
1)sales kit销售工具组合2)push money推销员奖金3)creative boutique创意服务公司4)account executive业务经理/客户管理5)custom-tailored message因地制宜的信息6)decay constant 衰弱恒数7)clutter tests广告拥堵测试/广告干扰测试8)cosmetic urges 化妆品广告9)claim-and-coupon style主张加优惠的风格10)click rate 点击率11)bulletin boards公告牌12)speculative presentation 推测性提案13)termination stage终结期14)negative publicity 负面宣传15)in-house agency 专属广告公司/企业内部广告公司16)business-to-business agency企业对企业广告公司17)cents-off promotion 降价促销18)niche market瞄准机会的市场/针对性市场19)trade deals 产品派送20)point-and-pitch repetition卖点重复1)因果文案reason-why copy2)交叉促销cross-promotions3)以产品为导向的销售特征product-oriented selling characteristic4)潜意识广告技巧subliminal advertising techniques5)购物抽奖sweepstake6)证言式广告testimonial7)千人成本cost per thousand8)优先诉求权 preemptive claim9)危机管理crisis management10)品牌资产brand equity11)产品生命周期product life cycle12)人员销售personal selling13)差异性营销differentiated marketing14)媒介代理费media commission15)品牌忠诚度brand loyalty16)特许品牌licensed brands/brand17)人口细分demographic segmentation18)售点广告point-of-purchase advertising19)清仓广告clearance advertising20)未涉及的受众an untapped audience(A) full-service agency (B) bounce-back circular(C) channels of distribution (D) gross impressions (E) vendor program (F) puffery(G) op art (H) adjacencies(I) gross audience (J) run-of-schedule。
M4U1 Advertising 高三复习公开课课件

M4U1 Advertising的策略需要结合广 告主的需求和目标受众的特点,制定 出有效的广告投放策略,包括广告投 放的时间、地点、频率等。
M4U1 Advertising的实际应用案例
某电商平台的M4U1 Advertising,通过精准推送优 惠券和促销信息,提高了用户转化率和订单量。
综合练习题是难度最高的练习题类型,题目设计较为复杂,需要学生综合运用所学知识 进行分析和解决。这些题目通常涉及多个知识点和广告实践的各个方面,能够全面检验 学生的广告学知识和综合能力。通过综合练习题的练习,学生可以提升自己的思维广度
广告的概念、功能与分 类。
广告创意与策划的基本 原则。
广告媒介的选择与运用 。
广告效果的评估与优化 。
如何结合市场和消费者需求进 行有效的广告创意。
如何运用数据分析优化广告效 果。
如何平衡广告的商业性与艺术 性。
如何应对新媒体环境下的广告 挑战。
掌握考试题型与评分标准,针 对性地进行复习。
多做真题,熟悉考试难度与出 题规律。
合理分配时间,先易后难,确 保答题效率。
注重细节,规范答题格式,避 免无谓失分。

At the beginning of the 20th century,Albert Larker,generally regarded as the father of modern advertising, defined advertising as the “salesmanship in print, driven by a reason why”.2、广告是有组织的、综合的、非个人的信息传播活动,通常是由可是别的赞助商以付费方式通过各种媒体传达关于产品、服务或观点的说服性信息。
Advertising is structured and composed nonpersonal communication of information,usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature ,about products (goods services ,and ideas) by identified sponsors thtough various media.3、广告是一种传播活动,它是一种有组织的应用形式的传播,广告利用语言的和非语言的元素去填充赞助商预先并且控制的时间和空间。
Advertising is a type of communication. It is a very structured form of applied communication, employing both verbol and nonverbol elements that are composed to fill predetermined space and time formats that are controlled by the sponsor.4、广告通过一种被称之为媒体的传播渠道传递给我们,任何付费的可以把广告呈现在其目标受众面前的载体都是广告媒体。
高考英语总复习 第一单元 Unit 1 Advertising 4

毛额市鹌鹑阳光实验学校Unit 1 AdvertisingⅠ.单词默写1.advertising n.做广告;广告活动;广告业2.persuade vt.说服,劝说;使信服3.comment n.评论,评价vi.评论,议论4.intelligence n.智力,才智;情报5.recommend vt.推荐;建议,劝告;介绍6.purchase vt.购买,采购n.采购;购买的东西7.update vt.&n.更新;提供最新消息;使现代化8.bargain n.便宜货;协议vi.讨价还价9.personally adv.个别地;就本人而言;本人,亲自10.shock vt.使震惊,使惊愕n.震惊,惊愕11.innocent adj.not guilty or crime12.promote vt.to give someone a higher position at work13.youth n.the period of time when you are young14.bonus n.an additional payment made to people who work for a business 15.determine vt.to find something outⅡ.词汇拓展1.educate vt.教育→educator n.教育者→educated adj.受过教育的;有教养的→education n.教育,培养→educational adj.教育的2.breath n.气息;呼吸→breathe v.呼吸→breathless adj.喘不过气来的,呼吸急促的3.social adj.社会的→society n.社会→socialism n.→socialist adj.的4.unforgettable adj.难忘的,无法忘记的→forget v.忘记→forgettable adj.容易被忘记的→forgetful adj.健忘的5.various adj.各种各样的,多样的→variety n.多样,不同→varied adj.各种各样的语境助记——词不离句,句不离段You should be careful not to be persuaded into purchasing various fashionable bargains by the appealing advertisements that are intended to recommend you what you really don't need.Ⅲ.短语落实1.be meant to 旨在,目的是2.even if/though 虽然,即使3.fall for 上……的当,受……的骗4.play tricks on 欺骗;捉弄5.deal with 涉及,关于;处理;应付6.figure_out 弄清楚,弄懂;计算出7.appeal_to 吸引,引起兴趣;呼吁8.get_something_across 把……表达清楚9.die_from 死于……10.be_popular_with 流行,受欢迎Ⅳ.句子翻译1.A commercial advertisement is one which someone has paid for to advertise a product or service.(Page 2)商业广告是人们为了推销某种产品或者服务而花钱做的广告。

A commercial advertisement is one which someone has paid for to advertise a product or service.2.这次就让我来付饭钱吧。
Let me pay for dinner this time.3.公益广告往往是免费投放的,旨在就健康、安全或影响公共福利的问题教育公众。
PSAs are often run for free, and are meant to educate people about health, safety, or any other problem that affects public welfare.4.非常抱歉,给您添了麻烦,我本不想打扰您的。
Really sorry for the trouble—I didn’t mean to bother you.5.这种软件旨在保护电脑防御病毒攻击。
The software is meant to protect computers from being attacked by viruses.6.即使一则广告没有撒谎,也并不意味着这则广告就是完全清白的。
Even if an ad does not lie, it does not mean it is altogether innocen t.7.那是完全不同的情形。
It was an altogether different situation.8.但并非所有的广告都跟我们玩花招。
Not all ads play tricks on us though.9.这是杰克第三次没能通过驾驶考试,不过他并不气馁。
This is the third time that Jack has failed the driving test. He is not discouraged, though.10.谈及广告,我们都必须运用自己的智慧,不要做广告的奴隶。

单词部分1.AAAA——America Association OfAdvertising Agencies——美国广告代理商协会2.B2B——business to business advertising—— B2B广告3.PSA——public service advertising——公益广告4.CEO——Chief Executive Officer——首席执行官5.CFO——Chief Financial Officer——首席财务官6.PR——public relations——公共关系7.POP——point-of-purchase——焦点广告8.CI——corporate identity——企业识别9.DM——direct mail——直邮广告10.FSI——free-standing insert——非装订广告插页11.AIDA——艾达法则12.DAGMAR——广告效果评估体系P——unique selling proposition——独特销售主张14.BDI——brand development index——品牌成长指数15.CDI——category development index——销量成长指数16.GPRs——gross rating points——总收视点17.ROS——run-of-schedule——非指定时段广告18.IMC——integrated marketingcommunication——整合营销传播19.VALS——values and lifestyles research——价值观与生活方式研究20.advocacy advertising——倡导型广告mercial advertising——商业广告munication process——传播过程23.consumer advertising——消费品广告24.designs——设计稿25.end-user——最终用户、实际使用者26.industrial advertising——工业广告27.institutional advertising——社团机构广告28.media——媒介29.mass media——大众媒介30.pitch——提案31.retail advertising——零售商广告32.subliminal persuasion——阈下劝服33.target market——目标市场34.trade advertising——促销产品35.account——客户项目、客户业务36.Account Executive——客户主管、客服37.Account Services——客户部、客户服务38.advertiser——广告主39.Advertising Department——企业广告部40.agency——广告代理商41.Art Director——美术指导42.Assistant Partner——董事助理43.client——客户44.Copywriter——广告撰稿人45.Management Supervisor——管理督导46.market share——市场占有率、市场份额47.Research Department——调查部48.Traffic Department——流程协调部49.brainstorming——头脑风暴法50.campaign——广告攻势51.census——普查mercials——影视广告片53.coupon——赠券、折价券54.logo——品牌标识55.media budget——媒体预算56.media mix——媒体组合57.promotion——推广用品58.Situation Analysis——背景分析59.slogan——广告口号60.website——主页、网站61.acquiesce bias——亲善偏向62.debranding——品牌屏蔽测试、品牌建立、品牌塑造63.depth interview——深度访谈64.desk research——案头调研65.double-blind——双盲测试66.focus group——焦点小组67.market research——市场调查68.panel——重复调查样本本群69.participant——参与者70.sample error——抽样误差71.tabulation——统计制表72.acquisition——兼并、并购munication cycle——传播循环(周期)petitor——竞争者、对手75.content integration——软性广告76.cost effective——广告成本效益77.creative——创意78.grass roots marketing——贴身式营销、草根营销79.interactive marketing——交互式营销80.markets——市场组合81.online advertising——在线广告82.positioning——定位83.print——平面广告媒体84.strategic philanthropy——策略性公益事业85.target audience——目标受众86.brand partnership——品牌搭档、联袂广告87.branding——品牌个性塑造88.co-marketing——联袂营销89.direct marketing——直销90.ecological sponsorship——生态主题赞助活动91.event planning——活动策划92.exhibition stand——展台93.integrated branding——整合品牌传播94.product placement——产品植入、产品涉入95.sales promotion——促销活动96.strategic partnership——战略伙伴关系97.viral marketing——传染式营销、病毒式营销98.speak with one voice——统一传播口径99.the edge——优势100.ad planning——广告策划101.admen——广告人102.consumer behavior——消费者行为103.copy platform——文案大纲104.creative strategy——创意策略105.daypart——时段mercial——电视直销节目107.market profile——市场状况108.market segmentation——市场细分109.product-related segmentation——产品消费者量细分110.sales-response function——销售响应功效(函数)111.seasonality——季节性112.teaser campaign——悬念式广告攻势113.corporate advertising——企业广告114.generic brand——非名牌(产品)115.image advertising——形象广告116.line——产品系列-brand——名牌118.private brand——零售商自由品牌119.product differentiation——产品差异120.product positioning——产品定位121.tagline——(广告)行动口号122.utility——好处、用途123.adjacencies——广告时段(节目与节目之间)124.archetype——标准受众、原型125.availability——空余时段126.back to back——广告连播127.circulation——发行量128.continuity——持续型排期129.continuous advertising——持续型广告130.flighting——跳跃式广告排期131.fringe time——非黄金时段132.holding power——节目(频道)凝聚力133.piggyback——同一客户广告连播134.prime time——黄金时段135.pulsing——脉动式(间隔式)排期136.roadblock——拦路广告137.wear out——广告磨损选词填空:文段1:During the 【bid】process,the【advertising】agency will【pitch】its idea to the prospective client。

高中英语广告写作练习题50题带答案1. 产品:智能手表,功能有计步、心率监测、接收信息。
2. 产品:运动鞋,特点是舒适、时尚、耐用。
3. 产品:笔记本电脑,性能强大,轻薄便携。
4. 产品:保温杯,保温效果好,外观精美。
5. 产品:耳机,音质出色,佩戴舒适。
6. 产品:雨伞,坚固耐用,抗风性强。

Chapter 1 Fundamentals of AdvertisingDefinition of Advertising1) What’s the definition about “advertising”?American Heritage Dictionary: The activity of attracting public attention to a product or business, as by paid announcements in print or on the air.Another one: Advertising is a non-personal communication of information, usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature, about products, services or ideas through various media.Five components: non-personalcommunication of informationpaid forpersuasivevarious media2) How can you categorize advertising in academy?Criteria: target audience: consumer advertising (direct user, end user)Business advertising (professional journal, direct mailing)Target area: local advertisingNational advertisingInternational advertisingMedia: print advertisingElectronic advertisingOut-of-home advertising (Transit advertising)Purpose: commercial advertisingNoncommercial advertising( public interests advertising)2. Common Expressions:Advertising 广告,广告业,广告活动Advertisement 广告Advertising audience 广告的受众consumer advertising 消费者广告Business advertising 企业广告local advertising 地方广告National advertising 全国广告International advertising 全球广告print advertising 印刷广告Electronic advertising 电子广告Out-of-home advertising 户外广告Transit advertising 交通广告,移动广告commercial advertising 商业广告,盈利广告Noncommercial advertising 非盈利广告3. 英汉互译练习:We may define advertising as a communication process, a marketing process, a public relations process, or a persuasion process.我们可以把广告定义为沟通过程、营销过程、公关过程、劝说过程。

广告英语期末复习资料Unit1 The Dimensions of Advertising1. There are two basic types of advertising, informative advertising and persuasive advertising.2. sponsored eventsUnit2 The Evolution of Advertising1. The history of advertising falls into four eras.2. "Soft-sell" advertising creates images through a slow accumulation of positive messages than "hard-sell" approach.3. AAAA(American Association of Advertising Agencies)brand equityUnit 3 Advertising &Marketing Process1.marketing mixUnit 4 Marketing Communication Tool1. The fellowing are important for advertising success:High primary demand trend;Chance for significant product differentiation;Hidden qualities highly important to consumer;Opportunity to use strong emotional appeals;Substantial budgets to support advertising.2.cents-off promotionUnit6 advertising research1. Research is the backbone of advertising and marketing.2. Four areas are commonly addressed in strategic research: marketplace, consumer, corporate, product research.Unit7 Consumer behavior1. Those acts of individuals directly involved in obtaining and using economic goods and services, including the decision process that precedes and determines these acts.2. The concepts, values, and behavior that make up a culture are learned and passed down from one generation to the next.Unit8 Advertising Strategy & Planning1. Marketing plan describes how all the elements——product,pricing,distribution,and promotion——should be employed to maximize the impact of the total effort.2. In many respects marketing resembles a war, and the marketplace a battleground.3. creative platformAdvertising sloganSay it with flowers.We lead.others copy.Buy one,Get one free.Down with blood sugar. Up with your life.Double delicious. Double your pleasure.Careless talk costs lives.Hero Meets Hero.A friend in need is a friend indeed.Eye it. try it. buy it.Where there is a way, there is a Toyota.Where here's a will, there's a way.Good to the last drop.Unit 9 Creative Strategy1. The creative strategy state ment is essentially an extension and elaboration of a brand’s marketing strategy principles into the brand’s advertising or creative area.2. The fellowing kinds of ideas will ordinarily appear in a creative strategy:A concise statement of the principal benefit offered by the product ;A statement of the principal characteristics of the product which makes it possible to claim this benefit ;A statement of the character or personality which is to be built for the product and which will be reflected in the mood, tone, and overall atmosphere of the advertising;A statement of what the product is how to use it .3.celebrity endorsement adUnit10 Advertising Execution1. The arr angement of an ad’s physical elements—visuals, text, etc—is called the format.2. major selling ideaactiondesireconvictioncomprehensionawarenessAdvertising pyramid Copywriter’s pyramidUnit11 Advertising Media1. Major media decisions in advertising are that relate to media selection and media scheduling.2. A number of quantitative criteria are available for evaluating the media plan.These include cost per thousand, reach, frequency, impressions, and gross rating points.3.digital mediaUnit12 Public Relations1. Counteracting negative publicity is the damage control function.2. The public relations have six primary objectives: Promoting goodwill; promoting a product or service ; preparing internalcommunications ; counteracting negative publicity; lobbying ; giving advice and counsel.Unit13 Advertising agency1. Ad agencies can be classified by two categories: full-service agencies and specialized service agencies.2. Agency purchases advertising places and time in varioues media on behalf of its clients to find customers for their goods and services3. A Media buying service is an independent organization that specializes in selecting media to fit the advertiser's strategy, and buying the specific time and space, particularly on radio and television.4. Advertising agency is an independent organization of creative people and business people that specialize in developing and preparing marketing and advertising plans, advertisements, and other promotional tools.4. A full-service agency offers its clients a full range of marketing, communications, and promotion services, including planning, creating, and producing ads, performing research, and selecting media.补充prime timestaff onlypublic service announcements。

以下是一些有关广告的常用英语表达和资料:1. 广告的定义:- Advertising is the activity or profession of producing information for promoting the sale of commercial products or services.- Advertising is a marketing communication that employs an openly sponsored, non-personal message to promote or sell a product, service, or idea.2. 广告的种类:- Print advertising:报纸和杂志广告,用于传统媒体。
- Online advertising:在线广告,如网站横幅广告、谷歌广告等。
- Outdoor advertising:户外广告,如广告牌、电子广告牌等。
- Radio advertising:广播广告,通过无线电媒体传达信息。
- Television advertising:电视广告,通过电视媒体传达信息。
- Social media advertising:社交媒体广告,如Facebook广告、Instagram广告等。
3. 广告的优点和目的:- Increase brand awareness:提高品牌知名度。
- Boost sales and revenue:提高销售和收入。
- Attract new customers:吸引新客户。
- Inform and educate consumers:向消费者提供信息和教育。
- Build customer loyalty:建立客户忠诚度。

Unit 4 Advertising1. What is advertisement and what is advertising?AdvertisingDefinition------An advertisement is a message-printed in a newspaperor magazine, broadcast on radioor television, sent toindividuals through the mails,or disseminated in some otherfashion-----that attempts to persuade readers or listeners to buy a particular idea. It is paid for by the advertiser and may be prepared either by the advertiser or, more commonly, by a professional advertising agency.So advertising is the techniquesand practices used to bringproducts, services, opinions, orcauses to public notice for thepurpose of persuading the publicto respond in a certain way towardwhat is advertised.2. What elements does anadvertisement usually consist of?Give an example to explain..Advertising elements: (What elements are contained in an advertisement?)Visual elementsAudio elementsA) Visual elementsa) IllustrationDrawingPhotographsColorDecorative borderLayoutb) Writing:Headline-It’s simple but designed ina special way to attract thecomsumers’attention,stimulate the comsumers’buying desire.(My Rolex is more than just a watch. It makes me feel dressed.)---Rolex watch(soft shoes for hard word.)----Ultrasoft(Big thinking in little size.)----WeelokBody copySlogan(Clean your breath while it cleans your teeth.)----ColgateSupplementary items(Including: trade mark, name of commodity, visual symbol,address of the company,telephone number and price ofthe product.)B) Audio elementsAdvertising commentary (conversation or monologue)Advertising musicAdvertising sound3. What are the functions ofadvertising?Advertising plays an importantrole in helping a company toincrease sales of a product.Advertising can inform,persuade and remind potentialcustomers of the the product.Marketers can launch anadvertising campaign to attracta large number of consumers. Andeffective advertising canenchance consumer perceptionsof quality in the product, thusencouraging customers to buythis product repeatedly.4. What are the different typesof advertisement? (P36 SB) What are the advantages and disadvantages of different types of advertising?5. How to make a good advertisement? (How to developeffective advertising?)What’s important when deciding what type of advertising to use?What’s important when planning an advertising campaign?1)You should consider what typeof advertising to use:-How much will it cost?-Will it reach your targetmarket? (Location)-Is it short-term or long-termpromotion?2)Do the research on your targetcustomer:-Age and gender-Typical income-What do they read / watch inorder to select an appropriatetype of advertising?3) Apply creativity in advertising:Use creativity to inform and remind the potentialcustomers of the product, gettheir attention and persudethem to take action.6. Internet advertising ( What,advantages, how to advertiseon the Internet sucessfully? ) What: advertising on the web. Advantage: It can read a large amount of audiences.It’s very cheap to produce and deliver., free ofcharge sometimes.How: (Refer to Listening at P37 SB )-Use search engines to put yourname at the top of the listings-Get links on other sites-Through a site review-Get free advertising-Have a momorable domain name-Email campaigns (spam)-Send out a monthly newsletter-Have competitions or givesomething for free(3)Cases Study: The Successful Application of Creativity in Advertising。

第一章广告的定义:advertising is the nonpersonal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media.第二章1.广告的构成(formation of advertisement):视觉(visual){语言文字(verbal)、非语言文字(nonverbal)}和听觉(audio).2.广告标题(headline)的主要特点:清晰(clarity),生动(force)3.标题的功能(function of headlines):①to attract attention②to arouse interest③to make the advertisement readable4.标题的分类(kinds of headlines):①direct headline②indirect headline③combined headline④communicative headline⑤statement headline⑥question headline⑦command headline5.广告正文的撰写原则(the principles of writing a copy):①unity②coherence③emphasis6.广告正文的分类(the kinds of copy):①reason-why copy②humor-interest copy③descriptive copy④educational copy⑤testimonial copy⑥institutional copy⑦dialogic copy⑧narrative copy⑨poetic copy7.广告的口号(slogan或tag lines)8.商标(trademark)9.品牌(brandname)10.色彩在广告中的作用:①attracting attention to the advertisement②representing objects,scenes,and people with complete fidelity③emphasizing some special part of the message or of the product④creating a pleasant first impression for the advertisement⑤creating prestige for the product,service,or advertiser⑥fastening visual impressions in oneˊs memory⑦suggesting abstract qualities appropriate to the spelling appeal第三章广告英语创作基本原则AIDA:①attention②interest③desire④actionCMS:①conviction②memory③satisfaction广告英语的两大特点:①attention value②memory value第四章5 reasons to use misspelled words in your ads①your competitors arenˊt doing it②your customers misspell things③there are more ways to misspell words then spell them correctly④they are pretty easy to come up with⑤the bid prices are cheaper第五章第六章1.明喻(simile):a comparison of one object with another using like or as.2.隐喻(metaphor):the transference of the name or descriptive term of one object to a different object .3.拟人(personification):giving human qualities to non-human objects4.双关(pun):ambiguities of meaning5.反复(repetition):a repeated statement or phrase within the body of theadvertisement6.押韵(rhyme):the repetition of the same(”perfect rhyme”) or similar sounds,most often at the ends of lines7.头韵(alliteration):the same letter or syllable for effect. Basically it means repeating the same letter/sound at the beginning of words.8.Affective meaning:the meanings associated with a word based on the audienceˊs emotional response9.缩写(acronyms):an abbreviation that is pronounced as a word10.方言(dialect):a mode of a given languages speech peculiar to a region or country.11.明星代言(quotations):the use of attributed quotations to give truth to the speaker ´s case(endorsement).advertiser´s sometimes use unattributed quotations to imply an outside endorsement.especially from famous people.。

高中英语广告写作练习题50题(答案解析)1.Which word is the best to describe a beautiful sunset in an advertisement?A.goodB.niceC.fantasticD.ok答案解析:C。
2.In an advertisement for a sports shoe, which verb can best show its durability?stB.stayC.continueD.endure答案解析:D。
3.Which noun can be used to attract customers in an advertisement fora luxury watch?A.goodnessB.beautyC.luxuryD.niceness答案解析:C。
4.For an advertisement of a juice, which adjective can make people want to drink it?A.tastyB.goodC.niceD.ok答案解析:A。

广告英语复习要点1.Advertisement: a public notice or announcement usually paid for, as of things for sale ,needs,etc.2.Advertising:advertising is the nonpersonal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive(有劝服力的) in nature about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors(赞助者)through the various media.3.广告是由视觉(visual)和听觉(audio)两部分组成。
5.Functions of Headlines (标题的功能)⑴.To attract attention (吸引读者的注意)⑵.To arouse interest (吸引读者的兴趣)⑶.To make the advertisement readable (注意广告的可读性)6. Kind of headlines (标题的分类)①Direct headline (直接性标题) ②Indirect headline (间接性标题) ③Combined headline (综合性标题) ④Communicative headline (交际功能型标题)⑤Statement headline (陈述性标题)⑥Question headline (问句式标题) ⑦Command headline (祈使式标题)。
7.The Principles of Writing a copy (广告正文的撰写原则) 1. Unity (统一) 2.Coherence (连贯) 3.Emphasis (强调) 8.The Kind of copy (广告正文的分类)⑴Reason-why copy (解释性正文)⑵Humor-interest copy (幽默性正文)⑶Descriptive copy (描述性正文)⑷Educational copy (教育性正文)⑸Testimonial copy (证书性正文)⑹Institutional copy (社会事业性正文)⑺Dialogic copy(对话性正文)⑻Narrative copy (叙述性正文)⑼Poetic copy (诗歌性正文).9.The test of a copy (广告正文的审定)1.Is the adverstisement institutional(社会事业性的)? 2.Is it natural(自然的,不做作的)?3.Specific (具体的) 4.timely (适时的) 5.pertinent (中肯的) 6.consistent(一致的) 7.persistent(持续的)8.authoritative(有权威的) 9.plausible (花言巧语的)10.sincere (诚恳的)10.T rademark (商标):a trademark is either a word ,phrase(短语),symbol or design ,or combination of words ,phrases,symbols or designs ,which identifies and distinguishes the source of the goodsor services of one party from those o others.(商标是以一个词,短语,象征符号或设计,或者是词,短语,象征符号,设计等的组合来识别或区分一家厂商与其他家厂商的产品或服务的来源)11.Slogan or T ag Lines (口号):A standard company statement for advertisement, salespeople ,and company employees.Slogan have two basic purposes to provide continuity for a compaign and to reduce a key theme or idea to a brief memorable positioning(主张) statement.12.Logo: logo is a recognizable graphic design element representing an organization or product.13.广告英语的创作基本原则:AIDA㈠Attention (引起注意) ㈡Interest (发生兴趣)㈢Desire (产生欲望) ㈣Action (促成行动)补充原则:1.Conviction (可信) 2. Memory (记忆)3.Satisfaction (满意)14.广告英语的两大特点:★ Attention value (注意价值)◆ Memory value (记忆价值)15.广告英语的色彩功能(colour)-----理解7个功能①吸引注意(Attracting attention to the advertisement); ②真实地反映实物,景色和人物(Representing objects,scences,and people withcomplete fidelity); ③帮助了解产品特质(Emphasizing some special of the message or of the product); ④给人以良好的印象(Creating a pleasant first impression for the advertisement); ⑤树立信誉(Creating prestige for the product,service,or advertiser);⑥留下视觉印象(Fastening visual impressions in one’s memory);⑦表明销售魅力中的抽象质量(Suggesting abstract qualities appropriate to the spelling appeal).题型一.单项选择题(5*2=10分)二.多项选择题(5*3=15分)三.简单题(3*?=21分)四. Slogan翻译题(6*4=24分) ------要求翻译出品牌名称五.问答题(1*13=分)六.小作文(1*17=17分)。

1. creative strategy statement 创意策略阐释/陈述2. net impression 净的视听众暴露度3. copy 文案4. positioning 定位5. mood tone 调性6. preparation (创意过程中的)准备期7. incubation (创意过程中的)酝酿期8. illumination (创意过程中的)灵光闪现9. verification (创意过程中的)确认 10. revision (创意过程中的)修改 11. Theme (广告)主题 12. copy platform 文案大纲13. unique selling proposition 独特销售主张 14. brand image 品牌形象15. looking for inherent drama 寻找内在的戏剧性 16. preemptive claim 抢先声明 17. iWOM 网络口碑18. advertising execution 广告执行 19. big idea 大创意 20. storyboard 故事板 21. syntax 文法22. advertising pyramid 广告金字塔 23. advertising objective 广告目标 24. terminology 术语25. copywriter’s pyramid 文案撰写人员的金字塔 26. lead-in paragraph 导入段落 27. interior paragraph 内文段落 28. testimonial 证言式广告 29. trial close 收尾段落 30. close 结尾段落31. camera-ready art 照相制版/照相排版术 32. casting brief 表演纲要33. comprehensive layout 广告末稿 34. jingle 广告音乐 35. kicker 肩题36. advertising expenditure 广告花费 37. vehicle 载具38. out-of-home 户外39. media selection / choice 媒体选择 40. media scheduling 媒体排期41. specialized buying service (媒体)专业购买服务(公司)42. media strategy 媒体战略 43. advertising budget 广告预算44. a statement of objectives 目标陈述 45. budgetary breakdown 预算细目表 46. timing strategy 时机策略 47. rating 收视率48. cost per thousand CPT/CPM 千人成本 49. reach 到达率50. frequency (平均)接触频次 51. impression 视听众暴露度52. gross rating points (GRP )总收视点(毛评点) 53. continuous 连续型排期 54. pulsing 脉动型排期 55. flights 跳跃型排期 56. retail outlet 零售通道57. share of voice(SOV)媒体比重占有率/广告份额58. carry-over effect 溢出效应59. digital video effects unit (DVE unit)数字视频特技效果发生器60. prime time 黄金时段 61. proof copy 校对稿62. households using TV(HUT) 家庭开机率 63. media planning 媒体策划/媒介策划64. Share of Spending (SOS )媒体投资占有率 65. Click rate 点击率66. Digital media 数字媒体 67. Interactive TV 互动电视68. Internet service provider (ISP) 因特网服务提供商69. Master tape 母带70. Pop-up ad 弹出式印刷广告 71. stockholder 股东72. government entity 政府部门73. citizen action groups 市民行动组织 74. lobbying 游说75. pending legislation 悬而未决的法律 76. company newsletters 公司简讯 77. press conference 新闻发布会 78. sponsored events 赞助活动 79. lead generation 销售线索产生 80. quality sales lead 优质销售线索 81.negative publicity 负面宣传82.advocacy advertising 倡导广告83.audiovisual materials 视听材料84.crisis management 危机管理85.marketing public relations(MPR)营销公关86.philanthropy 慈善行为87.press agentry媒体炒作88.opinion sampling 意见抽样89.press kit 传播工具90.reputation management 信誉管理91.point-of-purchase(POP) advertising 售点广告92.public affairs 公共事务93.sponsorship 赞助94.event marketing 活动营销/事件营销95.marketing public relation(MPR) 营销公关96.full-service agency全面服务广告公司97.specialized service agency专项服务广告公司98.creative boutique创意服务公司99.media buying service媒体购买服务公司100.interactive agency互动广告公司101.in-house agency专属广告公司102.Independent production house 独立制作社103.Web design house 网络设计社104.Business-to-business agency企业对企业(B2B)广告公司105.General consumer agency普通消费者广告公司106.account service 客户服务107.creative service 创意服务108.marketing services 营销服务109.account executive 客户执行110.account planning 客户策划111.creative director 创意总监112.media planner 媒体策划人员113.media buyer媒体购买人员114.art director 艺术总监115.brand manager 品牌经理116.copywriter 文案人员117.Art studio 艺术工作室118.Fee-commission combination 手续费-代理费混合制119.Media commission 媒介代理费120.Retainer method 截留费制121.Straight-fee method 直接费制122.Incentive system 奖励制123.Ethic dilemma伦理两难问题124.Ethic lapses 伦理缺失125.puffery浮夸式广告126.deceptive advertising欺骗性广告127.endorsement advertising 推荐广告(背书广告)128.corrective advertising 更正广告129.unfair advertising 不正当广告130.privacy rights 隐私权131.advertising regulation广告管理ernment regulation政府管理133.non-government regulation非政府管理134.industry self-regulation行业自律135.BBB (Better Business Bureaus)商业促进局136.NAD (National Advertising Division)全国广告处137.NARB (National Advertising Review Board)国家广告审查委员会138.advertising substantiation广告信息证实139.clearance advertising 清仓广告140.consumer advocate 消费者保护团体141.cooperative advertising 联合广告142.copyright 版权143.intellectual property 知识产权144.regional advertiser 区域性广告主145.testimonial 证言式广告146.globalization全球化147.standardization标准化148.ready-to-use ad即用式广告149.localization本地化150.adaptation调适性营销151.think globally, act locally全球化营销策略,本土化广告运作152.global vision with a local touch全球视野,本地制作153.multinational corporations(MNCs)跨国公司154.homogenize 同质化155.autobiographical messages 自传式讯息156.cross-cultural communication/communication across cultures 跨文化传播157.drama message 戏剧式信息158.global advertising 全球性广告159.globalized campaign 全球性的广告活动160.local agency 本土化的广告活动161.narrative message 叙述式讯息162.pattern advertising 模式广告163.creative brief创意简报164.preroll前贴片广告165.eDM电子直效营销/电子邮件营销166.teaser 预热/开场167.trademark 商标168.freedom of speech 言论自由169.decentralized system 分权式体制170.departmental system 部门式体制171.centralized system 集权式体制172.four-color process 四色印刷过程173.business reply mail 商业回函174.cost per rating point(CPRP)单位收视点成本/每收视点成本175.the effectiveness of advertising 广告效果176.advertising budget广告预算177.classified advertisement 分类广178.advertising campaign 广告活动(战役)179.target audience目标受众180.celebrity 名人181.copywriting 文案撰写182.advertising agency 广告公司183.advertiser广告主184.adman 广告人,广告从业人员185.marketing mix 营销组合186.marketing strategy 营销战略petitive product 竞品(竞争性产品)188.demographic segmentation 人口细分189.Psychographic segmentation消费心态细分190.ROI(Return On Investment) 投资回报191.PLC(Product Life Cycle) 产品生命周期192.public relation 公共关系193.word of mouth口碑194.brand equity品牌资产195.80-20 rules 二八法则196.headline 标题197.slogan 广告口号/标语yout 版式199.logo 标志/标识200.integrated marketing communication(IMC)整合营销传播201.American Association of Advertising Agency (AAAA)美国广告公司协会202.AAD〔Associated Account Director〕——副客户总监203.AAD〔Associated Art Director〕——副美术指导204.ACD〔Associated Creative Director〕——副创作总监205.AD 〔Account Director〕——客户服务总监、业务指导206.AD〔Art Director〕——美术指导(在创作部可以独挡一面执行美术指导工作的美术监督)207.AE〔Account Executive〕——客户执行、客户服务、客户主任;预算执行者,负责广告代理商和广告主之间的一切有关业务,观念,预算,广告表现之联系208.AM 〔Account Manager〕——客户经理209.AP〔Account Planner〕——客户企划(分策略企划和业务企划两种)210.ASM〔Area Sale Manager〕——大区销售经理211.CD〔Creative Director〕——创作总监、创意总监、创意指导(CD的前身,不是撰稿人便是美术设计,因为积累了丰富的经验,并有优异的创作成绩而成为督导)212.CGH〔Creative Group Head 〕——创意组长213.CV〔Computer Visualizer〕——计算机绘图员214.CW〔Copywriter〕——撰稿人215.DCS〔Director of Client Service〕——客户主管216.ECD〔Executive Creative Director〕——执行创意总监217.FA〔Finish Artist〕——完稿、画师218.FAGH〔Finish Artist Group Head〕——完稿组长219.GAD〔Group Account Director〕——客户群总监220.GCD〔Group Creative Director〕——创意群总监221.GMD〔General Managing Director〕——总经理222.MD〔Media Director〕——媒体指导、媒介部经理223.SAD〔Senior Art Director〕——高级美术指导224.SCW〔Senior Copywriter〕——高级文案225.Copy Director——文案指导226.Media Supervisor——媒介主任、媒介总监227.Media Planner——媒介策划228.Planning Director——企划指导229.Planning Supervisor——企划总监230.Print Production Manager——平面制作经理231.Production Manager——制作经理232.Research Supervisor——调查总监233.Studio Manager——工作室经理、作业室经理234.Traffic Control Specialist(简称Traffic)〕——流程管控专员235.Traffic Coordinator——流程统筹 Producer——电视制片人237.Visualizer——插图家、插画师、绘图员、视觉设计238.Visualizer Group Head ——视觉设计组长239.Artist——正稿员。

一、选择题1. "Catchy" in advertising means ___________.a) Attractive and memorableb) Boring and forgettablec) Expensive and exclusived) Informative and detailed2. Which of the following is NOT a type of advertising media?a) Televisionb) Radioc) Newspaperd) Telephone3. The term "branding" in advertising refers to ___________.a) Creating a unique name and image for a productb) Selling products through online platformsc) Conducting market research for a new productd) Developing advertising campaigns for a target audience4. What is the purpose of a call-to-action in an advertisement?a) To provide contact information for the companyb) To encourage the audience to take a specific actionc) To highlight the features of the productd) To compare the product with competitors5. What does the acronym "USP" stand for in advertising?a) Unique Selling Pointb) Universal Sales Promotionc) United States Patentd) User Satisfaction Program二、填空题1. The _________ of an advertisement is the person or group of people it is intended to reach.2. A __________ is a short, memorable phrase used in advertising.3. The _________ is the main message or idea that an advertisement wants to convey.4. A __________ is a visual representation of a product or brand.5. The __________ is the amount of money a company spends on advertising.三、解答题1. Explain the concept of target audience in advertising and why it is important.2. Describe the different types of advertising appeals and provide examples for each.3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using celebrity endorsements in advertising.4. Compare and contrast traditional advertising media (such as television and print) with digital advertising media (such as social media and online ads).5. Analyze the role of creativity in advertising and how it can impact the effectiveness of an advertisement.通过以上的复习题,读者可以回顾和巩固广告英语的相关知识。
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Unit1 The Dimensions of Advertising1. There are two basic types of advertising, informative advertising and persuasive advertising.2. sponsored eventsUnit2 The Evolution of Advertising1. The history of advertising falls into four eras.2. "Soft-sell" advertising creates images through a slow accumulation of positive messages than "hard-sell" approach.3. AAAA(American Association of Advertising Agencies)brand equityUnit 3 Advertising &Marketing Process1.marketing mixUnit 4 Marketing Communication Tool1. The fellowing are important for advertising success:High primary demand trend;Chance for significant product differentiation;Hidden qualities highly important to consumer;Opportunity to use strong emotional appeals;Substantial budgets to support advertising.2.cents-off promotionUnit6 advertising research1. Research is the backbone of advertising and marketing.2. Four areas are commonly addressed in strategic research: marketplace, consumer, corporate, product research.Unit7 Consumer behavior1. Those acts of individuals directly involved in obtaining and using economic goods and services, including the decision process that precedes and determines these acts.2. The concepts, values, and behavior that make up a culture are learned and passed down from one generation to the next.Unit8 Advertising Strategy & Planning1. Marketing plan describes how all the elements——product,pricing,distribution,and promotion——should be employed to maximize the impact of the total effort.2. In many respects marketing resembles a war, and the marketplace a battleground.3. creative platformAdvertising sloganSay it with flowers.We lead.others copy.Buy one,Get one free.Down with blood sugar. Up with your life.Double delicious. Double your pleasure.Careless talk costs lives.Hero Meets Hero.A friend in need is a friend indeed.Eye it. try it. buy it.Where there is a way, there is a Toyota.Where here's a will, there's a way.Good to the last drop.Unit 9 Creative Strategy1. The creative strategy state ment is essentially an extension and elaboration of a brand’s marketing strategy principles into the brand’s advertising or creative area.2. The fellowing kinds of ideas will ordinarily appear in a creative strategy:A concise statement of the principal benefit offered by the product ;A statement of the principal characteristics of the product which makes it possible to claim this benefit ;A statement of the character or personality which is to be built for the product and which will be reflected in the mood, tone, and overall atmosphere of the advertising;A statement of what the product is how to use it .3.celebrity endorsement adUnit10 Advertising Execution1. The arrangement of an ad’s physical elements—visuals, text, etc—is called the format.2. major selling ideaactiondesireconvictioncomprehensionawarenessAdvertising pyramid Copywriter’s pyramidUnit11 Advertising Media1. Major media decisions in advertising are that relate to media selection and media scheduling.2. A number of quantitative criteria are available for evaluating the media plan.These include cost per thousand, reach, frequency, impressions, and gross rating points.3.digital mediaUnit12 Public Relations1. Counteracting negative publicity is the damage control function.2. The public relations have six primary objectives: Promoting goodwill; promoting a product or service ; preparing internal communications ; counteracting negative publicity; lobbying ; giving advice and counsel.Unit13 Advertising agency1. Ad agencies can be classified by two categories: full-service agencies and specialized service agencies.2. Agency purchases advertising places and time in varioues media on behalf of its clients to find customers for their goods and services3. A Media buying service is an independent organization that specializes in selecting media to fit the advertiser's strategy, and buying the specific time and space, particularly on radio and television.4. Advertising agency is an independent organization of creative people and business people that specialize in developing and preparing marketing and advertising plans, advertisements, and other promotional tools.4. A full-service agency offers its clients a full range of marketing, communications, and promotion services, including planning, creating, and producing ads, performing research, and selecting media.补充prime timestaff onlypublic service announcements。