
河南省周口市扶沟县中学2020年高一物理模拟试卷含解析一、选择题:本题共5小题,每小题3分,共计15分.每小题只有一个选项符合题意1. (多选题)如图甲所示是一种速度传感器的工作原理图,在这个系统中B为一个能发射超声波的固定小盒子,工作时小盒子B向被测物体发出短暂的超声波脉冲,脉冲被运动的物体反射后又被B盒接收,从B盒发射超声波开始计时,经时间Δt0再次发射超声波脉冲,图乙是连续两次发射的超声波的位移—时间图象,则下列说法正确的是A.超声波的速度为 B.超声波的速度为C.物体的平均速度为 D.物体的平均速度为参考答案:AD2. (单选)关于时刻和时间,下列说法正确的是A.时刻表示时间很短,时间表示时间较长;B. 上午8:10上课,这里的8:10指的是时刻;C.1min只能分成60个时刻;D.物体在第6s内指的是物体在0时刻到第6s末这6s的时间间隔;参考答案:B3. 关于滑动摩擦力公式f =μN,下列说法中正确的是:()A.公式中正压力N一定等于物体的重力;B.由μ=f/ N可知,动摩擦因数与滑动摩擦力f 成正比,与正压力成反比C.由 f =μN可知,f 与N成正比D.f 的大小由μ和N决定,与接触面的面积大小无关参考答案:CD4. (多选题)如图所示,质量m=0.5kg的小球,从距桌面h1=1.2m高处的A点下落到地面上的B点,桌面高h2=0.8m.以桌面为重力势能的参考平面,g=10m/s2,下列说法正确的是()A.小球在A点时的重力势能为6JB.小球在A点时的重力势能为10JC.小球在B点时的重力势能为﹣4JD.小球在B点时的重力势能为0参考答案:AC【考点】功能关系.【分析】在重力势能表达式E p=mgh中,h为物体相对于参考平面的高度,根据物体的位置求解.【解答】解:以桌面为重力势能的参考平面,小球在A点的重力势能为:E PA=mgh1=0.5×10×1.2J=6J,B点的重力势能为:E PB=﹣mgh2=0.5×10×(﹣0.8)J=﹣4J故选:AC5. 如图所示为用皮带传动的两个轮子(皮带不打滑),A点为轮O1上边缘处一点,B点为轮O2边缘处一点,则( )A.A、B两点的线速度一定相等B.A、B两点的角速度一定相等C.A、B两点的运动周期一定不相等D.A、B两点的周期、角速度和线速度的大小都不相等参考答案:C二、填空题:本题共8小题,每小题2分,共计16分6. 在“探究加速度与力、质量的关系”实验中,实验装置如题25—1 图所示(1)为了探究加速度与力的关系,应保持▲不变;为了直观地判断加速度与力的数量关系,应作出▲图象(选填“”或“”).(2)为了探究加速度与质量的关系,应保持▲不变;为了直观地判断加速度与质量的数量关系,应作▲图象(选填“”或“”)(3)为减小实验误差,盘和砝码的质量应比小车的质量▲(选填“小”或“大”)得多.(4)题25—2 图为某同学在实验中打出的一条纸带,计时器打点的时间间隔为0.02 s.他从比较清晰的点起,每五个点取一个计数点,则相邻两计数点间的时间间隔为▲ s.为了由v ??t 图象求出小车的加速度,他量出相邻两计数点间的距离,分别求出打各计数点时小车的速度.其中打计数点3 时小车的速度为▲ /ms.根据纸带小车做的为▲(选填“匀加速”或“匀减速”)运动参考答案:(1) 质量;”; (2) 力;(3) 小; (4) 0.1 ; 0.46 ;匀加速7. 观察自行车的主要传动部件,了解自行车是怎样用链条传动来驱动后轮前进的。

则该反应的ΔH=_________kJ·mol-1。 (2)上述反应中所需的甲醇工业上利用水煤气合成,反应为CO(g)+2H2(g) ⇌CH3OH(g) ΔH <0。在一定条件下,将1 mol CO和2 mol H2 通入密闭容器中进行反应,当改变某一外界条件(温度或压强)时,CH3OH的体积分数φ(CH3OH)变化趋势如图所示:
难度:0.65 组卷:98 题型:单选题 更新:2020/3/13
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4 . 多相催化反应是在催化剂表面通过吸附、解吸过程进行的。如图,我国学者发现T°C时,甲醇(CH3OH)在铜基催化剂上的反应机理 如下: 反应I: CH3OH(g)=CO(g)+2H2 (g) ∆H1=a kJ/mol 反应Ⅱ: CO(g)+H2O(g)=CO2 (g)+H2 (g) ∆H2=-b kJ/mol (b>0) 总反应: CH3OH(g)+H2O(g)=CO2 (g)+3H2(g) ∆H3= c kJ/mol
适用年级:高三 试卷类型:一模 试题总数:12 浏览次数:357 上传日期:2020/1/16
1 . 宋应星所著《天工开物》被外国学者誉为“17世纪中国工艺百科全书”。下列说法不正确的是 A.“凡白土曰垩土,为陶家精美启用”中“陶”是一种传统硅酸盐材料 B.“凡火药,硫为纯阳,硝为纯阴”中“硫”指的是硫磺,“硝”指的是硝酸 C.“烧铁器淬于胆矾水中,即成铜色也”该过程中反应的类型为置换反应 D.“每红铜六斤,入倭铅四斤,先后入罐熔化,冷定取出,即成黄铜”中的黄铜是合金

2020 年注定是不平凡的一年。
无论是封城日记、一线见闻,还是诗词朗诵、歌曲 MV,抑或是莲花落、京韵大鼓、快板等民间文艺作品,都将目光__________到抗击疫情的头号目标上,文艺工作者们正和全国人民一道,__________、同气相求,全力声援一线、潜心创编新篇。

2020年河南省周口市重点高中高考数学模拟试卷(理科)(2月份)一、单项选择题(本大题共12小题,共60.0分)1.已知复数z在复平面内对应的点的坐标为(−1,2),则z1+i=()A. −32+32i B. −32+12i C. −12+32i D. 12+32i2.已知集合M={−2,0,2,4},N={x|x2<9},则M∩N=()A. {0,2}B. {−2,0,2}C. {0,2,4}D. {−2,2}3.已知单位向量a⃗,b⃗ 的夹角为π3,则a⃗⋅(a⃗+2b⃗ )=()A. 32B. 1+√32C. 2D. 1+√34.已知双曲线x22−y2a=1的一条渐近线为y=√2x,则实数a的值为()A. √2B. 2C. √3D. 45.等差数列{a n}的前n项和为S n,若S9=36,则a3+a7=()A. 4B. 8C. 12D. 166.已知命题p:∃x0∈R,2x0(x0−1)<1;命题q:函数f(x)=tanx在定义域上是增函数.则下列命题是真命题的是()A. p∧qB. p∧¬qC. ¬p∧qD. ¬p∨q7.若角α的顶点在原点,始边与x轴的非负半轴重合,终边落在直线y=−4x上,且x≤0,则()A. sinα=−√1717B. cosα=4√1717C. tanα=−4D. 以上都错8.从甲、乙等5名学生中随机选出2人,则甲被选中的概率为()A. 15B. 25C. 825D. 9259.已知函数f(x)=xcos x,则y=f(x)的图象大致为()A. B. C. D.10. 在正方体ABCD −A 1B 1C 1D 1中,异面直线A 1B 与AD 1所成角的大小为( )A. 30∘B. 45∘C. 60∘D. 90∘11. 对于定义在R 上的奇函数f(x),满足f(−x)+f(3+x)=0,若f(−1)=1,则f(1)+f(2)+f(3)+⋯+f(2015)=( )A. −1B. 0C. 1D. 2 12. 已知椭圆x 2a 2+y 2b 2=1(a >b >0)的左、右焦点分别为F 1,F 2,椭圆的右顶点为A ,点P 在椭圆上,且PF 1⊥x 轴,直线AP 交y 轴于点Q ,若AQ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ =3QP ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ ,则椭圆的离心率等于( ) A. 12 B. 13 C. √22 D. √23二、填空题(本大题共4小题,共20.0分)13. 已知函数f(x)=x 2+2xe ,f′(x)为f(x)的导函数,则f′(0)=____.14. 已知实数x ,y 满足{x −2y +1≥0x +y −1≥0x <2,则z =2x −y 的取值范围是______.15. 已知首项为1的数列{a n },满足a n+1=11+a n (n ∈N ∗),则a 3= ______ . 16. 已知点A ,B ,C ,D 在同一球的球面上,AB =BC =a ,AC =√2a ,若四面体ABCD 外接球的球心O 恰好在侧棱DA 上,DC =√6a ,则这个球的表面积为______.三、解答题(本大题共7小题,共82.0分)17. 在△ABC 中,a ,b ,c 是A ,B ,C 所对的边,S 是该三角形的面积,且cosB cosC =−b 2a+c .(1)求∠B 的大小;(2)若a =2,S =√3,求b ,c 的值.18.如图,已知边长为2的正三角形ABE所在的平面与菱形ABCD所在的平面垂直,且∠DAB=60°,点F是BC的中点.(1)求证:BD⊥EF;(2)求二面角E−DF−B的余弦值.19.已知抛物线E:y2=2px(p>0)的焦点F,E上一点(3,m)到焦点的距离为4.(1)求抛物线E的方程;(2)过F作直线l,交抛物线E于A,B两点,若直线AB中点的纵坐标为−1,求直线l的方程.20. Monte −Carlo 方法在解决数学问题中有广泛的应用,下面是利用Monte −Carlo 方法来计算定积分,考虑定积分∫x 410dx ,这时∫x 410dx 等于由曲线y =x 4,x 轴,x =1所围成的区域M 的面积,为求它的值,我们在M 外作一个边长为1正方形OABC ,设想在正方形OABC 内随机投掷n 个点,若n 个点中有m 个点落入M 中,则M 的面积的估计值为m n ,此即为定积分∫x 410dx 的估计值L ,向正方形ABCD 中随机投掷10000个点,有ξ个点落入区域M .(Ⅰ)若ξ=2099,计算L 的值,并与实际值比较误差是否在5%以内;(Ⅱ)求ξ的数学期望;(Ⅲ)用以上方法求定积分,求L 与实际值之差在区间(−0.01,0.001)的概率.附表:p(n)=∑C n i=1 10000k ×0.2k ×0.810000−k .810000−k n 1899 1900 1901 2099 2100 2101P(n) 0.0058 0.0062 0.0067 0.9933 0.9938 0.9942x2−aln x(a>0)。

第一部分(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1.Under good treatment, many patients are beginning to ________ and will soon recover.A.turn up B.catch upC.pick up D.show up2.I think Tom will make a good monitor, ________ I’d like to vote for him.A.but B.forC.or D.so3.Jane is not good at sports,but when it to cooking,she’s excellent.A.happens B.comes C.does D.occurs4.--Jassy , you speak Chinese so fluently!--- ______.You are lying, I have to say. B.Thanks a lot for saying so.C.That’s none of your business. D.I can’t agree more.5._____by the English teacher for the high grade, I felt my effort finally paid off.A.Praise B.Praised C.To praise D.Praising6.Ms Alice is considered a lady by us, for she often helps the poor she met with.A.selfish B.hopefulC.mean D.generous7.—How did you like John’s exhibition of paintin gs last weekend?—To tell you the truth, his paintings didn’t ________ me much.A. refer to B.appeal to C.belong to D.occur to8.The real reason why prices ____ , and still are, too high is complex, and no short discussion can satisfactorily explain this problem.A.were B.will beC.have been D.had been9.In many homes in the UK, the first person _______ has to make tea for the family.A.waking up B.to wake upC.woke up D.woken up10.During each NBA season, basketball fans cheer on their favorite teams to make _______ through.A.it B.themC.that D.those11.My teacher asked me to copy _____ article _____ second time.A.an; the B.an; a C.the; a D.the; the12.—How about going sightseeing this Saturday afternoon?Sorry, I _______ my research report the whole weekend.A.will have written B.will be writingC.have written D.have been writing13.The movie couldn’t be more boring.I wish I ________ to it.A.had not been B.have not beenC.did not go D.have not gone14.The influence of this book might not have been reaching so far, ________for Mr. William, who dared to publish it.A. if had it not been B.is it not being C.had it not been D. its only having been15.I could not ________my tears when I saw the picture of my father working at the quake zone.A.bring In B.turn upC.take off D.hold back16.Like all parents in the world,we want you to grow up in a world __________ is full of love and kindness. A.where B.thatC.when D.what17.The girl is so grateful whenever she remembers my brother and me ____ her from the icy water.A.to have saved B.to save C.saving D.saved18.-What if the rainstorm continues?-Come on guys! We have to meet the _______ whatever the weather.A.standard B.demandC.deadline D.satisfaction19.It_____ have been Tom that parked the car here, as he is the only one with a car.A.may B.can C.must D.should20.He let me write down his instructions sure that I would know what was after he went away. A.making; doing B.making; to doC.to make; to do D.to make; to be done第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。


2015高考前数学(理)模拟练习一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分. 在每小题给出的四个选 项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.已知集合错误!未找到引用源。
,则=)(B C A R 错误!未找到引用源。
A .错误!未找到引用源。
B. 错误!未找到引用源。
C. 错误!未找到引用源。
D. 错误!未找到引用源。
对应的点位于A .第一象限 B. 第二象限 C. 第三象限 D. 第四象限 3.下列命题错误的是 A .命题“21,11x x <<<若则-”的逆否命题是若1x ≥或1x ≤-,则12≥x B .“22am bm <”是”a b <”的充分不必要条件C .命题p :存在R x ∈0,使得01020<++x x ,则p ⌝:任意R x ∈,都有012≥++x x D..命题“p 或q ”为真命题,则命题“p ”和命题“q ”均为真命题4. 某医疗研究所为了检验某种血清预防感冒的作用,把500名使用血清的人与另外500名未使用血清的人一年中的感冒记录作比较,提出假设错误!未找到引用源。
的一个可能取值为A .7.897 B. 6.635 C. 5.024 D. 3.841 (参考数据) 5..函数错误!未找到引用源。
的单调递增区间A .错误!未找到引用源。
B. 错误!未找到引用源。
C. 错误!未找到引用源。
D. 错误!未找到引用源。
6. 阅读如图所示的程序框图,运行相应的程序. 若输出的S 为错误!未找到引用源。
,则判断框中填写的内容可以是A. 错误!未找到引用源。
B. 错误!未找到引用源。
河南省周口市扶沟高中2020届高三第一次模拟考试理综化学试题 Word版含解析

下列说法不正确的是A. “凡白土曰垩土,为陶家精美启用”中“陶”是一种传统硅酸盐材料B. “凡火药,硫为纯阳,硝为纯阴”中“硫”指的是硫磺,“硝”指的是硝酸C. “烧铁器淬于胆矾水中,即成铜色也”该过程中反应的类型为置换反应D. “每红铜六斤,入倭铅四斤,先后入罐熔化,冷定取出,即成黄铜”中的黄铜是合金【答案】B【解析】【详解】A.陶瓷是传统硅酸盐材料,属于无机传统非金属材料,故A正确; B.“凡火药,硫为纯阳,硝为纯阴”中“硫”指的是硫磺,“硝”指的是硝酸钾,故B不正确;C.该过程中反应为铁与硫酸铜反应生成硫酸亚铁和铜,反应类型为置换反应,故C正确; D.黄铜是铜锌合金,故D正确; 答案:B。
2.某有机化工原料的结构简式如图所示,下列关于该有机物的说法正确的是A. 不能使酸性KMnO4溶液褪色B. 1 mol该物质最多能和4mol H2发生加成反应C. 分子中所有原子共平面D. 易溶于水及甲苯【答案】B【解析】【详解】A选项,含有碳碳双键,能使酸性KMnO4溶液褪色,故A错误;B选项,1 mol苯环消耗3 mol氢气,1mol碳碳双键消耗1 mol氢气,因此1 mol该物质最多能和4mol H2发生加成反应,故B正确;C选项,含有甲基,因此分子中所有原子不可能共平面,故C错误;D选项,酯不易溶于水,故D错误。
下列说法不正确的是( )A. 水浴加热的优点为使反应物受热均匀、容易控制温度B. 浓硫酸、浓硝酸和苯混合时,应先向浓硝酸中缓缓加入浓硫酸,待冷却至室温后,再将苯逐滴滴入C. 仪器a的作用是冷凝回流,提高原料的利用率D. 反应完全后,可用仪器a、b蒸馏得到产品【答案】D【解析】【详解】A选项,水浴加热的优点为使反应物受热均匀、容易控制温度,故A正确;B选项,浓硫酸、浓硝酸和苯混合时,应先向浓硝酸中缓缓加入浓硫酸,待冷却至室温后,再将苯逐滴滴入,可避免混合过程中放热而使液体溅出,并造成苯大量挥发,故B正确;C选项,仪器a的作用是冷凝回流,提高原料的利用率,增加产率,故C正确;D选项,蒸馏操作时要用蒸馏烧瓶和直形冷凝管,故D错误。

2020-2021学年河南省周口市扶沟县练寺镇高级中学高一地理模拟试卷含解析一、选择题(每小题2分,共52分)1. 下列现象属于环境污染的是A.土地沙漠化B.大气污染 C.破坏性地震D.生物多样性减少参考答案:B略2. 图9为“某地区等高线地形图”,完成15-16题。
15.沿图9中a—b剖面线绘制的地形剖面图是选项图中的16.在图示区域内拟建一座防火瞭望塔,在①②③④的选址方案中,瞭望范围最大的是A.①B.②C.③D.④参考答案:A D3. 冬至日时,下列各地正午太阳高度最大的是A. 海口B. 汕头C. 上海D. 北京参考答案:A【详解】北半球冬至日时,太阳直射南回归线,正午太阳高度自南回归线向南北逐渐减小。
4. 农业物联网是将大量的传感器构成监控网络,通过各种传感器采集信息,以帮助农民及时发现问题、解决问题,这样农业将从以人力为中心、依赖于孤立机械的生产模式转向以信息和软件为中心的生产模式。
25. 农业物联网的使用,可以①提高劳动效率②增加作物熟制③实时远程监控④消除农业污染A. ①③B. ②④C. ①②D. ③④26. 随着农业物联网的使用,影响力明显增强的农业区位因素是A. 水源B. 劳动力C. 交通D. 科技参考答案:25. A 26. D25.农业物联网的使用,可以通过各种传感器采集信息,实时远程监控,以帮助农民及时发现问题、解决问题,提高劳动效率,①③正确;作物熟制是由热量决定的,与农业物联网无关,②错误;农业物联网仍然使用农药、化肥等,不能消除农业污染,④错误,选择A。
5. 下图为 2008~2017 年重庆直辖市行政区内城镇人口、乡村人口和城镇化率的变动情况。
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河南省周口市扶沟县高级中学2020--2020学年高三测试题第一部分(共20小题每,小题1.5分,满分30分)1.If he ________ his teacher’s suggestion, he would have won the English Speech Contest.A.had followed B.should followC.was to follow D.followed2.The hall of the school can one thousand people.A.sit B.seat C.be sat D.be seated3.It's great that all the visitors who on the island were saved.A.trapped B.have been trappedC.had trapped D.had been trapped4.---Sorry! I’m afraid that I can’t go to the magic show by David Copperfi eld with you.--- .A.It doesn’t matter.B.Do as you like.C.What a shame.D.Take it easy.5.We’ll go early.,we may not get a seat.A.Otherwise B.Meanwhile C.However D.Besides6.The important thing in life is to have a great aim, and the ________ to achieve it.A.acquisition B.comprehensionC.determination D.satisfaction7.Locals lived in rather ________ conditions until the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949. A.precious B.primitiveC.precise D.prior8.Everyone had a form in his hand, but no one knew which office____.A.to send it to B.to sent it C.to be sent to D.to have it sent9.Wu Lei is the only Chinese player has made it onto the latest World Soccer 500 list.A.who B.whichC.whose D.whom10.Don’t refer to t he dictionary every time you come across a new word as sometimes its meaning may be _______ clearly in a given context.A.picked out B.ruled out C.brought out D.taken out11.The Mid-Autumn Festival is ________ special holiday for most Chinese when ________ whole family will get together.A.the; the B.a; the C.a; a D.the; a12.— Do you know anything about British history?—______________. I have no interest in it.A.Take it easy! B.Please don’t bother.C.It’s up to you. D.No. It’s beyond me.13.Air pollution, together with littering, ____ many problems in our large industrial cities today. A.causes B.cause C.caused D.causing14.Hopefully,the new method will be effective,helping students to get their career plans ________. A.at hand B.at willC.on trial D.on track15.This house is almost ________ to the one where I lived as a child.A.identical B.manualC.chilly D.enthusiastic16.It is through years of research ________ scientists have discovered the relationship between social media addiction and depression.A.since B.before C.that D.when17.The foreigners here are greatly impressed by the fact that _______ people from all walks of life are working hard for ________ new Tianjin.A./; a B./; theC.a; a D.the; the18.I' ve heard that preparations______for the coming festival. Let's give them a hand.A.are being made B.have been madeC.are making D.have made19.---________ I say something to you? You were really, really something back there. Incredible!---Are you talking to ---me? Whoa!A.Must B.Can C.Need D.Should20.Nobody knows why the boy can tell what’s written on the paper in another room without looking at it. It really _______ explanation.A.prevents B.challenges C.interrupts D.confuses第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
21.(6分)When he was young, Louis Armstrong was taking what was called “Creole jazz”, which was also called dance music, and combining it with trumpeter(小号手) Buddy Bolden, to create what would eventually become today’s jazz.Armstrong accomplished this with almost no formal training. He received little training before he was placed in the New Orleans Colored Waif’s Home at the age of 12, after a run-in(小争执) with the police. The punishment turned out to be a mixed blessing, for he also had the opportunity to play in a real band.While at the Waif’s, Armstrong also got the chance to hear some of the city’s finest musicians. Cornetist Freddie Keppard performed in a nearby club. So did trumpeter and bandleader King Joe Oliver,who took the boy under his wing and taught him how to read music and work on his playing technique.When Oliver left for Chicago, Armstrong chose to stay in New Orleans and work with some of the other top musicians of the day. In Chicago, King Oliver offered him a place in his band in 1922. It became Armstrong’s biggest challenge yet — the band had no parts written for trumpet, so he was forced to listen to King Oliver and improvise(即兴创作).Soon, Armstrong’s undeniable talent was getting noticed. Even classically trained musicians would come to hear the incredible sounds this young man created.Lil Hardin, the band’s piano player and the future Mrs. Armstrong, explained that Oliver kept Armstrong in the second trumpet-chair so that Oliver would still be “King”. Hardin convinced him to leave the band.Armstrong moved to New York City in 1924 to join Fletcher Henderson’s band and then flew solo. In 1925, Armstrong put together the Hot Five, expanding his popularity even more. Armstrong recorded his first composition, Cornet Chop Suey, one of the most copied jazz solos of all time. This monumental 1928 recording blends(混合) artistry, endurance and showmanship that has rarely, if ever, been matched in jazz.1、What does the underlined word “this” refer to in the second paragraph?A.To play dance music. B.To work with Buddy Bolden.C.To play a jazz instrument well. D.To create modern jazz music.2、Who taught Louis Armstrong how to play music in the early time?A.Buddy Bolden. B.Lil Hardin.C.King Joe Oliver. D.Cornetist Freddie Keppard.3、Why did Louis Armstrong Leave King Oliver’s band?A.Because he wanted to get married in New York.B.Because his talent could not develop completely.C.Because he got a better opportunity in New York.D.Because the man forced him to leave the band.4、What’s the ma in idea of the passage?A.It asks readers to know more about modern jazz.B.It introduces one of the greatest jazz musicians.C.It introduces the development of jazz.D.It describes the importance of talent in playing jazz.22.(8分)When a special occasion arrives,a colorful gift bag or a box often finds its way to a doorstep,an office desk or a mailbox.But once in a while,a present arrives at an unexpected moment as a reminder that someone is thinking about us.Wanda Anderson of Richland,US,remembers such a gift.The rosebushes were finally in full bloom on that day in spring.Seeing roses always brings to mind Wanda's childhood memories.To this young girl,those flowers were a luxury."We never had money to buy extra things,so even a tired rose was something to cherish," Wanda said.Nowadays,to have a backyard filled with many different roses is pure enjoyment.Wanda especially loves the very first blooms.Her husband,Dale,devotedly tends the roses and knows this little fact about his wife.So,on this particular morning,he picked the very first flowers of spring,fresh from the garden.But as Dale came back into the house,he was met by a neighbor who had stopped in for a quick visit.As the woman turned to go,Dale graciously (有风度地)handed the roses to her.And even though their visitor insisted she didn't want to take them,she was repeatedly convinced that the flowers were hers to keep."I told her I was happy for her to have the roses,but I really wasn't," Wanda said,recalling the emotions she was feeling right then.Seeing her very precious first blooms go out of the door filled her with regret,and a bit of selfishness.Throughout the rest of the morning,Wanda argued with herself,knowing logically it was "better to give than to receive." Nevertheless,she wished she could have kept the roses for herself.Later that day,the couple headed to the post office,where Wanda waited outside in the car.Then,without warning,an older woman suddenly appeared at the car's open window,with a bunch of multicolored roses in her arms."These are for you," she said,giving the flowers to Wanda."They're my first blooms this spring." Totally surprised and overwhelmed (不知所措的),Wanda thanked the woman and bent for a moment to inhale (吸入)the roses' rich fragrance.When she looked back,the mysterious visitor was gone.To this day,that "special delivery" changed Wanda.Now,her very first blooms always go to someone else,as a reminder that someone is thinking of them.1、Why does Wanda love roses so much?______A.She thinks that they stand for pure love.B.She was given them often as a child.C.Her husband always sends her roses.D.She couldn't afford them when she was young.2、How did Wanda feel after the neighbor left?______A.Worried.B.Upset.C.Satisfied.D.Relieved.3、What changed Wanda's opinion of giving gifts?______A.The flowers her husband bought her.B.The gifts her neighbor gave back to her.C.The roses she received from a stranger.D.A mysterious delivery she got from the post office.4、Why does Wanda always give away her roses to others now?______A.To show off her beautiful flowers.B.To prove that she isn't selfish.C.To surprise people she loves.D.To show that she's thinking of them.23.(8分)The following are the largest Latino companies in terms of revenue across the country, according to .Brightstar Corp. (revenue: US $6.3 billion)A leading global company, Bightstar has a business presence in nearly 50 countries in five continents. A native Bolivan, Marcelo Claure, President, Chairman and CEO of Brightstar, started the company in 1997 as a small Miami-based regional device distributor targeting Latin America.MasTec Inc. (estimated revenue rose to US $4.25 billion)After working for church & Tower, an underground utility construction firm for just two short years, Cuban immigrant, Jorge MasCanosa, bought the company he worked for in 1971, and took it to the next level in South Florida’s flourishing economic conditions.During the national telecom industry deregulation(放宽管制)era and under this new leadership, Church &Tower emerged as a leader in their industry. In 1994, they merged with Burnup & Sims, a construction company that specialized in telephone networks in the US, the Caribbean, Middle East and Pacific Islands, becoming MasTec Corporation.In the next decades, they accomplished enough growth to build complex infrastructure projects in renewable energy, electric power, gas and oil, water and sewers, communications andinstallation-fulfillment services.Molina healthcare (revenue: US $3.0 billion)Since Dr. C.David Molina, MD, opened his first clinic in Long Beach, California, in 1980, he set up the vision of his company to provide quality healthcare for low-income families and those under coverage provided by the government who were using emergency room services instead of general healthcare services.Now, Molina Healthcare, a public company, delivers health services and health information management solutions to almost five million families in 15 states.Greenway Ford(revenue: US $1.2 billion)Frank Rodriguez is the founder of Greenway Ford, a group of 26 dealerships(代理商)in the Orlando area and the core of Greenway Automotive Group.1、Which of the following is the biggest Latino company?A.Molina Healthcare B.MasTec IncC.Brightstar Corp D.Greenway Ford2、Which is NOT included in complex infrastructure projects of Mas Tec Inc?A.Water and sewers B.Non-renewable energyC.Gas and oil D.Electric power3、Previously, the company of Dr. C.D avid Molina provided low-income families with ________. A.financial aid B.telephone networksC.general healthcare services D.good service in health24.(8分)When did you last see a polar bear? On a trip to a zoo, perhaps? If you had attended a winter activity in New Yor k a few years ago, you would have seen a whole polar bear club. These “Polar Bears” are people who meet frequently in the winter to swim in freezing cold water. That day, the air temperature was 3℃, and the water temperature was a little higher. The members of the Polar Bear Club at Coney Island, New York are usually about the age of 60. Members must satisfy two requirements. First, they must get along well with everyone else in the group. This is very important because there are so many different kinds of people in the club. Polar Bears must also agree to swim outdoors at least twice a month from November through February.Doctors do not agree about the medical effects of cold-winter swimming. Some are worried about the dangers of a condition in which the b ody’s temperature drops so low that finally the heart stops. Other doctors, however, point out that there is more danger of a heart attack during summer swimming because the difference between the air temperature and water temperature is much greater in summer than in winter.The Polar Bears themselves are satisfied with the benefits (or advantages) of cold-water swimming. They say that their favorite form of exercise is very good for the circulatory system (循环系统) because it forces the blood to move fast to keep the body warm. Cold-water swimmers usually turn bright red after a few minutes in the water. A person who turns blue probably has a very poor circulatory system and should not try cold-water swimming.The main benefits (or advantages) of cold-water swimming are probably mental. The Polar Bears love to swim all year round. They find it fun and relaxing. As one 70-year-old woman says. “When I go into water, I pour my troubles into the ocean and let them float away.”1、The members of the Polar Bear Club must meet the following requirements EXCEPT that .A.they must reach the age of 60B.they should be easy to make friends withC.they must swim outdoors at least 8 times in the four cold monthsD.they must agree to swim outdoors from November through February2、According to the passage, some doctors believe it is true that .A.you are healthy if cold-water swimming turns your skin color blueB.cold-water swimming causes more heart attacks in summer than in winterC.cold-water swimming can make the body temperature dangerously highD.Polar Bears are bears swimming in freezing water3、The Polar Bears like to swim all the year round, for .A.they can remain youngB.it is an easy way to keep the body warm in winterC.they find it enjoyable and interestingD.they might meet fewer troubles in life25.(10分)A recent trend in California restaurants shows new eating habits among those out to have an interesting dining experience. Appetizer(开胃品) seem to be the name of the games as diners turn away from the more traditional three-course meal in favor of smaller snacks sampled in various types of restaurants, bars and cafes. In this way, in the course of an evening out, you might go to a restaurant for a tasty dish to eat at one end of town, to a bar with some live music at the other end, then for a coffee, and finally back to the restaurant for a further appetizer.Reasons for this trend are the fact that so many different types of restaurants have been set up recently, each with their own particular type of food and special atmosphere, combined with the increased quality in the type of snacks being offered. Gone are the cheese sticks of the old days, when appetizers were not really taken seriously. Some favorite snacks of the moment are slices of hot pizza, creamy fish-based dishes and crispy cakes and so on.Prices for appetizers are not equal to a full meal; however, their new popularity has meant that are by no means as cheap as they used to be. Certainly, for that special occasion, a meal in a nice restaurant, complete with the piano performance, is hard to beat. However, if we see that this trend for “butterfly eating” —moving around several different places in one evening—continues, then all the traditional style restaurants may well have to provide their own appetizer bars as well!1、Which of the following could best reflect the change of California people’s eating habits?A.People love more interesting restaurants.B.Most people eat less than they used to.C.A full restaurant meal is losing popularity.D.Food is combined with sports and games.2、What can we learn from Paragraph 2 that ________.A.appetizers used to be relatively importantB.the quality of snacks has been improvedC.restaurants have to cater for different customersD.new-style appetizers fueled the boom of catering business3、Diners who prefer appetizers of new types ________.A.will be charged moreB.will be served betterC.can enjoy music performanceD.can eat in their neighborhood第三部分语言知识运用(共两节)第一节(每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项.26.(30分)Our family’s first hosting experience began in January of 2015 with our Italian daughter Victoria. We had so much fun with her that we could not 1 to experience a new, different country, so we 2 to host another World Heritage Exchange Student.As soon as we saw Merna’s information, we knew she was 3 ,a YES Scholarship student, and Egyptian. We began to fall in love with our Egyptain 4 right away. We Skyped, and emailed for five months 5 she arrived in the US. When she 6 got off the plane, it was as if we were finally a(n)7 family again.My husband and I grew up believing that other cultures 8 us, and hosting a foreign Exchange Student just seems so 9 for us. We felt it would be a 10 experience for our children to grow up seeing other cultures and learning to love others as a(n) 11 . Our small children are enjoying the experience vastly, learning a new language 12 , and realizing that the other side of the world is not all that 13 our country.Merna is small, loving, helpful, charming, caring and a real 14 to our lives. She has 15 us all so much. We cannot 16 our lives without our Italian and Egyptain daughters. We do plan to travel to 17 countries because of them, and we will be sending our children as exchange students to live with our new 18 families.I want to thank World Heritage for 19 a chance for our family to grow from four children to six children all in one year. We are all excited at this experience of a lifetime and will forever 20 it.1、A.help B.choose C.wait D.intend2、A.applied B.afforded C.managed D.remembered3、A.brilliant B.ambitious C.cute D.loyal4、A.friend B.student C.daughter D.relative5、A.once B.after C.since D.before6、A.even B.already C.just D.ever7、A.big B.foreign C.free D.whole8、A.appeal to B.stick to C.belong to D.take to9、A.common B.natural C.apparent D.simple10、A.normal B.personal C.promising D.rewarding11、A.companion B.reminder C.equal D.individual12、A.little by little B.few by few C.one by one D.side by side13、A.amongst B.unlike C.opposite D.about14、A.guest B.heroine C.believer D.blessing15、A.offered B.warned C.taught D.left16、A.live B.enjoy C.imagine D.continue17、A.other B.another C.all D.both18、A.extended B.increased C.formed D.loved19、A.having B.providing C.getting D.allowing20、A.conduct B.appreciate C.desire D.adore第二节(每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。