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Lilong or Longtang Shikumen building standing side by side then formed by alleys.
The alleys witnessed the everyday life of ordinary Shanghai people.
Drying of clothes
Shikumen and the Customs of the Alleys
Old Shanghai
Shikumen is a type of residential architecture that came into being with the urbanization of Shanghai. Over the years, these buildings have served as the major accommodation for most Shanghai residents. Shikumen architecture was first introduced into Shanghai in 1850s and 1860s.This was a type of building that used less land, smaller quantities of building materials and less money.
新天地 At the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21th century, there appeared in Shanghai a famous entertainment resort named Xintiandi, renovated from the Shikumen alleys.
The change of Shikumen
Although ordinary Shanghai people lived in the alleys, they also maintained close relationships with the outside world and felt the influence of Western modernity-especially people from the middle class and intellectuals.
Owing to the high rents, a Shikumen building usually housed about six or seven families, and sometimes, more than a dozen.
Байду номын сангаасPavilion
Being denied access to the sun all the round, was cold in winter and hot in summer.
Thank you
The door of a Shikumen building was made of thick black wood framed with slates of granite or red stone from Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, hence the name “Shikumen” or literally Stone Warehouse Gate. 石箍门 石库门
石库门建筑的门楣部分是 最为精彩的部分。这里装 饰最为丰富在早期石库门 中,门楣常模仿江南传统 建筑中的仪门做成中国传 统砖雕青瓦压顶门头式样。 后期受到西方建筑风格的 影响,常用三角形、半圆 形、弧形成长方形的花饰, 类似西方建筑门、窗上部 的山花楣饰。更多的体现 了上海混血文化精神。
Cool them off
Some small shops in alleys
Cries echoing
上海弄堂里的叫卖声,行业多, 花样新,有的像唱山歌、小调, 有的似顺口溜,有的忽高忽低, 有的拖腔很长,都是有腔有调、 有节奏,抑扬顿挫,悦耳动听.里 弄风情和谐相处,那是有多么文 化韵味的场景。