n.邮差meeting notice :会议通知parcel :n.包裹participate :v.参加postage :n.邮资reschedule :v.重新安排postmark :v.邮戳会议:会中printed matter :印刷品brainstorm :v.脑力激荡registered letter :挂号信clarify :v.澄清return address :寄件人地址debate :n.辩论sender :n.寄件者disagree :v.不同意zip code :邮政编码elaborate :v.详述;详加说明投资:股市finalize :v.完成;敲定investor:n.投资人,投资方fire away :尽管说;尽管问吧analyst :n.分析师floor :n.发言权anticipation :n.预期input :n.(建设性的)意见、评论asking price :卖价interrupt :v.打断;插嘴bear market :熊市motion :n.临时动议bellwether :n.指标证券;指标股nominate :v.提名blue-chip :a.蓝筹股的objective :n.目的bottom out :止跌回稳pick someone’s brain :听取意见或建议decline :v.下跌point fingers :(轻蔑地)指责dividend :n.股利pros and cons :利弊得失EPS (earnings per share) :每股盈余reconvene :v.再召开;再召集individual investor :散户resolution :n.(会议等的)决议insider trading :内线交易summarize :v.摘要;扼要说明IPO (initial public offering) :首次公开发行table :v.搁置jump :v.快速大幅上涨unanimous :a.一致同意的;无异议的limit up :涨停板you’re up :该你了;轮到你了make a profit :获利简报:使用图表margin trading :信用交易attention :n.注意mixed :a.涨跌互见的compared to :与……相比online trading account :在线交易账户erratic :a.不稳定的;无规律的OTC market :店头市场figure :n.数字peak :n.顶点;高点fluctuate :v.波动;震荡plunge :v.快速大幅下跌level out :持平portfolio :n.投资组合make up :占了;凑足pullback :n.拉回pick up :(销售等)开始好转、增加quarterly report :季报plateau :n.(上升后的)稳定水平(或时期) rally :v.扬升share :n.占有率rebound :n.反弹sliver :n.薄片record high :历史新高transparency :n.投影片run up :走高简报:作简报SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) :证券管理委员会come down to :最重要的是share price :股价conclude :v.作总结sink :v.向下探底condition :v.影响;调整soar :v.飙涨divide :v.分成;分开stay on the sidelines :退场观望forecast :n.预测stock market :股市fruits of (one’s) labor :努力的成果stock split :股票分割goal :n.目标;目的stockbroker :n.股票经纪人handout :n.讲稿;讲义TAIEX (Taiwan Stock Exchange Stock Index) :台湾证券交易股价指数keep up the good work :好好继续保持trading volume :交易量make it big :大获成功undervalue :v.低估overview :n.概观;大要投资:基金与其他reverse :v.反转;逆转bond fund :债券型基金revolutionary :a.革命性的closed-end fund :封闭型running :adv.连续地derivative :n.衍生商品selling point :卖点equity fund :股票型基金team up with :与……合作fund manager :基金经理人total sales :总销售额futures :n.期货video :n.影片hedge fund :避险基金wrap up :完成;结束index fund :指数型基金经济:国际经济leverage :n.杠杆bailout :n.紧急援助management fee :管理费creditor nation :债权国mutual fund :共同基金developed country :已开发国家offshore fund :海外基金emerging market :新兴市场option :n.选择权European Union :欧盟REIT (Real Estate Investment Trust) :不动产投资信托基金G10 :十大工业国trust :n.信托globalization :n.全球化warrant :n.认股凭证IMF :国际货币基金投资:债券sanction :n.制裁bond rating :债券评等summit :n.高峰会convertible bond :可转换债券World Bank :世界银行government bond :政府债券WTO :世贸组织junk bond :垃圾债券经济:国内经济medium-term note :中期债券budget bill :预算案par value :面值budget deficit :预算赤字premium :n.溢价economic policy :经济政策redeem :v.赎回economic reform :经济改革T-Note (Treasury note) :中期国库券electricity :n.电力underwriter :n.(股票、债券等的)承销公司;承销商infrastructure :n.基础建设yield :n.收益investment environment :投资环境行销:促销monetary policy :货币政策coupon :n.折价券real estate :房地产feature :n.特性subsidy :n.补助,补贴flier :n.传单unemployment rate :失业率free sample :免费样品经济:经济趋势giveaway :n.赠品economic fluctuation :经济波动like gangbusters :狂销;热卖inflation :n.通货膨胀poster :n.海报lagging indicator :落后指标promotional campaign :促销活动optimistic :a.乐观的sachet :n.试用包outlook :n.展望sales promotion :促销recession :n.景气衰退sport :v.展现;夸示recovery :n.复苏target :v.锁定stagnant :a.停滞的行销:广告宣传turnaround :n.(营业、经济等的)突然好转billboard :n.广告广告牌经济:经济学用语come on the market :上市bubble economy :泡沫经济commercial :n.电视广告current account :经常帐exposure :n.曝光(率)deficit :n.赤字;逆差eye-catching :a.引人注目的domestic demand :国内需求Internet ad :网络广告economic growth :经济成长media :n.媒体economic statistics :经济统计print ad :平面广告export-oriented economy :出口导向经济slogan :n.标语;口号foreign exchange reserve :外汇存底theme :n.主题GDP :n.国内生产毛额trademark :n.商标index :n.指数user-friendly :a.使用方便的indicator :n.指标行销:商展liberalization :n.自由化bottom line :结余;结算macroeconomics :n.总体经济学bundle :n.搭售商品market economy :市场经济convention :n.(专业)展览会standard of living :生活水平demonstration :n.展示undersupply :n.供给不足entrance :n.入口客服:客户投诉go with :选择;决定采用break down :故障high traffic :a.高流量的claim :n.(保险)理赔;费用申请marketing material :营销材料;宣传品complaint :n.抱怨;不满sign :n.标志criticism :n.批评trade show :商展defective :a.瑕疵的;有缺陷的turnout :n.出席者;参观人数feedback :n.意见反映visible :a.显眼的improve :v.改进;改善行销:行销企划invalid :a.无效的competition :n.竞争;竞争对手price list :价目表customer base :顾客群product quality :产品质量distribution :n.经销;配销purchase :n.购买market research :市场研究refund :n.退费market survey :市场调查replacement :n.更换marketing budget :营销预算warranty :n.保固marketing plan :营销计划客服:售后服务marketing strategy :营销策略assemble :v.聚集,组装potential client :潜在客户customer satisfaction :客户满意(度) pricing strategy :定价策略customer service hotline :客服热线respondent :n.受访者defer payment :延后付款retailer :n.零售商delivery :n.递送sposorship :n.赞助installation :n.安装supplier :n.供货商long-standing :a.长期的target market :目标市场manual :n.使用手册业务:出差membership :n.会员身分,会员资格baggage claim :行李提领处model number :型号baggage handler :行李搬运员part missing :缺零件boarding pass :登机证place order :下订单business suite :商务套房receipt :n.收据carry-on luggage :随身行李subscribe :v.订购Immigration :n.入境管理处;移民企业经营:办公室流程itinerary :n.行程表coworker :n.同事jet lag :时差不适dress code :服装规订on business :出差;洽公escort :v.陪同R&R (rest and relaxation) :休息放松inventory :n.库存reconfirm :v.再确认meeting room :会议室reservation :n.订位punch in :上班打卡room service :客房服务receptionist :n.柜台人员;接待人员stipend :n.津贴requisition form :需求单switch flights :转机security guard :保全人员travel agent :旅行代办员;旅行社业务security system :保全系统业务:电子商务shredder :n.碎纸机buy-it-now price :直接购买价stockroom :n.储藏室community :n.社群swipe card :刷卡consumer base :消费群企业经营:经营管理e-commerce :n.电子商务assignment :n.分派;任务feedback :n.意见回馈audit :n.稽查;稽核fraud :n.骗局;诈骗authority :n.权限max out :刷爆bankruptcy :n.破产online auction :网络拍卖corner the market :垄断市场place a bid :投标;出价corporate culture :企业文化platform :n.平台development :n.发展;开发product catalog :产品目录diversify :v.多角化;多样化reserve price :底价downsize :v.缩编transaction :n.交易innovation :n.创新vendor profile :卖家简介merger :n.合并;并购业务:付款条件operation :n.营运cash discount :现金折扣risk :n.危机;风险consignment :n.寄售(货品卖出才付款) strategy :n.策略direct deposit :直接汇款subordinate :n.下属extend :v.展延track record :绩效纪录open account :记帐交易企业组织:企业简介payment in advance :预先付款branch office :分公司refundable :a.可退还的company profile :公司概况shipment :n.装运;装载的货物core business :核心事业wire transfer :电汇转帐corporation :n.公司,企业业务:交货found :v.创立Carriage Paid To (CPT) :运费付至……headquarters :n.总公司consignee :n.收件人joint venture :合资企业delayed delivery :延期交货limited liability :有限责任Delivered Duty Paid (DDP) :完税后交货listed company :上市公司Delivered Ex Ship (DES) :目的港船上交货market capitalization :市价总值delivery date :交货日期merger :n.合并delivery order (D/O) :到港通知nonprofit :a.非营利的express mail :快递state-run enterprise :国营企业Free On Board (FOB) :船上交货subsidiary :n.子公司packing list :装箱单;送货明细企业组织:组织架构weight (WT) :n.重量CEO :n.执行长Ex Works (EXW) :工厂交货价chief of staff :人事总务主管业务:洽谈业务counselor :n.顾问bulk order :大量订购division :n.事业部commission :n.佣金entrepreneur :n.企业家competitive edge :竞争优势executive :n.高阶主管deal :n.交易human resources :人力资源hot seller :畅销品;热卖商品jurisdiction :n.管辖范围in stock :库存leadership :n.领导lead time :交货期(从订货到取货所需的时间) sales representative :业务代表,业务员market share :市场占有率人资:面试product line :产品线annual leave :年假proceeds :n.净收入;净所得(此义恒作复数) background :n.背景;经历quantity discount :大量订购折扣career :n.职业;生涯quotation :n.报价单compensation :n.报酬;津贴;薪水sales pitch :营销辞令;营销手法competent :a.能干的;有能力的specs (specifications) :n.规格describe :v.描述swear by :保证;强力推荐employee number :员工编号业务:商务餐会evaluate :v.考核business dinner :商业晚餐experience :n.经验dessert :n.甜点full-time :a.全职的discussion :n.讨论hardworking :a.工作勤奋的etiquette :n.礼仪health insurance :健康保险follow up :后续追踪hire :v.雇用hospitality :n.殷情招待hiring criteria :录取标准host :v.主持interviewee :n.面试者;受访者invitation :n.邀请overtime :n.加班luncheon :n.午餐宴performance :n.表现pick up the tab :付帐picture :v.描绘;想象rain check :改期position :n.职务;职位reception :n.招待会;欢迎会probationary period :试用期schedule :v.安排;预定proficient :a.精通的toast :v.提议为……干杯qualified :a.有资格的;能胜任的银行业务:票据report to :直属cashier's check:本票responsible :a.有责任的;应负责任的check:n.支票resume :n.履历表clearing house:票据交换所;清算所skill :n.技能;技术endorse:v.背书strong point :优点financial institution:金融机构supervisor :n.主管mature:v.(定存、票据等)到期title :n.职称money order:汇票travel :n.出差;出外营销paycheck:n.薪资支票working hours :工作时间stop payment:止付人资:人事管理postdated check:远期支票break :n.(短暂)休息时间traveler's check:旅行支票bulletin board :公布栏银行业务:消费金融company policy :公司政策cancel:v.停(卡)effective :a.生效的;有效力的cash card:现金卡incentive program :奖励制度collateral:n.抵押品;担保品leave of absence :事假credit card:信用卡on-the-job training :在职训练credit limit:信用额度seniority :n.资历;资深credit rating:信用评等sexual harassment :性骚扰debit card:签帐卡sick day :有给薪病假debt consolidation:负债整合take over :接替;接管default:n.违约temp :n.临时雇员freeze:v.冻结(账户)人资:人事异动installment:n.分期付款business trip :出差loan:n.贷款glass ceiling :玻璃天花板;女性升迁障碍minimum finance charge:每月最低应缴金额headhunter :n.猎人头公司mortgage:n.房贷;抵押借款job-hopping :n.跳槽statement:n.账单明细lay off :解雇;裁员outstanding:a.未清偿的;未付清的promotion :n.升职refinance:v.重新贷款relocate :v.调职财务与会计:企业资源规划reshuffle :v.改组;改革;洗牌big bang approach :全面导入法resignation :n.辞职cash flow :现金流量retirement :n.退休custom-made :a.客制的sex discrimination :性别歧视ERP :企业资源规划(EnterpriseResourcePlanning)successor :n.继任者;继承人financial statement :财务报表suspension :n.停职franchising strategy :分点推广法turnover rate :流动率;离职率GAAP(generally accepted accounting principles) :公认会计原则社交:接待访客integrated :a.整合的briefing :n.简报slam dunk approach :强力置入法business card :名片财务与会计:会计流程comfortable :a.舒适的;自在的invoice :n.发票demonstration :n.展示ledger :n.分类帐expect :v.等待non-payment :n.未付,未缴impress :v.使……留下深刻印象outstanding :a.未偿付的interpreter :n.翻译员overcharge :v.索价过高,溢收费用introduce :v.介绍overdue :a.逾期的overseas visitor :外宾payment terms :付款条件pick up :接送receipt :n.收据reception desk :接待处;柜台reimbursement request :请款单see off :送机remittance :n.汇款tour :n.参观;游览保险:保险给付welcoming party :欢迎派对coinsurance :n.共同保险(金)社交:谈工作compensation :n.赔偿department :n.部门co-payment :n.定额手续费freelance :a.无契约限制的deductible :n.自负额immediate boss :直属上司escape clause :免责条款in charge :负责exclusion :n.排除给付in line for :很有可能得到out-of-pocket :a.自掏腰包的lecture :n.责备;训斥payout :n.保险给付额line of work :行业validity :n.正当性;有效性nine to five :朝九晚五保险:保单orientation :n.新进员工训练compulsory :a.强制性的pressure :n.压力coverage :n.承保范围quit :v.辞职expiration :n.期满;截止raise :n.加薪insurance :n.保险retirement :n.退休insurer :n.保险公司rush hour :尖峰时间personal liability :个人责任险specialize :v.专攻policy :n. 保单work for :在……上班;为……工作policyholder :n.投保人社交:谈休闲premium :n.保险费badminton :n.羽毛球renew :v.更新;续(约)belly dance :肚皮舞rider :n.附加条款bowl :v.打保龄球waiver :n.免责险ceramics :n.陶艺办公室:整理文件Chinese checkers :n.跳棋drawer :n.抽屉concert :n.音乐会;演奏会filing cabinet :档案柜couch potato :老是坐在沙发上看电视的懒骨头flip through :以指头轻触搜寻craft :n.手工艺label :v.贴上标签DIY (Do It Yourself) :自己动手作paper clip :回形针flea market :跳蚤市场paper punch :钉孔机foot massage :脚底按摩sleeve :n.(透明)档案夹free time :休闲时间staple :v.用订书机装钉golf :n.高尔夫球staple remover :钉书针移除器green thumb :擅长园艺办公室:影印gym :n.健身房enlarge :v.放大hobby :n.嗜好jam :v.卡纸jigsaw puzzle :拼图游戏lighten :v.变淡jog :v.慢跑make a copy of :影印一份……knitting :n.编织original :n.原稿leisure activity :休闲活动percentage :n.百分比movie theater :电影院reset :n.重新设定night market :夜市scroll down :向下卷动outdoor :a.户外的;喜欢户外活动的size :n.大小;尺寸outing :n.远足,郊游smudge :n.脏污pastime :n.消遣,娱乐streak :n.刮痕photography :n.摄影toner :n.碳粉pool :n.撞球two-sided :a.双面的resort :n.度假村,旅游胜地warm-up time :热机时间rock climbing :攀岩办公室:使用电脑sauna :n.蒸汽浴back up :备份snorkeling :n.浮潜bookmark :v.加入书签soccer :n.足球browser :n.浏览器sports :n.运动crash :v.当机sunbathe :v.作日光浴defragment :v.磁盘重整suntan :n.晒黑down :a.挂了;无法运作surf the Internet :上网:n.檔名surfing :n.冲浪folder :n.档案夹table tennis :桌球graphics file :图档tai chi :太极hard drive :硬盘tap dance :踢踏舞input method :输入法tennis :n.网球install :v.安装theme park :主题乐园key combination :组合功能键valet service :泊车服务log on :登入社交:闲谈memory :n.内存alumni reunion :同学会offline :a.离线的ballad :n.抒情歌曲online :a.联机的bargain :n.廉售品,特价品pop up :突然出现;跳出来bathing suit :泳衣power button :电源按钮;电源键box office :票房,售票亭restart :v.重新开机check-up :n.健康检查search :n.搜寻clear up :放晴update :v.更新college :n.大学virus :n.病毒comedy :n.喜剧wizard :n.高手;奇才compare :v.比较银行业务:一般业务divorce :v.离婚ATM:n.自动柜员机domestic car :国产车automatic bill payment:自动转帐服务economic :a.经济的balance:n.余额;差额fitness :n.健康;健美bank account:银行账户flu :n.流行性感冒bank holiday:银行公休日;国定假日haircut :n.理发banking:n.银行业务hangover :n.宿醉banknote:n.纸币;钞票horror movie :恐怖片certificate of deposit:定期存款humid :a.潮湿的checking account:支票存款账户illness :n.疾病deposit:n.存款in shape :身体健康discount rate:重贴现率injury :n.伤害Individual Retirement Account:个人退休账户insomnia :n.失眠interest:n.利息jazz :n.爵士乐safe-deposit box:(银行)保险箱keep fit :保持健康savings account:储蓄存款账户kilometer :n.公里signature:n.签名lifestyle :n.生活方式teller:n.(银行)出纳员low-fat :a.低脂的transfer:v.转帐married :a.已婚的wire:v.汇款MSN :实时通讯withdraw:v.提款on a diet :节食on a roll :大为成功,连番上涨overcast :a.阴暗的,阴天的pop :a.流行的romance movie :浪漫爱情片sci-fi (science fiction) :科幻小说single :a.单身的sky-high :a.极高的Skype :n.网络电话sober colors :素色splitting headache :偏头痛stick shift :(车子的)排档stomachache :n.胃痛suffocating :闷热的tension :n.紧张twin :n.双胞胎typhoon :n.台风under the weather :不舒服used car :二手车vacation :n.假期vegetarian :n.素食者work out :运动。

商务英语term资料1.Customs area关税区:2.Conversion货币兑换3.Visible trade有形贸易: The form of commodity trade, i.e. exporting and importing goodsproduced or manufactured in one country for consumption or resale in another. (including cash transaction-by means of money and market, and counter trade)4.Invisible trade⽆形贸易: The form of transportation, communication, banking, insurance,consulting, information etc. is called invisible trade or service industries.5.FDI外国直接投资: Foreign direct investments. Returns through controlling the enterprisesor assets invested in a host country. / P.256. One country acquires assets in a foreign country for the purpose of controlling and managing them.6.Portfolio investment证券投资: Purchases of foreign financial assets for a purpose other thancontrolling.7.Stocks股票: Capital stocks or bonds.8.Bonds债券: The papers issued by a government or a firm with promise to pay back themoney lent or invested together with interest.9.Maturity(票据等)到期10.Certificate of deposit⼤额存单11.Licensing许可经营: In licensing, a firm leases the right to use its intellectual property to afirm in another country. They choose licensing because they do not have to make cash payments to stat business, and can simply receive income in the form of royalty.12.Franchising特许经营: Under franchising, franchisee is allowed to operate in the name ofanother, franchiser who provides the former with trademarks, brand names, logos and operating techniques for royalty.13.Trade Mark商标14.Patent专利15.Royalty专利(许可)使⽤费,版税16.Copyright版权17.Licenser许可⽅18.Licensee被许可⽅19.Franchiser特许⽅: A firm who provides the franchisee with trademarks, brand names, logosand operating techniques for royalty.20.Franchisee被特许⽅: A firm is allowed to operate in the name of another.21.Management contract管理合同:Under a management contract, one company offersmanagerial or other specialized services to another within a particular period for a flat payment or a percentage of the relevant business volume.22.Value chain价值链1.Turnkey project“交钥匙”⼯程: For an international turnkey project, a firm signs acontract with a foreign purchaser and undertakes all the designing, contracting and facilityequipping before handing it over to the latter upon completion.2.BOT建设、经营和移交: Build, Operate, Transfer3.Expertise专门知识4.Bonus红利、奖⾦、津贴5.Royalty 许可使⽤费6.International investment国际投资: Supplying capital by residents of one country toanother.7.Contract manufacturing承包⽣产8.GATT关贸总协定: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade9.International business国际商务: Transaction between parties from different countries.Sometimes business across the borders of different customs areas of the same country is also regarded as import and export.10.Intellectual property知识产权11.Oil deposit: ⽯油储备 = oil reserves12.the reserves of natural resources ⾃然资源储备13.Personal advancement个⼈的晋升,个⼈素质的提⾼以及个⼈事业的进步等。
商务英语词汇大全abroad adv.在国外,出国,广泛流传absence n.缺席,离开absent adj.不在,不参与absenteeism n.(经常性)旷工,旷职absorb v.吸收,减轻(困难等)作用或影响abstract n.摘要access n.接近(或进入)的机会,享用权v.获得使用计算机数据库的权利accommodation n.设施,住宿account n.会计账目accountancy n.会计工作accountant n.会计accounts n.往来账目account for解释,说明account executive n.(广告公司)客户经理accruals n.增值,应计achieve v.获得或达到,实现,完成acknowledge v.承认,告知已收到(某物),承认某人acquire v.获得,得到acquisition n.收购,被收购的公司或股份acting adj.代理的activity n.业务类型actual adj.实在的,实际的,确实的adapt v.修改,适应adjust v.整理,使适应administration实施,经营,行政administer v.管理,实施adopt v.采纳,批准,挑选某人作候选人advertise v.公布,做广告ad n.做广告,登广告advertisement n.出公告,做广告advertising n.广告业after-sales service n.售后服务agenda n.议事日程agent n.代理人,经纪人allocate v.分配,配给amalgamation n.合并,重组ambition n.强烈的欲望,野心amortize v.摊还analyze v.分析,研究analysis n.分析,分析结果的报告analyst n.分析家,化验员annual adj.每年的,按年度计算的annual general meeting(AGM)股东年会anticipate v.期望anticipated adj.期待的appeal n.吸引力apply v.申请,请求;应用,运用applicant n.申请人application n.申请,施用,实施appointee n.被任命人appraisal n.估量,估价appreciate v.赏识,体谅,增值appropriate v.拨出(款项)approve v.赞成,同意,批准aptitude n.天资,才能arbitrage n.套arbitration n.仲裁arrears n.欠账assemble v.收集,集合assembly line n.装配线,流水作业线assess v.评定,估价asset n.资产current asset n.流动资产fixed asset n.固定资产frozen asset n.冻结资产intangible assets n.无形资产liquid assets n.速动资产tangible assets n.有形资产assist v.援助,协助,出席audit n.查账,审计automate v.使某事物自动操作average n.平均,平均水准awareness n.意识;警觉backing n.财务支持,赞助backhander n.贿赂backlog n.积压(工作或订货)bad debt死账(无法收回的欠款)balance n.收支差额,余额balance of payments n.贸易支付差额balance sheet n.资产负债表bankrupt adj.破产的bankruptcy n.破产bank statement n.银行结算清单(给帐户的),银行对账单bar chart n.条形图,柱状图bargain v.谈判,讲价base n.基地,根据地batch n.一批,一组,一群batch production批量生产bear market n.熊市beat v.超过,胜过behave v.表现,运转bbehavior n.举止,行为,运转情况below-the-line advertising线下广告,尚未被付款的广告benchmark衡量标准benefit n.利益,补助金,保险金得益fringe benefits附加福利Sickness benefit疾病补助费bid n.出价,投标takeover bid n.盘进(一个公司)的出价bill n.账单,票据billboard n.(路边)广告牌,招贴板black adj.违法的in the black有盈余,贷方black list黑名单,禁止贸易的(货物、公司及个人)名单black Monday n.黑色星期一,指1987年10月国际股票市场崩溃的日子blue chips蓝筹股,绩优股blue-collar adj.蓝领(工人)的Board of Directors n.董事会Bond n.债券Bonus n.津贴,红利books公司账目book value n.账面价值,(公司或股票)净值bookkeeper n.簿记员,记账人boom n.繁荣,暴涨boost v.提高,增加,宣扬bottleneck n.瓶颈,窄路,阻碍bottom adj.最后的,根本的v.到达底部,建立基础bounce v.支票因签发人无钱而遭拒付并退回brainstorm n/v点子会议,献计策,头脑风暴branch n.分支,分部brand n.商标,品牌brand leader n.占市场最大份额的品牌,名牌brand loyalty n.(消费者)对品牌的忠实break even v.收支相抵,不亏不盈break even point收支相抵点,盈亏平衡点breakthrough n.突破brief n.摘要brochure n.小册子broker n.经纪人,代理人bull market牛市budget n.预算bulk n.大量(货物)adj.大量的bust adj.破了产的buyout n.买下全部产权CAD(=Computer Aided Design)计算机辅助设计call n.打电话call on v.呼吁,约请,拜访campaign战役,运动candidate n.求职者,候选人canteen n.食堂canvass v.征求意见,劝说capacity n.生产额,(最大)产量caption n.照片或图片下的简短说明capital n.资本,资金capture v.赢得cash n.现金,现付款v.兑现cash flow n.现金流量case study n.案例分析catalogue n.目录,产品目录catastrophe n.大灾难,大祸CEO=Chief Executive Officer(美)总经理chain n.连锁店challenger n.挑战者channel n.(商品流通的)渠道charge n.使承担,要(价),把…记入…chart n.图表checkout n.付款台chief adj.主要的,首席的,总的CIF, c.i.f.成本保险费加运费circular n.传阅的小册子(传单等)circulate v.传阅claim n./v.要求,索赔client n.委托人,顾客cold adj.没人找上门来的,生意清淡的commercialize v.使商品化commission n.佣金commitment n.承诺commodity商品,货物company n.公司limited (liability) company股份有限公司public limited company (plc) n.股票上市公司compensate v.补偿,酬报compensation n.补偿,酬金compete v.比赛,竞争competition n.比赛,竞争competitor n.竞争者,对手competitive adj.竞争性的component n.机器元件、组件、部件,部分concentrated marketing n.集中营销策略condition n.条件,状况configuration n.设备的结构、组合conflict n.冲突,争论conglomerate n.综合商社,多元化集团公司consolidate v.账目合并consortium n.财团constant adj.恒定的,不断的,经常的consultant n.咨询人员,顾问,会诊医生consumables n.消耗品consumer durables n.耐用消费品(如:洗衣机)consumer goods n.消费品,生活资料contingency n.意外事件continuum n.连续时间contract n.合同,契约contractor n.承办商,承建人contribute v.提供,捐献contribution n.贡献,捐献,税conversion n.改装,改造conveyor n.运送,传递,转让core time n.(弹性工作制的)基本上班时间(员工于此段时间必须上班,弹性只对除此以外的时间有效)cost n.成本fixed costs固定成本running costs日常管理费用variable costs可变成本cost-effective adj.合算的,有效益的costing n.成本计算,成本会计credit n.赊购,赊购制度credit control赊销管理(检查顾客及时付款的体系)letter of credit信用证credit limit赊销限额credit rating信贷的信用等级,信誉评价creditor n.债权人,贷方creditworthiness n.信贷价值,信贷信用crisis n.危机,转折点critical adj.关键的*criticalpath analysis n.关键途径分析法currency n.货币,流通current adj.通用的,现行的Current account往来账户,活期(存款)户current assets n.流动资产current liabilities n.流动负债customize v.按顾客的具体要求制造(或改造等);顾客化cut-throat adj.残酷的,激烈的cut-price a.削价(出售)的CV(=curriculum vitae)n.简历,履历cycle time n.循环时间damages n.损害,损失deadline n.最后期限deal n.营业协议,数量v.交易dealer n.商人debit n.借方,欠的钱v.记入账户的借方debt n.欠款,债务to get into debt负债to be out of debt不欠债to pay off a debt还清债务debtor n.债务人aged debtors长期债务人declare v.申报,声明decline n./v.衰退,缓慢,下降decrease v.减少deduct v.扣除,减去default n.违约,未履行defect n.缺陷defective adj.有缺点的defer v.推迟deferred payments n.延期支付deficit n.赤字delivery cycle n.交货周期demand management n.需求规划decorticated adj.消极的,冷谈的deposit n.储蓄,预付(定金)depot n.仓库depreciate v.贬值,(对资产)折旧depressing adj.令人沮丧的deputy n.代理人,副职,代理devalue v.货币贬值(相对于其它货币)diet n.饮食,食物,特种饮食differentiation n.区分,鉴别dimensions n.尺寸,面积,规模direct v.管理,指导director n.经理,主管Managing Director n.总经理direct cost n.直接成本direct mail n.(商店为招揽生意而向人们投寄的)直接邮件direct selling n.直销,直接销售directory n.指南,号码簿discount n.折扣,贴现dismiss v.让……离开,打发走dismissal n.打发走dispatch n./v.调遣display n./v.展出,显示dispose v.安排,处理(事务)dispose of去掉,清除distributionn.分配,分发,分送产品diversify v.从事多种经营;多样化divest v.剥夺dividend n.股息,红利,年息division n.部门dog n.滞销品down-market a./ad.低档商品的down-time/downtime n.设备闲置期DP(=Data Processing) n.计算机数据处理,计算机数据处理部门dramatic adj.戏剧性的drive积极性,能动due adj.应付的,预期的dynamic有活力的earnings n.工资,收入efficiency n.效率endorse v.背书,接受engage v.雇用entitle v.授权entitlement n.应得的权利holiday entitlement n.休假权equity n.股东权益equity capital股本equities普通股,股estimated demand n.估计需求evaluate v.估价,评价eventual adj.最终exaggerate v.夸张exceed v.超过exhibit n.展览,表现expenditure n花费,支出额expense n.费用,支出expense account n.费用帐户expenses n.费用,业务津贴expertise n.专长,专门知识和技能exposure n.公众对某一产品或公司的知悉;广告所达到的观众总数facilities n.用于生产的设备、器材facilities layout n.设备的布局规划、计划facilities location n.设备安置factoring n.折价购买债券fail-safe system n.安全系统feasibility study n.可行性研究feedback n.反馈,反馈的信息field n.办公室外边,具体业务file n.文件集,卷宗,档案,文件v.归档fill v.充任finance n.资金,财政v.提供资金financial adj.财政的financing n.提供资金,筹借资金finished goods n.制成品firm n.公司fire v.解雇fix v.确定,使固定在fix up v.解决,商妥fiscal adj.国库的,财政的flagship n.同类中最成功的商品,佼佼者flexible adj.有弹性的,灵活的flextime n.弹性工作时间制flier(=flyer) n.促销传单float v.发行股票flop n.失败flow shop n.车间fluctuate v.波动,涨落,起伏FOB, f.o.b n.离岸价follow-up n.细节落实,接连要做的事forecast v.预测four P's指produce、price、place、promotion framework n.框架,结构franchise n.特许经销权v.特许经销franchisee n.特许经营人franchiser n.授予特许经营权者fraud n.欺骗freebie n.(非正式的)赠品,免费促销的商品freelance n.& adj.自由职业者(的)funds n.资金,基金futures n.期货交易gap n.缺口,空隙gearing n.配称(即定息债务与股份资本之间的比率)gimmick n.好主意,好点子goal n.目标going adj.进行的,运转中的going rate n.产品的市场价格goods n.货物,商品goodwill n.声誉go public v.首次公开发行股票grapple with v.与……搏斗,尽力解决grievance n.申诉,抱怨gross adj.总的,毛的gross margin n.毛利率gross profit n.毛利gross yield n.毛收益graduallyadv.逐渐地group n.(由若干公司联合而成的)集团grow v.增长,扩大growth n.增长,发展guarantee n.保证,保单guidelines n.指导方针,准则hand in v.呈送hand in one's notice递交辞呈handle v.经营hands on adj.有直接经验的hard sell n.强行推销hazard n.危险,危害行为head n.主管,负责health and safety n.健康和安全hedge n.套期保值hidden adj.隐藏的,不明显的hierarchy n.等级制度,统治集团,领导层hire v.雇用hire purchase n.分期付款购物法hit v.击中,到达holder n.持有者holding company n.控股公司hostile adj.不友好的,恶意的HRD n.人力资源发展部human resources n.人力资源hype n.天花乱坠的(夸张)广告宣传impact n.冲击,强烈影响implement v.实施,执行implication n.隐含意义incentive n.刺激;鼓励income n.工资或薪金收入,经营或投资的收入earned income劳动收入,劳动所得unearned income非劳动收入,投资所得increment v.定期增加incur v.招致,承担indemnity n.偿还,赔偿index n.指数,索引retail price index零售价格指数indirect costs n.间接成本induction n.就职industrial adj.工业的industrial action n.(罢工、怠工等)劳工行动industrial relations n.劳资关系inefficiency n.低效率,不称职inflate v.抬高(物价),使通货等)膨胀inflation n.通货膨胀infringe v.违法,违章initial adj.初步的innovate v.革新input n.投入insolvent adj.无清偿力的installment n.部分,分期付款insure v.给……保险,投保insurance n.保险interest n.利息,兴趣interest rate n.利率interim n.中期,过渡期间intermittent production n.阶段性生产interview n./v.面试interviewee n.被面试的人interviewer n.主持面试的人,招聘者introduce v.介绍,提出inventory n.库存buffer inventory用于应付突发性需求的存货capacity inventory用于将来某时使用的存货cycle inventory n.循环盘存decoupling inventory保险性存货(以应付万一)finished goods inventory制成品存货(盘存)pipeline inventory n.在途存货raw materials inventory n.原材料存货work-in-progress inventory在制品盘存(存货)invest v.投资investment n.投资investor n.投资者invoice n.发票v.给(某人)开发票irrevocable adj.不可撤消的,不能改变的issue n.发行股票rights issue n.优先认股权IT=Information Technology信息技术item n.货物,条目,条款job n.工作job description工作说明,职务说明job lot n.一次生产的部分或少数产品job mobility工作流动job rotation工作轮换job satisfaction工作的满意感(自豪感)job shop n.专门车间jobbing n.为一次性的或小的订货需求而特设的生产制度joint adj.联合的joint bank account(几人的)联合银行存款账户journal n.专业杂志jurisdiction n.管辖(权)junk bonds n.低档(风险)债券,垃圾债券junk mail n.(未经收信人要求的)直接邮寄的广告宣传just-in-time n.无库存制度key adj.主要的,关键的knockdown adj.(价格)很低的know-how n.专门技术label n.标签,标牌v.加标签,加上标牌labor n.劳动,工作,劳动力labor market劳动力市场labor relations劳资关系labor shortage劳动力短缺launch v.推出一种新产品n.新产品的推出lay-off/layoff n./v.临时解雇layout n.工厂的布局lead v.领先,领导lead time n.完成某项活动所需的时间leaflet n.广告印刷传单lease n.租借,租赁物legal adj.合法的lend v.出借,贷款lessee n.承租人lesser n.出租人ledger n.分类帐nominal ledger n.记名帐purchase ledger n.进货sales ledger n.销货帐leverage n.杠杆比率liability n.负债liabilities n.债务license n.许可证license v.许可,批准life cycle n.寿命周期likely adj.可能的line process流水线(组装)link n.关系,联系,环liquid adj.易转换成现款的liquidate v.清算liquidity n.拥有变现力liquidation n.清理(关闭公司),清算liquidator n.清算人,公司资产清理人listed adj.登记注册的listing n.上市公司名录literature n.(说明书类的)印刷品,宣传品litigate v.提出诉讼loan n./v.贷款,暂借logo n.企业的特有标记lose v.亏损loser n.失败者loss n.损失lot n.批,量loyalty n.忠诚,忠实magazine n.杂志,期刊mail shot n.邮购maintain v.维持,保持maintenance n.维持,坚持major adj.重大的,主要的,较大的majority shareholding绝对控股make n.产品的牌子或型号make-to-order adj.根据订货而生产的产品make-to-stock adj.指那些在未收到订货时就已生产了的产品management n.管理,管理部门middle management n.中层管理人员senior management n.高层管理人员managerial adj.管理人员的,管理方面的manager n.经理plant manager n.工厂负责人line manager n.基层负责人staff manager n.部门经理助理management accounts n.管理帐目matrix management n.矩阵管理management information system(MIS) n.管理信息系统manning n.人员配备manpower n.劳动力manpower resources n.劳动力资源manual adj.体力的,人工的,蓝领的manufacture v.(用机器)制造manufacturer n.制造者(厂、商、公司)manufacturing adj.制造的manufacturing industry制造业margin n.利润gross margin n.毛利率net margin n.净利润mark-up v.标高售价,加价market n.市场;产品可能的销量down market adv./ adj.低档商品地/的up market adj./adv.高档商品的/地marketing mix n.综合营销策略,指定价、促销、产品等策略的配合market leader n.市场上的主导公司market niche n.小摊位,专业市场的一个小部分market penetration n.市场渗入market segmentation市场划分market share n.市场占有率,市场份额mass-marketing n.大众营销术master production schedule n.主要生产计划material requirements planning(MRP) n.计算生产中所需材料的方法materials handling n.材料管理,材料控制maximize v.使增至最大限度、最大化measure n.措施,步骤media n.新闻工具,传媒mass media大众传媒(如电视、广播、报纸等)merchandising n.(在商店中)通过对商品的摆放与促销进行经营merge v.联合,合并merger n.(公司,企业等的)合并merit n.优点,值得,应受method study n.方法研究middleman n.中间人,经纪人full milk n.全脂牛奶skimmed milk n.脱脂乳minimize v.使减至最小限度,最小化mission n.公司的长期目标和原则mobility n.流动性,可移性moderately adv.中等地,适度地monopoly n.垄断,独占mortgage n./v.抵押motivate v.激励,激发……的积极性motivated adj.有积极性的motivation n.提供动机,积极性,动力motive n.动机negotiate v.谈判negotiable adj.可谈判的,可转让的net adj.净的,纯的network n.网络niche n.专业市场中的小摊位notice n.通知,辞职申请,离职通知objective n.目标,目的obsolete adj.过时的,淘汰的,废弃的offer n.报价,发盘offer v.开价off-season adj./adv.淡季的off-the-shelf adj.非专门设计的off-the-peg adj.标准的,非顾客化的opening n.空位operate v.操作,经营,管理operating profits营业利润operations chart n.经营(管理)表operations scheduling n.生产经营进度表opportunity n.机会optimize v.优化option n.选择权share option n.期权organigram n.组织图organization chart n.公司组织机构图orient v.定向,指引orientation n.倾向,方向;熟悉,介绍情况outcome n.结果outlay n.开销,支出,费用outlet n.商店a retail outlet零售店outgoings n.开支,开销outlined adj.概括,勾勒的草图output n.产量outsource v.外购产品或由外单位制做产品outstanding adj.未付款的,应收的over-demand n.求过于供overdraft n.透支overdraft facility透支限额overdraw v.透支overhead costs n.营业成本overheads n.企业一般管理费用overpay n.多付(款)overtime n.加班overview n.概述,概观owe v.欠钱,应付p.a.(=per annum) n.每年packaging n.包装物;包装parent company n.母公司,总公司part-time adj.部分时间工作的,业余的participate v.参加,分享partnership n.合伙,合伙企业patent n.专利pay n.工资,酬金v.付钱,付报酬take-home pay实得工资payroll n.雇员名单,工资表peak n.峰值,顶点penetrate v.渗透,打入(市场)penetration n.目标市场的占有份额pension n.养老金,退休金perform v.表现,执行performance n.进行,表现工作情况performance appraisal n.工作情况评估perk n.额外待遇(交通、保健、保险等)personnel n.员员工,人员petty cash n.零用现金phase out n.分阶段停止使用pick v.提取生产用零部件或给顾客发货picking list n.用于择取生产或运输订货的表格pie chart n.饼形图pilot n.小规模试验pipeline n.管道,渠道plant capacity n.生产规模,生产能力plot v.标绘,策划plough back n.将获利进行再投资point of sale (POS) n.销售点policy n.政策,规定,保险单portfolio n.(投资)组合portfolio management n.组合证券管理post n.邮件,邮局;职位position n.职位potential n.潜在力,潜势power n.能力purchasing power购买力PR=Public Relations公共关系preference shares n.优先股price n.价格market price市场价,市价retail price零售价probation n.试用期product n.产品production cycle n.生产周期production schedule n.生产计划product life cycle n.产品生命周期product mix n.产品组合(种类和数量的组合)productive adj.生产的,多产的profile n.简介形象特征profit n.利润operating profit n.营业利润profit and loss account n.损益账户project v.预测promote v.推销promotion n.提升,升级proposal n.建议,计划prospect n.预期,展望prospectus n.计划书,说明书prosperity n.繁荣,兴隆prototype n.原型,样品publicity n.引起公众注意public adj.公众的,公开的go public上市public sector公有企业publicity n.公开场合,名声,宣传publics n.公众,(有共同兴趣的)人或社会人士punctual adj.准时的punctuality n.准时purchase v. & n.购买purchaser n.买主,采购人QC(=Quality Circle) n.质检人员qualify v.有资格,胜任qualified adj.有资格的,胜任的,合格的qualification n.资格,资格证明quality n.质量quality assurance n.质量保证quality control质量控制,质量管理quarterly adj./adv.季度的,按季度questionnaire n.调查表,问卷quote n.报价,股票牌价quotation n.报价,股票牌价R&DResearch and Development研究与开发Radically adv.根本地,彻底地raise n.(美)增薪v.增加,提高;提出,引起range n.系列产品rank n./v.排名rapport n.密切的关系,轻松愉快的气氛rate n.比率,费用fixed rate固定费用,固定汇率going rate现行利率,现行汇率rating评定结果ratio n.比率rationalize v.使更有效,使更合理raw adj.原料状态的,未加工的raw material n.原材料receive v.得到receipt n.收据receiver n.接管人,清算人accounts receivable应收帐receivership n.破产管理recession n.萧条reckon v.估算,认为recognize v.承认reconcile v.使……相吻合,核对,调和recoup v.扣除,赔偿recover v.重新获得,恢复recovery n.重获,恢复recruit v.招聘,征募n.新招收的人员recruitment n.新成员的吸收red n.红色in the red赤字,负债reduce v.减少reduction n.减少redundant adj.过多的,被解雇的redundancy n.裁员,解雇reference n.参考,参考资料reference number (Ref. No.)产品的参考号码refund n./v.归还,偿还region n.地区reimburse v.偿还,报销reject n./v.拒绝reliability n.可靠性relief n.减轻,解除,救济relocate v.调动,重新安置remuneration n.酬报,酬金rent v.租n.租金rep(代表)的缩写report to v.低于(某人),隶属,从属reposition v.(为商品)重新定位represent v.代表,代理representative n.代理人,代表reputation n.名声,声望reputable adj.名声/名誉好的reserves n.储量金,准备金resign v.放弃,辞去resignation n.辞职resistance n.阻力,抵触情绪respond v.回答,答复response n.回答,答复restore v.恢复result/results n.结果,效果retail n./v.零售retailer n.零售商retained earnings n.留存收益retire v.退休retirement n.退休return n.投资报酬return on investment (ROI) n.投资收入,投资报酬revenue n.岁入,税收review v./n.检查reward n./v.报答,报酬,奖赏rework v.(因劣质而)重作risk capital n.风险资本rival n.竞争者,对手adj.竞争的rocket v.急速上升,直线上升,飞升ROIReturn on Investment投资利润roughly adv.粗略地round adj.整数表示的,大约round trip往返的行程royalty n.特许权,专利权税run v.管理,经营running adj.运转的sack v.解雇sales force销售人员sample n.样品v.试验;抽样检验saturation n.(市场的)饱和(状态)saturate v.饱和save v.节省,储蓄savings n.存款scale n.刻度,层次scapegoat n.替罪羊scare adj.缺乏的,不足的scrap n.废料或废品seasonal adj.季节性的section n.部门sector n.部门securities n.债券及有价证券segment n.部分v.将市场划分成不同的部分segmentation n.将市场划分成不同的部门semi-skilled adj.半熟练的settle v.解决,决定settlement n.解决,清偿,支付service n.服务,帮佣services n.专业服务settle v.安排,支付set up v.创立share n.股份shareholder n.股东shelf-life n.货架期(商品可以陈列在货架上的时间shift n.轮班showroom n.陈列室simulation n.模拟shop n.商店closed shop限制行业(只允许本工会会员)open shop开放行业(非会员可从事的工作)shop steward工会管事shop floor生产场所shortlist n.供最后选择的候选人名单v.把……列入最后的候选人名单sick leave病假sick note病假条sick pay病假工资skilled employee n.熟练工人skimming n.高额定价,撇奶油式定价slogan n.销售口号slump n.暴跌a slump in sales销售暴跌soft-sell n.劝诱销售(术),软销售(手段)software n.软件sole adj.仅有的,单独的sole distributor独家分销商solvent adj.有偿付能力的sourcing n.得到供货spare part n.零部件specification n.产品说明split v.分离spokesman n.发言人sponsor n.赞助者(为了商品的广告宣传)spread n.(股票买价和卖价的)差额stable adj.稳定的staff n.职员stag n.投机认股者v.炒买炒卖stagnant adj.停滞的,萧条的statute n.成文法statutory adj.法定的steadily adv.稳定地,平稳地stock n.库存,股票stock exchange n.证券交易所stockbroker n.股票经纪人stock controller库房管理者storage n.贮藏,库存量strategy n.战略streamline v.精简机构,提高效率stress n.压力,紧迫strike n.罢工structure n.结构,设备subcontract v.分包(工程项目),转包subordinate n.下级adj.下级的subscribe v.认购subsidiary n.子公司subsidize v.补贴,资助subsidy n.补助金substantially adv.大量地,大幅度地summarize v.概括,总结superior n.上级,长官supervisor n.监督人,管理人supervisory adj.监督的,管理的supply n./v.供给,提供survey n.调查SWOT analysis n.SWOT分析是分析一个公司或一个项目的优点、弱点、机会和风险synergy n.协作tactic n.战术,兵法tailor v.特制产品tailor made products特制产品take on雇用takeover n.接管target n.目标v.把……作为目标tariff n.关税;价目表task n.任务,工作task force n.突击队,攻关小队(为完成某项任务而在一起的一组人)tax n.税,税金capital gains tax n.资本收益税corporation tax n.公司税,法人税income tax n.所得税value added tax增值税tax allowance免减税tax avoidance避税taxable可征税的taxation征税tax-deductible在计算所得税时予以扣除的telesales n.电话销售,电话售货temporary adj.暂时的temporary post临时职位tender n./v.投标territory n.(销售)区域tie n.关系,联系throughput n.工厂的总产量TQC(=Total Quality Control) n.全面质量管理track record n.追踪记录,业绩trade n./v.商业,生意;交易,经商balance of trade贸易平衡trading profit贸易利润insider trading内部交易trade mark商标trade union工会trainee n.受培训者transaction n.交易,业务transfer n./v.传输,转让transformation n.加工transparency n. (投影用)透明胶片treasurer n.司库,掌管财务的人treasury n.国库,财政部trend n.趋势,时尚trouble-shooting n.解决问题turnover n.营业额,员工流动的比率staff turnover人员换手率stock turnover股票换手率undertake v.从事、同意做某事undifferentiated marketing n.无差异性营销策略uneconomical adj.不经济的,浪费unemployment n.失业unemployment benefit n.失业津贴unit n.单位unit cost n.单位成本update v.使现代up to date adj./adv.流行的,现行的,时髦的upgrade v.升级,增加upturn n.使向上,使朝上USP唯一的销售计划vacancy n.空缺vacant adj.空缺的value n./v.价值,估价valuation n.价值value-added n.增加值variable n.可变物variation n.变化,变更variety n.多样化a variety of多种多样的vary v.改变,修改VATValue Added Tax增值税vendor n.卖主(公司或个人)venture n.冒险,投机venue n.地点,集合地点viable adj.可行的viability n.可行性vision n.设想,公司的长期目标vocation n.行业,职业vocational adj.行业的,职业的wage n.(周)工资wage freeze n.工资冻结warehouse n.仓库,货栈wealth n.财富,资源wealthy adj.富裕的,丰富的welfare n.福利white-collar白领阶层white goods n.如洗衣机等用在厨房中的产品wholesale n./adj./adv.批发wholesaler批发商wind up v.关闭公司withdraw v.拿走,收回,退出withdrawal n.拿走,收回,退出wholesale n./a.批发;批发的wholesaler n.批发商work n.工作working conditions n.工作条件work-in-progress n.工作过程workload n.工作量work order n.(包括原料、半成品、成品的)全部存货总量work station工作位置working capital n.营运资本,营运资金write off v.取消write-off n.债务的取消yield n.有效产量zero defect n.合格产品zero inventory n.零存货。

BEC商务英语学习资料BEC(Business English Certificate,简称商务英语证书)是剑桥英语考试的一项重要考试之一,旨在考察英语作为商务沟通工具时的应用能力。
BEC分为初级、中级和高级三个等级,每个等级对应的GSE(Global Scale of English,全球英语等级划分标准)分别为B1、B2、C1。
1. 商务英语词汇掌握商务英语的基本词汇对BEC考试非常重要,因此我们提供以下相关内容,帮助您进行英语词汇的学习和记忆:1.1 商务英语词汇书推荐商务英语词汇书籍:•《ACC 高级财经英语》(English for Accounting)•《大学英语强化教程》(Business English)•《新标准商务英语》(New Standard Business English)•《外贸英语》(English for International Trade)1.2 商务英语词汇APP商务英语词汇APP可以帮助您随时随地进行英语学习,推荐以下商务英语词汇APP:•Quizlet: Quizlet是一款商务英语词汇学习应用程序,具有丰富的卡片库,涵盖了商务运作中的常见术语和短语。
1.3 商务英语词汇练习商务英语词汇练习,您可以参考以下商务英语词汇练习题:•Quizlet词汇学习卡片•Duolingo练习课程•《商务英语建议与建议练习》(Business English Suggestions and Proposals Exercises)•《商务英语阅读理解》(Reading Comprehension in Business English)2. 商务英语语法在BEC考试中,语法问题往往是许多考生考取证书的难点之一。

Unit OneⅠ.英译汉:1. trading bloc 贸易集团2. import share 进口额度3. production and distribution sharing 合作生产和分配共享4. global reorientation 全球性的重新定位5. conduct international business 从事国际商务6. insurance company 保险公司7. provide for efficient transportation 提供便利交通8. forge a network of global linkages 形成全球网络(联网)9. international investment 国际投资e and acceptance of the common coinage采用和接纳同一货币制度Ⅱ.汉译英1.贸易惯例business practice2.石油危机oil shock3.市场份额market share4.完成交易carry out transaction5.以市场为基础的商业交易market based business transaction6.跨国公司multinational corporation7.国际贸易量volume of international trade8.主要经济大国major economic powers9.提高生活水平improve the standards of living10.股票市场stock market11.年销售额annual sales12.国内生产总值gross domestic productUnit TwoⅠ.英译汉1.patterns of world trade 世界贸易格局2.bulky or perishable goods 大件货物或易腐烂商品3.a heavy consumer of natural resources 自然资源的主要消费者4.an elite group of merchants and entrepreneurs 商业和企业家的精英群体5.outlaw strip mining of coal 立法禁止采矿6.resist foreign investment in one's industry 抵制外国在某国工业方面的投资7.undertake steps to limit oil consumption 采取措施限制石油消费8.impose tariffs and quotas on imported items采取对进口商品征收关税和实行配额9.International Bauxite Association (IBA) 国际铝矿协会anization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)石油输出国组织Ⅱ.汉译英1.初级产品primary commodities2.价格下跌price drop3.劳动成本labor costs4.生产国和消费国producing and consuming nations5.粮食主要出口商dominant exporters of grains6.国际收支balance of payments7.第三方 a third party8.批量生产mass-produce9.比较成本理论theory of comparative advantage10.金属含量metal content11.期货交割futures delivery12.商品期货交易commodity futures trading13.采取保护主义措施take protectionist measures14.消费国consuming countries15.运输费用transportation expenses16.减缓对石油的依赖lessen one’s dependence on oil17.炸糖加工设备sugar processing facilities18.外汇foreign exchangeⅢ.短文翻译The theory of international trade has changed drastically from that first put forward by Adam Smith. The classical theories of Adam Smith and David Ricardo focused on the abilities of countries to produce goods more cheaply than other countries. The earliest production and trade theories saw labor as the major factor expense that went into any product. If a country could pay that labor less, and if that labor could produce more physically than labor in other countries, the country might obtain an absolute or comparative advantage in trade.国际贸易理论自从亚当史密斯第一次提出后就发生了很大的变化。
【免费下载】商务英语 资料大全

24 商务谈判实例(一) 25 商务谈判实例(二) 26 商务谈判实例(三)
27 商业书信常用开头 28 出差常用商务用语 29 怎样回复不合理的抱怨和索赔? 30 邀请信范例 31 商务合同英译应注意的问题 32 国际电话中的常用语 33 外贸常见英文缩略词 34 商务英语七日七语 35 商务信件书写简要介绍 36 商务方面口语和写作 37 中英对照商标术语 38 办公室术语常识
一.证明的写法 证明书种类很多,有工作经历证明、工作经验证明、病情证明、
对全部高中资料试卷电气设备,在安装过程中以及安装结束后进行高中资料试卷调整试验;通电检查所有设备高中资料电试力卷保相护互装作置用调与试相技互术关,系电,力根通保据过护生管高产线中工敷资艺设料高技试中术卷资,配料不置试仅技卷可术要以是求解指,决机对吊组电顶在气层进设配行备置继进不电行规保空范护载高与中带资负料荷试下卷高问总中题体资,配料而置试且时卷可,调保需控障要试各在验类最;管大对路限设习度备题内进到来行位确调。保整在机使管组其路高在敷中正设资常过料工程试况中卷下,安与要全过加,度强并工看且作护尽下关可都于能可管地以路缩正高小常中故工资障作料高;试中对卷资于连料继接试电管卷保口破护处坏进理范行高围整中,核资或对料者定试对值卷某,弯些审扁异核度常与固高校定中对盒资图位料纸置试,.卷保尤曲中其半资要径料避标试免高卷错等调误,试高要方中求案资技,料术编试交写5、卷底重电保。要气护管设设装线备备置敷4高、调动设中电试作技资气高,术料课中并3中试、件资且包卷管中料拒含试路调试绝线验敷试卷动槽方设技作、案技术,管以术来架及避等系免多统不项启必方动要式方高,案中为;资解对料决整试高套卷中启突语动然文过停电程机气中。课高因件中此中资,管料电壁试力薄卷高、电中接气资口设料不备试严进卷等行保问调护题试装,工置合作调理并试利且技用进术管行,线过要敷关求设运电技行力术高保。中护线资装缆料置敷试做设卷到原技准则术确:指灵在导活分。。线对对盒于于处调差,试动当过保不程护同中装电高置压中高回资中路料资交试料叉卷试时技卷,术调应问试采题技用,术金作是属为指隔调发板试电进人机行员一隔,变开需压处要器理在组;事在同前发一掌生线握内槽图部内 纸故,资障强料时电、,回设需路备要须制进同造行时厂外切家部断出电习具源题高高电中中源资资,料料线试试缆卷卷敷试切设验除完报从毕告而,与采要相用进关高行技中检术资查资料和料试检,卷测并主处且要理了保。解护现装场置设。备高中资料试卷布置情况与有关高中资料试卷电气系统接线等情况,然后根据规范与规程规定,制定设备调试高中资料试卷方案。

商务英语一、广交会对话实用英语(一)问好英语1. Good morning/afternoon/evening./May I help you? /Anything I can do for you?2. How do you do? /How are you? /Nice to meet you.3. It‟s a great honor to meet you./I have been looking forward to meeting you.4. Welcome to China.5. We really wish you'll have a pleasant stay here.6. I hope you‟ll have a pleasant stay here. Is this your fist visit to China?7. Do you have much trouble with jet lag?(二)机场接客1. Excuse me; are you Mr. Wilson from the International Trading Corporation?2. How do I address you?3. May name is Benjamin liu. I‟m from the Fuzhou E-fashion Electronic Company. I‟m here to meet you.4. We have a car can over there to take you to your hotel. Did you have a nice trip?5. Mr. David smith asked me to come here in his place to pick you up.6. Do you need to get back your baggage?7. Is there anything you would like to do before we go to the hotel?(三)相互介绍1. Let me introduce my self. My name is Benjamin Liu, an Int‟l salesman in the Marketing Department.2. Hello, I am Benjamin Liu, an Int‟l salesman of FUZHOU E-FASHION ELECTRONIC COMPANY. Nice to meet you. /pleased to meet you. / It is a pleasure to meet you.3. I would like to introduce Mark Sheller, the Marketing department manager of our company.4. Let me introduce you to Mr. Li, general manager of our company.5. Mr. Smith, this is our General manage, Mr. Zhen, this is our Marketing Director, Mr. Lin. And this is our RD Department Manager, Mr. Wang.6. If I‟m not mistaken, you must be Miss Chen from France.7. Do you remember me? Benjamin Liu from Marketing Department of PVC. We met several years ago.8. Is there anyone who has not been introduced yet?9. It is my pleasure to talk with you.10. Here is my business card. / May I give you my business card?11. May I have your business card? / Could you give me your business card?12. I am sorry. I can‟t recall your name. / Could you tel l me how to pronounce your name again?13. I‟ am sorry. I have forgotten how to pronounce your name.(四)聊天1. Is this your first time to China?2. Do you travel to China on business often?3. What kind of Chinese food do you like?4. What is the most interesting thing you have seen in China?5. What is surprising to your about China?6. The weather is really nice.7. What do you like to do in your spare time?8. What line of business are you in?9. What do you think about…? /What is your opinion?/What is your point of view?10. No wonder you're so experienced.11. It was nice to talking with you. / I enjoyed talking with you.12. Good. That's just what we want to hear.(五)确认话意1. Could you say that again, please?2. Could you repeat that, please?3. Could you write that down?4. Could you speak a little more slowly, please?5. You mean…is that right?6. Do you mean..?7. Excuse me for interrupting you.(六)约会1. May I make an appointment? I…d like to arrange a meeting to discuss our new order.2. Let‟s fix the time and the place of our meeting.3. Can we make it a little later?4. Do you think you could make it Monday afternoon? That would suit me better.5. Would you please tell me when you are free?6. I‟m afraid I have to cancel my appointment.7. It looks as if I won‟t be able to keep the appointment we made.8. Will you change our appoint tomorrow at 10:00 to the day after tomorrow at the came time?9. Anytime except Monday would be all right.10. OK, I will be here, then.11. We'll leave some evenings free, that is, if it is all right with you.(七)社交招待1. Would like a glass of water? / can I get you a cup of Chinese red tea? / How about a Coke?2. Alright, let me make some. I‟ll be right back.3. A cup of coffee would be great. Thanks.4. There are many places where we can eat. How about Cantonese food?5. I would like to invite you for lunch today.6. Oh, I can‟t let you pay. It is my treat, you are my guest.7. May I propose that we break for coffee now?8. Excuse me. I‟ll be right back9. Excuse me a moment.(八)告别1. Wish you a very pleasant journey home? Have a good journey!2. Thank you very much for everything you have done us during your stay in China.3. It is a pity you are leaving so soon.4. I‟m looking forward to seeing you again.5. I‟ll see you to the airport tomorrow morning.6. Don‟t forget to look me up if you are ever in FUZHOU. Have a nice journey!二、广交会市场销售英语(一)客户询问1. Could I have some information about your scope of business?2. Would you tell me the main items you export?3. May I have a look at your catalogue?4. We really need more specific information about your technology.5. Marketing on the Internet is becoming popular.6. We are just taking up this line. I‟m afraid we can‟t do much right now.(二)回答询问7. This is a copy of catalog. It will give a good idea of the products we handle.8. Won‟t you have a look at the catalogue and see what interest you?9. That is just under our line of business.10. What about having a look at sample first?11. We have a video which shows the construction and operation of our latest products.12. The product will find a ready market there.13. Our product is really competitive in the world market.14. Our products have been sold in a number of areas abroad. They are very popular with the users there.15. We are sure our products will go down well in your market, too.16. It‟s our principle in business “to honor the contract and keep our promise”.17. Convenience-store chains are doing well.18. We can have anther tale if anything interests you.19. We are always improving our design and patterns to confirm to the world market20. Could you provide some technical data? We‟d like to know more about your products.21. This product has many advantages compared to other competing products.22. There are certainly being problems in the sale work at the first stage. But suppose you order a small quantity for a trail.23. I wish you a success in your business transaction.24. You will surely find something interesting.25. Here you are. Which item do you think might find a ready market at your end?26. Our product is the best seller.27. This is our newly developed product. Would you like to see it?28. This is our latest model. It had a great success at the last exhibition in Paris.29. I‟m sure there is some room for negotiation.30. Here are the most favorite products on display. Most of them are local and national prize products.31. The best feature of this product is that it is very light in weight.32. We have a wide selection of colors and designs.33. Have a look at this new product. It operates at touch of a button. It is very flexible.34. this product is patented35. The functioning of this software has been greatly improved.36. This design has got a real China flavor.37. The objective of my presentation is for you to see the product‟s function.38. The product has just come out, so we don‟t know the outcome yet.39. It has only been on the market for a few months, bust it is already very popular.三、广交会谈判实用英语(一)品质1. We have a very strict quality controlling system which promises that goods we produced are always of the best quality.2. You have got the quality there as well as the style.3. How do you feel like the quality of our products?4. The high quality of the products will secure their leading status in the market place.5. You must be aware that our quality is far superior to others.6. We pride ourselves on quality. That is our best selling point.7. As long as the quality is good. It is all right if the price is a bit higher.8. They enjoy good reputation in the world.9. When we compare prices, we must first take into account the quality of the products.10. There is no quality problem. Quality is something we never neglect.11. You are right. It is good in material, fashionable in design, and superb in workmanship.12. We deliver all our orders within one month after receipt of the covering letters of credit.13. Do you have specific request for packing? Here are the samples of packing available now, you may have a look.14. I wonder if you have found that our specifications meet your requirements. I‟m sure the prices we submitted are competitive. Sample Text(二)价格客人询价1. Will you please let us have an idea of your price?2. Are the prices on the list firm offers?3. How about the price/ How much is this?我们报价4. This is our price list.5. We don‟t give any commission in general.6. What do you think of the payment terms?7. Here are our FOB prices. All the prices in the lists are subject to our final confirmation.8. In general, our prices are given on a FOB basis.9. We offer you our best prices, at which we have done a lot business with other customers.10. Will you please tell us the specifications, quantity and packing you want, so that we can work out the offer ASAP?11. This is the pricelist, but it serves as a guide line only. Is there anything you are particularly interested in?客人还价12. Is it possible that you lower the price a bit?13. Do you think you can possibly cut down your prices by 10%?14. Can you bring your price down a bit? Say $20 per dozen.15. It‟s too high; we have another offer for a similar one at much lower price.16. But don‟t you think it‟s a little high?17. Your price is too high for us to accept.18. It would be very difficult for us to push any sales it at this price.19. If you can go a little lower, I‟d be able to give you an order on the spot.20. It is too much. Can you discount it?拒绝还价21. Our price is highly competitive./ this is the lowest possible price./Our price is very reasonable.22. Our price is competitive as compared with that in the international market.23. To tell you the truth, we have already quoted our lowest price.24. I can assure you that our price if the most favorable. A trial will convince you of my words.25. The price has been cut to the limit.26. I‟m sorry. It is our rock-bottom price.27. My offer was based on reasonable profit, not on wild speculations.28. While we appreciate your cooperation, we regret to say that we can‟t reduce our price any further.接受还价29. Can we each make some concession?30. In order to conclude business, we are prepared to cut down our price by 5%.31. If your order is big enough, we may reconsider our price.32. Buyer wish to buy cheap and sellers wish to sell dear. Everyone has an eye to his own benefit.33. The price of his commodity has recently been adjusted due to advance in cost.34. Considering our good relationship and future business, we give a 3% discount.(三)订单客人询问最小单数量35. What‟s minimum quantity of an order of your goods?询问订货数量36. How many do you intend to order?37. Would you give me an idea how much you wish to order from us?38. When can we expect your confirmation of the order?39. As our backlogs are increasing, please hasten the order.40. Thank you for your inquiry. Would you tell us what quantity you require so that we can work out the offer?41. We regret that the goods you inquire about are not available.客人回答订单数量42. The size of our order depends greatly on the prices.43. Well, if your order is large enough, we are ready to reduce our price by 2 percent.44. If you reduce your price by 5, we are going to order 1000sets.45. Considering the long-standing business relationship between us, we accept it.46. This is a trial order; please send us 100 sets only so that we may test the market. If successful, we will give you large orders in the future.47. We have decided to place an order for your electronic weighing scale.48. I‟d like to order 600 sets.49. We can‟t execute orders at y our limits.感谢下单50. Generally speaking, we can supply form stock.51. I want to tell you how much I appreciate your order.52. Thank you for your order of 100 dozen of the shirts. We assure you of a punctual execution of your order.53. Thank you very much for your order.(四)交货客人询问交货期54. What about our request for the early delivery of the goods?55. What is the earliest time when you can make delivery?56. How long does it usually take you to make delivery?57. When will you deliver the products to us?58. When will the goods reach our port?59. What about the method of delivery?60. Will it possible for you to ship the goods before early October?答复交货期61. I think we can meet your requirement.62. I …m sorry. We can‟t advance the time o f delivery.63. I‟m very sorry for the delay in delivery and the inconvenience it must have caused you..64. We can assure you that the shipment will be made not later than the fist half of May.65. We will get the goods dispatched within the stipulated time.66. The earliest delivery we can make is at the end of September.客人要求提早交货67. You may know that time of delivery is a matter of great important.68. You know that time of delivery if very important to us. I hope you can give our request your special consideration.69. Let‟s discuss the delivery date first. You offere d to deliver the goods within six months after the contract signing.70. The interval is too long. Could we expect an earlier shipment within three months?稳住客人71. We shall effect shipment as soon as the goods are ready72. We will speed up the production in order to ship your order in time.73. If you desire earlier delivery, we can only make a partial shipment.74. But you‟d better ship the goods entirely.75. We‟ll try our best. The earliest delivery we can make is in May, but I can assure you that we‟ll do our best to advance the shipment.76. I‟m afraid not. As you know, our manufacturers are full and we have a lot of order to fill.77. I‟ll find out with our home office. We‟ll do our best to advance the time of delivery.78. Thank you very much for your cooperation.79. I believe that the products will reach you in time and in good order and hope they will give you complete satisfac(五)签单签单前建议1. Before the formal contract is drawn up we‟d like to restate the main points of the agreement.2. We can get the contract finalized now.3. Could you repeat the terms we‟ve settled?4. It is very important for us to abide by contracts and keep good faith.5. Have you any questions as regards to the contract?6. I‟d like to hear your ideas abou t the problem.7. I think it is better to have a good understanding of all clauses before signing a contract.8. Do you have any comment to make about this clause?9. Do you think the contract contains basically all we have agreed on during negotiations?10. Everything has been arranged well. I hope the signing of the contract will go smoothly11. These are two originals of the contract we prepared.询问签单12. When shall we sign the contract?13. Mr. Brown, do you think it is time to sign the contract?14. Shall we go over the other terms and conditions of the contract to see if we agree on all the particulars?15. Shall we sign the contract now?16. Just sign there on the bottom.17. The contract is ready, would you mind reading it through?18. We have reached an agreement on all the clauses discussed so far. It is time to sing the contract.签单后祝语19. I‟m very pleased that we have come to an agreement at last.20. Let‟s congratulate ourselves for the successful contract.(六)付款方式客人询问付款方式1. Shall we discuss the terms of payment?2. What is your regular practice about terms of payment?3. What are your terms of payment?4. How are we going to arrange payment?回复询问付款方式5. We‟d like you to pay us by L/C.6. We always require L/C for our exports and we pay by L/C for our imports as well.7. We insist on full payment.8. We ask for a 30 percent down payment.9. We expect payment in advance on first orders.客人建议付款方式10. We hope you will accept D/P payments terms.11. In view of this order of small quantity, we propose payment by D/P with collection through a band so as to simplify the payment procedure.12. Payment by L/C is the safest method, but rather complicated.礼貌拒绝客人13. I‟m sorry. We can‟t accept D/P or D/A. We insist on payment by L/C.14. I‟m afraid we must insist on our usual payment terms.15. “Payment by installments” is not the usual practice in world trade.16. It is difficult for us to accept your suggestion接受客人付款方式17. In view of our long friendly relations and the efforts you have made in pushing the sales, we agree to change the terms of payment from L/C at sight to D/P at sight; however, this should not be taken as a precedent.18. I have no alternative but to accept your terms of payment.信用证要求及货币19. When should we open the L/C?20. Your L/C must reach us 30 days before the date of delivery so as to enable us to make all necessary arrangements.21. How long should our L/C be valid?22. The L/C should be valid 30 days after the date of shipment.23. Could you tell me what documents you‟ll provide?24. Together with the draft, we‟ll also send you a ful l set of bill of lading, an invoice, and an insurance policy, a certificate of origin and a certificate of inspection. I suppose that is all.25. In what currency will payment by made?26. We usually do business in U.S.dollars as world prices are often dollars based.(七)保险客人询问保险1. As for the insurance, I have quite a lot of things which I am still not clear about.2. May I ask you a few questions about insurance?3. What do your insurance clauses cover?4. I wonder if the insurance company holds the responsibility for the loss.5. Have you taken our insurance for us on these goods?6. Can you tell me the difference between WPA and FPA?7. What risks are you usually covered against?8. Is war risk to be covered?9. I‟d like to have the insuranc e of the goods covered at 110% of the invoice amount.回复保险询问10. There are three basic covers, namely, Free form Particular Average, with Particular Average and ALL risks.11. Ocean shipping cargo insurance is important because goods run the risk of different hazards such as fire, storm, collision, theft, leakage, explosions, etc. If the goods are insured, the exporter might get enough to make up his loss.12. Should any damage be incurred, you may, within 60 days after the arrival of the consignment, file a claim supported by a survey report, with the insurance company at your end.13. As a rule, we don‟t cover them unless you want to.14. If more than that is asked for, the extra premium for the difference between 130% and 110% should be born by the buyer.15. The FPA clause doesn‟t cover partial loss o f the particular coverage, whereas the WPA clause does.16. The extra premium involved will be on your account.17. The insurance covers ALL Risks at 110% of the invoice value.18. No, it is not necessary for the shipping line to add to the cost. Our past experience shows that All risks gives enough protection to all the shipments to your area.19. ALL risk covers all losses occurring throughout the voyage caused by accidents at sea or land. In other words, it includes FPA, WPA, and general additional risks, with special additional risks excluded.(八)参观工厂1. You‟ll understand our products better if you visit the factory.2. I wonder if you could arrange a visit to the factory.3. Let‟s me know when you are free. We will arrange the tour for you.4. I would be pleased to accompany you to the workshops.5. We will drive you to our plant, which is about thirty minutes from here.6. Can I have a brochure of your factory?7. Here is the product shop; shall we start with the assembly line?8. All products have to go through five checks during the manufacturing process.9. The production method ahs been improved by introducing advanced technologies.10. It is a pleasure to show our factory to our friends, what is your general impression?11. It is nice to meet you. Welcome to our factory.12. Shall we rest a while and have a cup of tea before going around?13. I would like to look over the manufacturing process. How many workshops are there in the factory?14. Some accessories are made by our associates specializing in these fields.15. It is very kind of you to say so. My associate and I would be interested in visiting your factory.16. We believe that the quality is the soul of an enterprise.17. Would it be possible for me to have a closer look at your samples?展会谈判交流英语句型A: I'm sorry to say that the price you quote is too high. It would be very difficult for us to push any sales if we buy it at this price.B: well, if you take quality into consideration, you won't think our price is too high.A: Let's meet each other half way.- 很遗憾你们报的价格太高,如果按这种价格买进,我方实在难以推销。

二、商务英语基础词汇以下是一些常用的商务英语基础词汇:1. Corporation - 公司2. Business - 商业3. Marketing - 市场营销4. Sales - 销售5. Customer - 客户6. Client - 客户7. Product - 产品8. Service - 服务9. Negotiation - 谈判10. Contract - 合同三、商务会议词汇参加商务会议是商务人士经常需要面对的情况。
以下是一些在商务会议中常用的词汇:1. Agenda - 议程2. Minutes - 会议纪要3. Presentation - 演示4. Proposal - 提案5. Questions - 问题6. Discussion - 讨论7. Consensus - 共识8. Action items - 行动事项9. Follow-up - 后续跟进10. Decision - 决定四、市场营销与广告词汇市场营销和广告是商务领域中至关重要的部分。
以下是一些在市场营销和广告中常用的词汇:1. Brand - 品牌2. Target audience - 目标受众3. Promotion - 促销4. Campaign - 活动5. Market share - 市场份额6. Competitor - 竞争对手7. Advertisement - 广告8. Market research - 市场调研9. Customer loyalty - 客户忠诚度10. ROI (Return on Investment) - 投资回报率五、金融与财务词汇金融和财务是商务领域中不可或缺的一部分。
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商务英语(连载完毕)1 商务英语100句(new)2 证明的写法3 商务英语常见误译例析4 商业信函的7个“c”原则5 出差用语6 通知的写法7 面见客户时的实用英语8 reorganization of a partnership 公司改组通知9 付予代理权10 商务合同英译应注意的问题(一)11 商务合同英译应注意的问题(二)12 商务合同英译应注意的问题(三)13 私人和公务信函英文写(一)14 私人和公务信函英文写(二)15 私人和公务信函英文写(三)19 商务方面口语和写作20 外贸价格术语21 网络中的广告术语22 怎样写最后的催款信23 电邮(书信)写作技巧24 商务谈判实例(一)25 商务谈判实例(二)26 商务谈判实例(三)27 商业书信常用开头28 出差常用商务用语29 怎样回复不合理的抱怨和索赔?30 邀请信范例31 商务合同英译应注意的问题32 国际电话中的常用语33 外贸常见英文缩略词34 商务英语七日七语35 商务信件书写简要介绍36 商务方面口语和写作37 中英对照商标术语38 办公室术语常识一.证明的写法证明书种类很多,有工作经历证明、工作经验证明、病情证明、留学生经济担保书、学业成绩证明书等等,是用来证明一个人的身份、学历、婚姻状况、身体情况等或某一件事情的真实情况。
称呼多用“to whom it may concern”意即“有关负责人”,但此项也可省略。
医生证明书doctor's certificatejune. 18, 2000this is to certify that the patient, Mr. tomas, male, aged 41, was admitted into our hospital on june. 9, 2000, for suffering from acute appendicitis. after immediate operation and ten days of treatment, he has got complete recovery and will be discharged on june. 19, 2000. it is suggested that he rest for one week at home before resuming his work.jack hopkinssurgeon-in-charge医生证明书2000年6月18日兹证明病人托马斯先生,男,41岁,因患急性阑尾炎,于2000年6月9日住院。
主治医生:杰克·霍普金斯公证书certificate(90)lu zi, no. 1130this is to certificate that Mr. zhao qiangwen holds a diploma issued to him in july, 1980 by shandong university (diploma no. 064)and that we have carefully checked the seal of the university and the signature by president zhou yong sen.jinan notary public officeshangdong provincethe people's republic of chinanotary: wang fangmay 2, 2000公证书(90鲁公证字第1130号)兹证明赵强文先生持有山东大学于1980年发给他的064号毕业文凭上的学校印签和校长周永森签字属实。
例一:floatingit is not surprising, then, that the world saw a return to a floating exchange rate system. central banks were no longer required to support their own currencies.floating policy is of great importance for export trade; it is, in fact, a convenient method of insuring goods where a number of similar export transactions are intended, e.g. where the insured has to supply an overseas importer under an exclusive sales agreement or maintains sales representatives or subsidiary companies abroad.译文:在这种情况下,世界各国又恢复浮动汇率就不足为奇了。
注解:floating 在上述两个句中的意思完全不一样,floating exchange rate 意为“浮动汇率”,即可自由浮动,完全受市场力量决定的汇率制度。
而floating policy 则指用以承保多批次货运的一种持续性长期保险凭证,常译为“统保单”。
例二:confirmwe'd like to inform you that our counter sample will be sent to you by dhl by the end of this week and please confirm it asap so that we can start our mass production.payment will be made by 100% confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit available by sight draft。
付款方式为1o0% 即期,保兑,不可撤消信用证。
注解:confirmed 一词在这两句话的意思也不一样。
在第一个句子中,confirm 的意思是“确认”。
在第二个句子中,confirmed l/c 应翻译为“保兑信用证”,即指一家银行所开的由另一家银行保证兑付的一种银行信用证。
例三:negotiablepart time barman required.hours and salary negotiable.this bill of lading is issued in a negotiable form, so it shall constitute title to the goods and the holder, by endorsement of this b/l.译文:招聘兼职酒店保安,工作时间和薪水面议。
所签发的提单可为转让的,故只要在提单上背书, 便确定了货物和持票人的所有权。
注解:在第一句话中,negotiable 的意思是“可商议的”,在第二句话中的意思则是“可转让的”,“可转让提单”经过背书后即可将所有权转让给他人,值得注意的是,negotiating bank 则是议付银行,即购买或贴现汇票的银行。
例四:discountyou may get a 5% discount if your order is on a regular basis.if a seller extends credit to a time draft, they have made a trade acceptance.the seller can request that the bank finance the transaction by buying the draft.the bank is said to discount the draft.译文:如果你方定期给我方下定单,你方便可得到5% 的折扣。
注解:discount 在这两句话中的意思一个是折扣,另一个是贴现。
例五:endorseour products have been endorsed by the national quality inspection association.draft must be accompanied by full set original on board marine bill off lading made out to order,endorsed in blank,marked freight prepaid.译文:我们的产品为全国质量检查协会的推荐产品。
而第二句中的“空白背书明是指背书人(endorser) 只在票据背面签上自己的名字,而不注明特定的被背书人(endorsee)。
例六:averageif a particular cargo is partially damaged,the damage is called particular average.it's obvious that the products are below the average quality.译文:如果某批货是部分受损,我们称之为“单独海损”。