Translation Studies and Practice
Thetheoryandpracticeoftranslation奈达的翻译理论与实践The theory and practice of translationEugene A. Nida and Charles R. Taber 1974Contents1.A new concept of translation2.The nature of translating3.Grammatical analysis4.Referential meaning5.Connotative meaning6.Transfer7.Restructuring8.Testing the translationChapter One The old focus and the new focusThe older focus in translating was the form of the message, and the translator too particular delight in being able to reproduce stylistic specialties, ., rhythms, rhymes, plays on words, chiasmus, parallelism, and usual grammatical structures. The new focus, however, has shifted from teh form of the message to the response of the receptor. Therefore, what one must determine is the response of the receptor to te translated message, this response must be compared with the way in which the original receptors presumably reacted to the message when it was given in its original setting.Chapter Two Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source-language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. But this relatively simple statement requires careful evaluation of several seeminglycontradictory elements.Reproducing the messageTranslating must aim primarily at “reproducing the message.” To do anything else is essentially false to one’s task as a translator. But to reproduce the message one must make a good many grammatical and lexical adjustments. Equivalence rather than identityThe translator must strive for the equivalence rather than identity. In a sense, this is just another way of emphasizing the reproduction of the message rather than the conversation of the form of the utterance, but it reinforces the need for radical alteration of a phrase, which may be quiet meaningless.A natural equivalentThe best translation does not sound like a translation. In other words, a good translation of the Bible must not be “cultural translation”. Rather, it is a “linguistic translation”. That is to say, it should studiously avoid “translationese”--formal fidelity, with resulting unfaithfulness to the content and the impact of the message.The priority of meaningAs has already been indicted in the definition of translating, meaning must be given priority, for it os the content of the message which is of prime importance for Bible translating.The significance of styleThough style is secondary to content, it is nevertheless important, one should not translate poetry as though it were prose, nor expository material as though it were straight narrative.In trying to reproduce the style of the original one must beware, however, of producing something which is not functionally equivalent.A system of prioritiesAs a a basis for judging what should be done in specific instances of translating, it is essential to establish certain fundamental sets of priorities: (1) contextual consistency has priority over verbal consistency ( or word-for-word concordance), (2) dynamic equivalence has priority over formal correspondence, (3) the aural form of language has priority over the written form, (4) forms that are used by and acceptable to the audience for which a translation is intended have priority over forms that may be traditionally more perspectives.The priority of dynamic equivalence over formal correspondenceIf we look at the translations in terms of the receptors, rather than in terms of their respective forms, then we introduce another point of view; the intelligibility of the translation. Such intelligibility is not, however, to be measured merely in terms of whether the words are understandable, and the sentences grammatically constructed, but in terms of the total impact, the message has on the one who receives it.Dynamic equivalence is therefore to be defined in terms of the degree to which the receptors of the message in the receptor language respond to it in substantially the same manner as the receptor in the sourcelanguage. This response can never be identical, fro the culture and historical settings are too different, but there should be a high degree of equivalence of response, or the translation will have failed to accomplish its purpose.It would be wrong to think, however, that the response of the receptors in the second language is merely in terms of comprehension of the information, for communication is not merely informative. It must also be expressive and imperative if it is to serve the principal purposes of communications.Of course, persons may insist that by its very nature a dynamic equivalent translation is a less “accurate” translation, for it departs further from the forms of the original. To argue in this manner, however, is to use “accurate”in a formal sense, whereas accuracy can only be rightly determined by judging the extent to which the response of the receptor is substantially equivalent to the respond of the original receptors. In other words, does the dynamic equivalent translation succeed more completely in evoking in the receptors responses which are substantially equivalent to those experienced by the original receptors If “accuracy”is to be judged in this light, then certainly the dynamic equivalent translation is not only moe meaningful to the receptors but also more accurate. This assumes, of course, that both the formal correspondence translation and the dynamic equivalent translation do not contain any overt errors of exegesis.Grammatical analysisThere are three major steps in analysis: (1) determining the mining themeaningful relationships between the words and combinations of words, (2) the referential meaning of the words and special combinations of words, idioms, (3) the connotative meaning.Kernel sentencesWe soon discover that we have simply recast the expressions so that events are expressed as verbs, objects as nouns, abstracts (quantities and qualities) as adjectives or adverbs. The only other terms are relationals, ., the prepositions and conjunctions.These restructures expressions are basically what many linguistics call “kernels”; that is to say, they are the basic structural elements out of which the language builds its elaborate surface structures. In fact, one of the most important insights coming from “transformational grammar” is the fact that in all languages there are half a dozen to a dozen basic structures out of which all the more elaborate formations are constructed by means of so called “transformations”. In contrast, back transformation, then, is the analytic process of reducing the surface structure to its underlying kernels.Semantic adjustments made in transferIn transferring the message from one language to another, it is the content which must be preserved at any cost; the form, except in special cases, such as poetry, is largely secondary, since within each language, the rules for relating content to form are highly complex, arbitrary, and variable.Of course, if by coincidence it is possible to convey the same contentin the receptor language in a form which closely resembles that of the source, so much the better; we preserve the form when we can, but more than the form has to be transformed precisely in order to preserve the content. An expressive effort topreserve the form inevitably results in a serious loss or distortion of the message.Obviously in any translation there will be a type of “loss”of semantic content, but the process should be so designed as to keep this to a minimum. The commonest problems of the content transfer arise in the following areas: (1) idioms, (2) figurative meanings, (3) shifts in central components of meaning, (4) generic and specific meanings, (5) pleonastic expressions, (6) special formulas, (7) redistribution of semantic components, (8) provision for contextual conditioning.(8)In other instances one may find it important to employ a descriptive phrase so as to provide some basis for comprehending the significance of the original.It must be further emphasized that one is not free to make in the text any and all kinds of explanatory additions and/or expansions.Testing the translationOnce the process of restructuring has been completed, the next essential step is th e testing of the translation. This should cover the entire range of possible problems: accuracy of rendering, intelligibility, stylistic equivalence, etc. But to do this, one must focus attention not upon the extent of verbal correspondence but upon the amount of dynamic equivalence. This does not mean, of course, that the translation isjudged merely on the extent to which people like the contents. Some people may object strongly to the themes and the concepts which are communicated, but there should not be anything in the translation itself which is stylistically awkward, structurally burdensome, linguistically unnatural, and semantically misleading or incomprehensible, unless, of course, the message in the source language has these characteristics ( the task of the translator is to produce the closest natural equivalent, not to edit or to rewrite). But to judge these qualities one must look to the potential users.The problem of overall lengthIt only means that in the process of transfer from one linguistic and cultural structure to another, it is almost inevitable that the resulting translation will turn out to be longer.This tendency to greater length is due essentially to the fact that one wishes to state everything that is in the original communication but is also obliged to amke explicit in the receptor language what could very well remain implicit in the source language text, since te original receivers of this communication presumably had all the necessary background to understand the contents of the message.He analyzes its components builds in proper redundancy by making explicit what is implicit in the original, and then produces something the readers in the receptor language will be able to understand.Types of expansionsThe expansions may perhaps be most conveniently divided between syntactic(or formal) expansions and lexical (or semantic) ones.Lexical expansions in marginal helpsIn making explicit what is fully implicit in the original translation, one can ofter insert material in the text itself without imposing undue strains upon the process of translation.Such information may only be part of the general cultural background shared by the participants in the source language. This type of information cannot be legitimately introduced into the text of a translation, but should be placed in marginal helps, either in the form of glossaries, where information about recurring terms is gathered together in summary fashion, or in marginal notes on the page where the difficulty in understanding occurs.Practical textsTherefore, if a translator really wants to obtain satisfactory replies to direct questions on specific problems, the only way to do so is by supplying people with alternatives. This means that one must read a sentence in two or more ways, ofter repeating such alternatives slowly (and , of course, in context). And then ask such questions as: “which way sounds thesweetest”“which is planner”...Explaining the contentsA secondary very important way of testing a translation is to have someone read a passage to someone else and then to get this individual to explain the contents to other persons, who did not hear the reading.Reading the text aloudPublication of sample materialThe ultimate basis for judging a translation。
radical. They take the subversion of the traditional translation theory based on structuralism as their ultimate goal, which consequently left an exeuse to a variety of criticism.
Non-feminist crities believe that feminist theory is narrowly
partisan, with their arguments "too emotional, sectarian, idealistic and subjective", and therefore it can not be true academic researeh.
translation study, and researchers began to issue some
academic essays, Wang Xiaoyuan, Meng Xiangzhen, Liao
Qiyi, Yan Jianhua, Liu Yaru, Liu Yong, Mu Lei, Jiang Xiaohua, to name only a few.
and achieved fruitful researches in the academic field. The
most outstanding achievements in the field of feminist
translation are those of feminist researchers such as Luise von Flotow, Lori Chamberlain, Sherry Simon, Tina Krontiris and so on.
翻译是把一种语言表达的意义用另一种语 言表达出来,以达到沟通思想情感、传播 文化知识、促进社会文明,特别是推动译 语文翻译(intralingual translation)、语际翻译(interlingual translation) 和符际翻译(intersemiotic translation) 按活动方式分:口译(interpretation)、笔译 (translation) 和机器翻译(machine translation) 按翻译材料的文体分:应用文体、科技文体、论 述文体、新闻文体和艺术文体 按处理方式分:全译、节译、摘译、编译和译述
鲁迅 “宁信而不顺” 《毁灭》《死魂灵》 瞿秋白、茅盾、郭沫若、 朱生豪等
From the founding of P.R.C to the present
中国译协 翻译学科建设 翻译行业
To turn from one language into another(The Oxford English Dictionary) To turn into one’s own or another language(Webster’s Third New International Dictionary of the English Language) “把一种语言文字的意义用另一种语言文字 表达出来”(《辞海》)
所谓翻译标准,亦曰翻译原则,即指导翻 译实践、评价译文质量的尺度。翻译标准 的确立,对于建立科学的翻译理论体系具 有重要意义。
( 1 ) A translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work. (2)The style and manner of writing should be of the same character as that of the original. (3)A translation should have all the ease of the original composition. (A. F. Tytler: Essay on the Principles of Translation, 1791)
闽江学院《翻译理论与实践》课程(学生课外阅读参考书目)1、 Bell, Roger. T。
1991, 2001. Translation and Translating: Theory and Practice [M]. London:Longman Group UK Ltd.;Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.2、 Benjamin, W。
The Task of the Translator[A]。
In: L。
Venuti ed. 2000. The TranslationStudies Reader[C]. London & New York: Routledge。
3、 Davis, K. 2004。
Deconstruction and Translation [M]. Shanghai: ShanghaiForeignLanguage Education Press。
4、 Hatim, Basil and Mason, Ian. 1990, 2001。
Discourse and the Translator[M]。
London:Longman Group UK Ltd.; Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press。
你买点什么翻译英语作文Title: What to Buy: Exploring the Art of Translation。
In the realm of translation, the choices one makes can significantly impact the final outcome. From selecting the right words to capturing the essence of the original text, each decision shapes the journey from one language to another. So, when faced with the question, "What to buy?" in the context of translation, the considerations are vast and nuanced.Firstly, investing in language resources is paramount. High-quality dictionaries, both bilingual and monolingual, serve as the bedrock of translation. They provide not only translations of words but also nuanced meanings, idiomatic expressions, and cultural insights. Online platforms like Oxford Languages and Cambridge Dictionary offer comprehensive resources for various languages, aiding translators in their quest for precision and fluency.Additionally, acquiring specialized glossaries and terminology databases can elevate the quality of technical translations. In fields such as medicine, law, and engineering, accuracy is non-negotiable. Therefore, purchasing access to industry-specific terminologyresources ensures that translations meet professional standards and effectively communicate complex concepts across language barriers.Furthermore, subscribing to translation software and tools can streamline the translation process and enhance productivity. Programs like SDL Trados and MemoQ offer features such as translation memory, terminology management, and machine translation integration. While human expertise remains irreplaceable in translation, these tools serve as invaluable aids, especially for large-scale projects and repetitive texts.Investing in language courses and professional development opportunities is another wise purchase for translators. Continuous learning not only improveslinguistic proficiency but also deepens culturalunderstanding and expands subject matter expertise. Workshops, seminars, and online courses conducted by reputable institutions and industry experts provide valuable insights into translation theory, practice, and emerging trends.Moreover, building a personal library of translated works and reference materials can enrich one's translation practice. Studying translations by renowned translators offers valuable lessons in style, tone, and creative adaptation. Additionally, reference books on translation theory and practice, such as "The Translator's Handbook" by Morry Sofer and "Translation Studies" by Susan Bassnett, provide theoretical frameworks and practical guidance for aspiring translators.In the digital age, investing in an ergonomic workstation equipped with high-speed internet, dual monitors, and ergonomic furniture is essential for translators. A comfortable and efficient workspace minimizes distractions and maximizes productivity, allowing translators to focus their energy on the intricacies oflanguage and meaning.Lastly, networking and collaboration are invaluable investments for translators. Joining professional associations like the American Translators Association (ATA) or the International Federation of Translators (FIT) provides access to a supportive community of fellow translators, mentors, and potential clients. Collaborating with other linguists on projects fosters mutual learningand growth, expanding one's skill set and professional network.In conclusion, the art of translation encompasses a myriad of choices and investments. From language resources and software tools to professional development and networking, each purchase contributes to the translator's journey towards excellence. By carefully selecting and investing in the right resources, translators can navigate the complexities of language and culture with confidenceand precision, enriching the world with the beauty of multilingual communication.。
对The Theory and Practice of Translation书中翻译理论的理解概括尤金・奈达是美国当代著名的语言学家、翻译家,也是西方语言学派翻译理论的主要代表之一,他发展了英国著名翻译理论家纽马克提出的交际翻译理论。
Translation Studies in Theory and PracticeThesis: After half-year study of translation, I have grabbed comprehensive knowledge in this field, which has greatly changed my previous attitude, now I realized that translation is not a simple work every English learner could undertake. In this paper, I demonstrate my understanding towards translation that I have learned from many relative resources, not only my knowledge of translation, but also the translation skills cultivated by those resources. The main purpose is to demonstrate the application of these learning resources to my study and to analyze my understanding of translation by learning these resources.I. Introduction (300w)Good theory is based on information gained from practice. Good practice is based on carefully worked-out theory. The two are interdependent. This perfectly reflects the relationship between translation theory and translation practice.The ideal translation will be accurate as to meaning and natural as to the target language forms used. The reader who is unfamiliar with the source text will understand it well. The success of a translation is measured by how closely you translate to the measurement.The ideal translation should be:1: Accurate: reproducing as exactly as possible the meaning of the source text.2 Natural: using natural forms of the receptor language in a way that is appropriate to the kind of text being translated.3 Communicative: expressing all aspects of the meaning in a way that is readily understandable to the intended audience.Translation is a process based on the theory that it is possible to abstract the meaning of a text from its forms and reproduce that meaning with the very different forms of a second language.Translation, then, consists of studying the lexicon, grammatical structure, communication situation, and cultural context of the source language text, analyzing it in order to determine its meaning, and then reconstructing this same meaning using the lexicon and grammatical structure which are appropriate in the receptor language and its cultural context.In practice, there is considerable variation in the types of translations produced by translators. Some translators work only in two languages and are competent in both. Others work from their first language to their second language, and still others from their second language to their first language.In the era of information explosion, everyone is faced up with a plethora of resources, from the most traditional media such as books, academic conferences, to the online dictionaries and onlinetranslation software. In this thesis, we will roughly study how these resources influence will be applied to improve our translation.II. The Application of the Translation Resources (800w)A. Application of Theoretic ResourceB. Application of Practical Resourcea. The Understanding of Bilingual Translation Strategyb. The Understanding of Bicultural Translation StrategyC. Application of Translation SoftwareIII. Evaluation of the Influence (500w)A. Influence of Language AbilityB. Influence of Translation SkillC. Influence of Cultural AwarenessIV. ConclusionReferenceEdwin, Gentzler, Contemporary Translation Theories, Shanghai Foreign Languages Education Press, China, 2004Feng, Qinghua, The Research in the Art of Translation of ‘The Dream of Red Mansion’, Shanghai Foreign Languages Education Press, China, 2006Munday, Jeremy, Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and Applications, Routledge, USA and Canada, 2001Sakai, Naoki, ‘Translation’ in T heory, Culture & Society, Vol. 23, Issue 2,3, Middlesbrough Yorkshire, London, 2006Ye, Zinan, Advanced English-Chinese Translation Theory and Practice, Tsinghua University Press, China, 2001Zhang, Peiji, A Course in English-Chinese Translation, Shanghai Foreign Languages Education Press China, 2003Zhu, Jifang, An English-Chinese Translation Method and Practice, Beijing University Press, China, 2004论点:经过半年多对翻译的研究,我已经获得了这一领域的全面知识,而这极大地改变了我以前的态度,对每一个英语学习者来说它都不是一项可以承担的简单的工作。
翻译理论与实践(汉译英)Translation Theories and Practice (Chinese-English Translation )Teaching Notes for Senior College Students(2005年9月)刘国忠2578706*************.cnTopics at first:1. 解读汉译英《教学大纲》2. 解读汉译英《考试大纲》3. 汉译英学习指导①重要性②特性③实践性汉译英精典教材:1. 《英汉翻译教程》张培基喻天根《汉英翻译教程》吕瑞昌喻天根上海外语教育出版社 1980.92.《汉英翻译基础》陈宏薇上海外语教育出版社 1998/23.《英汉互译实用教程》宋天锡等国防工业出版社2000/14.《实用翻译教程》(英汉互译)增订本冯庆华上海外语教育出版社2002/55.《实用汉英翻译教程》曾诚外语教学与研究出版社2002/46.《翻译教学:实务与理论》刘宓庆中国对外翻译出版公司2003/1•汉译英主要内容:•一、汉译英实务教学•二、历届TEM8汉译英试卷评析•三、汉译英练习与评析•—汉英翻译强化训练汉译英实务教学主要内容一、汉英词语对比二、汉英句法基本差异(一)汉英句子的主语比较三、汉英句法基本差异(二)汉语谓语动词的分析和翻译四、被动语态的翻译五、汉译英中的主谓定位六、汉译英中的句子整合问题增补内容:七、如何避免翻译中的Chinglish八、汉英翻译中的文化传递九、公示语的翻译十、历届TEM8汉译英试卷评析十一、汉译英练习与评析—汉英翻译强化训练汉译英学习指导(一)如何保证翻译课的教学效果1.以―正当程序‖保证翻译质量无论英译汉,还是汉译英,译文都需要准确、通顺,这是翻译的基本要求。
理论与实践方向参考书目1. 中文部分《口译技巧》<法>达尼卡.塞莱斯科伟奇著,孙慧双译.北京:北京出版社,1979年12月第一版.《英汉翻译手册》钟述孔。
翻译理论与实践研究参考文献一、外语教学与研究出版社:1. Baker, M. In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation 换言之:翻译教程2. Bell, R. T. Translation and Translating : Theory and Practice译文与翻译:理论与实践3.申雨平、戴宁、范仲英实用翻译教程4. 王克非从翻译史看文化差异5. 王佐良、丁往道英语文体学引论二、上海外语教育出版社:1. 王克非翻译文化史论2. 谢天振翻译的理论建构与文化透视3. Newmark, Peter: Approaches to Translation翻译问题探讨4. Steiner, George: After Babel—Aspects of Language and Translation(3rd ed. )通天塔之后――语言与翻译面面观5. Toury, Gideon: Descriptive Translation Studies and Beyon 描述翻译学及其它6. Hatin, Basil and Ian Mason: Discourse and the Translator语篇与译者7. Newmark, Peter: textbook of Translation 翻译教程8. Nord, Christiane: Translating as a Purposeful Activity—Functionalist Approaches Explained目的性行为――析功能翻译理论9. Bassnett, Susan and Andre Lefevere: Constructing Cultures—Essays on Literary Translation文化构建――文学翻译论集10. Hickey, Leo (ed.): The Pragmatics of Translation语用学与翻译11. Hatim, Basil: Communication Across Cultures: Translation Theory and Contrastive Text Linguistics跨文化交际:翻译理论与对比篇章语言学12. Wilss, Wolfram: The Science of Translation: Problems and Methods 翻译学:问题与方法13. Nida, Eugene A.:Language and Culture: Contexts in Translating语言与文化:翻译中的语境14. SnelI-Hornby, Mary: Translation Studies: An Integrated Approach翻译研究:综合法15. Davis, Kathleen: Deconstruction and Translation 解构主义与翻译16. Hermans, Thee: Translation in Systems: Descriptive and System Oriented Approaches Explained 系统中的翻译:描写和系统理论解说17. Gull, Ernst-August: Translation and Relevance Cognition and Context翻译与关联:认知与语境18. Gentzler, Edwin: Contemporary Translation Theories (revised 2nd editio)当代翻译理论(第二版)19. Baker, Mona (ed.): Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies翻译研究百科全书20. Nida, Eugene A.: Toward a Science of Translating 翻译科学探索21. Nida, Eugene A. & Charles R.:The Theory and Practice of Translation翻译理论与实践22. Lefevere, Andre (ed.): Translation/History/Culture: A Sourcebook 翻译、历史与文化论集23. Reiss, Katharina: Translation Criticism: The Potentials and Limitations翻译批评:潜力与制约24. Venuti, Lawrence:The Translator's Invisibility: A History of Translation译者的隐身:一部翻译史25. Bassnett, Susan: Translation Studies (3rd edition) 翻译研究(第三版)26. Williams, Jenny & Andrew Chesterman:The Map: A Beginner's Guide to Doing Research in Translation Studies 路线图:翻译研究方法入门27. Shullleworth, Mark & Moira: Dictionary of Translation Studies翻译学词典三、中国对外翻译出版公司:翻译理论与实务丛书(罗进德主编)1. 马祖毅著中国翻译简史——五四以前部分(增订版)2. 金 著等效翻译探索 (增订版)3. 刘宓庆著文体与翻译 (增订版)4. 金圣华、黄国彬主编困难见巧——名家翻译经验谈5.周兆祥著翻译与人生6.陈生保编著英汉科技翻译指要7. 冯志杰著汉英科技翻译指要8. 陈忠诚著法窗译话9. 刘重德编著文学翻译十讲10. 陈定安编著英汉比较与翻译11. 谭载喜编著新编奈达论翻译12. 刘宓庆著当代翻译理论13. 郭建中编文化与翻译14. 陈忠诚著词语翻译丛谈15. 陈忠诚、吴幼娟著词语翻译丛谈续编16. 贾文波著汉英时文翻译17. 黄忠廉著翻译变体研究18. 马红军著翻译批评散论19.思果著翻译新究20. 李运兴著语篇翻译引论21. 包惠南著文化语境与语言翻译22. 刘宓庆著翻译与语言哲学23. 萧立明著新译学论稿四、其它:1. 《翻译论集》罗新璋编,商务印书馆,1984年版2. 《中国翻译史》(上卷) 马祖毅著,湖北教育出版社,1999年版3. 《西方翻译简史》谭载喜著,商务印书馆,1991年版4. 《外国翻译理论评介文集》中国对外翻译出版公司编印,1984年版5. 《奈达论翻译》谭载喜编译,中国对外翻译出版公司,1984年版6. 《语言与翻译》[苏]巴尔胡达罗夫著,蔡毅、虞杰、段京华编译,中国对外翻译出版公司,1985年版7. 《文体与翻译》刘宓庆著,中国对外翻译出版公司,1986年版8. 《习语汉译英研究》张培基编,商务印书馆,1979年版9. 《英汉翻译教程》张培基等编著,上海外语教育出版社,1980年版10. 《英汉翻译手册》钟述孔著,商务印书馆,1980年版11. 《翻译的技巧》钱歌川著,台湾开明书店印行,1972年版12. 《翻译漫谈》钱歌川著,中国对外翻译出版公司,1980年版13. 《科技翻译工作手册》李维颐等编,天津科学技术出版社,1986年版14. 《长安译论》王宏印主编,陕西旅游出版社,2000年版15. 《跨语交际》谭载喜编译,漓江出版社,1993年版16. 《语言论——言语研究导论》[美]爱德华·萨丕尔著,陆卓元译,商务印书馆,1997年版17. 《句法理论的若干问题》[美]诺姆·乔姆斯基著,黄长著、林书武、沈家煊译,中国社会科学出版社,1986年版18. 《意义的探究——当代西方释义学》张汝伦著,辽宁人民出版社,1986年版英汉翻译常用工具书(一)英汉类1.《新英汉词典》(增补本) 《新英汉词典》编写组编,上海译文出版社,1986年版2.《英华大辞典》(修订第二版) 郑易里等编并修订,商务印书馆,1984年版3.《英汉大辞典》(缩印本) 陆谷孙主编,上海译文出版社,1993年版4.《远东英汉大辞典》梁实秋主编,远东图书公司印行,1977年版5.《最新高级英汉词典》蔡文萦主编,李赋宁审校,商务印书馆国际有限公司,1994年版(二)汉英类1.《汉英词典》(修订版)、北京外国语大学英语系词典组编,外语教学与研究出版社,l 995年版2.《汉英大辞典》(上、下卷) 吴光华主编,上海交通大学出版社,1993年版3.《远东汉英大辞典》梁实秋原主编,张芳杰主编,新华出版社,远东图书公司,1995年版(三)英语类1.Longman Dicitonary of Contemporary Englis h,Longman Group Limited.19782.Chambers Twentieth Century Dictionary,new ed.,Edinburgh & London,1972.3.The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language,New York.19754.Webster’s Third New International Dictionary of the English Language,Springfield,Mass.,1961(Addenda 1966),19715.6,000 words:A Supplement to Webster’s Third New International Dictionary,Springfield,Mass.,19766.ORIGINS An Etymological Dictionary of Modern Englis h,by Eric Partridge,London,1990(四)汉语类1.《现代汉语词典》商务印书馆,1970年版2.《现代汉语词林》(正反序编排) 福建人民出版社,1986年版3.《汉语大字典》(缩印本)《汉语大字典》编委会,四川辞书出版社、湖北辞书出版社,1993年版4.《古代汉语词典》《古代汉语词典》编写组,商务印书馆,1998年版(五)专名类1.《英语姓名译名手册》(第二次修订本) 新华通讯社译名资料组编,商务印书馆,1985年版2.《世界姓名译名手册》《世界姓名译名手册》编译组编,化学工业出版社,1987年版3.《外国地名译名手册》中国地名委员会编,商务印书馆,1983年版4.《世界地名译名手册》辛华编,商务印书馆,1978年版5.《世界报刊、通讯社、电台译名手册》(修订本) 辛华编,商务印书馆;1978年版(六)略语类1.《英汉缩略语词典》西安外国语学院英语系《英汉缩略语词典》编写组,陕西人民出版社,1980年版2.《英语缩略词词典》史群编,商务印书馆,1979年版(七)科技类1.《英汉技术词典》清华大学《英汉技术词典》编写组编,国防工业出版社,1978年版2.《英汉科技缩写词汇》阎庆甲编,冶金工业出版社,1981年版3.《科技翻译工作手册》李维颐等编,天津科学技术出版社,1986年版(八)史地类1.《世界历史词典》勒文翰、郭圣铭、孙道天主编,上海辞书出版社,1985年版2.《外国历史大事年表》(公元前4500年一公元1945年) 王治邦、曲培洛、唐承运、于庆和、王永本编,辽宁人民出版社,1985年版3.《世界现代史大事记》吴成平编著,知识出版社,1984年版4.《美国两百年大事记》[美]加尔文·D·林顿编著,谢延光、储复耘、容再光、李祥荣译,上海译文出版社,1984年版5.《各国概况》(1979年版) 《各国概况》编辑组编,世界知识出版社,1979年版(九)百科类1.《辞海》(缩印本) 《辞海》编辑委员会编,上海辞书出版社,1989年版2.《辞源》(修订本) (1—4合订本)商务印书馆,1989年版3.《简明不列颠百科全书》(十卷本) 《简明不列颠百科全书》编辑部译编,中国大百科全书出版社,1986年版4.《中国大百科全书》(多卷本) 中国大百科全书出版社,1982年版。
translation theory and translation practice
translation theory and translation practice
Translation Theory and Practice1
Translation Theory and PracticeCourse DescriptionObjective:笔译课的目的在于使学生具备笔头翻译的基本能力。
《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲〃专业课程描述》(2000) 八级要求:能运用翻译的理论和技巧,将英美报刊上的文章以及文学原著译成汉语,或将我国报刊、杂志上的文章和一般文学作品译成英语,速度为每小时250-300个英文单词。
To improve your translating ability, either from Chinese into English or from English into Chinese.To meet the demands set by “Syllabus for English Majors at Advanced Level”.To score high marks in translation part of TEM-8.To develop cross-cultural awareness.To be able to conduct preliminary research in translation studies.Teaching Content1). Introduction to translation: definition, nature, criteria, process, methods, etc.2). Comparative study of English and Chinese in terms of vocabulary, word order, syntax, discourse, thinking mode, etc. The realization of these differences will definitely contribute to better translation.3). To impart useful and effective translation skills: diction, repetition, amplification, conversion, division…4) Translation of various types of discourses: business translation, scientific translation, tourism translation, advertisement translation…Classroom policy1). Class attendance is required of all the students;2). Class participation is encouraged and expected;3). Classroom exercises and homework are hoped to be well finished.The final assessment1). Attendance of the lectures — 10 %;2). Performance in the class & homework — 20%;3). Final examination — 70%;Examination for Translation Certificate1 全国外语翻译证书考试(NAETI)National Accreditation Examinations for Translators and Interpreters 由教育部考试中心和北京外国语大学合作举办,2001年11月设立。
- 238 -校园英语 / 【摘要】杰里米•芒迪的Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and Applications一书的中文译本《翻译学导论——理论与实践》由数位教授、博士合译,商务印书馆出版。
【关键词】《翻译学导论》 翻译问题一、引言杰里米•芒迪教授的Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and Applications 一书出版于2001年,按时间顺序介绍了自古罗马时期以来的主要翻译理论,每一章末尾有一个运用该章理论的翻译案例。
Translation,as a discipline,has always been a fascinating and complex field that intertwines linguistics,cultural studies,and communication theory.The practice of translation involves the transfer of meaning from one language to another,and the theory behind it seeks to understand and explain the processes,challenges,and strategies involved in this transfer.Theoretical Frameworks in Translation1.Equivalence Theory:This theory,proposed by Eugene Nida,emphasizes the importance of conveying the same effect on the target audience as the original text had on its source audience.It distinguishes between formal equivalence and dynamic or functional equivalence.2.Skopos Theory:Developed by Katharina Reiss and Hans J.Vermeer,this theory focuses on the purpose skopos of the translation.It argues that the translator should consider the intended use and audience of the translated text,which can influence the translation strategy.3.Cultural Translation:This approach,often associated with AndréLefevere and Susan Bassnett,considers the cultural context and the impact of cultural elements on the translation process.It highlights the need for cultural adaptation to make the translated text accessible and meaningful to the target culture.4.Deconstructionist Approach:Influenced by the philosophy of Jacques Derrida,this approach challenges the idea of a single,fixed meaning in a text.It suggests that translation is an interpretative act that can never fully capture the original texts meaning. Practical Aspects of Translation1.Linguistic Competence:A translator must have a deep understanding of both the source and target languages,including their grammar,syntax,and vocabulary.2.Cultural Sensitivity:The translator should be aware of cultural nuances and idioms to avoid misinterpretations and to ensure that the translation is culturally appropriate.3.Technical Proficiency:Depending on the field,a translator may need to understand technical terms and concepts to accurately translate specialized texts.4.Ethical Considerations:Translators must maintain a balance between fidelity to the original text and the need to adapt the text to suit the target audience and culture.e of Technology:Modern translation tools and software can assist in the translation process,but they cannot replace the nuanced understanding and judgment that a human translator provides.Challenges in Translation1.Ambiguity:Languages often contain ambiguous expressions that can have multiple meanings,making it difficult to determine the intended meaning in the source text.2.Idiomatic Expressions:Idioms and proverbs are particularly challenging to translate because they often do not have direct equivalents in other languages.3.Cultural References:References to specific cultural practices,historical events,or figures can be difficult to convey in a way that is meaningful to the target audience.nguage Variation:Even within a single language,there can be significant regional or dialectical variations that must be considered in the translation process.5.Subjectivity:The translators own background,experiences,and interpretations can influence the translation,leading to potential subjectivity in the final product.ConclusionTranslation is an art that requires not only linguistic skills but also an understanding of cultural contexts and the ability to navigate the complexities of meaning.Theoretical frameworks provide a foundation for understanding the translation process,while practical skills and strategies are essential for executing effective translations.As the field continues to evolve with technological advancements and increasing globalization, the role of the translator remains crucial in bridging linguistic and cultural gaps.。
the theory and practice of translation 1969
the theory and practice of translation 1969"The Theory and Practice of Translation" is a book written by Eugene A. Nida and Charles R. Taber, first published in 1969. This book is a foundational text in the field of translation studies and provides both theoretical frameworks and practical guidelines for translators.The book explores various aspects of translation, including the nature of language, cultural differences, and the role of the translator. It introduces the concept of dynamic equivalence, which suggests that a successful translation should convey the same meaning and impact as the original text, but in a different language and cultural context.Nida and Taber discuss the different translation techniques and strategies that can be employed, emphasizing the importance of understanding the source text and target audience. They address various challenges faced by translators, such as the need to navigate linguistic differences, idiomatic expressions, and cultural nuances.Additionally, the book delves into the role of translation in communication and cross-cultural understanding. It highlights the significance of translation in international diplomacy, religious literature, and scientific research."The Theory and Practice of Translation" has had a significant impact on the field of translation studies and has been widely used as a reference by scholars and practitioners alike. It provides valuable insights and practical tools for translators, encouragingthem to approach their work with deliberation and cultural sensitivity.。
3) Grading
A. Final grade: Components and weighting
Translation assignments(10) and portfolio: 10% Exam: 70% Class participation and discussion: 10% Quizzes and homework: 5% E-mail: 5%
Comparison of Chinese values and Western values
Chinese Values
Basically Good
Harmony with Nature
Western Values
Mixture of Good and Evil
Human Control Nature
竟 成 2004 现代汉语知识教程 上海外语教育出版社 程裕祯 2005 中国文化要略 外语教学与研究出版社 何善芬 2003 英汉语言对比研究 上海外语教育出版社 萧立明 2003 英汉比较研究与翻译 上海外语教育出版社 Samover, Larry A. Communication Between Cultures Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
他要借着你做牵引相思的桥梁,可是我却要做个 独守空闺的怨女。(朱生豪) 他要借你作捷径,登上我的床;可怜我这处女,守 活寡,到死是处女。(方平)
Translation as Cross-cultural Communication
Language, in a sense, is part of culture as it often functions as the carrier and reflector of culture. Culture is the total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, institutions and communication patterns that are shared, learned and passed down through the generations in an identifiable group of people.
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波斯盖特(J.P.Postgate)是英国翻译理 论家、造诣很深的古文学家。他精通古 希腊语、拉丁语和法语、德语等多种语 言,对翻译终生抱有兴趣,有五十年的 翻译实践经验。1922年,他出版了一本 专著,题为《译论与译文》 (Translation and Translations)。
(1)翻译分两类:“后观式翻译” (retrospective translation)和“前观 式翻译”(prospective translation)。 (2)译文效果应由学者判断。人们一般 都承认,翻译的目标是再现原文的真实 面貌。就是再现在译文中的原文印象, 也就是译文在译文读者身上所产生的印 象。
2. Preparing materials for interpretation before each class time.
Course Plan Unit One Definition I.What is translation ?
Translation is a representation or recreation in one language of what is written or said in another language. Strictly speaking, Translation is an art. Like painting, translation enables us to reproduce the fine thought of somebody, not in colors, but in word, in words of a different language. It is no easy job, not so easy as it is supposed. Do not think that any one who knows a foreign language, say English, can invariably translate well. And this difficulty is greatly multiplied by the wide difference in vocabulary and sentence construction between the Oriental and Occidental languages.
德国、苏联也出现了一些卓有成就的翻译 理论家如沃尔特.本杰明(Walter Benjamin)(德)、科尔涅伊.丘科夫斯 基(苏)、伊凡.卡什金(苏)等。以上 翻译理论家都是从文学翻译的角度对翻译 理论进行探讨。所注重的是译文的文学性 和译文的选词造句等方面的问题,而不涉 及诸如翻译对民族语言的贡献、翻译与思 维的关系、各个民族语言之间的共性、决 定语言的可译性和不可译性的科学根据、 翻译目的和手段之间的关系以及翻译的科 学性和艺术性的关系等方面的问题。
二十世纪上半叶,在主要包括英美的英语 国家,翻译理论的研究更是活跃。其翻译 论著在数量上超出其他西方语种。1901 年,美国教授赫伯特 托尔曼(Herbet Cushing Tolman)撰写了一部题为《翻译 的艺术》(The Art of Translating)的专 著着重阐明两大观点: (1)必须以正确的方法理解原文。 (2)必须如实的反映原文的思想和风格。
Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning, and secondly in terms of style. --Eugene A. Nida and Taber The Theory and Practice of Translation 翻译就是译入语复制出原语信息最接近的 自然等值体, 首先就意义而言,其次就风格 而言.
(3)忠实性是衡量翻译成败的最高标 准。翻译中表达的主要矛盾是言语问题。 在言语形式上,译者首先应当关心的是 使译文合乎习惯;对于一篇中译文的要 求就是它必须是中文,而不是通篇的外 国腔。 (4)词汇分四类。第一类是完全相同的 词(常见于科技词汇)。第二类是不同的 词(翻译这类词只能靠借用外来词)。第 三类词是部分相等的词(这类词较多)。 第四类词是假同义词。
Ⅱ.The Importance of translation 1.A story from Genesis in Bible—The Tower of Babel 2.Translation—communication— development
Ⅲ. Classification
• 1.从译出语(出发语, source language)和译入语 (归宿语target或receptor language)的角度分为: 1) 本族语译外语 2)外语译本族语 • 2.从语言符号(semiology)的角度分为: 1)语内翻译 (intralingual translation) 2)语际翻译(interlingual translation) 3)符际翻译(intersemiotic translation) • 3. 从翻译的手段分为: 口译, 笔译和机器翻译 • 4.从翻译的题材分为: 专业性翻译, 文学翻译 • 5.从翻译的方式分为: 全译(full-text), 摘译 (abridged)和编译(adapted)
5)译作的生命在于更新。在动手翻译之前, 读者最好先了解一下当代通用的语言形式在 何种程度上适应于他的翻译,而不必煞费苦 心地考虑这些词过去的功过。
英国二十年代的另一位著名翻译理论家是 菲利莫尔(J.S.Philimore)。他发表了 《略谈翻译和译者》(Some Remarks on Translators)被认为是当时最好的英语翻 译论著,比同时代人的见解高出一筹。
翻译是运用一种语言把另一种语言所表达 的思维内容准确而完整地表达出来的语言. 张培基《英汉翻译教程绪言》 Translation is an activity of reproducing in one language the ideas which have been expressed in another language. 翻译是从语义到文体在译入语中用最切近 而又最自然的对等语再现原语的信息. 谭载喜《奈达论翻译》
The Flourishing Periods of Translation in China 第一次翻译高潮(flourishing period) • Buddhist Scripture 安世高, 支娄加谶, 支亮, 支谦, 竺法护, 道安, • 鸠摩罗什 译界第一宗匠 • 鸠摩罗什, 玄奘, 真谛, 我国佛教三大翻译家 (three giants in translating Buddhist Scripture) 第二次翻译高潮—明末清初的科技翻译 • 意大利人 利玛窦 (Matteo Ricci 1552--1610) 徐光启(1562--1633) 欧几里得 (Euclid’s)《几 何原本》, 《测量法仪》
第三次翻译高潮(鸦片战争—五四—民国 的西学翻译) ●严复(1853—1921) ●林纾(1852—1924) ●鲁迅 ●瞿秋白 第四次翻译高潮(文革后) ●87年8月在青岛召开全国第一次翻译理论 研讨会开始了第四次翻译高潮
2. In the West—Five Flourishing Periods
Translation Studies and Practice
(English Education Fengyi Huang)
1. Two note-books: One for class notes; the other for outside curriculum practices.
二十世纪初还有法国著名文学家瓦莱里(Paul Valery,1871-1945)和马鲁佐(J.Marouzeau)。 瓦莱里翻译了维吉尔的作品,对翻译理论也有自 己的主张。他用诗人的眼光看待翻译,强调译者 必须冲破原文形式,特别是原文句法结构的约束, 使译文同原文一样,具有强烈的音乐感、文学感。 马鲁佐在他的《论拉丁语翻译》中对翻译作了言 简意赅论述,该书充分体现了他对翻译具有丰富 的实践经验和深刻的理性认识,其观点为:(1) 翻译首先是一门技巧。要掌握它,主要靠丰富的 实践经验、坚实的语言知识和灵活的翻译方法。 (2)翻译不可不讲究译文清晰、生动、易懂, 以争取尽可能多的读者。
第一次翻译高潮—公元前3世纪《希腊文 旧约圣经》的翻译 第二次翻译高潮—公元4世纪-6世纪之间 第三次翻译高潮—11-12世纪之间 第四次翻译高潮—14-16世纪欧洲文艺复 兴 第五次翻译高潮—第二次世界大战结束 以来的翻译活动
*传统时期的翻译理论 *新时期的翻译理论
*传统时期—在意大利,美学家、文学评论家克 罗齐(Benedetto Croce,1866-1952)在他的美 学名著《美学原理》(Estetica)中对翻译问题 提出一些精辟见解。他的观点是:(1)翻译不 可能完美地再现原著面貌。这是因为语言凭直觉 产生,语言行为按潜在的思维出现,并对思维加 以扩展和修改,因此,每一语言行为都是无先例 的、创新的。翻译的目的是为了解决言语不可重 复的矛盾,它受语言内在规律的支配,不可能达 到完美的地步。(2)翻译必须靠再创造。由于 完全相等于原作表达方式的翻译不可能存在,翻 译的结果不是比原作少一点,就是多一点。译文 不可能不带有译者风格的痕迹。