ERouting Final Exam - CCNA Exploration 路由协议和概念 (版本 4.0) (思科第二学期期末答案)
1下列有关在交换机上发出的 banner login "Authorized personnel Only" 命令的说法中哪项正确?Option 2该命令应在特权执行模式下输入。
该命令会导致用户登录前显示 Authorized personnel Only 消息。
该命令会生成并显示错误消息 % Ambiguous command: "banner motd" ”。
将该命令输入交换机后,屏幕上会显示 End with the character “%”消息。
2哪种命令行界面 (CLI) 模式允许用户配置诸如主机名和口令等交换机参数?Option 3用户执行模式特权执行模式全局配置模式接口配置模式3网络管理员通过 CLI 输入一个命令,该命令需要几个参数。
交换机的响应为 "% Incomplete command"。
管理员可通过什么方法在线代理|网页代理|代理网页|来获取参数信息?Option 2向最后一个参数末尾附加一个问号 (?)向最后一个参数末尾附加一个空格,然后附加一个问号 (?)按 Ctrl-P 显示参数列表按 Tab 键显示可用的选项4请参见图示。
图中显示了 show running-config 命令的部分输出。
此交换机的使能口令是 "cisco"。
从图中所示的输出可得出什么结论?Option 3默认情况下会加密使能口令。
所有加密口令均采用 MD5 哈希算法加密。
在线代理|网页代理|代理网页|5采用 CSMA/CD 的网络中发生冲突时,需要传输数据的主机在回退时间到期后做何反应?Option 1主机恢复传输前侦听模式。
造成冲突的主机重新传输最后 16 个帧。
ERouting Chapter 1 - CCNA Exploration: 路由协议和概念 (版本1口令可用于限制对 Cisco IOS 所有或部分内容的访问。
)VTY 接口控制台接口特权执行模式2路由器从相连的以太网接口收到消息后,会更改哪项报头地址,再将消息从另一个接口发送出去第 2 层源地址和目的地址3请参见图示。
网络管理员已经为路由器连接到直连网络的接口配置了如图所示的 IP 地址。
从路由器 ping 相连网络上的主机口之间相互 ping 都会遭到失败。
此问题最可能的原因是什么必须使用no shutdown命令启用接口。
主机 A ping 主机 B。
当 R4 收到对以太网接口的 ping 时,哪两块报头信息包括在内(选择两项。
)目的 IP 地址:目的 MAC 地址:5网络管理员刚把新配置输入 Router1。
要将配置更改保存到 NVRAM,应该执行哪一条命令Router1# copy running-config startup-config6您需要配置图中所示的串行连接,必须在 Sydney 路由器上发出以下哪条配置命令才能与 Melbourne 站点建立连接(选择三Sydney(config-if)# ip addressSydney no shutdownSydney(config-if)# clock rate 560007请参见图示。
在主机 2 连接到 LAN 上的交换机后,主机 2 无法与主机 1 通信。
导致此问题的原因是什么主机 1 和主机 2 位于不同的网络中。
9输入以下命令的作用是什么R1(config)# line vty 0 4R1(config-line)# password check123R1(config-line)# login设置通过 Telnet 连接该路由器时使用的口令10以下哪一项正确描述了路由器启动时的顺序加载 bootstrap、加载 IOS、应用配置11加载配置文件时的默认顺序是怎样的NVRAM、TFTP、CONSOLE12请参见图示。
参加考试 - ESwitching Final Exam - CCNA Exploration: LAN 交换和无线 (版本 4.0)剩余时间正在显示第 1 页,共 4页下一页>页跳转<上一页1 以下哪项参数用于唯一标识一个无线网络,使其与其它网络区分开来?SSID OFDMWEPDSSS2 分层网络模型具有哪三项优点?(选择三项。
)带宽争用现象减少物理布局范围减小网络的容错能力提高无需配线间无需第三层功能管理和故障排除工作简化3在将 Catalyst 交换机迁移到其它 VTP 管理域之前,应该进行哪三项任务?(选择正确的 VTP 模式和版本。
从新域中的 VTP 服务器上下载 VTP 数据库。
配置新域内的 VTP 服务器,使其识别该交换机的 BID。
重置 VTP 计数器,使交换机可与新域内的其它交换机同步。
)它只在第 2 层使用。
它消除了网络拓扑中的第 2 层环路。
它限制了端口上所允许的有效 MAC 地址的数量。
它使 VLAN 信息得以传播到网络中的其它交换机。
5下列哪种方法可建立用于配置 Linksys WRT300N 无线接入点的管理连接?与接入点关联,然后与接入点建立超级终端会话。
在接入点所在的 IP 子网内的计算机上的 web 浏览器中输入接入点的默认修改与接入点连接的计算机的 TCP/IP 属性,使其与接入点处于同一个网机以建立连接。
源地址并非 0019.d2e4.d9f7 的帧进入接口 Fa0/24 时会发生什么情况?Fa0/24 会变为 error-disabled(错误-禁用)状态。
Fa0/24 端口 LED 会关闭。
位置: 试题反馈报告CCNA Exploration: LAN 交换和无线(版本4.0) - ESwitching Chapter 4下面是针对您未获得满分的题目的反馈。
分项分数:1当包含VLAN 的交换网络中配置了VTP 时,下列哪种说法正确?正确响应您的响应VTP 仅与802.1Q 标准兼容。
VTP 增大了管理交换网络的复杂性。
通过VTP 可将交换机配置为多个VTP 域的成员。
VTP 会向同一VTP 域内的所有交换机动态通知VLAN 更改情况。
此试题参考以下领域的内容:CCNA Exploration: LAN 交换和无线4.2.2 VTP 域2VTP 以客户端模式工作具有哪两项特点?(选择两项。
)正确响应您的响应无法添加VLAN可添加在本地有效的VLAN无论VLAN 信息如何,将广播从所有端口转发出去只能传递VLAN 管理信息而无法接受更改可向同一VTP 域中的其它交换机转发VLAN 信息此试题参考以下领域的内容:CCNA Exploration: LAN 交换和无线4.1.1 何谓VTP?3请参见图示。
交换机S1 处于VTP 服务器模式。
交换机S2 和S3 处于客户端模式。
管理员意外断开了S2 的F0/1 接口上的电缆。
这会对S2 产生什么后果?正确响应您的响应S2 会自动转换到VTP 透明模式。
S2 会将所有VLAN 从VLAN 数据库中删除,直到重新接好电缆为止。
S2 会保存已知的最新修订版本的VLAN ,但如果它重新加载,就会丢失这些VLAN。
当电缆重新接好时,S2 会自动向172.17.99.11 发送一个VTP 通告请求。
此试题参考以下领域的内容:CCNA Exploration: LAN 交换和无线4.2.3 VTP 通告4请参见图示。
VTP 域内的所有交换机均是新的。
交换机SW1 被配置为VTP 服务器,交换机SW2 和SW4被配置为VTP 客户端,交换机SW3 被配置为VTP 透明模式。
最新 CCNA第二学期章节测试 第八章 答案
参加考试- ERouting Chapter 8 - CCNA Exploration: 路由协议和概念(版本 4.0) 1请参见图示。
错误!未找192.168.2.0、 和192.168.4.0 网络是子路由到引用源。
错误!未找发往172.16.3.0 的流量将被引导至s 0/0/1到引用源。
路由器 B 接收到目的地址为10.16.1.97 的数据包。
路由器 B 将会做什么?错误!未找丢弃数据包到引用源。
错误!未找通过到10.16.1.0 的路由转发该数据包到引用源。
错误!未找通过到10.16.1.64 的路由转发该数据包到引用源。
Router1 将对172.16.0.0/24 网络的子路由应用什么子网掩码?错误!未找0.0.0.0到引用源。
Router1 正在运行IOS 第12.2 版。
网络管理员需要做什么工作才能确保发往172.16.0.0/24 未知子路由的数丢弃?错误!未找使用ip default-network命令到引用源。
错误!未找使用RIPv1 之类的有类路由协议到引用源。
错误!未找启用OSPF 或ISIS 作为路由协议到引用源。
错误!未找使用ip classless命令到引用源。
错误!未找什么都不用做,默认会启用ip classless到引用源。
5路由表中显示以下条目:R [120/2] via, 00:00:26, Serial0/0/1这是哪种类型的路由?错误!未找1 级父路由到引用源。
ERouting Final Exam - CCNA Exploration 路由协议和概念 (版本 4.0) (思科第二学期期末答案)
ERouting Final Exam - CCNA Exploration: 路由协议和概念 (版本 4.0) (思科第二学期期末答案)参加考试 - ERouting Final Exam - CCNA Exploration: 路由协议和概念 (版本 4.0)1.请参见图示。
哪一项是对连接到路由器 R1 的路由的最有效总结?下列关于路由协议的陈述,哪三项是正确的?(选择三项。
)EIGRP 支持不等价负载均衡。
RIP 无法配置为允许无类路由。
OSPF 在多路访问链路上选举指定路由器。
RIP 不通告跳数超过 15 的路由。
EIGRP 使用广播流量与其邻居建立相邻关系。
OSPF 能够更迅速地收敛,因为在后继路由失效时,它能够在其拓扑表中找出可行后继路由。
该网络正在运行 RIP 路由协议。
网络 突然断开。
下列有关此拓扑结构中路由器如何响应该事件的陈述中,哪一项是正确的?Router4 将在 30 秒之后的下一次定期更新中获知该失效路由。
在抑制计时器超时之前,水平分割将阻止 Router4 向 网络转发数据包。
Router5 将立即从路由表中清除这一失效路由。
Router5 将向 Router4 发送触发更新,其中网络 的度量为 16。
根据图中所示的拓扑结构,要在 Paris 路由器上配置 EIGRP 需要使用哪三条命令?(选择三项。
)Paris(config)# router eigrp 100Paris(config)# router eigrpParis(config-router)# network network network network请参见图示。
访问列表中的必须在会防止以明文传输登录信息如果身份验证失败,则会断开PPP 会话连接会发起双向握手容易遭受回送攻击4命令show frame-relay map的输出如下:Serial 0 (up): ip dlci 122, dynamic, broadcast, status defined, active 下列哪三种说法正确描述了所示内容的意义?(选择三项。
)代表远程路由器的IP 地址192.168.151.4代表本地串行接口的IP 地址DLCI 122代表远程串行接口DLCI 122代表用于连接远程地址的本地编号broadcast表示动态路由协议(例如RIP v1)可通过此PVC 发送数据包active表明ARP 进程正在工作5路由器的SDM 主页会显示哪三点信息?(选择三项。
)ARP 缓存闪存的总容量和可用容量路由表已配置的LAN 接口的数量是否配置了DHCP 服务器该LAN 中路由器的数量6从非军事区分界点本地环路网云确保在确认确保路由器上有通向下列哪三种说法正确描述了CSU/DSU调制解调器用于端接本地数字环路。
交换虚电路的相关信息将DLCI 映射到网络地址提供流量控制提供错误通知提供拥塞通知发送keepalive 数据包以检验PVC 的工作情况14请参见图示。
)启用了NAT 过载。
地址为192.168.1.255 的主机将被转换。
进入0/0/2 接口的流量先被转换,然后才流出串行接口0/0/0。
第七章 CCNA第二学期 Exploration: 路由协议和概念 (版本 4.0)(2010-12-20 19:19:52)转载▼标签:it 分类:2010|CCNA2官方试题--路由ERouting Chapter 7 - CCNA Exploration: 路由协议和概念(版本 4.0)1请参见图示。
如果所有路由器都运行 RIP 第 2 版,为什么没有网络的路由Rip 第 2 版不会在更新中发送子网掩码。
路由器 A 并未将 RIP 设置为路由协议。
Rip 第 2 版默认将自动总结路由。
路由器 B 未设置为通告 网络。
下列哪个路由器上的哪条命令可让 Router1 获知 网络?Router1(config)# ip classlessRouter1(config-router)# no passive-interface serial 0/1/1Router2(config-router)# version 2Router2(config-router)# neighbor哪两项是选择实施 RIP 第 2 版而不是 RIP 第 1 版的原因?(选择两项。
)RIP 第 2 版支持 VLSM。
RIP 第 2 版支持 16 台以上的路由器。
RIP 第 2 版支持有类(而不是无类)路由RIP 第 2 版支持路由更新验证。
RIP 第 2 版支持多区域。
RIP 第 2 版使用 Dijkstra 算法而不是贝尔曼-福特算法。
4RIP v1 和 RIP v2 的相似点有哪些?(选择三项。
路由器 East 和 West 被配置为使用 RIPv1。
第1章检查你的理解1.B、C、E以太网交换机和转发器通常用于LAN 中。
路由器可视为LAN 设备和W AN 设备,用于在公司网络内部路由分组、将分组路由到ISP 以及在自主系统之间路由分组。
2.D3.电路交换:D分组交换:C面向连接的分组交换:B无连接的分组交换:A4.城域以太网:AX.25:DATM:B帧中继:C5.C DTE 通过W AN 传输来自客户网络或主机计算机的数据。
DTE 通过DCE 连接到本地环路。
路由器是一种DTE 设备,它使用CSU/DSU(DCE 设备)连接到W AN。
7.DLCI 唯一地标识了帧中继虚电路,这确保DTE 设备之间能够进行双向通信。
9.C10.B11.C12.E13.C14.C15.CCisco 企业分支机构架构让能够将园区网中的应用程序和服务延伸到各种远程位置和用户,接入层用于将用户连接到网络,这层通常使用第 2 层和第3 层交换机。
在北美,ISDN PRI 包含23 个64kbit/s 的B 信道和 1 个64kbit/s 的D 信道,总比特率高VPN 使用隧道通过公共网络(如Internet)在两个私有网络之间安全地传输数据。
分布层将工作组放在不同的网段中,从而隔离子网或VLAN 中的网络问题。
VLAN 之间本地环路将用户驻地的CPE 连接到服务提供商的CO,有时也被称为“最后一公里”。
ERouting Chapter 1 - CCNA Exploration: 路由协议和概念(版本4.0)1口令可用于限制对Cisco IOS 所有或部分内容的访问。
)VTY 接口控制台接口特权执行模式2路由器从相连的以太网接口收到消息后,会更改哪项报头地址,再将消息从另一个接口发送出去?第 2 层源地址和目的地址3请参见图示。
网络管理员已经为路由器连接到直连网络的接口配置了如图所示的IP 地址。
从路由器ping 相连网络上的主机口之间相互ping 都会遭到失败。
此问题最可能的原因是什么?必须使用no shutdown命令启用接口。
主机 A ping 主机B。
当R4 收到对以太网接口的ping 时,哪两块报头信息包括在内?(选择两项。
)目的IP 地址:目的MAC 地址:9999.DADC.12345网络管理员刚把新配置输入Router1。
要将配置更改保存到NVRAM,应该执行哪一条命令?Router1# copy running-config startup-config6您需要配置图中所示的串行连接,必须在Sydney 路由器上发出以下哪条配置命令才能与Melbourne 站点建立连接?(选Sydney(config-if)# ip address no shutdownSydney(config-if)# clock rate 560007请参见图示。
在主机 2 连接到LAN 上的交换机后,主机2 无法与主机 1 通信。
导致此问题的原因是什么?主机 1 和主机2 位于不同的网络中。
9输入以下命令的作用是什么?R1(config)# line vty 0 4R1(config-line)# password check123R1(config-line)# login设置通过Telnet 连接该路由器时使用的口令10以下哪一项正确描述了路由器启动时的顺序?加载bootstrap、加载IOS、应用配置11加载配置文件时的默认顺序是怎样的?NVRAM、TFTP、CONSOLE12请参见图示。
CCNA网络学院第二学期 第六章 试题及答案
ERouting Chapter 6 - CCNA Exploration: 路由协议和概念 (版本4.0)1请参见图示。
网络管理员希望尽量减少 Router1 路由表中的条目数量。
管理员应该在该网络上使用什么技术?VLSMCIDR私有 IP 地址有类路由2 C IDR 对网络有哪两项好处?(选择两项。
)缩小路由表大小动态地址分配自动路由重分布减少路由更新流量在有类边界自动总结3在如图所示的网络中,从 C 类地址的主机部分借用了 3 个位。
)32 位地址下一跳路由器接口子网掩码单播主机地址第 2 层地址5哪三种内部路由协议支持VLSM?(选择三项。
)OSPFRIP v1RIP v2EIGRPBGPSTP6网络管理员可在VLSM 的帮助下实现下列哪一项?在一个自治系统中使用一个子网掩码在相同的IP 地址空间中使用多个子网掩码在整个自治系统中使用IGRP 作为路由协议在自治系统中使用多种路由协议7如图所示,Router1 和Router2 之间新添加的以太网链路需要一个额外的子网。
要为此链路提供最多14 个可用地址同时又地址,应该在该网络上配置哪个子网地址?请参见图示。
下列哪个地址是图中某个子网的广播地址?某路由器的路由表中安装了一条到网络192.168.32.0/20 的总结路由。
该路由总结了哪些网络? – – – – –请参见图示。
ESwitching Final Exam第2套
连接到交换机X 上的VLAN 10 中的主机通过以下哪种方法可以与连接到交换机Y 上的VLAN 10 中的主机通信?QoS路由(routing)中继VPNVoIP子接口请参见图示。
如果所有链路都在相同的带宽下运行,哪个端口将作为非指定端口?交换机 A 的Fa0/1 接口交换机 A 的Fa0/2 接口交换机 B 的Fa0/1 接口交换机 B 的Fa0/2 接口交换机 C 的Fa0/1 接口交换机 C 的Fa0/2 接口请参见图示。
网络管理员希望允许用户通过SSH 和Telnet 连接访问Switch1。
但是SSH 连接却失败了。
此问题最可能的原因是什么?未删除RSA 密钥。
SSH 被配置在错误的线路上。
transport input命令应用不正确。
SW1 是一台2960 交换机,已对其指定了默认值。
下列关于开销值38 对SW1 的意义的说法中哪两项正确?(选择两项。
)SW1 通过两条快速以太网链路连接到根交换机。
此开销代表从SW1 到根交换机的最快路径的数字值。
开销值38 是上游交换机(更接近根交换机)的端口26 向外通告的值。
SW1 将快速以太网链路的开销相加后得出38,从而确定到达根交换机所需的总开销。
根交换机通告的开销值是38,该值比加入VLAN0001 生成树域的其它任何交换机的值都低。
SW1 通过快速以太网链路连接到上游交换机,该上游交换机则通过千兆以太网链路直接连接到根交换机。
生成树算法的作用是什么?向其它交换机传播VLAN 配置。
单臂路由器VLAN 间路由有哪三项特征?(选择三项。
)需要使用VTP需要使用子接口减少广播域的数量使用过多VLAN 时会影响性能需要在路由器和至少一台交换机之间采用接入链路比用于VLAN 间路由的其它方法更加经济规定至少要在路由器和交换机之间使用两个交换机端口请参见图示。
ERouting Final Exam CCNA Exploration路由协议和概念答案
ERouting Final Exam-CCNA Exploration:路由协议和概念(Version4.0)1.Which of the following are required when adding a network to the OSPF routing process configuration?network addressloopback addressa utonomous system numbersubnet maskwildcard maskarea ID2.Which of the following are primary functions of a router?(Choose two.)packet switchingmicrosegmentationdomain name resolutionpath selectionflow control3.Refer to the exhibit.When troubleshooting a network,it is important to interpret the output of various router commands.On the basis of the exhibit,which three statements are true?(Choose three.)The missing information for Blank1is the command show ip route.The missing information for Blank 1 is the command debug ip route.The missing information for Blank 2 is the number 100.The missing information for Blank2is the number120.The missing information for Blank 3 is the letter R.The missing information for Blank3is the letter C.4.Refer to the exhibit.Packets destined to which two networks will require the router to perform a recursive lookup?(Choose two.) would the network administrator use the ip bandwidth-percent eigrp as-number percent command?when there is a low bandwidth connectionwhen the connection is on a shared mediumwhen the connection is serial instead of Ethernetwhen the link is always busy6.Refer to the exhibit.Cost for each path are shown.If all routers are configured to use OSPF,what would be the path of a packet sent from Router C to Router D if Router A was down?C-B-E-DC-B-A-D C-F-E-DC-F-B-A-D C-F-E-A-D7.What OSPF packet type is used to elect the designated router(DR)and backup designated router(BDR)on multiaccess networks?helloLSULSRDBDLSAck8.Refer to the exhibit.The hosts on the R1LAN are unable to access the Internet.What is incorrectly configured?the IP address of the Fa0/0 interface at R1the IP address of the S0/0/1 interface at R2the IP address of the S0/0/0interface at R1the subnet mask of the S0/0/1 interface at R29.Refer to the exhibit.Which summarization should R1use to advertise its networks to R2? to the exhibit.What are two of the routes added to the routing table of R1? (Choose two.)R [120/1] via, 00:00:24, Serial0/0/0R192.168.1.0/24[120/1]via172.16.2.1,00:00:24,Serial0/0/1R [120/1] via, 00:00:24, Serial0/0/0R192.168.100.0/24[120/1]via172.16.1.1,00:00:24,Serial0/0/0R [120/1] via, 00:00:24, Serial0/0/011.A router boots and enters setup mode.What is the reason for this?The IOS image is corrupt.Cisco IOS is missing from flash memory.The configuration file is missing from NVRAM.The POST process has detected hardware failure.12.Refer to the exhibit.A router learns a route to the192.168.6.0network,as shown in the output of the show ip rip database command.However,upon running the show ip routecommand,the network administrator sees that the router has installed a different route to the192.168.6.0network learned via EIGRP.What could be the reason for the missing RIP route?Compared to RIP,EIGRP has a lower administrative distance.Compared to EIGRP, RIP has a higher metric value for the route.Compared to RIP, the EIGRP route has fewer hops.Compared to RIP, EIGRP has a faster update timer.13.All routers in a network are configured in a single OSPF area with the same priority value.No loopback interface has been set on any of the routers.Which secondary value will the routers use to determine the router ID?The highest MAC address among the active interfaces of the network will be used.There will be no router ID until a loopback interface is configured.The highest IP address among the active FastEthernet interfaces that are running OSPF will be used.The highest IP address among the active interfaces will be used.14.Refer to the exhibit.Routers R1and R2are directly connected via their serial interfaces and are both running the EIGRP routing protocol.R1and R2can ping the directly connected serial interface of their neighbor,but they cannot form an EIGRP neighbor adjacency.What action should be taken to solve this problem?Enable the serial interfaces of both routers.Configure EIGRP to send periodic updates.Configure the same hello interval between the routers. Configure both routers with the same EIGRP process ID.15.Refer to the exhibit.The interfaces of all routers are configured for OSPF area0.R3can ping R1,but the two routers are unable to establish a neighbor adjacency.What should the network administrator do to troubleshoot this problem?Check if the interfaces of the routers are enabled.Check the hello and dead intervals between the routers.Check the process ID of both routers.Check if CDP is enabled on all the routers.16.Refer to the exhibit.The hosts that are connected to R2are unable to ping the hosts that are connected to R1.How can this problem be resolved?Configure the router ID on both routers.Configure the R2router interfaces for area0.Configure a loopback interface on both routers.Configure the proper subnet masks on the router interfaces.17.Refer to the exhibit.The command ip route0. run on router R2. What are the two results of this command?(Choose two.)A static route will be updated in the routing table.The traffic from the Internet will be directed to R2.The traffic from the source network will be blocked.The route will be specified as the default route for all networks not defined in the routing table.All the broadcasts will be forwarded via the S0/0/0 interface of R2.18.Refer to the exhibit.All routers are properly configured with default configurations and are running the OSPF routing protocol.The network is fully converged.A host on the is communicating with a host on the192.168.2.0/24network.Which path will be used to transmit the data?The data will be transmitted via R3-R2.The data will be transmitted via R3-R1-R2.The traffic will be load-balanced between two paths — one via R3-R2, and the other via R3-R1-R2.The data will be transmitted via R3-R2, and the other path via R3-R1-R2 will be retained as the backup path.19.Refer to the exhibit.What is the meaning of the highlighted value120?It is the metric that is calculated by the routing protocol.It is the value that is used by the DUAL algorithm to determine the bandwidth for the link.It is the administrative distance of the routing protocol.It is the hold-down time, measured in seconds, before the next update.20.In a complex lab test environment,a router has discovered four paths to192.168.1.0/24 via the use of the RIP routing process.Which route will be installed in the routing table after the discovery of all four paths?R [120/3] via, 00:00:17, Serial0/1/0R [120/2] via, 00:00:17, Serial0/0/0R192.168.1.0/24[120/1]via192.168.100.1,00:00:17,Serial0/0/1R [120/4] via, 00:00:17, Serial0/1/121.Refer to the exhibit.PC1is unable to access the Internet.What is the cause of the problem?An incorrect IP address is configured between the two routers. No static route is configured on Router2.A routing loop has occurred.No routing protocol is configured on either of the two routers.22.How does route poisoning prevent routing loops?New routing updates are ignored until the network has converged.Failed routes are advertised with a metric of infinity.A route is marked as unavailable when its Time to Live is exceeded.The unreachable route is cleared from the routing table after the invalid timer expires.23.Which statement is true about the metrics used by routing protocols?A metric is a value used by a particular routing protocol to compare paths to remote networks.A common metric is used by all routing protocols.The metric with the highest value is installed in the routing table.The router may use only one parameter at a time to calculate the metric.24.Which statement correctly describes a feature of RIP?RIP is a link-state routing protocol.RIP uses only one metric—hop count—for path selection.Advertised routes with hop counts greater than 10 are unreachable.Messages are broadcast every 10 seconds.25.Refer to the exhibit.OSPF is used for the routing protocol and all interfaces are configured with the correct IP addresses and subnet masks.During testing,it is found that router R1is unable to form an adjacency with R2.What is the cause of this problem?Both routers have been configured with incorrect router IDs.Both routers have been configured in different OSPF areas.Both routers have been configured with an incorrect network type.Both routers have been configured with different hello and dead intervals.26.A network administrator is in charge of two separate networks that share a single building.What device will be required to connect the two networks and add a common connection to the Internet that can be shared?hubrouteraccess pointEthernet switch27.Which network and mask combination requires the use of a classless addressing solution? company is using static routes that are configured with an administrative distance of “1”on all routers in the network.The network administrator decides to introduce a dynamic routing protocol to reduce the manual configurations for the static routes.Which optionidentifies the correct procedure for the dynamic routing to take place in the network?The static routes and the dynamic routes will have the traffic alternate between them.The static routes will be automatically removed once the dynamic routing is configured.The static routes will be automatically updated with the next hop IP address once the dynamic routing is configured.The static routes must be manually removed from all routers in order for the dynamic routes to be installed in the routing table.29.Refer to the exhibit.Based on the partial output in the exhibit,why can users establish a console connection to this router without entering a password?The login command was not entered on the console line.The enable password should be an enable secret password.No username and password combination has been configured.Console connections cannot be configured to require users to provide passwords.30.Refer to the exhibit.When a static IP address is being configured on the host,what address should be used for the default gateway? to the exhibit.The entire192.168.1.0network has been allocated to address hosts in the diagram.Utilizing VLSM with contiguous address blocks,which set of addresses andprefixes could be used to create an addressing solution with a minimum waste of IP addresses?Correct answer is image4.32.Refer to the exhibit.The network is configured for OSPF routing with default settings. The bandwidths have been configured correctly for each link.If the T1link between router A and router E fails,what path will a packet from router A take to reach the LAN attached to router F when the network has converged?A, B, C, FA, B, C, E, FA, D, G, E, FA,D,G,H,F33.Which candidate route has the longest match for a packet with a destination address of10.30.16.48? to the exhibit.The network is configured with RIPv2.However,network administrators notice that communication cannot be successfully completed from one LAN to another.A network administrator issues the show ip route command on the HQ router. Based on the output,what should be done to correct the problem?Disable the load balancing feature of RIPv2.Issue the no auto-summary command for RIPv2.Replace RIPv2 with EIGRP which supports VLSM.Make sure that the network statements include the correct subnet mask.35.Which multicast address does EIGRP use to send hello and updates packets? to the exhibit.Why is the state of the serial0/0/0interface administratively down?An IP address has not been configured on the interface.The WIC was installed into the incorrect slot on the router.The default encapsulation on the interface has been modified.The no shutdown command has not been executed on the interface.37.Refer to the exhibit.How was the OSPF default gateway entry for R2determined? Default routes are automatically injected by OSPF into all advertisements.A static default gateway route is defined in the configuration of R2.The default-information originate command is applied on R1.The ISP defines the gateway of last resort and automatically passes it to R1 and R2.The ip default-gateway command is applied on R2.38.Refer to the exhibit.RIPv1has been properly configured on all routers in the network. However,users on LAN2have intermittent connectivity with the users on LAN1and LAN3. What is the cause of the problem?Both LAN networks are separated from router R2 with a variably subnetted Class C network router R1 nor router R3 has a static route configured that points to the variably subnetted networks.Both routers R1and R3are sending the summarized172.16.0.0/16network to R2in their RIPv1routing updates.Both networks and are configured with a subnet mask different from the default classful mask.39.Which default EIGRP configuration must be modified to allow an EIGRP router to advertise subnets that are configured with VLSM?split horizonmetric K valuesautosummarizationhello and dead intervals40.What is a successor for a destination network in an EIGRP network?the next hop on the primary route with the largest feasible distance to the destinationthe next hop on the primary route with the smallest feasible distance to the destination41.Refer to the exhibit.Which route will be removed from the routing table if manual EIGRP summarization is disabled on the Serial0/0/0interface of Router3? port can be used for initial router configuration?AUXvty 0s0/0/0console43.Which two link-state routing protocol challenges does OSPF resolve through the election of a DR?(Choose two.)the extensive flooding of LSAs throughout the OSPF areathe excessive adjacencies when the number of routers increasesthe requirement for link-state database updates to be propagated between OSPF areasthe heavy CPU load that is imposed because each router must compute shortest paths by using the SPF algorithmthe requirement for each router to build a topological database of the internetwork to determinet he shortest paths between networks44.A routing table shows an EIGRP route to192.168.1.0/24with a metric of301440.What other term also describes this EIGRP metric value?feasible distancereported distancefeasible successorfeasibility condition45.Refer to the exhibit.The network administrator has run the following command on R1.R1(config)#ip route192.168.2.0255.255.255.0172.16.1.2What is the result of running this command?Traffic for network192.168.2.0is forwarded to172.16.1.2.This route is automatically propagated throughout the entire network.Traffic for all networks is forwarded to command invokes a dynamic routing protocol for to the exhibit.What will happen if interface Serial0/0/1goes down on Router1? The Dijkstra algorithm will calculate the feasible successor.DUAL will query neighbors for a route to network192.168.1.0.Neighbor will be promoted to the feasible successor.Traffic destined to the network will be dropped immediately due to lack of a feasible successor.47.Refer to the exhibit.A network administrator is accessing router R1from the console port.Once the administrator is connected to the router,which password should the administrator enter at the R1>prompt to access the privileged EXEC mode?Cisco001Cisco123Cisco789Cisco90148.Refer to the exhibit.Which option will provide the configuration that is needed for router R1to dynamically learn routes to the192.168.100.16/28,,and static routeswith a routed protocolwith a routing protocolwith directly connected routes49.Refer to the exhibit.What will happen when the router reloads?It will boot into ROMMON mode.It will ignore the start-up configuration file.It will look for the start-up configuration file on the TFTP server.It will attempt to load the start-up configuration file that is stored in NVRAM.50.On a router,which actions can be performed in user mode?perform password recoverymake global configuration changesview status of various router functionsmake changes to a specified interface。
ENetwork Chapter 2 - CCNA Exploration: 网络基础知识(版本 4.0) 1在封装过程中,数据链路层执行什么操作?不添加地址。
2TCP/IP 网络接入层有何作用?路径确定和数据包交换数据表、编码和控制可靠性、流量控制和错误检测详细规定构成物理链路的组件及其接入方法将数据段划分为数据包3数据链路层封装添加的报尾信息有何主要功能?支持差错校验确保数据按照顺序到达确保送达正确目的标识本地网络中的设备帮助中间设备进行处理和路径选择4请参见图。
下列哪组设备仅包含终端设备?A、C、DB、E、G、HC、D、G、H、I、JD、E、F、H、I、JE、F、H、I J5OSI 模型各层从最高层到最低层的正确顺序如何?物理层、网络层、应用层、数据链路层、表示层、会话层、传输层应用层、物理层、会话层、传输层网络层、数据链路层、表示层应用层、表示层、物理层、会话层、数据链路层、传输层、网络层应用层、表示层、会话层、传输层、网络层、数据链路层、物理层表示层、数据链路层、会话层、传输层、网络层、物理层、应用层6下列哪三项陈述是对局域网(LAN) 最准确的描述?(选择三项)LAN 通常位于一个地域内。
LAN 中的不同网段之间一般通过租用连接的方式连接。
LAN 为同一个组织内的用户提供网络服务和应用程序访问。
7第4 层端口指定的主要作用是什么?标识本地介质中的设备标识源设备和目的设备之间的跳数向中间设备标识过该网络的最佳路径标识正在通信的源终端设备和目的终端设备标识终端设备内正在通信的进程或服务8以下哪种特征正确代表了网络中的终端设备?管理数据流发送数据流重新定时和重新传输数据信号确定数据传输路径9请参见图示。
哪个术语正确判断出了包含于绿色区域中的设备类型?源终端传输中间10OSI 模型哪两层的功能与TCP/IP 模型的网络接入层相同?(选择两项)网络层传输层物理层数据链路层会话层11请参见图示。
Below you will find the assessment items as presented on the exam as well as the scoring rules associated with the item.Cisco Networking Academy content is copyrighted and the unauthorized posting, distribution or sharing of this exam content is prohibited.Close WindowAssessment SystemExam Viewer - ERouting Practice Final Exam - CCNA Exploration: 路由协议和概念 (Version 4.0)1What are two functions of a router? (Choose two.) gf e d c It connects multiple IP networks. gf e d c It controls the flow of data via the use of Layer 2 addresses.g fe d c It determines the best path to send packets. g fe d c It manages the VLAN database. g fe d c It increases the size of the broadcast domain.ObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of responseOption 1 and Option 3 are correct.1 point for each correct option.0 points if more options are selected than required.22When a router boots, what is the default order to locate the Cisco IOS if there is no boot system command? nm l k j ROM, TFTP server, flash n ml k j flash, TFTP server, ROM n ml k j flash, NVRAM, TFTP server nm l k j NVRAM, TFTP server, flashObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of response2 points for Option 20 points for any other option23Which router component is used to store the routing table? nm l k j Flash n m l k j NVRAM n ml k j ROM n ml k j SDRAMObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of response2 points for Option 40 points for any other option24Refer to the exhibit. How many routes are child routes? nm l k j 1 n m l k j 3 n ml k j 4 n ml k j 6ObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of response2 points for Option 30 points for any other option25Refer to the exhibit. Which statement is true concerning the routing configuration?nm l k j Using dynamic routing instead of static routing would have required fewer configuration steps. n ml k j The and routes have adjacent boundaries and should be summarized. n ml k j Packets routed to the R2 Fast Ethernet interface require two routing table lookups. nm l k j The static route will not work correctly.ObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of response2 points for Option 30 points for any other option26Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator issues the command no ip classless on Router1. What forward on a packet that is received by Router1 and is destined for host nm l k j The packet will be dropped. n ml k j The packet will be forwarded to the gateway of last resort. n ml k j The packet will match the network and be forwarded out Serial 0/0. n ml k j The packet will most closely match the subnet and be forwarded out Serial 0/1.ObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of response2 points for Option 10 points for any other option27Refer to the exhibit. Routers R1 and R3 use different routing protocols with default administrative distance valu properly configured and the destination network is advertised by both protocols.Which path will be used to transmit the data packets between PC1 and PC2? nm l k j The packets will travel via R2-R1. n ml k j The packets will travel via R2-R3. nm l k j The traffic will be load-balanced between two paths — via R2-R1 and via R2-R3. n ml k j The packets will travel via R2-R3, and the other path via R2-R1 will be retained as the backup path.ObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of response2 points for Option 10 points for any other option28Refer to the exhibit. Router R1 is configured as shown in the exhibit. PC1 on network can reach R1. The rest of the routers are configured with the correct IP addresses on the interfaces. Routers R2 and R3 d dynamic routing enabled. How far will PC1 be able to successfully ping? nml k j router R1 Fa0/0 interface n ml k j router R1 S0/0/0 interface n ml k j router R2 S0/0/0 interface n ml k j router R2 Fa0/0 and S0/0/1 interfaces n ml k j router R3 Fa0/0 and S0/0/0 interfacesObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of response2 points for Option 20 points for any other option29Refer to the exhibit. All routers are properly configured to use the EIGRP routing protocol with default settings, converged. Which statement correctly describes the path that the traffic will use from the network to network?nm l k j It will use the A-D path only. n ml k j It will use the path A-D, and the paths A-C-D and A-B-D will be retained as the backup paths. It will use all the paths equally in a round-robin j The traffic will be load-balanced between A-B-D and A-C-D.ObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of response2 points for Option 40 points for any other option210Which two statements are true regarding link-state routing protocols? (Choose two.)f e c They are aware of the complete network topology. fe c They offer rapid convergence times in large networks. fe c They do not include subnet masks in their routing updates. fe c They rely on decreasing hop counts to determine the best path. fe c They do not work well in networks that require special hierarchical designs. fe c They pass their entire routing tables to their directly connected neighbors only.ObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of responseOption 1 and Option 2 are correct.1 point for each correct option.0 points if more options are selected than required.211Refer to the exhibit. R1 knows two routes, Path A and Path B, to the Ethernet network attached to R3. R1 learn from a static route and Path B to network from EIGRP. Which route will R1 install in its nm l k j Both routes are installed and load balancing occurs across both paths. nm l k j The route via Path B is installed because the EIGRP route has the best metric to network n ml k j The route via Path A is installed because the static route has the best metric to network n ml k j The route via Path B is installed because the EIGRP route has the lowest administrative distance to networ n ml k j The route via Path A is installed because the static route has the lowest administrative distance to networkObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of response2 points for Option 50 points for any other option212What two routing protocols use a hierarchal network topology? (Choose two.)gf e d c IS-ISg f e d c EIGRP g f e d c OSPF g fe d c RIPv1 g fe d c RIPv2ObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of responseOption 1 and Option 3 are correct. 1 point for each correct option.0 points if more options are selected than required.213Refer to the exhibit. Based on the output from the show running-config and debug ip rip commands, what a are added to the routing table of R1? (Choose two.)gf e d c R [120/1] via, 00:00:24, Serial0/0/1g fe d c R [120/1] via, 00:00:24, Serial0/0/0 g fe d c S [1/0] via FastEthernet0/0 gf e d c R [120/1] via, 00:00:24, Serial0/0/0g fe d c R [120/1] via, 00:00:24, Serial0/0/0ObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of responseOption 2 and Option 3 are correct.1 point for each correct option.0 points if more options are selected than required.214Refer to the exhibit. The network has three connected routers: R1, R2 and R3. The routes of all three routers a be verified from the output?m l j ml j The IP address of the S0/0/0 interface of R1 is ml j The IP address of the S0/0/1 interface of R2 is m l j R2 is connected to the S0/0/1 interface of R3.ObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of response2 points for Option 40 points for any other option215Refer to the exhibit. All router interfaces are configured with an IP address and are operational. If no routing pro configured, what information will be included in the show ip route command output for router A? nm l k j All of the 192.168.x.0 networks will be in the routing table. n ml k j Routes to networks,, and will be in the routing table. n ml k j The routing table will be empty because routes and dynamic routes have not been configured. n ml k j A default route is automatically installed in the routing table to allow connectivity between the networks.ObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of response2 points for Option 20 points for any other option216Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator is accessing router R1 from the console port. Once the administra router, which password should the administrator enter at the R1> prompt to access the privileged EXEC mode?nm l k j Cisco001 n ml k j Cisco123 n ml k j Cisco789 n ml k j Cisco901ObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of response2 points for Option 30 points for any other option217Which of the following could describe the devices labeled "?" in the graphic? (Choose three.) gf ed c DCE g fe d c CSU/DSU gf e d c LAN switchg fe d c modem g fe d c hubObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of responseOption 1, Option 2, and Option 4 are correct.1 point for each correct option.0 points if more options are selected than required.318Refer to the exhibit. Which router is advertising subnet nm l k j Router1 n m l k j Router2 n ml k j Router3 n ml k j Router4ObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of response2 points for Option 40 points for any other option219Refer to the exhibit. The show cdp neighbors command was run at R1. Which two facts about the newly dete determined from the output? (Choose two.) gf e d c ABCD is a router that is connected to R1.f e c The device is connected at the Serial0/0/1 interface of R1.f e c R1 is connected at the S0/0/1 interface of device ABCD.f e c ABCD does not support switching capability.Observable Description Max Value1correctness of response Option 1 and Option 3 are correct.1 point for each correct option.0 points if more options are selected than required.220 A static route has been configured on a router. However, the destination network no longer exists. What shouldremove the static route from the routing table?m l j Change the routing metric for that route.m l j Nothing. The static route will go away on its own.m l j Change the administrative distance for that route.m l j Remove the route using the no ip route command.Observable Description Max Value1correctness of response 2 points for Option 40 points for any other option221Refer to the exhibit. A ping between host A and host B is successful, but pings from host A to operational hosts is the reason for this problem?n m l k j The FastEthernet interface of R1 is disabled.n m l k j One of the default routes is configured incorrectly.n m l k j A routing protocol is not configured on both routers.n m l k j The default gateway has not been configured on host A.Observable Description Max Value1correctness of response 2 points for Option 20 points for any other option222Refer to the exhibit. The network has three connected routers: R1, R2, and R3. The routes of all three routers a are operational and pings are not blocked on this network.Which ping will fail?n m l k j from R1 to m l k j from R1 to m l k j from R2 to m l k j from R2 to Description Max Value1correctness of response 2 points for Option 20 points for any other option223Refer to the exhibit. What action will R2 take for a packet that is destined for m l k j It will drop the packet.n m l k j It will forward the packet via the S0/0/0 interface.n m l k j It will forward the packet via the Fa0/0 interface.n m l k j It will forward the packet to R1.Observable Description Max Value1correctness of response2 points for Option 40 points for any other option224Refer to the exhibit. The users on the local network complain that they are unable to connect to t should be taken to remedy the problem?nm l k j A new static route must be configured on R1 with the R3 serial interface as the next hop. n ml k j A new default route must be configured on R1 with the R3 serial interface as the next hop. nm l k j The default route on R2 should be configured with the R3 serial interface as the next hop. n ml k j The default route on R2 must be replaced with a new static route and the next hop should be the R1 FastEObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of response2 points for Option 30 points for any other option225Refer to the exhibit. What summary address can Router2 advertise to Router1 to reach the three networks on R without advertising any public address space or overlapping the networks on Router1? nm l k j nm l k j n ml k j n ml k j Value1correctness of response2 points for Option 30 points for any other option226Refer to the exhibit. Host A is unable to access the Internet, and troubleshooting has revealed that this is due t What is incorrectly configured in this network? nm l k j the IP address of the Fa0/0 interface of R1 n ml k j the subnet mask of the S0/0/0 interface of R1 n ml k j the IP address of the S0/0/0 interface of R1 nm l k j the subnet mask of the S0/0/0 interface of R2ObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of response2 points for Option 30 points for any other option227Refer to the exhibit. A new PC was deployed in the Sales network. It was given the host address of 192.168.10gateway of The PC is not communicating with the network properly. What is the cause? nm l k j The default gateway is incorrect. n ml k j The address is in the wrong subnet. nm l k j The host address and default gateway are swapped. n ml k j is the broadcast address for this subnet.ObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of response2 points for Option 40 points for any other option228Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator is planning IP addressing of a new network. What part of this ad be changed to allow communication between host A and the server?n m l k j the IP address of the servern m l k j the default gateway of host An m l k j the IP address of host An m l k j the default gateway of the serverObservable Description Max Value1correctness of response 2 points for Option 10 points for any other option229Which network design feature requires the deployment of a classless routing protocol?n m l k j private IP addressingn m l k j advertising default routesn m l k j variable length subnet masksn m l k j summarization on major network boundariesObservable Description Max Value1correctness of response 2 points for Option 30 points for any other option230 A network administrator needs to assign the very last usable IP address in the network range toserves this LAN. Which IP address should the administrator configure on the interface?n m l k j172.16.128.154/18n m l k j172.16.255.254/18n m l k j172.24.64.254/18n m l k j172.24.127.254/18Observable Description Max Value1correctness of response 2 points for Option 40 points for any other option231Refer to the exhibit. All routers are running RIPv1. The two networks and are unable t What can be the cause of this problem?nm l k j Because RIPv1 is a classless protocol, it does not support this access. n ml k j RIPv1 does not support discontiguous networks. nm l k j RIPv1 does not support load balancing. n ml k j RIPv1 does not support automatic summarization.ObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of response2 points for Option 20 points for any other option232Refer to the exhibit. What information can be determined from the highlighted output? nm l k j R1 is originating the route n ml k j Automatic summarization is disabled. nm l k j The network is one hop away from R1. n ml k j A classful routing protocol is being used.ObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of response2 points for Option 20 points for any other option233What does RIP use to reduce convergence time in a larger network?ml j It reduces the update timer to 15 seconds if there are more than 10 routes. ml j It uses triggered updates to announce network changes if they happen in between the periodic updates. ml j It uses random pings to detect if a pathway is down and therefore is preemptive on finding networks that arObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of response2 points for Option 30 points for any other option234A network administrator has enabled RIP on routersB andC in the network diagram. Which of the following co updates from being sent to Router A? nm l k j A(config)# router rip A(config-router)# passive-interface S0/0nm l k j B(config)# router rip B(config-router)# network B(config-router)# network nm l k j A(config)# router rip A(config-router)# no network l k j B(config)# router rip B(config-router)# passive-interface S0/0nm l k j A(config)# no router ripObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of response2 points for Option 40 points for any other option235Refer to the exhibit. Both routers are using the RIP protocol. Devices on the network can ping the cannot ping devices on the network. What is a possible cause of this problem?n m l k j The routers are configured with different versions of RIP.n m l k j R2 is not forwarding the routing updates.n m l k j The R1 configuration should include the no auto-summary command.n m l k j The maximum path number has been exceeded.Observable Description Max Value1correctness of response 2 points for Option 10 points for any other option236Which two statements are correct about the split horizon with poison reverse method of routing loop preventiong f e d c It is enabled by default on all Cisco IOS implementations.g f e d c It assigns a value that represents an infinite metric to the poisoned route.g f e d c It sends back the poisoned route update to the same interface from where it was received.g f e d c It instructs routers to hold all changes that might affect routes, for a specified period of time.g f e d c It limits the number of hops a packet can traverse through the network before it is discarded.Observable Description Max Value1correctness of response Option 2 and Option 3 are correct.1 point for each correct option.0 points if more options are selected than required.237Refer to exhibit. Given the topology shown in the exhibit, what three commands are needed to configure EIGR (Choose three.)g f e d c Paris(config)# router eigrp 100g f e d c Paris(config)# router eigrpg f e d c Paris(config-router)# network f e d c Paris(config-router)# network f e d c Paris(config-router)# network f e d c Paris(config-router)# network Description Max Value1correctness of response Option 1, Option 4, and Option 5 are correct.1 point for each correct option.0 points if more options are selected than required.338 A router has EIGRP configured as the only routing protocol. In what way might EIGRP respond if there is no fea destination network and the successor route fails?n m l k j It broadcasts hello packets to all routers in the network to re-establish neighbor adjacencies.n m l k j It sends queries to adjacent neighbors until a new successor route is found.n m l k j It immediately sends its entire routing table to its neighbors.n m l k j It will set the metric for the failed route to infinity.Observable Description Max Value1correctness of response 2 points for Option 20 points for any other option239Refer to the exhibit. Hosts on the BOS Fa0/0 LAN are able to ping the Fa0/1 interface on the JAX router and a and ORL routers. Why would hosts from the network not be able to ping hosts on the Fa0/0 LAN of n m l k j The JAX router has the wrong process ID.n m l k j The JAX router needs the network area 0 command.n m l k j The JAX router needs the network area 0 command.n m l k j The BOS router needs the network area 0 command.Observable Description Max Value1correctness of response 2 points for Option 30 points for any other option240Which three statements describe the operation of routing with EIGRP? (Choose three.)g f e d c As new neighbors are discovered, entries are placed in a neighbor table.g f e d c If the feasible successor has a higher advertised cost than the current successor route, then it becomes theg f e d c If hello packets are not received within the hold time, DUAL must recalculate the topology.g f e d c The reported distance is the distance to a destination as advertised by a neighbor.g f e d c EIGRP maintains full knowledge of the network topology in the topology table and exchanges full routing inneighboring routers in every update.g f e d c EIGRP builds one routing table that contains routes for all configured routed protocols.Observable Description Max Value1correctness of response Option 1, Option 3, and Option 4 are correct.1 point for each correct option.0 points if more options are selected than required.341Refer to the exhibit. What happens to a packet that has as the best match in the routing table tha nml k j The packet is discarded. nm l k j The packet is flooded out all interfaces. n ml k j The packet is forwarded via Serial0/0/0. n ml k j The packet is forwarded via FastEthernet0/0.ObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of response2 points for Option 10 points for any other option242 A network is configured with the IP, IPX, and AppleTalk protocols. Which routing protocol is recommended fornm l k j RIPv1 n m l k j RIPv2 nm l k j EIGRP n ml k j OSPFObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of response2 points for Option 30 points for any other option243Refer to the exhibit. Which two statements are true based on the exhibited output? (Choose two.) gf e d c Automatic summarization is disabled.g fe d c The EIGRP routing protocol is being used. g fe d c There is one feasible successor in the routing table. gf e d c The serial interface S0/0/0 is administratively down.g fe d c The router is originating the route to via the S0/0/0 interface.Observable DescriptionMax Value1correctness of responseOption 1 and Option 2 are correct. 1 point for each correct option.0 points if more options are selected than required.244Refer to the exhibit. Two routers are unable to establish an adjacency. What is the possible cause for this? nm l k j The two routers are connected on a multiaccess network. n ml k j The hello and dead intervals are different on the two routers. n ml k j They have different OSPF router IDs. nm l k j They have different process IDs.ObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of response2 points for Option 20 points for any other option245What command would the network administrator apply to a router that is running OSPF to advertise the entireincluded in in area 0?nm l k j R1(config-router)# network area 0 nm l k j R1(config-router)# network area 0 n ml k j R1(config-router)# network area 0 n ml k j R1(config-router)# network area 0ObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of response2 points for Option 40 points for any other option246What should be considered when troubleshooting a problem with the establishment of neighbor relationships b(Choose two.)gf e d c OSPF interval timers mismatchg fe d c administrative distance mismatch g fe d c interface network type mismatch g fe d c no loopback interface configured gf e d c gateway of last resort not redistributedObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of response1 point for each correct option. 0 points if more options are selected than required. 247Which two components are used to determine the router ID in the configuration of the OSPF routing process?gf e d c the IP address of the first FastEthernet interfaceg fe d c the highest IP address of any logical interface gf e d c the highest IP address of any physical interfaceg fe d c the default gateway IP address gf e d cthe priority value of 1 on any physical interfaceObservable DescriptionMax Value 1correctness of responseOption 2 and Option 3 are correct.1 point for each correct option.0 points if more options are selected than required. 248What is the function of the OSPF LSR packet?nm l k j It is used to confirm the receipt of LSUs. n ml k j It is used to establish and maintain adjacency with other OSPF routers. n ml k j It is used by the receiving routers to request more information about any entry in the DBD. n m l k j It is used to check the database synchronization between routers.Observable DescriptionMax Value 1correctness of response2 points for Option 30 points for any other option 249Refer to the exhibit. All interfaces are configured with the correct IP addresses and subnet masks. OSPF has brouting protocol. During troubleshooting, it is determined that hosts on network B can ping the Lo0 interface on reach hosts on network A. What is the cause of the problem?nm l k j Routers R1 and R2 have incorrect router IDs configured. nm l k j Router R1 is unable to form a neighbor relationship with router R2. n ml k j Routers R1 and R2 have been configured in different OSPF areas. n ml k j The configuration of router R1 fails to include network A in the OSPF routing process.Observable Description Max Value 1correctness of response2 points for Option 40 points for any other option 250Refer to the exhibit. The interface addresses and OSPF priorities are configured as shown. Because of the boo router A is currently the DR and router B is the BDR. If router A fails and is replaced the next day by a new rou protocol action or actions will happen when router D is connected to the network?nm l k j Router B will remain the DR, and router C will remain the BDR. n ml k j Router D will be elected DR, and router B will remain the BDR. nm l k j Router C will become the DR, and router B will become the BDR. n m l k j Router B will remain the BDR, and OSPF will function on the segment via the use of only the BDR.Observable DescriptionMax Value 1correctness of response2 points for Option 10 points for any other option 2Reset ViewShowing 1 of 1Prev Page:1NextClose WindowAll contents copyright ©2001-2010 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Privacy Statement and Trademarks.。
考试浏览器 - EWAN Practice Final Exam - CCNA Exploration: 接入 WAN (版本4.0.0.0)下面是考试的考试试题以及与题目关联的评分规则。
思科网络技术学院的内容是受到版权保护的,禁止一切未经授权的张贴,分发或共享本考试的内容.1 如果将命令 ip dhcp excluded-address 添加到配置为 DHCP 服务器的本地路由器配置中么?该路由器将丢弃发往 和 的流量。
不会路由地址处于 到 之间的客户端所发出的流量。
该路由器的 DHCP 服务器功能不会分配 到 之间的地址。
该路由器将忽略来自地址处于 到 之间的 DHCP 服务器的流量。
此试题参考以下领域的内容:CCNA Exploration: 接入 WAN7.1.4 配置 DHCP 服务器 2 管理员正在为一台双协议栈路由器配置使用 RIPng 的 IPv6 和 IPv4。
当管理员尝试将 IPv4 路由输入 RIPng 时错误消息。
此问题的原因是什么?RIPng 与双协议栈技术不兼容。
所有接口均配置了不正确的 IPv4 地址。
除 RIPng 以外,还需要配置 RIPv1 或 RIPv2 才能成功使用 IPv4。
在同一接口同时配置 IPv4 和 IPv6 时,所有 IPv4 地址均被禁用,以支持新的技术。
此试题参考以下领域的内容:CCNA Exploration: 接入 WAN7.3.6 IPv6 的路由考虑因素 3请参见图示。
R1 会响应哪些 DHCP 请求?R1 收到的所有 DHCP 请求广播到 的请求目的地址为 的 DNS 请求FastEthernet 0/0 接口上收到的请求来自未列入排除列表的任何网络的请求此试题参考以下领域的内容:CCNA Exploration: 接入WAN∙7.1.4 配置DHCP 服务器4请参见图示。
最新 CCNA第二学期章节测试 第三章 答案
参加考试- ERouting Chapter 3 - CCNA Exploration: 路由协议和概念(版本 4.0)1下列哪两项正确描述了管理距离与度量的概念?(选择两项。
错误!未找度量会根据所采用的第 3 层协议(如IP 或IPX)而发生变化。
下列关于R1 如何确定与R2 之间最佳路径的陈述中,哪一项正确?错误!未找R1 会将使用网络A 的RIP 路由加入路由表,因为RIP 的管理距离比EIGRP 大。
错误!未找R1 会将使用网络A 的RIP 路由加入路由表,因为RIP 的路径开销比EIGRP 低。
错误!未找R1 会将使用网络B 的EIGRP 路由加入路由表,因为EIGRP 的管理距离比RIP 小。
错误!未找R1 会将使用网络B 的EIGRP 路由加入路由表,因为EIGRP 的路径开销比RIP 低。
错误!未找R1 会将EIGRP 路由和RIP 路由加入路由表,并在它们之间实施负载均衡。
错误!未找受RIP 第1 版支持到引用源。
错误!未找允许在同一拓扑结构中同时使用192.168.1.0/30 和192.168.1.16/28 子网到引用源。
4网络管理员可使用下列哪一条命令来确定路由器是否启用了负载均衡?错误!未找show ip protocols到引用源。
CCNA网络学院第二学期 第二章 试题及答案
ERouting Chapter 2 - CCNA Exploration: 路由协议和概念 (版本 4.0)1当外发接口不可用时,路由表中的静态路由条目有何变化?该路由将从路由表中删除。
2 哪两种设备负责将来自 WAN服务提供商的数据转换为路由器可以接受的形式?(选择两项。
)路由器的串行端口调制解调器交换机路由器的以太网端口CSU/DSU 设备DTE 设备3请参见图示。
要使WinterPark 和Altamonte 路由器能够传送来自每个LAN 的数据包并将所有其它流量转到Internet,应命令来配置静态路由?WinterPark(config)# ip route ip route ip route s0/1WinterPark(config)# ip route ip route ip route s0/1WinterPark(config)# ip route ip route ip route ip route ip route ip route s0/04路由器配置有到达每个目的网络的静态路由。
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ERouting Final Exam - CCNA Exploration: 路由协议和概念 (版本 4.0) (思科第二学期期末答案)参加考试 - ERouting Final Exam - CCNA Exploration: 路由协议和概念 (版本 4.0)1.请参见图示。
哪一项是对连接到路由器 R1 的路由的最有效总结?下列关于路由协议的陈述,哪三项是正确的?(选择三项。
)EIGRP 支持不等价负载均衡。
RIP 无法配置为允许无类路由。
OSPF 在多路访问链路上选举指定路由器。
RIP 不通告跳数超过 15 的路由。
EIGRP 使用广播流量与其邻居建立相邻关系。
OSPF 能够更迅速地收敛,因为在后继路由失效时,它能够在其拓扑表中找出可行后继路由。
该网络正在运行 RIP 路由协议。
网络 突然断开。
下列有关此拓扑结构中路由器如何响应该事件的陈述中,哪一项是正确的?Router4 将在 30 秒之后的下一次定期更新中获知该失效路由。
在抑制计时器超时之前,水平分割将阻止 Router4 向 网络转发数据包。
Router5 将立即从路由表中清除这一失效路由。
Router5 将向 Router4 发送触发更新,其中网络 的度量为 16。
根据图中所示的拓扑结构,要在 Paris 路由器上配置 EIGRP 需要使用哪三条命令?(选择三项。
)Paris(config)# router eigrp 100Paris(config)# router eigrpParis(config-router)# network network network network请参见图示。
多少条路由既是 1 级路由,又可作为最终路由使用?1234566.请参见图示。
图中的路由器运行的是 EIGRP 路由协议。
关于数据包如何从172.16.1.0/16 网络传输到 网络的陈述,哪一项正确?路由器会选择所获知的第一条路径,并只将这条路径加入路由表。
路由器会根据通告的网络 IP 地址选择最大的路由 ID,并只将这条路径加入路由表。
从 网络到 网络的流量会选用哪条路径?ADCABC流量会在 ADC 和 ABC 之间执行负载均衡流量会通过 ABC 传输,ADC 则作为 ABC 失效时的备用路径。
EIGRP 的管理距离已设置为 50。
R1 上已运行了 show ip eigrp topology 命令。
公司网络工程师在路由器上输入以下命令:R1(config)# ip route ip route当工程师在 R1 上输入 show ip route 命令时,路由表没有显示到 网络的静态路由。
R1 和 R2 的所有接口都按照图示配置了正确的地址。
要使 R1 的路由表显示该静态路由,工程师下一步应该做什么?在路由器 R1 和 R2 中输入默认路由。
启用 R1 和 R2 的串行接口。
输入 copy run start 命令,强制路由器识别该配置。
10.网络管理员在所示网络图中的路由器 B 和 C 上启用了 RIP。
什么命令可防止向路由器 A 发送 RIP 更新?A(config)# router ripA(config-router)# passive-interface S0/0B(config)# router ripB(config-router)# network network router ripA(config-router)# no network router ripB(config-router)# passive-interface S0/0A(config)# no router rip11.网络管理员在 Router_A 上配置了一条默认路由,但该路由没有共享给邻接路由器 Router_B 以及该 OSPF 区域中的其它路由器。
使用哪条命令可以简单快速地将该默认路由配置到 Router_B 及该 OSPF 区域内的所有其它路由器上?Router_A(config-router)# ospf redistribute default-routeRouter_B(config-router)# ospf redistribute default-routeRouter_A(config-router)# default-information originateRouter_B(config-router)# default-information originateRouter_A(config-router)# ip ospf update-defaultRouter_B(config-router)# ip ospf update-default12.为了使运行 OSPF 的路由器通告区域 0 中 所包含的整个地址范围,网络管理员应使用什么命令?R1(config-router)# network area 0R1(config-router)# network area 0R1(config-router)# network area 0R1(config-router)# network area 013.请参见图示。
网络中的所有路由器均运行 RIPv2 和 EIGRP,并且都是默认的路由协议设置,这些路由器的接口上配置的带宽如图所示。
Router1 LAN 和Router5 LAN 之间会使用何种协议,两者之间的流量会如何通过网络进行路由?RIPv2 会在 Router1 和 Router5 之间的两条路径上实施负载均衡。
EIGRP 会在 Router1 和 Router5 之间的两条路径上实施负载均衡。
RIPv2 流量会采用 Router1、Router2、Router5 路径,因为此路径的跳数最少。
EIGRP 流量会采用 Router1、Router3、Router4、Router5 路径,因为此路径具有最佳度量。
网络管理员正在尝试确定为什么路由器 JAX 的路由表中没有OSPF 路由。
所有路由器都配置了 OSPF 区域 0。
从 JAX 路由器上,管理员可以 ping 通与其连接的接口和 ORL 路由器的 Fa0/1 接口,但无法 ping 通其它路由器接口。
将所有路由器上的 OSPF 进程 ID 更改为 0。
检查 ORL 和 JAX 之间的电缆是否松动。
检查路由器之间是否在传递 CDP 数据包。
使用 show 和 debug 命令确定是否在传播 hello 数据包。
BOS Fa0/0 LAN 上的主机能够 ping 通 JAX 路由器的 Fa0/1 接口以及 BOS 和 ORL 路由器上的所有接口。
为什么 网络中的主机无法 ping 通 JAX 路由器 Fa0/0 LAN 中的主机?JAX 路由器的进程 ID 错误。
JAX 路由器需要 network area 0 命令。
JAX 路由器需要 network area 0 命令。
BOS 路由器需要 network area 0 命令。
)DRAM - 加载 bootstrapRAM - 存储操作系统闪存 - 启动时执行诊断NVRAM - 存储配置文件ROM - 存储备份配置文件POST - 运行硬件模块诊断18.哪三项是 CDP 的特性?(选择三项。
)测试第 2 层连通性提供安全层工作在 OSI 第 2 层和第 3 层默认在每个接口上启用用于调试第 4 层连通性问题提供关于已启用 CDP 的直连设备的信息19.请参见图示。
仅加密 Telnet 会话。
仅加密使能口令和 Telnet 会话。
20.下列关于 EIGRP 路由操作的描述,哪三项是正确的?(选择三项。
如果在保持时间内未收到 hello 数据包,则 DUAL 必须重新计算拓扑。