国际金融第四章chapter 4
International Finance_Chapter4

The effect of a higher domestic growth rate (current account) 较高国内经济增长率的效应(经常账户)
If growth rate of domestic income > growth rate of foreign income (国内收
汇率和经常账户没有紧密的联系。 e.g., 1981-1985, the US dollar appreciated while the current account was dipping further into the red.
Rapid monetary expansion leads to rapid currency depreciation. (Hyperinflation)
A fall in the exchange rate(汇率下降)
Arbitrage in the FX Market 即期外汇市场上的套汇
Arbitrage is the simultaneous purchase and sale of currencies to capitalise on anomalies in quoted exchange rates.
Chapter 4
Exchange Rate Determination and Related Issues 汇率的决定及相关问题
SomeThe exchange rate follows approximately a random walk with little or no drift.
The Effect of a Higher Domestic Inflation Rate 较高国内通货膨胀率的效应

国际金融Fi na n c e Te s t Ba nk4Chapter 4—Exchange Rate Determination加息会降低通货膨胀本国货币就增值涨价了,出口就会减少进口就会增加1. The value of the Australian dollar (A$) today is $0.73. Yesterday, thevalue of the Australian dollar was $0.69. The Australian dollar ____ by ____%.a. depreciated; 5.80b. depreciated; 4.00c. appreciated; 5.80d. appreciated; 4.00ANS: CSOLUTION: ($0.73 $0.69)/$0.69 =5.80%PTS: 12. If a currency's spot rate market is ____, its exchange rate is likely to be____ to a single large purchase or sale transaction.a. liquid; highly sensitiveb. illiquid; insensitivec. illiquid; highly sensitived. none of the above.ANS: C PTS: 13. ____ is not a factor that causes currency supply and demand schedulesto change.a. Relative inflation ratesb. Relative interest ratesc. Relative income levelsd. Expectationse. All of the above are factorsthat cause currency supplyand demand schedules tochange.ANS: E PTS: 14. A large increase in the income level in Mexico along with no growth inthe U.S. income level is normally expected to cause (assuming nochange in interest rates or other factors) a(n) ____ in Mexican demand for U.S. goods, and the Mexican peso should ____.a. increase; appreciateb. increase; depreciatec. decrease; depreciated. decrease; appreciateANS: B PTS: 15. An increase in U.S. interest rates relative to German interest rateswould likely ____ the U.S. demand for euros and ____ the supply of euros for sale.a. reduce; increaseb. increase; reducec. reduce; reduced. increase; increaseANS: A PTS: 16. Investors from Germany, the United States, and the U.K. frequentlyinvest in each other based on prevailing interest rates. If Britishinterest rates increase, German investors are likely to buy ____ dollar-denominated securities, and the euro is likely to ____ relative to the dollar.a. fewer; depreciateb. fewer; appreciatec. more; depreciated. more; appreciateANS: A PTS: 17. When the "real" interest rate is relatively low in a given country, thenthe currency of that country is typically expected to be:a. weak, since the country'squoted interest rate would behigh relative to the inflationrate.b. strong, since the country'squoted interest rate would below relative to the inflationrate.c. strong, since the country'squoted interest rate would behigh relative to the inflationrate.d. weak, since the country'squoted interest rate would below relative to the inflationrate.ANS: D PTS: 18. Assume that the inflation rate becomes much higher in the U.K.relative to the U.S. This will place ____ pressure on the value of theBritish pound. Also, assume that interest rates in the U.K. begin torise relative to interest rates in the U.S. The change in interest rateswill place ____ pressure on the value of the British pound.a. upward; downwardb. upward; upwardc. downward; upwardd. downward; downwardANS: C PTS: 19. In general, when speculating on exchange rate movements, thespeculator will borrow the currency that is expected to appreciate andinvest in the country whose currency is expected to depreciate.a. Trueb. FalseANS: F PTS: 110. Baylor Bank believes the New Zealand dollar will appreciate over thenext five days from $.48 to $.50. The following annual interest ratesapply:Currency Lending Rate Borrowing Rate Dollars 7.10% 7.50%6.80%7.25%New Zealand dollar(NZ$)Baylor Bank has the capacity to borrow either NZ$10 million or $5million. If Baylor Bank's forecast is correct, what will its dollar profitbe from speculation over the five-day period (assuming it does not useany of its existing consumer deposits to capitalize on its expectations)?a. $521,325.b. $500,520.c. $104,262.d. $413,419.e. $208,044.ANS: ESOLUTION:1. Borrow $5 million.2. Convert to NZ$:$5,000,000/$.48 =NZ$10,416,667.3. Invest the NZ$ at anannualized rate of 6.80% overfive days.NZ$10,416,667 [1+ 6.80% (5/360)]= NZ$10,426,5054. Convert the NZ$ back todollars:NZ$10,426,505$.50 = $5,213,2525. Repay the dollars borrowed.The repayment amount is:$5,000,000 [1 +7.5% (5/360)]= $5,000,000[1.00104]= $5,005,2086. After repaying the loan, theremaining dollar profit is:$5,213,252$5,005,208 = $208,044 PTS: 111. Assume the following information regarding U.S. and Europeanannualized interest rates:Currency Lending Rate Borrowing Rate U.S. Dollar ($) 6.73% 7.20%Eu ro (?) 6.80% 7.28%Trensor Bank can borrow either $20 million or ?20 million. Thecurrent spot rate of the euro is $1.13. Furthermore, Trensor Bankexpects the spot rate of the euro to be $1.10 in 90 days. What isTrensor Bank's dollar profit from speculating if the spot rate of theeuro is indeed $1.10 in 90 days?a. $579,845.b. $583,800.c. $588,200.d. $584,245.e. $980,245.ANS: ASOLUTION:1. Borrow ?20 million.2. Convert the ?20 million to?20,000,000 $1.13 =$22,600,000.3. Invest the $22,600,000 at anannualized rate of 6.73% for90 days.$22,600,000 [1 +6.73% (90/360)]= $22,980,2454. Determine euros owed:?20,000,000 [1 + 7.28%(90/360)] = ?20,364,000.5. Determine dollars needed torepay euro loan:?20,364,000 $1.10 =$22,400,400.6. The dollar profit is$22,980,245 $22,400,400= $579,845.PTS: 112. The equilibrium exchange rate of pounds is $1.70. At an exchangerate of $1.72 per pound:a. U.S. demand for pounds wouldexceed the supply of poundsfor sale and there would be ashortage of pounds in theforeign exchange market.b. U.S. demand for pounds wouldbe less than the supply ofpounds for sale and therewould be a shortage of poundsin the foreign exchangemarket.c. U.S. demand for pounds wouldexceed the supply of poundsfor sale and there would be asurplus of pounds in theforeign exchange market.d. U.S. demand for pounds wouldbe less than the supply ofpounds for sale and therewould be a surplus of poundsin the foreign exchangemarket.e. U.S. demand for pounds wouldbe equal to the supply ofpounds for sale and therewould be a shortage of poundsin the foreign exchangemarket.ANS: D PTS: 113. Assume that Swiss investors have francs available to invest insecurities, and they initially view U.S. and British interest rates asequally attractive. Now assume that U.S. interest rates increase whileBritish interest rates stay the same. This would likely cause:a. the Swiss demand for dollarsto decrease and the dollar willdepreciate against the pound.b. the Swiss demand for dollarsto increase and the dollar willdepreciate against the Swissfranc.c. the Swiss demand for dollarsto increase and the dollar willappreciate against the Swissfranc.d. the Swiss demand for dollarsto decrease and the dollar willappreciate against the pound.ANS: C PTS: 114. The real interest rate adjusts the nominal interest rate for:a. exchange rate movements.b. income growth.c. inflation.d. government controls.e. none of the aboveANS: C PTS: 115. If U.S. inflation suddenly increased while European inflation stayed thesame, there would be:a. an increased U.S. demand foreuros and an increased supplyof euros for sale.b. a decreased U.S. demand foreuros and an increased supplyof euros for sale.c. a decreased U.S. demand foreuros and a decreased supplyof euros for sale.d. an increased U.S. demand foreuros and a decreased supplyof euros for sale.ANS: D PTS: 116. If inflation in New Zealand suddenly increased while U.S. inflationstayed the same, there would be:a. an inward shift in the demandschedule for NZ$ and anoutward shift in the supplyschedule for NZ$.b. an outward shift in thedemand schedule for NZ$ andan inward shift in the supplyschedule for NZ$.c. an outward shift in thedemand schedule for NZ$ andan outward shift in the supplyschedule for NZ$.d. an inward shift in the demandschedule for NZ$ and aninward shift in the supplyschedule for NZ$.ANS: A PTS: 117. If the U.S. and Japan engage in substantial financial flows but littletrade, ____ directly influences their exchange rate the most. If the U.S.and Switzerland engage in much trade but little financial flows, ____directly influences their exchange rate the most.a. interest rate differentials;interest rate differentialsb. inflation and interest ratedifferentials; interest ratedifferentialsc. income and interest ratedifferentials; inflationdifferentialsd. interest rate differentials;inflation and incomedifferentialse. inflation and incomedifferentials; interest ratedifferentialsANS: D PTS: 118. If inflation increases substantially in Australia while U.S. inflationremains unchanged, this is expected to place ____ pressure on the value of the Australian dollar with respect to the U.S. dollar.a. upwardb. downwardc. either upward or downward(depending on the degree ofthe increase in Australianinflation)d. none of the above; there willbe no impactANS: B PTS: 119. Assume that British corporations begin to purchase more suppliesfrom the U.S. as a result of several labor strikes by British suppliers.This action reflects:a. an increased demand forBritish pounds.b. a decrease in the demand forBritish pounds.c. an increase in the supply ofBritish pounds for sale.d. a decrease in the supply ofBritish pounds for sale.ANS: C PTS: 120. The exchange rates of smaller countries are very stable because themarket for their currency is very liquid.a. Trueb. FalseANS: F PTS: 121. The phrase "the dollar was mixed in trading" means that:a. the dollar was strong in someperiods and weak in otherperiods over the last month.b. the volume of trading wasvery high in some periods andlow in other periods.c. the dollar was involved insome currency transactions,but not others.d. the dollar strengthenedagainst some currencies andweakened against others.ANS: D PTS: 122. Assume that the U.S. places a strict quota on goods imported fromChile and that Chile does not retaliate. Holding other factors constant,this event should immediately cause the U.S. demand for Chilean pesos to ____ and the value of the peso to ____.a. increase; increaseb. increase; declinec. decline; declined. decline; increaseANS: C PTS: 123. Any event that increases the U.S. demand for euros should result ina(n) ____ in the value of the euro with respect to ____, other thingsbeing equal.a. increase; U.S. dollarb. increase; nondollar currenciesc. decrease; nondollar currenciesd. decrease; U.S. dollarANS: A PTS: 124. Any event that reduces the U.S. demand for Japanese yen shouldresult in a(n) ____ in the value of the Japanese yen with respect to ____, other things being equal.a. increase; U.S. dollarb. increase; nondollar currenciesc. decrease; nondollar currenciesd. decrease; U.S. dollarANS: D PTS: 125. Any event that increases the supply of British pounds to be exchangedfor U.S. dollars should result in a(n) ____ in the value of the Britishpound with respect to ____, other things being equal.a. increase; U.S. dollarb. increase; nondollar currenciesc. decrease; nondollar currenciesd. decrease; U.S. dollarANS: D PTS: 126. Any event that reduces the supply of Swiss francs to be exchanged forU.S. dollars should result in a(n) ____ in the value of the Swiss francwith respect to ____, other things being equal.a. increase; U.S. dollarb. increase; nondollar currenciesc. decrease; nondollar currenciesd. decrease; U.S. dollarANS: A PTS: 127. Assume that the U.S. experiences a significant decline in income, whileJapan's income remains steady. This event should place ____ pressure on the value of the Japanese yen, other things being equal. (Assumethat interest rates and other factors are not affected.)a. upwardb. downwardc. nod. upward and downward(offsetting)ANS: B PTS: 128. News of a potential surge in U.S. inflation and zero Chilean inflationplaces ____ pressure on the value of the Chilean peso. The pressure will occur ____.a. upward; only after the U.S.inflation surgesb. downward; only after the U.S.inflation surgesc. upward; immediatelyd. downward; immediatelyANS: C PTS: 129. Assume that Canada places a strict quota on goods imported from theU.S. and that the U.S. does not retaliate. Holding other factorsconstant, this event should immediately cause the supply of Canadian dollars to be exchanged for U.S. dollars to ____ and the value of theCanadian dollar to ____.a. increase; increaseb. increase; declinec. decline; declined. decline; increaseANS: D PTS: 130. Assume that Japan places a strict quota on goods imported from theU.S. and the U.S. places a strict quota on goods imported from Japan.This event should immediately cause the U.S. demand for Japaneseyen to ____, and the supply of Japanese yen to be exchanged for U.S.dollars to ____.a. increase; increaseb. increase; declinec. decline; declined. decline; increaseANS: C PTS: 131. Which of the following is not mentioned in the text as a factoraffecting exchange rates?a. relative interest rates.b. relative inflation rates.c. government controls.d. expectations.e. all of the above are mentionedin the text as factors affectingexchange rates.ANS: E PTS: 132. If a country experiences high inflation relative to the U.S., its exportsto the U.S. should ____, its imports should ____, and there is ____pressure on its currency's equilibrium value.a. decrease; increase; upwardb. decrease; decrease; upwardc. increase; decrease; downwardd. decrease; increase; downwarde. increase; decrease; upwardANS: D PTS: 133. If a country experiences an increase in interest rates relative to U.S.interest rates, the inflow of U.S. funds to purchase its securities should____, the outflow of its funds to purchase U.S. securities should ____,and there is ____ pressure on its currency's equilibrium value.a. increase; decrease; downwardb. decrease; increase; upwardc. increase; decrease; upwardd. decrease; increase; downwarde. increase; increase; upwardANS: C PTS: 134. An increase in U.S. inflation relative to Singapore inflation placesupward pressure on the Singapore dollar.a. Trueb. FalseANS: T PTS: 135. When expecting a foreign currency to depreciate, a possible way tospeculate on this movement is to borrow dollars, convert the proceedsto the foreign currency, lend in the foreign country, and use theproceeds from this investment to repay the dollar loan.a. Trueb. FalseANS: F PTS: 136. Since supply and demand for a currency are constant (primarily dueto government intervention), currency values seldom fluctuate.a. Trueb. FalseANS: F PTS: 137. Relatively high Japanese inflation may result in an increase in thesupply of yen for sale and a reduction in the demand for yen.a. Trueb. FalseANS: T PTS: 138. The main effect of interest rate movements on exchange rates isthrough their effect on international trade.a. Trueb. FalseANS: F PTS: 139. Country X frequently engages in trade flows with the U.S. (such asimports and exports). Country Y frequently engages in capital flowswith the U.S. (such as financial investments). Everything else heldconstant, an increase in U.S. interest rates would affect the exchange rate of Country X's currency more than the exchange rate of Country Y's currency.a. Trueb. FalseANS: F PTS: 140. Increases in relative income in one country vs. another result in anincrease in the first country's currency value.a. Trueb. False41. Trade-related foreign exchange transactions are more responsive tonews than financial flow transactions.a. Trueb. FalseANS: F PTS: 142. Signals regarding future actions of market participants in the foreignexchange market sometimes result in overreactions.a. Trueb. FalseANS: T PTS: 143. The markets that have a smaller amount of foreign exchange tradingfor speculatory purposes than for trade purposes will likely experience more volatility than those where trade flows play a larger role.a. Trueb. FalseANS: T PTS: 144. Liquidity of a currency can affect the extent to which speculation canimpact the currency's value.a. Trueb. False45. Forecasting a currency's future value is difficult, because it is difficultto identify how the factors affecting the currency value will change,and how they will interact to impact the currency's value.a. Trueb. FalseANS: T PTS: 146. The standard deviation should be applied to values rather thanpercentage movements when comparing volatility among currencies.a. Trueb. FalseANS: F PTS: 147. Movements of foreign currencies tend to be more volatile for shortertime horizons.a. Trueb. FalseANS: F PTS: 148. If a currency's spot market is ____, its exchange rate is likely to be ____to a single large purchase or sale transaction.a. liquid; highly sensitiveb. illiquid; insensitivec. liquid; insensitived. none of the aboveANS: C PTS: 149. The value of euro was $1.30 last week. During last week the eurodepreciated by 5%. What is the value of euro today?a. $1.365b. $1.235c. $1.330d. $1.30ANS: BSOLUTION: $1.3 (1 .05) = $1.235 PTS: 150. Government controls can only affect the supply of a given currencyfor sale and not the demand.a. Trueb. FalseANS: F PTS: 151. If one foreign currency will appreciate against the dollar, then allforeign currencies will appreciate against the dollar but by differentdegrees.a. Trueb. FalseANS: F PTS: 152. Assume that the income levels in U.K. start to rise, while U.S. incomelevels remain unchanged. This will place ____ pressure on the value of British pound. Also, assume that U.S. interest rates rise, while theBritish pound remains unchanged. This will place ____ pressure on the value of British pound.a. downward; downwardb. upward; downwardc. upward; upwardd. downward; upwardANS: D PTS: 153. If the Fed announces that it will decrease the U.S. interest rates, andEuropean Central Bank takes no action, then the value of euro will____ against the value of U.S. dollar. The Fed's action is called ____intervention.a. appreciate; directb. depreciate; directc. appreciate; indirectd. depreciate; indirectANS: C PTS: 154. Assume that the total value of investment transactions between U.S.and Mexico is minimal. Also assume that total dollar value of tradetransactions between these two countries is very large. Now assumethat Mexico's inflation has suddenly increased, and Mexican interestrates have suddenly increased. Overall, this would put ____ pressure on the value of Mexican peso. The inflation effect should be ____pronounced than the interest rate effect.a. downward; moreb. upward; morec. downward; lessd. upward; lessANS: A PTS: 155. If U.S. experiences a sudden surge in inflation and surge in interestrates while Japanese inflation and interest rates remain unchanged,the value of Japanese yen will ____ against the U.S. dollar.a. appreciateb. depreciatec. remain unchangedd. cannot be determined fromthe information provided.ANS: D PTS: 156. If the Japanese yen is expected to appreciate against the U.S. dollarand interest rates in the U.S. and Japan are similar, banks may tryspeculating on this anticipated exchange rate movement by borrowing ____ and investing in ____.a. yen; dollarsb. yen; yenc. dollars; yend. dollars; dollarsANS: C PTS: 157. British investors frequently invest in the U.S. or Italy, depending onthe prevailing interest rates. If Italian interest rates suddenly rise high above U.S. rates, the investors will ____ the supply of pounds to beexchanged for dollars and thus put ____ pressure on the value of the pound against the U.S. dollar.a. increase; downwardb. decrease; upwardc. increase; upwardd. decrease; downwardANS: B PTS: 158. The equilibrium exchange rate of the Swiss franc is $0.90. At anexchange rate $.83:a. U.S. demand for Swiss francswould exceed the supply offrancs for sale and therewould be a shortage of francsin the foreign exchangemarket.b. U.S. demand for Swiss francswould be less than the supplyof francs for sale and therewould be a shortage of francsin the foreign exchangemarket.c. U.S. demand for Swiss francswould exceed the supply offrancs for sale and therewould be a surplus of francs inthe foreign exchange market.d. U.S. demand for Swiss francswould be less than the supplyof francs for sale and therewould be a surplus of Swissfrancs in the foreign exchangemarket.ANS: A PTS: 159. Financial flow foreign exchange transactions are more responsive tonews than trade-related transactions.a. Trueb. FalseANS: T PTS: 160. Assume that the British government eliminates all controls on importsby British companies. Other things being equal, the U.S. demand forpounds would ____, the supply of pounds for sale would ____, and the equilibrium value of the pound would ____.a. increase; increase; increaseb. decrease; increase; decreasec. remain unchanged; increase;decreased. remain unchanged; increase;increaseANS: C PTS: 161. Country X frequently engages in trade flows with the U.S. (such asimports and exports). Country Y frequently engages in capital flowswith the U.S. (such as financial investments). Everything else heldconstant, an increase in U.S. inflation would affect the exchange rateof Country Y's currency more than the exchange rate of Country X'scurrency.a. Trueb. FalseANS: F PTS: 162. Assume that U.S. inflation is expected to surge in the near future. Theexpectation of surge in inflation will most likely place ____ pressure on U.S. dollar immediately.a. upwardb. downwardc. nod. cannot be determinedANS: A PTS: 163. When the Japanese yen appreciates against the U.S. dollar, this meansthat the U.S. dollar is strengthening relative to the yen.a. Trueb. FalseANS: F PTS: 164. Illiquid currencies tend to exhibit less volatile exchange ratemovements than liquid currencies.a. Trueb. FalseANS: F PTS: 165. The supply curve for a currency is downward sloping since U.S.corporations would be encouraged to purchase more foreign goodswhen the foreign currency is worth less.a. Trueb. FalseANS: F PTS: 166. Relatively high Japanese inflation may result in an increase in thesupply of yen for sale and a reduction in the demand for yen, otherthings being equal.a. Trueb. FalseANS: T PTS: 167. If the British government desires an appreciation in its currency withrespect to the U.S. dollar, it would consider intervening in the foreign exchange market by buying dollars with pounds.a. Trueb. FalseANS: F PTS: 168. Country X frequently engages in trade flows with the U.S. (such asimports and exports). Country Y frequently engages in financial flows with the U.S. (such as financial investments). Everything else heldconstant, an increase in U.S. interest rates would affect the exchange rate of Country X's currency more than the exchange rate of Country Y's currency.a. Trueb. FalseANS: F PTS: 169. Illiquid currencies tend to exhibit ____ volatile exchange ratemovements, as the equilibrium prices of their currencies adjust to ____changes in supply and demand conditions.a. less; even minorb. less; only largec. more; even minord. more; only largee. none of the aboveANS: C PTS: 170. Which of the following is not mentioned in the text as a factoraffecting exchange rates?a. Relative interest ratesb. Relative inflation ratesc. Government controlsd. Expectationse. All of the above are mentionedin the text as factors affectingexchange rates.ANS: E PTS: 171. Which of the following events would most likely result in anappreciation of the U.S. dollar?a. U.S. inflation is very high.b. The Fed indicates that it willraise U.S. interest rates.c. Future U.S. interest rates areexpected to decline.d. Japan is expected to increaseinterest rates in the nearfuture.ANS: B PTS: 172. Which of the following interactions will likely have the least effect onthe dollar's value? Assume everything else is held constant.a. A reduction in U.S. inflationaccompanied by an increase inreal U.S. interest ratesb. A reduction in U.S. inflationaccompanied by an increase innominal U.S. interest ratesc. An increase in U.S. inflationaccompanied by an increase innominal, but not real, U.S.interest ratesd. An increase in Singapore'sinflation accompanied by anincrease in real U.S. interestratese. An increase in Singapore'sinterest rates accompanied byan increase in U.S. inflation.ANS: C PTS: 173. If a country experiences high inflation relative to the U.S., its exportsto the U.S. should ____, its imports should ____, and there is ____pressure on its currency's equilibrium value.a. decrease; increase; upwardb. decrease; decrease; upwardc. increase; decrease; downwardd. decrease; increase; downwarde. increase; decrease; upwardANS: D PTS: 174. If a country experiences an increase in interest rates relative to U.S.interest rates, the inflow of U.S. funds to purchase its securities should____, the outflow of its funds to purchase U.S. securities should ____,and there is ____ pressure on its currency's equilibrium value.a. increase; decrease; downwardb. decrease; increase; upwardc. increase; decrease; upwardd. decrease; increase; downwarde. increase; increase; upward ANS: C PTS: 1。

第二节 内部均衡和外部均衡 相互冲突的调节原则
是不够的,必须寻找新的政策工具进行合理搭 配。单一政策不能同时解决内部均衡和外部平 衡这两个问题。
詹姆斯· 米德(James Meade)
詹姆斯·米德,1907年6月23日出生于英格兰南部的斯万纳 解镇,1926~1930年就读于牛津大学,1930~1931年在剑 桥三一学院受教于但尼斯·罗伯逊。在此期间,他成为 “凯恩斯周围体的成员”并且是最早将凯恩斯理论写进教 科书的人之一。这是他“一生学术上最紧要的一年”。 1936年他的《经济分析与政策导论》(牛津出版社,1936 年)出版,仅比凯恩斯的《通论》晚几个月。1946年,米 德与同事理查·斯通编制了第一部凯恩斯式的英国国民收 入账户,这促成了他们的成果《国民收与支出》一书的出 版,该书被视为研究国民收入核算的开创性著作。1947~ 1957年是他学术生涯中最重要一段,在此期间他完成了 《国际经济政策理论》,该书为他赢得了诺贝尔经济学奖。 米德被视为西方国际经济宏观理论和国际经济政策领域的 开拓者。
三、合理搭配原则 可互为替代的国际收支调节政策搭配:
支出增减型与支出转换型政策 支出型政策与融资政策 支出增减型与供给型政策
1 2
支出增减型 支出转换型
需求和支出增减 需求和支出方向转移

4.2 国际储备资产的结构 及形式
1、备用信贷(Stand-by credits)
备用信贷协议的签订,对外汇市场上的 交易者和投机者具有一种心理上的作用, 它一方面表明了政府干预外汇市场的决 心,一方面又表明政府干预外汇市场的 能力得到了提高。
第四章 国际储备
国际储备与国际清偿力的区别;国际储备的 多元化的利弊分析;国际储备的适度规模及 其测算的理论与方法;国际储备的需求影响 因素;国际储备结构管理三原则的关系;我 国国际储备的构成及其发展变化。
第四章 国际储备
国际储备 特别提款权 互惠信贷协定 适度规模
国际清偿力 外汇储备
4、本国商业银行的对外短期可兑换货 币资产
本国商业银行的对外短期可兑换货币资产, 尤其是在离岸金融市场或欧洲货币市场上的 资产,虽其所有权不属于政府,也未被政府 所借入,但因为这些资金流动性强,对政策 的反应十分灵敏,故政府可以通过政策的、 新闻的、道义的手段来诱导其流向,从而间 接达到调节国际收支的目的。
即一国货币当局作为金融资产持有的黄金, 非货币用黄金不在此列。黄金作为国际储备 资产已有很长的历史,但黄金在国际储备中 的比重则呈不断下降的趋势,这是由于①黄 金产量有限;②黄金的占有和掌握极不均匀; ③黄金价格波动频繁。
由于黄金非货币化,黄金实际上已不是真正 的国际储备,而只是潜在的国际储备。
4.2 国际储备资产的结构 及形式
储备货币发行国通过国际收支逆差输出的货 币是世界储备的主要来源。它们中的一部分进 入各国官方手中成为它们的外汇储备,另一部 分进入国外银行业成为它们对储备货币发行国 的债权。
国际金融英文Chapter 4

CD = (1 + if)*f/e – (1+ id)
Forward Premium/Discount 升水/贴水
F = (f-e)/e = f/e-1
CD = F + (if - id) = (F + if ) - id
International Finance Chapter 4 4-4
3.2.1 Hedging with Forward Contracts
Decision Rule
What you want to do with the asset in the future, do in the forward market now, or; Whatever position you have in the asset, take the opposite position in the forward.
International Finance Chapter 4 4-10
3.2.2 Spaculating with Forward Contracts
Apr. 1st The spot E/R jumps to RMB7.0/USD. John
Buys $10,000 in the spot market @ RMB7.0 (total cost of RMB70,000) and Sells the dollar @ RMB6.7/USD into the forward contract (total receipt of RMB67,000).
Englishman Joe:

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Chapter4 Objectives
• 4. looks at how useful these concepts and relationships really are.
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D.Exchange rates in the short run
• If the expected future spot exchange rate decreases,with the interest rate differential unchanged,the return differential changes in favor of domestic-currency investments, the current spot exchange rate value of the foreign currency decreases.
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• The fourth part: • We examing the tendency for exchange rates to “overshoot”,to change more than seems necessary in reaction to changes in government policies or to other important economic or political news.

第一节 外汇市场 第二节 外汇交易 第三节 汇率折算与进出口报价
本章学习目的:Leabharlann 第一:认识和了解外汇市场的分类与组成;
第二:熟悉和理解不同类型外汇交易的内容、 方式以及目的与作用;
第三:理解和掌握汇率折算与进出口报价之 间的关系,以及进出口合理报价的基本原则。
My GBP to My
London Tks, BI
B:OK, BI and Tks
§ 外汇交易—套汇交易
概念:以不同地点、不同币种、不同期限, 利用利率或汇率差异,以贱买贵卖方式牟取 利润的一种外汇交易。
§ 外汇交易—远期外汇交易
美国进口商向德国进口价值100 000马克的机器设备,可在3个月后付 马克。现在即期汇率为USD/DEM=1.6510/20,3个月远期差价为16/12 , 若美国进口商预测3个月后马克兑美元升值到USD/DEM=1.6420/30,请 判断(1)美国进口商若不采取保值措施,延后3个月支付马克比现在 支付马克预计将多支付多少美元?(2)美国进口商如何利用远期外汇 市场进行保值?
1、外汇交易的不同类型及其作用。 2、汇率折算与进出口报价。
套汇交易、外汇期货交易、外汇期权交易、 汇率折算与进出口报价。
§4.1 外 汇 市 场

65,099 -70,530
17,906 -18,107
8,194 -19,884 -11,690
2,310 -2,373
70,577 -85,946 -15,369
3,698 -4,092
People's Republic of China (Mainland) Balance of Payments
17,337 -20,099
19,478 -21,039
Income: credit Income: debit
Balance on income
Current transfers: credit Current transfers: debit
Balance on current transfers
Goods: exports Goods: imports
Balance on goods
55,884 -61,215


根据交易的买卖对象,分为纯粹掉 期交易和配合掉期交易。 前者指两笔交易都与同一对象 交易完成;后者指两笔交易分别和 不同交易对象完成。
根据买卖性质不同,分为买卖掉期 交易和卖买掉期交易。 前者指买进较近期而卖出较远 期外汇的结合,后者指卖出较近期 而买进较远期外汇的结合。
二、 远期 外汇 交易
1、概念:指买卖双方成交后以 预定的数额、预定的汇率在将 来某一日期清算的外汇交易。
——套期保值:买进或卖出一 笔与已有外币负债或资产金额 相等、期限相同的同种外汇, 使该资产或负债免受汇率波动 带来的损失。
买进3个月期汇 500万日元;汇率 USD1=JP¥120
——外汇投机:根据对汇 率变化的预期,有意的持 有外汇的多头或空头,希 望利用汇率的变化从中赚 取利润。
前提:预期 (同一到期日 远期汇率的变化)
操作:买进外汇(预期看涨 时)或卖出外汇(预期看跌 时)
六、 外汇 市场 功能
充当外汇买卖的中介,形成 外汇汇率;
平衡外汇供求,提供资金融 通便利;
是中央银行调节宏观经济的 重要场所;
第二 节 传统 外汇 交易 业务
外汇即期交易 外汇远期交易 外汇掉期交易 地点套汇 套利
一、 外汇 即期 交易
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Uses of Foreign Exchange Markets
2. Hedging • Hedging refers to trying to reduce the risk from exchange rate fluctuations. You are fully hedged when you have neither a net asset nor a net liability position in an asset.
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• US firm sells Japanese radios at $100 each • Firm will take delivery of radios in 30 days at an agreed price of ¥9000 each • Spot rate e=0.0105 → ¥9000 = $94.50 • Exchange rate risk (30 days ):
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Interest Rate Parity Defined
Since both of these investments have the same risk, they must have the same future value—otherwise an arbitrage would exist. (F/S)(1 + iUK) = (1 + ius)
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Exposure to Exchange Rate Risk
You are exposed to exchange rate risk if the value of your income or wealth or net worth will change if exchange rates in the future change in ways that are not expected.
e=0.010→¥9000 = $90.00
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Uses of Foreign Exchange Markets
1. Clearing • Foreign exchange markets allow people to end up holding the national currency they need to purchase goods and services. • foreigners demand dollars to buy U.S. goods and services buy U.S. assets • Americans sell dollars to buy foreign goods and services buy foreign assets
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How can you hedge your Japanese Yen position?
1. Currency forward contract You can hedge your Yen risk by entering into a forward contract in 1 month at an exchange rate agreed to today.
Time line
Now One year later
$ Investment
SF investment 1 3
Which Better?
Currency line
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© 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
• US firm sells Japanese radios at $100 each • Firm will take delivery of radios in 30 days at an agreed price of ¥9000 each • Spot rate e=0.0105 → ¥9000 = $94.50 • Exchange rate risk (30 days ):
Forward Exchange and International Financial Investment
Chapter Objective:
This chapter examines a key international parity relationship, interin
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Interest Rate Parity
• Interest rate parity tell us how the forward exchange rate establishes.
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Example: International Financial
Suppose we have the following information:
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• •
Interest Rate Parity Defined
Suppose you have $100,000 to invest for one year. You can either 1. invest in the U.S. at i$. Future value = $100,000(1 + ius) 2. trade your dollars for pound at the spot rate, invest in Britain at iUK and hedge your exchange rate risk by selling the future value of the British investment forward. The future value = $100,000(F/S)(1 + iUK)
Comparing $ and SF investments
• If you invest in SF, you have to do three transactions today: 1.Convert $1 into SF at SSF/$ (foreign exchange market transaction) 2.Invest in SF at iSF (money market transaction) 3.Sign forward contract (for one year) to sell Principle and interest in SF forward at FSF/$ (Foreign exchange market transaction) – Please note: this is a covered investment! – Finally $1.00008
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Chapter Outline
• • • • Exposure to Exchange Rate Risk Uses of Foreign Exchange Markets Covered Interest Rate Parity Uncovered Interest Rate Parity
e=0.010→¥9000 = $90.00 • Forward rate (30 days)F=0.0103→¥9000 = $92.70
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