
步序 设定
1)包端控圈数说明: 1.起头位置依照作业指导书。 2.5Ts 2.包端控胶带时,层叠整齐,错位不超过端控宽 1.5Ts 0.5Ts 度5%。起头收尾重叠0.1-0.2为一圈,如图示 包端控圈数说明。当线包大时0.8-1.0为一圈。 骨架 3.包胶纸时,起头收尾重叠5-10mm为一圈,如图 示包胶纸圈数说明。 4.配线时,起头收尾对接为一圈,如图示配线 圈数说明。 2)包胶纸圈数说明: 5.包端控,胶带,配线圈数要正确。 2.5Ts 6.逆时针绕线,从轴上面挂起线,轴上面挂收线 1.5Ts 0.5Ts 时,机器设置圈数与《 作业指导书》要求圈 数一致。 骨架 7.逆时针绕线,从轴上面挂起线,轴下面拉回挂 收线时,机器设置圈数比《 作业指导书》要 求圈数多设置一圈。 8.顺时针绕线,从轴下面拉上挂起线,轴上面拉 3)配线圈数说明: 回挂收线时,机器设置圈数比《 作业指导书》 要求圈数少设置一圈。 2.5Ts 1.5Ts 9.顺时针绕线,从轴下面拉上挂起线,轴下面拉 0.5Ts 回挂收线时,机器设置圈数与《 作业指导书》 针脚 要求圈数相同。 9.设定起始,停止慢车,高速,低速依实际上情 况设定。
步序 转速 产量 完成
排线 方向 绕线 方向 两端 停车

一﹑打開電源﹐待繞線機回至待機狀態﹐這時﹐可按“步序設定” “輸入”后﹐即

绕线机操作说明绕线机操作说明1.产品概述1.1 产品名称:绕线机1.2 产品型号:[填写产品型号]1.3 产品功能:用于对电线、电缆等材料进行绕线作业2.安全注意事项2.1 在操作绕线机前,请仔细阅读并理解本操作说明书,并确保操作人员具备相关的操作经验和技能。
2.2 确保绕线机的电源已经断开,并进行必要的安全隔离措施。
2.3 避免触摸绕线机的旋转部件,以免造成伤害。
2.4 在清洁和维护绕线机时,务必关闭电源,并拔掉插头。
3.绕线机操作流程3.1 准备工作3.1.1 将绕线机放置在平稳的工作台上,并确保其稳定性。
3.1.2 检查绕线机的电源连接是否正常。
3.1.3 根据需要,选择合适的绕线模具。
3.1.4 准备好需要绕线的电线、电缆等材料。
3.2 绕线前工作3.2.1 打开绕线机电源,并确认机器处于正常工作状态。
3.2.2 检查绕线模具的安装是否正确,确保其固定牢固。
3.2.3 调整绕线机的绕线速度和张力,以适应所使用的材料。
3.3 绕线操作3.3.1 将需要绕线的材料固定在绕线机的位置上,并留出足够的材料长度。
3.3.2 启动绕线机,并逐渐将材料引入绕线模具中间的孔中。
3.3.3 在绕线过程中,保持材料的张力稳定,确保绕出的线圈整齐、紧密。
3.3.4 根据需要,调整绕线机的速度和张力,以获得最佳的绕线效果。
3.4 绕线后处理3.4.1 当绕线完成后,关闭绕线机电源,并切断电源供应。
3.4.2 将绕线好的产品从绕线机上取下,并进行必要的修整和整理。
3.4.3 清理绕线机及周围的绕线残留物,并进行日常维护保养。
杭州奥士玛数控设备 SKR-QDJE 数控绕线机 说明书

杭州奥士玛数控设备有限公司SKR-QDJE 数控绕线机用户手册杭州奥士玛数控设备有限公司地址:浙江省杭州市余杭区良渚镇勾庄工业园庙长桥路6号 邮编:311112 Http: E-mail:ozma@注意事项奥士玛公司的产品仅限于合格的操作员按正常的步骤使用,并且仅用于本手册所描述的用途。
● 请熟练掌握设备的操作方法、安全信息、注意事项后再使用。
● 妥善保管使用说明书,以便需要时取出阅读。
● 本机是为客户所提供的转子及绕制工艺所定制。
# 如果要改变产品的绕制工艺,需更改程序,请做产品试绕,以验证其满足要求。
# 如果要改变产品的种类,需要改变工装和更改程序,你需要进行试绕,以验证其满足要求。
● 在以下场合使用需要做好充足的防护:有静电;有较强电磁场;暴露于放射性处;靠近动力电源处。
使用时的注意事项● 本机使用电源采用AC220V,50Hz。
● 本机正常工作温度为-10℃~45℃,避免潮湿、高温度、粉尘。
● 请在关闭电源1分钟后再进行再次上电,否则伺服电机会因瞬时断电而报警。
● 本机气源要求0.5~0.6Mpa ,并且保证气源的干燥,干净.如果气源含水或杂质较多,可能引起气动元件的损坏,导致机器性能下降或机器损坏,无法正常工作。

后会依序亮下一个“幅宽”的 LED,以此类推。)
按 3 8 。5 (5)输入幅宽:
0 按输入
按 1 2 。0 (6)输入线径:
0 按输入
按 。2 7 0 按 输 入 (7)输入总圈数:
按6 0 0 。0 按 输入 (8)输入起绕慢车:(为防止初起动时因高速扭力惯性,所产
****任何部分的维修,应由专业维修人员进行。 ****搬运过程中注意轻搬轻放,避免损坏电路或机械部位。
1、电源:带指示灯之电源开关,管制本控制器之 AC 电源。 2、按键:
[步序设定]:用来进入资料设定状态。 [起始步序]:用来设定记忆体开始段位。 [结束步序]:用来设定记忆体结束段位。 2)数字键
4. 配有绕线机最新标准的 CNC-332 微电脑控制器。根据 BOBBIN 段位, 一旦设定好绕线机资料信息,其控制器+3V 电池可保证微电脑系统 的大量资料不会丢失。只要启动机器,系统会自动执行既定的绕线 机数据和程式。整机操作容易、功能完备、智能化程度突出。
5. 采用 CPLD 解码测速电路,抗干扰能力强,定位更加准确。
围 12%-15%。若设定低速过低,设备不能起动。 2)状态显示灯
[待 机]:灯亮表示待机状态,灯不亮表示绕线中或编辑中。
[运 转]:灯亮表示绕线中,灯不亮表示停止中。 [慢 车]: 灯亮表示正以低速绕线,灯不亮表示正以高速绕线。 [定 位]:灯亮表示排线杆作起绕点定位或回归原点中。 [超 速]:灯亮表示绕线速度太快,排线杆与绕线轴失去同步。 [连 线]:灯亮表示正在网络通讯中。 [完 成]:灯亮时表示生产数量已达生产目标。 [转 速]:灯亮表示目前“产量/速度”显示屏作为转速显示。 [产 量]:灯亮表示目前“产量/速度”显示屏为产量显示。

步序设定显示器在闪烁时,按一下 输入
,同时 起绕点指示灯
按 输入 按键时表示72.40mm保存在第一个步序中,同时步序显
同时 起绕点指示灯也会亮起,再按一
次 输入 ,幅宽指示灯会亮起,设定幅宽.方法于起绕点设定一样.
当步序资料起绕点,幅宽,线径,总圈数,起绕慢车, 停止慢车,高速,低速,后退完成后,再设定绕线方向和 排线方向,
转速 归零
两端 自动 停车 启动
0 清除 COPY 输入
先按 起始 按键,在
名称.输入724数字,按 输入 按键表示以保存数据,再按 结束 按键,在 步序 步序 步序设定显示器
绕线中注意头发不要卷入到绕线轴中发生意外,绕线工位 头发要用发夹将头发夹起来或者是留短头发,不允许披头发.
起绕点 总圈数

绕线机说明书CNC-210EXDCNC-210EXD使用手冊 F-6681版本DOC NO:010503 Page 1 of 15 目錄1.前言 (2)主要特性 (2)面板說明 (3)編輯繞線資料.............................................................4 繞線方式選擇.............................................................6 執行繞線功能.............................................................8 裝機設定....................................................................9 安裝與接線...............................................................12 簡易保養及故障排除 (14)1. 前言CNC-210S 是本公司所發展出的㆒系列繞線機控制器,由於控制機能完整,廣為繞線業界所愛用,因此CNC-210S幾乎已成為繞線機的標準配備。
本公司為追求 CNC-210S 控制器機能的更加提升,特別針對各方客戶的不同須求及寶貴意見,開發完成新的CNC-210EXD外接驅動器專用機型,以取代原有之外接型控制器。
CNC-210EXD 系列依內部驅動迴路的有無分為 CNC-210EXD1 外接㆒型, CNC-210EXD2 外接㆓型等機種,以供不同使用場合選用。

AArbor: (same as a mandrel) A metal rod that shapes coils by having the wire wrapped around it.Arbor Tension:The tension applied to the arbor during the winding process. This is necessary to keep the wire payout operating in a smooth manner. The tension setting is adjustable. Automatic Coil Winder:A coil winding machine that once loaded with wire and properly set up will continuously manufacture and deliver the desired coil until the wire runs out. BBrakes:There are two types of brakes used on coil winding machines, Electronic and Manual. The brakes keep a constant set tension on the wire as it unrolls from the spool. This is done by applying a load to the rotation of the spool spindle shaft. CCarriage: This is the platform on the linear actuator that traverses left/right where the wire payout rack is mounted. Catheter: A tube that can be inserted into a body cavity, duct or vessel. Catheters can allow drainage, administration of fluids or gases or access by surgical instruments.Closed Pitch: (also called tight wound) A coil that is wound with no spacing between the wire.Coil: A winding consisting of a series of loops or circles made around an arborCoil Index: The ratio of a finished coil outer diameter to the diameter of the wire used to make the coil:Coil outer diameter : Wire Diameter = IndexCollet: This is a clamping device similar to a chuck (i.e. an Albrecht chuck). This is used to clamp onto the arbor or arbor/coil assembly during pensator: A feedback module that performs a lead/lag correction of the wire angle as the wire is wound around the arbor.Continuous winding: A coil winding process that once loaded with wire and properly set-up, will manufacture the desired coil without interruption until the wire runs out. Cutters: (automatic) Cutting blades used to cut coils when operating in an automatic mode.DDroop Specification: The measure of stiffness of the wound coil.Dual Arbor Coil Winding Machine: A coil winding machine that can produce two identical coils at the same time.EElectronic Wire Tensioning: The holding torque appliedby an electronic brake to a shaft that holds the wire spool resulting in an applied tension to the wire.Endoscope: A medical device with a light attached that is used to look inside a body cavity or organ. The scope is inserted through a natural opening such as the mouth for a bronchoscope.GGuide wire: In medical applications, a wire that is inserted to guide a catheter to a certain location in the body.HHigh Speed Spindles: The rotary device that holds the collet or chuck to allow rotation of the arbor.JJoystick: A device similar to the control used in video games. All RothGreaves winders come with a remote joystick which enables the operator to move around and control the winder.Allrightsreserved©221RothGreaves&Associates.Glossary of Medical Coil Winder Terms closed pitch coilor visitLLinear Actuator: The translational device used to position the carriage and to move it during coil winding.Linear Encoder: A feedback device that has a read head paired with a scale that encodes position. This allows for exact position location of the carriage.MMandrel: Another name for an arbor.Manual Wire Tensioning: The holding torque applied to the payout spool via a manually adjusted friction brake resulting in tension on the wire payout.Medical Coil: A coil that is used in a medical device Medical Coil Winder: A coil winder that can produce a medical coil. Example; RothGreaves & Associates, Inc. coil winder.Micro-Coil: A small diameter coil wound on small diameter arbor with small diameter wire. An example of a microcoil would be a 0.007” diameter coil using 0.001” wire. All RothGreaves coil winders can make Micro-Coils.Multi Filar: A coil with more then one wire used to form the coil. NNitinol: A metal alloy consisting of Nickel and Titanium which has two unique properties: shape memory and su-per-elasticity.OOpen Pitch: Also called space wound and open wound. This is a coil that is wound with a gap between each wire wrap.Over Winding: The winding of a second coil on top of anoth-er coil.PPayout Angle: This is the angle of the wire to the arbor asthe coil is being wound.Payout Spindle: The spindle shaft on the payout rack that holds the wire spool.Pitch: This is the distance between each wire wrap mea-sured in inches/revolution or mm/revolution.Pre-Tensioned Coil: A coil wound with some amount ofback angle to produce a stiffer coil.SSingle Filar: A coil with one wire used to form the coil. Stent: A medical device inserted into a natural passage / conduit in the body to prevent or counteract a disease-in-duced, localized flow constriction.Stress Relieving: The removal of minor stress in the wire using heat such as delivered from a hot air torch.TTailstock: The movable motor/chuck assembly that clamps onto the right end of the arbor as found on RothGreaves winding machines.Torch: This is similar to a hot air gun. The torch directs heat-ed air at the wire being wound. Certain manufacturing pro-cesses require the wire to be heated prior to being wound. Torque Coil: A coil or coil assembly that can transmit torque. Transition: The area where a coil undergoes a change in pitch.WWire Profiles: The cross sectional shape of a wire used to make a coil. There are three basic types; 1) Round 2) Rectan-gular and 3) Square.A l l r i g htsreserved©221RothGreaves&Associates.Glossary of Medical Coil Winder Terms (cont.)open pitch coilClosed pitch Transition Open pitch1-952-404-2604 or visit。

绕线机说明书CNC-210EXDCNC-210EXD使用手冊 F-6681版本DOC NO:010503 Page 1 of 15 目錄1.前言 (2)主要特性 (2)面板說明 (3)編輯繞線資料.............................................................4 繞線方式選擇.............................................................6 執行繞線功能.............................................................8 裝機設定....................................................................9 安裝與接線...............................................................12 簡易保養及故障排除 (14)1. 前言CNC-210S 是本公司所發展出的㆒系列繞線機控制器,由於控制機能完整,廣為繞線業界所愛用,因此CNC-210S幾乎已成為繞線機的標準配備。
本公司為追求 CNC-210S 控制器機能的更加提升,特別針對各方客戶的不同須求及寶貴意見,開發完成新的CNC-210EXD外接驅動器專用機型,以取代原有之外接型控制器。
CNC-210EXD 系列依內部驅動迴路的有無分為 CNC-210EXD1 外接㆒型, CNC-210EXD2 外接㆓型等機種,以供不同使用場合選用。

This series controller characteristicsMicrocomputer control system, the operation is easy, humanization, intelligent, fully functional.But also according to customer's unique features of the proposed change, to meet customer demand.Controller can be stored 40 don't product (material), single shaft type 10 section (step) of each product data, biaxial models each product 5 period of winding data (step), can also according to customer requirements to extension.This series controller with inverter, ac motor, brushless dc motor, brushless dc motor with types of semi-automatic, automatic winding machine (CNC) controller.High quality machine please placed in ventilated good place, is conducive to work long hours cooling machine.Please check prior to power supply voltage, be sure to pick up good ground, prevent to get an electric shock.Are strictly prohibited in the corrosive gas, wet space is engaged in the coiling machine operation, lest cause circuit failure, damage to the machine.Prohibit any object fall into the machine, easy to cause short circuit.Any part of the maintenance, can only be conducted by professional maintenance personnel.The controller panel instruction:Stand by work brake slow start high speed brake time entranceType fragement No turns slow stop low speed slow up timeProduction speed direction0-9.: ten keys to input values to use, the key of the second function is as follows:1: in the standby state, press the output minus 12: in standby state, press this button for two seconds production automatic reset3: in standby state, press this button to brake and loosen the swi t ch4: in standby and operating condi t ion can click this button to achieve growth5: in standby and operating condi t ion can click this button to achieve deceleration6: in standby and press this button yield under the running condition and rotational speed switching7: in standby state or pause, press this button force into the next order8: when in standby state or pause, press this button turn of the last step in the sequence9: in the standby mode by pressing this button shows the PO, at this point can be input data;This number is winding laps reset after display turns time or the time interval of two step sequence automaticallyFunction keys:Settings: used to enter or exit the data setDirection: in the condition of setting used to swi t ch motors is reflectionBiaxial machine in standby state, press this button and the two shaft according to the switchClear: when setting data into the current data or to the next item data editorA: under the set state press this button to return on a data editingData display lamp:Type don't: relative to the serial number of a certain type of product, the range is 0 to 40Dan: for what a certain type will divide the step sequence, range of 1 to 10Laps: the winding circle Lou, range of 0.0-99999Slow rev: rev. After the first with slow winding circle number, range of 0.0-25.5 timesSlow stop: before the arrival of the total number of laps, down to a slow circle numerical ahead of time, range of 0.0-25.5 timesLow: rev around slow and stop the slow speed value, range of 0-99%Braking time: winding is complete brake work time, range of 0.0 to 0.0 secondsGently laps: from running at low speed to high speed running laps, the larger the value, accelerated the longer range of 0-99Status display lamp:Standby: the light is on standby, dawn said coiling, or in the edi t or, flash pauseOperation: the light is said is winding, bright for coiling not stopBrake: the light is working for brakes, not bright for the brake didn't workProduction: the light is currently "production/velocity" display window for productionSpeed: the light of current "production/velocity" display window for the rotational speed (RPM) Direction: motor to reverse the light is bright, don't light motor for clockwise rotationLED digital display:Dan model panel: display Dan coiling step or edi t the order at present.Information display: displaying the value of all information, input the actual winding turns.Production/speed display: display complete production or the current winding speed (RPM).Internal data setOperation mode selection: in standby mode press the "a" key for more than 2 seconds to press the "set key," Dan is type screen and data display shows seven digits set data, the model of operation set if you want to change, please press "a", let the decimal point lights up, this time from right to left can be divided into the press 1 to 7 numeric keys to modify i t s Settings, modify complete press "enter" button, can return to the standby state.Continuous activation: The open is set to 1, 0 closed. In addition to the first step after each step of the same type will automatically start in a row, the setting of time interval for the PO, if PO to 0 or single step sequence and doesn't work.2. Automatically to the number of turns, is set to 1, start button at any time can run to the set number of turns. This feature is especially suitable for quantity has reached setting and then back in a few laps, and then to start running laps. If use this feature is best slow stop ring number and low speed, so as not to run too fast positioning is not allowed.3: the standby4: start point move: this is set to 1 stop button can also start winding: when coiling machine idle, press thestop button, and remain, the startup winding, wire loosen the stop button machine stop immediately;Set 0 to shut down.5 double activation: this is set to 1 for dual boot, boot of pedal switch, and after work, then a foot switch, stop;Is set to 0 to start, just click on the pedal switch has been running to the end.6 to start at the same time: biaxial model is set to 1 start at the same time, two axis 0 means that the two start shaft in turn7 start automatically: open is set to 1, 0 closed. In addition to the product of the first paragraph, the remaining paragraphs will automatically start winding, to the end of the last paragraph is to start with the first paragraph, start time interval between paragraphs set a time for the PO;Unless you press "stop" or "clear" button to stop winding, otherwise will have been working on.Clear all data set: in standby mode press the "a" key and then press "clear" key for more than 2 seconds, the display shows data - DEL - in flashing, once again, press "clear" button shows at this time - DEL a few seconds, after the above steps: all of the winding information will be removed. Please be careful to use this function so as not to remove all the data set.Winding data edi t orIn standby mode, press the "set" key to start editing coiling data. Step sequence display shows the current model, type indicator light will flash at the same time;Followed by grade, the corresponding indicator light will flash;Then there is data display shows the grade of the total number of laps and circle indicator, at that point can be input data or does not change the original data;Then press "enter" button to enter the next parameter Settings,If you want to change a parameter can press "a" key on the return on a reset, according to the above, and so on, enter the required data at this point, if press the "start" key winding production according to the information editing by opportuni t y.Data stored in the order as follows:Type Dan don't -- -- -- -- laps - slow and slow stop, high speed, low speed - brake time -- -- -- -- -- -- gently turns the inputexamplesA single step:Requirements:Use the wire diameter: 0.08 mmCirc le number: 180Operation mode:1 open the power switch2 set shape fitting: by setting by 1 first, then press enter3 set Dan: according to the N (single step and mul t iple step is the difference here) according to the input4 input to the total number of laps: press 1 8 0 as input5 input slow rev laps: according to 2 according to the input line is fine6 input slow stop laps: according to zero according to the input7 enter the percentage: according to 99 according to the input8 input low percentage of low speed: according to 5 according to the input9 input braking time: according to 0.3 or. 3 press type brake press 0 if you press enter10 input gently laps: according to 20 according to the input line is fine11 out of the setting status: according to the set(note the direction of the motor in into the lap of Settings you can change it, the type and grade cannot be correct.)More steps:Requirements:Use unified wire diameter, product points three steps winding, specific as followsThe first step in the sequence: 120 laps, speed was 80%, the need to slow startThe second step sequence: turns 60 laps, speed of 50%The third order "for 56 times, speed was 99%, the slow and 2 lapsOperation mode:1 set shape fitting: according to set according to2 first, then press enterDan set 2: according to 3 according to input this paragraph a screen 13 input the first step in order to the total number of ring: according to 1 2 0 according to input4 enter the first step in the slow rev laps: by 0 by input or directly by input5 enter the first step in the slow stop laps: by 0 by input or directly by inputInput the first high-speed percentage: according to 80 according to the input7 enter the percentage of the first step in a low-speed: according to 5 according to the inputThe first step braking time: 8 input according to 0.3 or. If according to the input has been brake by 0 by input or directly by input9: enter the first step in the slow rise turns by 10 input at this time paragraph a screen 210 to enter the second order to the total number of ring: 6 0 in accordance wi t h the input11.Enter the second step is slow to the total number of ring: by 0 by input or directly by inputSlow stop turns12 to enter the second step: according to zero input or directly according to the input13 percentage of high-speed input the second step: according to 50 according to the input14 percentage of low-speed input the second step: according to 5 according to the inputBraking time15 input the second step: according to 0.3 or. 3 press type brake press 0 if you press enter or press enter directly16 input the second step sequence to the total number of laps: by 0 by input or directly by input at this time paragraph 317 input the third order to the total number of ring: according to 5 6 according to the inputInput the third step slow rev laps: 18 by 0 by input or directly by inputEnter the third step slow stop laps: according to 2 according to the input20 percentage of high-speed input the third step: according to 99 according to the inputLow percentage of 21 to enter the third step: according to 5 according to the input22 braking time input the third step: according to 0.3 or. 3 press type brake press 0 if you press enter or press enter directlyStep 3: gently turns 23 input by 0 by input or directly by input at this time paragraph a screen 124 out of data editing status: according to the setWhile carrying out their functions, the controller if found any abnormal situation, will automatically stop running and output error data in the data displayed on the screenERR - 0: memory lost information, to detect when the phone is switched onERR - 4: motor overload when a load is overweight, this error occurred while motor overload, stop winding at the same time;Or when the controller parameter setting is not correct (miss), when the direction ofcounting motor rotate in opposite directions, also can appear error.。

User ManualContent1. Standard operation procedure 22. The explanation of the menu on the screen 173. How to lead the wire through the winding machine? (28)4. How to write a new program for ferrite 305. How to modify the program which has been written and stored in the touch screenDisplay (editing area) .376. About the “Product name” 39Note:The programs for all your products (01, 02, 03, and 04) have been written, please refer to chapter 1 to call out the program.If the winding quality is not satisfied, please chapter 5 to modify the parameters and debug & refine it.Two copies are stored for each product. Even one copy is destroyed by mis-operation, you can select another program to download and execute it.1. Standard operation procedure.1.1 Switch the power to “ON”Note: For below steps please see the video of “how to call out a program to wind the ferrite”.1.2 Touch the “single-step” menu. (Note: NOT “single-cycle”, don’t be confused). We have writtenall the programs for the 4 products (ferrites) and additional one copy is prepared to make sure you don’t need to develop new program in case that you delete or destroy one program.1.3 Touch the “Pro Store” menu1.4 Touch “Program Download” select the “program #” (Note: it is the “NO” that shall be selected instead of “product name”.) by touch “Add” or “Dec”. eg. If you wind product 04, you should select NO 6 or NO 7)1.5 Touch “download” menu.1.6 Touch the “Program Save” menu and the screen will switch to 11.71.7 Touch “executing” menu and the program is downloaded and sent to the controller from the touch screen display (editing area).Note: when a program is downloaded and executing, it is no need to repeat 1.1 to Pull backward and back-clamp and insert the ferrites into the fixture1.9 Release the back clamp and the ferrite is fixed1.10 Pick up the wire end from the spring and make the wire go through the bottom edge.1.11 Make the wire tie the bold with an o-ring for two times.1.12 Press down the “ZERO” for 2 seconds until the lamp is on.1.13 Press down “START” button1.14 The winding and traversing motion will be automatically executed.1.15 Press the “START” button and the wire nozzle move away.1.16 Dispensing the glue on the end1.17 Press the “start” button again and the nozzle will move away to make room for dispensing in other locations.1.18 Tie the other end of the wire to the bold with O-ring..1.19 Pull the wire into the spring to fix it.1.20 Cut the wire end to specified length.1.21 Pull backward and take out the wound ferrite.2 The explanation of the menu on the screen2.1 Main screenWhen the hardware checking is finished, the main screen will automatically show as this picture. The information of below parameters will show on the screen:W Axis: The winding spindle speedY Axis: The traversing coordinatesCycle: Cycle timeOutput: The accumulated output .In the mode of “manual”, the output will be zero clearedStatus: The executing status of the program.Work program: single step, or single cycle or continuous production.On the left side of the main screen, the meanings of the menu are as follows:Pro Edit: Program editPar. Setting: Set parameterPro store: Store programFault Inquiry: Touch the menu and the screen will be switched to the screen of failure warning.Manual: Touch the menu to and the screen will be switched to the screen of “manual”. It should be under the mode of “manual” to write a new program for a new product.Single-step: The machine will only run one cycle.2.2 Pro Edit:Password: the original password is 111111Enter the password and parameter screen will be switched to below screenThe instruction selecting menu (down). When touch the menu one by one the instruction sequence will be: move—traverse—executing—wait—action--program end.The instruction selecting menu (up). When touch the menu one by one the instruction sequence will be: program end—wait- move—traverse—moveUP:Step “up” menu. The program will come back the previous step when touch itDn:Step “down” menu. The program will go forward to the next step when touch it.Under the mode of “pro edit” and “manual”, touch the “insert”menu and a new instruction will be showed to be edited. Touch the “delete”menu and the instruction will be deleted.2.3 ManualTouch the “teach” menu and the “manual” screen will be showed as below:The operation is the same as the “manual” mode, which will show off when touch the manual menu.2.4 Winding and Traverse:Traversing width: Set the traverse widthWire Dia.: Set the wire diameterNO. of turns: Set the number of the turns and the range is from 0-99999.Speed: the rotating speed of the spindles and the range is from 0—18000RPMStop angle: Set the angle where the spindles stop when winding is finished.2.5 Waiting Instruction:Wait: The time lag between every program step: 0.00—99.99 seconds and the range is from 0.00—99.99 seconds.2.6 Par. SettingSet below parameters on the par. setting screen:Y Axis JOG speed: The traverse speedW Axis JOG speed: The max. turn speed of the spindles. For Schaffer products, the turn speed shall be less than 1000RPM.Y Program zero point: It is to set the winding start point2.7 Move Command:The instruction is to set the winding start point and the original angle of the spindle.Y Axis: winding start point: the data is from ±0.0 ~999.999 mm , if the winding start point is not in accordance with the specification, you can set specific data to modify .W Axis: The original angle before winding ±0.0 ~ 359.9. For Scaffner’s product, the degree is defaulted as “0 “ degree.Y AxisAcc/Dcc: Accelerating/decelerating time of the move speed: 1—9.999sec. Speed: Nozzle move speed when the nozzles return to the original point.2.8 Program endWhen the program is finished, the screen will show as this interface.2.9 Program storedWhen the program edit is finished, it should be stored in the touch screen display(editing area) by touching the” save” menu. The program NO shall be assigned to the program by touch”Add” or “dec”2.10 Program downloadedThe programs for the product (ferrites) are stored in the touchscreen display(editing area). When winding one new product, the operator should select the program No. by touch “Add” or “Dec” and then touch the “download” menu and the specified program will be called out.When Touch the “executing” and the program will be sent to the controller from the editing area and then the instructions of the program will be executed.When the program is downloaded and executed, it is no need to do the same operation and what need to do is to depress the zero and start button.If the program need to be changed, please touch the interface of “pro edit” and edit the program as needed.2.11 Fault inquiryThis screen will show the fault message in red in the screen. When the text become green, it shows that the fault is solved.3. How to lead the wire through the winding machine? Please see below pictures.4. How to write a new program for ferriteNote: Please see the video of “how to set the parameter”.The program framework has been done and what the operator needs to do is to set the parameter.4.1 Touch the “Pro Edit” and key in the password 111111Touch “UP” or “Dn” to select step 000 ---- step 005.4.2 Modify the winding start point. (Step 000)The “move command” of “step 000” is to make the wire nozzle return to the original point. In general the data are as follows:Y Axis: To specify the winding start point. If the winding start point is not in accordance with the specification, you can set specific data to modify it.4.3 Modify traverse width (step 001)4.4 Modify the nozzle position setting for glue dispensing (step 002)4.5 Modify the nozzle position setting for glue dispensing. (Step 003)4.6 Resetting the Nozzle position for the wire end leading. (Step 004)4.7 The modification shall be ended by “Program End” command. (Step 005)4.8 Select the “product NO” by touch “Add” or “Dec” and touch the “save”. (Note: Both the “product NO” and product name are number and they are easy to be confused. )At this step as indicated in red circle instead of the product name. Don’t confuse the product” NO” and product name!4.9 Touch “save” and the program will be stored in the display (editing area).4.10 As for the next steps to wind the ferrite, please refer to chapter 1.0.5. How to modify the program which has been written and stored in the touch screen display (editing area).The program has been finished and the operator only needs to call out the program. The operator can call out the program to winding the ferrite.If the winding quality needs to be refined, the operator should modify the parameters:5.1 Touch the data which needs to be modified and the soft keyboard will show.5.2 Key in the correct number on the soft keyboard and then touch “confirm” menu.5.3 The modification shall be ended by “Program End” command.5.4 Select the SAME “product NO” (which is being under modifying) by touch “Add” or “Dec” and touch the “save” (Note: Both the “product NO” and product name are number and they are easy to be confused.)At this step as indicated in red circle instead of the product name. Don’t confuse the product” NO” and product name!5.5 Touch “save” and the updated program will cover the old program..6. About the “Product name”.The product name 01/02/03/04 are defined temporarily as follows.Product 01Product 02Product 03Product 04Both the “product NO” and product name are number and they are easy to be confused.The operator can modify them if you don’t like them. (Please be kindly advised that when choice the program, the operator shall select the “NO” by touch “Add” or “Dec”.7. How to adjust the nozzle positionLoose the 3 bolts and re-locate the nozzle holding bar and then tighten the bolts.8. How to make a quick-change over for the fixture.This location is for product 01, 02 and 03. This location is only for product 04.The start point (size C) for product 01 is 10mm’ and the fixture is marked as “10” which is indicated as below.。

使用线径:0.25mm(因含漆包厚度,故实为 0.27mm) 圈数 :600 圈 起绕点 :38.5mm(为原点至始绕起点之距离) 排线幅宽:12mm(BOBBIN 内缘宽度)
操作步骤: (1) 打开电源:
按 自动归位
使 LED 亮(“绕线方向”LED 亮,表示主轴以顺时针方向旋转。)
按 排线方向
使 LED 不亮(“排线方向”LED 亮,表示起绕点由内向外排线,LED
按 输入 跳出内程式(设定完成)
按 输 入 按 步期序设定 或按 复 归 启动脚踏开关开始工作。
1)排线杆极限:(设定代号为数字[3]键。因排线杆极限值已设定完毕,所 以此功能不得随意更改。)
设定排线杆位移的极限值,根据排线杆行程而定。当排线 杆位移至极限值时,设备停止运转,面板出现错误信息提示。 排线杆极限值若被设定为 999.99 时,排线杆行程无限延伸( 无最大行程限制)。
注:n 指 n 段 BOBBIN。(其中必须满足 N≥1,否则绕线机将无法启动)
提 示:例如两段位 BOBBIN 中间有一绝缘界面,当界面很薄时,在设定
步序时,只设定两段步序资料;当界面很厚时,应将其单独作为一段位处 理,设定三段位步序资料,中间界面设定为第二段位,其总圈数依具体情 况设定为零点几圈。多段 BOBBIN 的步序资料依此类推即(2n-1)。
(2) 设定步序:(可依方便记录,自行选择步序号码,这里用 “1”步序,表示此例程式,如以后要调出程式,只要再 依以下方式即可)

深圳市兴锐达電子机械有限公司SHENAHEN XINRUIDA ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO .LTO地址:深圳市宝安区龙华镇赤岭头工业区十七巷二号邮编:518109TEL:*************FAX:0755-******** 网址: E-mail:*********************目錄一、功能介紹 (2)二、面板介紹 (2)三、按鍵指引 (2)四、數值顯示窗功能 (3)五、狀態指示燈介紹 (4)繞線機資料設定編輯 (4)六、設定專案資料說明 (4)七、選擇專案資料說明 (4)繞線資料設定方式 (5)八、設定啟始步序及結結步序 (5)九、設定繞線資料 (5)十、圖例說明 (5)繞線資料變更修改 (5)特殊繞線功能介紹 (6)繞線技巧討論 (7)系統內部功能設定 (8)特殊功能設定 (9)保證書 (11)保修卡 (12)一、功能介紹:◆本電腦控制器系採用最新同步隨耦式排線,精准度極高,在超速排線中不會有擋機現象。


返回: 返回上一级菜单;
I/O操作: 在编辑状态可切换到输入输出状态,进行I/O操作,按返
X-/X+: X轴向左移动/向右移动;
Y-/Y+: Y轴向后移动/向前移动;
Z-/Z+: Z轴向上移动/向下移动;
S-/S+: 主轴逆时针转动/顺时针转动;
A-/A+: 夹线装置向后移动/向前移动;
输入IN: 相对应的输入检测信号,参考I/O表; 等待时间:当输入条件成立时,等待所需的时间,执行后序步序;
文件名称 文件编号 版本 步序
A 圖示說明(Illustration)
版本 变更记录
功能说明 作業說明(Job Description) 注意事項(Attention)
由于某种原因机械不能继续运 转,请按该开关停机,顺时针 方向旋转解除开关; 按急停按钮后,个伺服控制器 电源切断,各轴处于放松状 态;
当异常发生时,报警画面中会将报警项目表示出来,并伴随间断报警 音。报警问题消除后,按STOP按钮,报警就会被消除。

MPM001 "GRPl*-TAIC.ANG TECO ELECTRIC MAIN PROGRAMFMX T22500K; "马达堀高速度设定IAC T500; "马达加速时间设疋IDC T500; "马达诚速吋间设定INP [SJ100 LXJ100 LYJ100 LZjlOO;"各轴允许最大碾差设定"TENTION 2.1kg;"230S 316rp(n;ABS; ,绝对值坐标■0B0016-0; TIM T030; "CORE CLA5IP 1,2 HP "绕线夹具火紧"延时0. 03秒EOX; "中间暂停等符(单步时有效)IOW IB17=1: "CORE CLAMP 1 HP "确认左边夾具汽蛀动作到位IOW IB19=1; EOX; ;“CORE CLAMP 2 HP "绕线右边夹具汽缸动作到位■中间智停等符(单步时冇效)TIM T030; "延时0.03 秒=CORE CLAMP CHEKMSEE MPS190; EOX;”呼叫剧裡戎(绕线夾具犬紧犬紧确认程式),中间暂停等符(单步时有效)PFORK 001.002; "同时动作命令(00P0O2和002^003区间同步动作)■001: MVS LXJ9.000 LYJ-3. 000 LZJ-22.500 [SJ-325. 000 FIOOOOK PFN;"移动侖令MVS IX]25.800 PFN; "移动命令MVS [YJ7.000 PFN:"移动命令MVS LXJ24. 500 [ZJ-28.000 PFN; "移动命令IPLN [X] LYJ; "绕圆平面没定KCC LXJ24.400 [Y] 1. 400 P.ZJ0.5 L2. 090 F8000K PEN; "绕圆动作设定EOX; "中间暂停等待IJOINTO 003; "同吋动作命令"NIPPER FRONT SLIDE FE ON "NIPPER FRONT SLIDE FE ON "线火向前伸山 "线夾伸川到位确认002: OB00191;IOW IB001C=1;IOW IB001D—0; "NIPPER FRONT SLIDE HP OFF "确认线火不在退回位置TIM T030; •延时0.03秒EOX;■"中间暂停等符IJOINTO 003; •"同吋动作命令•003: PJOINT;1"同时动作命令qPFORK 004,005; "同时动作命令(004'005和005=06区间同步动作)004: MVS LXJ15.000 IS]350. 000 F10000K PFN;"移动命令MVS [Y]-15. 000 LSJ360. 000 F10000K PFN;"移动命令MVS LYJ-21.000 F10000K PFX:掙移动命令JOINTO 006;■"同时动作命令005: OB0018H);TIM T020:EOX; 争IRE CLAMP HP ~线火张开(连锁保护解锁)"延时0. 02秒~中间管停尊符OBOOJ2=1; FIRE CLAMP FE "线火张丿1:(张丿1:动作〉TIM T020:EOX;■"延时0.02秒 "中间暂停等符•OB0019=0; IOW IB001D=1; IOW IB001C=0; TIM T030; "NIPPER FRONT SLIDE HP ON "线夹退回动作"NIPPER FRONT SLIDE HP ON "线火退回到位确认"NIPPER FRONT SLIDE FE OFF "确认线火不在伸川位遐"延吋0.03秒EOX; "中间暂停等待■JOINTO 006; •"同时动作命令1006: PJOINT; "同时动作命令MVS [XJ26.000 LYJ-15. 000 [Zj-26.000 [Sj 15.000 PFN;"移动命令MVS LXJ38.000 LZJ-20. 000 PFN: "移动命令0B001E=L;0B001F=0:IOW IB026==l; IOW IB027—0:"CORE GUIDE FRONT FE ON "斥线块(向前移动)"CORE GUIDE FRONT HP OFF "斥绞块向丽(连锁保护解锁)"CORE GUIDE FRONT FE ON ~斥线块向丽到位确认"CORE GUIDE FRONT HP OFF "确认爪线块不在退回位置EOX;TIM T020: "中间暂告等侍"延时0.02杪0B001OL:0B001B0; IOW IB024==l; IOW IB025-=0; "CORE GLIDE 17D FE ON "斥钱块(卜JR)"CORE GUIDE 17D HP OFF "斥线块卜7R (连锁保护解锁)"CORE GUIDE U/D FE ON ■斥线块卜•爪到位确认"CORE GUIDE U/D HP OFF "确认IK线块不任1 ••升位蜀EOX;TIM T020:"中间暫停導待"延时0.02秒•MSEE MPS200: EOX; "NOZZLE INVERSE ON "导针90度湘转〈水平)"中间暫停等待■MVS LXJ59. 500 起绕X轴位丑LYJ-15. 000 LZj-53.000 F8000K PFN: FINDING START POSITION 绕线MVS [ZJ-86. 700 PFN: "移动命令TIM T020:•"延时0. 02秒■0B001D-L: 0B001O0; "CORE GUIDE l/D HP ON "JK线块(上升)*CORE GUIDE 17D FE OFF "爪线块1:升(连锁保护解锁)IOW IB025==l; IOW IB024T; EOX; "CORE GUIDE U/D HP ON "乐线块上升到位确认掙CORE GUIDE U/D FE OFF "确认用线块不在卜IR位蜀"中闻暂停尊待TIM T020: -延时0.02杪•OB001F=1;0B001E-0;IOW IB027—1; IOW IB026T; EOX; TIM T020: "CORE GUIDE FRONT HP ON "乐线块(向后移动)"CORE GLIDE FRONT FE OFF "/K线块向后(连锁探护解锁)"CORE GUIDE FRONT HP ON ■压线块向后到位确认"CORE GUIDE FRONT FE OFF "确认爪线块不在向耐位蜀■中间暫停尊待"延时0.02秒•"苗垃ii 1姫慄MSEE MPS191; EOX;■沖神;"TENSION DURM ON "张力减衰〈0N:松)"中间暫停等待•MSEE MPS151:"绕线动作(绕线参数AHPS151里面设定)•■'TENSION DURM OFF "张力诚衰(OFFt 紧)EOX; "中间暂停等符" 人人 4 p a7山J-人山厶 A 4 XI牡二口1片+?1冲口1匕4斗亡”斗;1MSEE MPS120; "1次绕銭完成后聘槽移动(共胯3次:笫•次)■"料曲¥ 2竝慄午斗坤;MSEE MPS191:"TENSION DURM ON "张力减衰(ON:松)EOX; ,中间暫停等待MbEE MPSlbl;貌线创VF (貌线够斂仕WHJQl 土JUI 攻疋JMSEE MPS192; "TENSION DURM OFF "张力诚衰(OFF :紧)EOX;■中间暫停等待"曲勺坤卅卑##3垃i ;;3姬慄i ;却与:MSEE MPS191; "TENSION DURM ON "张力减衰(ON :松)EOX;"中间暂停等待MSEE MPS151;"绕线动作(绕线绥数在MPS151里而浚定)IMSEE MPS192: "TENSION DURM OFF"张力减衰(OFF :紧)EOX;"中间暂停等待MSEE MPS12O;*1次绕纨立成厉跨槽移动(共瞬3次:第三次)■I1 爼慄 SWti#;MSEE MPS191: "TENSION DURM ON "张力诚衰(ON :松)EOX; "中间暂停尊待•IMSEE MPS151;"绕线动作(绕线参数在MPS151里而设定)IMSEE MPS192; "TENSION DURM OFF "张力诚衰(OFF :紧)EOX:"中间暂倬筹緒"斗坤和和沖曲曲坤瑕"=一 US =一;MSEE MPS130; V>5 姫慄 suscff ;MSEE MPS191: ^TENSION DURM ON"张力减衰(ON :松)EOX;■'中间暫停等待•MSEE MPS151:"绕线动作(绕线参数在MPS151里而设定)■MSEE MPS192:"TENSION DURM OFF '张力诚衰(OFF :紧) EOX;■中间哲停等符 "苗与卑斗曲|1曲料牛U :MSEE MPS12O:"1次绕线完成后跨槽移动(共跨3次:第二次)"1次4纽绕线完成后跨橹至2次绕绞僧(UTOMSEE MPS121;"2次绕絨完成后跨槽移动(共跨3次:第•次)6姫慄:?茁与;MSEE MPS191; "TENSION DURM ON ”张丿J 诚衰(ON :松)“绕线动作(绕线参数ZEMPS151里而设定)MSEE MPS192; "TENSION DURM OFF"张力减衰(OFF :紧)FOX :"中闻暫停尊卷"曲曲坤料;;曲二斗垃斗:"torn 7 她慄MSEE MPS191; "TENSION DURM ON "张力减衰(ON :松)EOX; "中间暂停尊签1MSEE MPS151; "绕线动杵(绕线参数心MPS151里面设定)MSEE MPS192; "TENSION DURM OFF"张力减衰(OFF :紧)EOX;"中间暂停尊往右母片r 右%苗垃耳:MSEE MPS121 ; P 次绕缄完成后跨槽移动(共跨3次:第三次)■f"料坤牛8姬慄:?料垃;MSEE MPS191; EOX;■"TENSION DURM ON"张力械衰〈ON :松)■中间暫停尊律tMSEE MPS151;"绕线动柞(绕线娄数在HPS151里面设定)1MSEE MPS192: "TENSION DURM OFF■张力减衰(OFF :紧)EOX;"中间暂停尊待tf 丄丄」AA 一 ■丄-A XJ _人―丄丄 人人一人丄 L U 」XIi 丄-一一 7T TT 亠厂Tt 〜匚i 匸■"I • - <T T T TTTTT V f ! ; 1 I • I ! T" r i ~ ■EOX;"中间暫停等花MSEE MPS121;"2次绕线完成后跨樓移动(共跨3次:第二次)W ) "==v^Lw ==MSEE MPS131;4次4纽绕线完成后跨橹至3次绕绞橹(V TOMSEE MPS151:MSEE MPS191; "TENSION DURM ON "张力减衰<ON: t^)EOX;■"中间暂停等待•MSEE MPS151: P克线动杵(绕线参数在MPS151里而设定)MSEE MPS192; "TENSION DURM OFF "张力械衰(OFF,紧)EOX; 冲间暂停等笛fT A A — 4 AlMSEE MPS122: "3次绕线左成石垮槽移动(共跨3次:第•次10姫慄料如;MSEE MPSI91; ^TENSION DURM ON "张力航(ON:松)EOX;•"中间暂停等待1MSEE MPS151; "绕线动作(绕线参数MPS151里両设定)MSEE MPS192: "TENSION DURM OFF "张力址衰(OFF:紧)EOX; "中间暂停尊符"占和卯料二曲扌和埠耳:MSEE MPS 122: "3欢绕线完成后跨艳移动(共跨3次:第二次11姫慄片曲;MSEE MPS191; "TENSION DURM ON "张力诚衰(ON:松)EOX: "巾闸暂停尊待1MSEE MPS151: "绕线动作(绕线参数Zli MPS151里面设疋)MSEE MPS192: "TENSION DURM OFF "张力减衰(OFF:紧)EOX; "中间暂停尊待"占出勺第曲曲ijttt垃i;;MSEE MPS122: “3次绕线处成后胯棺移动(共跨3次-第三次12姫慄苗曲;MSEE MPS191; "TENSION DURM ON "张力减衰(ON:松)EOX;MSEE MPS151:"中何暂停尊待"绕线动杵(绕线参数在MPS151里而设定)MSEE MPS192: "TENSION DURM OFF "张力减衰(OFF:紧)EOX:"中间暂停等待MVS LZJ-1L300 F10000K PFN : "移动命令"NOZZLE INVERSE OFF "导针90度翻转(垂直位蜀)"中间暂停等待MSEE MPS201: EOX;OBOO17=L; "TENTION "张力减衰(ON :松)MVS [XJ28.000LZJ-28.000 F6000K;"移动命令IXC;MVS [SJ25. 000 F10000K PFN; ABS;"柑对值坐杯"移动命令"绝对值坐标MVS [XJ11 000;"移动命令INC;MVS LSJ-40.000 F10000K PFN; ABS;"絶对值坐杯MVS LYJ5. 500 LZJ-28. 500 MVS [X] 14.000 LYJ25. 000LS1-327.000 PFN; 71-34. 000 PFN:"移动命令 ■移动命令 0B0019-1; IOW IB001C —1; IOW IB001D-0; “NIPPER NIPPER FRONT "MPPER FRONTFRONT SLIDE FE OXSLIDE FE ON SLIDE HP OFF•线夹向前伸111"线火伸川到位确认 "确认绞火不在退回位匿TIM T030: EOX; •延时0. 03杪 •中间暂停等待0B0018-1: 0B0012-0: TIM T030: EOX;WIRE CLAMP ON^剪刀剪銭”剪刀剪线(连锁保护解锁) "延时0・03秒 "中间暫停等待MVS LZJ-20.000 PFN:•移动命令0B0017-0: TENTION ■张力减衰(0$:松)PFORK 007.008;"同时动作命令(007^008和008^009区间同步动作)007: MVS DL 0.000 JOINTO 009;LYJO. 000 LZJOO. 000 LSJ360. 000 PFN;"移动命令"同时动作命令008; OB0019-0; IOW IB001D=1; IOW IB001C=0;"NIPPER "NIPPER "NIPPER FRONT SLIDE HP ON FRONT SLIDE HP ON FROM SLIDE FE OFF•线火退冋动作 "线犬退回到位确认 "确认鉞夬不在伸SII&5TIM T030:EOX;"延时0.03杪 "中间暂停等笛■JOINTO 009; "同时动作命令t009: PJOINT; "同时动作命令•OB0016-L:TIM T030; "CORE CLAMP 1,2 FE "绕线夾具放松"延时0.03秒EOX; "中间暂停尊符IOW IB17=1; IOW IB19=1; EOX; "CORE CLAMP 1 HP "确认左边犬具汽机动作到位"CORE CLAMP 2 HP "绕钱右边火具汽缸动作到位"中间暂停尊待•END; "主程武结朿命令。

第 1 页共2页仪器名称绕线机仪器功能绕线文件编号
仪器型号WK-20 厂商广州成汉版本
1 2
第 2 页共2页仪器名称绕线机仪器功能绕线文件编号
仪器型号WK-20 厂商广州成汉版本
按产品设置按键→移动光标至(T)→设置产品绕线圈数(T)→设置刹车时间(t) →
杭州奥士玛数控设备 SKR-1DQ 数控绕线机说明书

SKR-1DQ数控绕线机使用手册杭州奥士玛数控设备有限公司 地址:杭州市余杭区七贤桥大陆工业园区感谢您这次购买了奥士玛公司SKR-1DQ数控绕线机。
读完后请务必保存好!目录◎ 第一章 使用前的准备㈠ 使用环境 (4)㈡ 注意事项 (4)◎ 第二章 坐标系统㈠ 坐标系 (5)㈡ 机器零点和编程零点 (5)㈢ 绝对坐标 (6)◎ 第三章绕线机整机结构㈠ 绕线机整机图 (6)◎ 第四章 1DQ绕线机操作说明㈠ 上电 (7)㈡ 复位 (8)㈢ 编辑 (11)㈣ 点动 (18)㈤ 选择程序 (20)㈥ 系统功能 (20)㈦ 系统参数 ................................................... (20)㈧ 绕线 ................................................ (23)㈨ 原点回归 .......................................... (25)㈩ 胶带点动 .......................................... (26)(十一) 胶带信号.................................... (27)(十二) 安全门信号................................. (27)◎ 第五章 Winder软件㈠ 安装环境 (28)㈡ 软件安装 (28)◎ 第六章 保养及注意事项 (29)◎ 附录㈠ 主轴伺服参数设置 (30)㈡排线伺服(X、Y、Z)参数设置 (30)㈢伺服驱动器常见报警功能: (31)第一章 使用前的准备㈠ 使用环境1、本设备须配备交流稳压电源和良好的接地系统 。

Jumbo Beech Yarn WinderParts and AccessoriesA – Winding PostB – Yarn GuideC – Spindle SupportD – ClampE – OilF – Yarn Guide SupportG – Guide Support ScrewH – Allen KeyI – Drive BandA B C DEFG H IWinding PostHandleYarn GuideYarn Guide Support1) Unpack winder from box, andremove all plastic wrap.2) Using Allen Key (H), loosen SpindleSupport (C) and remove it.3) Apply 2 drops of oil to metal bearing,then place Spindle Support (C) back onpost and tighten it.4) Place one end of Drive Band (I)around bottom of Spindle, ensuring itrests in the groove around the middle.5) Place other end of Drive Band (I)around handle of the winder, ensuringit rests in the groove around themiddle.6) Lift entire spindle mechanismupwards, so that there is no gapbetween the Spindle and theSpindle Support (C). Hold in place.7) Place Winding Post (A) onto themetal post pointing up from theSpindle, ensuring it rests snugly againstthe Spindle Support (C).8) Fit Yarn Guide Support (F) to thenotch in the base of the winder,ensuring the side that has a threadedhole sticks outward.9) Secure Yarn Guide Support (F)to the base of the winder usingthe Guide Support Screw (G).ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS10) Screw Yarn Guide (B) into thethreaded hole on the Yarn GuideSupport (F), ensuring it is firmly inplace – DO NOT tighten this areawith tools of any sort.11) For left-handed use, clamp thewinder to a table with the handletowards the left, ensuring clamp rests inthe groove on the base.12) For right-handed use, clamp thewinder to a table with the handletowards the right, ensuring clamp restsin the groove on the base.。
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This series controller characteristicsMicrocomputer control system, the operation is easy, humanization, intelligent, fully functional.But also according to customer's unique features of the proposed change, to meet customer demand.Controller can be stored 40 don't product (material), single shaft type 10 section (step) of each product data, biaxial models each product 5 period of winding data (step), can also according to customer requirements to extension.This series controller with inverter, ac motor, brushless dc motor, brushless dc motor with types of semi-automatic, automatic winding machine (CNC) controller.High quality machine please placed in ventilated good place, is conducive to work long hours cooling machine.Please check prior to power supply voltage, be sure to pick up good ground, prevent to get an electric shock.Are strictly prohibited in the corrosive gas, wet space is engaged in the coiling machine operation, lest cause circuit failure, damage to the machine.Prohibit any object fall into the machine, easy to cause short circuit.Any part of the maintenance, can only be conducted by professional maintenance personnel.The controller panel instruction:Stand by work brake slow start high speed brake time entranceType fragement No turns slow stop low speed slow up timeProduction speed direction0-9.: ten keys to input values to use, the key of the second function is as follows:1: in the standby state, press the output minus 12: in standby state, press this button for two seconds production automatic reset3: in standby state, press this button to brake and loosen the switch4: in standby and operating condition can click this button to achieve growth5: in standby and operating condition can click this button to achieve deceleration6: in standby and press this button yield under the running condition and rotational speed switching7: in standby state or pause, press this button force into the next order8: when in standby state or pause, press this button turn of the last step in the sequence9: in the standby mode by pressing this button shows the PO, at this point can be input data;This number is winding laps reset after display turns time or the time interval of two step sequence automaticallyFunction keys:Settings: used to enter or exit the data setDirection: in the condition of setting used to switch motors is reflectionBiaxial machine in standby state, press this button and the two shaft according to the switchClear: when setting data into the current data or to the next item data editorA: under the set state press this button to return on a data editingData display lamp:Type don't: relative to the serial number of a certain type of product, the range is 0 to 40Dan: for what a certain type will divide the step sequence, range of 1 to 10Laps: the winding circle Lou, range of 0.0-99999Slow rev: rev. After the first with slow winding circle number, range of 0.0-25.5 timesSlow stop: before the arrival of the total number of laps, down to a slow circle numerical ahead of time, range of 0.0-25.5 timesLow: rev around slow and stop the slow speed value, range of 0-99%Braking time: winding is complete brake work time, range of 0.0 to 0.0 secondsGently laps: from running at low speed to high speed running laps, the larger the value, accelerated the longer range of 0-99Status display lamp:Standby: the light is on standby, dawn said coiling, or in the editor, flash pauseOperation: the light is said is winding, bright for coiling not stopBrake: the light is working for brakes, not bright for the brake didn't workProduction: the light is currently "production/velocity" display window for productionSpeed: the light of current "production/velocity" display window for the rotational speed (RPM) Direction: motor to reverse the light is bright, don't light motor for clockwise rotationLED digital display:Dan model panel: display Dan coiling step or edit the order at present.Information display: displaying the value of all information, input the actual winding turns.Production/speed display: display complete production or the current winding speed (RPM).Internal data setOperation mode selection: in standby mode press the "a" key for more than 2 seconds to press the "set key," Dan is type screen and data display shows seven digits set data, the model of operation set if you want to change, please press "a", let the decimal point lights up, this time from right to left can be divided into the press 1 to 7 numeric keys to modify its Settings, modify complete press "enter" button, can return to the standby state.Continuous activation: The open is set to 1, 0 closed. In addition to the first step after each step of the same type will automatically start in a row, the setting of time interval for the PO, if PO to 0 or single step sequence and doesn't work.2. Automatically to the number of turns, is set to 1, start button at any time can run to the set number of turns. This feature is especially suitable for quantity has reached setting and then back in a few laps, and then to start running laps. If use this feature is best slow stop ring number and low speed, so as not to run too fast positioning is not allowed.3: the standby4: start point move: this is set to 1 stop button can also start winding: when coiling machine idle, press thestop button, and remain, the startup winding, wire loosen the stop button machine stop immediately;Set 0 to shut down.5 double activation: this is set to 1 for dual boot, boot of pedal switch, and after work, then a foot switch, stop;Is set to 0 to start, just click on the pedal switch has been running to the end.6 to start at the same time: biaxial model is set to 1 start at the same time, two axis 0 means that the two start shaft in turn7 start automatically: open is set to 1, 0 closed. In addition to the product of the first paragraph, the remaining paragraphs will automatically start winding, to the end of the last paragraph is to start with the first paragraph, start time interval between paragraphs set a time for the PO;Unless you press "stop" or "clear" button to stop winding, otherwise will have been working on.Clear all data set: in standby mode press the "a" key and then press "clear" key for more than 2 seconds, the display shows data - DEL - in flashing, once again, press "clear" button shows at this time - DEL a few seconds, after the above steps: all of the winding information will be removed. Please be careful to use this function so as not to remove all the data set.Winding data editorIn standby mode, press the "set" key to start editing coiling data. Step sequence display shows the current model, type indicator light will flash at the same time;Followed by grade, the corresponding indicator light will flash;Then there is data display shows the grade of the total number of laps and circle indicator, at that point can be input data or does not change the original data;Then press "enter" button to enter the next parameter Settings,If you want to change a parameter can press "a" key on the return on a reset, according to the above, and so on, enter the required data at this point, if press the "start" key winding production according to the information editing by opportunity.Data stored in the order as follows:Type Dan don't -- -- -- -- laps - slow and slow stop, high speed, low speed - brake time -- -- -- -- -- -- gently turns the inputexamplesA single step:Requirements:Use the wire diameter: 0.08 mmCircle number: 180Operation mode:1 open the power switch2 set shape fitting: by setting by 1 first, then press enter3 set Dan: according to the N (single step and multiple step is the difference here) according to the input4 input to the total number of laps: press 1 8 0 as input5 input slow rev laps: according to 2 according to the input line is fine6 input slow stop laps: according to zero according to the input7 enter the percentage: according to 99 according to the input8 input low percentage of low speed: according to 5 according to the input9 input braking time: according to 0.3 or. 3 press type brake press 0 if you press enter10 input gently laps: according to 20 according to the input line is fine11 out of the setting status: according to the set(note the direction of the motor in into the lap of Settings you can change it, the type and grade cannot be correct.)More steps:Requirements:Use unified wire diameter, product points three steps winding, specific as followsThe first step in the sequence: 120 laps, speed was 80%, the need to slow startThe second step sequence: turns 60 laps, speed of 50%The third order "for 56 times, speed was 99%, the slow and 2 lapsOperation mode:1 set shape fitting: according to set according to2 first, then press enterDan set 2: according to 3 according to input this paragraph a screen 13 input the first step in order to the total number of ring: according to 1 2 0 according to input4 enter the first step in the slow rev laps: by 0 by input or directly by input5 enter the first step in the slow stop laps: by 0 by input or directly by inputInput the first high-speed percentage: according to 80 according to the input7 enter the percentage of the first step in a low-speed: according to 5 according to the inputThe first step braking time: 8 input according to 0.3 or. If according to the input has been brake by 0 by input or directly by input9: enter the first step in the slow rise turns by 10 input at this time paragraph a screen 210 to enter the second order to the total number of ring: 6 0 in accordance with the input11.Enter the second step is slow to the total number of ring: by 0 by input or directly by inputSlow stop turns12 to enter the second step: according to zero input or directly according to the input13 percentage of high-speed input the second step: according to 50 according to the input14 percentage of low-speed input the second step: according to 5 according to the inputBraking time15 input the second step: according to 0.3 or. 3 press type brake press 0 if you press enter or press enter directly16 input the second step sequence to the total number of laps: by 0 by input or directly by input at this time paragraph 317 input the third order to the total number of ring: according to 5 6 according to the inputInput the third step slow rev laps: 18 by 0 by input or directly by inputEnter the third step slow stop laps: according to 2 according to the input20 percentage of high-speed input the third step: according to 99 according to the inputLow percentage of 21 to enter the third step: according to 5 according to the input22 braking time input the third step: according to 0.3 or. 3 press type brake press 0 if you press enter or press enter directlyStep 3: gently turns 23 input by 0 by input or directly by input at this time paragraph a screen 124 out of data editing status: according to the setWhile carrying out their functions, the controller if found any abnormal situation, will automatically stop running and output error data in the data displayed on the screenERR - 0: memory lost information, to detect when the phone is switched onERR - 4: motor overload when a load is overweight, this error occurred while motor overload, stop winding at the same time;Or when the controller parameter setting is not correct (miss), when the direction ofcounting motor rotate in opposite directions, also can appear error.。