商业银行信贷风险管理外文文献翻译中文3000多字Credit risk management is a XXX business。
financing ns。
payment and settlement。
and other XXX。
credit XXX risk factor for commercial banks。
XXX such as life risk and uncertainty.Effective credit risk management is essential for commercial banks to minimize the impact of credit losses。
This involves identifying and assessing potential risks。
XXX strategies。
By doing so。
commercial banks XXX the potential for credit losses.One of the key components of credit risk management iscredit analysis。
This involves evaluating the orthiness of borrowers to determine the likelihood of default。
Credit analysis XXX's financial history。
credit score。
XXX credit analysis。
commercial banks can make informed lending ns and minimize the risk of default.Another important aspect of credit risk management is credit XXX can also help commercial banks XXX.In n。
本科毕业论文外文参考文献译文及原文学院经济与贸易学院专业经济学(贸易方向)年级班别2007级 1 班学号3207004154学生姓名欧阳倩指导教师童雪晖2010 年 6 月 3 日目录1 外文文献译文(一)中国银行业的改革和盈利能力(第1、2、4部分) (1)2 外文文献原文(一)CHINA’S BANKING REFORM AND PROFITABILITY(Part 1、2、4) (9)1概述世界银行(1997年)曾声称,中国的金融业是其经济的软肋。
1中国主要银行的英文缩写中国银行——BOC(Bank of China)北京市商业银行——已经改名北京银行——BOB(Bank of Beijing)交通银行——BCM(Bank of Communications)中国农业银行——ABC(Agricultural Bank of China)中国工商银行——ICBC(Industrial and Commercial Bank of China)兴业银行——CIB (Industrial Bank Co., Ltd)中国民生银行——CMBC(China Minsheng Banking Co., Ltd)招商银行——CMB(China Merchants Bank Ltd)中国建设银行——CBC(China Construction Bank)中国光大银行——CEB(China Everbright Bank)中信银行——CCB(China Citic Bank)广东发展银行——GDB(Guangdong Development Bank)上海浦东发展银行——SPDB/SPDBank(Shanghai Pudong Development Bank) 深圳发展银行——SDB(Shenzhen Development Bank)2.世界各国主要银行的英文缩写阿比国民银行Abbey National 英国巴克莱银行Barclays Bank PLC. 英国劳埃德银行Lloyds Bank PLC. 英国国民西敏寺银行National Westminster Bank PLC. 英国米兰银行Midland Bank 英国巴黎国民银行Banque Nationale de Paris 法国里昂信贷银行Credit Lyonnais 法国农业信贷国民银行de Caisse Nationale Credit Agricole 法国梅隆国民银行Mellon National Corp. 美国花旗银行Citibank 美国汉华实业银行Manufacturers Hanover Corp. 美国大通曼哈顿银行Chase Manhattan Bank 美国第一洲际银行First Interstate Bancorp 美国美洲银行(全称"美洲银行国民信托储蓄会") Bank America Corp( "Bank of America National Trust and Savings Associations") 美国摩根保证信托银行Morgan Guaranty Trust Corp. of New York 美国纽约化学银行Chemical New York Corp. 美国纽约银行家信托公司Bankers Trust New York Corp. 美国太平洋安全银行Security Pacific Corp 美国芝加哥第一国民银行First Chicago Corp. 美国德累斯顿银行Dresdner Bank 德国德意志银行Deutsche Bank 德国西德意志地方银行Westdeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale 德国大和银行Daiwa Bank 日本第一劝业银行Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank 日本东海银行Tokai Bank 日本东京银行Bank of Tokyo 日本富士银行Fuji Bank 日本日本兴业银行Industrial Bank of Japan 日本三和银行Sanwa Bank 日本三井银行Mitsui Bank 日本三菱银行Mitsubishi Bank 日本住友信托银行Sumitomo Trust&Banking日本都灵圣保罗银行Istituto Bancario SanPaolo Di Torino 意大利国民劳动银行Banca Nazionale del Lavoro 意大利伦巴省储蓄银行Cassa Di Risparmio Delle Provincie Lombarde 意大利西亚那银行Monte Dei Paschi Di Siena 意大利意大利商业银行Banca Commerciale Italiana 意大利意大利信贷银行Credito Italiano 意大利荷兰农业合作社中央银行Cooperatieve Centrale Raifferssen-Boerenleenbank 荷兰荷兰通用银行Algemene Bank Nederland 荷兰加拿大帝国商业银行Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 加拿大加拿大皇家银行Royal Bank of Canada 加拿大多伦多自治领银行Toronto-Dominion Bank 加拿大瑞士联合银行Union Bank of Switzerland 瑞士瑞士信贷银行Credit Suisse 瑞士瑞士银行公司Swiss Bank Corp. 瑞士西太平洋银行公司Westpac Banking Corp. 澳大利亚巴西银行Banco Do Brasil 巴西汇丰银行Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corp. 香港中国银行Bank of China 中国文案编辑词条B 添加义项?文案,原指放书的桌子,后来指在桌子上写字的人。
毕业论文外文翻译 外文来源Commercial Bank Risk Management: An Analysis of the Process 中文译文商业银行表外业务风险控制2014年 3 月 15 日部 (系) 商 学 部 专 业 金 融 学 姓 名 学 号 指导老师Commercial Bank Risk Management: An Analysis ofthe ProcessRui HeTrends and issues in Commercial Bank Risk ManagementAbstractThroughout the past year, on-site visits to financial service firms were conducted to review and evaluate their financial risk management systems. The commercial banking analysis covered a number of North American super-regionals and quasi±money-center institutions as well as several firms outside the U.S. The information obtained covered both the philosophy and practice of financial risk management. This article outlines the results of this investigation. It reports the state of risk management techniques in the industry. It reports the standard of practice and evaluates how and why it is conducted in the particular way chosen. In addition, critiques are offered where appropriate. We discuss the problems which the industry finds most difficult to address, shortcomings of the current methodology used to analyze risk, and the elements that are missing in the current procedures of risk management.1. . IntroductionThe past decade has seen dramatic losses in the banking industry. Firms that had been performing well suddenly announced large losses due to credit exposures that turned sour, interest rate positions taken, or derivative exposures that may or may not have been assumed to hedge balance sheet risk. In response to this, commercial banks have almost universally embarked upon an upgrading of their risk management and control systems.Coincidental to this activity, and in part because of our recognition of theindustry's vulnerability to financial risk, the Wharton Financial Institutions Center, with the support of the Sloan Foundation, has been involved in an analysis of financial risk management processes in the financial sector. Through the past academic year, on-site visits were conducted to review and evaluate the risk management systems and the process of risk evaluation that is in place. In the banking sector, system evaluation was conducted covering many of North America's super-regionals and quasi±money-center commercial banks, as well as a number of major investment banking firms. These results were then presented to a much wider array of banking firms for reaction and verification. The purpose of the present article is to outline the findings of this investigation. It reports the state of risk management techniques in the industry—questions asked, questions answered, and questions left unaddressed by respondents. This report can not recite a litany of the approaches used within the industry, nor can it offer an evaluation of each and every approach. Rather, it reports the standard of practice and evaluates how and why it is conducted in the particular way chosen. But, even the best practice employed within the industry is not good enough in some areas. Accordingly, critiques also will be offered where appropriate. The article concludes with a list of questions that are currently unanswered, or answered imprecisely in the current practice employed by this group of relatively sophisticated banks. Here, we discuss the problems which the industry finds most difficult to address, shortcomings of the current methodology used to analyze risk, and the elements that are missing in the current procedures of risk management and risk control.2. What type of risk is being considered?Commercial banks are in the risk business. In the process of providing financial services, they assume various kinds of financial risks. Over the last decade our understanding of the place of commercial banks within the financial sector has improved substantially. Over this time, much has been written on the role of commercial banks in the financial sector, both in the academic literature and in the financial press. These arguments will be neither reviewed nor enumerated here.Suffice it to say that market participants seek the services of these financial institutions because of their ability to provide market knowledge, transaction efficiency and funding capability. In performing these roles, they generally act as a principal in the transaction. As such, they use their own balance sheet to facilitate the transaction and to absorb the risks associated with it.To be sure, there are activities performed by banking firms which do not have direct balance sheet implications. These services include agency and advisory activities such as(1) trust and investment management;(2) private and public placements through ``best efforts'' or facilitating contracts;(3) standard underwriting through Section 20 Subsidiaries of the holding company;(4) the packaging, securitizing, distributing, and servicing of loans in the areas of consumer and real estate debt primarily.These items are absent from the traditional financial statement because the latter rely on generally accepted accounting procedures rather than a true economic balance sheet. Nonetheless, the overwhelming majority of the risks facing the banking firm are on-balance-sheet businesses. It is in this area that the discussion of risk management and of the necessary procedures for risk management and control has centered. Accordingly, it is here that our review of risk management procedures will concentrate.3. What kinds of risks are being absorbed?The risks contained in the bank's principal activities, i.e., those involving its own balance sheet and its basic business of lending and borrowing, are not all borne by the bank itself. In many instances the institution will eliminate or mitigate the financial risk associated with a transaction by proper business practices; in others, it will shift the risk to other parties through a combination of pricing and product design.The banking industry recognizes that an institution need not engage in business in amanner that unnecessarily imposes risk upon it; nor should it absorb risk that canbe efficiently transferred to other participants. Rather, it should only manage risks at the firm level that are more efficiently managed there than by the market itself or by their owners in their own portfolios. In short, it should accept only those risks that are uniquely a part of the bank's array of services. Elsewhere (Old field and Santomero, 1997) it has been argued that risks facing all financial institutions can be segmented into three separable types, from a management perspective. These are:1. risks that can be eliminated or avoided by simple business practices;2. risks that can be transferred to other participants;3. risks that must be actively managed at the firm level.In the first of these cases, the practice of risk avoidance involves actions to reduce the chances of idiosyncratic losses from standard banking activity by eliminating risks that are superˉuous to the institution's business purpose. Common risk-avoidance practices here include at least three types of actions. The standardization of process, contracts, and procedures to prevent inefficient or incorrect financial decisions is the first of these. The construction of portfolios that benefit from diversification across borrowers and that reduce the effects of any one loss experience is another. The implementation of incentive compatible contracts with the institution's management to require that employees be held accountable is the third. In each case, the goal is to rid the firm of risks that are not essential to the financial service provided, or to absorb only an optimal quantity of a particular kind of risk.There are also some risks that can be eliminated, or at least substantially reduced through the technique of risk transfer. Markets exist for many of the risks borne by the banking firm. Interest rate risk can be transferred by interest rate products such as swaps or other derivatives. Borrowing terms can be altered to effect a change in their duration.Finally, the bank can buy or sell financial claims to diversify or concentrate the risks that result from servicing its client base. To the extent that the financial risks of the assets created by the firm are understood by the market, these assets can be sold at their fair value. Unless the institution has a comparative advantage in managing the attendant risk and/or a desire for the embedded risk which they contain, there is noreason for the bank to absorb such risks, rather than transfer them.However, there are two classes of assets or activities where the risk inherent in the activity must and should be absorbed at the bank level. In these cases, good reasons exist for using firm resources to manage bank level risk. The first of these includes financial assets or activities where the nature of the embedded risk may be complex and difficult to communicate to third parties. This is the case when the bank holds complex and proprietary assets that have thin, if not nonexistent, secondary markets. Communication in such cases may be more difficult or expensive than hedging the underlying risk. Moreover, revealing information about the customer may give competitors an undue advantage. The second case includes proprietary positions that are accepted because of their risks, and their expected return. Here, risk positions that are central to the bank's business purpose are absorbed because they are the raison of the firm. Credit risk inherent in the lending activity is a clear case in point, as is market risk for the trading desk of banks active in certain markets. In all such circumstances, risk is absorbed and needs to be monitored and managed efficiently by the institution. Only then will the firm systematically achieve its financial performance goal.4. How are these risks managed?In light of the above, what are the necessary procedures that must be in place in order to carry out adequate risk management? In essence, what techniques are employed to both limit and manage the different types of risk, and how are they implemented in each area of risk control? It is to these questions that we now turn. After reviewing the procedures employed by leading firms, an approach emerges from an examination of large-scale risk management systems. The management of the banking firm relies on a sequence of steps to implement a risk management system. These can be seen as containing the following four parts:1. standards and reports,2. position limits or rules,3. investment guidelines or strategies, and4. incentive contracts and compensation.In general, these tools are established to measure exposure, define procedures to manage these exposures, limit individual positions to acceptable levels, and encourage decision makers to manage risk in a manner that is consistent with the firm's goals and objectives. To see how each of these four parts of basic risk-management techniques achieves these ends, we elaborate on each part of the process below. In section 4 we illustrate how these techniques are applied to manage each of the specific risks facing the banking community.1.Standards and reports.The first of these risk-management techniques involves two different conceptual activities, i.e., standard setting and financial reporting. They are listed together because they are the sine qua non of any risk system. Underwriting standards, risk categorizations, and standards of review are all traditional tools of risk management and control. Consistent evaluation and rating of exposures of various types are essential to an understanding of the risks in the portfolio, and the extent to which these risks must be mitigated or absorbed.The standardization of financial reporting is the next ingredient. Obviously, outside audits, regulatory reports, and rating agency evaluations are essential for investors to gauge asset quality and firm-level risk. These reports have long been standardized, for better or worse. However, the need here goes beyond public reports and audited statements to the need for management information on asset quality and risk posture. Such internal reports need similar standardization and much more frequent reporting intervals, with daily or weekly reports substituting for the quarterly GAAP periodicity.2.Position limits and rules.A second technique for internal control of active management is the use of position limits, and/or minimum standards for participation. In terms of the latter, the domain of risk taking is restricted to only those assets or counterparties that pass some prespecified quality standard. Then, even for those investments that are eligible, limits are imposed to cover exposures to counterparties, credits, and overall positionconcentrations relative to various types of risks. While such limits are costly to establish and administer, their imposition restricts the risk that can be assumed by anyone individual, and therefore by the organization as a whole. In general, each person who can commit capital will have a well-defined limit. This applies to traders, lenders ,and portfolio managers. Summary reports show limits as well as current exposure by business unit on a periodic basis. In large organizations with thousands of positions maintained, accurate and timely reporting is difficult, but even more essential.3.Investment guidelines and strategies.Investment guidelines and recommended positions for the immediate future are the third technique commonly in use. Here, strategies are outlined in terms of concentrations and commitments to particular aras of the market, the extent of desired asset-liability mismatching or exposure, and the need to hedge against systematic risk of a particular type.4.Incentives schemes.To the extent that management can enter incentive compatible contracts with line managers and make compensation related to the risks borne by these individuals, then the need for elaborate and costly controls is lessened. However, such incentive contracts require accurate position valuation and proper internal control systems.商业银行的风险管理:一个分析的过程何瑞商业银行风险管理和相关问题摘要在过去一年里,我们通过现场参观金融服务公司来进行审查和评估其金融风险管理系统。
外文文献原文及翻译商业银行创新发展中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)商业银行创新发展中英文对照外文翻译文献Capability Development: Commercial BanksAbstractThe competitive strategies of Thai banks during the transformative period brought some successes and some failures associated with payment systems. In this chapter we show how banks, ranked among the largest in the world, devised and pursued innovation strategies. This allows us to contrast the competitive strategies of first movers, dominant market players, re-engineering leaders, and innovative state banks. The cases illustrate the relationship between innovation and banking leadership in the country. In the final section we assess the common characteristics of these approaches and present some lessons that can be applied by other commercial banks seeking to use IT to gain competitive advantage.Siam Commercial BankSiam Commercial Bank was officially established in 1906, following its transformation from a …Book Club‟ set-up in 1904. The Book Club, which was a private trust, formed the modern basis of the bank, providing basic banking functions such as deposits, loan extensions, and foreign exchange. It was operated by local people and primarily served Thai and Chinese clients in the local business community. The bank became the first Thai commercial bank formed after the first foreign bank, Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Corporation, began operations in the country in 1888. Most importantly, it has served as a model for many Thai commercial banks in the early and modern periods. In 1996, the bank was ranked the fourth largest Thai commercial bank in terms of total assets, and the 211th largestRole of ITSiam Commercial Bank has been progressive in the use of IT through senior-level management support which has helped shape its visions and strategies. For example, the active involvement of the chief executive officer has led to investments in data warehousing technology to learn more about the bank and, more importantly, customer information (The Asian Banker 1997b). Furthermore, the chief executive officer has clearly defined two main objectives in the use of IT: (1) to facilitate daily banking activities between the bank and customers, and (2) to develop new methods in delivering financial services (SCB Technologies 1996a).More interestingly, the bank surprised the banking community in early-1998 by announcing an increased investment in its IT budget by 2–3% over its 900 million baht investment in the previous year (Bangkok Post 1998b). This was despite the country‟s financial crisis which caused a change in the excha nge rate regime, the devaluation of the local currency, and the cutting of costs across companies. In response to the financial crisis, the bank established a non-profit organisation to serve as a job placement centre for potential employers and employees, while also providing language and computer training for unemployed IT professionals (Bangkok Post 1997n).Bank functions related to IT are mainly organised in the technology group. In addition, the information system audit department located within the human resource and control group also has a technological role. The technology group, following the initiation of ideas in the early-1980s and a reorganisation in 1996, reports directly to the bank‟s chief executive officer, and is divided into five main uni ts (SCB Technologies 1996b).商业银行创新发展中英文对照外文翻译文献Firstly, the technology policy division overlooks broad technological developments and provides a centre of co-ordination. It prepares and monitors policies, plans, and the bank‟s expenditures in IT. Secondly, the system engin eering department develops, implements, tests, operates, and maintains the bank‟s computer systems. Thirdly, the technology and process engineering department overlooks the management of the bank‟s two main computer centre, controls the operating systems, and manages the bank‟s data warehouse located in mainframe computers. It also overlooks the purchase of computer equipment. Fourthly, the business relations department manages the bank‟s call centre, promotes the use of IT in the bank and to the public, an d finally, overlooks the bank‟s customer information facility system, credit monitoring, and collection system, and black list system. And lastly, the applied technology department conducts research into the use of new information technologies, maintains computer software, and manages computer hardware, software, and communication standards. This last function has played a particularly important role in building and strengthening bank capabilities and is discussed later.Bank Automation and InnovationComputers were first introduced in 1975. This mainly supported deposit functions located at the bank‟s head office. Early use of IT was extended to more sophisticated bank operations, and financial products and services. The pioneering ATM provided a new method of delivering payment services and was widely adopted by other local commercial banks which diffused nation-wide accordingly. In the 1990s, the bank once again became a pioneer in introducing on-line electronic banking communications in Thailand, particularly in tele-banking and infobanking systems.The bank introduced two major changes in the early 1990s. They were the adoption of customer-based business process management and organisational restructuring at the bank‟s head office. Price Waterhouse was co ntracted to advise on improving the bank‟s commercial lending and counter services, for which the consultants studied customer requirements and modified the bank‟s work processes to help address their needs. This partly resulted in the increased use of IT.A project called “relationship banking 2020” (RB 2020) was initiated jointly with IBM to help shift the bank‟s focus from an account-based to a customer-based system. RB 2020 restructured the way retail banking was delivered to bank customers since the early 1970s, and pioneered an analytical capability that assists in identifying the most suitable services for a specific target group of customers. This project, introduced in early 1996, was to be widely diffused and installed in over 400 bank branches nation-wide.The bank also adapted and applied object-oriented technology to support the delivery of financial services. For example, loan authorisation systems were built based on expert systems which has decision-making capabilities based on a 100-points scale. If a loan application scored high points, the computer approvedthe loan. Otherwise, an average or low score further considered or rejected the application accordingly. Furthermore, the bank built a mobile loan authorization system which efficiently analysed and approved a customer loan application data, following on-line verification by portable computers with its head office. Such services provided new channels for delivering financial services and improved customer convenience.Information technology was also applied to improve personnel management and商业银行创新发展中英文对照外文翻译文献staff promotion (SCB Technologies 1996c). In 1994, the bank‟s human resource and control group introduced a personnel IS that recorded all personnel particulars including education, work experience, and training. Thereafter, an employee promotion system was successfully introduced in 1995. This was aimed to support the bank‟s concept of a learning organisation. The second system was later enhanced to support decision-making in personnel promotion, and was aimed to make personnel information widely available to specific bank departments and branches located nation-wide.Bangkok BankBangkok Bank was established by the Sophonpanich family in 1944 and is the largest Thai commercial bank, enjoying wide recognition regionally and internationally. In 1996, it was ranked the largest Thai commercial bank in assets, and the 121th largest international commercial bank (KTB 1997; The Banker 1997). The bank was also recognised by IBCA, a leading rating institution in Europe, to be the world‟s second most profitable bank in 1994–1995. In 1995, the bank was presented with an award for excellence as the “Best Domestic Bank” in Thailand (Euromoney 1995), having been the largest commercial bank in Southeast Asia, and having expanded its international operations, particularly in the Indo-Chinese region and in the People‟s Republic of China.Role of ITBangkok Bank‟s chairman, together with senior-level management, have clearly defined the bank‟s future theme as being focused on electronic banking and IT which is in support of providing innovative financial services and generating fees-basedincome (Bangkok Post 1997p). Such a technologically oriented theme was well supported with regular five-year technological improvement plans. For example, an approximate sum of 400–500 million baht was allocated, as of 1998, for the replacement of computer hardware and software among the bank‟s nation-wide branches. Nevertheless, the bank‟s senior vice president (SVP) for systems development suggests that the support of such a strategy involves not only investments in IT.IT related functions of the bank are located within a technology division which is part of broader support service operations. This includes other …housekeeping‟ divisions like financial information services, operation, general service, and personnel. In the technology division, there are two departments headed by an executive vice president in charge, including the system development, and information-processing departments, which are, in turn, headed by senior vice presidents and managers.The application of satellite technology supported branch banking in the provincial areas. In addition, this supplemented the use of telephone lines in such remote areas which were inadequate in number and were also relatively unreliable. Therefore, the bank innovated by combining two types of technologies – satellite and microwave technologies. The bank‟s senior EVP for support service operations further explains the potential and problems in this choice of innovation.Sources of InnovationThe sources of innovation can be grouped in four main areas. The first and most important source is bank personnel. At the organisational level, the bank introduced a range of policies and programmes aimed at promoting the quality of staff and services.商业银行创新发展中英文对照外文翻译文献Since the bank began to use computers in the early 1970s, employees working in a particular department became familiar with their tasks, leading to user-driven innovation. Departmental employees, who are owners of specific job functions, gained familiarity with particular routines and used them as a basis for defining user requirements. The bank‟s senior EVP for support service operations emphasized this point.This suggests that the technology division plays a supporting role to other departments. As the decision to use or to invest in a particular type of technology remains with the user, the search for new IT rests with users. For example, staff from specialised bank divisions may request for technology after learning about new applications from overseas travel and training.The second source, computer companies, is a result of such outward-oriented training programmes. For example, this has included training with computer companies such as IBM which provided courses on project management and programming skills. In addition, the bank organised training courses with Microsoft at the bank‟s premises and at the software firm‟s authorised training centres. Such courses have specifically included server administration which is a required skill in nonmainframe technology and has become an emerging trend in the country, particularly networking in local and wide area environments.The third source is the systems development department which has been behind the bank‟s pioneering use of IT. As the bank was the first to develop computer online systems in the country, it enjoyed an early mover advantage, and more importantly, acquired and build-upon these early technological capabilities. The bank‟s SVP forsystems development further suggests that such capabilities may be partly attributed to the systems development department, which has focused its strengths,for example, in the development of retail payment systems.The fourth, and least important source, is consulting companies. During the re-engineering of its work processes, the bank contracted consulting firms, for example Booz Allen and Hamilton, to assist in developing new credit processes, credit lease management, and credit workflow systems. Although such firms have served as the bank‟s idea catalysts and informer of market and technology trends in banking, such sources of knowledge have provided a limited contribution. The bank made two reservations. Firstly, although foreign firms were more experienced, as compared to their local counterparts, this did not suggest that all foreign consultants were experts. Secondly, foreign firms merely made recommendations but faced difficulties in implementing project details. Thus, the bank strongly supports selfreliance and self-judgement, and even argued that 90% of consultant recommendations were widely available in textbooks.Lessons LearnedThis section discusses the common characteristics shared by the commercial banks and draws some lessons for other commercial banks seeking to use IT for competitive advantage. Although there has been widespread developments in IT in the banking sector, major technological developments and trends were initiated by the large commercial banks. Therefore, this group has become technology leaders and their involvement has served as a precedent for, or in some cases as a catalyst to the adoption of new information technologies in the commercial banking sector.商业银行创新发展中英文对照外文翻译文献Most importantly, however, is the acquisition of personnel at the senior-management level. Although such policies are not explicit, it has become one of the common characteristics among the commercial banks. Such individuals have been recruited, or in some cases appointed, to acquire managerial skills and senior management was actively involved in setting IT strategies. In Thailand, where a large number of commercial banks are family-controlled, there has been the appointment of influential figures in the country to key organisational positions. This has largely been to gain and maintain political and social connections in government and business. Thus, such invisible human resources are unique and difficult to transfer, but would provide a potential source of competitive advantage.In sum, the combined case studies helped identify the major sources of innovation which contributed towards banking automation and payments system modernisation. Although such sources included skilled staff, IT, and re-engineering, their potential as a source of sustained competitive advantage varied. In order to develop and provide innovative products and services, commercial banks increasingly depend on the development or acquisition of skilled bank personnel, in contrast with increased investments in IT, or even in bank re-engineering.译文:商业银行能力发展摘要泰国银行在转型期间采用的竞争策略使其支付系统有成功与失败之处。
商业银行风险管理中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)“RISK MANAGEMENT IN COMMERCIAL BANKS”(A CASE STUDY OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SECTOR BANKS) - ABSTRACT ONLY1. PREAMBLE:1.1 Risk Management:The future of banking will undoubtedly rest on risk management dynamics. Only those banks that have efficient risk management system will survive in the market in the long run. The effective management of credit risk is a critical component of comprehensive risk management essential for long-term success of a banking institution. Credit risk is the oldest and biggest risk that bank, by virtue of its very nature of business, inherits. This has however, acquired a greater significance in the recent past for various reasons. Foremost among them is the wind of economic liberalization that is blowing across the globe. India is no exception to this swing towards market driven economy. Competition from within and outside the country has intensified. This has resulted in multiplicity of risks both in number and volume resulting in volatile markets. A precursor to successful management of credit risk is a clear understanding about risks involved in lending, quantifications of risks within each item of the portfolio and reaching a conclusion as to the likely composite credit risk profile of a bank.The corner stone of credit risk management is the establishment of a framework that defines corporate priorities, loan approval process, credit risk rating system, risk-adjusted pricing system, loan-review mechanism and comprehensive reporting system.1.2 Significance of the study:The fundamental business of lending has brought trouble to individual banks and entire banking system. It is, therefore, imperative that the banks are adequate systems for credit assessment of individual projects and evaluating risk associated therewith as well as the industry as a whole. Generally, Banks in India evaluate a proposal through the traditional tools of project financing, computing maximum permissible limits, assessing management capabilities and prescribing a ceiling for an industry exposure. As banks move in to a new high powered world of financial operations and trading, with new risks, the need is felt for more sophisticated and versatile instruments for risk assessment, monitoring and controlling risk exposures. It is, therefore, time that banks managements equip themselves fully to grapple with the demands of creating tools and systems capable of assessing, monitoring and controlling risk exposures in a more scientific manner.Credit Risk, that is, default by the borrower to repay lent money, remains the most important risk to manage till date. The predominance of credit risk is even reflected in the composition of economic capital, which banks are required to keep a side for protection against various risks. According to one estimate, Credit Risk takes about 70% and 30%remaining is shared between the other two primary risks, namely Market risk (change in the market price and operational risk i.e., failure of internal controls, etc.). Quality borrowers (Tier-I borrowers) were able to access the capital market directly without going through the debt route. Hence, the credit route is now more open to lesser mortals (Tier-II borrowers).With margin levels going down, banks are unable to absorb the level of loan losses. There has been very little effort to develop a method where risks could be identified and measured. Most of the banks have developed internal rating systems for their borrowers, but there hasbeen very little study to compare such ratings with the final asset classification and also to fine-tune the rating system. Also risks peculiar to each industry are not identified and evaluated openly. Data collection is regular driven. Data on industry-wise, region-wise lending, industry-wise rehabilitated loan, can provide an insight into the future course to be adopted.Better and effective strategic credit risk management process is a better way to Manage portfolio credit risk. The process provides a framework to ensure consistency between strategy and implementation that reduces potential volatility in earnings and maximize shareholders wealth. Beyond and over riding the specifics of risk modeling issues, the challenge is moving towards improved credit risk management lies in addressing banks’readiness and openness to accept change to a more transparent system, to rapidly metamorphosing markets, to more effective and efficient ways of operating and to meet market requirements and increased answerability to stake holders.There is a need for Strategic approach to Credit Risk Management (CRM) in Indian Commercial Banks, particularly in view of;(1) Higher NPAs level in comparison with global benchmark(2) RBI’ s stipulation about dividend distribution by the banks(3) Revised NPAs level and CAR norms(4) New Basel Capital Accord (Basel –II) revolutionAccording to the study conducted by ICRA Limited, the gross NPAs as a proportion of total advances for Indian Banks was 9.40 percent for financial year 2003 and 10.60 percent for financial year 20021. The value of the gross NPAs as ratio for financial year 2003 for the global benchmark banks was as low as 2.26 percent. Net NPAs as a proportion of net advances of Indian banks was 4.33 percent for financial year 2003 and 5.39 percent for financial year 2002. As against this, the value of net NPAs ratio for financial year 2003 for the global benchmark banks was 0.37 percent. Further, it was found that, the total advances of the banking sector to the commercial and agricultural sectors stood at Rs.8,00,000 crore. Of this, Rs.75,000 crore, or 9.40 percent of the total advances is bad and doubtful debt. The size of the NPAs portfolio in the Indian banking industry is close to Rs.1,00,000 crore which is around 6 percent of India’ s GDP2.The RBI has recently announced that the banks should not pay dividends at more than 33.33 percent of their net profit. It has further provided that the banks having NPA levels less than 3 percent and having Capital Adequacy Reserve Ratio (CARR) of more than 11 percent for the last two years will only be eligible to declare dividends without the permission from RBI3. This step is for strengthening the balance sheet of all the banks in the country. The banks should provide sufficient provisions from their profits so as to bring down the net NPAs level to 3 percent of their advances.NPAs are the primary indicators of credit risk. Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) is another measure of credit risk. CAR is supposed to act as a buffer against credit loss, which isset at 9 percent under the RBI stipulation4. With a view to moving towards International best practices and to ensure greater transparency, it has been decided to adopt the ’ 90 days’ ‘ over due’ norm for identification of NPAs from the year ending March 31, 2004.The New Basel Capital Accord is scheduled to be implemented by the end of 2006. All the banking supervisors may have to join the Accord. Even the domestic banks in addition to internationally active banks may have to conform to the Accord principles in the coming decades. The RBI as the regulator of the Indian banking industry has shown keen interest in strengthening the system, and the individual banks have responded in good measure in orienting themselves towards global best practices.1.3 Credit Risk Management(CRM) dynamics:The world over, credit risk has proved to be the most critical of all risks faced by a banking institution. A study of bank failures in New England found that, of the 62 banks in existence before 1984, which failed from 1989 to 1992, in 58 cases it was observed that loans and advances were not being repaid in time 5 . This signifies the role of credit risk management and therefore it forms the basis of present research analysis.Researchers and risk management practitioners have constantly tried to improve on current techniques and in recent years, enormous strides have been made in the art and science of credit risk measurement and management6. Much of the progress in this field has resulted form the limitations of traditional approaches to credit risk management and with the current Bank for International Settlement’ (BIS) regulatory model. Even in banks which regularly fine-tune credit policies and streamline credit processes, it is a real challenge for credit risk managers to correctly identify pockets of risk concentration, quantify extent of risk carried, identify opportunities for diversification and balance the risk-return trade-off in their credit portfolio.The two distinct dimensions of credit risk management can readily be identified as preventive measures and curative measures. Preventive measures include risk assessment, risk measurement and risk pricing, early warning system to pick early signals of future defaults and better credit portfolio diversification. The curative measures, on the other hand, aim at minimizing post-sanction loan losses through such steps as securitization, derivative trading, risk sharing, legal enforcement etc. It is widely believed that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Therefore, the focus of the study is on preventive measures in tune with the norms prescribed by New Basel Capital Accord.The study also intends to throw some light on the two most significant developments impacting the fundamentals of credit risk management practices of banking industry – New Basel Capital Accord and Risk Based Supervision. Apart from highlighting the salient features of credit risk management prescriptions under New Basel Accord, attempts are made to codify the response of Indian banking professionals to various proposals under the accord. Similarly, RBI proposed Risk Based Supervision (RBS) is examined to capture its direction and implementation problems。
商业银行信用卡风险管理外文文献翻译最新译文This article discusses the importance of credit risk management for commercial banks。
Credit risk is a major concern for banks as it can lead to XXX methods used by banks to manage credit risk。
including credit scoring。
credit limits。
and loanXXX to credit risk management。
The article XXX of credit risk to ensure the long-term XXXCredit risk management is a XXX to manage credit risk XXX。
it is essential for banks to adopt us methods to manage credit risk。
These methods include credit scoring。
credit limits。
and loanXXX are used to limit the amount of credit XXXXXX credit risk management。
The credit risk management department should work XXX departments。
such as lending and complianceXXX。
XXX that they are aware of the latest developments in credit risk management。
XXX of credit risk are critical for the long-term XXX that they are effective and up-to-date。
Commercial Financing Solutions - Think Outside The BankJuly,2007 by Stephen BushCommercial financing borrowers are likely to feel that a traditional bank is their best source for business financing. However, because most traditional banks focus on a small number of established industries, non-traditional (non-bank) and non-local commercial lenders should be considered for most commercial financing situations. Therefore the recommended commercial financing strategy (as discussed in this article) is to Think Outside the Bank”.There are several commercial financing situations in which commercial borrowers will frequently find that non-traditional commercial lenders are better positioned to provide terms that are more advantageous to the commercial borrower: (1) Business cash advance and credit card factoring programs; (2) commercial mortgage loans; and (3) credit card processing programs. In some cases a traditional bank will offer to provide commercial financing but will attach excessively stringent terms and covenants. In other cases a traditional bank will decline the commercial financing outright, perhaps because they do not even provide business financing to the commercial borrower’s particular industry. In either case, the commercial borrower is likely to benefit by Thinking Outside the Bank”.As I noted in an earlier commercial financing article, in many non-competitive business financing situations it is not unusual for a local traditional bank to impose harsher commercial financing terms than would typically be seen in a more competitive business financing market. Such traditional banks routinely take advantage of a relative lack of other commercial lenders in their local market. An appropriate response by commercial borrowers is to seek out non-bank commercial financing options. It is neither necessary nor wise for commercial borrowers to depend only upon local traditional banks for commercial financing solutions. For most commercial financing situations, a non-local and non-bank commercial lender is likely to provide improved business financing terms because they are accustomed to competing aggressively with other commercial lenders.COMMERCIAL FINANCING EXAMPLE ONE - THINK OUTSIDE THE BANKBusiness Cash Advance and Credit Card Receivables ProgramsMost businesses that accept credit cards in their business will qualify for a business cash advance with their credit card receivables. Traditional banks will typically be very poor candidates to consider if a business needs assistance with credit card factoring and business cash advances. Because even thriving businesses frequently need more cash than they can borrow from a bank, it can be of critical importance for a business to Think Outside the Bank” and locate non-traditional lenders to assist with this commercial financing need.COMMERCIAL FINANCING EXAMPLE TWO - THINK OUTSIDE THE BANK Commercial Mortgage LoansTwo of the most common commercial financing difficulties experienced by commercial borrowers can be avoided if they Think Outside the Bank”. The first commercial financing situation is the prevailing practice of traditional banks to avoid most special purpose properties (such as funeral homes and churches). The second commercial financing situation is the typicalpractice of most commercial banks to attach balloon and/or recall provisions to their commercial loans (which means that the bank can require early repayment of the commercial loan under various conditions). Both of these undesirable commercial financing situations can usually and easily be avoided by considering a non-traditional and non-bank lender.COMMERCIAL FINANCING EXAMPLE THREE - THINK OUTSIDE THE BANKCredit Card Processing ProgramsThe choice of an appropriate credit card processing service can be instrumental in improving the profitability of businesses with a high volume of credit card activity. The analysis of credit card processing providers can be effectively combined with the credit card factoring and credit card receivables process described above. In assessing a business cash advance program, it is frequently possible to simultaneously arrange for a substantial improvement in the merchant’s credit card processing program. Because traditional banks are usually not competitive in providing assistance with credit card factoring, it is equally likely that a non-traditional lender will be the primary source of effective and competitive help with credit card processing.A closing commercial financing thought: I have written an earlier commercial financing article about commercial lenders to avoid. It should be noted that there are in fact both traditional and non-traditional (non-bank) lenders which should be avoided. So when commercial borrowers Think Outside the Bank”, it is still of critica l importance that they are prepared to avoid a wide variety of problematic non-traditional commercial lenders in their search for viable commercial financing, especially when it involves business cash advance (credit card receivables and credit card factoring) programs, credit card processing services and commercial real estate financing讨论银行商业融资解决方案2007年7月由斯蒂芬·布什商业融资的借款人可能会感到,传统银行是他们最好的企业融资来源。
1外文资料翻译译文欧盟国内外银行盈利能力影响因素分析摘要:本文使用银行级数据,通过1995 - 2001年期间国内和外国银行在15个欧盟国家的商业运营情况来了解银行的具体特点和整体银行业环境对影响盈利能力。
结果表明, 国内和外国银行的盈利能力不仅受银行具体特点的影响,也受金融市场结构和宏观经济条件的影响。
除了在集中情况下国内银行利润, 所有的变量都是有重大意义的,尽管它们的影响和关系对国内和国外银行并不总是相同。
1 介绍在过去的几年许多的因素造成了欧盟银行业竞争日益激烈。
另外, 最近一些的技术进步对规模经济和范围提供了更多的机会,而采用欧元也加速了行业的变化。
2 文献综述参考文献与本文可分为三大类。
3 决定因素和变量选择3.1 因变量本研究使用平均资产回报率(ROAA)来评估银行的性能。
文献出处: Raut D. The study of international comparative on the development of private banks [J]. International Journal of Services and Operations Management, 2016, 10(3): 279-293.原文The study of international comparative on the development of private banksRaut DAbstractCommunity Banks is an important part of the banking system. Rural cooperative financial organizations in Japan are very successful. They all serve the economy for the vulnerable groups, their are no scale advantage, but because of its accurate market positioning and comparative advantage into full play, and a series of laws and institutions supporting system support, under the big Banks with highly competitive environment, the accumulation of viability, expanding living space.Keywords: Private Banks; Community financial; Path dependence1 operation and characteristics of community Banks in the United StatesThe United States there are a lot of private financial institutions, including bank per capita for most of the world and the community bank (Community Banks) closely related to the widely distributed. Community Banks generally defined according to the assets, the total assets of less than $1 billion all Banks in the ranks of community Banks. Community Banks more set in rural or semi-rural areas, according to a 2012 independent association (ICBA) community Banks in the United States, to the end of 2012, a total of 8932 community Banks across the United States and 39094 branches, these outlets with 54% distribution in rural areas; 26% distribution in the suburbs of the city; 4% distribution in northwest; Only 17% of distribution in the city. The main service object is the vulnerable groups in market economy, the community households and small businesses. In line with such a management idea, community Banks with big Banks for the high-end customer resources; at the same time, we also want a proportion of funds for community of unemployment of come off sentry duty the funding needs of the crowd. The fed's research suggests that community Banks in the United States some poor community economic development has made importantprogress has played a key role.1.1 economic analyses for community Banks to surviveAs a financial intermediary, community Banks to survive the comparative advantage of outstanding reflected in its in relationship lending, and this kind of business is the production of soft information and use of the basic elements. The so-called Soft Information (Soft Information) is difficult to be quantified, the verification and transmit Information. Due to long-term community Banks and enterprises and their owners, suppliers and customers, business communities in various dimensions such as contact, accumulated a lot of information about enterprise. That community Banks based on information superiority in the history of geographical advantages, has more than corporate financial statements and significant value of collateral and credit score, which helps to promote relational loan originators to better solve the problem of the borrower's information opaque (Baas and Shorten, 2015; Berger and Udall, 2010, 2012), the community Banks are able to carry out business activities at a relatively low transaction costs. A lot of empirical research of relationship lending paper drew this conclusion. This advantage first depends on the location of community Banks, community Banks operating capital mainly comes from the community and community for small and medium-sized units, community Banks' shareholders and directors are composed of local residents, and highly centralized equity structure (Brinkley, etc., 2013).The positioning strategy of relying on the community and in the community development, community Banks in the region of the enterprises and residents more familiar, can effectively achieve the community enterprises of all kinds of information, including credit conditions, thus largely solving the problem of information asymmetry between the fact. In general, the position of the big Banks located away from potential relational same borrowers, relationship lending will be along with the information from the (Informational short) increase and decrease; Or is reduced with the rising cost of borrower's specific information (Hausa and Marquez, 2012).Second, community Banks are larger Banks have an advantage in dealing with a soft, also depends on its decision-making mechanism. Hierarchical structure ofcomplex big Banks because of the principal-agent chain is long, solve the problem of agency costs will be higher. While small independent community bank because of management level, structure, less intensive, which can reduce agency problems (Berger and Udall and Clapper, 2011; Berger and Udall, 2012).Community Banks credit manager for loan project quality judgment is that the accuracy of it directly receiving, processing all kinds of soft information, the information production and capital allocation type of combination under the premise of the credit manager will get positive incentives; And in large and complex hierarchical structure, the existence of multiple levels of management in the bank, the configuration of the power centralized in the higher level, information separate production and capital, and in view of the small businesses the personification of the fuzzy characteristics of all kinds of soft to hard upper layer upon layer, thus weakening the soft information collection, production, credit manager turned from things hard rate (J Stein, 2012).Thus community Banks can be more flexible and convenient on the examination and approval procedures, to provide customers the creditability of the material and guarantee conditions may be extended appropriately, thus better able to convenience of customers, maximize customer satisfaction.Third, although small, community Banks but due to concentrate resources in area small and medium-sized enterprise customers and the community residents, the advantage of economies of scale can make it more carefully to meet the needs of the target customer base, help to get the costs down the experience curve and economies of scale. Big Banks, by contrast, in the large enterprise customers provide wholesale business at the same time, if also for small business and retail business, may cause organization is not economic Williamson (Organizational Diseconomies).In other words, if a financial institutions engaged in several varieties, when these business varieties with different techniques, may be the cause of scope not economic problems (Berger, Deserts and Straphang, 2009).It is this focus on specialized management mode, can make the community Banks gradually cultivate and accumulate their survival ability, gain more competitive advantage.1.2 American community Banks to survive the institutional environment analysisAlthough the competition pressure from big Banks in the United States is everywhere, and the large number of community Banks can survive and develop, depends entirely on its unique operation mode and comparative advantages, and is closely related to the economic system and financial system in the United States. The United States is a unique dual banking system country, namely in the federal or state registration after all can practice, and to prevent the oligarch monopoly, has long been the United States banned Banks set up branches across the state. This has spawned some assets on a smaller scale, no branches or branches less constructions smaller Banks and deposit financial institutions; At the same time, in order to protect the interests of depositors, strengthen depositors confidence in the bank, the United States pioneered the deposit insurance system, establish the safety of residents' deposits provide guarantee of government insurance institutions the federal deposit insurance corporation (FDIC), thus, provides the community Banks and big Banks important institutional environment of fair competition.In addition, the United States and improve the financial legal system also provides legal protection to the survival of community Banks. The antitrust laws to prevent and curb the industry monopoly. Mergers and acquisitions between us law, American Banks, except for bank regulators agreed to and approved by the ministry of justice and the federal trade commission. Small enterprises are designed to solve the financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises. According to the law to set up small business administration, and promote the commercial financial institutions to small business financing. Community reinvestment act is to encourage and support financial institutions to government economic underdeveloped legal expression of specific community to carry out financial activities, its regulation, all kinds of deposit financial institutions must provide financing of small businesses for the community, the community investment performance Is a bank regulatory approval to establish branches or other bank mergers and acquisitions in an important indicator, so small bank mergers and acquisitions has increased the big bank branch or beyond the expansion of the cost.2 operation and characteristics of the Japanese system of rural cooperative financeJapan's financial system besides the government financial institutions, private financial organizations, and the most distinctive is set on the basis of the spirit of mutual aid, in the rural areas to protect and improve the production and operation of the broad masses of farmers and agricultural cooperative combination system for the purpose of life under the credit agencies. The credit agency whose nature is the cooperative financial organizations, from the grassroots to the national association of credit, is divided into three levels. Three levels of financial organizations (hereinafter referred to as the jag, letter agriculture, agriculture, forestry and chic) independent business accounting, independent, self-financing, no supervisor, subordinate to the only economic exchanges. Japan of rural cooperative finance is safeguarding the interests of the disadvantaged farmer’s economy as its fundamental goal. The main credit business is deposits, loans, settlement and other supplementary business. During the recession, combined system financial institutions in addition to the grant of cheap credit to farmers, but also has the characteristics of policy finance. In the high-speed economic growth period, private finance has made great progress, integrated management features, by opening new financial business, absorption of farmers in the hands of idle funds, to the farmer returned, and provide asset management services.2.1 The business characteristics of the rural cooperative financial institutionsCooperative finance is the membership service to give priority to, characteristic of AIDS is obvious between members, and Japan’s rural cooperative financial institutions are no exception. Although there are non-members, but share is restricted, in principle is not less than 1/5 of the members to business, and have a limited amount of services.Business features of Japan's peasants associate finance is the following: (1) the jag system personal savings and a high percentage of personal loans, is significantly higher than other financial institutions. (2) The proportion of deposit is higher. Because for personal, deposit ratio is higher, and jag’s individual accounts for the vast majority of customers, so the proportion of time deposits is accordingly high. (3) Theproportion of long-term loans. This is mainly because the jag not only exercises the functions of general commercial Banks, and in the countryside is a long-term credit bank role. (4) Microfinance business. The jag faces most of the customers for the individual, which determines its business into more than for the low efficiency of microfinance operations. (5) The savings and loan rate is low. Other financial institutions that index is in commonly 70% ~ 80%, and the savings and loan rate of the jag significantly below this level, only about 25%.(6) capital has the characteristics of seasonal variation. Main show is in crop harvest fewer loans, deposits to increase.2.2 The Japanese system of rural cooperative finance to get government support and, law guaranteeAny country cooperative financial organizations are joint economic weakness, than the monopoly of big financial institutions, service to farmers and smallholders cooperative financial organization risk is huge, and the high cost, this needs the government adopted the policy of protection and support. The Japanese government for the support of rural cooperative financial organizations including the initial government investment manages send directors and supervisors; and after the government assistance and intervention to eliminate, still on the fiscal and taxation to give special offer of cooperative finance. What’s more, the successive governments have kept the stability and continuity of the cooperative financial legal system, legislation is relatively perfect, formed the rural cooperative financial legal system. Including agricultural cooperative group, agriculture, forestry and the central Treasury, etc., various laws are detailed rules for the business scope of the rural cooperative financial institutions, regulatory matters and authority, etc., really have, there are laws for the rural cooperative financial robust operation provides a legal basis.In addition to maintain the stability of the financial order, perfect risk prevention mechanism is also important measures. In the Japanese financial system have direct or indirect risk guarantee system, to safeguard the interests of depositors, mainly including deposit insurance system, mutual aid system and the agricultural credit guarantee system, etc.Aid refers to the deposit insurance institutions in order tomaintain credit order, which indirectly protect the interests of depositors, the necessary conditions, to provide financial assistance to the combination.Aid method is directed to aid, loans, provide a debt guarantee, etc.Mutual aid system is set up self-service financial system, based on mutual aid idea, complement each other and deposit insurance system of a kind of guarantee insurance system. Its purpose is to prevent the combination operation difficulties, maintain its normal business and credit. Aid content for low interest rates in the system of mutual aid loans, the term of 1 year of less than, funded by mutual aid reserves and mutual aid funds. Mutual aid reserves for financial organization in agriculture and even the letter must have deposit, letter farmers even it in agriculture, forestry and cicc.The mutual aid fund is in the agriculture and forestry and chic set up special fund.Credit guarantee system is to ensure that the interests of rural financial institutions in the financing process and set up the security system of system, mainly including loss compensation and debt guarantees. Loss compensation is to point to by a third party of financing mechanism of creditor's rights, debt contract between the borrower and guarantee, when the borrower fails to perform the debt, by a third party to compensate losses of the creditor. The third party for public institutions in general. The system is set up to improve the credit ability of financing institutions.译文民营银行发展的国际比较研究Raut D摘要社区银行是美国银行体系的重要组成部分; 农村合作金融组织在日本开展得非常成功。
英文作文关于商业银行Title: The Role and Function of Commercial Banks in Modern Economy。
In the dynamic landscape of modern economy, commercial banks play a pivotal role in facilitating financial transactions, fostering economic growth, and providing essential services to individuals, businesses, and governments. This essay explores the functions, significance, and challenges faced by commercial banks in today's globalized world.Firstly, commercial banks serve as financial intermediaries, connecting surplus units (savers) with deficit units (borrowers) in the economy. They accept deposits from individuals and businesses, offering them a safe place to store their funds while providing liquidity and interest earnings. These deposits form the basis for lending activities, where banks extend credit to borrowers for various purposes such as investment, consumption, orbusiness expansion.Moreover, commercial banks provide a wide range of financial services tailored to meet the diverse needs of their customers. These services include but are not limited to:1. Loans and Credit Facilities: Banks offer loans and credit lines to individuals and businesses, enabling them to finance projects, purchase assets, or manage cash flow.2. Payment and Settlement Services: Banks facilitate domestic and international transactions through services like wire transfers, electronic funds transfers (EFTs), and issuance of checks, ensuring efficient and secure money transfers.3. Investment Services: Many commercial banks provide investment products such as mutual funds, stocks, bonds, and retirement accounts, allowing customers to grow their wealth and achieve long-term financial goals.4. Risk Management: Banks offer insurance products, hedging services, and risk assessment to help clients mitigate financial risks and uncertainties associated with their operations.5. Financial Advisory: Through their wealth management divisions, banks offer personalized financial advice, estate planning, and investment strategies to high-net-worth individuals and institutional clients.Furthermore, commercial banks play a crucial role in the transmission of monetary policy implemented by central banks. By adjusting interest rates, reserve requirements, and open market operations, central banks influence the cost and availability of credit in the economy, thereby affecting investment, consumption, and overall economic activity. Commercial banks act as the primary channel through which monetary policy measures are transmitted to borrowers and depositors, influencing their borrowing and spending decisions.In addition to their economic functions, commercialbanks contribute to financial stability and systemic resilience. They serve as custodians of public trust, maintaining the integrity and stability of the financial system through prudent risk management practices, capital adequacy requirements, and regulatory compliance. Central banks and regulatory authorities impose stringent oversight and supervision on commercial banks to safeguarddepositors' funds, prevent financial crises, and maintain confidence in the banking sector.However, commercial banks also face numerous challenges and risks in today's volatile environment. These include:1. Credit Risk: The risk of default by borrowers posesa significant challenge to banks' asset quality and profitability. Economic downturns, industry-specific shocks, and adverse market conditions can lead to loan defaults and credit losses, affecting banks' financial health.2. Interest Rate Risk: Banks are exposed to interestrate fluctuations, which can impact their net interest income, asset valuations, and funding costs. Sudden changesin interest rates, yield curve shifts, and monetary policy actions can affect banks' profitability and balance sheet management.3. Liquidity Risk: Banks need to maintain sufficient liquidity to meet deposit withdrawals, fund loan disbursements, and honor financial obligations. Liquidity shortages, market illiquidity, and funding disruptions can jeopardize banks' solvency and operational stability.4. Regulatory Compliance: Banks operate in a highly regulated environment, subject to a myriad of prudential regulations, capital requirements, and reporting standards. Compliance costs, regulatory burdens, and legal risks associated with non-compliance pose challenges to banks' profitability and operational efficiency.5. Technological Disruption: The rise of financial technology (fintech) firms and digital innovation is reshaping the banking industry landscape. Banks face competition from agile fintech startups, changing customer preferences, and the need to invest in digitalinfrastructure and cybersecurity to stay relevant and competitive.In conclusion, commercial banks play a multifacetedrole in the modern economy, serving as engines of financial intermediation, drivers of economic growth, and guardians of financial stability. Despite facing numerous challenges and risks, banks continue to innovate, adapt, and evolve to meet the evolving needs of their customers and navigate the complexities of the global financial system. As pillars of the financial infrastructure, commercial banks remain indispensable institutions in driving economic progress and prosperity.。
本科毕业论文(设计)外文翻译外文题目Financial Development and Economic Growth: Views and Agenda出处:Journal of Economic Literature作者:Ross Levine译文:金融发展与经济增长:观点和议程一、简介:目标和边界经济学家对金融体系对经济增长的重要性持有不同的观点。
商业银行信贷风险管理外文文献翻译中文3000多字This article discusses the importance of credit risk management for commercial banks。
It highlights the us methods used by banks to manage credit risk。
including credit scoring。
credit limits。
loan loss ns。
and collateral requirements。
The article also examines the impact of regulatory requirements on credit risk management practices and the role of corporate governance in ensuring effective risk management。
the article emphasizes the need for banks to adopt a comprehensive and proactive approach to credit risk management in order to maintain financial stability and avoid costly losses.In today's increasingly complex financial environment。
effective credit risk management is essential for the long-term success of commercial banks。
Banks face numerous challenges in managing credit risk。
外文翻译原文Intermediate business of commercial banks and the development of intermediate business of commercial banks in China with a comprehensive internationalcomparisonMaterial Source: China & World Economy Author: Claus Iris First, The middle of a commercial banking business development activity because of1.1 An inevitable choice for commercial banksIntermediate business of commercial banks and the rapid development of the emergence of the underlying reasons are not only driven, but also the result of external factors. First of all, the international community to enter the countries have relaxed controls, the liberalization of banking and international trends, including greatly to the middle of the business, including the pace of financial innovation; Second, market competition has also promoted the development of intermediary business, traditional business of commercial banks not only faced competition in the same industry, and along with the development of capital market countries, greatly increased the proportion of direct financing, the traditional commercial banks assets, liabilities, business increasingly showing a "sunset industry" the decline, therefore, commercial banks were forced to carry out new business innovation to create a new source of profits; again, the middle of business innovation is the result of market demand, due to frequent fluctuations in interest rates and exchange rates, enterprises and commercial banks in which the uncertainty of economic environment, increasing the risk of which the effective management tools, in particular, a number of financial derivatives had a demand for the development of the banking intermediary business that is risk management in order to satisfy customers, as well as other diversified financial services; Finally, the banks have their own advantages, as well as 20 practical information technology since the 80's the development and extensive use of commercial banks for the development of intermediary business possible. February 1987 at Northwestern University in the United States held a deposit-taking institutions on asset securitization and the risk of development ofintermediary business seminar, a scholar on the development of commercial banks in the middle of a large number of business reasons for concluding, that is, commercial banks the development of intermediary business and technology, control, interest rate risk, customer competition, factors such as capital adequacy ratio are closely related.1.2 The significance of the development of intermediary business(A) Can be extended into a commercial bank intermediary function, to expand their business scale.(B) Commercial banks can spread business risks, and enhance the bank's ability to resist risks.(C) Can play a variety of business, "bundling" effect to enhance the competitiveness of the banks. Intermediate business of commercial banks between other business interaction and mutual influence, and the development of intermediary business for the banks not only bring direct profits, but also with other business, the second interaction of the market to enhance the competitiveness of banks.Second, commercial banks in the development of intermediary business2.1 The broader business scope, a wide variety.Western countries of the middle-run commercial banks and a wide variety of products to meet the diverse needs of customers, the commercial banks for the new business innovation. The scope of business covered by the middle of the traditional banking, trust services, investment banking, mutual funds and insurance business. They can engage in money market operations, but also can engage in discounting commercial paper and capital markets business.2.2 Gradually expand the business scale of rising income levels.From 1993 to 1996 among the U.S. banking business grew from 912 billion U.S. dollars to 12.188 trillion U.S. dollars, accounting for bank assets from 78% to 142.9%, of which the seven largest banks in the middle of the business lending per cent more than doubled and more. Living in the forefront of the U.S. banking industry, Citigroup, the Americas, such as the middle of the five major banking groups involved in the operational activities of the total assets of more than 2.2 trillion U.S. dollars has the same period, assets and liabilities that banks under the total assets of 780 billion U.S. dollars for the capital sum for the 45 billion U.S. dollars; intermediary business 3 years the average growth rate to 54.2%, muchhigher than the 9 percent average annual total assets and total capital at an average annual growth rate of 21.6 percent.2.3 Middle-income structure of the business change.Western commercial banks from 1980 to 1990 of 10 years, the total income of non-spread revenue rapid upward trend in both. The middle of foreign banks operating income generally accounts for 40% of total revenue -50%. Acceptance in the United States, Citibank, credit investigation, credit rating companies, assets evaluation business, personal financial advisor business, long-term foreign exchange trading, foreign exchange futures, foreign exchange options, and other intermediary business represented 80 percent brought their profits deposit and lending business profits accounted for only 20% of the total profits.2.4 Service means of advanced and high technology.Improvement in the level of science and technology for the development of intermediate business of commercial banks to provide a strong foundation for technical support and innovation, especially in recent years can be at any time and any place in any way to provide customers with personalized service network of banks, the emergence of Internet banking promoted the development of intermediary business. With the international advanced banking payment system on its strong business in the middle was a huge amount of service fee revenue.Third, commercial banks Analysis of intermediate products3.1 Clearing-type intermediate productsClearing products are usually divided into promissory notes, bills of exchange, the three types of checks. Settlement of funds between the times of the settlement act, for the customers, the main demand is to use the banking clearing system, security and timely transfer of funds. Settlement is therefore a means of clearing operations to ensure the successful completion of an important link. On the characteristics of the clearing business, its risk may come from three aspects: customer risk factors, risk factors of post and telecommunications sector and banking risk factors. For the banks, the first two banks of external risks, this is the bank’s internal risk.3.2 security type of intermediate productsWith the development of international trade, the Western commercial banks faster development of the security business, including standby letters of credit, guarantee the payment, performance bond, bid security, supervision, such as payment by the common varieties. Chinese and foreign commercial banks, thesecurity business is production of the intermediate business with commercial banks to carry out security operations is the use of banks to provide credit support that one has to bear because of the risks associated with credit support.3.3 Intermediate goods ManagementMainly divided into the banking business, safe operations, Personal Financial Services. Since the last century is the era, as the world's financial system, industry structure, organizational structure, operational modalities and competition is undergoing a profound transformation. The changes in the traditional banking, securities, insurance, and trust business increasingly blurred boundaries between the business, while seeking to promote and strengthen the commercial banking and financial activities of globalization and virtual organizations, the banks of the insurance industry to flourish here development. With the development of the world economy, personal financial services showing a huge space for development. And personal financial services customers of commercial banks is the core personal financial services in the commercial banks to the "financial services supermarket" the process of development, personal financial services of commercial banks at home and abroad has become the focal point of retail business one.3.4 Advisory type of intermediate productsIntermediary business consulting category refers to the transfer, sale information and provide intelligence services to the main contents of the intermediary business. Commercial banks on their own information, talent, credibility and other areas, the collection and presentation of information and information of these customers, as well as banks and financial analysis of campaign records to form a system of information and programs made available to customers, one to meet their management or business development needs. Include: credit, corporate credit rating, assets evaluation business and financial information; business and personal financial advisor business; business consultant business investment and financing, including financing and the international syndicated loan arrangement.3.5 bank cards, online banking intermediate productsBank credit card is the issue of commercial banks to the community with consumer credit, debit settlement, access to cash in whole or in part, such as a credit payment function. Its fast development, many countries have become an important business, many banks and the major source of profit for variety. Internet banking is a banking service to provide customers with new tools, which the existing bankingbusiness, based on the use of Internet technology to provide customers with comprehensive, consent, security, real-time financial services. Internet banking is not only a banking innovation is the organizational structure of a bank. At the same time, the emergence of Internet banking so that the expansion of commercial banks to find new channels for the middle of the business.Fourth, the middle of the latest developments in the direction of business4.1 Securitization of credit assetsSecuritization of credit assets refers to a group of poor liquidity through a portfolio of assets, so that this group of assets to generate stable and predictable cash flow proceeds through the intermediary of certain credit enhancement, the proceeds of these assets the right to change as flows in the financial markets, higher credit rating of bond-type securities. In essence, will be financing the securitization of future cash proceeds of the assets and the corresponding right to transfer the risk to investors, and the transfer of ownership of the assets may not be entirely.4.2 fund businessA long time, China's commercial banks to develop intermediary business not as a main industry and the new profit growth point to run, but also our country's strict separation of management and other factors, so that the development of the banking sector has been greater restrictions. A direct consequence of these restrictions is that domestic commercial banks and weak financial innovation. Have been carried out in the middle of the retail business of the development of varieties, not to profit maximization as the goal, but as absorbing as a means of customer deposits, which resulted in business receipts in the middle of the contribution rate for banks with low profit situation. Commercial banks in China's current total income, the proportion of all interest income more than 90%. This revenue structure is to enable the assets of China's commercial banks profitability in the last century since the 90’s have been in a continuous downward trend in one of the main reasons. Studies have shown that commercial banks in the U.S. the average asset profit rate of China's four state-owned commercial banks average of 12.86 times. This shows that the middle of my business cards, many types of projects though, but their purpose and profit with the situation in Western developed countries, significant differences between the modern commercial banking business and a lot of content has yet to enter our field of vision.Fifth, China's commercial banks lag in the middle of the reasons for business development5.1 on the traditional state-owned commercial businesses, as well as the long-term monopoly control of the central bank's interest rates led directly to commercial banks to create a modern inadequate.From abroad, the development of banking business, the increasingly intensified competition in the market forces and customers is to continuously strengthen the bank to speed up the expansion of the main reasons for non-margin business. China's banking industry from the historical path of development; the historical factors strangle a certain extent, the domestic commercial banks to expand their business and the autonomy of consciousness. "Unification" of thinking, as well as the banking system more rigid domestic commercial banks used to make the government's command, the lack of response to the economic situation to customers and the market as guide, based on the formulation and implementation of their own advantages for their own development strategies of motivation and ability.5.2 The development of intermediate business of commercial banks led to a substantial risk of financial regulation will make the existing system is facing tremendous pressure.The financial sector at the policy orientation of business limits the room for the development of intermediary business. Most of the middle of the business belonging to banks and non-bank financial institutions operating in the field of cross-cutting, so inuring the state's macroeconomic management policies of banks, non-bank financial institutions, the limited scope of business directly determines the intermediate business of commercial banks to open up space. I started in 1993 from banking, securities, insurance, trust the strict separation of management, the banks can not create a cross-sect oral, comprehensive, multi-faceted business intermediate products, and it is difficult to raise the level of business and level of intensive.5.3 Bank charges among the business and the lack of standardization.In the absence of corresponding fees and charges based mechanism, the intermediary business difficult and hard to charge fees, particularly the phenomenon of table. Charges not specifically reflected in the financial institutions among the business no express provision charges. Difficult to charge in fees and charges due to lack of enforcement mechanism, financial institutions are afraid of arbitrary collection of charges the suspect.5.4 China's banking industry has developed the "marketing model" and the "marketing habit" has severely constrained the development of intermediary business.From foreign banks to expand business model point of view, primarily by the consumer to facilitate this, fast, safe and customer service benefits, are a typical "product marketing." As for the domestic banking industry, the product quality and price are often relegated to a secondary position; "relationship marketing" has become the domestic banking industry to explore the middle of the main mode of business. At present, commercial banks remain the main customer base to large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises, state-owned enterprises and property rights Fuzzy principal - agent problem makes enterprise managers pay more attention to the pursuit of personal interests, at this time the relationship between banks and their customers has become a successful product whether or not the key.译文商业银行中间业务发展的国际比较资料来源: 中国与世界经济作者:克劳斯艾瑞丝一、商业银行中间业务发展的原因:1.1 商业银行的必然选择商业银行中间业务的出现以及快速发展的根本原因并不是单纯的,而是外部环境综合作用的结果。
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文献出处:Gnanasooriyar M S. Profitability analysis of listed manufacturing companies in Sri Lanka: An empirical investigation[J]. European Journal of Business and Management, 2014, 6(34): 358-364第一部分为译文,第二部分为原文。
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利润率是效率的索引; 和被认为是效率和管理指南,更高的效率的量度。
商业银行英文作文英文:As a commercial bank, our main goal is to provide financial services to our customers. We offer a wide range of products and services, including checking and savings accounts, loans, credit cards, and investment options.One of the most important services we offer is lending. We provide loans to individuals and businesses for various purposes, such as buying a house or starting a business. We analyze the creditworthiness of the borrower and determine the interest rate and terms of the loan. It is importantfor us to manage the risks associated with lending, so we carefully evaluate each loan application.Another important service we offer is deposit-taking. We accept deposits from individuals and businesses and pay interest on those deposits. This allows us to use the funds to provide loans and other services to our customers. Wealso offer various types of accounts, such as checking accounts, savings accounts, and certificates of deposit.In addition to these services, we also offer credit cards to our customers. Our credit cards come with various benefits, such as cashback rewards and travel perks. We also offer investment options, such as mutual funds and retirement accounts, to help our customers grow their wealth.Overall, our goal is to provide our customers with the financial services they need to achieve their goals. We strive to offer competitive rates, excellent customer service, and innovative products and services.中文:作为一家商业银行,我们的主要目标是为客户提供金融服务。
文献出处:Oliveira M. The research of electronic business development in commercial banking [J]. Research Policy, 2015, 5(6): 806-816.原文The research of electronic business development in commercial bankingOliveira MAbstractWith bank business requirements and the popularity of electronic information technology in the financial sector, intensity of competition in the international within the scope of the financial sector, the traditional management pattern and service of commercial bank faces a bigger challenge, and since the 1990 s, the weak entity economy, electronic commerce and the stride the rise of the Internet to a great extent, changing the world economic activity in the works and the thoughts and actions of the consumer groups, therefore the current global situation, traditional Banks are facing a business model and the transformation of the service mode of the new stress test, the Internet's influence on its is huge.Keywords: Electric business platform; Electronic banking; Business development1 IntroductionWith the deepening of the business needs of the Banks and the popularity of electronic information technology in the financial sector, intensity of competition in the international within the scope of the financial sector, the traditional management pattern and service of commercial bank faces a bigger challenge, and since the 1990 s, the weak entity economy, electronic commerce and the stride the rise of the Internet to a great extent, changing the world economic activity in the works and the thoughts and actions of the consumer groups, therefore the current global situation, traditional Banks are facing a business model and the transformation of the service mode of the new stress test, the Internet's influence on its is huge. Banks' future gradually more rely on financial products innovation constantly, so the information channel unobstructed and innovation ability strong electronic banking to the deepening of banking reform, development and provide reliable guarantee, the strength of the banking industry in the field of financial and service electronic banking powerfulbecome the most competitive aspects.Electronic banking is initially take root in the U.S., after many years of hard business, the electronic banking business is getting stronger and stronger, earth-shaking changes have taken place. According to statistics, its volume, asset size and number of users to catch up with the traditional bank, is not subject to the constraints of time and space, make electronic banking has strong vitality. And to so far, more and more countries are widely used in electronic business for bank to carry out its business. Electronic banking, the globalization today, the Internet has entered the depth adjustment and transformation of global e-commerce technology rapid growth in emerging economies, at the same time, the international environment of electronic banking crisis, full of a lot of uncertainty. Electronic banking is the most competitive in today's commercial bank accepted mode of operation, in the process of implementation of electronic banking, some Banks in reducing cost, expanding the number of users, improve turnover has really made a big success. In many factors affecting bank survival and development, the electronic banking has become a commercial bank is the key to successful transformation and participate in the future global competition; business model change is inevitable choice.2 The introduction to the theory of electronic bankingThe current global financial situation, the information channel unobstructed and innovation ability strong electronic bank became the general direction of the reform of commercial Banks. Due to the normal operation of electronic banking in stage after its costs will be significantly lower, electronic bank become the most competitive financial institutions in the future the inevitable development trend.2.1 The basic concept of electronic banking businessElectronic banking is based on the e-commerce platform and bank online payment system is the result of financial innovation in the financial services system, is a virtual network and terminal with the combination of complex entity. It fully use of modern information technology, in the form of e-commerce business is dealt with. Simply put: electronic bank group is holding a bank card customer oriented, its main purpose is to provide users with convenient services, is the main way to network, canbe a public network can also be a dedicated network. It using the Internet as well as the combination of various mobile devices to customers and Banks close together, built on the Banks themselves payment system a kind of brand-new service system. Electronic bank in accordance with the business direction can be divided into: using computer for online banking, Internet and mobile banking must have electronic equipment and network these two carriers, was able to ensure that customers in the mobile terminal to related business operations independently. According to the different use object and can be divided into enterprise electronic banking and personal electronic banking.2.2 The characteristics of the electronic banking business2.2.1 Information degree is highThe characteristics of the electronic bank’s biggest competitive advantage are the largest electronic banking on the network information technology in a timely manner. And the traditional Banks mainly artificial counter service as the guidance to handle the business, while also takes advantage of the network information technology, but it is only by using computer network technology deal with internal accounting and data Banks. Electronic banking abandoned the artificial counter service, with a more diverse platform and open environment for users to do the business.2.2.2 Electronic commerce and electronic bank there is a close connectionThe vigorous development of e-commerce in China, making the financial sector needs rapid rise, all kinds of patterns for e-business emerge in endlessly, online shopping become common people's shopping way, the electricity companies find business opportunities, again and again to refresh the sales records, however e-commerce trading platform involves many mainly e-currency payment electronic banking transactions, and greatly promoted the development of the electronic banking. Many commercial Banks are involved in e-commerce, electronic banking is not only an integral part of e-commerce, and the extension of electronic commerce can provide possible for the development of the electronic bank, there is a close relationship of joint and several.Then make more kinds and more personalized banking products and servicespossible. Electronic banking is not only for the customer to accept the products and services, the vast majority of traditional counter and not affected by time, space and the limitation of the service means and so on to provide customers with more variety and more personalized banking products and services, to promote the innovation of financial products. No matter when and where what form electronic banking can provide customers with services, extended class products and service, and to develop a more financial products, personalized trend appeared and developed products, realize the electronic banking "everywhere, there is always ".2.2.3 For more direct and convenient self-serviceThe traditional banking business is often through the counter human face to face, according to provide certificates, passwords, bank account information such as the use of special equipment to complete the services, however, electronic bank and traditional bank a lot of difference between electronic banking can provide numerous customers at the same time more direct and convenient self-service, this is a traditional counter maximum limit. As long as the customer has a mobile phone and other electronic and mobile devices can be connected to the Internet, users can independently using electronic banking electronic information technology needs of business operations or understand related financial products and services. Such as ordinary transfer and balance the query can be quickly done through the electronic banking.3 Risk of electronic banking business3.1Development is not yet mature market environmentElectronic banking development and banking is directly related to the infrastructure construction situation. At present, the electronic banking infrastructure is still in its infancy, there are modern payment system not free, self-help financial terminal penetration is low, the social credit environment problems such as poor, sharing and centralized user information don't lead to different parts of the electronic banking development level is uneven. In addition, the electronic banking as a new field, still lack of perfect safety management system, external conditions for the development of electronic banking have much negative effect.3.2 The user information property safety is the problem that needs to be addressedAt present, the commercial Banks e-banking risk prevention and control system have not been built and its corresponding laws and regulations is not sound, information security is not high, the user name and password are easy to intercept steal, various electronic banking security technology standards also did not form a unified standard, financial regulation is not yet mature, these problems seriously threaten the user's information property safety, brought serious challenges to the bank risk control.3.3 Electronic banking innovation difference between products and servicesIn the age of the electronic banking, based on the network financial technology development of electronic product homogeneity serious, innovative electronic products is also very few, far cannot satisfy the needs of customers. Customer service demand patterns from the past form of the passive to active, make bank product forward to electronic devices, so according to user requirements to carry out the business, not just for electronic banking channel effect, but also according to customer's preferences personalized products and services, it is only by different products and services to attract customers, and develop bank loyal users.3.4 The lack of professional talents, lack of business innovationElectronic banking is based on a large number of skilled Internets and based on the professional talents of financial knowledge, lack of professional talents, however, a large number of workers, and also can not meet the requirements. Electronic banking operation need to upgrade the software development and maintenance, Banks no longer rely on manpower resources of simple enrichment, rely on technological progress and innovation, it's need to hire professional talents, not only to the development of new electronic business, marketing and customer service, maintain and enhance site even regular innovation, guarantee its continuing market competition ability.4 Electronics bank businesses is the inevitable choice4.1 Customer demand for the diversity of banking services and personalizedContinued ascension, along with the social information degree for financialservices, customer demand is more and more individuation and diversification, for today's people, a lot of people have the courage to accept new things, hope to get the bank a more rapid, efficient and convenient services, hope with the help of information technology to improve living standards and quality. It is not difficult to find that the combination of traditional bank and e-banking, to provide users with the self-service bank, the bank on the net and so on comprehensive service interface and service system, comply with the demand of The Times development, meet the diverse requirements of users.4.2 Growing competition between BanksBanking development up to now, the focus of the competition in the market already is no longer the traditional financial products sales, but the customer financial needs analysis, to meet customer differentiation, personalized needs. On the surface, to carry out the electronic banking business is just in order to improve the service level, in fact, the electronic bank to provide diversified, multi-channel, integration of financial services, to improve customer and timely and effective interaction of the bank. With the aid of extensive collection of customer information, search for potential customers, satisfy customer needs, provide the added value of financial products, raise the management level of the bank customer relationship ability. Bank to carry out the electronic banking business, can change the mode of operation of banking to "product-centric" to "the customer as the center". In addition, the rapid development of electronic banking business, reduce the workload of the Banks frontline staff, to make the item for Banks to bring more benefit译文商业银行电子银行业务发展研究Oliveira M摘要银行业务的不断深入及电子信息技术在金融领域的普及,国际范围内金融领域的竞争加剧,商业银行传统经营模式和服务方式面临更大的挑战,并且20 世纪90 年代以来, 实体经济疲软,电子商务和互联网的大跨步兴起在很大程度上改变着世界经济活动的运作方式及消费群体的思想和行为,因此当前全球形势下,传统银行正面临着经营模式和服务方式的变革带来的新的严峻考验,互联网对其的影响更是巨大的。
The Development Status and Strategy Research of Commercial Banks’Personal Financial ManagementBusiness in ChinaAbstract: The personal financial management business in our country is in the initial stage,compared to the developed one in western,there’s still a long way to go,Therefore,the commercial banks in china need to review and study to estimate market direction;build excellence brand image and special services;Increase of innovation;change the products from single to comprehensive;Establish and perfect financial management business’management system in o rder to promote the development of personal financial business in our management country.Keywords:Commercial banks,Personal financial management,Strategy1 IntroductionThe commercial banks are facing the new situation:the increasing danger in traditional business.the margin of the interest rate’s turning increasingly narrowed and foreign bank’s competition.These banks should think deeply to find why that business develop so slowly and then put forward a feasible plan.The personal financial management business is not only an important carrier for commercial banks to advance Comprehensive management strategy but also a major way of improving Intermediary business income.That business in our country is in the initial stage.compared to the developed one in western,there’s still a long way to go.Therefore.the commercial banks in china need to review and study to estimate market direction;build excellence brand image and special services;Increase of innovation;change the products from single to comprehensive;Establish and perfect financial management business’management system in order to promote the development of personal financial management business in our country.Meanwhile.the commercial banks are facing the new situation:the increasing danger in traditional business.the margin of the interest rate’s turning increasingly narrowed and foreign bank’s competition.These banks should think deeply to fend why that bus;mess develop so slowly and then put forward a feasible plan.Among all the businesses in commercial banks.personal financial management business has the advantages of huge market capacity,low risk,widerange of business,and stable income.For those advantages the personal financial m anagement business becomes commercial banks’main business and vital profits source.In western developed country,this kind of business almost gets into every family.Its business income has been account for bank’s 30%.Compared to the developed one in western.there’s still a long way to go but it has a bright market expectation.However,our country’s personal financial management business is limited by some factors,for instance,the financial legal system,financial supervision system and the development of financial market.As a result.it brings some problems that need to be done while developing rapidly.2 The Development Situation,Trait and Existing Problem of Individual Manage Matters Operation in Commercial Bank of China2.1 The development situation of individual money matters operation in commercial bank of ChinaManage money matters operation refers to commercial bank uses professional advantages like various kinds of financial knowledge,professional technique and wide fund credibility and according t o clients’financial position and investment requirement,provide clients with professional service activities,such as financial analysis.financial planning,investment counselor and assets management.Recently,as the fast developing economy of china and the accumulating property of citizens,the need of manage money matters operation becomes stronger and stronger.There are several reasons:first of all,when people’s properties accumulate to some degree,they concern more about how to effectively keep and increase the value of their properties.Second,as the pushing on housing,education and medical treatment marketing revolution proceeding,families need the help of financial mechanism service to create a complete risk safeguard mechanism.On the other hand,we have already been in aging stage,thus it has become many people’s real need to accumulate part of their pension through manage money matters.Under the circumstances.individual money matters operation of commercial bank develops quickly.But according to individual money matters operation situation of every commercial bank.there are still many problems that make it hard to develop individual money matters operation.2.2 The trait of individual money matters operation in commercial bank of ChinaAs the individual money matters operation of commercial bank has just started,financial mechanism and laws and regulations systems are special,so compared to western developed countries,we have our own traits.Fiduciary loan product becomes the 1eader of manage money matters market Recently,invest people pay more attention to the risk situation of product when they choose manage money matters product.At the same time,because the CBRC(china banking regulatory commission) adds its strength to manage money matters operation in commercial bank,the breed structure of manage money matters product changed a lot in general.Since 2009,fiduciary loan product increased largely and become the leader in all kinds of banking manage money matters product for its clear investment, simple structure,various deadline,stable income.Public beneficial and creative product is the value of manage money matters product afoot. During the wenchuan earthquake in 2008,some banks give quickly reflect to the calamity and push out public beneficial and creative manage money matters product.This kind of manage money matters product was themed as benevolent and cares,which greatly widen the developing thought of banking manage money matters operation and validly promote brand value and social image of the bank.3 The Reasons Why We Have Problems in Personal Financial Business in Our National Commercial BanksThe reason why we have so many problems in personal financial business in our national commercial banks is not just because of one single element,but because of many aspects.The reason that we still take separate operation in practice .The policies and regulations.idea of supervision and measures in China still not keep pace with the development of era;we still rely on separate operation and separate management to keep watching to the financial risk.But this kind of operation mode increases the cost of processing personal financial business in commercial banks.and it is hard to make good results.The reason why all the products have the same quality.As it is limited by the idea,the analysis of personal finance business from our commercial banks are not totally correct,there still exists some deficiencies to theresearch of clients,as a result.nearly all the financial products are the same.The reason why we have a shortage of high—quality financial manager The capability of training finance managers in our country is still undeveloped and the mentality relatively falls behind with developing countries,so most of excellent managers choose to enter foreign banks, and it will be reasonable that the managers couldn’t reach the requirements in national commercial banks.The reason why we are lack of the consciousness of financial management .As we are developing our economy in recent years, it results in a lack of financial culture and financial consciousness.Firstly, people just have some egg money;they can hardly adjust to the life style which adds the finance management into it.Secondly, the influence of traditional concept and shortage of understanding the personal financial business in banks result in the lack of financial consciousness and the deficiency of sense of identity and safety.The reason why we are lake of cultivation Our national commercial banks are limited by system, thinking, technique and objective environment and some influences so that our national commercial banks’s cultivation stagnates, in some high—profited area,we couldn’t keep the pace.And if we don’t solve the problem of lack of cultivation,it is hard for us to complete with foreign banks.4 The Questions Exit in Individual Managing Financial Services in Commercial Bank of ChinaA good financial planner should know everything about a product and have a good knowledge of security, bank,insurance。
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外文文献原文及翻译Capability Development: Commercial BanksAbstractThe competitive strategies of Thai banks during the transformative period brought some successes and some failures associated with payment systems. In this chapter we show how banks, ranked among the largest in the world, devised and pursued innovation strategies. This allows us to contrast the competitive strategies of first movers, dominant market players, re-engineering leaders, and innovative state banks. The cases illustrate the relationship between innovation and banking leadership in the country. In the final section we assess the common characteristics of these approaches and present some lessons that can be applied by other commercial banks seeking to use IT to gain competitive advantage.Siam Commercial BankSiam Commercial Bank was officially established in 1906, following its transformation from a ‘Book Club’ set-up in 1904. The Book Club, which was a private trust, formed the modern basis of the bank, providing basic banking functions such as deposits, loan extensions, and foreign exchange. It was operated by local people and primarily served Thai and Chinese clients in the local business community. The bank became the first Thai commercial bank formed after the first foreign bank, Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Corporation, began operations in the country in 1888. Most importantly, it has served as a model for many Thai commercial banks in the early and modern periods. In 1996, the bank was ranked the fourth largest Thai commercial bank in terms of total assets, and the 211th largestRole of ITSiam Commercial Bank has been progressive in the use of IT through senior-level management support which has helped shape its visions and strategies. For example, the active involvement of the chief executive officer has led to investments in data warehousing technology to learn more about the bank and, more importantly, customer information (The Asian Banker 1997b). Furthermore, the chief executive officer has clearly defined two main objectives in the use of IT: (1) to facilitate daily banking activities between the bank and customers, and (2) to develop new methods in delivering financial services (SCB Technologies 1996a).More interestingly, the bank surprised the banking community in early-1998 by announcing an increased investment in its IT budget by 2–3% over its 900 million baht investment in the previousyear (Bangkok Post 1998b). This was despite the country’s financial crisis which caused a change in the exchange rate regime, the devaluation of the local currency, and the cutting of costs across companies. In response to the financial crisis, the bank established a non-profit organisation to serve as a job placement centre for potential employers and employees, while also providing language and computer training for unemployed IT professionals (Bangkok Post 1997n).Bank functions related to IT are mainly organised in the technology group. In addition, the information system audit department located within the human resource and control group also has a technological role. The technology group, following the initiation of ideas in the early-1980s and a reorganisation in 1996, reports directly to the bank’s chief executive officer, and is divided into five main units (SCB Technologies 1996b).Firstly, the technology policy division overlooks broad technological developments and provides a centre of co-ordination. It prepares and monitors policies, plans, and the bank’s expenditures in IT. Secondly, the system engineering department develops, implements, tests, operates, and maintains the bank’s computer systems. Thirdly, the technology and process engineering department overlooks the management of the bank’s two main computer centre, controls the operating systems, and manages the bank’s data warehouse located in mainframe computers. It also overlooks the purchase of computer equipment. Fourthly, the business relations department manages the bank’s call centre, promotes the use of IT in the bank and to the public, and finally, overlooks the bank’s customer info rmation facility system, credit monitoring, and collection system, and black list system. And lastly, the applied technology department conducts research into the use of new information technologies, maintains computer software, and manages computer hardware, software, and communication standards. This last function has played a particularly important role in building and strengthening bank capabilities and is discussed later.Bank Automation and InnovationComputers were first introduced in 1975. This mainly supported deposit functions located at the bank’s head office. Early use of IT was extended to more sophisticated bank operations, and financial products and services. The pioneering ATM provided a new method of delivering payment services and was widely adopted by other local commercial banks which diffused nation-wide accordingly. In the 1990s, the bank once again became a pioneer in introducing on-line electronic banking communications in Thailand, particularly in tele-banking and infobanking systems.The bank introduced two major changes in the early 1990s. They were the adoption of customer-based business process management and organisational restructuring at the bank’s head office. Price Waterhouse was contracted to advise on improving the bank’s co mmercial lending and counter services, for which the consultants studied customer requirements and modified the bank’s work processes to help address their needs. This partly resulted in the increased use of IT.A project called “relationship banking 2020” (RB 2020) was initiated jointly with IBM to help shift the bank’s focus from an account-based to a customer-based system. RB 2020 restructured the way retail banking was delivered to bank customers since the early 1970s, and pioneered an analytical capability that assists in identifying the most suitable services for a specific target group of customers. This project, introduced in early 1996, was to be widely diffused and installed in over 400 bank branches nation-wide.The bank also adapted and applied object-oriented technology to support the delivery of financial services. For example, loan authorisation systems were built based on expert systems which has decision-making capabilities based on a 100-points scale. If a loan application scored high points, the computer approvedthe loan. Otherwise, an average or low score further considered or rejected the application accordingly. Furthermore, the bank built a mobile loan authorization system which efficiently analysed and approved a customer loan application data, following on-line verification by portable computers with its head office. Such services provided new channels for delivering financial services and improved customer convenience.Information technology was also applied to improve personnel management and staff promotion (SCB Technologies 1996c). In 1994, the bank’s human resource and control group introduced a personnel IS that recorded all personnel particulars including education, work experience, and training. Thereafter, an employee promotion system was successfully introduced in 1995. This was aimed to support the bank’s concept of a learning organisation. The second system was later enhanced to support decision-making in personnel promotion, and was aimed to make personnel information widely available to specific bank departments and branches located nation-wide.Bangkok BankBangkok Bank was established by the Sophonpanich family in 1944 and is the largest Thai commercial bank, enjoying wide recognition regionally and internationally. In 1996, it was rankedthe largest Thai commercial bank in assets, and the 121th largest international commercial bank (KTB 1997; The Banker 1997). The bank was also recognised by IBCA, a leading rating institution in Europe, to be the world’s second most profita ble bank in 1994–1995. In 1995, the bank was presented with an award for excellence as the “Best Domestic Bank” in Thailand (Euromoney 1995), having been the largest commercial bank in Southeast Asia, and having expanded its international operations, particularly in the Indo-Chinese region and in the People’s Republic of China.Role of ITBangkok Bank’s chairman, together with senior-level management, have clearly defined the bank’s future theme as being focused on electronic banking and IT which is in sup port of providing innovative financial services and generating fees-based income (Bangkok Post 1997p). Such a technologically oriented theme was well supported with regular five-year technological improvement plans. For example, an approximate sum of 400–500 million baht was allocated, as of 1998, for the replacement of computer hardware and software among the bank’s nation-wide branches. Nevertheless, the bank’s senior vice president (SVP) for systems development suggests that the support of such a strategy involves not only investments in IT.IT related functions of the bank are located within a technology division which is part of broader support service operations. This includes other ‘housekeeping’ divisions like financial information services, operation, general service, and personnel. In the technology division, there are two departments headed by an executive vice president in charge, including the system development, and information-processing departments, which are, in turn, headed by senior vice presidents and managers.The application of satellite technology supported branch banking in the provincial areas. In addition, this supplemented the use of telephone lines in such remote areas which were inadequate in number and were also relatively unreliable. Therefore, the bank innovated by combining two types of technologies –satellite and microwave technologies. The bank’s senior EVP for support service operations further explains the potential and problems in this choice of innovation.Sources of InnovationThe sources of innovation can be grouped in four main areas. The first and most important source is bank personnel. At the organisational level, the bank introduced a range of policies and programmes aimed at promoting the quality of staff and services.Since the bank began to use computers in the early 1970s, employees working in a particular department became familiar with their tasks, leading to user-driven innovation. Departmental employees, who are owners of specific job functions, gained familiarity with particular routines and used them as a basis for defining user requirements. The bank’s senior EVP for support service operations emphasized this point.This suggests that the technology division plays a supporting role to other departments. As the decision to use or to invest in a particular type of technology remains with the user, the search for new IT rests with users. For example, staff from specialised bank divisions may request for technology after learning about new applications from overseas travel and training.The second source, computer companies, is a result of such outward-oriented training programmes. For example, this has included training with computer companies such as IBM which provided courses on project management and programming skills. In addition, the bank organised training courses with Microsoft at the bank’s premises and at the software firm’s authorised training centres. Such courses have specifically included server administration which is a required skill in nonmainframe technology and has become an emerging trend in the country, particularly networking in local and wide area environments.The third source is the systems development department which has been behind the bank’s pioneering use of IT. As the bank was the first to develop computer online systems in the country, it enjoyed an early mover advantage, and more importantly, acquired and build-upon these early technological capabilities. The bank’s SVP for systems development further suggests that such capabilities may be partly attributed to the systems development department, which has focused its strengths,for example, in the development of retail payment systems.The fourth, and least important source, is consulting companies. During the re-engineering of its work processes, the bank contracted consulting firms, for example Booz Allen and Hamilton, to assist in developing new credit processes, credit lease management, and credit workflow systems. Although such firms have served as the bank’s idea catalysts and in former of market and technology trends in banking, such sources of knowledge have provided a limited contribution. The bank made two reservations. Firstly, although foreign firms were more experienced, as compared to their local counterparts, this did not suggest that all foreign consultants were experts. Secondly, foreign firms merely made recommendations but faced difficulties in implementing project details. Thus, the bankstrongly supports selfreliance and self-judgement, and even argued that 90% of consultant recommendations were widely available in textbooks.Lessons LearnedThis section discusses the common characteristics shared by the commercial banks and draws some lessons for other commercial banks seeking to use IT for competitive advantage. Although there has been widespread developments in IT in the banking sector, major technological developments and trends were initiated by the large commercial banks. Therefore, this group has become technology leaders and their involvement has served as a precedent for, or in some cases as a catalyst to the adoption of new information technologies in the commercial banking sector.Most importantly, however, is the acquisition of personnel at the senior-management level. Although such policies are not explicit, it has become one of the common characteristics among the commercial banks. Such individuals have been recruited, or in some cases appointed, to acquire managerial skills and senior management was actively involved in setting IT strategies. In Thailand, where a large number of commercial banks are family-controlled, there has been the appointment of influential figures in the country to key organisational positions. This has largely been to gain and maintain political and social connections in government and business. Thus, such invisible human resources are unique and difficult to transfer, but would provide a potential source of competitive advantage.In sum, the combined case studies helped identify the major sources of innovation which contributed towards banking automation and payments system modernisation. Although such sources included skilled staff, IT, and re-engineering, their potential as a source of sustained competitive advantage varied. In order to develop and provide innovative products and services, commercial banks increasingly depend on the development or acquisition of skilled bank personnel, in contrast with increased investments in IT, or even in bank re-engineering.译文:商业银行能力发展摘要泰国银行在转型期间采用的竞争策略使其支付系统有成功与失败之处。