新视野⼤学英语第⼆版第⼀册listening1-10Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions (每⼩题:3 分)Directions: Listen to the short dialogs, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.1.A. She will visit Canada.B. She will have great time in Canada.C. She will entertain a visitor.D. She is still considering where to go for the holiday.2.A. A present they bought from a gift shop.B. A wonderful gift they made by themselves.C. A graduation thesis.D. A two-week trip to Europe.3. A. A mobile phone and a little money.B. His passport.C. All his money.D. Both B) and C).4.A. She should take her Chinese friend to attend a Chineseclass.B. She should take her Chinese friend to see the universityclasses there.C. She should show her Chinese friend around the campus.D. She should take her Chinese friend sightseeing.5.A. Flying is dangerous.B. She will have more contacts with people on the train.C. She can enjoy the view from the train.D. Both B) and C).Part 2 Short passages/dialogs and cloze(每⼩题:2 分)Directions: Listen to the following recording, then fill in the blanks. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time to write the missing words. Use the second playing to check your answers. Questions 1 to 18 are based on the same passage or dialog.Frank has visited a lot of 1.overseas trip was to the2.Singapore, 3.also been to Cape Town, 4.He liked got 15.16.17.food was very 18.Part 3 Short passages and multiple choice questions(每⼩题:3 分)Directions: Listen to the following recording, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog. 1.What do people think about the holiday season?A. They believe it to be joyous.B. They believe it can give them great hope.C. They believe it gives them a lot of stress.D. Their opinions vary.2.According to the speaker, which of the following is true duringa holiday?A. People can work fewer hours.B. People can have a break from household duties.C. People have to do more work in a day.D. People do not have to go shopping.3.What is the second factor the speaker mentions that contributes to the holiday blues?A. One has to visit many close friends and relatives.B. One has to be generous to many friends and relatives.C. Too many friends and relatives will visit you.D. The prices often go up.4.Which of the flowing is NOT the last factor that causesholiday blues?A. People may think about their relatives far away.B. People call back to mind those who have died.C. People keep in memory their divorced husband or wife.D. Too much work.5.What solution does the speaker propose?A. Having varied holiday plans.B. Focusing on one particular plan to forget everything else.C. Listening to only good news.D. Giving up a holiday plan.Part 4 Short passages and True/False questions (每⼩题:3 分)Directions: Listen to the following recording, then mark thestatements T (true) or F (false). You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to write the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. Questions 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog.1.Motels are always near major highways.T F 2.It is convenient for a person without a car to stay in a motel.T F 3.Reservations are often required in motels in busy areas.TF 4.Even in less crowded areas reservations are usually required.T F 5.Motels are popular because they are cheap and convenient.T F Part 5 Long dialogs and multiple choice questions (每⼩题:4 分)Directions: Listen to the following recording, then choose thecorrect answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog.1.What does the man want at first?A. He wants to fly back on the 29th on the cheapest flight.B. He wants to fly back on the 29th for whatever airfareavailable.C. He wants to transfer at Canada on the 28th.D. He wants to transfer at Salt Lake on the 28th.2.What is the airfare for the flight on the 29th?A. $980.B. $890.C. $1960.D. $490.3.What is the route for the man?A. San Francisco-New York-Helsinki.B. Salt Lake-New York-Helsinki.C. Helsinki-Washington-Salt Lake.D. Los Angeles-Canada-Stockholm.4.How long will the man stay in New York?A. 100 minutes.B. 80 minutes.C. 60 minutes.D. 40 minutes.5.What special requirement does the man have?A. A window seat.B. An aisle seat.C. A seat in the non-smoking area.D. A vegetarian meal.。
新视野大学英语(第二版)听说教程第一册的听力原文Book1Uni t 1W armin g UpWelco me to Clic k her e for Lang uageLearn ing,the h ome o f liv e, na tural onli ne la nguag e lea rning.Cli ck He re fo r Lan guage Lear ninghelps youimpro ve yo ur la nguag e ski lls,and o ffers themostposit ive1learn ing e xperi enceyou m ay ev er ha ve. W hethe r you’re l earni ng En glish, Chi nese, Fren ch, S panis h, or anyother lang uage, just clic k her e! Us ing t he la test2tech nolog y, we offe r for eignlangu age c lasse s ata min imal3 cost andgiveyou a lear ningexper ience unli ke an y oth er.C lickHerefor L angua ge Le arnin g pro vides cons tantfeedb ack(回馈,反馈) so y ou’ll feel conf ident in y our a bilit y tospeak, lis ten,write, and read theforei gn la nguag e ofyourchoic e.Cl ick H ere f or La nguag e Lea rning is a clic k tow ardssucce ss, a nd yo u can star t lea rning from home toda y! Yo u can lear n a f oreig n lan guage on y our o wn sc hedul e, wh eneve r it’s con venie nt, o n CD-ROM o r onl ine.Click Here forLangu age L earni ng he lps y ou le arn a seco nd la nguag e asnatur allyasle arnin g you r fir st!注释:1. posi tive a. 积极的,肯定的,明确的pas sive a. 被动的,消极的ne gativ e a.否定的,反面的,消极的2. la te—la ter—l atestlatea. (原级)迟的,晚的la ter a.(比较级)更迟的,更晚的 latt er a. (位于the, this, the se后)后面的;〔t he la tter〕后者 late st a.(最高级)最迟的,最晚的,最新的3.minim al a. 最小的,最低的mi nimiz e vt. 使…成极少,减到最少minim um n. 最少max imize vt.把…增大(扩大)到最大限度max imum n. 最大量,最高值Unde rstan dingShort Conv ersat ionsNow y ou wi ll he ar te n sho rt co nvers ation s. Aquest ion w ill f ollow each conv ersat ion.Liste n car efull y and choo se th e bes t ans wer f rom t he fo ur po ssibl e cho ices.1. W: I s aw an ad o n the Inte rnetabout onli ne la nguag e stu dies.M: M e too. I s aw an ad f or, “Click Here forLangu age L earni ng”.Q: Wh at do theman a nd th e wom an ha ve in comm on1? B2. M: Youhaveto be 18 y earsold t o ent er so me on linelangu age c lasse s.W: Real ly? I hadno id ea th at th ere w as aminim um ag e req uired forsomeclass es.Q: Wha t did thewoman NOTknowabout onli ne la nguag e cla ssesbefor e? C3. M:Unlik e reg ularclass es, o nline clas ses c an be take n atyourhome.W: T hat’s exac tly w hy Idecid ed to begi n stu dying onli ne!Q: Why didthe w omandecid e tostudy onli ne? A4. W: I ke ep on maki ng2 n ew fr iends as I stud y onl ine.M: So do I! The re ar e somanypeopl e onl ine,and I want to m eet t hem a ll!Q: Wha t isone b enefi t ofstudy ing o nline? C5.M: My onli ne te acher aske d the clas s for sugg estio ns to make theclass bett er.W: Tha t’s g reat! I al wayslikeit wh en ateach er do es th at.Q: Wha t did theman’s teac her w ant t o do? D6. M: I h ad no idea that onli ne la nguag e lea rning coul d beso ef fecti ve!W: Itsurehas h elped me p racti ce my lang uageskill s!Q: What is i t abo ut on linelangu age l earni ng th at su rpris ed th e man? C7. M: M y cla ssmat es an d I h elp e ach o thersolve home workprobl ems o nline.W:It so undslikeyou’r e usi ng th e Int ernet in a usef ul wa y.Q: What does theman d o onl ine?C8. M:Onlin e lea rning is i dealfor a nyone whodoesn’t ha ve ti me to trav el to scho ol. W: Yes, but it a lso h as it s own chal lenge s.Q: What does thewoman have to s ay ab out o nline lear ning?A9. M:Virtu al cl assro om ar e cha nging howstude nts s tudy!W: T hey s ure a re! A nd I, forone,am ve ry ex cited abou t it.Q: A ccord ing t o the man, what is h appen ing t o stu dents beca use o f vir tualclass rooms? B10. M: W hat a dvice didyourprofe ssorgiveyou?W: H e sai d tha t tak ing a n onl ine c lasswould help me l earn.Q: W hat d id th e wom a n’sprofe ssorsugge st? D注释:1. hav e sth. incommo n 在…有共同点havemuchin co mmon在...有很多共同点have noth ing i n com mon 在…没有共同点2.keepon do ing 继续做,坚持做kee p sb. on 继续雇用某人kee p onabout sth.继续谈论某事ke ep on at s b. 不断地向某人提出请求不断地抱怨(纠缠,困扰)某人U nders tandi ng aLongConve rsati onNo w you will hear a lo ng co nvers ation foll owedby fi ve qu estio ns. L isten care fully andchoos e the best answ er fr om th e fou r pos sible choi ces.W:How’s your newonlin e cla ss, B ill?Is it ever ythin g you hadhoped for?M: I t’s e veryt hingand m ore,Susan. You shou ld gi ve it a tr y!W: Oh,reall y? Wh at’sthe b est t hingabout it?M: In an o nline clas s, yo u tal k wit h oth ers o ver t he In terne t. Si nce t hey a re no t rig ht ne xt to1 you, the y don’t bo theryou s o muc h.W: That soun ds gr eat!I too k a c lasswithsomeo ne wh o wou ld ma ke me feel smal lwhe never I ma de amista ke. H e wou ld te ll me howstupi d I w as an d int imida te(威胁,恐吓)me so that I ne ver w anted to p artic ipate.M:Not a prob lem i n the virt ual c lassr oom.How w ouldyou l ike t o sig n up2? I t hinkthatyou c ouldstart on t he th ird o f nex t mon th.W: I d on’tknow, Bill. You know allthose prob lemsabout havi ng di fficu lt pe oplein th e cla ssroo m?M: Yeah?W:We do n’t r eally have them anym ore s inceyou l eft.1. Whic h ofthe f ollow ing i s NOT true abou t Bil l? A2. Ac cordi ng to Bill, why areother stud entsNOT a conc ern i n anonlin e cla ss? B3. Whydid S usanNOT l ike t o par ticip ate i n cla ss? B4. W hen c ouldSusan star t stu dying onli ne? D5. W hy di d Sus an NO T mak e upher m ind t o joi n onl ine c lass? A注释:1. nex t: a.其次的,紧接的n ext t o 1)仅次于2)靠近,贴近2.sign: n. 记号,符号;预兆,迹象;标记,牌子vt.签名;做手势,打信号sig n in签到;记录某人到达的时间si gn ou t 用签名的办法记录某人离开的时间si gn up签约参加工作(或组织,活动等)U nders tandi ng aPassa geNo w you will hear a pa ssage foll owedby fi ve qu estio ns. L isten care fully andchoos e the best answ er fr om th e fou r pos sible choi ces.The f irstrequi remen t for my o nline lang uageclass wasto me et in an o nline foru m(论坛).I e ntere d the foru m ear ly an d saw stud entsappea r onthe s creen oneafter anot her.Stran gelyenoug h, wh en it wastimeto be gin,the t eache r sti ll ha dn’tshown up1.Howe ver,we be gan s harin g inf ormat ion a nd ta lking abou t the newclass. Unl ike m e, al l ofthe o therstude nts w ere n ew to theonlin e cla ss. I told them abou t myexper ience andmy th ought s. Th en Inotic ed so methi ng. T herewere27 pe oplein th e for um. T his w asst range beca use I know ther e wer e onl y 26peopl e inthe c lass.“Hey,”I w rote, “whi ch on e ofyou i s the teac her?”Theteach er ma de he rself know n atlast. Shesaidthatshe w anted to g et ou rhon est o pinio ns ab out t he on lineclass. Als o, sh e wan ted t o hav e a l ittle funwithus. “Humor will be i mport ant i n myclass,”she said.1. Wha t was thefirst requ ireme nt of theonlin e cla ss? A2. Wh at wa s str angeabout thebegin ningof th e onl ine c lass?A3. H ow we re th e oth er st udent s dif feren t tha n the spea ker?C4.Whatdid t he sp eaker noti ce? D5. Whydid t he te acher NOTmakeherse lf kn own t o the clas s atfirst? D注释:1.show: vt.展示,显示;露出;展出,陈列;n. 展示,展览;演出sho w up揭露,拆穿;显眼,露出;出席,到场sh ow of f 炫耀,卖弄;使显眼H omewo rkSu pplem entar y Lis tenin gTas k 1 Now y ou wi ll he ar alongconve rsati on fo llowe d byfivequest ions. List en ca reful ly an d cho ose t he be st an swerfromthe f our p ossib le ch oices.M:All r ight, ever yone. Good work. Tha t’s a ll fo r tod ay’sclass. Doe s any one h ave a ny qu estio ns?W: Exc use m e, Pr ofess or. I have a qu estio n. I’m wor riedabout my E nglis h ski lls.I get good mark s ontests, but I do n’t f eel t hat I’m le arnin g a l ot.M: Not exac tly a ques tionis it, Win nie?But i t’s a good conc ern.Manyadvan ced E nglis h lea rners have a la rge “passi ve vo cabul ary”, buttheyworry abou t the ir “a ctivevoca bular y”. T hey c an un derst and m any d iffic ult E nglis h wor ds wh en re adingor l isten ing,but t hey d on’tuse m ost o f the m whe n spe aking or w ritin g inEngli sh. T hey f eel t his i s a p roble m. Th ey wo uld l ike t o use allthe d iffic ult w ordsthattheyknow.W: D o you thin k tha t I u se to o few word s?M: That’s no t wha t I’m sayi ng at all. Actu ally, I’msayin g the oppo sitething.W:I’m a fraid I do n’t u nders tand.M: I n you r nat ive l angua ge, t hereare a lso t housa nds o f wor ds th at yo u und ersta nd bu t you don’t use. Soyouractiv e voc abula ry in your nati ve la nguag e ismuchsmall er th anyo ur pa ssive voca bular y. An d I g uessthatyou a re no t wor riedabout that.W:No, I’m no t. Bu t I w ouldliketo us e the newwords that I le arn i n myEngli sh cl asses. How else am I goin g toremem ber t hem?M: No w tha t’s a very good ques tion.W: I washopin g tha t you hadan an swerto th is qu estio n.M: Winn ie, y ou do n’t n eed t o wor ry ab out u sing“too f ew”En glish word s. As your need s for diff erent thin gs gr ow, y ou wi ll be able to u se yo ur ne w wor ds mo re an d mor e. Ithink you’d besurpr isedby ho w muc h you know.W:So yo ur ad viceto me is “Don’t worr y.”?Now I’m wo rried that I’mpayin g too much forschoo l.1. Wh o are like ly to worr y abo ut th eir a ctive voca bular y? D2.Whatis “a ctive voca bular y”acc ordin g tothe p rofes sor?D3. W hat d o man y Eng lishlearn ers w ant t o do? A4. Wha t doe s the prof essor sayabout voca bular y inone’s nati ve la nguag e? B5. What does theprofe ssorwantto te ll Wi nnie? DTas k 2 Now y ou wi ll he ar apassa ge fo llowe d byfivequest ions. List en ca reful ly an dcho ose t he be st an swerfromthe f our p ossib le ch oices. Thebigge st pr oblem most peop le fa ce in lear ningEngli sh is thei r own fear. The ywor ry th at th ey wo n’t s ay th ingscorre ctlyso th ey do n’t s peakEngli sh at all. Don’t dothis. Don’t let a li ttlefearstopyou f rom g ettin g1 wh at yo u wan t.Th e bes t way to l earnEngli sh is to s urrou nd yo ursel f wit h it. ThemoreEngli sh ma teria l you have arou nd yo u, th e fas ter y ou wi ll le arn a nd th e mor e lik ely y ou wi llbe gin t hinki ng in Engl ish.Music canbe averyeffec tivetoolto le arnin g Eng lish. Thebestway i s touse t hely rics(歌词) a nd tr y toreadthemas th e art ist s ings. This wayyou c an pr actic e you rlis tenin g and read ing a t the same time.Wat ching Engl ish m ovies is n ot on ly fu n but also very effe ctive. Bywatch ing E nglis h mov ies,you c an ex pand2 your voca bular y and lear n the natu ral f lowsof sp eechfromactor s.1. Wh at is thebigge st pr oblem that many Engl ish l earne rs ha ve? B2. W hy do some Engl ish l earne rs NO T spe ak En glish at a ll? B3. Wh at is thebestway t o lea rn En glish acco rding to t he sp eaker? D4. What is t he be st wa y tolearn Engl ish t hroug h mus ic? A5. Howcan y ou be nefit from watc hingEngli sh mo vies? C注释:1. s top s b. fr om do ingk eep s b. fr om do ing 阻止某人做某事p reven t sb. from doin g2.expan d: vt. 使膨胀,使扩充,扩大,发展exte nd: v t. 伸长,延伸,扩大,扩展exte nt: n. 广度,宽度,长度,范围,程度BookIUni t 2W armin g UpHavin g pro blems with your pare nts?Becau se so ciety hasbeenchang ing s o rap idlydurin g the last fewyears, the gapbetwe en th e gen erati ons h as be comelarge r. So it c an bediff icult forchild ren a nd th eir p arent s torelat e1. P arent s oft en fi nd th e ide as an d way s oftheir chil drenoffen sive(冒犯的,无礼的).And c hildr en, o ftenteena gers, tend to b e reb ellio us an d act badl y.Mo re th an at anyother time, Chi lling Outwiththe F olks(和父母轻松相处),a setof s elf-h elp r ecord ingsthatbring thegener ation s tog ether, isneces sary. Chil lingOut w ith t he Fo lks w ill h elp y ou de velop thepatie nce a nd to leran ce(容忍,宽容)neces saryto br idge(弥合起来) anygener ation al di vide(分歧).Hones tly,it wi llch angeyourlife! List en to thes e rec ordin gs to day,and b eginyourtripdownthe r oad t o pea ce an d per fecti on!注释:1. it i s﹢a.﹢for s b.todo st h.对某人来说做某事是…的e g. It is d iffic ult f or me to f inish thetaskthisafter noon.对我来说今天下午完成任务是不可能的 Itis im possi ble f or th e man to b etray(背叛)his c ountr y. 对那个人来说背叛祖国是不可能的Un derst andin g Sho rt Co nvers ation sNow youwillhearten s hortconve rsati ons.A que stion will foll ow ea ch co nvers ation.Lis ten c arefu lly a nd ch oosethe b est a nswer from thefourpossi ble c hoice s.1. W: H ow ab out s pendi ng th e eve ningchill ing o ut wi th th e fol ks?M: Com e on, Mom. I’dreall y lik e toget o ut wi th my frie nds.Q: Wh at do es th e you ng ma n wan t todo? C2. W: H onest ly, I don’t kno w wha t tosay a boutour s on’smusic.M:Leave himalone abou t it. Afte r all, you r mot her d idn’t like your musi c eit her1.Q: W hat s hould thewoman do a ccord ing t o the man? C3. W: I’m surp rised to s ee yo u out andabout so e arlyin th e mor ning.M: Y ou kn ow my mom. Shedoesn’t li ke me slee pingin(睡懒觉), e ven o n wee kends. Q:Why i s the manout a nd ab out s o ear ly in themorni ng? D4. M: A l ittle teen age r ebell ion i s nor mal.Yourson w ill g et ov er it.W:I kno w. I’m jus t wor riedabout himdoing some thing that will ruin hislife.Q: W hy is thewoman worr ied a bouther s on? B5. W: Get a pi ercin g inmy no se? N o way! Myparen ts wo uld b e ang ry!M: You’re n ot gi vingthemenoug h cre dit.I don’t th ink t hey’d be u psetat al l.Q: Whywould n’t t he wo man g et apierc ing i n her nose? B6. W: What bugs youmostabout your daug hter’s eat ing h abits?M:I can’t st and t he wa y she eats so q uickl y.Q: Whydoesthe m an ha ve aprobl em wi th th e way hisdaugh ter e ats? D7.M: Wh at’swrong with outkids? They thin k the y’reentit led t o2 ev eryth ing w e hav e!W: Well, I f eel i t’s m y fau lt fo r giv ing t hem t oo mu ch.Q: Wha t doe s the woma n thi nk ab out t heirkids’ prob lems? B8.W: Da d, I’ve go t a d ate t onigh t wit h Mik e. I’ll be back late.M:Him a gain? I wi sh yo u wou ldn’t date a gu y wit h a t attoo!Q:Whatdoesthe f ather wish forhis d aught er? C9. W: My m other want s meto go into bank ing,but I like writ ing.M: Yo u can’t le t you r mot her c hoose your care er fo r you.Q:Accor dingto th e man, wha t sho uld t he wo man’s moth er NO T do?D10. W: Dad, I’ma gro wn wo man,and y ou ca n’t m ake c hoice s for me.M: H a! If youwerea gro wn wo man,you w ouldn’t wa tch c artoo ns al l day!Q:Why d oes t he gi rl’sfathe r NOT beli eve t hat s he is a gr own w oman? D注释:1. ei ther: 1) a. 两者之中任一的;eg.You m ay re ad ei therbook.两本书中你可以读任意一本。
UNIT 1II. Listening SkillsListening for Names1. Doris: Good morning. Can I help you?David: Yes. I need to change one of my courses.Doris: I’ll see what we can do. What’s your name, please?David: My name’s David Brown.Doris: Your first name again?David: David. D-A-V-I-D.The boy is called David by his first name.2. Nancy: Excuse me. I want to make sure if I am registered for the new English course with Dr.Lang.Doris: Just a minute and I’ll check for you. What’s your name, please?Nancy: Nancy Leigh.Doris: Is “Lee” your last name?Nancy: No, it’s Leigh. L-E-I-G-H. But “Lee” would be easier to spell, wouldn’t it?Nancy’s last name is Leigh.3. Doris: I’m sorry. But if you need a loan, you’ll have to go to the Financial Aid Office beforeyou can register.Nancy: Them who should I see there?Doris: Well, Mrs. Vicky Klein can help you. As a matter of fact, anybody there is very nice. Nancy: Oh, thank you. What is her name again?Doris: Vicky Klein. V-I-C-K-Y, K-L-E-I-N.Nancy should see Vicky Klein if she needs a loan.4. Doris: OK, to complete this form I need your name in full, please.Laura: Laura Tish Hill.Doris: Tish? That’s an unusual middle name. Would you mind spelling that for me?Laura: Sure. T-I-S-H. I was named after my mother.Laura’s full name is Laura Tish Hill.5. Doris: Well, you need to complete the form for your parking pass. Your name, please? Anthony: Anythony Mcdonald.Doris: Are you “Mc” or “Mac”?Anthony: “Mc”. My family was from Scotland.Doris: OK, Anthony. I’ll have your parking pass ready in a minute.Anthony McDonald will get his parking pass in a minute.III. Listening InTask 1: EnrollingGood morning, everyone. I’d like to welcome you to City University. I’m Betty Russell and I work in the International Students’ Office. I have some important for you. First, you must enroll by August 28th. Pick up your ID card at our office. Them, you’ll need to pick up a library card so you can borrow books from the library. Show them your ID card in the library and they will do it for you. You may be thinking about the sports facilities at our school. There’s no charge for student use, but of course you’ll have to show your ID card when you go there. Concerning medical assistance, the University has its own health center, and all services are free for enrolled students.1.B2.D3.B4.C5.ATask 2: Living on Campus(M=man; W=woman)M: Hi, Lisa. How’s life on campus?W: Hi, John. Oh, not so bad. Pretty good in fact.M: Is that what you think? I mean, do you like living on campus?W: Yeah, I enjoy living here because there are so many people around and it’s easy to make friends. What about you? Have you ever lived in a dorm before?M: No, this is the first time.W: I think you’ll find it quite convenient. The library, labs, sports center and other facilities are right on campus.M: That’s true. The atmosphere here is different . But I guess living in town has its advantage too, like being close to the shopping center. You know, our university is so far from downtown. W: But imagine commuting to classes…I mean, you would have to get up so early to get to classes on time. And then going home would take so much time.M: Yeah, but what about the food here?it seems it’s the same thing in the cafeteria every day.W: Well, I think the food here is OK, and if you want a change, you can eat out once in a while. M: True.Lisa John John Lisa John LisaTask 3:Which comes first,day or night?There was a student who wanted very much to gain admission to a study course.He was smart enough to get through the written test and appear for the personal interview.Since the boy answered all the questions correctly,the interviewer decided to corner him.“Tell me your choices,”said the interviewer to the boy.“I shall either ask you ten easy questions or one really difficult.Which option would you prefer?Think before you make up your mind.”The boy thought for a while and said,“My choice is one really difficult question.”“Well,you have made your own choice!”said the interviewer.“Tell me: Which comes first,day or night?”The boy was jolted firstbut he thought for a while and said,“It’s the day ,sir.”“Why?”asked the interviewer.He was smiling.“Sorry,sir,but you promised me that you would only ask me one difficult question!”Admission to the course was thus secured.1.In order to gain admission to a study course.2.To corner him,3.He could answer either ten easy questions or one really difficult.4.He was jolted/shocked.5.Because the interviewer had promised that he would only ask one difficult question.Task 4: An Announcementattention closing five checkouts leaveIV. Speaking OutModel 1 It’s nice to meet you.Now Your TurnMichael: Hi1 My name is Michael. Nice to meet you.Robert: Nice to meet you, Michael. I’m Robert. But you can call me Bob.Michael: OK, Bob. Are you an international student here?Robert: Yes, I got here last week. I’m from Canada.Michael: So, we’re going to be in the same dorm.Model 2 How are you doing?Now Your TurnJoe: Hi, Jack.Jack: Hello, Joe. How are you doing?Joe: I’m just fine, thanks. How about you?Jack: Good. Well, you see, I’m planning to take chemistry this semester. Can you recommend a professor?Joe: Dr. Smith, of course. They say he’s a prominent professor in chemistry.Model 3 I’d like you to meet my friend.Now Your TurnJason: Hi, Jane. I’d like you to meet my friend, Mike. Mike, this is Jane.Michael: Glad to meet you.Jane: Glad to meet you, too.Michael: Jason often tells me how much he enjoys you playing the piano.Jane: Oh,thank you. I enjoy watching him playing tennis, too.Michael: Excuse me. I have an appointment, so I’m afraid I must go now. Very nice meeting you. Jane: Same here. Bye!V. Let’s TalkMichael: Hi! I saw you yesterday with John. We room together. I’m Michael.Jane: Oh, hi, Mike. How are you doing?Michael: I’m okay, but school has been really hectic since I came. I haven’t even had a chance to breathe!Jane: I know. It’s especially crazy when you’re a freshman. Hey, what’s your major? Michael: Travel and tourism.Jane: Well, what do you plan to do after you graduate?Michael: Uh… I really haven’t decided. I think I’d like to work for a travel agency in this area.What about you?Jane: Well, when I first started college. I majored in physics, but later I realized I might have a hard time finding a job in that field. I ended up changing to computer science. Finding a job in the IT industry shouldn’t be as difficult.Michael: Have you got a part-time job to support yourself through school?Jane: Well, I’m on a four-year scholarship that pays my tuition.Michael: Wow, lucky you!Jane: Yeah. How about you? Are you paying for school yourself?Michael: Sort of. I work weekends at travel agency.Jane: A travel agency? That seems like a perfect experience for you! What do you do there? Michael: I’m a tour guide. I show tour groups around the city.Jane: Wow, your English must be pretty good then.Michael: Actually, they’re all Chinese tourists. That’s why I got the job!Speaker Major Future Job Plan Tuition SourceMichael Travel and tourism To work for a travelagency Working his way through schoolJane Computer science To work in the ITindustry A four-year scholarshipFor ReferenceaA, say what you think about college life.Hi, John. Life on campus is really exciting! It’s totally different form high school. B, give your opinion of A’s view.Yeah. I feel the same. It’s an entirely new world.A, tell B your problem and the cause for that.Well, my problem is this: I major in Engineering, but I want to work in a foreign trade company. So, I decide to spend more time on English. But, it’s hard, you know, to manage your time.B, give your opinion of what A says, and tell him/her about your situation.I think you made the right decision. Actually, I have the same problem. You know, I’m majoringin computer science, but I don’t like it very much. I’m really fond of travel and tourism, and I am considering changing my major, if it’s possible.A, comment on B’s word.Why? Computer science is cool! You’re sure to get a big salary in your future job!BA, tell B about your problem.Hi, john. I’m having a hard time paying my tuition.B, Show your sympathy.Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Have any way to get money?A, say your plan to solve the problem.I am considering a part-time job. I think it will help pay my tuition and give me useful experience.B, Give your opinion of A’s plan, and tell him/her about your experience.Right. Actually, I’m working part-time at a chain store now. It does bring in some money, but I think experience is more important.VI. Further Listening and SpeakingListeningTask 1: University LifeUniversity life is a new and different experience for me. First of all, living at the university gives me a sense of responsibility, of being on my own. My parents aren’t around to say, “No, you’re not going out tonight.”I decide everything for myself. Being around lots of friendly people is another aspect I like about university life. On my first say, when I arrived on campus, I was a bit confused about where I was going. An upperclassman noticed out I was looking for my dorm, he said, “Oh, just follow me; that’s where I’m going.” Now, I can really say that I feel comfortable in the dorm because there are so many friendly people around to talk with. Finally, I LOVE HA VING Fridays off; I would not be able to deal with five days of classes in a row. How did I do it in high school? I love sleeping in on Fridays. I guess I’m sort of a party animal, but it seems like I go out every Thursday night. It also seems like I don’t get home until early the next day1 My head hits the pillow and I don’t move until Friday afternoon.1.new and different2.on his own3. a bit confused4.talk with5.sleep inTask 2: Listening effectivelyThought it makes up 50% of every communication,listening,it seems ,is the least taught subject.Listening is more than just hearing:It requires understanding. In an educational setting,listening effectively is critical.Effective listening helps us do our assignments well,and take better notes.Doing these activities well results in better learning and,most of the time,in good grades.In a professional setting,listening is also critical.When you receive an oral message,your response must be correct.If you fail to listen to customers or clients,you may lose THEIR business,and YOUR job!In a personal setting,listening deepens your relationships.When we listen to someone,we say“You”re important” without even speaking a word.When we fail to listen,not only do we not receive the message,but we send the message that we are just plain dumb.F T T F T。
大学英语视听说第一册听力答案Unit 1Listening skills(1)David(2) Leigh (3) Vicky Klein (4) Laura Tish Hill(5) Anthony McDonald Listening in Task 1 BDBCATask 2 John 2,3,5 Lisa 1,4,6Task 31. In order to gain admission to a study course.2. To corner him.3. He could answer either ten easy questions or one really difficult.4. He was jolted / shocked.5. Because the interviewer had promised that he would only ask one difficultquestion.Task 4 (1)attention (2)closing (3)five (4)checkouts (5)leaveTask 1 1. new and different 2. on his own 3. a bit confused 4. talk with 5. sleep in Task 2 FTTFTUnit 2Lead in task 1baseball basketball kickboxing tennis tai chi jogging skiing swimming Listening skillsListening inTask 1 DBCDATask 2 (1)strong and healthy (2) energy (3) sleep better (4)different(5)tastes and needs (6)carefulTask 31.They went golfing together.2. He was giving him tips.3. On Hole 8.4. The ball bumped against the tree and landed near where it had started.5. Because the tree was only three feet tall at that time.Task 41.open2.interested3.checkup4.apply5.PE Department6. exercise opportunity Let’s talk Jack 2,4,5 Jim 1,3,6Further listening and speakingTask 1 1. local clubs 2. weekly 3. popular 4. big three 5. fan base Task 2 FTTFTUnit 3Lead in DCAEFBListening skills DBCABListening inTask 11. C2. A3. D4. D5. B1. confident; making friends2. language3. informal; cultural4. coursework; going for5. join a club; in commonTask 31. The neighbor was deeply offended and hurt.2. It was completely untrue.3. To find out what she could do to repair the damage.4. The wind had blown the feathers all away.5. Once you do something wrong, you can never completely undo it. Task 41. The Students Friendship Association2. outing3. school gate4. 6:405. 7:00 sharp6. on timeLet’s talkJack 2,3,4,7Jane 1,5,6Further listening and speaking1. run at2. terrible sadness3. a big smile4. killing himself5. one small gestureTask 21. T2. F3. F4. T5. TUnit 4Lead in Task 1 (从左往右,从上至下)foggy clear snowing a tornado raining lightning II Listening skills1.6681304872. 8439205713. 1303210859854.(1) 543621963 (2)2055. 0111305516108978Listening inTask 11. B2. D3. C4.A5. DTask 2MAN: 2. 4. 5. 6WOMAN: 1. 3Task 31. They were shooting a film.2. It rained.3. The old man was incredible. He could give an accurate weather forecast.4. To hire the old man to predict the weather.5. Because the radio broke and he couldn’t get the weather forecast.Task 41. Sunny2. daytime temperature3. drop4. cloudy5. winds6. snow flurries7. 378. rain showers9. riseLet’s talkMichael 1,2,3,7Emma 4,5,6Further listening and speakingTask 11. season2. Climate3. thinking4. mental abilities5. summerTask 21. F2. T3. T4. F5. TUnit 5Lead in Task 1 (从左往右,从上至下)pizza meatballs hamburger fish braised in brown saucefried bread stick French friesListening skills1. steak2. eggs; bacon; toast3. sweet; weight4. cookies; fruits; strawberries5. fish; fried noodles; mushroomListening inTask 1- 3 -1. C 2. D 3. D 4. B 5. D Task 2MAN: 1. 2. 3. 4. WOMAN: 5. 6 Task 3 1. At 2. a.m.2. The phone rang.3. The man asked him what time he would open up in the morning.4. He must be a drunken man.5. Because he happened to be locked up in the bar and wanted to get out. Task 4 1. adding 2. dream 3. come true 4. Great choices5. Double Cheeseburger.6. Pies. Let’s talkJohn 1,3,4,5 Susan 2,6,7Further listening and speaking Task 11. national; international; national dishes; foreign ones2. large cities; European; Asian;3. hamburgers; hot dogs; Paris4. tea; coffee; milk; pop5. children; three or four; hamburgers; fried chicken Task 21. T2. F3.F4. T5. F1 (1) the doctor's feelings (2) health ○第4 / 8页2 (1) cold (2) medicine (3) physi cal exercise ○3 (1)schoolwork (2)sleeping (3)health (4)a doctor ○4 (1)outside (2)long and healthy (3)second-hand smoke (4)cancer ○5 (1)less (2)junk food (3)exercise (4)enjoy (5)risking ○Listening inTask 1 ACBBCTask 2 (从左往右,从上至下)(1)Want to sleep all day (2) Not interested (3) customs (4) body language (5) blood pressure (6) some time (7) her own culture Task 31. She wanted to know if she was getting better.2. She was doing very well.3. She was going to be taken off the heart monitor.4. Send her home the day aftertomorrow.5. She must have been Betty Sanders' close family member. Task 4(1) make an appointment (2) checkup (3) cancellation (4) 3 o’clock (5) 3:30 (6) Thursday Let’s talkMike 1,4,6 Nancy 2,3,5,7 Further listening and speaking Task 11. (1)medical service (2)health insurance2. medical advice3. (1)operation (2)outside (3)make the arrangements4. (1) medical assistance (2) housing (3) off campus5. living on campus Task 2 TFFFT Unit 7II. Listening skills DBCBBIII. Listening in Task 1: BCBCDTask 2: Man 2,3,6 Woman 1,4,5 Task 3: 1. Because of rumors of the sale.2. He was pushed back, amid loud and colorful curses.第5 / 8页3. He was pushed square in the jaw, and knocked around a bit, and then thrown to the end of the line again.4. He would not open the store.5. The store owner.Task 4: 1. Gift Shop. 2. gifts 3. friends 4. dolls 5. art prints 6 hand-made 7 daily 8 top professionals 9 at a discount of V. Let’s talkJack 2,3,4,8 Jane1,5,6,7 VI. Further listeningTask 1: 1. tolerate, complaint 2. do any good, works , dissatisfied customers 3. longer, harder, settled 4. Customer Service, solve problems 5. The right, in a timely manner Task 2: FFTFT Unit 8II. Listening skills BABBB III. Listening in Task 1: CABDBTask 2: 1. bedroom 2 living 3 kitchen 4 new 5 hardwood 6 in the front 7 campus 8 the city 9 $650 10 Two Task 3: 1. On the first day of college 2. From 9:00a.m. until 12:00p.m. 3. It is off limits to all male students.4. Anybody caught breaking this rule will be fined $20 the first time.5. He was kidding. Task 4: 1. 20-year-old 2 two 3 three-bedroom 4preferred 5 responsible 6 respectful 7 north 8 walking distance9 private 10 air conditioning 11 high-speed 12 $275 13 utilities V. Let’s talkJack 1,3,4,7 Anne 2,5,6,8 Vi. Further listening Task 1.1. on campus, air-conditioner rooms, 3392. the educational program, a living unit, eat and sleep3. all parts of the country, assigned to rooms, national origin4. make new friends, educational, activities5. students’ development, the sound education, citizenship Task 2: TFTTF Unit 9II. Listening skills DCABC III. Listening in Task 1: ADAACTask2 Man 1,3,4 woman 2,5 Task 3:1. He was a great thief and this trade show would not escape his plunder.第6 / 8页2. Because there were millions of dollars of computer equipment inside the show.3. The man merely wandered from booth to booth, humming quietly to himself.4. The guard took him aside and searched his clothes.5. Nothing but ideas.Task 4: 1 honored 2 as our guest 3 computer hacking 4 protect 5 books and articles 6misuse 7 “New Threats to Security 8 rouse your interest V. Let’s talkJohn 1,2,4,7 Anne 3,5,6,8 VI. Further Listening Task11. similar services2. more efficiently3. “bricks and mortar”4. local bank5. grocery shopping Task 2: FTTFF Unit 10II. Listening skills1. trip, uncle, Hong Kong, driving2. parents’, California, short of3. packed, bathing suit, beach4. hunting cabin, Thanksgiving, interesting, gun, books5. vacation, different, expenses, saved III. Listening in Task 1:ACCDC Task 2: John 1,4,5 Jane 2,3,6 Task 3:1. On the Fourth of July2. Thurkey3. Because Halloween is the one night of the year when people can all get dressed up as someone else, pretend and let their imagination run wild4. They can get to shine light on the dark, and confront monsters, ghosts, witches, and all things dead.5. They reassure themselves that there’s really no reason to be afraid of things people see at night.Task 4: aboard, Disneyland, meantime, point out, scenic, relax, Mickey Mouse V. Let’s talkJohn 1,3,7,8 Jane 2,4,5,6, VI. Further listening 1. wars, finding soldiers 2. families and livers 3. love and marriage 4. prison, February 145. fertility, modern meanings第7 / 8页Task 2: TFFTT。
新视野大学英语视听说教程第一册听力练习录音文本和答案 (全)
Task 3: Learning to speak English
Hello, how are you? When most people learn English as a second language, they learn formal English. Unfortunately, learning it like this tends to make you feel distant and bored. The truth is, most people in English-speaking countries don’t speak to each other in such a formal way. They speak in a casual way to their friends and families. When speaking casually, people tend to use a lot of informal or colloquial words, and also shorten and connect their phrases. They say things like “Hey, what’s up?” or “Hey! Whatcha been dion’?” These expressions are both common and natural, and make you seem like a native speaker. Using them may make people more interested in talking to you. This type of English is more like what you will hear in movies and TV shows. Speaking this way makes native speakers feel more relaxed and you will sound like a friendly person who speaks English well. You got that, buddy?
视听说教程1(第二版)答案Uni t1-10新视野大学英语视听说教程 1[第二版 ]答案(标准答案,正确率 100% )Unit1Lead-in Task1 这个不计入分数Listening skills Task 1. Listening5.Anthony McDonald146Speaking out > Model 1 这个不计入分数Speaking out > Model 2 这个不计入分数Speaking out > Model 3 这个不计入分数Let's talk > Task 1 这个不计入分数Let's talk > Task 2 这个不计入分数Let's talk > Task 3 这个不计入分数Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 1for names : 1.David 2.Leigh3.Vicky Kleinura Tish Hill Listening in > Task 1 1-5 BDBCAListening in > Task 2 John 选择235 Lisa 选择Listening in > Task 3 这个不计入分数Listening in > Task 4 1-5 attention closing fivecheckouts leave1-5 new and differenton his own a bitconfused talk with sleep inFurther listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 2 1-5FTTFTFurther listening and speaking > Further speaking > Task 1这个不计入分数Unit Test 按照顺序:BDCDB 1.all right 2. better 3.meet4.how's5. magir6. what about DBCAC AACBD DCADB CCBDA DCBCB DCourse resources 这个不计入分数Unit2Lead-in Task1 这个不计入分数Lead-in Task2 从左到右从上到下baseball basketball kickboxing tennis tai chi jogging skiing swimmingListening skills Task 1. Id entifying numbers :1-5 DACBDListening in > Task 1 1-5 DBCDAListening in > Task 2 1-6 strong and healthyand needs carefulListening in > Task 3 这个不计入分数Listening in > Task 4 1-6 open checkup apply Department opportunitySpeaking out > Model 1 这个不计入分数Speaking out > Model 2 这个不计入分数Speaking out > Model 3 这个不计入分数Let's talk > Task 1 Jack (rooting for the home team)team ) 选择 136Let's talk > Task 2 这个不计入分数Let's talk > Task 3 这个不计入分数Further listening and speaking >Further l local clubs weekly three fan baseFurther listening and speaking >Further FTTFTFurther listening and speaking > Further speaking > Task 1 这个不计入分数energybetter different tastes interestedPEexercise istening > Task 1 1-5popular biglistening > Task 2 1-5 选择 245 Jim (rooting for the visitingUnit Test 按照顺序:CDCAC 1.down 2.turn 3. almost 4.welcome BCABD DCBAD BACAC ADCBD BCBCCourse resources 这个不计入分数Unit3Lead-in Task1 DCAEFBListening skills Task 1.:1-5 DBCABListening in > Task 1 1-5 CADDBListening in > Task 2 1-5 confident making friends language informal cultural course work going for to join in commonListening in > Task 3 这个不计入分数Listening in > Task 4 1-6 The Students Friendship Association outing school gate6:40 7:00 sharp on timeSpeaking out > Model 1 这个不计入分数Speaking out > Model 2 这个不计入分数Speaking out > Model 3 这个不计入分数Let's talk > Task 1 Jack 选择2347 Jane 选择156Let's talk > Task 2 这个不计入分数Let's talk > Task 3 这个不计入分数Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 1 1-5 run at terrible sadness a big smile killing himself one small gestureFurther listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 2 1-5TFFTTFurther listening and speaking > Further speaking > Task 1 这个不计入分数Unit Test 按照顺序BCBDD won expect hard agree gainCBADC BDCAD CBACDCourse resources 这个不计入分数Unit4Lead-in Task1 从左到右从上到下foggy clear snowing a tornado raining lightningLead-in Task2 这个不计入分数Listening skills Task 1. s:1-5 668130487 843920571 130321085985 543621963 205 0111305516108978 Listening in > Task 1 1-5 BDCADListening in > Task 2 Man 选择2456 Woman 选择13 Listening in > Task 3 这个不计入分数Listening in > Task 4 1-9 Sunny daytime temperature drop cloudy winds snow flurries 37 rainshowers riseSpeaking out > Model 1 这个不计入分数Speaking out > Model 2 这个不计入分数Speaking out > Model 3 这个不计入分数Let's talk > Task 1 Michael 选择1237 Emma 选择4568Let's talk > Task 2 这个不计入分数Let's talk > Task 3 这个不计入分数Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 1 1-5 season Climate thinking mental abilities summerFurther listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 2 1-5FTTFTFurther listening and speaking > Further speaking > Task 1 这个不计入分数Unit Test 按照顺序ACBDA would you like love last trust take care BBCAD BDDAC ADBCD ABABCourse resources 这个不计入分数Unit5Lead-in Task1 从左到右从上到下pizza meatballs hamburger fish braised in brown sauce fried bread stick French fries Spaghetti dumplings tofuLead-in Task2 这个不计入分数Listening skills Task 1.:1-5 steak eggs bacon toast sweet weight cookies fruits strawberries fish fried noodles mushroom Listening in > Task 1 1-5 CDDBDListening in > Task 2 Man 选择1234 Woman 选择56 Listening in > Task 3 这个不计入分数Listening in > Task 4 1-7 favorite McDonald's foods adding dream come true Great choices Double Cheeseburger PiesSpeaking out > Model 1 这个不计入分数Speaking out > Model 2 这个不计入分数Speaking out > Model 3 这个不计入分数Let's talk > Task 1 John 选择1345 Susan 选择267 Let's talk > Task 2 这个不计入分数Let's talk > Task 3 这个不计入分数Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task1-5 1national international national dishesforeign ones large cities European Asian hamburgers hot dogs Paris tea coffee milk pop children three or four hamburgers fried chickenFurther listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 2 1-5TFFTFFurther listening and speaking > Further speaking > Task 1 这个不计入分数Unit Test 按照顺序:CDBCAC brings seldom ache recommended light change habits fit concern BCABD ACAAC ABBADCCCourse resources 这个不计入分数Unit6Lead-in Task1 从左到右Healthy living habits: Exercising 30 minutes every daySleeping eight hours every dayEating fishDrinking one glass of water when waking up Taking the stairs instead of the elevator Unhealthy living habits:Skipping breakfastKeeping unhealthy snacks in the houseEating few fruits and vegetablesEating fast foodSmokingLead-in Task2 这个不计入分数Listening skills Task 1. :1-5 the doctor's health cold medicine exercise schoolwork feelings physical sleepingrisking Listening in > Task 1 1-5 ACBBCListening in > Task 2 1-7 Want to sleep all day Not interestedcustoms body language blood pressuresome time her ownculture Listening in > Task 3 这个不计入分数Listening in > Task 4 1-6 make an appointment checkupcancellation 3 o'clock 3:30 ThursdaySpeaking out > Model 1 这个不计入分数Speaking out > Model 2 这个不计入分数Speaking out > Model 3 这个不计入分数Let's talk > Task 1 Mike 选择 146 Nancy 选择 2357 Let's talk > Task 2 这个不计入分数Let's talk > Task 3 这个不计入分数Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 1 1-5medical service health insurancemedical advice healtha doctor outside long and healthysecond-hand smokecancer lessjunk food exercise enjoy operationoutside make the arrangements medical assistance housing off campusliving on campusFurther listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 2 1-5TFFFTFurther listening and speaking > Further speaking > Task 1 这个不计入分数Unit Test 按照顺序AACDB used spicy stomachaches sick terrible well busy advice check up care something call BACCD CDABC AADDA ACAAAACourse resources 这个不计入分数Unit7Lead-in Task1 这个不计入分数Listening skills Task 1-5 BAADBListening in > Task 1 1-5 BCBCDListening in > Task 2 Man 选择236 Woman 选择145 Listening in > Task 3 这个不计入分数Listening in > Task 4 1-9 Gift Shop gifts friends dolls art prints hand-made daily topprofessional at a discount ofSpeaking out > Model 1 这个不计入分数Speaking out > Model 2 这个不计入分数Speaking out > Model 3 这个不计入分数Let's talk > Task 1 Jack 2348 Jane1567Let's talk > Task 2 这个不计入分数Let's talk > Task 3 这个不计入分数Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 1 1-5tolerate complaint do any good worksdissatisfied customers longer harder settledCustomer Service solve problems the right ina timely mannerFurther listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 2 1-5FFTFTFurther listening and speaking > Further speaking > Task 1 这个不计入分数Unit Test 按照顺序CBDAC store sale worth tourism interested present travel break Besides off else pick BBCDA CACBD ABBCB ACDCCourse resources 这个不计入分数Unit8Lead-in Task1 这个不计入分数Listening skills Task 1. 1- 5BABBBListening in > Task 1 1-5 CABDBListening in > Task 2 1-10 bedroom living room kitchen new hardwood in the front campus the city 650TwoListening in > Task 3 这个不计入分数Listening in > Task 4 1-1320-year-old twothree-bedroom preferred responsible respectful north walking distance private airconditioning high-speed $275 utilitiesSpeaking out > Model 1 这个不计入分数Speaking out > Model 2 这个不计入分数Speaking out > Model 3 这个不计入分数Let's talk > Task 1 这个不计入分数Let's talk > Task 2 这个不计入分数Let's talk > Task 3 这个不计入分数Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 1 1-5on campus air-conditioned rooms 339 theeducational program a living unit eat and sleep all parts of the country assigned to rooms make newfriends national origin make newfriends educational activities students'development the sound education citizenshipFurther listening andspeaking > Further listening> Task 2 1-5TFTTFFurther listening and speaking > Further speaking > Task 1 这个不计入分数Unit Test 按照顺序CABAC around quiet kind hearted helping far distance takes perfect get alongwith better deposit meet clean BCDAAAABBA DBDBAAB Course resources 这个不计入分数Unit9Lead-in Task1 这个不计入分数Listening skills Task 1.: 1. -5DCABCListening in > Task 1 1-5 ADAACListening in > Task2MAN 选择1346 WOMAN 选择25Listening in > Task 3 这个不计入分数Listening in > Task41-8honored as o ur guestcomputer hacking protect books and articles misuse New Threats toSecurity rouse your interestSpeaking out > Model 1 这个不计入分数Speaking out > Model 2 这个不计入分数Speaking out > Model 3 这个不计入分数Let's talk > Task 1 John1247 Anne3568Let's talk > Task 2 这个不计入分数Let's talk > Task 3 这个不计入分数Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 1 1-5similar services more efficiently bricks and mortar bricks and mortar local bank grocery shoppingFurther listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 2 1-5FTTFTFurther listening and speaking > Further speaking > Task 1 这个不计入分数Unit Test 按照顺序ADBCB fixed searching paper down library far saves type point depend on enjoy chat study ABDDCACCAA BABCA DBCCourse resources 这个不计入分数Unit10Lead-in Task1 从左到右从上到下Christmas Chinese New Year Dragon Boat holiday Mothers' day Halloween Mid-Autumn Festival Valentine's dayListening skills Task 1. trip uncle HongKong driving funListening in > Task 1 1-5 ACCDCListening in > Task 2 john145 Jane236Listening in > Task 3 这个不计入分数Listening in > Task 4 1-7 aboard Disneyland meantime point out scenic relax Mickey MouseSpeaking out > Model 1 这个不计入分数Speaking out > Model 2 这个不计入分数Speaking out > Model 3 这个不计入分数Let's talk > Task 1 John1378Let's talk > Task 2 这个不计入分数Let's talk > Task 3 这个不计入分数Further listening and speaking > Further l istening > Task 11-5 wars finding soldiers families and lovers love and marriage prison February 14fertility modern meaningsFurther listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 21-5 T FFTTFurther listening and speaking > Further speaking > Task 1 这个不计入分数UnitTest 按照顺序CADBA packing seaside escape rays bring burnt reminding way feel set out visit pity ACBBD BBADC AAACA BCABCCourse resources 这个不计入分数。
《新视野大学英语听说教程1》答案Unit 1Page 3 BCACD CCABDPage 4 ABBDA Page 5 AACDDPage 6 1.honored 2.interesting 3invitation 4. great 5.wise 6. reason 7. key 8. Sense9. impression 10. importantlyPage 11 1. hand in their test papers 2. ten minutes later accept the test paper 3. I don’t care4. who am I5. threw the papersPage 12 DDABD Page 13 BBDACPage 14 1. added 2. agreed 3. create 4. increasingly important 5. graduate 6.expanded7. included 8. the most commonly taught language 9. followed 10. language programUnit 2Page 19 DCDBB DBCDD Page 20 ACDCA Page 21 DBACAPage 22 1. quick 2. end 3. remember 4. future 5. ten 6. look 7. none 8. eyes9. blackness 10. wishPage 28 ABACD Page29 ADABCPage 30 1. free 2. sales 3. prepare 4. needs 5. supplies 6. average 7. increase8. computer 9. Teenaged children 10. save moneyUnit 3Page 1—10 CCACD BACDD Page 36 ABDAC Page 37 BCACBPage 38 1.agree 2.suggestion 3.France 4. foreigners 5.please 6. fun 7. twice 8. hands Page 46 1. designed 2. show 3. experienced 4. organize 5. pilot 6. observe 7. expert8. emergency 9. beating 10. outdoorUnit 4Page 51 1—10 DBBAC BADBCP52 DCCCD P53 CABDDP54. 1. Numbers 2. Lead 3, lifetime 4,decides 5, physical 6, back 7,career 8,mysterious 9,love 10, foundP60 BDACC P61 DCBABP62 1, ruled 2, require 3,equal 4,acceptable 5,provides 6,private 7,poor quality 8,needed 9,supported and improved 10,a majority ofUnit 5P67 BACAC BDACC P68 DBCAC P69 ACCDAP70 1,better 2 exactly 3 chances 4 way 5 defend 6 willing 7 change 8 afraid9 skate 10 enoughP75 1 medical costs 2 was holding up 3 this stupid cold 4 diagnosed with HIVP76 DBBAC P77 CDACBP78 1 efforts 2 living 3central 4 extended 5 violence 6 appears7 questioned 8 culturally unacceptable 9 media 10 entertainmentUnit 6P83 1—10 CACBD CDADD P84 CABBD P85 BDCABP86 1 looking for 2 get rid of 3 used to 4 project 5 complete 6 close to 7 share8 laugh 9 tough 10 completeP91 1 I felt differently 2 that it made me 3.Though he made 4 I hurt my back 5 I usually did P92 ABBCB P93 ABBDCP94 1 political 2 lower 3 angry 4 expected 5 exporting 6 economy 7 praise8 seek 9 resulted from 10 new opportunitiesUnit 7P99 BCCDC CBDCD P100 CBDDC P101 DCCACP102 1 Americans 2 experience 3 back 4 color 5 situation 6 promise 7 first 8 step9 behind 10 togetherP108 CBDBC P109 ACBDCP110 1 thread 2 native 3 appeared 4 air 5 powerful 6 including 7 taste8 later 9 fear 10 surviveUnit8P115 ABDDB ABBCC P116 BDACA P117 CBAADP118 1 join 2 battle 3 meaning 4 differences 5 united 6 fate 7 freedom8 exit 9 declared 10 celebrateP124 BDACA P125 BDABBP126 1 honors 2 record 3 entered 4 mathematics 5 invited 6 creativity 7 faster8 advance 9 75,000 10 excellentUnit 9P131 DDBAA CDBCA P132 BABCD P133 ABBACP134 1 faint 2 sick 3 afraid 4 intention 5 supporting 6 relived 7 stupid 8 cared9 smarter 10 actionsP139 1 his new computer 2 any question you like 3 some kind of trick 4 Then he typed5 sales meetingP140 CDDAB P141 ACCBBP142 1 pay for college 2 many students graduate 3 17,000 dollars 4 the full picture5 borrowing by their parents6 about ten years7 high paying jobs8 other public service9 their first house 10 earn very muchUnit 10P147 BACBC CBACA P148 BADDC P149 BDBADP150 1 rule 2 possible 3 happiness 4 hate 5 rich 6 beautiful 7 poisoned8 shut 9 knowledge 10 qualitiesP158 BADDC P159 AABCDP160 1 results 2 welcomed 3 forced 4 theater 5 cure 6 painful7 responsibilities 8 in person 9 as clear as 10 cannot be hidden。
新视野大学英语听说教程1(第二版)听力原文及答案1-10全新视野大学英语(第二版)听说教程1 原文及答案Unit 1一、s hort conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 3一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 4一、s hort conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 5一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 6一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 7一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 8一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 9一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 10一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passage新视野大学英语听说教程第一册答案Unit 1 Click Here for Language Learning Short Conversations 1.B 2. C 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.C 7. C 8.A 9.B 10.D Long Conversation1.A2. B3.B4. D5. A Understanding a Passage 1.A 2.A 3. C 4. D 5. D Understanding a Movie Speech1.honored,2.interesting3.invitation,4.great,5.wise,6.reason,7.key,8.sense,9.impressions, 10. importantly Homework Listening Task 1 1.D 2. D 3.A 4.B 5.D Task 2 1.B 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.C Task 3 1. added, 2.agreed, 3.create 4.increasingly important, 5.graduate, 6.expanded , 7.included, 8.the mostcommonly taught language, 9.followed, nguage program Unit 2 Chilling Out with the Folks Short Conversations 1.C 2. C 3. D 4.B 5.B 6.D 7. B 8.C 9.D 10.D Long Conversation 1.A 2. C 3.D 4.C 5.A Understanding a Passage 1.D 2.B 3. A 4. C 5. A Understanding a Movie Speech 1.quick, 2.end, 3.remember, 4.future, 5.ten, 6.look, 7.none, 8.eyes , 9.blackness, 10. wish Homework Listening Task 1 1.D 2. D 3.A 4.B 5.D Task 2 1.B 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.C Task 3 1. added, 2.agreed, 3.create 4.increasingly important, 5.graduate, 6.expanded , 7.included, 8.the most commonly taught language, 9.followed, nguage programUnit 2 Chilling Out with the Folks Short Conversations 1.C 2. C 3. D 4.B 5.B 6.D 7. B 8.C 9.D 10.D Long Conversation 1.A 2. C 3.D 4.C 5.A Understanding a Passage 1.D 2.B 3. A 4. C 5. A Understanding a Movie Speech 1.quick, 2.end, 3.remember, 4.future, 5.ten, 6.look, 7.none, 8.eyes , 9.blackness, 10. wish Homework Listening Task 1 1.A 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.D Task 2 1.A 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.C Task 3 1. free, 2.sales, 3.prepare 4.needs, 5.supplies, 6.average,7.increase, puter, 9.teenaged children, 10.save moneyUnit 3 Give and Sacrifice Short Conversations 1.C 2. C 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.B 7. A 8.C 9.D 10.D Long Conversation1.A2. B3.D4.A5.C Understanding a Passage 1.B 2.C 3.A 4. C 5.B Understanding a Movie Speech 1.agree ,2.suggestion,3.France ,4.foreigners,5.please,6.fun,7.twice,8.hands,9.happiness, 10. peace Homework Listening Task 1 1.C 2. D 3.B 4.D 5.C Task 2 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.C Task 3 1. designed, 2.show, 3.experienced anize, 5.pilot 6.observe, 7.expert, 8.emergency, 9.beating, 10.outdoorUnit 4 Making a Good Impression Short Conversations 1.D 2. B 3. B 4.A 5.C 6.B 7. A 8.D 9.B 10.C Long Conversation 1.D 2. C 3.C 4.C 5.D Understanding a Passage 1.C 2.A 3. B 4. D 5. D Understanding a Movie Speech 1.numbers, 2.lead, 3.lifetime, 4.decides, 5.physical, 6.back, 7.career, 8.mysterious, 9.love, 10. found Homework Listening Task 1 1.B 2. D 3.A 4.C 5.C Task 2 1.D 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.B Task 3 1.ruled, 2.require, 3.equal 4.acceptable, 5.provides, 6.private, 7.poor quality, 8.needed, 9.supported and improved, 10.a majority ofUnit 5 The battle Against AIDS Short Conversations 1.B 2.A 3. C 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.D 8.A 9.C 10.C Long Conversation 1.D 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.C Understanding a Passage 1.A 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.A Homework Listening: Task 1: 1.D 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.C, Task2: 1.C 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.B TASK3: 1.efforts 2.living 3.central, 4.extended 5.violence, 6.appears, 7.questioned, 8.culturally unacceptable, 9.media, 10.entertainmentUnit 6 Consider Collar Colors Carefully! Short Conversations 1.C 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.C 7.D 8.A 9.D 10.D Long Conversation 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.D Understanding a Passage 1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.B Understanding a Coving Speech 1.looking for, 2.get rid of, ed to, 4.project, plete, 6.close to, 7.share, ugh, 9.tough, plete, Story-telling 1)I felt differently, 2)that it made me, 3)Though he made, 4)I hurt my back, 5)I usually did Homework Listening Task 1: 1.A 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.BTask 2: 1.A 2.B 3.B 4.D 5.C Task 3: 1.political, 2.lower, 3.angry, 4.expected, 5.exporting, 6.economy, 7.praise, 8.seek, 9.resulted from, 10.new opportunitiesUnit 7 Guns for Trouble? Short Conversations 1. B 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.C, 6.D 7.B 8.D 9. C 10.D Long Conversation 1.C 2.B 3.D 4.D 5.C Understanding a Passage 1.D 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.C Movie Speech1.Americans,2.experience,3.back,4.color,5.situation,6.promise,7.first,8.step,9.behind, 10.together Homework Listening Task 1 1.C 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.C Task 2 1.A 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.C Task 3 1.Threat, 2.native, 3.appeared, 4.air, 5.powerful, 6.including, 7.taste, ter, 9.fear 10.surviveUnit 8 Rack Your Brain for Creativity Short Conversations 1.A 2.B 3.D 4.D 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.C Understanding a Passage 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.A 5. D Understanding a Movie Speech 1.join, 2.battle, 3.meaning, 4.differences, 5.united, 6.fate, 7.freedom, 8.exist, 9.declared, 10.celebrate Homework Listening Task 1 1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5. A Task2: 1.B 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.B Task 3: 1.honors, 2.record, 3.entered, 4.mathematics, 5.invited, 6.creativity, 7.faster, 8.advance, 9.75,000, 10.excellentUnit 9 School Days Short Conversations : 1.D 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.A 6.C 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.A Understanding a Passage: 1.A 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.C Understanding a Movie Speech: 1.faint, 2.sick, 3.afraid, 4.intention, 5.supporting, 6.relieved, 7.stupid,8.cared, 9.smarter, 10.actions Homework Listening : Task 1: 1.C 2.D 3.D 4.A 5.B , Task 2: 1.A 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.B Task 3: 1.college, 2.many students graduate, 3.17,000 dollars, 4.the full picture, 5.borrowing by their parents, 6.about ten years, 7.high paying jobs, 8.other public service, 9.their first house, 10.earn very muchUnit 10 Stand Up for Honesty Short Conversations 1.B 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.A Long Conversation 1.B 2.A 3.D 4.D 5.C Understanding a Passage 1.B 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.D Understanding a Movie Speech 1.rule, 2.possible, 3.happiness, 4.hate, 5.rich, 6.beautiful, 7.poisoned, 8.shut, 9.knowledge,10.qualities Homework Listening Task 1: 1.B 2.A 3.D 4.D 5.C Task 2: 1.A 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.D Task 3: 1.results, 2.welcomed, 3.forced, 4.theater, 5.cure, 6.painful, 7.responsibilities, 8.in person, 9.as clear as, 10.cannot be hidden。
Unit 1II.1. David2. Leigh3. Vicky Klein4. Laura Tish Hill5. Anthony McDonaldIII.T1. B D B C AT2. John ; 235Lisa ; 146T3. 1. In order to gain admission to a study course.2. To corner him.3. He could answer either ten easy questions or one reallydifficult.4. He was jolted / shocked.5. Because the interviewer had promised that he would onlyask one difficult question.T4. 1. attention 2. closing 3. five 4. checkouts5. leaveV.Michael: Travel and tourism; To work for a travel agency;Working his way through schoolJane: Computer science; To work in the IT industry; A four-year schoolarshipVI.T1.1. new and different2. on his own3. a bit confused4. talk with5. sleep inT2. F T T F TUnit testT1. BDCDBT2 1.all right2.better3.meet4.how's5.major6.what aboutT3 DBCACT4 AACBD DCADB CBDAD CBCBDUnit 2II. 1.D 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.DIII.T1. 1.D 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.AT2.1. strong and healthy2. energy3. sleep better4. different5. tastes and needs6. carefulT3.1. They went golfing together.2. He was giving him tips.3. On Hole 8.4. The ball bumped against the tree and landed near where it hadstarted.5.Because the tree was only three feet tall at that timeT4.1. open;2. interested;3. checkup;4. apply;5. PE Department;6. exercise opportunityV. Jack: 245 Jim: 136VI.T1.1. local clubs2. weekly3. popular4. big three5. fan baseT2. F T T F TUnit testT1 CDCACT21. down2. turn3. almost4. welcome T3 BCABDT4 DCBAD BACAC ADCBD BCBCUnit 3DCAEFBII.DBCABIII.T1. CADDBT2. 1. confident2. making friends.3. language4. informal5. cultural6. coursework7. going for8. join a club9. in commonT3.1. The neighbor was deeply offended and hurt.2. It was completely untrue.3. To find out what she could do to repair the damage.4. The wind had blown the feathers all away.5. Once you do something wrong, you can never completelyundo it.T4.1. The Students Friendship Association;2. outing;3. school gate;4. 6:40;5. 7:00 sharp;6. on timeV. Jack: 2347 Jane:156VI.T1.1. run at2. terrible sadness3. a big smile4. killing himself5. one small gestureT2. T F F T TUnit testT1. CCBDDT2. 1. won 2. expect 3. hard 4. agree 5. gain T3. CBADCT4. BDCAD CBACDUnit 4Leading inT1.1. foggy2. clear3. snowing4. a tornado5. raining6.lightingListening skills(1).668130487;(2).843920571;(3).130321085985;(4).543621963;205;(5).0111305516108978III.T1. BDCADT2. Man 2456 Woman 13T3.1. They were shooting a film.2. It rained.3. The old man was incredible.He could give an accurateweather forecast.4. To hire the old man to predict the weather.5. Because the radio broke and he couldn’t get the weatherforecast.T4. 1. Sunny;2. daytime temperature;3. drop;4. cloudy;5 winds;6. snow flurries;7. 37;8. rain showers;9. riseV. Michael:1237 Emma: 4568Further listeningT11. season2. Climate3. thinking4. mental abilities5. summerT2. F T T F TUnit testT1: ACBDAT21.Would you like2.lovest4.trust5.take careT3: BBCAD BDDAC ADBCD ABABUnit 5I1. pizza2. meatballs3. hamburger4. fish…5. fried…6. French7. Spaghetti8. dumplings9. tofuII.1. steak2. eggs, bacon, toast3. sweet, weight4. cookies, fruits, strawberries5. fish, fried noodles, mushroomIII.T1. CDDBDT2. Man 1234 Woman 56T41. favorite McDonald's foods2. adding3. dream4. come true5. Great choices6. Double Cheeseburger7. PiesLet’s talkT1. John 1345 Susan 267VI.T1.1. national, international, national dishes, foreign ones2. large cities, European, Asian3. hamburgers, hot dogs, Paris4. tea, coffee, milk, pop5. children, three or four, hamburgers, fried chicken T2. TFFTFUnit test:T1: DBCACT2:1. brings2. seldom3. ache4. recommended5. light6. change7. habits8. fit9. concernT3: BCABD ACAAC ABBAD CCUnit 6II.1. the doctor’s feelings, health2. cold, medicine, physical exercise3. schoolwork, sleeping, health, a doctor4. outside, long and healthy, second-hand smoke, cancer5. less, junk food, exercise, enjoy, riskingIII.T1. ACBBCT2. 1. Want to sleep all day2. Not interested3. customs4. body language5. blood pressure6. some time7. her own cultureT4.1. make an appointment,2. checkup, cancellation,3. 3 o’clock,4. 3:30,5.ThursdayV.T1: Mike 146 Nancy 2357VI.T1.1. medical service, health insurance,2. medical advice3. operation, outside, make the arrangements4. medical assistance, housing, off campus5. living on campusT2. T F F F TUnit testT1: AACDBT21. used2. spicy3. stomachaches4. sick5. terrible6. well7. busy8. advice9. checkup10.care11. something12.callT3: BACCDT4: CDABC AADDA ACAAAAUnit 7II. DBCBBIII.T1. BCBCDT2. Man 236 Woman145T4.1. Gift Shop,2. gifts,3. friends,4. dolls,5. art prints,6. hand-made,7. daily,8. top professionals,9. at a discount ofV. Jack: 2348 Jane: 1567Further listening and speakingVI.T1. 1. tolerate, complaint2. do any good, works, dissatisfied customers3. longer, harder, settled4. Customer Service, solve problems5. the right, in a timely mannerT2. F FT FTUnit testT1: CBDACT21. store2. sale3. worth4. tourism5. interested6. present7. travel 8. Break 9. Besides10. off 11.else 12.pickT3: BBCDAT4: CACBD ABBCB ACDCUnit 8II. B A B B BIII.T1. C A B D BT2.1. bedroom2. living room3. kitchen4. new5. hardwood6. in the front7. campus 8. the city 9. 650 10. Two / 2T4.1. 20-year-old,2. two / 2 ,3. three-bedroom,4. preferred,5. responsible,6. respectful,7. north, 8. walking distance, 9. private,10. air conditioning, 11. high-speed, 12. $275,13. utilitiesV. Jack: 1347 Anne: 2568VI.T1.1. on campus, air-conditioned rooms, 339;2. the educational program, a living unit, eat and sleep;3. all parts of the country, assigned to rooms, national origin;4. make new friends, educational, activities;5. students' development, the sound education, citizenshipT2. T F T T FUnit testT1: CABACT21. around2. quiet3. kind-hearted4. helping5. far6. distance7. takes 8. perfect 9. get along with10. better 11.deposit 12.meet 13.cleanT3: BCDAAT4: AABBA DBDBA ABUnit 9II. D C A B CIII.T1. A D A A CT2. Man 1346 Woman25T4.1. honored,2. as our guest,3. computer hacking,4. protect,5. books and articles,6. misuse,7. New Threats to Security,8. rouse your interestV. John: 1247 Anne: 3568 VI.T1.1. similar services;2. more efficiently.;3. bricks and mortar;4. local bank5. grocery shoppingT2. F T T F FT3. 1. run, 2. break, 3. settings, 4. appearance,5. find,6. send,7. noises,8. mistake,9. furniture, 10. messedUnit testT1: ADBCBT2: 1. fixed 2. searching 3. paper4. down5. library6. far7. saves 8. type 9. point10. depend on 11. enjoy 12. chat13. online 14.studyT3: ABDDCT4: ACCAA BABCA DBCUnit 10I.1. Christmas2. Chinese New Year3. Dragon Boat holiday4. Mothers' day5. Halloween6. Mid-Autumn Festiva7. Valentine's dayII.1. trip, uncle, Hong Kong, driving, fun;2. parents', California, short of;3. packed, bathing suit, beach;4. hunting cabin, Thanksgiving, interesting, gun, books;5. vacation, different, expenses, saved.III.T1. A C C D CT2. John 145 Jane236T4.1. aboard,2. Disneyland,3. meantime,4. point out,5. scenic,6. relax,7. Mickey MouseV. John: 1378 Jane: 2456VI.T1.1. wars, finding soldiers;2. families and lovers;3. love and marriage4. prison, February 145. fertility, modern meaningsT2. T F F T TUnit testT1: CADBAT2:1.packing2.seaside3.escape4.rays5.bring6.burnt7.reminding8.way9.feel 10.set out 11.visit 12.pity T2: ACBBDT3: BBADC AAACA BCABC。
新新视野大学英语第二版第一册读写教程Unit 1短对话1.W: I SaW an ad Onthe Internet about OnIine IangIlage StUdleS. M: Me too. I SaW an ad for, n CIick Here for LangUage Learlrling.t, Q: What do the man and the WOman have in common?2.M: YbU have to be 18 years OId to enteIr SOme OnIine IangUage CIaSSeS.W: Really? I had no idea that there WaS a minimum age required for SOme classes. Q: What did the Wornan NOT know about Online IangUage CIaSSeS before?3.M: UnIike regular CIaSSeS I Online CIaSSeS Can be taken at your home.W: That,s exactly why I decided to begin StUdying OnIinelQ: Why did the WOman decide to StUdy online?厂W: I keep on making newfriends as I StUdy online.M: So do I! There are So many PeOPle Online, and I Want to meet them all!Q: What is One benefit Of StUdying Online?匚M: My Online teacher asked the CIaSS for SUggeStiOns to make the CIaSS better W: That,s great! I always Iike it When a teacher does that.Q: What did the man,s teacher Want to do?M: I had no idea that online Ianguage Ieaming COUId be SO effective!W; K SUre has helped me PraCtiCe my IangUage skills!Q: What is it about Onlr i ne IangUage Iearning that SUrPriSed the man?7・M: MyCIaSSmateS and I help each Other SOlVe homework PrObIemS online. W: It SOUndS Iike you're USing the Internet in a useful way.Q: What does the man do online?8.M: OnIine Iearning is ideal for anyone WhO doesn,t have time to travel to SChOoL W; YbS l but it also has its OWrl challenges.Q: What does the WOman have to Sayabolrt Online Iearning?M: What advice did your PrOfeSSOr give you?W: He Said that taking an OnIine ClaSS WQUld help me Iearn lQ: What did the WOman,s PrOfeSSOr suggest?长对话W: HOW,s your new Online CIaSS I Bill? IS it everything you had hoped for?M: lt,s everything and more, SUSan. YOU ShOUldl give it a try!W: Oh l really? WharS the best thing about it?M: In an OnIine class, you talk With OtherS OVer the Internet. SinCe they are nOt right next to you, they don,t bother you so much.W: That SOUndS great! ItoOk a CIaSS With SOmeOne Who WOUId make me feel SmaIl WheneVer I made a mistake. He WQUId tell me how StUPid I WaS and intimidate me SO that I never Wanted to participate.M: NOt a PrObIem in the VirtUal classroom. HOW WOUId you Iike to Sign up? Ithink that you COUId Stairt On the third Of next month.W: I don't know. BilL YbU know all those PrObIemS about having CiiffiCUlt PeOPIe in the classroom? M: ∖feah?W; We don't really have them anymore SirtCe you left. 短文The first requirement for my OnIine IangUage CIaSS WaS to meet in an Online forum. I entered the forum early and SaW StUdlentS appear On the SCreen One after another. StrangeIy enough, When it WaS time to begin the teacher StiIl had n't ShOW n up. HOWeVer l We began Sharing information and talking about the new class. Unlike me. all Of the Other StUdentS Were new to the Online class. ItOId them about my experiences and my thoughts. Then I noticed SOmething. There Were 27 PeOPIe in the forum. ThiS WaS Strange because I knoW there Were Onlly 26 PeOPh in the class,"Hey,T WrOte l M WhiCh One Of you is the teacher?*1The IeaCher made herself known at last. She Said that She Wanted to get OUr honest OPiniOnS about the OnIine class. AISO l She Wanted to have a ISttIe fun With USrHUrnOrWiIl be important in my CIaSS f M She Said.Uni t2短对话W: HOW about SPending the evening Chiliing OUt With the folks?M; COme On l Mom. Γd really like to get OUtWith myfriends.Q: What does the young man WanttO do?2・W: HOnestly, IdOrft know Whatto SayabOlit OUr SOn l S music.M: LeaVe him ClIOne about it After all, your mother didn't Iike your music either.Q: What ShOUId the WOman do according to the man?3.W: Γm SUrPriSed to See you Ollt and about SO early m the morning.M; VbU know my mom4 She doesn't Iike me SIeePing iri l even On Weekends.Q: Why is the man Out and about SO early in the morn⅛ng?4・M: A IittIe teenage rebellion is normal. YbUr SOn Wtll get OVer it.W: I know. Γm just WOrried about him CIOing SOmething that WiIl ruin his life.Q: Why is the WOman WOrried about her son?W: Get a PierCing in my nose? NO Wayi My ParentS WOUICi be angry!M; YOU,re not giving them enough CrediL I don't think they l d be UPSet at all. Q: Whywouldnl the WOman get a PierCing in her nose?βΓ5~7.M: WhafS WrOng With OUr kids? Theythink they,re entitled to everything We have! W: Well I IfeeI its my fault for giving them too much,Q: WhatdOeS the WOmanthink about their kids, PrObIems?S.W: Dad, Γve got a date tonight With Mike. Γll be back late. M: Htm again? IWiSh you wouldn't date a guy with a tattoo! Q: What does the fntheir wish for his daughter?9.W: My mother WantS me to go into banking, but I Iike Writing・ M: YbU can,t Iet your mother ChOOSe your Career for you.Q: ACCOrding to the man. What ShOUId the WOman,s mother NOT do?M: YbU ShOUld get a SenSe Of humor, Mom. W: Γm sorry, but Ijust don,t think that breaking ShOP Windows is funny. M: Ifit isn,tfunny, then I don,t know What is. TheSe ShOP WindOWS Only ShOW things OLlt Ofdate and Olrt Of fashion. They1 re misleading. Anyway1 its fun to break OId stuff.W: And thats What Γm Saying. YDU don,t know WhatS funny. When I WaS a teenager. I enjoyed movies and going OUt With my friends, not CaUSmg trouble Or breaking things・M: ThiS is just the big difference betweenyourgenerationand mine.W: No3 it isn,t! IknOWteenagerS Of your age, and they dOn,t have your bad attitude! And they Certainly never break ShOP Windows!M: WhateVer, Mom. Γve got to go now. W: Huh? Where do you t hink you're going? M: I don,t know. Maybe ∏l go OUt and break stuff.短对话1.W: In Order to have a meaningful life, you must be ready to give and SaCrifice. M: I agree totally: AncI I try to remember this every day.Q; What Wi Il be POSSibIe if you gi ve and SaCrifiCe according to the woman?W; My mother neve∣r COrrlPlained about hard Work in front Of the family.M: WOW l that,s Something to Iearnfrom!Q: VVhat did the WOman l S mother never COmPIain about?6. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________W: S rbLfVe got to meet Inyfather. He,s handicapped and he has a IOt to Share.M; Γd Iike to. Vbu just tell me when.Q: Why ShOUld the man meet the WOman,s father?W: YbU are the first PerSOn to extend help When I needed itM: DOn f t WOrry about ⅛t. ThatS What friends are for.Ql Why CIOeS the man tell the WOman NOT to worry?10・W: My ITIOther never interrupted me WhiIe I told her my ProbIemS.M: Sometimes that,s the best Way to help someone.Q: Whatdid the mother do to help the woman?长对话W: I heard a bang On my Way to CIaSS this morning.M: SOme guy brought a gun to SChOOl and tried to ShOot SOmeone.W: YbLlYe kidding! IS everyone OK?M: Ybah. The teacher managed to take the gun from him.W: OUr history teacher?M: ThafS the one.W: He never StOPS amazing me.M: He WaS CIefiniteIythe right PerSOn at the right time・ After he hit the student and grabbed the gun, he talked to the boy about his PrObIemS. While IWaS Onthe PhOne With the POIiCe and the ParentS I he WaS holding the StUdent. If I WaS not mistaken, I thought the StUdent WaS crying. W: Did the teacher help the boy SOIVe his PrOblems?M: I don,t think so. The StUdent WaS CIearly bothered by something Pretty big. I don,t think PrObIemS Iike that Can be SOlVed SO quickl½ But I When the POIiCe Came to take him away, OUr teacher told him that he WOUId See him again.短文The friendship and SymPathy Ofa SPeCial PerSOn Changedl my Iife l and l,d Iike to tell you about it LOOking at me now, you might not guess that I WaS not Very POPUIaIrWhen I Started my Uni verSIty studies. I WaS thin and didn't look very handsome With my glasses・ InfaCl my CIaSSmateS StiIl IaUghed at me f just as they did in high SChoOI.One day, When I WaS IeaVing the SCienCe building, SOmeOne ran PaSt me and knocked the books Out Of my hands.dress right, how to talk to girls, and above all. how to be SOCiaLUnit4 短对话2・M: Γve had a good rest, and am ready to make a good impressiOn On my boss. W: That's the attitude! Ybu,re going to be great!Q: What is the man ready to do?M: Ybu ve become SO mature SinCe I IaSt SaW you.4.M: Don,t Ic)Ok SO aggressive. Calm down and IOok relaxed.W: OK l 111 remember to SmiIe during my meeting With my new boss・Q: WhatWiIl the VVOman remember to do?5.W; My boss never notices me. Ithink I IaCk the SkiIIS to get a better job at my company. M: NO. YDUjUSt need to have more COnfidenCe in yourself.Q: What does the WOman IaCk according to the man?短文Uπιt5短对话长对话短文A young Fnan WithAIDS refuses to take medicine that COUld make his Iife IOnger and more COmfOrtabIe I because he,s afraid the medicine Will kill him. InCOrreCt beliefs about AIDS are COmmOn l and they CaUSe greater Pam and help to SPread the disease・ThiS is Why the United NatiOnS SendS educators to the world's POOreSt PIaCeS I Where PeOPIe have the IeaStedUCatiIOn about AIDS. OnCe there, they talk With PeOPIe l giving CIaSSeS and meeting in CIiniCS to discuss IiVing WithAlDS. They tell PeOPIeWhat CiOCtOrS have CliSCoVered about the disease, and ask them to VustAIDS medicines.In Order to StOP the SPread OfAlDS I education must reach more PeOPIe・ It is not enough OnlyfOr money to be SPent. And more medicines WorYt SOIVe all Ofthe PrObIemS・W: SinCe you WOrk S nan OffiCe l you can Wear nice ClOtheS every day.M: Ib be frank, I'd Irather Wear a T-Shirt than a SUit Q: WhatWOUId the man Iike to CIreSS for work?M: When We Were kids, We didn't think much about SOdal StatUS・ We PIayed the Part Of doctors Or PIUmberS and didn,t really Understand Why One was better than the other.W: Right! We didn,t COnSr l der COlIar CoIOrS CarefUlly. Later f We Iearned to respect PeOPle Iike business executives, IaWyerS I and doctors more than others.M: DO you think We Iearned the right idea?W: Yfeah, I do. SOme PeOPIe are more important than OtherS for society. A PIUmber J for example, does important WOrk. BUt he Can be replaced easily. AdOCtOr l Onthe Other hand, doesimportant work and it is difficult to replace him. We ShoillCt then, respect PeOPIe Iike doctors ΓΠOG.M; What about PllUrTibers? Shouldnl We respect them, too?W: EVeryOne WhO WOrkS hard ShOUld get respect, but its not necessary to respect everyone the Same. OfCOUrSe I l,m friendIy and nice to my plumber, but ldon*t think he,s as VaIUabIe as SOme PeOPIe.短文There WaS a time When I WaS afraid to tell PeOPIe I am a COnStrUCtiOn WOrken NOWadayS I Γm PrOud Of it. In fact, I boast about itMy Iife Changed One day when my daughter came home from SChOOl and told me that I had a better job than any Of the ParentS Of her classmates. AtfilrSIlWaS surprised. I knew many Of her CIaSSmateS had ParentS WhO Were important business PeOPIe・ I reminded her that business PeOPle get more respect from SOCiety I Often make more money and WOrk in an OffiCe ・She told me that I didn't UnderStandl What WaS important in life. ReSPeCt l money and OffiCeS aren,t as important as time. BUSineSSmen must WOrk IOng hours, SO they can,t See their children as much. BiliIding houses. Ionlywork SiX hours a day. ThiS gives me more free time to SPend With her.Unit?短对话M; WhafS the problem? KeePing a gun in my home for Safety isn't a Crime J W: In this COUntry it is against the law. YDU,Il have to give it to the POIiCe right awayl Q: What is the PrObIem With the man having a gun?3.M: MyanXietyIeVel always goes UP When I See SOmeOne Iate at night W: Ybuwouldnl be SO WOrried if you Carried a gun I IIike I do.Q: Why does the WOman NOT get worried?4. _____________________________________________________________________________________M: MydaUghter WaS arrested for having a PiStOl at SChOOLW: I know. She told me that She brought it because She didn't feel Safe・Q; What does the WOman know?W: Γm Calrtiouδ When Γm OIrt I I Pay attention and Stay OUrt Of trouble,M: If you COntinUe to do SO I you WOn,t have to WOrry about needing a gun.Q: Why does the WOman NoT need a gun according to the man?7.M; Did you See What the robbers IOOked Iike before they started Shooting?W: They had On nylon masks, SO I COUIdn't See. I WaS SCareCI When they ShOt at me・ Q: Why r COUId the WOman NOT tell What the robbers IOOkeCl like?9. __________________________________________________________________________________________M: I became an advocate OftOugher gun IaWS after my SOn WaS killed・ W: I know you mean well, but I don't think you're doing What he,d want.Q: What does the WOman doubt?M; BefOre the robbery, GaSeS OfgUnVioIenCe Were OnIy StatiStiCS to me, numbers that I would read in the newspaper. But now, things WlIl never be the Same.W: What do you remember?M: I remember everything Ihat I WOUIei Iike to forget. MOSt Of all, I remember the ShOtS. Bang!The SOUnd Ofthe first bullet being fired rang in my ears. I turned and SaW a ViCtim CoIIaPSe.She grabbed her chest. And then, in a moment, She WaS still.W: YbUjUSt StoOd there?M: IWaS SO SCareCI; it was Iike IWaS frozen.W: WhydidtheydO it?• ∙M: The robbers? TheyWanted money, Of COUrSe. BUt I blame SOCietyfOr allowing PeOPIe to have guns.W: I don,t think Γd Iike it much if I WaS told I COUldn,t have a gun. HaVing a gun makes me feel safer.MiIIBOns Of PeOPIe IiVe in fear of being a ViCtim OfgUn ViOIenCe J and many Ofthem think guns ShOUId be destroyed. I Understand how they feel, but I don't Share their opiniorι. SinCe Γve OWnedl guns my entire Iife I my thoughts OnthiS issue are Clifferent・The reality Of the SitUatiOn is that guns don't kill PeOPIe. PeOPIe kill people. SO We ShOUId think IeSS about the PrObIemS Of guns, and think more about the PrObIemS Of people. We ShOUId think about joblessness and POOredUCatiOn I WhiChare at the foundation OfthiS issue. And We ShOUId act to reduce these PrObIemS by promoting better schools.ECiUCatiOn ShOWS US how to rise above ViOIenCe I teaching US how to be responsible 3nd how to SUPPOrt OUrSeIVeS by our WOrk. MOrB PeOPIe need to Iearn these important Iessons3 and then we Can reduce gunviolence in society.Unit6短对话W: SlnCe you became an executive at the firιn i you never have time for the kidδ. M: I know. AIl the respect and money I get now isn't WOrth missing my Children. Q: HOW does the man feel about being an executive?3.M; MyaUnt ViSitS schools to ConVinCe gi,rls to become plumbers.W: Γd be SUrPriSed if m any girls IiStened to her. MOSt Want to WOrk in OffiCeS・Q: What WOUId SUrPriSe the woman?4.M: Did you hear the big news? The ViCe-PreS⅛dent died! And I might get his job! W: Are you SUre you WaInt it? The job WaS What gave him the heart attack!Q; Why ShOUId the man think more about taking the job according to the woman?。
UNIT 1II. Listening SkillsListening for Names1. Doris: Good morning. Can I help you?David: Yes. I need to change one of my courses.Doris: I’ll see what we can do. What’s your name, please?David: My name’s David Brown.Doris: Your first name again?David: David. D-A-V-I-D.The boy is called David by his first name.2. Nancy: Excuse me. I want to make sure if I am registered for the new English course with Dr.Lang.Doris: Just a minute and I’ll check for you. What’s your name, please?Nancy: Nancy Leigh.Doris: Is “Lee” your last name?Nancy: No, it’s Leigh. L-E-I-G-H. But “Lee” would be easier to spell, wouldn’t it?Nancy’s last name is Leigh.3. Doris: I’m sorry. But if you need a loan, you’ll have to go to the Financial Aid Office beforeyou can register.Nancy: Them who should I see there?Doris: Well, Mrs. Vicky Klein can help you. As a matter of fact, anybody there is very nice. Nancy: Oh, thank you. What is her name again?Doris: Vicky Klein. V-I-C-K-Y, K-L-E-I-N.Nancy should see Vicky Klein if she needs a loan.4. Doris: OK, to complete this form I need your name in full, please.Laura: Laura Tish Hill.Doris: Tish? That’s an unusual middle name. Would you mind spelling that for me?Laura: Sure. T-I-S-H. I was named after my mother.Laura’s full name is Laura Tish Hill.5. Doris: Well, you need to complete the form for your parking pass. Your name, please? Anthony: Anythony Mcdonald.Doris: Are you “Mc” or “Mac”?Anthony: “Mc”. My family was from Scotland.Doris: OK, Anthony. I’ll have your parking pass ready in a minute.Anthony McDonald will get his parking pass in a minute.III. Listening InTask 1: EnrollingGood morning, everyone. I’d like to welcome you to City University. I’m Betty Russell and I work in the International Students’ Office. I have some important for you. First, you must enroll by August 28th. Pick up your ID card at our office. Them, you’ll need to pick up a library card so you can borrow books from the library. Show them your ID card in the library and they will do it for you. You may be thinking about the sports facilities at our school. There’s no charge for student use, but of course you’ll have to show your ID card when you go there. Concerning medical assistance, the University has its own health center, and all services are free for enrolled students.1.B2.D3.B4.C5.ATask 2: Living on Campus(M=man; W=woman)M: Hi, Lisa. How’s life on campus?W: Hi, John. Oh, not so bad. Pretty good in fact.M: Is that what you think? I mean, do you like living on campus?W: Yeah, I enjoy living here because there are so many people around and it’s easy to make friends. What about you? Have you ever lived in a dorm before?M: No, this is the first time.W: I think you’ll find it quite convenient. The library, labs, sports center and other facilities are right on campus.M: That’s true. The atmosphere here is different . But I guess living in town has its advantage too, like being close to the shopping center. You know, our university is so far from downtown. W: But imagine commuting to classes…I mean, you would have to get up so early to get to classes on time. And then going home would take so much time.M: Yeah, but what about the food here?it seems it’s the same thing in the cafeteria every day.W: Well, I think the food here is OK, and if you want a change, you can eat out once in a while. M: True.Lisa John John Lisa John LisaTask 3:Which comes first,day or night?There was a student who wanted very much to gain admission to a study course.He was smart enough to get through the written test and appear for the personal interview.Since the boy answered all the questions correctly,the interviewer decided to corner him.“Tell me your choices,”said the interviewer to the boy.“I shall either ask you ten easy questions or one really difficult.Which option would you prefer?Think before you make up your mind.”The boy thought for a while and said,“My choice is one really difficult question.”“Well,you have made your own choice!”said the interviewer.“Tell me: Which comes first,day or night?”The boy was jolted firstbut he thought for a while and said,“It’s the day ,sir.”“Why?”asked the interviewer.He was smiling.“Sorry,sir,but you promised me that you would only ask me one difficult question!”Admission to the course was thus secured.1.In order to gain admission to a study course.2.To corner him,3.He could answer either ten easy questions or one really difficult.4.He was jolted/shocked.5.Because the interviewer had promised that he would only ask one difficult question.Task 4: An Announcementattention closing five checkouts leaveIV. Speaking OutModel 1 It’s nice to meet you.Now Your TurnMichael: Hi1 My name is Michael. Nice to meet you.Robert: Nice to meet you, Michael. I’m Robert. But you can call me Bob.Michael: OK, Bob. Are you an international student here?Robert: Yes, I got here last week. I’m from Canada.Michael: So, we’re going to be in the same dorm.Model 2 How are you doing?Now Your TurnJoe: Hi, Jack.Jack: Hello, Joe. How are you doing?Joe: I’m just fine, thanks. How about you?Jack: Good. Well, you see, I’m planning to take chemistry this semester. Can you recommend a professor?Joe: Dr. Smith, of course. They say he’s a prominent professor in chemistry.Model 3 I’d like you to meet my friend.Now Your TurnJason: Hi, Jane. I’d like you to meet my friend, Mike. Mike, this is Jane.Michael: Glad to meet you.Jane: Glad to meet you, too.Michael: Jason often tells me how much he enjoys you playing the piano.Jane: Oh,thank you. I enjoy watching him playing tennis, too.Michael: Excuse me. I have an appointment, so I’m afraid I must go now. Very nice meeting you. Jane: Same here. Bye!V. Let’s TalkMichael: Hi! I saw you yesterday with John. We room together. I’m Michael.Jane: Oh, hi, Mike. How are you doing?Michael: I’m okay, but school has been really hectic since I came. I haven’t even had a chance to breathe!Jane: I know. It’s especially crazy when you’re a freshman. Hey, what’s your major? Michael: Travel and tourism.Jane: Well, what do you plan to do after you graduate?Michael: Uh… I really haven’t decided. I think I’d like to work for a travel agency in this area.What about you?Jane: Well, when I first started college. I majored in physics, but later I realized I might have a hard time finding a job in that field. I ended up changing to computer science. Finding a job in the IT industry shouldn’t be as difficult.Michael: Have you got a part-time job to support yourself through school?Jane: Well, I’m on a four-year scholarship that pays my tuition.Michael: Wow, lucky you!Jane: Yeah. How about you? Are you paying for school yourself?Michael: Sort of. I work weekends at travel agency.Jane: A travel agency? That seems like a perfect experience for you! What do you do there? Michael: I’m a tour guide. I show tour groups around the city.Jane: Wow, your English must be pretty good then.Michael: Actually, they’re all Chinese tourists. That’s why I got the job!Speaker Major Future Job Plan Tuition SourceMichael Travel and tourism To work for a travelagency Working his way through schoolJane Computer science To work in the ITindustry A four-year scholarshipFor ReferenceaA, say what you think about college life.Hi, John. Life on campus is really exciting! It’s totally different form high school. B, give your opinion of A’s view.Yeah. I feel the same. It’s an entirely new world.A, tell B your problem and the cause for that.Well, my problem is this: I major in Engineering, but I want to work in a foreign trade company. So, I decide to spend more time on English. But, it’s hard, you know, to manage your time.B, give your opinion of what A says, and tell him/her about your situation.I think you made the right decision. Actually, I have the same problem. You know, I’m majoringin computer science, but I don’t like it very much. I’m really fond of travel and tourism, and I am considering changing my major, if it’s possible.A, comment on B’s word.Why? Computer science is cool! You’re sure to get a big salary in your future job!BA, tell B about your problem.Hi, john. I’m having a hard time paying my tuition.B, Show your sympathy.Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Have any way to get money?A, say your plan to solve the problem.I am considering a part-time job. I think it will help pay my tuition and give me useful experience.B, Give your opinion of A’s plan, and tell him/her about your experience.Right. Actually, I’m working part-time at a chain store now. It does bring in some money, but I think experience is more important.VI. Further Listening and SpeakingListeningTask 1: University LifeUniversity life is a new and different experience for me. First of all, living at the university gives me a sense of responsibility, of being on my own. My parents aren’t around to say, “No, you’re not going out tonight.”I decide everything for myself. Being around lots of friendly people is another aspect I like about university life. On my first say, when I arrived on campus, I was a bit confused about where I was going. An upperclassman noticed out I was looking for my dorm, he said, “Oh, just follow me; that’s where I’m going.” Now, I can really say that I feel comfortable in the dorm because there are so many friendly people around to talk with. Finally, I LOVE HA VING Fridays off; I would not be able to deal with five days of classes in a row. How did I do it in high school? I love sleeping in on Fridays. I guess I’m sort of a party animal, but it seems like I go out every Thursday night. It also seems like I don’t get home until early the next day1 My head hits the pillow and I don’t move until Friday afternoon.1.new and different2.on his own3. a bit confused4.talk with5.sleep inTask 2: Listening effectivelyThought it makes up 50% of every communication,listening,it seems ,is the least taught subject.Listening is more than just hearing:It requires understanding. In an educational setting,listening effectively is critical.Effective listening helps us do our assignments well,and take better notes.Doing these activities well results in better learning and,most of the time,in good grades.In a professional setting,listening is also critical.When you receive an oral message,your response must be correct.If you fail to listen to customers or clients,you may lose THEIR business,and YOUR job!In a personal setting,listening deepens your relationships.When we listen to someone,we say“You”re important” without even speaking a word.When we fail to listen,not only do we not receive the message,but we send the message that we are just plain dumb.F T T F T。
新视野⼤学英语视听说教程第⼆版第⼀册完整答案(含在线课程单元测试)Listening skills(1)David(2) Leigh(3)Vicky Klein(4) Laura Tish Hill(5)Anthony McDonald Listening inTask 1BDBCATask 2 John 2,3,5 Lisa 1,4,6Task 31. In order to gain admission to a study course.2.To corner him.3.He could answer either ten easy questions or one really difficult.4.He was jolted / shocked.5.Because the interviewer had promised that he would only ask one difficultquestion.Task 4 (1)attention(2)closing(3)five(4)checkouts (5)leaveLet’s talkFurther listening and speakingTask 1 1. new and different 2. on his own 3. a bit confused4. talk with5.Task 2 BAABA第⼀单元Unit testPart I BDCDBPart II (1)all right (2)better(3)meet(4)how’s(5)major(6)What aboutPart III DBCACPart IV 1-5 AACBD6-10 DCADB11-15 CBDAD16-20 CBCBDUnit 2Lead in task 1baseball basketball kickboxing tennis tai chi jogging skiing swimmingListening skills DACBDListening inTask 1 DBCDATask 2 (1)strong and healthy (2) energy (3) sleep better(4)different(5)tastes and needs (6)carefulTask 31.They went golfing together.2. He was giving him tips.3. On Hole 8.4. The ball bumped against the tree and landed near where it had started.5. Because the tree was only three feet tall at that time.1.open2.interested3.checkup4.apply5.PE Department6.exerciseopportunityLet’s talkJack 2,4,5 Jim 1,3,6Further listening and speakingTask 1 1. local clubs 2. weekly 3. popular 4. big three 5. fan base Task 2 BAABA 第⼆单元Unit testPart I CDCACPart II down turn almost welcomePart III BCABDPart IV DCBADBACACADCBDBCBCUnit 3Lead in DCAEFBListening skills DBCABListening inTask 11. C2. A3. D4. D5. BTask 21.confident; making friends/doc/01975194dc36a32d7375a417866fb84ae45cc38f.html nguage /doc/01975194dc36a32d7375a417866fb84ae45cc38f.html rmal; cultural4.coursework; going for5.join a club; in commonTask 31. The neighbor was deeply offended and hurt.2. It was completely untrue.3. To find out what she could do to repair the damage.4. The wind had blown the feathers all away.5. Once you do something wrong, you can never completely undo it. Task 41. The Students Friendship Association2. outing3. school gate4. 6:405. 7:00 sharp6. on timeLet’s talkJack 2,3,4,7Jane 1,5,6Further listening and speakingTask 11. run at2.terrible sadness3. a big smile4.killing himself5.one small gestureTask 21. A2. B3. B4. A5. A第三单元unit testPart I CCBDDPart II won expect hard agree gainpart III CBADCpart IV BDCAD CBACDUnit 4Lead in Task 1 (从左往右,从上⾄下)foggy clear snowing a tornado raining lightning II Listening skills1.6681304872. 8439205713. 1303210859854.(1) 543621963 (2)2055. 0111305516108978 Listening inTask 11. B2. D3. C4.A5. DTask 2MAN: 2. 4. 5. 6WOMAN: 1. 3Task 31. They were shooting a film.2. It rained.3. The old man was incredible. He could give an accurate weather forecast.4. To hire the old man to predict the weather.5. Because the radio broke and he couldn’t get the weather forecast. Task 41. Sunny2. daytime temperature3. drop4. cloudy5. winds6. snow flurries7. 378. rain showersLet’s talkMichael 1,2,3,7Emma 4,5,6Further listening and speakingTask 11. season2. Climate3. thinking4. mental abilities5. summerTask 21. B2. A3. A4. B5. A第四单元unit testPart I ACBDAPart II (1)Would you like (2)love (3)last (4)trust (5)take care Part III BBCADPart IV BDDACADBCDABABUnit 5Lead in Task 1 (从左往右,从上⾄下)pizza meatballs hamburger fish braised in brown sauce fried bread stick French friesListening skills1. steak2. eggs; bacon; toast3.sweet; weight4.cookies; fruits; strawberries5. fish; fried noodles; mushroomListening inTask 11. C3. D4. B5. D。
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新视野大学英语(第二版)听说教程1 原文及答案Unit 1一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 2一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 3一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 4一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 5一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 6一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 7一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 8一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 9一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 10一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passage新视野大学英语听说教程第一册答案Unit 1 Click Here for Language Learning Short Conversations 1.B 2. C 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.C 7. C 8.A 9.B 10.D Long Conversation 1.A 2. B 3.B 4. D 5. A Understanding a Passage 1. A 2.A 3.C 4.D 5. D Understanding a Movie Speech 1.honored, 2.interesting 3.invitation, 4.great, 5.wise, 6.reason, 7.key, 8.sense,9.impressions, 10. importantly Homework Listening Task 1 1.D 2. D 3.A 4.B 5.D Task 2 1.B 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.C Task 3 1. added, 2.agreed, 3.create 4.increasingly important, 5.graduate, 6.expanded , 7.included, 8.the most commonly taught language, 9.followed, nguage program Unit 2 Chilling Out with the Folks Short Conversations 1.C 2. C 3.D 4.B 5.B 6.D 7. B 8.C 9.D 10.D Long Conversation 1.A 2. C 3.D 4.C 5.A Understanding a Passage 1.D 2.B 3.A 4. C 5. A Understanding a Movie Speech 1.quick, 2.end, 3.remember, 4.future, 5.ten, 6.look, 7.none, 8.eyes ,9.blackness, 10. wish Homework Listening Task 1 1.D 2. D 3.A 4.B 5.D Task 2 1.B 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.C Task 3 1. added, 2.agreed, 3.create 4.increasingly important, 5.graduate, 6.expanded , 7.included, 8.the most commonly taught language, 9.followed, nguage programUnit 2 Chilling Out with the Folks Short Conversations 1.C 2. C 3. D 4.B 5.B 6.D 7. B 8.C 9.D 10.D Long Conversation 1.A 2. C 3.D 4.C 5.A Understanding a Passage 1.D 2.B 3. A 4. C 5. A Understanding a Movie Speech 1.quick, 2.end, 3.remember, 4.future, 5.ten, 6.look, 7.none, 8.eyes , 9.blackness, 10. wish Homework Listening Task 1 1.A 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.D Task 2 1.A 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.C Task 3 1. free, 2.sales, 3.prepare 4.needs, 5.supplies, 6.average, 7.increase, puter, 9.teenaged children, 10.save moneyUnit 3 Give and Sacrifice Short Conversations 1.C 2. C 3. A 4.C 5.D 6.B 7. A 8.C 9.D 10.D Long Conversation1.A2. B3.D4.A5.C Understanding a Passage 1.B 2.C 3. A 4. C 5. B Understanding a Movie Speech 1.agree ,2.suggestion,3.France ,4.foreigners,5.please,6.fun,7.twice,8.hands,9.happiness, 10. peace Homework Listening Task 1 1.C 2. D 3.B 4.D 5.C Task 2 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.C Task 3 1. designed, 2.show, 3.experienced anize, 5.pilot 6.observe, 7.expert, 8.emergency, 9.beating, 10.outdoorUnit 4 Making a Good Impression Short Conversations 1.D 2. B 3. B 4.A 5.C 6.B 7. A 8.D 9.B 10.C Long Conversation 1.D 2. C 3.C 4.C 5.D Understanding a Passage 1.C 2.A 3. B 4. D 5. D Understanding a Movie Speech 1.numbers, 2.lead, 3.lifetime, 4.decides, 5.physical, 6.back, 7.career, 8.mysterious, 9.love, 10. found Homework Listening Task 1 1.B 2. D 3.A 4.C 5.C Task 2 1.D 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.B Task 3 1. ruled, 2.require, 3.equal 4.acceptable, 5.provides, 6.private, 7.poor quality, 8.needed, 9.supported and improved, 10.a majority ofUnit 5 The battle Against AIDS Short Conversations 1.B 2.A 3. C 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.D 8.A 9.C 10.C Long Conversation 1.D 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.C Understanding a Passage 1.A 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.A Homework Listening: Task 1: 1.D 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.C, Task2: 1.C 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.B TASK3: 1.efforts 2.living 3.central, 4.extended 5.violence, 6.appears, 7.questioned, 8.culturally unacceptable, 9.media, 10.entertainmentUnit 6 Consider Collar Colors Carefully! Short Conversations 1.C 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.C 7.D 8.A 9.D 10.D Long Conversation 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.D Understanding a Passage 1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.B Understanding a Coving Speech 1.looking for, 2.get rid of, ed to, 4.project, plete, 6.close to, 7.share, ugh, 9.tough, plete, Story-telling 1)I felt differently, 2)that it made me, 3)Though he made, 4)I hurt my back, 5)I usually did Homework Listening Task 1: 1.A 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.B Task 2: 1.A 2.B 3.B 4.D 5.C Task 3: 1.political, 2.lower, 3.angry, 4.expected, 5.exporting, 6.economy, 7.praise, 8.seek, 9.resulted from, 10.new opportunitiesUnit 7 Guns for Trouble? Short Conversations 1. B 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.C, 6.D 7.B 8.D 9. C 10.D Long Conversation 1.C 2.B 3.D 4.D 5.C Understanding a Passage 1.D 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.C Movie Speech 1.Americans, 2.experience, 3.back, 4.color, 5.situation, 6.promise, 7.first, 8.step, 9.behind, 10.together Homework Listening Task 1 1.C 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.C Task 2 1.A 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.C Task 3 1.Threat, 2.native, 3.appeared, 4.air, 5.powerful, 6.including, 7.taste, ter, 9.fear 10.surviveUnit 8 Rack Your Brain for Creativity Short Conversations 1.A 2.B 3.D 4.D 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.C Understanding a Passage 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.A 5. D Understanding a Movie Speech 1.join, 2.battle, 3.meaning, 4.differences, 5.united, 6.fate, 7.freedom, 8.exist, 9.declared, 10.celebrate Homework Listening Task 1 1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5. A Task 2: 1.B 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.B Task 3: 1.honors, 2.record, 3.entered, 4.mathematics, 5.invited, 6.creativity, 7.faster, 8.advance, 9.75,000, 10.excellentUnit 9 School Days Short Conversations : 1.D 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.A 6.C 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.A Understanding a Passage: 1.A 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.C Understanding a Movie Speech: 1.faint, 2.sick, 3.afraid, 4.intention, 5.supporting, 6.relieved, 7.stupid,8.cared, 9.smarter, 10.actions Homework Listening : Task 1: 1.C 2.D 3.D 4.A 5.B , Task 2: 1.A 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.B Task 3: 1.college, 2.many students graduate, 3.17,000 dollars, 4.the full picture, 5.borrowing by their parents, 6.about ten years, 7.high paying jobs, 8.other public service, 9.their first house, 10.earn very muchUnit 10 Stand Up for Honesty Short Conversations 1.B 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.A Long Conversation 1.B 2.A3.D4.D5.C Understanding a Passage 1.B 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.D Understanding a Movie Speech 1.rule, 2.possible, 3.happiness,4.hate,5.rich,6.beautiful,7.poisoned,8.shut,9.knowledge, 10.qualities Homework Listening Task 1: 1.B 2.A 3.D 4.D 5.C Task 2: 1.A 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.D Task 3: 1.results, 2.welcomed, 3.forced, 4.theater, 5.cure, 6.painful, 7.responsibilities, 8.in person, 9.as clear as, 10.cannot be hidden21。