
第四章《电化学基础》测试题一、单选题1.有一种新型的乙醇电池,它用磺酸类质子溶剂,在200 ℃左右时供电,乙醇电池比甲醇电池效率高出32倍且更安全。
电池总反应为C2H5OH+3O2===2CO2+3H2O,电池示意如图,下列说法不正确的是( )A.a极为电池的负极B.电池工作时,电流由b极沿导线经灯泡再到a极C.电池正极的电极反应为4H++O2+4e-===2H2OD.电池工作时,1 mol乙醇被氧化时就有6 mol电子转移2.能正确表示下列反应的离子方程式是()A.Na2S水解:S2- +2H2O ⇌ H2S+2OH﹣B.向FeCl3溶液中加入Mg(OH)2:3Mg(OH)2+2Fe3+ = 2Fe(OH)3+3Mg2+C.用醋酸溶液除水垢:2H++ CaCO3=Ca2++ H2O+CO2↑D.用铜为电极电解饱和食盐水:2Cl-+ 2H2O Cl2↑+H2↑+2OH-3.某电动汽车配载一种可充放电的锂离子电池,放电时电池总反应为Li1-CoO2+Li x C6===LiCoO2+C6(x+1)。
下列关于该电池的说法正确的是()xA.放电时,Li+在电解质中由正极向负极迁移B.放电时,负极的电极反应式为Li x C6+ x e-===x Li++C6C.充电时,若转移1 mol e-,石墨(C6)电极将增重7x gD.充电时,阳极的电极反应式为LiCoO2+x e-===Li1-x CoO2+x Li+4.下列关于原电池的叙述中,正确的是()A.电流从正极流出B.正极不断产生电子经导线流向负极C.负极发生还原反应D.电极只能由两种不同的金属构成5.下列说法中正确的是()A.钢铁在潮湿空气中生锈属于电化学腐蚀B.电解水生成H2和O2的实验中,可加入少量盐酸或硫酸增强导电性C.同一可逆反应使用不同的催化剂时,高效催化剂可增大平衡转化率D.升高温度能使吸热反应速率加快,使放热反应速率减慢6.500 mL 1 mol/L的稀HCl与锌粒反应,下列措施不会使反应速率加快的是A.升高温度B.加入少量的铜粉C.将500 mL 1 mol/L的HCl改为1000 mL 1 mol/L的HClD.用锌粉代替锌粒7.下列关于如图所示原电池装置的叙述中,正确的是A.铜片是负极B.电流从锌片经导线流向铜片C.硫酸根离子在溶液中向正极移动D.锌电极上发生氧化反应8.对于下列实验事实的解释,不合理...的是A.A B.B C.C D.D9.我国科学家已研制出一种可替代锂电池的“可充室温Na-CO2电池”,该电池结构如图所示。
人教版化学选修4第4章 《电化学基础》测试试题(含答案)

9.已知蓄电池在充电时作电解池,放电时作原电池。铅蓄电池上有两个接线柱,一个接线柱旁标有“+”,另一个接线柱旁标有“-”。关于标有“+”的接线柱,下列说法中正确的是( )
13.蓄电池在放电和充电时分别起原电池和电解池的作用,某电池分别在放电和充电时发生的反应:Fe+NiO2+2H2O Fe(OH)2+Ni(OH)2,下列对该电池的判断错误的是( )

电化学基础测试题(1)第Ⅰ卷(选择题共60分)一、选择题(共15小题,每题只有一个正确的答案,每题2分,共30分)1.甲、乙两个电解池均以Pt为电极,且互相串联,甲池盛有AgNO3溶液,乙池中盛有一定量的某盐溶液,通电一段时间后,测得甲池中某电极质量增加2.16 g,乙池中某电极上析出0.24 g金属,则乙池中溶质可能是()A.KNO3B.MgSO4 C.CuSO4D.Na2SO42.下列叙述正确的是()A.原电池中阳离子向负极移动B.用铝质铆钉接铁板,铁易被腐蚀C.马口铁(镀锡)的表面一旦破损,铁腐蚀加快D.白铁(镀锌)的表面一旦破损,铁腐蚀加快3.在电解水制取H2和O2时,为了增强导电性,常常要加入一些电解质,最好选用()A.NaOH B.HC1C.NaCl D.CuSO44.用惰性电极电解2L 1 mol·L-1的硫酸铜溶液,在电路中通过0.5mol 电子后,将电源反接,电路中又通过1mol 电子,此时溶液中c(H+)是(设溶液体积不变)A、1.5 mol·L-1B、0.75 mol·L-1C、0.5 mol·L-1D、0.25 mol·L-15.当两极都用银片作电极电解AgNO3溶液时,在阳极上的产物是()A.只有银B.银和氧气C.只有氢气D.上述都不对6.按下图的装置进行电解实验:A极是铜锌合金,B极为纯铜,电解质中含有足量的铜离子。
通电一段时间后,若A极恰好全部溶解,此时B极质量增加7.68克,溶液质量增加0.03克,则A合金中Cu、Zn原子个数比为A 4︰1B 3︰1C 2︰1D 任意比7.某原电池总反应的离子方程式为2Fe3++Fe=3Fe2+,不能实现该反应的原电池组成是()A.正极为铜,负极为铁,电解质溶液为FeCl3溶液B.正极为碳,负极为铁,电解质溶液为Fe(NO3)3溶液C.正极为铂,负极为铁,电解质溶液为Fe2(SO4)3溶液D.正极为银,负极为铁,电解质溶液为CuSO4溶液8.以石墨棒作电极,电解氯化铜溶液,若电解时转移的电子数是3.01×1023,则此时在阴极上析出铜的质量是()A.8g B.16gC.32g D.64g9.用石墨作电极,电解1mol·L-1下列物质的溶液,溶液的pH变大的是()A.HCl B.H2SO4C.NaCl D.Na2SO410.关于电解NaCl水溶液,下列叙述正确的是A.若在阴极附近的溶液中滴入酚酞试液,溶液呈无色B.若在阳极附近的溶液中滴入KI溶液,溶液呈棕色C.电解时在阳极得到氯气,在阴极得到金属钠D.电解一段时间后,将全部电解液转移到烧杯中,充分搅拌后溶液呈中性11.用惰性电极电解+n价金属的硝酸盐溶液,当阴极上析出m g金属时,阳极上产生560mL(标准状况)气体,此金属的相对原子质量应为()A.10mn B.10m C.10n D.40mn12.镁铝合金在碱性溶液中开始反应缓慢,后反应加速,经分析是氧化膜及微电池作用的结果.下列叙述正确的是()A.微电池负极为Mg B.微电池负极为AlC.铝的电极反应式为2H++2e-=H2↑ D.镁的电极反应式为Mg-2e-=Mg 2+13.用惰性电极电解下列溶液,一段时间后,再加入一定质量的另一物质中(括号内),溶液能与原来溶液完全一样的是()A .AgNO 3 [Ag 2O]B .NaOH [NaOH]C .NaCl [盐酸]D .CuSO 4 [Cu(OH)2]14.用铂电极电解CuSO 4和KNO 3的混合液500mL,经过一段时间后,两极均得到标况下11.2L 气体,则原混合液中CuSO 4的物质的量浓度为()A .0.5mol·L -1B .0.8mol·L -1C .1.0mol·L -1D .1.5mol·L -115.一种新型燃料电池,一极通入空气,另一极通入丁烷气体;电解质是掺杂氧化钇(Y 2O 3)的氧化锆(ZrO 2)晶体,在熔融状态下能传导O 2-。

第四章综合能力测试01(时间90分钟满分100分)可能用到的相对原子质量:H—1C—12N—14O—16F—19Na—23Mg—24 S—32Cl—35.5K—39Ca—40Zn—65Ba—137第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共48分)一、选择题(本题包括18小题,每小题只有一个选项符合题意,每小题3分,共48分) 1.下列过程需要通电才能进行的是()①电离②电解③电镀④电泳⑤电化学腐蚀A.①②③B.②④⑤C.②③④D.全部2.在相同温度下用惰性电极电解下列物质的水溶液,一段时间后溶液酸性增强或碱性减弱的是A.HCl B.NaOH ( )C.Na2SO4D.CuSO43.将等质量的A、B两份锌粉装入试管中,分别加入过量的稀硫酸,同时向装A的试管中加入少量CuSO4溶液。
如图表示产生氢气的体积V与时间t的关系,其中正确的是()4.如图所示,铜片、锌片和石墨棒用导线连接后插入番茄里,电流表中有电流通过,则下列说法正确的是()A.锌片是负极B.两个铜片上都发生氧化反应C.石墨是阴极D.两个番茄都形成原电池5.在理论上不能用于设计成原电池的化学反应是()A. 4Fe(OH)2(s)+2H2O(l)+O2(g)===4Fe(OH)3(s)ΔH<0B.CH3CH2OH(l)+3O2(g)===2CO2 (g)+3H2O(l)ΔH<0C.Al(OH)3(s)+NaOH(aq)===NaAlO2(aq)+2H2O(l)ΔH<0D.H2(g)+Cl2(g)===2HCl(g)ΔH<06.(2011年泰安高二期末)用惰性电极电解下列溶液,一段时间后,停止电解,向溶液中加入一定质量的另一种物质(括号内),能使溶液完全复原的是()A. CuCl2(CuO) B.NaOH(NaOH)C .CuSO 4 (CuCO 3)D .NaCl (NaOH) 7.如图所示,X 、Y 分别是直流电源的两极,通电后发现a极板质量增加,b 极板处有无色无味的气体放出,符合这一情况的是( ) a 极板 b 极板 X 电极 Z A 锌 石墨 负极 CuSO 4 B 石墨 石墨 负极 NaOH C 银 铁 正极 AgNO 3 D 铜 石墨 负极 CuCl 2 8.下图有关电化学的示意图正确的是( )9.惰性电极分别电解下列物质的水溶液一段时间后,氢离子浓度不会改变的是 ( )A .NaClB .CuSO 4C .AgNO 3D .Na 2SO 4 10.pH =a 的某电解质溶液中,插入两支惰性电极,通直流电一段时间后,溶液的pH>a ,则该电解质可能是( )A. NaOH B .H 2SO 4 C .AgNO 3 D .Na 2SO 411.在铁制品上镀上一定厚度的铜层,以下电镀方案中正确的是 ( )A .铜作阳极,铁制品作阴极,溶液中含Fe 2+B .铜作阴极,铁制品作阳极,溶液中含Cu 2+C .铜作阴极,铁制品作阳极,溶液中含Fe 3+D .铜作阳极,铁制品作阴极,溶液中含Cu 2+12.镁燃料电池以镁合金作为电池的一极,另一极充入过氧化氢,电解质溶液是酸化的氯化钠溶液,放电时总反应方程式:Mg +2H ++H 2O 2===Mg 2++2H 2O 。

16.用石墨作电极电解下列溶液①稀H2SO4②K2SO4溶液 ③CuCl2溶液 ④CuSO4溶液 ⑤KOH溶液
人教版高中化学选修4第4章 电化学基础 测试题

图2中,x轴表示实验时流入阴极的电子的物质的量,y轴表示()A.n(Na+) B.n(Cl-) C.c(OH-) D.c(H+) 2.某科研小组利用甲醇燃料电池进行如下电解实验,其中甲池的总反应式为2CH3OH+3O2+4KOH=2K2CO3+6H2O,下列说法不正确的是()A.甲池中通入CH3OH的电极反应:CH3OH-6e-+8OH-=CO32-+6H2OB.甲池中消耗560mLO2(标准状况下),理上乙池Ag电极增重3.2gC.反应一段时间后,向乙池中加入一定量Cu(OH)2固体,能使CuSO4溶液恢复到原浓度D.丙池右侧Pt电极的电极反应式:Mg2++2H2O+2e-=Mg(OH)2↓+H2↑3.将含有0.4mol Cu(N03)2和0.3 mol KCl 的水溶液 1 L,用惰性电极电解一段时间后,在一个电极上析出 0.1 mol Cu ,此时要将溶液恢复到电解前溶液一样,可加入一定量的()A.CuCl2 B.CuO C.Cu(OH)2 D.CuCO34.对钢铁析氢腐蚀和吸氧腐蚀的比较,合理的是()A.负极反应不同B.正极反应相同C.析氢腐蚀更普遍D.都是电化学腐蚀5.铜锌原电池(如图,盐桥中含KCl)工作时,下列叙述错误的是()A.正极反应为:Cu2++2e–=Cu B.电池反应为:Zn+Cu2+=Zn2+ +CuC.在外电路中,电子从负极流向正极 D.盐桥中的K+移向ZnSO4溶液6.下列有关电化学的说法正确的是()A.锌锰干电池工作一段时间后碳棒变细B.在海轮外壳上镶入锌块可减缓船体的腐蚀,是采用了牺牲阳极的阴极保护法C.铜锌原电池工作时,电子沿外电路从铜电极流向锌电极D.电解MgCl2饱和溶液,可制得金属镁7.某同学用如图所示的电化学装置电解硫酸铜溶液,有一个电极为Al,其它三个电极均为Cu,则下列说法正确的是()A.电子方向:电极Ⅳ→→电极ⅠB.电极Ⅰ发生还原反应C.电极Ⅱ逐渐溶解D.电极Ⅲ的电极反应:Cu-2e-═Cu2+ 8.下列事实不能用电化学原理解释的是( )A.铝片不用特殊方法保护B.轮船水线下的船体上装一定数量的锌块C.纯锌与稀硫酸反应时,滴入少量CuSO4溶液后速率增大D.镀锌铁比较耐用9.在盛有稀H2SO4的烧杯中放入用导线连接锌片和铜片,下列叙述正确的是()A.正极附近的SO42―离子浓度逐渐增大 B.电子通过导线由铜片流向锌片C.正极有O2逸出 D.铜片上有H2逸出10.某原电池装置如图所示,电池总反应为2Ag+Cl2=2AgCl。

4. 传感器:电化学传感器是一种利用电化学反应原理检测物质浓度的传感器。它们广泛应用于环境监测、医疗诊断等领域。
5. 电镀:电镀是利用电化学反应在金属表面沉积一层金属或其他物质的过程。电镀技术广泛应用于汽车、电子、家电等领域,以提高金属表面的耐腐蚀性、耐磨性和美观性。
κ= 0.785 S/m
18. 请简要解释电解质溶液的导电机制。
19. 请简要介绍原电池的工作原理。
1. 下列哪个不是电化学的基本概念?
A. 电极
B. 电池
C. 电解质
D. 磁场
2. 下列哪个过程是氧化还原反应?
A. 酸碱中和反应
B. 置换反应
C. 沉淀反应
D. 络合反应
3. 在下列电池中,哪个是原电池?
A. 铅酸电池
B. 镍氢电池
C. 锂电池
14. 电池的电动势与电池的极性有关。( )

《电化学基础》测试卷The electrochemical base test volume(1) basic practiceA,multiple choiceThe following processes need to be electrified to do so: ionization;(2) the electrolysis; (3) plating; (4) electrophoresis; The electrochemical corrosion;A,(1) (2) (3); B, (2) (3) (4); C, (2) (4) (5); D, all;At room temperature, the PH of 0. 1 molar of acid is:A, 1; B, > 1; C, < 1; D, can,t be sure;3, 1 liter contains NaOH under normal temperature of saturated salt water, the PH = 10, with platinum electrodes during electrolysis, when the cathode has a 11. 2 liter gases (standard conditions), the PH of the solution is close to (set after electrolytic solution volume is still 1 liter):A., 0; B, 12; C, 13; D, 14;The basic structure of the newly developed bromine-zinc battery in foreign countries is to use carbon rods as the poles, and the electrolyte is the zinc bromide solution. There are four electrode reactions:N - 2e = Zn = Zn + 2e 二ZnThe anode reaction and discharge when charged are:A, (4) (1); B, (2) (3); C, (3) (1); D, (2) (4);The colbay reaction is 2RC00K + 2H2OR -r + H2 + 2K0H, and the following statement is true (C)The products ofB. the products of hydrogen are produced in the cathode.C. the products of carbon are produced in the anode.D. The products of carbon are produced in the cathode.hydrogen are produced in the anode.Use 0.01 mo/litre H2S04 titrate 0. 01 mo/liter NaOH solution, neutralize and add water to 100m 1. If there is an error in the end, the ratio of 1 drop of H2S04 to 1 drop of H2S04 (1 drop to 0. 05 ml), and the ratio of C (H +) is:A: ten b. fifty c. fiveIn a beaker of saturated sodium carbonate, insert inert electrodes, keep the temperature constant, and after a certain amount of time:The PH of the solution will increaseB.The ratio of sodium ions to carbonate ions will be smallerC.The concentration of the solution gradually increases, and a certain amount of crystal is precipitated outThe concentration of the solution stays the same8, room temperature, the pH = 1 hydrochloride average into 2 portions, 1 add right amount water, the other one to join with the mo1ar concentration of hydrochloric acid after the same amount of NaOH solution, pH is increased by 1, belong to the water and the volume of NaOH solution is as follows:A.10 c. 11 d. 129, there are five bottles of solution are respectively (1) 10 ml of 0. 60 mo/NaOH aqueous solution (2) 20 ml mo / 0. 50 litres of sulfuric acid aqueous solution (3) 30 ml of 0. 40 the 40 ml/1 HC1 solution (4) the 0. 30 / d) aqueous solution (5) 50 ml mo / 0. 20 litres of sucrose solution. The order of the total number of ions and molecules in each of these bottles is:A, B, >, >, >, >, >C, >, >, >, >, >, >To connect Al and Cu slices to a wire, a group of HN03 is inserted into a dilute NaOH solution, which forms the original cel 1. In the two original batteries, the two are:A, Al, Al pills; B, Cu, Al pills; C, Al, Cu pills; D, Cu and Cu pills;11, the mass fraction of 0. 052 (5. 2%) of the NaOlI solution 1 liter (density of 1.06 g/ml) with a platinum electrode electrolysis, when the mass fraction of the NaOH solution changed 0. 010 stops electrolysis(1. 0%), should comply with the relationships of the solution is: The mass fraction of NaOHThe mass of the anode (grams)・ The mass of the cathode deposition.19152B0. 062 (6. 2%)152 a.0. 062 (6. 2%)0. 042 (4. 2%)1.29.4D0. 042 (4. 2%)9.41.212, a team of extracurricular activities, will cut a piece of galvanized iron in the conical flask, and drops into a small amount of salt water to soak, addend phenolphthalein try drops again, according to the figure device experiment, observation, a few minutes later the following phenomenon is impossible:A,B, the air bubble in the ducts;B,B, a water column formed in the trachea;C,metal shears red; A BZinc is corroded;13, a new type of fuel cell, it is porous nickel plate as the electrode in KOH solution, then access to polar ethane and oxygen respectively, the overall reaction is: 2 c2h6 o2 + 7 + 8 KOH k2co3 + 10 二4 h2o; The correct inference about the batteryis:A, the negative reaction is: 14H20 + 702 + 28e -.B: after a period of discharge, the PH around the negative pole rises. C, 1 molc2h6, and 14 moles of electrons transferred on the circuit.D,the concentration of KOH in the process of discharge is essentially the same;14,contains two kinds of solute in a solution of NaCl and - H2S04, the amount of substance ratio of 3:1, the mixed solution with graphite electrode electrolysis, according to the electrode product, can be clearly divided into three stages・ The following statements are incorrect:A, the cathode starts from the beginning and only comes out of H2; B, the anode comes out of the C12, and then it comes out of 02.The final stage of C and electrolysis is electrolytic water; D, the PH of the solution goes up, up to 7.The anode is made of iron, and copper is an electrolyte of the sufficient amount of NaOH solution, and after a period of time, two moles of Fe (OH) 3 solid are obtained, and the water is consumed in this room:A, , 3 mol. B, 4 mol. C, 5 mol; D, 6 mol;16, 100 ml, 2 mo/liter of NaOH solution, 100 ml, 2 mo/1 - H2S04 solution and mix a certain amount of ammonia, the solution obtained make phenolphthalein solution show pale red, the relationship between ion concentration in the solution is correct:A, C (S042 —)二C (Na +) > C (NH4 +) >・B, C (Na +) > C (S042 -)> C (NH4 +)・C, C (NH4 +), >, C (S042 —)二 C (Na +), >, C (OH C(H +)・C (H +) + C (NH4 +) + C (Na +)二C (OH -)+ 2C (S042 -);The PH value of the acid and acetic acid are diluted to the original n times m, and the PH of the two solutions is still the same, and the relationship between n and m isA, m = n B, m > n C, m < n D, m? nThe volume of hydrochloric acid with the same volume, the same pH, NaOH, and NH3 H20 is VI, V2, and V3, and the three relationships are:A, VI, >, V2 bl, V3, B, V3, V2, > VI, C, V3, >, V2, V2, VI, V2, VI, V2, VI, V2, VI, V2, all the way to V2Second, fills up the topicHydrogen peroxide (H202) and water are extremely weak electrolytes, but H202 is more acidic than H20.(1)if you view H202 as a di-acid, write the ionization equation in the water:(2)because of the weak acidity of H202, it can form positive salt with strong base, and also form acid salt under certain conditions・ Write the chemical equation of the salt in the form of H202 and Ba (OH) 2:(3)hydroelectricity is dissociated from the generation of H30 + and OH 一called water・Like water, hydrogen peroxide has a very weak since I ionization, it accidentally ionization equation is as follows:;The industrial wastewater containing cr2o72-acid industrial waste water is used in the following way: the appropriate amount of NaCl is added to the industrial waste water, and the mixing is uniform・Using Fe to electrolyte the electrode, over a period of time there are Cr (OH) 3 and Fe (OH) 3 deposition; The waste water reaches the discharge standard. Try to answer:(1)electrode reaction in electrolysis: anode cathode(2)write an ion reaction equation that changes Cr2072 to Cr3 + •■(3)how does the precipitation of the Cr (OH) 3, Fe (OH) 3 deposit occur in the electrolysis process?It is known that the ionizing degree of ammonia is equivalent to the degree of ionization of acetic acid, which is equal to the same temperature, and the solution of ammonium chloride is acidic・ Now, in a small amount of Mg (OH) 2 suspension, add the right amount of saturated ammonium chloride solution, and the solid is completely dissolved. A classmate,s explanation is:It's Mg (OH) 2.(2) NH4 + + H20NH3? H20 + H +; H + OH 二H20;Because NH4 + hydrolysis is acidic, H + and OH - react to form water, causing the reaction to balance right and dissolve・The interpretation of classmate b is:It's Mg (OH) 2. NH4 plus OH minus NH3? H20.Because NH4 cl is ionized by an NH4 plus the OH, which is ionized by Mg (OH) 2, which produces a weak electrolyte NH3? H20, which causes the equilibrium between the reaction, right, and Mg (OH) 2 is dissolved ・(1) c student can,t sure which students reasonable explanation, then choose one of the following reagents, to prove that a, b two classmates explain only a right, he chooses reagent is: (fill in the number)A,NH4N03; B, CH3C00NH4; C, Na2C03; D, NH3? H20.(2)please explain why the classmate made the choice・(3) in the suspension of Mg (OH) 2, the selected reagent is put into the suspension of Mg (OH) 2. As a result of this, the interpretation of the classmate is more reasonable (the or 〃b〃);Completing the NH4C1 saturation solution makes the ion equation for Mg (OH) 2 dissolved:.22. From H +, Na +, Cu2 +, Ba2 +, Cl 一,S042 一ion, choose appropriate ion of an electrolyte, electrolyte solution according to the following requirements to electrolysis (are inert electrode):(1)the electrolyte is reduced in electrolyte and the amount of water is constant・(2)the quality of the electrolyte is kept constant while electrolyte, the amount of water is reduced, and the electrolyte used is:(3)the quality of electrolytes and water changes when electrolysis, and the electrolyte used is;At room temperature, 0. 01 molCH3C00Na and 0. 004 mollICl dissolve in water and make 0. 5 L mixed solution. Judge:There is a particle in the solution;The amount of matter in the solution that has two particles must be equal to 0.01 moles, and they're sum;In this case, it's n (CH3COO 一) + n (OH -) -n (H +)二mol.Three, calculation problem24.Under a certain temperature to a certain volume density of 1. 15 g/ml of sodium chloride solution with inert electrodes electrolytic, set exactly the electrolysis of sodium chloride and no other reaction occurs, the oxygen mass fraction of 80% in the solution, try to calculate:(1)the ratio of the amount of solute and solvent in an electrolyte solution.(2)the concentration of the substance of the original sodium chloride solution・25.To 8 grams of divalent metal oxide solid dilute sulphuric acid is added to make it completely dissolved, known to the consumption of sulfuric acid volume is 100 ml, insert the platinum electrode in the solution of electrolysis, electricity after a certain period of time, collected on an electrode 224 ml (standard conditions) of oxygen, in another 1. 28 grams of the metal electrode・(1)the name of the metal oxide is determined by calculation.(2)the concentration of the substance in the solution of sulfuric acid (the volume of solution) is calculated by 100 ml.(2) ability testingA,multiple choiceAs people's quality of life improves, the problem that the battery must be focused on is raised to the agenda, which is the primary reasone the metal material of the battery caseB.prevent the contamination of soil and water by heavy metal ions such as mercury, cadmium and leadC.not to corrode other substances from the electrolyte that leaks inthe batteryRecycle the graphite electrodesThe following statement is trueZinc reacts with dilute sulphuric acid to make hydrogen,Adding a small amount of copper sulfate can accelerate the reaction. When the coating is broken, the white iron (galvanized iron) is more corrosive than the tin plate・ When plating, it is necessary to place the plated in the cathode of the electrolyte・When smelting aluminum, the aluminum oxide is added to the liquid crystal and it becomes the molten body and then the surface of the steel surface is easily corroded to produce Fe203 nh20A. in b. by c. with d. inThe right image is an electrolytic CuC12 solution, where c and d are graphite electrodes・ The following are the right onesA. a is negative, b is positive B・a is anode and b is cathodeIn the process of electrolysis, d electrode mass increases d. In the process of electrolysis, the concentration of chloride ions remains constantElectrolysis with inert electrodes・The following statement is correctA. electrolytic dilute sulphuric acid solution, which is essentiallyelectrolytic water, so the solution p H remains unchangedThe solution of sodium hydroxide is to consume OH -,so the pH of the solution decreasesC. electrolysis of sodium sulphate, which is a ratio of 1 to 2 in the cathode and anodeD.Electrolytic chlorinated copper solution, the ratio of the amount of matter in the cathode and anode is 1:1The correct description of the device in the right picture is correct A: this is an original batteryThis is an electrolytic NaOH solutionC. P is positive, and the electrode reaction is 2H + + 2e -二H2 arrowThe d. f. e is negative, and its electrodes react to it: 40H 一二2H20 + 02What happens when you get the reaction Cu + 2H20 二Cu (OH) 2 and the H2 arrowA.the copper is the anode of the original battery, the carbon is the anode of the original battery, and the sodium chloride is the electrolyte solutionB.copper zinc alloy is chemically corroded in damp aire copper to make Yin, electropositive, and electrolyte sodium sulphate solutione copper to make Yin, electropositive, electrolysis of copper sulfate solution 7. Hydrogen fuel cell is a kind of high performance battery, total reaction of 112 + 02 二2 1120, electrolyte solution of KOH solution, in the following concerning the describe of the battery is not correctA.H 2 is negative, 02 is positiveB. The PH of electrolyte solution is increasing at workThe negative reaction: 2h2-4e - + 40H - 二4H20When iron rods are connected with graphite rods, they are immersed in 0. 01 mol/L of salt solution, which may occurAn oh~b in the vicinity of an iron bar is corrodedRelease the C12 D. On the graphite rodUse the inert electrode electrolyte to electrolyte the Na2C03 solution, and if the temperature remains constant, it will be over a period of timeThe ratio of the pH of the solution to the c (Na +) and c (C032 -)is greaterC. The concentration of the solution is large, and the crystal is precipitated out・ The concentration of the solution is constant10. With a platinum electrode electrochemical a certain concentration of aqueous solution of the following materia1. After the electrolysis, add right amount of water to the rest of the electrolyte, can make the solution and electrolyticbefore is the sameA. gnoc3b・ cA, B, and C are three kinds of metals, in which case A and B are immersed in A dilute H2S04. (2) the amount of electrolytic material concentration in the same A and C of the mixed solution of salt, on the cathode precipitation C first, (using inert electrode), determineB, B, B, B, B, B, B, B, B, B, B, B, B, B, B, B, B, B, B, B, B, B, B, B, B, C, B, B, B, B, B, B, B, C, B, B, B, B, C, B, B, C, their reducing strength for sequenceB, B, B 12. With graphite electrode, electrolytic silver nitrate solution in the anode collected 0. 4 g of oxygen, and electrolytic acid generated 250 ml of a sodium hydroxide solution, is the concentration of a solution of sodium hydroxideA. 0. 20 moles of IT. 0. 15 moles of 1-1 c. 10 moles of 1-1. 0. 05 moles of 1~113.The solid-oxide fuel cell was developed by Westinghouse・ It is an electrolyte from zirconium oxide, a solid electrolyte that allows oxygen ions (02 -) to pass through during high temperatures・ The battery,s working principle is shown in the diagram, where the porous electrode a and b are not involved in the electrode reaction・ The following is trueA.there's A very strong battery in the reaction of 02B.there is an H2 participating in the positive electrode of the BThe corresponding electrode for c a is 02 + 2H20The total reaction equation of the battery is 2H2 + 02 二2H2014. With a platinum electrode electrolysis of NaCl and the mixture of CuS04 solution, when circuit through the 4 mol, electronic power, Yin and Yang both produce 1. 4 mol, gas, after electrolytic solution volume is 4 1, the final pH value of electrolyte nearestA. four b. two c. 13 d. 14There is a button microcell with an electrode of Ag20 and Zn. Electrolytic cell is KOH solution, so commonly known as silver-zinc battery, the battery electrode reaction to zinc + OH - 2 + 2 二e zinc (OH) 2, Ag20 + H20 + 2 二2 e ag + OH - the following claims, the right is for (1) zinc anode, Ag20 (2) for the positive discharge, pH near the anode rise (3) discharging, near the cathode solution pH value lower (4) anion in the solution to the positive direction, cation to negative directionA. in b. by c. in d. inWhen using graphite as an electrode for electrolysis of 3 mol/LNaCl dnd 0.4 molar 2 (S04) 3, the following curve is correct ()Second, fills up the topic17. Molten salt fuel cells with high power generation efficiency, therefore, available Li2CO3, Na2C03 and molten salt mixture of electrolyte, CO as the anode gas, a mixture of air and C02 gas for cathode to gas and work under 650 °C of the f uel cell system, complete the relevant battery reactive: reactive: battery anode reaction: 2 CO + 2 co32 — > 4 C02 + 4 e -・The cathode reaction:, total reaction: battery.Add the Na2S04 solution to the u-tube, add a few drops of litmus test liquid, insert the inert electrode, and turn on the power suppl y.(1)the observable phenomenon is observed after a period of time.(2)to cut off the power supply, remove the electrodes will be in the u-tube solution in a small beaker, stirring, observable phenomenon is that the reason for this is that・If (3) to switch to the device electrolysis with a few drops of phenolphthalein try drops Na2C03 saturated solution of anode was observed after a period of time, the cathode・ 19. A research study to explore the influencing factors of steel rust, design the following solutions: A, B, C, D four little flask respectively into dry chicken wire, soaked in salt water of fine wire, fine wire soaked in water, salt water and fine wire, and make the wire completely immersed in salt water, and then to assemble as shown in the four sets of devices, every once in A while measuring the height of the catheter in the water rise, result in the following table data (listed in the table for the catheter in the height of water rise/cm)・The rise of water at different timesTime/hour0. bottle (dry wire)B (iron wire with salt water) (the wire with water in it)(the wire that is fully immersed in the salt water)If you are the group leader, please answer the following questions: (1)why the water in the catheter rises・(2)in these experiments,The speed of wire rust is in the order of large to smal1.(3)the factors that affect the rust of steel are mainly.There are two different points of view about the "pH change in the electrolytic CuC12 solution":The idea is that the "theorist" thinks that the pH of the solution after electrolytic CuC12 is elevated・Point 2 it is, "experimental" after repeated several times, precise experimental determination, prove that the electrolytic CuC12 solution pH change as shown in the curve relationship with・ Please answer the following questions:(1)of CuC12 before electrolytic solution pH value at A point location is (with ion equation)・(2)the theoretical basis of the theory is that it isIt is.(3)^experimental^ experimental conclusion is that they are "precise experiment" is described through the accurate determination of the pH of the solution.(4)what do you think? Your point of view of the reason is that (briefly) through chemistry.A battery is a device that can charge and discharge repeatedly, with a battery that occurs when charging and dischargingThe reaction is: Ni02 + Fe + 2H20 Fe (OH) 2 + Ni (OH) 2Use this battery for electrolytic M (N03) x solution:(1)the anode (inert) of the electrolytic pool shall be connected (the serial number)・A.NIf the battery works for a period of time, it consumes 0. 36 grams of water・(2)the calculation of the relative atomic mass of M (N03) x when the M (N03) x solution increases to mg(using m and x).(3)this battery electrolysis contains 0. 01 moles of CuS04 and 0.01 moles of NaCl, and the anode produces gasL (standard condition), the solution of electrolysis after electrolysis is released to IL, the pH of the solution is.Three, calculation problem22.To 8 g of divalent metal oxide solid adding rare - 1I2S04, make its just completely dissolved, known by sulfuric acid volume is 100ml, insert the platinum electrode in electrolysis in the solution obtained, electricity after a certain period of time, collected on an electrode 224 ml (standard conditions) of oxygen, in another electrode on the metal precipitation 1. 28 g.(1)the name of the metal oxidation is determined by calculation.(2)the concentration of the substance in the solution of sulfuric acid (the volume of solution) is calculated by lOOmL・The basic chemistry foundation of chapter four(1)basic practiceone23456co DDB9 001415161718CBa.CDCCDBC(1)H02 - H++ 022 -(2)H202 + Ba (OH) 2 = Ba 02 + 2 H20.2H202 + Ba (OH) 2 = Ba (H02) 2+2 H20;(3) 2 H202 H02 - + H302 +(1)the anode・ Cathode: 2H + + 2e -二H2 arrow(2)Cr2072 - + 6Fe2 + + 14H + 二2Cr3 + + + 7H20(3)as the reaction progresses, the H + concentration decreases, the oh-concentration increases, and eventually the Cr (OH) 3, Fe (OH) 3 precipitates・21,(1) B; (2) the CH3C00NH4 solution appears neutral, whichcan prove which classmate is correct・⑶ b;22,(1) CuC12, HC1; (2) H2S04, Na2S04 (3) NaCl, BaC12, CuS0423,7 (1) ; (2) CH3COOH + CH3COO 二0. 01 moles; 0. 006 mol, (3);24,(1) 1:10 (2) 4.48 molar(1)the concentration of copper oxide (2) sulphuric acid is 0. 2 molar ・[please note: 224 ml (standard condition) oxygen is less than 8 grams with 1.28 grams・This shows that MS04 is not fully electrolytic!(2)ability testing oneC 広 DCO O02 + 2C02 + 4e - 二2C032-2C0 + 02 二2C02(1)the area is red near the anode and blue near the cathode・ The solution is also purple, and by electron conservation, the amount of H + and OH minus of the Yin and Yang is exactly the same, while the Na2S04 solution is not hydrolyzed and is neutra1.(2)the red is getting lighter; The red gradually deepens・(1)when iron rusts, it reacts with oxygen in the air, depleting oxygen and reducing the gas pressure in a small beaker.(2) B > C > A = D・(3)contact with oxygen; The presence of water; There is an electrolyte (or a salt) that is present, and at the same time the iron rusts the fastest (or from the condition of the battery that makes up the original battery)・(1)Cu2 + hydrolysis, the solution is acidic, Cu2 + + 2H20 Cu (OH) 2 + 2H +・(2)when electrolysis, the Cu2 + is separated by the cathode, and because the concentration of Cu2 + decreases, the hydrolysis equilibrium moves to the left, so the H + concentration decreases and the pH increases・(3)the pH of the solution is lower, pH.(4)the "experimentalisls" are correct because, while electrolysis, the anode is dialyse and C12 is dissolved in water to form hydrochloric acid・(1) A (2) 50mx (3) 0. 16& 222.(1)the metal is M, n (02)二0.01 mol, and the amount of matter measured by M is 0. 02 moles, according to the mo 1 ar mass of M, and the metal oxide is Cu0・(2)in accordance with the Cu ~ - H2S04,N of H2S04 is equal to 0. 02 moles・ one。

下列说法正确的是A.a为负极、b为正极B.a为阳极、b为阴极C.电解过程中,钠离子浓度不变D.电解过程中,d电极附近变红4.下列描述中,符合生产实际的是()A.电解食盐水制得金属钠B.电解熔融的氧化铝制取金属铝,用铁作阳极C.一氧化碳高温还原铁矿石制得铁D.电解法精炼粗铜,用纯铜作阳极5.下列说法中,正确的是()A.钢铁因含杂质而容易发生电化学腐蚀,所以合金都不耐腐蚀B.原电池反应是导致金属腐蚀的主要原因,故不能用于减缓金属的腐蚀C.钢铁电化学腐蚀的两种类型其主要区别在于水膜的pH不同引起负极反应的不同D.无论哪种类型的金属腐蚀,其实质都是金属被氧化6.下列离子方程式书写正确的是()A.用Cu片作阳极电解饱和食盐水:2Cl-+2H2O Cl2↑+H2↑+2OH-B.用两个铜片作电极电解AgNO3溶液:Cu+2Ag+2Ag+Cu2+C.用石墨作电极电解FeCl3溶液:2Cl-+2H2O Cl2↑+H2↑+2OH-D.用石墨作电极电解CuBr2溶液:2Cu2++2H2O2Cu+O2↑+4H+7.如图是某同学设计的验证原电池和电解池的实验装置,下列说法不正确的是( )A.若关闭K2、打开K1,一段时间后,发现左侧试管收集到的气体比右侧略多,则a 为正极,b为负极B.关闭K2,打开K1,一段时间后,用拇指堵住试管移出烧杯,向试管内滴入酚酞,发现左侧试管内溶液变红色,则a为负极,b为正极C.若直流电源a为负极,b为正极,关闭K2,打开K1,一段时间后,再关闭K1,打开K2,则电路中电流方向为从右侧石墨棒沿导线到左侧石墨棒D.若直流电源a为负极,b为正极,关闭K2,打开K1,一段时间后,再关闭K1,打开K2,则左侧石墨棒上发生的电极反应为H2-2e-+2OH-=2H2O8.某原电池的结构如图所示,下列有关该原电池的说法中不正确盼是A.铁棒为正极B.铜棒发生还原反应C.电流从铜棒经外电路流向铁棒D.铁棒质量减轻9.如图所示的装置中,属于原电池的是()A.B.C.D.10.一种电解法制备高纯铬和硫酸的简单装置如图所示。

《电化学基础》测试题一、 知识点:原电池易错点:二、 典型例题分析:知识点:电解池易错点:三、 典型例题分析:知识点:电化学腐蚀易错点:典型例题分析:四、 典型例题分析:知识点:电化学计算易错点:典型例题分析:一、选择题(本题包括10小题,每小题2分,共20分。
每小题只有一个选项符合题意)1、下列过程需要通电才能进行的是:①电离;②电解;③电镀;④电泳;⑤电化腐蚀;( )A 、①②③B 、②③④C 、②④⑤D 、全部;2.镍镉(Ni —Cd )可充电电池在现代生活中有广泛应用,它的充放电反应按下式进行: Cd(OH)2+2Ni(OH)2 Cd+2NiO(OH)+2H 2O 由此可知,该电池放电时的负极材料是( )A .Cd(OH)2B .Ni(OH)2C .CdD .NiO(OH)3.将纯锌片和纯铜片按图示方式插入同浓度的稀硫酸中一段时间,以下叙述正确的是( )A .两烧杯中铜片表面均无气泡产生B .甲中铜片是正极,乙中铜片是负极C .两烧杯中溶液的pH 均增大D .产生气泡的速度甲比乙慢4.下列各变化中属于原电池反应的是( )A .在空气中金属铝表面迅速氧化形成保护层B .镀锌铁表面有划损时,也能阻止铁被氧化C .红热的铁丝与冷水接触,表面形成蓝黑色保护层D .浓硝酸比稀硝酸更能氧化金属铜充电放电5.钢铁发生吸氧腐蚀时,正极上发生的电极反应是()A. 2H++2e-=H2B. Fe2++2e-=FeB. 2H2O+O2+4e-=4OH- D. Fe3++e-=Fe2+6.已知蓄电池在充电时作电解池,放电时作原电池。
关于标有“+”的接线柱,下列说法中正确..的是()A.充电时作阳极,放电时作负极 B.充电时作阳极,放电时作正极C.充电时作阴极,放电时作负极 D.充电时作阴极,放电时作正极7.pH=a的某电解质溶液中,插入两支惰性电极通直流电一段时间后,溶液的pH >a,则该电解质可能是()A.NaOH B.H2SO4 C.AgNO3 D.Na2SO48.(2011山东高考15)以KCl和ZnCl2混合液为电镀液在铁制品上镀锌,下列说法正确的是A.未通电前上述镀锌装置可构成原电池,电镀过程是该原电池的充电过程B.因部分电能转化为热能,电镀时通过的电量与锌的析出量无确定关系C.电镀时保持电流恒定,升高温度不改变电解反应速率D.镀锌层破损后对铁制品失去保护作用9.把分别盛有熔融的氯化钾、氯化镁、氯化铝的三个电解槽串联,在一定条件下通电一段时间后,析出钾、镁、铝的物质的量之比为()A.1︰2︰3 B.3︰2︰1C.6︰3︰1 D.6︰3︰210.下列描述中,不符合生产实际的是()A.电解熔融的氧化铝制取金属铝,用铁作阳极B.电解法精炼粗铜,用纯铜作阴极C.电解饱和食盐水制烧碱,用涂镍碳钢网作阴极D.在镀件上电镀锌,用锌作阳极二.选择题(本题包括10小题,每小题3分,共30分。

下列说法不正确的是()A.电流从右侧电极经过负载后流向左侧电极B.为使电池持续放电,离子交换膜需选用阴离子交换膜C. 电极A极反应式为:2NH3-6e-=N2+6H+D. 当有4.48LNO2(标准状况) 被处理时,转移电子为0.8mol2.右图是研究铁钉腐蚀的装置图,下列说法不正确的是()A.铁钉在两处的腐蚀速率:a < bB.a、b两处铁钉中碳均正极C.a、b两处铁钉中的铁均失电子被氧化D.a、b两处的正极反应式均为O2+4e-+4H+ ===2H2O3.一个原电池的总反应的离子方程式是:Zn+Cu2+=Zn2++Cu,该反应的原电池的正确组成是()正极负极电解质溶液A Zn Cu CuCl2B Zn Cu ZnCl2C Cu Zn CuSO4D Cu Zn ZnSO44.关于下列各装置图的叙述中,不正确的是()A.用装置①精炼铜,则a极为粗铜,电解质溶液为CuSO4溶液B.装置②的总反应是:Cu+2Fe3+=Cu2++2Fe2+C.装置③中钢闸门应与外接电源的负极相连D.装置④中的铁钉几乎没被腐蚀5.下图两个装置中,液体体积均为200 mL,开始工作前电解质溶液的浓度均为0.5 mol/L,工作一段时间后,测得有0.02 mol电子通过,若忽略溶液体积的变化,下列叙述正确的是()A.产生气体体积:①=②B.溶液的pH变化:①减小,②增大C.电极反应式:①中阳极为4OH--4e-=2H2O+O2↑②中负极为2H++2e-=H2↑D.①中阴极质量增加,②中正极质量减小6.用惰性电极电解硫酸铜溶液,整个过程转移电子的物质的量与产生气体总体积的关系如图所示(气体体积均在相同状况下测定)。
人教版高中化学选修四 第四章 电化学基础 练习试题 含答案

绝密★启用前人教版高中化学选修四第四章电化学基础练习题本试卷分第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分,共100分第Ⅰ卷一、单选题(共15小题,每小题4.0分,共60分)1.如图所示,电流计指针发生偏转,同时A极质量减少,B极上有气泡产生,C为电解质溶液,下列说法错误的是()A. B极为原电池的正极B. A、B、C可能分别为锌、铜、稀盐酸C. C中阳离子向A极移动D. A极发生氧化反应2.现用Pt电极电解1 L浓度均为0.1 mol·L-1的HCl、CuSO4的混合溶液,装置如图,下列说法正确的是()A.电解开始时阴极有H2放出B.电解开始时阳极上发生:Cu2++2e-===CuC.当电路中通过电子的量超过0.1 mol时,此时阴极放电的离子发生了变化D.整个电解过程中,不参与电极反应3.有关电化学知识的描述正确的是()A.CaO+H2O===Ca(OH)2,可以放出大量的热,故可把该反应设计成原电池,把其中的化学能转化为电能B.某原电池反应为Cu+2AgNO3===Cu(NO3)2+2Ag,装置中的盐桥中可以是由KCl饱和溶液制得的琼脂C.因为铁的活动性强于铜,所以将铁、铜用导线连接后放入浓硝酸中,若能组成原电池,必是铁作负极,铜作正极D.理论上说,任何能自发进行的氧化还原反应都可被设计成原电池4.研究人员最近发明了一种“水”电池,这种电池能利用淡水与海水之间含盐量差别进行发电,在海水中电池总反应可表示为5MnO2+2Ag+2NaCl===Na2Mn5O10+2AgCl。
下列“水”电池在海水中放电时的有关说法不正确的是()A.负极反应式:Ag+Cl--e-===AgClB.正极反应式:5MnO2+2e-=== Mn5C.每生成1 mol Na2Mn5O10转移2 mol电子D. AgCl是还原产物5.用质量均为100 g的铜棒做电极,电解硝酸银溶液,电解一段时间后,两个电极的质量差为28 g,则阴极的质量为()A. 128 gB. 114 gC. 119 gD. 121.6 g6.某小组为研究电化学原理,设计如图装置。
人教版高中化学选修4第四章 《电化学基础》测试题(含答案)

C.电池的总反应可表示为VO2++V2++2H+ VO2++V3++H2O

(1)NAD++H++2e=NADH(烟酰胺核苷酸)是重要生物氧化还原反应半反应,且已知:E θ=-0.11V,求Eθ’=?(2)已知CH3CHO+2H++2e=CH3CH2OH的Eθ’=-0.163V,求反应+θ(1)在酸性溶液中I2能否使Mn2+使Fe2+氧化为Fe3+?(2)在酸性溶液中KMnO4能否使Fe2+氧化为Fe3+(3)Sn2+能否使Fe3+还原为Fe2+2+2+(1)Fe3++Ag=Fe2++Ag(2)6Fe2++Cr2O72-+14H+=6Fe3++2Cr3++7H2O3+-2+第7题利用教材已知的ΔG f数据,求下列电极反应的标准电极电势:(1)ClO3-+6H++6e-=Cl--+3H2O+-2+θ第9题已知MnO4+8H+5e=Mn+4H2MnO4-+4H++5e=Mn2++2H2O Eθ=1.22V求:MnO-+2+θ3221查必要数据,求:反应NO----的Eθ第11题银不能置换1.00mol/L HCl里的氢,但银可以和1.00mol/L HI起置换反应产生氢气。

电化学基础综合能力检测试卷及参考答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪个选项不是电化学的基本组成部分?A. 电解质B. 电极C. 电池D. 电流2. 在下列反应中,哪个是氧化还原反应?A. 2H2 + O2 = 2H2OB. AgNO3 + NaCl = AgCl + NaNO3C. HCl + NaOH = NaCl + H2OD. CaCO3 = CaO + CO23. 下列哪个电池是原电池?A. 干电池B. 铅酸电池C. 锂电池D. 镍氢电池4. 以下哪个选项描述了电化学腐蚀的原理?A. 金属失去电子B. 金属得到电子C. 氧气还原D. 氢气氧化5. 下列哪个电极材料在电化学反应中作为惰性电极?A. 石墨B. 铜电极C. 锌电极D. 铅电极参考答案:1.C 2.A 3.A 4.A 5.A二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)6. 电化学腐蚀过程中,金属发生______反应,失去电子。
7. 电解质溶液中,阳离子向______移动,阴离子向______移动。
8. 电池的正极发生______反应,负极发生______反应。
9. 电池的电动势(EMF)等于电池两极间的______。
10. 在标准状态下,标准电极电势(E°)的数值取决于______和______。
参考答案:6. 氧化;7. 阴极,阳极;8. 还原,氧化;9. 电势差;10. 电极反应,浓度三、判断题(每题2分,共20分)11. 电化学腐蚀过程中,金属失去电子,发生氧化反应。
()12. 原电池是将化学能转化为电能的装置。
()13. 电池的正极发生氧化反应,负极发生还原反应。
()14. 电解质溶液中,阴离子向阳极移动,阳离子向阴极移动。
()15. 电池的电动势等于电池两极间的电势差。
()参考答案:11. √;12. √;13. ×;14. ×;15. √四、简答题(每题10分,共30分)16. 简述电化学腐蚀的原理。

电化学基础考试题和答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 电化学中,氧化还原反应的实质是电子的转移。
以下哪个选项描述了氧化过程?A. 电子的释放B. 电子的接受C. 电子的转移D. 电子的结合答案:A2. 电化学电池中,阳极和阴极的电位差称为:A. 电压B. 电势C. 电动势D. 电流答案:C3. 在电化学电池中,哪种类型的电池是可充电的?A. 一次电池B. 二次电池C. 燃料电池D. 太阳能电池答案:B4. 法拉第定律描述了什么?A. 电流与电荷的关系B. 电流与电压的关系C. 电流与物质的量的关系D. 电流与电阻的关系答案:C5. 电化学腐蚀中,哪种金属更容易被腐蚀?A. 纯金属B. 合金C. 不锈钢D. 镀层金属答案:A6. 电化学传感器中,哪种类型的传感器可以检测氧气浓度?A. pH传感器B. 电导率传感器C. 氧化还原传感器D. 温度传感器答案:C7. 电化学中,哪个参数与电池的输出功率有关?A. 电动势B. 电流C. 电阻D. 电压答案:B8. 电化学中,哪个参数与电池的储能能力有关?A. 电动势B. 电流C. 电荷D. 电阻答案:C9. 电化学中,哪个参数描述了电池在单位时间内可以释放或存储的能量?A. 功率B. 能量C. 电荷D. 电动势答案:A10. 电化学中,哪个参数描述了电池在单位电荷转移时所做的功?A. 功率B. 能量C. 电荷D. 电动势答案:D二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)11. 以下哪些因素会影响电化学电池的性能?A. 电极材料B. 电解质浓度C. 温度D. 压力答案:ABCD12. 电化学中,哪些是常见的电池类型?A. 锂离子电池B. 铅酸电池C. 镍氢电池D. 太阳能电池答案:ABCD13. 电化学中,哪些是常见的腐蚀类型?A. 化学腐蚀B. 电化学腐蚀C. 物理腐蚀D. 生物腐蚀答案:ABD14. 电化学中,哪些是常见的电化学传感器?A. pH传感器B. 电导率传感器C. 氧化还原传感器D. 温度传感器答案:ABC15. 电化学中,哪些是常见的电化学分析方法?A. 循环伏安法B. 电位滴定法C. 电导率测量法D. 库仑分析法答案:ABD三、填空题(每空1分,共20分)16. 电化学电池的基本组成部分包括两个电极,分别是________和________。

电化学基础试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 电化学电池中,正极发生的反应是:A. 氧化反应B. 还原反应C. 电解反应D. 电离反应答案:B2. 电解质溶液中,离子的定向移动形成电流,这种电流称为:A. 直流电B. 交流电C. 电解电D. 静电答案:A3. 法拉第电解定律表明,电解过程中,通过电极的电量与电极上物质的量之间的关系是:A. 正比B. 反比C. 无关D. 相等答案:A4. 在电化学电池中,电解质溶液的作用是:A. 提供电子B. 传递电子C. 传递质子D. 传递离子答案:D5. 电化学腐蚀中,金属的腐蚀速率与下列哪个因素无关?A. 金属的纯度B. 电解质溶液的浓度C. 金属的表面状态D. 金属的密度答案:D6. 电化学电池中,电子从负极流向正极的过程称为:A. 电解B. 电离C. 电导D. 电子迁移答案:D7. 电化学电池的电动势(E)与下列哪个因素无关?A. 电池内部的化学反应B. 电池的温度C. 电池的体积D. 电池的外部电阻答案:C8. 电化学电池中,正极材料的选择主要考虑的因素是:A. 导电性B. 导热性C. 耐腐蚀性D. 以上都是答案:D9. 电化学电池的内阻与下列哪个因素有关?A. 电池内部的化学反应B. 电池的温度C. 电池的外部电路D. 电池的体积答案:B10. 电化学电池的效率可以通过以下哪个公式计算?A. 效率 = 电池输出功率 / 电池输入功率B. 效率 = 电池输入功率 / 电池输出功率C. 效率 = 电池输出功率 / 电池总功率D. 效率 = 电池总功率 / 电池输入功率答案:A二、填空题(每空1分,共20分)1. 电化学电池的工作原理基于__氧化还原反应__,其中电子从__负极__流向__正极__。
2. 电化学电池的电动势(E)可以通过__能斯特方程__计算,该方程为:E = -ΔG/nF,其中ΔG代表__吉布斯自由能变化__,n代表__电子转移数__,F代表__法拉第常数__。
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每小题只有一个选项符合题意)1、下列过程需要通电才能进行的是:①电离;②电解;③电镀;④电泳;⑤电化腐蚀;( ) A 、①②③ B 、②③④ C 、②④⑤ D 、全部;2.镍镉(Ni —Cd )可充电电池在现代生活中有广泛应用,它的充放电反应按下式进行:Cd(OH)2+2Ni(OH)2 Cd+2NiO(OH)+2H 2O由此可知,该电池放电时的负极材料是( )A .Cd(OH)2B .Ni(OH)2C .CdD .NiO(OH)3.将纯锌片和纯铜片按图示方式插入同浓度的稀硫酸中一段时间,以下叙述正确的是( ) A .两烧杯中铜片表面均无气泡产生 B .甲中铜片是正极,乙中铜片是负极 C .两烧杯中溶液的pH 均增大 D .产生气泡的速度甲比乙慢4.下列各变化中属于原电池反应的是( ) A .在空气中金属铝表面迅速氧化形成保护层 B .镀锌铁表面有划损时,也能阻止铁被氧化C .红热的铁丝与冷水接触,表面形成蓝黑色保护层D .浓硝酸比稀硝酸更能氧化金属铜5.钢铁发生吸氧腐蚀时,正极上发生的电极反应是( )A. 2H ++2e -=H 2B. Fe 2++2e -=FeB. 2H 2O +O 2+4e -=4OH - D. Fe 3++e -=Fe 2+6.已知蓄电池在充电时作电解池,放电时作原电池。
关于标有“+”的接线柱,下列说法中正确..的是( ) A .充电时作阳极,放电时作负极 B .充电时作阳极,放电时作正极 C .充电时作阴极,放电时作负极 D .充电时作阴极,放电时作正极7.pH =a 的某电解质溶液中,插入两支惰性电极通直流电一段时间后,溶液的pH > a ,则该电解质可能是( )A .NaOHB .H 2SO 4C .AgNO 3D .Na 2SO 4 8.(2011山东高考15)以KCl 和ZnCl 2混合液为电镀液在铁制品上镀锌,下列说法正确的是 A.未通电前上述镀锌装置可构成原电池,电镀过程是该原电池的充电过程 B.因部分电能转化为热能,电镀时通过的电量与锌的析出量无确定关系 C.电镀时保持电流恒定,升高温度不改变电解反应速率 D.镀锌层破损后对铁制品失去保护作用9.把分别盛有熔融的氯化钾、氯化镁、氯化铝的三个电解槽串联,在一定条件下通电一段时间后,析出钾、镁、铝的物质的量之比为( )A .1︰2︰3B .3︰2︰1C .6︰3︰1D .6︰3︰210.下列描述中,不符合生产实际的是( )A .电解熔融的氧化铝制取金属铝,用铁作阳极B .电解法精炼粗铜,用纯铜作阴极C .电解饱和食盐水制烧碱,用涂镍碳钢网作阴极D .在镀件上电镀锌,用锌作阳极二.选择题(本题包括10小题,每小题3分,共30分。
每小题有一个选项符合题意) 11.(2011安徽高考)研究人员最近发现了一种“水”电池,这种电池能利用淡水与海水之间含盐量差别进行发电,在海水中电池总反应可表示为:5MnO 2+2Ag +2NaCl=Na 2Mn 5O 10+2AgCl ,下列“水” 电池在海水中放电时的有关说法正确的是:( )A.正极反应式:Ag +Cl --e -=AgClB.每生成1 mol Na 2Mn 5O 10转移2 mol 电子C.Na +不断向“水”电池的负极移动 D. AgCl 是还原产物12.有一合金由X 、Y 、Z 、W 四种金属组成,若将合金放入盐酸中只有Z 、Y 能溶解;若将合金置于潮湿空气中,表面只出现Z 的化合物;若将该合金做阳极,用X 盐溶液作电解液,通电时四种金属都以离子形式进入溶液中,但在阴极上只析出X 。
这四种金属的活动性顺序是( ) A .Y >Z >W >X B .Z >Y >W >X C .W >Z >Y >X D .X >Y >Z >W13.化学用语是学习化学的重要工具,下列用来表示物质变化的化学用语中,正确..的是( ) A .电解饱和食盐水时,阳极的电极反应式为:2Cl --2e -= Cl 2 ↑B .氢氧燃料电池的负极反应式:O 2 + 2H 2O + 4e - == 4OH -C .粗铜精炼时,与电源正极相连的是纯铜,电极反应式为:Cu -2e - == Cu 2+D .钢铁发生电化学腐蚀的正极反应式:Fe -2e - == Fe 2+14.(2011浙江高考10)将NaCl 溶液滴在一块光亮清洁的铁板表面上,一段时间后发现液滴覆盖的圆周中心区(a)已被腐蚀而变暗,在液滴外沿形成棕色铁锈环(b),如图所示。
下列说法正确的是( )A .液滴中的Cl ―由a 区向b 区迁移B .液滴边缘是正极区,发生的电极反应为:O 2+2H 2O +4e -4OH -C .液滴下的Fe 因发生还原反应而被腐蚀,生成的Fe2+由a 区向b 区迁移,与b 区的OH ―形成Fe(OH)2,进一步氧化、脱水形成铁锈D .若改用嵌有一铜螺丝钉的铁板,在铜铁接触处滴加NaCl 溶液,则负极发生的 15.(2011海南)根据下图,下列判断中正确的是( )A.烧杯a 中的溶液pH 升高B.烧杯b 中发生氧化反应C.烧杯a 中发生的反应为2H ++2e -=H 2D.烧杯b 中发生的反应为2Cl --2e -=Cl 216.据报道,最近摩托罗拉公司研发了一充电放电种由甲醇和氧气以及强碱做电解质溶液的新型手机电池,电量可达现在使用的镍氢电池或锂电池的十倍,可连续使用一个月才充一次电。
其电池反应为:2CH 3OH + 3O 2 + 4OH — 2CO 32—+ 6H 2O ,则下列说法错误的是( )A.放电时CH 3OH 参与反应的电极为正极B.放电时负极的电极反应为:CH 3OH -6e -+8OH - = CO 32—+ 6H 2OC.充电时电解质溶液的pH 逐渐增大D.充电时每生成1 mol CH 3OH 转移6 mol 电子17.下图为直流电源,为浸透饱和氯化钠溶液和酚酞试液的滤纸,为电镀槽.接通电路后发现上的c 点显红色.为实现铁上镀锌,接通后,使c 、d 两点短路.下列叙述正确的是( ) A .a 为直流电源的负极 B . f 电极为锌板C .c 极发生的反应为2H ++2e -=H 2↑ D .e 极发生还原反应18.某混合溶液中只含有两种溶质NaCl 和H 2SO 4,且n (NaCl)︰n (H 2SO 4)=3︰1。
若以石墨电极电解该溶液,下列推断中不正确的是( )A .阴极产物为H 2B .阳极先析出Cl 2,后析出O 2C .电解液的pH 不断增大,最终大于7D .整个电解的过程实质是电解水19、将质量分数为0.052(5.2%)的NaOH 溶液1升(密度为1.06g/mL )用铂电极电解,当溶液中的NaOH 的质量分数改变了0.010(1.0%)时停止电解,则此时溶液中应符合的关系是( )NaOH 的质量分数 阳极析出物的质量(克) 阴极析出物的质量(克) A 0.062(6.2%) 19 152 B0.062(6.2%)15219C 0.042(4.2%) 1.2 9.4 D0.042(4.2%)9.41.220.(2010江苏卷)右图是一种航天器能量储存系统原理示意图。
下列说法正确的是( )A .该系统中只存在3种形式的能量转化B .装置Y 中负极的电极反应式为: 22O +2H O+4e 4OH --=C .装置X 能实现燃料电池的燃料和氧化剂再生D .装置X 、Y 形成的子系统能实现物质的零排放,并能实现化学能与电能间的完全转化三、(本小题包括2小题,共30分)21.(10分)将洁净的金属片Fe 、Zn 、A 、B 分别与Cu 用导线连结浸在合适的电解质溶液里。
实验并记录电压指针的移动方向和电压表的读数如下表所示:根据以上实验记录,完成以下填空:(1)构成两电极的金属活动性相差越大,电压表的读数越 (填“大”、“小”)。
Zn 、A 、B 三种金属活动性由强到弱的顺序是 。
(2)Cu 与A 组成的原电池, 为负极,此电极反应式为。
(3)A 、B 形成合金,露置在潮湿空气中, 先被腐蚀。
22.(10分)为省药品和时间,甲、乙、丙三位同学用铜片、锌片、稀硫酸、CuSO 4溶液;直流电源、石墨电极、导线、烧杯、试管等中学化学常见的药品和仪器(用品),以巧妙的构思,“接力”的方式,设计了比较铜与锌金属活动性相对强弱的系列实验。
试填写下列空白:(1)甲同学分别将一小片铜片、锌片置于烧杯底部(铜与锌不接触),小心向烧杯中加入稀硫酸,观察到的现象是 。
甲同学的设计思路是 。
(2)乙同学接着甲的实验,向烧杯中滴加 溶液,进而观察到的现象是 , 。
乙同学作出锌、铜金属活动性相对强弱所依据的原理是,金属 电子流动方向 电压/V Fe Fe → Cu +0.78 Zn Zn → Cu +1.10 A Cu → A -0.15 BB → Cu+0.3放电充电。
23.(10分)已知反应AsO43-+2I-+H + AsO33-+I2+H2O是可逆反应.设计如图装置,进行下述操作:(Ⅰ)向(B)烧杯中逐滴加入浓盐酸,发现微安培表指针偏转;(Ⅱ)若改往(B)烧杯中滴加40%NaOH溶液,发现微安培表指针向前述相反方向偏转.试回答:(1)两次操作过程中指针为什么会发生偏转?答:。
② Y电极上的电极反应式为,检验该电极反应产物的方法是。
(2)如要用电解方法精炼粗铜,电解液a选用CuSO4溶液,则① X电极的材料是,电极反应式是。
② Y电极的材料是,电极反应式是。