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NAME: ____________ CLASS: ____________ DATE: ______________
Read the following COnVerSatiOn carefully.
Ot∏ ∣M him Vuitoo
Imagi ne you are Mr. DaVid Lim's mother. Write a message for your son. YOur message should in clude the follow ing details:
Who the caller WaS *
Why the caller called • What DaVid is SUPPOSed to do
USing the PiCtUreS below, Write a StOry at least 120 words.Remember to USe your OWn ideas and words to describe What happe ns at the end of the story.
DtMd Lfn ptee?rm He*vy.c⅛rtβ Ivn EjφtAss Cθ∏U⅛rs If^DnnlWnlha! ^wρ∩∩Whfl ι∕η hdrt⅛ yet MIy 5∣ You Can USe the help ing words at the bottom of this page. PAPER 2 SECTloN A: GRAMMAR MCQ FOr each question, choose the COrreCt answer and Write its number in the brackets provided. ()1. Kenny _________ Iike his father. A. looks B. Iooki ng C. look D. Were look ing ()2. COnnie WaS so hun gry, She _______ the whole ChiCke n. A. eat B. eate n C. is eat ing D. ate ()3. SkiPP ing breakfast _______ not a healthy thing to do. A. Were B. are C. is D. am ()4. JaS on enjoys _______ photographs of birds. A. taki ng B. to take C. takes D. took ()5. In SeCtS _______ SiX legs. A. had B. has C. have D. hav ing ()6. GeOrge dived in to the SWimmi ng POOl _____ a height Of 5 metres. A. in B. i nto C. from D. of ()7. Ling POUred all the juice _______ a glass. A. into B. at C. on D. above ()8. It WaS GeraId ________ found the lost treasure. A. who B. whom C. WhiCh D. What ()9. _________ did you last See him? A. Who B. What C. When D. WhiCh ()10. The cobra ________ a venom ous Sn ake. A. am B. is C. are D. Were SECTloN B: VoCABULARY MCQ FOr each question, choose the COrreCt answer and Write its number in the brackets provided. ()1. The ________ is the young of a cow. A. bull B. calf C. lamb D. CUb ()2. Thomas' _________ is to become a doctor. A. OCCUPati on B. Creati on C. ambiti on D. thought ()3. Sally is a/an _________ . She desig ns houses. A. archaeologist B. architect C. con tractor D. engin eer ()4. The doctor ________ some medici ne for Sam's ill ness. A. PreSCribed B. described C. SCribbIed D. SCriPted ()5. I SearChed my bag _________ , but I still could not find my wallet. A. quickly B. loosely C. hastily D. thoroughly SECTION C: COMPREHENSION GRAPHIC STIMULUS MCQ StUdy the POSter below and answer the questions that follow. For each question, choose the COrreCt answer and Write its number in the brackets provided.