9 航海气象
⑤ 近赤道附近存在一个高温带,1月和7月平均气温均高 于25℃,称这个高温带称为“热赤道”(Heat Equator)。 平均在10N左右。
擦作用忽略不计,大气运动规律比较简单和清楚。自由大气 的基本运动形式是层流,气流多波状系统。 对流层顶:厚度约为1-2Km,温度随高度呈等温或逆温状态。
2. 平流层(Stratosphere):厚度:自对流层顶到大约55Km。
特点:空气主要是水平运动垂直运动弱;水汽含量少;(3) 气温随高度升高而递增(最初等温,到20~45Km气温突增, 主要是臭氧吸收太阳紫外线所致);(4)气层稳定利于飞 机飞行。
综上所知,空气与下垫面之间的热量交换是通过多种 途径进行的。
通常,地面与大气之间的热量交换以辐射为主,乱流 和水相变化次之;
各地空气之间的热量交换以平流为主。 上下层空气之间的热量交换以对流和乱流为主。 以上均为非绝热过程。
大气的热量主要来自下垫面,所以 气温具有与下垫面温度类似的周期 性变化。如冬寒夏暖、午热晨凉反 映了气温日、年变化的一般规律。
① 摄氏温标 ℃:把水的冰点温度定为0℃,沸点为100℃, 多数非英语国家使用。
② 华氏温标 F:水的冰点温度定为32F,沸点212F。一 些英语国家多使用。
摄氏与华氏的关系: C5(F32) F 9C32
③ 绝对温标(K氏温标) K:水的冰点温度定为273K,沸点为 373K(由英国物理学家Kelvin提出)。多用于理论计算。
航海⽓象与海洋学试题九试题九1.就平均状况⽽⾔,在对流层中⾼度每升⾼100m⽓温约降低:A. 1.2℃B. 1.0℃C. 0.65℃D. 0.5℃2.逆温的存在:A. 可以抑制对流的发展B. 有助于对流的发展C. 不利于层状云或雾的形成D. 前三者都不对3.发展旺盛的积⾬云顶部呈砧状,这是由于______造成的。
A. ⾼空风切变B. ⾼空⽓温过低C. 对流层顶存在逆温层D. ⾼空⽓压过低4.稳定性天⽓是指:A. 连续性降⽔⽑⽑⾬雾B. 阵⾬雷阵⾬阵性⼤风冰雹龙卷风C. AB都对D. AB都错5.⼤⽓绝对不稳定的情况多发⽣在夏季局部地区:A. 海洋上的热雷⾬常发⽣在下午到傍晚B. ⼤陆上的热雷⾬多出现在半夜到凌晨C. AB都对D. AB都错6.下列⽓压⽇较差最⼤的海域是:A. 天津B. 连云港C. 海⼝D. 南沙7.当下垫⾯在⽔平⽅向上温度分布不均匀时:A. 在⾼温处空⽓密度⼩,单位⽓压⾼度差⼤,因此上空各等压⾯之间距离增⼤B. 在低温处空⽓密度⼤,单位⽓压⾼度差⼩,因此上空各等压⾯之间距离缩⼩A. 等压线越密集的地⽅,⽔平⽓压梯度越⼩B. 等压线越稀疏的地⽅,⽔平⽓压梯度越⼤C. AB都对D. AB都错9.下列正确的说法是:A. 在低压槽中,等压线弯曲最⼩的那些点的连线称为槽线B. 在⾼压脊中,等压线弯曲最⼩的那些点的连线称为脊线C. AB都对D. AB都错10.通常,在等压⾯图上分析:A.等压线 B.等⾼线 C.等波⾼线 D.地⾯锋线11.热带⽓旋是温度场对称分布的暖性低⽓压:A. 其强度随⾼度的增加⽽减弱B. 由于其地⾯⽓压很低,因此它属于深厚系统C. AB都对D. AB都错12.在海洋上通常⽔汽压e与相对湿度f的⽇变化规律是:A. ⽩天e和f增⼤,夜间e和f减⼩B. ⽩天e和f减⼩,夜间e和f增⼤C. ⽩天e减⼩f增⼤,夜间e增⼤f减⼩D. ⽩天e增⼤f减⼩,夜间e减⼩f增⼤13.E 冰为冰⾯上的饱和⽔汽压,E ⽔为过冷却⽔⾯上的饱和⽔汽压,当温度相同时:A. E 冰> E ⽔B. E 冰< E ⽔C. E 冰 = E ⽔D. E 冰 = E ⽔ = 6.11百帕14.在未饱和空⽓中,⽓温(t)与露点(t d )的关系是:A. t > t dB. t=t dC. t < t dD. ABC都错15.使未饱和空⽓达到饱和或过饱和的途径是:D. AB都错16.在低压中:A. |An|=|Gn|+|C|B. |Gn|=|An|+|C|C. |C|=|Gn|+|An|D. |An|+|Gn|+|C|=017.在开阔洋⾯上,平直等压线⽔平⽓压梯度⼤⼩相等,若较⾼纬度海域风⼒⼩于6级时,则:A. 在较低纬度海域⼀定也⼩于6级B. 在较低纬度海域⼀定有⼤风C. 在较低纬度海域可能⽆⼤风D. 在较低纬度海域风⼒不⼩于7级18.地转风公式适⽤于:A. 龙卷风B. 台风涡旋区C. AB都对D. AB都错19.产⽣⼤⽓环流最基本的因素是:A. 地球表⾯获得的太阳辐射不均匀B. 地转偏向⼒作⽤C. 海陆分布D. 地形差异20.东北信风带位于:A. ⾚道低压带与北半球副热带⾼压带之间B. ⾚道低压带与南半球副热带⾼压带之间C. 北半球副热带⾼压带与北半球副极地低压带之间D. 南半球副热带⾼压带与南半球副极地低压带之间21.属于半永久性⼤⽓活动中⼼的有:A.西伯利亚⾼压 B.南半球副极地低压带 C.夏威夷⾼压 D.亚速尔⾼压22.东亚与南亚季风⽓候特点是:A. 南亚季风的夏季风⼤于冬季风B. 东亚季风的夏季风(除热带⽓旋活动外)⼤于冬季风C. AB都对D. AB都错23.海陆风:A. 在中纬地区,⼀年四季均可出现B. 在低纬度地区主要出现在夏季,冬季很弱;在⾼纬度地区,只有夏季晴朗的⽇⼦⾥才见到微弱的海陆风C. AB都对D. AB都错24.下列正确的说法是:A. 在⼭区,⽩天由⼭顶沿⼭坡吹向⾕底的风称为⾕风B. 在⼭区,夜间由⾕底沿⼭坡吹向⼭顶的风称为⼭风C. AB都对D. AB都错25.皆属于⾼云的是:A. Ci Cs CcB. Ac AsC. Cu Cb ScD. ABC都对26.能产⽣连续性降⽔的云是:A. CiB. CuC. CbD. Ns27.有浓雾时海⾯能见度:A. Vis<0.5 kmB. Vis<1 kmC. Vis<5 kmD. Vis<10 km28.易使平流雾消散的条件是:A. 风⼒增⼤⾄6级以上B. 锋过境C. 风向有较⼤⾓度改变D. 前三者都对29.台湾海峡的雾⽇分布规律为:A. 东部多,西部少B. 东部少,西部多C. 东、西部都少D. 东、西部都多30.波陡 d 是指:(H:波⾼; l :波长;T:周期)A. H/ lB. l /HC. H/TD. T/H31.在波长较短的深⽔波中,相邻⽔质点落后的相⾓。
低 云 25 00 米 以 下
第一章 船舶常识
特征 族
卷层云(Cs) 卷云(Ci )
层状云 波状云
高层云 雨层云(Ns) (As)
高积云 层积云(Sc) (Ac) 卷积云(Cc ) 淡积云(Cu hum) 浓积云(Cu cong) 积雨云(Cb)
第一章 船舶常识
第一章 船舶常识
二 主要气象要素
度,K氏温度). 气压:单位截面上大气柱的重量(毫巴,毫米汞柱等). 风:空气相对地面或海面的水平运动(信风,季风,海陆 风,山谷风,地转风). 湿度:指大气中含水汽含量的多少(相对湿度,绝对湿 度). 云:由大量的小水滴或小冰晶或两者的混合物组成悬 浮在空中(卷云,积云,层云,碎雨云等). 能见度:正常视力所能见到的最大水平距离(分10个 等级).
空气相对于地面或海底的水平运动。 风是矢量,既有大小又有方向。
第一章 船舶常识
2、风的单位 风速:单位m/s或n mile/h,即节(Kn)。 风向:指来向,常用0º ~360º ,8或16个方 位表示。
第一章 船舶常识
1Kn0.5m.s-1或1m.s-1 2Kn
航海气象与海洋学考试知识点总结第一章气象学基础知识第三节气压1.地面气压场分布图:(高压,低压.高压脊.低压槽.鞍型场)第五节空气水平运动---风1.梯度风中三力平衡关系图2.梯度风三力平衡公式梯度风平衡公式:Gn+An+C=0(水平气压梯度力Gn,水平地转偏向力An,惯性离心力C,摩擦力R) 高压中梯度风三力平衡公式:An=Gn+C低压中梯度风三力平衡公式:Gn=An+C2.自由大气层中3.气压场中风向判断5.全球气压带和信风带分布图6.海陆风和山谷风,向岸风和离岸风向岸风,白天,海风+谷风离岸风,夜间,陆风+山风第八节云和降水1.产生连续性降水的云:雨层云Ns 高层云As 层积云Sc2.产生阵性降水的云:积云Cu 积雨云Cb 不稳定的层积云Sc3.间歇性降水的云:层积云Sc 厚薄不均匀的高层云As4.伴随雷暴,阵雨,大风等剧烈天气的云:积雨云Cb5.层状云:高层云As 层云St 卷层云Cs6.波状云:卷积云Cc 高积云Ac 层积云Sc7.积状云:积云Cu 积雨云Cb8.低云:层云St 积云Cu 雨层云Ns 层积云Sc 碎雨云F n第二章海洋学基础知识及应用1.海流北半球:背倾斜流而立,右侧等压面(海面)高,左侧等压面(海面)低;背密度流而立,密度小的(高温)水域在右,密度大的(低温)水域在左。
南半球:背倾斜流而立,右侧等压面(海面)低,左侧等压面(海面)高;背密度流而立,密度小的(高温)水域在左,密度大的(低温)水域在右2.海浪第三章天气系统及其天气特征第一节气团和锋1.北半球槽线和切变线的气流分布图2.北半球几种气流切边分布图3.南北半球冷暖锋面通常走向和气流分布图4.南北半球冷暖锋面通常走向和气流分布图5.锋面附近垂直运动分布图暖锋第一型冷锋第二性冷锋6.锋和云暖锋典型云序:卷云Ci---卷层云Cs---高层云As---雨层云Ns一型冷锋(缓行冷锋)云序:雨层云Ns---高层云As---卷层云Cs---卷云Ci 二型冷锋(急行冷锋)云序:卷云Ci---卷层云Cs---高层云As---雨层云Ns准静止锋云序:雨层云Ns---高层云As---卷层云Cs---卷云Ci第二节锋面气旋南北半球典型锋面气旋图第三节冷高压第四章天气图基础知识第二节地面天气图1.地面图上符号天气:气温降低气温升高降水强度小云层增厚气压升高气压下降时间长降水增强锋后降水,连续降水区域大区域扩大狂风暴雨强度小2.各种填图符号及含义:3.地面天气图填图符号4.第五章.船舶气象信息的获取和应用第二节.船舶分析和应用气象信息.1.锋面气旋发展阶段。
水平地转偏向力:由于地球自转,作用在运动物体上产生使运动物体发生偏转的力,称地转偏向力,又称可科利奥里力(Coriolis force)或科氏力。
在自由大气中,空气的水平圆周运动称为梯度风(Gradient Wind)。
对流层(Troposphere):下界为地面,上界随纬度和季节变化,平均厚度10~12 km。
通常在高纬为6~8 km,中纬度10~12 km,低纬度17~18 km。
对流层有三个主要特征:(1)气温随高度增加而降低,平均而言,高度每增加100 m,气温则下降约0.65℃,这称为气温直减率。
摩擦层的范围一般从地面到1~1.5 km高度,其厚度夏季高于冬季,白天高于夜间,大风和扰动强烈的天气高于平稳天气。
1. 航海:驾驶船舶在海洋上航行。
2. 三维航海图:以三维电子航海图数据库为基础,按照一定比例对海洋环境空间地理信息进行三维表达的航海图。
3. 海洋元数据:描述海洋数据集的名称、目录、内容、质量、位置等基本内容的数据。
4. 航海天文历:船舶航海所用的天文历。
5. 航海仪器:船舶在海上航行时用以测定航向、方位、位置、深度、水深、罗经差等所用的仪器。
6. 航海图:用以标识航道、沿海、海底、岛礁等地貌、地形、水深、助航设施、航行障碍等内容的专题图。
7. 航海图书:包括航路指南、航迹图、海图、沿海灯塔表、地名书、海岸图、船舶图书及其它有关资料。
8. 航迹图:按一定比例尺绘制的船舶航行轨迹图。
9. 航海气象:有关航海气象方面的资料和预报。
10. 航海通信:海上航行通信。
11. 航海无线电:有关航海无线电通信方面的技术和设备。
12. 航海雷达:装在船上能发射雷达信号并接收其反射波的设备。
13. 全球海上遇险和安全系统(GMDSS):为了改善海上人命安全和航行安全而设置的一个包括无线电通信、定位、海上救生和遇险信
14. 郑和航海图:明代郑和奉命出使下西洋时,为确保海上航行的安全和正确,根据实地测量绘制的一张反映当时世界上海上航路区域划分及沿途山川、岛屿、海洋、商港等地理概况的航海图。
15. 航海学:研究船舶在海洋航行、有关海洋地理学和水文学、航路指南、海图、航海气象学、航海日历、船位确定和无线电航海等问题的一门科学。
4. 气温是用来表示空气冷热程度的物理量。
19. 海流是指海水大规模的相对稳定的流动,是海水重要的普遍运动形式之一。
22. 拉尼娜现象是赤道附近东太平洋水温反常变化的一种现象,其特征恰好与厄尔尼诺现象相反,指的是洋流水温反常下降。
24. 天气系统是指具有一定的温度、气压或风等气象要素空间结构特征的大气运动系统。
A、酸雨和粉尘 B、氮氧化物和粉 C、氮氧化物和光化学烟雾 D、酸雨和光化学烟雾
5、对流层的高度随纬度有较大的变化,最低出 现在( )
A、赤道低纬地区 B、中纬度地区 C、高纬度地区 D、极地地区 6、地球大气最低层称为对流层,其平均厚度约
冰点 沸点 等分 摄氏温标(℃) 0 100 100 华氏温标(℉) 32 212 180 绝对温标(K) 273 373 100
2)三种温标的换算关系 已知C,则对应的 华氏温标F=9•C/5+32 绝对温标K=273+C 若已知F,则对应的 摄氏温标C=5×(F-32)/9
2) 具有吸收和放射长波辐射的性能,加上在水相变化中伴有潜
1、杂质: 悬浮于大气中的固体、液体粒子,称为微尘,也称为杂 质或者大气气溶胶粒子。
来源:海洋上主要是浪花飞溅在空中蒸发留下 的微小盐 粒;陆地上主要是灰尘和烟粒等。
2、对大气的影响: 作为水汽凝结的凝结核; 影响太阳辐射和地面辐射;使能 见度降低;
3、有害于人类和各类生物的变化过程称为大气污染: 粉尘,二氧化硫、一氧化碳、一氧化氮、硫化氢、碳氢化 合物等
A、氮气 B、氧气 C、水汽 D、二氧化碳 2、对天气及气候变化具有重要影响的大气成分
包括( )
A、二氧化碳、臭氧和惰性气体 B、氮气、二氧化碳和惰性气体 C、二氧化碳、臭氧和水汽 D、氧气、臭氧和惰性气体
- 0级:无风
- 1级:软风(静)
- 2级:轻风(微)
- 3级:微风(和)
- 4级:和风(清)
- 5级:清风(凉)
- 6级:强风(劲)
- 7级:疾风(疾)
- 8级:大风(狂)
- 9级:烈风(巨)
- 10级:狂风(狂飙)。
气温 海平面气压 现在天气现象。即观测 时或观测前一小时内的 天气现象 能见度。单位为公里
三小时气压变量 W一过去天气现 象。即观测前六 小时内出现的天 气现象 观测前六小时内 的降水量
地面传真天气图(简称地面图)是航海中最常用 、最重要的基本天气图之一。地面图又分地面(实 况)分析图(AS)和地面预报图(FS)两种。
(1)图类代号; (2)图区代号; (3)发射Байду номын сангаас呼号; (4)时间。
高压(用“H”来表示), 低压(用“L”来表示), 高、低压H和L下方还标 有中心气压值 热带气旋 TD (Tropical Depression) 热带低压 风力<8级 TS (Tropical Storm) 热带风 暴 风力8~9级 STS (Severe Tropical Storm) 强热带风暴 风力10~11 级 T (Typhoon) 台风 风 力≥12级
等波高线采 用合成波高
主波向 主波向
STS0206强 热带风暴
日本东京JMH台发布的西北太平洋24h波浪预报 图。其中绘有等波高线(单位为米)、主波向 及主波的波高和周期。此外,还标绘出H、L、 TD的中心位置、强度以及锋线位置等。在波浪 预报图中,等波高线的数值为有效波高(H1/3 )。它是基于波谱分析等海洋学理论经复杂计 算得出的。 我国国家海洋局也通过广播传真和电视每天发 布我国海域及外海的24h波浪预报。波浪预报十 分困难,目前世界各国发布的波浪预报时效一 般不超过36—48h,最长72h。
航海技术考试 选择题 54题
1. 航海中,什么是“航向”?A. 船只的实际航行方向B. 船只计划航行的方向C. 船只相对于真北的方向D. 船只相对于磁北的方向2. 航海图上的“等高线”表示什么?A. 水深B. 陆地高度C. 风速D. 温度3. GPS系统全称是什么?A. Global Positioning SystemB. General Positioning SystemC. Geographical Positioning SystemD. Ground Positioning System4. 航海中,什么是“航迹”?A. 船只的实际航行路径B. 船只计划航行的路径C. 船只相对于真北的路径D. 船只相对于磁北的路径5. 航海中,什么是“罗经”?A. 测量风速的仪器B. 测量水深的仪器C. 测量方向的仪器D. 测量温度的仪器6. 航海中,什么是“航速”?A. 船只的实际航行速度B. 船只计划航行的速度C. 船只相对于真北的速度D. 船只相对于磁北的速度7. 航海中,什么是“航标”?A. 指示航行方向的标志B. 指示航行路径的标志C. 指示航行安全的标志D. 指示航行速度的标志8. 航海中,什么是“航海日志”?A. 记录船只航行情况的日志B. 记录船只维修情况的日志C. 记录船只货物情况的日志D. 记录船只人员情况的日志9. 航海中,什么是“航海图”?A. 记录船只航行情况的图B. 记录船只维修情况的图C. 记录船只货物情况的图D. 记录船只人员情况的图10. 航海中,什么是“航海仪”?A. 测量风速的仪器B. 测量水深的仪器C. 测量方向的仪器D. 测量温度的仪器11. 航海中,什么是“航海灯”?A. 指示航行方向的灯B. 指示航行路径的灯C. 指示航行安全的灯D. 指示航行速度的灯12. 航海中,什么是“航海钟”?A. 记录船只航行时间的钟B. 记录船只维修时间的钟C. 记录船只货物时间的钟D. 记录船只人员时间的钟13. 航海中,什么是“航海旗”?A. 指示航行方向的旗B. 指示航行路径的旗C. 指示航行安全的旗D. 指示航行速度的旗14. 航海中,什么是“航海信号”?A. 指示航行方向的信号B. 指示航行路径的信号C. 指示航行安全的信号D. 指示航行速度的信号15. 航海中,什么是“航海规则”?A. 规定航行方向的规则B. 规定航行路径的规则C. 规定航行安全的规则D. 规定航行速度的规则16. 航海中,什么是“航海法”?A. 规定航行方向的法律B. 规定航行路径的法律C. 规定航行安全的法律D. 规定航行速度的法律17. 航海中,什么是“航海条例”?A. 规定航行方向的条例B. 规定航行路径的条例C. 规定航行安全的条例D. 规定航行速度的条例18. 航海中,什么是“航海手册”?A. 记录航行方向的手册B. 记录航行路径的手册C. 记录航行安全的手册D. 记录航行速度的手册19. 航海中,什么是“航海指南”?A. 指导航行方向的指南B. 指导航行路径的指南C. 指导航行安全的指南D. 指导航行速度的指南20. 航海中,什么是“航海地图”?A. 记录航行方向的地图B. 记录航行路径的地图C. 记录航行安全的地图D. 记录航行速度的地图21. 航海中,什么是“航海导航”?A. 导航航行方向B. 导航航行路径C. 导航航行安全D. 导航航行速度22. 航海中,什么是“航海定位”?A. 定位航行方向B. 定位航行路径C. 定位航行安全D. 定位航行速度23. 航海中,什么是“航海通信”?A. 通信航行方向B. 通信航行路径C. 通信航行安全D. 通信航行速度24. 航海中,什么是“航海气象”?A. 气象航行方向B. 气象航行路径C. 气象航行安全D. 气象航行速度25. 航海中,什么是“航海安全”?A. 安全航行方向B. 安全航行路径C. 安全航行安全D. 安全航行速度26. 航海中,什么是“航海管理”?A. 管理航行方向B. 管理航行路径C. 管理航行安全D. 管理航行速度27. 航海中,什么是“航海技术”?A. 技术航行方向B. 技术航行路径C. 技术航行安全D. 技术航行速度28. 航海中,什么是“航海知识”?A. 知识航行方向B. 知识航行路径C. 知识航行安全D. 知识航行速度29. 航海中,什么是“航海经验”?A. 经验航行方向B. 经验航行路径C. 经验航行安全D. 经验航行速度30. 航海中,什么是“航海训练”?A. 训练航行方向B. 训练航行路径C. 训练航行安全D. 训练航行速度31. 航海中,什么是“航海教育”?A. 教育航行方向B. 教育航行路径C. 教育航行安全D. 教育航行速度32. 航海中,什么是“航海研究”?A. 研究航行方向B. 研究航行路径C. 研究航行安全D. 研究航行速度33. 航海中,什么是“航海发展”?A. 发展航行方向B. 发展航行路径C. 发展航行安全D. 发展航行速度34. 航海中,什么是“航海创新”?A. 创新航行方向B. 创新航行路径C. 创新航行安全D. 创新航行速度35. 航海中,什么是“航海改革”?A. 改革航行方向B. 改革航行路径C. 改革航行安全D. 改革航行速度36. 航海中,什么是“航海进步”?A. 进步航行方向B. 进步航行路径C. 进步航行安全D. 进步航行速度37. 航海中,什么是“航海挑战”?A. 挑战航行方向B. 挑战航行路径C. 挑战航行安全D. 挑战航行速度38. 航海中,什么是“航海机遇”?A. 机遇航行方向B. 机遇航行路径C. 机遇航行安全D. 机遇航行速度39. 航海中,什么是“航海风险”?A. 风险航行方向B. 风险航行路径C. 风险航行安全D. 风险航行速度40. 航海中,什么是“航海策略”?A. 策略航行方向B. 策略航行路径C. 策略航行安全D. 策略航行速度41. 航海中,什么是“航海计划”?A. 计划航行方向B. 计划航行路径C. 计划航行安全D. 计划航行速度42. 航海中,什么是“航海目标”?A. 目标航行方向B. 目标航行路径C. 目标航行安全D. 目标航行速度43. 航海中,什么是“航海任务”?A. 任务航行方向B. 任务航行路径C. 任务航行安全D. 任务航行速度44. 航海中,什么是“航海责任”?A. 责任航行方向B. 责任航行路径C. 责任航行安全D. 责任航行速度45. 航海中,什么是“航海义务”?A. 义务航行方向B. 义务航行路径C. 义务航行安全D. 义务航行速度46. 航海中,什么是“航海权利”?A. 权利航行方向B. 权利航行路径C. 权利航行安全D. 权利航行速度47. 航海中,什么是“航海利益”?A. 利益航行方向B. 利益航行路径C. 利益航行安全D. 利益航行速度48. 航海中,什么是“航海效益”?A. 效益航行方向B. 效益航行路径C. 效益航行安全D. 效益航行速度49. 航海中,什么是“航海效率”?A. 效率航行方向B. 效率航行路径C. 效率航行安全D. 效率航行速度50. 航海中,什么是“航海质量”?A. 质量航行方向B. 质量航行路径C. 质量航行安全D. 质量航行速度51. 航海中,什么是“航海水平”?A. 水平航行方向B. 水平航行路径C. 水平航行安全D. 水平航行速度52. 航海中,什么是“航海能力”?A. 能力航行方向B. 能力航行路径C. 能力航行安全D. 能力航行速度53. 航海中,什么是“航海素质”?A. 素质航行方向B. 素质航行路径C. 素质航行安全D. 素质航行速度54. 航海中,什么是“航海文化”?A. 文化航行方向B. 文化航行路径C. 文化航行安全D. 文化航行速度答案:1. C2. A3. A4. A5. C6. A7. C8. A9. A10. C11. C12. A13. C14. C15. C16. C17. C18. C19. C20. C21. B22. C23. C24. C25. C26. C27. C28. C29. C30. C31. C32. C33. C34. C35. C36. C37. C38. C39. C40. C41. C42. C43. C44. C45. C46. C47. C48. C49. C50. C51. C52. C53. C54. C。
二.1.2.3.三.四.五.六.一、三种温标的换算关系摄氏温标C =5/9 ×(F-32)华氏温标F =9/5 ×C+32 绝对温标K =273+C二、太阳、地面、大气辐射的强弱主要取决于温度的高低太阳辐射:短波辐射,是地球表面和大气初始的唯一的能量来源,地面辐射:长波辐射,吸收太阳短波辐射,放射出长波辐射对大气进行加热。
航海气象学知识点大气的组成一、干洁空气(Dry Air)对气温有影响的成分:二氧化碳(CO2)――吸收和放射长波辐射,产生温室效应臭氧(O3)――――-吸收紫外线二、水汽(Vapour)1、垂直分布:低空多于高空,随高度升高水汽含量迅速减少2、特点:1) 在自然条件下,水汽是大气中唯一能发生相态变化的气体,是天气演变的主角。
2) 具有吸收和放射长波辐射的性能,加上在水相变化中伴有凝结潜热的吸收或释放,对气温产生影响。
三、杂质作为水汽凝结的凝结核城市污染监测的主要成分:总悬浮颗粒物,二氧化硫、氮氧化物大气的垂直结构一、大气的垂直范围和垂直分层1、垂直分层:1) 分层:自地面向高空,大气分为对流层、平流层、中间层、热层、散逸层2) 平流层:空气以水平运动为主,且水汽极少,类似对流层中的云很难生成3) 热层:又称电离层,对远程无线电通讯具有重要意义二、对流层(Troposphere)的主要特征1、对流层的厚度:平均10km;在赤道最厚,向两极减小;夏季厚,冬季薄2、三个主要特点:1) 气温随高度的升高而降低,每升高100m,气温平均下降0.65℃2) 有强烈的对流和乱流运动3) 气象要素(如温度、湿度等)在水平方向上分布不均匀3、对流层的垂直分层:自由大气:下界距地面1km(摩擦层顶),上界——对流层顶,摩擦作用小,可忽略不计。
1) 气温、气压相同时,干空气的密度大于湿空气的密度2) 气压相同时,干冷空气的密度比暖湿空气大得多气温一、气温的定义和单位1、气温(Air Temperature):表示空气冷热程度的物理量2)三种温标的换算关系已知X℃,则对应的华氏温标Y(℉)=9?C/5+32绝对温标Z(K)=273+C二、太阳、地面、大气辐射太阳辐射:一种短波辐射地面辐射:一种长波辐射结论:太阳辐射是地球表面和大气唯一的能量来源,但大气受热的主要直接热源是地球表面的长波辐射。
第九节大幅批注第九章航海气象第一节航海气象基础知识第二节海上气象报告与气象导航第1组1.___A___ LOW EL Y SLWLY WITH COLD FRONT FM CEN TO 12N 179W AND WARM FROM FM CEN TO 11N 171W.A.SHLWB.SCTDC.OBSD.SW2.____B__ moving rather quickly east expected 150miles south of Cape Farewell 972by 160000 GMT.A.Developed lowB.Developing lowC.Being developed lowD.Low to be developed3.___C___ rain means it rains in some parts of the are a.A.SquallyB.IsolatedC.ScatteredD.Occasional4. A local wind which occurs during the daytime and is caused by the different rates of warmingof land and water is a __D____.A.FoehnB.Chinooknd breezeD.Sea breeze5. A microbarograph is a precision instrument that provides a__B____.A.charted record of atmospheric temperature over timeB.charted record of atmospheric pressure over timeC.graphic record of combustible gases measured in an atmosphereD.graphic record of vapor pressure from a flammable/combustible liquid6. A tropical storm is building strength some distance from your ship.Wavesare coming from the east,with periods increasing from 5 seconds to 15 seconds.The swell is fromthe east.Where was the storm when these new swells were generated ____C____.A.To the north of youB.To the south of youC.To the east of youD.To the west of you7. A type of precipitation that occurs only in thunderstorms with strong convection currents that convey raindrops above and below the freezing level is known as ____B__.A.SleetB.HailC.Freezing rainD.Rime8. A weather forecast states that the wind will commence backing.In the Northern Hemisphere,this would indicate that it will ___B___.A.Shift in a clockwise mannerB.Shift in a counterclockwise mannerC.Continue blowing from the same directionD.Decrease in velocity9. A WIND BLOWS ROUND ANTICLOCKWISE defines __A____.A.Backing(of wind)B.Beach(to)C.Veering(of windD.Maintaining direction of the wind10.After a cold front passes,the barometric pressure __C____.A.Drops,and the temperature dropsB.Drops,and the temperature risesC.Rises,and the temperature dropsD.Rises,and the temperature rises11.Anticyclones are usually characterized by ___A___.A.dry,fair weatherB.high winds and cloudinessC.gustiness and continuous precipitationD.overcast skies12.As the temperature for a given mass of air increases,the ___D___.A.Dew point increasesB.Dew point decreasesC.Relative humidity increasesD.Relative humidity decreases13.BASHI:E TO SE 9-10.500M IN HVY SQUALL Y SHWRS AND TS.SEA 8-9M.SWELLSE 6-7M.From the above forecast,the wind in Beaufort Scale will be__A____.A.STRONG GALE TO STORMB.GALE TO STRONG GALEC.NEAR GALE TO GALED.STRONG BREEZE TO NEAR GALE14.CAPE WEST WIND WEST TO SOUTHWEST 15TO 20KNOTS WEATHER SHOWERS.This description is likely to be under the heading of ___A___.A.FORECASTB.STORM WARNINGC.GENERAL SITUATIOND.MAP ANAL YSIS15.During the voyage he encountered boisterous winds and heavy weather during which time the vessel __B____ heavily and to such an extent that at times it was necessary to change course.A.MovedboredC.DroveD.Went16.During the voyage my ship ___C___ bad weather in the Pacific Ocean.A.meets withB.has met withC.met withD.meeted with17.Especially in adverse weather,risk of collision with an offshore supply vessel increases when the vessel is moored to what side of the unit ____A____.A.UpwindB.DownwindC.CrosswindD.Downcurrent18.For an accurate barometer check,you would ___D___.A.Check it with a barometer on another vesselB.Take readings from several barometers and average themC.Check it with the barometer at the ship chandleryD.Check it against radio or National Weather Service reports of the immediate vicinity19.HIGH W A VES;DENSE STREAKS OF FOAM ALONG THE DIRECTION OF THE WIND;CRESTS OF WA VES BEGIN TO TOPPLE,TUMBLE AND ROLL OVER;SPRAY MAY AFFECT VISIBILITY.This condition is likely to be termed ____D__.A.Strong breezeB.Near galeC.GaleD.Strong gale20.If the center of low pressure is due west of you in the Northern Hemisphere,which wind direction should you expect ____B____.A.South to westB.South to eastC.West to northD.North to east第2组1.If your weather bulletin shows the center of a low pressure area to be 100 miles due east of your position,what winds can you expect in the Northern Hemisphere ____C____.A.East to northeastB.East to southeastC.North to northwestD.South to southeast2.INTERTROPICAL CONVERGENCE ZONE OVER SOUTH PHILIPPINE PASSING OVER MINDANAO NORTHERN SULU AND PALAW AN.This phrase is likely to be under the heading of ___C___.A.GALE WARNINGB.24 HOURS FORECASTC.SYNOPSISD.STORM WARNING3.Mechanical lifting of air by the upslope slant of the terrain is called ___D___.A.Vertical liftingB.Convective liftingC.Advective liftingD.Topographic lifting4.NORTHEAST TAIWAN RYUKYU PARTL Y CLOUDY SKIES WITH ISOLATED SHOWERS WIND NORTHEASTL Y ZERO FIVE TO ONE FIVE KNOTS SEA MAINL Y SLIGHT.The weather in this area is ___B___.A.CLOUDYB.PARTL Y CLOUDYC.CLEARD.OVERCAST5.Of the following,___D___ is not a win d.A.BoraB.GustC.GregaleD.Floe6.OWING TROPICAL STORM9706 CROSSING OUR/COURSEPLSPERMIT SHELTERING KAGOSHIMA KAIWAN.This cable indicates that___A___.A.She requested shelter permissionB.She intended to berth at port of KAGOSHIMAC.She intended to change her courseD.She was reporting to the port that a tropical storm is coming7.REEF(SOUTH)WIND NORTH 10 KNOTS WEATHER ISOLATEDSHOWERS SEA SLIGHT STOP.This phase is a __A____.A.forecastB.warningC.map analysisD.general introduction8.SCARBOROUGH= W TO SW UP TO 10 IN N.500 M IN HVY SQUALL Y SHOWERS AND TS.SEA 7-8 M.SWELL SW 5-6 M.The visibility in this area is __B____.A.10 NMB.500 MC.7-8 MD.5-6M9.SEVERE TROPICAL STORM UPGRADED INTO A TYPHOON AND AT 1800Z 13 AUGUST IT WAS ESTIMA TED BASED ON SURFACE REPORTS.This phrase is likely to be under the heading of __D____.A.GALE WARNINGB.24 HOURS FORECASTC.SYNOPSISD.STORM WARNING10.TAIWAN STRAITS EAST GUANGDONG:CLOUDY TO OVERCAST WITH LOCAL SHOWERS WIND NE 22TO 33KTS SEAS ROUGH TO VERY ROUGH VIS 10TO 20 KMS.The Vis. in this area is ___C___ nautical miles.A.22 TO 33B.11 TO 16C.5 TO 10D.10 TO 2011.The AMVER system requires __D____.A.Sailing plans to be sent before departureB.More frequent reports in heavy weatherC.Arrival reports to be sent within 8 hours of arrivalD.A position report within 24 hours of departure12.The apparent wind's speed can be zero,but only when two conditions are present.One condition is that the true wind ___C___.A.Must be from dead aheadB.Speed must be zeroC.Must be from dead asternD.Must be on the beam13.The area of strong westerly winds occurring between 40°S and 60°S latitude is called the___C___.A.polar easterliesB.prevailing westerliesC.roaring fortiesD.jet streams14.The Beaufort scale is used to estimate the ___C___.A.Wind directionB.Percentage of cloud coverC.Wind speedD.Barometric pressure15.The dense black cumulonimbus clouds surrounding the eye of a hurricane are called__B____.A.Spiral rainbandsB.Cloud wallsC.Funnel cloudsD.Cyclonic spirals16.The eye of a hurricane is surrounded by dense black cumulonimbus clouds which are calledthe ___A___.A.Wall cloudB.Nimbostratus cloudC.BarD.Funnel17.The Routing System which aimed at reducing the risk ofcasualties is called as __A____.A.Traffic Separation SchemesB.Recommended tracksC.Precautionary areasD.Inshore traffic zones18.The winds you would expect to encounter in the North Atlantic between latitudes 5° and 30°are known as the ____C__.A.DoldrumsB.WesterliesC.TradesD.Easterlies19.TYPHOON KAREN WARNING 14.POSIT ONE THREE PT ONE NORTH ONE FOUR EIGHT PT TWO EAST AT 110000Z.GOOD BASED ON 102200Z RECON FIX.The typhoonis in ___C___.A.the high latitude of the northern hemisphereB.the high latitude of the southern hemisphereC.the low latitude of the northern hemisphereD.the low latitude of the southern hemisphere20.Weather conditions in the middle latitudes generally move ___A___.A.EastwardB.WestwardC.NorthwardD.Southward第3组1.Weather forecast messages are usually __C____.A.Given only to TV stationsB.Transmitted only by commercial broadcast stationsC.Broadcast in plain languageD.Broadcast immediately on VHF Channel 16 and 2182 kHz2.Weather information is available from ___D___.mercial radio broadcastsB.The Coast Guard on scheduled marine information broadcastsC.VHF-FM continuous marine weather broadcasts provided by the National Weather ServiceD.All of the above3.Weather observations provided by each weather station include all of the following except ____C_.A.temperatureB.visibilityC.predicted weather for the next twelve hoursD.barometric pressure and change in the last three hours4.West backing south-west gale 8 locally storm 10 ____C__ then rain or sleet mainly goo d.A.windy showersB.showers with windsC.wintry showersD.showery winds5.What benefit is a weather bulletin to a mariner ____D____.A.It provides a legal reason to cancel a projected voyageB.It allows the mariner to make long term weather forecastsC.It is of little benefit since the weather changes frequently and rapidlyD.It gives the mariner time to prepare for weather changes6.What will a veering wind do ___A_____.A.Change direction in a clockwise manner in the Northern HemisphereB.Circulate about a low pressure center in a counterclockwise manner in the Northern HemisphereC.Vary in strength constantly and unpredictablyD.Circulate about a high pressure center in a clockwise manner in the Southern Hemisphere7.When a high pressure system is centered north of your vessel in the Northern Hemisphere __B____.A.You should experience hot,moist,clear weatherB.The wind direction is generally easterlyC.The winds should be from the southwest at your locationD.The winds should be brisk8.When force of winds reaches 10-11 in Beaufort scale,we usually call such wind ___B___.A.GaleB.StormC.HurricaneD.Typhoon9.When observing a rapid rise in barometric pressure,you may expect __D____.A.Clear weather with no wind,but the possibility of rain or snow within 24 hoursB.Deteriorating weather with rain or snowC.Heavy rain or severe thundershowersD.Clearing weather,possibly accompanied by high winds10.When steering on autopilot which of the following input conditions may NOT have an effect on the control of the steering gear___A_____.A.Non-follow-upB.Rudder adjustmentC.Weather adjustmentD.All the above may be activated11.Which general weather conditions should you expect to find in a low pressure system _____B___.A.Fair weatherB.Precipitation and cloudinessC.Scattered clouds at high elevationsD.Gradual clearing and cooler temperatures12.Which of the following is not a frontal term ____D__.A.RidgeB.ColC.TroughD.Bora13.Which of the following statements concerning frontal movements is TRUE ____C____.A.The temperature rises after a cold front passesB.The barometric pressure rises when a warm front passesC.A cold front generally passes faster than a warm frontD.A warm front usually has more violent weather associated with it than a cold front14.While on watch,you notice that the air temperature is dropping and is approaching the dew point.Which type of weather should be forecasted ____D____.A.HailB.Heavy rainC.SleetD.Fog15.Widely spaced isobars on a weather map indicate __B___.A.High windsB.Gentle breezesC.Ice,snow or frozen rainD.Probability of tornados第三节海上天气现象第1组1.___D___ are experienced in temperate latitudes during warn summer weather but rarely exceed Force 3 and may extend 10 to 15 miles on either side of the coastline.A.Trade WindsB.Winds of the temperate zonesC.Monsoonsnd and Sea Breezes2.___A___ blow more or less constantly(except when monsoons prevail)throughout all seasons at a mean speed of around 14 knots and are generally strongest in the late winter.A.Trade WindsB.Winds of the temperate zonesC.Monsoonsnd and Sea Breezes3.____D__ forms over land,most frequently during autumn and winter over low-lying land, especially if it is damp and marshy and in valleys on quiet nights with clear skies.A.FRONTAL FOGB.MIXING FOGC.ADVECTION FOGD.RADIATION FOG4.____D__ is a type of fog occurring close to the sea surface when the air is dry and cold-probably at least 9℃below the sea surface temperature.A.MIXING FOGB.ADVECTION FOGC.RADIATION FOGD.ARCTIC SEA SMOKE5.___C___ is the most widespread type likely to be encountered at sea and is caused by relatively warm air being cooled by flowing over a cooler sea surface.A.FRONTAL FOGB.MIXING FOGC.ADVECTION FOGD.RADIATION FOG6. A __A____ is created by a pressure gradient or slope in the water level.A.gradient currentB.density currentC.swift currentD.torrent current7. A barometer showing falling pressure indicates the approach of a __B____.A.High pressure systemB.Low pressure systemC.High dew pointD.Low dew point8. A hurricane moving northeast out of the Gulf passes west of your position.You could expectall of the following EXCEPT ___D___.A.higher than normal swellsB.high windsC.winds veering from south,through west,to northwestD.light showers9. A katabatic wind blows ____C__.A.Up an incline due to surface heatingB.In a circular patternC.Down an incline due to cooling of the airD.Horizontally between a high and a low pressure area10.A sign of thunderstorm development is a cumulus cloud ___D___.A.Darkening,growing in size and forming an anvil topB.That shows extensive vertical developmentC.Creating cold downdrafts that are felt on the groundD.All of the above11.A vessel entering the eye of a hurricane should expect __D____.A.Moderating winds and heavy confused seas to strike his vessel from all directionsB.The winds to increase to hurricane force and strike from a different direction as the eye passesC.The barometer to reach the lowest pointD.All of the above12.Altocumulus clouds are defined as ___B___.A.high cloudsB.middle cloudsC.low cloudsD.vertical development clouds13.By plotting the analysis messages on weather charts,we are able to ____B__.A.prevent any possible accident at seaB.prepare a reasonable forecast of the wind and weatherC.help the mariner to fix a accurate ship's positionD.aid the salvage of a ship in peril14.Clouds with the prefix“nimbo”in their name ___D___.A.are sheet or layer cloudsB.have undergone great vertical developmentC.are middle or high altitude cloudsD.are rain clouds15.Cumulonimbus clouds are formed by __A____.A.vertical air movementsB.heavy rainstormsC.horizontal air movementsD.any movement of moist air16.Cumulus clouds that have undergone vertical development and have become cumulonimbus in form,indicate ____C__.A.clearing weatherB.that a warm front has passedC.probable thunderstorm activityD.an approaching hurricane or typhoon17.Customs,upon boarding a vessel desiring entry into PRCport,would inspect which document ____D____.A.Cargo ManifestB.Certified Crew ListC.Stores ListD.All of the above18.Cyclones that have warm sectors usually move ____B__.A.westerlyB.parallel to the isobars in the warm sectorC.toward the nearest high pressure areaD.faster than the accompanying cold front19.Fetch is the ___B___.A.Distance a wave travels between formation and decayB.Stretch of water over which a wave-forming wind blowsC.Time in seconds required for two crests to pass a given pointD.Measurement of a wave's steepness20.Fog forms when the air __D____.A.Is 50% water saturatedB.Is 90% water saturatedC.Temperature is greater than the dew point temperatureD.Temperature is equal to,or below the dew point temperature第2组1.Good weather is usually associated with a region of ___B___.A.low barometric pressureB.high barometric pressureC.falling barometric pressureD.pumping barometric pressure2.Haze is not caused by ____D__.A.forest firesB.smoke from industrial areasC.dust or sand stormsD.water droplets with the relative humidity more than 95%3.High pressure ridge ____B__ from Sevastopol to eastern Liby a.A.ReachingB.ExtendingC.IncreasingD.Upgrading4.Hurricanes may move in any direction.However,it is rare and generally of short duration when a hurricane in the Northern Hemisphere moves toward the __C____.A.West or northwestB.NortheastC.SoutheastD.North5.If you are caught in the left semicircle of a tropical storm,in the Southern Hemisphere,you should bring the wind ___C___.A.On the starboard quarter,hold course and make as much way as possibleB.2 points on the port quarter,and make as much way as possibleC.On the port bow,and make as much way as possibleD.Dead ahead and heave to6.If you observe the point of cloud convergence shifting to the right and the “bar”of the stormappears to move along the horizon ____A__.A.The center of the storm will by-pass youB.The storm will strike you on the starboard sideC.You are in the direct path of the storm and should take immediate steps to batten down loose gearD.The storm is starting to break up7.In reading a weather map,closely spaced pressure gradient lines would indicate ___A___.A.High windsB.High overcast cloudsC.Calm or light windsD.Fog or steady rain8.In regions near the poles,the winds are generally described as ___B___.A.WesterliesB.EasterliesC.NortherliesD.Southerlies9.In the doldrums you can expect ___B___.A.Steady,constant windsB.Frequent rain showers and thunderstormsC.Steep pressure gradientsD.Low relative humidity10.In the Northern Hemisphere a wind is said to veer when the wind ___A___.A.Changes direction clockwise,as from north to east,et c.B.Changes direction violently and erraticallyC.Remains constant in direction and speedD.Changes direction counterclockwise,as from south to east,et c.11.In the Northern Hemisphere,an observer at point II in the weather system should experiencea wind shift from the ___A___.A.Southwest,clockwise to northwestB.Northeast,clockwise to west-southwestC.Northeast,counterclockwise to northwestD.East,counterclockwise to south-southwest12.In the Northern Hemisphere,if your vessel is in a hurricane's navigable semicircle it shouldbe positioned with the wind on the ____A__.A.Starboard quarter,hold course and make as much speed as possibleB.Port bow,hold course and make as much speed as possible until the hurricane has passedC.Port quarter,maintain course and make as much speed as possibleD.Starboard bow and heave to until the hurricane has passed13.In the Northern Hemisphere,the right half of the storm is known as the dangerous semicircle because ___D___.A.the wind speed is greater here since the wind is traveling in the same general direction as the storm's trackB.the direction of the wind and seas might carry a vessel into the path of the stormC.the seas are higher because of greater wind speedD.All of the above14.In the Northern Hemisphere,when the wind at your location is northerly,the low pressurecenter causing the wind is located to your ____C__.A.NNWB.WSWC.ESED.SSW15.In the relatively calm area near the hurricane center,the seas are ___C___.A.moderate but easily navigatedB.calmC.mountainous and confusedD.mountainous but fairly regular as far as direction is concerned16.In the Southern Hemisphere winds in a low pressure system rotate in a __A____.A.clockwise directionB.northeasterly directionC.northerly directionD.counterclockwise direction17.Isobars on a synoptic chart are useful in predicting ___C___.A.TemperatureB.Dew pointC.Wind velocityD.Relative humidity18.MAINL Y V ARIABLE 3 to 4 VEERING NEL Y 5 TOMORROW MORNING.This forecastrefers to ____B__ in the designated are a.A.visibilityB.windsC.seaD.fog19.MIST is caused by ___D___.A.forest firesB.smoke from industrial areasC.dust or sand stormsD.water droplets with the relative humidity more than 95%20.Monsoons are characterized by ____C__.A.light,variable winds with little or no humidityB.strong,gusty winds that blow from the same general direction all yearC.steady winds that reverse direction semiannuallyD.strong,cyclonic winds that change direction to conform to the passage of an extreme low pressure system第3组1.Recurvature of a hurricane's track usually results in the forward speed ___A___.A.IncreasingB.DecreasingC.Remaining the sameD.V arying during the day2.Steady precipitation is typical of ___B___.ing cold weather conditionsB.A warm front weather conditionC.High pressure conditionsD.Scattered cumulus clouds3.The direction of prevailing winds in the Northern hemisphere is caused by the ____C__.A.Magnetic field at the North PoleB.Gulf StreamC.Earth's rotationD.Arctic cold fronts4.The doldrums are characterized by ___B___.A.Steady,light to moderate windsB.Frequent calmsC.Clear skiesD.Low humidity5.The force resulting from the earth's rotation that causes winds to deflect to the right in theNorthern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere is called _B_____.A.Pressure gradientB.Coriolis effectC.Aurora borealisD.Ballistic deflection6.The moisture equilibrium chart can be used to determine the__B____.A.Absolute moisture content of the air surrounding a hygroscopic cargo when moisture equilibrium existsB.Dew point temperature that the air surrounding a hygroscopic commodity will have when in moisture equilibrium with that commodityC.Enthalpy of the air surrounding a hydroscopic cargo which is in moisture equilibrium with the cargoD.Temperature at which moisture equilibrium will occur in a cargo hold containing a hygroscopic cargo7.The passing of a low pressure system can be determined by periodically checking the___C___.A.ThermometerB.HygrometerC.BarometerD.Anemometer8.The southeast trade winds actually blow toward the __D____.A.SoutheastB.SouthC.EastD.Northwest9.The strong wind will make us ___C___ here for some days.A.To stayB.StayingC.StayD.Stayed10.The thin,whitish,high clouds composed of ice crystals,popularly known as mare's tails are___A___.A.cirrusB.cirrocumulusC.altostratusD.nimbostratus11.The wind is ___C___ and decreasing.A.anticlockwise rotatingB.anticlock rotatingC.clockwise rotatingD.clock rotating12.Tropical cyclones are classified by form and intensity.Which system does not have closedisobars ____B____.A.HurricaneB.Tropical disturbanceC.Tropical depressionD.Cyclone13.Two well-developed high pressure areas may be separated by a ___B___.A.Hill of low pressureB.Trough of low pressureC.Valley of low pressureD.Ridge of low pressure14.What is the first visible indication of the presence of a tropical cyclone or hurricane____C____.A.Stratocumulus clouds or strange birdsB.Rain and increasing windsC.An exceptionally long swellD.Dark clouds and the“bar”of the storm15.What kind of conditions would you observe as the eye of a storm passes over your ship'sposition _____A___.A.Huge waves approaching from all directions,clearing skies,light winds,and an extremely low barometerB.Flat calm seas,heavy rain,light winds,and an extremely low barometerC.Flat calm seas,heavy rain,light winds,and high pressureD.Huge waves approaching from all directions,clearing skies,light winds,and high pressure16.What kind of pressure systems travel in easterly waves ____B____.A.High pressureB.Low pressureC.Subsurface pressureD.Terrastatic pressure17.When a hurricane passes into high latitudes over colder waterand the source of heat is disrupted,the storm assumes thecharacteristics of __B____.A.a high pressure areaB.an extratropical cycloneC.a tropical stormD.an easterly wave18.When a hurricane passes over colder water or land and loses its tropical characteristics,the storm becomes a(n)__B____.A.High pressure areaB.Extratropical low-pressure systemC.Tropical stormD.Easterly wave19.When a tornado moves over the water from land it is called a__B____.A.TornadoB.WaterspoutC.HurricaneD.Cyclone20.When a wind blows round clockwise,it is __D____.A.VariableB.ChangingC.BackingD.V eering第4组1.When experiencing heavy winds,you should reef sails to ____B__.A.bring the sails parallel to the windB.reduce sail area exposed to the windC.allow the sails to catch more windD.remove all tension on the main and jib sheets2.When your vessel is on or near the path of an approachingtropical storm the __D___.A.wind direction remains steadyB.wind speed increasesC.barometer fallsD.All of the above3.Which condition indicates that you are in a hurricane's dangerous semicircle in the Northern hemisphere _____B___.A.A backing windB.A veering windC.A northerD.A strong,gusty wind4.Which condition suggests that your present position lies in the navigable semicircle of a tropical storm ___A_____.A.A backing windB.A veering windC.Sustained gale force windsD.A strong wind that maintains a constant speed and direction5.Which of the following is not a frontal term ____D____.A.ridgeB.colC.troughD.bora6.Which of the following is not a wind ____A____.A.GrowlerB.NortherC.LevanterD.Mistral7.Which type of precipitation is a product of the violent convection found in thunderstorms _____C___.A.SnowB.Freezing RainC.HailD.Sleet8.You have determined that you are in the right semicircle of a tropical cyclone in the Northern Hemisphere.What action should you taketo avoid the storm ____D____.A.Place the wind on the starboard quarter and hold that courseB.Place the wind on the port quarter and hold that courseC.Place the wind on the port bow and hold that courseD.Place the wind on the starboard bow and hold that course9.Your facsimile prognostic chart indicates that you will cross the cold front of a low pressure system in about 24 hours.You should ___C___.A.Expect to see cirrus clouds followed by altostratus and nimbostratus cloudsB.Alter course to remain in the navigable semicircleC.Prepare for gusty winds,thunderstorms,and a sudden wind shiftD.Expect clear weather,with steady winds and pressure,until thefront passes。
航海气象 图片及知识点总结
航海气象英语考查知识点1. 气旋和反气旋cyclone/anticyclone2. 锋面冷锋和暖锋cold/warm front, occluded front/ occlusion3. 风带 wind belts/pattern, prevailing winds4. 洋流 ocean current洋流类型:风海流、密度流、补偿流Pattern:1. Clockwise in North Atlantic and North Pacific (the low to middle latitude in South Hemisphere)2. Counterclockwise in South Indian Ocean, South Atlantic, South Pacific, and the Mediterranean (the low to middle latitude in Southern Hemisphere )3. To the East in summer and to the west in winter in North Indian Ocean.4. In the middle to high latitude, counterclockwise in Northern Hemisphere and Around the Antarctica in Southern Hemisphere.5. Fogsdew point, relative humidity, saturation (saturated), water vapor advection, radiation, steam, frontal fogArctic smoke fog6. Cloudshigh cloud (cirrus, cirrocumulus, cirrostratus)middle cloud(altocumulus, altostratus)low cloud (nimbostratus, stratocumulus, stratus, cumulus, cumulonimbus)冷锋过境:移动快则形成狭窄区域的积雨云,移动慢则形成范围较大的高层云和雨层云暖锋过境:从高到低卷云-卷层云-高层云-雨层云冷锋过境,风向顺时针改变;暖锋过境后,风向顺转。
• 航海气象船长的职责 • 航海气象知识与技能 • 航海气象船长的经验与案例 • 航海气象船长的挑战与应对策略 • 航海气象船长的未来发展
01 航海气象船长的职责
航海气象船长需负责观测海上的 气象条件,包括风向、风速、气 压、温度、湿度等,以确保航行 安全。
大气由干洁空气、水汽、气溶胶 粒子(云、雾、霾等)和悬浮固 体杂质(沙尘、花粉等)组成。
根据温度和成分的变化,大气被 分为对流层、平流层、中间层和 热层等不同层次。
航海图是专门用于海上航行的地图,包括海图、航路指南图、潮汐表等,是船长航行决策的重要依据 。
根据观测结果,航海气象船长需 及时向相关部门报告气象信息, 以确保航行安全和海洋环境监测 的准确性。
航海气象船长需根据观测到的气象信 息,对航行安全进行评估,并提出相 应的安全建议或措施。
在遇到紧急情况或危险天气时,航海 气象船长需根据实际情况迅速做出决 策,采取必要的措施保障船员和乘客 的安全。
-2-/vis/-7-海流流线图海流频率图-9-Wave Rose-11-北半球沿岸地区受到风力作用所产生的上升流与下降流湍流粘滞系数(如何确定,目前尚无统一方法。
•动力因子-风生流(Wind-Driven Currents)在无限深海中,由于地转偏向力作用,表层风海流的流向在北半球偏于风去向之右约45°,在南球偏于风去向洋流的成因分析(Causes of Ocean Currents)密度流(Density Current):由于海水密度分布不均匀引起等压面倾斜而产生的地转流。
测者-35-洋流的成因分析(Causes of Ocean Currents)三圈环流理论下的大洋环流高纬度海区表现为气旋式冷水环流系统,中低纬海区表现为反气旋式暖水环流系统信风流(或赤道流):在稳定的东北信风和东南信风作用下形成的两只强大的信风海流Trade Wind Drift)。
在北半球称“北赤道海流”,在南半球称“南赤道海流”(因此又称为赤道流Equatorial Currents)。
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9 航海气象9.2 海上气象报告与气象导航951.When winds of force reach 10-11 in Beaufort Scale,usually we call such winds as ______.A. HurricaneB. BreezeC. StormD. GaleKEY: C952.The Routing System which aimed at reducing the risk of casualties is called as ______.A. Traffic Separation SchemesB. Recommended tracksC. Precautionary areasD. Inshore traffic zonesKEY: A953.______ LOW ELY SLWLY WITH COLD FRONT FM CEN TO 12N 179W AND WARM FROM FM CEN TO 11N 171W.A. SHLWB. SCTDC. OBSD. SWKEY: A954.______ moving rather quickly east expected 150 miles south of Cape Farewell 972 by 160000 GMT.A. Developed lowB. Developing lowC. Being developed lowD. Low to be developedKEY: B955.______ rain means it rains in some parts of the area.A. SquallyB. IsolatedC. ScatteredD. Occasional KEY: C956.{On account of} the bad weather,my ETA is amended to read 1830 his on July 15th.A. For the account of B. Because C. Owing to D. For fear of KEY: C957.A cold front moving in from the northwest can produce ______.A. thunderstorms,hail,and then rapid clearingB. increasing cloud cover lasting for several daysC. lengthy wet weatherD. low ceilings with thick cirrus cloudsKEY: A958.A feature of an inflatable raft which helps keep people stationary in rough weather is ______.A. lashings on the floor of the raft for the passenger's feetB. straps from the overheadC. lifelines on the inside of the raftD. ridges in the floor of the raftKEY: C959.A line on a weather chart connecting places which have the same barometric pressure is called an ______.A. isothermB. isallobarC. isobarD. isotopeKEY: C960.A local wind which occurs during the daytime and is caused by the different rates of warming of land and water is a ______.A. foehnB. chinookC. land breezeD. sea breeze KEY: D961.A local wind which occurs during the daytime and is caused by the different rates of warming of land and water is a ______.A. FoehnB. ChinookC. land breezeD. sea breezeKEY: D962.A low,uniform layer of cloud resembling fog,but not resting on the ground,is called______.A. cumulusB. nimbusC. stratusD. cirrus KEY: C963.A mercurial barometer at sea is subject to rapid variations in height (pumping) due to the pitch and roll of the vessel. To avoid this error,measurements of atmospheric pressure at sea are usually measured with a(n) _____.A. syphon barometerB. cistern barometerC. aneroid barometerD. fortin barometerKEY: C964.A microbarograph is a precision instrument that provides a ______.A. charted record of atmospheric temperature over timeB. charted record of atmospheric pressure over timeC. graphic record of combustible gases measured in an atmosphereD. graphic record of vapor pressure from a flammable/combustible liquidKEY: B965.A millibar is a unit of ______.A. humidityB. precipitationC. pressureD. temperature KEY: C966.A sea breeze is a wind ______.A. that blows towards the sea at nightB. that blows towards an island during the dayC. caused by cold air descending a coastal inclineD. caused by the distant approach of a hurricaneKEY: B967.A sylphon cell is a part of a ______.A. maximum thermometerB. barographC. thermographD. hygrometerKEY: B968.A tropical cyclone has recurved and entered temperate latitudes. In the Northern Hemisphere when a large high pressure system lies north of the storm,what situation may occur?A. The low may suddenly deepen,and the cyclone intensify and pick up speed.B. The left semicircle may become the dangerous semicircle.C. The low and the high may merge and cancel out the weather characteristics of each.D. The high may force the cyclone to reverse its track.KEY: B969.A tropical storm is building strength some distance from your ship. Waves are coming from the east,with periods increasing from 5 seconds to 15 seconds. The swell is from the east. Where was the storm when these new swells were generated?A. To the north of youB. To the south of youC. To the east of youD. To the west of youKEY: C970.A tropical wave is located 200 miles due west of your position,which is north of the equator. Where will the wave be in 24 hours?A. Farther away to the westB. Farther away to the eastC. In the same placeD. Closer and to the westKEY: A971.A tropical wave is usually preceded by ______.A. tropical stormsB. good weatherC. heavy rain and cloudinessD. heavy seasKEY: B972.A weather forecast states that the wind will commence backing. In the Northern Hemisphere,this would indicate that it will ______.A. shift in a clockwise mannerB. shift in a counterclockwise mannerC. continue blowing from the same directionD. decrease in velocityKEY: B973.A weather map is a synoptic data because it ______.A. summarizes a great deal of informationB. can be interpreted accuratelyC. appears dailyD. is prepared by the Weather BureauKEY: A974.A WIND BLOWS ROUND ANTICLOCKWISE defines ______.A. Backing (of wind)B. Beach (to)C. Veering (of wind)D. Maintaining direction of the windKEY: A975.After a cold front passes the barometric pressure usually ______.A. fluctuatesB. remains the sameC. remains the same,with clouds forming rapidlyD. rises,often quite rapidly,with clearing skiesKEY: D976.After a cold front passes,the barometric pressure ______.A. drops,and the temperature dropsB. drops,and the temperature risesC. rises,and the temperature dropsD. rises,and the temperature risesKEY: C977.All of the following are associated with cumulonimbus clouds EXCEPT ______.A. steady rainfallB. hail stormsC. thunderstormsD. tornadoes or waterspoutsKEY: A978.An air mass is termed warm if ______.A. it is above 70°FB. the ground over which it moves is cooler than the airC. it originated in a high pressure areaD. it originated in a low pressure area KEY: B979.An aneroid barometer is an instrument ______.A. used to measure the speed of windB. in which the pressure of the air ismeasuredC. that tells which direction a storm is coming fromD. used to measure the height of wavesKEY: B980.An occluded front on a weather map is colored ______.A. blue lineB. purple lineC. dashed blue lineD. alternate red and blue lineKEY: B981.Anticyclones are usually characterized by ______.A. dry,fair weatherB. high winds and cloudinessC. gustiness and continuous precipitationD. overcast skiesKEY: A982.As the temperature for a given mass of air increases,the ______.A. dew point increasesB. dew point decreasesC. relative humidity increasesD. relative humidity decreasesKEY: D983.BASHI:E TO SE 9-10.500M IN HVY SQUALLY SHWRS AND TS.SEA 8-9M.SWELL SE 6-7M.From the above forecast,the wind in Beaufort Scale will be ______.A. STRONG GALE TO STORMB. GALE TO STRONG GALEC. NEAR GALE TO GALED. STRONG BREEZE TO NEAR GALE KEY: A984.CAPE WEST WIND WEST TO SOUTHWEST 15 TO 20 KNOTS WEATHER SHOWERS.This description is likely to be under the heading of ______.A. FORECASTB. STORM WARNINGC. GENERAL SITUATIOND. MAP ANALYSISKEY: A985.During the voyage he encountered boisterous winds and heavy weather during which time the vessel ______ heavily and to such an extent that at times it was necessary to change course.A. moved B. labored C. drove D. wentKEY: B986.During the voyage my ship ______ bad weather in the Pacific Ocean.A. meets withB. has met withC. met withD. meeted withKEY: C987.Especially in adverse weather,risk of collision with an offshore supply vessel increases when the vessel is moored to what side of the unit? ______.A. UpwindB. DownwindC. CrosswindD. DowncurrentKEY: A988.Fleet weather forecast messages are the expected conditions in ______.A. a certain areaB. all ocean areasC. some areasD. important areas KEY: A989.For an accurate barometer check,you would ______.A. check it with a barometer on another vesselB. take readings from several barometers and average themC. check it with the barometer at the ship chandleryD. check it against radio or National Weather Service reports of the immediate vicinity KEY: D990.Gale warnings are usually issued when winds of ______ 8-9 are expected.A. wind SpeedB. Air ForceC. wind VelocityD. Beaufort Force KEY: D991.HIGH WAVES;DENSE STREAKS OF FOAM ALONG THE DIRECTION OF THE WIND;CRESTS OF WAVES BEGIN TO TOPPLE,TUMBLE AND ROLL OVER;SPRAY MAY AFFECT VISIBILITY.This condition is likely to be termed ______.A. strong breezeB. near galeC. galeD. strong gale KEY: D992.If a weather bulletin shows the center of a low pressure system to be 100 miles due east of you,what winds can you expect in the Southern Hemisphere? ______.A. South-southwesterlyB. North-northwesterlyC. South-southeasterlyD. North-northeasterlyKEY: A993.If the sky was clear,with the exception of a few cumulus clouds,it would indicate ______.A. rainB. hurricane weatherC. fair weatherD. fog setting in KEY: C994.If your weather bulletin shows the center of a low pressure area to be 100 miles due east of your position,what winds can you expect in the Northern Hemisphere? ______.A. East to northeastB. East to southeastC. North to northwestD. South to southeastKEY: C995.In Beaufort Scale,the wind force 7 with speed of 28-33 knots is defined as ______.A. Moderate galeB. Near galeC. Strong galeD. Whole galeKEY: B996.INTERTROPICAL CONVERGENCE ZONE OVER SOUTH PHILIPPINE PASSING OVER MINDANAO NORTHERN SULU AND PALAWAN.This paragraph is likely to be under the heading of ______.A. GALE WARNINGB. 24 HOURS FORECASTC. SYNOPSISD. STORM WARNINGKEY: C997.It is predicted that heavy rains are ______ to flood the harbor and its vicinity in a few days.A. frightening B. threatening C. scattering D. warning KEY: B998.Mechanical lifting of air by the upslope slant of the terrain is called ______.A. vertical liftingB. convective liftingC. advective liftingD. topographic liftingKEY: D999.Of the following,______ is not a wind.A. boraB. gustC. gregaleD. floeKEY: D1000.OWING TROPICAL STORM9706 CROSSING OUR/COURSE PLSPERMIT SHELTERING KAGOSHIMA KAIWAN. This cable indicates that ______.A. she requested shelter permissionB. she intended to berth at port of KAGOSHIMAC. she intended to change her courseD. she was reporting to the port that a tropical storm is comingKEY: A9.3 海上天气现象1001.When a wind blows round clockwise,it is ______.A. VariableB. ChangingC. BackingD. VeeringKEY: D1002.Isobars on a synoptic chart are useful in predicting ______.A. temperatureB. dew pointC. wind velocityD. relative humidity KEY: C1003.______ causing strong winds and rough sea north west Bay of Biscay.A. Strong low pressureB. Strong high pressureC. Steep pressure gradientD. Steep gradient pressureKEY: C1004.A hurricane moving northeast out of the Gulf passes west of your position. You could expect all of the following EXCEPT ______.A. higher than normal swellsB. high windsC. winds veering from south,through west,to northwestD. light showers KEY: D1005.A katabatic wind blows ______.A. up an incline due to surface heatingB. in a circular patternC. down an incline due to cooling of the airD. horizontally between a high and a low pressure areaKEY: C1006.A steep barometric gradient indicates ______.A. calmsB. light windsC. strong windsD. precipitationKEY: C1007.A storm is forecast for the area where your vessel is moored. For its safety you should put ______.A. more slack in the mooring linesB. a strain on the mooring linesC. chafing gear on the mooring linesD. grease on the mooring linesKEY: C1008.A strong,often violent,northerly wind occurring on the Pacific coast of Mexico,particularly during the colder months,is called ______.A. Tehuan tepecerB. PapagayoC. NortherD. PamperoKEY: B1009.A strong,often violent,northerly wind occurring on the Pacific coast of Mexico,particularly during the colder months,is a ______.A. PapagayoB. fall windC. foehnD. williwawKEY: B1010.A thin,whitish,high cloud popularly known as mares tails is ______.A. altostratusB. stratusC. cumulusD. cirrusKEY: D1011.A very light breeze that causes ripples on a small area of still water is a ______.A. cat's pawB. hog's breathC. williwawD. chinook KEY: A1012.Above-normal tides near the center of a hurricane maybe caused by the ______.A. high barometric pressureB. jet streamC. storm surgeD. torrential rainsKEY: C1013.Altocumulus clouds are defined as ______.A. high cloudsB. middle cloudsC. low cloudsD. vertical development cloudsKEY: B1014.An anemometer on a moving vessel measures ______.A. apparent wind speed onlyB. true wind speed and true wind directionC. true wind speed onlyD. apparent wind speed and true wind direction KEY: A1015.An aneroid barometer reading should be corrected for differences in ______.A. elevationB. temperatureC. wind speedD. latitudeKEY: A1016.Cirrus clouds are composed primarily of ______.A. ice crystalsB. water dropletsC. snow crystalsD. nitrogenKEY: A1017.Early indications of the approach of a hurricane may be all of the following EXCEPT______.A. short confused swellsB. gradually increasing white clouds (mare's tails)C. pumping barometerD. continuous fine mist-like rain KEY: A1018.Especially in adverse weather,risk of collision with an offshore supply vessel increases when the vessel is moored to what side of the unit? ______.A. UpwindB. DownwindC. CrosswindD. DowncurrentKEY: A1019.Fetch is the ______.A. distance a wave travels between formation and decayB. stretch of water over which a wave-forming wind blowsC. time in seconds required for two crests to pass a given pointD. measurement of a wave's steepnessKEY: B1020.Fleet weather forecast messages are the expected conditions in ______.A. a certain areaB. all ocean areasC. some areasD. important areasKEY: A1021.Fog is likely to occur when there is little difference between the dew point and the ______.A. relative humidityB. air temperatureC. barometric pressureD. absolute humidityKEY: B1022.For an accurate barometer check,you would ______.A. check it with a barometer on another vesselB. take readings from several barometers and average themC. check it with the barometer at the ship chandleryD. check it against radio or National Weather Service reports of the immediate vicinity KEY: D1023.Gasoline tank vent lines on board small passenger vesselsmust be fitted with removable flame screens ____.A. and 30 square inches of louversB. three inches in diameter with a check valve to prevent water from entering in heavy weatherC. three inches in circumference inside the fill pipeD. consisting of a single screen of at least 30 X 30 mesh,corrosion resistant wireKEY: D1024.Generally speaking,with ______ the weather becomes cloudy or overcast with strong winds.A. high pressuresB. low pressuresC. weak pressuresD. strong pressuresKEY: B1025.Good weather is usually associated with a region of ______.A. low barometric pressureB. high barometric pressureC. falling barometric pressureD. pumping barometric pressureKEY: B1026.High clouds,composed of small white flakes or scaly globular masses,and often banded together to form a mackerel sky,would be classified as ______.A. cirrusB. cirrocumulusC. altostratusD. cumulonimbusKEY: B1027.High pressure ridge ______ from Sevastopol to eastern Libya.A. reachingB. extendingC. increasingD. upgradingKEY: B1028.Hurricane warnings are issued ______ when winds of force 12 or above are expected.A. in all parts of the world B. in some parts of the worldC. from all corners of the worldD. from every corner of the world KEY: B1029.If you are caught in the left semicircle of a tropical storm,in the Southern Hemisphere,you should bring the wind ______.A. on the starboard quarter,hold course and make as much way as possibleB. 2 points on the port quarter,and make as much way as possibleC. on the port bow,and make as much way as possibleD. dead ahead and heave toKEY: C1030.In a storm,the leeward lines of a ship's mooring system will ______.A. pull the unit in the same direction that the weather is pushing itB. pull the unit in the opposite direction that the weather is pushing itC. tend to keep the unit on its original location over the well headD. affect the unit's draft and inclination as maximum mooring tensions are reachedKEY: A1031.In bad weather,what length of chain should be used with a single anchor?A. 3 times the depth of waterB. 6 times the depth of waterC. 10 times the depth of waterD. 15 times the depth of waterKEY: C1032.In North America the majority of the weather systems move from ______.A. north to southB. south to northC. east to westD. west to eastKEY: D1033.In reading a weather map,closely spaced pressure gradient lines would indicate ______.A. high windsB. high overcast cloudsC. calm or light windsD. fog or steady rainKEY: A1034.In the doldrums you can expect ______.A. steady,constant windsB. frequent rain showers and thunderstormsC. steep pressure gradientsD. low relative humidityKEY: B1035.In the doldrums you will NOT have ______.A. high relative humidityB. frequent showers and thunderstormsC. steep pressure gradientsD. frequent calmsKEY: C1036.In the relatively calm area near the hurricane center,the seas are ______.A. moderate but easily navigatedB. calmC. mountainous and confusedD. mountainous but fairly regular as far as direction is concernedKEY: C1037.Little or no change in the barometric reading over a twelve hour period indicates ______.A. stormy weather is imminentB. that present weather conditions will continueC. a defect in the barometerD. increasing wind strengthKEY: B1038.MAINLY GOOD BECOMING MODERATE.This forecast probably refers to ______ in a certain area.A. visibilityB. windsC. seaD. fogKEY: A1039.MAINLY VARIABLE 3 to 4 VEERING NELY 5 TOMORROW MORNING.This forecast refers to ______ in the designated area.A. visibilityB. windsC. seaD. fog KEY: B1040.Most high pressure areas are accompanied by ______.A. precipitationB. clear,cool weatherC. humid,sticky weatherD. cool fogsKEY: B1041.NASHA VERELLA ST JACQUES ZENMU ANSHA REEF CLOUDY TO OVERCAST WITH SHOWERS WIND SW 17 TO 21 SEA MOD VIS GOOD TO MOD.The abovementioned forecast is probably from ______.A. Radio DalianB. Radio GuangzhouC. Radio SingaporeD. Radio BangkokKEY: B1042.Navigational warnings and weather bulletins for shipping ______ from Singapore Radio.A. broadcast B. broadcasted C. are broadcast D. are broadcastedKEY: C1043.On a working copy of a weather map,a cold front is represented by what color line?A. RedB. BlueC. Alternating red and blueD. PurpleKEY: B1044.On the pole side of the high pressure belt in each hemisphere,the pressure diminishes. The winds along these gradients are diverted by the Earth's rotation toward the east and are known as the ______.A. geostrophic windsB. doldrumsC. horse latitudesD. prevailing westerliesKEY: D1045.Plain language is usually used on marine weather ______.A. forecastsB. observationsC. analysesD. reports KEY: A1046.Prevailing winds between 30°N and 60°N latitude are from the ______.A. northB. southC. eastD. westKEY: D1047.Recurvature of a hurricane's track usually results in the forward speed ______.A. increasingB. decreasingC. remaining the sameD. varying during the dayKEY: A1048.Relative humidity is the percentage of water vapor that is in the air as compared to the maximum amount it can hold at ______.A. a specific barometric pressureB. a specific temperatureC. a specific wind speedD. any timeKEY: B1049.Snow has obliterated surface features and the sky is covered with uniform,altostratus clouds. There are no shadows and the horizon has disappeared. What is this condition called?A. Ice blinkB. WhiteoutC. Water skyD.Aurora reflectionKEY: B1050.Steady precipitation is typical of ______.A. coming cold weather conditionsB. a warm front weather conditionC. high pressure conditionsD. scattered cumulus cloudsKEY: B。