
Unit 2With the amazingly rapid development in transportation and information communication, people from different cultures interact more often than ever before, but misunderstandings even conflicts caused in the process of this interaction also grow increasingly. Just for this reason, much concern is focused upon the problem of how to help people interact and communicate successfully in a transcultural way. As a matter of fact, culture is not strange to us all. We hear, read and talk of it, such as Chinese culture, English culture, tea culture, campus culture and so on. But when it comes to the meaning of culture, it is notoriously difficult to define what culture really is or should be.随着交通运输和信息交流的飞速发展,不同文化背景下的人们交往越来越频繁,但在交往过程中产生的误会甚至冲突也日益增多。

Unit 2With the amazingly rapid development in transportation and information communication, people from different cultures interact more often than ever before, but misunderstandings even conflicts caused in the process of this interaction also grow increasingly. Just for this reason, much concern is focused upon the problem of how to help people interact and communicate successfully in a transcultural way. As a matter of fact, culture is not strange to us all. We hear, read and talk of it, such as Chinese culture, English culture, tea culture, campus culture and so on. But when it comes to the meaning of culture, it is notoriously difficult to define what culture really is or should be.随着交通运输和信息交流的飞速发展,不同文化背景下的人们交往越来越频繁,但在交往过程中产生的误会甚至冲突也日益增多。

Culture and Translation
1. Brief Introduction
How do you translate this sentence into English? 您辛苦了! You must be very tired. ???
As 虎 is thought to be the king of animals in traditional Chinese culture, phrases and idioms with虎 abound and it is often changed into “lion” when translated into English:
We Chinese think of pig as a lazy and stupid animal and often say 蠢猪, but English speaking people contribute ugliness, greediness and dirtiness to the pig yet they don’t think the pig is stupid. 蠢得像猪 as stupid as a goose (silly ass) 亚洲四小龙 (referring to four developing regions in Asia ) the four tigers in Asia
3. Cultural Influence on Translation
Green” also means “ full of vigor or vitality” Her grandchildren wished her a green old age. 他的孙儿们祝福她健康长寿。 Though in the green, he may not be equal to the task. 尽管他年富力强,不见得能胜任这项任务。
《跨文化交际与翻译》non-verbal communication

Individual- Low Direct and ism Context Explicit
On the Speaker’s
Words than Context
Collectivi- High Indirect sm Context and Subtle
3. Wink is a sign of flirtation or s_h_a_r_e_d_s_e_c_re_t__.
4. Putting a thumb up indicates __h_i_tc_h_hi_k_e_ in some western countries . 5. The O.K. sign means __m_o_n_e_y_ in Japan. 6. Touching Wood indicates _g_oo_d__lu_c_k in the west. 7. Cross fingers indicates __b_le_s_si_n_g_ in America.
• A: It looks like we will have to keep the production line running on Saturday.
• C: I see. • A: Can you come in on Saturday? • C: Yes, I think so. • A: That’ll be a great help. • C: Yes, Saturday is a special day, did you know? • A: What do you mean? • C: It’s my son’s birthday. • A: How nice. I wish him a happy birthday. • C: Thank you.

Intercultural Communication and Translation of Culture-loaded Words of the West and EastAbstract:As a new marginal discipline, intercultural communication became an important separate discipline in the 1970s. It emerged in America and has been developing quickly and greatly in the western world. While in China, the discipline was first introduced in the 1980s. Nowadays, with the increasing exchange of the West and East, intercultural communication becomes increasingly frequent against the background of economic globalization. So it needs corresponding more translation activities. Against the background of economic globalization, we should be fully aware of intercultural communication, especially the conflicts and exchanges between Western and Eastern, the mixture of both and the work of translation. We should both learn the essence of Western culture and keep up the splendid cultural tradition of China.In the course of the intercultural translation, culture-loaded words contain cultural connotation and mirror cultural characteristics, so they are often considered difficult to translate. This thesis studies approaches of translating culture-loaded words in the broad context of intercultural communication by exploring the relation between culture and translation. This thesis argues that by adopting proper translating approaches, culture-loaded words should achieve both semantic and pragmatic equivalence, or at least pragmatic equivalence.Key words: intercultural communication; translation; culture-loaded words; semantic equivalence; pragmatic equivalenceIntroductionIntercultural communication involves two different cultures, and different culture created a different national language. Culture plays an important role in specific semantic structure and model of language. The vocabulary is the accumulation of cultural information, and the cultural concepts and values of different nation at all levels of culture are "reflected in their vocabulary system, and then form the words with cultural connotation." [1]With special cultural connotation, cultural words are often difficult in cross-cultural communication translation, and even become an obstacle to transmission of information.Influence of culture on translationFrom the perspective of intercultural communication, one of the purposes is to establish the cultural equivalence between the source language and target language. In terms of the translation of cultural terms, the cultural equivalence mainly reflects in the semantic equivalence and pragmatic equivalence. Semantic equivalence is the basis of pragmatic equivalence. Thus, in many cases, equivalent translation is also mainly refers to the semantic equivalence.The author believes that the basic principles of cultural lexicon translation should be done to maximize the semantic and pragmatic equivalence. We should at least ensure the pragmatic equivalence if semantic equivalence can not be achieved. For instance, in Tianjin city of China, there is a century-old snack "Goubuli" steamed buns, and now many tourist cities in the country establish its branches, and the buns are also soldabroad. Its English translation "Dog Won't Leave" is far from its original Chinese name meaning. And there is no semantic equivalent at all, because the Chinese "dog ignore" have no contact with “the dog” and “leave”. However, from the perspective of pragmatic translation, “Dog Won't Leave” is a wonderful translation. Dogs won’t leave buns stands for it will not leave its host either. Undoubtedly, such translation has a strong attraction force for diners in English and America who love dogs like loving friends. Basically, the equivalence in pragmatic effects is achieved.As the source language and target language are different in language and culture, it is almost impossible to achieve totally equivalence in semantic and pragmatic aspect for the source language and target language symbols. Therefore, when translating cultural words, we only try to pursuit of semantic equivalence as far as possible under the premise of ensuring pragmatic equivalence. There are five commonly used methods when translating cultural words:First, shift translation. It refers to unchanged moving all or part of the source language to the target language. For instances, CD, VCD, DVD, DNA, ICU, and many computer terms which are translated into Chinese by the shift frequently appear on Chinese newspapers and magazines. Some expressions with Chinese characteristics like qigong (qigong), taijiquan (shadow boxing), jiaozi (dumplings), qipao (cheongsam), has moved in English and American newspapers.Second, transliteration. Some of the source language culture-specific images are "blank" or "vacant” in the target language. I n this case, we can transplant these unique to the target language using transliteration method. Transliteration is homophonic inChinese words or word combinations in English translation, and these words or word combinations are not meaningful ready-made words in Chinese. For instance: 秀(show), 酷(cool), 黑客(hacker), 艾滋病(AIDS), 色拉(salad), 可口可乐(Coca-cola) and so on.Third, literal translation. Literal translation refers to translation of the "corresponding" phrase and cultural information in the source language. This can preserve cultural identity of the source language as much as possible and broaden the cultural horizons of target language readers. However, it can not be applied mechanically, and it should not mislead the reader of the target language. For instance: olive branch (橄榄树), lonely as a cloud (像一朵孤云), 纸老虎(paper tiger),一国两制(one country with two systems), etc.Four, free translation. It focuses on the translation to convey the original meaning (interpretation), which lay down the language form and literal meaning of the source language. It expresses the cultural information of source language in the target language with cross-cultural "pragmatic equivalence. For instance: the Renaissance (文艺复兴); "辛亥革命"(the 1911 Revolution against Qing Dynasty), etc.Five, Replacement. It refers to the replacement of original words with some similar meaning but different concept meaning in the target language on the basis of keeping communication meaning of the original. That is to replace words with rich cultural connotation in the source language with corresponding word with same cultural connotation in the target language. Such as: to laugh off one's head (笑掉大牙); lead a dog's life (过着牛马不如的生活); 挥金如土(to spend money like water); 力大如牛(asstrong as a horse).ConclusionEnglish and Chinese are two different languages, and both reflect the cultural differences which form the barrier of communication. How to overcome obstacles and achieve cultural equivalence is a difficult problem to solve. Practice shows that in most cases we can find reasonable translation methods which can be accepted by readers in the target language. By means of the necessary modifications, we can at least achieve pragmatic equivalence. The important thing is that the translators should attach great importance to cultural factors in the source language, and consider issues from the purpose of intercultural communication.。

四、学习翻译与跨文化交际学的指南1. 掌握语言技能作为翻译与跨文化交际学的基础,语言技能是必不可少的。
2. 深入了解文化背景了解不同文化的价值观、习俗、礼仪等是跨文化交际学的重要内容。
3. 学习翻译技巧与方法翻译技巧与方法的学习是翻译与跨文化交际学的核心内容。
4. 提高跨文化交际能力跨文化交际能力的提高需要不断的实践与反思。

他们的pinto 牌汽车在当地也没有达到预期的销售,原因时他们的汽车其意思在当地为男性生殖器。
新编跨文化交际【warm up】 原文及翻译

1、【communication across cultures】Chapter One Conceptual Foundation【跨文化沟通】第一章概念的基础Why study intercultural communication?为什么学习跨文化交际?There is a folk tale that comes to us from the foothills of the Himalayas. A man was trying to explain to a blind friend what colors are. He began with the color White.有一个民间的故事,来自于喜马拉雅山的山麓。
“Well,”he said, “it is like snow on the hills.”“嗯,”他说,“这就像雪在山上。
”“Oh,”the blind man said, “then it must be a wet and dampish sort of color, isn’t it? ”“No, no,”the man said, “it is also the same color as cotton or wool. ”“Oh yes, I understand. It must be fluffy color. ”“No, it is also like paper.”“哦,”盲人说,“那一定是湿,微湿的颜色,不是吗?”“不,不,”那人说,“这也是相同的颜色,棉或羊毛。
”“Then it must be a crackling or fragile color,”said the blind man. “No, not at all. It is also like china.”“那一定是脆皮或脆弱的颜色,”瞎子说。

Unit Two Task 11)A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner. 平静的大海决不能造就出熟练的水手。
2)He who would search for pearls must dive below.不入虎穴,焉得虎子。
/ 欲寻珍珠就要潜到水里。
/ 欲寻珍珠欲潜入水。
3)Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass. 生活没有目标如同航行没有罗盘。
4)To have another fish to fry另有要事/ 另有事情得做5)The water that bears the boat is the same that swallows it up.水能载舟,亦能覆舟。
(The same knife cuts bread and fingers.)6)前人栽树,后人乘凉。
One sows and another reaps. / One man sows and another reaps. / One generation plants the trees in whose shade another generation rests. / The precedence planted, the later generations enjoy its cool.7)斩草不除根,逢春又发青。
If the grass is only cut, then the next spring it will revive. / Cut weeds and dig up the roots.8)种田不用问,深耕多上粪。
Planting has no better measures but ploughing deeply and fertilizing much more.9)生米煮成熟饭。

"Cross-cultural communication" 是指在不同文化背景下进行交流和理解的过程。
1. Intercultural Communication: 跨文化交际的常用术语。
2. Cultural Exchange: 文化交流,表示在不同文化间分享和交流信息。
3. Global Communication: 全球交流,指的是超越国界进行的跨文化沟通。
4. Diversity and Inclusion: 多元性与包容,强调在交际中考虑和尊重不同文化的多样性。
5. Interpersonal Understanding: 人际理解,强调在交流中理解和尊重他人的文化差异。
6. Cultural Sensitivity: 文化敏感性,指的是在交际中考虑并尊重他人的文化背景。
7. Adaptation and Adjustment: 适应与调整,表示在不同文化环境中调整自己的交际方式以融入当地文化。
8. Global Citizenship: 全球公民意识,鼓励个体在跨文化交际中具有开放、包容和全球意识。
9. Cultural Intelligence (CQ): 文化智商,强调个体在不同文化中有效交往的能力。
10. Bridging Cultural Divides: 架桥文化分歧,表示尝试弥合不同文化间的差异。
《跨文化交际与翻译》language and communication

Case study: Use one of Hofstede's four dimension to explain the following case.
• When my boss came into my office for the first time, I stood up immediately to show my respect. The boss misunderstood my behavior, thought I was going out,and said he would talk with me in a while. I was accustomed to respecting all those in authority. On one occasion, I offered my seat to the Head of the Department of Internal Medicine. He said “Thanks” and sat down. During the conference,he kept turning around and looking at me, which made me feel ill at ease. When the conference was over, he came over and apologized to me,“I thought you were leaving the conference.You don't have to offer me.”
Language most shows a man. Speak, that I may see thee.
---- Ben Johnson
The limits of my language are the limits of my world.

跨文化交际与翻译真题2021 .6.5临床专业一、案例分析(答题说明:每题10分,合计10.0分。
)1. Situation: T wo Americans, Bill and T ony, are talking about T ony’s unhappy experience with his Chinese college.Bill: Hi, T ony. How’re you doing?T ony: Fine. Just got back from visiting the home of one of my Chinese colleagues.Bill: Oh, have a good time?T ony: Oh yes, very good. Mind you, I was bit hurt about the way they treated my present. You see, I know they like western music so I brought them back some of the latest tapes from the UK. Had them all wrapped up beautifully and gave them to them as soon as I got inside the door and what do you think happened?Bill: What?T ony: Nothing. Well, more or less, they said thank you but then just put them away in a corner. Didn’t even bother to unwrap them. I must say I felt a bit miffed after all the trouble I’d taken. 参考答案:答题点:Gift giving in the West三、跨文化单项选择(答题说明:每题1分,合计15.0分。

Speaki ng Englis h with a Japane se mind 日本人在达到上学年龄后就要学英语,这些人在学会英语之后就可能用英语进行对外交流,但是他们所使用的英语要受到他们本民族的语言和文化的影响。

跨文化交际与翻译Intercultural communication and translation Intercultural communication mainly refers to the communication between the native speakers and non-native speakers, as well as the communication between people who differ in any aspect of language or culture background. Due to the differences in surroundings, societies and religions of different ethnic groups, each language community results in its own code of language, social culture, customs and practices and so on. Intercultural communication studies situations when people from different culture backgrounds interact. Aside from language, IC focuses on social attributes, thought patterns and the cultures of different groups of people. IC also involves understanding the different cultures, languages and customs of people from other countries. There are three formats of IC: interracial communication (when source and receiver are different races), interethnic communication (situation in which the parties are of the same race but of different ethnic origins) and intracultural communication (communication between members of the same culture including racial, ethnic and other co-cultures).The term translation itself has several meanings: it can refer to the general subject field, the product (the text that has been translated) or the process (the act of producing the translation, otherwise known as translating). The process of translating between two different written languages involves the translator changing an original written text (the source text) in the original verbal language (the source language) into a written text (the target text) in a different verbal language (the target language). This type corresponds to “interlingual translation” and is oneof the three Roman Jakobson in his seminal paper. Jakobson’s categories are: 1. Intralingual translation, or “rewording”– an interpretation of verbal signs by means of other signs of the same language; 2. Interlingual translation, or “translation proper”–an interpretation of verbal signs by means of some other language; 3. Intersemiotic translation, or “transmutation”– an interpretation of verbal signs by means of signs of non-verbal sign systems. Intralingual translation would occur when we rephrase an expression or text in the same language to explain or clarify something we might have said or written. Intersemiotic translation would occur if a written text were translated, for example, into music, film or painting. It is interlingual translation which is the traditional, although by no means exclusive, focus of translation studies.It is easily seen that the three forms of intercultural communication and the three types of translation are partly corresponding to each other, especially interracial communication and interlingual translation which both attach attention on the communication between native and non-native, and where different cultures of different countries play more important role. To conduct effective intercultural communication, one has to understand the differences between the different nations and then to look for them and pay attention to in every cross-cultural communication situation. By doing this, the high-context communicators can learn to use and respond words, emotions, postures differently, and low-context communicators can learn topay attention to context and learn to interpret meaning in terms of the context. It is evident that different countries or nations have quite different customs, cultures, ways to expressemotions and so on, to become successful communicator and avoid serious culture shock and failure, it’s essential to have intercultural knowledge about low context, high context, power distance and other information, to eradicate stereotypes, to hold placid attitude, to know that cultures are different.And there was no doubting translation is an intercultural activity. The culture of source text can only find echoes from source language readers, however, for target language readers, the lack of similar cultural background may lead to the loss of ingenuity of the originals. Translation as a tool of communication is thus a significant intercultural activity aiming at breaking the language and culture barriers and enriching communication. To become a successful translator or interpreter, learning culture difference is an inevitable aspect of training. Translation texts are the product of the mutual influence of source language culture and target language culture. The properties, extent and concrete level of the two languages and cultures are to some degree influencing the choice of translation strategies, syntactic structures and words of the translators. Thus culture as a dispensable capability of a translator, of conducting effective translation makes translation resemble to intercultural communication.Effective intercultural communication cannot be accomplished at one stroke, and it is impossible to do successful translation without knowledge of cultures. To stride across the cultural barriers of different nati ons, it’s necessary to adjust the attitude of intercultural communication, and recognize the discrepancy of translation strategies, so to reconstruct the artistic sense of originals, and appeal to more target readers with vigorous translation. Knowing better the relationship betweenintercultural communication and translation is of great importance to these two practices.。
《跨文化交际与翻译》power distance

rank difference in an organizations? 5. How does the US government minimize the
Outside of our conscious awareness
• 1. Individualism scale? • 2. relative difference • 3. Which ranks higher on the individualism scale? United States
The four-dimension model
✓ individualism and collectivism ✓ power distance ✓ uncertainty avoidance ✓ masculinity
Power distance
• the extent to which the less powerful members of instituations and organizations within a country expect and accept that power is distributed unequally.
or Netherlands? • 4. no value judgement • 5. Differences between an individualist culture and a
ndividual ➢ Individualist (adj.) culture ➢ Individualism n.

• 四、宗教文化的差异
• 宗教文化是人类文化的一个重要组成部分,是由各民族的 不同宗教信仰、仪式等所形成的文化,表现在不同民族在 崇尚、禁忌等的文化差异。关汉两民族的宗教信仰不同, 自然也会体现在语言方面。 • 比如,Hawke把《红楼梦》中的“阿弥陀佛”竟译成”God bless my soul“,把上帝拿来代替佛教的无量寿佛,这 很可能让西方人以为中国人也信奉上帝,大大削弱了中国 文化的内涵。而在西方,宗教在社会生活和思想又化中占 有极其重要的地位,形成西方社会的主要的又化特征之一。
不同的思维方式是由于不同的地域、生理、心理 以及文化差异而形成的,尤其是不同的文化很大 程度上决定了不同的思维方式。从事英汉之间的 翻译时,需要越过东西方文化的差异,深入了解 两种思维模式的差异。
中国人擅长整合,多形象思维,把事物看成是一个 有机的整体,而西方人擅长分析,多逻辑思维, 这也就是表现在悟性与理性、整体思维与个体思 维上的差异。
• 翻译是跨文化交际的一个纽带,也是体现跨文化交际的一 个平台。研究文化与翻译的关系,首先是基于文化与语言 关系研究之上,文化差异的存在要求翻译不仅要采用多种 方法和根据多元标准来进行语言的自然转换;而也正是翻 译促进了不同文化之间的更好交流,使得我们了解到更多 的文化差异,从而反过来知道翻译的发展和提高。 • 所以,我们在翻译时不仅要传递文字本身的含义,还应将 附加在文字上的文化信息传递出去。语言和文化都处于不 断发展中,翻译也应该更上进程,在实践中不断提高对文 化差异的了解与掌握,才能在翻译时减少文化冲突,达到 更高层次的沟通与理解。 • 不少学者将翻译界定位“一项跨文化的交际活动”、“翻 译就是跨文化传播”。
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德国翻译理论家弗米尔(hans j.vermeer)认为:文化是一个社会全部的准则和习俗惯例,是作为社会一员的个体所必须懂得的,这样才能与人相似或与人相异(2005:43)。
在各种文化定义中,英国人类学家泰勒(edward burnett tylor)给出的定义最具代表性:文化是一种复杂体,它包括知识、信仰、艺术、道德、法律、风俗以及其余社会上习得的能力和习惯(2005:68)。
我们发现,人们的每一个行为往往都是置于某个具体文化背景之下进行的,本族语者与非本族语者之间的交际、具有不同语言和文化背景的人从事交际的过程被称之为“跨文化交际”(cross-cultural communication)。
比如广为人知的西方谚语a leopard can not change his spots,翻译成“江山易改、本性难移”的时候是归化,如果翻译成“豹改不了斑点”的话就是异化。
长期以来,归化翻译法颇为大众所接受,比如time tries all这个表述,翻译成“路遥知马力,日久见人心。
其口号为fedex:we live to deliver. 其对应的翻译是“联邦快递,诚信为本。
还有一个很好的译例:guinness(健力士)是爱尔兰人历史最悠久的啤酒品牌之一,其著名广告词是my goodness!my guinness!有种巧妙地翻译方法是:“此酒,只应天上有!”这样就很符合中国的本土文化,以古诗词的改译方式表达惊叹的情感,惟妙惟肖。
”翻译成:to make the best even better.根据英文习惯,采用了不定式的短语结构,使best和better的关系得到逻辑通顺的表达,语言充满了十足的鼓动性(2006:105),从而达到鼓励消费者们前往购买的商业目的。
ten portions of beauty,god gave to the world;
nine to jerusalem
and one to the remainder.
ten portions of sorrow,god gave to the world;
nine to jerusalem
and one for the rest of mankind.
然而,文化翻译工作者还发现,在中英翻译过程里出现了不少的文化空白(cultural margins),中文中有的词语在英文中找不到文化对等词,譬如中文的“(麻将)三缺一”,“麒麟”,“财神”等;反之亦然,譬如英文中的white lies,achilles’ heel等等。
[1] nord,christiane.translating as a purposeful activity- functionalist approaches explained.
shanghai:shanghai foreign language education press, 2005.
[2] zhu gang,twentieth century western critical theories. shanghai:shanghai foreign language education press, 2010.
[3] 陈小慰,编著.《新编实用翻译教程》.北京:经济科学出版社,2006.
[4] 孔翔兰,赵东林总主编;张艳分册主编.《西方文化风情路·欧洲篇》.西安:西北工业大学出版社,2007.
[5] 泰勒.《原始文化》.桂林:广西师范大学出版社,2005.
[6] 姜一平.“英文路标趣谈”.穆媛总编辑.《英语沙龙·阅读版》。