
Lesson Eleven 第十一课
The power output of a transformer is necessarily less than the power input because of unavoidable losses These losses include resistance losses in the primary and secondary windings, and losses in the core due to hysteresis and eddy currents.
8 alternation n 交替; 交变
9 strengthen vt 加强
10 core
11 impress
施加; 外加
Lesson Eleven 第十一课
12 input vt
13 primary a n
14 secondary n
15 necessarily 16 unavoidable 17 loss 18 due 19 hysteresis 20 eddy
n 输入 把……输入计算机 初级的 初级线圈 a 次级的 次级线圈 ad 必定, 必然 a 不可避免的 n 损失; 损耗
应得的; 约定的 n 滞后(现象); 磁滞作用 n 涡流
Lesson Eleven 第十一课 Phrases and Expressions词组和短语
1 transform A into B
Lesson Eleven 第十一课
[4] “with which” 开头的这个定语从句是修饰其 前面的名词“ease and efficiency”的, 它本身在从句中作 状语。 要注意之所以这里用了“with”是因为“with+某些

练习1I、将下列句子译成汉语,注意句中有些冠词的特殊位置:1. In this case the current (电流)exists for only half the cycle (周期)2. In such a case there is no current flowing in the circuit (电路)3. Sensitivity (灵敏度)is a measure of how small a signal (信号)a receiver(接收机)can pick up and amplify (放大)to a level useful for com muni cati ons.4. emay be as small a positive con sta nt as you please.5. Even so fundamental a dimension(量纲)as time was measured extremely crudely with sand and water clocks hundreds of years ago.6. Nonlinear distortion (非线性失真)can be caused by too large an input signal.7. The method used is quite an effective one.8. A series (级数)solution of this kind of problem allows as close a calculation of the error as needed.II、将下列句子译成汉语,注意句中" and”和"or”的确切含义:1. Air has weight and occupies space.2. In this way less collector dissipation (集电极功耗)results, and the efficiency increases.3. We can go one step farther and take into account the nonzero slope of the actual curves.4. Try hard, and you will work the nut (螺母)loose.5. The first step in analyzing a physical situation is to select those aspects of it which are essential and disregard the others.6. This satellite was used for communications between the United States and Great Britain, France and Italy.7. Some physical quantities require only a magnitude and a unit to be completely specified. Thus it is sufficient to say that the mass of a man is 85 kg, that the area of a farm is 160 acres, that the frequency of a sound wave is 660 cycles/sec, and that a light bulb consumes electric energy at the rate of 100 watts.8. Geothermal energy, or energy from within the earth, can be used to generate electricity.9. The current in a capacitor (电容器)leads (导前)the voltage by 90o, or, the voltage lags the current by 90o.10. The message is a logical unit of user data, control data, or both.III 、将下列句子译成汉语,注意句中分数和倍数的正确译法:1. By varying V BE only a few hundredths of a volt, the base current (基极电流)can be changed significantly.2. The standard meter is accurate to about two parts in one billion.3. Cromatographic (层析的)techniques have been developed to detect air pollutants at concentrations (浓度)of one part per million or less.4. The volume coefficient (体膨胀系数)of a solid is almost exactly three times its linear coefficient.5. The demand for this kind of equipment in the near future will be 20 times what it is.6. The wavele ngth of this musical n ote (音符)is7.8 ft, over three times Ion ger tha n thewavelength of the same note in air (2.5 ft).7. This causes the collector current (集电极电流)to change by a factor of approximately 38. This factor (因子)is now equal to 9, a reduction by a factor of 11.IV、将下列句子译成英语:1、火箭是由金属制成的。
秦狄辉 科技英语写作教程答案答案2001年版

练习 1 (on page 8)II. 将下列句子译成英语1.Nonlinear distortion can be caused by too large an input signal.输入信号太大会引起非线性失真(nonlinear distortion)。
ing the definition of slope, we can derive the equation which represents a straight line.利用斜率(slope)的定义,我们能导出(derive)表示直线的方程。
3.The expression f(x + h) – f(x) is frequently used in the study of calculus.f(x + h) – f(x)这一表达式(expression)经常用在微积分(calculus)方面。
4.An equation which can be written in the following form is known as a linear equation in oneunknown.能写成以下形式的方程被称为含有一个未知数(unknown)的线性方程(linear equation)。
5.In a computer, the tendency is to operate at as high a clock rate as possible.在计算机中,趋势是以尽可能高的时钟频率(clock rate)工作。
6.The voltage across this capacitor is a few hundredths of a volt.该电容器(capacitor)上的电压(voltage)为零点零几伏(volt )。
7.The output of the factory ten years ago was only one fifth what it is now [或:… only onefifth its present output].十年前该厂的产量(output)仅为现在的五分之一。

高中英语科技论文翻译练习题20题(答案解析)1.The development of artificial intelligence has brought about significant changes in various fields.A.人工智能的发展在各个领域带来了重大变化。
答案解析:A 选项翻译准确,符合中文表达习惯。
B 选项“人工的智能”表述不自然。
C 选项“进步”不如“发展”准确,“造成”没有“带来”贴切。
涉及语法知识为现在完成时态has brought about。
2.Biotechnology has made remarkable progress in recent years.A.生物技术在近几年取得了显著的进步。
答案解析:三个选项意思相近,A 选项最为简洁自然。
B 选项“非凡的”稍显夸张。
C 选项“惊人的”也不太符合一般的翻译习惯。
涉及语法知识为现在完成时态has made。
3.Space exploration is a challenging but rewarding field.A.太空探索是一个具有挑战性但有回报的领域。
答案解析:A 选项表述清晰。
B 选项“宇宙探索”不如“太空探索”或“航天探索”常用。
C 选项“有价值”与“有回报”意思相近,但“有回报”更能体现原文的意思。
涉及语法知识为but 连接的并列结构。
rmation technology has revolutionized the way we live and work.A.信息技术已经彻底改变了我们生活和工作的方式。

科技英语_秦荻辉_科技英语语法习题以及答案练习 1I、将下列句子译成汉语,注意句中有些冠词的特殊位置:1. In this case the current(电流)exists for only half the cycle(周期).2. In such a case there is no current flowing in the circuit(电路).3. Sensitivity(灵敏度)is a measure of how small a signal(信号)a receiver(接收机)canpick up and amplify(放大)to a level useful for communications.4. ε may be as small a positive constant as you please.5. Even so fundamental a dimension,量纲,as time was measured extremely crudely with sandand water clocks hundreds of years ago.6. Nonlinear distortion,非线性失真,can be caused by too large an input signal.7. The method used is quite an effective one.8. A series,级数,solution of this kind of problem allows as close a calculation of the error as needed.II、将下列句子译成汉语,注意句中“and”和“or”的确切含义:1. Air has weight and occupies space.2. In this way less collector dissipation(集电极功耗)results, and the efficiency increases.3. We can go one step farther and take into account the nonzeroslope of the actual curves.4. Try hard, and you will work the nut(螺母)loose.5. The first step in analyzing a physical situation is to select those aspects of it which are essential and disregard the others.6. This satellite was used for communications between the United States and Great Britain, France and Italy.7. Some physical quantities require only a magnitude and a unit tobe completely specified. Thus it is sufficient to say that the mass of a man is 85 kg, that the area of a farm is 160 acres, that the frequencyof a sound wave is 660 cycles/sec, and that a light bulb consumes electric energy at the rate of 100 watts.8. Geothermal energy, or energy from within the earth, can be usedto generate electricity.o9.The current in a capacitor(电容器)leads(导前)the voltage by 90, or, the voltage lagsothe current by 90.10. The message is a logical unit of user data, control data, or both.III、将下列句子译成汉语,注意句中分数和倍数的正确译法:1. By varying V only a few hundredths of a volt, the base current(基极电流)can be BEchanged significantly.2. The standard meter is accurate to about two parts in one billion.3. Cromatographic(层析的)techniques have been developed to detectair pollutants atconcentrations(浓度)of one part per million or less.4. The volume coefficient(体膨胀系数)of a solid is almost exactlythree times its linearcoefficient.5. The demand for this kind of equipment in the near future will be20 times what it is.6. The wavelength of this musical note(音符)is7.8 ft, over threetimes longer than thewavelength of the same note in air (2.5 ft).7. This causes the collector current(集电极电流)to change by afactor of approximately β.8. This factor(因子)is now equal to 9, a reduction by a factor of 11.IV、将下列句子译成英语:1、火箭是由金属制成的。

• 5/6 five sixths
1/2 one [a] half
• Over seven tenths of the earth is water.
• The rest mass〔静止质量〕of the products of the explosion is less than the original rest mass by one tenthousandth of the original rest mass.
• Basic to understanding the binary number system is a familiarity with the powers of
• “2〞. 理解二进制数系的根底是要熟悉一下 “2〞
• Complement:mostly the “as-phrase 〞 required by many verbs
• 我们得确定提起这块石头需要一个多大的力。
• We have to determine how large a force is required [needed; necessary] to lift this
Special habitual uses of the indefinite
如果有并列的名词性从句或定语 从句时,引导词一般要重复出现
• Suppose that the field at each charge has the direction of the vector E but that it is not uniform.
• 假设在每个电荷处的电场具有矢量E的方 向,但是这个场并不均匀。

②并非所有被动语态句子都能起到突出新信息的作用。 基于以上观点,现代科技工作者提倡用主动语态撰写科 技文章。例如《Science》和《Nature》等国际著名刊物在征 稿要求中提出稿件应尽量采用主动语态写作。
翻译例句 本文介绍了热能制冷技术和燃料电池的工作原理及其特 点。针对燃料电池汽车余热浪费大的特点,提出了利用其余热 制冷为燃料电池汽车空调提供冷源的方法,并对其可行性进行 了研究。 译文1:In this paper, the work principles and features of fuel cell as well as refrigeration technique driven by heat energy are introduced. Considering the present fact that a large amount of heat of fuel cell automobile is wasted, the program that cold source is provided for automobile airconditioner with the refrigeration driven by the heat has been proposed and the feasibility of it has been studied. 第一句使用被动语态,该句主语由17个单词构成,而谓语 只有2个单词,造成头重脚轻的结构。第二句为了使用被动语 态,出现了“悬垂分词”,不合英语语法。
It was unsatisfactory for industry to depend on supplies coming from so far away from the industrial areas of Europe. It was always possible that wars or shopping trouble could stop supplies.

[写作内容]*唾液样本:saliva sample[写作要求]只能用5个句子表达全部内容;[评分标准]句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章连贯。
写作之科技篇专项练习参考答案【参考范文】DNA DetectionWe can use saliva sample to detect whether people have major illnesses, predict whether people are particular about food and remind people to take proper exercise. People should pay 125 pounds for it. It takes four to six weeks to finish the report. After detection we can realize we should strengthen our bodies. It may cause too many worries.解析:对于基础写作用5个句子概括医疗新技术,要求必须用上所有的要点,不能遗漏。
进行具体叙述时:1. 仔细阅读有关提示,弄清试题提供的所有信息。
2. 根据要表达的内容确定句子的时态、语态;就本文而言应该用一般现在时态及一般将来时。
3. 注意使用高级词汇和句式,以增加文章的亮点。

With结构习题—状语 放句尾
2、表示条件 P93第6题:这个参数应该在E接地的情况下加以测量。 译:This parameter should be measured with E grounded. P93第7题:其傅氏变换可以从式(2-4)获得,只需下限用零 来替代。 译: Its Fourier transform can be obtained from Eq. (2 – 4),with the lower limit replaced by zero.
3、P94第6题:这涉及到取傅氏变换。 译: This involves taking the Fourier transfo rm.
5、P94第11题:这本书值得一读。 译:This book is worth reading.
3、动名词的被动形式 P94第2题:血液能被分解成各种成分。 译文: Blood is capable of being broken down into various components.
With结构习题—状语 放句首
P93第2题:如果两个扬声器都开着,C点的声强为多大? 译:With both speakers on, what is the intensity at C?
P94第9题:在没有输入的情况下,输出为零。 译:With no input present, the output will be zero.
译: Let us construct a circle with the origin as the center and of radius R. 2、P93第5题:圆心在原点、半径为r的圆的方程为x2 + y2= r2. 译: The equation to the circle of radius r with the center at the origin is x2 + y2= r2.

第一节 词 类
(7)在人名的所有格之前不用冠词。 这个式子被称为欧姆定律。 This equation is known as Ohm's law. 根据法拉第定律,在初级绕组中感应出来的电压与 初级电感成正比。 The voltage induced in the primary winding is proportional to the primary inductance according to Faraday's law.
第一节 词 类
中国 China 北京大学 Beijng University 西电大学 Xidian University 西北工业大学 the Northwestern Polytechnical University 计算机科学系 the Department of Computer Science
秦荻辉 编著 西安电子科技大学出版社
第一章 科技英语单句写作
• 对于研究生、专业教师和科技工作者来说,所 谓科技英语写作,就是把中文的论文翻译成英 语文本的问题。目前我们在进行科技英语写作 学习过程中最迫切的任务是一定要把单句写好。
• 另外,写作和翻译具有很强的实践性,一些国 内外著名专家一再强调,写作课就是要“写”, 翻译课就是要“译”,理论并不多,只有通过 大量实践才能掌握必要的写作和翻译技巧。
第一节 词 类
一、冠词 在写作时,冠词用错的情况极为普遍,多数人 往往漏用冠词,有些人是乱用冠词。对冠词的使 用应注意以下几点。
第一节 词 类
1.一般应加冠词的情况 (1)在单数可数名词前一般要有冠词,泛指时多用不
电动势加在铜导线的两端。 An emf is applied across the ends of a copper wire. 发射机通常是由几部分构成的。 A transmitter consists commonly of several parts.

Ⅱ. 单句翻译 ⒀ 这个答案看起来是正确的。 译文:This answer appears correct. ⒁ 这个系数有待确定。 译文:This coefficient remains to be determined. ⒂ 下面两个式子在后面章节将被经常提到。 译文: The two equations below will be used often in later chapters.
(20) 中子具有稍大于质子的质量。 译文:A neutron has a slightly larger mass than a proton. [或:… has a mass slightly larger than that of a proton.]
(21) 电子是存在于普通物质中的最小微粒。 译文: Electrons are the smallest particles present in ordinary matter. [或:… particles that exist in ordinary matter].
③ 解这道题很容易。 译文: This problem can be solved with great ease.
Ⅱ. 单句翻译 ④ 在这种情况下,电流导前电压90º 。 译文:In this case, current leads voltage by 90º .
⑤ 通过分析这台设备的参数,我们可以了解它的性能。 译文:Through the analysis of the parameters of this device [或:By analyzing the parameters of this device], we can understand its performance.

第一单元 动词非谓语形式
4. 动宾关系(有时可看成被动的主谓关系) 这时物主代词所修饰的名词来自于及物动词。 汉译时把 该名词译成及物动词, 而把物主代词译成人称代词。 The importance of this device in modern communications systems is largely due to its realization as an integrated circuit. 这一器件在现代通讯中的重要性主要在于可以把它实现成 集成电路。 The questions of convergence are not simple, and their study forms an important chapter in modern analysis. 有关收敛的一些问题并不简单, 因而对它们的研究构成 了现代分析中的重要一章。
第一单元 动词非谓语形式
1. 所属关系(有时为相关的关系, 这种关系是大家所熟 悉的)
The size and cost of electronic devices have been reduced, and their performance, reliability and efficiency have been greatly improved.
In long distance communications, a transmitter is required to process the incoming information so as to make it suitable for transmission and subsequent reception.
第一单元 动词非谓语形式

/ (作者工作在位于阿林 顿的得 克萨斯 大 学。)
17 、 an (这是一只 R 位的变换器。〉 18 、 An (这里必须使用 一个 " 异"或 门 电路。 XOR = Exclusive OR )
II1 、
1. This is 国 h param侃I 2. We turn now to 国 discussion of 1oωarea 阳works 3
Wi由国 state-transition diagram,国航urity probability of 国
system is obtained. The appro灿 can be appliedω 国 one-dimensional potential barrier
with 国的itrary profile
ice, we feel cold because its temperature is lower than that of our hand. After drinking a cup of
we may refer to it as " hot," " lukewarm ," or
IV 、
The concept of temperature is familiar to all of us. This is because our bodies are so sensitive to temperature differences. When we pick up a piece of
固B 刷 刽 a m i 巾伽川 忻 b brid 帷 萨 g e ma 创 叫ω-om s 毗叫 削 ne 览 1 侃阳 et 削 阳 t 町 e ri M ω 川 s 邵 a 们 s 川 mInmIn i 附 1

测试: 1、 英译汉
(2)In any one example, h will either
always be odd(奇的)or always even (偶的), which is all that matters, so that ( – 1 )h will always be uniquely(唯 一)determined(确定).
It is necessary to determine how large a force is required [needed; necessary] to lift this stone.
§1.1 冠词~ 3、位置
感叹句中也会出现不定冠词的特殊位置: 这是一台多好的仪器啊!
China has an area several times as large as that of France (is).
§1.1 冠词~ 3、位置
China has an area several times as large as France (does).
测试: 2、 汉译英
测试: 2、 汉译英
The volume of this computer is very small.
This computer is very small in size.
The size of this computer is very small.
§1.1 冠词


第一节 词 类
中国 China 北京大学 Beijng University 西电大学 Xidian University 西北工业大学 the Northwestern Polytechnical University 计算机科学系 the Department of Computer Science
第一节 词 类
(2)论文的标题、书籍名称等的冠词可以省去。如: 锁相环的研究 Study of Phase-locked Loops 计算机入门 Introduction to Computers
第一节 词 类
(3)专有名词一般不加冠词。在科技文写作中,主要 涉及到的专有名词有人名、地名、单位名称和国 家名称。其中单位名称和国家名称需要注意以下 几点:一般由单个词表示的国家名称或一个地点 名词加“大学”构成的专有名称前不加冠词;由三个 或三个以上的普通单词构成的单位或国家名称前 要加定冠词(不过写在信封上或发表的论文作者下 面等场合时一般可不加冠词)。如:
第一节 词 类
2.数词在句子中作前置修饰语 (倍数;分数)+(the+名词;that+后置定语(多为“of 短语”);what从句) 这个电压是加给放大器的信号的80倍。
This voltage is 80 times the signal applied to the amplifier. 其速度为光速的十分之三。 Its speed is three tenths that of light.
第一节 词 类
(5)某些可数名词单数形式在泛指时可省去冠词。 欧姆首先发现了电流、电压、电阻之间的关系。 Ohm first discovered the relationship between current, voltage,and resistance. 晶体管是由发射极、基极和集电极三部分构成的。 A transistor consists of three parts:emitter, base and collector.

[写作内容]*唾液样本:saliva sample[写作要求]只能用5个句子表达全部内容;[评分标准]句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章连贯。
写作之科技篇专项练习参考答案【参考范文】DNA DetectionWe can use saliva sample to detect whether people have major illnesses, predict whether people are particular about food and remind people to take proper exercise. People should pay 125 pounds for it. It takes four to six weeks to finish the report. After detection we can realize we should strengthen our bodies. It may cause too many worries.解析:对于基础写作用5个句子概括医疗新技术,要求必须用上所有的要点,不能遗漏。
进行具体叙述时:1. 仔细阅读有关提示,弄清试题提供的所有信息。
2. 根据要表达的内容确定句子的时态、语态;就本文而言应该用一般现在时态及一般将来时。
3. 注意使用高级词汇和句式,以增加文章的亮点。
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练习1I、在下列每个句子的空白处填上适当的冠词(如果必要的话),然后将句子译成汉语:1. There has been _____ ever greater interest in this subject.2. The power rating is the maximum power the resistor can safely dissipate without too great _____ rise in temperature.3. Its primary disadvantage is _____ increase in noise.4. _____ successful design of the equipment requires _____ detailed knowledge of the performance specifications.5. In _____ Bohr model of the hydrogen atom, _____ single electron revolves around _____ single proton in a circle of radius R.6. The unit of frequency is _____ hertz.7. If _____ voltage is applied across _____ circuit, _____ electric current will flow in _____ circuit.8. _____ Fig. 5-1 shows _____ Oersted’s experiment.9. We should use _____ 18-volt battery here.10. _____ machine is _____ device for transmitting force to accomplish _____ definite purpose.11. _____ hydraulic press will be considered in _____ Chapter 14.12. _____ study of fluids in motion is one of _____ more difficult branches of mechanics because of _____ diversity of phenomena that may occur.13. It is easy to determine _____ value of _____ parameter μ.14. By _____ Eq. (2-1) we have _____ following relation.15. It is necessay to use _____ S-shaped tube here.16. The authors work at _____ University of Texas at _____ Arlinton.17. This is _____ R-bit transformer.18. _____ XOR gate must be used here.II、将下列句子译成英语,注意正确地使用冠词:1、这是一个h参数(parameter)。
2、现在我们转向(turn to)讨论一下局域网(local area networks)。
3、Bainbridge 质谱仪(mass spectrometer)是与光谱仪(optical spectrometer)一样重要的仪器。
4、必需求出为使一个电子通过(travel)这一段导线(length of the wire)需要多长的时间。
11、输入信号(input signal)太大会引起非线性失真(nonlinear distprtion)。
12、利用斜率(slope)的定义,我们能导出(derive)表示直线(straight line)的方程。
13、f (x+h)-f(x)这一表达式(expression)经常用在学习微积分(calculus)中。
15、在计算机中,趋势是以尽可能高的时钟速率(clock rate)工作(operate)。
16、锡(tin)的熔点(melting point)没有铅(lead)的高。
(要求使用“have as … as”句型)17、这个平均速度(average speed)是末速度(final speed)的一半。
19、1831年,美国的约瑟夫·亨利(Joseph Henry)发现了电磁感应(electromagnetic induction)现象。
这些测量是定量的(quantitative);也就是,它们具有与其相关的(associated with)数字。
我们还将考察(look at)用来表示这些被测的量的单位。
【英语文本】UASMA protocol employs an unique frame structure.2、【汉语原文】一种双正交循环码M元扩频接收机的性能分析[这是一篇论文的标题]【英语文本】Performance analysis of a M-ary spread spectrum receiver using biorthogonal cyclic codes3、【汉语原文】最后,用这种方法设计了宽带阶梯阻抗变换器。
【英语文本】At last, broad stepped impedance transformer is designed by this method.4、【汉语原文】先应秘密共享系统安全性的动态分析和评估[这是一篇论文的标题]【英语文本】Dynamic analysis and evaluation of security for proactive secret sharing system5、【汉语原文】利用状态转移图,获得了系统的安全性概率。
【英语文本】With state-transition diagram, security probability of system is obtained.6、【汉语原文】该方法适用于任意形状的一维势垒。
【英语文本】The approach can be applied to one-dimensional potential barrier with arbitrary profile.7、【汉语原文】我们提出了一种基于牛顿叠代法的数值方法。
【英语文本】We propose a kind of numerical method based on the Newton’s iterative method.练习2I、将下列句子译成英语,注意正确使用并列连接词和从句引导词:1、普通的变压器(transformer)并不是理想的,所以(therefore)在其中会发生功率损耗(power loss)。
2、这物质能吸引铁质物体(iron object),甚至能使它们磁化(magnetize)。
4、试计算在a,b,c三点处的电场(electric field)。
7、假设线圈(coil)中的损耗为零、C = 500微法(μF)、波纹(ripple)为百分之二十。
8、人们发现采用(adopt)这一观点(point of view)更方便:一个运动的电荷(charge)能建立(set up)一个磁场(magnetic field)、这场对运动通过它的另一个电荷会施加(exert)一个力。
II、将下列句子译成英语,注意正确使用数词:1、该电路中的电流为电源(source)的短路电流(short-circuit current)的一半。
2、这种蓄电池(storage battery)的内阻(internal resistance)仅为零点零零几欧姆(ohm)。
(要求把“计算机”用作为主语的“主谓宾”结构的句型)5、月球的质量为地球的1/ 80.6、不久的将来对这种设备的需求量(demand)为现在的20倍。
当我们拾起(pick up)一块冰时,我们感到冷,因为其温度低于我们手的温度。
在喝了一杯咖啡后,我们可能把它说成(refer to …as …)“热的”,“温的”(lukewarm)或“很糟的”(atrocious)。
【英语文本】The voltage on this capacitor is zero point zero several volt.2、【汉语原文】这物体比那物体重四倍。
【英语文本】This object is four times heavy than that one is.3、【汉语原文】除非另有说明,我们假设使用的是硅管、I CBO可以忽略不计。