



第10章Division(拆译法)10.1 复习笔记In division, we have to determine where to divide, how to divide, what the subject or the predicate of the new clause or sentence should be, and how to rearrange various parts of the original sentence. These may involve such techniques as Conversion, Addition and Inversion.拆分时要注意以下问题:在哪里拆分,怎样拆分,新的从句或句子的主语、谓语分别是什么,以及如何重新组织这些部分。


一、Picking Out of Words(拆译单词)It is advisable to pick out those words which are hard to reproduce in the original structure and expand them into Chinese word groups, clauses or sentences. There are usually three steps to deal with such words:翻译过程中,如果一个单词的意义很难用汉语在原有句法框架下表达出来,就可以把该单词抽取出来,并将其扩展为汉语词组、从句或句子。

具体操作步骤如下:1. Determine which word(s) to pick out;确定需要抽取出来的单词;2. Apply Conversion or Addition, if necessary, to make the translated version smooth and well-connected;必要时运用转换法或增补法,使译文流畅、通顺;3. Rearrange the word order according to the Chinese mode of expression.根据汉语表达习惯,重新组织语序。



第4章篇章翻译4.1 语篇衔接⊙指称衔接Ⅰ.人称照应1. You must remember, my dear mother that I have never considered this matter as certain. I have had my doubts, I confess; but they are fainter than they were, and they may soon be entirely done away...【译文】您应该记住,我的好妈妈,我从来没有把事情看得一定如此。

我承认我有疑虑,但是不像以前那么重了,也许很快就会彻底打消……2. In addition English is the language of commerce and the second language of many countries which formerly had French or German in that position.【译文】此外,英语还是贸易语言,并取代了原来法语和德语的位置而成为许多国家的第二语言。


3. Credit cards enable their holders to obtain goods and services on credit. They are issued by retail stores, banks, credit card companies to approved clients. The bank or credit card company settles the client’s bills, invoicing him monthly andcharging interest on any outstanding debts. Their profits come from the high rate of interest charged, the card-holder’s subscriptions, and the fees paid by some organizations that accept cards.【译文】信用卡能使持卡人通过赊账的方式购买商品,得到服务。



翻译课教学法探索)))5英译汉教程6教学方法提示连淑能(厦门大学外文学院,福建厦门 361005)摘 要:高等院校英语专业本科高年级翻译课的主要任务是培养学生的翻译能力。



关键词:翻译课;教学法;启发式;以翻译过程为导向Abstract:The mai n purpose of teaching translation to senior students of English major at college level i s to develop th eir ability to trans late.Thispaper emphasizes the heuristic method and process O oriented approach to the teaching of translation.Taking A Cou rsebook on E nglish O Chinese T ransla-tion as an example,th e paper explores some practical methods for teachers .reference.Key Words:translation course;teaching method;heuristic method;process O oriented approach中图分类号:H319 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004-6038(2007)04-0029-06当代教育改革大力提倡/启发式0的教学法。





《英译汉教程》____练习参考答案普通⾼等教育“⼗⼀五”国家级规划教材英译汉教程练习参考答案连淑能厦门⼤学教授、博导Chapter 1 General PrinciplesDrills 1.3.1(1) 1. 这对克服困难很有帮助。

(go a long way towards something/doing something = helpgreatly in [achieving] something, OALD 2002: 525;《新英汉词典》2000: 1577)2. 趁你还年轻的时候,加油吧!/青春不再,趁早努⼒。

(go it = act in a manner that is quicker,more lively, impatient, etc., than is usual. Longman Dictionary of English Idioms1979: 130;《英汉⼤词典》1993: 740)3. 我需要更多空闲的时间。

(could do with something = need or want something, LDCE1998: 435)4. 这次失败促使他成功。

([the making of] = a means of gaining great improvement orsuccess, LDCE 1998: 918)5. 我盼望在最后⼀刻可以挽救和平。

(the eleventh hour = the very last moment, LDCE 1998:478)6.她对此事很了解。

(know a thing or two [about somebody/something] = know a lot [aboutsomebody/something], OALD 2002: 825)7. 她真是爱说话。


(ready = willing to do, LDCE 1998: 1249, 参见“学⽣⽤书”243页)8.⽆线电传来了该地区发现⼤油⽥的消息。

陈宏薇《新编汉英翻译教程》(第2版)配套教材复习资料-第4章 句子的英译【圣才出品】

陈宏薇《新编汉英翻译教程》(第2版)配套教材复习资料-第4章 句子的英译【圣才出品】

第4章句子的英译4.1 复习笔记汉语为语义型语言。




英语是主语显著语言(subject-prominent language),英语句子构建在主谓轴(subject-predicate pivot)上。



1. 以原文主语作译文主语英语句中的主语只能是名词、主格人称代词或名词性的词语。



Exhaust from boilers and vehicles, unless properly treated, causes air pollution in cities.2. 重新确定主语在许多情况下,我们需要重新选择和确定主语。



Previously, in the international literature, India was said to be the country where Asian rice originated. (郭建中译)原文主语“国际文献”被译作介词短语in the international literature,充当句中状语;而作原文宾语的主谓词组中的主语“印度”则成了译文的主语。



3. 增补主语汉语中,主语隐含不显或无主语句的情况时常可见。




连淑能《英译汉教程》TranslationofLongSentences(长句译法)【圣才出品】第13章Translation of Long Sentences(长句译法)13.1 复习笔记Translating long English sentences involves not only a mixed application of various techniques but also a careful analysis of their grammatical structures and logical sequences.英语长句的翻译不仅涉及复杂的翻译技巧,还要求对其句法结构和逻辑顺序进⾏细致的分析。

⼀、Features of Long English Sentences(英语长句的特点)English speakers build up long sentences in an “architectural style”. They pay more attention to construct “spatial structure”, often regardless of temporal sequences. It seems to us Chinese that they build basic structures in five patterns, namely, S + V, S + V + P, S + V + O, S + V + o + O, and S + V + O + C as mainstays, with words, phrases, or clauses as members of sentences, then join directly or indirectly, various kinds of nexuses composed of words ,phrases, or clauses as modifiers ,to the mainstays of the basic structures. Here, among other things, English inflection and function words play important roles in connecting various parts grammatically and in showing their relations logically.英语长句是按照“楼房建筑法”组织起来的:主⼲是五种句⼦结构,即主+谓,主+系+表,主+谓+宾,主+谓+宾+宾,主+谓+宾+补;枝叶是由词语、词组、从句等组成的各种各样的关系。

连淑能《英译汉教程》配套题库(含考研真题)-Chapter 3~Chapter 4【圣才出品】

连淑能《英译汉教程》配套题库(含考研真题)-Chapter 3~Chapter 4【圣才出品】

Chapter 3 Translation of cultural factors(文化因素的翻译)3.1 Translation of Culture-loaded Expressions(文化词语译法)Ⅰ. Domesticating Translation1. to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs【译文】杀鸡取卵2. kill two birds with one stone【译文】一箭双雕;一举两得3. carrot and stick【译文】软硬兼施;威逼利诱;奖惩并用4. a land of honey and milk【译文】鱼米之乡5. Jack of all trades and master of none【译文】杂而不精的人6. to separate the sheep from the goats【译文】分辨良莠7. to take French leave【译文】不告而别8. to carry coals to Newcastle【译文】多此一举【解析】纽卡斯尔是英国煤炭重镇,故往纽卡斯尔运煤是多此一举。

9. to paint the lily【译文】画蛇添足10. to face the music【译文】临危不惧11. to mind one’s P’s and Q’s【译文】谨言慎行12. to put the cart before the horse【译文】本末倒置13. to laugh off one’s head【译文】笑掉大牙14. as timid as a rabbit【译文】胆小如鼠15. as mute as a fish【译文】噤若寒蝉16. neither fish nor flesh【译文】不伦不类17. six of one and half a dozen of the other【译文】半斤八两18. to spend money like water【译文】挥金如土19. to look for a needle in haystack【译文】大海捞针20. Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion. 【译文】宁为鸡头,不为凤尾。



英译汉教程连淑能配套练习题库|才聪学习网连淑能《英译汉教程》配套题库(含考研真题)目录Chapter 1 Lexical Translation(词法翻译)1.1 Diction(选词法)1.2 Conversion(转换法)1.3 Addition(增补法)1.4 Omission(省略法)1.5 Repetition(重复法)Chapter 2 Syntactical Translation(句法翻译)2.1 Inversion(倒置法)2.2 Negation(反译法)2.3 Division(拆译法)2.4 Condensation(缩译法)2.5 Translation of the Passive(被动句的译法)2.6 Translation of Long Sentences(长句译法)Chapter 3 Translation of cultural factors(文化因素的翻译)3.1 Translation of Culture-loaded Expressions(文化词语译法)3.2 Translation of Proper Nouns and Technical Terms(专有名词和专门术语译法)Chapter 4 Style and Translation(文体与翻译)4.1 Political Writing(政治文体)4.2 Journalistic Writings(新闻报刊文体)4.3 Popular Science Writing(科普文体)4.4 Practical Writing(应用文体)4.5 Literary Style(文学文体)•试看部分内容Chapter 1Lexi cal Transla tion(词法翻译)1.1 Diction(选词法)Ⅰ. Choice of Affective Meanings1. In ou r Se con d Addre ss on the war, fi ve days af te rt h e a d v e n t o f th o s e m e n,w e to l d y o u w h a t th e y w e r e.【译文】在这伙人上台五天以后,我们在关于前次战争的第二篇宣言中已经向你们说明他们究竟是些什么货色了。




注意翻译术语的适当运⽤,尤其是有关翻译技巧的定义1. There are in the main eight techniques and principles in translation, either from English into Chinese or from Chinese into English. They are: diction, amplification, omission, conversion, inversion, negation, division and repetition.【答案】不管是英译汉还是汉译英,主要有⼋条翻译技巧(和原则),即选词⽤字法,增译法,减译法,词类转移法,词序调整法,正说反译法、反说正译法,分译法和重译法。

2. By “diction” we mean proper “choice of words” in translation on the bas is of accurate comprehension of the original.【答案】所谓“选词⽤字法”,就是在正确理解原⽂的基础上适当地选择词语。

3. Repetition is useful chiefly for clearness, which is of course the first quality to be acquired in a discourse. Secondly, words are repeated also for the sake of emphasis or force, which is another important quality in expression. Lastly, repetition will give life to the discourse and make it more attractive.【答案】重译法之所以有⽤,第⼀是它可使译⽂明确(明确是衡量语⾔质量的第⼀个标准);第⼆是为了强调,使语⾔有⼒(这是衡量语⾔质量的另⼀重要标准);第三是为了使译⽂⽣动形象,引⼈⼈胜。



杨⼠焯《英汉翻译教程》(第2版)配套题库(含考研真题)(2-3章)【圣才出品】第2章⽂化翻译2.1直译1.But it was enough to affect me then,who was but a young sailor,and had never known anything of the matter.【译⽂】我不过是个第⼀次出海的⽔⼿,对海上的事情⼀⽆所知。

2....he rose immediately,for he swam like a cork.【译⽂】可是他⽴刻浮出了⽔⾯,因为他游起泳来,像⼀个软⽊塞。


3.Beauty lies in the lover’s eyes.【译⽂】情⼈眼⾥出美⼈。

4.In the country of the blind,the one-eyed man is King.【译⽂】盲⼈国⾥,独眼⼈称王。

5.There is no smoke without some fire.【译⽂】⽆⽕不⽣烟。


6.Can the leopard change his spots?【译⽂】花豹岂能改变⾝上的花斑?7.Time is money.【译⽂】时间就是⾦钱。


8.Give him an inch and he will take a mile.【译⽂】得⼨进尺。

9.The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.【译⽂】⼼有余⽽⼒不⾜。

10.Seeing is believing.【译⽂】⽿闻为虚,眼见为实。

11.What’s done is done.【译⽂】⽊已成⾈。

12.When Greek meets Greek then comes the tug of War.【译⽂】两雄相遇,其⽃必烈。



第4章Conversion(转换法)4.1 复习笔记一、Conversion of Word Classes(转换词类)In translation, a word in one language belonging to a certain word class is not necessarily translated into one of the same class in another language.在翻译过程中,一种语言的某一词类不一定要相应地译为另一语言中相应的词类,有时候进行适当转化是十分必要的。

1. Conversion from English Nouns and Adjectives into Chinese Verbs and Adverbs(英语名词、形容词转换为汉语动词、副词)Nouns or nominal dorms, especially action nouns and other abstract nouns, find their wider use in English while verbs or multi-verbal forms are much preferred in Chinese. In translation, therefore, the conversion of English nouns into Chinese verbs, and subsequently English adjectives into Chinese adverbs, becomes one of the techniques frequently employed for smooth representation in idiomatic Chinese.英语中多用名词或名词短语,尤其是动作名词和其他抽象名词,而汉语中多用动词,甚至多个动词连用的情况。

chapter 6 omission Microsoft PowerPoint 连淑能《英译汉教程》

chapter 6 omission  Microsoft PowerPoint 连淑能《英译汉教程》

everyone knows the story of “the dog that worried the cat that caught the rat that ate the grain that lay in the house that Jack built.”
盖了房,房里堆了粮,耗子把粮食 吃光,猫把耗子抓伤,狗又把猫逼 上房。”
price of the products should be set according to the price in the international market. It should be fixed by the two parties at a level that will bring profit to both. Stainless steels possess good hardness and high strength.
numbers of known hydrocarbons run into tens of thousands. There was no snow; the leaves were gone from the trees; the grass was dead.
must excuse us for the inconveniences we have caused you.
put up his hand in a salute. He shrugged his shoulders, shook his head, cast up his eyes, but said nothing.



第1章General Principles(概论)1.1 复习笔记一、Definitions of Translation(翻译的定义)Translation can be roughly defined as a reproduction or recreation in one language of what is written or said in another language.翻译即用一种语言来再现另一种口头或书面的语言文本所传达的意义。

1. Linguistic Views on Translation(语言学视角)Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source-language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. (Nida & Taber, 1969:12)翻译就是在译语中用最贴切而又最自然的对等语再现原语的信息,首先是语义,其次是文体。

2. Cultural Views on Translation(文化视角)翻译不仅涉及语言问题,也涉及文化问题。


(王佐良,1989)Translation is a process which occurs between cultures rather than simply between languages. (Shuttleworth & Cowie, 1997:35)翻译是一个发生在不同文化之间的过程,而不仅仅是语言之间的过程。

3. Literary Views on Translation(文学视角)文学翻译的任务是要把原作中包含的一定社会生活的影响完好无损地从一种语言移注到另一种语言中。


❖ ——《鲁迅全集》
❖ “翻译,的确可以帮助我们造出许多新的 字眼,新的句法,丰富的词汇和细腻的 精密的正确的表现。因此,我们既然进 行着创造中国现代的新的言语的斗争, 我们对于翻译,就不能够不要求:绝对 的正确和绝对的中国白话文。”
❖opens a new era for modern translation studies.
❖ 鲁迅&瞿秋白 vs. 赵景深
❖ dichotomy between “faithfulness” and “smoothness”
❖ The focus of the debate was which principle should take priority in translating.
❖Function of the three-character principle by Yan Fu
❖a milestone in China’s translation history
❖extracts the essence from Buddhist translation studies of the Han and Tang Dynasties;
1. languages involved
translation from native language into a foreign language and vice versa.
2. working style oral translation/ interpreting 口译
(consecutive interpreting CI交替传译; simultaneous interpreting SI同声传译 ) ;
Chapter 1 General Principles



附录翻译练笔材料及详解一、英文短篇1A faint whinny, penetrating her dreams, woke the little girl on the veranda①. When she opened her eyes it was still not quite light and the tall gums crowding the steep rise to the road loomed up darkly over the house②, only leaving a pale strip of sky. Dew lay heavy on everything -the bark woodshed, the wheelbarrow by the stump, the bracken on the edge of the bush.③From the spouting trickled beads of water, dimming the flywire that netted the veranda.Warm in her blankets, the little girl looked drowsily up at the dark shape that always frightened her at bedtime; it had the beard and hunched shoulders of an old man and stretched out a dead hand④. Now, in the growing light, it was only a tree, no different from the other trees. Noises were beginning to seep through the woolly mist—the yellow robin’s plucked string⑤, clop-clop and jingle of a farmer’s cart on the road above, snort of the pony that was always brought into the paddock near the house at night-time.【参考译文】一阵轻微的马嘶声闯进了睡在阳台上的小妞的梦乡,把她惊醒了①。



第7章Repetition(重复法)7.1 复习笔记Grammatically or rhetorically speaking, repetition of the same word, some expression and even the same structure in a sentence or a passage is more natural and idiomatic and thus much more frequent in Chinese than in English. Generally what is repeated in Chinese may in many cases be substituted, varied, or omitted in English.无论从语法还是修辞上说,词语,表达方式甚至句子或段落结构的重复在汉语里远比英语里要常见得多。


一、Grammatical Repetition(语法性重复)Clarity is more important than conciseness. What is usually omitted or substituted in English may often be repeated in Chinese.语意清晰比简洁更重要,英语中省略或被替代的词译成汉语时通常会被还原,即语法性重复。

1. Repetition of the Modified(重复被修饰语)E.g.Let us revise our safety and sanitary regulations.我们来修改安全规则和卫生规则吧。

2. Repetition of the Modifier(重复修饰语)E.g.I identify myself as one of critical lovers and loving critics of the United Nations.我自认为我既是一个批评联合国的爱护者,又是一个爱护联合国的批评者。



郭著章《英汉互译实用教程》(第4版)教材配套题库-第5章翻译常用的八种技巧(中)【圣才出品】5.3 减译法1. I know my friends from the feel of their faces.【译文】我靠触摸脸庞来辨认朋友。

2. Ice is a solid. If we heat it, it melts and becomes water.【译文】冰是固体,如果加热,就融化成水。

3. John got up very early in the morning. He put on his jacket, sat down at his desk and began to do his homework.【译文】约翰早晨起床很早,他穿上夹克,就坐在桌旁开始做家庭作业。

4. But at the present moment the whole road looked rather pretty, for the sun had just set in splendor, and the equalities of rent were drowned in a saffron afterglow. 【译文】但此时整条路看起来都挺美,金灿灿的太阳刚落下山,橙红色的余辉掩盖了房屋的种种差异。

5. He had a shelf there, where he kept his Bohemian papers and his pipes and tobacco, and his shears and needles and thread and tailor’s thimble.【译文】他放在那儿有一个架子,摆着他的波希米亚报纸、烟斗、烟叶,还有大剪刀、针、线,以及裁缝用的顶针。

6. Most of the people who appear most often and most gloriously in the history books are great conquerors and generals and soldiers…【译文】史书上最经常出现、最为显赫的人物,大多是些伟大的征服者、将军和军事家。



郭著章《英汉互译实用教程》(第4版)教材配套题库-第5章翻译常用的八种技巧【圣才出品】第5章翻译常用的八种技巧5.1 重译法一、英译汉1. It may seem strange to put into the same packet an industrial revolution and two political revolutions. But the fact is that they were all social revolutions.【译文】把一场工业革命同两次政治革命归作一类似乎有点奇怪,但事实上这三次革命都是社会革命。

2. Two things are outstanding in the creation of the English system of canals, and they characterise all the Industrial Revolution.【译文】在修建英国的运河网的过程中,有两点是非常突出的,而这两点也正是整个工业革命的特点。

3. The canals were arteries of communication: they were not made to carry pleasure boats, but barges.【译文】运河是交通的动脉,开运河不是为了走游艇,而是为了通行驳船。

4. James Brindley was a pioneer in the art of building canals or, as it was then called, ‘navigation’.【译文】布林德雷是开凿运河的先驱者,当时人们把开凿运河叫做navigation。

5. Several factors accounted for this extraordinary achievement. One was the expansion into the west. Another wasthe application of machinery to farming. 【译文】取得这一特殊成就有几方面的原因:第一个原因是向西部的扩展,第二个原因是机器在农业上的应用。

连淑能《英译汉教程》配套题库(含考研真题)-Chapter 1~Chapter 2【圣才出品】

连淑能《英译汉教程》配套题库(含考研真题)-Chapter 1~Chapter 2【圣才出品】

Chapter 1 Lexical Translation(词法翻译)1.1 Diction(选词法)Ⅰ. Choice of Affective Meanings1. In our Second Address on the war, five days after the advent of those men, we told you what they were.【译文】在这伙人上台五天以后,我们在关于前次战争的第二篇宣言中已经向你们说明他们究竟是些什么货色了。

2. Many of the old Orleanist stagers had merged into the Bonapartist lot.【译文】很多奥尔良的老角色也与波拿巴派同流合污了。

3. As a demanding boss, he expected total loyalty and dedication from his employees.【译文】他是个苛刻的老板,要求手下的人对他忠心耿耿,鞠躬尽瘁。


4. It is my comfort and my sincere conviction that you are going to try the life for which you are best fitted. I think it freedom and wildness more suited to you than any experiment in a study of office would ever have been, and without that training, you could have followed no other suitable occupation.【译文1】你将体验的生活是最适合你的,这是我的安慰,也是我诚挚的信念。

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第4章Conversion(转换法)4.1 复习笔记一、Conversion of Word Classes(转换词类)In translation, a word in one language belonging to a certain word class is not necessarily translated into one of the same class in another language.在翻译过程中,一种语言的某一词类不一定要相应地译为另一语言中相应的词类,有时候进行适当转化是十分必要的。

1. Conversion from English Nouns and Adjectives into Chinese Verbs and Adverbs(英语名词、形容词转换为汉语动词、副词)Nouns or nominal dorms, especially action nouns and other abstract nouns, find their wider use in English while verbs or multi-verbal forms are much preferred in Chinese. In translation, therefore, the conversion of English nouns into Chinese verbs, and subsequently English adjectives into Chinese adverbs, becomes one of the techniques frequently employed for smooth representation in idiomatic Chinese.英语中多用名词或名词短语,尤其是动作名词和其他抽象名词,而汉语中多用动词,甚至多个动词连用的情况。


For Example:All peace-loving people demand the complete prohibition and thoroughdestruction of nuclear weapons.一切爱好和平的人民都要求全面禁止核武器,彻底销毁核武器。

(cf.核武器的全面的禁止和彻底的销毁)2. Conversion from English Adjectives into Chinese Verbs(英语形容词转换为汉语动词)English adjectives derived from verbs, present or past participles, or other adjectives, may be converted into Chinese verbs.由动词派生而来的形容词,表感觉、愿望、感官或认知的形容词与联系动词一起使用时,通常转换为汉语动词。

For example:Sugar and salt are both soluble in water.糖和盐二者都溶于水。

3. Conversion from English Prepositions into Chinese Verbs(英语介词转换为汉语动词)Ideas expressed by prepositions or prepositional phrases in English are in many cases represented by verbs in Chinese.英语中由介词或介词短语表达观点时,通常可以转译为汉语中的动词形式。

For example:The letter I is commonly used for current, E for electromotive force, R for resistance.通常用字母I表示电流,E表示电动势,R表示电阻。

4. Conversion from English Nouns into Chinese Adjectives(英语名词转换为汉语形容词)English nouns derived from adjectives are often converted into Chinese adjectives.英语中由形容词派生而来的名词通常被转译为汉语形容词。

For example:Independent thinking is an absolute necessity in study.独立思考在学习中是绝对必要的。

(cf.一个绝对的必需)5. Conversion from English Verbs into Chinese Nouns(英语动词转换为汉语名词)Sometimes it is difficult to translate English verbs. Conversion from verbs into nouns may be a way out.遇到比较难翻译的英语动词时,可尝试将其转译为汉语名词。

For example:The Greek word “atom” means“cannot be cut”.希腊语“原子”一词的意思是“不可分割”。

(cf.意味着……)6. Conversion from English Adverbs into Chinese Nouns(英语副词转换为汉语名词)For example:The blueprint must be dimensionally and proportionally correct.蓝图的尺寸和比例必须正确。

(cf.在尺寸上和比例上必须正确)二、Conversion of Sentence Members(转换句子成分)The conversion of word classes often results in the conversion of sentence member.词性转换通常会导致句子其他成分的转换。

1. Objects converted into Subjects(宾语转作主语)2. Prepositional Objects converted into Subjects(介词宾语转作主语)3. Predicatives converted into Subjects(表语转作主语)4. Subjects converted into Attributes(主语转作定语)5. Subjects converted into Objects(主语转作宾语)6. Attributes converted into Predicates(定语转作谓语)The English structure “Attributes + Noun” is often converted into the Chinese structure “Subject + Predicate” so as to make the Chinese version concise and idiomatic.英语“定语+名词”结构通常会转换为汉语“主语+谓语”结构,使译文简洁而通顺。

7. Adverbials converted into Complements in Chinese(状语转作补语)8. Objects converted into Predicates(宾语转作谓语)三、Conversion of Impersonal Subjects(转换非人称主语)Impersonal subject are far more often found in English than in Chinese, hencethe necessity of their conversion into personal or other subjects in Chinese.英语中非人称主语的使用比汉语里多得多,很多时候把非人称主语转换为汉语的人称主语是十分有必要的。

1. Convert Impersonal Subjects into Personal or Other Subjects(把非人称主语转换为人称主语或其他主语)2. Convert Impersonal Subjects and Split English Simple Sentences into Chinese Complex Sentences(转换非人称主语,把英语的简单句拆成汉语的复合句)3. Convert Impersonal Subjects into Chinese Adverbials or Prepositional Phrases(把非人称主语转换成汉语的状语或介词短语)4. Convert Impersonal Subjects and Split English Sentences, Simple or Complex, into Chinese Compound or Run-on Sentences(转换非人称主语,把英语的简单句或复合句拆成汉语的并列分句或流水句)5. Convert Impersonal Subjects into Chinese “Extra-position Elements”(把非人称主语转换成汉语的外位成分,汉语的主语用“这”来代称这个外位成分)四、Conversion of Perspectives(转换视角)转换视角,从广义上说,是指语言之间任意的一种转换;从狭义上说,是指携带信息的主体从一个不同甚至完全相反的视角来看待原有的信息。

E.g.These are our tasks for the period ahead.[译文]这些是我们今后的任务。

(past-orientation vs. future-orientation)[分析]ahead向前;在前的;领先,这里转换视角将其译作“今后的”,更符合中文的表达习惯。

4.2 课后习题详解4.1.1 Conversion from English Nouns and Adjectives into Chinese Verbs and Adverbs(英语名词、形容词转换为汉语动词、副词)Drills 4.1.1a16. No violation of this principle can be tolerated.【答案】绝对不许违反这个原则。

17. I have no intention of wearying you with this matter.【答案】我无意让这件事使你厌烦。
