浙江省金华市第四中学九年级英语上册《Module 9 Unit
浙江省金华四中学2024-2025学年数学九年级第一学期开学质量检测试题题号一二三四五总分得分批阅人A卷(100分)一、选择题(本大题共8个小题,每小题4分,共32分,每小题均有四个选项,其中只有一项符合题目要求)1、(4分)以下列各组数为三角形的边长,能构成直角三角形的是( )A.1,2,3B.1,1C.2,4,5D.6,7,82、(4分)下列图形中,不是中心对称图形的是( )A.B.C.D.3、(4分)如图,直线与轴,轴分别交于点,,以为底边在轴右侧作等腰,将沿轴折叠,使点恰好落在直线上,则点的坐标为()A.B.C.D.4、(4分)如图,平行四边形ABCD的对角线AC、BD相较于点O,EF过点O,且与AD、BC分别相交于E、F,若AB=4,BC=5,OE=1.5,则四边形EFCD的周长是()A.16B.14C.12D.10 5、(4分)有意义,则一次函数的图象可能是A.B.C.D.6、(4分)将一张平行四边形的纸片折一次,使得折痕平分这个平行四边形的面积.则这样的折纸方法共有()A.2种B.4种C.6种D.无数种7、(4分)下面四个手机的应用图标中,是中心对称图形的是()A.B.C.D.8、(4分)顺次连接对角线相等的四边形的各边中点,所形成的四边形是A.平行四边形B.菱形C.矩形D.正方形二、填空题(本大题共5个小题,每小题4分,共20分)9、(4分)已知正方形的一条对角线长为cm,则该正方形的边长为__________cm.10、(4分)设x1,x2是一元二次方程x2﹣x﹣1=0的两根,则x1+x2+x1x2=_____.11、(4分)请你写出一个有一根为0的一元二次方程:______.11k+-11y k x k=-++()()12、(4分)若一次函数的图象如图所示,点在函数图象上,则关于x 的不等式kx+b≤4的解集是________.13、(4分)如图平行四边形ABCD中,AE⊥BC 于E,AF ⊥CD于F ,∠B =50°时,∠EAF 的度数是______°.三、解答题(本大题共5个小题,共48分)14、(12分)已知是不等式的一个负整数解,请求出代数式的值.15、(8分)如图,在四边形中,,,点,分别是边,的中点,且.求证:四边形是平行四边形.16、(8分)如图,在▱ABCD 中,E 是对角线BD 上的一点,过点C 作CF ∥DB ,且CF =DE ,连接AE ,BF ,EF(0)y kx b k =+≠()3,4P m ()()253312m m m +≥--22619m m m --+-223m m +÷+(1)求证:△ADE≌△BCF;(2)若∠ABE+∠BFC=180°,则四边形ABFE是什么特殊四边形?说明理由.17、(10分)某学校组织了“热爱宪法,捍卫宪法”的知识竞赛,赛后发现所有学生的成绩(总分100分)均不低于50分,为了解本次竞赛的成绩分布情况,随机抽取若干名学生的成绩作为样本进行整理,并绘制了不完整的统计图表,请你根据统计图表解答下列问题.学校若干名学生成绩分布统计表分数段(成绩为x分)频数频率50≤x<60160.08 60≤x<70a0.31 70≤x<80720.36 80≤x<90c d 90≤x≤10012b(1)此次抽样调查的样本容量是 ;(2)写出表中的a= ,b= ,c= ;(3)补全学生成绩分布直方图;(4)比赛按照分数由高到低共设置一、二、三等奖,若有25%的参赛学生能获得一等奖,则一等奖的分数线是多少?18、(10分)小东拿着一根长竹竿进一个宽为5米的矩形城门,他先横着拿但进不去;又竖起来拿,结果竹竿比城门还高1米,当他把竹竿左右斜着拿时,两端刚好顶着城门的对角,问竹竿长多少米?B 卷(50分)一、填空题(本大题共5个小题,每小题4分,共20分)19、(4分)若实数x ,y(y)2=0,则y x 的值为________.20、(4分)如图,在△ABC 中,D ,E ,F ,分别时AB ,BC ,AC ,的中点,若平移△ADF 平移,则图中能与它重合的三角形是 .(写出一个即可)21、(4分)将边长分别为2、3、5的三个正方形按图所示的方式排列,则图中阴影部分的面积为 .22、(4分)化简:_________.23、(4分)已知y=x m-2+3是一次函数,则m=________ .二、解答题(本大题共3个小题,共30分)24、(8分)以四边形ABCD 的边AB 、AD 为边分别向外侧作等边三角形ABF 和ADE ,连321025xy x y =接EB 、FD ,交点为G .(1)当四边形ABCD 为正方形时(如图1),EB 和FD 的数量关系是 ;(2)当四边形ABCD 为矩形时(如图2),EB 和FD 具有怎样的数量关系?请加以证明;(3)四边形ABCD 由正方形到矩形到一般平行四边形的变化过程中,∠EGD 是否发生变化?如果改变,请说明理由;如果不变,请在图3中求出∠EGD 的度数.25、(10分)如图,已知分别是△的边上的点,若,,.(1)请说明:△∽△;(2)若,求的长.26、(12分)计算:(1)(﹣)+(+1)1.(1)(﹣)÷D E 、ABC AC AB 、55A ∠=︒85C ∠=︒40ADE ∠=︒ADE ABC 8,6,10AD AE BE ===AC参考答案与详细解析一、选择题(本大题共8个小题,每小题4分,共32分,每小题均有四个选项,其中只有一项符合题目要求)1、B【解析】由勾股定理的逆定理,只要验证两小边的平方和等于最长边的平方即可.【详解】A、12+22≠32,故不是直角三角形,故此选项错误;B、12+12=)2,故是直角三角形,故此选项正确;C、22+42≠52,故不是直角三角形,故此选项错误;D、62+72≠82,故不是直角三角形,故此选项错误.故选B.本题考查勾股定理的逆定理的应用.判断三角形是否为直角三角形,已知三角形三边的长,只要利用勾股定理的逆定理加以判断即可.2、B【解析】解:A、是中心对称图形,故本选项错误;B、不是中心对称图形,故本选项正确;C、是中心对称图形,故本选项错误;D、是中心对称图形,故本选项错误;故选B.3、A【解析】由直线y=2x+4与y轴交于点B,可得OB=4,再根据△OBC是以OB为底的等腰三角形,可得点C的纵坐标为2,依据△OBC沿y轴折叠,使点C恰好落在直线AB上,即可得到点C的横坐标为1.【详解】解:∵直线y=2x+4与y轴交于点B,∴B(0,4),∴OB=4,又∵△OBC 是以OB 为底的等腰三角形,∴点C 的纵坐标为2,∵△OBC 沿y 轴折叠,使点C 恰好落在直线AB 上,∴当y=2时,2=2x+4,解得x=-1,∴点C 的横坐标为1,∴点C 的坐标为(1,2),故选:A .本题考查了等腰三角形的性质、翻折变换的性质、一次函数的性质;熟练掌握翻折变换和等腰三角形的性质是解决问题的关键.4、C 【解析】根据平行四边形的对边相等得:CD=AB=4,AD=BC=5,再根据平行四边形的性质和对顶角相等可以证明△AOE ≌△COF ,从而求出四边形EFCD 的周长即可.【详解】∵四边形ABCD 是平行四边形,∴CD=AB=4,AD=BC=5,OA=OC,AD ∥BC ,∴∠EAO=∠FCO ,∠AOE=∠COF ,在△AOE 和△COF 中,∴△AOE ≌△COF(ASA),∴OF=OE=1.5,CF=AE ,故四边形EFCD 的周长为CD+EF+ED+FC=CD+EF+AE+ED=CD+AD+EF=4+5+1.5×2=12,故选C.根据平行四边形的性质证明三角形全等,再根据全等三角形的性质将所求的线段转化为已知的线段是解题的关键.A C E F EAO FCO O O AO CO ∠=∠⎧⎪=⎨⎪∠=∠⎩,【解析】根据二次根式有意义的条件和分式有意义的条件得到k-1>0,解k>1,则1-k<0,然后根据一次函数与系数的关系可判断一次函数的位置,从而可对各选项进行判断.【详解】解:根据题意得k-1>0,解k>1,因为k-1>0,1+k>0,所以一次函数图象在一、二、三象限.故选:A.本题考查一次函数与系数的关系:对于y=kx+b,当b>0时,(0,b)在y轴的正半轴上,直线与y轴交于正半轴;当b<0时,(0,b)在y轴的负半轴,直线与y轴交于负半轴.当k>0,b>0⇔y=kx+b的图象在一、二、三象限;k>0,b<0⇔y=kx+b的图象在一、三、四象限;k<0,b>0⇔y=kx+b的图象在一、二、四象限;k<0,b<0⇔y=kx+b的图象在二、三、四象限.6、D【解析】平行四边形的两条对角线交于一点,这个点是平行四边形的对称中心,也是两条对角线的中点,经过中心的任意一条直线可将平行四边形分成完全重合的两个图形.【详解】∵平行四边形是中心对称图形,任意一条过平行四边形对角线交点的直线都平分平行四边形的面积,∴这样的折纸方法共有无数种.故选D.本题主要考查平行四边形的性质,掌握平行四边形是中心对称图形,是解题的关键.7、D【解析】根据中心对称图形的定义即可求解.【详解】由图可知D为中心对称图形,故选D.此题主要考查中心对称图形的定义,解题的关键是熟知中心对称图形的特点.8、B 【解析】菱形,理由为:利用三角形中位线定理得到EF 与HG 平行且相等,得到四边形EFGH 为平行四边形,再由EH =EF ,利用邻边相等的平行四边形是菱形即可得证.【详解】解:菱形,理由为:如图所示,∵E ,F 分别为AB ,BC 的中点,∴EF 为△ABC 的中位线,∴EF ∥AC ,EF=AC ,同理HG ∥AC ,HG=AC ,∴EF ∥HG ,且EF=HG ,∴四边形EFGH 为平行四边形,∵EH=BD ,AC=BD ,∴EF=EH ,则四边形EFGH 为菱形,故选B .此题考查了中点四边形,平行四边形的判定,菱形的判定,熟练掌握三角形中位线定理是解本题的关键.二、填空题(本大题共5个小题,每小题4分,共20分)9、【解析】根据正方形性质可知:正方形的一条角平分线即为对角线,对角线和正方形的两条相邻的边1212122构成等腰直角三角形,根据勾股定理可得正方形的周长.【详解】解:∵正方形的对角线长为,设正方形的边长为x,∴)²解得:x=2∴正方形的边长为:2故答案为2.本题考查了正方形的性质,解题的关键是明确正方形的对角线和正方形的两条相邻的边构成等腰直角三角形.10、1【解析】根据根与系数的关系得到x 1+x 2=1,x 1×x 2=﹣1,然后利用整体思想进行计算.【详解】解:∵x 1、x 2是方程x 2﹣x ﹣1=1的两根,∴x 1+x 2=1,x 1×x 2=﹣1,∴x 1+x 2+x 1x 2=1﹣1=1.故答案为:1.此题考查根与系数的关系,解题关键在于得到x 1+x 2=1,x 1×x 2=﹣1.11、【解析】根据一元二次方程定义,只要是一元二次方程,且有一根为0即可.【详解】可以是,=0等.故答案为:本题考核知识点:一元二次方程的根. 解题关键点:理解一元二次方程的意义.12、x≤1240x x -=240x x -=22x x -240x x -=根据函数图象确定其解集.【详解】点P (1,4)在一次函数y=kx+b (k≠0)的图象上,则当 kx+b≤4时,y≤4,故关于x 的不等式kx+b≤4的解集为点P 及其左侧部分图象对应的横坐标的集合,∵P 的横坐标为1,∴不等式kx+b≤4的解集为:x≤1.故答案为:x≤1.考查了一次函数与一元一次不等式的关系,解决此类试题时注意:一次函数与一元一次不等式的关系,从函数的角度看,就是寻求使一次函数y=kx+b 的值大于(或小于)0的自变量x 的取值范围;从函数图象的角度看,就是确定直线y=kx+b 在x 轴上(或下)方部分所有的点的横坐标所构成的集合.13、1【解析】先根据平行四边形的性质,求得∠C 的度数,再根据四边形内角和,求得∠EAF 的度数.【详解】解:∵平行四边形ABCD 中,∠B=1°,∴∠C=130°,又∵AE ⊥BC 于E ,AF ⊥CD 于F ,∴四边形AECF 中,∠EAF=360°-180°-130°=1°,故答案为:1.本题主要考查了平行四边形的性质,解题时注意:平行四边形的邻角互补,四边形的内角和等于360°.三、解答题(本大题共5个小题,共48分)14、,原式【解析】先根据分式的运算法则进行化简,再求出不等式的负整数解,最后代入求出即可.21m m +4=-∵求解不等式,解得又当,时分式无意义 ∴∴原式本题考查了分式的化简求值,解一元一次不等式,不等式的整数解等知识点,能求出符合题意的m 值是解此题的关键.15、见解析.【解析】首先根据平行线的性质可得∠DBC=∠BDA=90°,再根据直角三角形的性质可得DE=AB ,BF=DC ,然后可得AB=CD ,再证明Rt △ADB ≌Rt △CBD 可得AD=BC ,然后即可得到结论成立.【详解】证明:∵,,∴,∵在中,是的中点,∴,22622193m m m m m -+-+÷-+()()()()23313321m m m m m m -+=-+⋅+-+21111111m m m m m -=-+=++++21m m =+()()253312m m m +≥--3m ≥-1m =-3m =-2m =-4=-同理:,∵,∴,在和中,∴,∴.∴四边形是平行四边形.此题主要考查了平行四边形的判定,全等三角形的判定与性质,关键是找出证明Rt △ADB ≌Rt △CBD 的条件.16、(1)证明见解析;(2)四边形ABFE 是菱形【解析】(1)根据平行四边形的性质和全等三角形的判定证明即可;(2)根据平行四边形的性质和全等三角形的判定以及菱形的判定解答即可.【详解】证明:(1)∵四边形ABCD 是平行四边形,∴AD =BC ,AD ∥BC,∴∠ADB =∠DBC .∵CF ∥DB ,∴∠BCF =∠DBC ,∴∠ADB =∠BCF 在△ADE 与△BCF 中 ∴△ADE ≌△BCF (SAS ).(2)四边形ABFE 是菱形理由:∵CF ∥DB ,且CF =DE ,∴四边形CFED 是平行四边形,∴CD =EF ,CD ∥EF .∵四边形ABCD 是平行四边形,∴AB =CD ,AB ∥CD ,∴AB =EF ,AB ∥EF ,∴四边形ABFE 是平行四边形.DE CFADE CBF AD BC⎧⎪∠∠⎨⎪⎩==,=∵∠AED+∠AEB=180°,∴∠ABE=∠AEB,∴AB=AE,∴四边形ABFE是菱形.本题考查平行四边形的性质,关键是根据平行四边形的性质和全等三角形的判定以及菱形的判定解答.17、(1)200;(2)62,0.06,38;(3)a=62,c=38,图见解析;(4)1.【解析】(1)根据50≤x<60的人数及占比即可求出此次抽样调查的样本容量;(2)根据抽样调查的样本容量即可求出a,b,c的值;(3)根据所求即可补全统计图;(4)求出1≤x<90和90≤x≤100的频率和为0.25,即可得到一等奖的分数线.【详解】解:(1)16÷0.08=200,故答案为:200;(2)a=200×0.31=62,b=12÷200=0.06,c=200﹣16﹣62﹣72﹣12=38,故答案为:62,0.06,38;(3)由(2)知a=62,c=38,补全的条形统计图如右图所示;(4)d=38÷200=0.19,∵b=0.06,0.06+0.19=0.25=25%,∴一等奖的分数线是1.此题主要考查统计调查,解题的关键是根据题意求出抽样调查的样本容量.18、12米【解析】可设竹竿长为x ,再根据竹竿比城门高1米,竹竿左右斜着拿时,两端刚好顶着城门的对角,利用勾股定理可得结果.【详解】解:设竹竿长x 米,x 2=(x -1)2+52;,解得x =12,答:竹竿长为12米.本题考查勾股定理的应用,学生需要掌握勾股定理的定义即可求解.一、填空题(本大题共5个小题,每小题4分,共20分)19、3【解析】根据非负数的性质列出方程求出x 、y 的值,代入所求代数式计算即可.解答【详解】根据题意得:解得: 则y x =() =3故答案为:3此题考查非负数的性质,掌握运算法则是解题关键20、△DBE (或△FEC ).【解析】△DBE 形状和大小没有变化,属于平移得到;△DEF 方向发生了变化,不属于平移得到;△FEC 形状和大小没有变化,属于平移得到.所以图中能与它重合的三角形是△DBE (或△FEC ).故答案为:△DBE (或△FEC ).21、【解析】200x y -=⎧⎪⎨=⎪⎩2x y =⎧⎪⎨=⎪⎩2154因为阴影部分的面积=S 正方形BCQW ﹣S 梯形VBCF ,根据已知求得梯形的面积即不难求得阴影部分的面积了.解:∵VB ∥ED,三个正方形的边长分别为2、3、5,∴VB :DE=AB :AD ,即VB :5=2:(2+3+5)=1:5,∴VB=1,∵CF ∥ED ,∴CF :DE=AC :AD ,即CF :5=5:10∴CF=2.5,∵S 梯形VBFC =(BV+CF )•BC=,∴阴影部分的面积=S 正方形BCQW ﹣S 梯形VBCF =.故答案为.22、【解析】分子分母同时约去公因式5xy 即可.【详解】解:.故答案为.此题主要考查了分式的约分,关键是找出分子分母的公因式.23、3【解析】12214154154225x y 321025xy x y 225x y 225x y一次函数自变量的最高次方为1,据此列式即可求出m.【详解】由题意得:m-2=1, ∴m=3, 故答案为3.此题主要考查一次函数的定义,解题的关键是熟知一次函数的特点.二、解答题(本大题共3个小题,共30分)24、(1)EB=FD ,(2)EB=FD ,证明见解析;(3)不变,等于60°.【解析】(1)EB=FD ,利用正方形的性质、等边三角形的性质和全等三角形的证明方法可证明△AFD ≌△ABE ,由全等三角形的性质即可得到EB=FD ;(2)当四边形ABCD 为矩形时,EB 和FD 仍旧相等,证明的思路同(1);(3)四边形ABCD 由正方形到矩形到一般平行四边形的变化过程中,∠EGD 不发生变化,是一定值,为60°.【详解】解:(1)EB=FD ,理由如下:∵四边形ABCD 为正方形,∴AB=AD ,∵以四边形ABCD 的边AB 、AD 为边分别向外侧作等边三角形ABF 和ADE ,∴AF=AE ,∠FAB=∠EAD=60°,∵∠FAD=∠BAD+∠FAB=90°+60°=150°,∠BAE=∠BAD+∠EAD=90°+60°=150°,∴∠FAD=∠BAE ,在△AFD 和△ABE 中,,∴△AFD ≌△ABE ,∴EB=FD ;(2)EB=FD .证:∵△AFB 为等边三角形∴AF=AB ,∠FAB=60°∵△ADE 为等边三角形,∴AD=AE ,∠EAD=60°∴∠FAB+∠BAD=∠EAD+∠BAD ,即∠FAD=∠BAE ∴△FAD ≌△BAE ∴EB=FD ;(3)解:同(2)易证:△FAD ≌△BAE ,AF AE FAD BAE AD AB =⎧⎪∠=∠⎨⎪=⎩∴∠AEB=∠ADF ,设∠AEB 为x°,则∠ADF 也为x°于是有∠BED 为(60﹣x )°,∠EDF 为(60+x )°,∴∠EGD=180°﹣∠BED ﹣∠EDF =180°﹣(60﹣x )°﹣(60+x )°=60°.25、(1)证明见解析(2)12【解析】(1)根据∠A ,∠C 利用三角形内角和定理求得∠B=60°,再根据∠A 是公共角即可求证△ADE ∽△ABC ;(2)根据△ADE ∽△ABC ,利用相似三角形对应边成比例,将已知条件代入即可得出答案.【详解】(1)在中, △ADE ∽△ABC (2)△ADE ∽△ABC, 26、(1);(1)2.【解析】(1)根据二次根式的混合运算顺序和运算法则计算可得;(1)根据二次根式的混合运算顺序和运算法则计算可得.【详解】(1)原式=;(1)原式==5﹣1=2.本题主要考查二次根式混合运算,解题的关键是熟练掌握二次根式的混合运算顺序和运算法ABC ∆55,85,40A C B ︒︒∠=∠=∴∠=︒ 60,,B ADE A A ︒∠=∠=∠=∠∴ AD AE AB AC ∴=866,10,16,16AE BE AB AC ==∴=∴= 12AC ∴=则.第21页,共21页。
浙江省金华市第四中学九年级英语上册《Module 9 Unit 2 There are severa
There are several fan club s in China which have held birthdayparties for Tintin.一、学习目标:1. 知识目标:能正确使用Module 9 中的单词和短语。
2. 能力目标:能够掌握咨询和提供信息的方式;能够谈论卡通人物。
3. 情感目标:通过了解对话中托尼所遇到的困难,培养体谅,关爱他人的态度。
二、重点、难点:重点:1. 应用本模块交际用语,如:But it’s no laughing matter. in deep trouble 等。
2. 掌握下列短语have a word with , win the heart of , ever since 的用法;3. 能掌握引导词可以省略的定语从句。
难点:1. have sb. do sth.和 have sth. done,have a word with 与have words with的区别;2. ordinary, normal,usual和common的辨析;3. 引导词可以省略的定语从句。
教学过程:Warming up:1.Guess the cartoon character 超链接引出生单词,各种动物2.Let’s talk Who’s your favourite cartoon hero? Why?Lead in :1.The main idea of the passage:Not all popular cartoons are recent, some have been popular for many yearsCartoonhero Country Recent/old Age FeatureNemo America Recent / A cute orange-and-white fish Shrek /Monkey king 45Tintin 79 A reporter with red hairand a small dogSnoopy 583.Read Paragraph 1, then true or false1,Nemo and Shrek have won the hearts of young people.2.We can not always see the heroes of popular cartoons now.4.Read Paragraph 2, then fill in the blanks.The c artoon _____ Havoc in Heaven tells a story of a ______ who ____ a group of monkeys _______ the rule of the Emperor in ______. He _____ in to a ______ _____ and eats as _____ as he likes. He ______ __ _____ in heaven. But it is above all the ______ ______ by the monkey that people ________.“Havoc in heaven” has ______a ________expression ____ by a parent or a _____when they see a ______.5.Read Paragraph 3, finish the information form about Tintin.Information about TintinCartoonistNationality (国籍)of the cartoonistWhen was it invented?When was it published in China?6.Read Paragraphs 4 & 5 carefully, and find:1. Charles Schultz who created Snoopy thinks that:A. Cartoons are only for children.B. Cartoons are not only for children, but also for experienced adults.C. Somebody doesn’t understand cartoons.2.“…who lives in his own private dream world …”Is this likely to be a dream world which ever yone knows about,or only Snoopy?7.拓展Let’s read:Batman and Spiderman are two of the most famous American cartoons. Batman is older than Spiderman. The first cartoon appeared in 1939. Batman is one of the few cartoon heroes who have appeared in books since 1940. Spiderman was created a little more recently. Spiderman first appeared in comic books in 1962. In 1977, he appeared in daily newspaper. The Spiderman Cartoon has been seen in over 500 different newspapers around the world. Both of them have been made into television programmes and films, which helped to popularise them more widely, especially among children. Many try to imitate them.But the main thing they should learn from Batman and Spiderman is to do good things for people, an d to helpthose Who are unhappy or in trouble.• 1.What is the title of the passage?• 2.what does the word “imitate” mean?()• A. 限制 B. 模仿 C.击打 D.与…交朋友• 3.what should we learn from batman and Spiderman?8.Homework1.Talk about one of the cartoon heroes which win the heart of you in the text, and explain why. (for level B students)2.Talk about one of the cartoon heroes which win the heart of you, and explain why. (for level A students)There are several fan clubs in China which have held birthday parties for Tintin.Cartoonhero Country Recent/old Age FeatureNemo America Recent / A cute orange-and-white fish Shrek /Monkey king 45Tintin 79 A reporter with red hairand a small dogSnoopy 58Exercise2:Read Paragraph 1, then true or false1,Nemo and Shrek have won the hearts of young people.2.We can not always see the heroes of popular cartoons now.Read Paragraph 2, then fill in the blanks.The cartoon _____ Havoc in Heaven tells a story of a ______ who ____ a group of monkeys _______ the rule of the Emperor in ______. He _____ into a ______ _____ and eats as _____ as he likes. He ______ __ _____ in heaven. But it is above all the ______ ______ by the monkey that people ________.“Havoc in heaven” has ______ a ________expression ____ by a parent or a _____when they see a ______.Information about TintinCartoonistNationality (国籍)of the cartoonistWhen was it invented?When was it published in China?Read Paragraphs 4 & 5 carefully, and find:1. Charles Schultz who created Snoopy thinks that:A. Cartoons are only for children.B. Cartoons are not only for children, but also for experienced adults.C. Somebody doesn’t understand cartoons.2.“…who lives in his own private dream world …”Is this likely to be a dream world which everyone knows about,or only Snoopy?Exercise3:Let’s read:Batman and Spiderman are two of the most famous American cartoons. Batman is older than Spiderman. The first cartoon appeared in 1939. Batman is one of the few cartoon heroes who hav e appeared in books since 1940. Spiderman was created a little more recently. Spiderman first appeared in comic books in 1962. In 1977, he appeared in daily newspaper. The Spiderman Cartoon has been seen in over 500 different newspapersaround the world. Both o f them have been made into television programmes and films, which helped to popularise them more widely, especially among children. Many try to imitate them.But the main thing they should learn from Batman and Spiderman is to do good things for people, and to helpthose Who are unhappy or in trouble.• 1.What is the title of the passage?• 2.what does the word “imitate” mean?()• A. 限制 B. 模仿 C.击打 D.与…交朋友• 3.what should we learn from batman and Spiderman?M9U2课外训练题一,Join the sentences with which, that or who, if necessary.1.Tintin is a boy reporter. He has lots of adventures all aroun d the wor d. Tintin is a boy reporter ——————————————————2. The writer is David . He has written many wonderful characters.3. Mr Black did a lot of study. The study can be found in his drawings.4. The cartoon is called Havoc in heaven. It tells the story of a monkey.选择题:1,The Monkey King is cartoon character which__________a) Causes problem in heaven b) has travelled to the moon2. Shrek is a monster who ______________.a) falls in love with a beautiful girl. b) was born from stone3. Nemo is the name of a ___________.a) fish which is caught by a man b) big , fat cat which is very lazy4. Snoopy is a lovable dog which was created by __________.a) Tintin b) charles schult。
外研版九年级英语上册课件 Module9 Unit1 (4)
other classes,/even people living in other
2. You must promise/that you’ll take good
care of it.
Talk about the advantages of these inventions.
other classes,/even people living in other
2. You must promise/that you’ll take good
care of it.
Listen again and repeat.
1. They’ll be put up on the school website./
Tony’s mother bought it. It’s a birthday gift for his father.
3 Now read the summary of the
conversation. Underline the wrong information and correct it.
4 Find the sentences in the conversation
which mean:
1. Changing the subject, can I get the camera? Anyway, about the camera …?
2. It is not a problem. I will use another memory card. OK. That can be fixed. I’ve got an empty memory card.
( A )2. (2018·武威中考)Never put off ________ tomorrow what you can do today. A. until B. before C. when D. as ( B )3. (2018·宿迁中考)The manager of the hotel was waiting at the gate ________the guests arrived. A. while B. when C. unless D. after
that既可以用于指人, 也可以用于指物。在 that 从句中作主语或宾语, 作主语时不可省略, 作
which用于指物, 在句中 作主语或宾语, 作主语 不可省略, 作宾语可省 略
用于指人, who用作主 语, whom用作宾语
3. 关系代词只用that的情况 (1)先行词被序数词或形容词最高级所修饰或本身是序 数词、基数词、形容词最高级时。 *This is the second book that I have ever written. 这是我写的第二本书。
【语法强化·练] 单项选择 ( C )1. (2018·遂宁中考)We believe that success always belongs to the people _________never say 〞give up”.
世纪金榜导学号 A. whom B. what C. who D. which
让步状语从句 though/although, even if/though, however
方式状语从句 as, as if/as though
比较状语从句 as, as. . . as. . . , not so. . . as. . . , than
浙江省金华市第四中学七年级英语上册 Unit 9 My favorite subject is
2.- will you have the party ? -At 3:00.
3.- are my books ? -They’re on the sofa.
4.- is the class? -On Monday and Wednesday.
( )1.- do you have math? -On Monday. A. When B. Where C. What D.How
( )2.- helps you learn English? -Miss Evens. A. When B. Where C. Who D.How
( )3.- ? -Because she thinks it is interesting. A. Why does Julia like art
Eg:1.- is your name? - My name’s Alan.
2.- is ten and two?- It’s twelve.
Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to 第四课时Section B(1a~1e)01 根底过关Ⅰ.根据句意及汉语提示填写单词 .1.Who is your favorite Chinese writer(作家)?2.His mother went shopping and bought two jackets(夹克).3.I can't see the words on the blackboard clearly(清楚地) if I don't wear glasses.4.Sandy is such a(n) intelligent(有才智的) and helpful girl that we all like her.5.How lucky(幸运的) you are! You've got the good job.Ⅱ.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空 .recent ,explain ,loudly ,usually ,who 6.Mr. Zhang is a good teacher who explains things very well.7.What interesting songs did you listen to recently?8.The girl whose coat is red is my good friend Han Mei.9.The radio is too loud.Please turn it down a bit.10.My father went to work by bike as usual.Ⅲ.用that ,which ,who或whom填空 .11.The man who/that is standing at the door is our English teacher.12.His father works in the factory which/that is the oldest one in the city.13.The woman who/whom I talked to just now is my aunt.14.He lost a bike that/which cost him 500 yuan.15.Tom was the first boy that left the classroom.02 能力提升Ⅳ.阅读理解 .We know music is very important in our daily life. Do you notice music playing at any of those places when you go somewhere? Today most stores ,stations ,restaurants and other places play music. You might even hear music in an office or on a farm.Scientists believe that music influences the way people behave. They think that the sound of western classical music makes people feel richer. When a restaurant plays classical music ,people spend more money on food and drinks. When the restaurant plays modern music ,people spend less money. Without music ,people spend even less.Scientists also believe that loud ,fast music makes people eat faster. Some restaurants play fast music during their busy hours. This makes people eat faster and leave quickly. Restaurants can make more money in this way.Some scientists think that music makes you think and learn better. They say that music helps students to be more active. It's true that people learn better when they are relaxed. And listening to music can help you relax.The next time you hear music somewhere ,be careful.It might influence the way you do things.(A)16.According to the text ,scientists believe that music can ________.A.create different feelings for usB.help us to develop good habitsC.develop our interest in moneyD.influence natural environment(C)17.Western classical music is often considered to be ________.A.a sign of being slowerB.something about mannersC.a sign of being richerD.something with new styles(B)18.Which type of music below can make people work faster?A.Light music. B.Rock music.C.Sweet music. D.Soft music.(C)19.The habit of listening to music can make a student ________.A.slow in actionB.care about mannersC.fresh in mindD.worry about studies(D)20.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?A.Music in RestaurantsB.Good and Bad MusicC.Types of MusicD.Music and BehaviorⅤ.语法填空 .阅读下面短文 ,在空白处填入一个适当的词 ,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式(每空不多于3个单词) .Do you like music? __21__(probable).But do you like all kinds of music? Well ,before __22__ this question ,you'd better have a good understanding of what music is.A music teacher wanted to tell his students the difference __23__ music and noise. He brought many wooden blocks(木块) of different sizes to class. The students were very __24__(surprise) to see him throw the blocks at the wall. Everyone __25__(think) it was noise. He then took the same blocks and threw them at the wall __26__.This time ,however ,he threw them in a special order. The students quickly found __27__ was a tune. "So ,what is music ?〞 asked the teacher. " Music is organized noise.〞American composer(作曲家) John Cage once said , "No __28__ where we are ,what we hear is mostly noise. When we don't notice it ,it makes us worry. When we listen to it carefully ,we find it __29__(interest).〞Music from other countries often sounds strange to us. We are not __30__(use) to how it organized. But if we spend some more time listening ,we might enjoy it.21.Probably 22.answering 23.between24.surprised 25.thought 26.again27.it 28.matter 29.interesting30.used。
九年级英语上册第九单元知识点Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to一.重点短语1.dance to(music)随着(音乐)跳舞2.sing along with随着…一起唱3.musicians who play different kinds of music弹奏不同类型音乐的音乐家4.electronic music电子音乐5.not much没什么(事)6.suppose sb to do sth.猜想某人做某事7.be supposed to do sth应该做某事8.suppose sb(to be)+adj.原以为…9.have spare time有空闲时间10.in one‘s spare time在某人的空闲时间11.spare the time to do sth抽时间做…12.a film director一名电影导演13.think too much想太多14.in that case既然那样15.World War II第二次世界大战16.smooth music悦耳的音乐17.prefer A to B比起B来更喜欢A18.prefer doing A to doing B19.prefer to do sth.rather than do sth.20.feel like doing sth想要做某事21.stick to坚持,固守22.be down悲哀,沮丧23.cheer sb up使…高兴/振奋24.have a happy ending有个美满的结局25.try one‘s best to do sth.尽某人最大努力做…26.less serious不那么严重27.a good way to do sth做某事的好办法28.make me feel even sadder让我感觉更伤心29.provide plenty of information about a certain subject提供了大量的关于某个主题的信息30.shut off my brain关闭我的大脑31.in time及时on time按时/准时32.once in a while偶尔的,有时33.write one‘s own lyrics自己写歌词34.sing the words clearly歌词唱的清楚35.take sb to sw.带某人去某地36.Chinese folk music中国民间音乐37.be played on the erhu由二胡演奏的38 move sb.感动某人,sb.be moved by…39.strangely beautiful异常的/出奇的美40.sense a strong sadness and pain感觉到一种强烈的伤感和痛苦41.one of the most moving pieces of mus最令人感动的乐曲之一42.look up查看,查阅43.be written by sb.由/被…写的44.in the city of…在…市5.play many musical instruments弹奏很多的乐器46.by age 17到17岁的时候47.be known for musical ability因音乐才能而出名48.develop a serious illness得了一种很重的病49.become blind成了盲人,变瞎50.for several years几年51.make money赚钱52.get married(to sb)(和某人)结婚53.continue to do sth.继续做某事54.perform in this way用这种形式表演55.during/in one‘s lifetime在某人有生之年56.by the end of…到…末为止57.It‘s a pity that……遗憾的是…58.in total总共59.be recorded for the future world to hear被记录下来供后人聆听60.the great erhu masters很棒的二胡大师61.master a foreign language掌握一门外语62.praise…for…因为…赞美63.China‘s national treasures中国的国家珍宝64.paint a picture of…描绘了一幅…画65.recall one‘s deepest wounds唤起某人最深的伤痛66.painful experiences痛苦的经历67.a time for spreading joy传播快乐的时间二.句型用法1.prefer的用法【1】prefer A to B、A与B相比较,比较喜欢A例prefer fish to meat. 【2】prefer doing A to doing B,A与B相比,比较喜欢做A例:【3】prefer to do A rather than do B,A与B相比,比较喜欢做例:I preferred to stay behind rather than go with you.【4】词组prefer not to do―不愿意做……‖2.whatever相当于no matter what3.cheer up高兴起来;振作起来使欢乐;使高兴例:Cheer up!Your troubles will soon be over.He tried to cheer them up with funny stories.2.marry娶;嫁;结婚;和...结婚marry sb./get married表示动作例.He married a pretty girl.She married a soldier.=She got married to a soldier.They got married last year.4.keep healthy保持健康keep in good health,keep fit和stay healthy都表示―保持健康‖巧记以o 结尾的名词变复数:注:,hero英雄西红柿,potato土豆这些词变复数时要加是-es,其余以o结尾的加-s。
灵台县第四中学九年级英语上册 Module 9 Great inventions Unit 2 Wi
Step 1 情景导入 T:Which do you prefer, books or the Internet?1S1:I prefer the Internet.T:Why?S1:Because the Internet is more convenient.T:But some people like books better. Do you know the history of books?Ss:No.T:Maybe you can find the answer after you read the text on Page 74.环节说明:本活动的目的在于激发学生的学习兴趣, 导入本课话题 。
Step 2 完成教材 Activity 1,2 的任务1. Work in pairs. Read the title of the passage in Activity 2.Discuss and make a list of the advantages of books and the Internet.(Activity 1)方式一:①教师将全班学生分为 4 至 6 个小组。
2.Read the passage and match the main ideas with the paragraphs. (Activity2)(1)学生个体活动,快速阅读全文,完成活动 2。
2023 -2024学年浙江省金华市第四中学九年级上学期期中考试语文试题
2023 -2024学年浙江省金华市第四中学九年级上学期期中考试语文试题班级正在如火如荼地阅读《艾青诗选》,同学们在阅读之后创作了一首诗歌。
艾青来自远方/青春走向未来/微风摇曳着北方的小草/阳光照耀着深爱的土地/你的大堰河已经矗立在我们心中/你的黄河母亲高昂起头颅/更加(xiōnɡ yǒnɡ)□□澎湃/你的土地更加广(mào)□无垠富有生机/我心无旁骛地翻阅你的乐章/你的名字/激活新时代的光芒。
(1)摇曳.(A.yè B.yì)(2)矗.(A.zhù B.chù)立2.根据拼音,在词语空缺处帮她填写汉字。
(1)(xiōnɡ yǒnɡ)(2)广(mào)无垠3. 根据阅读《艾青诗选》的经验,下面三首诗歌节选中,属于艾青诗歌的一项是()4. 读下面语段,将空缺处的古诗文原句填写在横线上。
“浮光跃金,(1)_________”展现了洞庭湖醉人的月夜之景;欧阳修则用“(2) __________,(3)___________”描摹了琅琊山霜色洁白,溪石裸露的秋冬之景;而温庭筠的“(4)____________,(5)____________”则以精炼之语、白描之法描画了旅途中寒冷凄清的早行之景;同样是白描,秦观则“莺儿啼,(6)_______,蝶儿忙”来描绘一幅醉人的田园风景。
5. 这段话是对“诗趣”的理解,下列选项排列填入横线中衔接最恰当的一项()诗歌是有意趣的。
Mop shoes
Are you ready for the presentation?
Group presentation
Our Show Time.
Useful expressions for your presentation(展示).
1.Introduce your invention:
Great inventions
Unit 4 The little inventor today, the great scientist tomorrow.
Unit Task——make a presentation of a new invention
It will be used in ...
Read and choose the best answers.
A (4)Why were people not interested in the Pasealine at first? A. Because it could make many people lose work. B. Because they thought it was useless. C. Because it cost lots of money. D. Because there wasn't any kind of programming language then.
B (5)This passage mainly tells us about . A . several useful inventions B. several inventions by kids C. how to make history D. how to become a successful inventor
九年级英语上册 Module 9 Unit 2 There are several fan cl
Read Paragraph 1, think about:
What does “win the hearts of” mean? A. People love them. B. People don’t love them.
Read Paragraph 2, find the answers to:
Pair work
Remember their names!
Tom Spong Doraemon Snoopy Nemo Pockmon Mulan Blue Shrek Tintin and Sakura cat Jerry Bob Snow Monkey Monkey Labixiaoxin Ultraman Superman Lion Winnie Sakura Stuart Conan Kitty Chihiro Pockmon Nemo White King King Garfield Doraemon Spider MickyKing man Shrek
Let’s call their names loudly!
Monkey Snow Doraemon Spider Pockmon Snoopy White King man Ultraman Micky Superman Garfield Blue Shrek Winnie Conan cat Nemo Kitty
a mess
tidy or untidy
He’s from America. recent or old The Adventures of Tintin
He has traveled to many places.
the backstreets of Shanghai the surface of the moon
九年级英语上册 Module 9 Unit 2 There are several fan club
教学目标知识目标To train reading strategies including skimm ing, inferri ng, andreformulating.To cultivate the sense of coherence,.To identify information about cartoon heroes.To write about a cartoon.能力目标To write about a cartoon.情感目标通过卡通故事了解不同国家的文化。
内容分析重点TheArributive Clause.The points in this passage.难点通过对本文的学习,能够活得一些写作的素材。
关键点Key vocabulary-The words,the phrasesKey structures- The restrictive attributive clause with that,whoand which.教法学法OHP教具学具OHP, multimmedia教学程序教材处理师生活动时间Step 1:Work in pairs.(Activity 1)Step 2:Describe the cartooncharacters.Step 3:ReadingStep 4:ReadingStep 5: Reading andexplaining.Th ere are some characters in Activity One,get the students to talk about them andanswer the two questions in it.Look at the words in Activity 2, use themto describe the cartoon characters.Get the students to read the passage asquickly as they can. Then answer theteacher’s questions:Who is Nemo?Who is Shrek?What can show they are heroes?Do you know something about M onkey King?P lease tell me some.G et the students to read it again, thisti me ,reading is a teamwork. Each groupshould translate it into Chinese,underline the important poin ts and read itvery freely.Get a few of students to read the passageStep 6:Answer the questions in Activity 5.Step 7:Go on reading.Step 8:Homework for today to the class, and then show the importances of it to the students, for example:As many peaches as he likes…Get the students to look at the two sentences in Activity 5, and answer them.Get the s tudents to read the passage and try their best to recite it. If they have any question, they can ask the teacher.Recite the important sentences.Write a short passage which describes your favorite cartoon character.板书设计 The new words in the passage..The important points in this unit.教学后记。
人教版九年级上册英语 Unit 9 9_U9_L4
Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to.The Fourth Period Section B 2a–2eTeaching aims(教学目标)一、(1) 听、说、读、写以下词汇:sense, pain, reflect, amazing, pity, total, master, praise, national, wound(2) 了解以下词或词组的含义:in total, recall二、通过学习,口、笔头掌握下列句型:1. The piece which was played on the erhu especially moved me.2. The music was written by Abing, a folk musician who was born in the city of Wuxi in 1893.3. Today, Abing’s Moon Reflected on Second Spring is a piece which all the great erhu masters play and praise。
三、1.能读懂2b中的文章,进一步掌握由that/ who引导的定语从句。
Teaching steps(教学步骤)1. Warm-up and revision(课堂热身和复习)Look at the picture on the screen for the different kinds of Chinese musical instruments.How many of these instruments do you know?Listen to the music and guess what instrument it is.教学设计说明:用音乐导入新课,利于调动学生的积极性和创设情境。
九年级英语上册 Module 9 Unit 2 There are several fan club
Unit 2 There are several fan clubs in China whichhave held birthday parties for Tintin.课型:读写课一.学习目标:pare the differences between older cartoons and recent cartoons.2. Master the restrictive attributive clause with who, which and that.3. Write the cartoons you like and say why and the history about it.二.课前朗读(朗读与本课有关的单词)三.学习过程1.导入:1) Review the dialogue(3) on Page 72.2) Show a picture about the cartoon 《Snoopy》and ask the students s omequestions about it. And lead them to this passage.2. 1) Listen to the tape about Cartoon heroes and find out① What country do they (Nemo, Shrek, the Monkey King, Tintin, Snoopy) comefrom?② Are they recent cartoons or old cartoons?2) Listen again and match A with B.A BNemo hugeShrek lovableThe Monkey King cuteSnoopy mess3. 1)Read this passage and answer the questions of No.5 on Page 752)Read again and translate the following phrases into Chinese or English.a. win the heart ofb. 制造混乱c. the whole series ofd. 翻译成e. Havoc in Heavenf. 违反规定g. common expressionh. 全世界3) Read again and find out all the restrictive attributive clause with who,which and that.4)小组内交流,找出并写下疑难问题,全班一块解决。
同学们,下课休息十分钟。现在是休 息时间,你们休息一下眼睛,
看看远处,要保护好眼睛哦~站起来 动一动,久坐对身体不好哦~
同学们,你们要相信梦想是价值的源泉,相信成 功的信念比成功本身更重要,相信人生有挫折没 有失败,相信生命的质量来自决不妥协的信念,
Module 7 Great books
—With pleasure.But you mustn't ________ it to others. A.lend ; borrow B.borrow ; lend C.lend ; lend D.borrow ; borrow
( D )13.Hi , Jack.Would you please ________ the picture on the wall? A.pick up B.look up C.get up D.put up ( C )14.—I won't have time to go shopping with you this afternoon. —But you ________ me yesterday. A.ordered B.broken C.promised D.knew
( D )11.If you want to get more information about English learning , please
visit our ________ yytore
( B )12.—Can I ________ your bike?
18.我已经三个月没有收到汤姆的信了。 I haven't ____h_e_a_r_d___fr_o_m__Tom for three months. 19.他们正在等候下一趟公共汽车。 They are _w__a_it_i_n_g___fo_r____the next bus. 20.当你上网的时候 , 通常会做些什么 ? What do you usually do when you___g_e_t__o_n_l_i_n_e____?
Ⅲ.从方框中选出合适的句子补全対话。(其中有两项 多余) A: Hi, Kate! You look cool in the blue dress. B: 1.__D__ I bought it in the mall. A: Really? 2.__A__ B: Yeah, I can choose the clothes I like. A: You're so lucky. 3.__B__ They don't allow me to do so.
A.looks forward to
B.makes sure
C.worries about
D es up with
由前句中的a little unhappy可知, Jack一 直担心他的期末考试成绩。应选C项。
( A )5.—I don't think everyone should have
a car.
take a test意为〞参加考试”。
( C )3.(2019·安徽中考)The villagers expect
that the building of the bridge ______before
the rainy sห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ason comes.
A.is completed
B.was completed
2.我有时上学迟到。 I _s_o_m__e__ti_m__e_s_ get to school l_a_t_e_. 3.老师应该対学生要求严格。 Teachers should _b_e_ s_t_r_ic__t w__i_t_h_ their students.
4.迈克希望这次能通过考试。 Mike hopes to p__a_s_s_ t_h_e_ _te__s_t_/e__x_a_m__ this time. 5.我认为与朋友一起学习是有帮助的。 I think it is helpful _to_ _s_t_u_d_y_ _w_i_t_h_ f_r_ie__n_d_s__.
雨花区第四中学九年级英语全册 Unit 9 I like music that I can danc
同学们,下课休息十分钟。现在是休 息时间,你们休息一下眼睛,
看看远处,要保护好眼睛哦~站起来 动一动,久坐对身体不好哦~
Strawberry Music
The Strawberry Music Festival was introduced to Shanghai in 2014.Held between April 26 and April 28,the festival brought some famous talents to music fans in 2019.Everyone enjoyed a funfilled musical feast (盛宴) in Shanghai
Shanghai International Music Village with two days of worldclass performances.
(五)完形填空。(2019 , 广安) Every April , there is a special day in China.It is Qingming Festival , also called TombSweeping Day.On that day , people __21__ and honor (纪念) their ancestors (祖先). Qingming is a(n) __22__ Chinese festival.It has a long history.It began over 2 , 000 years ago.A famous poem __23__ the Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu describes the day : 〞Rain falls heavily as Qingming comes , and passersby (行人) with lowered spirits go.”
益阳市四中九年级英语上册 Module 9 Great inventions点语法 专题课课件新版外
9.Students are supposed to greet_the_teacher when classes begin. (対画
What are
___________students supposed to ______when classes begin?
10.They are supposed to invite Mike to the birthday party next_Sunday.
看看远处,要保护好眼睛哦~站起来动一动,久坐 对身体不好哦~
4. in person
下文〞His parents took a 24-hour train and a 5hour bus ride to get to Li Wen’s school.”, 可知其 父母费如此大的周折赶回家来, 就是因老师的建议 〞亲自和他们的儿子进行交谈”, 故in person意为 〞亲自地”。
2d the meaning of the words.
1. influence 対比李文的父母外出找工作前后李文的行为和思想表 现 ; 下文〞他变得対学习不感兴趣、逃课、考试不及格” 等情况的出现, 可知是李文不高兴的情绪〞影响”了他 的学业。influence意为〞影响”。
2. absent 由上下文〞他対学习不再感兴趣”、 〞他考试不及 格”, 关键词classes, 可推测 〞他经常缺课”, absent意 为〞缺席, 不再”。
2. Did Li Wen’s parents live far from him? How do you know? Yes. They took a 24-hour train and 5-hour bus ride to get to his school.
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There are several fan club s in China which have held birthdayparties for Tintin.一、学习目标:1. 知识目标:能正确使用Module 9 中的单词和短语。
2. 能力目标:能够掌握咨询和提供信息的方式;能够谈论卡通人物。
3. 情感目标:通过了解对话中托尼所遇到的困难,培养体谅,关爱他人的态度。
二、重点、难点:重点:1. 应用本模块交际用语,如:But it’s no laughing matter. in deep trouble 等。
2. 掌握下列短语have a word with , win the heart of , ever since 的用法;3. 能掌握引导词可以省略的定语从句。
难点:1. have sb. do sth.和 have sth. done,have a word with 与have words with的区别;2. ordinary, normal,usual和common的辨析;3. 引导词可以省略的定语从句。
教学过程:Warming up:1.Guess the cartoon character 超链接引出生单词,各种动物2.Let’s talk Who’s your favourite cartoon hero? Why?Lead in :1.The main idea of the passage:Not all popular cartoons are recent, some have been popular for many yearsCartoonhero Country Recent/old Age FeatureNemo America Recent / A cute orange-and-white fish Shrek /Monkey king 45Tintin 79 A reporter with red hairand a small dogSnoopy 583.Read Paragraph 1, then true or false1,Nemo and Shrek have won the hearts of young people.2.We can not always see the heroes of popular cartoons now.4.Read Paragraph 2, then fill in the blanks.The c artoon _____ Havoc in Heaven tells a story of a ______ who ____ a group of monkeys _______ the rule of the Emperor in ______. He _____ in to a ______ _____ and eats as _____ as he likes. He ______ __ _____ in heaven. But it is above all the ______ ______ by the monkey that people ________.“Havoc in heaven” has ______a ________expression ____ by a parent or a _____when they see a ______.5.Read Paragraph 3, finish the information form about Tintin.Information about TintinCartoonistNationality (国籍)of the cartoonistWhen was it invented?When was it published in China?6.Read Paragraphs 4 & 5 carefully, and find:1. Charles Schultz who created Snoopy thinks that:A. Cartoons are only for children.B. Cartoons are not only for children, but also for experienced adults.C. Somebody doesn’t understand cartoons.2.“…who lives in his own private dream world …”Is this likely to be a dream world which ever yone knows about,or only Snoopy?7.拓展Let’s read:Batman and Spiderman are two of the most famous American cartoons. Batman is older than Spiderman. The first cartoon appeared in 1939. Batman is one of the few cartoon heroes who have appeared in books since 1940. Spiderman was created a little more recently. Spiderman first appeared in comic books in 1962. In 1977, he appeared in daily newspaper. The Spiderman Cartoon has been seen in over 500 different newspapers around the world. Both of them have been made into television programmes and films, which helped to popularise them more widely, especially among children. Many try to imitate them.But the main thing they should learn from Batman and Spiderman is to do good things for people, an d to helpthose Who are unhappy or in trouble.• 1.What is the title of the passage?• 2.what does the word “imitate” mean?()• A. 限制 B. 模仿 C.击打 D.与…交朋友• 3.what should we learn from batman and Spiderman?8.Homework1.Talk about one of the cartoon heroes which win the heart of you in the text, and explain why. (for level B students)2.Talk about one of the cartoon heroes which win the heart of you, and explain why. (for level A students)There are several fan clubs in China which have held birthday parties for Tintin.Cartoonhero Country Recent/old Age FeatureNemo America Recent / A cute orange-and-white fish Shrek /Monkey king 45Tintin 79 A reporter with red hairand a small dogSnoopy 58Exercise2:Read Paragraph 1, then true or false1,Nemo and Shrek have won the hearts of young people.2.We can not always see the heroes of popular cartoons now.Read Paragraph 2, then fill in the blanks.The cartoon _____ Havoc in Heaven tells a story of a ______ who ____ a group of monkeys _______ the rule of the Emperor in ______. He _____ into a ______ _____ and eats as _____ as he likes. He ______ __ _____ in heaven. But it is above all the ______ ______ by the monkey that people ________.“Havoc in heaven” has ______ a ________expression ____ by a parent or a _____when they see a ______.Information about TintinCartoonistNationality (国籍)of the cartoonistWhen was it invented?When was it published in China?Read Paragraphs 4 & 5 carefully, and find:1. Charles Schultz who created Snoopy thinks that:A. Cartoons are only for children.B. Cartoons are not only for children, but also for experienced adults.C. Somebody doesn’t understand cartoons.2.“…who lives in his own private dream world …”Is this likely to be a dream world which everyone knows about,or only Snoopy?Exercise3:Let’s read:Batman and Spiderman are two of the most famous American cartoons. Batman is older than Spiderman. The first cartoon appeared in 1939. Batman is one of the few cartoon heroes who hav e appeared in books since 1940. Spiderman was created a little more recently. Spiderman first appeared in comic books in 1962. In 1977, he appeared in daily newspaper. The Spiderman Cartoon has been seen in over 500 different newspapersaround the world. Both o f them have been made into television programmes and films, which helped to popularise them more widely, especially among children. Many try to imitate them.But the main thing they should learn from Batman and Spiderman is to do good things for people, and to helpthose Who are unhappy or in trouble.• 1.What is the title of the passage?• 2.what does the word “imitate” mean?()• A. 限制 B. 模仿 C.击打 D.与…交朋友• 3.what should we learn from batman and Spiderman?M9U2课外训练题一,Join the sentences with which, that or who, if necessary.1.Tintin is a boy reporter. He has lots of adventures all aroun d the wor d. Tintin is a boy reporter ——————————————————2. The writer is David . He has written many wonderful characters.3. Mr Black did a lot of study. The study can be found in his drawings.4. The cartoon is called Havoc in heaven. It tells the story of a monkey.选择题:1,The Monkey King is cartoon character which__________a) Causes problem in heaven b) has travelled to the moon2. Shrek is a monster who ______________.a) falls in love with a beautiful girl. b) was born from stone3. Nemo is the name of a ___________.a) fish which is caught by a man b) big , fat cat which is very lazy4. Snoopy is a lovable dog which was created by __________.a) Tintin b) charles schult。