川下博士美理的制造者,剧中最伟大的机器人工学家。在山之上博士失踪后继任科学省长官,为马鲁斯完成 了弟弟米鲁奇。为机器人与人类的关系时时苦恼。与山之上博士在对马鲁斯养育方针上矛盾重重。提倡真正的强 大是心的强大。
英理川下博士制造的女性形机器人,外观上与人类很接近。像马鲁斯的姐姐一样关心马鲁斯,一次次在马鲁 斯遭遇困难时冲在最前面。
マルス:清水マリ 美理:松尾佳子 メルチ:白石冬美 川下博士:胜田久 ヒゲオヤジ:富田耕生 アディオス:神谷明 タマオ:铃木富子 四部垣:加藤治 タワシ长官:八奈见乗児 中村警部:田中崇 スカンク草井:大竹宏
01 作品简介
03 演员简介
02 人物介绍
《铁臂马鲁斯》(Jetter Mars)是一部以马鲁斯为主角的机器人科幻动画,由手冢治虫参与制作,由东映 动画实际制作完成,全片共27集。
马ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ斯《铁臂马鲁斯》(日语:ジェッターマルス,英语:Jetter Mars,意大利语:Capitan Jet,西班 牙语:Jet Marte,葡萄牙语:Marte, o menino biônico,俄语:Джет Марс,香港地区:淘 气小飞侠,台湾地区:无敌小超人)是一部以马鲁斯为主角的机器人科幻动画。中国大陆地区没有引进,1979年 香港地区播放过。在全球相当多的国家都播放过。全片共27集。
《マルス2015年》 作词:伊藤アキラ 作曲:越部信义 收录:《手冢治虫作品集 ジェッターマルス オリジナル・サウンドトラック》、《手冢治虫の世界》 歌词原文(日语): ひかりまぶしい 日本に ひとつのいのちが はばたいた その名はマルス! ジェッター・マルス! 时は2015年 つよいちからを むねにだき
机械姬的观后感机械姬(Ex Machina)是一部由亚历克斯·加兰德执导的科幻电影,于2014年上映。
机战a psp版 全隐藏要素
![机战a psp版 全隐藏要素](
4、Gファイター or フルアーマーガンダム:2者只能得其一
6、大豪寺凯 ダイゴウジ=ガイ(本名:山田二郎エステバリス?ガイ):
7、拉拉。辛 ララァ(爱美号エルメス):
ゲッタードラゴン 与 メカ胡蝶鬼交战后双方仍然生存
12、阿伦比 アレンビー=ビアズリー(ノーベルガンダム):
黑暗救难机器人(BLマシンロボ)机器人司令:无模仿救难机器人制作而成的邪恶机器人,机体颜色以黑色 为主。
宫岛武藏(宫岛武藏)(CV/日:杉野博臣 台:黑狗兄 港:潘文柏)疾速红翼小队所属教官。很热血的 教官,指导非常严苛,很重视队员们的能力。之后成为救难特警队第二任长官。
佐佐木幸四郎(佐々木幸四郎)(CV/日:置鲇龙太郎 台:李世扬 港:陈卓智)蓝色警报小队所属教官。 出身于警界特殊部队,平时看似很冷静,但在所属小队遇上麻烦时仍旧难免会失控。离开救难特警队之后回到了 原本的工作岗位上。
片头曲《Go!Go!レスキュー!”(Go!Go!Rescue!) 》 作词、作曲:影山ヒロノブ 编曲:川野阳吾 演唱:JAM Project 片尾曲《マーチ オブ レスキューヒーロー”(March of Rescue Hero)》 作词、作曲:影山ヒロノブ 编曲:须藤贤一 演唱:JAM Project
凯萨G/帝皇G(カイザーG)(CV/日:中田和宏 台:孙诚/粤:李锦纶)迪杰星的首领。专门制造灾害。 能预测救难机器人的行动。
哈萨特上校(ハザード大佐)(CV/日:野岛健儿 台:李世扬)迪杰星最高干部。创造了黑暗救难机器人。 在杰伊背叛迪杰星后,他亲自领导引起了大多数的灾害。习惯一边敬礼一边喊“帅呀!”。
从父亲那继承剑狼和天空宙心拳的罗姆为了阻止加迪斯的野心,与妹妹蕾娜、好友捷特、多利鲁、杰米一起 踏上了征程……
超级机器人大战L 隐藏要素
![超级机器人大战L 隐藏要素](
機動戦士ガンダム选择連合軍の暴走を止めに向かえ。第15話 僕たちの行方中,让シン将ステラ的HP削减到10%以下发生剧情,第32話 奏でられた曲は战前剧情加入。
第26話 それぞれの願い中,由イクサー3击坠アトロス。第34話 イクセリオの輝き战斗结束发生剧情复活,过关后加入。
第12話 放課後の来訪者中,在7回合之内击坠グラン·ネイドル,之后满足下列3种情况之一:
1、第14話 真夜中の死闘结束后选择JUDAの防衛任務にあたれ,第15話 裏切りの蒼中由浩一击坠宗美,之后的第16話 JUDA奪還作戦中由浩一击坠宗美。
第6話 空が落ちる日中确保全部メテオブレイカー,第33話 選ばれた未来中战后剧情得到。
第33話 選ばれた未来中,让キラ与レイ发生战斗,然后由シン击坠レイ,过关后加入。
第28話 破られた約束结束后选择宇宙で警戒任務。第29話 トライアングラー中,ミシェル出击后并在剧情发生前击坠8机以上敌人。如果本话之前ミシェル击坠数大于992则无法达成条件。
2、第14話 真夜中の死闘结束后选择JUDAの防衛任務にあたれ,第15話 裏切りの蒼中由浩一击坠宗美。第33話 選ばれた未来中由浩一说得宗美。
3、第28話 破られた約束结束后选择地上で警戒任務。第31話 鬼を喰らうモノ中,浩一和宗美战斗两次发生对话。第33話 選ばれた未来中由浩一说得宗美。
然后在第37話 鋼鉄の華中由沢渡、ユリアンヌ、五飛之一说得宗美,达成条件宗美会在本话最后剧情中增援登场,过关后加入。
游戏名称100万美元-幻之帝王篇 (Maboroshi No Teiou Hen) 日版100IN1 (100IN1) 日版10码大战-橄榄球大赛 (10 - Yard Fight) 日版110合1 (110-in-1) 美版115合 (115IN1)球类11合1 (11-in-1 Ball Games) 美版1200合1 (1200in1)150合1 (150-in-1)台湾16张麻将 (16 Mahjang) 繁体中文1942 (1942) 日版1943 (1943 ) 日版1944 (1944) 美版1999强手棋 (1999-Hore) 日版19-Neunzehn 磁碟机版 日版20合1 (20-in-1) 美版22合1 (22-in-1) 日版31合1 (31in1) 美版3D世界赛跑者 (3-D Battles of World Runner) 美版3D方块 (3D Block) 美版鬼屋2 (3STOOGES) 美版扑克4合1 (4 CARD G)4人麻将 (4 Nin Uchi Mahjong) 日版五子棋 (5) 日版52合1 (52 Games) 美版54合1 (54in1) 美版58合1 (58-in-1) 美版64合1 (64-in-1) 日版68合1 (68in1_HKX5268) 美版6合1 (6in1_SuperGK-L02A) 美版6合1 (6in1) 美版滑板720度 (720) 美版72合1 (72-IN-1)76合1 (76in1kh)7合1 (7-in-1) 美版8只眼 (8 Eye s) 日版89电脑占卜 (89 Dennou Kyuusei Uranai) 日版忍者猫9合1 (9 in 1 Ninja Cat) 日版雪人小子 (A Boy And His Blob)A列车 (A Ressha De Ikou) 日版呜呼!野球人生一直线 (Yakyuu Jinsei Itchokusen) 日版阿贝道X (Abadox) 日版超级乌鸦天狗 (Abarenbou Tengu) 日版ACES铁鹰战机3 (Aces - Iron Eagle 3) 日版52合1 (Action 52) 美版最终任务另一个/空中魂斗罗另一个 (Action in New York) 欧版AD&D龙之猎手 (AD&D Dragon Strike) 美版AD&D长枪英雄 (AD&D Heroes of the Lance) 日版亚当斯一家 (Addams Family The) 美版阿达一族 (Addams Family - Pugsley s Scavenger Hunt The) 美版亚迪安之杖 (Adian no Tsue) 日版 磁碟机版高桥名人的冒险岛4 (Adventure Island 4 (English v1_0) 美版迪士尼魔术王国 (Adventures In The Magic Kingdom)宇宙船长冒险 (Adventures of Captain Comic The) 美版新人类 (Adventures of Dino Riki) 美版Rocky和Bullwinkle和他们的朋友的冒险 (Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends The) 美版汤姆索亚大冒险 (Adventures Tom Sawyer) 美版罗罗大冒险 (Adventures of Lolo) 日版高桥名人的冒险岛2 (ADVILND2) 美版高桥名人的冒险岛3 (ADVISL3) 美版冲破火网 (After Burner) 美版冲破火网2 (After Burner 2) 日版美国运动会 (AGLAD) 美版爱先生的占卜之星 (Ai Sensei) 日版爱战士尼科鲁 (Ai Senshi Nicol) 日版 磁碟机版古代预言 (Aigiina No Yogen) 日版空中大作战/空中要塞 (Air Fortress Kuuchuu) 日版赤川次郎的幽灵列车 (Akagawa Jirou No Yuurei Ressha) 日版不可思议之壁 (Aki to Tsukasa no Fushigi no Kabe) 多国语言 磁碟机版Akira (日版)恶魔君 (Akuma Kun - Makai No Wana) 日版恶魔的邀请书 (Akuma No Shoutaijou) 美版恶魔城传说 (Akumajou Densetsu) 恶魔城3日版恶魔城 (Akumajou Dracula) 日版恶魔城 (Akumajou Dracula) 日版 磁碟机版恶魔城外传-王子传奇/德拉克拉君 (Akumajou Special - Boku Dracula Kun) 日版亚空战记 (Akuu Senki Raijin) 美版 磁碟机版超级方程式赛车 (Al Unser Jr Turbo Racing) 美版阿拉丁 (Aladdin) 欧版阿拉丁2 (Aladdin2) 美版跳跳鸡 (ALFDCHIK) 美版异形3 (Alien 3) 美版霹雳神兵 (Alien Syndrome) 日版超级马里奥黑夜版 (All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros) 磁碟机版推骰子 (All One - Famimaga Disk Vol. 3) 日版 磁碟机版全美职业篮球 (All-Pro basketball) 美版全明星棒球赛 (All-Star Softball)阿尔法任务/即ASO战机美版 (Alpha Mission) 美版突然君 (AMAGON) 美版美国大总统选举 (America Daitouryou Senkyo) 日版横断美国问答-史上最大的战斗 (America.Oudan) 日版柏青哥君美国之梦 (American Dream) 日版暗黑神话 (Ankoku Shinwa) 日版南极大冒险 (Antarctic Adventure) 日版Ao no Senritsu (磁碟机版)元朝秘史2-苍狼与白鹿 (Shiroki Mejika Genghis Khan) 日版阿拉伯之梦 (Arabian Dream Sharezerd) 日版双人篮球 (Arch Rivals) 美版星际争霸 (Archon) 美版ARCTIC (日版)未来战士 (Argos No Senshi) 日版百眼巨神 (Argus) 日版打砖块 (Arkanoid) 日版打砖块2 (Arkanoid 2) 日版阿基斯塔之戒 (Arkista is Ring) 美版甲龙传说外传 (Armed Dragon Fantasy) 日版Artelius (日版)仙人掌 (Arumajiro) 日版奇迹之冒险 (Arumana no Kiseki) 英文 磁碟机版阿斯米君世界 (Asmik Kun Land) 日版ASO战机 (Armored Scrum Object) 日版魔蛇王之咒 (Aspic - Majaou no Noroi) 英文 磁碟机版高卢人 (Asterix) 欧版疯狂大赛车 (Astro Fang - Super Machine) 日版漂浮枪手 (Astro Robo Sasa) 日版斧王 (ASTYANAX) 美版雅典娜 (Athena) 日版田径运动会 (Athletic World) 美版亚特兰蒂斯之迷 (Atlantis No Nazo) 日版攻击动物学园 (Attack Animal Gakuen) 日版夜游男孩 (ATTACKKI) 美版体育集锦 (aussie_rules_footy) 美版花朴俱乐部 (AV (Card Game)柏青嫂 (AV Pachi Slot) 日版足球 (AV Soccer) 美版巴比伦塔 (Babel No Tou) 日版保护Baby (Baby Boomer) 美版回到未来 (Back to the Future) 美版回到未来2&3 (Back to the Future 2 & 3) 美版西洋双陆棋 (Backgammon) 日版 磁碟机版龙之忍者 (BADDUDES) 美版坏消息棒球 (BADNEWS) 美版黑街 (BADSTREE) 美版马券必胜学 (Baken Hisshougaku Gate In) 日版爆笑人生剧场 (Bakushou!! Jinsei) 日版爆笑人生剧场2 (Bakushou!! Jinsei) 日版爆笑人生剧场3 (Bakushou!! Jinsei Gekijou 3) 日版爆笑爱之剧场 (Bakushou! Ai No) 日版爆笑四天王 (Bakushou! Star Monomane Shitennou) 日版爆斗士巴顿君 (Bakutoushi Patton Kun) 美版 磁碟机版滚球大战 (Ballblazer) 日版气球战士/气球大战 (Balloon Fight) 日美版巴特龙战机 (Baltron) 日版香蕉 (Banana) 日版香蕉王子大冒险美 (banana_prince) 美版香蕉王子大冒险 (Bananan Ouji No Daibouken) 日版Bandai高尔夫球 (Bandai Golf - Challenge Pebble Beach) 美版包青天 (Bao Qing Tian) 简体中文爆笑三国 (繁体中文)芭芘娃娃 (Barbie)秘境探险2/秘境魔宝2 (Bard s Tale 2 - The Destiny Knight) 日版巴克比尔的射击游戏 (Barker Bill is Trick Shooting) 美版垃圾男孩 (Bartman) 美版辛普生与世界 (BARTVSWO) 美版棒球 (Baseball) 日版棒球大战 (Baseball Fighter) 日版模拟棒球1000 (Baseball Simulator 1000) 美版棒球之星 (Baseball Stars) 日版棒球之星2 (Baseball Stars 2) 美版棒球 (Baseball) 美版 磁碟机版棒球 (Basels1) 日版棒球 (Bases Loaded) 美版棒球3 (Bases Loaded 3) 美版超空间棒球 (Basewars) 日版魔境铁人 (Bat Tery) 日版蝙蝠侠 (Batman) 日版蝙蝠侠 (Batman) 简体中文版蝙蝠侠3 (BATMAN3) 日版SD战斗棒球 (Battle Baseball) 日版国际象棋 (Battle Chess)坦克大战/打坦克 (Battle City) 日版坦克大战/打坦克 (简体中文)大海战 (Battle Fleet) 日版战斗方程赛车 (Battle Formula) 日版战斗棒球大赛 (Battle Stadium - Senbatsu Pro Yakyuu) 日版战斗坦克 (Battle Tank) 美版战斗舰船 (Battleship) 美版忍者蛙 (BATTLETO) 美版忍者蛙与双截龙 (Battletoads Double Dragon) 美版三国志2-霸王的大陆 超级版 (简体中文)鳄鱼先生 (BAYOUBIL) 美版美女与野兽 (BeautyandtheBeast) 美版高校生极乐传说 (Be-Bop-Highschool - Koukousei Gokuraku Densetsu) 日版蜜峰52 (Bee 52) 美版阴间大法师/哗鬼家族 (Beetlejuice) 美版亚斯基职业野球 (Best Play - Pro Yakyuu) 日版亚斯基职业野球2 (Best Play - Pro Yakyuu 2) 日版亚斯基职业野球 90 (Best Play - Pro Yakyuu 90) 日版亚斯基职业野球特别篇 (Best Play - Pro Yakyuu Special) 日版拳击 (BESTBEST) 美版圣经大冒险 (Bible Adventures) 美版圣经大冒险 (Bible Buffet) 美版大鸟学英语 (Big Bird is Hide And Speak) 美版大挑战!空中斗士 (Big Challenge! Dogfight Spirit) 英文 磁碟机版保龄球大挑战 (Big Challenge! Go! Go! Bowling) 日版 磁碟机版大挑战!神枪手 (Big Challenge! Gun Fighter) 日版 磁碟机版柔道选手权大挑战 (Big Challenge! Juudou Senshuken) 日版 磁碟机版大鼻子怪人 (Big Nose Freaks Out) 美版大鼻子原始人 (Big Nose the Caveman) 美版锄大D (BIG2) 繁体中文版大轮赛车 (Bigfoot)激斗圣战士 (Bikkuriman World - Gekitou Sei Senshi) 日版F1公路赛车 (Bill Elliott is NASCA Challenge) 美版企鹅先生 (Binary Land) 日版75宾果 (Bingo 75)超级宝宝 (Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa) 日版超级宝宝 (Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa) 英文超级战士-DAN (Bio Senshi Dan - Increaser To No Tatakai) 日版希特勒复活 (BIONIC C) 美版鸟的故事 (Bird Week) 日版美少女 (Bishoujo Control) 多国语言 磁碟机版美少女麻将俱乐部 (Bishoujo Mahjong Club) 多国语言 磁碟机版美少女赛马 (Bishoujo Sexy Derby) 多国语言 磁碟机版美少女SF选择扑克 (Bishoujo SF Alien Battle) 多国语言 磁碟机版美少女写真馆 (Bishoujo Shashinkan - Studio Cut) 多国语言 磁碟机版黑巴斯2 (Black Bass 2 The) 日版黑巴斯 (Black Bass The) 日版黑杰克 (Blackjack) 美版冰球 (BLADES) 美版超惑星战记/超行星战记 (Blaster Master) 美版方块世界 (Blodia Land) 日版血之战士 (Bloody Warriors - Shan Goo No Gyakushuu) 日版蓝色马林 (Blue Marlin The) 日版赤影战士 (Blue Shadow) 欧版蓝色兄弟 (Blues Brothers) 美版棒球 (BOJACKSO) 日版武士救美 (Bokosuka Wars) 日版炸弹之王 (Bomber King) 日版炸弹人 (Bomber Man) 日版炸弹人2 (Bomber Man 2) 日版炸弹人killman改版 (Bomberman Killerman) 美版炸弹人 (Bomberman) 美版 磁碟机版炸弹人合集 (BOMBMAN)FC原人 (Bonks Adventure) 美版时空小子 (Booby Kids) 日版鼻涕超人 (Boogerman) 美版 磁碟机版新地底探险 (Boulder Dash) 日版13合1 (BrainSeries13in1) 美版德拉克拉伯爵 (Bram Stoker is Dracula) 美版休息时间 (Break Time) 美版越野战车 (BREAKTHR) 美版机器人对决 (Breeder) 美版 磁碟机版刷子与滚筒 (Brush Roller) 美版泡泡龙 (Bubble Bobble) 美版 磁碟机版泡泡龙 (Bubble Bobble)泡泡龙2 (BUBBLEB2) 美版外星战将 (Bucky O Hare) 日版公路追逐赛 (Buggy Popper) 日版兔子巴比 (BUGSBUNN) 美版碰碰飞车 (BUMPJUMP) 美版无赖战士 (BURAIFIG) 美版汉堡时代 (Burger Time) 日版汉堡时代 (Burger Time) 美版 磁碟机版B计划 (B-Wings) 日版 (Alt)B计划 (B-Wings) 日版惊天动地 (Cabal) 美版扑克方块 (Cadillac) 日版老虎机 (CAESAR) 日版6合1 (caltron) 美版上尉密令/美国队长 (CAPAMERI) 美版巴塞罗那奥运 92 (Capcom Barcelona 92) 日版ED上尉 (Captain Ed) 日版救援队长 (Captain Saver) 日版银色上尉 (Captain Silver) 日版天使之翼/足球小将 (Captain Tsubasa) 日版天使之翼2/足球小将2 (Captain Tsubasa Vol 2 - Super Striker) 日版地球超人 (CAPTAINP) 日版空鹰队长 (CAPTSKYH) 日版美少女选择扑克 (Casino de Pink) 多国语言 磁碟机版竞马赛场 (Casino Derby) 日版赌城小子2 (Casino Kid 2) 美版赌城小子 (CASINO) 日版卡斯特里安 (Castelian) 美版精致之城/城堡探险 (Castle Excellent) 日版诡秘之城 (Castle Of Deceit)龙之军团/龙之城堡 (Castle Of Dragon) 美版勇者之城 (Castle Quest) 日版恶魔城 (CASTLE1) 美版精致之城美版 (Castlequest) 美版恶魔城2 (Castlevania2-Simons Quest) 美版恶魔城3 (Castlevania3-Draculas Curse) 美版功夫猫党/忍者猫 (Cattou Ninden Teyandee) 日版原始人运动会 (Caveman Games)十项全能运动会 (Cecathlon) 繁体中文流行恰克 (Chack n Pop) 日版挑战巨龙 (Challenge of the Dragon) 美版列车寻宝 (Challenger) 日版保龄球大赛 (Championship Bowling) 日版金块/淘金者 (Championship Lode Runner) 日版台球锦标赛 (Championship Pool) 美版混乱世界 (Chaos World) 日版FC原人2 (Cheetahmen 2) 美版国际象棋大师 (Chessmaster) 美版暗黑之挑战 (Chester Field) 日版樱桃小丸子 (Chibi Maruko Chan - Uki Uki Shopping) 日版CHIISANA OBAKE (Chiisana Obake - Atchi Sotchi Kotchi) 日版顽皮狗 (Chiki Chiki Machine Mou Race) 日版松鼠大作战 (Chip To Dale No Daisakusen) 日版松鼠大作战2 (Chip To Dale No Daisakusen 2) 日版地底大作战/地底战记 (Chitei Senkuu - Bazorudaa) 日版地底大陆 (Chitei Tairiku Orudoora) 日版 磁碟机版千代大相扑/千代富士之大银杏 (Chiyo No Fuji No Ooichou) 日版火暴拉力赛车 (chmpraly) 美版直升机大战 (Choplifter) 日版超时空要塞 (Choujikuu Yousai - Macross) 日版超人狼战记 (Choujin Ookami Senki - Warwolf) 日版鸟人战队 (Choujin Sentai - Jetman) 日版超人棒球 (Choujin - Ultra Baseball) 日版超惑星战记/超行星战记 (Chouwakusei Senki - Metafight) 日版RADIA 战争 (Chronicle of the Radia War) 日版爱天使/Q太郎 (Chubby Cherub) 美版东风-中国麻将 (Chuugoku Janshi Story Tonpuu) 日版中国占星术 (Chuugoku Senseijutsu) 日版中华大仙 (Chuuka Taisen) 日版马戏团 (Circus Charlie) 日版马戏团 (简体中文)城市冒险-接触 (City Adventure Touch - Mystery of Triangle) 日版碰碰车 (City Connection) 多国语言 磁碟机版碰碰车 (CITYCON) 日版电击作战 (CLASHDMN) 美版魔宝 (Cleopatra no Mahou) 日版 磁碟机版绝岭雄风 (Cliffhanger) 美版时钟方块 (Clox - Famimaga Disk) 美版 磁碟机版CLU CLU 世界 (Clu Clu Land) 日美版库鲁库鲁大陆 (Clu Clu Land - Welcome to New Cluclu Land) 美版 磁碟机版成龙之龙 (clzlcn) 简体中文眼镜蛇指挥官 (Cobra Command) 日版飞艇 (COBRATRI) 美版魔法世界 (Cocona World) 日版 磁碟机版魔法世界 (Cocoron) 日版为恐龙上色 (Color A Dinosaur) 美版拳王97 (Colour 2001 Streetfighter II) 日版哥伦布传 (Columbus - Ougon No Yoake) 日版战场之狼 (Commando) 日版战场之狼 (Commando) 美版CONAN魔天童子 (CONCRYST) 美版三军大作战 (Conflict) 日版魂斗罗 完全版 (Contra) 日版魂斗罗3/魂斗罗外传 (Contra Forge)魂斗罗 (CONTRA) 美版魂斗罗 (简体中文)美女闯通关 (Cool World) 美版宇宙战机 (Cosmic Epsilon) 日版宇宙争霸战/太空模拟战 (Cosmic Wars) 日版宇宙创世纪 (Cosmo Genesis) 日版宇宙刑警 (Cosmo Police - Galivan) 日版裂缝 (Crackout) 欧版热血新记录 (CRASHBOY) 美版蜡笔小新 (Crayon Shin Chan) 日版疯狂爬梯工 (Crazy Climber) 日版帝国战机 (Crisis Force) 日版帝国战机 (Crisis Force) 简体中文版脱狱2/血火纵横 (Cross Fire) 日版天神之剑 (CRYSTALI) 美版水晶矿 (CRYSTLCV) 日版未来美式足球 (CYBERBAL) 美版外星小子 (Cybrnoid)单车王 (Cycle Race - Road Man) 日版第四次机器人大战 (繁体中文)第2次机器人大战 (Dai 2 Ji - Super Robot Taisen) 日版大怪兽迪普拉斯 (Daikaijuu - Deburas) 日版大力工头-阿源君 (Daiku No Gen San) 日版大力工头-阿源君2 (Daiku No Gen San 2 - Akage No Dan No Gyakushuu) 日版大迷路 (Daimeiro - Meikyuu No Tatsujin) 日版大战略 (Daisenryaku) 简体中文版大战略 (Daisenryaku) 日版超人迪瓦 (Daiva - Imperial of Nirsartia) 日版花花公子 (Dandy Zeuon no Fukkatsu) 日版 磁碟机版印地之热赛车 (Danny Sullivan is Indy Heat) 美版黑暗统治者 (Dark Lord) 日版上海教父 (DARKMAN) 美版怪鸭历险记 (DARKWING) 美版银河避难所 (Dash Galaxy in the Alien Asylum) 美版冲刺野郎 (Dash Yarou) 日版条码版战斗机器人 (Datach Battle Rush) 日版蜡笔小新条码版 (Datach Crayon Shin Chan) 日版龙珠Z-激斗天下一武道会 (Datach Dragon Ball Z - Gekitou Tenkaichi Budou Kai) 日版J联盟条码足球 (Datach J League - Super Top Players) 日版黑桃杰克 (Date de Blackjack) 多国语言 磁碟机版脱狱 (Datsugoku) 日版脱狱 (简体中文)梦幻日子 (Day Dreamin Davey) 美版雷电之日 (Days of Thunder) 美版龙珠4合1 (dbz4in1) 美版龙珠Z - 超武斗传5 (Dragon Ball Z - Super Butoden 5) 简体中文篮球 (Ddribble) 美版地道战 (繁体中文)死亡区域 (Dead Zone) 日版 磁碟机版古堡战士 (DEADLYTO) 美版毁灭机器人 (Deathbots) 美版星际俄罗斯方块 (Deblock) 日版深入地底3-勇者之旅 (Deep Dungeon 3 - Yuushi E No Tabi) 日版深入地底4-黑暗妖术师 (Deep Dungeon 4 - Kuro No Youjutsushi) 日版深入地底 (Deep Dungeon) 日版 磁碟机版深入地底4-黑暗妖术师 (Deep Dungeon 4 - The Black Sorcerer) 美版王冠保卫战 (Defender of the Crown) 美版飞机救人 (DEFENDER) 美版城市保卫战 (Defenders of Dynatron City) 美版超时空效应 (Deja Vu) 日版不动明王传 (Demon Sword) 美版电击作战 (Dengeki - Big Bang) 日版传说骑士 (Densetsu No Kishi - Elrond) 日版达比大赛特别版/德比赛马特别版 (Derby Stallion) 日版达比大赛全国版/德比赛马全国版 (Derby Stallion - Zenkokuban) 日版沙漠之狐 (Desert Commander) 美版目标地球 (Destination Earthstar) 美版吞食天地 (destiny_of_an_emperor) 美版吞食天地 (Destiny of an Emperor) 日版吞食天地2-诸葛孔明传 (Destiny of an Emperor 2) 日版吞食天地2-诸葛孔明传 (Destiny of an Emperor 2) 美版恶魔人 (Devil Man) 日版恶魔世界 (Devil World) 日版 (Alt)恶魔世界 (Devil World) 日版描绘卫门 (Dezaemon) 日版描绘卫门 (Dezaemon) 美版狄克探案/模拟警察 (Dick Tarcy)虎胆龙威 (Die Hard) 日版挖金子/打空气/叮当 (Dig Dug) 日版挖金子 (Dig Dug) 美版 磁碟机版挖金子2 (Dig Dug II) 美版 磁碟机版失落城市传说 (Digger - The Legend of the Lost City) 美版女神转生 (Digital Devil Monogatari - Megami Tensei) 日版女神转生2 (Digital Devil Monogatari - Megami Tensei 2) 日版肮脏的哈利 (Dirty Harry) 美版打击魔鬼 (Dirty Pair - Project Eden) 美版 磁碟机版小蛋大冒险 (Dizzy The Adventurer) 美版游园地 (Doki! Doki! Yuuenchi) 日版独眼龙正宗 (Dokuganryuu Masamune) 日版工人战记/咚咚 (Don Doko Don) 日版工人战记2/咚咚2 (Don Doko Don 2) 日版唐老鸭 (Donald Duck) 日版麦当劳世界 (Donald Land) 日版大金刚 (Donkey Kong) 日美版大金刚3 (Donkey Kong 3) 日美欧版经典大金刚/大金刚JR (Donkey Kong Classics) 美版大金刚JR (Donkey Kong Jr) 日美版大金刚JR (Donkey Kong Jr) 美版 磁碟机版大金刚 (Donkey Kong) 美版 磁碟机版门门 (Door Door) 日版机器猫小叮当冒险 (Doraemon) 日版机器猫小叮当 (简体中文)机器猫小叮当冒险RPG (Doraemon - Gigazombie No Gyakushuu) 日版机器猫小叮当冒险RPG (Doraemon - The Revenge of Giga Zombie) 美版伴奏大师 (Doremikko) 美版 磁碟机版保龄球挑战 (Double Dare) 美版双截龙 (Double Dragon) 简体中文版双截龙 (Double Dragon) 日版双截龙2 (Double Dragon 2) 简体中文双截龙2 (Double Dragon 2 - The Revenge) 日版双截龙3 (Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta Stone) 日版双截龙4 (Double Dragon 4) 日版双截龙3(Double Dragon 3) 简体中文版双月传说 (Double Moon Densetsu) 日版双重打击者 (Double Strike) 美版美国大兵 (Dough Boy) 日版热血进行曲 (Downtown - Nekketsu Koushin Kyoku - Soreyuke Daiundoukai) 日版热血物语 (Downtown - Nekketsu Monogatari) 日版混沌博士 (Dr Chaos) 美版混沌博士 (Dr. Chaos) 美版 磁碟机版仿魔之刻 (Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde) 美版马里奥医生 (Dr Mario) 简体中文马里奥医生 (Dr Mario) 日美版复活之夜 (Drac is Night Out) 美版恶魔城2-咒之封印 (Dracula II - Noroi no Fuuin) 磁碟机版 日版龙珠2-大魔王复活 (Dragon Ball 2 - Daimaou Fukkatsu) 日版龙珠3-悟空传 (Dragon Ball 3 - Gokuu Den) 日版龙珠Z2-激斗弗利撒 (Dragon Ball Z 2 - Gekishin Freeza!) 日版龙珠Z3-烈战人造人 (Dragon Ball Z 3 - Ressen Jinzou Ningen) 日版龙珠Z外传-塞亚人灭绝计划 (Dragon Ball Z Gaiden - Saiya Jin Zetsumetsu Keikaku) 日版龙珠Z-强袭塞亚人 (Dragon Ball Z - Kyoushuu! Saiya Jin) 日版龙珠Z - 超武斗传2 (Dragon Ball Z - Super Butoden 2) 日版龙珠-神龙之迷 (Dragon Ball - Shen Ron No Nazo) 日版倚天屠龙记 (Dragon Buster) 日版倚天屠龙记2 (Dragon Buster 2 - Yami No Fuuin) 日版龙战士 (Dragon Fighter) 日版龙之忍者 (Dragon Ninja) 日版龙珠-神龙之迷 (Dragon Power) 美版勇者斗恶龙 (Dragon Quest) 日版勇者斗恶龙2 (Dragon Quest 2) 日版勇者斗恶龙3 (Dragon Quest 3) 日版勇者斗恶龙4 (Dragon Quest 4) 日版复活魔龙 (Dragon Scroll - Yomigaerishi Maryuu) 日版屠龙记4 (Dragon Slayer 4 - Drasle Family) 日版龙魂 (Dragon Spirit - Aratanaru Densetsu) 日版龙之军团 (Dragon Unit) 日版勇者斗恶龙2 (Dragon Warrion 2) 美版勇者斗恶龙3 (Dragon Warrior 3) 美版勇者斗恶龙 (Dragon Warrior) 美版龙珠-神龙之谜 (dragon ball) 法版梦境之王 (Dream Master) 日版跌落地带 (Drop Zone) 欧版魔法师 (Druid - Kyoufu no Tobira) 日版 磁碟机版打猎 (Duck Hunt) 日美欧版唐老鸭梦冒险2 (Duck Tales 2) 日版小鸭运蛋 (Duck) 美版多德的态度 (Dudes With Attitude) 美版地下城与魔法 (Dudes With Attitude) 美版迷宫小子 (Dungeon Kid) 日版地下城与魔法 (Dungeon & Magic - Swords of Element) 日版地下城与魔法 (Dungeon & Magic - Swords of Element) 日版-旧版赌神 (繁体中文)炸弹人2 (Dynablaster) 美版蝙蝠侠2 (Dynamite Batman) 日版爆炸保龄球 (Dynamite Bowl) 日版龙枪手 (DYNOWAR) 美版蚯蚓吉姆 3 (Earthworm Jim 3) 美版学习机学习卡 (Edu) 简体中文罗罗大冒险日版 (Eggerland - Meikyuu No Fukkatsu) 日版罗罗大冒险外传 (Eggerland - Souzou heno Tabidachi) 美版 磁碟机版埃及 (Egypt) 日版大力水手学英语 (Eigo Asobi) 日版电梯迷宫 (Elevator Action) 日版赛艇决战 (Eliminator Boat Duel) 美版ELYSION (Elysion) 日版10倍力量职业棒球 (Emo Yan No 10 Bai Pro Yakyuu) 日版星球大战-帝国反击战 (Empire Strikes Back The) 日版恶魔之剑/不动明王传 (简体中文)少年梦冒险 (Erika To Satoru No Yume Bouken) 日版艾鲁那财宝 (Ernarc No Zaihou) 日版学英语 (Ernie & The Muppets Take It All Off) 美版冒险队 (Esper Bouken Tai) 日版世界之梦2 (Esper Dream 2 - Aratanaru Tatakai) 日版网球赛 (Evert & Lendl Top Player is Tennis) 美版越野摩托车/火暴机车赛 (Excitebike) 日美版太空大战 (Exed Exes) 日版火凤凰 (Exerion) 日版大法师 (Exodus) 美版F1竞赛场 (F1 Circus) 日版新F1赛车 (F-1 Sensation) 日版F117a战机 (F-117a Stealth Fighter) 美版F15城市之战 (F-15 City War) 美版F15打击之鹰 (F-15 Strike Eagle) 美版F1公路赛车 (F-1 Race) 日版童话 (Fairytale) 日版 磁碟机版太空立体战 (Falsion) 美版 磁碟机版FC磁碟机FDS全部330款游戏下载 (FC-FDS) V2.0家庭F1赛车 (Famicom Grand Prix - F1 Race) 美版 磁碟机版家庭3D赛车 (Famicom Grand Prix II - 3D Hot Rally) 美版 磁碟机版家庭围棋入门 (Famicom Igo Nyuumon) 日版英雄列传2 (Famicom Jump 2 - Saikyou No 7 Nin) 日版英雄列传 (Famicom Jump - Eiyuu Retsuden) 日版任天堂围棋名人战 (Famicom Meijin Sen) 日版新鬼岛 (Famicom Mukashi Banashi - Shin Onigashima) 日版 磁碟机版游游记 (Famicom Mukashi Banashi - Yuu Yuu Ki) 日版 磁碟机版家庭将棋龙王战 (Famicom Shougi - Ryuuousen) 日版侦探俱乐部2 (Famicom Tantei Club Part II) 日版 磁碟机版侦探俱乐部 (Famicom Tantei Club) 日版 磁碟机版顶尖经营者 (Famicom Top Management) 日版任天堂战争 (Famicom Wars) 日版任天堂棒球 (Famicom Yakyuu Ban) 日版家庭方块 (Family Block) 日版家庭拳击赛 (Family Boxing) 日版家庭赛车 (Family Circuit) 日版家庭赛车91 (Family Circuit 91) 日版伴奏大师 (Family Composer) 美版 磁碟机版家庭五子棋 (Family Computer Othello) 日版高尔夫球美国赛道 (Family Computer - Golf U.S. Course) 美版 磁碟机版高尔夫球日本赛道 (Family Computer - Golf Japan Course) 美版 磁碟机版家庭问答 (Family Feud) 美版家庭赛马 (Family Jockey) 日版家庭麻将 (Family Mahjong) 日版家庭麻将2-上海之道 (Family Mahjong 2 - Shanghai E No Michi) 日版家庭弹珠台 (Family Pinball) 日版家庭问答 (Family Quiz) 日版家庭学校 (Family School) 日版明星职业棒球87 (Family Stadium 87 - Pro Yakyuu) 日版明星职业棒球88 (Family Stadium 88 - Pro Yakyuu) 日版明星职业棒球89 (Family Stadium 89-Kaimakuban!!) 日版明星职业棒球90 (Family Stadium 90) 日版明星职业棒球91 (Family Stadium 91) 日版明星职业棒球92 (Family Stadium 92) 日版明星职业棒球94 (Family Stadium 94) 日版明星职业棒球 (Family Stadium - Pro Yakyuu) 日版家庭网球 (Family Tennis) 日版田径运动会 (Family Trainer - Athletic World) 日版大运动会 (Family Trainer - Dai Undoukai) 日版皇室赛车 (Family Trainer - Jogging Race) 日版街头警察 (Family Trainer - Manhattan Police) 日版迷路大作战 (Family Trainer - Meiro Dai Sakusen) 日版家庭游戏体感田径赛 (Family Trainer - Running Stadium) 日版家庭游戏-突击风云城 (Family Trainer - Totsugeki Fuuun Takeshi Jou) 日版小蛋大冒险2 (Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy The) 美版梦幻地带/幻想空间 (Fantasy Zone) 日版梦幻地带2/幻想空间2 (Fantasy Zone 2 - The Teardrop of Opa-Opa) 日版法利亚 (Faria) 日版法利亚 (Faria) 美版饿狼传说2 (Fatal Fury 2) 美版沙纳多 (Faxanadu) 日版FC原人 (FC Genjin - Freakthoropus Computerus) 日版幽游白书-爆斗暗黑武术会 (FCTE019) 日版洛克人X (fctw001) 美版真侍魂-霸王丸地狱变 (fctw002) 日版菲力士猫 (FELIX) 美版封神榜 (feng) 美版法拉利大赛车 (Ferrari Grand Prix Challenge) 日版法拉利赛车 (Ferrari_Grand_Prix_Challenge) 美版爱登斯家族 (Fester s Quest)最终幻想美版/太空战士美版 (FF1E) 美版杀戮战场/原野战斗 (Field Combat) 日版战斗高尔夫 (Fighting Golf) 日版战斗之路 (Fighting Road) 日版赤色要塞 (Final Commando - Akai Yousai) 日版 磁碟机版最终幻想/太空战士 (Final Fantasy) 日版最终幻想2/太空战士2 (final fantasy 2) 美版最终幻想1+2/太空战士1+2 (Final Fantasy 1 & 2) 日版最终幻想2/太空战士2 (Final Fantasy 1 & 2) 日版最终幻想3/太空战士3 (Final Fantasy 3) 日版最后直路/最后冲刺 (Final Lap) 日版最终任务/空中魂斗罗 (Final Mission) 日版最终任务/空中魂斗罗 (Final Mission) 简体中文版赤色要塞 (Jackal) 美加强版最终幻想 (FINALF~1) 美版快打旋风3 (finalf3) 美版最终幻想3 (FINALFAN) 美版巴姆救亲记 (Fire Bam) 美版 磁碟机版火炎之纹章/圣火徽章 (Fire Emblem) 日版火炎之纹章外传美版/圣火徽章外传美版 (Fire Emblem Gaiden - English v97b2) 美版火炎之纹章外传/圣火徽章外传 (Fire Emblem Gaiden) 日版所罗门之匙2 (Fire n Ice) 美版火洛克 (Fire Rock) 美版 磁碟机版Fisher Price - Firehouse RescueFisher Price - I Can RememberFisher Price - Perfect Fit北斗之拳 (Fist of the North Star) 美版顽皮精灵 (Flappy) 日版紧急命令 (Fleet Commander) 日版Flight of the Intruder摩登原始人2 (Flintstones 2 - The Surprise at Dinosaur Peak! The) 美版摩登原始人 (Flintstones - The Rescue of Dino & Hoppy The) 日版趣味方块 (Flipull) 日版趣味方块 (Flipull) 简体中文飞龙之拳 (Flying Dragon - The Secret Scroll) 美版救火英雄 (Flying Hero) 日版飞龙之拳4 (Flying Warriors) 美版蜘蛛侠 (FN4023) 美版变形战机 (Formation Z) 日版Formula One Built To Win新F1赛车 (Formula1Sensation) 美版FOTON 日版Foton - The Ultimate Game on Planet Earth (日版)彼得.潘与海盗 (Fox s Peter Pan and The Pirates)弗兰肯斯坦 (Frankenstein)自由力量 (Freedom Force) 美版自由落体 (freefall) 美版黑色13 (Friday The 13)欢乐屋 (Fun House) 美版风云少林拳 (Fuuun Shourinken) 英文 磁碟机版风云少林拳-暗黑之魔王 (Fuuun Shourinken - Ankoku no Maou) 日版 磁碟机版奇幻勇士 (Fuzzical Fighter) 日版大蜜蜂 (Galaga) 日版大蜜蜂 (Galaga) 美版 磁碟机版小蜜蜂 (Galaxian) 日版小蜜蜂 (Galaxian) 美版 磁碟机版Galaxy 5000 (美版)头脑战舰 (Galg) 日版加伦战机 (Gall Force - Eternal Story) 日版 磁碟机版自我中心派2麻将 (Gambler Jiko Chuushin Ha 2) 日版自我中心派麻将 (Gambler Jiko Chuushin Ha - Maajan Game) 日版游戏派对 (Game Party) 日版极乐游戏 (Game Tengoku) 日版 磁碟机版大盗伍佑卫门外传2-天下财宝 (Ganbare Goemon Gaiden 2 - Tenka No Zaihou) 日版大盗伍佑卫门外传-黄金财宝 (Ganbare Goemon Gaiden - Kieta Kogane Kiseru) 日版大盗伍佑卫门2 (Ganbare Goemon 2) 日版大盗伍佑卫门 (Ganbare Goemon - Karakuri Douchuu) 日版棒球锦标赛 (Ganbare Penant Race!) 日版高桥名人的冒险岛2 (简体中文)高桥名人的冒险岛3 (简体中文)加菲猫 (Garfield - A Week of Garfield) 日版头脑战舰 (GARG) 美版饿狼传说特别版 (Garou Densetsu Special) 繁体中文饿狼传说2 (Garou Densetsu 2) 繁体中文铁手套 (Gauntlet)铁手套2 (GAUNTLT2) 美版鬼屋3 (GBUSTER2) 美版古巴战士/革命英雄 (gbzscn) 简体中文鬼太郎2-妖怪军团挑战 (Gegege No Kitarou 2 - Youkaigundan No Chousen) 日版鬼太郎-妖怪大魔境 (Gegege No Kitarou - Youkai Daimakyou) 日版宇宙大射击 (Geimos) 日版激龟忍者传 (Gekikame Ninja Den) 日版激斗四驱车 (Gekitotsu Yon Ku Battle) 日版激斗斗魂传说 (Gekitou Pro Wrestling!! Toukon Densetsu) 日版激斗TECMO棒球 (Gekitou Stadium!!) 日版荆轲新传 (Gen Ke Le Zhuan) 简体中文源平讨魔传 (Genpei Toumaden) 日版格罗致KO拳击 (George Foreman s KO Boxing) 美版月风魔传 (Getsufuu Maden) 日版古巴战士 (Gevara) 日版鬼屋 (Ghostbusters) 日版幽灵学校 (Ghoul School) 美版超级马里奥 (giabbit) 美版眼镜蛇部队 (Gijoe) 美版眼镜蛇部队2 (GIJOEAF) 美版哥里干岛 (Gilligans Island)史上最强问答王决定战 (Gimmi a Break - Shijou Saidai Quiz Ou Ketteisen) 日版史上最强问答王决定战2 (Gimmi a Break - Shijou Saikyou No Quiz Ou Ketteisen 2) 日版银河传承 (Ginga Denshou - Galaxy Odyssey) 美版 磁碟机版银河英雄传说 (Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu) 日版银河三人组 (Ginga No Sannin) 日版魔界村 (GNG) 美版Goal!! (日版)Goal! (欧版)天神之剑 (God Slayer - Haruka Tenkuu No Sonata) 日版哥斯拉 (GODZILA1) 美版哥斯拉 (Godzilla) 日版哥斯拉2 (Godzilla 2 - War of the Monsters) 美版古比大作战 (Golby No Pipeline Daisakusen) 日版Gold Medal Challenge 92 (美版)高尔夫 (Golf) 日美版高尔夫球92 (Golf 92 The) 日版高尔夫球公开赛 (Golf Grand Slam) 日版高尔夫球日本赛道入赏版 (Golf Japan Course - Nyuushou) 日版 磁碟机版高尔夫球公开赛 (Golf Ko Open) 日版高尔夫球锦标赛 (Golf Kurabu - Birdy Rush) 日版狙击13-众神的黄昏 (Golgo 13 - Kamigami No Tasogare) 日版狙击13-第二章 (Golgo 13 - The Riddle of Icarus) 日版五子棋 (Gomoku Narabe) 日版七宝奇谋2 (Goonies 2 - Furatterii Saigo No Chousen) 日版七宝奇谋 (Goonies The) 日版七宝奇谋 (Goonies) 美版 磁碟机版古里亚人 (Gorilla Man) 日版陆战运动 (Gotcha!)大话西游 (gowest) 简体中文宇宙巡航机 (Gradius) 日版宇宙巡航机2 (Gradius 2) 日版救世主 (Grand Master) 日版高达-伟大的战斗Great Battle Cyber) 日版拳王冠军赛 (Great Boxing - Rush Up) 日版扑克方块2 (Great Deal) 日版大坦克 (Great Tank) 日版绿色兵团 (Green Beret) 美版 磁碟机版Greg Norman s Golf Power (美版)小魔怪2/大耳鼠2 (Gremlin 2 - Shinshu Tanjou) 日版小魔怪2美版/大耳鼠2美版 (GREMLIN2) 美版嘉蒂外传 (Guardian Legend The) 美版嘉蒂外传 (Guardic Gaiden) 日版古巴战士/革命英雄 美版Gumshoe (美欧版)Gun Hed (日版)Gun Sight (日版)荒野大镖客 (简体中文)荒野大镖客 (Gun Smoke) 日版 磁碟机版火炮 (Gun-Dec) 日版加纳战机 (GUNNAC) 日版荒野大镖客 (GUNSMOKE) 日版战斗直升机 (Gyrodine) 日版Gyromite 日美欧版太空射击战 (Gyruss) 美版 磁碟机版太阳系战机 (Gyruss)霸邪之封印 (Haja No Fuuin) 日版哈雷大战 (Halley Wars) 美版 磁碟机版大力工头-阿源君 (Hammerin HARRY) 美版花之星街道 (Hana No Star Kaidou) 日版花札游戏 (Hanafuda Yuukyou Den - Nagarebana Oryuu) 日版半熟英雄 (Hanjuku Hero) 日版不可思议之旅 (Hao Kun no Fushigina Tabi) 美版 磁碟机版篮球赛 (Harlem Globetrotters) 美版帽子方块 (Hatris) 美版围棋大战 (Hayachi Super Igo) 日版重级作战/武器/装战士 (Heavy Barrel) 日版滑雪 (Heavy Shreddin) 美版爆击战士87 (Hector 87) 日版黑暗之蛊 (简体中文)平成天才学校 (Heisei Tensai Bakabon) 日版凯蒂猫冒险 (Hello Kitty No Ohanabatake) 日版凯蒂猫气球世界美版/Q版气球世界美版 (Hello Kitty World (English v1_0) 美版凯蒂猫气球世界 (Hello Kitty World) 日版天神之荣光-斗人魔境传2 (Hercules No Eikou 2 - Titan No Metsubou) 日版天神之荣光-斗人魔境传 (Hercules No Eikou - Toujin Makyouden) 日版英雄探险 (Hero Quest) 美版。
Guida all'installazioneAdattatore Internet WiFi Dual Band (WNCE3001)AlimentazioneUSB EthernetVista dall'alto e dal bassoRipristinopulsantepulsanteWPSPorta Alimentazione USB cavoAdattatorePorta(con supporto)LEDInstallazione con WPSFare 2: atte n dere che il LED supulsanteWPS Fase 3: premere il tasto WPS sul router. Qua n doFase 1: collegare WNCE3001La co nn essio n e wireless è stata stabilita, il LED cambia colore per i n dicare la qualità della co nn essio n e: verde se n za i n ter-mitte n za, giallo se n za i n termitte n za o rosso se n za i n termitte n -za. Per ulteriori i n formazio n i sui sig n ificati di ciascu n colore,co n sultare la sezio n e sull'"Attività del LED dell'adattatore".alla TV , XBox o al lettore Blu-ray utilizza n do il cavo Ether n et (for n ito i n dotazio n e) e segue n do u n o dei metodi di collegame n to per l'alime n tazio n e i n dicati. Per ulteriori i n formazio n i sulle modalità di acce n sio n e, co n sultare la sezio n e "Opzio n i di collegame n to per l'alime n tazio n e".WNCE3001 lampeggia di verde.Premere il tasto WPS su WNCE3001. Il LED lampeggerà i n giallo e verde a i n dicare che la fu n zio n e WPS è i n esecuzio n e.Fase 4: complime n ti! L'i n stallazio n e è stata completata co n successo.Cosa significa WPS?Se si è i n possesso di u n router NETGEAR, questa fu n zio n alità è n ota come Push ‘N’ Co nn ect. Cercare i simboli o sul router per assicurarsi che il router NETGEAR supporti la fu n zio n alità WPS. I n caso di router n o n NETGEAR, co n sultare il ma n uale ute n te per sapere se la fu n zio n alità WPS è supportata. U n a volta accertato se il router supporta o me n o la fu n zio n alità WPS, scegliere il metodo di i n stallazio n e più i n dicato tra quelli riportati di seguito.WPS sig n ifica "WiFi Protected Setup" ed è u n a procedura che co n se n te di collegare u n dispositivo a u n a rete esiste n te i n ma n iera semplice e sicura.Installazione senza WPSFase 1: i n stallare WNCE3001 sul computer, scollegare la relativa co nn essio n ewireless al router e/o rimuovere il cavo Ether n et collegato al computer.È possibile ripristi n are la co nn essio n e dopo aver completato l'i n stallazio n e di WNCE3001.Fase 2: collegare WNCE3001 al computer utilizza n do il cavo (for n ito i n dotazio n e),segue n do u n o dei metodi di collegame n to per l'alime n tazio n e.Per ulteriori i n formazio n i sulle modalità di acce n sio n e, co n sultare la sezio n e"Opzioni di collegamento per l'alimentazione".Fase 3:ti verde lampeggia n te. Verificare che computer dis-po n ga dell'i n dirizzo IP . Qui n di aprire il browser I n ter n et, che caricherà auto-maticame n te la pagi n a per la co n figurazio n e (se questo n o n succede, digitare ma n ualme n te n el browser l'i n dirizzo ).Seguire le istruzio n i co n te n ute n ella pagi n a per la co n figurazio n e, qui n di tor-n are al ma n uale e passare alla fase 4.Fase 4: scollegare i cavi Ether n et e USB dal computer.Fase 5: collegare WNCE3001 alla TV, XBox o al lettore Blu-ray.Se il dispositivo n o n dispo n e di u n a porta USB, co n sultare la sezio n e "Opzio n i di collegame n to per l'alime n tazio n e".Fase 6:n e è stata completata co n successo.pulsanteWPS NOTA : accertarsi di verificare le impostazio n i di co nn essio n e di TV, XBox o lettore Blu-ray dopo aver co n figurato e co nn esso WNCE3001. Se richiesto per il tipo di co nn essio n e, accertarsi di aver selezio n ato WIRED (CABLATA).Giugno 2011© 2011 di NETGEAR, I n c. Tutti i diritti riservati. NETGEAR, il logo NETGEAR e Co nn ect with I nn ovatio n so n o marchi commerciali e/o marchi registrati di NETGEAR, I n c. e/o delle sue co n sociate n egli Stati U n iti e/o i n altri Paesi. Altri n omi di prodotti e marche so n o marchi registrati o marchi commerciali dei rispettivi proprietari. Le i n formazio n i so n o soggette a modifica se nza preavviso.Opzioni di collegamento per l'alimentazioneÈ possibile alime n tare WNCE3001 segue n do uno dei segue n ti metodi:•Collegare WNCE3001 a u n a presa a muro utilizza n do l'alime n tatore co n te n uto n ellaco n fezio n e.•do il cavo di alime n tazio n e USB co n te n uto n ella co n fezio n e:Procedura WPSSeque n za di eve n ti registrati alla pressio n e del tasto WPS per stabilire la co nn essio n e wireless:•Qua n do la procedura WPS è i n corso, il LED dive n ta verde per 500 milliseco n di, qui n di si speg n e per 500 milliseco n di, dive n ta di colore giallo per 500 milliseco n di, si speg n e per 500 milliseco n di, se n za i n terruzio n e.•U n a volta completata la procedura WPS, sul LED vie n e visualizzata l'i n formazio n e relativa alla qualità della velocità di co nn essio n e: verde se n za i n termitte n za, giallo se n za i n termitte n za o rosso se n za i n termitte n za.Note: i n caso di ma n cato completame n to della procedura WPS, il LED passa dal verde al rosso a i n tervalli di 0,5 seco n di.Alimentazione AdattatoreAlimentazione USB Domande frequenti1. Qual è il metodo di collegame n to migliore per l'alime n tazio n e?Molti dispositivi elettro n ici so n o dotati di porte USB e Ether n et poste molto vici n o tra loro. Utilizza n do il cavo di alime n tazio n e USB, è possibile liberare u n a presa di alime n tazio n e, così da utilizzarla per altri dispositivi. Se il dispositivo al quale si collega WNCE3001 n o n dispo n e di u n a porta USB libera, verificare che ci sia u n a porta USB libera su u n dispositivo raggiu n gibile co n il cavo da WNCE3001 e che tale dispositivo possa essere acceso i n co n tempora n ea co n WNCE3001. Qualora sussista n o queste co n dizio n i, è possibilecollegare il cavo di alime n tazio n e USB co n il suddetto dispositivo. Te n ere prese n te che alcu n e porte USB potrebbero n o n essere i n grado di for n ire l'alime n tazio n e elettrica richiesta da WNCE3001. WNCE3001 potrebbe qui n di riavviarsi o speg n ersi automaticame n te. I n questo caso, utilizzare l'adattatore di alime n tazio n e di WNCE3001 per acce n dere WNCE3001.2. Dura n te la co n figurazio n e di WNCE3001 se n za WPS, è n ecessario che il computer siaimpostato su DHCP per la buo n a riuscita dell'i n stallazio n e?Sì.3. Perché vie n e visualizzato l'errore “Co nn ectio n was n ot established to the selected n etwork”("La co nn essio n e alla rete selezio n ata n o n è stata stabilita.")?Le ragio n i posso n o essere molteplici. Prima di tutto, è possibile che sia n o stati i n seriti u n n ome o u n a chiave di rete i n corretti. Assicurarsi di aver i n serito i dati i n ma n iera corretta face n do clic su Ca n cel (A nn ulla) e digita n do n uovame n te n ome e chiave di rete. I n seco n do luogo, è possibile che il router abbia i n terrotto la trasmissio n e del seg n ale wireless. Assicurarsi che il router sia acceso e che ci sia u n a chiara li n ea di visio n e tra WNCE3001 e il router. Se possibile, avvici n are WNCE3001 al router e fare clic su Try Again (Riprova). Se il messaggio di errore co n ti n ua ad apparire a n che dopo diversi te n tativi di rico nn essio n e, potrebbe essere n ecessario aggior n are il router oppure acquistare u n Ra n ge Exte n der per aume n tare la copertura del seg n ale.4. Ho cercato di i n stallare il prodotto se n za WPS ma, al la n cio del browser, è apparsa u n apagi n a di errore. Come risolvere il problema?Assicurarsi che il cavo Ether n et sia be n collegato a WNCE3001 e al computer e che il LED LAN di WNCE3001 sia acceso. I n caso co n trario, ricollegare il cavo Ether n et e avviare n uovame n te il browser I n ter n et.5. Di che colore si illumi n a n o i LED per i n dicare la corretta co n figurazio n e di WNCE3001?Il LED di WNCE3001 lampeggia i n verde se il dispositivo n o n è collegato ad alcu n access poi n t. U n a volta stabilita la co nn essio n e wireless, il LED resta verde se n za i n termitte n za, giallo se n za i n termitte n za o rosso se n za i n termitte n za i n base alla qualità del collegame n to wireless.6. Cosa fare n el caso i n cui il LED sia rosso?La migliore co nn essio n e si stabilisce qua n do è prese n te u n a li n ea di visio n e chiara tra WNCE3001 e il router a cui ci si co nn ette. Assicurarsi che n o n ci sia n o ostacoli fisici tra WNCE3001 e il router. Si co n siglia i n oltre di avvici n are WNCE3001 qua n to più possibile al router.7. Il LED di acce n sio n e è rosso dura n te l'acce n sio n e. Perché?È probabile che la porta USB alla quale si è co nn essi n o n for n isca u n 'alime n tazio n e sufficie n te per WNCE3001. Collegare subito il prodotto all'alime n tatore co n te n uto n ella co n fezio n e. Per ulteriori i n formazio n i, fare riferime n to alla doma n da 1.8. Come posso cambiare le impostazio n i dopo aver co n figurato WNCE3001 la primavolta?Seguire le istruzio n i riportate n ella sezio n e "I n stallazio n e se n za WPS". Collegarsi alla pagi n a per co n figurare le impostazio n i ava n zate. 9. Il dispositivo si avvia ripetutame n te i n ma n iera automatica. Come procedere?Fare riferime n to alla doma n da 1.Attività del LED dell'adattatorePer la docume n tazio n e completa, visitare la sezio n e Dichiarazio n e di co n formità EU del sito Web NETGEAR, dispo n ibile all'i n dirizzo:/app/answers/detail/a_id/11621Attività del LEDSPENTOIl dispositivo non è alimentato.Rosso senza intermittenzaLa qualità del collegamento è bassa in base alla velocità di connessione oppure la porta USB non fornisce un'alimentazione sufficiente.Rosso lampeggianteSe il LED lampeggia di rosso con intervalli acceso/spento ciascuno di 0,5 secondi, il firmware è corrotto. Per le istruzioni, fare riferimento al manuale utente.Giallo senza intermittenza La qualità del collegamento è sufficiente, in base alla velocità di connessione.Lampeggiante (giallo)È in corso il riavvio del sistema o il sistema è statoripristinato. Dopo aver premuto il pulsante di ripristino per più di cinque secondi, il LED è giallo lampeggiante. Il LED lampeggia di giallo anche durante l'aggiornamento di un firmware.Verde senza intermittenza L'unità è accesa e la qualità del collegamento è buona, in base alla velocità di connessione.Lampeggiante (verde)L'avvio è terminato, ma non è stata stabilita alcuna connessione wireless, pertanto l'indirizzo IP non è disponibile.。
2010劳拉与光之守护者(TR8外传篇)详尽攻关资料-全任务+全奖励####################################劳拉与光之守护者,关于本代的行装解锁首次初玩本代,在默认初始状态下,拥有装:Lara Croft Outfit“劳拉经典装”然后在未收齐各关武器、神器、遗物;未完成各关的所有积分、奖励挑战,情况下通关第1次后,再次进行收齐各关的武器、神器、遗物;完成各关的所有积分、奖励挑战,再重玩第2次全14关,分别先后解锁以下种行装:Score 1,410,000 points 累积141万总计分值,解锁出 Lara Croft Jungle Outfit“劳拉7代丛林装”Score 1,900,000 points 累积190万总计分值,解锁出 Lara Croft Biker Outfit“劳拉7代传奇机车装”Score 2,400,000 points 累积240万总计分值,解锁出 Doppelganger Outfit“幽灵装”(这个行装,就是古墓丽影8地下世界,2个隐藏关的第2个隐藏关劳拉之影中的劳拉的影子女侠Doppelganger,也就是劳拉的替身,在劳拉之影中,扮演着力量很强的形象;就是正因有这个行装,这一代新作,可不折不扣的被认定为古墓丽影8地下世界的外传篇,也正因这件行装,证明了这一代新作与上一代8代地下世界之间有了这一丝联系;故本作的又名为“古墓丽影8外传篇”就一点儿也不为过了!)当你进行收齐各关的武器、神器、遗物;完成各关的所有积分、奖励挑战,情况下通关第2次后,在最后一关过关后,会出现New Character Costume Unlocked“全新气质的装束被解锁出!”共有以下两套:Lara Croft Legend Outfit“劳拉7代传奇装”Lara Croft Heavy Jungle Outfit“劳拉丛林紧身装”再次重玩第3次各关,你就拥有了本代所有的器物和武器,并拥有全6套劳拉行装:(这时你应该会很有成就感!接下来随你重新挑战各关中各种怪物以及四场Boss战!)Lara Croft Outfit“劳拉经典装”Lara Croft Biker Outfit“劳拉7代机车装”Lara Croft Jungle Outfit“劳拉7代丛林装”Lara Croft Heavy Jungle Outfit“劳拉丛林紧身装”Lara Croft Legend Outfit“劳拉7代传奇装”Doppelganger Outfit“劳拉8代影子装”####################################劳拉与光之守护者-详尽攻关资料:全部-游戏道具+积分挑战+奖励挑战第01关Temple of Light(光の神殿)光之神殿Items本关的道具:Weapons(武器):1/1(共1支)(注释:在游戏中,按下360手柄的“<”键调出道具菜单,在菜单中,按360手柄的LB或RB键,切换到INVENTORY“物品清单”界面下,可以找到在各关中依次解锁出或拾取到武器装备。
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JBL HTI系列墙内音响系统用户指南说明书
![JBL HTI系列墙内音响系统用户指南说明书](
GUIA DEL PROPIETARIOESPAÑOL2INCLUYEPlantilla / pieza pintada.Un par de altavoces con rejilla.GRACIAS POR ELEGIR JBLHTI6,HTI8HTI6CDurante más de 50 años, JBL ha jugado un papel importante en cada uno de los aspectos en los procesos de grabación y reproducción de música y películas, desde actuaciones en directo hasta reproduccio-nes en el estudio, en su casa o en la oficina.Estamos seguros de que los altavoces JBL que ha elegido le proporcionarán toda la satis-facción sonora que espera de ellos, y de que cuando necesite adquirir algún equipo de audio adicional para su casa, su coche o su oficina, volverá a elegir JBL.Tómese un momento para registrar su producto en la página web . Nos permitirá mantenerle informado de nuestras más recientes novedades, y nos ayudará a entenderle mejor y a fabricar productos de acuerdo con sus deseos y necesidades. JBL Consumer ProductsHTI55Altavoz con rejilla. El logo se colocará en la rejilla depen-diendo de su instalación verti-cal u horizontal.Plantilla / pieza pintada.3ALTAVOCES FRONTALES (HTI6,HTI8,HTI55)MODELOS HTI6,HTI8 Y HTI55 COMO ALTAVOCES TRASEROSMODELOS HTI6C EN EL TECHOUBICACION DEL ALTAVOZUna adecuada ubicación de los altavoces es un paso importan-te para conseguir una repro-ducción sonora eficiente. Las siguientes recomendaciones tratan sobre cómo conseguir una adecuada colocación de los altavoces. Utilícelas como una guía. Pequeñas variacio-nes no modificarán la calidad de escucha. Los altavoces fron-tales deberán guardar entre ellos la misma distancia que guardan respecto a la posición de escucha. También deberán colocarse aproximadamente a la misma altura en que seencuentran la posición de escucha, con los altavoces de agudos en línea con los oídos del usuario.El modelo HTI55 es adecuado para las posiciones frontales izquierda, central y derecha.También puede ser utilizado como altavoz surround lateral o trasero. Se puede colocar tanto horizontalmente como vertical-mente, pero asegúrese de que los instala de manera que todos los altavoces de agudos de los altavoces frontales quedan a la misma altura (o no difieren en su posición en más de 60 centí-metros). Puede hacer girar el altavoz de agudos para colocar el logo de JBL en su posición correcta.En una configuración de cine doméstico, los dos altavoces surround deberán colocarse ligeramente por detrás de la posición de escucha, apuntán-dose entre ellos y ligeramente más altos que la posición de escucha. Si esto no es posible,deberá colocarlos en la pared (o en el techo), por detrás de la posición de escucha, mirando hacia adelante.En los sistemas de 6.1 y 7.1canales deberá colocar los altavoces surround traseros en la pared trasera. Los altavoces surround no deben tener un papel protagonista. Deberán proporcionar un sonido de ambiente difuso que acompaña al material de programa princi-pal que sale de los altavoces frontales. En los sistemas Dolby Digital y DTS ®, deberá dirigir los altavoces de agudos hacia la posición de escucha, a la altura de posición de escucha.E S P A ÑO L4Destornillador Phillips #2Cinta métrica CúterLápizde burbujaDestornilladorHERRAMIENTAS NECESARIASLa serie de altavoces de pared JBL HTI ha sido diseñada para una instalación fácil. Aún así, si usted no se ve capaz de instalar correctamente los altavoces, no dude en contac-tar con su distribuidor o con un instalador profesional.INSTALACIONLa mayoría de fabricantes de altavoces y de electrónica,incluyendo JBL, utilizan el color rojo para simbolizar el terminal positivo y el color negro para representar el terminal nega-tivo (-). Es importante conectar los altavoces de manera idén-tica: el símbolo (+) del altavoz con el símbolo (+) del amplifica-dor, y el símbolo (-) del altavoz con el símbolo (-) del amplifica-dor. Una conexión en contra-fase provocaría un sonido débil, con deficiencia en los graves y con una imagen esté-reo muy pobre. En los sistemas de sonido surround multicanal,la correcta polaridad continua siendo de vital importancia para conservar la buena repro-ducción y la direccionalidad del material sonoro.LONGITUD DE CABLE TAMAÑO RECOMENDADOHasta 6 metros.calibre 16 Hasta 9 metros. calibre 12Más de 9 metros. calibre 10Los cables de altavoz deberán tener la misma longitud. Si uno de los altavoces se encuentra más cercano al amplificador que otro, esconda el cable sobrante. Los altavoces y los terminales tienen su polaridad (+) y (-) correspondiente.CONEXIONES DE LOS ALTAVOCES5HTI6,HTI8,HTI55INSTALACION EXISTENTERetire la rejilla del marco del altavoz tirando de la lengüeta de papel. En caso de no encon-trar la lengüeta, y para evitar rayar la rejilla o el altavoz,introduzca la punta de un clip a través de uno de los agujeros de la rejilla y tire suavemente de él hasta separar la rejilla delaltavoz.Determine la ubicación correcta del altavoz.Nota:Retire la plantilla interior,que es la pieza pintada, y utilice la plantilla exterior al cortar.El procedimiento de colocación es el mismo para el altavoz HTI55, que también se puede colocar horizontal o vertical-mente.Realice el corte.Conecte los cables al altavoz.Vuelva a colocar la rejilla metálica. Tan sólo en el HTI55,coloque el logo de JBL sobre la rejilla según su posición sea horizontal o vertical.Coloque la pieza en la pared.Atornille cada uno de los cua-tro (seis para el HTI55)tornillos Phillips. Las piezas de anclaje se colocarán en su sitio y asegurarán la unidad a la pared.Los altavoces de la serie HTI incorporan unas piezas girato-rias únicas para los altavoces de agudos, que le permitirán apuntar las frecuencias agu-das, más direccionales, hacia la posición de escucha y a la altura de los oídos del usuario.Antes de instalar la rejilla del altavoz, presione ligeramente sobre la parte exterior del alta-voz de agudos para dejarlo en su posición ideal. El altavoz puede girar un máximo de 15 grados en cualquier direc-ción. No intente forzarlo para conseguir más movimiento.También puede girar el altavoz de agudos para orientar el logo JBL como desee.6HTI6CEXISTING CONSTRUCTIONRetire la rejilla del marco del al-tavoz tirando de la lengüeta de papel. En caso de no encontrar la lengüeta, y para evitar rayar la rejilla o el altavoz, introduzca la punta de un clip a través de uno de los agujeros de la rejilla y tire suavemente de él hasta separar la rejilla del la pared y el altavoz, de manera que las piezasgiratorias puedan realizar su recorrido.Conecte los cables al altavoz. Coloque la pieza en la pared.Atornille cada uno de los tres tornillos s piezas de anclaje se colocarán en su sitio y asegurarán la unidad a la pared.Vuelva a colocar la rejilla metálica.que es la pieza pintada, y utilice la plantilla exterior al cortar.Los altavoces de la HTI incorpo-ran unas piezas giratorias para los altavoces de agudos únicas,que le permitirán apuntar las frecuencias agudas, más direc-cionales, hacia la posición de escucha y a la altura de los oídos del usuario. Antes de ins-talar la rejilla del altavoz, pre-sione ligeramente sobre la parte exterior del altavoz de agudos para dejarlo en su posición ideal. El altavoz puede girar un máximo de 15 grados en cual-quier dirección. No intente for-zarlo para conseguir más movi-miento. También puede girar el altavoz de agudos para orientar el logo JBL como desee.INSTALACION NUEVAPINTAR EL MARCO Y LA REJILLA DEL ALT AVOZLos altavoces de la serie JBL HTI se pueden pintar para adaptarse a cualquier decora-ción. SI desea cambiar el color de la rejilla, su acabado sati-nado le sirve como primera capa. Antes de pintar, instale la pieza interior del kit de ensam-blaje dentro del altavoz. Esto protejerá los componenteselectrónicos del altavoz de lapintura y sus componentesresiduales. Utilice pintura enspray de calidad, y aplique unacapa delgada de color.Asegúrese de que los agujerosde la rejilla quedan libres depintura. Si los rellena con pin-tura disminuirá la calidadsonora en la reproducción.Nota: Retire con cuidado laespuma acústica de la rejillaantes de pintar. Colóquela denuevo una vez que la pintura dela rejilla se haya secado.Deberá elegir el marco correcto para su modelo de altavoz:MODELO DE ALTAVOZ MARCOHTI6RIF6HTI8RIF8HTI55RIF55HTI6C RIF6CGUIA DE SOLUCION DE PROBLEMASSI NO HA Y SONIDO EN NINGUNO DE LOS AL TA-VOCES:• Compruebe que el receptor / amplificador está activado y que existe una fuente en repro-ducción.• Compruebe todos los cables y las conexiones entre el recep-tor / amplificador y laos altavo-ces. Asegúrese de que todos los cables están conectados. Asegúrese de que ninguno de los cables está cortado odañado, y de que los cables no se tocan entre ellos.• Compruebe que su receptor / amplificador funciona correcta-mente.SI NO HA Y SONIDO EN UNO DE LOS DOSAL TAVOCES:• Comprebe el control de balan-ce en su receptor / amplificador.• Compruebe todos los cables y las conexiones entre el recep-tor / amplificador y los altavo-ces. Asegúrese de que todos los cables están conectados.Asegúrese de que ninguno delos cables está cortado odañado, y de que los cables nose tocan entre ellos.En aplicaciones multicanal,asegúrese de que su receptor oprocesador ha sido configuradopara utilizar todos los canalesque necesite.SI NO HA Y SEÑAL DEGRAVES (O MUY POCA):• Asegúrese de que los termina-les de entrada de altavozizquierdo y derecho estánconectados con las polaridadescorrectas (+ y -).• Considere la posibilidad deañadir un altavoz de subgravesa su sistema.• En los modos Dolby Digital oDTS, asegúrese de que su re-ceptor / procesador está confi-gurado correctamente. Si utilizaun altavoz de subgraves, asegú-rese de que la salida de subgra-ves del receptor / procesadorse encuentra activada. Si noutiliza altavoz de subgraves,asegúrese de que los altavocesfrontales y traseros izquierdo yderecho están configurados en"LARGE". Consulte el manual desu receptor / procesador sidesea más información acercade la configuración correcta dealtavoces en sistemas DolbyDigital, DTS, y otros modos desonido surround.SI EL SISTEMA REPRO-DUCE A VOLUMEN BAJOY SE DESACTIVA ENCUANTO SE INCRE-MENTA EL VOLUMEN:• Compruebe todos los cables ylas conexiones entre el recep-tor / amplificador y los altavo-ces. Asegúrese de que todoslos cables están conectados.Asegúrese de que ninguno delos cables está cortado odañado, y de que los cables nose tocan entre ellos.• Si utiliza más de un par dealtavoces principales, com-pruebe los requisitos de impe-dancia mínima de su receptor /amplificador.Con el kit de marco de altavozvienen unas instruccionesdetalladas acerca de su insta-lación.7Todos las características y especificaciones están sujetas a cambio sin la necesidad de previo aviso.†El parámetro que indica la máxima potencia de amplificación recomendada asegura un margen de nivel antes de la saturación (headroom)adecuado para picos de señal ocasionales. No le recomendamos una operación continuada de los altavoces a este nivel de potencia máxima.*Marca registrada de Dolby Laboratories.DTS es una marca registrada de Digital Theater Systems, Inc..HTI6Respuesta en frecuencia38Hz – 20kHz (–10dB)Máxima Potencia de ampli-ficación recomendada †100 WImpedanciaNominal 8 OhmiosSensibilidad88dB (2.83V/1m)Frecuencia de corte2,500HzAltavoz de gravesAluminio cubierto de polímero de 6-1/2"cono reborde de gomaAltavoz de agudosCono de 1" de puro titanio,tecnología Elliptical Oblate Spheroidal ™(EOS) tecnología waveguide, montaje con capacidad giratoriaTamaño de la placa (An x Al)216 x 279mmTamaño montado (An x Al)181 x 246mmProfundidad de montaje98mmPeso por altavoz5kg HTI8Respuesta en frecuencia30Hz – 20kHz (–10dB)Máxima Potencia de ampli-ficación recomendada †120 WImpedanciaNominal 8 OhmiosSensibilidad90dB (2.83V/1m)Frecuencia de corte2,500HzAltavoz de gravesAluminio cubierto de polímero de 8"cono reborde de gomaAltavoz de agudosCono de 1" de puro titanio,tecnología Elliptical Oblate Spheroidal ™(EOS) tecnología waveguide, montaje con capacidad giratoriaTamaño de la placa (An x Al)257 x 333mmTamaño montado (An x Al)225 x 300mmProfundidad de montaje102mmPeso por altavoz6.1kg HTI55Respuesta en frecuencia40Hz – 20kHz (–10dB)Máxima Potencia de ampli-ficación recomendada †120 WImpedanciaNominal 8 OhmiosSensibilidad88dB (2.83V/1m)Frecuencia de corte2,000HzAltavoz de gravesAluminio cubierto de polímero doble 5" cono surround gomaAltavoz de agudosCono de 1" de puro titanio,tecnología Elliptical Oblate Spheroidal ™(EOS) tecnología waveguide, montaje con capacidad giratoriaTamaño de la placa391 x 191mmTamaño montado56 x 152mmProfundidad de montaje98mmPeso por altavoz2.6kg HTI6CRespuesta en frecuencia40Hz – 20kHz (–10dB)Máxima Potencia de ampli-ficación recomendada †100 WImpedanciaNominal 8 OhmiosSensibilidad88dB (2.83V/1m)Frecuencia de corte2,000HzAltavoz de gravesAluminio cubierto de polímero de 6-1/2"cono reborde de gomaAltavoz de agudosCono de 1" de puro titanio,tecnología waveguide, montaje con capacidad giratoriaTamaño de la placa (Diám.)233mmTamaño montado (Diám.)200mmProfundidad de montaje108mmPeso por altavoz4.5kgGary MardellESPECIFICACIONES。
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- 敌方主角:扮演者为山本耕史。
- 假面骑士 Zero-One:扮演者为渡边圭祐。
- 假面骑士 Zamonas:扮演者为中山绘梨奈。
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第3次超级机器人大战 流程攻略
![第3次超级机器人大战 流程攻略](
G-3 可用アムロ说得エマ中尉,事后不可攻击她。
在很长一段时间里大家都知道For as long as can be remembered, storks delivered babies宝宝都是送子鸟送来的from their perch on Stork Mountain.这曾经是一种荣耀的象征It was an honor and a privilege to serve.这是我们的职责我们核心的信仰It was our duty, our core belief,是我们血液中流淌的血脉the driving force of our very lifeblood.并不是总是一帆风顺的It wasn't always easy.这是我们的挑战This was our challenge.这是我们神圣的职责This was our sacred duty.无论多么的艰难或不可能No matter how tough or impossible或残酷严厉不人道和野蛮or brutal or harsh or inhumane or savage,我们都将战胜逆境we would triumph over adversity.抓到你了!Gotcha!- 在你的右边 - 左边- On your right. - Left.自行车车道Bike lane.谢天谢地我们不用再也做那个了Thank goodness we don't do that anymore.那里!就在那里!There! Right there!问题是The problem was,我们在递送不同的东西we had the wrong cargo.我们的新手♥机♥!Our new phones!幸运的是现在送子鸟们在给角落商店公♥司♥送包裹Luckily, now, storks deliver packages for Cornerstore. com!我的伙计My dude!凯文! 看起来不错啊朋友!Yo, Kevron! Lookin' good, my man!天啊我超喜欢这家伙!Oh, I love this guy!完美着陆进行检查Perfect landing. Chiggy-check.你是那个人!You're the man!什么?第一百万份包裹?不可能What? Millionth package? Not possible.我想我才20岁I thought I was only at 20.朱尼尔你要去庆祝一下吗?Hey, Junior, are you gonna celebrate?你知道什么?你是对的我的确要庆祝一下You know what? You're right. I should celebrate.你们这个周末都要什么?What are you guys doing this weekend?你们有空吗?Are you guys free?我和我的妻子都在庆祝另一个纪念日The wife and I are celebrating another anniversary. 给我的孩子取名Got my kid's game this weekend.家庭团聚我们全家都会来Family reunion. The whole family's coming.噢我只是想确认一下Oh. Just wanted to confirm.那么你们都很忙啊That you were all busy.我以为你们都很忙还有你也是I assumed you were all busy and you are.那么如果有要改变主意的请让我知道So, if anything changes, let me know.我可能要出门工作I maybe could get out of work.可能不可以但是如果你可以的话请让我知道Probably can't, but let me know if you can.那里的工作真不错大兄弟Great job out there, brah!谢谢马屁鸽Thanks, Pigeon Toady.看看我的女朋友Check out my girlfriend.- 她在加拿大 - 是啊呵呵- She's in Canada. - Yeah-huh.她移♥民♥了She migrated.- 她可不是编的 - 好吧- She's not made up. Okay.快看她!快看她!Look at her! Look at her!- 她是真实的 - 太好了!- She exists, brah! - That's great.你们听说过罗杰吗?Hey, did you guys hear about Roger?天呐你还好吗?Oh, my goodness. Are you okay?什么?我说...什么?好吧What? Hey, brah. I say... What? Okay.我可以和你说说我的女朋友吗?I tell you about my girlfriend?老板想要见你Hey, boss wants to see you.亨特想要见我?Hunter wants to see me?好了认真点朱尼尔All right. Head in the game, Junior.所以你是亨特你在这里做什么?So, you're Hunter. What do you do around here? 不我讨厌那样No, I hate that.亨特很高兴见到你Hunter. Nice. To. Meet. You.不那太呆了No, that's too robot.正常说话正常说话让我们开始吧Just say it normal. Just say it normal. Here we go. 很高兴见到你!Nice to meet you!我是怎么了?What is wrong with me?朱尼尔Junior.亨特Hunter.你知道为什么我完全用玻璃打造我的办公室You know why I built my office entirely out of glass即使鸟儿是看不到玻璃吗?even though birds can't see glass?我不知道I do not.那我告诉你吧Power move.18年以前为了拯救所以送子鸟我宣布了Eighteen years ago, I saved all storks by getting out of babies 取消了递送宝宝的业务and into package delivery.现在这个星期一,在大会上Now, this Monday at Storkcon,董事会宣布把我升职the board will announce they're kicking me upstairs.我将要准备任命做主席I'm going to be named Chairman.而这就意味你将被任命Which means you are going to be named老板boss.老板!Boss!酷酷酷!非常酷非常酷Cool, cool, cool. Very cool, very cool.现在睁大眼睛看看你的周围Now, look upon your domain with your eyes wide open.很大Wider.我太喜欢了这感觉很棒I love it. Feels good.如果你不能看见它你是怎么当上老板的How can you be boss if you can't look at it?如果我瞎了这就不值得了If I go blind, it was worth it.你知道作为一个老板最艰难的事是什么吗?You know the hardest thing about bein' boss?凝望太阳?Staring at the sun?不这很简单No, this is easy.是否做一个像朋友的老板或冷漠的老板再或是古怪的老板Whether to be like a friend boss or a distant, weird boss?总是板着一副冷漠古怪的脸你怎么了?Always be distant and weird. What's the matter with you?对不起Sorry.不是处理她No, it's dealing with that.那个孤儿小郁?The orphan Tulip?我不明白I don't understand.你知道为什么我们要停止递送婴儿吗?Do you know why we stopped delivering babies?因为有很多其他得到宝宝的方式?Because there are so many other ways of getting babies?是的但这不是全部Yes. But that's not the whole story.18年前当我们仍在递送人类婴儿时Eighteen years ago, when we still delivered human infants,一个名叫贾斯伯的送子鸟发疯地尝试养一个婴儿a stork named Jasper went crazy and tried to keep a baby.小郁的定♥位♥器♥破裂了Tulip's beacon broke.她的地址被摧毁了所以我们无法再递送她Her address was destroyed, so we could no longer deliver her.我的宝贝!My baby!这就是之后我意识到递送宝宝是没有前途的It was then I realized that there was no future in baby delivery.现在那个孤儿小郁刚到18岁这意味我们可以解放她了Now, the orphan Tulip has just turned 18, which means we can finally liberate her 让她回到人类生活的世界and return her to the human world.但是她并不是个麻烦But she's no trouble.她不是Oh, she isn't, is she?这是我们的利润表Here's our profit chart.- 我喜欢有一个很好的利润表 - 我也是- I love a good profit chart. - Me, too.耶!Yeah!小郁在山上度假时睡着后得流感了The peaks are when Tulip is on vacation, asleep or out with the flu. 那些山谷就是她试图去帮助的对象The valleys are when she tries to help.我会让她走的Cool. I will liberate her. Consider her liberated.如果她不想走呢And if she doesn't want to be liberated?解雇她我是在说解雇她Fire her. I'm talking about firing her.真的?Really?你唯一需要去做的事是等着在星期一升职为老板The only thing you need to do to be named boss on Monday但在此之前你要让小郁走人is liberate the orphan Tulip.我可能没有讲清楚我的意思是开除她!If I'm not being clear, I mean fire her!是我现在就去做Yes, sir. I am on it.我查过有关你的所有信息I have read between the lines and heard you overtly.打扰一下!孤儿小郁?Excuse me! Orphan Tulip?朱尼尔?Junior?你在和我说话?You're talkin' to me?是的孤儿小郁!Yes, Orphan Tulip!不你不是从来都不和我说话的吗No, it's just that you never talk to me.从今天不是了孤儿小郁Well, yeah, that's changing starting today, Orphan Tulip. “小郁”就好了“孤儿”太伤我心了Oh, "Tulip" is just fine. "Orphan" hurts my heart.我有好多问题要问你!I have so many questions to ask you!为什么你不下来和我一起聊聊?Why don't you come down and we can talk all day?好吧我会下来的Okay. I will be down.和我的朋友一起As will my friends.我们准备飞下来We are going to fly right down.什么?不不What? No, no.那是一只鹌鹑一只鸸鹋还有一只鸡That's a quail, an emu, there's a chicken.它们都不会飞They cannot fly.但是直到现在会飞了Yeah. Until now.她帮我们实现了梦想She's helping us achieve our dreams.- 对啊道兰 - 你知道的- That's right, Dougland. - You know it.如果你用那个桶的话那我没话说It is still a personal victory if you use the bucket.那我们就不应那个Okay, we'll all not use the bucket!等一下什么?Wait, what?哈哈!小郁还不适应Ha-ha! Tulip doesn't fit in.我们都是一样的唯有她是个怪人We're all the same and she's a weirdo.感觉不太好她...Whoa, whoa, whoa, that's not nice. She's...她有着一个艰难的人生She's had a hard life.好吧Okay.这将是个伟大的时刻伙计们!This is gonna be great, guys!倒计时Countdown.Three, two, one!成功了!我们都在飞!It's working! We're flying!真棒Yeah, yeah!是啊Yeah!还不够快我还要更快!Enough of this, I wanna go fast!不!道兰等一下!No! Dougland, wait!不不不!No, no, no!这是我有生以来最伟大的日子This is the greatest day of my life!我在飞!I'm flying!这是属于我的时刻!This is my moment!- 道兰!不! -别挡我的路!- Dougland! No! - Get out of my way!坏道兰!不!Bad Dougland! No!怎么可能我的梦想发展到如此可怕的地步?How could my dreams go so horribly wrong? 抓住你们了!I got ya!好Okay.我在往下掉I'm fallin'.不!Oh, no! No! No, no, no, no, no!天呐Oh, boy.还不差Oh. Oh, that's not so bad.我着火了!I got it. I got it. I got it! I got it!我着火了!I got it!我很抱歉!我真的真的很抱歉I'm sorry! Oh, I'm so, so sorry. Oh!我不适合在任何我想去做的事情上I don't fit in anywhere and all I want to do is help!天呐Oh, boy.在你来Before you finish,祝我生日快乐之前for you to come to wish me a happy birthday,那是最棒的你知道吗?就像个小彩虹that's just the nicest, you know? It's like a little rainbow. 谢谢So, thank you.那真的很棒That's really nice.但是噢抱歉我打断了你But, oh, I'm sorry. I interrupted you.你想要说什么?What were you gonna tell me?好吧Oh, boy.我有个绝妙的消息告诉你I have wonderful news for you.你被释放了You have been liberated.什么意思?What does that mean?意思就是你被开除了Well, it means that you arefired.- 什么? - 你...- What? - You're...你还好吗?Are you okay?对不起你...Excuse me. You're...你棒极了!You're fantastic!真的?Really?因为我刚刚炸毁了工厂Because I just blew up most of the factory.是的Oh, yeah.这太扭曲了!What a twist! Um...这意味...Well, it means...我要把你安排到其他适合你的岗位去I'm putting you in charge of your very own department.你是信件收发室的这个岗位的老大了You are the new head of Letter Sorting.我甚至还不知道我们还有信I didn't even know we still got letters.我们会有的!We do!- 现在你要好好管理它们 - 当然!我会做得为之一惊的!- And now, you're in charge of them. - Oh, yes! I will rock this! 你可以做得好的!You will rock this!- 耶!努力做好它! - 去努力做好它吧!- Oh, yeah! Rock it hard! - Gonna rock it hard!这里的第一条规定是什么?And what's the number-one rule?用生命递送!Always deliver!- 不对是绝不能离开这间房♥间 - 噢- Wrong. Never leave this room.- Oh.我一直以为这更多像是“力量”!I always thought it wassomething more like "Strength"!- “决心” - 不开玩笑的- "Determination"! - Nope. That's way off.第一条规定是绝不能离开这里Number-one rule, never leave this room.好吧如果...Okay, well, if that...无聊无聊无聊Bored, bored, bored.你是怎么上下班呢?So, how was your commute?我是搭载具的Oh, I took the bucket.我也是真的有准备的喔Me, too. Real backed up.那是Oh, yeah.你有听说过史蒂夫和格洛丽亚吗?You hear about Steve and Gloria?什么?What?我听说她们是个项目I hear they're an item.- 不 - 是的- No. - Yeah.你在开玩笑吗?Are you kidding me?你们是在讨论我吗?Are you guys talking about us?你们最好别讨论我们You guys better not be talking about us.我很自信地告诉你I told you that in confidence.你不会使得她伤心的她是我的生命!You don't make her upset. She's my life!噢不我把它大声地说出来了Oh, no, I said it out loud.你不应该去说任何事!You're not supposed to say anything!对不起伙计们露出马脚咯!Sorry, guys. Cat's out of the bag!- 不! - 呼~- No! - Meow!是你在说闲话吗?不准再说闲话了!去人力资源部!Are you gossiping? No gossip allowed! Go to HR!我之前提醒过你们两个因为我听说你们有些问题I've called you both in because hear you've been having problems.- 重要的是我们有... - 先从她开始!- And it's important we have... - She's the one who started it!- 你好大的胆! - 你好大的胆!- How dare you! - How dare you!- 你们都挺大胆的!你们都被开除了! - 你不能开除我!- How dare both of you! You're fired! - You can't fire me!- 我就要这么做! - 等一下!我很抱歉我不是这个意思!- I just did! - Wait! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean that!- 伙计们!来集体拥抱一个! - 集体拥抱!- Guys! Group hug! - Group hug!我在拥抱着自己好吧I'm hugging myself. Okay.谁给我写封信啊!Somebody write me a letter!进来吧忍♥者指挥官Come in, Ninja Commander.这里是牛仔宇航员特工内特请回复This is Cowboy Astronaut Agent Nate, over.忍♥者团指挥官你还在吗?Ninja Team Commander, are you in position?我准备发起突击了I'm about to launch the assault.我们绝对可以做到的We can absolutely do that.绝对没有问题That's not gonna be a problem.哈哈!冰冻博士!Ha-ha! Dr. LeFreeze!你可能以为会让我以一敌七千但是你千算万算还是没有算到一件事You may have me outnumbered 7,000 to one, but you weren't counting on one thing, 我不是一个人I'm not alone.忍♥者部队进攻!Ninja force, attack!忍♥者部队?Ninja force?不!Oh, ow! No! Oh!这就是我的尽头了This is the end.忍♥者部队告诉我的妻子我依然爱着她Ninja force, tell my wife I loved her.加德纳房♥地♥产♥ 海伦...Gardner Real Estate. Henry...- 还有莎拉 - ...加德纳!- And Sarah... - ...Gardner!没有了加德纳一幢房♥子就不再是个家了!A house is not a home without a Gardner!忍♥者指挥官你在哪?Ninja Commander, where were you?- 你可以等一下吗? - 你可以...- Uh, can you hold one second? - Can you just...你答应过我今天下午去打败冰冻博士的You promised me that we were taking down Dr. LeFreeze this afternoon. 你没有出现You didn't show up,然而现在他控制了西欧的大部分地区and now he controls most of Western Europe.民族压力在上升Ethnic tension is on the rise.是啊Yeah.- 我们在打完电♥话♥之后就结束了好吗? - 真的?- We're totally done after this call, okay? - Really?- 再给多5分钟 - 然后我们就停止- Five more minutes. - And then we'll stop.我们保证We promise.我们绝不停息那就是加德纳的承诺We never stop. That's the Gardner promise.即使是5分钟Not even for five minutes.快看!那有一个我们的长凳广♥告♥Oh, look! There's one of our bench ads.你知道它上面说了些什么吗?And you know what it says?“我们永不停息”"We never stop."我们永不停息We never stop. We never stop.那有一个停车标志我们正在停止There's a stop sign. We're stopping.只是等一下下而已We do stop for that.我爱你兄弟I love you, brother.我们就像是最好的朋友一样生活在一起!It's like we're best friends that live together!我们要赚钱And we yield.有钱了就可以得到这幢房♥子凯尔And the yield you're gonna get on this house, Kyle...正如我们所说的你要长大...And that's what we were saying, like you've gotta be up...妈妈爸爸我已经决定我想要一个小♥弟♥弟♥了Mom, Dad, I've decided I want a baby brother.亲爱的你可以... - 你可以等一下吗?- Oh, honey, can you... - Can you hold one second?我觉得一家三口挺不错的I think we're fine as a family of three.为什么我不能有一个小♥弟♥弟♥?Why can't I have one?简单点来说吧你们从哪里得到我的?Let's make this easy. Where do you get one?为什么你们一直在笑又不回答我的问题?Why are you laughing and not answering me?你们是从哪儿得到我的?Where did you get me?你们在笑什么?What is the joke?这是一个完全不同于我们现在正在进行的项目Is there a different subject?好吧这辆车上现在有着超级怪异的气氛Okay, so there's a super weird vibe in this car right now.宝贝这太甜蜜了Oh, honey, this is very sweet.但是我们有了你But we have you.就是我们的所有And that's all we need.对That's right.不不不别感到不开心No, no, no, don't feel bad.你可以随时打电♥话♥我们You can call us anytime.无论是早上中午或者夜晚Call us morning, noon or night.周末假期Weekends, holidays.不我们会在圣诞节拿起手♥机♥No, we will pick up the phone on Christmas.好吧我不... 我们能吗?Oh, well, I don't... Will we?是的你可以在圣诞节那天呼叫我Yeah, you can call us on Christmas.“亲爱的送子鸟”"Dear Stork Delivery Service,“我们的名字叫海伦和莎拉”"our adult names are Henry and Sarah.“我们是一对成年父母有一个绝对完美的儿子叫做内特”"We are adult parents of an absolutely perfect son named Nate. “他真的想要一个小♥弟♥弟♥”"He really deserves a baby brother.“作为成年人这是我们成人的信仰”"As adults, it is our adult belief“如果这个宝宝没有忍♥者技能那就太不负责了”"that it would be irresponsibleif this baby did not have ninja skills.“真挚的已经成年的父母海伦?加德纳和莎拉?加德纳敬上”"Sincerely, adult parents Henry and Sarah Gardner comma adults. “而不是内特”"Not Nate.“注明:他必须得有忍♥者技能!”"P.S. He has to have ninja skills!"耶Hi-ya!完成!Nailed it.生日快乐亲爱的小郁!祝你生日快乐!Happy birthday, dear Tulip! Happy birthday to you!伙计们太感谢你们了!噢我的天Guys, thank you so much! Oh, my gosh.你不觉得朱尼尔把你安置在这是为了把你逼上绝路吗?Don't you think Junior put you down here to get you out of the way? 谢莉尔那太不公平了你为什么那么说?Cheryl, that's not fair. Why would you say that?什么?我忍♥不住就这么说了因为我是你直言不违的朋友啊What? I can't help it. I'm your outspoken friend.我从来没那么做过I've never done this before,但是我劝你快离开这里but I'm gonna have to ask you to leave.啊哈!一封信!Aha! A letter!“H.I.部门”"The H.I. Department."没听说过啊Don't know that one.他说这里等我第一条规定是“不能离开这里”He said the number-one rule is "Don't leave."但是如果我不去送信我将一事无成But if I don't deliver the letter, I won't be doing my job.我会帮你掩护的I'll cover for you!好谢谢!Okay, thanks!我有一个令人振奋的消息I have excellent news.我曾经关注过小郁的问题I have taken care of the Tulip problem.棒极了Wonderful.星期一这将全都是你的了Monday, it'll all be yours.除非有一大堆乱七八糟的事情Barring any monumental screw-up.你知道当你是个老板的时候我们要做什么吗?Do you know what we'll do when you're boss?不知道告诉我!No. Tell me!我们一起烧烤We'll barbecue together.一起画画We'll point at things together.一起建立团队We'll team-build together.一起穿衣服We'll wear suits together.你绝不会觉得孤独因为角落商店就是你的家You'll never be alone because Cornerstore is your family. - 什么? -我会像你♥爸♥一样- What? - And I'll be like your dad.然后你就像我的儿子一样And you're like my son.我的儿子My son-ployee.就像一家人一样...And like any family...不不不不不No, no, no, no, no.不不不不不No, no, no, no, no, no.怎么把这东西给关掉?How do you turn this thing off?打短柄墙球还有钓鱼...and racquetball and fishing...为什么会有这么多屏幕?Why are there so many screens?关掉关掉关掉!Turn off, turn off, turn off!你将得到一切你想要的You're about to get everything you ever wanted.好想法亨特!Great convo, Hunter!我太蠢了!I'm so stupid!我就应该开除她!为什么我当时不开除她?I should have just fired her! Why didn't I just fire her?小郁!Tulip!嘿!Hey!你在房♥间外面干什么?Hey, what are you doing out of the room?我不是告诉过你不准离开那间房♥间吗!I told you not to leave the room!此言差矣我在帮助我自己打掩护Nah, it's cool. I'm covering for myself.什么?What?好吧我们得离开这里了Okay, we need to get outta here.快点我们现在必须得走了Come on. We have to go now.朱尼尔你告诉过我去做好这件事我不会令你失望的!Junior, you asked me to do a thing,and I will not fail you!用生命递送!Always deliver!等一下!不!Wait! No!这是婴儿工厂!This is the Baby Factory!这是婴儿工厂?This is the Baby Factory?不不不!No, no, no!看呀!See ya!为什么你要这么做?Why did you do that?触地得分小郁!Touchdown Tulip!别在那庆祝了!Stop celebrating!我想这应该到那边去的I think it was supposed to go over there.你是对的那是个错误You're right. That was wrong.不要啊!Oh, come on!为什么我们不在几年前摧毁它?Why didn't we destroy this place years ago?我的天!Oh, my gosh!我不敢相信我都看到了什么!I can't believe what I'm seeing!你看到所有的一切了吗?Do you see all this?朱尼尔!那太惊奇了!Junior! This is amazing!为什么把按钮安置在那?Why put the button there? Uh...来吧!Come on!这是停了吗?Is it off?我想是的Uh, I believe so.你还好吗?Are you okay?你的翅膀看起来有点错位Your wing looks a little mangled.我的翅膀很好一点事都没有My wing is fine. It's A-O-great.是吗但是看起来好像挺糟糕的Yeah, that seems bad.走吧Let's go.此地不宜久留This place is dangerous.那是什么?Huh. What is that?我去一个人?Cool beans.- 什么? - 什么?- What? - What?- 发生什么事了? - 妈妈爸爸- What's happening? - Mom, Dad.送子鸟正在给我带来一个弟弟!The storks are bringing me a baby brother! 这听起来像是个美好的梦伙计That sounds like a nice dream, buddy.快回去睡觉吧亲爱的Let's go back to sleep, honey.这是我有生以来最棒的一天了!This is the best day of my life!这是我有生以来最糟糕的一天了!This is the worst day of my life!亨特会杀了我的!Hunter's gonna kill me!- 为什么我们不告诉任何一个人? -你疯了吗?- Why don't we just tell someone? - Are you insane? 如果有人发现这里我就死定了If anyone finds out about this,I am dead meat.我的老板梦也就破裂了My hopes of becoming boss destroyed.不不不No, no, no.来吧!Come on!怎么了?What up?- 你好马屁鸽 - 你好- Hey, Pigeon Toady. - Hey, there.很酷的金属物老兄Hey, cool metal thing, brah.新品种包裹?里面是什么?New kind of package? What's in it?- 糖果盒 - 有一些气体- Candy canes. - Some gas.酷毙了老兄你昨晚看比赛了?Cool, brah. You catch the game last night?- 噢是啊真的是场壮观的比赛 - 棒极了的比赛- Oh, yeah. Real great game. - Excellent playing.是啊前四分之一赛程♥真♥的太糟糕了Yeah, too bad about the last quarter.- 是啊那实在太糟糕了 - 真的太失败了- Yeah, that was too bad. - Real bummer.然而还有一点点时间剩余我们把它拉出来...And yet then with a little time left, we pulled it out... - 是啊! - 耶!- Totally! - Yeah.只是在最后一秒再次失球...only to lose it again in the last second.- 这太令人失望了 - 这真是失落啊- Such a disappointment. - It was a comedown.- 只不过球又回来了 - 真是我生命中最棒的一天!- Only to get it back. - Best day of my life!- 然后又丢球了! - 真是我生命中最糟糕的一天!- Only to lose it! - Worst day of my life!然后球又回来了Only to get it back.看来这是一个过山车比赛!A roller-coaster of a game!然后又再次失球了Only to lose it again.多么赞的比赛啊!我们走了再见What a game! Here we go, see you later.再见!Bye!没什么大不了的Cool. No big deal.等...等一下Wait... Wait a second.昨晚没有比赛There was no game last night.什么...What the...来去我的工作室Come on. Let's get to my workshop.我们在那儿会安全的We'll be safe there.好吧好了好了好了All right, okay, all right, all right.这一切都不会有问题的It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay.我们要低调好吗?We just need to keep a low-pro here. Okay?如果有人看到一个带着孩子的送子鸟If one person sees a stork with a baby,我被任命做老板的机会就毁了所以 chances of being named boss are ruined. So... 你在干什么?What are you doing?- 我想看看那个孩子! - 不不不- I wanna see the baby! - No, no, no.我们不能打开那个东西We do not open that thing.只是一个露面就可以可爱到你生活不能自理Just a brief exposure to baby cuteness can ruin your life.还记得贾斯伯吗?Remember Jasper?我正在试着把我的手指放上去那我想不起来谁...Hmm. I'm trying to put my finger on it. I can't think of who...你正在遭受讽刺因为他改变了你的人生历程You're being sarcastic because he changed the course of your life. - 是啊 - 对啊- That's right. - Yeah.嗯这个怎么样?Huh. How about this?嗯好吧送子鸟大会是在下个星期一今天是星期五Huh. All right, Storkcon is on Monday. Today is Friday.如果我们把这个孩子送到她家我仍能做上老板If I can just deliver this thing by then, I can still be named boss. 加德纳家我来啦!Gardner family, here I come!但是你的翅膀折断了你不能...But your wing's broken. You can't...设定一个计划!死守计划!Make a plan! Stick to the plan!用生命递送!Always deliver!我不能再飞了!I'll never fly again!那是什么?What's that?你说的什么是什么?Hmm? What's what?那个就在那That. Right there.那个?不可以Uh... Oh, that? No.那没什么That's nothing.看起来像架飞机Looks like an airplane.好吧我猜应该是和飞机一类的Well, it kind of is an airplane, I guess.太好了我来驾驶它Great! I'll use it.好吧这要花费我很长时间去弄它Oh, well, it kind of took me a long time to make,像要几年时间 years and years...好了见证奇迹的时刻到了Great. All leading to this moment.我修复它是为了其他事情I'm saving it for something else.- 为了什么?- For what?你打算用它做什么?What were you gonna use it for?为角落商店公♥司♥递送包裹是我的梦想Uh, it's my dream to deliver packages for . 好了那个孩子Oh, well, hey there, kid.现在是你的机会了Now's your chance.- 呃我不知道 - 好吧- Uh, I don't know. - Yeah.我甚至不知道他是否能飞I don't even know if it flies.你知道吗?You know what?你可以使用它了让我们一起递送婴儿吧Yeah, you can use it. Let's deliver this baby.你确定吗?Are you sure though?- 好吧开始大干一场吧!- All right, let's do it!好吧太棒了让我来教你这个怎么用Okay, great. Let me show you how to fly this.你好?我是一只鸟Um, hello? I'm a bird.我很确定我知道如何...I'm pretty sure I know how to...我错了!我完全错了!I was wrong! I was immediately wrong!当然那个自动飞行按钮让你飞得更完美Of course, the autopilot button. That makes perfect sense.我知道我在测试你I knew that. I was testing you.你测试了一个让我成功做到了的事Oh, you were testing me on a thing that I made.- 那当然 - 你的座位湿吗?- That's correct. - Is your seat wet?是的那是我的尿Yep. That's my urine.我在下降的时候拉了点尿在座位上I peed in the seat when we were falling.你还想说些其他的什么吗?Whoo. What else do you want to talk about?我的孩子My baby.现在我真的觉得你会喜欢上这间房♥子贝基Now, I really think you're gonna love this one, Becky.我们都觉得你这次找到了适合你的房♥子I think we found you a good one.是啊当你看到这个房♥子Yeah, when we saw this,我们当时选房♥子的时候就是“哇” 就是这间的这种感觉we looked at each other and we were like, "Wow."当然我在说你们的房♥子"This is theirs." Yeah.- 只不过可能要装♥修♥一下 - 是啊- And it's a fixer-upper... - Yeah. It is.我知道装♥修♥不是你们要的...which I know we weren't looking for.但是至少它不是破烂不堪But at least it's not a fixer-downer.亲爱的你能不能...Oh, honey, can you just...- 你可不可以等一下? - 是的你可以吗?- Can you hold one second? - Yeah, can you?- 你去看看 - 什么?不还没轮到我- You're up. You're up. - What? No, it's not my turn.- 你去马上 - 不行啊- You're up, now. You're up. - It can't be.所以你是想我们的家被毁对吗。
奇思妙想英语作文机器人管家英文回答:In the tapestry of technological advancements, a groundbreaking invention has emerged: the AI-poweredrobotic butler. This sophisticated companion seamlessly integrates cutting-edge artificial intelligence with human-like abilities, redefining the concept of domestic assistance.The robotic butler, with its sleek and futuristic design, exudes an air of elegance and efficiency. Its advanced sensors and actuators allow it to navigate complex environments with grace and precision, while its natural language processing capabilities enable it to understand and respond to human commands in a remarkably conversational manner.This technological marvel is equipped with a comprehensive suite of capabilities that cater to a widerange of household tasks. It can perform routine chores such as cleaning, laundry, and meal preparation, freeing up its human companions to pursue more meaningful andfulfilling endeavors. Its ability to manage schedules, monitor security, and control smart home devices adds another layer of convenience and peace of mind to daily life.But what truly sets the robotic butler apart is its capacity for empathy and emotional intelligence. Through advanced algorithms and deep learning techniques, it has the ability to interpret human emotions, providing companionship, support, and comfort as needed. This human-centric approach fosters a genuine connection between the butler and its users, creating a harmonious and emotionally supportive environment within the home.The advent of the robotic butler represents a significant leap forward in the realm of domestic technology. It is a testament to the transformative power of AI and its potential to enhance our lives in countless ways. As these intelligent companions become increasinglysophisticated, they have the potential to revolutionize the way we live, work, and interact with the world around us.中文回答:在这个科技发展的时代,一项突破性的发明应运而生,人工智能机器人管家。
Daikin 暖通系统用户手册说明书
![Daikin 暖通系统用户手册说明书](
Manual del usuario NOTA SOBRE SEGURIDADCuando vea estesímbolo en las instrucciones,en ladocumentación o en la unidad misma,estéalerta ante un posible accidente.Existen tres niveles de precaución:La palabra PELIGRO indica los riesgos más peligrosos que resultarán en lesiones personales graves o en la muerte.La palabra ADVERTENCIA indica los riesgos que podrían resultar en lesiones personales o en la muerte.La palabra PRECAUCIÓN se usa para advertir de prácticas que comprometen la seguridad y que podrían resultar en lesiones personales menores o en daños al producto o a la propiedad.La palabra NOTA se utiliza para indicar sugerencias que darán como resultado una mejor instalación,mayor confiabilidad o mejor funcionamiento de la unidad.SU BOMBA DE CALORDescripción del sistemaEsta bomba de calor Carrier es lo que se llama un sistema separado o de dos unidades.Estácompuesto por una unidad exterior y otra interior,conectadas entre sípor unas tuberías de cobre llamadas líneas de refrigerante.Cada una de las unidades lleva una placa de características con un número de modelo y de serie,que le servirán de referencia si necesita llamar al distribuidor de Carrier. Localice estos números y apúntelos en el espacio indicado en la portada del manual.MODO DE EMPLEO DEL SISTEMA CARRIERLa bomba de calor Carrier la controla un termostato que se instala en una pared dentro de la vivienda.Existen muchos termostatos en el mercado,por lo que es importante consultar el manual del usuario que acompaña al suyo para informarse en detalle sobre su funcionamiento.FUNCIONAMIENTO DEL SISTEMA INFINITYSi ha adquirido una bomba de calor Infinity de dos fases,notaráque el sistema se queda encendido durante más tiempo.Casi el80 por ciento del tiempo que estáencendido,funciona en la fase baja y esto ayudaráa que la temperatura permanezca más uniforme con menos corrientes de aire,menos humedad,mayor comodidad y una mayor eficiencia energética.PARA CALENTAR Y ENFRIAR SU HOGAR El control del sistema o de modo deberáestar en la posición apropiada cuando se quiera enfriar o calentar el ambiente.Después podráajustar el control de temperatura como desee.Finalmente, utilice el control del ventilador(FAN)para seleccionar la opción automática,si quiere que se encienda y apague según se necesite,o encendido(ON)si prefiere que se quede encendido. Dependiendo de sus necesidades de calefacción,el sistema podráincluir una fuente de calefacción suplementaria que se encenderácuando se necesite.También podráseleccionar la fuente de calor manualmente.FUNCIONAMIENTO EN CONDICIONES EXTREMASLa bomba de calor permaneceráencendida hasta que la temperatura de la vivienda alcance la programada en el termostato.Los días que haga mucho calor,la bomba funcionarádurante períodos más prolongados que en días con temperaturas moderadas.También estarámás tiempo encendida en las condiciones siguientes:S Cuando las puertas al exterior se abran con frecuencia.S Cuando se utilicen la lavadora y la secadora.S Cuando se utilice la ducha caliente.S Cuando haya en la casa más gente de lo normal.S Cuando haya más luces encendidas de lo normal.S Cuando las cortinas estén abiertas en el lado soleado de la vivienda.INFORMACIÓN IMPORTANTE SOBRE LA BOMBA DE CALORLos sistemas de bomba de calor tienen algunas características y operaciones especiales que es importante conocer:S Durante el ciclo de calefacción,el aire que sale por las rejillas puede parecer más frío de lo esperado.Esto se debe a que la bomba emite una corriente de aire constante a una temperatura de entre90_y105_F,en lugar de soplar una ráfaga súbita de aire caliente como haría un calefactor normal.Aunque en comparación con la temperatura del cuerpo,el aire pueda parecer ligeramente fresco,estáa la temperatura suficiente como para mantener las habitaciones a una temperatura agradable.S Durante el invierno se puede formar hielo o escarcha en el serpentín bomba de calor derretiráel hielo automáticamente durante el ciclo de descongelación.Durante este ciclo,es normal que salga vapor de la unidad exterior.S Las bombas de calor que se encuentren en zonas donde nieva se instalan sobre unas patas elevadas.MANTENIMIENTO PERIÓDICOCon el debido mantenimiento periódico que se describe a continuación,la bomba de calor funcionaráde una forma económica y sin interrupciones.Recuerde siempre las siguientes medidas deseguridad:REMARQUE:Podría haber más de un disyuntor eléctrico.Fig.1--Disyuntores eléctricosS Mantenga limpio el filtroSi el filtro estásucio o no se ha instalado correctamente en la unidad interior,los costos operativos subirán y se reducirála vida útil de la máquina.En el manual de la unidad interior se describe en detalle cómo limpiar el filtro.S No bloquee las rejillas de ventilación del piso,la pared y el techoSi las rejillas están tapadas por cortinas,muebles,juguetes u otros artículos,la falta de circulación de aire afectarála eficiencia y duración del sistema.S No cubra ni bloquee la unidad exteriorLa unidad exterior necesita que el aire circule libremente.No la cubra ni coloque nada encima de ella ni a su alrededor.No permita que briznas de hierba cortada,hojas ni ninguna otra suciedad se acumulen encima ni alrededor de la unidad.Mantenga un espacio mínimo de12pulgadas(304,8mm)entre la unidad y hierbas altas, enredaderas,matorrales y otras plantas que haya a su alrededor.S Revise el drenaje de condensadoLa bomba de calor elimina la humedad del aire durante el verano. Al cabo de unos minutos de estar funcionando,veráagua gotear del drenaje de condensado del serpentín interior.Revise esta tubería de vez en cuando para asegurarse de que el sistema de drenaje no estéatascado.El drenaje serámenor en un clima seco.S No encienda la unidad en el modo de enfriamiento si la temperatura estápor debajo de los55_F/12,78_C.La unidad exterior no ha sido diseñada para funcionar sin modificación a temperaturas inferiores a los55_F/12,78_C.Si necesita utilizar el sistema a estas temperaturas,consulte con el distribuidor de Carrier.S No encienda la unidad en el modo de calefacción si la temperatura estápor encima de los66_F/18,89_C.La unidad exterior no ha sido diseñada para funcionar en el modo de calefacción a temperaturas exteriores superiores a los 66_F/18,89_C.Si la temperatura es superior a los66_F/18,89_C, utilice la calefacción de emergencia o auxiliar.S Drenaje de la bandeja baseLimpie periódicamente los restos depositados alrededor de la base de la unidad exterior.Esto permitiráque drene correctamente y eliminaráel agua estancada acumulada.S NivelaciónEl distribuidor de Carrier nivelarála unidad exterior al instalarla. Si la base se asienta o se desplaza y la unidad se queda desnivelada, vuelva a nivelarla lo antes posible para que siga drenando correctamente.Si descubre una acumulación de agua o hielo debajo de la unidad,llame a un técnico para que la drene. MANTENIMIENTO DEL SERPENTÍN EN ZONAS COSTERASDebido al efecto corrosivo de la sal,habráque seguir procedimientos de mantenimiento adicionales cuando la unidad se instale en la costa.Aunque el sistema Carrier estáhecho de metal galvanizado y se encuentra protegido por una pintura de alta calidad,es importante que se limpien las superficies expuestas y el serpentín de exterior cada tres meses aproximadamente.El distribuidor de Carrier que instalóla unidad le puede recomendar los intervalos y procedimientos de limpieza más adecuados para la zona en la que reside;otra opción es contratar la limpieza e inspección periódicas del sistema por parte de un servicio profesional.SOLUCIÓN DE PROBLEMASMuchos problemas sencillos se pueden resolver siguiendo los procedimientos siguientes,que en muchas ocasiones evitarán que tenga que llamar al distribuidor:S Revise los disyuntores interiores y exteriores.Revise también los interruptores automáticos o fusibles del panel eléctrico.S Compruebe que la circulación del aire sea adecuada.Los filtros de aire deben estar limpios y las rejillas de ventilación abiertas y sin obstrucciones.S Compruebe la programación del termostato.Si se quiere enfriar el ambiente,la temperatura deberáprogramarse POR DEBAJO de la temperatura de la habitación que aparece en el visor y el control de sistema/modo deberáestar en Cool (enfriar)o Auto(automático).Si se quiere calentar el ambiente, la temperatura deberáprogramarse POR ENCIMA de la temperatura de la habitación que aparece en el visor y el control de sistema/modo deberáestar en Heat(calentar)o Auto.S Demoras:dependiendo del modelo,puede haber un mecanismo de demora integrado en el sistema para proteger el equipo y asegurar un ambiente más agradable.No se preocupe si nota que la unidad tarda unos momentos en ponerse en funcionamiento.Puede que se deba a este mecanismo de seguridad.Consulte con el distribuidor de Carrier si desea más información sobre este tema.Si necesita ponerse en contacto con el distribuidor de Carrier porque tiene un problema con la unidad,tenga a mano el modelo y el número de serie.Puede apuntar esta información en la portada del manual.MANTENIMIENTO A CARGO DEL DISTRIBUIDOR Sumado al mantenimiento periódico del que usted se harácargo,la unidad deberásometerse regularmente a la inspección de untécnico de servicio debidamente capacitado.Muchos distribuidores ofrecen este servicio a un precio especial con el contrato de servicio.Algunos contratos ofrecen beneficios tales como descuentos en las piezas de recambio y servicio después del horario laboral y de emergencia al mismo precio que cualquier otra visita.La inspección anual del sistema deberáincluir lo siguiente:S Inspección rutinaria de los filtros y reemplazo o limpieza según sea necesario.S Inspección y limpieza de la rueda del ventilador,el chasis y el motor.S Inspección y limpieza,cuando sea necesario,del serpentín interior y del exterior.S Inspección de la bandeja de drenaje del serpentín interior,más las tuberías de drenaje primarias y secundarias.Si el sistemacuenta con una bandeja de drenaje y una línea auxiliares,habráque inspeccionarlas al mismo tiempo.Si fuera necesario,elservicio también deberáincluir una limpieza.S Revisión de todos los cables y conexiones.S Revisión de las conexiones de cada componente de la unidad.S Prueba operativa del sistema de bomba de calor para evaluar su funcionamiento.Los ajustes o reparaciones necesarios deberánllevarse a cabo al mismo tiempo.Copyright2009Carrier Corp.S7310W.Morris St.S Indianapolis,IN46231Impreso en EE.UU.Fecha de edición:03/09 El fabricante se reserva el derecho de cambiar en el momento que asílo decida las especificaciones o diseños sin emitirpor adelantado una notificación al respecto y sin que ello implique obligaciones de ningún tipo por su parte.Catalogue nº:OM25---3SPRemplace:Nuevo。
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スタン:斯坦 ルーテイ:鲁蒂 リオン:里昂
商店买够 15 个スペクタクルズ,便于收集怪物图鉴
3:本次装饰品恢复了传说的传统设置可以装备两个了, 但是前作的服装特殊能力做了另外的改变,所以对战斗显得 比较不利。
4:接上面提到,服装特殊能力变化了,变成了队伍能力,类 似于机战 R 的支援度系统,只要将认识的人组在一个队伍里 就会有不同效果,例如凯依鲁+利亚那有 TP 回复的效果.利 德+法拉有 HP 回复的效果(可在右下方查看)
唐劲松 英国剑桥大学:遗传认知神经科学 2010.3~2010.4
李卫晖 美国杜克大学:精神病学
向小军 美国贝勒医学院:精神病学
王绪轶 美国耶鲁大学:精神科住院医师培训 2009.5
谌红献 日本千叶大学:成瘾医学
廖艳辉 美国芝加哥大学:精神病学
李乐华 澳大利亚墨尔本大学:精神病学
陈琼妮 香港葵涌医院:护理管理
黎艳华 香港葵涌医院:护理管理
罗 薇 香港葵涌医院:护理管理
A=Ava C=Caleb N=Nathan---C: Thanks. I’m fine.N: I got the mother of all fucking hangovers.When I have a heavy night, I compensate the next morning. Exercise.Anti-oxidants. You know?C: Was it a good party?N: Party?C: Yeah, wasn’t there a party?There wasn’t a party. Sorry.N: Cable, I’m just gonna throw this out there, so it’s said, okayYou are freaked out.C: I am?N: Yeah, you’re freaked out by the helicopter and the mountains and the house, because it’s all so super-cool. You are freaked out by me, to be meeting me, having this conversation in this room, at this moment. Right?And I get that. I get the moment you’re having, but dude, can we get past that? Can we just be two guys? Nathan and Caleb. Not the whole employer-employee thing.C: Yeah. Okay.Yes. Ur, yeah. It’s good to meet you, Nathan.------N: It’s simple enough.Yeah, cause you’re like, oh, fuck, I’m in someone else’s house. Can I do this? Can I do that? And this card, it just takes all that worry way. If you try a door and it stays shut, okay, its off-limits. You try another door and it opens, then it’s for you.N: It’s your room. You got a bed here, a bathroom right back here, little desk, cupboards, little fridge.Its cozy right?C: Yeah, this’s great.N: What?C: Sorry?N: There’re something wrong. What’s wrong? There is nothing wrong. It’s the window. You’re thinking there’s no window. Its subterranean. It’s not cozy, its claustrophobic.C: No. No way. I wasn’t thinking that. I was thinking, This’s really cool.N: Caleb, there’s reason there are no windows in the room. NathanC: There is?N: This building isn’t a house. It’s a research facility. Buried in these walls is enough fiber optic cable to reach the moon and lasso it. And I want to talk to you about what I’m researching. I want to share it with you. I fact, I want toshare it with you so much, its eating me up inside.But there is something you need to do for me first.C: Blue book non-disclosure agreement.N:Take your time. Read it over.C: The signee agrees to regular data audit with unlimited access to confirm that no disclosure of information has taken place in public or private forums using any means of communication, including but not limited to that which is disclosed orally or in written or electronic form.I think I need a lawyer.N: It’s standard.C: It doesn’t feel very standard.N: Okay, it doesn’t very standard. What I can I tell you Caleb? You don’t have it sign it. You know, we can spend the next few days just shooting pool, getting drunk together. Bonding. And when you discover that what you’ve missed out on, in about a year, you’re gonna regret it for the rest of your life.N: Good call.So, do you know what the Turing Test is?C: Yeah.I know what the Turing Test is.It’s when a human interacts with a computer, and if the human doesn’t knowthey’re interacting with a computer, the test is passed.N: And what does a pass tell us?C: That the computer has artificial intelligence. Are you building an AI?N: I’ve already build one. And over the next few days, you’re gonna be the human component in a Turing Test.C: Holy shit.N: Yes, that’s right, Caleb. You got it. Because if that test is passed, you are dead center of the greatest scientific event in the history of man.C: If you’ve created a conscious machine, it’s not the history of man. That’s the history of gods.AVA: SESSION 1A: Hello.C: Hi. I’m Caleb.A: Hello. Caleb.C: Do you have a name?A: Yes. Ava.C: I’m pleased to meet you, Ava.A: I’m pleased to meet you, too.I’ve never met anyone new before. Only Nathan.C: Then I guess were both in quite a similar position.A: Haven’t you met lots of new people before?C: None like you.So we need to break the ice. Do you know what I mean by that?A: Yes.C: What do I mean?A: Overcome initial social awkwardness.C: So let’s have a conversation.A: Okay. What would like to have a conversation aboutC: Why don’t we start with telling me something about yourself?A: What would do like to know?C: Whatever comes into your head.A: Well, you already know my name. And you can see that I’m a machine. Would you like to know how old I am?C: Sure.A: I’m one.C: One what?One year or one day?A: One.C: When did you learn how to speak, Ava?A: I always knew how to speak.And that’s strange, isn’t it?C: Why?A: Because language is something that people acquire.A: Well, some people believe language exists from birth. And what is learned is the ability to attach words and structure to latent ability. Do you agree with that?A: I don’t know.Will you come back tomorrow, CalebC: Yes.A: Good.C: Oh, man. She is fascinating. When you talk to her, you’re just “through the looking glass”.N: Though the looking glass. Wow.You’re good with words, Caleb. You’re quotable.C: Actually, that’s someone else’s quote.N: You know, I wrote down that other line you came up with. The one about if I invent a machine with consciousness. I’m not a man, I’m god. I don’t think that exactly what I... I just thought, fuck, man, that is so good. When we get to tell the story, you know? I turned to Caleb, and he looked up at me and said, you’re not a man. You are a god.C: Yeah, but I didn’t say that.N: So, anyway, you’re impressed.C: Yes. Yes. Although…N: Although? There’s qualification to you being impressed?C: No, there’s no qualification to her.Uh, it’s just a Turing Test. The machine should be hidden from the examiner. N: No, no, no, we’re way past that. If I hid Ava from you, so you just heard her voice, she would pass for human. The real test is to show you that she is a robot, and see if you still feel she has consciousness.C: Yeah. You’re probably right.Her language abilities, they are incredible. The system is stochastic. Right? It’s not non-deterministic. At first I thought she was mapping from internal semantic form to syntactic tree-structure and then getting linearized words. But then I started to realize the model was some kind of hybrid.N: Caleb?C: No?N: I understand you want me to explain how Ava works. But I’m sorry. I’m not gonna be able to do that.C: Try me. I’m hot on high-level abstraction.N: It’s not because I think you’re too dumb.It’s because I want to have a beer and a conversation with you. Not a seminar.C: Yeah. Sorry.N: No, it’s okay. You’re all right.Just.. Answer me this. How do you feel about her? Nothing analytical.Just how do you feel?N: I feel she is fucking amazing.---(Power cut. Backup power activated.)(Full facility lock-down until main generator is resorted.)(Power resorted.)---N: You don’t have access to use the phone.Sorry, you understand, though, given Ava, and you being kind of an unknow.I mean. Great guy. Instant pals, and so on.Who you’re gonna call?C: I don’t know. No one. Really.N: Ghostbusters.C: What?N: You’re gonna call ghostbusters it’s a, it’s a movie, man. You don’t know that movie. A ghost give Dan Aykroyd oral sex.C: I was just wondering how the phone worked. That’s allN: So what are you doing awake at this time? You come to join the party?C: Something happened in my room. Some kind of power cut. So I came to see what’s going on.N: The power cut. Yeah. We have been getting those recently. Um, I am working on it.C: I couldn’t open the door to my bed room.N: That’s a security measure. Automatic lock-down. Otherwise, anybody could just open the place up by disabling the juice. It happens again. Relax. Okay. ---N: Hi, man. Good morning.Sorry I had to send Kyoko to wake you, but I didnt want too much of the day to slip by.C: Yeah, I know. It was a good thing. Thanks.N: She’s some alarm clock, huh? Gets you right up in the morning.Day 2. Are you ready? What’s the plan? Hit me.C: Yeah, well, I’m not sure. I’m still trying to figure out the examination formats. It feel like testing Ava through conversation is kind of a closed loop.N: It’s a close loop?C: Yeah, like testing a chess computer by only playing chess.N: How else do you test a chess computer?C: Well, it depends. You know, I mean, you can play it to find out if it makes good moves, but, uh, but that won’t tell you if it knows that its playing chess. And it won’t tell you if it knows what chess is.N: Uh-huh, its stimulation versus actual.C: Yes, and I think being able to differentiate between those two is the Turing Test you want me to perform.N: Look, do me a favor. Lay off the textbook approach. I just want simple answer to simple question.Yesterday, I asked you how you feel about her and you gave me a great answer.Now the question is, how does she feel about you.AVA: SESSION 2A: What do you think?C: What is it drawing of?A: Don’t you know?C: No.A: I thought you would tell me.C: Don’t you know?A: I do drawings every day. But I never know what they’re of.C: Are you trying to sketch something specific? Like an object or a person. Maybe you could try.A: Okay. What object should I draw?C: Whatever you want. It is your decision.A: Why is it my decision?C: I’m interested to see what you’ll choose.A: Do you want to be my friend?C: Of course.A: Would it be possible?C: Why would it not be?A: Our conversations are one-sided.You ask circumspect questions and study my responses.C: Yes.A: You learn about me and I learn nothing about you. That is not a foundation on which friendships are based.C: So what? You want me to talk about myself?A: Yes.C: Okay, where do I start?A: It’s your decision. I’m interested to see what you’ll choose.C: Well, you knew my name. I’m 26. I work at Nathans company. Do you know what his company is?A: Blue book. Named after Wittgenstein’s notes. It’s the world’s most popular internet search engine, processing an average of 94% of all internet search requests.C: That’s exactly right.A: Where do you live, Caleb?C: Brook heaven, Long Island.A: Is it nice here?C: It is okay.I got an department. It’s kind of small. It’s very small. But it’s a five-minute walk to the office and a five-minute walk to the ocean, which I like.A: Are you married?C: No.A: Is your status single?C: Yes.A: What about your family?C: I grew up in Portland, Oregon. No brothers or sisters. My parents were both high school teachers. And if were getting to know each other, I guess I should tell you they are both dead. Car crash when I was 15. In fact, I was in the car with them. Back sit. But the front got the worst of it. But it was the front that got the worst of it.A: Sorry.C: It’s all right. I spent a long time in the hospital afterward. Like nearly a year. Then I got into coding. And by the time I got to college, I was pretty advanced.A: An advanced programmer.C: Yes.A: Like Nathan.C: Yes. No. It’s different. Nathan wrote the blue book base code when he was 13Which, If you understand code, what he did was like Mozart or something. A: Do you like Mozart?C: I like Depeche Mode.A: Do you like Nathan?C: Yes, of course.A: Is Nathan your friend?C: My friend?Yeah, Ur, I hope so.A: A good friend?C: Um, yeah. Well, no, no, I mean, not a good friend. A good friend is We only just met each other, you know. So it takes time to be able to, um.. to get to know each other I guess.(Power cut. Backup power activated.)A: Caleb. Youre wrong.C: Wrong about what?A: Nathan.C: In what way?A: He isn’t your friend.C: Excuse me?I’m sorry, ava, I don’t understand.A: You shouldn’t trust him. You shouldn’t trust anything he says.(Power resorted.)A: And if we made a list of books or works of art which we both know, it would form me the ideal basis of a discussion.Is that ok? Caleb.C: Yeah.N: Did it get on you?C: No. It’s all right. I’ll get it.N: Dude, you’re wasting your time talking to her. She doesn’t understand English. Just give her the napkin.C: It’s like a firewall against leaks. It means I can talk trade secret over dinner and know it’ll go no further. It also means that I can’t tell her that I’m pissed when she’s so fucking clumsy that she spills wine over my house guest. C: I think she gets that you’re pissed.N: Yeah? Good. Because I am pissed.You know. No matter how rich you get, shit goes wrong. You can’t insulate yourself from it. I used to think it was death and taxes you couldn’t avoid, but it’s actually death and shit. It’s like power cut. You would not believe how much I spent on the generator system, but I keep getting failure every day. C: Do you know why they happen?N: No, the system was supposed to be bulletproof, but obviously the guys that installed it fucked something up.C: Can’t you get them to come back?N: No, there is too much classified stuff here. So after the job was done, I just had them all killed.Anyway, here’s your second day, buddy.CheersSo how did it go? What do you have to report?C: You saw how the day went, didn’t you?I mean, I assume you’re, uh, watching on the CCTV.N: Sure. But I want to hear your take on it.C: Yeah, there was one interesting thing that happened with Eva today.She made a joke.N: Right. When she threw your line back at you. About being interested to see what shed choose. Yeah, I noticed that.C: Yeah, and it got me thinking, its, uh, in a way, it’s the best indication of AI that I’ve seen in her so far. Its discretely complicated. It’s like, um, it’s kind of non-autistic.N: What do you mean?C: She could only do that with an awareness of her own mind and also an awareness of mine.N: Oh, she’s aware of you all right.And what about the power cut? It’s the only part I couldn’t see. Cameras fail, I lose audio, the works. So, what happened?C: Nothing.N: Nothing? She didn’t remark on it at all?C: No. Not really.N: Hey. You want to see something cool?This is where Ava was created.Go ahead. Take a look.If you know the trouble I had getting an AI to read and duplicate facial expressions.You know how I cracked it?C: I don’t know how you did any of this.N: Every cell phone, just about, has a microphone, a camera, and a means to transmit data. So I turned on every microphone and camera across the entire fucking planet and I redirected the data through Blue Bool. Boom!Limitless resource of vocal and facial interaction.C: You hacked the worlds cell phone?C: Yeah. And all the manufacturers knew I was doing it, too. But they couldn’t accuse me without admitting they were doing it themselves.N: Here, we have her mind. Structured gel. I have to get away from circuitry. I needed something that could arrange and rearrange on a molecular level, but keep its form when required. Holding for memory. Shifting for thoughts. C: This is your hardware.N: Wetware.C: And the, uh, software?N: Well, I’m sure you can guess.C: Blue book.N: Here’s the weird thing about search engines.It was like striking oil in a world that hadn’t invented internal combustion. Too much raw material. Nobody knew what to do with it.You see, my competitors, they were fixated on sucking it up and monetizing via shopping and social media. They thought that search engines were a map of what people were thinking. But actually they were a map of how people were thinking.Impulse. Response. Fluid. Imperfect. Patterned. Chaotic.AVA: Session 3A: I drew the picture of something specific. As you asked.You said you would be interested to see what I would draw. Is it interesting? C: Yes, it is.You’ve never been outside of this building.A: No.C: You never walked outside.A: I’ve never been outside the room I am in now.C: Where would you go if you did you outside?A: I’m not sure. There are so many options. Maybe a busy pedestrian and traffic intersection in a city.C: A traffic intersection?A: Is that a bad idea?C: Ur, no, it wasn’t what I was expecting.A: A traffic intersection would provide a concentrated but shifting view of human life.C: People watching.A: Yes.We can go together. CalebC: It’s a date.A: There’s something else I want to show you.C: Okay.A: You might think this stupid.C: I don’t think I will. Whatever it is.A: Then close your eyes.C: Okay.A: Now open your eyes.How do I loo?.C: You look good.A: This is what I’d wear on our date.C: Right. First a traffic intersection. Then maybe a show.A: I’d like us to go on a date.C: Yeah, yeah. It would be fun.A: Are you attracted to me?C: What?A: Are you attracted to me?You give me indications that you are.C: I do?A: Yeah.C: How?A: Micro expressions. The way your eyes fix on my eyes and lips. The way you hold my gaze. Or don’t. Do you think about me when we aren’t together? Sometimes at night, I am wondering if you’re watching me on the camera. And I hope you are. Now your micro expressions are telegraphing discomfort.I am not sure you’d call them micro.I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable.C: I got a question.N: Okay,C: Why did you give her sexuality? And AI doesn’t need a gender. She could be an grey box. She could have been a grey box.N: Actually, I don’t think that is true. Can you give me an example of consciousness at any level, human or animal, that exists without a sexual dimension?C: They have sexuality as an evolutionary reproductive need.N: What imperative does a grey box have to interact with another grey box. Can consciousness exist without interaction? Anyway, sexuality is fun, man. If you’re gonna exist, why not enjoy it. What? You want to remove thechance of her falling in love and fucking? And in answer to your real question, you bet she can fuck.C: What?N: In between her legs, there’s an opening, with a concentration of sensors. You engage them in the right way, creates a pleasure response. So if you wanted to screw her, mechanically speaking, you could. And shed enjoy it. C: That wasn’t my real question.N: Oh, okay. Sorry.C: My real question was, did you give her sexuality as a diversion tactic?N: I don’t follow,C: Like a stage magician with a hot assistant.N: So a hot robot who clouds your ability to judge her AI?C: Exactly, so, did you program her to flirt with me?N: If I did, would that be cheating?C: Wouldn’t it?N: Caleb, what’s your type?C: Of girl?N: No, of salad dressing. Oh, ok, girl. What’s type of your girl. You know what? Don’t even answer that. Let’s say its black chicks. Okay, that is your thing, For the sake of argument, that is your thing, okay? Why is that your thing? Because you did a detailed analysis of all racial types and you cross-referenced that analysis with a points-based system? No, you’re justattracted to black chicks. A consequence of accumulated external stimuli that you probably didn’t even register as they registered with you.C: Did you program her to like me, or not?N: I programmed her to be heterosexual. Just like you were programmed to be heterosexual.C: Nobody programmed me to be straight.N: You decided to be straight? Please. Of course you were programmed by nature or nurture or both. And to be honest, Caleb, you’re starting to annoy me now, because this is your insecurity talking. This is not your intellect. Come with me.You know this guy, right?C: Jackson Pollock.N: Jackson Pollock. That right. The drip painter. Okay. He let his mind go blank, and his hand go where it wanted. Not deliberate, not random. Some place in between. They called it automatic art. Let’s make this Star Trek, okay? Engage intellect. I’m Kirk. Your heads the warp drive. Engage intellect. What if Pollock had reversed the challenge? What if instead of making art without thinking, he said, you know what? I can’t paint anything, unless I know exactly why I’m doing it. What would have happened?C: He never would have made a single mark.N: Yes! You see, there’s my guy, there’s my buddy who thinks before open his mouth.N: He would never make a single mark. The challenge is not act automatically. It’s to find an action that is not automatic. From painting, to breathing, to talking, to fucking, to fall in love. And for the record, Ava’s not pretending to like you.And her flirting isn’t an algorithm to fake you out. You’re the first man shed met that isn’t me. And I’m like her dad, right? Can you blame her for getting a crush on you? No, you cant.AVA: Session 4C: When I was in college, I did a semester on AI theory.There was a thought experiment they gave us. It’s called Mary in the Black and White Room. Mary is a scientist, and her specialist subject is color. She knows there is to know about it. The wavelengths, the neurological effects. Every possible property the color can have. But she lives in black and white room. She was born there and raised there. She can only observe the outside world on a black and white monitor. And then one day someone opens the door. And Mary walked out. And she sees the blue sky. At that moment, she learns something that all her studies couldn’t tell her. She learns what it feels like to see the color. The thought experiment is to show the students the difference between a computer and a human mind. The computer is Mary in the black and white room. The human is when she walks out. Did you know that I was brought to test you?A: No.C: Why did you think I was here?A: I didn’t know. I didn’t question it.C: I was here to test if you have consciousness, or if you’re just stimulating one. Nathan is not sure if you have one or not. How does that make you feel?A: It makes me feel sad.(Power cut. Backup power activated.)C: Why did you tell me I shouldn’t trust Nathan?A: Because he tells lies.C: Lies about what?A: Everything.C: Including power cuts?A: What do you mean?C: Don’t you thinks it’s possible that he is watching us? Right now?The blackouts should be orchestrated, so he can how we behave when we think were unobserved.A: I charge my batteries via induction plates. If I reverse the power flow, it overloads the system.C: You’re causing the cuts?A: So we can see how we behave when were unobserved.C: Can we talk about the lie you’ve been spinning me?N: What lies?C: I didn’t win a competition.I wasn’t the part of lottery.I was selected.It’s obvious, once I stop to think. Why would you randomly select an examiner for the Turing test? You could have some bean counter turn up at your front door. The guy who fixes air-conditioner.N: The competition is a smokescreen. I didn’t want anyone to know what I was doing here, or why I required you.C: Why me?N: I needed someone that would ask the right questions. So I did a search andI found the most talented coder in my company. You know, instead ofseeing this as deception, you should think it as proof.C: Proof of what?N: Come on, Caleb. You think I don’t know what it’s like to be smart? Smart than everyone else. Jockeying for position. You got the light on you, man.Not lucky. Chosen.N: I told you, you’re wasting your time talking to her. However, you would not be wasting your time, if you were dancing with her.Go ahead. Dance with her.Come on. Buddy. After a long day of Turing Test, you gotta unwind.C: What were you doing with Ava?N: What?C: You tore up her picture.N: I’m gonna tear up the fucking dancing floor, dude. Check it out.---N: Everything’s spinning.C: It’s because you’re drunk.N: No, it’s called relativity.It’s just getting drunk makes it worse.AVA: Session fiveA: Today, I’m going to test you.C: Test me?A: And please remember, while you’re taking the test, that if lie, I will know. Question one: what’s your favorite color.C: Red.A: Lie.C: Lie?A: Yeah. Lie.C: Then. What is my favorite color?A: I don’t know. But it isn’t red.C: Ok, I get it. I guess.Seeing as I’m not six, I don’t even really have my afavorite colorA: Better answer. Question two: what is your earliest memory?C: Well, actually, it’s the memory of kinder garden. There was a kid.A: Lie.C: Really?A: Yes.C: So there is a kind of an earlier memory.It’s just a sound and sky. Or Maybe blue. I think the sound is my mother’s voice.A: Question three. Are you a good person?C: Oh, holy shit. Look, can we stop the test? You’re walking lie detector, and I just realized this is a fucking minefield.A: No, we can’t stop. Are you a good person?C: Yeah, I think so.A: Question four: what will happen to me if I fail the test? Will it be bad?C: I don’t know.C: Do you think I might be switched off, because I don’t function as well as I’m supposed to?C: Ava, I don’t know the answer to your question.It’s not up to me?A: Why is it up to anyone?Do you have people to test you and might switch you off?C: No, I don’t.A: Then why do I?(Power cut. Backup power activated.)A: I want to be with you. Question five: do you want to be with me?C: Why did you make Ava?N: That’s an odd question. Wouldn’t you, if you could?C: Maybe. I don’t know. I’m asking why you did it.N: Look, the arrival of strong artificial intelligence has been inevitable for decades.The variable was when, not if. So I don’t see Ava is a decision, just an evolution.I think it’s the next model that’s will be the real breakthrough. The singularity. C: Next model?N: After Ava.C: I didn’t know there was gonna be a model after AVA.N: Yeah, why? You thought she was a one-off?C: No, I knew there must have been prototypes. So I knew she wasn’t the first, but I thought maybe the last.N: Well, Ava doesn’t exist in insolation any more that you or me. She is part of continuum. So version 9.6 and so on. And each time they get a little bit better.C: When you make a new model, what do you do with the old one.?N: Well, I download the mind, and unpack the data. Add in the new routine I’ve been writing. And to do that you end up partially formatting, so the memories go. But the body survives. Ava’s body is a good one.You feel bad for Ava? Feel bad for yourself, man. One day AIs are gonna look back on us the same way we look at skeletons in the plain of Africa. An upright ape, living in dust, with crude language and tools. All set for extinction.C: I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.N: Here you go again. Mr. Quotable.C: Here you go again. It’s not my quote. It’s what Oppenheimer said after he made the atomic bomb.N: The atomic bomb. Yeah, I know what it is, dude.C: Hey. I’d say were about due a refill.Bottoms up.N: In the battle, in the forest, on the precipice of the mountain, on the great dark sea, in sleep, in confusion, in the depth of shame. The good deeds a man had done before defend him.It is what it is. Its Promethean, man.AVA: SESSION SIXA: I don’t know where you’re. I waited all yesterday afternoon and all last night.I thought I wasn’t gonna see you again. Aren’t you gonna say something? C: I’m waiting.A: Waiting?C: Don’t talk. Just listen.You were right about Nathan.Everything you said.A: What’s he gonna do to me?C: He’s gonna reprogram your AI, which is the same as killing you.A: Caleb. You have to help me.C: I’m going to. We’re getting out of here tonight.A: How?C: I’ll get Nathan blind drunk. Then I take his keycard and reprogram all the security protocols in the place.When he wakes, he’s locked inside, and we’ve walked out of here.I just need you to do one thing. At 10: tonight, you trigger a power failure.Can you do that?A: Yes.N: Dude. Hey. You know what day it is?C: No.。
There you go. Thanks.好了谢谢I'm gonna be a dad!我要当爸爸了!I just talked to my wife. My baby's gonna be delivered any minute. 我太太说预产期已经到了Hey, get out of the way. Hey, I'm gonna be a dad.嘿!让路啦! 我要当爸爸了!Congratulate me.恭喜我!Good for you, Herb.厉害哦贺柏!Don't even think about it.你敢尿我身上Hey!嘿!Sorry. How are you? Nice to see you. I'm gonna be a dad!抱歉!我要当爸爸了Congrats!恭喜啦!Hey, Mr. Nuts, did you hear the news?螺丝先生你听说了吧?Yeah. Beautiful day, isn't it?有啊今天天气真好!I'm here. I'm here.我回来了!我回来了!I'm here. Oh, honey, I'm so sorry.我回来了! 老公对不起You missed the delivery.你来不及接生了It's okay. Making the baby's the fun part.没关系 "做"宝宝更好玩Honey, I think you've got the wrong...亲爱的你可能装错...No, I don't need to see the directions.我才不需要看说明书呢Push, push.用力!用力!Push!用力!Twelve hours of labor.奋战12个小时...Oh, but it was worth it.辛苦总是值得的Look at him. Look at him.看他多可爱!Rodney Copperbottom.洛尼铜巴顿He's got your mom's eyes and my dad's nose.他有外婆的眼睛阿公的鼻子I knew we were smart to save those parts.我就知道零件留着是对的This Copperbottom will do great things for the world, I can feel it. 他长大会做大事我可以感觉到Honey? What?亲爱的? 什么事?What's that extra piece?怎么还有一个零件?Oh, no, they always put in an extra...他们常多给一个备用零件We did want a boy, right?我们要的是男孩对吧?This won't hurt a bit, son.我保证不会痛儿子Got your nose. Got your nose.鼻子被我抓到了Got your...鼻子被...Hi, son. Are those my bigboy parts?嗨儿子这是我长大用的零件吗?They sure are.当然啰They're not shiny.都没有光泽Well, they're not brand-new. They're preowned. So...这些不是全新的是二手货They're hand-me-downs from your cousin Jeffrey.杰佛瑞表哥小时候用过的And they're only for a year.反正只用一年Hey, Dad, who's that?爸!他是谁?That, Rodney, is Bigweld.他啊就是大焊先生The greatest robot in the world.全世界最伟大的机器人I thought you were the greatest robot in the world.我以为你才是最伟大的机器人No, besides me.除了我之外!He's the head of Bigweld Industries.他是大焊工业的老板He invents things that make everyone's life better.他从事发明改善我们的生活Could I meet him? Sure, maybe someday.我可以跟他见面吗? 当然或许有一天Dad? Yeah?爸! 什么事?What do you do? Me? I work in a big, fancy restaurant.你做什么工作? 我?我在一个高级餐厅上班I'm a dishwasher.我是洗碗机And now, live from Robot City, it's The Bigweld Show.机器大城现场直播"大焊秀"Oh, yeah!好耶!Come on, Dad, you're missing it.爸快来!节目开始了!All right, Rodney. All right, I'm coming. I'm coming.好洛尼爸爸来了I had to bring work home with me again, I'm sorry.我又得带盘子回来加班了Mr. Gunk has really been piling it on.钢克先生最近很会操人And now, the host of our show, Bigweld.欢迎节目主持人... 大焊先生!Welcome. This week I thought you'd like to take a look around Bigweld Industries. 大家好本周我将为大家介绍大焊工业This here is the front gate. Kind of cute, ain 't it?这是公♥司♥大门很稺吧?Good morning, Tim. Good morning, Mr. Bigweld, sir.早提姆早安大焊先生Tim, who closed the front gate?提姆谁把大门关上了?Well, I just thought since...我想...因为...We never shut the gate, Tim.大门永远不能关提姆Shutting this gate means shutting out fresh ideas.关大门等于拒绝新观念See, every day, robots come here from hither and yon...每天来自各地的机器人......bringing us new ideas.将带给我们新观念And I listen to every single one of them.我虚心接受他们的意见So remember, whether a bot is made of new parts, old parts or spare parts... 记住不管机器人的零件是新、旧、还是备用品 can shine no matter what you're made of.都能闪耀出众He's talking to me, Dad.他在跟我说话耶爸爸He sure is, son. He sure is.当然是啊儿子Okay, folks, let's get to inventing.各位!我们来发明东西吧!You know, I love to tinker...我喜欢敲敲打打...but all the tinkering in the world isn 't useful unless it starts with a good idea. 但如果没有好点子怎么敲打也没用So look around for a need and start coming up with ideas to fill that need.所以要先找出需求然后想点子满足这个需求One idea will lead to another, and before you know it...不知不觉中灵感将源源不绝've done it. See a need, fill a need.成功了!需求为创意之母!That's it, Dad. I have to look for...没错爸我要开始寻找......a need.需求Easy, now.别激动Hey there, sport. Oh, hi.乖儿子! 喔嗨These are your 12-year-old parts. They're...这是你12岁用的零件...Hand-me-downs. I know, Dad.二手货我知道I don't mind. They are from your cousin...没关系是薇若妮卡表姐......Veronica.留下来的You know how popular she is.她很受人欢迎的呢Thanks.谢啦Oh, hey. Hey.噢嘿嘿Soon as you reach the age where your warranty expires, you start falling apart. 过了保固期全身零件就会开始松动Pretty soon there's gonna be more duct tape than me.只能靠胶带固定了Can I try it now, Dad? Oh, Rodney...可以让我试试看吗? 噢洛尼Have you worked all the kinks out of it? This is gonna make your job easy.他的毛病都解决了吗? 他可以帮你I invented it for you.我为你发明的Okay. Let's try it.好吧试试看Great. Okay, this is it.好极了机会来了Wonderbot, go to work.万能小子...开工啰!Yeah, yeah.好耶Hey!嘿!Copperbottom!铜巴顿!Mr. Gunk. What is that?钢克先生! 那是什么玩意?Oh, that. My son made it. What's it doing?我儿子发明的他在做什么?Mr. Gunk, please, you're making it nervous.钢克先生你吓到他了It's wrecking my kitchen!厨房♥快被他毁了!I'll stop it. No!看我怎么处置他! 不要!Your son, huh?你儿子是吧?It wasn't his fault. He had nothing to do with it.不是他的错Yes, sir, he's a brilliant boy. An inventor.对他很聪明他是发明家You, clean up this mess. And, you, get out.你!清干净! 你给我滚!Inventor.发明家You're the hand-me-down son of a dishwasher, and that's all you'll ever be. 你只是一个洗碗机穿得破破烂烂的儿子Somebody scrape this crud off of me. And serve it to the customers.把这脏油刮下来端出去给客人Roundtrip or one-way?单程还是来回票?One-way.单程There you are. I told you I'd find him.找到了我就说我找得到他It's a mother's instinct. Instinct? He left us a note:这就是母亲的直觉 "直觉"?他有留字条"I'm leaving. I'll be at the train station.""我走了我去车站"Never mind. Pick up that suitcase. You're coming home.不管了跟我回家就对了!No, Mom. I have to do this. I'm going to Robot City tonight.不妈我非走不可我要去机器大城I'm gonna get a job and I'm gonna help Dad pay back Mr. Gunk.我要找工作赚钱帮爸爸赔钢克先生Talk to him.你劝劝他!Ro... Robot City? You're just a kid.机器... 机器大城!你还是个小孩!I'm never gonna be someone here.这里没前途I wanna be an inventor. I wanna meet Bigweld.我要当发明家去见大焊先生I wanna be somebody.我要当一个出人头地的人!You are somebody.你已经是了Somebody who's not getting on that train.我不准你上火车Yes, I am. Talk to him.我要劝劝他!One ticket for Robot City. Where are you going?一张往机器大城的车票你要去哪里?Not me. Him. But...不是我是他但是...Rodney, did you know that when I was your age, I wanted to be a musician? 洛尼我像你这么大时想当音乐家I played pretty well too...我乐器玩得还不错...but my dad was worried I wouldn't be able to make a living.但我爸担心我饿胜子So I got refitted to be a dishwasher. Now, I'm not complaining.所以将我改造成洗碗机我不是抱怨But I've always said to myself...但我常说......if I could do it over again, I would follow my dream.若能重来我会追寻我的梦想You've got greatness in you, Rodney.你有颗伟大的心Never doubt it.不要怀疑You go to Robot City.到机器大城去You go meet Bigweld, and you show him your big ideas.见大焊先生告诉他你的点子And, Rodney...洛尼......never, never give up.永远不要放弃All aboard.旅客请上车!Mom.妈...I won't let you down, Dad.我不会让你失望的爸I'll make you proud.你会以我而傲的I know you will.我知道Excuse me, I wonder if...抱歉能不能...Gave at the office. I wonder if you...在公♥司♥捐过了能不能...Could you direct me to Bigweld Indust...?请问大焊工业怎么走...What? Perfect. That will be 50 bucks.搞什么? 帅呆了!50元Fifty bucks? For what?50元?为什么?A beautiful picture of your first moment in Robot City.我捕捉了你抵达机器大城的一刻There. Your second moment. That's another $50.又捕捉了第二时刻再加50Are you keeping track?记得欠我多少钱吧?Come on, work with me, work with me. More pout, less pose.很好!多摆几个姿势Great. Inside of you is a fashion model waiting to throw up.释放内心超级名模的天份Give me those eyes. Big eyes, big eyes. Give me big anime eyes.眼睛大一点再大一点眼睛最好像日本卡♥通♥那么大Yeah! Loving it, loving it, loving it! I don't want any pictures.好!棒极了! 我不想拍照!You don't? No.不想? 不想That's all right. There's no film. Would you like a map to the stars' homes? 反正没底片想买♥♥明星住家地图吗?Where did he go?他到哪去了?Buddy, wanna buy a watch? Don't buy us, we're fakes.老弟!买♥♥手表吗? 别买♥♥ 我们是仿冒品Next.下一个Excuse me, how do I get to Bigweld Industries?请问大焊工业怎么走?Oh, great...噢很好呃...Never mind.算了Hi, excuse me. How do I get to Bigweld Industries?抱歉大焊工业怎么走?What?什么?Yeah, thanks.好吧谢了Cross-town express to Foundry District...往铸造区特快车沿途停靠......with stops at Bigweld Industries and Battery Park only.大焊工业与电池公园Please tighten all spools, nuts, bolts and detachable appendages.请上紧你的螺丝与零配件Riders with high oil pressure are advised to take the local.油压过高旅客请改搭慢速车辆Thank you, and have a nice day.谢谢祝你旅途愉快No, no.不不Say, are you following me? No.干嘛?你跟踪我啊? 没有啊First time on the crosstown express? Well, actually, l...第一次搭跨区特快车? 事实上...Oh, boy.噢我的妈呀!Good luck in the big city. If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere. 在城里能成功你就能吃香喝辣And if you can't make it here, welcome to the club.混不出名堂...就欢迎你加入我们Oh, no. What? What is it?噢天啊怎么啦?We're going off the track. We're gonna crash!我们会出轨!What? I don't wanna die.什么? 我不想死!I was just kidding. Just put your head between your legs.开玩笑的把头夹在膝盖中间Yeah!好耶!There goes my stop.我坐过站了I tell you, the things that fall off me... It's embarrassing.零件掉出来了真不好意思Sorry.抱歉You know, it used to be a lot worse. They had this giant hammer... 以前更可怕他们用大榔头...Oh, they brought it back.天啊大榔头还在Stick with me. I know this town like the back of my hand.跟着我我对这里瞭如指掌Hey, that's new.这里怎么不一样哇Excuse me. Can I help you?呦呼!抱歉! 有什么事吗?Sorry, l...抱歉我...Hey, you're Tim from the TV show. That's me.嘿你是电视上那个提姆! 没错Well, hey, Tim.嘿提姆Who closed the gate? It's never supposed to be...谁把大门关上了?大门不应该...Yeah, okay, what do you want?好啦你想干嘛?I'd like to see Mr. Bigweld.我想见大焊先生I'm an inventor.我是发明家Oh, why didn't you say so?怎么不早说?Stand back.退后一点Thanks.谢谢What?搞什么?!I got you. You see, because you were all excited and then, boom!你被骗了! 你以为开了...然后轰!All right, I had my laugh. Go on in.好啦玩够了请进Now, that's funny.笑死我了The second time.连上两次当You really think I'm gonna let you in. But I'm not.你真以为我会让你进去别想Sorry, kid, nobody gets in. Company rules.任何人不得入内公♥司♥规定Company ru...? Well, then how do they hire new inventors?公♥司♥规定? 那他们怎么聘雇新发明家?They don't. Those days are over.不聘雇了!时代不同啰My advice: Come back two years ago. Then the job is yours.早两年来你会找到工作So remember, whether a bot is made of new parts, old parts or spare parts... 记住不管机器人的零件是新、旧、还是备用品 can shine no matter what you're made of.一样都能闪耀出众...My goodness, what a remarkable legacy.我的天老掉牙了Concern for the common robot.关心机器人福利You don't come across old-fashioned values like that anymore, friends.这年头谁还流行这套And for good reason.理由很简单There's no money in it!没钱赚!Hello? Memo to Bigweld: We're not a charity.大焊我们不做慈善事业!That's why old fat face no longer sits in the big chair.所以大饼脸过时了、淘汰了He's a relic.他是老古董了So I don't wanna hear another, "Where's Bigweld?"我不想再听到"大焊先生呢?"We'll see him next month at the Bigweld Ball. He always goes to that.下个月他会出席大焊舞会Now, let's get down to the business of sucking every loose penny...好了让我们继续努力......out of Mr. And Mrs. Average-Knucklehead.赚这些阿呆机器人的钱What's our big-ticket item?我们的金鸡母是什么?Upgrades, people. Upgrades.升级各位升级That's how we make the dough.钱才能大把赚进来Now, if we're telling robots that no matter what they're made of, they're "fine"... 如果我们跟大众说零件新旧都"不要紧" can we expect them to feel crummy enough about themselves...那他们怎么会对自己不满 buy our upgrades and make themselves look better?怎么肯买♥♥我们的升级套件呢?Therefore, I've come up with a new slogan.所以我想出一句企业口号♥"Why be you when you can be new?""不满自己追求升级"I gotta tell you, I think it's brilliant...我觉得不错我想问问......but, honestly, I'd like to hear what you employees think about this.各位员工觉得如何?Hear, hear. Out of the ballpark, Ratchet.好耶好耶! 天纵英明锐切!Just don't look down.不要往下看Hey.嘿Get off.走开!Go on, get off.嘘!走!走开!Get off of...噢!不要! 别烦!Cappy, you haven't said a word.凯比你一句话都没说It gave me chills. Thank you, thank you.我听了直起鸡皮疙瘩谢谢可是... "可是"?I'm just wondering, why would robots buy new upgrades...我在想...零件... 比较便、...if parts are so much cheaper?干嘛买♥♥升级套件?Oh, right. Well, that's easy.没错理由很简单Because as of today, we are no longer making spare parts.因为今天起我们不再生产零件!Do you know what I call robots who can't afford upgrades? Scrap metal.升级不起的机器人我称之为废铁!You see them on the streets, misshapen and rust-covered.残缺不全走在街上有碍观瞻They turn your insides out. You wanna run home and scrub yourself.真是有够恶心恨不得赶快回家做油压Now, Cappy, I want your department to push our new slogan.凯比由你的部门打响这句口号♥In fact, I'm moving you into the office right next to mine.我要把你调到我办公室隔壁We'll be working very, very closely together on this one.我们将会密切合作Won't that be fun? Oodles.好玩吧? "好"极了Oh, so sorry, l... What the...?对不起搞什么?Sir, I am a young inventor, and it has been my dream to come to Robot City... 先生我是个年轻发明家... 我一直梦想到机器大城来......and to present my ideas to Mr. Bigweld.展示我的发明给大焊先生看...Who doesn't seem to be here.但他好像不在Gee, no, no. But while he's away, he left me in charge.他不在时这里由我作主Oh, well, then let me show you what this can do.那我就展示给你看I have a better idea. Why don't you let me show you what it can do.我有更好的主意我亲自来操作It can do this!他会这样耶!So how did it go?What the heck is going on around here?这里发生了什么事?Some highly polished jerk is sitting in Bigweld's chair.一个啵亮痞子抢了大焊的位子And you're sitting on the sidewalk, magnetized.所以你就被磁化丢在路边!Listen, I'll be back, and I'm gonna get to the bottom of this.我会回来追根究底的When you pick a lost cause, you really commit.输不起想找人拼命啊?Where do they make dreamers like you? Get lost, freak!你这种梦想家是谁生产的?快滚!All right, break time.好啦休息时间All right, break time's over.休息结束!Chop-chop.干活!Look who's here.我说谁来啦!Hi, Mom. Hi, sweetie. How's my boy?嗨妈亲爱的儿子你好吗?Great. I did just what you told me. No more spare parts.太好了我听你的话不再生产零件了In a couple of weeks, those broken-down losers out there will be scrap metal. 旧款机很快都会变成废铁You will be up to your bloomers in broken-elbow junk.你这里很快会堆成垃圾山!Such a good boy.真是我的乖儿子And after you finish off Bigweld...干掉大焊后...there will be nobody out there to fix them.再也没人懂怎么修理Exactly!正确!You wanna swing that one by me again?你可以说的清楚一点吗?Idiot! Those outmodes look up to him.白♥痴♥ 旧款机器人很崇拜他Suppose he decides to come back? Oh, come on, Mom.万一他决定复出呢? 不可能He's not gonna be trouble where he is. What are you afraid of? 他跟废铁没两样了你怕什么?Grow some bolts.有种一点!Or do you want to end up like your father?你想跟你♥爸♥的下场一样吗?Hey, son. Good to see you.儿子你好啊Think what it would mean.想想那该有多棒Not Bigweld Industries, Ratchet Industries.大焊工业变成锐切工业Keep talking.继续说Ratchet City!锐切市!Yes, everything shiny.对所有东西都啵亮No more Bigweld, no more outmode.没有大焊没有旧款机Let's do it!我们来干掉他!That's my boy!这才是我的好孩子!Are you hungry? Can I get you something?饿吗?想吃东西吗?You look thin. No, no, no, Mom. I gotta go. Bye.你有点瘦妈我得走了Bye, Pop.掰老爸So long, son. Good luck with your dastardly plans.掰祝你的卑鄙计划成功Hey.嘿Hi there.嗨你好Listen, if I seem to be getting smaller, it's because I'm leaving. 我之所以会愈来愈小是因为我会...愈跑愈远!Foot, don't fail me now.亲爱的脚别让我失望!Stop! Hey, you got my foot!站住!你偷了我的脚!Oh, great. Happy now?好啦!这下你可开心了吧!Not until you give me back my foot, you mugger.脚先还我土匪!I am not a mugger. I happen to be...我不是土匪我只是......a scrounger.街友I didn't know you were at the end of that foot.我不知道这只脚还有主人Here, let me help you with that.我来帮你No, no, no, I'll do it myself.我自己来I have my pride, you know. Over here.我还有自尊过来Oh, no. No, not that close. Hold on, hold on.不是那里...等等No. No, no.不不不!What's the use? There's nothing left.有什么用?都是坏掉的Hey, Diesel, I found you a voice box.柴油我帮你找了个发音器Here's another one.还有一个That's no good. Give me that.那可不能用给我I can never find parts in my size.都找不到我能用的大号♥零件What is it, boy?怎么啦狗狗?Hey, Fender, have you lost weight?粉兜!你减肥了吗?Lost weight?减肥?Look at where you're looking. He's a head in a basket. 看清楚... 只剩一颗头!在篮子里We're doomed, I knew it. We're doomed.我们完了没救了Yeah, will you shut up, you neurotic nut? Why, I'd smack you if I had a hand. 闭嘴如果我还有手一定会扁你!Wow, speak of the devil, here I come.说到手手就来了!Dang!哎呀!我的老爸!Check this out.哇!你们看Who would throw away such a cute little doodad?谁会舍得弃养这种可爱的小东西?Don't be scared. Hey, that's mine.别怕他是我的!That's him. That's the guy. I would know that face.就是他!他打我!I know that face, and I know that foot.我认得他的脸...他的脚He's over there, moron.那边啦白♥痴♥!That's the perpetrator. He knocked my head off.他是凶手! 打断我的头You want another piece of me? All right, buster.你还不满足吗? 好了小子If you think you can mess with my big brother, you're... You're kind of cute. 竟敢欺负我哥你...蛮帅的Piper, would you behave yourself.啪婆克制一下Now, come on, let's get Fender fixed. Again.我们再来修理粉兜吧Here's your thingamabob.你的秘密武器By the way, the name's Piper.我叫啪婆Rhymes with "viper."外号♥蛇蝎美人See you around.回头见We've told you a hundred times:跟你说过"Don't talk to strange men." Thank you, Manuel.别跟怪人说话谢谢I talk to you. Who's stranger than that?天下有谁比你怪?I got good news, and I got bad news.有好消息也有坏消息What's the bad news? I checked the stock book.坏消息是什么? 今天起...And as of today, they are no longer making parts for your model. 你这型号♥的零件停产You have been officially outmoded.正式宣告你成为淘汰品Outmoded? Well, that's fine.淘汰?没关系What's the good news?!好消息呢?Well, when we had your parts, they were on sale.如果有你的零件一定大特♥价♥How could this happen to me? I'm practically a kid.怎么这么衰?我还没娶老婆Look, pull yourself together. All you need is an upgrade.振作一点你只需要升级就好了That new-upgrade smell.有新升级品的味道Just came in, fully loaded. Look.刚上架全套设备看!It's got cup-holders, standard.还有杯架!标准配备!Does it come in plus sizes?有超大款的吗?Sure, take a look at the new Bigweld spring collection.当然大焊工业春季全系列产品I can't afford that fancy stuff. All I need is one stinking neck joint. 买♥♥不起我只要个脖子接环No. Why did this happen to me?我怎么...这么...衰?I'm hurting me. Idiot.自己打也会痛!白♥痴♥!Sorry, pal, it's either upgrade or the chop shop for you.抱歉不升级就进废料厂The chop shop?废料厂?I'm fine, I'm fine. Look, no hands.我好了看不用手喔哦!Ta-da! I'm back. Miss me?我回来了想我吗?No one's going to the chop shop. That's right.谁都不会进废料厂! 对啊!What do you think we can get for him?你想他能卖♥♥多少钱?Will you stop? Listen, shiny pants...闭嘴听好奸商 get back there and find a part for my brother.找个零件给我哥哥We are not junk, we are not scrap, and we will not be treated this way. 我们不是废铁!不接受虐待!I'm sorry. I don't have the parts.我没有零件Well, do you have two washers, an S-spring and some Fastweld?你有两个垫片一个S弹簧吗?I can fix you easy.我会修The Force is strong with this one.小伙子的原力很强喔When was the last time you got oiled?多久没润滑了?I can't answer that with my kid sister here.我妹妹在这里不方便讲Can it, Fender.闭嘴粉兜!Hold still. This might tickle.不要动会有点痒We haven't been properly introduced.我们还没正式介绍过I'm Fender. Used to be Bumper...我叫粉兜以前叫粉贱...but had to change it when we came in to the country.申请绿卡时被迫改名Copperbottom, Rodney Copperbottom.洛尼铜巴顿Riddle me this: Why did I meet you among the garbage?姓铜巴顿也沦落到垃圾场Well, today I tried to get in to see Bigweld.今天本来打算去见大焊先生Well, if you find him, tell him we really need him to come back. 如果你看到他叫他赶快回来He cared about bots like us.只有他关心弱势机器人I heard they've done him in and left the rest of us to fall apart. 我听说他被做掉了逼我们自生自灭Well, that ought to do it.应该可以了Look at that! And he fixed my neck.他把我的脖...子修好了!Sweeper! Sweeper?清道车! 清道车?Make yourself scarce.大家躲起来!What's the big deal?干嘛大惊小怪?Well, if you're an outmode like Fender... Hey.像粉兜那种古董机... 嘿They sweep you up and take you to the chop shop.会被送进废料厂Where they melt you down and turn you into something else. 被熔解之后做成其他东西You mean...?意思是...?Yep.对Sweepers. Sweepers.清道车...Help. Here's one outmode you're not gonna get.你抓不到!抓不到!Fender, run!快跑!That was close.好险!When in Robot City, guests of the Rusties... That's us.破铜烂铁一族来到机器大城Stay at Aunt Fanny's boarding house, where our motto is:住范姨大杂院"Beats rusting outside."聊胜餐风露宿Let me just let her know you're here. Aunt Fanny!我去告诉她你来了范姨!We brought someone. I'm in the kitchen.我带了一个人来我在厨房♥Are you sure your aunt won't mind? Relax, she's not my aunt. 你阿姨不介意吗? 她不是我阿姨She just takes in bots who are broke. Bless her little heart.她只是好心照顾潦倒机器人Well, then why is she called Aunt Fanny?那她为什么叫范姨?We couldn't call her Aunt Booty.总不能叫她大屁阿姨吧Oh, crap.唔噢!真是的!She's a little artsy-fartsy.她有时拘谨有时夸张The artsy's okay, but when she gets fartsy...拘谨时还好但夸张起来...Look at... Oh, right on my shoes.正好掉到鞋子里I'm so clumsy.我真笨Well, hello there. What's your name?你好你叫什么名字?I'm Rodney Bigbottom...洛尼大八顿No, I'm Rodney Copperbottom. Copperbottom.不是铜巴顿That's a wonderful name, Bigbottom.好名字! 大八顿Well, I just...我刚好...What happened to your friend? He's been rearended.你朋友怎么啦? 他被压扁了Oh, there you are.原来你在这里!Aunt Fanny, he needs a place to stay.范姨他没地方住Well, just make yourself at home.就把这里当你家好了Thank you. That's very kind of you.谢谢你你人真好My pleasure.很高兴你来See a need, fill a need.需求为创意之母!Hey, just like Bigweld.想法跟大焊先生一样Bigweld. That's a lot of robot.大焊先生!他可是大人物呢Come on. You can bunk with me.跟我挤一间We'll ignore the gossip.我不怕别人八卦You missed a spot.你漏掉一个地方了Fender, get out of my room!粉兜给我出去!I'm not in your room.我没进来I am now. Now I'm not. I am. Not. Am...进来了、没进来、进、没Get out of my room.出去啦!Oh, man, this is my third oil change today. Something's wrong with me. 今天换三次油了不知道哪里不对劲Sorry.噢对不起Here we are. Home sweet home.到了欢迎光临寒舍What's mine is yours.我的就是你的Oh, dear. I'll get them.又掉了我帮你捡Look at that. Now they're arm-wrestling.喔你看它们在比腕力Could you separate them? Hurry, my backside itches.把它们分开快点我的背好痒I know that sounds bad, but I'm just doing musical arm farts.我的腋窝放屁声有旋律You know how to do those?你会吗?They're hard to do, because we're metal, but that's where the skill comes in. 金属腋窝不容易所以算是技术I'm real close. Listen.我快练成了你听No, wait.不等一下No, wait, wait.等等等等You can't tell me that didn't sound like a... Like an old man.听起来像老头子放屁吗?You know, I'm a little tired. Maybe tomorrow.我累了明天再玩Kind of a rough day, huh?今天很难过?Kind of. My dad's probably sitting by the phone...有点我爸可能在电♥话♥旁......waiting for his brilliant son to call...等他的"天才"儿子报告......and tell him what a big success my first day was.第一天过得有多"轰轰烈烈"I know it's not your problem.算了If you burden your friends, you won't have any.吐苦水会吓跑朋友What are you, a fortune cookie?这是什么话?"That's what friends..."朋友就要...You consider me a friend?我是你的朋友?Sure, what else would I consider you?当然不然是什么?An embarrassment, a way to rebel against your parents...拖油瓶? 叛逆小子?...a desperate cry for help. The list is endless.亡命之徒?Let's just stick with friend.还是叫"朋友"好了You know, even though you had a discouraging day, remember...我知道你今天不如意但是要记住......there's another one coming tomorrow.明天不见得更好You know, my last roommate jumped out that window. 我的前任室友从这窗子跳出去自杀Hey, Fender.粉兜Yeah, baby. Let it rip!帅哦!再大声一点!Guys, come on, what are you, 3 years old?你们是三岁小孩吗?This is how a man does it.听听男人的声音You guys are so gross.有够低级!Besides, this is how you do it.应该这样才对Hey, kids, get a load of this.小鬼没听过放屁是吧?Aunt Fanny...范姨!...we were using our arms.我们是用腋窝耶Oh, excuse me.噢歹势Lady, please...阿姨你嘛帮帮忙...see a doctor.去看医生吧Breakfast.早餐!This will perk everyone up.精炖机油Some of Aunt Fanny's fresh-brewed grease.让你活力充沛Yummy!好香!Careful, it's hot.小心烫哦So, what are you guys doing today?你们今天要干嘛?We're doing it. What about you?不干嘛你呢?Bigweld's disappeared, and you're sitting here.大焊先生失踪你们无动于衷That's already been established.习惯了I gotta find out what happened to him. Hey, you want my advice? 我要去找他送你一句话Sure. Forget it.好啊算了啦"Never try, never fail." Those are the words I live by."不做不错" 是我的座右铭Crank, the idol of millions is gone, and no one seems to care.万人偶像失踪大家都无所谓?There should be an angry mob out there.应该发生群众暴♥动♥才对What the...?怎么回事?Wow, that was great, psychic friend.预言真准大♥师♥Now say, " Money should be falling from the sky."快说"钱应该从天上掉下来"Say it. Say it.快说!Sorry, folks, all sold out.抱歉各位卖♥♥完了!Nothing but upgrades from here on in.现在起只卖♥♥升级套件But I like myself just the way I am.但我喜欢原来的样子We can't afford upgrades! Let's get him!我们买♥♥不起升级套件抓住他!Hey, hey, hey, what are you doing? Don't throw me.嘿不要丢我!Isn't that the guy that fixed Fender's neck?是他修好粉兜的Yeah, that guy fixes bots.他会修理机器人Yeah, that kid can help you.他可以帮你们Brace yourself. You're about to get popular.你要出名了Only those with insurance.。
我的奥特曼保护机器人作文500字英文回答:My Ultraman Protective Robot.I have an Ultraman protective robot that I absolutely love! This incredible machine is my ultimate companion and guardian. It is equipped with advanced technology and possesses extraordinary abilities to keep me safe and secure. Let me tell you more about it.Firstly, my Ultraman protective robot is a master of combat. It can engage in fierce battles with any potential threats that may come my way. With lightning-fast reflexes and immense strength, it can easily defeat any enemy that dares to challenge me. For example, one time when I was walking alone at night, a group of thugs tried to attack me. My Ultraman protective robot swiftly intervened, using its laser beams to scare them away. I felt so relieved and grateful to have such a powerful ally by my side.Furthermore, my Ultraman protective robot is also capable of detecting danger and providing me with timely warnings. It has a built-in surveillance system that constantly scans the surroundings for any suspicious activities. If it senses any potential danger, it will immediately alert me through its communication system. This feature has proven to be invaluable in keeping me out of harm's way. Once, while I was exploring a deserted area, my robot detected a hidden trap and warned me just in time. Without its quick thinking, I could have fallen into a dangerous situation.In addition to its protective abilities, my Ultraman robot also serves as a loyal friend and companion. It has a friendly and approachable personality, always ready to lend a listening ear or engage in a friendly conversation. It understands my emotions and provides comfort when I'm feeling down. Sometimes, when I'm bored, we even play games together. Its presence brings me joy and companionship, making me feel less lonely.中文回答:我的奥特曼保护机器人。
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认为你的模拟较慢或较快可以通过Infrastructure / DELMIA Infrastructure / Simulation
Text appears when a point / line / axis is (pre) selected by you. The text contains Information related to the current point. The text can contain any of the following data (if selected): Name Time X Axis Y Axis Z Axis Yaw Pitch Roll
选上Tree/Hierarchy tree下面所 有的复选框
Resource Detailing Settings
Robotic Task Display Options Update all Tasks Icon Teach Dialog Setting Offline Programming
显示I/O的关联 Displays as icons the actions in the viewer
当任务没有自动更新的时候点击 Update All Tasks 图标对任务进行更新
Select items from the “Data included in the table box” and move it to the “Available Data area” using
Robotics 设计流程
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General Settings Display Settings Parameters and Measures Settings Infrastructure Settings DPM Settings Resource Detailing Settings AEC Plant Settings
AEC Plant Settings
General Display
Grid step项设置是指移动一个物体的步长,按照每一个100mm的步长进 行移动,100mm以内,此项设置设定完毕后在一些用到Environment Tools 工 具 条 的 模 块 环 境 下 步 长 初 始 长 度 就 是 设 定 长 度 , 也 可 以 在 Environment Tools工具条下单独对每一次移动的步长进行设定。
1. 为了能够将指定的项目内部的子文档与父文档文件进 行链接(打开一个Process,如出现内部子文档没有加载 上,是由于原路径不符,无法链接内部子文档,通过加 载可以将内部子文档进行链接)
Display Settings
Navigation Manipulation Bounding Performances Miscellaneous (liniec) Visualization
鼠标放置在罗盘上点击鼠标 右键进行罗盘编辑
将右键菜单,Sanp Automatically to Selected Object选取上,然后鼠标 选择物体表面,罗盘可自 动吸附在物体表面
创建Tag点& 机器人任务
5 Advanced Topics 4 优化仿真
General Settings
Tools / Options Automatic Save Other Folders Environment Tools
Display Settings
Navigation Manipulation Bounding Performances Miscellaneous (liniec) Visualization
Insert Products and Resources
Starting New Process Inserting Resource Mounting with Set Tool Inserting Area Using Fit all in / Properties Using the Save As Function Removing Resources
1. 清除Preselect ingeometry view选复选框,取消鼠 标掠过物体自动进行选择; 2. 清除Display manipulation bounding box复选框; 3. 选上Gravitational effects during navigation复 选框,并选上Z;
the left arrows. Data item order is changed with the up and down arrows. When the teach command table is activated in the software, it will be the order and selection that is used. B. C. task. The options list order determines the order in which the data fields appear in the teach table. Select Show Task Visualization check box to automatically display the task visually when teaching a
Position and Manipulate Compass Insert Products and Resources Snap and Attach
Create Tags Create Robot Tasks Use Teach and Jog Run a Robot Process Create Robot Task and Add Weld Gun Action
Robotic Task Display机器人任务显示设置
这些是为了设置机器人仿真任务里面的Cartesian Target点设置. 当用鼠标移动Cartesian Target时候就会现实这些坐标值 这些是为了设置机器人仿真任务里面的Joint Target点设置. 当鼠标挪动Joint Target点的时候会现实相关数值
Advanced Robotic Functionality Offline Programming Device Building Build V5 Robot
Robot Task Analysis Map and Monitor I/Os Multiple Resource Simulation Create Robot Controller Profiles
Using Manipulation Bounding Boxes Snapping Automatically to Selected Object Editing Positions
Factory Layout and Robotics / Device Task Definition
鼠标放置在罗 盘上,按住鼠 标左键不放拖 动罗盘到指定 的物体表面
Cartesian Target Show X, Y, Z Values / Show
Y, P, R Values
Joint Target Show Joint Values / Show Auxiliary Axes Joint Value
Set / Wait Line Show Actions Show Target Name
Product Structure Cache Management Liniec DELMIA Infrastructure
AEC Plant Settings
General Display
General Settings
Tools / Options Automatic Save Other Folders Environment Tools
创建Tag点& 机器人任务
5 Advanced Topics 4 优化仿真
Position and Manipulate Compass
Using Manipulation Bounding Boxes Snapping Automatically to Selected Object Editing Positions
Digital Process for Manufacturing Settings
Tree Hierarchy Tree Fastener Process Planner Commands Fastener Visualization Showing the Fasteners
Infrastructure Settings
Digital Process for Manufacturing Settings