
英语歌咏比赛策划方案English Song Contest Planning Scheme.I. Introduction.An English Song Contest is an excellent way to promote cultural exchange, enhance language skills, and foster creativity among participants. This event not only provides a platform for individuals to showcase their talent but also serves as a medium for community members to come together and appreciate the beauty of music. This planning scheme outlines the key elements necessary for organizing a successful English Song Contest.II. Objectives.1. To promote language learning and cultural understanding through music.2. To provide a stage for individuals to showcase theirsinging and performing abilities.3. To foster creativity and artistic expression among participants.4. To create a community event that brings people together and enhances social cohesion.III. Target Audience.The target audience for this event includes students, teachers, and community members with an interest in music and language learning. It is designed to cater to a diverse range of ages and backgrounds, providing an inclusive and accessible platform for all.IV. Event Format.1. Registration Phase: Participants register online or on-site with their chosen song and a brief introduction of their performance concept.2. Preliminary Round: Participants perform their chosen English songs in front of a panel of judges and an audience. The judges will evaluate based on vocal ability, language proficiency, and stage presence.3. Semi-Final Round: Selected participants from the preliminary round will perform again, this time with more emphasis on创意表达和创新元素.4. Grand Finale: The top finalists from the semi-final round will compete in a final performance, where the audience and judges will jointly determine the winners.V. Venue and Equipment.1. Venue: Choose a venue that can accommodate the expected number of participants and audience members comfortably. Ensure good acoustics and staging facilitiesfor optimal performance quality.2. Equipment: Provide high-quality audio and visual equipment, including microphones, speakers, lighting, andprojection for displaying lyrics or background visuals.VI. Marketing and Promotion.1. Social Media: Utilize social media platforms to promote the event, create awareness, and encourage participation. Post regular updates, event highlights, and participant profiles.2. Word of Mouth: Encourage participants to spread the word about the event to their friends, family, and colleagues.3. Press Releases: Send press releases to local media outlets to gain coverage and attract a wider audience.VII. Judging Criteria.1. Vocal Ability: The clarity, range, and control of the participant's voice.2. Language Proficiency: The accuracy and fluency ofEnglish pronunciation.3. Stage Presence: The participant's confidence, engagement with the audience, and overall performance demeanor.4. Creativity and Originality: The uniqueness and creativity of the performance concept and interpretation of the song.VIII. Sponsors and Funding.1. Sponsors: Seek sponsorship from local businesses or organizations to provide financial support and increase the event's profile.2. Funding: Consider seeking grants or donations to offset costs associated with venue rental, equipment, promotion, and prizes.IX. Prizes and Awards.1. Cash Prizes: Award cash prizes to the top winners to recognize their accomplishments.2. Certificates and Trophies: Provide certificates and trophies to all finalists as a token of appreciation for their participation.X. Timeline.1. Event Planning: Establish the event committee, identify venues, and plan the event structure.2. Registration Phase: Open registration to the public and promote the event widely.3. Preliminary and Semi-Final Rounds: Conduct the preliminary and semi-final rounds, evaluating participants based on the judging criteria.4. Grand Finale: Host the grand finale event, invite guests, and announce the winners.XI. Conclusion.Organizing an English Song Contest requires careful planning and execution. By following this planning scheme, you can ensure a successful event that promotes language learning, cultural understanding, and artistic expression. Remember to involve the community, seek sponsorship, and provide meaningful prizes to激励参与者和提升活动的吸引力. With these elements in place, your English Song Contest is sure to be a memorable and enriching experience for all participants and audience members alike.。

大学英语歌唱比赛策划书范文Proposal for University English Singing CompetitionIntroduction:The University English Singing Competition is a platform for students to showcase their singing talents and improve their English language skills. The competition aims to create an entertaining and educational experience for participants and audience members alike.Objectives:1. To provide a platform for students to showcase their singing talents2. To improve students' English language skills through singing3. To create an enjoyable and educational experience for participants and audience membersDate and Venue:The competition will be held on [DATE] at [VENUE]. The venue will be equipped with a professional sound system and lighting to ensure an excellent performance.Eligibility:The competition is open to all students who arecurrently enrolled at [UNIVERSITY]. Participants can perform individually or in a group of up to five members. Each participant or group must prepare two songs, one of which must be in English.Registration:Participants must register for the competition by [DEADLINE]. The registration fee is [FEE]. Participants can register online or in person at [LOCATION].Judging Criteria:Participants will be judged on the following criteria:1. Singing ability2. English language proficiency3. Stage presence4. Song choice5. Overall performancePrizes:The following prizes will be awarded:1st Place: [PRIZE]2nd Place: [PRIZE]3rd Place: [PRIZE]In addition, the winners will have the opportunity to perform at [EVENT/LOCATION].Promotion:The competition will be promoted through the following channels:1. Social media platforms2. University website3. Posters and flyers around campus4. Word of mouthConclusion:The University English Singing Competition is an excellent opportunity for students to showcase their talents and improve their English language skills. Weencourage all students to participate and look forward to an exciting and entertaining event.。


歌唱比赛策划书英文回答:Singing Competition Proposal。
Hello everyone, my name is [Your Name] and I am a music producer. I am passionate about helping young singers develop their talent and reach their full potential. That's why I am excited to propose a singing competition that will provide a platform for young singers to showcase their talent and win prizes.The competition will be open to singers of all ages and genres. Singers will be judged on their vocal ability, stage presence, and overall performance. The competition will consist of three rounds:Round 1: Singers will submit a video audition of themselves singing a song of their choice.Round 2: The top 10 singers from Round 1 will perform live in front of a panel of judges.Round 3: The top 3 singers from Round 2 will compete in a live finale, where they will sing a song of their choice and a song chosen by the judges.The winner of the competition will receive a cash prize of $1,000, a recording contract, and a chance to perform at a major music festival. The second and third place winners will also receive cash prizes and the opportunity to perform at a music festival.I believe that this singing competition will be a great opportunity for young singers to develop their talent and reach their full potential. I hope that you will support this competition and help make it a success.中文回答:歌唱比赛策划书。

初中英文歌唱比赛活动方案Initial Middle School English Singing Competition Activity Plan1. Purpose and Objectives:The purpose of this event is to provide a platform for middle school students to showcase their English singing talents and improve their English language proficiency. The objectives are to:- Encourage students to develop their English language skills through music- Foster a love for English language and culture- Promote cultural exchange and understanding among participants- Recognize and reward outstanding performances2. Participant Eligibility:The competition is open to all middle school students within the city. Each school is allowed to send a maximum of 10 participants.3. Competition Categories:- Solo Performance (Male and Female)- Duet/Group Performance (2-5 members)4. Song Selection:Participants are required to perform English songs from the following genres:- Pop- Rock- Ballad- Musical TheatreThe selected songs should be appropriate for middle school students and have a duration of no more than 4 minutes.5. Competition Procedure:- Preliminary Round: All participants will perform their selected songs in front of a panel of judges. The top 10 contestants from each category will advance to the final round.- Final Round: The finalists will perform their songs again, and the winners will be determined based on the judges' evaluation.6. Judging Criteria:- Vocal Technique (30%)- Interpretation and Expressiveness (30%)- Stage Presence and Performance (20%)- Overall Artistic Merit (20%)7. Awards and Prizes:- Champion (Male and Female Solo, Duet/Group)- 1st Runner-up (Male and Female Solo, Duet/Group)- 2nd Runner-up (Male and Female Solo, Duet/Group)- Participation Certificates for all contestants8. Schedule:- Registration Deadline: [Date]- Preliminary Round: [Date]- Final Round: [Date]- Award Ceremony: [Date]9. Promotion and Publicity:The event will be promoted through the school's website, social media platforms, and local media outlets to raise awareness and attract participants.中文版本:初中英文歌唱比赛活动方案1. 目的和目标:此次活动的目的是为初中学生提供一个展示英语歌唱才能,提高英语语言能力的平台。

三、人员安排活动指导老师:梁康琼活动负责人:晶晶主办单位:国际教育学院活动承办单位:学生联合会活动协办单位:社团联合会英语角协会大赛日程:宣传时刻:10月25日——10月31日报名时刻:11月01日——11月07日初赛时刻:11月12日——11月13 日复赛时刻:11月16日——11月17日决赛时刻:11月20日晚会顺序:1、开场2、主持人开幕3、领导致辞、鸣礼4、晚会开始5、晚会结束6、全体合影留念五、工作人员和项目组(1)节目组组长:志鹏副组长:钟碧君组员:文娱部全体成员任务:a、完成节目收集、筛选及后期的排练、彩排工作;b、负责节目的编排及晚会全流程的衔接;时刻安排:第一时期:20XX年10月26日(一),中午12点整召开召开文娱委员与社团协会会议。

三、活动时间和地点1. 时间:[具体时间]2. 地点:[具体地点]四、参赛对象全体学生五、活动宣传1. 制作海报和宣传单,张贴在学校各个重要位置和教学楼内。
2. 在学校官方网站和社交媒体平台上发布活动通知和宣传信息。
3. 邀请学校广播台和电视台进行宣传报道。
4. 组织宣传队伍在校园内进行现场宣传和报名咨询。
六、活动流程(一)报名阶段1. 报名时间:[具体时间]2. 报名方式:现场报名:在宣传期间,学生可以前往报名点填写报名表格并缴纳报名费用。
(二)初赛阶段1. 比赛时间:[具体时间]2. 比赛地点:[具体地点]3. 比赛方式:参赛选手需准备一首中文歌曲和一首英文歌曲,在比赛现场进行演唱。
(三)决赛阶段1. 比赛时间:[具体时间]2. 比赛地点:[具体地点]3. 比赛方式:进入决赛的选手需准备一首中文歌曲和一首英文歌曲,在比赛现场进行演唱。
(四)颁奖仪式1. 时间:[具体时间]2. 地点:[具体地点]3. 内容:在比赛结束后,举行颁奖仪式,为获奖选手颁发证书和奖品。
九、注意事项1. 参赛选手需遵守比赛规则,尊重评委和观众,如有违反将取消比赛资格。
2. 参赛选手需按时到达比赛现场,迟到将影响比赛成绩。

英语节歌唱比赛活动方案English Festival Singing Competition Event Plan.1. Event Overview.The English Festival Singing Competition is an exciting and prestigious event that provides a platform for students to showcase their English language skills and musical talents. This competition aims to promote the use of English as a global language, foster cultural exchange, and inspire students to develop their confidence and communication abilities.2. Objectives.To provide a stage for students to display their proficiency in English pronunciation, intonation, and fluency.To encourage students to appreciate and perform avariety of English songs.To promote cultural understanding and foster a sense of unity among students from diverse backgrounds.To develop students' self-confidence, stage presence, and performance skills.3. Eligibility.The competition is open to all students enrolled in primary, secondary, and tertiary educational institutions. Participants may compete as individuals or as part of a group.4. Categories.The competition will be divided into the following categories:Junior Category: Open to students from Grades 1-6。

三、活动时间[具体时间]四、活动地点[具体地点]五、参与人员全体学生六、活动安排1. 报名阶段([报名时间])学生在规定时间内到指定地点报名。
2. 初赛阶段([初赛时间])参赛选手进行初赛选拔,评选出优秀选手进入决赛。
初赛形式为清唱,每位选手演唱时间不超过 2 分钟。
3. 决赛阶段([决赛时间])进入决赛的选手进行现场演唱,评选出一、二、三等奖和优秀奖。
决赛形式为伴奏演唱,每位选手演唱时间不超过 5 分钟。
4. 颁奖仪式(决赛结束后)颁发奖项并进行表彰。
七、评分标准1. 语音语调(30 分)发音准确,语调自然。
2. 演唱技巧(30 分)声音圆润,气息稳定。
3. 情感表达(20 分)能够理解歌曲的内涵,情感表达真挚。
4. 舞台表现(20 分)着装得体,仪态大方。
八、奖项设置1. 一等奖 1 名2. 二等奖 2 名3. 三等奖 3 名4. 优秀奖若干名九、活动宣传1. 海报宣传在学校宣传栏张贴活动海报。
2. 班级宣传各班级班委向班级同学宣传活动。
3. 网络宣传在学校官方网站、公众号等平台发布活动通知。
十、活动预算1. 奖品费用:[具体金额]2. 宣传费用:[具体金额]3. 其他费用:[具体金额]总预算:[具体金额]十一、注意事项1. 参赛选手需提前准备好演唱曲目和伴奏。
2. 比赛过程中,选手需遵守比赛规则,尊重评委和观众。
3. 活动现场需保持安静,不得大声喧哗。

英语歌唱比赛活动策划方案1. IntroductionThe English Singing Competition is an annual event that aims to showcase the vocal talent of participants while promoting the English language and culture. This event will bring together singers from various backgrounds, creating an environment for both amateur and professional singers to showcase their skills and passion for music. The following proposal outlines the key aspects of the event, including its objectives, target audience, logistics, and marketing strategies.2. Objectives- Provide a platform for singers to showcase their talent and passion for music.- Promote the English language and its diverse cultures through music.- Encourage participation and collaboration among singers from different backgrounds.- Cultivate an appreciation for music and vocal performances in the community.- Create a fun and memorable experience for both participants and audience members.3. Target Audience- Singers of all ages and experience levels who are passionate about singing in English.- English language learners who wish to improve their pronunciation and expressions through music.- Music enthusiasts and members of the local community who appreciate live performances. - Schools, colleges, and language institutions interested in participating and promoting their offerings.- Potential sponsors interested in supporting cultural and music-related events.4. Event Logistics4.1 Venue- Select a suitable indoor venue that can accommodate a large audience and provide excellent acoustics for performances.- Ensure the venue has adequate seating arrangements for participants, judges, and audience members.- Arrange sufficient space for backstage preparations, including a green room for participants.- Install appropriate audio and visual equipment to ensure a high-quality sound system and visual experience.4.2 Date and Time- Determine a convenient time and date for the event, considering the availability of participants and potential audience members.- Plan the event to span over a weekend or a full day to accommodate multiple rounds and performances.4.3 Technical Support- Employ competent sound and lighting technicians who can ensure smooth operation during the event.- Arrange for the presence of a qualified sound engineer to handle any technical glitches that may arise.4.4 Registration and Selection Process- Advertise the event through various channels, including social media, local newspapers, and school/college bulletins.- Allow participants to register online, providing necessary personal details and a recording or video of their singing ability.- Conduct a selection process, where judges will evaluate the participants' submissions and choose the finalists.4.5 Stage Design- Create an appealing stage design that reflects the theme of the event.- Incorporate vibrant lighting effects and audio-visual elements to enhance the performances.- Arrange for a stage backdrop that displays the event's logo and sponsors' names.5. Marketing Strategies5.1 Online Promotions- Utilize social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, to promote the event.- Create a dedicated event page or website to provide all necessary information, including registration details and updates.- Encourage participants and audience members to share their experiences and invite others to attend the event.5.2 Traditional Marketing- Print posters and flyers advertising the event and distribute them in local schools, colleges, and community centers.- Collaborate with local businesses to display posters and distribute event flyers.- Send press releases to local newspapers and radio stations to highlight the event and attract media coverage.5.3 Sponsorship Opportunities- Reach out to local businesses, music schools, and language institutions to explore sponsorship opportunities.- Offer various sponsorship packages that include promotional opportunities such as logos on event materials, banners, and verbal acknowledgments during the event.- Recognize sponsors through social media shout-outs and dedicated sponsor appreciation segments during the event.6. Event Program6.1 Opening Ceremony- Welcome remarks from the event organizer, highlighting the objectives and importance of the competition.- Performance by a renowned local singer or band to kickstart the event.6.2 Competition Rounds- Categorize participants based on age or experience level to ensure fairness.- Arrange multiple rounds, including solo performances, duets, and group performances.- Allocate sufficient time for judges to evaluate each performance and provide constructive feedback.6.3 Guest Performances- Engage local singing groups, bands, or dancers to provide entertainment during the breaks between competition rounds.- Arrange an intermission performance by an established singer or band to keep the audience engaged.6.4 Finals and Awards Presentation- Select the top-performing participants from each category to compete in the finals.- Involve a panel of renowned local and international judges to evaluate the finalists.- Announce winners in each category and present awards and certificates of participation.7. ConclusionThe English Singing Competition is an exciting event that provides a platform for singers to showcase their talent, promotes language learning through music, and creates a memorable experience for both participants and audience members. By combining carefully planned logistics, effective marketing strategies, and an exceptional event program, this competition has the potential to become an annual highlight in the local community's cultural calendar.。

三、比赛时间与地点1. 比赛时间:2022年月日(具体时间另行通知)2. 比赛地点:学校多功能厅四、比赛形式1. 初赛:参赛选手自选一首英文歌曲进行演唱,限时3分钟。
2. 决赛:分为两个环节进行。
五、评分标准1. 发音准确性:30分2. 节奏感:30分3. 情感表达:20分4. 仪态台风:10分5. 创新性:10分六、奖项设置1. 个人组:一等奖1名,二等奖2名,三等奖3名,优秀奖若干。
2. 团体组:一等奖1名,二等奖2名,三等奖3名。
七、报名方式1. 个人组:参赛选手需填写报名表,并于规定时间内提交至组委会。
2. 团体组:各班级组织报名,填写报名表,并于规定时间内提交至组委会。
八、注意事项1. 参赛选手需按时参加比赛,迟到视为弃权。
4. 组委会对本次比赛有最终解释权。
七、比赛流程1. 报名阶段:参赛选手在指定时间内完成报名,组委会对报名资料进行审核。
2. 初赛选拔:初赛阶段,选手按照抽签顺序依次上台演唱,评委现场打分,公布晋级名单。
3. 决赛准备:晋级决赛的选手需在规定时间内向组委会提交决赛曲目及相关资料,以便组委会提前做好准备。
4. 决赛环节:决赛当天,选手按照抽签顺序进行比赛,评委现场打分,最终公布获奖名单并颁发奖项。
八、参赛须知1. 参赛选手应确保所选歌曲内容健康、积极向上,不得含有不良信息。
2. 参赛选手在比赛过程中,如遇到技术问题,可向组委会申请暂停比赛,经组委会同意后,给予适当调整。

歌唱比赛策划书英文回答:Singing Competition Planning Proposal。
I am writing to propose a singing competition that will be held in [City Name] on [Date]. I believe that this competition will be a great opportunity to showcase the vocal talents of the talented singers in our community.Event Details。
Name: [Competition Name]Date: [Date]Location: [Location]Time: [Time]Eligibility。
The competition is open to all singers, regardless of age, gender or experience.Categories。
The competition will have three categories:Junior: Ages 8-14。
Adult: Ages 15-30。
Senior: Ages 31+。
The winners of each category will receive a cash prize of [Amount]. They will also have the opportunity to perform at a local music festival.Judges。
The judges will be a panel of experienced music professionals. They will be looking for vocal talent, stage presence, and overall performance.Registration。

决赛分四个阶段1. 视频介绍选手,班级同学助威加油选手们自己预先制作好班级帮忙加油的片段,主办方制作好选手海选时的精彩瞬间,一同在赛上播放。
2. 英语绕口令PK:主办方出4组绕口令,四人一组(1234号一组,5678号一组),以厉害者为胜。
3. 自选歌曲演唱选手演唱自己选的歌曲,音乐方面自先准备好。
4. 才艺SHOW选手进行才艺展示,方式不限,可以唱歌、跳舞、小品等等.每人3分钟。
6自选歌曲进行演唱. (评委选出5名优胜者)由评委打分,最高10分。

英语歌唱比赛活动方案英文English Answer:School English Singing Competition.1. Introduction.The School English Singing Competition aims to provide a platform for students to showcase their vocal talents, develop their confidence, and foster a love of English language and music.2. Objective.The objectives of the competition are as follows:To encourage students to use English creatively and expressively.To develop students' singing and performance skills.To foster a sense of accomplishment and pride in students.To promote the appreciation of different genres of music.3. Eligibility.The competition is open to all students enrolled in the school.4. Categories.The competition will be divided into the following categories:Junior (Grades 1-3)。
Intermediate (Grades 4-6)。
Senior (Grades 7-12)。
5. Song Selection.Songs should be in English and must be appropriate for the age and vocal range of the student. Students may choose songs from any genre of music.6. Performance Requirements.Students will perform a live, unaccompanied rendition of their chosen song before a panel of judges. Performances will be evaluated on the following criteria:Vocal technique.Stage presence.Interpretation of the song.Overall performance.7. Prizes.Prizes will be awarded to the top three performers in each category.8. Timeline.Registration Deadline: [Date]Auditions: [Date]Final Competition: [Date]9. Contact Information.For more information, please contact the music teacher, [Teacher's Name], at [Email Address] or [Phone Number].中文回答:学校英语歌唱比赛活动方案。

二、活动目标1. 提供一个展示学生英语歌唱才华的舞台,激发同学们的学习热情。
2. 提升学生的英语语言表达能力和音乐素养。
3. 培养学生的团队合作能力和自信心。
4. 促进校园文化建设,培养同学们的艺术修养。
三、活动内容1. 报名阶段:- 报名时间:X月X日至X月X日- 报名对象:全校学生- 报名方式:学生填写报名表,通过线上提交至指定邮箱- 报名费用:免费2. 初选阶段:- 初选时间:X月X日至X月X日- 初选方式:由英语教师组成的评委团对报名作品进行评审和筛选,选出优秀的参赛者- 初选结果公布:X月X日3. 决赛阶段:- 决赛时间:X月X日- 决赛形式:现场演唱- 决赛评审:由专业音乐人和英语教师组成的评委团进行评审,并进行评分- 奖项设置:设立一、二、三等奖,并颁发最佳表演奖、最佳原创歌曲奖等特别奖项4. 活动宣传:- 制作宣传海报,贴在校园主要位置- 利用学校公众号、校园电视台等媒体进行推广- 组织校园歌唱俱乐部成员进行宣传演唱五、活动执行方案1. 活动组织结构:- 活动策划小组:负责整体活动策划、协调与安排- 评审团:由多名英语教师和专业音乐人组成- 活动志愿者:负责活动现场的布置、接待等工作2. 策划细节:- 活动预算:包括舞台布置、宣传物料、奖品等费用的预估和安排- 舞台布置:根据活动主题,进行舞台背景和灯光的设计安排,突出英语元素,并注重音效的设置- 接待和安全保障:设置活动现场的志愿者接待队伍,并配置急救人员和消防设备,确保活动安全顺利进行六、活动预算根据活动的规模,初步预计活动预算为X万元。

【策划内容】一、大赛宗旨:1. 提供展示校园音乐与艺术才能的平台;2. 倡导校园文化创作和学生自主创新;3. 培养青年学生英语表达能力和艺术综合素质。
二、目标群体:1. 参赛者:全校任课学生均可报名参加,鼓励跨专业、跨年级的参与,共同展示自己的才艺。
2. 观众:全校师生,以及对英语歌唱与配音感兴趣的外教、家长和社会人士。
三、活动形式:1. 报名选拔赛:参赛者通过线上/线下方式提交个人作品,组委会进行初步筛选,确定入围者。
2. 初赛:入围者进行现场演出,评委对演出进行评分和点评,选出进入决赛的选手。
3. 决赛:决赛阶段选手进行现场表演,最终评选出大赛的优胜者。
4. 颁奖典礼:对获奖者进行颁奖,并举行相关表演和嘉宾演出。
四、主要环节:1. 进行音乐作品创作和演唱、配音作品创作和表演两大环节;2. 音乐作品创作和演唱环节的曲风不限,可以是原创或翻唱,但歌曲必须使用英语演唱;3. 配音作品创作和表演环节要求参赛者进行有声表演和后期剪辑,可以选取电影、动画、电视剧等素材进行配音。
五、评委和评分标准:1. 评委由校内外相关专业人士组成,包括英语教师、音乐老师、配音演员等;2. 评分标准主要考虑参赛者的艺术表达能力、语言能力、音乐造诣和舞台表现力等方面。
六、奖项设置:1. 一等奖:校园英语歌手(配音员)之星;2. 二等奖:优秀校园英语歌手(配音员);3. 三等奖:最佳校园英语歌手(配音员);4. 优秀创作奖:最佳原创音乐作品奖、最佳配音作品奖;5. 最具潜力奖:青年才艺新星奖;6. 最佳人气奖:校园人气歌手奖。
七、赛事宣传推广:1. 利用校园广播、海报、校内媒体等渠道进行口碑宣传;2. 利用校园内外的社交媒体平台进行网络宣传,包括微博、微信公众号等;3. 设立官方网站和线上报名平台,提供详细的比赛信息和参赛指引。

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现场的状况会不断发生,要将一切的可能化为现实,找到应对方法)颁奖: ①最后将总分统计后,第一时间送到主持人手中,催场人员安排所有选手统一安排进入舞台,一起等候宣布结果,之后待主持人宣布,选手一一上前领奖②之前安排的保管证书的人员此时要紧跟主持人的宣布,将证书给到领导的手中,确保证书和选手不错漏③颁奖的背景音乐播放本次活动的主题曲,让此主题曲更加深入人心,主持人和选手可以带动全场一起合唱此曲,完美结束奖项设定:一等奖1名二等奖2名三等奖3名美丽声音奖若干潜质新人奖若干活力表现奖若干(闪光点:本次大赛的最后一处闪光点就是奖项的设置,区别以往的最后没有获大奖的选手所获得的优秀奖,本次活动灵活的设置了一些名字新颖独特的奖项,评委可以根据选手现场的表现,将这些奖项发给没有获得名次的选手,给每一位选手留下美好的回忆)最终的闪光点集合:⑴大赛的主题歌曲(在报名的时候,可以印制一些歌词和宣传单发放,增加歌曲的传唱和学习性)⑵决赛现场的互动教学,提高观众的互动以及比赛的专业性(即使是一个十分简单的单词,只要有人能记住,这样都是十分好的开始,所以对现场教学的单词和短句要赛前进行审核)⑶优秀奖的创新设定,让选手更能感受到比赛的名次只是一个方面,点在于大家积极的参与,鼓励每一位优秀的选手时间:有多少人,开场需要多长时间,主持人开场时间。
总时间:跑分算分时间:活动所需要的物品:跑分的牌子,工作牌……话筒,对讲机,颁奖音乐,奖状,笔、计评分细则:满分 100分音色及唱法 20分音准、节奏 20分歌曲选择及演唱技巧 20分咬字、吐字 10分台风 20分服装、化妆 10分备注:1.邀请舞蹈团2.邀请一支成熟乐队3.如何确定四名主持人活动赞助策划赞助:赞助商受益点A,宣传范围广,时间长-本次活动面向全院学生,并且在此期间,各个社团都会在自己的相关宣传平台更新最新比赛进展,在此进行宣传对商家是极为有利的。
D,决赛现场主持人鸣谢E,报名所用的QQ等相关网络资源和邮箱等都会加入赞助商单位的宣传资金预算:1·宣传费用200元2·饮品20元3·条幅,气球,拉花,荧光棒50元4·租用的音响,灯光5.奖品和礼品500元6.舞台祝愿本次活动圆满成功,祝愿大家的友谊地久天长!建院全体英语协会活动主题:“spring V oice”Foever young"。