



CLIPS用户向导水银测试版2007.12.31 Joseph C. Giarratano, Ph.D.自述文件通往智慧的第一步是你得承认你的无知,其次是你不必让全世界都知道你的无知。







CLIPS是什么?CLIPS是一种专家系统工具,最初由NASA/Lyndon B. Johnson太空中心软件技术研究室开发出来。











事实上,CLIPS是C Language Integrated Production的缩写。





拼接控制器使用手册精品文档Video Windows System使用手册重要提示——为了您和设备的安全,请您在使用设备前务必仔细阅读产品说明书。















其他安全注意事项:1.设备内部有高压电,非专业维修人员不得打开机箱,以免发生危险;2.严禁水滴或水溅,严禁在设备上放置任何装有液体的容器物品;3.为预防火灾,禁止设备靠近火源;4.为了充分通风,设备前后面板至少应保持 20CM 的空隙;5.设备如发出怪异噪音、冒烟或怪味,应立即拔掉电源插头,由专业维修人员处理;6.在有雷电或长期不用的情况下,请拔掉电源插头;7.不要从本设备通风孔塞入任何物体,以免造成设备损坏或触电;8.不宜将本设备放置于近水或其它潮湿的地方使用;9.不宜将本设备放置于散热片附近或其它高温地方使用;10.请妥善整理放置电源线,以防破损;11.下列情况,应拔掉本设备电源插头,由专业维修人员处理:1) 插头电源线损坏或磨损时;2) 有液体溅入本设备时;3) 本设备跌落或机箱损坏时;4) 本设备出现明显功能异常或性能变化时。



PMAC应用培训计划第一天 上午9:30 -10:00 交流培训需求 10:00 -11:40 Pmac卡概述及clipper硬件介绍(含Pmac-pc104) 11:50 -12:50 吃午饭 下午1:00 -2:00 Pewin32pro及相关软件的使用 2:00 -4:00 分组实际操作练习 第二天 上午9:30 -11:40 在线指令和变量说明及注意事项(含Pmac-pc104) 11:50 -12:50 吃午饭 下午1:00 -2:00 PID调节方法 2:00 -4:00 分组实际操作练习 第三天 上午9:30 -11:40 简单运动的编写和plc程序的编写方法 11:50 -12:50 吃午饭 下午1:00 -2:00 简介上位软件的通讯 2:00 -4:00 答疑及分组实际操作练习PMAC应用培训北京钧义志成科技发展有限公司PMAC多轴运动控制卡• PMAC的含义: • PMAC是program multiple axis controller 可编程的多轴运动控制卡。

• PMAC的特点: • PMAC卡是美国Deltatau公司的产品,是集 运动轴控制,和PLC控制以及数据采集的多 功能的运动控制产品。

PMAC卡1型和2型卡的主要区别• 1型卡 控制信号为模拟量,+-10V • 2型卡 控制信号为数字量,直接输出 PWM脉宽调制信号PMAC卡轴数类型• 2轴卡 PMAC MINI PCI MINI PMAC2 • 4轴卡 PMAC PCI Lite PMAC2 PCI Lite PMAC2A-104 • 8轴卡 PMAC PCI PMAC2 PCI PMAC2A-104+ACC1P • 32轴卡 Turbo PMAC PCI Turbo PMAC2 PCIPMAC新产品Clipper• 4轴 Clipper • 8轴 Clipper + Acc1P • 12轴 Clipper + Acc1P(2块)PMAC通讯方式类型• • • • PCI PC104 总线 USB 通讯 (PMAC2A-104 UMAC) 串口 通讯 RS422 或RS232 网卡通讯 ( PMAC2A-104 Clipper)ClipperTurbo PMAC2-Eth-Lite controllerTurbo PMAC Clipper 简介• Turbo PMAC Clipper是一个基于 TurboPMAC2 CPU功能齐全,结构紧凑, 成本的多轴控制器,标配以太网和RS232 通信接口和内置的I O. Clipper提供完整 TurboPMAC 2处理器,并提供最低配置4轴 伺服或步进控制32个数字I / O点。



目录PMAC控制卡学习(硬件) (2)第一章PMAC简介 (2)1。

1 PMAC的含义和特点 (2)1。

2 PMAC的分类及区别 (2)1.2。

1 PMAC的分类 (2)1.2.2 PMAC 1型卡与2型卡的主要区别 (2)第二章Turbo PMAC Clipper控制器硬件配置 (3)2.1 Turbo PMAC Clipper控制器简介 (3)2.2 Turbo PMAC Clipper硬件配置 (3)2.2。

1 Turbo PMAC Clipper硬件标准配置为: (3)2.2。

2 Turbo PMAC Clipper控制器可选附件 (6)2。


2.1 轴接口板 (6)2.2.2。

2 反馈接口板 (7)2。

2.2.3 数字I/O接口板 (7)第三章Turbo PMAC Clipper设备连接 (7)3.1 板卡安装 (7)3。

2 控制卡供电 (7)3。

2.1 数字电源供电 (7)3。

2.2 DAC(数字/模拟转换)输出电路供电 (8)3。

2.3 标志位供电 (8)3.3 限位及回零开关 (8)3。

3.1 限位类型 (8)3。


2 回零开关 (8)3.4电机信号连接 (9)3.4.1增量式编码器连接 (9)3.4。

2 DAC 输出信号 (9)3.4.3 脉冲&方向(步进)驱动 (10)3。

4.4 放大器使能信号(AENAn/DIRn) (10)3。


5 放大器错误信号(FAULT-) (10)3。

4.6 可选模拟量输入 (11)3.4。

7 位置比较输出 (11)3.4。

8 串行接口(JRS232) (11)3.5 设备连接示例 (12)3.6 接口及指示灯定义 (13)3.7 跳线定义 (15)3。

8 Turbo PMAC Clipper端口布置及控制结构图 (19)附件 (21)1。

接口各针脚定义 (21)2。

电路板尺寸及孔位置 (30)PMAC控制卡学习(硬件)第一章PMAC简介1.1PMAC的含义和特点1.PMAC的含义:PMAC是program multiple axis controller 可编程的多轴运动控制卡。



操作手册目录---------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 1.简介-------------------------------------------------------------------------------21.1基本特性--------------------------------------------------------------------------22.硬件结构---------------------------------------------------------------------------2 2.1产品代码--------------------------------------------------------------------------3 2.2pCO主板布局-----------------------------------------------------------------------4 2.3输入/输出口说明-------------------------------------------------------------------5 3用户手操器--------------------------------------------------------------------------63.1用户手操器版本--------------------------------------------------------------------6 3.2 pCO手操器按键--------------------------------------------------------------------83.3图形显示手操器的功能和特性--------------------------------------------------------84. 安装------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 4.11pCO主板的安装-------------------------------------------------------------------9 4.2输入接口-------------------------------------------------------------------------10 4.3输入接口-------------------------------------------------------------------------11 4.4电源-----------------------------------------------------------------------------12 4.5主板EPROM的安装------------------------------------------------------------------12 4.6手操器的安装---------------------------------------------------------------------124.7图形显示手操器中程序存储器EPROM的安装--------------------------------------------135. 安装注意事项---------------------------------------------------------------------136. pLAN局域网-----------------------------------------------------------------------13 6.1主板地址------------------------------------------------------------------------14 6.2手操器地址-----------------------------------------------------------------------15 6.3专用/共享手操器------------------------------------------------------------------15 6.4 pLAN局域网的电气连接------------------------------------------------------------15 6.5 pLAN局域网中手操器远距离安装----------------------------------------------------16 6.6 pLAN局域网的技术特性------------------------------------------------------------17 6.7 pLAN局域网的元件----------------------------------------------------------------177选配卡----------------------------------------------------------------------------177.1图形显示手操器的串行打印卡-----------------------------------------------------177.2标准4×20LCD或6-LED显示手操器的串行打印卡---------------------------------------187.3用于监控和远程维护网络的RS422串行通讯卡-----------------------------------------187.4用于监控和远程维护网络的RS485串行通讯卡-----------------------------------------197.5用于RS232接口的Modem接口卡------------------------------------------------------197.6时钟卡--------------------------------------------------------------------------197.7pLAN 局域网的地址卡-------------------------------------------------------------197.8地址,时钟,32KbityEPROM卡------------------------------------------------------207.9OEM加湿器管理卡-----------------------------------------------------------------207.10选配卡的安装-------------------------------------------------------------------20 8故障原因---------------------------------------------------------------------------20 9技术参数---------------------------------------------------------------------------22 9.1, pCO主板PCOB*的技术参数---------------------------------------------------------22 9.2手操器PCOI*和PCOT*技术参数-------------------------------------------------------239.3电气参数-------------------------------------------------------------------------2310.尺寸-----------------------------------------------------------------------------24 10.1用户手操器----------------------------------------------------------------------24 10.2按键和显示窗口------------------------------------------------------------------2410.3PCOB*主板-----------------------------------------------------------------------2511.用户手操器的安装 ----------------------------------------------------------------26 11.1面板安装------------------------------------------------------------------------26 11.2墙壁安装------------------------------------------------------------------------26 12电气连接--------------------------------------------------------------------------271.简介pCO系列控制器是CAREL公司设计生产的一种可编程控制器,采用双微处理器技术;适用于空调和冷冻领域.可据用户的需要编写程序,使空调系统和冷冻设备运行在最佳的状态1.1基本特性类型: pCO有不同的版本可供选择.手操器可据用户需要个性化设计.据下面的特性,用户可从中选择· 标准或图形液晶显示(LCD);发光数码管显示(LED).· 按键的数目.· LED信号灯的数目.· 聚碳酸酯按键区贴面.可编程性:用CAREL公司的专利软件EasyTools对pCO控制器进行编程. 优点如下:·程序可以在不同的硬件中传递.开发出的应用程序能够快速、简单地传送给Macroplus(相反也是),仅需修改一下输入/输出口.·开发时间短、竞争性的价格、用户个性化的程序.·在线测试保证可靠性.如果用户决定使用EasyTools开发新的程序,用户可以得到最大的信任和独立.使用一组拥有许多不同应用功能的硬件,允许标准化;对整个单元,单个设备、单个电子元件进行功能测试、在线测试、”烤机”测试.将得到很高的可靠性串行接口:为连接监视器(RS485和RS422)和 pLAN局域网而安装应用范围:pCO可编程控制器是一种完全可编程,使用灵活方便的控制器.应用范围非常广泛,相同的硬件可以实现不同的控制;单冷或热泵系统(标准程序)屋顶机单元(标准程序)精密空调单元(标准程序)中小型空气处理单元(定制程序)低温展示柜控制(定制程序)冷库控制(定制程序)其它的应用程序可据用户的特别需求而开发。

Lippert Components, Inc. 滑动窗户控制器系统说明书

Lippert Components, Inc. 滑动窗户控制器系统说明书

PERATION AND ERVICE ANUALContentsI. Controls1-1 System components 11-1A versions C1 & C221-2 Motor wiring harness connections31-3 Extend and retract switch connections 31-4 Power to board 41-5 Board overview 41-6 Manual mode -jog51-7 Manual mode -stall force calibration 51-8 Error codes51-9 Motor direction switches 71-10 System schematic 7II. Motors2-1 Manual override82-2 Motor disengagement 82-3 Motor replacement102-4 Slide mechanism replacement 13III. Troubleshooting3-1 Trouble shooting flow chart15I. CONTROLS - VERSIONS B, C, C1 & C21-1 System componentsmotor 1 slide controller motor 2motor wiring harnessesRev-C motor and Controller components install exactly as Rev-B. However, Rev-Bcomponents are not to be used with Rev-C components. Rev-C2 components are shown in Fig. 1.REV-C MotorREV-C ControllerFig. 1REV E0309111-1A CONTROLLER VERSIONS C1 & C2New control configurations for version C1 & C2, see below:1-1A.1 CONFIGURATION1. Press button 2x and hold 3rd for 5 seconds to enter manual mode.2. Press button 4x and hold 5th for 5 seconds to enter stall threshold calibration mode.3. Press button 6x and hold 7th for 5 seconds to Override mode.1-1A.2 MANUAL MODE1. Green Led blinks once, wall switch controls motor 1.2. Press button, Green Led blinks twice, wall switch controls motor 2.3. Press button, Green Led solid, wall switch controls motor 1 and 2.4. Press and hold button to exit.1-1A.3 STALL THRESHOLD CALIBRATION MODE 1. Use Pot to turn stall threshold up/down.2. Press button to save and exit.1-1A.4 OVERRIDE MODE1. Use the extend/retract switch to move both motors in/out all pulse counting, and stall are disabled in this mode.2. Over-current and short circuit detection are still active to help prevent damage to the board.3. To exit the mode, push and hold the push button switch until the LEDs begin to blink simultaneously.Exiting the override mode resets the motor positions.I. CONTROLS - VERSIONS C1 & C2Version C1 maintains the same motor harness connector to the controller as in version C. However, the connector at the motor has been insulated with a new molded shield to protect against external damage.Version C2 motor harnesses have molex connectors at the controller and themolded connector at the motor end.Wire colors match with color codes on control board.NOTE: It doesn’t matter which motor is 1or 2.21-2 Motor wiring harness connectionsNOTE: Ribs on motor connector line up with notch in side of male connector on wiring harness.Color codes on wires also match (black to black, red to red, etc.).1-3 Extend and retract switch connections NOTE: Direction control switch (customer supplied)Common connection on control board goes to common connection on extend and retract switch.The extend and retract connections on the control board go to the extend and retract terminals on the switch. Power is supplied to switch from any nearby 12VDC power source.3Correctly connected motor1-4 Power to board¼ spade terminals are provided for power into the board. (Voltage range 8vdc to 18vdc).12 vdc is recommended. Lower voltages reduce available power to room slide. 10ga wire is the minimum size recommended.1-5 Board overviewStatus led’s - 2 led’s, 1 green and 1 red, are provided to indicate current controller status and faults.Motor direction switches - Used to change direction of motors, 2 are provided, 1 for each motor.Mode button - Places controller in manual mode, for jogging individual motors. Places controller in calibration mode, where stall current can be increased or decreased or returns controller to auto mode.Power source - 12 volt dc input. Unit will operate from 8 volts dc to 18 volts dc.Motor 1 connector - Power and encoder input for motor 1.Direction switch connector - Provides input from customer supplied extend and retract switch.Stall calibration - Allows for adjustment of stall force.Motor 2 connector - Power and encoder input for motor 2.1-6 Manual mode -JogPress mode button 2 times quickly, press a 3rd time and hold for approximately 5 seconds. The green led will flash on and off. Manual mode now active for motor #1. Using the extend and retract switch, motor 1 can be jogged manually.Press the mode button 1 more time and the green led will flash on and off. Manual mode is now switched to motor #2. The extend and retract switch will now jog motor #2.When both motors have been jogged to the desired position, exit manual mode by pressing and holding the mode button until both red and green led’s start to flash. The control is now back in auto mode.1-6. 2 Units with the C1 board “electronic” manual override.In the event of any fault code , the unit can be manually overridden electronically using these steps:1. Locate the circuit board2. Press the “mode button” six times quickly, press a 7th time and hold for approximately 5 seconds.3. The red and green LED lights will begin to flash indicating you are in override mode4. Using the wall switch, press and hold the “in” button until the unit comes completely in.status led’s motor direction switches mode button power connectionmotor 1 connector motor 2 connector direction switch stall calibration 41-7 Stall force calibrationIf the system stalls out before reaching end of stroke, or if the room doesn’t seal as tightly as desired, then stall force may be increased.***CAUTION***IF ROOM STALLS MID STROKE, MAKE SURE THAT THERE ARE NO OBJECTS IN THE WAY,OR THAT SOMETHING HAS BEEN PULLED INTO THE SYSTEM, CAUSING RESTRICTED MOVEMENT. ALSO CHECK SYSTEM VOLTAGE. EVEN THOUGH THE SYSTEM CAN RUN ON AS LITTLE AS 8VDC, THE FORCE AVAILABLE TO MOVE THE ROOM IS REDUCED ON LOWER VOLTAGE. IF THE ROOM IS FREE OF OBSTRUCTIONS AND VOLTAGE IS SUFFICIENT(12VDC) AND THE SYSTEM STILL STALLS MID STROKE, ONLY THEN SHOULD STALL FORCE BE INCREASED.Press mode button 4 times quickly, then press a 5th time and hold for approximately 5 seconds.The red led will start to flash, flash, flash, … Break the seal on the cover over the stall force calibration hole. Directly below the sealed hole is a potentiometer. Using a small screwdriverincrease the stall force by turning clockwise, turning counter-clockwise will reduce stall force. Once the desired setting has been reached press the mode button and both led’s will light up. The board is now back in auto mode.It is desirable to increase the stall force only enough to insure proper functioning of the room.Increasing the setting beyond the amount needed only shortens system life.51-8 Error codesDuring operation when an error occurs the board will use the led’s to indicate where the problem exists.For motor specific faults the green led will blink 1 time for motor 1, and 2 times for motor 2. The red led will blink from 2 to 9 times depending on the error code.The error codes are as follows:2Battery drop out: Battery capacity low enough to drop below 6 volts while running 3Low battery: Voltage below 8 volts at start of cycle 4High battery: Voltage greater than 18 volts 5Excessive motor current: High amperage, also indicated by 1 side of slide continually stalling.6Motor short circuit: Motor or wiring to motor has shorted out.8Hall signal not present: Encoder is not providing a signal. Usually a wiring problem.9Hall power short to ground: Power to encoder has been shorted to ground. Usually a wiring problem.When an error code is present, the board needs to be re-set. Energizing the extend/retract switch resets the board. Energize the extend/retract switch again for normal operation.1-9 Motor direction switchesred led green led mode switchmotor direction switches Motor direction switches are used to change the direction of individual motors. If when trying to extendor retract the room, one side goes in and the other side goes out, then there is a problem in the wiring.The motor direction switches can be used to correct this problem. The left switch controls motor 2 and the right switch controls motor 1. If motor 1 is going in the wrong direction then change switch 1’s position. If motor 2 is going in the wrong direction then change switch 2’s position.The motor direction switches can also be used to change the direction of the extend/retract switch. If the room extends when the extend/retract switch is moved to the retract position, it’s direction can be reversed by moving both switch 1 and switch 2 to their opposite positions. This feature can be used if it is more convenient to change the motor direction switches than to rewire the extend/retract switch.6II. Motors2-1 Motor disengagementIf motors need to be disengaged, follow these steps:1. On the outside of the room, approximately 2 inches above the top guide rack there is a motor retention screw. Remove this screw.2. Directly above the rack, pull back the weather stripping to expose the bottom of motor. Insert ascrewdriver between the motor and it’s mount and pry the motor up.1-10 System schematic Revisions B - C - C1730A10 G A . W I R E M I N .1-11System schematic Revisions C281GA.WIREMIN.TO12VDCSOURCE2SPADETERMINALCONNECTION*************Do not move the rv with the motors disengaged.*************5. If the rv needs to be moved, a travel lock will need to be made as follows: With the room closed, cut a board 1 inch longer in length than the distance between the interior stop and the wall. Wedge this board tightly between the wall and stop to lock 1 side of the room. Cut another board to fit the other side of the room and wedge into place. This should lock the room in the retracted position, allowing the rv to be moved.Alternately several ratchet straps may be used,wrapping completely around the rv, and room,then pulled tight. Depending on the size of the room, straps with a 500 to 1000 pound capacitywill be required.**********Do not move the rv unless the motors are plugged in.*************93. Lift the motor approximately 1 inch, tighten the motor retention screw to hold the motor in it’s raised position.4. The motor is now disengaged. Repeat these steps on the other side of the room. The room should move freely, and can be pushed in or out as desired.102-2 Motor replacement1. If a motor needs replacement follow steps 1 through 4 for motordisengagement.2. With the motor disengaged place support under the room. Wedges, a jack, or forklift may be used.3. Once the room is supported, remove the screws retaining the side column to the outside face of the rv.4. Slightly raise the room to remove any weight from the side column. It is now possible to slide the side column out of the wall, it may be necessary to use a pry bar to start the column moving. Slide the column out until it is past the outside face of the wall.5. Remove the motor retention screw and lift the motor out the top of the side column.6. There is a coupler, which connects the motor to the drive mechanism. If the coupler is still attached to the motor, it may be removed with pliers.If it is still inside the column, proceed as follows:a. On the bottom, inside of the column is the opposite end of the drive shaft. Using a piece ofwood or brass push the shaft up approximately 1-inch.*********Do not push shaft up further than 1 ½ inches.************b. The coupler will be lifted above the motor mount and can be removed with a pair of needle nosepliers or hemostats.7. The coupler needs to be placed onto the end of the drive shaft, inside the motor mount, at the top end of the column. Note the splines on the drive shaft and motor coupler.11The coupler can be rotated while pushing down, or the side column can be pushed back and forth while pushing down, to engage the splines. The coupler should be pushed down below the top of the motor mount.128. The motor can now be installed. Insert the motor through the top of the side column. Note the screws protruding from the shaft end of the motor. They enter into the 2 holes in the corners of the motor mount. Pay attention to the orientation of the screws and mating holes.9. Align the motor shaft with the hole in the coupler, the motor should drop part of the way into the coupler. While pushing down on the motor, slide the side column back and forth on the racks to rotate the coupler and align the coupler flat with the flat on the motor shaft. When the flats line up,the motor will drop down onto the motor mount.10. Replace the motor retention screw.3. The new side column assembly can now be installed. Remove the motor and re install the coupler. (see 2-3 Motor replacement) This is easier to do before the column assembly is installed.4. On the side of the column facing towards the room, there is a v-roller, a gear above the roller and ahook, with a plastic shoe, above the gear.1311. Tuck the motor wires inside the side column. The column can be slid back along the racks, and into the opening in the wall. There will be some resistance from the motor.12. With the side column mounting flange pushed against the outside of the wall, the mounting screws can be replaced.13. Plug the motor back in.2-3 Slide mechanism replacement1. Follow steps 1 through 4 for motor replacement.2. With the motor disengaged, and the side column detached from the side wall, remove theexterior T-molding. Slide the side column along the racks towards the outside, until the column separates from the racks.The hook slides into a hook shaped slot on the top edge of the racks. The v-roller fits into a v shaped grove on the bottom edge of the rack. The gear meshes with the rack teeth on the outside face of the rack.Start the top hook on the side column into the hooked slot on the top gear rack on the side of the room. Start the bottom hook on the side column into the hooked slot on the bottom gear rack on the side of the room. Slide both top and bottom in until the 1st gear tooth is just touching the 1st tooth on the end of both the top and bottom racks. The v-rollers should be close to touching the v shaped slot in the bottom of both racks.5. Push evenly on both the top and bottom of the side column, engaging the gear teeth into the rack teeth of both top and bottom racks at the same time. Continue to slide the side column onto the racks until the weatherstrip on the front face of the side column is flush with the end of the racks. Both top and bottom racks should come flush at the same time. If the racks are 1 tooth out of time with each other there will be a 3/16 difference in the end position of the racks.If both top and bottom are flush, continue. If both top and bottom are not flush, then pull the side column out to disengage the gears and repeat until both top and bottom gear racks are flush at the same time.6. Push the side column along the racks until it is close to the outside face of the wall.7. Follow steps 8 through 13 for motor replacement (Motor replacement 2-3).14III. Troubleshooting3-1 Trouble shooting flow chart153-2 Checking FusesThe Total Control 1Slide requires a minimum of 30 amp fuse. Check the 12 volt fuse box for blown fuses, and replace any if necessary. Consult the rv manufacturers documentation for the location of the 12 volt fuse box, and the location of the Room Slide Controller’s fuse. If the fuse blows immediately upon replacement, there is a problem with the wiring to the Inwall Slide control box. Have qualified service personnel check and repair.3-3 ObstructionsCheck outside the rv for possible obstructions: tree, post, car, ect… Check inside the rv for any obstructions: luggage, furniture, open cabinets, ect… Also check for smaller objects that may be wedged under the floor or in the sides of unit. Remove obstructions before proceeding.3-4 Error CodesConsult rv manufacturer’s documentation for the location of the Total Control 1 Slide Controller. See page 1-8 for a description of the error codes, and possible problems.3-5 Low VoltageThe Total Control 1 Slide Controller is capable of operating the room with as little as 8 volts. But at these lower voltages the amperage requirement is greater. Check voltage at the controller, see page C-5 for the location of power connections. If voltage is lower than 11 volts, it is recommended that the battery be placed on a charger until it is fully charged. It may be possible to ’jump’ the rv’s battery temporarily to extend or retract the room. Consult the rv manufacturer’s owners manual on the procedure for ‘jumping’ or charging the battery.**********Never ‘jump’ or charge the battery from the power connectionson the Inwall Controller. Always do this at the battery.*****************3-6 Only 1 side movingThe Total Control 1 Room Slide has a separate moto r to operate each side of the room. Does only 1 side of the room move a short distance (2 to 4 inches) and stop.3-7 Will non moving side move with helpIf only 1 side of the room is moving as in 3-6 above, then with someone’s assistance press the switch to extend or retract the room while pushing the non moving side in the appropriate direction. On larger rooms it may be necessary to have 2 or more people pushing the room.3-8 Non moving side moved manuallyTry to push the non moving side in and out. If a motor shaft has broken then it will be possible to move that side of the room several inches by hand. Larger rooms may require several people to push.3-9 With motor dis-engaged can room be moved?Dis-engage motor, see 2-2 to disengage motor. After dis-engaging the motor is it possible to move the room by hand? On larger rooms more than 1 person may be required to move the room.3-10 Debris in the rackCheck all 4 gear racks on the side of the room for debris.3-11 Do status led’s lightConsult the rv manufacturers documentation for the location of the Total Control 1 Controller. When the room slide direction switch is actuated, do the status led’s light up. Check this in both the extend and retract modes. See page 3 for the location of the status led’s. If the led’s do not light up, or only light in 1 direction, then un-plug and re-plug the direction switch connection on the board. This connection is shown on page 4. If the problem persists, the led’s still do not light up in both directions, then the switch or the wiring between the switch and the room is defective.3-12 Increase motor amperageSee page 4 for stall force calibration. Only increase stall force enough to cycle room effectively.。


主轴倍率增加,按一下增加 5%,最大到 150%; 主轴倍率回到 100%; 主轴倍率减小,按一下减小 5%,最小到 50%; 主轴正向启动按键,绿色,右旋刀具前进方向为主轴正转; 主轴停按键,红色; 主轴反向启动按键,绿色,左旋刀具前进方向为主轴反转。
第 7 组: 加工程序控制按键,有 3 个按键,只在“自动方式” 、 “单段方式”和“MDI 方式”下有动作,
程序启动,执行已选择的加工程序, “单段方式”只执行一段程序; 保持停止,按下程序停在编程轨迹上,按“启动”键程序继续执行; 程序停止, 按下程序停止并返回到程序头, 按 “启动” 键程序重新执行。 第 8 组:
30 20 15 10 5 3 1 0 40 50 6 0 7 0 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120
果已经进行了回原点操作,显示界面如图 4 所示。
图 3 没有回原点的数控软件界面
图 4 已回原点的数控软件界面
该软件有两种显示界面,上图为程序显示的界面,还有一种位置显示界面, 软件切换界面如图 5 所示,通过点击左上角的位置显示与程序显示按钮进行。图 3、图 4 是程序显示时的界面。图 6、图 7 为位置显示时的界面。
正比例值,该倍率值可以由机床操作面板上的“主轴倍率增加” 、 “主轴倍率回到 100%” 、 “主轴倍率减小”按键来改变。三个显示值的关系为: 实际速度 = 编程速度 主轴倍率。 “输出功率”显示的是主轴的运行功率,可以实时监控主轴的运行状态,并 以颜色条显示主轴的运行信息。 “当前执行 G 代码”和“当前执行 M 代码”栏显示的是加工程序在执行状 态下正在执行的“G”代码和“M”代码,该显示栏在没有加工程序执行的状态 下显示内容为空白。 “刀具”栏中有两个显示内容,左边显示的是字母“T”后面跟一个数,表 示的是当前主轴上的刀具在机床刀库中的位置码,数字为“0”表示当前主轴上 无刀具。右边显示的是字母“D” 后面跟一个数,表示的是当前引用的刀具参 数在系统刀具表中的位置码,数字为“0”表示当前刀具补偿值为 0。 “工件”栏中显示的“数量”为一个加工程序被执行的次数,而“时间”显 示的是该加工程序被执行一次所用的时间。 2.5 加工程序状态和系统状态显示栏 在坐标位置以及程序显示区域和 9 个软键按钮图标之间有两行共三个文字 显示框,它的底色和“操作方式”的文字显示框不同。上面一行有两个显示框, 左边是下载给 Clipper 集成控制器的加工程序的名称和在计算机中存储的目录地 址,初始状态为显示“当前无 NC 程序下载” 。右边为执行超长加工程序时下载 到旋转缓冲区的加工程序行数, 这两个框的显示内容在后面的有关章节中详细描 述。

MCT150B 同步 飞剪控制器 使用说明书

MCT150B 同步 飞剪控制器 使用说明书











智能家居解clipse 瑞柏智能家居系统手册说明书

智能家居解clipse 瑞柏智能家居系统手册说明书
TAKE CARE OF YOUR SAFETY Display extreme caution when using ladders or steps, please follow manufacturer’s instructions. Be careful when using hand and power tools and follow the manufacturer’s guidelines when using them. Take care that the correct tools are used. Wear goggles or protective clothing where required.

Adopt newest Z-wave 400series chip, support multichannel operation and higher data rate (9.6/40/100kbps) Adopt Z-Wave protocol to secure the success of wireless two way communication Higher RF output power (+2.5dBm output power as compared to -2.5dBm 300 series Z-wave module) to enhance the communication range With zero crossing technology to extend the number of switching Slim design, easy install Max load up to 1100W After calibration, the controller can feedback the roller shutter position Overload protection Z-Wave V6.02 Very low Electricity consumption, meet Europe year 2012 energyrelated products requirement directive 2009/125/EC no. 1275/2008 Z-Wave Certificated No ZC08-13070030



+050000765 - 1.2 - 24.03.2009
2.3 电气规格
电源(控制器带手操器) 绝缘等级 端子排 内置电池的时钟
230 Vac, +10...-15% 适用于CPPA******; 24 Vac +10 to -15% 50/60 Hz, 28 to 36 Vdc +10 to -20% 适用于CPPB****** 最大输入功率: 25 VA 双重绝缘
• 插拔式公制/阴制接头,最大电压 250 Vac;
线缆横截面积: 最小 0.5 mm2 - 最大 2.5 mm2
• 快速接头 • 固定螺接头
仅适用于 CPP****B**/CPP****D** 表. 2.a
2.4 开关量输入
型号: 电压-无源触点
主板类型 小型 中型
数量 7 10
注意:将传感器和开关量输入信号线与带电感负载的线缆和 电源线尽量分离,以避免电磁干扰。
2.5 模拟量输出
类型 最大数量 分辨率 最大负载 精确度
0 to 10 Vdc 小型和中型的主板分别为3个和4个 8位 2 kΩ (5 mA) 满量程±0.3 % 满量程±5 %, 最大负载(5 mA)
表. 2.b
+050000765 - 1.2 - 24.03.2009
2.6 模拟量输入
模拟量转换 最大数量 type B1, B2, B3, B4, B8, B9
B5, B10
B6, B7, B11, B12
输入的时间常数 输入的精度 测量回路的分类 (CEI EN 61010-1)
10 位模/数转换 小型的7个,中型的12个 低温NTC型:在25°C时为10 kΩ,± 0.1%,-50~90 °C; 高温NTC型:在25°C时为50 kΩ,0~150 °C; 0~1 Vdc输入; 低温NTC型:在25°C时为10 kΩ, -50~90 °C; 高温NTC型:在25°C时为50 kΩ,0~150 °C; 0~1 Vdc输入; 4~20 mA输入; 低温NTC型:在25°C时为10 kΩ, -50~90 °C; 高温NTC型:在25°C时为50 kΩ,0~150 °C; 0~1 Vdc输入 公制比例式压力传感器(0~5 V) 0.5 秒 满量程±0.3 % I类



DirectX中文手册Microsoft老王翻译Alpha整理alpha_nuaa@目录第一章DirectX基础(初级篇)第一节什么是DirectX一、什么是DirectX ?二、DirectX的组成部分三、关于DirectDraw四、为什么要使用DirectDraw?五、DirectX5.0的新特性?六、什么是部件对象模型(COM)七、自我检测第二节如何安装和使用DirectX一、编译库和运行库二、安装VC++ 5.0三、安装DirectX5.0 的SDK四、DirectX 5.0 的文件说明五、卸载DirectX第三节一个DirectDraw入门程序一、一个小测验二、牛刀小试三、分析代码1)程序结构2)定义和创建DirectDraw对象3)设置控制级和显示模式4)创建主页面5)输出文字6)释放对象7)主窗口类型四、小结第四节DirectDraw图形编程基础知识一、像素和分辨率二、RGB色彩三、设备无关位图(DIB)四、位深度(Bit depth)五、抖动处理(Dithering)六、调色板(Palette)七、GDI与DirectDraw八、位块传送(Blit)九、翻页(Page flipping)十、矩形(Rectangle)十一、精灵动画(Sprite animation)十二、关键色(Color Key)十三、补丁(Patching)十四、范围检查与碰撞检测第二章DirectDraw核心(高级篇)第一节、DirectDraw架构一、DirectDraw结构概览二、DirectDraw对象类型三、硬件抽象层(HAL)四、软件仿真层(HEL)五、系统集成第二节、控制级第三节显示模式一、关于显示模式二、测定支持的显示模式三、设置显示模式四、恢复显示模式五、Mode X和Mode 13显示模式六、对高分辨率和真彩色的支持第四节DirectDraw对象一、什么是DirectDraw对象?二、IDirectDraw2接口的新特性?三、单进程的多DirectDraw对象四、使用CoCreateInstance创建DirectDraw对象第五节页面一、页面的基本概念1)什么是页面2)页面接口3)宽度和宽距4)关键色5)像素格式二、创建页面1)创建主页面2)创建离屏页面3)创建复杂页面和换页链4)创建超宽页面三、换页四、页面丢失五、释放页面六、更新页面属性七、直接访问帧缓存八、使用非本地视频RAM页面九、色彩和格式转换十、覆盖页面1)覆盖页面概览2)DDCAPS的重要成员和标志3)源和目标矩形4)边界和大小限制5)最小和最大缩放系数6)覆盖页面关键色7)覆盖页面的定位8)创建覆盖页面9)覆盖页面的Z轴次序10)覆盖页面的换页十一、Blit到多窗口第六节调色板一、什么是调色板?二、调色板的种类三、对非主页面设置调色板四、共享调色板五、调色板动画第七节裁减器一、什么是“裁减器(Clipper)”对象二、裁减清单(Clip list)三、共享DirectDrawClipper对象四、独立的DirectDrawClipper对象五、用CoCreateInstance创建DirectDrawClipper对象六、对系统鼠标使用裁减器七、对多窗口使用Clipper第八节多显示器系统一、在多显示器系统中列举显示设备二、焦点窗口和设备窗口三、设置焦点窗口和设备窗口四、缺省设备窗口五、多显示器系统中的显示设备与加速特性第九节、高级DirectDraw主题一、对Mode 13的支持1)关于Mode 132)设置Mode 133)Mode 13与页面特性4)使用Mode 13模式二、从DMA中获益1)关于DMA设备支持2)对DMA支持的检测3)典型的DMA方案4)利用DMA三、在窗口模式下使用调色板1)窗口模式的调色板入口类型2)在窗口模式下创建调色板3)在窗口模式下设置调色板入口四、获得换页和Blit操作的状态五、使用Blit进行单色填充六、测定显示硬件的能力七、在视频RAM中储存位图八、Triple Buffering(三缓冲)九、DirectDraw应用程序和窗口风格十、将真彩色匹配到帧缓冲区的色彩空间第一章DirectX基础(初级篇)第一节什么是DirectX?一、什么是DirectX微软的DirectX软件开发工具包(SDK)提供了一套优秀的应用程序编程接口(APIs),这个编程接口可以提供给你开发高质量、实时的应用程序所需要的各种资源。

Jabra CLIPPER 用户手册说明书

Jabra CLIPPER 用户手册说明书

+ User manualContentsTHaNK YOU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 abOUT YOUr Jabra CLIPPEr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 WHaT YOUr Jabra CLIPPEr DOES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 GETTING STarTED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 CHarGING YOUr Jabra CLIPPEr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 TUrNING YOUr Jabra CLIPPEr ON aND OFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 PaIrING YOUr Jabra CLIPPEr TO a PHONE Or OTHEr DEVICE . . . .4 WEarING STYLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 HOW TO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 HEaDSET aUDIO aND VISUaL INDICaTOrS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 TrOUbLESHOOTING & FaQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 NEED mOrE HELP? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 TaKING CarE OF YOUr HEaDSET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 GLOSSarY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11tHAnK YoUThank you for purchasing the Jabra CLIPPEr Bluetooth® wireless technology Stereo Headset . We hope you enjoy it! This instruction manual will get you started and ready to make the most of your headset .ABoUt YoUR JABRA CLIPPeR A MicrophoneB Charging connectorC LEDD Multi-Function buttonE 3.5mm jack for earphonesF Volume up forward skip track/G Volume down backward skip track/H Stereo earphones (exchangeable)EGFHWHAt YoUR JABRA CLIPPeR DoesThe Jabra CLIPPEr lets you listen to stereo music through your Bluetooth® enabled mobile phone or music player, while ensuring that you never miss a call .- Play your music wirelessly- answer or end mobile phone calls- automatically switch between music and calls FEATURES AND SPECIFICATIONS- Clean and contemporary Danish design- Wireless Stereo sound (a2DP)- automatically switch between music and calls- Incoming caller and mobile distance alert- remote control your music (aVrCP)*: Play, pause, stop, skip track- Exchangeable noise-blocking stereo ear-buds (3 .5mm jack)- Up to 6 hours talk time and up to 200 hours standby time- Includes two extra sets of ear-buds in different sizes (medium & Large)- Bluetooth® wireless technology - clear sound with Bluetooth®2 .1+ EDr & eSCO- auto-pairing for no-nonsense set-up- rechargeable battery with micro-USb (5-pin) charging option from aC power supply (included), PC via USb cable (notincluded) or car charger (not included)- Weight: 20 grams- Colored LED-lights for Bluetooth® status and battery indicator - U .S . military Standard rain & Shock resistant**- Operating range up to 10 meters (approximately 33 feet) Please note: Your Jabra CLIPPEr can withstand a short rain shower but is not waterproof and cannot be submerged . If your device gets wet, it should be wiped clean of any traces of water in order to protect it from potential damage .GettInG stARteDFollow these three steps before using your headset:1 Charge your headset (approximately2 hours)2 Activate Bluetooth® on your mobile phone (refer to the manual for your mobile phone)3 Pair your headset to your mobile phoneCHARGInG YoUR JABRA CLIPPeRmake sure that your Jabra CLIPPEr is fully charged before you start using it for the first time . While charging, the battery indicator changes from red to green, when fully charged . Charging time is approximately 2h . You can use the Jabra CLIPPEr during charging . Please note: The lifetime of the battery will be significantly reduced if your device is left uncharged for a long period . Jabra therefore recommends that you recharge your device at least once a month .tURnInG YoUR JABRA CLIPPeR on AnD oFF- Press and hold the multi-Function button until the LED turns green to turn it on .- Press and hold the multi-Function button until the LED turns red to turn it off .- The headset will automatically turn off after 10 minutes if not connected to a device .PAIRInG YoUR JABRA CLIPPeR to A PHone oR otHeR DeVICeHeadsets are connected to phones or other Bluetooth® devices using a procedure called ‘pairing’ . by following a few simple steps, pairing can be done in a matter of seconds .1. Put the headset in pairing mode1.a. First time pairing- Turn on the headset and the Jabra CLIPPEr will automatically enter pairing mode (indicator light is solid blue) and startsearching for a device .1.b. Later pairing- Press and hold the multi-Function button until the indicator light is solid blue (approximately 6 seconds) .2. Set your Bluetooth® phone or device to search for the Jabra CLIPPER- Follow your phone’s instruction guide . First make sure that Bluetooth® is activated on your mobile phone . Then set your phone to search for the headset . This usually involves going to a ‘setup,’ ‘ connect’ or ‘Bluetooth®’ menu on your phone and selecting the option to search for or ‘add’ a Bluetooth® device .* 3. Your phone will find the Jabra CLIPPER- The phone will find the headset under name “Jabra CLIPPEr” . - Your phone then asks if you want to pair with the headset .- accept by pressing ‘Yes’ or ‘OK’ on the phone and confirm with the passkey or PIN = 0000 (4 zeros) . Your phone will confirm when pairing is complete .Note: all communications between your Jabra CLIPPEr headset and mobile phone are encrypted, so others will not be able to intercept and understand your conversation . Establishing this encryption is an important part of the pairing process .WeARInG stYLeJabra CLIPPEr is designed as a clothing clip . This gives you a variety of simple and practical wearing styles: Just clip it on your shirt, jacket, t-shirt or whatever fits your needs .regardless of how you clip-on the Jabra CLIPPEr, always be sure to place the headset so that the microphone is positioned as close to your mouth as possible . This will ensure that your voice comes through loud and clear .IMPORTANT: DO NOT EXTEND THE mETaL-CLIP bY mOrE THaN FOUr (4) mILLImETErS, aS IT WILL bEND OUT OF SHaPE PErmaNENTLY .HoW toThe Jabra CLIPPEr is easy to operate . The buttons performs different functions depending on how long you press them:Duration of pressTap Press the button briefly Double tap Press the button briefly two times within0 .5 secondsPress Press the button approximately 1 second Press and hold Press the button approximately 4 secondsPlay music (Some phones may require you to start a media player first)*- Tap the multi-Function button .Pause music- Tap the multi-Function button – tap again to resume playing . Answer a call when playing music- Tap the multi-Function button and the music will be paused and the call will be connected .End a call- Tap the multi-Function button to end an active call – when you end the call, your music will start again** .Skip one track forward**- Press the ‘+’ volume control button .Skip one track back**- Press the ‘–‘ volume control button .Answer a call- Tap the multi-Function button to answer a call .End a call- Tap the multi-Function button to end an active call .Reject a call**- Press and hold the multi-Function button when the phone rings to reject an incoming call . Depending on your phonesettings, the person who called you will either be forwarded to voice mail or hear the busy signal .Make a call**- When your Jabra CLIPPEr is connected to your phone, all calls made from your phone will automatically be transferred toyour headset (subject to phone settings) .Redial last number**- Double tap the multi-Function button .Adjust sound and volume*- Tap the +/- volume control button to turn volume up or down . Mute microphone when on a phone call- Tap the – and + volume button simultaneously to mute and un-mute .Adjust sound and volume*- Tap the +/- volume control button to turn volume up or down . HeADset AUDIo AnD VIsUAL InDICAtoRsThe Jabra CLIPPEr provides status messages using both lights and audio signals . For example, the LED lights various colors to indicate battery level, incoming calls, on/off operations, etc . audio signals tell you when you have pressed a button or changed the volume; in-ear ring tones are also provided .What the LED means:The LED on the front side of Jabra CLIPPEr indicates different states of the product:LED lightSolid blue In pairing mode – see ‘Pair JabraCLIPPEr to a phone or other device’Slow single blue flash Connected to a phone and in standbymodeSingle blue flash Connected to phone and active oncallQuick blue doubleIncoming callflashSolid red ChargingSolid green Fully chargedSingle red flash Low batteryThe Jabra CLIPPEr Display LED turns off after 30 seconds of inactivity . The headset is still active, and light will flash again after a tap on the multi-Function button or any call activity . Communication by Audio IndicatorsYour Jabra CLIPPEr employs sound alerts to communicate different actions or information . One important alert is the “Low battery” alert, which is two short beeps, and indicates 5 minutes of battery time remains .another sound alert is the “mobile away” alert, which is four short beeps, and indicates you are moving out of range of your mobile phone .tRoUBLesHootInG & FAQWhat is Bluetooth® Stereo/A2DP?- Bluetooth® Stereo enables a wireless connection of stereo audio between two Bluetooth® Stereo devices . In order toprovide a wireless Bluetooth® Stereo connection between two devices, both devices must support the a2DP (advanced audio Distribution Profile) Bluetooth® profile .What is AVRCP?- audio Video remote Control Profile (aVrCP) enables you to remote control your music player from the Jabra CLIPPEr with functions such as Pause, Play, Stop & Skip Track (can be phone dependent) .I hear crackling noises- Bluetooth® is a radio technology which means it is sensitive to objects between the headset and the device it is connected to . You should be able to have up to 10 meters (33 feet) ofdistance between the headset and the connected device when there are no major objects in the way (walls, etc .) .I cannot hear the phone call in the headset- Increase the volume on the Jabra CLIPPEr .- make sure your phone is connected to the headset by i .e .tapping the multi-Function button, or viewing the LEDindicator .I have pairing problems- You may have deleted the pairing connection in your mobile phone – follow the pairing instructions in ‘Pair Your Headset toa Phone or other Device ‘ .I cannot use Reject call or Redial- These features are dependent on your phone supporting them;please consult your phone’s manual for details .Please note, that the redial features is disabled during music streaming .I cannot hear music in the headset- Ensure that the headset is connected to your Bluetooth®enabled device .- You may have been out-of-range (10 meters) to your Bluetooth®enabled device or the headset might have experienced an ESD (Electrostatic discharge) incidence . Press the multi-Function button to re-establish the Bluetooth® audio link - Increase the volume on your device .- make sure that the Jabra CLIPPEr is charged .The music I hear sounds very poormake sure the other device supports Bluetooth® 1 .1 or higher including the advanced audio Distribution Profile (a2DP) for music streaming .If the above procedure did not help then it is possible that your phone is using the stereo audio connection in a different way . You can enable this mode on Jabra CLIPPEr by performing pairing in the following way:- remove the Bluetooth® connection to Jabra CLIPPEr on your phone .- make sure the headset is on .- Press and hold the multi-Function button for more than 5 seconds until the LED display are solid blue .- Go through the regular steps in pairing the headset to a Bluetooth® device .neeD moRe HeLP?1. Web: www .jabra .com/nasupport(for the latest support info and online User manuals) 2. Phone:1 (800) 327-2230 (U .S)1 (800) 489-4199 (Canada)tAKInG CARe oF YoUR HeADset- always store the Jabra CLIPPEr with the power off and safely protected- avoid storage at extreme temperatures (above 45°C/113°F – including direct sunlight – or below -10°C/14°F) .This can shorten battery life and may affect operation . High temperatures may also degrade performance .- Do not expose the Jabra CLIPPEr to rain or other liquids . GLossARY1.B luetooth® is a radio technology that connects devices,such as mobile phones and headsets, without wires or cords over a short distance approx . 33 feet (10 meters) . Get moreinformation at www .bluetooth .com2. B luetooth® profiles are the different ways that Bluetooth®devices communicate with other devices . Bluetooth® phones support either the headset profile, the hands-free profileor both . In order to support a certain profile, a phonemanufacturer must implement certain mandatory featureswithin the phone’s software .3. P airing creates a unique and encrypted link between twoBluetooth® devices and lets them communicate with eachother . Bluetooth® devices will not work if the devices have not been paired .4. P asskey or PIN is a code that you enter on your mobile phoneto pair it with your Jabra CLIPPEr . This makes your phone and the Jabra CLIPPEr recognize each other and automaticallywork together .5. S tandby mode is when the Jabra CLIPPEr is passively waitingfor a call . When you ‘end’ a call on your mobile phone, theheadset goes into standby mode .Dispose of the product accordingto local standards and regulations .www .jabra .com/weee81-03134 B® is a registered® word ® is a registered® word。

CL194001 CLIPPER 工业级复合连接器说明书

CL194001 CLIPPER 工业级复合连接器说明书

CL194001CLIPPER Industrial Plastic ConnectorsCLIPPERFile No. 169916Table of Contents 2C L I P P E R3CLIPPERPresentationCLIPPE R is a plastic low cost range of industrial connectors, UL & CSA approved.Complementing FCI product range CLIPPER offers :• a high sealing level :- I P67 for the sealed plug (with o’ring and mating seal)- I P68 for the enhanced sealed plug (with o’ring and a special mating seal).This version allows a permanent waterproof level when immersed at depths down to 30 meters .• a retention plate system allowing insertion/extraction of the contacts without the need for tooling,• facilities to use trade backshells with the electrical thread adaptor (PG).CLIPPER range is composed of :• 4 sizes of shell in molded black thermoplastic material (size 1/2/3/4).• 7 contact layouts(4/9/14/18/26/31/40 contacts).• #20, #16 contacts, machined or stamped and formed, crimp,solder or PC tail termination.• An adaptor with electrical PG thread for PG backshells.• Backnut with grommet facilities.Locked, the retention plate holds the contacts firmly in position Unlocked, the retention plate allowsthe insertion/extraction of contacts without toolingUnlocked FeaturesMechanical• Monobloc shell and insulator in thermoplastic material self-extinguishing to UL 94 V0.screw coupling with positive audible safety latch.• Scoop proof.• Copper alloy contacts, machined Electrical• Withstand voltage : 1500 Vrms min or in accordance with DIN 57110b.• Contact resistance < 10 m • Current rating per contact :- machined contacts :# 20 (7 Amps), # 16 (13 Amps)- stamped and formed contacts :4CLIPPERCL1M1100CL1R1100CL1R1101CL1R1102CL1M1101CL1M1102CL1M1202CL1M1201CL1M1200for male contacts for female contacts for male contacts for female contacts for male contacts for female contactsC L I P P E R5CLIPPERGrommet Thrust ringO ringCL111101CL111102for male contacts contactsElectrical thread backshells (PG)Part numbersShell sizesNote : Electrical thread backshells are always supplied complete with the adaptor.67C L I P P E RAccessoriesPanel gasket (for square flange receptacle)IP67 Dust cap for receptacle* with panel gasketPG threads adaptor for commercial backshell8CLIPPERPlating RF : gold flash on active part for standard version (For other platings,Stamped and formed contactsPart number : 8500 479 CLFiller plug # 16(for un-used contact cavities)Part number : CP16SW9700Polarization Contact(instruction for polarizing connector - see page 23)Part number : 8500 4144Filler plug # 20(for un-used contact cavities)Print Circuit (PC) Tail Machined ContactC L I P P 9CLIPPERMachined contactsPlating MQ : 0.4µmm gold on active part (.016µinches)* Up to 1.91 mm 2crimpsolderExtended ground contact-crimp (Length + .039 inch = +1 mm)crimpWall mount receptaclePG Thread Adaptor Anti-decoupling sealing gland backshellIn line-receptacleO'ring Plugmating sealC L I P P E RCL1M1102for male contacts and mating seal)Wall mount receptacleO'ringPanel gasketIn line-receptacleO'ringPlugmating sealAdaptorAnti-decoupling sealing gland backshellStraight backshell for flexible conduit systemsElbow backshell with sealing glandGrommet Thrust ringO ringC L I P P CL1M1102IP67 ConfigurationsCL1M1102CL1R1102for male contacts for female contactsGrommetO ringThrust ringformalecontacts contactsC L I P Mated and unmated connectors with backshells - Overall dimensions in inchesADAPTORSTRAIGHT CABLE CLAMPJSTRAIGHT BACKSHELL FOR CONDUIT SYSTEMFSEALING GLAND BACKSHELL WITH ANTI-DECOUPLING SYSTEMK LRNQdimensions* For other needs, consult FCI.cable acceptance *1 1.67 .83 .71 .16 .8121. ABCDET O O L I N GMachined Crimping Contacts (#16 and #20)8365with locator 8365-02• Squeeze the plier handles until a final click sounds, release, the pliers should open by themselves.• Fully insert the contact into the locator (corresponding gauge), thecontact crimping lugs should be directed upwards, according to the drawing.• Put the stripped wire in the crimping part until it comes in contact with the stopper plate. Make sure that no strands stick out of the crimping part.• Squeeze the plier handles until a final click sounds, release, the pliers should open by themselves.• Check the overall aspect of the crimping.• Push the cable into the contact barrel and make sure the cable strands stick out of the inspection hole.• The pliers must be used on the jaws side.• Squeeze the plier handles until a final click sounds, release, the pliers should open by themselves.• Insert both wire and contact (or wire, reducing sleeve and contact)between the 4 jaws until stopped by the locator.• Fully squeeze until a final click sounds, the pliers should open once the crimping is performed• Extract the wire and crimped contact, then check the overall aspect of the crimping.Manual Crimping ToolStamped and Formed Contacts (#16 and #20)UTM2Automatic crimpingtool for ClipperDescriptionElectromechanical high speed semiautomatic press is designed for massproduction and is realized totally inassembled steel parts.Voltage: 115VAC - 60 HzPower.:700 WattsWeight:300 lbs. (including onecrimp mechanism)Dimensions:939.8x533.4x711.2 mm(37.0"x21.0"x28.0")Press and crimping mechanism are rental. Please contact CustomerService.I N S T R U C T I O N SPanel cut-out• For a sealed mounting, the seal gasket shall be used,making sure the surface is in good condition.• Observe the drilling hole diameters indicated below.4 holes ØGFront MountingRear MountingWiring InstructionStripping InstructionsUse the upmost care with stripping operation :• Use stripping pliers appropriate for the cable gauge and which are in perfect condition.• In order to obtain a correct crimping and to maintain all of the connector sealing characteristics, the wires must have the dimensions described below.Jacketed Cable Stripping LengthMake a 90°cut at the cable end.lcarefully make an incision in order to remove the cableprotection on a length LD as described.20I N S T R U C T I O N SSpecial case of jacketed cables1) Locate the first contact and the corresponding cavity.The wire should described a buckle as describe below.221) Position the O-ring at the bottom of the backnut.2) Run the backnut around the cable.3) Unlock the retainer plate.4) Position the grommet in the thrust ring, resting against the retainer plate.5) Insert the contacts through the grommet and the retainer plate.When the insert is partially filled with contacts, place polarization contact into selected hole location in the Grommet Thrust ringO ringHeat shrink bootShrink sleeve as follows :Grommet Backshell AssemblyCP16SW970023Ball Ø 2 inchProtection against contact with any large Ball Ø .5 inchProtection against contact with the fingers,IP 2Test fingerIP 3IP 4Protection against tools wires or similarSteel wireTotal protection against accid. or inadv.IP x 4IP x 3± 15°Protection again (out of a nozzle)from all directiotemporary floodProtection againstImpact strength : 0,225 JchIP xx 1IP xx 3IP xx 5IP xx 7IP xx 9Impact strength : 0,5 JchImpact strength : 2 JhImpact strength : 6 JchImpact strength : 20 JchEXAMPLE : IP66-5 means:- Total protection against dust- Proof against temporary flooding- Proof against impact strength of 2 JouleDegree of protection in accordance with CEI 529, DIN 40050, NF EN 60529Conversion T able• Millimeters /Inches• °C/°F(inches)CL194001。

Jabra CLIPPER耳机 说明书

Jabra CLIPPER耳机 说明书

Jabra® CLIPPER+用户手册感谢 (2)关于您的 JABRA CLIPPER (2)JABRA CLIPPER 功能 (3)入门 (4)为 JABRA CLIPPER 充电 (4)开启和关闭 JABRA CLIPPER (4)将 JABRA CLIPPER 与手机或其他设备配对 (4)佩戴方式 (5)使用方法 (6)耳机音频和视觉指示灯 (7)将 JABRA CLIPPER 与两个移动设备一起使用 (8)故障排除和常见问题解答 (8)需要更多帮助吗? (10)呵护您的耳麦 (10)术语表 (10)感谢您购买 Jabra CLIPPER 蓝牙® 无线技术立体声耳机。


关于您的 JABRA CLIPPERA 麦克风B 充电接头C LED 指示灯D 多功能按钮E 3.5 毫米耳塞插头F 增大音量向前跳进曲目/G 减小音量向后跳进曲目/H 立体声耳塞 (可更换)E G FHJABRA CLIPPER 功能使用 Jabra CLIPPER 可以通过具有蓝牙®功能的手机或音乐播放器聆听立体声音乐,同时还能确保不错过任何来电。

- 无线播放音乐- 接听手机来电或结束通话- 自动在音乐和通话之间切换- 同时连接到两个不同的蓝牙®设备(例如,PC 和手机)**特性和规格- 简约时尚的丹麦风格设计- 无线立体声音质 (A2DP)- 自动在音乐和通话之间切换- Multiuse TM多点连接—同时连接到两个不同的设备**- 来电者提醒和手机距离提醒- 音乐遥控功能 (AVRCP)*:播放、暂停、停止、跳进曲目- 可更换的噪音隔绝立体声耳塞(3.5 毫米插头)- 通话时间长达 6 小时,待机时间长达 200 小时- 额外随附两套不同尺寸的耳塞(中/大)- 蓝牙®无线技术—采用蓝牙® 2.1+ EDR & eSCO 的清晰音质- 自动配对,设置方便- 可充电电池,可选用连接至交流电源 Micro-USB(5 针)充电选件(随附)、连接至PC 的USB 数据线(未随附),或利用车载充电器(未随附)进行充电。

CLIPPER PID参数调试及判断标准

CLIPPER PID参数调试及判断标准




Ixx30 proportional gain:增大比例增益,能够提高伺服系统的刚性,使伺服系统变硬,能够增大闭环的自然频率。


Ixx31 derivative gain:微分增益类似于阻尼作用,增大微分能够减小超调,同时也使系统迟缓。

Ixx32 Kvff Velocity FF(feed forward)Gain :速度前馈增益帮助系统减小稳态误差,过大将使系统振动。


Ixx33 Ki Integral Gain:积分的作用是减小累计误差,太高的积分增益将使系统不稳定。

Ixx35 Kaff Acceleration FF(feed forward)Gain:加速度前馈增益能够在初始加速和减速的时候使跟踪路径更精确。

I7000:决定了MaxPhase clock频率,根据实际的相位时钟信号。



调试目标:本机台为X-Y Air Bearing Table,目标是使机台能够快速、精确、稳定的做轨迹运动。



克拉维斯 Flexshaper 电压映射器用户手册 V1.3说明书

克拉维斯 Flexshaper 电压映射器用户手册 V1.3说明书

Flexshaper voltage mapper CV-controlled voltage mapper and waveshaperIntroductionThe Flexshaper is a highly versatile module when it comes to modify evolving voltages in other directions and levels. Five settings allow you to fold/expand/clip/compress/invert partially or completely any CV or audio signal. The module can act as an envelope-shaping tool, frequency multiplier, waveshaper, clipper, distortion, limiter, curve changer, and more. Five CV inputs offer limitless control over the placement of the voltage points for dynamic signal sculpting.•Process from DC to full audio range•Unipolar/bipolar input mode switch•Nominal & clip level LEDs•Output signal LED•Input gain knob for nominal level setting,allows clean flat clipping when overdriven•Five manual voltage mapping potentiometers•Five CV control of the voltage mapping points•Simultaneously active unipolar and bipolar outputs•Firmware update via a simple audio file•Compact and skiff-friendly moduleInstallation and securityPurposeThis module is meant for installation in a Eurorack-compliant chassis.It adheres to Eurorack Doepfer mechanical and electrical specifications.Do not attempt using this module in other mechanical or electrical contexts.InstallationBefore the installation, disconnect the mains power supply from your modular system. Some power supplies are not safely isolated; there is a risk of injury!See in the specifications if this module requires 5V from the supply rails. If 5V is needed and your rack is not providing 5V, do not attempt connection!Check that the current consumption requirements of this module, when added to your installed set of modules do not exceed the available current from your supply. This is done by adding up the current draw of all modules (mA) separately for each of 5V, 12V and -12V rails. (1000mA = 1 amp). If any of these 3 sums exceeds the available current of your supply for that voltage, do not connect the module to your system; you need a stronger power supply.The provided supply flat cable can only be inserted in the appropriate orientation at the back of the module, so there is no risk of error on that end. However, you should pay attention to the orientation of the cable in the socket of the supply PCB inside your chassis. Cheap sockets without shrouding may allow you to plug in the connector the wrong way!The red stripe on the cable should match a stripe printed on the supply board. The stripe also indicates the -12V side. In case there is no stripe, a -12V marking is a safe indication of the orientation.Double check that the connectors are fully inserted and correctly oriented before switching on the power supply. In case of an anomaly, switch off the power supply immediately and check everything again.Firmware updateIf needed, the product can be updated by playing an audio file such as “Flexshaper_1.00.wav”. Not finding any file on Klavis web product’s page means there is no update available.Procedure•Connect a mono or stereo cable between your audio playing device headphone output and the Flexshaper input.•Prepare to play the audio file•Set the play level of your playing device at two thirds•While pressing the Bipolar button, switch on your modular case supply•The yellow LED will flash•Start playing the audio fileIf everything goes fine•The yellow LED will goes steady on•As the update is progressing, the output white LED will go brighter•When the white and green LEDs are flashing, the firmware is updated successfully •Press the button to restart the moduleIf the sound level is too low•The red, yellow and white LEDs will blink•Stop audio playback•Slightly increase the audio playback level•Press the button•Start audio playback from the beginningIf there is an error during the playback•The red and white LEDs will blinkIt is possible that the sound setting was too loud to begin with.Diminish the sound level drastically and restart the procedure.Playback error can also be due to various parasitic sound causes:•Touching the cable•Using sound-generating features of your phone or computer•Some power saving feature affects the audio playback•Surrounding noisy modules, bad electrical grounding or modular supply noiseBirth of the productThe idea of the Flexshaper comes from a feature in the Oberheim® Matrix synthesizers called Tracking Generator. This signal processor was part of the modulation matrix and meant to be virtually inserted between modulation sources and destinations in order to change the shape of the controlling signal.The Flexshaper applies the same concept using the same 5 shaping points. However, it goes beyond Oberheim’s implementation on two main aspects:•It goes fast enough to process signals at full audio rate•The 5 points are dynamically adjustable (CV) in real-timeBesides, the Flexshaper can process adequately bipolar and unipolar Eurorack signals.Concept of voltage mappingInput signal Output signal minmaxNote: actually the input and output lines shouldsuperpose exactly; they ’re here shown apart forclarity.Incoming voltages are divided in 4consecutive ranges defined by 5 points.The floor and ceiling points define theminimum and maximum voltagesprocessed. Voltages beyond those limits will be considered at the limit. Three other points are set equally between the floorand ceiling points.The knobs tell for each point’s default place where the incoming voltage shouldgo. In other words, the knob “Halfway”defines where a voltage entering athalfway will end up.When the knobs are set as shown, outgoing voltages are replicating the incoming voltages. The module does “nothing”. With such default setting, we define that what comes at the top should go at the top, and so on for each setting point. Another example helps understanding the Flexshaper’s mode of operation: If you set all five points very precisely to the same scale value (say, the 12 o’clock position), then a constant mid-voltage will result at the output no matter which voltage level is present at the input jack.Unipolar and bipolar considerationsThe Flexshaper handles unipolar (positive only) and bipolar (mixed positive and negative) signals differently. To benefit from the entire control range, it is better to select the appropriate unipolar/bipolar setting. Usually, VCOs and LFOs are bipolar while envelope generators are unipolar.Whatever the input setting, both unipolar and bipolar outputs are simultaneously available. The only differences between them are a voltage offset and the overall amplitude.Nothing forbids you from entering a bipolar signal to use it as a unipolar result and vice-versa. This might be useful for modulation signals such as a (bipolar) LFO you want to use as a positive modulation only. Bringing a bipolar signal with the input setting on unipolar will discard the negative part of the signal.Here are examples of signal processing in both input modes.Input signal Output signalInput signalOutput signalUnipolar outBipolar outModule descriptionInputBipolar button and LEDSelects the type of signal you bring to the module. When the bipolar LED is off, you are in unipolar input mode.Gain button and level LEDsTo benefit from the best dynamics it is recommended to adjust the gain knob so that the green LED goes regularly on. If you want to avoid clipping, the red LED should never go on.NOTE about clippingSince signals beyond the valid range are clipped, they could not be handled differently from those reaching the top and bottom limits of the optimal range. Everything beyond a limit is considered at the limit.However, clipping can be done purposely in order to achieve interesting wave shaping results. The Flexshaper clips the signal in a perfectly flat and clean way; this feature is useful to purposely limit or flatten a signal.Point setting knobs and CV inputsThe five setting knobs position the voltage for each level point. Default points are printed as black dots around the pots. When the pots’ cursors match the dots, the output signal is identical to the input signal (besides possible discrepancy due to bipolar<>unipolar in/out mismatch)The CV inputs add up to the manual setting of the knobs. The knobs are an offset of the CV – they do not act as attenuators!Outputs and LEDBoth outputs deliver the same signal with only the offset and gain being different. They can be used simultaneously.The bipolar output is typically used for audio signals or LFO; the unipolar output could be used for envelopes or similar positive-only signals.The output LED amplitude represents the unipolar signal. On the bipolar output, the LED off represents maximum negative voltage, half brilliance is zero volt, and full brightness corresponds to maximum voltage.Use tipsShaping vs modulating CV signals – Setting the output level Theoretically, the knob settings can modify a signal such as each setting point of the resulting signal is not only at the right place among other points, but also at the right overall level.In practice, defining the shape and out level in a single operation is difficult to do. There is a permanent interdependence between these adjustments.It is much easier to shape the signal on the Flexshaper using the full range of the pots and patch a gain control on the output signal. Otherwise, one would have to tweak most Flexshaper pots every time the resulting signal needs a gain adjustment.What input signals give the best results?Since the Flexshaper remaps the voltages, it is better to have signals that go through voltages progressively and/or present several intermediate levels –instead of being “high” and “low” as is the case with gate signals or pulse/square waves.In this view, an audio square wave or gate signal are the poorest you can bring to the Flexshaper. Given that there are only two different levels (one min and one max), all the Flexshaper can do is change the overall level, offset and possibly polarity.However, a simple audio/LFO triangle will allow creating various levelling effects given that a triangle shape goes progressively through all levels between min and max.The most interesting audio shapes to process are found in wavetable, additive synthesis, FM and other VCOs offering complex shapes. Processed or “final” sound are also interesting audio sources.For modulation signals, LFO’s sine, saw and triangle are interesting enough to be remapped; even better if they offer some waveshaping on their own. When using envelopes, non-zero attack, decay and release times as well as a sustain level away from min or max will allow more creativity. Dynamic clipping for more waveshaping – Adding a VCAWhen doing audio waveshaping, we suggest setting up a modulated VCA in front of the Flexshaper and adjust the Flexshaper gain such as to clip deliberately. This will also change the relation between the signal and the setting points which will all move at once, creating drastic changes.Adjusting a keyboard’s dynamicsThe Flexshaper is perfectly suited to modify the velocity curve of a touch-sensitive keyboard, especially if it lacks adjustable dynamic curves. If you find that your keyboard generates too strong velocity values while you are playing pianissimo, try processing the velocity CV with the Flexshaper by setting all knobs to their default settings, and then experiment with the “Mid-down” a nd “Halfway” knobs. By adjusting them to lower values, you can mimick a keybed action that responds to softer playing styles.It also works the other way round: To reduce the velocity when you hit the keys hard, turn down the “Halfway” and “Mid-up” knobs to your liking – probably it will require some trial and error to discover the suitable dynamic response.This also applies for other creative effects and playing techniques if your controller keyboard has the corresponding output jacks: You could for instance adjust the channel aftertouch or the sensitivity of the modulation wheel in order to apply extremely smooth amounts of vibrato in the lower range.ApplicationsThe examples are deliberately “academic” to help you understand the logic of the system. Any deviation from these examples and adding CV might result in more interesting results! ☺Since the Flexshaper checks the various voltage levels to remap, waves with slopes tend to offer more interesting results. This is why the examples rely on sine, sawtooth and triangle rather than square or pulse waves.Triangle to sineAltering the Ceiling and Floor settings inflectsthe min and max voltages for a rounder shape.A subtle touch of clipping finishes the roundingoff by shaving the top and bottom peaks.If you can’t look at the wave on an oscilloscopeto fine tweak the settings, you can tell that youtend to a sine wave when sounds gets softer. Frequency doubling saw to triangleAlternating the settings to min and max allalong the slope creates a pair of perfectlyshaped triangles.This processing is also useful to create a secondset of random levels behind a [sample& hold +noise] patch doing random steps.The derived signal will be in perfect timerelation but providing seemingly unrelatedlevels.Frequency doubling – triangle to triangleThe floor setting at the opposite of theincoming wave makes the doubling. The twomid knobs are put halfway to linearize theslopes around the newly created triangle.Frequency Tripling – sine/triangle to mixed waveBy mixing slopes derived from doubling and quadrupling we end up with a signal that presents 3 cycles over the time of oneincoming cycle.There are two variations with a differenttimbre. By modulating the two related CVs with inverted polarity voltages, the timbre change can be automated.Frequency quadrupling – triangle to triangleBased on the Saw doubling example, both the rising and falling slopes of the triangle will each create two waves resulting in a triangle signal at four times the incoming frequency.Half wave rectifyingBy pretending that the wave is unipolar, the bottom half will be cut off.The 5 settings will now apply to the remaining positive half of the incoming signal.On the bipolar output, the resulting signal will be balanced around zero as a typical bipolar wave.Deriving a melodyWhen fed with the V/Oct signal from a sequencer, it is possible to remap the incoming voltages to derive a second melodic line from the incoming one. If harmony needs be maintained, a melodic quantizer is required. Input and output can be used in unipolar or bipolar as needed.Doubling a decaying envelopeThis trick can be used for percussive soundswhere a single decaying envelope becomes apair of consecutive envelopes.The peak level of the two envelopes can beset independently by the Ceiling and Halfwaypots.Several variations are possible by using the 5thpot and reassigning the role of the pots 2 to5. Flats (holds) or two stepped-decay arethen possible.SpecificationsMechanicalSupplyThe supply socket is protected against reverse insertion.Input/outputAll inputs and outputs can withstand signals between -12V and +12V without harm.SignalsPacking listThe box contains:•Flexshaper module•2x M3 black mounting screws + washers•Eurorack-compliant 16-pin supply cable•Quick setup n oticeKlavis products, including PCB and metalwork, are designed and manufactured in Europe.。



PMAC(Clipper或IMAC)连接驱动器速度模式配置实例CloseD_elete Gather (把“_”删去)I7000 = 1001 ;PWM frequency 29.4kHz, PWM 1-4I7001 = 5 ;Phase Clock 9.8kHzI7002 = 3 ;Servo frequency 2.45kHzI7003 = 1746 ;ADC frequencyI10 = 3421867 ;Servo interrupt time; Velocity Loop;///////////////////////////////////////////////I101=0 ;Disable the commutationI102 = $78002 ;Command Output AddressI124=$120001 ; Enable Amp Fault, disable hardware limits;Example PID Gains for Velocity LoopI130=1500 ;P gain = defaultI131=2200 ;D gain, It can change P gain in velocity loopI132=2200 ;Same function as I131I133=3500 ;StabilityI7010 = 3 ;Closed loop, X4 CCWI7016 = 0 ;Output mode: PWMI169 = 1001 ;DAC limit 10VdcI100=1 ; Activate Motor;///////////////////////////////////////////////I201=0 ;Disable the commutationI202 = $7800A ;Command Output AddressI224=$120001 ; Enable Amp Fault, disable hardware limits;Example PID Gains for Velocity LoopI230=1500 ;P gain = defaultI231=2200 ;D gain, It can change P gain in velocity loopI232=2200 ;Same function as I131I233=3500 ;StabilityI7020 = 3 ;Closed loop, X4 CCWI7026 = 0 ;Output mode: PWMI269 = 1001 ;DAC limit 10VdcI200=1 ; Activate Motor;///////////////////////////////////////////////I301=0 ;Disable the commutationI302 = $78012 ;Command Output AddressI324=$120001 ; Enable Amp Fault, disable hardware limits ;Example PID Gains for Velocity LoopI330=1500 ;P gain = defaultI331=2200 ;D gain, It can change P gain in velocity loopI332=2200 ;Same function as I131I333=3500 ;StabilityI7030 = 3 ;Closed loop, X4 CCWI7036 = 0 ;Output mode: PWMI369 = 1001 ;DAC limit 10VdcI300=1 ; Activate Motor;///////////////////////////////////////////////I401=0 ;Disable the commutationI402 = $7801A ;Command Output AddressI424=$120001 ; Enable Amp Fault, disable hardware limits ;Example PID Gains for Velocity LoopI430=1500 ;P gain = defaultI431=2200 ;D gain, It can change P gain in velocity loopI432=2200 ;Same function as I131I433=3500 ;StabilityI7040 = 3 ;Closed loop, X4 CCWI7046 = 0 ;Output mode: PWMI469 = 1001 ;DAC limit 10VdcI400=1 ; Activate Motor;///////////////////////////////////////////////#1hmz #2hmz #3hmz #4hmzopen plc2 clearcmd"#1j/"cmd"#2j/"cmd"#3j/"cmd"#4j/"displc2close&1#1->1000X ;定义电机1为X轴#2->1000Y ;定义电机2为Y轴#3->1000X ;定义电机3为X轴#4->1000Y ;定义电机4为Y轴OPEN PROG 2 CLEAR RAPID X-10 Y0DWE1000ABSCIRCLE1F100N 100X-10 Y0 I10 J0GOTO 100CLOSEI5113=10此例子展示如何使用PLC程序操作PMAC的通用I/O;程序开始时把变量M1~M14映射到对应的机器I/O的地址;实际应用中用户只需选择对应的PMAC卡并下载缺省的M变量映射既可以,不需要这样一个一个定义M变量。

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用 户 手 册CCNCS-8400Clipper集成控制器西安市西工大高商科技有限公司Xi’an GoldSun Scientek Limited Co.(NWPU)一、引言Clipper集成控制器如下1图所示,外形尺寸为350mm⨯104mm⨯160mm。

从正面看有8个15针的“D”型插头,上面分别标有#1 Axis~#8 Axis,是8个轴控制接口。



右端有4个插头,分别标有USER、LAN、EX I/O、MPG⨯2。


图1 Clipper集成控制器外形示意图二、安装Clipper集成控制器的底部有一安装板,如图2所示。



图2 Clipper 集成控制器的安装尺寸三、轴控制接口轴控制接口是15芯的D 型孔插头,每个插头的定义是相同的,在插头的上方有插头标号#1 Axis ~ #8 Axis 对应Clipper 卡的#1~#8轴。

对于4轴的控制系统,与伺服的连接必须通过#1 Axis ~ #4 Axis 插头,#5 Axis ~ #8 Axis 插头是不连线的。

该插头的引脚分布和定义如下表所示,其中的“*”代表轴号1~8;+5V 是由系统中输出的电源,可给编码器供电。


1~6号针用于接编码器的反馈信号,编码器可以是线驱动输出型(A、A/、B、B/、Z、Z/),也可以是三信号型(A、B、Z),后者1、3、5针不接线;轴控制接口#1 Axis ~ #8 Axis(15孔插头)针脚号 符 号 功 能 功 能 描 述1 CHC*/ INPUT 编码器Z 信号负2 CHC* INPUT 编码器Z 信号正3 CHB*/ INPUT 编码器B 信号负4 CHB* INPUT 编码器B 信号正5 CHA*/ INPUT 编码器A 信号负6 CHA* INPUT 编码器A 信号正7 GND COMMON地编码器电源8 +5V OUTPUT9 DAC*/PUL* OUTPUT 模拟输出正, ±10V/脉冲10 D&G*/DIR* OUTPUT 模拟量非,AGND/方向11 SRDY* INPUT 放大器故障,低有效12 HOME* INPUT 参考点标记13 PLIM* INPUT 正极限,常闭有效14 NLIM* INPUT 负极限,常闭有效使能,低有效15 SVON* OUTPUT9号和10号是输出给伺服的指令信号,它有两种形式(需在订货时说明):模拟量或脉冲。


单端输出,9号针(DAC)输出模拟量0 10V,10号针是模拟地(AGND)。



图3 输出脉冲和方向信号的波形11针如果与+24V光隔离电源的0V(COM-)接通,系统可以感知到有信号输入,表示伺服系统有故障。






15针信号是一个输出信号,为伺服使能信号(SVON),该信号有效时与+24V 光隔离电源的0V(COM-)接通。









输入源型接线: 输入漏型接线:图4 输入信号的接线NPN型输出接线: PNP型输出接线:图5 输出信号的接线DI1(10针接线插头)针脚号符号功能描述注释端口A的位01 AI0INPUT端口A的位12 AI1INPUT端口A的位2INPUT3 AI2INPUT端口A的位34 AI3INPUT端口A的位45 AI4端口A的位5INPUT6 AI5端口A的位67 AI6INPUTINPUT端口A的位78 AI7公共端接电源正端或负端参考接线图9 COM10 COM 公共端接电源正端或负端参考接线图10 1DI2(10针接线插头)针脚号符号功能描述注释端口A的位81 AI8INPUT端口A的位92 AI9INPUT端口A的位10INPUT3 AI10INPUT端口A的位114 AI11INPUT端口A的位125 AI12端口A的位13INPUT6 AI13端口A的位147 AI14INPUTINPUT端口A的位158 AI15公共端接电源正端或负端参考接线图9 COM10 COM 公共端接电源正端或负端参考接线图DI3(10针接线插头)针脚号符号功能描述注释端口A的位161 AI16INPUT端口A的位172 AI17INPUT端口A的位18INPUT3 AI18INPUT端口A的位194 AI19INPUT端口A的位205 AI20端口A的位21INPUT6 AI21端口A的位227 AI22INPUTINPUT端口A的位238 AI23公共端接电源正端或负端参考接线图9 COM10 COM 公共端接电源正端或负端参考接线图10 1DI4(10针接线插头)针脚号符号功能描述注释端口A的位241 AI24INPUT端口A的位252 AI25INPUT端口A的位26INPUT3 AI125INPUT端口A的位274 AI127INPUT端口A的位285 AI128端口A的位29INPUT6 AI129端口A的位307 AI130INPUTINPUT端口A的位318 AI131公共端接电源正端或负端参考接线图9 COM10 COM 公共端接电源正端或负端参考接线图DO1(10针接线插头)针脚号符号功能描述注释端口B的位01 BO0OUTPUT端口B的位1OUTPUT2 BO1OUTPUT端口B的位23 BO2端口B的位3OUTPUT4 BO3端口B的位45 BO4OUTPUT端口B的位5OUTPUT6 BO5OUTPUT端口B的位67 BO6OUTPUT端口B的位78 BO7公共端0V 0V DC参考接线图9 COM-电源正端+12V~+24V DC参考接线图10 COM+1 10DO2(10针接线插头)针脚号符号功能描述注释端口B的位81 BO8OUTPUT端口B的位9OUTPUT2 BO9OUTPUT端口B的位103 BO10端口B的位11OUTPUT4 BO11端口B的位125 BO12OUTPUT端口B的位13OUTPUT6 BO13OUTPUT端口B的位147 BO14OUTPUT端口B的位158 BO15公共端0V 0V DC参考接线图9 COM-电源正端+12V~+24V DC参考接线图10 COM+DO3(10针接线插头)针脚号符号功能描述注释端口B的位161 BO16OUTPUT端口B的位17OUTPUT2 BO17OUTPUT端口B的位183 BO18端口B的位19OUTPUT4 BO19端口B的位205 BO20OUTPUT端口B的位21OUTPUT6 BO21OUTPUT端口B的位227 BO22OUTPUT端口B的位238 BO23公共端0V 0V DC参考接线图9 COM-电源正端+12V~+24V DC参考接线图10 COM+1 10DO4(10针接线插头)针脚号符号功能描述注释端口B的位241 BO24OUTPUT端口B的位25OUTPUT2 BO25OUTPUT端口B的位263 BO26端口B的位27OUTPUT4 BO27端口B的位285 BO28OUTPUT端口B的位29OUTPUT6 BO29OUTPUT端口B的位307 BO30OUTPUT端口B的位318 BO31公共端0V 0V DC参考接线图9 COM-电源正端+12V~+24V DC参考接线图10 COM+五、USER接口标有USER的15芯D形插头在出厂时只连接了#1轴到#4轴的USER信号和EQU信号,以及两路模拟量输入信号(Clipper卡订货时要增加op.12选项)。


也可以根据用户的需要连接其他轴的USER、EQU 等信号。

USER (15芯插头)针脚号符号功能功能描述1 USER1 INPUT 用户标志位输入12 USER2 INPUT 用户标志位输入23 USER3 INPUT 用户标志位输入34 USER4 INPUT 用户标志位输入45 GND COMMON地编码器比较相同输出16 EQU1 OUTPUT编码器比较相同输出27 EQU2 OUTPUT编码器比较相同输出38 EQU3 OUTPUT编码器比较相同输出49 EQU4 OUTPUT地10 GND COMMON11 ADCIN_1 INPUT 模拟量输入112 ADCIN_2 INPUT 模拟量输入213 N.C.14 N.C.15 N.C.对于连接触摸屏使用的用户,USER插头为一9芯的D型针插头,它是标准的RS-232接口,其定义见下表。
