首先,ASTM D903是一种常用的测试方法,用于测量粘合剂与
其次,ASTM D3330是另一种常用的剥离力测试方法,特别适用
ASTMD3330 标准规定了一种常用的压敏胶带剥离强度测试方法,为了让更多相关人员能够理解和应用这一标准,我们对其进行了翻译和解读。
压敏胶带剥离强度测试标准1. 范围1.1这些测试方法主要用于压敏胶带剥离强度的测试。
1.1.1 方法A:单面胶从标准钢板或其他类似表面的平板上180°剥离的测试方法。
1.1.2 方法B:单面背衬胶粘性的测试方法。
1.1.3 方法C:双面胶与标准钢板粘性的测试方法。
4.3.2 衬里粘力——在双面胶的正面贴上0.025mm的聚酯薄膜,然后撕去衬纸贴到不锈钢板上。
6.4压辊——自动或手动6.4.1 压辊钢圈直径85±2.5mm,宽45±1.5mm,表面橡胶6mm左右厚,硬度80±5.压辊表面为无任何凹凸缝隙的光滑圆筒。
压敏胶带剥离强度测试标准1. 范围1.1 这些测试方法主要用于压敏胶带剥离强度的测试。
1.1.1 方法 A:单面胶从标准钢板或其他类似表面的平板上180°剥离的测试方法。
1.1.2 方法B:单面背衬胶粘性的测试方法。
1.1.3 方法C:双面胶与标准钢板粘性的测试方法。
1.1.4 方法D:单面胶或双面胶与离型纸的粘性的测试方法。
1.1.5 方法E:无基材胶带与标准钢板的粘性的测试方法。
1.1.6 方法F:单面胶与标准钢板90°剥离的测试方法。
1.2 这些测试方法是给定压敏胶带粘性测试的统一评定方法,这评定可以针对一卷,两卷之间或一批。
1.3 不同的基材和(或)胶质都会影响测定结果,因此,这些方法不适用不统一的胶质。
1.4 这些测试方法不适用于一些相对硬质的基材、衬里或在低强度下高粘性背胶的测试。
1.5 测试数值用 IS 或英寸—磅做为单位,在每个单位系统中数值的规定都是不同的,因此,每个系统必须使用自己的单位。
1.6 这些标准没用强调在操作过程中可能会发生的所有安全隐患。
4. 测试方法概要4.1 方法 A——单面胶 180°剥离——用可控压力把胶带粘贴到标准测试板上。
4.2 方法 B——单面背衬胶的粘性——胶带式样一粘贴到测试钢板上,取另一式样粘贴到式样以的背面,然后按方法A 进行测试。
4.3 方法C——双面胶4.3.1 表面粘性——把双面胶的正面贴到不锈钢板上,衬里面朝外。
撕去衬纸,贴一层 0.025mm(0.001in)的聚酯薄膜,接下来按方法A 进行测试。
4.3.2 衬里粘力——在双面胶的正面贴上0.025mm 的聚酯薄膜,然后撕去衬纸贴到不锈钢板上。
4.4 方法 D——测试离型纸胶带(单面或者双面)的粘性——把胶带粘贴到测试钢板上,衬里面朝外。
ASTM D3330-D3330M
![ASTM D3330-D3330M](
Designation:D3330/D3330M–04Standard Test Method forPeel Adhesion of Pressure-Sensitive Tape1This standard is issued under thefixed designation D3330/D3330M;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon(e)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.1.Scope1.1These test methods cover the measurement of the peel adhesion of pressure-sensitive tapes.1.1.1Test Method A gives a measure of the adherence, when peeled at180°angle,to a standard steel panel or to other surface of interest for a single-coated tape.1.1.2Test Method B gives a measure of the adherence to the backing of a single-coated tape.1.1.3Test Method C gives a measure of the adherence of double-coated tape to a standard steel panel or other surface of interest.1.1.4Test Method D gives a measure of the adherence of the release liner to the adhesive of either single-or double-coated tape.1.1.5Test Method E gives a measure of the adherence of an adhesive transfer tape to a standard steel panel or other surface of interest.1.1.6Test Method F gives a measure of the adherence,when peeled at90°angle,to a standard steel panel or other surface of interest for a single-coated tape.1.2These test methods provide a means of assessing the uniformity of the adhesion of a given type of pressure-sensitive adhesive tape.The assessment may be within a roll of tape, between rolls,or between production lots.1.3Variations in either the tape backing or the adhesive,or both,affect the response.Therefore,these test methods cannot be used to pinpoint the specific cause(s)of non-uniformity.1.4These test methods may not be appropriate to test tapes having relatively stiff backings,stiff liners,or backings show-ing high stretch at low forces.These characteristics will result in a high variability for the test response which is not a true indication of the real nature of the adhesive bond.1.5Values stated in either SI or inch-pound units are to be regarded separately as standard.The values stated in each system may not be exact equivalents,therefore,each system must be used independently without combining values in any way.1.6This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns,if any,associated with its use.It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2.Referenced Documents2.1ASTM Standards:2A666Specification for Annealed or Cold-Worked Austen-itic Stainless Steel,Sheet,Strip,Plate,and Flat BarD996Terminology of Packaging and Distribution Environ-mentsD3715/D3715M Practice for Quality Assurance of Pressure-Sensitive TapesD4332Practice for Conditioning Containers,Packages or Packaging Components for TestingD5750Guide for Width and Lengths of Pressure-Sensitive TapeE122Practice for Calculating Sample Size to Estimate, With a Specified Tolerable Error,the Average for Charac-teristic of a Lot or Process2.2AFERA Standard:34001Self adhesive tapes–Measurement of peel adhesion 2.3European Norm:4EN1939Self adhesive tapes–Measurement of peel adhe-sion from stainless steel or from its own backing2.4Pressure Sensitive Tape Council Standards:5PSTC101Peel Adhesion of Pressure Sensitive Tape1These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D10on Packaging and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D10.14on Tape and Labels.Current edition approved Oct.1,2004.Published October2004.Originally approved st previous edition approved in2002as D3330/ D3330M–02e1.2For referenced ASTM standards,visit the ASTM website,,or contact ASTM Customer Service at service@.For Annual Book of ASTM Standards volume information,refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM website.3Association des Fabricants Européens de Rubans Auto Adhesifs(AFERA), LAM,Laan Copes van Cattenburch79,NL-2858EW,The Hauge,Netherlands.4European Norm,(EN);available from ComitéEuropéen de Normalisation (CEN),Rue de Stassart,36,B-1050,Brussels,Belgium.5Pressure Sensitive Tape Council(PSTC),400North Michigan Ave.,#2200, Chicago,IL60611–4267.Copyright©ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959,United States.3.Terminology3.1Definitions—Terminology found in Terminology D996 shall apply.4.Summary of Test Method4.1Test Method A—Single-Coated Tapes,Peel Adhesion at 180°Angle—A strip of tape is applied to a standard test panel (or other surface of interest)with controlled pressure.The tape is peeled from the panel at180°angle at a specified rate,during which time the force required to effect peel is measured.4.2Test Method B—Adhesion to Backing,Single-Coated Tapes—A strip of the tape under test is applied to a rigid panel.A strip of the tape under test is applied to the backing of the first strip of tape and tested for peel adhesion as described in Test Method A.4.3Test Method C—Double-Coated Tapes:4.3.1Face Side Adhesion—The double-coated tape is ad-hered to a stainless steel panel(or other surface of interest), liner side up.The liner is removed and the exposed adhesive covered with a strip of0.025-mm[0.001-in.]thick polyester film.The resulting tape is then tested as described in Test Method A.4.3.2Liner Side Adhesion—The face side adhesive is ad-hered to a0.025-mm[0.001-in.]polyesterfilm.The liner is removed and the tape is applied adhesive down to a stainless steel panel(or other surface of interest).Testing is conducted as described in Test Method A.4.4Test Method D—Adhesion to Liner—The tape is adhered to a standard steel test panel with the liner side up.The liner is peeled from the adhesive in the same manner as in peeling a single-coated tape from a standard panel as described in Test Method A.4.5Test Method E—Adhesion of Adhesive Transfer Tapes: 4.5.1Face Side—The tape is adhered to a standard panel(or other surface of interest).The liner is removed and a0.025-mm [0.001-in.]thick strip of polyester is adhered to form a film-backed strip of tape.The adhesion is measured as de-scribed in Test Method A.4.5.2Linear Side—The transfer tape is applied to a strip of 0.025-mm[0.001-in.]thick polyesterfilm,the liner is removed and the resulting tape’s adhesion is measured as described in Test Method A.4.6Test Method F—Single-Coated Tapes,90°Peel—A strip of tape is applied to a standard test panel(or other surface of interest)with controlled pressure.The tape is peeled from the panel at90°angle at a specified rate,during which time the force required to effect peel is measured.5.Significance and Use5.1These test methods are tools for quality assurance use. Given specific pressure-sensitive tape and a requirement in terms of the minimum or maximum peel value expected for this tape,the data from the test can be used in conjunction with acceptance criteria.5.2Test Method A,B,C,E,or F can show the relative bond strength of a given tape to one or more surfaces(material and texture)as compared to the standard stainless steel panel. Substitution of representative samples of materials in question for the standard steel panel would suffice to do this.5.3Test Methods A,B,C,E or F cannot be used to compare two pressure-sensitive tapes of the same type but of different manufacture for their ability to adhere to a surface.This is because the measured peel force is not normalized for afixed area of stress.The area under stress varies with backing stiffness and adhesive rheology(firmness).Two different tapes seldom agree in these properties.5.4Test Method D can show the amount of force required to remove a liner that covers the adhesive side of a tape at a specified peel rate.The force will be different at other peel rates.5.5These test methods may not provide design information as there is usually no direct relationship between peel adhesion and any functional requirement.6.Apparatus6.1Specimen Cutter—The specimen cutter shall hold two single-edged razor blades in parallel planes,a precise distance apart,to form a cutter of exact specimens widths.Two cutters, 12-and24-mm[0.05-and1-in.]cutting width,shall be available.Appropriate alternates which will not cause edge damage may be used.6N OTE1—The12-mm[0.5-in.]cutter shall consist of a12-mm[0.5-in.] thick by220-mm[8-in.]length aluminum bar stock12-mm[0.05-in.] wide.The edges for about125mm[5in.]from one end shall be slightly rounded to form a handle.The width of the bar for75mm[3in.]from the opposite end shall be narrowed to exactly12mm[0.5in.]minus the thickness of a single razor blade(one of two used as cutting edges).The razor blades shall be held in position using side plates.The end of the cutter shall be cut away at45°angle to expose the cutting edge at one end of the blades.The edges shall be separated by1260.10mm[0.5in.].The 24-mm[1-in.]cutter shall follow the same description except the bar stock shall be24.0mm[1in.]and shall be narrowed exactly24mm[1in.] minus the thickness of a single razor blade.6.2Dispensing System—For solvents,such as a wash bottle.6.3Panel—A stainless steel panel,50by125mm[2by5 in.]no less than1.1mm[0.043in.]thickness,conforming to Type302or304of Specification A666,having a bright annealedfinish.The surface roughness height shall be50625 nm[2.061.0µin.]arithmetical average deviation from the mean line.Panels showing stains,discoloration,or many scratches are not acceptable.New panels should be cleaned prior to use as described in11.1,except with ten washes of the final solvent.Between uses,the panel test surface shall be protected from scratches and contamination,and the panels stored at conditions described in Section10.6.4Roller—Mechanically or hand operated.6.4.1A steel roller8562.5mm[3.2560.1in.]in diameter and4561.5mm[1.7560.05in.]in width,covered with rubber approximately6mm[0.25in.]in thickness,having a Shore scale A durometer hardness of8065.The surface shall be a true cylinder void of any convex or concave deviations. The mass of the roller shall be2040645g[4.560.1lb].6These widths correspond to the primary metric(SI)units described in Guide D5750.These so-called“modular metric”units are used throughout the world, except for Europe.If it is desirable to test slightly different widths(for example,25 mm)of specimens than those described in9.1,this should be noted(see18.1.7)and calculations must also account for the difference(see17.1).6.4.2No part of the apparatus shall increase the mass of the roller during use.The roller shall move either mechanically or by hand at the rate of1060.5mm/s[2460.5in./min].A mechanically operated roller is recommended for referee purposes.N OTE2—A simple check to determine if the rubber surface is cylindri-cal is to wrap the roller in a very thin paper(onionskin)and drag it across aflat glass plate on which is placed carbon paper,face up.The carbon rubs off onto the thin paper wrapper to reveal high spots or hollows on the rubber surface.6.5Adhesion Tester—A constant-rate-of-extension(CRE) tension tester shall be used.It is proposed to use an electronic machine taking at least one reading per mm[0.1in.]of tape peeled.The tester shall have two clamps with centers in the same plane,parallel with the direction of the motion on the stressing clamp,and so aligned that they will hold the specimen wholly in the same plane;a means of moving the stressing clamp at a uniform rate of5.060.2mm/s[1260.5 in./min]and a device for recording load.The instrument shall be calibrated to an accuracy of0.5%of full scale and the scale range used for any test shall be such that the mean test level falls within20to80%of full scale.6.6Fixture—90°peel for Test Method F.7.Reagents and Materials7.1Purity of Reagents—Reagent grade chemicals should be used in all tests.Other grades may be used,provided it isfirst ascertained that the reagent is of sufficiently high purity to permit its use without lessening accuracy of the determination.7.2Solvents:7.2.1Any of the following solvents may be used for cleaning: alcohol non-residual,technical grade or better,, ethyl ketone(MEK),,or7.2.1.5Acetone.7.2.2For referee testing,thefinal cleaning shall be with MEK or acetone.7.2.3Before selecting or using these solvents for cleaning test panels,be sure to read and follow all precautions on the chemical Material Safety Data Sheets(MSDS)and consult with Environmental,Health,and Safety(EHS)professionals.7.3Cleaning Material—Absorbent,surgical gauze,cotton wool or tissue may be used.To be suitable,materials must be lint-free during use,absorbent,contain no additives that are soluble in the solvents listed in7.2and made exclusively from virgin materials.8.Sampling8.1Acceptance Sampling—Sampling shall be in accordance with Practice D3715/D3715M.8.2Sampling for Other Purposes—The sampling and the number of test specimens depends on the purpose of the testing.Practice E122is recommended.It is common to test at leastfive specimens of a particular tape.Test specimens should be taken from several rolls of tape,and whenever possible, among several production runs of tape.Strong conclusions about a specific property of a tape cannot be based on tests ofa single unit(roll)of a product.9.Test Specimen9.1The specimen shall be24-mm[1-in.]wide.If the specimen is of a different width,refer to Note4.A tolerance of60.5mm[61/64in.]shall be allowed.The length shall be approximately300mm[12in.].9.2Discard at least three but no more than six outer wraps of tape from the sample roll before taking the specimens for testing.9.3Remove one specimen per sample roll for each test to be performed.Remove the specimen from a freely rotating roll at the rate of500to750mm/s[20to30in./s].Where width or other factors causing a high adherence to backing makes it impossible to remove the specimen at the prescribed rate, remove it at a rate as close to500mm/s[20in./s]as possible.9.4When tape is wider than24mm[1in.],specimens of the widest specified width are to be cut from the center of a strip removed from the roll in accordance with9.3.9.5Apply specimen within5min after unwinding.10.Conditioning10.1Condition the sample rolls of tape in the standard conditioning atmosphere as described in Practice D4332for a period of not less than24h.Test at these conditions. (Warning—The tester should know that by prolonged han-dling heat is transmitted to the stainless steel test panel. Therefore,during and after application of the adhesive tape to the test panel,the panel should be handled as little as possible.)11.Test Method A—Single-Coated Tapes at180°Angle 11.1Dispense one of the solvents listed in7.2.1onto the panel,wiping it to dryness with fresh absorbent cleaning material.Repeat for a total of three washes with this solvent. The panel shall be allowed to dry at standard conditions for at least10min.If cleaned panel is not used within10h,it should be recleaned.N OTE3—Discard panels showing stains,discoloration,or many scratches.Avoid contacting panel surface withfingers.During storage, panels should be protected from damage or contamination.11.2Remove a300-mm[12-in.]specimen of the tape to be tested,as described in9.3.Fold12mm[0.5in.]at one end, adhesive to adhesive to form a tab.Touch other end of the specimen to an end of the test panel.Hold the other end of the specimen so that it does not make contact with the panel but is positioned loosely above it.Roll mechanically or by hand twice in each lengthwise direction,causing the roller to apply the tape to the panel.This prevents entrapment of air between the adhesive and the panel.Should this occur,discard the specimen.N OTE4—Where the width of the specimen is less than24mm[1in.], prior to applying test specimen,apply a strip or strips of the tape,to give an equivalent width of24mm[1in.]for rolling purposes or use roller of appropriate weight to obtain a line pressure equal to2040g[4.5lb]for24 mm[1in.]width635%.11.3Individually prepare each specimen and test within1min.N OTE5—Longer dwell time will give different results.Peel adhesion increases with dwell time at different rates for various tapes.A longer dwell time may be chosen purposely.11.4Double back the folded end of the tape at an angle of 180°and peel25mm[1in.]of the tape from the panel.Clamp that end of the panel into the movable jaw of the adhesion testing machine and the free end of the tape into the other jaw. Operate the movable jaw at5.060.2mm/s[1260.5in./min].11.5After the movable jaw is started in motion,disregard the values obtained while thefirst25mm[1in.]of tape is mechanically e the average force obtained during peeling of the next50mm[2in.]as the adhesion value. 12.Test Method B—Adhesion to Backing of Single-Coated Tapes12.1Apply a sample of the tape under test to a rigid panel such as the standard stainless steel panel.Rollfirmly.Apply a second strip of the tape to the backing of the strip on the test panel as described in11.2taking care to align the edges of the second specimen with those of the strip in the test panel. Complete testing as described in11.3-11.5.13.Test Method C—Adhesion of Double-Coated Tape 13.1Face Side—Follow the procedure of11.1-11.3,then remove the liner and superimpose on the test strip a strip of nominal0.025-mm[0.001-in.]thick polyesterfilm,as wide as or slightly wider than the double-coated tape.Apply thisfilm in the manner of applying the double-coated test strip to the panel so that the roller makes the actual application of thefilm to the double-coated tape.N OTE6—The two passes of the roller in applying polyesterfilm may be made using the hand roller.The rolling rate may be increased to50mm/s [2in.]/s.Continue in accordance with11.4and11.5.13.2Liner Side—Adhere the face side of the specimen to a strip of nominal0.025-mm[0.001-in.]thick polyesterfilm in the manner described in11.2so that the roller makes actual application of the tape to thefilm.Trim thefilm to be as wide as or slightly wider than the tape.Remove the liner.Continue in accordance with11.1-11.5.14.Test Method D—Adhesion to Liner of Double-Coatedand Single-Coated Tapes14.1Double-Coated Tapes—Follow11.1.Apply125mm[5 in.]of one end of the specimen to the panel with the adhesive side(face side)down.Make four passes with the roller,twice in each direction at a rate of1060.5mm/s[2460.5in./min]. Separate the liner from the tape at the free end and cut away the free tape.Do not disturb the line adhered to the tape on the panel.Double back the liner and proceed in accordance with 11.4and11.5.14.2Single-Coated Tapes—Follow11.1.Apply a strip of double-coated tape as wide as the specimen,the full length of the panel.Remove the liner from the single-coated tape. Superimpose125mm[5in.]of one end of the specimen, backing side down,against the double-coated tape on the panel.Make four passes with the roller,twice in each direction at a rate of1060.5mm/s[2460.5in./min].Separate the liner from the tape at the free end and cut away the free tape.Do not disturb the liner adhered to the tape on the panel. Double back the liner and proceed in accordance with11.4and 11.5.15.Test Method E—Adhesion of Adhesive TransferTapes15.1Face Side—Follow procedure of11.1-11.3,then re-move the liner and superimpose on the test strip a strip of nominal0.025-mm[0.001-in.]thick polyesterfilm,as wide as or slightly wider than the adhesive transfer tape.Apply this film in the manner of applying described in11.2so that the roller makes the actual application of thefilm to the adhesive transfer tape.Proceed as described in11.4and11.5.15.2Liner Side—Apply to the face side of the adhesive transfer tape a trip of nominal0.025-mm[0.001-in.]thick polyesterfilm.Make two passes of the roller using a hand roller of the same size.The roller rate may be increased to50 mm/s[2in.]/s.Remove the liner from the tape and apply to a standard test panel as described in11.2and11.3.Proceed as described in11.4and11.5.N OTE7—In spite of its apparent simplicity,the use of this test method is rather delicate and involves the use of great care in following the procedure as written to give coherent and identical results between one laboratory and another,as well as between one operator and another. 16.Test Method F—Single Coated Tapes at90°Angle 16.1Prepare specimen for testing as described in11.1- back the folded end of the tape at a90°angle and peel25mm[1in.]of the tape from the panel.Place the panel into afixture clamped to the moving jaw of the adhesion tester so that it will maintain a peeling angle at90°during the peeling of the next75mm[3in.]of tape and the free end of the tape into the other jaw.Operate the moving jaw at5.060.2 mm/s[1260.5in./min].16.3Proceed as described in11.5.17.Calculation17.1In the inch-pound system,if observed pull value is not in Newtons(N),convert to N per10mm by converting the pull value to N and dividing by the width of the tape,mm,and multiplying by10.In the English System,if the observed value is not in ounces,convert to ounces and divide by the specimen width.18.Report18.1Report the following information:18.1.1Statement that these test methods were used and indication of any deviations from the test methods as written, 18.1.2Identification of the source of each roll of tape tested, 18.1.3Description of any anomalous behavior during test-ing(such as adhesive transfer or splitting),18.1.4Peel adhesion value,N/10mm to the nearest0.1 N/10mm[oz/ the nearest1oz/in.].Use actual specimen width in calculations,18.1.5Identification of the test method used(A,B,C,D orE)and,if C or E,whether face side or liner side,18.1.6Dwell time,if less or greater than the standard1min, 18.1.7Test specimen widths,if different from9.1,and18.1.8Conditions of test,if other than2361°C[73.46 3.5°C]or5065%RH.19.Precision and Bias19.1Summary—The difference between two single obser-vations should not exceed18.8%of the average of the two observations in95out of100cases when both observations are taken by the same well-trained operator using the same piece of test equipment and the specimens randomly drawn from the same sample of rger differences may occur under all other circumstances.The true value of peel adhesion at180°angle can only be defined in terms of a specified test method. Within this limitation,Test Methods D3330/D3330M has no known bias.The bias for this summary and for evaluations made under other conditions are explained in19.2-19.5.N OTE8—Of the six methods in these test methods only Test Method A was used in determining the precision.It is believed that the precision for the other test methods would be similar.It would probably not apply to Test Method C.19.2Interlaboratory Test Data7—An interlaboratory study was made in1980in which randomly drawn samples of two materials were tested in each of six laboratories.Two operators in each laboratory each tested3specimens from each of3rolls of each material.The components of variance for peel adhesion at180°results expressed as coefficients of variation(see Note 8)and were calculated to be as follows:Specimens of the Same MaterialSpecimens of Different MaterialSingle-operator component 4.8%of the average9.7%of the average Within-Laboratory component 2.1%of the average0%of the average Between-Laboratory component9.0%of the average 3.7%of the average Replication component 4.9%of the average 4.9%of the average19.3Critical Differences—For the components of variance reported in19.2,two averages of observed values should be considered significantly different in the95%probability level if the difference equals or exceeds the critical difference shown in Table1.N OTE9—The tabulated values of the critical differences and confidence limits should be considered to be general statements particularly with respect to between-laboratory precision.Before a meaningful statement can be made about two specific laboratories,the amount of statistical bias between them,if any,must be established with each comparison being based on recent data obtained on specimens randomly drawn from one sample of the material to be evaluated.19.4Confidence Limits—For components of variance re-ported in19.2,single averages of observed values have the following95%confidence limits.See Note9and Table2. 19.5Bias—No justifiable statement can be made on the bias of Test Method D3330/D3330M for testing peel adhesion since the true value cannot be established by accepted referee method.20.Keywords20.1adhesion to backing;adhesion to liner;peel adhesion at 90°angle;peel adhesion at180°angle;pressure sensitive tape7Supporting data have beenfiled at ASTM International Headquarters and may be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:D01–1002.TABLE1Critical Difference,Percent of Grand Average for theConditions Noted A,BNumber ofObservations inEach AverageSingle-OperatorPrecisionWithin-LaboratoryPrecisionBetween-LaboratoryPrecision Specimens of the Same Material:118.819.742.5514.515.629.41013.915.029.1 Specimens of Different Material: The critical differences were calculated using t=1.960which is based on infinite degrees of freedom.B To convert the values of the critical differences to units of measure,multiply the average of the two specific sets of data being compared by the critical differences expressed as a decimal fraction.TABLE2Width of95%Confidence Limits,Percent of the Grand Average for the Conditions Noted A,BNumber ofObservations inEach AverageSingle-OperatorPrecisionWithin-LaboratoryPrecisionBetween-LaboratoryPrecision Specimens of the Same Material:1613.3613.9630.05610.3611.0620.81069.8610.6620.6 Specimens of Different Material:1621.3621.3622.55619.8619.8620.810619.3619.3620.6A The confidence limits are calculated using t=1.960which is based on infinite degrees of freedom.B To convert the values of the confidence limits to units of measure,multiply the average of the specific set of data which is of interest by the confidence limits expressed as a decimalfraction.ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this ers of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights,and the risk of infringement of such rights,are entirely their own responsibility.This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed everyfive years and if not revised,either reapproved or withdrawn.Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters.Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee,which you may attend.If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards,at the address shown below.This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959, United States.Individual reprints(single or multiple copies)of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at610-832-9585(phone),610-832-9555(fax),or service@(e-mail);or through the ASTM website ().。
astmd3330标准ASTM D3330标准是一种用于评估双面胶或其他粘合剂剪切性能的测试方法,具体描述了剪切粘接强度的测量过程和相关测试设备的要求。
ASTM D3330标准主要包括以下几个部分:1.引言:简要介绍了该标准的目的、适用范围和相关定义。
ASTM D3330标准的主要目的是评估粘合剂在剪切载荷下的性能,即胶带或其他粘合剂在外力作用下的抗剪切能力。
ASTM D3330标准的应用范围非常广泛。
ASTM D3330标准具有以下优点:1.简单易行:该标准提供了详细的测试步骤和操作指南,使得测试过程相对简单和易行。
总结起来,ASTM D3330标准是一种评估双面胶或其他粘合剂剪切性能的测试方法,适用于各个行业中对粘合剂性能进行评估的领域。
压敏胶带剥离强度测试标准. 范围这些测试方法主要用于压敏胶带剥离强度的测试。
双面胶带的国标标准英文回答:ASTM D3330 Standard Test Method for Peel Adhesion of Pressure-Sensitive Tape.ISO 8510-2:2014 Paper and board — Determination of tensile strength — Part 2: Constant rate of load tensile test method.JIS Z0237:2018 Testing methods for pressure-sensitive adhesive tapes.中文回答:双面胶带的国标标准。
ASTM D3330 粘压带剥离粘合强度标准试验方法。
ISO 8510-2:2014 纸和纸板拉伸强度的测定第 2 部分,恒定载荷拉伸试验方法。
JIS Z0237:2018 压敏胶带测试方法。
ASTM D3330 Standard Test Method for Peel Adhesion of Pressure-Sensitive Tape.Scope.This test method covers the determination of the peel adhesion of pressure-sensitive tape to a standard stainless steel panel. The test is intended to measure the force required to remove the tape from the panel at an angle of 180°.Significance and Use.The peel adhesion strength of pressure-sensitive tape is an important property that indicates its ability to adhere to a surface under conditions of tension. This test method is widely used to characterize the performance of pressure-sensitive tapes and to compare the performance ofdifferent tapes.Procedure.1. Prepare a 1-inch wide test specimen by cutting a strip of tape from the roll.2. Apply the tape to a standard stainless steel panel, ensuring that the tape is applied evenly and without wrinkles.3. Allow the tape to dwell on the panel for a specified period of time (typically 24 hours).4. Peel the tape from the panel at an angle of 180° ata constant rate of 12 inches per minute.5. Record the force required to remove the tape.Report.The report shall include the following information:The type of tape tested.The test conditions.The peel adhesion strength in pounds per inch (N/m)。
1.1 测试方法:ASTM D3330;
1.2 附助测试工具:SUS304钢板;
1.3 测试环境:温度 23℃±2℃,湿度 50%±5%;
1.4 放置时间:30分钟;
1.5 测试样品:宽度:25.4mm,长度:150mm;
1.6 拉伸速度:300mm/min;
1.7 拉伸角度:180度。
2.1 取样:卷装样品先切除外面约3-5层再取样检测,样品以宽度方向分
2.2 先用溶剂清洗钢板,把保护膜粘胶层粘附在钢板,注意两接触面完全贴
2.3 贴合后样品放自动滚轮机/胶辊重量2公斤滚压两次(一个来回),后
ASTM-D3330剥离强度测试标准中文版压敏胶带剥离强度测试标准1. 范围1.1 这些测试方法主要用于压敏胶带剥离强度的测试。
1.1.1 方法 A:单面胶从标准钢板或其他类似表面的平板上180°剥离的测试方法。
1.1.2 方法B:单面背衬胶粘性的测试方法。
1.1.3 方法C:双面胶与标准钢板粘性的测试方法。
1.1.4 方法D:单面胶或双面胶与离型纸的粘性的测试方法。
1.1.5 方法E:无基材胶带与标准钢板的粘性的测试方法。
1.1.6 方法F:单面胶与标准钢板90°剥离的测试方法。
1.2 这些测试方法是给定压敏胶带粘性测试的统一评定方法,这评定可以针对一卷,两卷之间或一批。
1.3 不同的基材和(或)胶质都会影响测定结果,因此,这些方法不适用不统一的胶质。
1.4 这些测试方法不适用于一些相对硬质的基材、衬里或在低强度下高粘性背胶的测试。
1.5 测试数值用 IS 或英寸—磅做为单位,在每个单位系统中数值的规定都是不同的,因此,每个系统必须使用自己的单位。
1.6 这些标准没用强调在操作过程中可能会发生的所有安全隐患。
4. 测试方法概要4.1 方法 A——单面胶 180°剥离——用可控压力把胶带粘贴到标准测试板上。
4.2 方法 B——单面背衬胶的粘性——胶带式样一粘贴到测试钢板上,取另一式样粘贴到式样以的背面,然后按方法A进行测试。
4.3 方法C——双面胶4.3.1 表面粘性——把双面胶的正面贴到不锈钢板上,衬里面朝外。
撕去衬纸,贴一层 0.025mm(0.001in)的聚酯薄膜,接下来按方法A进行测试。
4.3.2 衬里粘力——在双面胶的正面贴上0.025mm 的聚酯薄膜,然后撕去衬纸贴到不锈钢板上。
1 这些测试方法主要用于压敏胶带剥离强度得测试、1。
1ﻩ方法 A:单面胶从标准钢板或其她类似表面得平板上180°剥离得测试方法。
1、1.4 方法D:单面胶或双面胶与离型纸得粘性得测试方法。
6 方法F:单面胶与标准钢板90°剥离得测试方法、1。
2 这些测试方法就是给定压敏胶带粘性测试得统一评定方法,这评定可以针对一卷,两卷之间或一批。
1、3 不同得基材与(或)胶质都会影响测定结果,因此,这些方法不适用不统一得胶质。
1.4 这些测试方法不适用于一些相对硬质得基材、衬里或在低强度下高粘性背胶得测试、这些特性对测试结果有很大得影响,因而不能真正代表粘力。
1.5测试数值用 IS 或英寸—磅做为单位,在每个单位系统中数值得规定都就是不同得,因此,每个系统必须使用自己得单位、1。
4、测试方法概要4、1 方法 A-—单面胶180°剥离-—用可控压力把胶带粘贴到标准测试板上、测试时,以恒定得速度180°角从测试板上剥离。
4、2 方法B——单面背衬胶得粘性——胶带式样一粘贴到测试钢板上, 取另一式样粘贴到式样以得背面,然后按方法 A 进行测试。
3方法C——双面胶4、3.1 表面粘性-—把双面胶得正面贴到不锈钢板上,衬里面朝外。
撕去衬纸,贴一层0、025mm(0.001in)得聚酯薄膜,接下来按方法A 进行测试。
4、3.2ﻩ衬里粘力——在双面胶得正面贴上0.025mm 得聚酯薄膜,然后撕去衬纸贴到不锈钢板上。
4.4 方法 D-—测试离型纸胶带(单面或者双面)得粘性——把胶带粘贴到测试钢板上,衬里面朝外。
1. GB/T 8808-2014 "塑料薄膜和薄片的剥离强度测定法"
2. ASTM D3330-04 "剥离强度测试方法"
3. ISO 16047:2003 "塑料膜或者层的表面剥离性测定"
1. ASTM D903-98: 标准试验方法,用于测定胶粘剂剥离强度的一般性能。
2. GB/T 2791-2020: 胶粘剂-剪切剥离试验方法,用于测定胶粘剂的剪切剥离强度。
3. ISO 11339: 纸和纸板-剥离强度的测定,用于测定纸和纸板上胶粘剂的剥离强度。
4. PSTC-101: 胶粘剂剥离强度的测定,由 Pressure Sensitive Tape Council (PSTC) 发布的标准试验方法。
℃,短期耐温可达149℃;剥离强度:1、90度剥离胶粘度(N/100MM),测试方法:ASTM D3330不锈钢丙烯酸聚碳酸酯ABS15分钟粘接后74381276672小时粘接后154558288贮存期限:在21℃和50%相对湿度条件下,原包装状态下自生产之日起保存期为24个月。
3M55256厚度:0.05,基材:透明PET,温度:-4到121摄氏度,特点与应用:良好的耐热冲击,适合电脑屏幕边框,LCD 泡棉,元器件,电池绝缘体附件等粘接。
3.1.2橡胶硬度(邵尔A型)为60°±5°,厚度6 mm。
3.2试验机3.2.1拉力试验机应符合JB 706—77《机械式拉力试验机技术条件》的关于鉴定试验机的要求。
国家标准总局发布1 9 8 2年8月1日实施中华人民共和国化学工业部提出上海橡胶制品研究所起草GB 2792-814.2试验板胶粘带与板材粘合时,试验板表面应平整,试验时不应产生弯曲变形,试验板尺寸如图2所示。
ASTM D3330 中英文对照版
![ASTM D3330 中英文对照版](
ASTM D3330 中英文对照版Designation: D 3330/D 3330M – 00名称:D 3330/D 3330M-00Standard Test Method for Peel Adhesion of Pressure-Sensitive Tape1压敏胶带剥离强度测试标准This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 3330/D 3330M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates theyear of last reapproval. A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval. 此标准是根据D 3330/D3330M 整理修订;名称后面的数字代表首发年份。
带有上标e 表示最后一次发行或修订时的改动之处。
1. 1. Scope1.1 范围1. 1.1 These test methods cover the measurement of the peel adhesion of pressure-sensitive tapes.1.1.1 这些测试方法主要是针对压敏胶带剥离强度的测试1. 1.1.1 Test Method A gives a measure of the adherence, whenpeeled at 180° angle, to a standard steel panel or to other surfaceof interest for a single-coated tape.(加载板) 方法A 是压敏胶带从一标准金属板180°剥离测试方法;------------2. 1.1.2 Test Method B gives a measure of the adherence to the backing of a single-coated tape. 方法B 是测试单面背衬胶的粘性3. 1.1.3 Test Method C gives a measure of the adherence of double-coated tape to a standard steel panel or other surface ofinterest. 方法C 是双面背衬胶与标准金属板的粘性测试方法;4. 1.1.4 Test Method D gives a measure of the adherence of the release liner to the adhesive of either single-or double-coated tape. 方法D 是测试单面或者双面背衬胶离型纸的粘性5. 1.1.5 Test Method E gives a measure of the adherence of an adhesive transfer tape to a standard steel panel or other surface ofinterest. 方法E 是测试无基材胶带与标准金属板之间的粘性6. 1.1.6 Test Method F gives a measure of the adherence, when peeled at 90° angle, to a standard steel panel or other surface ofinterest for a single-coated tape. 方法F 是测试胶带90°剥离方法;7. 1.2 These test methods provide a means of assessing the uniformity of the adhesion of a given type ofpressure-sensitiveadhesive tape. The assessment may be within a roll of tape, between rolls, or between production lots.7.1.2 这些测试方法,是胶带的统一的评定方法;----------8. 1.3 Variations in either the tape backing or the adhesive, or both, affect the response. Therefore, these test methods cannot beused to pinpoint the specific cause(s) of non-uniformity. 9. 1.4 These test methods may not be appropriate to test tapes having relatively stiff backings, stiff liners, or backings showinghigh stretch at low forces. These characteristics will result in a high variability for the test response which is not a true indicationof the real nature of the adhesive bond.10. 1.5 Values stated in either SI or inch-pound units are to be regarded separately as standard. The values stated in each systemmay not be exact equivalents, therefore, each system must be used independently without combining values in any way. 11. 1.6 These test methods are intended to replace AFERA 4001, EN 1939, PSTC-1,PSTC-2, PSTC-3 and PSTC-4.1.7 This standard does not purport to address all of the 1 These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D-10 on Packaging and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D10.14 on Tape and Labels. Current edition approved Oct. 10, 2000. Published December 2000. Originally published as D 3330 – 76. Last previous edition D 3330/D 3330M – 99. Copyright . ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States. safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine theapplicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards: A 666 Specification for AusteniticStainless Steel, Sheet, Strip, Plate and Flat Bar2 D 996 Terminology ofPackaging and Distribution Environments3 D 3715/D 3715M Practice for Quality Assurance of Pressure-Sensitive Tapes3 D 4332 Practice for Conditioning Containers, Packages or Packaging Components for Testing3 D 5750 Guide for Width and Lengths of Pressure-Sensitive Tape3 E 122 Practice for Choice of Sample Size to Estimate a Measure of Quality for a Lot or Process42.2 AFERA Standard:5 4001 Self adhesive tapes – Measurement of peel adhesion2.3 European Norm:6 EN 1939 Self adhesive tapes – Measurement of peel adhesion from stainless steel or from its own backing 2.4 Pressure Sensitive Tape Council Standards:7 PSTC-1 Peel Adhesion of Single Coated Pressure-Sensitive Tapes at 180°AnglePSTC-2 Peel Adhesion for Single Coated Pressure-Sensitive Tapes at 90° Angle PSTC-3 Peel Adhesion of DoubleCoated Pressure-Sensitive Tapes at 180° Angle PSTC-4 Adhesion to Liner of Presure-Sensitive Tapes at 180° Angle1. 3. Terminology2. 3.1 Definitions—Terminology found in Terminology D 996 shallapply. 2 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.03.3 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 15.09.4 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.02.5 Association des Fabricants Européens deRubans Auto Adhesifs (AFERA), LAM, Laan Copes van Cattenburch 79, NL-2858 EW, The Hauge, Netherlands.6 European Norm, (EN); available from Comité Européen de Normalisation (CEN), Rue deStassart, 36, B-1050, Brussels, Belgium.7 Pressure Sensitive Tape Council (PSTC),400 North Michigan Ave., #2200, Chicago, IL 60611–4267.1. 4. Summary of Test Method测试方法概要2. 4.1 Test Method A—Single-Coated Tapes, Peel Adhesion at 180°Angle—A strip of tape is applied to a standard test panel (or other surface of interest) with controlled pressure. The tape is peeled from the panel at 180° angle at a specified rate, duringwhich time the force required to effect peel is measured.方法A 是压敏胶带的180°剥离。
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压敏胶带剥离强度测试标准1. 范围1.1 这些测试方法主要用于压敏胶带剥离强度的测试。
1.1.1 方法 A:单面胶从标准钢板或其他类似表面的平板上180°剥离的测试方法。
1.1.2 方法B:单面背衬胶粘性的测试方法。
1.1.3 方法C:双面胶与标准钢板粘性的测试方法。
1.1.4 方法D:单面胶或双面胶与离型纸的粘性的测试方法。
1.1.5 方法E:无基材胶带与标准钢板的粘性的测试方法。
1.1.6 方法F:单面胶与标准钢板90°剥离的测试方法。
1.2 这些测试方法是给定压敏胶带粘性测试的统一评定方法,这评定可以针对一卷,两卷之间或一批。
1.3 不同的基材和(或)胶质都会影响测定结果,因此,这些方法不适用不统一的胶质。
1.4 这些测试方法不适用于一些相对硬质的基材、衬里或在低强度下高粘性背胶的测试。
1.5 测试数值用 IS 或英寸—磅做为单位,在每个单位系统中数值的规定都是不同的,因此,每个系统必须使用自己的单位。
1.6 这些标准没用强调在操作过程中可能会发生的所有安全隐患。
4. 测试方法概要4.1 方法 A——单面胶 180°剥离——用可控压力把胶带粘贴到标准测试板上。
4.2 方法 B——单面背衬胶的粘性——胶带式样一粘贴到测试钢板上,取另一式样粘贴到式样以的背面,然后按方法A 进行测试。
4.3 方法C——双面胶4.3.1 表面粘性——把双面胶的正面贴到不锈钢板上,衬里面朝外。
撕去衬纸,贴一层 0.025mm(0.001in)的聚酯薄膜,接下来按方法A 进行测试。
4.3.2 衬里粘力——在双面胶的正面贴上0.025mm 的聚酯薄膜,然后撕去衬纸贴到不锈钢板上。
4.4 方法 D——测试离型纸胶带(单面或者双面)的粘性——把胶带粘贴到测试钢板上,衬里面朝外。
同方法A 中单面胶从钢板上剥离类似,用同样的方法测试衬纸与胶粘剂的剥离强度。
4.5 方法E——无基材胶带的粘力测试4.5.1 正面——把胶带贴到标准测试钢板上。
按照方法A 进行剥离力的测试。
4.5.2 衬里面——把胶带正面贴上厚度为0.025mm的聚酯薄膜,撕去衬纸贴后贴到钢板上按方法A进行测试。
4.6 方法F——单面胶90°剥离——在可控的压力下把胶贴到标准钢板上,以恒定的速度从钢板上90°角进行剥离测试,计算剥离过程的力。
5. 意义和应用5.1 这些测试方法是为保证质量使用的。
5.2 方法A、B、C、E、F还可以用来测定给定胶带与其他一种或多种不同材料和材质的表面的相对粘力。
5.3 方法A, B, C, E or F 不能被用来对比测试同类但不同粘着力的胶带。
5.4 方法D 可以测试在特定剥离速度下剥离掉黏胶带的离型纸所需要的不同力值。
5.5 这几种测试方法没有提供设计信息,原因在于通常粘着力和功能要求之间没有直接关联。
6. 设备6.1 取样器—取样器应使用两边平行的单刃刀片,精确的分开距离,这样可以剪切出宽度精确的试样。
两种剪切12 和24-mm[0.05-and 1-in.]剪切宽度都是可用的。
注意1—这些宽度是根据Guide D 5750/D5750M 的公制计量单位为参照的。
6.2 剂量器分配器—溶剂,比如洗涤瓶。
6.3 测试板——不锈钢板,50×125,不小于1.1mm厚,表面粗糙高度50±25nm。
6.4 压辊——自动或手动6.4.1 压辊钢圈直径85±2.5mm,宽45±1.5mm,表面橡胶6mm左右厚,硬度80±5.压辊表面为无任何凹凸缝隙的光滑圆筒。
6.4.2 在使用过程中不能让别的部件增加其重量。
注意 3 有一种检测压辊表面橡胶性能的简易方法。
6.5 粘力检测仪——可能会用到恒速拉力机。
用5.0± 0.2 mm/s恒定速率拉动夹具然后另一装置测试数据。
6.6 固定装置——用于方法F的90°剥离。
7. 试剂和材料7.1 试剂的纯度——所有试验用的试剂应该达到化学纯。
7.2 试剂7.2.1 以下是所有可能用作清洗剂的试剂: 无酒精双丙酮,技术级或者更高, 甲醇(95%), 丁酮, n—正庚烷, 丙酮7.2.2 在测试时,最后的清洗应该用到丁酮或丙酮。
7.2.3 在选择和使用试剂清洗钢板之前要谨慎注意化学试剂对环境,身体和安全的影响。
7.3 清洗材料——吸收剂,外科纱布,棉毛或者薄纸。
材料必须为无棉绒纸;吸收剂不能含同有7.2 所列溶剂可溶的添加剂。
8. 取样8.1 选取试样—试样应该符合Practice D 3715/D 3715M 标准。
8.2 其它用途试样—试样的选择取决于试验目的。
9. 测试试样9.1 试样规格宽为24mm,如果宽度不同于此,参考NOTE5. ±0.5 mm的误差范围是允许的。
长度规格为300 mm左右。
9.2 作为试样的胶带,必须先从胶带卷上去掉3-6 圈之后再取材。
9.3 从每个胶带卷上取下一块试样的方法。
以500 to 750 mm/s的速率从旋转的胶带卷上扯下试样。
当由于胶带宽度或某些原因致使粘性过高而不易扯掉试样时,速率可以减少到500 mm/s。
9.4 当胶带宽度大于24 mm [1 in.]时,多出的那部分宽度用刀法剪切掉。
9.5 解卷后5 分钟之内进行试样测试。
10. 测试条件10.1 根据D 4332 把试样放置在标准温度环境下至少24 小时。
)11. 方法A——单面胶的180°剥离11.1 把7.2.1 所列的一种试剂涂抹在试验板上,用清洁吸水的材料擦拭干净。
用此种溶剂擦拭三次,试验板在标准环境下晾干时间至少需要10 min。
注意 4——避免使用有污点,色污或划痕的试验板。
11.2 按照9.3 的要求取300-mm的胶带试样。
在试样一端12 mm处折叠,粘成标签状。
注意5 为了试样黏贴时更好的滚压,试样宽度小于24 mm [1 in.]时,用一段胶带补齐24 mm [1 in.]或者用适宜重的压辊来线压,使其等同于2045g的压辊。
11.3 在一分钟之内准备好每一试样和测试装置。
注意 6 试样搁置时间的长短会带来不同的检测结果。
11.4 把胶带对折成180°,从试验板上剥离出25 mm [1 in.]。
操纵夹具以5.0±0.2 mm/s的速度上升。
11.5 启动拉力机后,检测出的最初25 mm的剥离力值不在统计范围之内。
用之后的50 mm的剥离力的平均值作为粘力测定值。
12. 方法B——单面背衬胶的粘性12.1 把试样一粘贴到像标准不锈钢一样的坚硬试验板上,用压辊滚压牢固。
另取一试样如11.2 所述黏贴到试样一得背面,要确保两试样边缘线齐。
按照11.3-11.5 所述操作试验。
13. 方法C——双面背衬胶的粘性13.1 正面——按11.1-11.3 步骤进行操作,去掉衬纸。
注意 7 薄膜的滚压最好用手动压辊。
滚压速度能增加到50 mm/s [2 in.]/s.按照11.4 和11.5 的方法继续试验。
13.2 衬纸面—用厚度为0.025-mm [0.001-in.]的聚酯薄膜按照11.2黏贴到胶带表面,把他们充分粘合。
取掉衬纸,按照11.1-11.5 继续试验。
14. 方法D——单面或者双面背衬胶离型纸的粘性14.1 双面背衬胶——遵循11.1把试样一端的125 mm粘到试验板上,胶粘面(表面)向下。
用压辊以10±0.5 mm/s的速率两个方向共各滚压两次。
14.2 14.2 单面背衬胶——遵循11.1。
把试样一端的125 mm 的光滑面向下,叠贴到试样一上。
用压辊以10±0.5 mm/s的速率两个方向共各滚压两次。