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- What salary do you expect? 你希望的薪水是多少?
- Have you ever done this kind of work before? 你以前做过类似的工作吗?
- I don’t mind if I start with a low salary because it is my first time hunting for a job and I lack experience. 我不介意刚开始的薪水低,因为这是我第一次找工作,而且 我缺乏工作经验。
promotion:升职 vacancy:空缺 strong point: 优点 weakness:弱点 practical and professional skills:实用和专业技能 work in the industry: 在这个行业工作
The Job Market Useful Expressions:
China’s colleges have failed to train students in accordance with the labor market demand.
Tips for Interviewing: - Show proper confidence: Not too modest, not too boastful 恰
The Job Market Words & Phrases:
bonus:奖金 intern:实习生 well-paid: 薪水丰厚的 recruitment:招聘 challenging:挑战性的 benefits package:福利待遇
3Biblioteka Baidu
The Job Market Words & Phrases:
1.labor market or job market 2.working condition in China 3.Typical problems
①job hunters > vacancies ②wrong attitude ③cannot reach the demand of employer
What’s it like working in China?
1.Average working hours: working week of 40 hours, Monday to Friday, eight to nine hours a day.
2.Holidays: at least five days' annual leave which increases every year, and 13 national holidays.
Module Twelve
The Job Market
New Words and Expressions:
work colleagues 同事 salary n 工资,薪水 flexible hours 灵活的时间 overtime ['əuvətaim] n 加班 promotion [prə'məuʃən] n 升职,提升
job objective:工作目标 work overtime:加班 personal/casual leave: 事假 sick leave: 病假 paid leave:带薪假 responsible: 有责任心的 be qualified for:胜任,具有…资格
The Job Market Words & Phrases:
如其分地展示你的自信:不要过分谦虚,也不要过分自 夸 - Be polite: “When it is over, say: I look forward to hearing from you”. “ I appreciate your taking the time to talk with me.” “Thank you for seeing me.” 要有礼貌。面试结束后,要说:“我渴望听到你们的消 息。”“对于占用你们的时间我深表歉意。”“谢谢你 们给我面试的机会。”
Pair work
Directions: make up a dialogue with your partner based on the following situation.
Task situation:
Before A goes to an interview, B advises A to pay attention to his/her appearance (hair/ dress) and manner( polite but firm). B also advises A to tell about his/her work experience and his/her character, to ask about the job requirement and to learn the usual salary for a new hand before answering the interviewer’s question about the salary he/she expects.
3.Tax rates: progressive income tax system, starting at 5% rising
to 45%.
Typical problems ----In China’job market
The number of graduates increasing with a rocket speed.
Tips: Here are some things A can say : - B, do you have any tips for a successful interview? - Can you give me some advice on success in an
interview? - What should I prepare for an interview? - I’m not sure what kind of questions they’ll ask? - What should I pay attention to during an interview? - Then ,what about during the interview? - What kind of questions they will ask? - Should I ask them about the salary and benefits they