初高中衔接 英语句子成分 课件(共36张PPT)
二、谓语 谓语在主语后,只能由动词充当
He likes cold milk. He works hard.
I shall answer your questions after class.
we should do exercise every day.
名词短语 代词
动名词 不定式 宾语从句
四、表语 表语是说明主语「是什么」或「怎么样」的词语,也可以说是说 明主语的情况,或者主语状态的词语。 表语放在连系动词后。 Lily is a Chinese girl. 名词 Five and five is ten. 数词 Mr. Li is over there. 介词 The book is mine. 代词 She looks beautiful in white. 形容词 This is where I first met him. 从句
What is 连系动词? (1)be动词:am,is,are,was,were (2)感官动词:look,smell,sound,taste,feel (3)变化动词:become,get,go,grow,turn (+adj. 译为“变得”) (4)保持:keep,stay,remain (+adj. 译为“保持”) (5)无实义动词:seem,prove,appear (+adj. 无实际含义,功能类比be动词,译为“是”)
一、主语 主语是一个句子的主题,是句子表达的主体。表示句子所说是“什 么人”“什么事”是动作的发出者。 主语放在谓语动词前 American country music becomes more and more popular. 名词 We often speak English in class. 代词 One-third of the students in this class are girls. 数词 To swim in the river is a great pleasure. 不定式 Smoking does harm to the health. 动名词 When we are going to have an English test has not been decided.
work harder.
He was so tired that he fell asleep immediately.
She works very hard though she is old.
• 同位语:同位语是在名词或代词之后并列名词 或代词,对前者加以说明的成分。如:
和一个谓语(或并列谓语)。 •
He often reads English in the morning.
Tom and Mike are American boys.
• She likes drawing and often draws pictures for the wall newspapers.
1.用来修饰动词、形容词、副词或整个句子, 表示事情发生的时间、地点、原因、结果、 程度等等。
状语种类如下: How about meeting again at six?
Last night she didn’t go to the dance party
because of the rain. (原因状语) I shall go there if it doesn’t rain.
• 主语: subject S • 谓语:predicate V • 宾语: object O • 表语:predicative • 定语: attributive • 宾语补足语:object complement • 状语: adverbial
• 7. I think(that)he is fit for his office.
初高中衔接英语句子成分 PPT课件 图文
谢谢! 学妹给我打电话,说她又换工作了,这次是销售。电话里,她絮絮叨叨说着一年多来工作上的不如意,她说工作一点都不开心,找不到半点成就感。 末了,她问我:学姐,为什么想 找一份 自己热 爱的工 作这么 难呢? 我问她上一份工作干了多久,她 说不到 三个月 ,做的 还是行 政助理 的工作 ,工作 内容枯 燥乏味 不说, 还特别 容易得 罪人, 实在不 是自己 的理想 型。 我又问了她前几份工作辞职的原 因,结 果都是 大同小 异,不 是因为 工作乏 味,就 是同事 不好相 处,再 者就是 薪水太 低,发 展前景 堪忧。 粗略估计,这姑娘毕业不到一年 ,工作 却已经 换了四 五份, 还跨了 三个行 业。 但即使如此频繁的跳槽,她也仍 然没有 找不到 自己满 意的工 作。 2 我问她,心目中理想型的工作是 什么样 子的。 她说, 姐,你 知道苏 明玉吗 ?就是 《都挺 好》电 视剧里 的女老 大,我 就喜欢 她样子 的工作 ,有挑 战有成 就感, 有钱有 权,生 活自由 ,如果 给我那 样的工 作,我 会投入 我全部 的热情 。 听她说完,我尴尬的笑了笑。 其实每一个人都向往这样的成功 ,但这 姑娘却 本末倒 置了, 并不是 有了钱 有了权 有了成 就以后 才全力 以赴的 工作, 而是全 力以赴 工作, 投入了 自己的 全部以 后,才 有了地 位名望 钱财。 你要先投入,才会有收获,当你 真正投 入做一 件事后 ,会明 白两件 事:首 先你会 明白, 把一件 事认认 真真做 好,所 获得的 收益远 大于同 时做很 多事; 你会明白,有人风风火火做各种 事仍未 有回报 ,是因 为他们 从未投 入过。 从“做 了”到 “做” ,正如 “知道 ”到“ 懂得” 的距离 。 3 之前单位有一个姑娘,工作特别 拼命, 只要说 起她的 名字, 大家都 会赞不 绝口: 这姑娘 工作拼 命的程 度,连 男人们
的 基 本 内 涵 没有变 ,但是 随着时 代的发 展也具 有了时 代的气 息。新 时代学 习雷锋 精 神 就 是 要 学习弘 扬雷锋 热爱党 、热爱 祖国、 热爱社 会主义 的崇高 理想和 坚定信 念 ;学习 弘扬雷 锋服务 人民、 助人为 乐的奉 献精神 ;学习 弘扬雷 锋干一 行爱一 行、 专 一 行 精 一 行的敬 业精神 ;学习 弘扬雷 锋锐意 进取、 自强不 息的创 新精神 ;学习 弘 扬 雷 锋 艰 苦奋斗 、勤俭 节约的 创业精 神。 永 远 的 雷锋 ,不朽 的精神 。长沙 是 雷 锋 的 故 乡,目 前,长 沙市正 在深入 开展“ 争当雷 锋精神 传人弘 扬社会 文明新 风 ” 系 列 活 动,推 动学雷 锋常态 化。让 我们共 同行动 起来, 永远与 雷锋同 行,把 学 雷 锋 活 动 融入到 “治病 救人” 、“教 书育人 ”、“ 服务社 会”的 工作之 中及日 常 生 活 之 中 ,让雷 锋精神 内化成 为自身 的行为 习惯和 道德品 质,自 觉做中 华民族 传 统 美 德 的 传承者 、社会 主义核 心价值 的实践 者,为 实现国 家高水 平优质 医院的
春 风 吹 绿 大 地,当 万物吐 露芬芳 ,又是 一个阳 春三月 向我们 走来, 此刻, 我们总 会 想 起 一 个 不朽的 名字——雷 锋 ,耳边 总会回 响起一 首经典 传唱——学 习 雷锋好 榜 样 。 今 年 的3月5日 ,是 一代伟 人毛泽 东主席 发出“ 向雷锋 同志学 习”的 号召50
的 胸 怀 , 是 我们在 衣食住 行中的 每一个 好习惯 ! 同 学 们 , 让我 们积极 行动起 来 , 大 力 弘 扬雷锋 精神, 踊跃参 与,认 真实践 ,积极 推动学 雷锋活 动常态 化,努 力 促进社 会主义 核心价 值体系 建设, 不断提 升我校 团员青 年道德 素质和 文明程 度, 让 我 们 身 边 涌现出 一个个 新时期 “活雷 锋”, 使我们 学习生 活环境 更加文 明、美 好 、 和 -谐 ! 让我们 携起手 来,一 起加入 “践行 雷锋精 神,塑 造美丽 心灵”主题活
春 风 吹 绿 大 地,当 万物吐 露芬芳 ,又是 一个阳 春三月 向我们 走来, 此刻, 我们总 会 想 起 一 个 不朽的 名字——雷 锋 ,耳边 总会回 响起一 首经典 传唱——学 习 雷锋好 榜 样 。 今 年 的3月5日 ,是 一代伟 人毛泽 东主席 发出“ 向雷锋 同志学 习”的 号召50
的 胸 怀 , 是 我们在 衣食住 行中的 每一个 好习惯 ! 同 学 们 , 让我 们积极 行动起 来 , 大 力 弘 扬雷锋 精神, 踊跃参 与,认 真实践 ,积极 推动学 雷锋活 动常态 化,努 力 促进社 会主义 核心价 值体系 建设, 不断提 升我校 团员青 年道德 素质和 文明程 度, 让 我 们 身 边 涌现出 一个个 新时期 “活雷 锋”, 使我们 学习生 活环境 更加文 明、美 好 、 和 -谐 ! 让我们 携起手 来,一 起加入 “践行 雷锋精 神,塑 造美丽 心灵”主题活
初高中衔接高一第一课 英语句子成分(共23张PPT)
I still remember the day when I first went to York.
He didn’t come yesterday. He was ill. (原因)
He didn’t come yesterday because he was ill.
复合句 = 主句 + 从句
复合句是在简单句的基础上,通过从属连词将两个或两个 以上简单句连接在一起而构成。从属连词所引导的从句起 形容词、名词、副词的作用。复合句主要包含以下从句类 型: 1. 名词性从句: 1)主语从句 2) 宾语从句 3) 表语从句 4)同位语从句 2. 形容词性从句 ( 定语从句) 3. 副词性从句 (状语从句 )
The child hid behind his mother's skirt, for he was afraid of the dog.
3. He made a promise. He didn’t keep it.
He made a promise, but He didn’t keep it.
主 谓 状(方式) 连 主 谓
Frank worked hard and (he ) became a manager.
主 谓 宾 连主 谓
I’ve got a cold, so I’m going to bed.
主 谓 宾 宾补 连 主
They made him chairman, but (they) didn’t increase his salary.
主语 + 不及物动词 She came./ My head aches. 主语 + 及物动词 + 宾语
He didn’t come yesterday. He was ill. (原因)
He didn’t come yesterday because he was ill.
复合句 = 主句 + 从句
复合句是在简单句的基础上,通过从属连词将两个或两个 以上简单句连接在一起而构成。从属连词所引导的从句起 形容词、名词、副词的作用。复合句主要包含以下从句类 型: 1. 名词性从句: 1)主语从句 2) 宾语从句 3) 表语从句 4)同位语从句 2. 形容词性从句 ( 定语从句) 3. 副词性从句 (状语从句 )
The child hid behind his mother's skirt, for he was afraid of the dog.
3. He made a promise. He didn’t keep it.
He made a promise, but He didn’t keep it.
主 谓 状(方式) 连 主 谓
Frank worked hard and (he ) became a manager.
主 谓 宾 连主 谓
I’ve got a cold, so I’m going to bed.
主 谓 宾 宾补 连 主
They made him chairman, but (they) didn’t increase his salary.
主语 + 不及物动词 She came./ My head aches. 主语 + 及物动词 + 宾语
定语 (attribute)---修饰名词,代词等 状语 (adverbial)---修饰动词,形容词,副词等
主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语 SVIODO
主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语 SVOOC
There be
主语+谓语 s+v
The sun rises. (rise-rose-risen 是vi,不能带宾语.)
谓语动词特点: 不及物动词(本身意思完整,后面不需要宾语)
基本句型(2) 主语+谓语+宾语 (S. + V. + O. ) 该句型的谓语动词必须是vt或vt的动词词组.
1.The sun keeps us warm. 2.I heard him singing. 3.You must get your hair cut.
He talked too much.
I had my first maths class at senior high school.
⑩ 感叹词 interj. Oh, ah等。
定语 (attribute)---修饰名词,代词等 状语 (adverbial)---修饰动词,形容词,副词等
主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语 SVIODO
主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语 SVOOC
There be
主语+谓语 s+v
The sun rises. (rise-rose-risen 是vi,不能带宾语.)
谓语动词特点: 不及物动词(本身意思完整,后面不需要宾语)
基本句型(2) 主语+谓语+宾语 (S. + V. + O. ) 该句型的谓语动词必须是vt或vt的动词词组.
1.The sun keeps us warm. 2.I heard him singing. 3.You must get your hair cut.
He talked too much.
I had my first maths class at senior high school.
⑩ 感叹词 interj. Oh, ah等。
1. This is the room where Lu Xun lived. 2. I shouldn’t believe those people who always lie.
1. Wherever you go, I can find you. 2. I stayed home because it was too cold. 3. While John was watching TV, his wife was cooking. 4. The teacher raised his voice in order that the students in the back could hear more clearly. 5. It’s such a good chance that we must not miss it. 6. He won’t listen whatever you may say. 7. When in Rome, do as the Roman do. 8. Please put the pen where it was.
英语句式 简单句 并列句 复合句
英语句式 简单句 并列句 复合句
The 5 types of simple sentences
1. Bill came.
主谓(S V)
2. I like basketball.
to school.
英语句式 简单句 并列句 复合句
初高中英语衔接 句子成分和五种句子类型(公开课)(共23张PPT)
4.There are 66 students in our class. 数词 5.Do you know betty’s sister? 名词所有格 6.There is a sleeping baby in bed.现在分词
7.The girl standing under the tree is his daughter.
1.You are a clever boy. 形容词 2.I want to tell you something important. 形容词
3.His father works in a shoe factory. 物主代词 名词
2.Two middle-aged passengers fell into the sea. Unfortunately,neither of them could swim.
3.Your performance in the driving test didn’t reach the required standard,in other words, you failed.
9.I’m sure I can ssuccceeesds by my hahradr-wdowrkoirnkg.
1. 主语是句子所要说明的动作或状态的主体.
4.It is so nice to hear from her. Believe it or not , we last met more than thirty years ago.
7.The girl standing under the tree is his daughter.
1.You are a clever boy. 形容词 2.I want to tell you something important. 形容词
3.His father works in a shoe factory. 物主代词 名词
2.Two middle-aged passengers fell into the sea. Unfortunately,neither of them could swim.
3.Your performance in the driving test didn’t reach the required standard,in other words, you failed.
9.I’m sure I can ssuccceeesds by my hahradr-wdowrkoirnkg.
1. 主语是句子所要说明的动作或状态的主体.
4.It is so nice to hear from her. Believe it or not , we last met more than thirty years ago.
class? • ⑤ Some of the students in the school want to
go swimming, how about you?
• 表语说明主语的性质、特征、状态或身份, 与连系动词一起构成复合谓语。
• We are Chinese. (名词) • I’m not quite myself today. (代词) • Who was the first? (数词) • The war was over. (副词) • He is out of condition. (介词短词) • They seem to know the truth. (动词不定式) • His hobby is playing computer games.(动名词短语) • That is what he told me yesterday. (从词)
• ② There is an old man coming here.
• ③To do today's homework without the teacher's help is very difficult.
㈡谓语 说明主语的动作、状态和特征
• 谓语由简单谓语和复合谓语组成。 • ①简单谓语 • The sun rises in the east. • He looked after two orphans. • ②复合谓语 由情态动词或助动词+动词; • He can speak English very well. • The work must be done before three o’clock.
• Do you know the man who spoke just now?
go swimming, how about you?
• 表语说明主语的性质、特征、状态或身份, 与连系动词一起构成复合谓语。
• We are Chinese. (名词) • I’m not quite myself today. (代词) • Who was the first? (数词) • The war was over. (副词) • He is out of condition. (介词短词) • They seem to know the truth. (动词不定式) • His hobby is playing computer games.(动名词短语) • That is what he told me yesterday. (从词)
• ② There is an old man coming here.
• ③To do today's homework without the teacher's help is very difficult.
㈡谓语 说明主语的动作、状态和特征
• 谓语由简单谓语和复合谓语组成。 • ①简单谓语 • The sun rises in the east. • He looked after two orphans. • ②复合谓语 由情态动词或助动词+动词; • He can speak English very well. • The work must be done before three o’clock.
• Do you know the man who spoke just now?
状语 1. 用来修饰动词、形容词和 副词等的,表示事情发生 的时间、地点、原因、结 果、程度等等
2. 修饰动词时,位置在该动 词前后均可;修饰形容词 或副词,要放在它们之前
★ He runs quickly. 他跑地很快。 ★ She is very beautiful. 她非常漂亮。 ★ I will go there tomorrow.
2、表示“感觉”的词,如look(看起来),feel (觉得,摸起来),smell(闻起来),sound (听起来),taste(尝起来)等, 例如: She looked tired.(她看一去很疲劳。) I feel ill.(我觉得不舒服。) Cotton feels soft.(棉花摸起来很软。) The story sounds interesting.(这个故事听起来 很有趣。) The flowers smell sweet.(这些花闻起来很香。) The coffee tastes good..。
二、句子的分类 (按用途划分): 陈述句、疑问句、祈使句和感叹句
人的看法、和态度的句子。常用结构:主语+谓语+其它。 句末通常是句号。
Eg. 1. Tom can speak good English. 汤姆英语说的很好。 2. He is a student. 他是一个学生。3. I like football. 我喜欢足球。 4. Tom gets up early every day. 汤姆每天都起得很早。
句子 成分 主语 谓语 宾语
★ They are students.
达完整的意思,还必须在宾语后面加上宾语的补 足语才能表达完整的意思。我们把“宾语+宾语 补足语”合起来称为复合宾语。
复合宾语所表达的意思相当于一个句子的意 思。名词、动词、形容词、副词、介词短语、不 定式、现在分词、过去分词都可以作宾语补足语。
We often speak English in class. (代词) One-third of the students in this class are girls. (数词) To swim in the river is a great pleasure. (不定式) Smoking does harm to the health. (动名词) The rich should help the poor. (名词化的形容词) When we are going to have an English test has not
We saw her entering the room. (现在分词) We found everything in the lab in good order.(介词短语) We will soon make our city what your city is now. (从句)
观察下列句子,找出其宾语补足语,并分析归 纳其特点:
His father named him Dongming. (名词) They painted their boat white. (形容词) Let the fresh air in. (副词) You mustn’t force him to lend his money to you.
clause etc.
句子按用途分为四类:陈述句,疑问句, 祈使句和感叹句。
The boy hit the dog. Does the shop close at 7 tonight? Shut the door. What a slow train this is!
主语:是一个句子所说明的主体,除祈使句和省略 句外,英语句子一般都有主语。
• 选择并列连词: or, either…or, neither… nor
并 并列句的词序:并列句基本上保留了简单句 列 的词序。 句 主语 谓语 宾语 连词 主语 动词 表语
Jimmy fell off his bike but (he) wasn’t hurt.
主语 + 不及物动词 She came./ My head aches. 主语 + 及物动词 + 宾语
She likes English. 主语 + 系动词 + 主语补语 She is happy. 主语 + 双宾动词 + 间接宾语 + 直接宾语 She gave John a book. She bought a book for me. 主语 + 宾补动词 + 宾语 + 宾语补语 She makes her mother angry. The teacher asked me to read the passage.
•She gave me her address.
•Reading novels is an enjoyment.
•When the spaceship will take off has not been decided.
•She worked hard all day long. •The matter will be dealt with as soon as possible. •She must have arrived by air.
句子按用途分为四类:陈述句,疑问句, 祈使句和感叹句。
The boy hit the dog. Does the shop close at 7 tonight? Shut the door. What a slow train this is!
主语:是一个句子所说明的主体,除祈使句和省略 句外,英语句子一般都有主语。
• 选择并列连词: or, either…or, neither… nor
并 并列句的词序:并列句基本上保留了简单句 列 的词序。 句 主语 谓语 宾语 连词 主语 动词 表语
Jimmy fell off his bike but (he) wasn’t hurt.
主语 + 不及物动词 She came./ My head aches. 主语 + 及物动词 + 宾语
She likes English. 主语 + 系动词 + 主语补语 She is happy. 主语 + 双宾动词 + 间接宾语 + 直接宾语 She gave John a book. She bought a book for me. 主语 + 宾补动词 + 宾语 + 宾语补语 She makes her mother angry. The teacher asked me to read the passage.
•She gave me her address.
•Reading novels is an enjoyment.
•When the spaceship will take off has not been decided.
•She worked hard all day long. •The matter will be dealt with as soon as possible. •She must have arrived by air.
5. 基本句型 五:S+V+O(宾)+C (宾补)
有些及物动词只跟一个宾语还不能表达完整的意思, 必须加上一个补充成分来补足宾语。 1. The war made him a soldier. 2. They painted the door green. 3. I often find him at work. 4. The teacher ask the students to close the windows. 5. I saw a cat running across the road. 6. They found the house deserted.
a. S V b. S V P c. S V O d. S V o O e. S V O C
1. Mr. Wu told us a story. _d______ 2. She smiled. ___a___ 3. His job is to train swimmers. _b____ 4. He noticed a man enter the room. __e___ 5. Lily is looking at the picture carefully. __c___
• This book is very interesting. 程度 • He went to school although he was pretty sick. 让步
• He always comes late to school. 频率
●They enjoyed playing computer games. 动名词
5. 基本句型 五:S+V+O(宾)+C (宾补)
有些及物动词只跟一个宾语还不能表达完整的意思, 必须加上一个补充成分来补足宾语。 1. The war made him a soldier. 2. They painted the door green. 3. I often find him at work. 4. The teacher ask the students to close the windows. 5. I saw a cat running across the road. 6. They found the house deserted.
a. S V b. S V P c. S V O d. S V o O e. S V O C
1. Mr. Wu told us a story. _d______ 2. She smiled. ___a___ 3. His job is to train swimmers. _b____ 4. He noticed a man enter the room. __e___ 5. Lily is looking at the picture carefully. __c___
• This book is very interesting. 程度 • He went to school although he was pretty sick. 让步
• He always comes late to school. 频率
●They enjoyed playing computer games. 动名词
① What happened?
② The plane took off at 10 o’clock.
③ We were beaten by their team.
及物动词 & 不及物动词
➢ 及物动词后必须跟有动作的对象 ➢ 不及物动词后不能直接跟有动作的对
(即宾语) ➢ 可直接跟宾语。
象(即宾语)。 ➢ 若要跟宾语,必须先在其后加上某个 感谢您下载包图网平台上提供的PPT作品,为了您和包图网以及原创作者的利益,请勿复制、传播、销售,否则将承担法律责任!包图网将对作品进行维权,按照传播下载次数进行十倍的索取赔偿!
① Show your passport, please.
① (名词)
② She didn't say anything.
一般由名词、代词、形容词、分词、数词、不定式、动名词、 感谢您下载包图网平台上提供的PPT作品,为了您和包图网以及原创作者的利益,请勿复制、传播、销售,否则将承担法律责任!包图网将对作品进行维权,按照传播下载次数进行十倍的索取赔偿!
He 他 made me我
laugh 笑
主语:发出动作,或者主要陈述的对象 谓语:动词(心动+行动) 宾语;受动作影响的事物 系动词:把主语和表语连系起来 表语:表明主语是什么,或者怎么样 宾补:对动作要宾语怎么样进行补充说明 直接宾语:直接受到动作影响的事物 间接宾语:间接受到动作影响的事物
• 6.Many animals live in trees.
21/9/15 主 + 谓
基本句型 四
S +Vt +IO +O(主+谓+间宾+直宾)
表示主语为宾语怎么样了一件/样/些东西, My father bought me a car yesterday.昨天 我父亲为我买了一辆车。
双宾语,间宾在前无介词 间宾在后有介词for/to等
My father bought a car for me yesterday.
• 2.The flower is dead.
• 3.Plants need water.
• 4.He gives me some seeds.
主 + 谓 + 直宾 + 简宾
• 5.We should keep the plants in the shade.
主 + 谓 动词一般为及物动 词,后面可以跟名词、动名词、 不定式、宾语从句等作宾语。
基本句型 二
• 主语,谓语,宾语, •· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 三种主要成分
5. We call our teacher Mr. Wang.
6. He is doing his homework in the room.
主+ 谓+ 宾
1.Plants need water. S+V+O ( 主 + 谓+ 宾 ) 2.The flower is so fresh. S +V +P (主 + 系 + 表) 3.They work hard. S +V (主 + 谓 ) 4.He gives me some seeds. S +V +In O + DO (主 + 谓 + 直宾 + 间宾) 5.We should keep the plants in the shade. S+V +O +OC (主 + 谓 + 宾 + 宾补) 6.Many animals live in trees. S+V (主 + 谓 )
Then gradually between about AD 800 and 1150 English became less like German S V P ) because those ( who ruled England spoke Ad.C S V At. C(定从) first Danish and later French. _____________________________ O
• 主语,谓语,宾语, •· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 三种主要成分
5. We call our teacher Mr. Wang.
6. He is doing his homework in the room.
主+ 谓+ 宾
1.Plants need water. S+V+O ( 主 + 谓+ 宾 ) 2.The flower is so fresh. S +V +P (主 + 系 + 表) 3.They work hard. S +V (主 + 谓 ) 4.He gives me some seeds. S +V +In O + DO (主 + 谓 + 直宾 + 间宾) 5.We should keep the plants in the shade. S+V +O +OC (主 + 谓 + 宾 + 宾补) 6.Many animals live in trees. S+V (主 + 谓 )
Then gradually between about AD 800 and 1150 English became less like German S V P ) because those ( who ruled England spoke Ad.C S V At. C(定从) first Danish and later French. _____________________________ O
初高中英语衔接 基本句型 12张PPT
• 我们在任何时候都应该保持沉着。
• keep calm
2) 这种食物尝起来很糟糕。
The food tastes terrible.
• ②表示转变或结果的系动词。这些词 become, get, grow, turn, go, come, prove(证明 3) Spring comes. It is getting warmer and warmer.
在很多情形中,作谓语的不及物动词后面 跟上状语意思才完整。
The pen writes smoothly.
主语 谓语 状语
The sun rises in the east.
主语 谓语 状语
The accident happened yesterday.
Part 7 基本句型七: 主语 + 谓语+ 宾语 + 状语 S + V +O + A
Part 3 基本句型三
• S十V十O主谓宾结构。这种句型中的动词应为及物动词或 者可以后接宾语的动词短语。作宾语的成分常是:名词、 代词、动词不定式、动名词或从句。
• 如: 1) 我看了一部电影。 _________________________________________.
• 2.They have ________ ________ _________ of the children 这些孩子他们照看得很好。
4).The boss made him do the work .
________________________________。 5). Please tell him not to play. ______________________________.
• keep calm
2) 这种食物尝起来很糟糕。
The food tastes terrible.
• ②表示转变或结果的系动词。这些词 become, get, grow, turn, go, come, prove(证明 3) Spring comes. It is getting warmer and warmer.
在很多情形中,作谓语的不及物动词后面 跟上状语意思才完整。
The pen writes smoothly.
主语 谓语 状语
The sun rises in the east.
主语 谓语 状语
The accident happened yesterday.
Part 7 基本句型七: 主语 + 谓语+ 宾语 + 状语 S + V +O + A
Part 3 基本句型三
• S十V十O主谓宾结构。这种句型中的动词应为及物动词或 者可以后接宾语的动词短语。作宾语的成分常是:名词、 代词、动词不定式、动名词或从句。
• 如: 1) 我看了一部电影。 _________________________________________.
• 2.They have ________ ________ _________ of the children 这些孩子他们照看得很好。
4).The boss made him do the work .
________________________________。 5). Please tell him not to play. ______________________________.
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基本句型二:S +V +P
基本句型三:S +V +O
基本句型四: S +V +InO +DO(主+谓+间宾+直宾)
基本句型五: S +V +O +OC(主+谓+宾+宾补)
Exercises : 翻译下列句子并分析句子结构:
1.我经常在早晨读英语。 2.玛丽是个聪明的学生。 3.我的老师交给我一封信。4.我母亲经常叫我努力学习。 5.我们叫我们的老师王先生 6.他正在房里做家庭作业。
分类 简 单 句 并 列 句 说明 例句 由一个主语或并列主 语和一个谓语或并列 1. Tom and I found her there. 谓语构成的句子。即 2. We all breathe, eat and work. 一套主谓关系。 由并列连词 (and,so,but, or等) 把两个或两个以上的 简单句连在一起而构 成的句子。 1. He likes eggs, but he doesn’t like chickens. 2. Work hard or you will fall behind.
基本句型的扩展: e.g. We found the hall full. 我们发现礼堂坐满了。 We found the great hall full of students and teachers. We found the great hall full of students and teachers listening to an important report. 我们发现大礼堂坐满了学生和教师,在听一个重要报 告。 We found the great hall full of students and teachers listening to an important report made by a comrade from the People's Daily on current _________________ affairs in East Europe. 我们发现大礼堂坐满了学生和教师,在听人民日 报的一位同志作有关东欧局势的重要报告。
1. I often read English in the morning. 2. Mary is a clever student. 3. My teacher gave me a letter.
主+谓+宾 主+系+表 主 + 谓 + 双宾 主+ 谓 + 宾 + 宾补
4. My mother often asks me to study hard. 主+ 谓 + 宾 +宾补
5. We call our teacher Mr. Wang.
6. He is doing his homework in the room.
主+ 谓+ 宾
1.Plants need water. S+V+O ( 主 + 谓+ 宾 ) 2.The flower is so fresh. S +V +P (主 + 系 + 表) 3.They work hard. S +V (主 + 谓 ) 4.He gives me some seeds. S +V +In O + DO (主 + 谓 + 直宾 + 间宾) 5.We should keep the plants in the shade. S+V +O +OC (主 + 谓 + 宾 + 宾补) 6.Many animals live in trees. S+V (主 + 谓 )
复 合 句
由一个主句和一个或 1. I believe you are right. 一个以上的从句构成 2. If you study harder, you will pass the exam. 的句子
按结构英语句子主要可以分成三种: 简单句, 并列句,复合句
e.g. 1) The teacher’s name is Smith. 简单句 2) The teacher’s name is Smith and the student’s name is John. 并列句 3) He is Smith who likes going hiking. 复合句 -- 4) He is Smith and he likes going hiking. 并列句 5) Hurry up, or you’ll be late. 并列句 6) I saw him when I walked past the street. 复合句 7) He often gets up early because he wants to catch the early bus. 复合句
_________ longer thing _____ because nature is one P Ad.C(状从) S V ___________ that really must be experienced. At.C(定从)
At first the English spoken ( in England S ) very between about AD 450 and 1150 was V At.(定语) ( different from the English spoken today. ) P At.(定语)
• 主语,谓语,宾语, •· · · · · · · · · 状语,补语 •· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 三种附属成分
英语句子长短简繁不一,表面上似乎难以捉摸, 但可以从实质上发现其内在联系,找出其共同规律。 即可以归纳成五种基本句型及其扩大、组合、省略或 倒装。掌握这五种基本句型,是掌握各种英语句子结 构的基础。 基本句型一:S +V (主+谓)
1. Preview Unit 1
2. Analyze 5 sentences
I don’t want to __________________________ set down a series of facts __________ S V O in a diary ( as most people do, but ) I want _________ ___________ S V Ad. V S ______________ this diary to be my friend, and I shall call ________ _________ S V O OC my friend Kitty. O OC
Then gradually between about AD 800 and 1150 English became less like German S V P ) because those ( who ruled England spoke Ad.C S V At. C(定从) first Danish and later French. _____________________________ O
Analyze the sentences: { there was a __________________ I can well remember that
Oc S V S V ( time when a_____________________________ deep blue sky, the song of the P Ac
S } have kept me spellbound. ) _________ O OC V
____________________________ birds, moonlight and flowers could never ___________
It’s no pleasure looking through these any ___________ _________________________ SV P S