
A. It dorsn 11 matter.B. Not 1 can't.C. Surct why do you need it? 5. 一I bet that Mike wished you had told him that earlier.A. We should also find what the customers keep in their minds-B. So be careful with our job.C. WclL Mike isn f f a fool. he won 1: do thnt again.二、阅汇与结构(共计30分,每小JB 2分)6—20 B :ffi )读下面的句子,从A 、B.C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的正确选项,井将答 案序号写在答IE 纸上。
6. You won't choose this brand namjA. wtll youB< won't youC ・ don'i you7. There WHKin the meeting room n 、 the gcncrnl munogcr predicted the compuny 1* niilcB iurgrhA. silenceC. silently8. rd like to know whnt time wc enn 帝 the contninrr it IH in the parh 国家开放大学电大专科《商务英语1》2024期末试题及答案(试卷号:3897)一,交际用语(共计10分.每小题2分)1一5 Jffi :选择正确的语句完成下面对话,井将答案序号写在答题纸上。
L — Could you give me an example of good tcamwarking there?A- Sorry. 1 can see from yaur resume.B- Surc> I was the treasurer of the Students 1 Union.C ・ Not at all. 1 was in charge of saleji for Corporate Pan-Asia-2. - Thr senior managers need the results from Iasi month straight way ,so I can't stop to talk. P ve got tohurry.A. Stay longer.C. Ck ・ see you laten3. Hello* I'm Susan. Nice to meet you.B. Nice to meet you. too<C. How are you?4.Sally • could you lend me your calculator? Mine is not working.B. Go sluwly. A- Are you?% 1 have finished _________ your project plnn.A. read B- to readC. rrAdingl()> Price* niuy chnngc quickly if supply or dcmnnd _________ 一•A. changes B- changeC. will chnngc11. The re exAtninntian rr»ult!» indiente that onr-third of the good^ arc not ___________________ sundiirci.A・ up to withinC on12. The ten doy dtspUy and JHI I C_________ finished tomorrow.A. i»B. would beQ will beI3a ril __ ____ the rcmittoncc (or you in our rccor<h>A. check in Vk check outC. check up14. _______ i. very important thnT you don't make any mi?<tnkc^ when you calculntcthose figuresA. ThatC. Wh/it15a But fhr chnrKc will be and it aho Town down delivery^At more vjilunble B. cheaper(*. highrr16. Aftvr thin, we have to pout ___________ iettern.At A set of B. n lovI7> At iinivcrMfy I __________ never _________ my osMRnmentN in late.A. huvc^dinndB. hovc*w< handed(?• handedI土When a compnny necdai io HCM |jcoplr f ii rnny advcrtiMt the job in nnrwhpoper <n on ■ wHElcA. employB. retain('• use19. We'll let you know when we ____________ u decision.At take B> giveC> EAke20. - ____ your check in received within a week we shall have no altcrnnttvr.A. Unless AsC.If三■阅读理解(共40分.督小JE 4分)2)-25矩:阅读下列短文.从A,B、C三个选项中选出一个正璃答案•弁将答案序号写在答髓纸上.Passage IAccounting is More 1 han NumbersAccounting could date back to nbuut 7.000 years ago. People of thnt time relied on old accounting mcthoch to record the growth of crops and herds. Accounting Ms greiitly developed with the growth of joint-stock companies.When you think of Accountings you may find of table* nnd numbers. Thai imuRr (loe»n*• usually K»vt you loo much cxciTrmcnt When you have your own business t thought ihg numbers come to inran the world to you bccnwsv they Rive you the record of how much money you1 vr earned or IghActunlly• nccountinn IM not simply ubout strAngc dolbir timountA or boring numbers) they're your nalrn Sure, your co5t»t nnd your profits In other war(U t nccnuntinft is a hngungc of bu^incKH. Once you know how to wotk with ihone numbenif hew to rend fhonr THirnbtr5 nnd how to read the story ihry rcIL yon will be Able to your huMinrMfttoward grcutrr2L Accouniing could date back to nbout ________ ___ years ago.A.7.000 R 6,000G 5.000:22. I^ople in the old dnya rrlird on old accounting methods to record _______________ •A. how much money they hadK the mnnnKcmrnt of their businesA(二the growth of crops and herds23. Accounting hx伟grrwtly changed with the development o( ___________ .A. crop# nnd hrrda K joint stock compnnicAC・ internrf cnmpAmeA24. Accounting is very important in your business because it show,A. how much money you1 ve earned or lostK pwz full of rubles and nunthersC. Mrnngr dollor Amounts or boring numbers25> Accurding to thr writer, accounting is ___________ _ .A. o language al businessK your sales figurcst your cost«r and your profitsC» Both A and B26—30H:倜根!KMJ文内容判断始出的谓句是否正《l,正碗的的瑁并将答案可在答81纸上。

国家开放大学电大专科《开放英语1》2022期末试题及答案(试卷号 第一部分 交际用语(共计10分.每小85 2分)下面的小对话.判断答话是否恰当,恰当的选A (Right).不恰当的选B (Wrong),并将答案写在答■纸上。
L — Excuse me f could you tell me the way to the park?— Of coursei I will show you the way.R Right B. Wrong2. — How much does the Oat cost a month?—The cheapest one is on the tenth floor.:A ・ Right B. Wrong3. — What time does the Swimming Pool close?一 At five pm.A ・ Right B. Wrong4. — Whm's the weather like in Shanghai today?—It's miny.A. RightB. Wrong5. — How old are these students?— They arc about 16 years old.A. RightB. Wrong第二部分 国汇与结构(共计30分.每小诡2分)6 — 20题:阅读下面的句子,从A.B 、C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最隹选项•并在答 ■纸上耳出所选项的字母符号.6. I usually get up ________ six o'clock.A« at B.JinC. on7. He studies French in ___ __ language schooLa Be the8. — I think the parks are lovely.—So , I.A. amB. doC t have9. My housewarming party is ________ Mary's.A. different fromB. diffcrtutC ・ as different as10. — What about Wednesday evening next week?—Sorry* _________ then.A. ! will be too busy B ・ I will be freeC. 1 will be fine:2204)II. ________ children has his brother goi?A. How manyC. How about12. — The area is too diriy.—Yest I ngrec< _____________A. not cleon enoughC. clean not enouRh13. — _ arc you11 m from Nanjing.A.〈WhatC. Where14. Would you like to _______ a reservation for dinner in the resuurunt thi> evening?A. makeH. give C. hold15. Who ore thoNc ________ ? Do you know their nnmes?A. manH B C. men16. — Should I rake *omc medicine?—No. you _________ to tnkc any medicine.A. «hould notB. don*t needC. have not17. Billy is ________ thin Ben.A. AN nttractivcB. more ^tractiveC. very attractive18. ______ you got any family?A. DoB. HaveC. Has19. 1 work in ________ IT Department of __________ l arge bank.W the, AB. an« the (L thr• the20. She lectures ________ C hinese.A. fromB. inC. with第三部分 句型变换(共计15分,每小3分)21— 25小踊:报据括号里的提示或利用括号里的同塔改写下列句子,并将答案弟在答题 纸上.21. They arc waiting for Mary.(用 who 对划线部分提何〉22. There are some interesting books tn this booknion?.(改为一•般疑何句)23. My son wants to watch TV after dinner every day.(改为否定句)21. His father often goes to school by bike.(对划线部分提何〉25. The meeting will take two hours.(改为反义疑何句) H. How muchB. not enough clean B. When»E5M 分0eiA»M (2。

分.每小W2分)1一5 ■:眼豪对话内客迭择恰当的选项.L • Think you very much for helping me*A. You1 re welcome.氏It doe^n^t matter.C. No need.2. — Helk>« Lucy. How are you^—And you?A. Finj thank>>B. Yes. 1 «nuQ Glad to meet yoit3. — Help yourself to wme fish.A. It sounds nice.B. Thank you.C. Yrs. please.L — Good marrnng. Far Eas: Logtsncs Company. This ts bn FUnxue May I hdp you?N Good morning > Ms. Lin. Nice to meet ygK、E think yowC. Good morning. Ms. Lin. This is Daniel Anderson speakings5・—Herr ytro are t Sir.N All right. B L Yese here we arc. C・ Thank you very much.二•国汇与结构(共计30分.每小U2分)6-20 ■:AS下面的句子.从A.B.C三个选项中逸出一个茬填入空白处的■隹选项.6. There many people running tn the park every morning.A is & wereG are7. These police often the children across the streetsB. b elpBA. helpG is helping8. It u better to tell wo tn tone to net it .A. fix K h*ed<•'. fixmi9. Thr tm dsy display and tale finrsbed tomorrow^A. is R would beC. will be10. Yem er* planning to export this product to Europe•99A. don#t you H <rtn f l youC are youIL Markets arc the *y«tetn that tome people" • dem«nd» and >omc other peopled ,叩pbe,A reject* A meet»G brid<nI2« Small holo should be made in the cloth to let the moisture out.A< dry & waterproof:U wet)3. ! packing in wooden C*MS>A- prefer H getG think14. ril the remittance for you in our records.A. check in B・ check outC. check up15. There arr some visirnrs io our marketing department next week.A. come: B・ to romingC. cotning16. The woolen glavr^ should in twenty boxes.be packed 矗pMkC・ be packing\1. Bin the charge will be »nd it aho slows down delivery.A. marc vnluable B t cheaperC, higher18. I'd like to know what time we can get the container it is 泊the port・A. why B・ whenC< where19. The third part is the results.A. expect B・ rxpcctingC. expected20. 18 o( the EU members have rrplacrd thrir nnttonal currencies by Euro note* and troinn 2002.A. forB. at(\ flince三、何读埋11(共计40分•佃小H 4分)21-25 n:««T列斌文,从A.B.C三个选项中选出一个正•答案.Everyone hkr^ living in n rlran and comFonable environments If the cnvironntcni bad. it will nUcci our body, and make 眼not (ecl wrlL Somelirncji we mny be terribly ill At that time wc don't wnnt to work# find wc have to my in bed and rest AT home So the environment is very importAnt to u*.hS I he Kcrm lhai nwikrii 11s ill. There ftre germn everywhere^ 1 hey are very small and you can1! find them with your own eyes. You enn sec ihrm with n microscope. There m«y be hundreds of them nn • very a rnnll things Germs can Always be found tn diny water. When we look at dirty water under the mirroscopcr we shflll «cr them in iL Gernu can oiso be found in air and du»t f If you rut your linger> Home of the dust (rorn the floor mny go into it« and you will have much pAin in it. Somenmes thr Rtrm・ will gu into all ol your body. and you will have pnin everywhere.To kerp uw hralthy• we should try our best 10 make aur environment became cleaner and tKlicr. Thi» needs iiu to act together2L Thr writer u» that ・A. we like working when we are illB» we can f T (eel ill if the environment in badC. we feel well when the cnviranmcnt good22. Germu ire•A. very small things that you am'I see with yaur eye*H. the things that don't effect peopleC. thr thinR» that you enn find with your cytn23. Where can germt be found? They can be found.A. everywhereB. in air and dustC. only in dirty water24. How will you frel if Rcrni> go into the Huger that in cut?A. I will {cel nothing.H> I will feel termc.C・ 1 will feel painful.25. From the paiisBK^ we know that.A. rnvironrnrnt affect our lifeB t w<? don't need to improve our environmentC\ grrmn may make u» ill 26—30 8 :阅读下面的句子.根据文星内容进行判断.正确写“T”错误写“广。

商务交际英语(1)1、A receiver will react favorably to a message that contain positive news. Favorably means____.A. 风味B. 急切C. 好意地D. 粗鲁地正确答案:C2、Nonverbal symbols often accompany verbal symbols. Nonverbal symbols mean ____.A. 非动词符号B. 动词符号C. 非语言符号D. 语言符号正确答案:C3、When you receive a message ____ is accurate, easy to understand, you forma positive image of the receiver.A. whereB. whenC. thereD. that正确答案:D4、Revamp your message because it contains some errors. Revamp means____ here.A. 重新找回B. 派遣C. 改进D. 退回正确答案:C5、A claim is a message that requests a refund, an exchange, or a discount on merchandise or services. Discount means____.A. 计算B. 赊账C. 折扣D. 柜台正确答案:C6、Conditions outside the receiver and the sender that detract from the communication process are called external barriers. Examples include environmental factors such as lighting, heat, humidity, comfort, and noise. The appearance of a written document also may be an external barrier to communication. A document can create an external barrier if it is smudged; contains errors in content, spelling, or grammar; or is resented in an inappropriate format. You may become so distracted with the appearance of the document that you fail to comprehend its contents. Another external barrier to communication with an organization is a closed or authoritarian climate. In that environment, decisions and policies often are made and implemented by command. Consequently, workers may stop offering suggestions because they believe that making suggestions is useless. Conversely, in an open climate in which ideas and information are welcomed, communication flows easily. Workers believe that supervisors and managers are receptive to ideas, which facilitates communication. Many managers in progressive organizations realize the importance of maintaining open communication. They know that being sensitive to employees’ attitudes and ideas encourages creativity and growth.(1)、Conditions outside the receiver and the sender that detract from thecommunication process are called external barriers. Examples include environmental factors such as lighting, heat, humidity, comfort, and noise. The appearance of a written document also may be an external barrier to communication. A document can create an external barrier if it is smudged; contains errors in content, spelling, or grammar; or is resented in an inappropriate format. You may become so distracted with the appearance of the document that you fail to comprehend its contents. Another external barrier to communication with an organization is a closed or authoritarian climate. In that environment, decisions and policies often are made and implemented by command. Consequently, workers may stop offering suggestions because they believe that making suggestions is useless. Conversely, in an open climate in which ideas and information are welcomed, communication flows easily. Workers believe that supervisors and managers are receptive to ideas, which facilitates communication. Many managers in progressive organizations realize the importance of maintaining open communication. They know that being sensitive to employees’ attitudes and ideas encourages creativity and growth.正确答案:(2)、1. Examples of external barriers include environmental factors.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A(3)、2. A smudged document can create external barrier to communication.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A(4)、3. The appearance of a written document may be internal barrier to communication.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B(5)、4. In an open climate, decisions and policies often are made and implemented by order.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B(6)、5. A closed or authoritarian climate may create external barrier to communication within an organization.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A7、You may write an email to thank all the committee members who ___ the research and design of the new leave policy.A. contributed toB. consist ofC. congratulateD. communicate正确答案:A8、Ok sign has different meanings in different cultures.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A9、In effective messages with neutral, positive, or routine news, the main idea appears clearly and concisely in the first or second sentence.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A10、A formal report often contains preliminary parts ___ a title page, an executive summary, and a table of contents, as well as supplementary parts such as a bibliography and an appendix.A. for exampleB. suchC. such asD. /正确答案:C11、Receive feedback means ____ in Chinese.A. 拒绝反馈B. 接收反馈C. 书写反馈D. 改写反馈正确答案:B12、In _____, all lines begin at the left margin.A. block formatB. modified block formatC. simplified block formatD. simplified format正确答案:A13、____ is the oral version of e-mail and replaces answering machine.A. TeleconferenceB. VideoconferenceC. PagerD. Voicemail正确答案:D14、The parts of an email contain to line, from line, date line, subject line, body. Body here means____.A. 树干B. 枝干C. 身体D. 正文部分正确答案:D15、The closing paragraph contains important information or explanations about the main idea of the message.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B16、Subordinates mean ____ in Chinese.A. 地铁B. 上级主管C. 下属D. 同事正确答案:C17、Secondary research involves locate data that already has been gathered and reported.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B18、A company's annual report to stockholders or a report to a government agency is an example of a formal report.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A19、Subject line is a/an ___description of the main idea of the message.A. detailedB. importantC. briefD. meaningless正确答案:C20、Globalization means ____ in Chinese.A. 信息化B. 科技化C. 全球化D. 交际化正确答案:C21、Developmental paragraph can support the main idea by providing____ and____.A. opening remark, closing remarkB. topic sentence, opening remarkC. specific facts, detailsD. ending and examples正确答案:C22、Personal space means ____ in Chinese.A. 个人空间B. 外太空C. 虚拟空间D. 剩余空间正确答案:A23、Analytical reports present information, so they include very little analysis.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B24、The less English people understand, the more they rely ____ body language.A. toB. againstC. onD. from正确答案:C25、If the facts you need are not availably in books, magazines, or other sources, you may need to conduct primary research.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B26、Our _____ is located in Shanghai.A. headquartersB. headquarterC. quarterD. quake正确答案:A27、The symbols contained in a message can be ___ or ____.A. verbal, nonverbalB. oral, verbalC. written, nonverbalD. oral, electronic正确答案:A28、Internal documents also are 1 to advise, direct, or state policy. Employees write emails and memos 2 advise supervisors or coworkers 3 particular topics or procedures. For example, suppose the 4 of your department 5 requested your input on the changes in the new family leave policy. After 6 investigation, you send your supervisor a memo with recommended changes. Supervisors 7 use email and 8 to direct. For example, as a supervisor, you might write 9 email to direct the human resources department to draw up legal and 10 guidelines for the new leave policy. A. commonly B. an C. administrative D. memos E. used F. on G. to H. your I. has J. supervisor正确答案:--begin--29、Email is writing, sent, and received on a computer.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B30、Personal ethics derive from the person's upbringing. Derive from means____.A. removing fromB. returning fromC. coming fromD. protecting from正确答案:C31、____, email is being used instead of letters to send certain types of routine positive or neutral messages.A. IncreasinglyB. IncreasingC. IncreaseD. Increased正确答案:A32、When a manager communicates his or her recommendation to company officers, the communication is regarded as ___.A. lateral communicationB. downward communicationC. informal communicationD. upward communication正确答案:D33、Communication among peers—people of the same status--- is lateral communication. Lateral communication means _____.A. 下行交际B. 上行交际C. 平行交际D. 非正式交际正确答案:C34、Verbal symbols are words used in speaking and writing. Verbal symbols mean____.A. 动词符号B. 非动词符号C. 语言符号D. 非语言符号正确答案:C35、Communication among peers is called lateral communication. Peers means ____.A. outsidersB. communicatorsC. people of the same statusD. supervisors正确答案:C36、Most email software is compatible. Compatible means____.A. 公司的B. 组成的C. 竞争性的D. 兼容的正确答案:D37、Reference initials indicate ___ keyed a letter.A. toB. whoC. to whomD. to who正确答案:B38、Accommodating and benefiting from the diversity of employees and customers ____ one of the greatest challenges in the workplace today.A. beingB. areC. isD. was正确答案:C39、Jargon means____.A. 龙B. 乔治C. 行话D. 大写正确答案:C40、1. Communication is the process 1 to send and interpret messages so they are understood. When 2 with others, you do it so quickly and naturally3 you don’t realize a process is 4 used. In the business environment, that 5 is called business communication. Think about this question: is being an effective communication important to you? When responding 6 that question—7 you thought 8 your personal, academic, or 9 life—— the answer should have been “yes”. Being an 10 communicator should be important to everyone. A. that B. used C. being D. communicating E. professional F. effective G. process H. whether I. to J. About正确答案:--begin--41、What are the three paragraphs included in paragraph structure in business communication?A. Introduction paragraph, supporting paragraph, beginning paragraphB. Opening paragraph, developmental paragraph, closing paragraphC. Informal paragraph, formal paragraph, developmental paragraphD. Supporting paragraph, closing paragraph, informal paragraph.正确答案:B42、Globalization means____ in Chinese.A. 沟通化B. 全球化C. 复杂化D. 传播正确答案:B43、The population of the United States is becoming culturally diverse.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A44、Since you work in a diverse workplace, you need to be able to get along ____ many different kinds of people.A. toB. fromC. withD. against正确答案:C45、Companies usually place an order by using a form called a purchase order. Place an order means____.A. 放置命令B. 下达命令C. 排列顺序D. 下单正确答案:D46、Courteous words are passive, considerable and bias-free.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B47、A goodwill message can be an acknowledgment or a friendly message _____ to build relationships.A. designedB. designC. designingD. to design正确答案:A48、Proofreaders' marks are a type of shorthand for editors.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A49、Never patronize your client, the word patronize means____.A. talking down toB. respectingC. looking intoD. looking through正确答案:A50、To establish rapport, the messages with negative news should contain negative opening.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B51、External barrier means ____in Chinese.A. 外在障碍B. 内部障碍C. 语言障碍D. 文化障碍正确答案:A52、Most people want to do what their customers, coworkers, and employers expect ____ them.A. toB. againstC. ofD. as正确答案:C53、A smile is universal and means the same in any culture.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B54、All lines must begin at the ____ in block format.A. middleB. right marginC. left marginD. the above正确答案:C55、She has been transferred from company headquarters in Beijing, transfer means ____ here.A. 传播B. 指导C. 调动D. 透明正确答案:C56、Informal communication does not follow _____ .A. informal reportB. formal reportC. established lines of authorityD. lateral communication正确答案:C57、Most business reports are informal reports ___ have one of two purposes.A. whoB. fromC. thatD. when正确答案:C58、Secondary research involves gathering fresh , new data.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B59、A multinational company simply and solely sells products or purchases goods from another country.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B60、After you have analyzed the data, you may arrive at a conclusion, an opinion based on interpretation of data.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A61、The two most common internal documents—those written for use within an organization are _____.A. advise and informationB. memos and emailsC. requests and informationD. memos and policy正确答案:B62、The date line ____ the date when the letter was keyed.A. showingB. showC. showsD. being shown正确答案:C63、The closing of a message containing negative news should be courteous andhelpful. The purpose of the closing is to maintain or rebuild goodwill. After presenting or implying the negative news, change the emphasis and close on a positive tone. To maintain a positive tone, (1) do not mention or remind the receiver of the negative news again and (2) do not apologize because you cannot accommodate the receiver. If a mistake has not been made, an apology is not appropriate. If you did make a mistake, you owe the receiver an apology. However, place the apology in the middle paragraphs—not in the closing. The closing should have a sincere tone. Avoid overused closings such as “if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call.” Use a similar statement but with a positive tone: if you have any question, please call. Avoid using conditional words such as hope, think and maybe. Offer the receiver another option. Most problem situations have more than one solution. Presenting another option shifts the emphasis from the negative news to a positive solution.(1)、The closing of a message containing negative news should be courteous and helpful. The purpose of the closing is to maintain or rebuild goodwill. After presenting or implying the negative news, change the emphasis and close on a positive tone. To maintain a positive tone, (1) do not mention or remind the receiver of the negative news again and (2) do not apologize because you cannot accommodate the receiver. If a mistake has not been made, an apology is not appropriate. If you did make a mistake, you owe the receiver an apology. However, place the apology in the middle paragraphs—not in the closing. The closing should have a sincere tone. Avoid overused closings such as “if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call.” Use a similar statement but with a positive tone: if you have any question, please call. Avoid using conditional words such as hope, think and maybe. Offer the receiver another option. Most problem situations have more than one solution. Presenting another option shifts the emphasis from the negative news to a positive solution.正确答案:(2)、1. A message containing negative news should have a courteous and helpful closing.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A(3)、2. The courteous closing of a negative message may rebuild goodwill.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A(4)、3. An apology should be placed in the closing of a message containing negative news.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B(5)、4. The sender should apologize if he or she can’t accommodate the receiver.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B(6)、5. Offer another option in the closing can shift the emphasis of the receiverfrom negative news to a positive solution.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A64、What is the opposite phrase of formal communication?A. written communicationB. oral communicationC. electronic communicationD. informal communication正确答案:D65、What is the opposite phrase of external communication?A. informal communicationB. formal communicationC. internal communicationD. oral communication正确答案:C66、The assessment determines the order and timing of your message.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A67、Supervisors mean ___ in Chinese.A. 超级明星B. 迷信C. 下属D. 上级主管正确答案:D68、Incorrect spacing belongs to ___ errors when the final draft of a written message is being proofread.A. generalB. mechanicalC. meaninglessD. unimportant正确答案:B69、Business letters are used to communicating written messages to people outside an organization.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B70、Use active voice helps one be direct and keep one’s sentences from being too wordy.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B71、Men and women can be hired for any job for which they are qualify in today’s workplace.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B72、The applicant is ______ about the job requirements and the company.A. knowB. knewC. knowledgeableD. have known正确答案:C73、Introverts mean _____ in Chinese.A. 内向者B. 旁观者C. 辅助者D. 外向者正确答案:A74、A developmental paragraph ends a communication with a summation or a reference to the main idea stated in the opening paragraph.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B75、Cultural diversity means ____ in Chinese.A. 文化种类B. 文化障碍C. 文化多元性D. 文化交际正确答案:C76、Headquarters mean____ in Chinese.A. 总部B. 四分之一C. 第一段D. 秋季正确答案:A77、The communication process is so automatic and natural that you even may not realize you are using it. Automatic means ____ here.A. 感激的B. 不假思索的C. 流利的D. 人为的正确答案:B78、A negative-news message conveys news that will ____ the receiver.A. satisfyB. reflectC. supportD. disappoint正确答案:D79、"Come in and use your Tech credit card soon." The sentence contains the message focusing on the receiver, it can be regarded as ____.A. I-orientedB. Business-orientedC. Communication-orientedD. You-oriented正确答案:D80、____ and benefiting from the diversity of employees and customers is one of the greatest challenges in the workplace today.A. DevelopingB. FailingC. AccommodatingD. Needing正确答案:C81、Most Americans prefer to stand ____ when talking to others.A. less than 18 inchesB. more than 3 feetC. 18 inches to 3 feetD. closer than a couple of feet正确答案:C82、Another external barrier to communication within an organization is a closedand authoritarian climate. A closed and authoritarian climate means____.A. 封闭和烦闷的天气B. 封闭和狭隘的空间C. 封闭和专制的氛围D. 狭隘和压抑的氛围正确答案:C83、Cultural differences can be communication barriers.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A84、Body language may include facial expressions, ___ or postures that accompanya person’s words.A. gesturesB. expressionC. expressionsD. oral symbols正确答案:A85、Your ability to establish and build relationships 1 every aspect of your 2. Whether in your social, academic, or professional life, this ability determines the depth of 3 relationships 4 friends, family members, classmates, and coworkers. Good relationships 5 in goodwill—the 6 reputation that 7 individual or a business has with its customers. Any communication 8 helps to develop a 9 relationships between you 10your receiver builds goodwill. A. your B. affects C. life D. favorable E. with F.result G. an H. that I. and J. better正确答案:--begin--86、One of the bitterest and most time-worm debates in student union bars up and down the country is resolved as academic research confirms that in financial terms at least, arts degrees are a complete waste of time. Getting through university boosts students' earnings by 25%, on a weighted average, or $220,000 over their lifetime, according to Professor Ian Walker of Warwick University-but if they study Shakespeare or the peasants ‘revolt instead of anatomy of contract law, those gains are likely to be completely wiped out. The government is about to allow universities to charge students up to $3,000 a year for their degrees, arguing that it’s a small price to pay compared with the financial rewards graduates reap later in life. But Prof. Walker’s research shows there are sharp variations in returns according to which subject a student takes. Law, medicine and economics or business are the most lucrative choices, making their average earnings 25% higher, according to the article, published in the office for national statistics' monthly journal. Scientists get 10-15% extra. At the bottom of the list are arts subjects, which make only a “small ”difference to earnings- a small negative one, in fact. Just ahead are degrees in education-which leave hard pressed teachers an average of 5% better off a year than if they had left school at 18. “It’s hard to resist the conclusion that what students learn does matter a lot; and some subject areas give more modest financial returns than others,” Prof. Walker said. As an economist, he was quick to point out that students might gain non-financial returns from arts degrees:”Studying economics might be very dull, for example, and studying post-modernism might be a lot of fun.”(1)、One of the bitterest and most time-worm debates in student union bars up and down the country is resolved as academic research confirms that in financial terms at least, arts degrees are a complete waste of time. Getting through university boosts students' earnings by 25%, on a weighted average, or $220,000 over their lifetime, according to Professor Ian Walker of Warwick University-but if they study Shakespeare or the peasants ‘revolt instead of anatomy of contract law, those gains are likely to be completely wiped out. The government is about to allow universities to charge students up to $3,000 a year for their degrees, arguing that it’s a small price to pay compared with the financial rewards graduates reap later in life. But Prof. Walker’s research shows there are sharp variations in returns according to which subject a student takes. Law, medicine and economics or business are the most lucrative choices, making their average earnings 25% higher, according to the article, published in the office for national statistics' monthly journal. Scientists get 10-15% extra. At the bottom of the list are arts subjects, which make only a “small ”difference to earnings- a small negative one, in fact. Just ahead are degrees in education-which leave hard pressed teachers an average of 5% better off a year than if they had left school at 18. “It’s hard to resist the conclusion that what students learn does matter a lot; and some subject areas give more modest financial returns than others,” Prof. Walker said. As an economist, he was quick to point out that students might gain non-financial returns from arts degrees:”Studying economics might be very dull, for example, and studying post-modernism might be a lot of fun.”正确答案:(2)、1.What is the best title for the passage?A. Professor Walker’s ResearchB. How to Make Big Money.C. Differences Between Science and Arts Degrees.D. Studying Arts Has Negative Financial Outcome.正确答案:D(3)、2.Universities charge students a rather high tuition mainly because_____.A. they provide the students with very prosperous subjects to learnB. they assume that their graduates can earn much more than they had paidC. they don’t get financial support from the governmentD. they need much revenue to support the educational expenses正确答案:B(4)、3.The word “lucrative”(Line 1, Para. 4) most probably means _____A. sensibleB. creativeC. profitableD. reliable正确答案:C(5)、w, medical and business graduates could earn 25% more than ______A. education graduatesB. arts graduatesC. those who had not studied at the universityD. the average income正确答案:C(6)、5.We can safely conclude that the author ______.A. regards arts degrees as meaninglessB. finds this result disappointing and unfairC. wants the students to think twice before they decide what to learn in collegeD. holds that arts degrees are still rewarding despite its scarce financial returns正确答案:D87、Members of effective work teams have a strong group identity and foster improvement by reviewing both successes and failures.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A88、You must communicate to obtain the information you need. Obtain here means ____.A. 发出B. 建立C. 设置D. 获取正确答案:D89、Liking business letters and memos, informal reports are organized arounda main idea and its supporting information.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B90、Complete messages contains a variety of sentence types.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B91、The two styles of reports are formal and informal. Formal reports generally are long, analytical, and impersonal. A formal report often contains preliminary parts such as a title page, an executive summary, and a table of contents, as well as supplementary parts such as a bibliography and an appendix. An example of a formal report is a company’s annual report to stockholders or a report to a government agency. Another example is an external proposal—a report that analyzes a problem and recommends a solution to people outside the writer’s company. Informal reports are shorter than formal reports and are written in a less formal style. Unlike formal reports, informal reports generally have no preliminary or supplementary parts because they usually are concerned with everyday matters that require little background. A sales report is an example of an informal report. In a sales report, the writer summarizes sales for a specific period. Another type of informal report, an internal proposal, is used to analyze an internal problem and recommend a solution.(1)、The two styles of reports are formal and informal. Formal reports generally are long, analytical, and impersonal. A formal report often contains preliminary parts such as a title page, an executive summary, and a table of contents, as well as supplementary parts such as a bibliography and an appendix. An example of a formal report is a company’s annual report to stockholders or a report to a governmentagency. Another example is an external proposal—a report that analyzes a problem and recommends a solution to people outside the writer’s company. Informal reports are shorter than formal reports and are written in a less formal style. Unlike formal reports, informal reports generally have no preliminary or supplementary parts because they usually are concerned with everyday matters that require little background. A sales report is an example of an informal report. In a sales report, the writer summarizes sales for a specific period. Another type of informal report, an internal proposal, is used to analyze an internal problem and recommend a solution.正确答案:(2)、1. Formal reports often are long, analytical and impersonal.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A(3)、2. An anual report to stockholders is the preliminary part of an informal report.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B(4)、3. Informal reports often contain preliminary parts such as a title page, an executive summary.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B(5)、4. Formal reports often are longer than informal ones and are written in formal style.A. 是B. 否正确答案:A(6)、5. An internal proposal which is an example of formal report, is used to analyze an internal problem and suggest a solution.A. 是B. 否正确答案:B92、To avoid becoming a communication barrier, ___ need to think before they speak while introverts need to make sure they speak.A. extrovertsB. receiversC. introvertsD. senders正确答案:A93、Specific facts and details should appear in ______.A. developmental paragraphsB. closing paragraphC. opening paragraphD. topic sentence正确答案:A94、Which part can tell the recipient that another separate document is included with a memo?A. Date lineB. From lineC. AttachmentD. To line。

3897国开电大专科《商务英语1》历年期末考试试题及答案汇编(分题型分学期版)_3897国开电大专科《商务英语1》历年期末考试试题及答案汇编(分题型学期版) 第一大题交际用语题库2021年7月试题及答案 1.―Could you please tell me your name?―___________________ A.Sure.I like it. B.Sure.It is my pleasure. C.Sure.My name is John Taylor. [答案]C 2.―When can you effect shipment?―___________________ A.Around in June.B.It is late.C.A direct shipment is better. [答案]A 3.―Hello,I'm Susan.Nice to meet you. ―___________________ A.And you?B.Nice to meet you,too.C.Very nice. [答案]B 4.―I can show you around,if you like. ―___________________ A.Let's go.B.Sure.Thank you.C.I can't wait. [答案]B 5.―You know,your parents wished you had told them the truth earlier. ―___________________ A.We should also find that. B.So be careful with telling the truth. C.Well,truth is not always pleasant. [答案]C 2021年1月试题及答案1.―Hello,I'm Susan.Nice tomeet you. ―___________________ A.And you? B.Nice to meet you,too. C.Very nice. [答案]B 2.―Could you give me the schedule this afternoon? ―___________________ A.No problem,Mr.Taylor. B.No,thank you. C.Yes,I can. [答案]A 3.―D o you have any suggestions about it? ―___________________ A.No,I have no idea. B.Let me give you a hand. C.After I read it in detail,I will tell you my opinion. [答案]C 4.―I can show you around,if you like. ―___________________ A.Let's go. B.Sure.Thank you. C.I can't wait. [答案]B 5.―Where shall we have the meeting? ―___________________ A.The first conference room is spacious. B.The first conference room isn't good. C.In the first conference room. [答案]C 2020年9月试题及答案1.―Could you look after my dog for me while we're away? ―___________________ A.No,thanks. B.With pleasure. C.I'm not afraid. [答案]B 2.―Hello!Could Is peak to the headmaster,please? ―___________________ A.Hold on,please. B.That's the headmaster,please. C.Who are you? [答案]A 3.―Happy birthday! ―___________________ A.Thank you. B.The same to you.C.Good luck. [答案]A 4.―Sally,could you lend me your calculator?Mine is not working. ―___________________ A.It doesn't matter. B.No,I can't. C.Sure. [答案]C 5.―We think$55,000would be reasonable for transferring our trademark. ―___________________That’s too high. A.Oh,my honey. B.Oh,my goodness. C.Oh,my friend. [答案]B 2020年7月试题及答案 1.―Oh,I am not feeling well.I've got a cold. ―___________________ A.Fine.How are you? B.Never mind.Take care. C.I'm sorry to hear that. [答案]C 2.―Linda,you speak English very well. ―___________________ A.No,I don't think so. B.Thank you very much. C.Not good enough. [答案]B 3.―Kate,could you answer the telephone,please? ―___________________I'll get it. A.OK. B.No,thanks. C.Yes,I could. [答案]A 4.―Oh,but how long will it take to reach LA? ―___________________ A.It takes along way to reach LA. ually it takes around 12 days. is very far from here. [答案]B 5.―Hello,David!I haven't heard from you for along time.How have you been recent ly? ―___________________ A.That's all right. B.Longtime no see. C.Not bad,thank you. [答案]C 2020年1月试题及答案1.―Thank you very much for helping me. ―___________________A.You're welcome.B.It doesn't matter.C.No need. [答案]A2.―Hello,Lucy.How are you? ―___________________And you?A.Fine,thanks.B.Yes,I am.C.Glad to meet you. [答案]A 3.―Help yourself to some fish. ―___________________ A.It sounds nice.B.Thank you.C.Yes,please. [答案]B 4.―Good morning.Far East Logistics Company.This is Lin Han xue.May I help you? ―___________________ A.Good morning,Ms,Lin,Nice to meet you. B.No,thank you. C.Good morning,Ms.Lin.This is Daniel Anderson speaking. [答案]C 5.―Here you are,Sir. ―___________________ A.All right. B.Yes,here we are. C.Thank you very much. [答案]C 2019年7月试题及答案1.―Would you like to have some rice? ―___________________ A.Yes,please. B.Yes,I like. C.Yes,I have. [答案]A 2.―Nice to see you. ―___________________ A.Good morning. B.Pleased to meet you,too. C.Nice to see you,too. [答案]C 3.―Would you please give me some w ater? ―___________________ A.Yes,I do. B.Certainly.C.No,thanks. [答案]B 4.―Where shall we have the meeting? ―___________________ A.The first conference room is spacious. B.The first conference room isn't good. C.In the first conference room. [答案]C 5.―Well,after my report,there will be a break for refreshments. ―___________________ A.All right,I see. B.The break won't belong C.All right,I'll see it. [答案]A 2019年1月试题及答案 1.―Here you are,Sir. ―___________________ A.All right. B.Yes,here we are. C.Thank you very much. [答案]B 2.―Well,after my report,there will bea break for refreshments. ―___________________ A.The break won't belong. B.All right,I see. C.All right,I'll see it. [答案]C 3.―What if he still doesn't pay up? ―___________________ A.I have already done that. B.I've got to hurry. C.If it's a small amount we write it off as bad debt.For larger sums we… [答案]C 4.―Oh,but how long will it take to reach LA? ―___________________ A.It takes along time to reach LA. ually it takes around 12 days. is very far from here. [答案]C 5.―What's the purpose of your visit today? ―___________________ A.Uh,I'm,not sure. B.I'm intending to ask for your advice on brand design. C.Yes,I'd like to talk with you. [答案]A 2018年7月试题及答案1.―Could you give mean example of good team working there? ―___________________ A.Sorry.I can see from your resume.B.Sure.I was the treasurer of the Students’ Union.C.Not at all.I was in charge of sales for Corporate Pan-Asia. [答案]B 2.―The senior managers need the results from last month straightaway,so I can't stop to talk.I've got to hurry. ―___________________ A.Stay longer.B.Go slowly.C.Ok,see you later. [答案]C 3.―Hello,I'm Susan.Nice to meet you. ―___________________ A.Are you? B.Nice to meet you,too. C.How are you? [答案]B 4.―Sally,could you lend me your calculator?Mine is notworking. ―___________________ A.It doesn't matter,B.No,I can't. C.Sure,why do you need it? [答案]C 5.―I bet that Mike wished you had told him that earlier. ―___________________ A.We should also find what the customers keep in their minds. B.So be careful with our job. C.Well,Mike isn't a fool,he won't do that again. [答案]C 2018年1月试题及答案 1.―Good morning.Far East Logistics Company.This is Lin Han xue.May I help you? ―___________________ A.Good morning,Ms.Lin.Nice to meet you. B.No,thank you. C.Good morning,Ms.Lin.This is Daniel Anderson speaking. [答案]C 2.―Hello,David!I haven’t heard from you for along time.How have you been recently? ―___________________ A.That's OK. B.Longtime no see.C.Not bad,thank you. [答案]C 3.―Oh.But why didn't he just own up and tell someone? ―___________________ A.So be careful with our job. B.He was too scared that he would be fired,I suppose. C.You should have told him that earlier. [答案]B 4.―Let me show you how to use the printer. ―___________________ A.I'll do my best. B.Thanks for your help. C.No,I can use it myself. [答案]B 5.―I got to know Ted only from his resume.In fact he is not qualified for his job. ―___________________ A.Oh,it's such a pity!B.Oh,it sounds interesting!C.I'm glad to hear that! [答案]A 第二大题词汇与结构题库2021年7月试题及答案 6.I found_________difficult to talk in public. A.it B.that C.him [答案]A 7.Listen,everybody.I have_________to tell you. A.something important B.anything necessary C.nothing interesting [答案]A 8.My sister_________stories when I was young. ed to tell B.was used to tell ed to telling [答案]A 9.Helen is_________honest man. A.the B.a C.an [答案]C 10.There are twenty_________in our school. A.girls students B.girl students C.girl student [答案]B 11.―How many children_________in the pictur e?―Three. A.are there B.is there C.have there [答案]A 12.A conversation_________between the teacher and his student.A.goes byB.goes onC.goes up [答案]B 13.I was the_________of the Students’ Union. A.man B.chair C.host [答案]B 14.When a company needs to_________new people,it may advertise the job in a newspaper or on a website. A.employ B.retain C.apply [答案]A 15.The company will select some people to_________an interview. A.attend B.pretend C.intend [答案]A 16.A modern European style cafe is in the_________area. A.down B.town C.downtown [答案]C 17.If you need any help,please feel free_________contact me. A.of B.on C.to [答案]C 18.It's better to ask for help_________you meet a problem. A.that B.when C.which[答案]B 19.You look much_________after vacation. A.good B.best C.better [答案]C 20.You are planning to finish the project with your partners,_________?A.don't you B.aren't you C.are you [答案]B 2021年1月试题及答案 6.―How many children_________in the picture? ―Three. A.are there B.is there C.have there [答案]A 7.It's better to ask for help_________you meet a problem. A.that B.when C.which [答案]B 8.You look much_________after vacation. A.good B.best C.better [答案]C 9.If you need any help,please feel free_________contact me. A.of B.on C.to [答案]C 10.I was in_________of the northwest region of China. A.charge B.duty C.change [答案]A 11.The third part is the_________results. A.expect B.expecting C.expected [答案]C 12.The population of the world_________still_________now. B.will;grow A.has;grown C.is;growing [答案]C 13.You are planning to export this product to Europe,_________?A.don't you B.aren't you C.are you [答案]B 14.I bet that Mike wished you_________him that earlier. A.told B.have told C.had told [答案]C 15.Then people,_________are interested,can apply for the job. A.who B.they C.those [答案]A 16.I've learned_________today. A.something new B.newsomething C.new something [答案]A 17.I believe teamwork_________important. A.was B.is C.are [答案]B 18.There are some visitors_________to our marketing department next week.eingC.to coming [答案]B 19.These police often_________the children across the street. A.help B.helps C.is helping [答案]A 20.I have finished_________your project plan.A.readB.to readC.reading [答案]C 2020年9月试题及答案6.―Have you got some water to drink? ―Here you are.There_________still some in the bottle. A.have B.was C.is [答案]C7.Not only Tom but also Alice and Mary_________busy. A.is B.was C.are [答案]C8.We'll let you know when we_________a decision. A.make B.give C.take [答案]A9.Don't worry so much_________is my job! A.worry B.worrying C.worried [答案]B 10.Those numbers come to mean the world to you_________they give you the record of how much money you've earned or lost.A.so thatB.in caseC.because [答案]C 11.The marketing department_________the sales for the last six months. A.has summarized B.summarized C.was summarized [答案]A 12.Then people,_________are interested,can apply for the job. A.those B.they C.who [答案]C 13.He didn't seem to_________any actions.A.makeB.TakeC.do [答案]B 14.I'll_________the remittance for youin our records. A.check in B.checkout C.checkup [答案]C 15.It is a fact_________his wife,Josephine Dickson,always had some minor accidents. A.that B.what C.which [答案]A l6.Prices may change quickly if supply or demand_________. A.changes B.change C.will change [答案]A 17.I'd like to know what time we can get the container_________it is in the port. A.why B.when C.where [答案]B 18._________the expansion of international trade,the container service has become popular. A.For B.Like C.With [答案]C 19.Actually,buyers are the group of people_________want to buy certain goods or services. A.they B.who C.which [答案]B 20.A week ago,I sent him a statement_________the amount overdue. A.show B.showing C.showed [答案]B 2020年7月试题及答案 6.The whole family_________enjoying the beautiful music now. A.are all B.all is C.all are [答案]A 7.―How many children_________in the picture? ―Three. A.are there B.is there C.have there [答案]A 8.We're sorry to tell you that your remittance_________yet. A.won't arrive B.hasn't arrived C.doesn't arrive [答案]B 9.This story is about some American students_________learned business skills by operating their own banks. A.who B.which C.whom [答案]A 10.Now,we have enlarged and_________our domestic market and European market.A.consolidatedB.mergedC.purchased [答案]A 11.If you want to pay_________something in another currency,you have to change your money into the other money. A.in B.for C.back [答案]B 12.I'll get your RMB for you while you're_________these forms. A.filling out B.taking out C.working out [答案]A 13.The question_________we should use this brand name will be decided by our marketing team. A.which B.whether C.what [答案]B 14.Do you think you could cut it_________30%? A.by B.down C.at [答案]A15.I have finished_________your project plan. A.read B.to readC.reading [答案]C 16.Prices may change quickly if supply or demand_________. A.changes B.change C.will change [答案]A 17.Actually,buyers are the group of people_________want to buy certain goods or services. A.they B.who C.which [答案]B 18.The next shareholder's meeting was_________at the end of this year.A.schedulededC.made [答案]A 19.A week ago,I sent him a statement_________the amount overdue. A.show B.showing C.showed [答案]B 20._________is very important that you don't make any mistakes when you calculate those figures. A.ThatB.WhatC.It [答案]C 2020年1月试题及答案6.There_________many people running in the park every morning.A.isB.wereC.are [答案]C 7.These police often_________thechildren across the street. A.help B.helps C.is helping [答案]A 8.It is better to tell someone to get it_________. A.fix B.fixed C.fixing [答案]B 9.The ten-day display and sale_________finished tomorrow.A.isB.would beC.will be [答案]C l0.You are planning to export this product to Europe,_________? A.don't you B.aren't you C.are you [答案]B ll.Markets are the system that_________some people's demands and some other people's supplies. A.rejects B.meets C.bridges [答案]C 12.Small holes should be made in the_________cloth to let the moisture out. A.dry B.waterproof C.wet [答案]B 13.I_________packing in wooden cases. A.prefer B.get C.think [答案]A 14.I'll_________the remittance for you in our records. A.check in B.checkout C.checkup [答案]C 15.There are some visitors_________to our marketing department next week.eB.to cominging [答案]C 16.The woolen gloves should_________in twenty boxes. A.be packed B.pack C.be packing [答案]A 17.But the charge will be_________and it also slows down delivery. A.more valuable B.cheaper C.higher [答案]B 18.I'd like to know what time we can get the container_________it is in the port. A.why B.when C.where [答案]B 19.The third part is the_________results. A.expect B.expecting C.expected [答案]C 20.18 of the EU members have replaced their national currenciesby Euro notes and coins_________2002. A.for B.at C.since [答案]C 2019年7月试题及答案6.Sunday_________the first day of the week. A.is B.are C.am [答案]A 7.The population of the world_________still_________now,A.has;grown B.will;grow C.is;B.求职面试是一种就业测试,通常都很正式。

I . MULTIPLE CHOICE (10小题,每小题1分,共10分)Choose the letter indicating the best choice to complete each sentence or answer each question:1. Which of the following is an internal barrier to communication?a. the shyness of a person.b. a domineering bossc. a room that is so hot that everyone is impatient with each otherd. all of the above are internal barriers2. Which of the following is a message delivery medium that avoids the problem of "telephone tag"?a. a scannerb. a telephone callc. e-maild. a CPU3. What happens during the first stage of effective team development?a. Team members determine their group goals.b. Team members get acquainted and begin to exchange information.c. The team leader assigns roles to various team members.d. The team learns how to solve problems and overcome conflict.4. What is the main objective of a message that tells the receiver abouta new product that wili soon be available in stores?a. To informb. To requestc. To recordd. To persuade5. Which of the following sentences contains a redundant expression?a. Currently we have an overstock of red and blue T-shirts, as of this week.b. As of last quarter, our sales projections were accurate.c. The trend is to underestimate the market value of existing properties.d. Quality is our primary concern, regardless of the impact on production schedules.6. Memos are ______________.a. harder to format and key than lettersb. used to send a message to a supervisor in another companyc. used to send a goodwill message to a coworkerd. usually more formal than business letters7. Abuses of e-mail message writing include ______________.a. spammingb. shoutingc. telecommutingd. both a and b8. Which type of letter is considered a goodwill letter?a. A letter of acknowledgmentb. A positive responsec. A routine requestd. All of the above would be considered a goodwill letter9. Which of the following would be part of an analytical report?a. problem statementb. conclusionsc. recommendationsd. all of the above10. Which of the following is a preliminary part of a formal report?a. bibliographyb. title pagec. both a and bd. neither a nor bII. TRUE/FALSE(10小题,每小题1分,共10分)Write a T in the space provided if the statement is true. Write an F in the space if the statement is false. Your judgment should be based on your understanding of the course book.T/F_______ 11. While computers are becoming smaller and more powerful, they arebecoming more expensive._______ 12. In some cultures, nodding the head means "no" instead of "yes"._______ 13. A heterogeneous group is one that includes people with a mixture ofbackgrounds, abilities, and strengths._______ 14. Only positive messages need to have a positive tone; negative messagescan only be negative in tone._______ 15. Minutes are sent only to the meeting participants._______ 16. Most bad-news messages should be written in the indirect order._______ 17. Letters with negative messages typically open with reasons for thenegative news._______ 18. For a blind copy, the initials be appear on the copy but not on an original._______ 19. Gathering data by talking with customers is called secondary research._______ 20. When writing in a personal style, use the pronouns you and 1.III. ERROR CORRECTION(10分)Rewrite the following short paragraph by identifying all errors and correcting them:Our four-persons committee has met several times to discuss the possibility of flexible scheduling. There has been some good arguments on both sides of the issue, but, unfortunately, we are deadlock in our voting. Would you agree appointing a fifth member to break the tie and help our resolve this important matter? Thank you. IV. READING COMPREHENSION(10小题,每小题2分,共20分)Read the following two passages and answer the questions.Passage One:In the past, the work day was from 9 to 5 and the work week went from Monday through Friday. Rush hour, both morning and evening, was a nightmare as roads became jammed with commuters going to and from the office. While rush hour seems to be here to stay, the traditional work day and work week are gradually becoming a thing of the past.Companies today are facing issues such as office overcrowding and employees" desires, which compel management to be creative in how and where work gets done. Many offices find it beneficial to have flexible working hours. For example, employees may put in their eight hours sometime between the 7:00 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. Others may choose to put in four ten-hour days a week instead of coming to the office five days.Flextime can also help save employers from the expense of expanding an office because of overcrowding. Desirable office space is at a premium in most urban markets, and opening a branch office takes time. Some companies may choose to outsource work, but others do not want to lose creative control. With flextime, more employees can share office space because not everyone is thereat the same time. Whatever a company"s situation, it takes creativity, patience and teamwork to have a pleasant and productive working environment.26. What causes rush hour?a. Commuters not planning well enough.b. Too many people heading for work at one time.c. People"s desire to drive too fast.27. On the whole, employees seem to _____________.a. be reluctant to get involved in deciding when they workb. resent not always working from 9 to 5c. take advantageof creative working arrangements28. What is one advantage of flexible working hours?a. More employees will be at work at the same time.b. Employees will work longer hours.c. Flexibility is cheaper than office expansion.29. According to the passage, desirable office space is _____________.a. expensiveb. hard to findc. very crowded30. Opening a branch office _____________.a. will not help overcrowding problemsb. does not happen overnightc. is bad for businessPassage Two:Most nations of the world export goods to other countries.Likewise, many import goods from other nations. Why do countries engage in international trade?Firstly, some countries of the world have certain conditions that provide them with a basis for international trade. For example,Columbia and Brazil have just the right climate for growing coffee.They export the surplus to earn foreign exchange to pay for thegoods they import.Secondly, if a country has an abundance of natural resources, it generally exports some of them. Rubber from Malaysia and oil from the Middle East countries are examples.Thirdly, if a nation is advanced in science and technology, it can produce sophisticated machinery and equipment, such as computers, jet airplanes and electric generators. Their manufactured goods areusually sold at high prices in the international market. So they enjoy favorable conditions in the international trade.In addition to trade in goods, there is another form of trade, i. e.trade in services. The former is called visible trade, and the latter, invisible trade. Transportation, insurance, financing and tourism are some of the forms of invisible trade. Trade in these forms can be as important to some nations as the exchange of goods is to others.31. According to the passage, international trade means_____________.a. exporting goods to other countriesb. exporting goods to and import goods from other countriesc. exchanging not only goods but also service with othercountries32. The reason for countries of the world to engage in international tradeis _____________.a. to build up friendship with people in other countriesb. to exchange what one has for what one needsc. to provide assistance to poor countries33. Saudi Arabia usually exports _____________ to other countries.a. oilb. coffeec. computer34. Who suffer from unfavorable conditions in international trade?a. The developed countries.b. The developing countries.c. The countries in West Europe.35. 10. Which of the following are viewed as invisible trade?a. Coffee, rubber and oil.b. Computers, airplanes and electric generators.c. Transportation, insurance, financing and tourism.V . TRANSLATION (3段短文,每段5分,共15分)Translate the following passages into Chinese:36. successful teams are made up of individuals who have differentbackgrounds. In an organization, effective work teams have to bebased on function, purpose, or individual expertise rather than onpersonality.37. To cut down in wordiness, use the active voice rather than thepassive voice. Using the active voice helps you be direct and keeps your sentences from being too wordy.38. Formal reports are more complex and longer than informal reports.Because of this complexity, you may spend more time organizing and writing a formal report than you would prepare an informal report.Formal reports may be used when writing to the top management of an organization.VI. WRITING (35分)39. According to the given facts, format a business envelope: (5分)The sender:Kang Zhuang, General Manager of FORWARD BICYCLE CO. LTD.987 Jiangnan Road, Kunshan, Jiangsu, China, 215300Tel; (0520)5000000Fax; (0520)5000001The receiver:Mr. Fred Johns, Chief Buyer of Kiddie Komer, Inc.# 202-418 Richards Street, Vancouver, B. C. Canada V6S 3A740. Write a correctly laid out memo according to the following. (10分)Jane Simmons, Personnel Manager of Alpha Electronics, 80 - 90 Zeus Street, Manchester GG73 6LP, says to you, "Will you write a memo for me to Simon Clark, my deputy, please?When he returns from holiday next Monday I shall be starting a three-day conference at Harogate. Ask him to interview the four candidates for the clerical vacancy in the Mailing Section on Monday, starting at 2 :30 p. m. He should make an appointment if there is a suitable candidate. The candidates have been invited for interview and their application forms and references are in the middle drawer of my desk. I" 11 leave my desk keys with you. On Tuesday at 10 a. m. Gerry Rhodes, the Union Rep, has an appointment to see me. If Simon I can deal with whatever he wants, I shall be grateful. If not, I"ll make another appointment to see Gerry when I"m back on Tuesday. "41. Write a letter according to the situation below, using the block format and open punctuation. (20分)Situation: Two months ago you contacted a Scottish company, the Organisers of Scottish Exhibitions (OSE), based at 9 Rider Street, Charlestown, CH3 MN1, to organize a 3-day exhibition of your products in Glasgow. The exhibition took place last week andyou have heard from your staff and customers that it was a disaster because of the inefficient planning of the deputy director of OSE, Barbara Minter.Write a letter to Mrs. Minter, describing what went wrong, the consequences for your company and what you want. Make up any necessary details.参考答案及评分标准I. MULTIPLE CHOICE (10小题,每小题1分,共10分)Choose the letter indicating the best choice to complete each sentence or answer each question:1. a2. c3. b4. d5. a6. c7. d8. a9.d 10. bII. TRUE/FALSE (10小题,每小题1分,共10分)Write a T in the space provided if the statement is true. Write anF in the space if the statement is false.11. F 12. T 13. T 14. F 15. F 16. T 17. F 18. T 19. F 20. TIII. ERROR CORRECTION (10分)Rewrite the following short paragraph by identifying all errors and correcting them:Our four-person committee has met several times to discuss the possibility of flexible scheduling. There have been some good arguments on both sides of the issue, but, unfortunately, we are deadlocked in our voting. Would you agree to appointing a fifth member to break the tie and help us resolve this important matter? Thank you.评分标准:短文中有5个错,找出错误5分;改正错误5分。

国家开放大学电大专科《开放英语1》2021期末试题及答案(试卷号:2204) 第一部分交际用语(共计10分.每小HI 2分)1-5 H :阅读下面的小对话,判断答语是否恰当.恰当的遗A ( Kight) t不恰当的选B (Wrong),并将答宴写在答/纸上.L — Could I speak to Harry t please?—He 13 not in. I'm afraicLA. RightB. Wrong2. — Excuse met where in the nenrest bank* please9—Go along this street and rum right al the first crussroad. TFun is where it is.A. RightB. Wrong3. — What arc your parents doing nghl now?— My mother is retired My father is a miinngcr.A. RifthiB. Wrong4. —Could you sign the register• pleaxe?—Of course.A, Right H. Wrong5. — How much doeA the fl«t cost a month?—The cheapest one is on the tenth floor.A. RightB. Wrong第二部分伺it:与结构(共计30分.每小整2分)6-20 ff: K)读下面的句子.从A.B.C三个选项中选出一个能堵入空白处的最隹迭项.并在答JB蛾上写出所选的字毋符号/6. He often ________ lunch in the canteen.A. hasB. haveC> is having7. You like nwimmmgt but 1 ____________ .A. am notB. don'tC. doesn'i8. — _______ arc you from?—Pm from NanjingA・ What B. WhenC. Where9. _______ any yagH classes in the evenings?A. Is thereB. Are thereC. Have10, Pm _________ a b5t of things to buy.A. doingB. makingC. having11. She h心o problem ________ thr lint ndvcrtmcmenl.A. with H> forI2> People in London oftrn travel _________ n n hour to K()I O work every dny・A. m K 如C. (or13. Who k thftt lady over there? Do you know ____________ nomn?A> her H・ hernCL nhe*«14. She liken playing the violin• but he . 一•A. 19 not Bt don'tC. docsn* l15. It ______ hrAvIly here at thin murnenLN rain H・ ruin*(.in nilning16. I gucM thrrr will ___________ more than urvrnty people nt tomorrow meeting,A> be beingC« are\7. I don f t need _nunrral wNter« hut Pd like ______________________ Ma. thanksA> «ny> Mtiy B. ony t »omeC> wmr f Rome18. ___ people are my friends. ______________ people arc my hunhnnd1* friendsA. The»c. Thone B, Thi^. ThutC・ Here» I herc19. There ______ three plants in the cornrr» of the room.A< i> B. areC. have20. Hilly i* _________ than Ben.A> aitr»ciive tt more attractiveC. very attractiveK3K分句熨变揍(共计15分.每小・3分)21—25小・:■■框号里的提示改写下列句子,弁料菩髯耳在答上.2L There arr • lot of problems in thia company1* manAftemmt. (aS A—22. She will accept a great chailenge«(改为含定句)Z3. He doesn't want to break the rule.(改为村定旬)24. They arr going to invite the aftbt io their pAHy> (用who 分舞同》25. Tm intcrrMcd in finding the truth. (JM wtul 对酵分H同)第四部分阅读理解(20分,每小BH分)26-30 18:阅或下列短文.从AJkC三个选项中选出一个正确答系•并在答购纸上耳出所选的字毋符号.What should I do at M party In England7What do t do at the party?You should always offrr to grt drinks for other people when you go to get n dnnk for yoursclL You should introduce yourHell tu new [>eoplr m the gruup< You should Avoid persanHl qurMiuns ^bout family until yau know thrrn bcttpr. Good topics of conversation arc nim?>t books, television programmea t holidays> jobsi the town you are in* and etc.You should Rsk for permission to smoke« say "h it alrighl il 1 smoke?M Or. bc(t<?r> you should go outjiidr tn wmokc. Many |>cople don f t like the smell uf smoke inside.Yau shouldn't drink loo much! And never get drunk.What do I do when I leave?1( you nrc not a close friend of the hosts* you should" be the last io Icave^You should My " Thank you M to the hosts and say * It WE a lovely party. I really enjoyed my«clf. ” And then you should go back to people you talked to and fuiy M h very nice to meet you.”2tk When you 日。

3897国开电大专科商务英语1历年期末考试试题及答案(题库)3897国开电大专科商务英语1历年期末考试试题及答案(题库)3897国开电大专科商务英语1历年期末考试试题及答案(题库) 2021年9月试题及答案一、交际用语(每小题2分,共10分) 1-5题:根据对话内容选择恰当的选项。
1.―Could you look after my dog for me while we're away? ―___________________ A.No,thanks. B.With pleasure. C.I'm not afraid. [答案]B2.―Hello!Could Is peak to the headmaster,please? ―___________________ A.Hold on,please. B.That's the headmaster,please. C.Who are you? [答案]A3.―Happy birthday! ―___________________ A.Thank you. B.The same to you.C.Good luck. [答案]A 4.―Sally,could you lend me your calculator?Mine is not working. ―___________________ A.It doesn't matter. B.No,I can't. C.Sure. [答案]C 5.―We think$55,000 would be reasonable for transferring our trademark. ―___________________That’s too high. A.Oh,my honey. B.Oh,my goodness. C.Oh,my friend. [答案]B 二、词汇与结构(每小题2分,共30分) 6-20题:阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。

分,每小■ 2分)1—5 根据对话内舀选择恰当的选项。
L ()h・ I Atn nol Irrling well. Pvc got |i cold.A> Fine. How nrt! yuu?B t Nrvcr minth I nkr enr<\(\ 11 m «orry to hear thau2. — Limht you sprak Englinh very wellA. No. I <lon f i think MO.B. Thank you very murh<C. Nol giHJil cnougfL3. K RM. could you nn«wcr the tclcphonct please?—ru «c< HA, OK.It No. thanksC. Y E・ I Euld.4. Oh9 but how lonK will it Inkv h> rrnrh I.A?A> It hike« ii long way to roich LA.H. Usunlly it fakes around 12 doy^C. LA in very fnr from hcre<5. Hrllot iJhvidl I luivrti'f heard frrrm y<Ki k>r n long un«\ I low have you Bern rcirnlly7A. Tlut1B all riKht.K Lonu Time no(\ Not bndt thank you.二、调汇与IS构(共计30分.每小题2分)6-20 & : |ffl读下面的句子,从AJkC三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项.6. The whole familyenjoying thr beauliful music now.A. arc all氏all t»C. all arc7. — How many children tn the picture?ThrvnA. are thereH. in therel\ hnvr there8. Wv f rr norry to tell you ihnt yonr remittance yM.A. won't ArriveK hA^n9t NrrivedC. des" arrive!)• Thi, ntory I M nbout some ArncficAfi svtudentA Irnrnedwkill. byopcniting their own barik^A. whoH. which(\ whoml(). Now. wr hnvr enlarged nnd our dornrxtiv mnrkvl rind European markruA. consolidatedB. merged(\ purchojkcdIL If you wnnt to pny%oriirilnng In ftnuthrr currrfiry> you hnvr to chnnKc your money into the other money..Jk:* inBe (orC\ bnck12. I'll «et your RMB (or you whilr y()u f rr thtMC formM.A t filling outtaking out(\ workniH out13. Phr quculionwe should usr thim hrttncl nnmr will be dretdrd l)y ourmarketing tram.A. whichB» whether(\ whnf14. l)o you think you could cut H3°%?A. byB. downC・at15. I hnvr finished your project plan.A・ readB・ to readC. rcadinR16. Price* mny change quickly il xupply or denmnd•A. changoB・ chflngcC. will chnnKC17. Actually« buyers nrir the group of people want to buy certain good、or•crvicc^H. whoA they(\ which18. The next shareholder^ meeting was at the end of this yeanA. scheduledB. twdC. mnde19. A wwk agen I sent him a stAtcment thr nmount overdue^A. »howB. showingC\ showed20. i% very importnnt that you don 11 nutke any rnistnkcn when you colculntethose figure%A. ThatB. What三. 阅读理解(共计,1Q分,每小糊4分)21—25 8:阅读下列短文,从A、B.C三个选项中选出一个正确答案。

1.—Could you look after my dog for me while we' re away?一A.No, thanks.B.With pleasure.C.I'm not afraid.2.—He1lo!Could Is peak to the headmaster,please?A.Hold on, please.B.That's the headmaster,please.C.Who are you?3.一Happy birthday !A.Thank you.B.The same to you.C.Good luck.4.一Sally,could you lend me your calculator?Mine is not working_A.It doesn't matter.B.No,I can't.C.Sure.5.—We think$55,000 would be reasonable for transferring our trademark. That' s too high.A.Oh, my honey.B.Oh,my goodness.C.Oh, my friend.二、词汇与结构(共30分,每小题2分)6-20题:阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。
6.—How many children_in the picture?—Three.A.are thereB.is there7.It's better to ask for help_you meet a problem.A.thatB. WhenC.which8.You look much after vacation.A.goodB.bestC.better9.If you need any help,please feel freecontact me.A.ofB.onC.to10.I was in_of the northwest region of China.A.chargeB.dutyC.change11.The third part is the_results.A.expectB.expectingC.expected12.The population of the world__still_now.A. has;grownB. will:growC.is; growing13.You are planning to export this product to Europe,_?A.don't youB. aren't youC.are you14.I bet that Mike wished you_him that earlier.A.toldC. had told15.Then people,_are interested,can apply for the job.A.whoB.theyC.those16.I've learned today.A. something newB. new somethingC. new something17.I believe teamwork important.A.wasB.isC.are18.There are some visitors to our marketing department next week.eingC.to coming19. These police often the children across the street.A. helpB.helpsc.is helping20.I have finished_your project plan.A.readB.to readC.reading三、阅读理解(共40分,每小题4分)21-25题:阅读下列短文,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个正确答案,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。

国家开放大学电大专科《商务交际英语(1)》2021期末试题及答案(试卷号:4015)盗传必究L MULTIPLE CHOICE. (10 小禽,每小题 2 分,共20 分)Choose the letter indicating the best choice to complete each sentence or answer eachquestion.L Communication is the process of•A. sending messages*B. receiving messages.C. sending and interpreting messages.2. Messages sent without words arc communications^A. oralB. verbnlC・ nonverbal3. The communication barriers that exist inside the sender or receiver arc called •A. internal barners.B. external barri<frs>C> communication barriers.4. A Idler from rhe vice president of sales to a client is an communication.A. oralB. internalC. cxternnl5. A memo to a coworker thanking her for her support on a project is to •A・ state a policyB. promote goodwillC・ provide a record6. A is a formal report that describes a problem and recommends a solution.A. memoB. letter5 C. proposal7・ reporisi prr^rni mfonnatian nnd include Intlc nnolyMiBLA. FormalK InformnlC Inlornwnonnl机arr ortfnntxccl in indirect ordrnA. P OMHIVCIt NrgJihvrC. Nrutr/il9. In a lettcrt in NOT • neccnsary purt«A. the aubjccl lineH・ the addressC. the daielinr10. Prout rending i> the prtKcn* o(the mcA»ng<%A. plunninHH. orKnnixinKC. reviewing11. TRUE/FALSE (10 小■. •小・2 分.共20 分)Write A I in the »pace provided If thv slntrmcnt i« true Write nn F in I he xpiicc If the xtalcmcnl h fulM?. Your Judgnwnt should be hnKrd on your undrrsUncling of the course liookeIL Thr nrndvr i» rcnpon»iblc for rmdiriK nnd lititrnmK cflectivrlya12. There wrr two participants in rhe communicutian procr侦the mo%ngc and thr receiver.I3・ A purtixroph must have nt Iciwt three sentences to br complrtr.H- In a direct order> lhe mmn idra should be placed (ir»t.15. A Tnuhiculturnl society m one that made up of people from rnnny cultures*16. All Koodwill tellers require supporting inforrnntiom17 Instant mc»MUKc converiMitioiiA arc inforrnAl】8・ 1( posMiblce n memo ithould be limited to onr19. A CriendMhip letter munt have AUpporting informatioru20. A forrnttl report hns three mnin p«rt»i prclirninAry part9i» body, and RUppletnrntary pnrtMaHl. READING COMPREHENSION. (10 小■ .每小U 2 分,共20 分)Rend the followInR two pmsagoi and answer lhe queKtions.Pasaagc OneF>ctcr Chnnft is nn employee of thr U. S. Deportment of Agriculture in lhe northern nation of the SanJoaquin Vnllcy in Californm-onc of the mpil productive agricultural arcaB in thr world. Rrccnily* Prtcr was promoted to thr ponition of agnculturrl loan clerk.In hin new position* hr hm many reports to read report» from (armrn* who arc applying for loaneii atntus reportN from fnrmern who hnvc received loiingi wnd reportn (rorn hi* employer > the fcdernl government • on new I OAD programs^After redding no many E>om, Peter wondrrn. M Why arc reporta so di什Some are long, some are »horte Some are simplet some arr complex- Some nre easy to rend. Horne arc difficult to read# Some arccoherent• some ACT not> Sonw make rccommendnlions♦ some do not. Why ftre reports so different?21. The San Joaquin Valley in California is one of the most -A. famous industrial areas.R popular tourist attractions>C- productive Agricultural area^.22. What does Peter do in his new position?A. He reads many reports from several aspects.K He writes many reports for farmers and bank».C. He is in charge of investment and mftrketing>23. Why the fanners write reports to Peter?A. To make conclusionsB・ To apply lor loans.U To do business with him#24. From reading report51 Peter find* that•A. most of the reports are well written.B. farmers are goo<i at writing reports.C・ the reports show great difference.25. What do you think the author will talk later?A. The difficulty of the formers.B. The position of Peter's supervisor#C・ The reasons causing difference of reports.Passage twoI he people that an organixation employs arc probably its greatest resource. That is why the manftgement of personnel should be constantly reviewed and improved.Bnscd on the organization^ general policy and strategy> surveys should be curried ou! lo obsess whether or not staff are satisfied with their jobs. Actions then should be taken to make sure that staff do have job sntisfaction>First, it is essential to recruit the right person for the job. People skills should be classified nnd mulched to the organiMtion r s requirements. Second, it's also important 10 dzdop peopled skills by training, not just at the start of their job. but throuRhout iheir career. Training plans should be established and training should be reviewed constantly. Third, developing people through teamwork is very important. Staff should kd that they arc working together and not by themselves. Last but not least> people should not necessarily stay in the same jobs throughout their career- They should be employed in lhe job where they are moMt effective- Developing their careers is important>26・ Whnt is the article mainly talking about?A. Personnel training.ManAgmorHofpersonrwLQImpcr-anc 。

3897国开电大专科商务英语1历年期末考试试题及答案(题库)3897国开电大专科商务英语1历年期末考试试题及答案 2021年9月试题及答案一、交际用语 1-5题:根据对话内容选择恰当的选项。
1.―Could you look after my dog for me while we're away? ―___________________ A.No, thanks. B.With pleasure.C.I'm not afraid. B 2.―Hello。
Could Is peak to the headmaster,please? ―___________________ A.Hold on, please. B.That's the headmaster,please. C.Who are you? A 3.―Happy birthday。
―___________________ A.Thank you. B.The same to you.C.Good luck. A 4.―Sally,could you lend me your calculator?Mine is not working. ―___________________ A.It doesn't matter. B.No,I can't. C.Sure. C 5.―We think$55,000 would be reasonable for transferring our trademark. ―___________________That’s too high. A.Oh, my honey. B.Oh, my goodness. C.Oh, my friend. B 二、词汇与结构 6-20题:阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。
6.―Have you got some water to drink? ―Here you are.There_________still some in the bottle. A.have B.was C.is C7.Not only Tom but also Alice and Mary_________busy. A.isB.wasC.are C 8.We'll let you know when we_________a decision.A.makeB.giveC.take A 9.Don't worry so much_________is my job。

2021年7月3897国开电大专科商务英语1期末考试试题及答案2021年7月3897国开电大专科商务英语1期末考试试题及答案一、交际用语 1-5题:根据对话内容选择恰当的选项。
1.―Oh,I am not feeling well.I've got a cold. ―___________________ A.Fine.How are you? B.Never mind.Take care. C.I'm sorry to hear that. C2.―Linda,you speak English very well. ―___________________ A.No,I don't think so. B.Thank you very much. C.Not goo d enough. B3.―Kate,could you answer the telephone,please? ―___________________I'll get it. A.OK. B.No,thanks. C.Yes,I could. A4.―Oh,but how long will it take to reach LA? ―___________________ A.It takes along way to reach LA. ually it takes around 12 days. is very far from here. B5.―Hello,David。
I haven't heard from you for along time.How have you been recently? ―___________________ A.That's all right.B.Longtime no see.C.Not bad,thank you. C 二、词汇与结构 6.The whole family_________enjoying the beautiful music now. A.are all B.all is C.all are A 7.―How many children_________in the picture? ―Three. A.are there B.is there C.have there A 8.We're sorry to tell you that your remittance_________yet.A.won't arriveB.hasn't arrivedC.doesn't arrive B 9.This story is about some American students_________learned business skills by operating their own banks. A.who B.which C.whom A 10.Now,we have enlarged and_________our domestic market and European market. A.consolidated B.merged C.purchased A 11.If you want to pay_________something in another currency,you have to change your money into the other money. A.in B.for C.back B 12.I'll get your RMB for you while you're_________these forms. A.filling out B.taking out C.working out A 13.The question_________we should use this brand name will be decided by our marketing team. A.which B.whether C.what B 14.Do you think you could cut it_________30%? A.by B.down C.at A 15.I have finished_________your project plan.A.readB.to readC.reading C 16.Prices may change quickly if supply or demand_________. A.changes B.change C.will change A 17.Actually, buyers are the group of people_________want to buy certain goods or services. A.they B.who C.which B 18.The next shareholder's meeting was_________at the end of this year.A.schedulededC.made A 19.A week ago,I sent him a statement_________the amount overdue. A.show B.showing C.showed B 20._________is very important that you don't make any mistakes when you calculate those figures. A.That B.WhatC.It C 三、阅读理解 21-25题:阅读下列短文,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个正确答案。

—___________________[内部资料]—B esides Bank of China,you can get the money exchanged in Industrial and Commercial Bank of China,China Construction Bank etc.[答案] Could you tell me whether I can change foreign currency in other banks?—___________________[内部资料]—I t arrives by mail,I suppose.[答案] How does your remittance come?—___________________[内部资料]—T oday’s rate is listed on the board here.[答案] What’s the exchange rate today?—C an I exchange foreign currency in Bank of China?[内部资料]—___________________[答案] Yes,you can. Bank of China is an authorized foreign exchange bank.—C an you please tell me about your responsibilities?[内部资料]—___________________[答案] Yes. I was in charge of the northwest region of China.—C ould you give me an example of good team working there?[内部资料]—___________________[答案] Sure. I was the treasurer of the Students’ Union.—C ould you give mean example of good team working there?[2018年7月试题]—___________________[答案]Sure.I was the treasurer of the Students’ Union.—C ould you look after my dog for me while we're away?[2020年9月试题]—___________________[答案]With pleasure.—D o you have any suggestions about it?[内部资料]—___________________[答案] After I read it in detail,I will tell you my opinion.—G ood morning. Far East Logistics Company.This is Lin Hanxue. May I help you?[内部资料]—___________________[答案] Good morning,Ms. Lin. This is Daniel Anderson speaking.—G ood morning.Far East Logistics Company.This is Lin Han xue.May I help you?[2018年1月试题]—G ood morning.Far East Logistics Company.This is Lin Han xue.May I help you?[2020年1月试题]—___________________[答案]Good morning,Ms.Lin.This is Daniel Anderson speaking.—H appy birthday![2020年9月试题]—___________________[答案]Thank you.—H ello!Could Is peak to the headmaster,please?[2020年9月试题]—___________________[答案]Hold on,please.—H ello,David! I haven’t heard from you for a long time. How have you been recently?[内部资料][答案] Not bad,thank you.—H ello,Sally. Wh at’s the matter with you? You look worried.[内部资料]—___________________[答案] What shall I do if a customer doesn’t pay up on the due date?—H ello,David!I haven’t heard from you for along time.How have you been recently?[2018年1月试题]—___________________[答案]Not bad,thank you.—H ello,David!I haven't heard from you for along time.How have you been recently?[2020年7月试题]—___________________[答案]Not bad,thank you.—H ello,I'm John Taylor,the General Manager.And you must be......[内部资料]—___________________[答案] Daniel Anderson.—H ello,I'm Susan.Nice to meet you.[2018年7月试题]—___________________[答案]Nice to meet you,too.—H ello,Lucy.How are you?[2020年1月试题]—___________________And you?[答案]Fine,thanks.—H elp yourself to some fish.[2020年1月试题]—___________________[答案]Thank you.—H ere you are,Sir.[2019年1月试题]—H ere you are,Sir.[2020年1月试题]—___________________[答案]Thank you very much.—H i Bob,I’d like to congratulate you on the progress of Beihai project.[内部资料]—___________________[答案] Thank you,John. It is really an interesting project.—H i,Lily,what’s up with Mike? I heard the boss yelling at Mike earlier today.[内部资料]—___________________[答案] It’s said that Mike made a mistake and then tried to cover it up.—H ow long does the remittance take from New York?[内部资料]—___________________[答案] I’m not sure. It depends on the mode your partner chose.—I believed Ted only from his resume. In fact he is not qualified for his job.[内部资料]—___________________[答案] Oh,it’s such a pity!—I bet that Mike wished you had told him that earlier.[2018年7月试题]—___________________[答案]Well,Mike isn't a fool,he won't do that again.—I bet that Mike wished you had told him that earlier.[内部资料]—___________________[答案] Well,Mike isn’t a fool,he won’t do that again.—I got to know Ted only from his resume.In fact he is not qualified for his job.[2018年1月试题]—___________________[答案]Oh,it's such a pity!—I wonder whether I could accept this discount or not.[内部资料][答案] Why not consult with your manager?—I t’s nice to meet you in my of fice.[内部资料]—___________________[答案] I am here today to discuss the trademark transfer with you.—K ate,could you answer the telephone,please?[2020年7月试题]—___________________I'll get it.[答案]OK.—L et me show you how to use the printer.[2018年1月试题]—___________________[答案]Thanks for your help.—L et me show you how to use the printer.[内部资料]—___________________[答案] Thanks for your help.—L inda,you speak English very well.[2020年7月试题]—___________________[答案]Thank you very much.—M ay I know the cost for a 20 feet container from Guangzhou to LA?[内部资料]—___________________[答案] It’s 2,300 US dollars.—M r. Taylor,nice to see you again. Welcome to our company.[内部资料]—___________________[答案] Thank you,Ms. Lin. I’ve come to see your packing for our woolen gloves.—M r. Taylor,this is the project plan you asked me to make last week.[内部资料]—___________________[答案] Sure. That’s a quick job.—N ice to see you.[2019年7月试题]—___________________[答案]Nice to see you,too.—O h,but how long will it take to reach LA?[内部资料]—___________________[答案] Usually it takes around 12 days.—O h,but how long will it take to reach LA?[2019年1月试题]—O h,but how long will it take to reach LA?[2020年7月试题]—___________________[答案]Usually it takes around 12 days.—O h,I am not feeling well.I've got a cold.[2020年7月试题]—___________________[答案]I'm sorry to hear that.—O h. But why didn’t he just own up and tell someone?[内部资料]—___________________[答案] He was too scared that he would be fired,I suppose.—O h. But why didn't he just own up and tell someone?[2018年1月试题]—___________________[答案]He was too scared that he would be fired,I suppose.—P lease make a detailed schedule for me.[内部资料]—___________________[答案] Yes,I will.—S ally,could you lend me your calculator? Mine is not working.[内部资料][答案] Sure,why do you need it?—S ally,could you lend me your calculator?Mine is not working.[2018年7月试题]—S ally,could you lend me your calculator?Mine is not working.[2020年9月试题]—___________________[答案]Sure.—T hank you very much for helping me.[2020年1月试题]—___________________[答案]You're welcome.—T he senior managers need the results from last month straight away,so I can’t stop to talk. I’ve got to hurry.[内部资料]—___________________[答案] Ok,see you later.—T he senior managers need the results from last month straightaway,so I can't stop to talk.I've got to hurry.[2018年7月试题]—___________________[答案]Ok,see you later.—W e are planning to register the trademark of Red Dragon for your new product. What’s your opinion about this brand name?[内部资料]—___________________[答案] I suggest that you should give it up.—W e had a very small budget and I had to make decisions on what to buy.[内部资料]—___________________so you're a good planner.[答案] Very impressive—W e think $55,000 would be reasonable for transferring our trademark.[2020年9月试题]—___________________That’s too high.[答案]Oh,my goodness.—W e think $55,000 would be reasonable for transferring our trademark.[内部资料]—___________________That’s too high.[答案] Oh,my goodness.—W e’ll have the sales meeting at 2:00 tomo rrow afternoon,won’t we?[内部资料]—___________________[答案] Yes. After the meeting,we’ll leave for Shanghai.—W ell,after my report,there'll be a break for refreshments.[内部资料]—___________________[答案] All right,I see.—W ell,after my report,there will be a break for refreshments.[2019年1月试题]—W ell,after my report,there will be a break for refreshments.[2019年7月试题]—___________________[答案]All right,I see.—W hat if he still doesn't pay up?[2019年1月试题]—___________________[答案]If it's a small amount we write it off as bad debt.For larger sums we…—W hat if he still doesn't pay up?[内部资料]—___________________[答案] If it's a small amount we write it off as bad debt. For larger sums we…—W hat’s the purpose of your visit today?[内部资料]—___________________[答案] I’m intendin g to ask for your advice on brand design.—___________________[答案]Uh,I'm,not sure.—W hen can you effect shipment? I’m worried about late shipment.[内部资料]—___________________[答案] About in June.—W hen will you meet the general manager of Nile Co.,Mr. Smith?[内部资料]—___________________[答案] At 10:00 tomorrow morning.—W here shall we have the meeting?[2019年7月试题]—___________________[答案]In the first conference room.—W here shall we have the meeting?[内部资料]—___________________[答案] In the first conference room.—W ould you like to have some rice?[2019年7月试题]—___________________[答案]Yes,please.—W ould you please give me some water?[2019年7月试题]—___________________[答案]Certainly.—W ould you please let me know something more about the project?[内部资料]—___________________[答案] OK,I have divided my report into three parts,the first part is an overview of the project.—Y ou need to work with other colleagues to look after that.[内部资料]—___________________[答案] If it's a sm all amount we write it off as bad debt. For larger sums we…—Y our request for compensation made me surprised. What happened?[内部资料]—___________________[答案] It’s because of the quality.。

I . MULTIPLE CHOICE (10小题,每小题1分,共10分)Choose the letter indicating the best choice to complete each sentence or answer each question:1. Which of the following is an internal barrier to communication?a. the shyness of a person.b. a domineering bossc. a room that is so hot that everyone is impatient with each otherd. all of the above are internal barriers2. Which of the following is a message delivery medium that avoids the problem of "telephone tag"?a. a scannerb. a telephone callc. e-maild. a CPU3. What happens during the first stage of effective team development?a. Team members determine their group goals.b. Team members get acquainted and begin to exchange information.c. The team leader assigns roles to various team members.d. The team learns how to solve problems and overcome conflict.4. What is the main objective of a message that tells the receiver about a new product that wili soon be available in stores?a. To informb. To requestc. To recordd. To persuade5. Which of the following sentences contains a redundant expression?a. Currently we have an overstock of red and blue T-shirts, as of this week.b. As of last quarter, our sales projections were accurate.c. The trend is to underestimate the market value of existing properties.d. Quality is our primary concern, regardless of the impact on production schedules.6. Memos are ______________.a. harder to format and key than lettersb. used to send a message to a supervisor in another companyc. used to send a goodwill message to a coworkerd. usually more formal than business letters7. Abuses of e-mail message writing include ______________.a. spammingb. shoutingc. telecommutingd. both a and b8. Which type of letter is considered a goodwill letter?a. A letter of acknowledgmentb. A positive responsec. A routine requestd. All of the above would be considered a goodwill letter9. Which of the following would be part of an analytical report?a. problem statementb. conclusionsc. recommendationsd. all of the above10. Which of the following is a preliminary part of a formal report?a. bibliographyb. title pagec. both a and bd. neither a nor bII. TRUE/FALSE(10小题,每小题1分,共10分)Write a T in the space provided if the statement is true. Write an F in the space if the statement is false. Your judgment should be based on your understanding of the course book.T/F_______ 11. While computers are becoming smaller and more powerful, they arebecoming more expensive._______ 12. In some cultures, nodding the head means "no" instead of "yes"._______ 13. A heterogeneous group is one that includes people with a mixture ofbackgrounds, abilities, and strengths._______ 14. Only positive messages need to have a positive tone; negative messagescan only be negative in tone._______ 15. Minutes are sent only to the meeting participants._______ 16. Most bad-news messages should be written in the indirect order._______ 17. Letters with negative messages typically open with reasons for thenegative news._______ 18. For a blind copy, the initials be appear on the copy but not on an original._______ 19. Gathering data by talking with customers is called secondary research._______ 20. When writing in a personal style, use the pronouns you and 1.III. ERROR CORRECTION(10分)Rewrite the following short paragraph by identifying all errors and correcting them:Our four-persons committee has met several times to discuss the possibility of flexible scheduling. There has been some good arguments on both sides of the issue, but, unfortunately, we are deadlock in our voting. Would you agree appointing a fifth member to break the tie and help our resolve this important matter? Thank you. IV. READING COMPREHENSION(10小题,每小题2分,共20分)Read the following two passages and answer the questions. Passage One:In the past, the work day was from 9 to 5 and the work week went from Monday through Friday. Rush hour, both morning and evening,was a nightmare as roads became jammed with commuters going to and from the office. While rush hour seems to be here to stay, the traditional work day and work week are gradually becoming a thing of the past.Companies today are facing issues such as office overcrowding and employees" desires, which compel management to be creative in how and where work gets done. Many offices find it beneficial to have flexible working hours. For example, employees may put in their eight hours sometime between the 7:00 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. Others may choose to put in four ten-hour days a week instead of coming to the office five days.Flextime can also help save employers from the expense of expanding an office because of overcrowding. Desirable office space is at a premium in most urban markets, and opening a branch office takes time. Some companies may choose to outsource work, but others do not want to lose creative control. With flextime, more employees can share office space because not everyone is thereat the same time. Whatever a company"s situation, it takes creativity, patience and teamwork to have a pleasant and productive working environment.26. What causes rush hour?a. Commuters not planning well enough.b. Too many people heading for work at one time.c. People"s desire to drive too fast.27. On the whole, employees seem to _____________.a. be reluctant to get involved in deciding when they workb. resent not always working from 9 to 5c. take advantageof creative working arrangements28. What is one advantage of flexible working hours?a. More employees will be at work at the same time.b. Employees will work longer hours.c. Flexibility is cheaper than office expansion.29. According to the passage, desirable office space is _____________.a. expensiveb. hard to findc. very crowded30. Opening a branch office _____________.a. will not help overcrowding problemsb. does not happen overnightc. is bad for businessPassage Two:Most nations of the world export goods to other countries.Likewise, many import goods from other nations. Why do countries engage in international trade?Firstly, some countries of the world have certain conditions that provide them with a basis for international trade. For example,Columbia and Brazil have just the right climate for growing coffee.They export the surplus to earn foreign exchange to pay for the goods they import.Secondly, if a country has an abundance of natural resources, it generally exports some of them. Rubber from Malaysia and oil from the Middle East countries are examples.Thirdly, if a nation is advanced in science and technology, it can produce sophisticated machinery and equipment, such as computers, jet airplanes and electric generators. Their manufactured goods are usually sold at high prices in the international market. So they enjoy favorable conditions in the international trade.In addition to trade in goods, there is another form of trade, i. e.trade in services. The former is called visible trade, and the latter, invisible trade. Transportation, insurance, financing and tourism are some of the forms of invisible trade. Trade in these forms can be as important to some nations as the exchange of goods is to others.31. According to the passage, international trade means_____________.a. exporting goods to other countriesb. exporting goods to and import goods from other countriesc. exchanging not only goods but also service with othercountries32. The reason for countries of the world to engage in international tradeis _____________.a. to build up friendship with people in other countriesb. to exchange what one has for what one needsc. to provide assistance to poor countries33. Saudi Arabia usually exports _____________ to other countries.a. oilb. coffeec. computer34. Who suffer from unfavorable conditions in international trade?a. The developed countries.b. The developing countries.c. The countries in West Europe.35. 10. Which of the following are viewed as invisible trade?a. Coffee, rubber and oil.b. Computers, airplanes and electric generators.c. Transportation, insurance, financing and tourism.V . TRANSLATION (3段短文,每段5分,共15分)Translate the following passages into Chinese:36. successful teams are made up of individuals who have differentbackgrounds. In an organization, effective work teams have to bebased on function, purpose, or individual expertise rather than onpersonality.37. To cut down in wordiness, use the active voice rather than thepassive voice. Using the active voice helps you be direct and keeps your sentences from being too wordy.38. Formal reports are more complex and longer than informal reports.Because of this complexity, you may spend more time organizing and writing a formal report than you would prepare an informal report.Formal reports may be used when writing to the top management of an organization.VI. WRITING (35分)39. According to the given facts, format a business envelope: (5分)The sender:Kang Zhuang, General Manager of FORWARD BICYCLE CO. LTD.987 Jiangnan Road, Kunshan, Jiangsu, China, 215300Tel; (0520)5000000Fax; (0520)5000001The receiver:Mr. Fred Johns, Chief Buyer of Kiddie Komer, Inc.# 202-418 Richards Street, Vancouver, B. C. Canada V6S 3A740. Write a correctly laid out memo according to the following. (10分)Jane Simmons, Personnel Manager of Alpha Electronics,80 - 90 Zeus Street, Manchester GG73 6LP, says to you, "Will youwrite a memo for me to Simon Clark, my deputy, please?When he returns from holiday next Monday I shall be starting a three-day conference at Harogate. Ask him to interview the four candidates for the clerical vacancy in the Mailing Section on Monday, starting at 2 :30 p. m. He should make an appointment if there is a suitable candidate. The candidates have been invited for interview and their application forms and references are in the middle drawer of my desk. I" 11 leave my desk keys with you. On Tuesday at 10 a. m. Gerry Rhodes, the Union Rep, has an appointment to see me. If Simon I can deal with whatever he wants, I shall be grateful. If not, I"ll make another appointment to see Gerry when I"m back on Tuesday. "41. Write a letter according to the situation below, using the block format and open punctuation. (20分)Situation: Two months ago you contacted a Scottish company, the Organisers of Scottish Exhibitions (OSE), based at 9 Rider Street, Charlestown, CH3 MN1, to organize a 3-day exhibition of your products in Glasgow. The exhibition took place last week andyou have heard from your staff and customers that it was a disaster because of the inefficient planning of the deputy director of OSE, Barbara Minter.Write a letter to Mrs. Minter, describing what went wrong, the consequences for your company and what you want. Make up any necessary details.参考答案及评分标准I. MULTIPLE CHOICE (10小题,每小题1分,共10分)Choose the letter indicating the best choice to complete each sentence or answer each question:1. a2. c3. b4. d5. a6. c7. d8. a9.d 10. bII. TRUE/FALSE (10小题,每小题1分,共10分)Write a T in the space provided if the statement is true. Write anF in the space if the statement is false.11. F 12. T 13. T 14. F 15. F16. T 17. F 18. T 19.F 20. TIII. ERROR CORRECTION (10分)Rewrite the following short paragraph by identifying all errors and correcting them:Our four-person committee has met several times to discuss the possibility of flexible scheduling. There have been some good arguments on both sides of the issue, but, unfortunately, we are deadlocked in our voting. Would you agree to appointing a fifth member to break the tie and help us resolve this important matter? Thank you.评分标准:短文中有5个错,找出错误5分;改正错误5分。