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环境与健康杂志2010年10月第27卷第10期J Environ Health,October 2010,Vol.27,No.10
义。说明涂抹化妆品中的汞经皮肤吸收进入体内可引起慢性蓄积,尿汞和机体DNA 损伤具有一定的相关关系。参考文献:
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了解武汉市农村地区地下饮用水中化学污染物的健康风险。方法于2009年9—12月对武汉市A 、B 、
C 、
D 、
E 五个区所辖的1945个行政村进行地下水抽样调查,并采用美国环保局(USEPA)推荐的健康风险评价模型对地下水中砷、氟化物、硝酸盐、铁和锰经饮水途径所引起的健康风险作出初步评价。结果武汉市农村地区地下水总健康风险为2.87×10-6/a 。B 区、A 区、C 区、D 区、E 区地下水中砷的个人年致癌风险分别为0、2.86×10-7、2.00×10-7、1.07×10-6、1.50×10-6/a 。个人年均健康风险排列顺序为E 区(4.83×10-6/a )>D 区(3.45×10-6/a )>A 区(9.24×10-7/a )>C 区(6.40×10-7/a )>B 区(2.41×10-9/a )。结论
D 和
E 农村地区地下水中的砷具有一定的致癌风险。关键词:地下水;健康风险评价;卫生调查中图分类号:R123.1
Health Risk Assessment of Rural Groundwater in Wuhan ,Hubei HUANG Yan -hong ,CHANG Wei ,HE Zhen -yu .Faculty of
Preventive Medicine ,
Medical College ,Wuhan University of Science and Technology ,Wuhan ,Hubei 430065,China Corresponding author :CHANG Wei ,E -mail :changwei_428@
Abstract :Objective To assess the health risk of chemical pollutants in the drinking water from the groundwater source in the rural areas of Wuhan ,Hubei province.Methods One thousand and nine hundred and forty -five villages in five districts (A ,B ,C ,D and E)of Wuhan were selected and the groundwater samples were collected for the investigation during September to December in 2009.The health risk assessment model recommended by the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)was employed to preliminarily assess the health risk caused by the chemical pollutants ,As ,F -,NO 3-,Fe and
Mn in groundwater.Results The total health risk of the rural groundwater in Wuhan was 2.78×10-6
/a.The individual
carcinogenic risk of As in B ,
A ,C ,D ,and E districts was 0,2.86×10-7,2.00×10-7,1.07×10-6,1.50×10-6/a respectively.The personal annual health risk ranked as E(4.83×10-6/a)>D(3.45×10-6/a)>A(9.24×10-7/a)>C(6.40×10-7/a)>B(2.41×10-9/a).Conclusion Carcinogen As in groundwater in the rural areas in D and E districts presents health risk for the local exposed residents.
Key words :Groundwater ;Health risk assessment ;Health survey 健康风险评价(health risk assessment ,HRA)是近些年建立与发展起来的一种新技术方法。它通过有害因子对人体不良影响发生概率的估算评价接触该因子的个体健康受到影响的危险